Mindfulness excludes what is called Identification . When we identify with people, with things, with ideas, is the fascination , and the latter produces

This theme is the transformation of oneself . In past conferences we discussed the importance of life itself . We also said that a man is what is your life and it 's like a movie . When we took her disembodied retrospectively to live in the Astral world and to bring us back again to project it on the screen of the physical body

It is clear that the Law of Recurrence exists and that all events are repeated, that all really happen again as it did more good or bad consequences . It is clear that the transformation of life is possible if one proposes deeply.

Transformation : It means that one thing changes in something else. It is logical that everything is subject to change.

The Alchemists of the Middle Ages spoke of the transformation of lead into gold . However, not always alluded to merely physical metallic matter . Normally wanted indicate that word processing Lead Gold Personality of the Spirit. It is therefore appropriate to reflect on all these things.

In the Gospels , the idea of ​​comparable earthly man with a seed capable of growth, has the same meaning . As also has the idea of ​​rebirth : a man who is born again. Obviously, if the grain does not die, the plant is not born .


The Gnosis consider man as a three-floors factory that normally absorbs three foods :

. 1 - Common Food . Usually correspond to the lower floor of the factory, the issue is the stomach,

. 2 - The Air. It is on the second floor , which is related to the lungs.

. 3 - Impressions . Undoubtedly they are closely associated with brain or third floor.


The food we eat undergoes successive transformations . This is unquestionable. The process of life itself , by itself, is transformation. Each child of the universe lives by transforming one substance into another . The plant , for example , transform the air, water and land sales in new vital substances, vital to us ( fruits, etc. . ) So all is transformation.

By the action of sunlight vary the ferments of Nature . It is unquestionable that the sensitive film of life that usually extends over the face of the earth , leading to all Universal inward force same World Planetarium . But every plant, every insect, every creature , the same " intellectual animal " mistakenly called man , absorbs , assimilates certain cosmic forces and then transforms and transmits them to the inner layers unconsciously Agency Planetarium . Such transformed forces are closely related to the entire Planetary Body economy in which we live . Undoubtedly , every creature after his kind, transforms certain forces which then relayed into Earth for the world economy . Thus, each creature has its existence fulfills the same function .

In any transformation exists . Thus, the epidermis of the Earth is a organ transformation. When we eat a food so necessary to our existence , it is transformed , of course, at stages to stages. Who carries within us the process of transforming their substance ? The Instinctive Center , this center is so wise , it really is amazing the wisdom of the Centre. Digestion is transformation itself . The food in the stomach , ie at the bottom of the mill three levels in this human body undergoes transformations . If something gets in without passing through the stomach , the body can not assimilate its principles vitamins or proteins. That would be just indigestion. Thus, as we will reflect on this issue , we understand the need to go through a transformation .

Of course the food (physical ) can transform . But there is something that invites us to reflection, and is suitable Transformation of the Impressions . For the purpose of nature itself , there is no need for the " Intellectual Animal" Impressions transform itself . It would be to gorgeous to transform the prints . Most people as they see the field as practical life , believe that this physical world is going to give them what they want and crave. Really this is a tremendous mistake. Life itself enters into us , in our body in the form of mere impressions. One could not really transform your life if not transform the impressions that come to mind.

There is really no such thing as the outer life . We are talking about something very revolutionary , because everyone believes that the physical is real . But if we go a little further, what we're really getting at every moment, at every moment , they are prints . If we see someone we like or dislike , what we get are first prints of that nature. Life is a succession of impressions. Not as many ignoramuses believe a natural type thing exclusively material.

The reality of life is their Impressions. Of course, the ideas that are emitting are very difficult to grasp, to apprehend . The person sitting see , for example, in a chair with this or that color dress , one that greets us , that we smile, etc. . , Are real things for us , right? But if we meditate deeply on all of them , we conclude that the real are the impressions . These naturally come to the mind through the window of the senses. If we had no sense , for example, eyes to see, ears to hear , no mouth to taste the food , would there be for us what is called physical body ? Of course not, absolutely not. Life comes in the form of impressions and that is where there is the ´possibilities to work on ourselves…
First of all , what should we do? You have to understand the work that we do. How could we achieve a psychological transformation in themselves ? For effecting a Job on Impressions we are receiving every moment, every instant. This first work called First Conscious Shock . This is related to those impressions , which are all we know of the outside world that we are receiving . How big are the real things or real people ? We need to transform every day internally. Wanting to transform our psychological aspect , we need to Work on impressions  entering us.

Why do we call Work on the transformation impressions the First Conscious Shock? Because the shock is something that could not be seen in purely mechanical way. This could never be done mechanically , is need a self conscious effort.

Clearly, when you start to understand this work , you begin to stop being mechanical man that serves the purpose of Nature . And this goes against our intimate self-realization . You then begin to understand the meaning of all that I say now . If you think now about the meaning of all as they are taught here by way of own effort , starting with the observation itself, you will see that in all the esoteric practical side is closely related to the transformation of energy and what is naturally thereof.

Work for ex. such as negative reactions on states of mind annoying, on the issue about the  identification on self-consideration , on successive selves or egos , about lying , about self- justification on the excuse on unconscious states that we are related to the transformation of the impressions.

So somehow agree that the job itself is compared to the decision in the sense that a transformation. It is necessary, therefore, to reflect on this, you understand what the First Conscious Shock . It is necessary to form an element of change in the place of entry of the impressions. Do not forget !

Through Understanding the work itself , you can accept life as a job really . Then you will be in a constant state of self-remembering . This state of consciousness itself take you to the terrible realism of the transformation of the impressions.
The same impressions theirselves  or supra- normally we say better, take them to a better life in what regards to you naturally . And life will not work more on you as it did before. They will begin to understand and think in a new way . And this is , of course , the beginning of its own transformation . But as you continue to think the same way , it is clear that there will be no inner change. Transforming impressions of life is to transform oneself . This entirely new way of thinking can be effected .
Course you will understand : React continuously . All these reactions form our personal lives. Changing one's life does not really change our own reactions . But outside life comes as mere impressions  forcing us to react.

Life consists mainly of a succession of negative reactions that occur as the incessant reaching answers to the impressions that comes to the  Mind response. Then our task is to transform impressions of life so they do not cause such a response . But to achieve this it is necessary for us to be Self- Observing from instant to instant , from moment to moment . It is urgent , therefore, be studying our own impressions.

You can not let the impressions come from a subjective , mechanically way. If we do , is to start life , to start living more consciously. The individual can afford to reach the imprssions  mechanically , but does not make such a mistake , if it transforms the impressions then begins to live consciously , for it is said that this is the First Conscious Shock . Such First Conscious Shock is to transform Impressions arriving at the Mind at the time of entry , you can always work on the result thereof. Of course it expire without mechanical effect , which usually always be disastrous inside our psyche.

A definite  vibration of the work, an assessment of the education , means that this Gnostic Esoteric Work must be carried to the point where they enter the Impressions and are mechanically wrong distributed by Personality reactions to evoke the ancient reactions

I'll try to simplify this : For example, if I throw a stone at a Crystal Lake , occur in it prints , and the answers to those impressions provided by the stone manifest in waves ranging from the center to the periphery , right ? Well, now this example. A Mind, let us imagine for a moment like a lake , suddenly the image of a person appears . That image is like the stone of our example into the lake of the mind , then the mind reacts Impressions , right? ; say , in the form of reactions .

Impressions are those that produce the image that comes to mind , the reactions are responses to such impressions. If you throw a ball against a wall, the wall receives the impression . Then comes the reaction , which is to return the ball to the mailer . Well, it may not come directly but still bounces the ball and that's Reaction .

The world therefore consists of impressions. For example , we get the image of a table to the mind through the senses. We can not say that it has reached the table or the table has gotten our brains , that would be absurd . But the image of the table is stuck on . Then our mind reacts immediately saying this is a table, which is made of wood or metal, etc. . Well, now, there are impressions that are not pleasant , for example the words of an offender , right? We could transform those words of the insulter . Words are like . So what can we do? Transforming Prints we produce such words . Yes , that's possible.

The Gnostic Education teaches us to crystallize the 2nd power of Christ in us by a postulate that says: " MUST TO RECEIVE WITH PLEASSURE THE UNPLEASANT MANIFESTATIONS OF OUR FELLOW ONES" . Here is the way to transform the impressions they make on us the words of an offender . This postulate will lead naturally to the crystallization of the 2nd power (Christ ) in us, cause (Christ ) comes to take shape in us. It is a sublime , esoteric postulate a hundred percent.

If the physical world we know only the prints , then the physical world itself is not as foreign as people believe . With Emmanuel Kant rightly said : " The exterior is the interior" . So, if the inside is what counts , we must transform the interior. Prints are indoors. Thus , all objects and things , everything we see exists within us as Prints vibrating incessantly within our psyche . The result of such mechanical Impressions has been all these inhuman elements within us and that normally have called,EGOS  which together constitute the Self .

Suppose, for example , that an individual sees a provocative woman and do not transform your prints . The result will be that them , of course lustful type , produced in him the desire to possess it. Such desire is to be the result of mechanical Imprint received, and crystallize and  , takes shape in our psyche. It becomes an added plus ; ie in an inhuman element in its entirety is the EGO .

We will continue to reflect it . Anger exists in us , Greed , Lust , Envy , Pride, Sloth , Gluttony .

Anger. Why? Because many impressions came to ourselves and never transformed . The result of such mechanical  impressions of Anger shape the  , Egos that exist and, living in our psyche and constantly make us feel courage.

Greed . Undoubtedly , a lot of things woke in us Greed : money , jewelry , material things of all kinds, etc. . These things , these objects came to us in the form of impressions  , in something else , an attraction for beauty or joy , etc ... Such  untransformed impressions naturally become EGOS of Greed .

Lust . I said that various forms of lust came to us in the form of impressions , ie , arose within our mind , images of erotic type , whose reaction was Lust . Since we do not transform those lusty waves, these prints , that lustful feeling, that unhealthy eroticism , of course the result was immediate . Was completely mechanic, new EGOS born inside our psyche , morbid  EGOS.

No one could say you are watching a tree in itself, is seeing the image of the tree but not the tree . The thing itself , as Immanuel Kant said , no one sees : the image is the thing; ie the impression arises in us on a tree on one thing and these are internal. The mechanical result is not left waiting. It is the birth of new EGOS coming to further enslave our consciousness , which come to intensify the dream we live .

When you really understand that everything that exists within oneself , in relation to the Physical World, are just Impressions  , also understands the need to transform those impressions. In so doing, the self transformation occurs . There is nothing that hurts more than words or slander of an offender . If one is able to transform  Impressions  to produce such words as these are worthless ; ie , they are like a bad check . Certainly the words of an offender have no more value than it gives them by the insulted. So if the value does not give them by the insulted , I repeat, are like a bad check . When one understands this, then transforms Impressions  of such words , for example, something other , in love, in understanding for the insulter . This naturally means Transformation . So , we need to be constantly transforming  Impressions  not only present but also the past .

Within us there are many  Impressions that   made ​​the mistake of not transformed in the past i . Many mechanics results thereof are such those EGOS that must to be disintegrate so that Consciousness is free and awake. Things , people , within you , within their minds. If these Impressions are transform your life transform . When there is one , for example, proud of its social position , their money ,but if that person thinks, for example, that their social position is a purely mental thing , which is a series of impressions  that have reached their mind, Impressions of their social status , when you think that such a state is nothing more than a mental issue , or when discussing the question of value, comes to realize that his position there in your mind in the form of Impressions . That Impression bearing the  money and social position , is merely internal Impressions of Mind. With the mere fact of understanding that only prints the Mind , by transforming them , then the Pride itself decays , collapses, born naturally within us humility .
Continuing these processes and the transformation of the Impressions , we continue with something else. For example : an image of a lustful woman reaches Mind. Such an image is an impression , obviously. We could transform this lusty Printing by Comprehenssion . Suffice to think at that moment that this woman has died and that his body will decay in the grave . Would this be more than enough to transform it that lusty printing into Chastity . If not converted , would become Egos Lust .

It is therefore appropriate that by understanding we transform the impressions that rise in the mind .I think that you´re understanding that the outside world is not as foreign as commonly believed . Inside is everything that comes from the world. They are nothing more than internal prints . Nobody could put a tree in his mind , a chair, a house, a castle, a stone. Everything comes to our mind in the form of Impressions , that's all .

Impressions of a world we call outside and it really is not as foreign as you might think . It is therefore that we transform Impressions by Understanding. If someone greets us , praise us , how would transform Vanity flattering that this or that could result in us? Obviously praise, flattery , are just Impressions that reach the  Mind and it reacts in form of Vanity . But if these are transformed Prints Vanity becomes impossible. How do you transform therefore the words of a flatterer ? THROUGH COMPREHENSION

When one really comprehend that  it is but an infinitesimal creature in a corner of the universe , in fact transforms itself such Print praise, flattery , something different. Impressions makes such as they are; dust, cosmic dust. Because comprehend  its own position. We know that our planet Earth is a grain of sand in the area . Consider that in the galaxy we live in, comprised of millions of worlds , what is the Earth ? It is a dust particle at infinity and us, we said , we are a micro - organisms within the particle. So what? If we comprehend this when we flatter , we do a transformation of the Impression  relating to flattery and adulation or praise, and as a result would not react as Pride, right? The more we reflect on this, we see more and more the need for a complete transformation of the Impressions .

Everything we see outside is inside. If we do not work with the interior are on the path of error , because then we change our habits. If we want  to transform Completely . If we want to transform we must to transform integraly . And if we want to transform , we must begin by transforming Animal Prints , bestial elements into elements of devotion. Then arises in us the sexual transformation , the transmutation .

Unquestionably, this thing of Impressions deserves to be analyzed in a clear and precise . Personality that have received or acquired, receives the impressions of life, but that does not make them practically dead thing. If the impressions fall directly on the Essence , obviously would be transformed because in fact she 's deposited in the appropriate Human Machine Center .

Personality is the term applied to everything we adquire . It is clear that translates all prints all sides of life in a limited way and almost stereotyped according to their quality and association  . In this regard, the work is sometimes compared to the  personality as a lousy secretary who is in the room opposite , which deals with all the ideas, concepts , beliefs , opinions and prejudices . Has many dictionaries , encyclopedias of all kinds, reference books, etc. , and is incommunicable in all three centers , ie . Mental , Emotional and Physical Centers . And as a consequence or corollary , it follows that is communicated almost always wrong centers. This means that arriving Impressions are sent to the wrong places , ie , to centers that do not belong and occur naturally wrong results .

Let me give you an example that you can understand me better. Suppose a woman attends with consideration and respect for a gentleman. Sure, the Knight Impressions  is getting in his mind are received with the Personality and sends it to the wrong Centers . Normally sends the Sexual Center . Then this gentleman come to believe strongly that the lady is in love with him and , of course , does not take much time he rush to make insinuations loving type hints. Undoubtedly, if this lady has ever had that kind of concerns about the gentleman , it does feel very surprised right. That is the result of a terrible transformation of impressions.

You see how bad secretary is the  Personality. Undoubtedly , the life of a man depends on this secretary mechanically seeking transformation in their reference books , not understanding at all what it really means , and transmits consequently no worries about what might happen , feeling only that he is doing his duty . This is our internal situation .

What is important to understand in this allegory is that the human personality that we acquire must acquire and begins to take over our lives. This is too important , unquestionably is futile to imagine that this happens to certain people and certain , it happens to everyone , whoever he is .

Obviously, these reactions to the impacts of the external world , are our own lives. Humanity in this sense , we can say emphatically that it is completely mechanistic . Any man in life , has formed a number of reactions that come to be the practical experiences of its existence. Clearly, as every action has a reaction , certain actions are to produce certain reactions and such reactions are called Experiences .

Important thing is, for example , better understand our actions and reactions , to relax the mind. This mental relaxation is superb. Lying in bed or in a comfortable chair , relax all the muscles patiently and then empty the mind of all the thoughts , desires, emotions , memories. When the mind is silent we can better know ourselves . In such moments of stillness and silence of mind is when you really come to directly verify the harsh reality of all actions of practical life .

When the mind is in complete rest we will see many elements and sub ​​- elements actions and reactions, desires and passions , etc. . , As something alien to us. But expect to perform precise control over ourselves about our personality instantly. Here is the reason why it is worth the silence and stillness of the mind. Obviously the relaxation of the mind, in the fullest sense of the word, leads to self-knowledge individually.

So lifetime , ie , the outer life , what we see, hear and live is for each person 's reaction to the Impressions that come from the physical world . It is a great mistake to think that what is called life, be a fixed , solid thing ; the same for anyone . Certainly , no one person having the same prints that, with respect to life exist in the human race, are endless.

Life certainly are our Prints about her and  is clear that we can , if we want to transform such impressions. But as stated, this is a very difficult concept to understand because it is so powerful hypnotism sense . Although it seems incredible , all human beings are in a state of Hypnotism Collective .

Such hypnosis is produced by the residual state of the abominable Kundartiguador organ. When t removed from  the human being, left the various inhuman psychic aggregates or elements that together constitute the Myself , the Self . These elements and sub ​​- elements , in turn , condition the consciousness and kept in a state of hypnosis. Thus, there are collective hypnosis . EVERYONE IS HYPNOTIZED .

The mind is so engrossed in the world of the five senses , which hits not understand how it could become independent . He firmly believes that it is a God. Thus, our inner life , the true life of thoughts, feelings , remains confusing to our conceptions merely reasoning and intellective . However, while we know very well where we actually live , our world of feelings and thoughts . This is something that nobody can deny . Impressions are our life and these can be transformed.

So we need to learn how to best transform the Impressions . But it is not possible to transform anything in us if we stuck to the world of the five senses.

As I said in previous discussions , the Work teaches you that if the work is negative, due to own fault. From the sensory point of view is that this or that person from the outside world , whom you see and hear through the eyes or ears , is to blame. This person , in turn , say that we are the culprits. But really, the blame is on the impressions we have about people .

We often think that when a person is perverse that person in the background is a meek sheep. It should be much learn to transform all that we have print on life. Learning to receive , we say welcome , the unpleasant manifestations of our fellows. Scientifically speaking on Impressions coming to us and how to transform , say the following : Impressions are coming to us to Hydrogen 48 .





                       SAMAEL AUN WEOR




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