



Teutopolis, IL


March 27

About Yourself

I was learning about Lord Ashtar. And Might I just say. For as much information I know about the earlier histories, and how much more bothers of a darker skin tone were around lot of white folks still cling to that image of higher beings having pale skin. Think its about time to let that go.

Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

Well spiritual Rob Evans comes to mind. He was my sociology professor. Though we didn't speak on these things I always felt a strong connection to that man. Very understanding. Unjudgmental. I told him I had been in prison before college on are class trip to the Jewish museum in Terre Haute. I told him that because I was glad the class didn't vote on visiting a prison. I had a feeling he could tell the entire time I was in his class. He enjoyed my incites a lot. He could tell I had experienced much more then most the class. The day he told the class he was a silent monk for 2 years my admiration for him rose significantly. To endure that by choice is a spiritual task I would like to indulge in. But something tells me I am here for a battle now. When or loose. It gets stronger everyday. I had always been curious and enjoyed knowledges of the esoteric. I then began to study the Norse Runes. Which I have found in my research that my American Native brothers of African decent or influence had been using these same runes. I start to use them. I created my own casting runes from Deer antlers. Etc.. But, this year it all became so strong. A love interest of mine was having issues with carrying child. Though I don't have one of my own and want nothing more then father a child and feel the love of a queen that loves me so strongly she would willingly provide me with one; I almost didn't even have control over myself. I couldn't shake the love I had for her and the pain she expressed. She expressed to me she couldn't bare children. Her and the Ex-Husband tried and she miscarried many times. She lost her faith in self. I touched her leg and told her I believe with all my heart she can still have children. Few days later I found my self in deep concentration and building a bind Rune of My love and parts of my spirit mixed with her own. Know that when I talk to her its like talking to myself at times. I love her truly and just wanted her to receive what she believed she couldn't not. Though while creating the rune I placed hope that it my be myself that fathered the child physically, I was sure to invoke selflessness and express that if it not be the will of the author above I still wanted here to be blessed with child. While doing these things I just new she would have a baby girl. I even had a date written down because some thought, something told me, in that moment almost like nothing else could be possible I would have to make a move for intimacy before July 31st. She started to pull away though and spend more time with the ex husband. Then I could just tell something else was happening. And I knew it. Everything I did and invoked was coming true. She is now 6 mounts pregnant with a baby Aries on the way. Just like myself. I worry she is my soul mate still. Something about how she is to me even with out physical Union. I feel like the baby has my spiritual aspects and nature and not his. He is Marely the physical tool. Anyway. This scared the fuck out of me. How did all of that come true. I thought coincidence until she learned the sex. Also I have had so many natural thoughts that feel like facts a lil before this incidences but it happens constantly now. And Ill go researching and I am almost always right. I hate to say that. Because No man is always right but I mean the knowledge that seems like I'm telling my self seems to be spot on every time. I just spent fuck 16 hrs on Christmas reading trying to find out what is going on in my community something keeps me searching for something. The Mounds on the 39th parallel all across this area of Illinois. Something tells me I am a descendant of those people. I choose the Spiritual name Maan Ra. While researching my Gr. granddaddy of the Ramseur Plantation I found his name spelled Maan Ra. This was after I choose the name. Our family name is Monroe. His first name, my grand daddy's fathers and my middle name He was a mulatto share cropper. First mulatto with the same name since.

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"Thanks comrade......I really needed to clarify how the plan works, as so many seem confused by the phases...It's complex, but simple, at the same time..But phases must follow on from each other and not overlap....That is why "things seem not to…"
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Agarther Z commented on Drekx Omega's blog post Patriots Await The Plan's Final Phase - Justice & Retributions
"good to know there is a plan Col., and it sounds plausible!
btw. great summary
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