
8110377265?profile=originalKarma Time 

The cause and consequence based theory of Karma and its results are deeply engraved in human psyche. This theory postulates that all events that one experiences are results of certain action or actions at an earlier point in time. The theory envisages that not only all actions produce results but also that the actions and the results can be classified into two broad categories, i.e. good and bad. Good actions are likely to produce good results and bad actions are likely to produce bad results. The results are what one experiences at the present moment in time.

Albeit such a postulate accounts for a uni-dimensional vision of the experienced phenomena not supported by many scriptural as well as modern scientific theories. The spiritualists have seldom endeavored to explore the plausibility of errors in this theory and, as such it has become perhaps ingrained into the human DNA. Many, who have wondered about the first cause, have no satisfactory answers either.

Yet a deeper reflection reveals a number of unanswered questions. This theory assumes TIME to be linear. In the foregoing blog posts we have seen how through the a eons sages and scientists alike have concluded that Past, Present and Future are all one and it is only a state of mind that determines which is the Present. Soviet scientist Nikolai Kozyrev conducted scientific experiments to determine in his causal mechanics theory that cause and consequence is related to observer’s relative position in TIME. So, the same event or phenomena, in one position may appear as cause, could as well appear as consequence in another. This is also perfectly in sync with Einstein’s theory of General Relativity. Moreover, physicists exploring the Quantum Physics are coming round to the view that not only is it possible for the past to affect the future but even the future may modify the past. To grasp this one may have to totally remove the concept of linearity of TIME, which has been propagated by the good and bad karma theorists.

Practically speaking almost every spiritual thought stream in the world talks about the ultimate unity, liberation from the cycle of death and birth (liberation from TIME), Nirvana, Raising the Kundalini (the ultimate state being existence independent of TIME) etc. But even more importantly, the Hindu Realism clearly defines the three popular Sanskrit words, which have been rather misinterpreted to propagate the good and bad karma theory. The Hindu Realism defines the Sanskrit word Dharma as the principle which causes motion, Adharma as the principle which cause the motion to cease, or rest and Karma as the motion itself. There is no mention of motion being good or bad. However, total rest or cessation of motion is achieved only during Pralaya (dissolution of universe). At the TIME of creation again a motion is introduced into something called the Absolute Abstract Space or Akasha in popular Sanskrit and the universe manifests. The universe then sustains itself through the balance between motion and rest. A decline in motion will take the world towards Pralaya whereas an increase in motion will take the universe towards creation, so a balance is required. This is what Lord Krishna hints at in Bhagvad Gita verse 4.7.

To comprehend this concept more vividly and unmistakably as also the nature of motion some pre-knowledge of wave theory of classical Physics is essential. Since the referred motion is wave motion and not a linear motion along a straight line or circle. Scriptures refer to this wave like motion as vibration since all vibrations are waves. It is the element of TIME, which not only imparts the wave like character or nature to this motion, but also assists in maintaining the balance.

TIME may be running out for good or bad Karma.



The treasure house of precious Indian ancient literature/knowledge has virtually, over the period, vanished/disappeared. Some due to vandalism of invading tribes, others due to secrecy of the possessors or such other causes. And for that reason, a genuine enquirer is perplexed while attempting to interpret the available ancient texts as to the real or intended meanings of words/expressions. One of such texts is the “Pranava Vada” by Gargayana. The surfacing of this book has an interesting story behind it.

The presenter, Bhagwan Das, claims that a person called Pandit Dhanaraj, despite being blind, was able to recite from memory, millions of verses from the, now extant, Sanskrit Texts. Bhagwan Das made an effort to write down some of those and at least one book “Pranava Vada” got completed. The complete story as well as Pranava Vada can be read at: http://www.makara.us/05ref/01books/pranavavada/pv_toc.htm The original dictations taken are believed to be preserved at the International Headquarters of The Theosophical Society, Adyar, Chennai.

Pranava Vada is defined as the science of the sacred word; “OM or AUM”. The word has a special prominence in the spiritual scenario; more so to Hinduism with wide ranging claims as a sound at the time of creation (Big Bang Perhaps) to and/or the secret formula for all creation to having mystical powers to achieve almost anything. Yet few possess either the authentic knowledge or the faculty to explain exactly what those powers are and how the word is relevant. Most only repeat what they have heard or read.

In the contrary, Pranava Vada proposes the concept & expounding the word and then goes on to explain all the phenomena, including creation. The principle being that A represents I or self or I am this, U represents Not Self or what is not I, and M represents the relation of negation that exists between them. The AUM thus, is equivalent to the Idea or Consciousness I-This-Not-Am.” This difference between I (Self) and U (Not-Self) represented by M, causes a succession of movements, just as potential difference between anode and cathode causes electricity to flow. To quote the text,” The “This” by opposition to the un-limitedness of the “I” is limited. Owing to the impossibility in the limited “This”, of the contemporeity of the union (Of the I and the This) contained in the “I (am) This” and the separation involved in the “ (I am) This Not”, results the (succession of the) movement (motion or cyclic moving) of Assumption and Renunciation, Creation and Destruction, Hypothesis and Refutation (Manifestation and Absorption, Evolution and Involution, Life and Death etc.etc.). This succession itself is TIME. The possibility of the Existence of many (in and at one) TIME is SPACE.

This is perhaps the only explanation describing the process of Creation originating from the principle of AUM. Helena Blavatsky comes close in “The Secret Doctrine” when she mentions “Absolute Abstract Space” and “Absolute Abstract Motion”, but does not give reason for their manifestation out of the unmanifested.

PRANAVA, then is not only the science of the sacred word but also the science of sacred TIME.



We have, in a previous post hypothesized that TIME may appear to follow a waveform. Waveform is the essential expression of all energies in the universe. There are numerous references in the Indian and Western systems of thoughts describing the universe and the many manifestations of either matter or energies contained within it as Vibrations. Most of us however, rarely connect the Vibrations as waves, yet all Vibrations are waves in classical Newtonian Physics.

Let us look at some connections. Sound, Light, Electromagnetism and Heat are the most common energies we experience with our senses. Each has a waveform. As Quantum physics relates every particle to a wave and obliterates the difference between matter and energy, and that could easily connote entire universe to be composed of waves.  Some physicists are also studying if Gravity has a waveform, which may eventually lead to the discovery of the Gravity Particle – the Graviton. 

It is not that the ancients were not aware of this. Amongst the most esoteric text in India, dealing with this study of vibrations comes from the Kashmir Shaivism branch of Hinduism – The Spanda Karika. This doctrine of vibrations deals with reality of the universe from the point of view of vibrations. It is amazing. But let us look at some simple facts first. The classical physics attributes frequency, wavelength and amplitude as a measurement of waves. And, it has a very peculiar phenomena related to waves called the “The Doppler Effect”, which deals with change in the frequency of waves as they travel, which is duration or TIME. Another peculiar property of waves is the “Resonance” where the waves having similar physical attributes of frequency, wavelength and amplitude merge to result in a larger waveform.

One of the most common example of resonance given in the school textbooks is that “Soldiers, while marching across a bridge are asked to break their steps else the resonance produced by their synchronized footsteps may result in such a large wave that destroys the bridge itself”. Resonance and synchronization have such huge power that a mere footstep of soldier’s march has the potential to destroy a bridge made of concrete and steel. Is there a message in it?

The Doppler effect results in change in the frequency of waves with time. The difference in frequency over a period of time is called the Doppler Shift. Most of us are familiar with several practical application of The Doppler Shift. The GPS system works by measuring the frequency shift. The measurement of distances of various celestial objects like the Doppler Shift in waves measures stars, galaxies etc. received from them. But, what’s the relevance here?

All original Indian knowledge – including the Vedas, was in the form of SHRUTI, i.e. pronounced text delivered from generation to generation. These texts, when pronounced correctly, generated defined vibrations or waves producing certain effects. But subsequently as they were transcribed into text, the pronunciations began to deviate and could not produce the same frequencies. Gradually, the effects required different frequencies to be produced or experienced due to Doppler Shift.  If we want to truly experience the effect of those vibrations, maybe we will need to calculate & apply the Doppler Shift.



Thus far we have been investigating TIME as a separate, self-governing, sovereign entity, alike MAYA (Illusion), GOD (The Almighty), SATAN (The Devil) etc – i.e. one of the manifestations of the Absolute, (Parabrahma, Avyakta etc,) This has been necessitated to reach this far.

We could now attempt to look at TIME as a principle. The great esoteric Helena Blavatsky, in her book “The Secret Doctrine”, mentions the existence of:

An Omnipresent, Eternal, Boundless, and Immutable PRINCIPLE on which all speculation is impossible, since it transcends the power of human conception and could only be dwarfed by any human expression or similitude. It is beyond the range and reach of thought—in the words of Måñdükya Upanishad, “unthinkable and unspeakable.”

The above description is summarized in the word “Avyakta – the Indescribable”, as used by the Indian sages. The commonly held view is that there is a manifested portion of this Avyakta, which is possible to comprehend – The Universe, God etc. Theoretically thus, all the commentaries should be correlated to the manifested portion only although speculators like myself have never been deterred attempting to speculate on the Avyakta as well; and more often resulting in confusing between the two.

There is yet another diametric question , if it is Avyakta, then how do we conceive and conclude that the speculated manifestation is truly of ‘it’. Or can there be a third entity? There couldn’t be a logical answer to this if the concept of “Avyakta”, is true. So, my personal choice then falls on TIME itself being the “Avyakta”. Why ?

As per definition given above -

1.TIME is Omnipresent.

2.TIME is Eternal.

3.TIME is Boundless.

4.TIME is Immutable

And with that premise is it reasonable to speculate that TIME itself is the Source, as well as the principal manifestation; manifestation may occur in phases.

Interestingly, the excerpt quoted above is from a book that itself is a commentary on the Tibetan book called the “Book of Dzyan”, which itself is part of the collection called the “The Books of Kiu-Te”, which is the core of the Mahayana Budhism’s KALCHAKRA TANTRA – The Wheels of TIME.

And Helena Blavatsky herself, in her publication “Voice of the Silence”, poses the question – “Wouldst thou become a YOGI of Time’s Circle? Then, O Lanoo (Disciple).”


From Mandukya Upanishad:

Ōmityetadakṣharamidam sarvam, tasyopavyākhyanam,

bhūtam bhavatbhaviṣhyaditi sarvamomkāra eva;

yaccānyat trikālātītam tadapyomkāra eva.

OM! - This Imperishable Word is the whole of this visible universe. Its explanation is as follows: What has become, what is becoming, what will become, - verily, all of this is OM. And what is beyond these three states of the world of TIME, - that too, verily, is OM.

Conclusively TIME is independent of the three worlds, although part of OM. It would, therefore, be logical to construe that TIME is beyond creation or, shall we say, the Creator itself. Encompassing all, the greater being(s), perhaps the ‘Bliss Indivisible’ as defined by Adi Shankaracharya or still more appropriately the ‘Be–Ness’, as purported by the great esoteric Helena P Blavatsky.

Thinkers, world over, have proposed duality of nature being manifested through Sat(Reality, Truth) – Asat (Illusion, Maya). But since these manifestations occur only after the creation (before creation – there is nothing, but ‘Bliss Indivisible’ and/or Be-Ness), surely TIME will have a role to play in the creation. Can it be or rather has it been evidenced?

Both modern Science and the ancient wisdom prompt that the entire universe is perpetually in motion. Every particle in the entire universe is constantly in motion. This motion ceases only on the dissolution of the universe (Pralaya). Conversely, both the modern scientific theories (Multiverse Theories) and the ancient wisdom (Nights of Brahma) also acquiescent that TIME continues its motion during this phase (Pralaya) as well. Truly thus, the TIME itself is a synonym to motion, as without TIME, no motion can be conceived of.

TIME thus,  is the fundamental part of every being in the universe. Occultists visualize the “Spark of Divinity” in every being and if that be so, why are we so ignorant of its role particularly as deeper thinking reveals that TIME can even answer prayers.



Why the time is ripe? Because a new theory about the origins of the universe- deviating form the BIG BANG- which has traditionally been considered by scientists and esoteric both, as the origin of TIME,  argues that TIME is ETERNAL. BIG BANG being only one of the many bangs caused due to the collision of the universes. Therefore, if we take the BIG BANG as the origin, it can only be Sub-TIME.

Readers may recall the double helix symbol so popularized as the representation of the DNA by the scientists and as sacred symbol by the esoteric. Each point of meeting of the threads may represent the point of collision of the universes and a BIG BANG. But both the threads in the double helix continue on their journey after every collision.

Adi Shankaracharya thought deeply about TIME too, and realized it thus in “Aparokshanubhuti (Direct Self Realization)”, in stanza 111:

111. The non-dual (Brahman) that is bliss indivisible, is denoted by the word ‘TIME’, since it brings into existence, in the twinkling of an eye all beings from Brahman downwards.

Bliss indivisible is probably as complete a definition of Brahman as any. He also considered manifestation of Brahman as TIME, and that is really the key, since he thought it to be the CAUSE of all existence.

Atharva Veda, written many thousand years ago indicates it thus:

“Time, the steed, runs with seven reins (rays), thousand-eyed, ageless, rich in seed. The seers, thinking holy thoughts, mount him, all the beings (worlds) are his wheels. (XIX.53.1)”

“With seven wheels does this Time ride, seven naves has he, immortality is his axle. He carries hither all these beings (universes). Time, the first god, now hastens onward. (XIX.53.2)”

The above paragraphs describe TIME as the immortal, the greatest GOD- creator & governor of all beings as well as affirms that it is possible to mount TIME by “thinking holy thoughts” – a clear pointer towards liberating the consciousness from the limits of TIME.

So, why do we need to either mount it or liberate ourselves from it if it is the CAUSE?



Helena P Blavatsky, while commentating on the “An Omnipresent, Eternal, Boundless, and Immutable PRINCIPLE..” explains that the Absolute expresses itself into “Absolute Abstract Space” and “Absolute Abstract Motion” before manifesting. These are very significant revelations. Revelations because, she wrote these much before Einstein’s Theory of Relativity was introduced to the world linking Space and Time. The word “Motion” here should be read as TIME; as no motion can be conceived of without TIME, and the two are one. But TIME is different from time, which is the apparent measurement of duration.

What then, is the Absolute Abstract TIME?  

A noted scientist and astrophysicist, Nikolai Kozyrev of the erstwhile Soviet Union, amidst numerous known & unknown researchers/thinkers, sought to explore the world of ‘Absolute Abstract TIME’. He is singularly credited for explaining the ‘moon craters as the volcanic activity’, long before they were even discovered by the man’s quest of the moon. Kozyrev experimented on the ‘nature and properties’ of TIME around 1950-70’s and made a number of startling revelations based on the factual experimental data. He hypothesized that the TIME has not only the ‘motion and flow’ but has density’ as well. Besides, he also proclaimed that TIME is energy; and that combined with Space, it is the source of all creation. The Density of TIME determines the composition of matter and came up with the theory of “Causal Mechanics”. Causal Mechanics seeks to establish that it is not only the Cause that results into Consequences but the Consequences themselves determine the Cause. He has substantiated this with elaborate mathematical algorithms.

Nikolai Kozyrev’s works were of such nature that the Soviet Government classified them as Top Secret. It is only after 1990’s (when the documents were declassified), that the Western World could get to know of his experiments. The Institute for Temporology (Study of Science of TIME), under Moscow State University, was set up consequent to his findings.

The summary of Kozyrev’s findings, including “Causal Mechanics” show that:


1.TIME is Energy (therefore convertible into matter?)

2.TIME is Wave Like

3.TIME WAVES have spiral like motion

4.TIME DENSITY is a critical factor in creation and maintenance of Universe. 

5.That cause and consequence are mutually related through a factor of TIME.

These findings are not much different from what the ancient wisdom explains to us, particularly if we considered the “Absolute Abstract Space” as Aether or Akasha.

Source: http://thecelestialnavigator.blogspot.ca/


Based on theory of time by N.A. Kozyrev the energy can change the density of flow. Depending on how we perceive time. For example: group of people having a ‘party’ just sitting there “killing time’ or feeling bored. When more people are joining them and an interesting subject arises where all participants joining the conversation, suddenly realizing that the time just flew by faster. The physical parameters of each participant in the conversation could be measured and the specific zones of cerebral cortex are excited more than usual could be noticed, respiration is more frequent which based on visual change in those participants – showing that the density of time increased for this company (around them and within them).


Table of Contents: http://www.univer.omsk.su/omsk/Sci/Kozyrev/index.htm


  1. What Should a Philosophical Theory of Time Do?
  2. How Is Time Related to Mind?
  3. What Is Time?
    1. The Variety of Answers
    2. Time vs. “Time”
    3. Defining Time Order with Causal Order
    4. Linear and Circular Time
    5. The Extent of Time
    6. Does Time Emerge from Something More Basic?
    7. Time and Conventionality
  4. What Does Science Require of Time?
  5. What Kinds of Time Travel Are Possible?
  6. Does Time Require Change? (Relational vs. Substantival Theories)
  7. Does Time Flow?
  8. What Gives Time Its Direction or Arrow?
    1. What Needs To Be Explained?
    2. Explanations or Theories of the Arrow
    3. Multiple Arrows
    4. Reversing the Arrow
  9. What are the Differences among the Past, Present, and Future?
    1. Presentism, the Growing Past, and the Block Universe
    2. Is the Present, the Now, Objectively Real?
    3. Enduring vs. Perduring Objects
    4. Truth Values and Free Will
  10. Are There Essentially-Tensed Facts?
  11. What is Temporal Logic?
  12. Supplements
    1. Frequently Asked Questions
    2. What Science Requires of Time
    3. Special Relativity: Proper Times, Coordinate Systems, and Lorentz Transformations (by Andrew Holster)
  13. References and Further Reading

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  • ... ;) Feather Winger ... thank you ... very nice ... :)

  • Steve Miller Fly Like An Eagle Lyrics
    Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' 
    Into the future 
    Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' 
    Into the future
    I want to fly like an eagle 
    To the sea 
    Fly like an eagle 
    Let my spirit carry me 
    I want to fly like an eagle 
    Till I'm free 
    Oh, Lord, through the revolution
    Feed the babies 
    Who don't have enough to eat 
    Shoe the children 
    With no shoes on their feet 
    House the people 
    Livin' in the street 
    Oh, oh, there's a solution
    I want to fly like an eagle 
    To the sea 
    Fly like an eagle 
    Let my spirit carry me 
    I want to fly like an eagle 
    Till I'm free 
    Fly through the revolution
    Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' 
    Into the future 
    Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' 
    Into the future 
    Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' 
    Into the future 
    Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' 
    Into the future
    I want to fly like an eagle 
    To the sea 
    Fly like an eagle 
    Let my spirit carry me 
    I want to fly like an eagle 
    Till I'm free 
    Fly through the revolution
    Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' 
    Into the future 
    Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' 
    Into the future


    • Steve Miller ROCKS.... this is what prayer is.... (but the pic they use in the clip is epic fail....lol... this is Prometheus, and has nothing to do with the vibes that the song is passing along)

      they could have used something like this, to convey the message... not the chained Prometheus who gets eaten by an eagle...


      • ... lol ... you are right it was wrong choice of image ... now this one is going along with the lyrics ...

        and this one is my interpretation of 'flying free as an eagle' ....

        "Soaring high above the ground
        Seeing world as far as eyes can see,
        Eagle gliding in the air
        Wings wide spread and flying free.

        Free from boundaries to hold him
        With no burdens on his wings,
        He enjoys the flight and freedom
        Taking beauty deep within.

        Carries veil of nigh and darkness
        Eagle brings awareness of dawning sun,
        His magnificence is surges with power
        Shines the light upon the life."

    • Thanks Kalki ... very nice lyrics ... ;)

      • Watch this wonderful video
        WONDERFUL Activation: New Born Time...Raise your frequency in this special time!..

      • Watch this Video Ara ...it is so BEAUTIFUL

        • this is truly amazing ... one thing is trying to understand this concept, another to visually see it .. makes a big difference ... thank you Kalki, it is very beautiful.

  • we could bring the principal of ‘an eye of tornado’ … there is a possibility to slow down the time within us … while having a busy life outside (with full awareness, what is happening) … based on the Toltec  way – they would say that there is no such a thing as wasted time … we are where we are … cause it brought you where your are. As to Drunvalo – if you would have a chance to meet him … you wouldn’t need any ‘proof’ … just being with him in his presence would be enough for you to know, that he knows ...

    < …Eternity allows sufficient time for a personality to reach his or her greatest expression.  Nothing that is of value and can provide opportunity for growth will be denied.  Those things you can’t achieve today, because of current circumstances, or because of lack of time, will again present themselves in eternity.  They will do so, and present with even greater potential, to provide satisfaction, and so benefit your progress. Your time is limited in mortal life.  There are only a finite number of things that can be accomplished during a human lifetime.  What is expected is that a creature develops enough wisdom to give priority to spiritual growth …> “Urantia”

  • wow, thanks for the information gathered

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