Read and spread to others to give a picture of things that are threatening us. I will try to explain

how what and why i understood things. Now i've been hiding this for such a long time so i ought to step out now to make things happen. Maybe this is not the complete story and explanations and all the interconnected messeges and images. It might be hard to take it all in but at least give it a try to read it. Have an open mind like it was fiction. Some of you might have complementairy knowledge and information that you could mail me. No secrecy on my behalf but you can stay anonomous. Oh and excuse my english. Not my language.

I need write more consistent and clearer to you . The ones out there guide me by what we might call inspiration or intuition and visions in part. When my eyes are passing over the surface on the computor screen i sort of get alert like a sort of hightening of senses as if waking up when already woken up. What they have shown me through imagery mainly symbolic ones are connections. The connections lead to theese secrets about an certain secret order on Earth. The ones connected to theese symbols are as it seems the masons, scull and bones and the catholic church (maybe more organisations and sects). Many of the symbols they use are actually Mithraic. They have tried to lead me the ones out there to figure it all out.

The Mithras cult was the major cult and religion in Rome at the last turning of times -The era of the fishes. After Rome was christened the symbols from the Mitras cult was still in use. The masons have used his typical phrygian cap as a symbol of freedom and power. For instance on the national symbol of France Marianne (can be seen on their stamps), also you can find them on American official buildings and on emblems. Hecate is a sort of counterpart of Mithras and she stand in the harbour with her torch as the statue of liberty. It was a gift from the freemasons in France to the US.

One must ask oneself why these christian countries and also the vatican have theese Mithraic ("heathen") symbols still in use. People usually don't think about theese things mor than just being decorative. But for a few initiated they have a sort of religious meaning. The few initiated know their meaning. Mithras is the turner of times and now is the time for the new time - Aquarius. So their expectation is that with the new time there will be a new order. (Like a new second coming) One might say it that the highly ranked in the cult are the ones that are are truely initiated in theese secrets. They keep their secrets to themselfes and have their own codes codex and agenda. Theese most powerful people are mainly Americans as i understand it. They call themselves patriots and christians. They are christian in the sence that they put a lot into the book of revelation. So they are belivers! Indoctinated fanatics i wonder. They are also profane and this association organize people of the power elite- law, politics, militairy, secret agencies, and of course the magnats of big companys and industries.

(The Mitras cult was open for all free men. His name was the friend. There was strict lojalty obidience secrecy and initiation in many levels. They practiced their cult in underground caves with the twelve zodiac signs surrounding them in the room. That is how Hitler organized his highest closest initiats. The Mithras cult was practiced by soldiers and the legosoldiers brought their practices up north where the sacret alphabet was transformed into runes when carved into wood. Part of Hitlers practice to use the runes as magical device. (What Hitler share symbollically with these sects mentioned above is the chalice and the quest for it. He was convinced that he was the second coming. Not only the swastica was the emblem but also the eagle. The swastica is not only just an emblem it can symbollically be interpreted It is the indian sunwheel which one might say represents the turning of times.. George Bush seniors father aided Hitler with the buildup of war capacity with loans. But not just that - he provided Hitlers airforce with special components of petrol so he could have them flying in the air to bomb! He was nearly convicted of crime against the nation but all of a sudden the charges was dropped as i understood it.

Not much of Mithas cult is known as it was a secret cult. The strange thing is that beneth many churches of Rome there are mitras caves.

U is the most reknown scholar on the Mithraic cult. The only things there is to study when it comes to the Mitraic mystery  are the iconography and the symbols. So he must have done extensive searches on the symbols which of course have lead him to the freemasons (and the illuminati and sculls and bones) (In June this year U will release a book on mystery cults)

I described the imagery to U. The only one whom i wrote to and told.
And all theese symbols fitted in to the imagery that are connected to this secret cult. Even what i had performed fitted in to the seven initiationsteps of the Mithraic cult. All this i found out aferwards. The eagle coming down - at first as a dot in a circle. That i found yesterday is a masonic symbol. One of the three names they from the outer civilisations gave me was Ara. Which meaning is eagle in really old languages, (in latin it means altair) Axa the second name mean axe or year of corn- the changing of time an the symbol for electro magnetic field. Aia they explained the vowels meaning for life and the body- A meaning life I meaning death A meaning life. Theese were my options alternatives to be. (The Ar(a)menian god Ara coming down with the Alphabeth. The eagle landing in sequence in the circle Y , X, A then at place as an omega opening up. To omegas meeting- two eagles meeting- the symbols magneticfield of Eart the apple split in two the butterfly and the double axe. Also a meeting point in time the two a's in the opening of the outer omegas= the two cones uniting as if the seal of Zolomon) Unity!) This is what they transmitted to me. (Told U)
They warned me that if we wern't sucessfull as i was shown somehow Earth it's magneticfield might turn into a ring instead of keeping its "spherical" shape.

So now to the Scientologist-  I did not know anything about scientology until i began to do my search on the internet the other day. Extraordinary what firts came up was My initial search was illuminati and scientology. The deflector who is interviewed tells about Hubbards initial idea which was to strengthen mankinds mind to interact with the good forces in outer civilisations to hinder the hostal alians that has decived man and are trying to take over Earth. He tells about what happened to the Scientologist movement that it was being taken over by illuminaties and other secret agencys as i understood it., the ones that have made pacts with the dangerous aliens. They isolated Hubbard and the initial goal was lost.

So there you go U has been in contact with Masons -illuminati has control over scientology church. Scientology church has this knowledge about and training in mindexpansion telepathy and mindcontrol. That's where  P recieved his training. He was sent out for the quest to find me. Maria X tall thin dark dancer dog creative. (Artemis/Diana motif) At first he misstook another woman that shared this characteristics. Then he found me. He changed his whole attitud and just said: You are Her! .Then after a short while he left to California once more and got more teaching. Financed by them probably.Met him again in March 2009 and it was then he practiced the mind control that he has learned.

I let him visit me still because he is the only one i have been in real contact with since this started so he is the only one who can reveal the truth of the project formulated to him. He has given me strange handshakes and has put his hand in front of his face in the shape of a pyramid. He also have used one you put under heated pots to protect the table in wrogth iron in the shape of his face several times which is in ashape of a pentagram inside a circle. All thees signs are masonic and illuminati. He looks into my eyes firmly at theese occasion as to say that thees are clues and answers to your questions.

He's is scared of them. He has talked about the scarry "police". And as i told you in a previous letter the scientologists has what call the  police my friend told me. And as the deflictor said in his interview the scientologist now belong to the illuminati and the kind of secret government in the US. And thees secret organisations are acting together for this New world order. They are actually religious fanatics as a sect with it's own cults. Sad that they have infiltrated cruicial institutions of the American society. This gruop of people are into racial stuff they think that they are the chosen elected superior ones of the right bloodline.

2009 was a really hard year for me. I was sort of burned out in my brain during 2010 and was only capable of resting. Now i have recoved and as it seems my brain ability. (As i might have told you i have never ever been into yoga meditation mindcontroll remote viewing what so ever. Still i have all theese sort of strange abilities. They have surpriced me and scared me.) Know i am in touch by the others again the community out there that are trying to help us battle theese strange forces. We are mutual friends. I wish i was more 'susebteble' than i am. I was stronger 2009. I haven't recovered entirely yet.

They have tried to transmitt alot of things to me to make me understand what is going on.
When it comes to the scientific. They out there share this knowledge. Some on Earth has taken part of this scientific knowledge too. But this advanced knowledge is apparently kept secret to serve militairy purposes in stead of mankind and for the better of the planet. Me not being scientifically scilled don't know what to do with it more the to try to tell someone outthere willing to listen.

They have sort of visited us through history. And they seem to have "planted informations". Also about preparing us for days to come. This is to help us all out against totalitarian hidden powers. They have sort of travelled through our history to pave way for this time to come. And that time is now. We are actually at a sort of war without publicly knowing about it. They sort of deliver inspiration and impulses to people. Often they are openminded free and artistic. The artists and writers act but also inventors as a sort of forerunner. It all can lead up to understanding especially if we would be more openmindedly interdisciplinairy. Which we sadly enough aren't quite yet. Humanistic topics on one side such as litterature history of religion, comparative mythology and all kinds of science on the other-That dont even mix with eachother as i have understood it.

First there was this stange electophysical sort of yoga initiation i spontaniously went through in the beginning of 2009 when they all connected. So painful. Then came other things.
They sent me visions (of the future(?!) -09 They showed me Barac Obama. It was a closeup in a kind of blue light. He was in a coma. In the room was Michelle i heard her voice. She was trying to wake him up and have him out of his coma.

At another time she was trying to convince him to take the full picture in what was going on in closed room within the corridors of power , behind the scenes. She was furious because he refused to take it in. She threatened to leave him if he could not get to terms with the true reality of things. He did not want to believe her . And she said that he was a fool not to believe. She told him to act. That everything could be lost if he did not do anything - at once!

In another vishon they showed me P' laying in a room making love to this incredibly beautiful human creature with asian features with lovely flowertatoos on her shoulder. It was a beautiful love scen. With a such a gentle warm feeling. Then the room changed it character. It was harsh lightning and very clinical. He was contiuing in his lovely lovemaking but the creature beneth was not the woman he thought and she did not share his sensation anymore. She was a grey ugly alien that was being used for the purpose and she was just laying absolutely still. He was manipulated in his head -it was an inner projection. They were breading hybrids. That's how i found out about alian hybrids.

Their preparation of me-
So when this started for me 1990 the dreams and quest they had me to go through was to prepare me as a human. It took a long time to catch up with all the things i had experienced to understand the interrelated things they tried to show me.

91 or 92 they sent this strange vision.: Sitting in a wooden lodge high up in the mountains. An American in the room sais she should have appleblossoms in the hair. The sun raises and i open the door. I say to the others you can leave all rusty weapons. We don't need them anymore. We start walking through the forest of birches and fir trees. In the branches there are apples and then i see next to the apples something glittering of dew. Spiderweeb with sleeping sparrows in them. I look down on my clothes. I'm wearing agrek short tunic and sandals. We approuch a grove later. Somebody sais -What is he doing there? I look down and there is a goat with horns next to me. He looks up at me and i just say -He belongs with me. (Artemis/Diana motif-the godess of wild life etc)(I wrote this to Ulansey. So there was more then the mythological motif of Andromeda i performed in Finland. The link to Perseus equated to Mitras by U.

Then my mothers aunt Goat - Ruth dies. My mother byes a box with old books at the auction. At an impuls i pick one out to read. It's a real old copy of Esmeralda by Victor Hugo. It is also called Notredame or the ringer of Notre dame. The original story is far from those you can see in films. This is an hermetic book which describes how alchemy is misunderstood. It's about the secret hidden maiden the gypsygirl that does not now her true heritance. She dances in the street accompanied by her companion a goat (Artemis/Diana motif) She is arrested by this horrible man that practices Alchemy. And she is accused by him and then trialed. The kings closest man the procurator in Paris convicts her to death. Victor Hugo is told to be the highest Freemason in France during 1900th century. He was a grand master. SBeginning to sound a bit like the Da Vinci story by Dan Brown doesn't it?!

I think it was 97 - the dream was interupted. There was this old man with a grim face trying to communicate. I could not take it in what he said. I was astunned by his wings. He had two pair of wings big swan wings and wings of a kingsfisher. Then the alarm went off. A couple of days later i passed a bookshop and there was this face again. The titel was: The Arian Christ - the secret life of CG Jung. (Richard Noll) In it there are desciption of Aion the turner of times, with two sets of wings as i remeber it - kingsfisher wings and big white ones (Aion =Mitras)

People have gone on about Nostradamus. So i had heard some. An image on the internet caught my eye and i found the book from where it was taken:
Nostradamus the lost manuscripts by Ottavio Cesare Ramotti. plate 70 and plate 72 check it out. The text under plate 72 tells about in part of times to come and the women on the plate are honoring Diana in the shape of a roebuck. The roebuck in the thicket that i think Robert Graves speaks about in The white Godess.

So all theese are sort of hidden informations of time to come and of crucial importance for me to mature into understanding the connection to this New Order organisations. Now i am revealing their secrets after all the aid i have had from the others. The new world order is related to the ideas Adolf Hitler had. I represent the opposite as most of us do. Not sure but i think they chose P as a sort of Mithras. P's name mean cliff and Mitras was born out of a cliff. You see that the civilisations out there have communicated about hidden secrets. Secrets that are of great importans to this occult sects as Illumniti and freemasons etc. Their crude vain idea of a sacret second coming. At is basis they are occult religious and are antidemocratic. And they are involved and seduced by this alien race.

So theese people thought that there would be a battle between the harlot of babylon and the savior. Me and P. Actually as Apollo and Artemis are twins we two are friends nowdays whatever they wanted. Theese motivs/images were given to me to understand previous warnings and predictions to figure out who on Earth that were behind this secret new order and their probable allies or deceatful aliens. They tell me they are not part of the community out there.

But that is not important. What is important is that theese people give up their quasi religious ideas and realize that all humans are acctually exposed to an Alien threat! The strange secret collaboration have to stop and it's time to rethink and revaluate. And we are in a hurry. And that Haarp experiment is an indication of that there are threats severe ones probably to our magnetic field which could render us all cancer apart from geological instability. The haarp project as it is descibed as in the documntairy see link below would mean that this group of humans already might have recieved some knowledge about the laws of electro magnetism. This sort of shield weapon might also prevent us from getting help from others out there- i don't know. Still it seems humans are playing with fire for the moment. This message from them is not to create enimies but to make thees organised group to rethink. It is about sustaining and repaireing restoring this planet. Not just nature but also to deal with the magnetic field. Now they have given me symbols an lots of codes that are interconnected in a way that include science and myths hollistically. It could unite religions science mythology and we could have a better understanding also better understanding of hour history and our future. The matrixes and modells show how we are all interconnected in the universe or rather the multiverse. The yin and yanmodel with each yin and yang withinthem contains a yin and yang. And if we don't listen the friendly ones might take actions and then there will be a sort of Armageddon.
There are more people i understand that have had encounters/visions that are connected to this. Send this document to whoever. Just Anybody. I am dioing this finnsih my mission to be able to live an ordinary life i am so tired of this. 20 years of my life encounters and with UFo several times. I want to live a peaceful life on day. They have been warning us now about the dangers with our nuclear emission and interference of thier frequency field and how we threaten the balance in the hollistic multiverse. It is time to be careful with our physical and biological experiments. It is time to act. Soon it might be tolate. We are responsable.

!!!!! Now i have explained how i began to understand theese secret organisations and what they have been up to. I have no solid proof so this is a sort of case or understanding built on indicium and visions you might say. I am just a "involontiary" messenger, was never a seeker. Want no fame fortune or power. And i am not suited at all for lecturing. I don't want being a public person at all.:-)

The dangerous aliens include in part small greywhite ones that are programmed sort of by a superior race. They have an ant like hierarcic society and they are sort of programmed. They are not like others out there. The others out there cant communucate with them for this reason. Thier sort of officers i kind of saw them as having red eyes. They belongs to the ones that sort of can transform and feels like as if thunder is emergine. The thunder ones are neutrulized by water clorofyll and organic material. They can sort of dissolve you. They can alter things about you in a damaging way. The good out there tries to restore it. The good ones can look abit like the others there are different grey ones out there one is with slit eyes and looks and wakls like a realle old man another one is really big with a hudge chest and is strong as a likon but feels human. Another of the team today is someone that kind of have horns or antennas. One has a head as if it were a cone. One has like a big round scull. Then there is this dark ash bluebrowninsh with skort black hair and beautiful slender body. There is one really strange one that can transform and sort of split up. They have had dissagreements but today they are more together about their opinion about the humans and they are united against the "hierarcic ant society". But as they are programmed they can't be reasoned with. As i understood it they are out on Earth with a plan to fill their supplies because they are after minerals?! The other ones are trying to understand the good science to make us aware of how to take better care of our planet. They are batteling with the others but we humans must forfill this agreement on the hollistic balance and not interfer on frequensys. Of and there are others from a dimension that is the one complementare to Earth. Have you heard of any of theese. Oh and not to forget there are also the dimension of the dead. All of these beings have sort their own frequences in the inner cosmos of the mind. It is as if the inner mind is space inverted.

Just been out walking the dog and it seems that memories get refreshed when i started writing about theese other beings.
There are also this strangest of beings that communicated from within. He was the one who showed be how to breeth through the side of the neck and the the side of the lungs. He has the eyes sortof on the sides and he moves like a fish. Then it was he who sounded like an american speaking indian. He was a human as he was in a frequenze closer to my body as blood and flesh. He spoke with a slow deep voice. When i completly relaxed and put myself in a menthal zero position his voice was heard through my mouth. He spoke about nature. He said he was close in his menthality to me. He did this when i walked through the forrest with the dog.

I remember now trying to show the "ant mentality creatures" that we on Earth live in symbiosis with ant like societies such as bees and ants / anthills and beehives . With out them our ecosystem would not funktion.

There was also humanlike creatures. And i let them dance in me and i wonder if they aren't humans. I had them all dancing. By experiencing their energy flows in my bode i could dance "with them". I thought that i should have them entertained. Sick isn't it.

Oh and i encountered this russian ballet dancer. I let him take over my body. I was dancing like a god to classical music and you know i have never danced classic in my life. (I showed my sister how i could move like a kung fu master and she was shocked as i am actually been crippled since 10 years.) There are som many from the other side of the dead into this. Not just my dead relatives. There are others they sort of knock from their sphere from within and you can hear them with their own voices and intonations.

This was nice having theese encounters as i did not have anyone in real life to talk to. When theese strange clusters of dangerous energy fields were summond around me, my house and my neighborhood then i came to the understanding that i had to leave. I was protected by energyfields of the dead but they could not hold out. My appartments electrical charge was running loose and weird sounds were coming out as the sounds you can hear from thoose wires that transports electricity. My DVD player started to burn. (I remembered my father staying the night in december telling me that the mobilphone shone so much from my room that he could not sleep also the charging lamp from my electrical toothbrush shone so strong that he had to pull it out from the wall.)

Told my ex husband J that they have found me and whatever will happen i love him and i know you will take good care of F our son . I could not have them close to me because i was affraid of them getting "affected".  Because the dog started to act really weird and F seemed to be so connected to me as being psychic. The period to come was a long one without having them in my home and seeing them. I was devestated but i had no choice. I knew that all this might mean never to see them again. Just horrible.

That strange electrical cluster around forced me to leave and travel. The sign board at Arlanda airport went strange so i had to pilots to guide me and help me fix my tickets to my destination to france. I went there to escape theese thunder beings for not keepng track with me.  Spent some days in Paris The fishlike being had me walking for 14 hours in Paris to alter my smell/charge i dont know which. I don't know why but i also did it to help P that was in some kind of danger. All of a sudden the name Bilderberg Group came into my head. Did they track me and my Visa cards? Don't know. I had just heard that name once before and that was when i shared studio with Kathrin  17 years earlier. This memory of that came up so vividly in my mind as i was experiencing that single occasion all over again. Had they been monitoring my wherabouts all the time- digitally?!

Then i might as well leave Paris now. That was after thoose tiny fyingcreatures had me walk down to Fontain Blue to secure the egg the hostile beings were after. That was a 4 hour walk without breathing normally but as the fish being. Paris was a terrible struggle.

So i took a plane from Paris to Copenhagen transit via Oslo heading to Stockholm. Then i got this warning- IT WONT BE A SAFE TRIP. THE ELECTRONIC SYSTEM WILL BE EFFECTED BY THE ELECTRICAL CHARGE CLUSTER AND THE PLANE MIGHT CRASH. ACT! So long before landing i inform the stewardes that their will be problems with landing and the pilote should not use any autopilote. This was so weird i i knew i was making a fool out of myself but i had no choice. I insited when she told me that there are seldom problems and it's an experiencenced pilote . I think i said to her that i am psychic so therefor i know just tell him . We have nothing to loose - No autopilote! Please. So she did. T Arlanda airport approaches... it's a sunny and cloudfree day the plane start to act weirdly and starts to bump and i can sence anxiety from the pilotes being just in front of my seat. They seem to work hard to straighten the plane and it's course but the pilote makes it. Oh i remember telling the Stewardess about the Bilderberg group and that governments should be informed knowing that the police will pick me up now. They will think i am crazy also that i showed signs of not being able to breath normally anymore. So the police braughtr me to the menthal ward after telling him in distress about my breathing problem.

So i met this fairly young tal female doctor who seemed nice and i showed her how i was stuck into this strange breathing holding my nose closed with my hand and shuting my mouth walking around for minutes demonstrating. She was stunned and said i see it but i don't know how to help you ... Ihave to cal my superior doctor to ask for help. She came back and said He sais it can't be true it is never heard of. And that was when they looked me up in the menthal  ward. They let me out after a short period as they did not find anything wrong with me.

During this period in France and after in Stockholm i felt P's different kind of walk in my legs as trying to help me move or if it was that i made use of his legs that i don't know as he does not dare to speak (because the Scietology and what he calls the police?)

The other humans interferring in this "mind project" are the masonic people and  thoose who are stupid enough as it seem to be allies with the dangerous aliens,  The masons i don't know if they have been tricked into this. They have tried to streer me contraproductively and there seem to have been this crazy idea of this second coming weatrer it would be between a man or a woman. Sort of a Jesus or Maria, or mary magdale, maybe both a mithras. There are many options in this. It seems that the French has been into Mary magdalene merovingiann stuff and also the themes by Victor Hugo in Esmeralda. The American masons seem into the book of revelations and the harlot of babylon and Mary Magdalene as a whore. It feels as if but i'm not sure but theese are more connected to thoose aliens in the elctric cluster. I might be so that the masons have been deceived. As i felt the french mason crying from his frequence within. Then there seem to be agroup of sort of students americans that are involved also a group of people connected to IT and internet somehow. They are innocent and have been used. Some have had training in mind powers. It is as they thought of this as an amazing fantastic game to begin with. Like an interactive mysterious computor game. But as i told you before this is on a different scale and they had never been informed. I wish that some of them would have the curage to step forward and tell. They thought it was all for a good cause and i am not angry with them altough they were contraproductive and iterferred with what i was trying to acchieve. They have been misslead by people who has been misslead. I guess there are many people out there that has gone through this trauma not getting any help. Also i know that there are people out there that are furious with me. And thoose are the ones that scare me for the moment...and this letter does not make things less scarry. But i think if my story gets out finally there will be more difficult for them to do anything about me, and also to get to "P".

Well everything nowdays stereos phones mobiles tv radio internet everything is through digital sytems. And i tell you that they have been fooling around with my sytems. But i don't care if they actually are checking me out. Guess they really know a lot about me.  I have nothing to hide. They are the ones breaking the law. Not much bad things on my concience. Maybe i put you into problems but what choice do i have. i can't do this on my own. And i want this to be known before something were to happen to me.

//My initial writings:

I went through a sort of horrifying "intitiation" that was physical in March 2009. A friend of mine when i told him about the faces i went through that weekend told me that it sounded a lot like a metamorphisis connected to Bhuddism and yoga. As i did some searches on yoga  i found images that was sort of illustrations of what i had gone through. Energys was entering my body through the top of my head which effected my perception of my bodily sensations. I felt new different facial features for example that was very painful. Also i percieved my breating and body in enterierly new ways. So what was it all about -i was terrified. Still i knew that ihad to go through it.
The humanlike creature that i hade encountered January 1990 was beautiful -slenderly in statue, Black big sort of glowing eyes without any white showing. He had delicate features black short hair. His skin was ash bluish/brown very dark. He looked at me in that bright white space as we stood in front of each other. He reassured me telepathically that i should be confident and secure what ever will happen. There was a feeling of trust and then he drifted towards me and we sort of united and there was this extreme sensation of warmth and love. It felt as if things would happen to me. (Well it did all following spring and summer. The strangest dreams during the spring and the summer i had to fullfill a mission that was quite hard. It was as if a programmation started. I knew things and did things telepathically to people, also "knew" that i should travel over the see to stand on a mountain and see the sun go up and i just knew i was in a hurry. A best friend who knew me since way back realised that something strange was really happening to me as i told her about this new knowledge that was pouring out through my head.  It was strange to her as she knew i had never been the least interested in anything religious esoteric or new age stuff. She introduced me in a hurry to her father and he said of course you are in a hurry because there will be a total solar eclipse over in Finland in a couple of days and it will look exactly as you describe it. You will acctually have to stand on that mountain in the wooden landscape an see the sun go up. Because it will happen in the early morning.  A lot of strange things happened. Many that really scared my travelling companion. (It was as i was under attac by thunder!) Also i had to perform a sort of task. Which meant running towards the Sun and diving into dark waters!  Scared but i undressed all alone and swam out in the water to get far out enough to be able to see the sun while doing so to calm myself i hummed aoum. I found a plateau in the wter and climed up. There i could see the sun finally before it set. I confessed to higher forces in all humbleness.
Really strange. It was this strange programmation that had me doing all this. And all of it which also included automatic sort of writing on the human condition . I was informed for the evolution of conciousness of man. This would all change the course of things and times. By the actions the programmation they had me to perform was a test to make me see my role as it was tied to my destiny. To make me subdue and be humble. As i felt i had to accomplished hard in parts and very terrifying "my" mission. Seeing the sun and the moon together it felt the hard part was over for this time. Though i attracted thunder for a couple of years from then on to many people's shocking surprice. It was as if my brain had a new electrical charge. The information i receved was about in part of a sort of eternal me the told me something about me being Ara Axa Aia, the nornes!? I did not want to take that in. They tried to explain to me about the code of the alphabeth being the secret code of time. They showed me in symbol how the eagle's flight to earth in a circle with it's landing represented the alfhabet coming down to Earth. Y, X, A. The depicted ending symbols in the circle for the eagle landing. YXA meaning axe in Swedish. The eagle sitting down finally in rest forming the full circle opening up The omega. The time opening up. The vowles aou etc being keys. The omega meeting an opposite omega with a's in each opening= Axa. The complete butterfly or if you will the double axe. The magneticfield of earth!

This new "identity" made my mother want to be put me in a menthal institution so i sort of had to "go under cover". I did a great deal of research to restore my selfasteem and confidence. Was i all mad? What i found out about what i had experienced about what i performed in Finland i discoved had strong resemblence to Andromeda an (the motif by her in on a cliff in water.)Also i found motifs with strong resemblence to the mithraic mysteries. All was like a great riddle.
One day 1997 my boyfriend at the time came home with a new book he had found for me I read it and there it was the connection. The book proved how Perseus in the star chart was identical to Mithras. And Perseues who was he in greek mythology well the one who rescues Andromeda from the cliff. So i found his homepage on the internet and wrote him about my strange experperiences. I told him i needed help to understand all this that had happened to me. He got back to me telling me that he was blown away by what i had written and he promised me to get back to me and he gave me his telephonenumber. But then after another short mail i never heard from him again. I bagan to search the internet a lot. I realized that i was not mad in the common sence. This was beginning to scare the hell out of me. I found the Armenian old god Ara that came down with the alfabet!!! I read about Mithras and he was the turner of times. I felt scared and regretted that i had ever written to U. I got the message: -they will get to you one day.(!) One thing good about him was that he published useful links on his webpage. There i found reference to Robert Graves and his odd book The White Goddess in which he writes about mythology and the alphabeth. Also describing the satchel carried by Perseus being tha sacred vowels.

What happened as strange it may sound in 2007. I will call him P. a man i had stumbled into in my neighborhood whom i started to get to know. He had just returned to Sweden after a long stay in California. One evenening when i had danced he changed his attitude completely and just said- hard to translate- You are Her! I understood that he was the one to find me -it was his quest. At first he had approached another woman in the neighborhood that shared many features with me. Tall dark thin a dancer with a dog, with the name Maria, her last name meaning mountain. Me tall thin dark with an affinity for dancing, i have a dog, my second name being Maria, and my name(maiden name) being fir tree) He was strange after that and observed me with a distance. It scared me.. As i knew it he was unemployd and without any money from any unemployment agency. Still, he shortly after that went to stay in California for months. U was stationed and as it seems he workes a odd places for being a professor in history of religion . P made contact 2008 having returned from California. I avoided him. 2009 in the beginning of March he rings on my doorbell. I let him in because i was expecting him to show up one day. He sits down on my sofa and i stay quiet. He starts to talk. He sais. "This is is difficult to talk about but when i was younger i went into a strange state  . I was being convinced that i was different that i was the elected one as a sort of saviour. A kind of Messias....And...And then he stopped talking and just looked at me for a long time. I said nothing. Then he wanted to change subject and asked if we could make birthday dinner to a friend we had in common. He stayed the night at my place after the dinner. When we were close i could feel the strangest sort of electricity charge flood into my hip. In the morning when i woke up passing him lying on the sofa. My legs stopped to funktioning. They did not carry me and i just fell to the floor.

U was the oly one i had ever written my story to.
P seems to have lived a sort of jetset life in California, meeting stars. Quite surprising him being unemployed and not the least famous at all.

So in the beginning of 2009 before P rang my doorbell in March. On my screen on my computer all of a sudden there appeared this invitation to join a wireless net work. This are things that does not occur. But as i knew that i have to deal with "them" i accepted to join in the open wireless connection. The computer started to act strangely. I knew they could see all i did. So i started to show them of what i knew about this odd story and showed them who i suspected they could be connected to through my searches. Then a while after P had visited me in March that strange initiation happened.

In between strange things for being Sweden happened. There were sounds as bells and sirens. There was a small sort of earthquake that made my balcony move. Ther was also thunderlightning in the sky. And i was warned by danger. I had a warning. But i sort of have a confidence after meeting this dark humanlike creature in 1990. So what ever willbe i will make it.
What i experinced after the sort of spontanious yoga initiation was hard to grasp. All of a sudden a had extreme capacaties and abilities. I was fast as a whirlwind doing my laundry i could move as never before. My voice was completely dynamic so i could not answer my phone for a couple of days since i could not find  my own voice back. I could move like a master in Kung Fu. My muscle strenght was extreme. My eyes alterd shape sort of and viewing in certain states i was extremely sensitive to light. Eveything was amazing and fun. Then that started to change. And now you really must think i have lost it. The enteties that i could feel in side me was starting to get out of control. They were of different species. They had entered my electric nervous system during that initation when -i had no choice but to let them in. The community out there which we humans don't belong to wanted to find out what a human was. How we differ and probaly also how our life on earth was. I was their guiney pig. As i understood it among them there was a dissagreement on the destiny of Earth and man. Some of them did not think we deserved this planet and that we were primitive and crude creatures. There was some group that was not in on this and that was the ones of entirely different sort. They were the ones that could not be seen, as they had very of different composition and their electric charge was entirelry different from ours. They where sort of antithetic and they were the ones that appeared as "thunder".

I did not know what to make of it.. Enemys within-enemys without? This was a joke - me as a representative for the human species?! Extremely silly. But me a strongheaded passionate tomboy- indepenent . Fuck i was going to show them all. Nobody fucks with me or human kind. No one should take my eggs. No fucking cloones was going to be made of my eggs. I have a son. And he is human and so was i. I want ny hybrid children.

I would not let them concour me or pick me up or destroy me. I had help from within in as the thunder creatures as you might call them began to try dissolve my body. My fingers when touching plastic merged with the plastic as a glue. Also i needed to take control of my electric nervous system but that was really hard. I tried to ward the thunder people off and was instructed that they could not stand water and organic material so i dressed in wool and silk and they told me to sleep in water in my bathtub. So i covered myself in a wool blanket and a sheepfleece/fur under me in the bathtubs water. The wool would keep me warm in the cold water. And it did.

They instructed me to leave the appartment as i was not safe. I was to go to southern France. There the thunder closed in on me -my head felt it so strongly. So i took a nighttrain to Toulose leaving Nice behind. This is when i realize and had to come to terms with that this was not only a matter to the others out there but also human beings that were involved. I had not accepted it before really. But i had suspected free masons a new christianic movement that was was focused on the revelation story, some into the esoteric and new age. At Toulouse station they steered my legs to exit the station building and turned my head upwards and there was a huge marble  plate honouring the names of dead soldiers in the first world war. And i felt crying within and my lips moved as they were singing the French national anthem. So sick. Who were in on this project? The project and target being me?! Well i don't even know the lyrics of the French national anthem.

In Paris they instructed me to breath as i was throught in the initiation throug the scin to escape the thunder beings -altering my specific charge as a human. So i started to breeth through my skin on my neck and on the side of my lungs. I was instructed to go down to the south of Paris named Fountian Bleu where i was to seek out forrest. They were going to help they told me. Finally reaching Fountain Bleu they told me to undress and lay down and stay absolutely still. So there i was completely naked just outside the center  of Paris laying down hidden by trees and high grass My eyes shut. And nearly at once there is a swarm of flying creatures. I had to be fully still and be brave they told me. I could hear their wings and feel their small feet all over the lower part of my body. They were scraping off scin and they entered my vagina and dragged out, with something that felt like a parashute,- my egg. Then they all left at once. Now the egg was secured they told me and i could get dressed. I looked down on my legs and could see where they had scraped off scin- it was as small red squares on my thighs.

I asked about the humans being involved and they told me as i understood it secret societies and organisations with various goals and affilition and expectations connected to all this. Some have stroked deals with som of the species from the outside. It's about a New order that might come in the future. Some have had expectation of a new second coming. Where P plays a part. And as i understood it some of the humans involved in this sort of secret project concider me as the babylonian whore!? Well i am completely secularized. And i find theese organisation being fools. First of all i concider their groups antidemocratic. I don't like exclusivitivity!

Back in Stockholm my family had had me searched for by interpool so i was picked up at the airport. I had problems breathing so i was driven to hospital. I showed the doctor that i had problems breathing a normal way and showed her by closing my mouth and nose and walked around in the room for minutes just breathing through my skin and i said i could not breath the normal way. She could her superiour doctor and he said that that can't be true so they looked me up at an menthal ward. I hid all drugs and spit them out. My breathing caused me problems as my skin started to change. It went dry and wrinkled and fell off.  Afreind brought meolive oil so i could prevent it from drying. Also my metabolism now required a lot more food so she brought me lots of nuts and chocolate. They relisead me after a week or so as they could not find any problem with me. Well i was not truthful otherwise i would never had been released. But why stay as they could not help me anyway.
I went to my parents place in Varmland a district close to Norway. There i was lucky as it rained all the time so the thunder creatures could not get to me. Also some of them were there to help me to escpe the thunder people this was like a sort of star wars faught on Earth . I needed their help but also i wanted to proof to them that the human being as a species in space are the only creatures that can master the severe harsh condition of living on Earth. And i told them that my eggs are my own and that they could screw themselves with their vain genitic experiments. If a species out there don't make it on their own they are bound to go under. That is their own fault. And with me having their nervous system within i'd show them how an hybrid would fail on Earth and how our culture how primitive it might seem has qualities and insights that they don't understand and know how to appriciate. Yes i am an aggressive angry bitch and i'll show you i told them. I had help but i faught as a soldier for the human kind. We are superior on Earth. In many regards we fail to respect this wonderful planet still we are entitled to this planet and acctually , you might dissagree, but we do not need any genetic engineering. That might be in the past. We have lack of understanding and respect in many regards but we have what some of their culture don't have and that is democracy chaos and fun. Art song dance and music and liberated women and no slaves.
I took them within running with me in the forrest without using paths. (:-D i am a master in doing that) Now and this was sick. Someone i haden't encountered before made his entry on his own frequenzy. As i understood it he was a combat and a psychic trained special force soldier working for a U. S secret intelligence unit that was "monitoring" this project. (Shit this sound crazy i know.) They have had their eyes on theese secret organisations in the U.S as they seem to organize really influential powerful individuals/segments of the society. The soldier assigned to this mission could not follow within me as i made my way up the steep hill  with it's difficult terrain and his leg muscles sort of choked. i reach out to him from within and found him on his frequenzy.
So what i realized was that this is knowledge about things hidden from ordinary people and the public. It is secrets about what have been going on in secrecy.

The humans involved did not get it. Certainly not about me. I was in a terrible accident 2000 and have had severe back and pelvis problems. What they were not humble enough to research on was that i come from a line on my fathers side with extreme athlets. With an extreme capacity when it comes to heart and lungs. And also that both of my parents have extreme disciplined will power. They also saw me as a weak crippled woman with low ethic and moral standards. They underestimated me. They did not understand that i can go through fire for things i cherish and believe in. The most stubborn headstrung woman they have ever met. Apart from the soldier i had heard the other humans before. All of them on different frequencys. The thing was that they were not able to hear the the others. Above all they could not recieve what the ones from the other civilasations were transmitting.The french mason as it turned out were nice and he /they cried and apologized for participating in this project. Him/they where high up in the order and in initiation. But they thought it was something to do with the religious and a sekond coming. I told him them that there are no second coming this is just about the human species mankinds right to Earth and science -no religion at all. Me just being sort of a messenger a representative and a soldier. Many of them involved regretted their involvement as they could not cope and due to that it all did not turn out the way they had expected. They never had understood that this was on a larger scale than they had ever imagined. This was not a sort of quasi religious adventure. I fought for my right as a human. Not to win a throne or a crown nor position of any kind.
My mission apart from surviving and being able to keep my eggs and stay a normal human was to make the ones from the other parts of the multiverse respect us as being as we are. Another matter is what we do. They told me about our nuclear products and radiation that it interfear with the balance in the multiverse. (Come to think of it they said that not only Tjernobyl but other nuclear power plants should be secured. The sarcofag in Tjernobyl they said need to be strengthen. They showed me that the concrete layer could be much stronger with multilayers, and it should as i understood it be "armed" not only by iron bars but with a textile material.)

P had failed in his mission. In stead of sticking to me he involved another woman and took her with him the second trip to California after meeting me. She got her training too over in the U.S. She was not friendly when communicating to me. She was convinced that she was an elected goddes to her holy consort P. And she gave birth to their child in winter spring 2009. Their daughter was given the name Holy. On facebook she showed an image of the child dressed as an angel, titled the miracle with a gloria surrounding the head. She told me telepathically i July that P doesn't fullfill his agreed mission . He wanted out of it all and had started to work with a project. A tv program for children.

My breathing problem which worstened when i got back to Stockholm. From the endless rain back to a Stockholm completely dry like a desert. Horrifying.
P visited me frequently after me returning in the middle or end of July (-09). He was often intoxinated -drugs and alcohol. He aggressevily pointed out to me that i belonged to the stars and not on Earth. He began telling me about a sort of organisation that had a "police" that tried to make him do what he was commanded to. He told me that the meeting with the Alien or the devil is not fun. He told me he was ordered to live with me and take care of me agggressively crying. This after he had stopped breathing and that made me being unable to breath at all. He had connected in March.
When i asked who had been supporting him and who was behind. He answered: The Scienthologists.
with his back turned to me. I have asked him what really happened to him refering to what he had initially had said March 2009. How could i possibly tell, he said, being brought up in an alien spaceship he said, who would believe that. You can't tell theese things, he said. Thenat another occassion he said that the world will go under and three children will be picked up(!) His two children and my son. No way, i said, my son belongs right here on Earth!
Well we humans do.
When i asked them 2009 why they were so discontent with the human species they answered Nuclear- radiation powerplants etc is the biggest issue for them outside our solar system. As we by this threaten the balance in the multiverse. This they had told me already 1990.
Another issue is the weakening of Earth magnetic field which seems linked to the dangers of nuclear radiation. I would spread the message i promised if they in return would stop with abduction and genetic experiments. Now i have tried to show them how we are worthy of respect. That we due to the harsh condition on Earth live short lives compared to them. I showed them that a human body up north here in Sweden can survive sunlight darkness dryness humidity extreme cold extreme warmth. None of them can take all this as humans can. We are adapted by evolution. Sad that we dont live longer then we humans do due to Earth harsh conditions if we were to live a longer more gentle life we would have had a bigger opportunity to develope our knowledge, wisdom and culture contiously. I hope by me as an example as a human being made them become more humble to us as a species in multiverse as i call it. Sad though that i am not someone that people in power would listen to.

After figure it out concerning the hollistic yin and yang matrix, i told you about in my previous letter, i made contact with a friend of my younger sister and husband. He is Doctor in theoretical physics. With the help from my writing on the subject and my model/matrix he told me he was alble to do mathematic calculations he had never before being abla to do. Then of a sudden he asked me if i've ever experinced something out of the ordinairy. And i told him just yes summer 1990. Then he said: "How extraodinairy so did i! That was so strange that happened to me so i left Australia because an urge to go to sweden without knowing why."(!?) Sad enough i stopped seeing him when it felt like he was attracted to me, not wanting to encourage him, him being married with two children and all.
Also already in 1990 they tried to show me their truth and knowledge about what we here on Earth call the periodicsystem and how we don't have a thorogh understanding and they continued 2009. And they showed me different models. Who can i show them to? It might come in handy to understand what to do with plutonium. They have tried to transmitt theese models before but as i understood it this has just rendered humanity religious images.
So how to reach out?
Do you see now that my story is quite different? Who can believe this?
All alians are not "goodhearted" and in some cases their intentions are good but things they do don't always serve us(- as this genetic project. Even so the indigoproject can open up for contact) Because- They don't respect and understand our culture and look down on us. They have been patronizing. Still we must have respect for their demands on us giving up our nuclear pollutions radiations and blasts - for the sake of all our good in multiverse. It effects them and they say it threatens all civilasations out there, all the balance in the creation as a whole.
i am trying to reach out as it is my mission. And ask yourself please- if you don't believe this -who will?

All the same i am just a messanger. What they showed me in images i do not understand fully and what to do with it practically. Someone might but who to turn to? I am not scientifically scilled so who would listen? I am not looking for fortune and certainly not fame. My name should not be known. I am perfectly satified in my identity and role as a mother and caretaker of our dog. I live a life close to nature and like ordinary things like flowers, going out with the dog, cooking food and some practical creative stuff like mending and sewing. Sad enough P who was honored as a sort of supreme human being is not doing so well anymore. He does not recieve anymore money from any involved organisation. He lives on social wellfare and seem to have gone deep into alcohol and drug abuse. Cocaine and hashish. He visit me from time to time. Often he gives hints about aliens and what has happened. But he seems scared. He broke up with the woman that he had his "holy" child with. He lives nowdays in the social wellfare's homes. I hope that he one day finally speaks to me in a sober state. Well he revealed to me that i had keystroke spy  ware on my computor as i suspected and also that his ex has seen everything i have done/written on my computor. I don't know when this will be over. I got in control of my breating by the end of 2009. In august the same year i showed my sister my strange breathing ability. She was stunned. I also told her what had happened. She thought it sounded like science fiction and thought i should write a book and earn lots of money :-D. Well things were far out. All lights were out in the surrounding buildings a whole weekend. It started to snow in september just outside my house. Tre warm water stopped flowing. The water stopped from pouring down.!!! People in the building was running down the stairs slamming the door all the time but noone was there when i looked through the window. That weekend in September was as me and my house was sealed off in astrange way. Not one car in the street during a whole weekend. Not one single call. As if time and space was ruled out. What to do but to laugh! At the same time it was scarry. The organisations involved must have put alot of effort into this and must have thought it was important. Well they took all the expeces and had P in training and payed him to interact with me. Well i started soon to report on my computor about P and his doings and sayings. So they found out that he lied and crossed them. He was being punished he told me by what he called the police and was sent over to my place.! I don't know what he tried to make them believe. But i had my ideas. So by telling on him i hoped this all would stop. I wrote them what this all actually was all about and tha they were silly vain fanatic quasi religious fools and that should stop and go back to ordinary living with loved ones. I told them that they won't be rescued in case of a global dissaster. By being undemocratic in this manner they have automatically disqualified themselves to be part of any higher civilisation. Also the "testing" i had gone through showed that our bodys are not really compatible to theirs and therfore we won't survive without severe damages on their planets. Just as they are not really fit to live on our planet. So these hybrids created are poor creatures that don't really fit in anywhere. Imagining a child with human heritance growing up without a real mother. Try to imagin that you would have an offspring that never were to see you and who is never hugged by you. I don't accept that. That is inhuman whatever claims they might have on being supreme compared to us.

Well so P found me backed up by theese powerful organisations. He connected to me by the help of the training he recieved. He does not scare me. Nor am i scared of theese mighty organsations. I feel sorry for them getting it all wrong. They thought it was for a good cause after their convictions. They harmed  the purpose while inteferring. They should have contacted me personally in real life. Not just sending P. They have contributed to his life being torn apart. And now they have left him. He should get help just as people that have been part of sects. From uplifted prince to a poor bum. He needs his drugs to feel superior and uplifted as before because his present reality he can't cope. One day i think he will tell me all about it.

This i know sounds like psychotic symtoms. Well but i am alive. And i am doing pretty well. What has happened has happened. But still as you can see i'm in need to talk to someone initiated in theese issues. I go to a authorised therapist in the states service. Well she tells me that i don't have any psychotic symtoms even if i have told her this. (and she is the only one i have really told. But she is not familiar with it as you are and can't really show me how to relate to all this. I would like to pass on what they -the others out there -have tried to show me. It could make a change. It might help science. Do you by any chance know somebody competent and reliable close to Sweden which you might recommend?
.I know this is a strange cry for help. It all sounds mad even to myself. I have looked for stories like mine but have not found it.

Still if I in any way could contribute and make way for a change it would mean that all terrifying things i have gone through has been worth while. Still i don't know if this is over. Out of the ordinary there was once more thunder late at night outside and that just don't happen in March up here in Sweden. As with the other strange weather occurrences - nothing mentioned in the media.

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  • Wow, it's a super mega conspiracy.  You oughta write historical mystery novels like the davinci code, looks like you'd be really good at it.
    • Wish it was fiction.

      All the best
  • Many people have went thru many strange things in their life and are not willing to talk about it. You have the courage to talk. That I give you credit for. I talk to some of my friends and family about aliens and they think I am crazy. There have been so many sitings I can't believe so many people willing to ignore them. A lot of us run around like a rat in a maze without looking around at what is going on. Some see but not sure what to do about all of it. I am glad I found this site. Anyone can talk about anything. It awesome. But I wish I could find a group with an organized plan on what to do to stop some of things. Maybe I haven't looked hard enough. I hope your life gets easier and you don't feel like you have to hide any longer. If you want a friend to talk to I will be here. Love and light to you.
    • Thanks for your encouraging message! :-) I'd like to add you as a friend. I will try but as i am new on this site and it is really functioning slow on my computer will see if i am going to make it. :-)

      Kindest regard

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