
                                                                         THE GREAT WORK


- The Labyrinth. Ariadne's Thread. The He-Goat of Mendes. The Mysteries of the Cross. Santiago de Compostela. Jacques de Molai.  St. Andrew´s cross. Patron of the Manufactures of Gold., The Perfect Master and Grand Elect. Lucifer. The Philosopher, The Resurrection of Hiram Abiff.-


The ancient medieval alchemists talked about the Great Work and that's pretty important.

On the floor, of the ancient Gothic cathedrals so many concentric circles forming a labyrinth saw coming from the center to the periphery and from the periphery to the center; much is that has been said about  labyrinths. Tradition also talks about the Labyrinth of Crete and the famous Cretan Minotaur. Certainly in Crete found a labyrinth, they called Absolin, Absolum, means Absolute. Absolute is the term used by the medieval alchemists to designate the Philosopher Stone. Here then, a great mystery. We need as Theseus, Ariadne's thread to get out of the labyrinth; in the center is always found the Minotaur; Theseus managed to overcome it; behold the Greek tradition. We also need to overcome, we need to destroy the animal ego; to reach the center of the labyrinth where the Minotaur is, you have to fight a lot. There are countless theories, schools of every kind, all organizations; Some say that the road is there, other than here, others thither, and we have to orient ourselves in the midst of this great maze of theories and concepts antithetical if want to really get to the center of the living because it is precisely  in the center where we can find the Minotaur.


When one has made it to the center of the maze, you have to manage to get out of it, Theseus, by a mysterious thread, the thread of Ariadne, seems to us to Hiram, the secret Master speaks about the Freemasonry and all we must revive within us here and now. Ariadne also indicates the spider symbol of Soul that weaving loom of fate incessantly.


So then, brethren, the time has come to reflect. But what is  that Ariadnes´s thread antually ?, What is this thread that saves the soul, allowing you to get out of this mysterious labyrinth to get to your Real Inner Being? Much has been said on the subject; Great Alchemists  thought was the Philosopher's Stone. We agree with that, but go a little more far according to our disquisitions

For it is true that the Philosopher´s  Stone is symbolized in the Cathedral of Notre Dame of Paris by Lucifer, now realize that the Philosopher's Stone is sex itself, we discovered then sex to Lucifer.

Is Lucifer as the Ariadne thread that must lead to the release. This seems antithetical or as we say paradoxical, because all have conceptualized Lucifer, the Devil, Satan, is evil. We need evident self-reflection if we want delve into the Great Arcanum. That Lucifer found in sex, is the living stone head angle, Master Stone, the Stone of little corner in the Notre Dame de Paris, the Stone of Truth. Down a bit in these mysteries, is indispensable when it comes to knowing the Ariadne´s thread.

Again remind you, to the famous Holy Sanctuaries of authentic Gnostic Rosicrucian esoteric medieval.; when the neophyte was led to the center of the Lumisial, was blindfolded;  someone suddenly tore the band, and then astonished and perplexed contemplated an unusual figure, was there at his prescence the he-Goat of Mendes, strange figure, the devil; on his forehead wore horns on his head a flaming torch; however something indicated that it was  of a symbol. In the Lumisial of Initiation he was before the figure of Typhon Baphomet, the shadowy figure of Arcanum 15 of the Kabbalah, The burning torch above his head shone also on his forehead the blazing star of five points, with the top angled top and bottom two corners down. This demonstrates that there was not a shadowy  figure. Was ordered to the neophyte to kiss the ass  Devil; if the neophyte disobeyed, he again put the blindfold and pulled him through a secret door; all this happen at the middle night , the neophyte would never know where to come and where he had gone because the Initiateds always met at midnight, being very careful not to be victims of the Inquisition; But if the neophyte obeyed, then that cube on which sat the figure of Baphomet, a door was opened, there came a Isis receiving the to the Initiated with open arms, immediately giving the holy kiss in his forehead. Since that time this was a new neophyte Brother Initiate of the Order.

That He-Goat, that Typhon Baphomet, that Lucifer, is quite interesting, as is the sexual energy, energy to be able to use if we want to perform the Great Work. Now you know., Why Typhon Baphomet, the He-Goat of Mendes, represent the Philosopher's Stone, the Sex, it is with this tremendous force with which we must work.

Remember, the Ark of the Covenant in ancient times had four Goat horns at the four corners corresponding to the four corners of the Earth, and when he was transported gripped or grasped by those four long horns was. Moses at Sinai was transformed when he came down the clairvoyants saw him with two rays of light in the forehead, similar to those of the He-Goat of Mendes; why was that Michelangelo to chisel into the rock, put it in his head those symbolic horns. Is the Goat represents sexual force, but also the Devil, but the Devil or Lucifer is the same power of life which we duly transformed allow us the Intimate Self-Realization of the Being; why it is said that Lucifer is the Prince of Heaven, Earth and Hell.

In the ancient Gothic cathedral everything was planned to the bottom of the temples was organized in a cross and this reminds us of the Crucis cross, crux, crucible, etc.

We know that the vertical stick is male and the horizontal is feminine; at the junction of both is find the Key of all mysteries , crossing of both is the crucible of mediaeval Alchemists, in which you have to cook and cook again and re-annealing the Prime Mattery of the Great Work; That Prime Mattery is the Sacred Sperm that transformed becomes into energy; It is with that very subtle energy that can we open a chakra, awakening all the magical occult powers, Create the Existential Superior bodies of the Being, etc., etc. This is quite important, quite interesting.


The cross itself is a sex symbol, in the cross is the Lingam-Yoni of the Great Arcanum. In the two beams  crossed of the cross are the tracks of the three nails, the three nails although that allow open the Initiate stigmas ,that is the chakras of the palms of the hands and feet, etc. ., also symbolize themselves the Three Purifications of Christ in Substance, here is another transcendental mystery ; In any case, my dear brothers, perform the Great Work is the only thing worth living for.

Peter, the beloved disciple of our Lord Christ, is the Great Arcanum gospel, the mysteries of sex; why was that Jesus called him Petrus, Stone, "You are Rock and on this rock I will build my Church." It is because sex the Basic Stone, the Cubic Stone, the Philosopher Stone that we should  chiseling with chisel and hammer based on transforming it into the Perfect Stone. That stone without chiseling, the rough stone itself is Lucifer ; Already chiseling is our Inner Logos, the Greek Arché. What is important is so to chiseling it, work with it, work it out, give it the perfect cubic shape.

Among the disciples of Christ are truly prodigies and wonders. Recall for a moment to James, that great Master. They say it is the most like the Great Kabir Jesus; they called the Lord's brother and it is obvious that it had great magical psychic powers. James was the first after the death of the Great Kabir celebrated the Gnostic Mass in Jerusalem. Tell the Traditions that have faced the black magician Hermogenes in Judea; James, however they knew the High Magic, fought wisely the dark one: so one wore a shroud ex. of wonders, he used it to counter it; And if Hermogenes used the magic wand, James used a similar, and finally defeated the dark in the lands of Judea. However magician was considered (and was beyond doubt) and was sentenced to death. But something unusual happens , according to the legends: the case of the sarcophagus of James was suspended in the air, as say, is given and was transported to the ancient Spain; truth is that there is talk of Santiago of Compostela and it is say about him that he rose from the dead and that in that land was attacked by demons figure of bull, by live fire, in short, spoken many things about Santiago.

Nicolas Flamel, the great medieval Alchemist, had to Santiago de Compostela by the Mater of the Great Work. On the road to Santiago de Compostela is a street they call Santiago where there is a cave called the Cave Health. By the time the pilgrim people toward where is Santiago of Compostela, by that time the Alchemists meet in this cave, those working in the Great Work, which not only admire the Santiago de Compostela, which have it as blessed patron, but also to Jacques de Molai, there will always be together for times of pilgrimage. So, while people are paying a cult,let say exoteric  to Santiago de la Compostela, Alchemists and Kabalists are gathered in mystical assembly to Study the Kabbalah, the Alchemy, and all the mysteries of the Great work. See you both exoteric and esoteric aspects of Christianity.; certainly all that invites us to reflect.


Jacques de Molai, who was alive during the Inquisition quema¬do, is considered among those Alchemists and Kabalists who meet in La Cueva de la Salud, in the same way that you have to Hiram Abiff, the Master Secret has re ¬sucitar in each of us, and James as the true pattern of the Great Work, and this is quite interesting because the Great Work is what interests us perform, and is, I believe and affirm all security, all by which is worth living, everything else is of no importance.


Nicolas Flamel undoubtedly achieved Self-realization of the Intimate Being Santiago.It is say that the Santiago  de la Compostela Patron appears to pilgrims. Hat pushed  up, his cane in which the caduceus of Mercury looks a shell turtle in the chest to symbolize the blazing star. We advise you to study the Epistle of James in the Bible, undoubtedly is wonderful, is addressed to all those who work in the Great Work. James says that faith without works is nothing. You Might listen the whole doctrine of the Great Arcanum, we give all the explanations about the Alchemists and the Great Work, but if you. Did not perform the Great Work, if not working in the Great Work, if just have faith and nothing else and do not work, it would seem, says James and repeat "the man who looks at a mirror, he sees his face in the glass, give back and goes' forgetting the incident. . If you listen to all explanations we give and do not work in the Forge of the Cyclops, and not fabricate the Existential Superior Bodies of the  Being, resemble the man who looks in the mirror, turns around and goes; because faith without works is worthless, is needed to support the work of faith, faith must speak for the works.


James says we need to be merciful, it is clear that if we are merciful the Lords of Karma  judge us mercy; but if we are ruthless,the Lords of Karma will judge us ruthlessly, and inasmuch as mercy is more powerful than justice is it is sure if we are merciful we can eliminate a lot of Karma. All this invites us to reflect.


James says that we have to learn to curb our tongue; one who knows restrain the tongue, can bridle the whole body, and sets us as example the case of the horse: the horse you are putting the brakes on the mouth, on the nose, and this is how we master it, handle ; the same happens if we restrain the tongue, we  owners throughout our bodies.

Says James: "Look at the boats, how great they are and yet what governs the helm, is really small compared with the enormous size ships, tongue is very small, yes, but what biggest fire form. "

We are taught in the epistle to never boast of anything, who is boastful of himself or of his works, what he has done, is undoubtedly arrogant, pedantic, and fails in the Great Work. We need to humble ourselves before the Divine, be every day more and more humble if we want successfully work  in the Great Work, never presume anything, always be simple, that is vital when you want triumph in the Great Work, the Magnus Opus. That Epistle is written with a double meaning, if you read the literally would not understand.; well they have read Protestants, Adventists, Catholics, and have not understood; that epistle has a double meaning and is only intended for those working in the Great Work.

As faith is necessary to have it, of course, every Alchemist must have faith, everything Kabbalist must have faith, but faith is not something empirical, something that gives us a gift, no, faith has to be manufactured, we cannot require anyone to have faith it must to be fabricated to elaborate it and how it is elaborated ? based on the experience. How could someone have faith about that we are we saying here, if you do not study and experience for yourself? Obviously not, right? But as we go studing and experiencing , let comprising, and from that creative understanding that becomes the true faith; So, faith is not something empirical, no; we need fabricate it; Later, yes, much later, the Holy Spirit, the Third Logos, could consolidate in us, fortify and strengthened; but we must make it.


Another quite interesting apostle counts for us in this strait and, narrow  road that we carry on is Andrew. It is said that at Nicaea conjured seven evil demons and made them appear before the crowds as seven dogs and fled in terror; much has been said about Andrew and no doubt that was extraordinary, was loaded with great power. The reality is Andrew, the Grandmaster disciple of Christ was sentenced to death and tortured; Saint Andrew Cross invites us to reflection, is an X, yes, an X, with its two arms extended right and left legs and two open side by side, form X, and that X's was crucified; that Xs is very symbolic; in the Greek equivalent to a K, reminiscent of the Krestos. Unquestionably was magnificently symbolized Andrew drama  by the great Initiated monk Bacon; the latter in its extraordinary book written called "The Azoth", puts a sheet on which is clearly seen a dead man; however treated as lifting the head and hopes up, as resurrected while two black crows are taking away their meats on the steel floor, the Soul and the Spirit rise of the corpse; This phrase reminds us of all the Initiates who says: "The flesh leaves the bones." That, San Andrés dying on a cross in forming of X, is speaking precisely the disintegration of the ego, you have to reduce to cosmic dust, you have to dismember. "The meat leaves the bones," only then can the Secret Master Hiram Abiff, resurrect within ourselves, here and now, otherwise it would be completely impossible. In the Great Work must die from instant to instant, from moment to moment.

And what shall we say of John? He is beyond doubt the patron of Golden Manufacturers. Someone will make Gold? Yes, remember Raymond Lully, he did, enriched the coffers of Philip the Fair of France and King of England. Raymond Lully letters are still remembered; one of them had a beautiful diamond, which gifted nothing less than the King of England; dissolved crystal to the crucible, and then putting that water mercury glass, became a remarkably fine giant diamond , he presented him to the king of England; as for the transmutation of lead into gold, it did thanks to philosophical mercury, enriched Europe with its foundries and yet he remained poor, extraordinary traveler for all countries of the world and finally was stoned to death in one of those lands; you reflect on this. So John the Apostle of Jesus is the patron of Gold Manufacturers.


It is said that on occasion found on his way around a town in the East, a philosopher who tried to convince the people and show them what he could with the word with the verb Word, as two young they had heard his teachings, abandoning their wealth, sold, and bought with them a large diamond; put in the presence of honorable public diamond and in the hands of the philosopher, the latter returned with a stone and then destroyed the gem. John protested saying: "As long gem could give food to the poor." They say the crowds before rebuilt the gem, then sold to feed the multitudes; more repentant youth protesters and said to themselves: "What fools we were to have left all our wealth to buy a diamond that becomes pieces now and then reconstructed to give out among the nations!" But John that saw all things in heaven and earth and knew transmute lead into gold, he brought to the sea, nearby, some rocks and a canes (stone symbol of the Philosopher's Stone, sex  and cane symbol of the  Spinal Cord, for there is the power to transmute lead into gold) and after convert  those rods and stones in gold, returned their wealth to the young, but told them: "You have lost the best, I am returning what you have given, but missed it what you had achieved in the higher worlds. "Then, approaching a woman who had died, resurrected her, she then told what he had seen outside the body and also addressed those young saying he had seen their guardian angels crying and very bitterly, because they had lost the best, vain for perishable things, is clear that young people repented, returned the gold to John and John returned to change that gold in what was, rods and stones; they became his disciples.

So John and the Order of St. John invites us to think; John is patron of those who makes  Gold. We need to transmute lead of the personality in the keenest Gold of the Spirit, is something called the great Masters of the White Lodge. Brothers of the of St. John Order.

Many believe that John the apostle of the Master Jesus, disembodied, but he did not disincarnated; old traditions say they did dig his sepulchral grave, lay down on it, in light shone and disappeared, the pit was empty. We know that John, the apostle of Christ, living in the same body he had in the Holy Land and Agharta  precisely, in the underground Kingdom, where is the Melchisedeck Order  and accompanying king of the World; See how interesting is. Entering as the Magisterium of Fire, we define something to clarify; it is necessary, as I say to you, transmuting the sacred sperm into energy.; when this is achieved, becomes the fire that rises up the spine and the Great Work begins to be realized. We need to create The Existential Higher Bodies of the Being, but that's not enough, it is necessary, it is essential, urgent, these vehicles coated with different parts of the Being; but to coat them with must convert them with pure gold, real Spiritual Gold. Not be surprised as John and James have an Astral body of pure gold, a Mental of the same  metal or Causal , Buddhic or Atmic; They managed to accomplish the Great Work. If anything the Count Saint Germain could transmute lead into gold, is because he was gold himself, the Aura of the Count Saint Germain is pure gold, the atoms that form that Aura are of pure Gold, the Existential Superior Bodies are of Gold of best quality; under these conditions he can throw a coin in the pot, yes, melt, and then with the same power in him, transmute it in gold because he is Gold. That is what is called the Great Work performed, and in this are grades and grades ; First you reach the Master, then we have to become Perfect Masters, and much later achieved the rank of Grand Elected. Grand Elected and Perfect Master is all who has made  the Great Work. So we really how we really are wrong, we need to go through the Radical Transformation and that is only possible truth, destroying the inhuman elements and creating human ones, only then march to the final liberation.


In the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris, as I say, is a Master Stone is in a little corner Stone or Cornerstone that the builders of all sects, schools, religions and others rejected. Chosen precious Stone, but it has the figure of Lucifer; would frighten the uninitiated; undoubtedly my dear brothers, only there in sex, can find the Luciferian principle will be the same basis for Self-realization. But why Lucifer is the Ariadne´s Thread ?, Why is precisely he who must lead us to final release, when truly has had him by the enemy? We have said many times, and have stated emphatically in this chair, that him is the  reflection of the Interior Logos within us, the shadow of our Intimate God in us and for our  good, as is the coach. God cannot tempt us tempt us our own concupiscence and teaches Santiago the patron of Alchemy, the pa-throne of the Great Work.

So what is it that makes Lucifer? The uses of our own concupiscence, makes them go through the screen of the understanding, in order to train us psychologically, to become strong; But if we fail, we fail in the Great Work; however, we can fail and rectify if we rectify succeed in the Great Work; any one may fail, for their faults known to have correct offenses to eliminate; So Lucifer trains us, educate us, shape us and by dint of much training frees us, driving us from sphere to sphere until our Hiram Abiff. Lucifer is thus the thread of Ariadne that leads to our Inner God, who takes us out of this painful labyrinth of life through esoteric work, and again and again passed through the screen of our understanding, our own concupiscence, not other but they are ours; we must to overcome them, to eliminate them, to disintegrate them, turn them in powder is indicated and gives steps and increasingly advanced steps and starting from the center going towards the periphery of the labyrinth to get one day to our God. That is the work of Lucifer, he is the thread of Ariadne, he is the Philosopher's Stone; something is that pilgrims to the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris off their candles in the stone jaws of Lucifer, in the  stone of the little corner, as they say over there.


There has been talk of magical powers, yes, we can get to them, but we need much unquestionably create within us as well as destroy within us too, much to spare us much  we lack; everyone believes that the we have the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being and that is not, necessary is to create them and is not possible to create but in the Forge of the Cyclops, that is through sex work.

We will be told that we are fans of sex, wrong, what happens is we have a lab and it's our own body, and a stove lab, the fire of the Alchemist, and a crucible that is in the Sex, behold the Prime Matter of the Great Work, the Holy Sperm; transmute it is indispensable, and to then convert it into energy then with this energy and power with which she contains, create the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being that is the vital, the indispensable.

There will come a day when we will go beyond sex; without reaching the goal, that would be much as want off the train before reaching the station, like wanting to get off the bus or truck where we go, before reaching the goal we have set. Sexually, you must create and must be destroyed. Create Solar Vehicle is necessary for our inner God can resurrect in us and to eliminate the inhuman elements inside. Is not enough for you to hear what we are saying, it is necessary to perform, because faith without works is dead faith, that faith needs to be accompanied by the work.


Necessary to accomplish the Great Work, but not enough to have faith in the Great Work should carry out the Great Work. And the end the result of the Great Work , what will be? May each of us become in a great God with power over the heavens, on earth and on hells, that's the end result of the Great Work, each of us become a majesty, a terribly Divine  creature. But today not even recognize that we humans are only Humanoids in rawest form would say that we are  intellectual mammals and nothing more, but we can leave this state in which we find by the Great Work. Hiram Abiff is the Master Secret, the Third Logos, Shiva, the Firstborn of Creation, Real Interior Being , our true and individual Monad, we need to resurrect because is dead within us, even if it is alive to the ineffable Worlds .


Raymond Lully performed the Great Work, received in the Astral world the Great Arcanum, and was with the master key how could work  in the Great Work. Raymond Lully was undoubtedly knew out of the physical body which is the Holy Conception of the Divine Mother Kundalini Shakti; to be known as the Holy Conception was done,  he was propose to realize from above Holy Conception itself until he succeeded. Undoubtedly the Divine Mother must conceive by the grace of the Son Third Logos at the Son. She remains a virgin before birth, during birth and after birth. The Child She conceived  should materialize , crystallize from above, from the top, until completely coated with our physical body, our planetary body. At that level, it can be said that the Great Work has been done; In other words, we must resurrect Hiram Abiff within us. And it is said….

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