

Selamat balik kasibha, (Welcome loving soul)

A recent conversation on how we Ground Crew are tasked with training for the needed skills, to identify and classify a variety of GFL vimana craft (and other non-GFL types)......So supporting anyone who might like to know, who was it...? What was it...?


Drekx said: 

Yes, and they reveal themselves to us, if we meet their strict criteria of being permitted to do so, karmically, and also being within an Ascended Master's ashram, which one achieves at the third degree, or "transfiguration." So that in spite of being starseed, one still comes under the divine auspices of Earth chain evolutionary protocols...And the Great White Lodge Ascended Master, of whatever ray department, must agree to the interaction.....
One must be prepared to share some, if not all, contact data, with humanity...Any who will listen and want to learn....
One must have a telepathic skill, such that words, symbols and impulses, may be received and transmitted.....An essential ability for full-fledged GFL Ground Crew contactees....
One must be prepared to accept that day-to-day life may be disrupted, when a mission, or task, is invoked, often at short notice, maybe none....
One must be able to give such service a priority........That in itself is rewarding, as it opens up a whole vista of experiences, which can actually be very exciting and sometimes dangerous....
One is always free to refuse a contact, but in doing so, future possibilities are limited, for further interactions....There are instances in which a particular starseed contactee, may request that he/she be allowed to focus on Earthly norms, for a duration of time, while engaged in a career, or study, as a student, etc....That is permitted....BUT, it is expected that a full focus and service is entered into again, as part of the flight crew/ground crew, convenant...A promise broken can cause a complete cessation of further interactions with GFL personnel............
There have been several of these, over the years, but I won't name names.....
One is also duty bound to be healthy, alert, fit and courageous....These qualities enable a more complete service and our ET contacts expect us all to maintain discipline....So no drugs or alcohol....No gluttony...No junk....

Another thing to mention is that our purpose is not to "escape Earth and return to our origin worlds." Some "channels" (so-called) speak in these terms, but they are subject to illusion....We are born into this Earth experience, to be here and to serve here in changing it, for the better....
To make Earth a better mirror for Heaven....
Indeed, although I have travelled within various Sirian Scoutships and probes, even teleportation I have never asked to be "evacuated from Earth." If I did suggest such a thing, my ET family would think me immature, childish and unprofessional....I know my duties.....

These ETs are not "aliens," though......I'm sure that you would not describe a relative from overseas as an "alien." Nor do we....They are family, friends and collegues....True GFL Ground Crew love their space kin......We make a good team.....Above and below.....👍🏻😇🛸


Roaring reply:

"So I can summarize that: ' blessed are those who are within an Ascended Master's ashram, for they shall see ETs'?"


Drekx response:

Indeed Roaring and not to forget that many are in ashrams, even if they are not fully conscious of being so...One could be a devout atheist, and still be within an ashram and have attained that degree, maybe through several incarnations of experiences.....All to the better you....
One may be an non-believer in reincarnation, as a catholic, yet still undergo that process and be unaware of it...BUT, eventually, you will intuit the truth of it....You attain a closer intuition...

But one can visually see an ET or"UAP" without being a particularly evolved person....What I spoke of was actual interaction, what Earth scientists call; "close encounter of the second, third, forth or fifth kind..." But not necessarily an abduction, but a contact....I just call it HARD WORK....lol


Roaring said:

"Thanks for that clarification. As you know, I am interested with these ETs etc also from a scientific perspective, so a Christian (and other religions) type 'God knows', doesn't appeal to me.
Its good you clarify it by differentiating 'seeing UFOs' from 'close encounters with ETs themselves'. This is cause since pple (including you, lol) have often tried to show UFO pics etc, then it can't be the case that seeing UFOs is a privilege for the 'select'. Unfortunately, such is what some here implied, when someone questioned them, especially in the past."


Drekx response:

Certainly, my friend and I suppose what makes GFL ground crew contactees different, is that when we see a "UAP" craft, we have been trained to spot the various star nation types and also learn the protocols associated with each type...

So imagine an ordinary guy👨‍🌾 in Vietnam, not too evolved, maybe a farmer, working in a waterlogged rice paddy field (came into mind,) looks up, sees a vast triangular craft and thinks, "ohhh sh%t, whatthaheck wazzziit....??" (ồ phân nó là gì..! ;-)

But if I was visiting his paddy field, hopefully wearing wellies (lol) I look up and see the craft and can determine, oh that one is about 74 feet in length, so from Eta Pegasus...
Rather than a Sirian Atar defense craft, which is also equilateral triangular (not a scoutship) and about 110 feet in length...
So we are trained I like members of an airforce on Earth, to recognise a variety of craft....A multitude of types...

So you could name any star nation, you may have heard of and I'll describe their current standard service ships....Including shapes, function, sizes, etc...


Roaring reply:

"That is also what we look for, in science. As you know, we just don't say 'what goes up, must come down'. Next, we begine to talk of how fast do the whatever is going up and how fast it is comming down, and such details.

So if someone was to tell us not only that 'hey there are UFOs up there', but tell us where exactly they come from, classify their shapes and sizes, their colors etc, then the better. That will be excellent science.

If at least 2 pple, working independently, can consistently identify a 'UFO' as to be 'a sirian UFO' etc, then that will be very useful scientifically."


Drekx reply:

Thanks for saying so Roaring Lovely.....When the hysteria is over and people want answers, GFL Ground Crew will be here, to provide support...and calm the nerves. We are like a bridge between terrestrial and extra-terrestrial people...




Zauda zagon vin ja-ta e selamat majon, meladrin hi zabarin sa..........!!😊(Sirian for: "We come as one in the light of heavenly joy and a state of rejoicing, because yes, we are all one......!")



Col. Drekx Omega

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  • If Roaring returns to active posting on ACC, again, he might like to view this video, which is fairly good material, with plenty of witness accounts and ufologist interviews...It was a youtube video posted in mid 2021, extracted from a VHS video, produced around 1989/1990....Probably before 1991, as it mentions the Soviet Union....And there is much data from Finland, also.......Please enjoy..

    "Visitors From Space The Evidence."

  • Roaring Lovely may benefit from reading this declassified, top secret, US document, from 1947, which confirms the inter-dimensional vectoring ability of ET craft....Of course I had already mentioned this to him, BUT, he may seek to read an official report, which suggests this and in the context of esoteric science...

    Lokas and Talas are Hindu terms and we subscribe to them being dimensional planes, rather than "worlds." They are septenary in nature and thus we accept the Hindu Paranas, rather than the eight-fold Sankhya/Vedanta...which is incorrect data..

    The Earth's Ascended Masters possess similar light bodies, to many Sirians, for example....The aetheric cosmic plane is a septenary, it's first and highest plane/lokas comprised of the logoic body (Sanat Kumara's consciousness,) and the second being the monadic plane, from which our spiritual selves project their consciousness down, into material service.....
    So the cosmic aetheric plane, which is a more accurate definition of the lokas' septenary nature, is as follows:

    1) Logoic
    2) Monadic
    3) Atmic
    4) Buddhic
    5) Manasic
    6) Astral
    7) Aetheric/dense matter

    So an ascended being, upon cosmic degrees of initiation, free of planetary karma, comprises a consciousness, across the atma--buddhi--manas planes....

    In the puranas, "bhur-loka" is the Earth plane of planetary karma...and so corresponding with aetheric/dense matter...

    Moreover, each of these listed "lokas" (planes) are also comprised of septenary sub-planes, or refinement levels of energy....the more refined, the higher and more self-realised in nature..

    This is a revealing document you posted here...And demonstrates how seriously the US authorities take the matter of ETs and also esoteric literature, that they also knew was of interest to the Nazis, in their own researches...

    STRANGE BUT TRUE, some might conjecture....:

  • The Ariel School UFO incident of 1994, reconstructed using a very good CGI, plus actual interviews of witnesses present at that time....
    These were Zetas and had turned to more benign activities, by this stage..
    The animated scoutships are pretty accurate renditions of their types..Of course, minus the "jet engine" type of swooshing sound effects...Real ships are mostly silent, but an electronic hum may be heard, closer...

  • Interestingly and understandably, Earth based intel records, on the great variety of UAP/ETV/UFO types, are limited and incomplete...

    However, the GFL do have complete registers, including the many deep state, outer Earth manufactured UAPs, which are assembled in underground factories, within DUMBs..or Deep Underground Military Bases......The idea for these underground factories, were gleaned by all 5-eyes nations, which were inspired by the Nazi practice of building such complexes, originally, to evade bombing from the air, in WW2...

    Such back-engineered craft have seams and rivets...They are bolted and weilded together, in spite of using advanced propulsion systems...

    ET craft are completely seamless and appear moulded into perfection, as created using a collective effort of a given star nation's science and engineering clan rituals....They are manifested into shape and in a sense, are living, sentient ships, with biological computers...

    It is important that Earth human observers can make informed distinctions between the ship types...In view to First Contact..Partially, if not always comprehensively...

  • Sirian science scouts are constantly monitoring human and animal activities, and operate in broad daylight, as well as night time.....
    Sometimes video monitors may pick up these activities and the craft are seen, as in this case, a single frame, due to the velocity...Noting that a sonic boom is not generated by these craft, even when exceeding mach 1...In fact, completely silent...
    I have already described the shape and salient technical features of Sirian science scouts, which this team of Earth human analysts, confirmed independently.....

    Watch this video and be amazed......

  • As this topic is up for serious consideration, by the US Congress and has very high level approval I would suggest that people keep open minded about this "alien interview." Moreover Clayton Morris and Redacted, are not fools and cover UFO/ET cases with a pedigree of seriousness...
    The fake case regarding ETs is the "alien autopsy." Sheer theatrics, BUT THIS IS....a genuine "EBE" interview, in the interview suite at Area 51....April 1991...It was conducted on a survivor EBE (Zeta type brown skinned) who was extracted from a crashed saucer, that had been shot down over the Kalahari desert, South Africa, in 1989 and held in custody...This was an experimental laser.......

    Initially, the crashed craft parts were taken to Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, where tests were conducted...The crew were dead, apart from one EBE, taken to the interview suite....S2 Alpha facility...Area 51, Nevada...

    These beings require dark rooms while being interviewed, telepathically (the US use the term "thought projection.") as their eyes are very sensitive to lights...
    The medical team had to aid the EBE, who being a clone, suffered ill health and had since first being imprisoned...Note the team shine lights into the edge of the eyes, to check for hemorrhaging.....

    Yes, part of the Aquarius project....
    I was informed of this in 1996, receiving intel from Sean Morton, personally, who informed me of the intel release, which was DNI/27, or Department of Naval Intelligence, 27th level above top secret...."Yankee White" security umbrella brief...

    This is kosha data.....and you can see that this ET suffers a respiratory infection and is actually coughing considerably, during the silent interview..

  • A field in Poland, in early 2006, near the small village of Zdany.....Hands up those who can identify the ship type...?? Notice that the plasma levels are of the lower spectrum, so the hull is clearly visible, as it hovers, gently, allowing the shots to be taken....Notice that the ship's scale has been reduced to one fifth the standard size, to allow the shots to provide contrast, more easily, with the surroundings....

    This is a musical break, so enjoy....

  • I word everything I say extremely clear, so Thank-you,my New Zealand English is good,I got top of my class in fact,with University Entrance credited lol....:o)
  • I take from your comment here now that you were unable to identify to whom actually flies the 'liquid metal ship' in my photo's,..who ever they are they are also benevolent at least or they'd have totally fried me watching them for ages...
    I do also appreciate that you at least reading my comment & responded back to it..I do apologize for my misunderstanding of your Sirian cosmic status however... as I got the impression & thought you were a Cosmic Commander of the Sirian Council Of Elders Ground Crew and that's why I asked about my twin brother...but it looks like I got that notion wrong in my head too,my bad..but its all good though Drekx..:o)
    Eksatu em saluk Shek-na-Krena.. Nekomei..ღ
  • Yes, we all have origin stories, with regards to why we are here, on Earth...All of us come from elsewhere...Also, there are plans to reconstruct the asteroid belt into a new planet, from the remnants of Maldek, so maybe your story could be reconstructed too...I'm an Atar, spirit-warrior, not a cosmic historian, with access to the akasha, but among my several Sirian clan contacts, there is one named Mikala, who has a great passion for cosmic history and exo-paleontology....
    Before I approach her, telepathically (since 2006, I have also been meeting them physically,) I would like you to prioritize and condense your questions, leaving a single and salient question, for her to answer, if she can.....
    Hope this explains....When one communicates with the Sirians, one must not be prone to any confusions, or frivolities, even though they do have great senses of humour...It's not for no reason that they describe many Earth people, as "reg kalibran." Quality data in, gleans quality data out...Cheers bro, Drekx
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