Dear Friend Emy,
Thanks for posting "We are All One", which is true and beautiful, however, at this moment, humanity
could be compared with a giant octopus with numerous arms and One brain, sickened by several cancerous
tumors, which need immediate attention, for all those arms are pulling in different directions! instead of being
One!. Thus, as a result, the octopus may soon end-up without arms and die in the process!
Love,light and happiness to you.
"planes have been crashing is does have to with laying off traffic air craft controllers or something else and getting rid of all most important employees could cause a lot problems."
Thanks for posting "We are All One", which is true and beautiful, however, at this moment, humanity
could be compared with a giant octopus with numerous arms and One brain, sickened by several cancerous
tumors, which need immediate attention, for all those arms are pulling in different directions! instead of being
One!. Thus, as a result, the octopus may soon end-up without arms and die in the process!
Love,light and happiness to you.