

Graham: Here is the transcript from our Heavenly Blessings show on September 20, 2012 with Mary Magdalene on the Divine Feminine, which followed our previous week’s discussion with Jesus on the Divine Masculine (transcript of that show posted yesterday: http://the2012scenario.com/2012/09/jesus-the-men-of-the-fifth-dimension-are-beings-of-love/#more-146312 http://the2012scenario.com/2012/09/jesus-the-men-of-the-fifth-dimension-are-beings-of-love/).

Mary talks about the purity of joy, humility, the miracle of being in form, letting go of worry, love for self, courage, addictions and pain medications, female orgasms, how there will be a deeper embrace of our feminine selves in the higher dimensions, and more. The transcript has been trimmed to highlight key discussion areas. Thank you very much to Mary V. for doing the transcript.

Click here to listen to the show:

Graham Dewyea: Last week on Heavenly Blessings Jesus was with us and we talked about being masculine in the 5th dimension and higher, what does that mean and the transition from being male in the 3rd to the higher dimension and tonight we’ll be balancing that out as we talk about the Divine Feminine. Linda, is there anything you’d like to speak to around that?

Linda Dillon: I was thrilled when Jesus and Mary Magdalene indicated that she would be the guest this week. I know from chatting with people is that so many people have a very deep heart connection with Mary Magdalene and how she is called, when I channel her anyway, the Magdalena.

Because I think one of the reasons that we feel so close to her is her humanness, is the fact that she has been in human skin and human family situations and drama and all of that and really risen above it. So I think we often feel with many of the Ascended Ones that we can’t quite relate, that they’re sort of more evolved and further along their path.

But with Mary Magdalene I think we can really feel that sense, even though she is an Ascended One, but we just feel that sense that she’s ours, she’s one of ours. And of course when we’re talking about the energy of the Divine Feminine, just like last week we were talking about the energy of the Divine Masculine, we’re really talking about all of us, men and women, coming to that place of balance, to that place of stillness, the fulcrum point in-between the male and the female and accepting and embracing both aspects within ourselves, and what that means in a whole new, different way.

Mary Magdalene: Greetings, I AM Mary Magdalene.

GD: Welcome.

MM: Welcome to you, welcome to each of you dear hearts, dear friends, old friends, new friends. Welcome, welcome my beloved journeyers, journeyers not wanderers, for you are upon your sacred path and it is the sacred path not only of oneness, of unity, of connectedness, of balance, it is not only the path of love, it is your sacred journey, it is your sacred path.

And it is a pathway that always has need to be acknowledged and honored and embraced. It is my pleasure, my joy to be with you this night. Yes, I am supported this evening by many, by my beloved Yeshua, by James, by Archangel Michael and Gabrielle, by the Universal Mother and Father because I always have been as are you sweet ones.
My journey on Earth was a journey of joy and a journey of growth and discovery, of becoming and allowing and letting go. Was there pain and sorrow and moments of despair?

Yes. Simply to be in union with Yeshua was a divine gift. It was not the whole of my life the same way as having my children and as you have yours is not the whole of your life. But did it give definition, purpose, framework, the deepest meaning and joy? Yes, yes it was what my life led up to and it was the meaning that remained with me until such time as I passed from the earthly realm.

I was trained and prepared for this journey most of my life and I was trained in the sacred ways of ritual, of ceremony. I was very much what you would think of, in your terms these days, as a channel, as one who communicated clearly and continually with Spirit. And it was certainly what made my life bearable after the departure of Yeshua.
But I come this night to speak of the embrace of the Divine Feminine and I am honored to do so. But I speak to your hearts not simply of my experience, but of yours.

And I speak not only to thee, my beautiful sisters, I speak to you, the brothers of my heart as well. There are too many of you who do not embrace the fullness of being female, of being in the feminine form, even though that is what you have chosen and selected prior to your return even though you have deep connection to the Universal Mother and have forever.

The embrace of the Divine Feminine is not simply the embrace of the divine qualities of being the nurturer, the mover, the creator, the caretaker, the birther. It is also reveling, luxuriating in your human body, this magnificent form that has been created as the perfect prototype, the reflection of the Divine Mother.

You hold the energy of birthing, of creation, you bring creation energy into thee, literally and figuratively, and you hold that and you grow that and you nourish that and you love that and then you birth it into the physical reality of Gaia. And I mean this of both genders because it is the blend and balance of energies that you are working with.

Yes, I am partial and yes, I know to be in feminine form is a sacred blessing; there are no two ways about this. And the evolution and the revolution of what is considered to be the embodiment, the expression of the Divine Feminine has actually changed very little. I was considered a rebel-rouser, a revolutionary, sometimes irreverent, often misrepresented just as you are.

To be in balance with your Divine Feminine does never mean to be a shrinking violet. Are there times when you stand back and become the blessed observer? Yes. But you are equal partner, always, and you are the caretakers, the stewards, the nourishers of the children, of the families. Yes, not simply financially, for that is not what I speak of, although for many of you that has been your pathway.

But you are the holder of hope. That is what you relay to other women, to men, to children, to your star brothers and sisters, to Gaia, and it is exactly what she reflects back to you. And it has always been the hope that no matter how bleak it appears or how hard the pathway seems to be, there is hope and there is trust and that you are the fierce protector and that nothing gets past you.

You are the gentle teacher, you are the strongest of the strong and the softest, you are the juxtaposition and the balance. It is time in this time of Ascension; it is truly a time of embodying in physical form this quality of your Divine Feminine self. And there is nothing that I would love to do more than to assist you in this. You would say to me “Magdalena, what advise do you have for me?” And the advice would be to know all the rules, all the customs, all the belief systems, and then break them!

Have the courage to do what you know is truth and to express your love gently and in outrageous ways. Free yourself to be the love, and to love yourself because you cannot support each other and your community and this beloved planet unless that love for yourself is completely unconditional so that no matter who says what about you, who wishes to speak ill of you or stone you, that you can stand tall and still because you are the truth.

You not only know the truth and embody the truth, you are the truth. Is this easy? No, and it never has been; but it is always, always worth it, the reward is infinite. Bring your questions, your troubles, your dreams to me. Let me help you for I am truly a hand-maiden of the Lord.

GD: Thank you dear Mary. Thank you for being with us tonight and for your wonderful, wise words. And I know that’s an open invitation, not just for tonight but beyond tonight and ongoing in terms of your invitation to assist and to be there for others. And I really loved your comment, your invitation, your encouragement to free yourself to be the love and to love yourself unconditionally and that the reward is infinite.

You’ve already spoken to this well, I think it is helpful as we think about when we’re moving from the 3rd dimension to the higher dimensions and many of us are well on our way and are anchored in the higher dimensions already, but I think it may be important to think about what are some of the qualities and attributes that we can envision and think about and feel in our hearts when we think about the difference between a stereotypical 3rd dimensional feminine quality and a higher dimensional quality? And again you’ve spoken to it already but what can we anticipate we’ll be experiencing for changes?

MM: A deeper acceptance of who you are and a deeper embrace of your feminine self, whether you are male or female. A deeper desire to nurture, to protect, to coddle, to allow that soft, gentle, creative side of yourself, in balance, yes, with the creative masculine, but to allow that creative gentle side. Why are human beings in the 3rd dimension so afraid to show their love, to laugh, to cry, to express complete joy?

So often when I look at the 3rd, and even when I walked the earth and I would see children playing or I would come across a patch of flowers and it would move me to tears, laughter and tears at the same time because it was divine perfection, it was the expression of love, pure, unadulterated. And yet, in the 3rd dimension of the old so many are afraid of being seen or perceived as soft, as if soft somehow means you can be controlled or manipulated or that you are malleable or that you do not have the strength of conviction.

As you progress to the place of change, of creation, of Christ consciousness, you will see and you will feel that purity of joy, the purity of intent, for we have not spoken a great deal in the past weeks of intent, but intent has need to be pure and that is what you are beginning to see and feel and experience. You will see with different eyes and you will see the truth that lies directly in front of you.

You see through the morass that has become accepted as the world and it has never been the world. When you see someone you will see their heart, you will see who they really are and you will notice not only an appreciation but an acceptance and therefore an allowance of not only who you are but what you are capable of.
Now I know that in this discussion we have discussed what you will experience as you evolve into the higher realms and dimensions.

But what I also wish you to do, because you are the way-showers, I want you to also practice as you reach back down into the 3rd, most of you are already inter-dimensional, bring all those qualities back to the 3rd, to what we have begun to term the ‘new 3rd’ not the ‘old 3rd’ with the old paradigms, but the 3rd of different physical reality.
Be the embodiment, the expression, the manifestation of these qualities and one of those qualities that I have practiced is fortitude, and prudence, humility. I am humbled to be with you this night, to be your honored guest.

GD: Would you like to take some callers?

MM: Yes, I would.

Mary from CA: OK. Well I’m calling on behalf of several friends and for myself, we’re all single mothers so we’re both the mother and the father to our sons and we love them more than anything, we’re all educated and we had good jobs way back when but now we’re having a really terrible time surviving financially. We work all the time at whatever work we can get and then come home and work some more.

We’re older and we’re really tired and that’s ok as long as we can take care of kids, but even with doing all of that we’re still short each month; none of us have the rent for October yet. And the work I’m doing for me, that’s going to end soon, so the only hope we really see is the new financial system. We try to get by each month until it rolls out and supposedly it’s all ready but month after month there’s soon but there’s still no money and we lie awake at night worrying about it.

So my questions are “How much longer until the new system comes? And how do we make the money we need to take care of our kids until then?” And I know Mary, you are a mother so you understand.

MM: Yes, my dear friend and all my dear friends particularly who are single mothers; I know what it is to walk this path and to worry about the care and feeding and housing of your family, of your children. Before I speak of anything else I want to ask you if you will stop worrying and sleep at night. Because that is when you are creating, that is when you are doing meaningful work, that is when you are healing, and that is when you are receiving nourishment that you all desperately need.

For years I did not sleep at night and it did not help. The unfoldment, I will not call it new financial systems because it is going to be much more and much different than you are anticipating, but let me say, I also know about this word ‘soon’. And when I was in physical form and even to this moment in infinite now, I find this a very aggravating word. So I will not use this word ‘soon’ with you without reference.

Yes we know we are not asked to be predictions, it is not the ‘Psychic Hotline’ but I do tell you you will have, within the timeframe that you need it, not simply the heavenly divine unfoldment, but within the time that you need it you will have the support that you require. You have enlisted not only my help but the help of those who surround me. We hear your plea and your patience, your stamina, your fortitude, your commitment does not go unheeded. So look to very quick action, not promises, action.

Jilena: OK. Thank you Mary. My question is, “How do we anchor this Divine Feminine within? Like really anchor, like we anchored in Gaia? So how can we anchor what you are speaking of?

MM: You do it by anchoring particularly in your tri-flame. Yes, it will balance out with the Blue Diamond and the Pink Diamond and the Gold Diamond of Yahweh as well and that will begin to grow and burn brightly within you. That is the first way to anchor it on a daily basis, on an hourly basis. But the second, there are several steps that I wish to discuss, it is actually embracing your feminine self.

So often when I watch you or I listen to you, and I mean you the collective beautiful women who are on this planet, and you are looking at yourself, the embodiment, do you understand what a miracle that is? the embodiment of the Divine Mother in form just as I was. And you say, “I wish my hair was this way”, “I wish my eyes were that way”, “I don’t like my legs”, “I wish I was 5 pounds heavier, 10 pounds thinner”, “I wish I looked different”, “I wish I behaved different”, you don’t spend enough time embracing, cherishing the preciousness of your unique expression that is nowhere else, even if you were an identical twin, it is nowhere else on earth.

So it is also embracing that each and every day, of looking in the mirror and saying “Thank you Mother” and “I am the mother” and embracing your tenderness, your fierceness, your sweetness, your strength. The one thing that is true of women is this ability to carry on; embrace this and then embrace it in each other. Encourage that in your brothers, in your friends, in your spouses, in your mates, in your children. But anchor it as if it is a blossom, a pink rose within your heart. That is how you anchor it, it is by acknowledging, embracing, allowing.

Hanna: I love Mary Magdalene, even as a small child I sought out your picture in church. I was raised in the Catholic tradition and I was absolutely delighted to find out the true nature of your relationship with Jesus. Because I have felt so drawn to you throughout my entire life and have been brought to tears already this evening by your words, I need to know what my connection is to you.

MM: You have committed yourself to me long ago both on this side and on earth. You have been a friend and one of my fiercest allies, for as you know there were many before, during, and after who wished to naysay me. It bothered you a lot more than it bothered me and that is alright because it was an expression of love.

There are many of you out there, men and women because you have traded back and forth, who have always known of my love for you and of my connection, my marriage, my partnership, my sacred union with Jesus, with Yeshua and of the trials and tribulations of our families and the closeness, the joy, because we did not sit and bemoan what was to come or whether people liked us or not. Dear heart, we had fun, we played, we baked, we cooked, we ate, we shared, we walked, we felt the sun on our face and the moon in our hair, the water on our feet. And that is what I want you to do again.

Embrace the joy and yes, know that my gratitude to you, it did not end with my life or yours and that goes for all of you. That is what you sometimes forget. You look to us, to the Company of Heaven, to the Council of Love for blessings, for help, for intervention, but what you sometimes forget we express gratitude as well to you. You are the brave ones, you are the ones who have turned to the Mother and the Mighty Ones and said “I will go.” You are doing magnificent work, all of you. You are holding the light and when it is time, I will embrace you yet again. Farewell.

Mike: Hi, hi Mary, I was wondering, is it true that if you have any addictions, pain medicines, cigarette smoking, alcohol, that you won’t be able to go through Ascension? That your guides have actually said that if you have addictions that you will not have any help with, like from the Galactics or the Ascended Masters to go through Ascension?

Are you doomed if you have problems like that even if you hold the love and try to do everything right and you have doctors giving you medications and things such as marijuana and things like that, medicinal marijuana? I have lots of people I know that do things like that and I try to tell them what I’m doing as far as Ascension and what this is all about and a lot of them have problems like that and I don’t know what to tell them.

MM: What you tell them is that they are loved and what you remind them is about the quality of mercy. Everybody is welcome, everybody is loved, everybody has the potential, in form, to Ascend. Does it require some work? Yes it does. But to say, to categorize in such a singular fashion is not the way of mercy.

Addictions of all kinds, dear child, are addictions to pain, because it is the belief that you are not loved or lovable or worthy. That is what addictions are. When you peel back it is an attempt to hide because you are afraid, because you do not believe that you are one with All. So you pile on the veils of illusion.

But that does not mean that you are left behind and forgotten, not ever. There are too many parables, too many stories that have been written about this, that are founded in truth. The basic lesson and teaching of my beloved was to love your neighbor as yourself. When you love somebody you are holding up the mirror to them and you are saying “You are worthy”, “You are loved and lovable” and you support them, not in ways that are of co-dependency or permission, but of love, of strength.

Sometimes to soothe their brow, sometimes to help them stand free and independently, but do not think that any are excluded. Does it make it a rougher ride? Of course, but they are already having a rougher ride. Tell them, encourage them to work with their umbilical chakra. This is where addictions can be spun back out, back out to the universe, back out to the light where they can be released. Tell them to give them to us, to their guides, to the Mother. There is no bar. Healing can be instantaneous, in a milli-moment. I know this to be true.

Alfredo: Hi. Mother Mary it is a great opportunity to be able to talk to you. I’m a very curious person, I just want to ask you if you can share with us a little bit about the food that you used to eat back then when you lived with Jesus and if you like food now or you eat some other kind of food now, maybe energy, I don’t know, what kind is it?

MM: Well we do not eat food as you would think of it on this side for we are, ‘light beings’ would be the best expression. But during the time when we walked the earth, well we ate a lot of fish, but we also had a diet as you would think of it that was very heavy in grains, in millet, in wheats, in rye, in many, many different kinds of grains that we would make what you would think of as porridges or meal from breads, bread was a staple as was grapes, fruit for there were many, many different fruits, particularly during times when there would be trading or caravans. We would eat lamb or goat as well, not as a regular diet but on occasion. So there were various things but it was mostly grains, some fish and fruit. It was a very simple diet.

Suzanne: Hi, thank you very much. Hi Mary, it’s an honor to be able to speak with you. If I could just ask you to address the Divine Feminine and sexuality as a conduit for pure Source energy as in the human female orgasm being possibility the way that duality can be merged.

MM: Yes, I am very prepared to speak of this because it is the spark of union, not only the spark of creation, but it is the time and the place where the beings come together. So it is not just the masculine orgasm, you are quite correct, it is the feminine orgasm and I am glad you have asked this because so often the female sexuality, including the orgasm, has been discounted or downplayed and that has been a controversy, even in my time, dear heart.


But it is the moment when the light of balance and the light of union, of intermingling, of exchange, of becoming one, because what happens is the ego dissolves and the spirit unites. It is the God spark, it is the divinity breaking through, it is the time of wholeness and it can never be ignored, this sacred gift.

MM: Cherish your unions, cherish who you have in your life as partners, yes, of course, but also as your children, as your parents, as your teachers, as your friends. And particularly, allow your female friends to be your teachers, to be your receptacle of hope, of tears, and of laughter. Trust each other, embrace each other and marvel at who you are. Go with my blessings and my gratitude.


Channeled by Linda Dillon 09-20-12


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