It is urgent to understand the true joy of the tranquil heart is not bought or sold, and only arises in us with complete naturalness and spontaneously when we have thoroughly understood the same causes of discontent : jealousy, envy, greed, etc ...

Obviously should make a full difference between  voluntarily directed imagination and what the mechanical imagination is. Unquestionably directed imagination is the Conscious Imagination ; to the wise-man toimagine is to see  . Conscious Imagination is the means translucent reflecting the sky, the Mysteries of Life and Death , the Being.

Mechanical imagination is different, is formed by the debris of memory, is fantasy. Should investigate deeply. Obviously people with your fancy, mechanical imagination , do not see themselves as they are, but according to their fancy shapes . Various forms of the same ; unquestionably one of them is precisely that of not see oneself as it is . Few people have the courage to see themselves , in their raw realism.

I am absolutely sure that those present have never seen themselves as they are : mechanical imagination makes them confuse cat by hare seen with shapes that do not match reality. If I actually tell each one of you as certainly , which is its distinctive psychological characteristic , I am absolutely sure that they would be injured . Clearly you about themselves have a wrong concept , have never seen themselves . Their shape makes them look fancy like .

Speaking allegorically , nice, only try to psychologically roughly exploration without mentioning names or surnames, using symbolic names and that everyone understands : What should we say for instance, Cicero ? What a great man , strut , who would deny it , great, eloquent as any terrible lapidary, we are sure that everything in it is "benevolence" . Reflect , if we said the severity of his fantasies would be hurt if we pointed you protest violently , never killed Poppaea , we leave that work to Nero, made ​​his heart bleed Poppaea , he in no way really feel alluded.

Us to this fact we feel kindly , that our tour would feature the wrongly seen through the prism of extraordinary benevolence, that's obvious.

And what we would say for example,about that one longing for the Light of the Spirit fail in their base? Do not say Icarus soared to heaven with wings of wax is melted , then was precipitated into the abyss? However, he does not think of himself as well , supposed to be faithful in the ranks , is sure to march for the right way, that man is none . Continuing down this path so , what would be left for Icarus , after rushing to the underworld ? Do not say that Ganymede up to Olympus to see the end ? But Ganymede also be thrown into the bottom of the cliff .

The disciple , call it now Justiniano , as symbolism , how many times has justified itself? Is convinced that running 'very good' , perhaps in recent times it has improved somewhat , for did has not protested at certain times ? Has he not protested to the Altar of Sacrifice ?

But he is sure that he has never complained ; everything has always done for the Great Cause , never fail. In the name of truth , even if it seems to you a little bit difficult, rare are those who have seen exactly as they are .

Aristotle again and again in his philosophy , convinced that his wisdom is formidable, it has more useless , has made ​​ suffer ; but he lives convinced that he has ever done wrong , it is sure to be gorgeous, gracious , sweet, etc. .

In the name of truth I could tell you this: There is only one person who has seen itself as it is, nothing more than one among all present , a single . The others all have about themselves a fantastic image ; mechanical imagination makes them look not as they are but as they are apparently. So my dear friends , I invite you to reflect. If  you have been seen  as you  are.

Historians , for example , what have they written ? Fantasy and nothing more. What they say about Nero ? , I was a homosexual and that got to marry another homosexual. Where did that historians got that ? , Did it evidence about it perhaps ? In the name of truth I have to say I was reincarnated in the time of Nero, and that nothing had about  homosexual . Many times I saw him walk out the doors of old Rome , sitting on his bunk on the shoulders of their slaves. Man broad forehead and strong body Herculean . Not so say historians , they emphasize the idea of ​​a poet abominable . Rather than seen lounging surrounded , as many believe gay people, on the contrary, I met him always surrounded by women . I lived in the time of Nero and I testify of it , historians have distorted the truth about this man.

Do not accuse anything to Maria Antoinette prostitute , adulteress and who knows what else ? Everyone knows about a great scandal at Queen necklace , jewel she had given to help others . But that, that she has been unfaithful to Louis XVI is a great distance : we tested in the higher worlds and was terribly caste entitled to use the White Robe . I saw her heroic pass through Paris ; had nothing , had nothing to fear . He gave his life for France, he never has been able to truly appreciate it .

Much has been written in history , is deformed and not worth studying history, dates are hardly the only useful there. And that does not always , because, how absurd to us that we accept the date of 1325 or so, as the founding principle of the Empire of Anahuac , that in the year 1500 and many disappear under the boot of Hernán Cortés and his henchmen. Do you think that in two centuries had erected a powerful civilization as the great Tenochitlan if to lift a single pyramid spent generations ? Do you believe such a powerful civilization is to be lifted in two centuries ? And historians adulterate dates, falsify ; why is that in historical matters must be very careful .

You understand the mechanics of memory and memory Gnostic Esoteric Work . The mechanical memory leads one to erroneous conclusions. Do you remember your life surely as it was  ? I'm not asking them for their past lives, but for the present . Impossible, there are things that appear disfigured in mechanical memory. If a small , though born in a middle class, has lived at least clean, neat , surrounded by bread and clothing and shelter , home has been a few coins. It may happen that at the turn of the year  save some deformed in its mechanical memory.

As children, few bills seem billion, some small pines in our garden, or near our window may seem colossal . I would say that our body is small , it would not be surprising that large and we say, " a kid , a boy, lived in some place else my house was beautifully arranged, with large parks, which table so precious , how much money " . Is the mechanical memory , is absurd ; so, the only real memory is the work one .

If  through the  retrospective exercise we remembered some part , we would see that this house of boys of the middle class was not the palace that once thought it was, but a humble dwelling of an honest work  father. These fabulous sums around us were just small sums to pay the rent of the house, to shopping . The mechanical memory is more or less false. If a group of you makes a trip to Yucatan and look exactly the same monuments and tombstones , returning here each of you give a different version. What does that prove ? the mechanical memory is unfaithful .

To you has known many times often  as well , have had a story , I have said this or that to a friend, who in turn told another , but the count and added more , and took a little while, and is not the same story , which has disfigured. And that other in turn tells another and then the story is still more disfiguring and ultimately yourself or know the story has been so disfigured that bears no resemblance to what you reported .

So that is the  mechanical memory , and is not used so that  in the mechanical memory there is fantasy. Mechanical memory and fantasy are closely associated . How to control it fantasy ? There is but one way to control it: Memory Labour . The mechanical memory makes us see our life is not, as it has not been . Through Labour let butchering our own lives and we come to discover as it is . So what does this mean? What we keep in memory after the Work done fantasy is possible to control , eliminate it. And remove it radically , yes.

It is therefore desirable to eliminate this mechanical imagination, because in no way allows us the esoteric progress. Look at the lady who looks  at the mirror, her large dark circles painted, the eyebrows thins , huge false eyelashes  , lips stained with the red painted. See it wearing the latest model , how she  looks herself  in the mirror , in love with herself ; is convinced that it is beautiful . If we told you that is hideously ugly wound would feel in his vanity , and deadly . She has a terrible fantasy, fantasy shape makes it look like it is not .

Then everyone has on itself a misconception , totally wrong , that's terrible. One can feel great, able to dominate the world , sparkling intellectuality , is convinced of its capabilities. If you understand that what you have in your own personality is not own but alien that his ideas are not proper because read this or that book , which is full of terrible moral evils . But there are few who have the courage to strip themselves to be as they are.

Each one projects a form of fantasy about itself and is thus how reality has never ever seen. And that's terrible, awful.

Thinking aloud , to share with you will say that while no one is going dissolving forms of fantasy, remain far from the Being . As one disintegrate all forms of fantasy , Being will manifest more and more self .

When one delves into what is life , the world, discovers that frankly has not seen the world as it truly is , as seen through the forms of fantasy , nothing more. Mechanical imagination , how serious it is. Fantasy dreams , because sometimes in dreams is silent , other times talk about it and other times you want to  them put into practice . Obviously in the third case the issue is serious.

When a dreamer wants to bring their dreams to life, commits appalling follies , for your dreams do not match the mechanics of life . The silent dreamer spends much vital energy, but not as dangerous. Whoever talks dreams , wildest dreams , can infect others psyche , others ; but the third, who wants to turn their dreams into francs facts of life , that is well lead the mind is crazy, that's obvious. Following this exposure , we clearly see that the mechanical imagination or fantasy, keeps us far from reality, the Being , and that is truly unfortunate .

The people roam the streets dreaming, go into their ghosts, dream work , get married dreaming, dreaming live a life and die dreaming. In the world of the unreal , they never saw themselves , ever ; always viewed a form of fantasy. Remove this form of fantasy is frightfully strong . There are several ways of fantasy naturally ; so that each of us has an Ego fantasy, a  person fantasy does not match reality. The person you fantasy has been around since the beginning, and if you are now convinced that person fantasy is reality and it is not, behold how serious .

Again , how to control the fantasy? There is but one way to control : Working Memory , be honest with yourself, work to rid themselves of undesirable elements we have. And as you are eliminating , we discover an order in the Work. Who comes to set the order in Esoteric Work ? : The Being . That Working Memory allow us  remove the fantasy , your fantasy person .

There are rare moments in life, very rare, in which one gets to see his own foolishness , moments that  able to perceive the Ego ( I ) fantasy, your fantasy person . When that happens , there is a deep moral pain, but then comes the dream again , looking for a way to right the wrong and end consoles fifty thousand ways , forget the subject and the world is "at peace" as always .

Worth us to be honest with ourselves . Self-knowledge is about if we really want to  make manifest the Being that we carry within, if we really aspire to reality and nothing but reality, without an atom of fantasy. We need the courage to tear us apart , breaking that fantasy person that does not exist.  but one believes exists.

Of course you need to use the scalpel of self -criticism , otherwise would not be possible criticism. If we do so , we will break the I ( Ego) fancy , we will destroy it , reducing it to ashes , to cosmic dust . Objective: To discover the BEING dwelling in our depths ; But I ( Ego )fantasy eclipses the BEING, keeps one in himself so fascinated with what is not real, do not let one discover the BEING.

Do not you forget , my dear brethren , that the Kingdom of Heaven is within us , that has different levels , and the Earth Kingdom is here in us and the highest level of Earth realm does not give you feet to the smallest living in Heaven. But how to get out of the various levels of the Earth, to even get into the lower kingdom of Kingdom of Heaven ? The first climb  of the Kingdom of Heaven is within us , not outside us. The Earth has different levels , some more high, more refined ; but the more refined levels of the Earth is not the Kingdom of Heaven.

To move from the highest echelon  of the Kingdom of Earth at the lowest echelon of the Kingdom of Heaven , a change , a transformation is needed, rebirth of water and the Spirit takes , it takes split into two:The earthly personality  and the  psychological man , the Inner Man .

How could this occur splitting in two? Interior earthly man placed in ordinary level and another at a higher octave within himself . How indeed could result in us that separation of these two types of men ? Do you think this would be possible if we continued to this  unrealistic personality we believe is it true and  is not? While one is convinced that the way you are seeing is real , won´t be possible the psychological unfolding , not be possible for the Inner Man  be separated from the outside one  , it will be not possible to enter  at the first step of the Kingdom of Heaven .

Obviously fantasy is that humanity has sunk to the state of unconsciousness in which it is. As long as the fantasy, continue consciousness asleep : we must destroy the fantasy.

Instead of fancy we must have the Working Memory. So who practicing the retrospective exercise to review your life , just finish with the  mechanical memory and establishes itself within the Conscious Memory, Working Memory . So with the retrospective exercise we can remember past lives , we finish  with the fantasy ; in that way Working Memory and Imagination Aware allow us to get on the path of self-discovery. These are my words, if any of you have something to ask , you can do so with absolute freedom.

Q. - Master, what could be the best exercises to develop either the pineal gland ?

VM- Since the Conscious Imagination is directed imagination , undoubtedly they must learn to direct the imagination. For example : relax our body and then focus our attention on the process of birth and death of all things : Conscious Imagination will develop.

Imagine the seed of a rose , for example, as it will germinate , and then it will grow the stem, as will throwing spikes, branches, leaves and flowers. Consider then the reverse process , in involution : dozing as the petals are , how they fall leaves and the rose is at last become a pile of logs. It is a wonderful exercise that development positively Imagination is achieved.

Q. - How to Eliminate Fantasy us?

VM- simply , first of all , at I (ego)fancy. We must begin to see ourselves as we are, not as we apparently or as we think we are ; is difficult to see each as it is. One usually sees as not normally  according with your fancy . That way one has to begin to break your fantasy.

When you have really seen as you are , in its stark realism ,commonly is suffer  terrible disappointment  of onself  , a dreadful disappointment . If you end up with mechanical memory and sets the Working Memory , as it eliminates the fantasy, because in the mechanical memory there fantasy.

I told the ones for historians of our story is pure fantasy. Were the historians ? Perhaps present in the French Revolution? , ? They met Carlos V of Spain , Philip the Fair ? They write versions disfigured by time , product of fantasy . If we instead of mechanical imagination , which is pure fantasy, establish the Working Memory , work on ourselves , dissolving the undesirable elements that we carry , obviously acquires Conscious Memory, Working Memory .

This Conscious  Memory or working memory is wonderful, and when applied to world history allow us to study different things , the harsh reality of the French Revolution, Marie Antoinette , or any page of history in general.

So the Concious Memory applied themselves, get us very far ; applied to the universe , lets us know in the Akashic Records , any event in history. Thus, as one goes eliminating everything that has fantasy, Conscious Imagination will become more and more active.



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