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  • I'll definitely keep any kind of healthy cheeses in mind and look into it, also an excellent video from Elina that you posted a little bit ago about Russia. She provided some good and informative info. I've always liked Russia so good to hear what's going on over there right now.
  • Yes and I know Dr Berg obtains such cheeses, so it should be possible, across the pond...
  • I believe some of these cheeses can be ordered online, but I'm not 100% sure. Ill have to look into where I can find them. Maybe Trader Joes that I go to might have some healthy cheeses. I'll look around next time I'm there.
  • Well, Berg himself has suggested that in the States, cheeses can be difficult to obtain, that offer sound quality, unless, as he says, they are "European cheeses."
    He's right about cheeses from Europe being both excellent to taste and possessing quality....My favourites are the French cheeses, but we also produce some marvellous cheddars, here in England....
    BUT, because the French cheeses, such as Saint Agur, are produced from cows free to graze on rich grasses, grown on soils with ancient volcanic ashes, like some of the Italian cheeses, also, they're full of trace minerals....These are the blue cheeses...I love these, but some might prefer other brands...
    I also like the Italian gorgonzola picante cheeses....The gorgonzola dolce types are good too...
    There is a Castello blue cheese which I also enjoy....Very creamy and tasty....
    Another I like is the Leerdammer cheese from Holland....Grass fed, free-grazing, of course...
    And I regularly eat butter and it's always a grass-fed, free-grazing variety, such as Irish Kerrygold....Or an English equivalent...
  • Cheeses is something I need to look into. What cheeses would you suggest?
  • Always wild caught salmon, agreed....
    BTW...What cheeses do you prefer...??
  • Yes salmon is good to just like you mentioned. Wild caught of course. Right now I try and get my food from Trader Joes which has tons and tons of healthy foods. Plenty of keto products to get there.
  • Thanks, great to hear, my friend and I would certainly promote such a stance...From personal experience of the keto diet, you won't regret it....
    I will also add, that it's OK to alternate, as well.....So eat eggs and bacon, when you can purchase these and if not on the shelves/stock, try salmon, or beef, instead....I always try to factor in salmon each week....maybe a day or two....The rest will be eggs, etc....It's a great way to eat and you get so satiated on keto, your energies go up and your hunger goes down....Keep at it, fella....!!👍🏻
  • Yes agreed Drekx scrumptious indeed. Glad I started eating eggs and bacon again. Definitely gonna be getting eggs and bacon more often.
  • 😋truly scrumptious....!!
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