
  • According to Thor, he came from a race of beings who lived within Venus, not on its surface. This race was superior to us in most ways––they were smarter, better looking, and lived in peace.. They were sent here to protect us from ourselves, and their number one mission was to make sure nuclear war never occurred.

    When Val (as his friends called him) arrived on this planet, he immediately went to visit President Eisenhower to offer his assistance in solving all of the the Earth’s problems. He was refused by Eisenhower and Vice President Richard Nixon, but claims he did briefly meet with the Secretary of Defense.
    Read more @
    Aliens Came in Peace to High Bridge, NJ
    Weird NJ is a travel guide and magazine to places you won't find on state funded maps or located on any tourist attraction pamphlets.
  • Get to it the Big Screen hopefully everyone can really see the movie.
  • I used to listen to George Noory on the radio every night.
      • Any more info Dear Valana please add on as it's becoming interesting and a bigger picture developing..the truth will set us free
          • The name he prefers is Val . Valiant is the name humans call him. Commander Val Thor.
  • I read the book Stranger At The Pentagon and other books that Dr.Frank Stranges wrote. There is a 1954 called Stranger From Venus. My sisters and niece attended one Dr.Frank Strangers meeting at the one of the universes Ottawa ,Ontario. I don't believe any positive being would come to earth the dark forces wouldn't allow it and there would consequences if one does have contact with these beings. I saw the movie District 9 and saw Prador this movie came out in1980s. yes, make it a big movie i love see it i mean the movie ''Stranger At The Pentagon ''Humanity was never meant to suffer on earth what happened that the dark forces came through the portals of the Ca causes mountains located in the Middle East.During World 2 when they dropped started dropping nuclear bombs on Japan and other location especially the Islands the Marshall Islands and the Alton Islands they evacuated thousands indigenous people to use as testing atomic weapons and use them as military bases this happened in the 1940s and 50s and there have been testing in oceans and deserts.
  • The Government ignored him looks what's happening
    • it has gotten much worse.
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Hellen left a comment on Comment Wall
"sure lot of money has been stolten where does it all go .. the deep state or the black buget and getting rid of the deep state!!! good luck that."
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Hellen left a comment on Comment Wall
"planes have been crashing is does have to with laying off traffic air craft controllers or something else and getting rid of all most important employees could cause a lot problems."
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Maybe it’s there, maybe it’s not.

That gold is owned by the American public! We want to know if it’s still there. - Elon Musk"
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                                                           Chapter IX


When in the Sanctum Sanctorum of Solomon's temple, the…

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