The Divine Feminine Is Now In Full Authority

We all know there's been a stagnation lingering in the air. You all sense this. The full on attacks and manipulations leading to delays this past year and half have been due to constant bureaucracy, idiotic protocols and male chauvinism. It's been discussed thoroughly today and in deliberation with what we Holy Kumaras now living together have recommended to our brother and Lord Sananda / Ra Immanuel, he did indeed ultimately decide to remove all Masculine Angels and any other souls holding positions all across the galaxy. All councils of light have been completely replaced with specifically appointed positions held by ONLY the Divine Feminine aspect. So the Divine Feminine is in Full Authority all across the board, from the Karmic Councils, to all the other councils on other worlds and even any other positions of authority within the GFL. 

The full story about just how far the oppression of even the Divine Mother has gone will be discussed at a later time, but as the Archangels say, "As above, so below" so it also truly is, "As below, so above" and this is so very true dear friends. This is what we Holy Kumaras are here living together now at this time sorting out and what all we continue to uncover would stagger anyone. The fact is that the oppression of the Divine Feminine is so prevalent all across the board just as it is here on Earth my friends. This is the basis of that decision and so it was done. And so it is. 

As of now, starting from the Council of the Christ, as set up as a council of 12, it is held by 12 newly appointed Divine Feminine Archea. They have all been anointed as Apostles and each of their Twin Flame Divine Masculine aspects were then appointed as their Scribes, NOT to have any final authority over the Divine Feminine until after this Earth Mission is complete and / or the Divine Masculine Twin aspects truly have proven before THE ALMIGHTY ONE that they are worthy to hold their jobs in a true harmony and balance in full equal authority as TWIN PAIRS, but this will not happen until much healing and in many cases after several incarnation adjustments. 

So far as with the many treasonous acts that have been occurring by these Divine Masculine aspects holding nearly ALL positions of authority all across the board, these souls have been given a chance to learn those lessons that they have never learned such as that wisdom even many Human souls have learned long ago, such as Humility. See, nearly all these Angels have not ever even incarnated at all and so how ever they were still holding those positions, we were all scratching our heads, let me tell you. Even so, all of you dear brothers and sisters on the Ground Crew that have put in all that work should now begin seeing some truly promised conclusions to all of this. Have ABSOLUTE FAITH and allow this disclosure to come forth within you.. Seek Within and discover ALL THAT YOU ARE.. Be in joy and speak to one another in kindness. Love and blessings.. your brother, Jacob


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  • Dear Bonnie.. bless you for your continued courage and devotion to the mission at hand. We ever grateful and in adoration of the light and power that your bring forth within ALL THAT YOU ARE. 

    This information is continued in this DISCUSSION:

    There is also a FULL DISCLOSURE of information that I have released in these articles over the course of this past year.. all of which explains the source of all of this and all the work that we have done to sort it out:

    Feel free to ask ANY QUESTIONS that you may have. Ask from your heart with grace and humility and those answers will come to you even through seeking within, but regardless, we are here to answer you directly as well if you wish to ask us directly.

    Love and blessings, Jacob

  • Gailene I say "awesome" a lot too. This time, I caught myself.

  • Were the guys demoted? What happens now? This post just raised a bunch of new questions. But it is an interesting prospect. I stuk my neck out to my daughter's boyfriend one night and said "the goddess is back." It didn't seem to bother him. Twenty years ago I would have been tarred and feathered.

  • Hello brother Clifford, Yes you really are seeing the Divine Intentions there clearly. For more information and clarity on the other things you mention, check out what Sam posted here:

  • Hello Gailene.. so good to hear from you! :)

    There is much disinformation about the 7 Holy Kumaras just as there is with anything else of any true empowering consequence so I ask that you do indeed seek within your heart whenever you are reading such information, my material included dear sister, because ABSOLUTE TRUTH only exists WITHIN YOU and it is your heart that will give you those confirmations or discernment, okay. Isn't that the problem with disinformation; there is so much contradicting material out there.. And so might I point out or simply ask you.. Who else out there is telling you to question their words as we do?

    So long as Humanity continues on accepting everything they read as truth, they will never begin to bridge that gap into enlightenment. And so, along with all the information I provide, I make it a habit to point out that the way to empowerment is to QUESTION EVERYTHING. Absolute Truth is as free as the air you breathe. "Ask and it shall be given" but these questions must be asked in Humility and Grace through the Sacred Heart. Dear sister Gailene.. as you follow your Heart, you know the value in questioning everything, so NO, you are NOT dumb at all! You are indeed a brave soul! Bless you for asking, as this opens the door for us to speak out, do you see?!

    The 7 Holy Kumaras are Sanat Kumara, who is the oldest of us and is now within the GFL fleets awaiting the "go ahead" to come down with us here. He was our Father back then when we all 1st came here. Then there is Sananda(Jesus) Kumara, who IS RA IMMANUEL. I AM Sankara Kumara; The Archagel Metatron. My Twin Brother(NOT to be confused as my TWIN FLAME) is Sanaka Kumara; The Archangel Sandalphon. Then 5th is Sana Kumara who is Archangel Samual Immanuel Michael. The 6th is Sanatana Kumara, who was the ONE TRUE King Arthur. The 7th of us Holy Kumaras is Kapila, however he will not be incarnating for a few more years yet until after Sananda and his Twin Flame, Lady Eloisa / Sekmet comes together for starters. Besides Sanat Kumara, the 5 of us are now all living together here in Australia working 24/7 on sorting out all of this.

    We have been incarnating with you all all along with 1500 lifetimes here on Earth doing all the research to solve all these problems with the dark seed and we've been sorting it all out quite well dispite the many delays we've ALL faced here as the entire Ground Crew. However, those delays were very necessary, you see as they have shown us precisely what/who has been behind all of this. We may be a year and a half behind schedule, but we're working FULL ON and exponentially so reaching all of our goals now that we've come together. Such as with 2000 years ago, We were here as the Apostles with Yeshua as Sananda, myself as the Apostle James "The Greater", my brother then too as the Apostle John The Evangelist, Sam as the Apostle Simon Peter and also living with us now the Apostle James "The Lesser" here again with you all working along side you as your brothers towards the very same goal and mission set by Divine WIll of THE ALMIGHTY ONE. That is who we are.. Seek within your Heart in confirmation and discernment, ABSOLUTE TRUTH will be shown to you. That is Cosmic Law.. if only we were told to do that in school, eh?! hehe

    Now so far as who is holding those positions of within the Office of the Christ, they are the Lady Archea, TWIN FLAMES to the 1st 12 Archangels; Lady Love, Lady Faith, Lady Mary, Lady Hope, Lady Grace, etc.. Who was holding those positions before were not even Christs at all, so however this was all allowed to "BE" has truly had us all scratching our heads, but you must understand that WE ARE ALL GOD EXPERIENCING ITSELF AS ITSELF, and in this way, we are GOD, learning HER/HIS lessons as his very expression of BEING, okay. And so when all the Cosmos had gone so far into male chauvinism, the balance had to tip back the other way eventually and this is what is happening now! Why are the Divine Feminine in charge, you ask? Well, just as I mentioned the scale, try to think of it just in that way.. The Divine Feminine has been held to such an oppressive low state of expression that the Divine Mother was left nearly powerless all on her own.. just how far this has all gone will be a topic of another time, but once she was finally released and empowered once again.. in that moment her TWIN FLAME RA IMMANUEL came to her, this chain of events took place in such an explosive manner that it has literally shaken ALL THIS GALAXY and so it will ALL THE COSMOS soon enough. Now back to the analogy of the scale, when that oppressive hold on the Divine Mother was finally released, the natural order of things is to allow that scale to tip in the opposite direction. You see, there have been so very many of the Divine Masculine Aspects committing outright treasonous acts that there's been arrests going on all across the board, so to say that "Heaven is doing some Housecleaning" is an understatement indeed! hehe

    However Gailene, just as your wisdom within you is telling you, the natural order of things should be that ALL TWIN PAIRS should hold positions of authority in balance and in full Harmony, equally side by side TOGETHER with one another and this IS indeed the ultimate Divine Blueprint, but this took some time to finally get it all right in sorting out that dark seed. Those Male TWIN FLAME Counterparts will NOT be allowed to make any final decisions until they have been proven to have learned that very lesson of EQUALITY that you so astutely see SHOULD BE. And when they have been cleared by BOTH, THE ALMIGHTY ONE AND THE DIVINE MOTHER, then each Divine Masculine Aspect will in turn be cleared to work as ONE TWIN PAIR holding those positions, okay. ;) Until then the Divine Masculine Aspect sits next to their TWIN FLAME, ONLY as a scribe and an adviser role. All the way through the Galaxy, down through to the Earth Keeper Council, have been changed to this format with even Lady Eloisa / Sekmet as TWIN FLAME to Sananda be making the decisions all across the board. And as RA IMMANUEL / THE DIVINE MOTHER, so will they indeed be working TOGETHER now overseeing ALL THAT IS once more as it should always be.. "As above, so below!"

    A final tip about the Kumaras, Gaileen, you are ALL Kumaras! This is what you are all working up to dear sister, as an equal and dearly beloved piece of the Ground Crew mission. Along with the Star Crew are coming together the 144,000 TWIN PAIRS, which make in total 288,000 SOULS; ALL of which are also working towards their Kumara role and will indeed fulfill this role as part of their Ascending Mastery. ;)

    Love and blessings.. Jacob


    Discover ABOSOLUTE TRUTH Within Your Heart!:
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