Baby alien-Mexico UFO Infested areas (German)

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They broadcasted today the story about this alien baby in the German television (RTL). I only found some videos in Mexican and German, sorry.But this is a amazing story and it was in Mexico. A farmer found this alien baby in May 2007 in a trap and it was still alive! Because the farmer was afraid he killed this strange being in the water!Did somebody hear something about that? I saw it today for my first time in the television.

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  • The scientist also said, this being has a very big brain so it may be it was very intelligent. The farmer said, after he killed the being, he saw another being like that running away!
    What are those things? Could it be small reptilians?
  • They broadcasted today the story about this alien baby in the German television (RTL). I only found some videos in Mexican and German, sorry.
    But this is a amazing story and it was in Mexico. A farmer found this alien baby in May 2007 in a trap and it was still alive! Because the farmer was afraid he killed this strange being in the water!
    Did somebody hear something about that? I saw it today for my first time in the television.
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