Multidimensional food for thought...


~Human awareness is the real game changer. Human awareness not only alters our perceptions of our self but also transforms how we understand the world. The awareness we have about our place in the world and our part in the ‘bigger picture’ is ultimately a question of how we transceive (transmit-receive) consciousness. When how we receive and express human consciousness changes, everything changes. Consciousness is that which connects – it is the nonlocal information field that binds us all. We can also refer to it as the living intelligence that underlies the matrix, the construct, of our known reality. The living intelligence is the underlying consciousness from which all materiality arises.

…there is a different form of energy now being supported upon this planet. Further, that there is an interaction/immersion – leading to a state of greater resonance – between the energy fields of human physiology and those from our environment. The coherence between information fields (biological-environmental-cosmic) is increasing, resulting in what I speculate to be a stronger access to living intelligence. This stronger contact-communication is manifesting in the younger generation(s) who appear to exhibit increased intuitive intelligence as opposed to acquired information (conditioning). One way to visualize this is by seeing the new energy calibration as a different sound/vibration pattern that enters and alters the older patterns. Consider how sound/vibration waves can alter matter: particles scattered on a surface are reformed into new orderly geometric shapes in response to changing sound vibrations, as the image below shows.


A new energetic signature – ‘sound vibration’ – entering our collective nonlocal field will re-calibrate the transceiving of consciousness into a new modality. The change in the ‘pattern recognition’ of the consciousness field could likely affect how we filter and interpret, and thus perceive, the constructs of our reality. It may also open up the human transceiving of consciousness to other dimensional perspectives. In other words, humanity is possibly on course to re-calibrate its potential to transceive other modalities of nonlocal information. By altering our capacity to receive other wavelengths of information, humanity will broaden its awareness, understanding, and connection with a greater range of dimensional realities. We may then come to realize that our perception of reality, and our understanding of the cosmos, is in accordance with our capacity to access the living information. Once this state of access is altered, new perceptions emerge. One of these new perceptive states would likely be the recognition that intelligent life exists in a wondrous profusion of multi-verses. At this point we will be forced to officially change our antiquated mythology of ‘what is life?’…

Nobel Prize scientist Francis Crick, co-discoverer of the DNA sequence, could not understand how even a single assembled protein could have emerged by chance. Crick calculated the odds of this happening as just 1 chance in 10260: this is an incredible (and immeasurable) sum when we consider that all the atoms in the entire visible universe have been calculated to amount to ‘only’1080. Both Francis Crick and astronomer Fred Hoyle believed that life was already too complex when it first appeared on Earth and thus must have originated from elsewhere; that is, off-planet. Hoyle is now infamous for stating, somewhat controversially, that for complex life to have originated by chance is statistically the same odds as a hurricane blowing through a scrap yard and producing a Boeing 747. Hoyle also supported the general Panspermia hypothesis which states that life exists throughout the universe and is distributed by bacteria being present on passing/crashing meteoroids, asteroids and planetoids. Similarly, Crick famously stated that since it was highly unlikely that complex bacteria on Earth arose by random chance, it was therefore more likely to have arrived at Earth by what is known as ‘Directed Panspermia’. That is, the seeds of life (perhaps early bacterial forms of DNA) may have been purposely spread by an advanced extraterrestrial civilization(s). The reasons for this could be many, such as an advanced civilization facing extinction; as a means for terraforming planets, perhaps for later colonization; or as a design to spread the spiritual seeds of life within a particular universe/dimension. Crick concluded his hypothesis by stating that DNA is ‘not of this Earth.’…

Once we accept that we exist within an immense universe teeming with the potentials for life, it is a natural next step to question whether other conscious intelligences exist in the cosmos. A follow-on question might be: can transpersonal states of consciousness can form a connection, or bridge, with other intelligences and/or dimensional realms? That is, whether a stronger access to the living intelligence also facilitates a broader scope of communion, connecting us with other sentient beings whom are also in communion with the nonlocal living intelligence field. In fact, this very question and subject is not new – it has been at the heart of the human experience for millennia. The transpersonal access of consciousness has been known for millennia amongst various traditions, regardless of the fact that it has been largely denied and dismissed by our rational scientific paradigm. Historically, those persons more able to access this capacity – such as shamans, mystics, prophets, etc – have often done so for the benefit of their communities. For those people who are accustomed to connecting-communicating with such realms, the notion of intelligent life, multi-dimensions, and multi-verses is second nature. Furthermore, virtually all human beings have the capacity to access these alternate realities. In fact, many people are already doing so without actually realizing it, casting it off as coincidence, fluke, good luck, or weird anomaly. In recent years, however, there has been a significant increase in the number of people either experimenting or experiencing what are termed as ‘extra-sensory’ states. These occurrences, rather than being anomalies, may well be the first wave of experiences that are part of the new incoming normalization of human perception. In other words, the ‘actual experience that extra-sensory states exist may be the foundation for a future which contains extra-sensory experience as a widespread attribute.’ These initial experiences by the few earlier on is part of a natural process of acclimatizing the human being to a reality/state so that these realities can become actualized and normalized later.


New Dimensional Perspectives

Consciousness researcher Dr Strassman believes that communication with transpersonal realms may help humanity along its own evolution, as well as with the problems we are currently facing here on Earth:

Establishing – with a sober, altruistic intent – reliable and generally available means of contact with these different levels of existence may help us alleviate some of the pressing issues we are facing on this planet in this time-space continuum. It may be that the information and resources we gather in these noncorporeal realms are more important to our survival – and ultimately our evolution – than that which we obtain via strictly physical means…

What I sense may be happening through a variety of socio-cultural phenomena and anomalies – drug experimentation, transpersonal states, wisdom traditions, out-of-body practices, alien abduction, and more – is the preparation of humanity for its next phase of evolutionary development. These earlier stages utilized individuals as channels – or transceivers – by which to affect the collective energetic/vibratory state of our species for purposes of transformation. Furthermore, part of this transformation involves the creation of new organs of perception with which to perceive aspects of a newly emerging reality that is multi-dimensional. In other words, we have been working towards normalizing the multi-verse, and thus assisting to bring it into being through the perceptual faculties of the human species. In modern vocabulary, we are beginning to download the bigger picture…

Re-Calibrating Reality

The capacity to access non-ordinary states of consciousness is the natural heritage of humankind. Yet, on a physiological level, we may need preparation so that we are able to sustain the energetic state related to heightened perceptions. This was the intention of the Integral Yoga work of Sri Aurobindo, in preparation to receive the immanence of the Overmind. According to consciousness researcher Gopi Krishna, humanity ‘will be brought in touch with another level of creation, other intelligences and states of being pervading the universe, a universe now completely shut out from our sight because of the limited capacity of our brains.’ The human species may thus be on the verge of breaking free from its perceptual quarantine.

The younger generations, with their inherent intuitive intelligence, will be the initial wave in this transformation occurring through the received consciousness of the human species. They will come to recognize – as if second nature – that humanity shares a cosmic neighborhood with a radiant profusion of other intelligences. We were never alone, and we will look back at our antiquated thinking and laugh at our short-sightedness and lack of vision. In the early days of black and white television and silent movies, we knew the real images existed in color, yet we didn’t have the transceivers capable of receiving the ‘bigger picture.’ Through the new generations coming into the world, we will introduce the re-calibrated consciousness patterns into the collective blueprint of the human species…

The old consciousness patterns were not sufficiently conducive to transceiving the multi-dimensional aspects of the living intelligence field. However, the new generation(s) of humans to arrive on the planet will encounter an environment with a different energetic signature and their DNA will re-calibrate accordingly. This shift will, I speculate, facilitate a greater access to the living intelligence, leading to expanded patterns of received/expressed consciousness. This greater resonance with the living intelligence field will also grant partial access to the reality of multi-dimensional existence.

This new understanding of being a part of multi-dimensional existence will be humanity’s shared inheritance; and not the preserve of a few. We will undergo the transition from a time when we thought we were alone in a ‘dead universe’ to the understanding that we are part of a vast, inconceivably rich living universe – one amongst many multi-verses teeming with intelligent life. We will have begun our journey to join the neighborhood of cosmic L.I.F.E. – in Living a more Integrated and Fulfilling Existence. This will mark the beginning of living in resonance with a new sacred reality:

‘…all creatures inhabit and live within a single field of shared consciousness, that all are projections of a single Being, and that all of us – angels, humans, animals, vegetables, microbes and minerals – are differentiated aspects of one conscious and coherent whole. This recognition is the cornerstone of the new Sacred Reality….’ ~Ken Carey

When this new perception of life – planetary, cosmic, and dimensional – is integrated and normalized in the psyche of humanity, far-reaching and revolutionary change will occur in every sphere of human life. Humanity will form a sacred connection with all forms of life and with a living cosmos. We will collectively recognize the evolutionary impulse in humankind, and seek to nurture self-development and well-being. Human values will no longer be based upon a paradigm of materialism – matter realism – but will foster human dignity, compassion, tolerance, unity, and the actualization of our higher morality. Eventually, through this new awareness and understanding, we shall work as a collective species toward the formation of a genuine planetary society upon the Earth...


*This essay is part 3 of the 3-part series “Accessing the Living Intelligence.” Part 1 and Part 2 are here.

*Read entire essay at:

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    The Consciousness Revolution

    by Graham Hancock

    Consciousness is one of the great mysteries of science—perhaps the greatest mystery. We all know we have it, when we think, when we dream, when we savor tastes and aromas, when we hear a great symphony, when we fall in love, and it is surely the most intimate, the most sapient, the most personal part of ourselves. Yet no one can really claim to have understood and explained it completely. There’s no doubt it’s associated with the brain in some way, but the nature of that association is far from clear. In particular, how do these three pounds of material stuff inside our skulls allow us to have experiences?

    Professor David Chalmers of the Australian National University has dubbed this the “hard problem” of consciousness, but many scientists, partic­ularly those (still in the majority) who are philosophically inclined to believe that all phenomena can be reduced to material interactions, deny that any problem exists. To them, it seems self-evident that physical processes within the stuff of the brain produce consciousness rather in the way that a genera­tor produces electricity—i.e., consciousness is an “epiphenomenon” of brain activity. And they see it as equally obvious that there cannot be such things as conscious survival of death or out-of-body experiences since both con­sciousness and experience are confined to the brain and must die when the brain dies.

    Yet other scientists with equally impressive credentials are not so sure and are increasingly willing to consider a very different analogy—namely that the relationship of consciousness to the brain may be less like the rela­tionship of the generator to the electricity it produces and more like the relationship of the TV signal to the TV set. In that case, when the TV set is destroyed—dead—the signal still continues. Nothing in the present state of knowledge of neuroscience rules this revolutionary possibility out. True, if you damage certain areas of the brain, certain areas of consciousness are compromised, but this does not prove that those areas of the brain generate the relevant areas of consciousness. If you were to damage certain areas of your TV set, the picture would deteriorate or vanish but the TV signal would remain intact.

    We are, in other words, confronted by at least as much mystery as fact around the subject of consciousness, and this being the case, we should remember that what seems obvious and self-evident to one generation may not seem at all obvious or self-evident to the next. For hundreds of years, it was obvious and self-evident to the greatest human minds that the Sun moved around the Earth—one need only look to the sky, they said, to see the truth of this proposition. Indeed, those who maintained the revolutionary view that the Earth moved around the Sun faced the Inquisition and death by burning at the stake. Yet as it turned out, the revolutionaries were right and orthodoxy was terribly, ridiculously wrong.

    The same may well prove to be true with the mystery of consciousness. Yes, it does seem obvious and self-evident that the brain produces it (the generator analogy), but this is a deduction from incomplete data and cat­egorically not yet an established and irrefutable fact. New discoveries may force materialist science to rescind this theory in favor of something more like the TV analogy in which the brain comes to be understood as a trans­ceiver rather than as a generator of consciousness and in which conscious­ness is recognized as fundamentally “nonlocal” in nature—perhaps even as one of the basic driving forces of the universe. At the very least, we should withhold judgment on this “hard problem” until more evidence is in and view with suspicion those who hold dogmatic and ideological views about the nature of consciousness.

    It’s at this point that the whole seemingly academic issue becomes intensely political and current because modern technological society ideal­izes and is monopolistically focused on only one state of consciousness—the alert, problem-solving state of consciousness that makes us efficient pro­ducers and consumers of material goods and services. At the same time, our society seeks to police and control a wide range of other “altered” states of consciousness on the basis of the unproven proposition that consciousness is generated by the brain.

    I refer here to the so-called “war on drugs” which is really better under­stood as a war on consciousness and which maintains, supposedly in the interests of society, that we as adults do not have the right or maturity to make sovereign decisions about our own consciousness and about the states of consciousness we wish to explore and embrace. This extraordinary impo­sition on adult cognitive liberty is justified by the idea that our brain activity, disturbed by drugs, will adversely impact our behavior toward others. Yet anyone who pauses to think seriously for even a moment must realize that we already have adequate laws that govern adverse behavior toward others and that the real purpose of the “war on drugs” must therefore be to bear down on consciousness itself.

    Confirmation that this is so came from the last British Labour govern­ment. It declared that its drug policy would be based on scientific evidence, yet in 2009 it sacked Professor David Nutt, chair of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, for stating the simple statistical fact that cannabis is less dangerous (in terms of measured “harms”) than tobacco and alcohol and that ecstasy is less dangerous than horse riding. Clearly what was at play here were ideological issues of great importance to the powers that be. And this is an ideology that sticks stubbornly in place regardless of changes in the complexion of the government of the day. The present Conservative-Liberal coalition remains just as adamant in its enforcement of the so-called war on drugs as its Labour predecessor and continues, in the name of this “war,” to pour public money—our money—into large, armed, drug-enforcement bureaucracies which are entitled to break down our doors at dead of night, invade our homes, ruin our reputations, and put us behind bars.

    All of this, we have been persuaded, is in our own interests. Yet if we as adults are not free to make sovereign decisions—right or wrong—about our own consciousness, that most intimate, that most sapient, that most personal part of ourselves, then in what useful sense can we be said to be free at all? And how are we to begin to take real and meaningful responsibility for all the other aspects of our lives when our governments seek to disenfranchise us from this most fundamental of all human rights and responsibilities?

    In this connection, it is interesting to note that our society has no objec­tion to altering consciousness per se. On the contrary, many consciousness-altering drugs, such as Prozac, Seroxat, Ritalin, and alcohol are either mas­sively overprescribed or freely available today, and they make huge fortunes for their manufacturers but remain entirely legal despite causing obvious harms. Could this be because such legal drugs do not alter consciousness in ways that threaten the monopolistic dominance of the alert problem-solving state of consciousness, while a good number of illegal drugs, such as canna­bis, LSD, DMT, and psilocybin, do?

    There is a revolution in the making here, and what is at stake transcends the case for cognitive liberty as an essential and inalienable adult human right. If it turns out that the brain is not a generator but a transceiver of consciousness, then we must consider some little-known scientific research that points to a seemingly outlandish possibility, namely that a particular category of illegal drugs, the hallucinogens such as LSD, DMT, and psilo­cybin, may alter the receiver wavelength of the brain and allow us to gain contact with intelligent nonmaterial entities, “light beings,” “spirits,” “machine elves” (as Terence McKenna called them)—perhaps even the inhabitants of other dimensions. This possibility is regarded as plain fact by shamans in hunter-gatherer societies who for thousands of years made use of visionary plants and fungi to enter and interact with what they construed as the “spirit world.” Intriguingly, it was also specifically envisaged by Dr. Rick Strass­man, professor of psychiatry at the University of New Mexico, following his groundbreaking research with human volunteers and DMT carried out in the 1990s—a project that produced findings with shattering implications for our understanding of the nature of reality. For further information on Strass­man’s revolutionary work, see his book DMT: The Spirit Molecule.

    *excerpted from: The Divine Spark: Psychedelics, Consciousness, and the Birth of Civ...

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      We are biophysical extensions of the Gaian Mind...

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