Dr. Angela Barnett
I just read this article about the great cosmic shift in September. First of all, we have been having cosmic shifts for about 15 years.
What is different about this shift is the actual change in human consciousness in Los Angeles.A few months ago I posted a news article that resulted in a gossip column of mis information.
I heard the channeling from both Bashar channeled from Daryl Anka and Treb channeled from Rob Guathier-- informing California that there would be a 9.2 Earthquake in August.Bashar said that the frequencies coming in August would create a high probability of a 9.2 Earth quake in the Southern California area that would actually begin in Sedona Arizona as a result of the portal being connected into our Consciousness field from the Essasanes.
As I was walking through the grocery store a few weeks ago I heard two women talking about a 9.2 Earthquake that they were preparing for in Northern California. This is why I said that the truth of what was actually said has become a gossip column.
So, I arranged my own private channeling session with Treb through Rob Gauthier, to ask him about the Earthquake. He said that the probability of that Earthquake has changed from 20% to 4%, and that is a result of the Consciousness rising in the Los Angeles area.He said that this Energy clearing in the Los Angeles area could result as an Earthquake or it could present itself in other ways.
The other ways could be a complete clearing of consciousness or it could be a Rain Storm or it could be the series of small Earthquakes that are presenting themselves within the Volcanic areas.I am sorry that the channeling that I received was not clear because the person reading my questions was projecting her own opinion into the meaning of my question.
My original question was to find out how much the work that I have been doing with Sun Alcyone bringing in the Over Tones into Mother Earth's Crystal Heart through the Violet Flame has altered the event in Southern California.
That was my question. So, I guess the answer to my question was that the probability changed from 20% to 4% of having a 9.2 Earthquake.This also means that if the energy is in an Earthquake it will be a 4.2 instead of a 9.2 Earthquake.
The GOSSIP RUMOR is about a 17hrz Frequency that is coming in September that will be a Cosmic Altering Event.Those of you who promote Solfege and the whole hertzian frequency phenomena need to know some facts about hertz.Wikipedia explains it quite well in the Pythagorus Theory. This is the theory that those of us who were music majors learned when we studied Music Physics which means what are the frequency levels of each of the notes in the scale are measured in hertz.
There is a new article floating about that I will attach that is claiming that the new Cosmic Wave is a 17 Hertz wave that will change the world.
The only place that you will find 17 HRZ is the name of a RECORDING STUDIO in Los Angeles. This Recording Studio records standard music.
It has nothing to do with Cosmic Waves of Ascension.This article about the Cosmic Waves in September is just an attempt to advertize a music studio in L.A.
Please take a moment to understand the difference between one note on a keyboard that has one hertzian resonance and the Quantum Science of the Music of the Spheres which carries the Spiritual Frequencies of the Pre Light and Sound Plasma Vapor of our Eternal Structure.
In the Music of the Spheres Science we would take one note from the Physical Domains- lets take a C# key because that is the Frequency of Earth. Next, we draw a line through the Sphere to the exact opposite point in the Spiritual Domain of A.
Next, we go to the Center of the Sphere where the Zero Point of the entire Frequency of Source Consciousness transforms all reality.
The Tone that resonates within the Zero point when the Physical and Spiritual connect is the new Harmonic Resonance.It does not have a name on the Hertzian Scale. It is a brand new harmonic resonance of Oneness with Cosmic Consciousness.
And it is not 17 hertz. It is measured in Ultra Violet Blue Transformation. This is the 15 Dimensional Frequency of Transformation Frequencies of Heliotalic Pink Silver White Light Energy.
It can be INHALED into our Consciousness and EXHALED as a hertzian field of Audible Frequency Music.That is the True Frequency that will begin to become available on Earth in September.
We grow into Resonance with that Harmonic Attunement the more we work on removing the Polarity between the Physical and Spiritual tones of Reality.
We do not connect to the At One Ment of the Infinite Harmonic by tuning into 17 hertz or the 17 hertz studio.This is the OLD SCHOOL MUSIC THEORY BASED on THIRD DENSITY SCIENCE. Pythagorous did not introduce Fourth Density Science. He introduced Third Density Science.
This is taken from Wikipedia:For instance, the A is tuned such that its frequency equals 3:2 times the frequency of D—if D is tuned to a frequency of 288 Hz, then A is tuned to 432 Hz. Similarly, the E above A is tuned such that its frequency equals 3:2 times the frequency of A, or 9:4 times the frequency of D—with A at 432 Hz, this puts E at 648 Hz. Since this E is outside the above-mentioned basic octave (i.e. its frequency is more than twice the frequency of the base note D), it is usual to halve its frequency to move it within the basic octave. Therefore, E is tuned to 324 Hz, a 9:8 (= one epogdoon) above D. The B at 3:2 above that E is tuned to the ratio 27:16 and so on. Starting from the same point working the other way, G is tuned as 3:2 below D, which means that it is assigned a frequency equal to 2:3 times the frequency of D—with D at 288 Hz, this puts G at 192 Hz. This frequency is then doubled (to 384 Hz) to bring it into the basic octave.

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