A group for those people who live or want to live healthy, wisely, being aware of what they eat by saving the animals, the environment and their body. Why are you a Vegetarian?

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  • I do not eat meat and meat products.
    But I still can not stop eating eggs and milk. What can I do to replace them?
    Could anyone help me?
  • Esseya if anyone wants to choose a Spiritual Path the first step is to get into the spirit of love and harmlessness. You must become a Vegetarian otherwise you will fail. This is a requirement and those who do not become Vegetarians they will reincarnate in Hellish Planets as stated in the Vedas. As we get into 5th Dimension animal eaters will be removed from this planet. I am glad you understand Esseya. I have no sympathy for animal eaters as they do not care about harming living entities which have as much right to live as they have. If they do not care about Gods creation God will not care about them.
  • Here is a brilliant site for Vegetarians, Vegans and those into Raw Food
    It is packed with Information and Recipes.
    I just hope you are as good a cook as i am.
  • The following article by Tony Isaacs was transcribed verbatim from:

    Make Your Own Tasty and Healthy Raw Food Vegan Burgers

    Wednesday, July 07, 2010 by: Tony Isaacs, citizen journalist

    (NaturalNews) Many may believe that eating a healthy raw food or vegan diet would preclude eating such things as burgers, especially grilled burgers, unless you want to opt for one of the bland cardboard soy burgers. Such is not the case with a bit of ingenuity and the right recipe. And, as an added bonus one can make a tasty raw food substitute burger without having to resort to dangerous non-fermented GMO soy, whose dangers have been well-documented here at Natural News.

    Following is an original recipe for making your own tasty and healthy raw food vegan burgers:

    Quarter Pounder in the Raw Burger


    * 4 cups fresh or previously frozen vegetable pulp from juicing
    * 1 cup raw walnuts, soaked, rinsed & drained
    * 1/2 cup raw sunflower seeds, soaked, rinsed & drained
    * 1/4 cup raw & shelled pumpkin seeds, soaked, rinsed & drained
    * 1/2 onion, chopped
    * 1/2 cup dehydrated tomatoes, soaked in 1/2 cup water until
    * 1 tablespoon organic non-distilled apple cider vinegar or non-pasteurized organic fermented soy sauce
    * 1 teaspoon maple syrup
    * 1 teaspoon sea salt
    * 1 teaspoon marjoram
    * 1/2 teaspoon red or white pepper
    * 1/2 teaspoon dill
    * 1/2 teaspoon thyme
    * Pinch of cayenne or 1/2 jalapeno pepper, diced (optional)


    Put all the ingredients into a food processor or a top quality blender and blend until smooth. Slowly add just a bit of water (1/4 cup at a time) if needed to blend easily.

    Adjust spices to your liking.

    If, like some, you like it hot, add cayenne or half a jalapeno pepper. Do not use both as they are each different peppers and do not blend all that well on your palate.

    Continue to blend until smooth and uniform in color. The tomatoes should allow your blend to be the same color as raw meat. Form into burger shapes about the size of a fast food burger. You ought to wind up with six burgers and one junior size, more or less.

    Dehydrate until rare (thin crust), medium (mostly dried but pliable) or well (dry as a bone) done.

    Serve on a lettuce leaf or on raw bread, if you have some, surrounded by a few sliced tomatoes, onions, and a scattering of micro greens.

    If desired the "burgers" can be heated or even grilled slightly. Caution: cooking too fast and/or at too high heat will result in overly crunchy burgers and is not a healthy idea at any rate.



    About six adult servings and one kid-sized one.

    Approximate nutrition information per serving:

    240 calories, 12g fat (1.5 g saturated fat), 26 g carbohydrate,
    6 g protein, 9 g dietary fiber, 240 mg sodium.

    Recipe contributed by Kathy at the Yahoo Oleandersoup Group from her upcoming raw food book.

    Note: For more soy-free, vegan and other healthy recipes, see:

    The Best Years in Life Healthy Recipes


  • The Vedas and Spiritual Masters have recommended an all in one suppliment especially for vegetarians called CHYWANAPRASH-The Elixir of Life a blend of herbs with honey and ghee. Chywanaprash is a delicious supplement blend of fruit, spices, herbs and honey. It is renowned as a pure and natural nutritional tonic that tastes amazing. One or two teaspoonfuls can be taken each day, on its own, spread on toast, or dissolved in warm milk or herbal tea for a heavenly fortifying drink.
    According to legend, the recipe was created thousands of years ago as a rejuvenating elixir by the ancient sage Chywana. Priced for its ability to build immunity and increase haemoglobin and white blood cells, its strengthens the lungs by nourishing mucas membranes and clearing phlegm. Chywanaprash is valuable after illness and injury to build muscle mass and tissue strength, and also works to boost fertility and lidido. Best to be taken daily for the rest of your life.
    One of the best places to buy Chywanaprash is from PUKKA HERBS www.pukkaherbs.com as it contains only the best organic ingredients and is free from any artificial perservatives. I used to work for this company and all their products are very good.
  • Being Vegetarian or Vegan is great as it is taking a first step to getting on a Spiritual Path of harmlessness and love and following Divine Laws. The next step is to try and eat more organic, raw and food not overcooked so it is healthy for you. Make sure while you cook food to think and speak of only good things as the consciousness of the cook goes in the food. The third step and one of the most important one is to offer the food before eating. You can make up your own prayer or say the Lords prayer and then eat as this makes the food karma free and spiritual food with a higher taste and higher vibration and what we call the secret ingredient. 5th Dimension beings ask the plant or fruit tree permission before helping themselves as they are good to nature and Mother Earth and their food is blessed with love and light and their bodies digest all they eat so there is no waste. As we get into 5th Dimension we will be so lucky to do the same so why not start getting ready now. Namaste
  • Awakening Divinity~ hail ~Om mani padme hum ~ Om ~
    we are one
  • All beings from Higher Dimensions who are here now to help Mother Earth and her inhabitants who are following Spiritual Laws to get into 5th Dimension are totally against harming any living entities.
    The Galactic Federation of Light headed by Ashtar Commend are surrounding the Planet Earth with their Space Ships and they are totally against harming any living entities.
    The Beings from Inner Earth who are working hard to unite with the surface people [us] are totally against harming any living entities.
    The King of the World from Shamballa with his Spiritual Army who is here now is totally against harming living entities.
    On Planet Earth the Hare Krishnas, Vegetarians and Vegans are totally against harming any living entities.
    In the very near future meat eaters will no longer exist on this Planet Earth.
    At the moment the First Contact is partly being delayed by the meat eaters as 5th Dimension people regard them as violent people and only when more people start following the laws of harmlessness and love will First Contact be made and we can unite with our brothers and sisters from Higher Dimensions.
    We are not alone and most important of all is that Mother Earth will not tolerate meat eaters any more as Lord Adama says people will have to shape up and follow Divine Laws or Ship out of this planet as we move into 5th gear ie 5th Dimension. YE...HAA.
    This domain may be for sale!
  • Still not many of us , which bring me to the conclusion not much change in ppls way of being or compassion for our sacred animals, I so wish it would change and end the suffering for all concerned. love and peace.
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One Mouthful of Delicious Sauerkraut = 1 Bottle of Probiotics!?

I'm a firm believe in probiotics and is why I make kefir or sauerkraut. I just read a really great article about the benefits of sauerkraut and wanted to share it with you. For those who've never made sauerkraut there is also a video showing you exactly how to make it. I'd also like to add that my favorite kraut is pineapple sauerkraut...it's different and absolutely delicious and easy to make. You can make kraut with any vegetables you have on hand...your imagination is your only limit.One…

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Spiritual Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet

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