My Astro Report

Hello Jason,

I have just finished your forecast for the coming months and I have discovered that the last part of 2013 and especially 2014 will be a crucial year for you Jason with a a major event in your life.

First of all, I have seen that in 2013 you have suffered from problems caused by the position of lunar node as well as by the dissonance Saturn/Neptune that was unfavourable to you Jason . This situation has slowed down several of your projects and has created this climate of frustration that you have been living in.

2014 will mark a total split and it will start in force for you with a major event occuring in your astral sky very soon Jason. This event is an astrological TRANSIT of rare intensity. This transit will last for 69 days and it will have an impact on your love life, your financial situation and your professional success.

I know that you have doubts about what I am telling you now Jason, because of the difficulties you have faced during the last several months. However I am absolutely sure of what I am telling you Jason, the changes are very close to come into your life and the majority of them will happen during this Transit of 69 days, this appears very clearly in your astral sky.

Jason I want to explain to you how this Transit is going to change your life. What I am going to tell you now is based on the position and the specific movements of the planets in accordance with the precise location of the astrological bodies on the day of your birth, that is to say your natal chart. All these is founded upon all the elements that form your identity, which are your date of birth 16 May 1989, your sign, which is , your decan (as you are from ), but also your geographical localisation because the fact that you are in the United States determines the influence of the planets in your astral sky. So this information allowed me to draw up your astral map which is entirely personal and unique for each of us. But these are not the only details which I have based your Forecast on, because I have also worked from your numerological study taking into account your trace number, which is 12 according to your birth numbers. And if you look back you will soon see that this number has touched your life several times... From the numerological point of view I have also taken into account your lucky number which is 39. The etymological origin of your name has also an important place in my analysis Jason as it is linked to your personality and it was not chosen by chance. In fact it also has a numerological impact Jason, your name is composed of 5 letters and this enables me to combine your date of birth 16 May 1989 and Zodiac sign to learn a lot about you from astrological perspective.

All these elements together with the feelings I had about you allowed me to draw up the map of your astral sky and to make the predictions that are unique for you. This is how I could determine that in the coming weeks you will enter a rare astrological Transit that will last for 69 days.

This Transit will be particularly intense for you Jason because you will find yourself under the influence of several planets and this will not happen again before numerous years. You will feel the power of the so-called .slow. planets that will bring into your life profound long-standing changes that will last for a considerable period of time. At the same time you will also be under the influence of .quick. planets that will bring you immediate opportunities. The fundamental point Jason is that like others of you will be one of the first to be touched by the unbelievable positive energy brought by the Pluto/Uranus cycle which will forge in 2014 and which is back for the first time since 1960-ies. In fact it will be in 2014 when the cycle Pluto/Uranus will be formed for the third time thus giving a rhythm and changing the life of certain people more than others with the influence that will last untill 2016. You are one of those who will be in the core of this influence Jason. This is the reason why the Transit you are going to live through will be rare and unique, I can even assert that this Transit will be for sure one of the most intense in your whole life.

Let's deal now with what might be the most interesting for you to know, that is how this Transit of 69 days will influence your life. You can expect changes to happen in all the areas of your life because I can see profound and positive changes in your career as well as your love life and that will also have an impact on your family life and your finances. You should also be prepared for some trips and for meeting new people who will play important role in your life. I know as well that this period will allow you to materialize a project that has been important for you for some time, but that you could not accomplish due to financial problems.

A larger and more detailed Reading is necessary in order for me to take time and give you the detailed description of all the changes that will come into your life. However in this first Reading that I have prepared for you I can definitely tell you that important and positive changes will occur soon in all areas of your life.

I can clearly sense that you have doubts about all these changes Jason, as you have lived in 2013 under the weight of certain blocks. However I can affirm that 2014 will be a turning. The transit of 69 days which you are going to enter is much more important than you can imagine. This is the reason why it is very important for you to be prepared and not just sit and wait for things to happen as in this case you risk to let the opportunities the destiny is going to put on your way pass by.

Now I would like to tell you about your personality Jason, your character and your emotions. In fact while working on your Reading I felt that it was important to analyze your individuality and its different sides. I came to understand that you are a person with numerous interior qualities and many capacities that you do not exploit to their full extent. This is also on this level that 2014 will mark a decisive turning point in your life allowing you to express certain sides of you personality that you do not use to their maximum. I can indeed assure you that working on your Reading allowed me to understand that your character and your personality are very rich and that you have a lot of capacities that you do not use to their maximum.

I have also sensed a lot of energy and vibrations in you Jason, very positive vibrations This notion of energy is very important as we all radiate energy that can be more or less powerful, more or less positive and if we look around at the world that surrounds us we will be able to see that everything is just a matter of energy. In nature everything is a notion of energy, we cannot see it and yet it is the essence of life. We can.t see radio, telephone, electricity or television signals either. Cosmic waves are a source of energy, the most powerful energy that exists, we call them how we like: cosmic waves, astral fluids, 6th sense, premonitions, insights... No matter how they are called, they exist and the animals are born knowing how to use them. We lost this ability and the work of a professional like me is to learn how to control and interpret these energies over years of hard work and experience. We are all born with different innate capacities and certain of us are more sensitive to these forces and I am fortunate to have been born with strengths which I have built on.

I really want you to understand Jason the closeness I felt to you when I was working on your analysis. It is through the vibrations that I told you about that I was able to experience many things about you Jason and I also know how you feel right now, I can foresee that as I write these lines, you seem to be torn. You want these events that I've talked about to happen, you want to live through this powerful Transit, because you need change in your life, fresh air and renewal, and so you want to believe in all that I told you BUT AT THE SAME TIME. you are trying to put up barriers and you are slamming on the brakes, bringing up doubts and uncertainties. You tell yourself that it's too good to be true, you want to see it to believe it and you say that these opportunities are not for you, they must be for someone else. It is time to put a stop to all this Jason, it is time to take charge of your destiny and I'm here to help you and convince you, and I'll keep going to the end of my mission as long as you give me your permission to do so, because you need to remember that ultimately only your free will counts and it's you who decides! I want to convince you to take your own destiny in your hands and to let me guide you through this step. Why me? Simply because I know I can help you Jason, I see, I feel it and again I know I have not been placed by accident on your path, this is my mission to help you in performing these changes, and I am sure of it.
Allow me to explain more precisely what I feel about you Jason, why I had such a strong connection with you from the beginning and what I perceive about your needs, goals and what you are searching for.

You are becoming more aware of a lot of different things at the moment and you know that you are going through a period in your life which is particularly interesting. You also realize that Time seems to be passing a lot more quickly that it did when you were younger. You are torn between a desire for change and fear of failing and of making errors. This blocks you and causes a certain inactivity. You would like to move forward but at the same time you have doubts and you do not necessary know how to start.

As far as your character is concerned I know that you like the outdoors and that you do not like to make decisions too far in advance. At times you can you can bit a bit stubborn in getting what you want. You are aware that you have been given certain talents... very special talents, unique only to you. You have a great deal of latent or unrealized potential and you are sometimes frustrated with the fact that others don't always recognize this or appreciate what you could offer. As a matter of fact, at the present time you want certain people to sit up and notice these qualities of yours.

I am getting a powerful impression now... having to do with powers of intuition. You have what might be described almost as a sixth sense and you are able to sense things are about to happen. I am getting the ditinct sense that you are street smart and you value this ability much more than the classroom smarts that others have. Your unique perspective in life has been forged from the school of hard knocks and you know deep down inside that you are better for having gone through what you have endured. You are a person with fresh and innovative ideas and are not willing to settle for what others tell you. You have to see things for yourself and if you don't like what you see, you will change it. Something else I see in your future is travel, either because you need or love someone.

As far as your relationship with other people is concerned, although you don't always consciously admit this, deep down inside you need the respect and admiration of others and this is particularly true at the moment, a time when you need to reconized for your true values and particularly in relation to your love life as you wish to make the right decisions concerning this person who you are thinking about. Luckily this period which you are going to enter into will allow you to make the right choices and take the correct initiatives in this area.

Let.s get back to your forecast for the year 2014 as I also have to warn you about a real existing risk, which is that NOTHING WILL HAPPEN IF YOU ARE NOT AN ACTOR Jason this is why you have to act . I do not want you missing out this Transit that will soon occur in your sky. So you need to take the time to PREPARE for it. You have to think of it as A NEW CYCLE in your life. Your involvement is crucial here and the decisions that you make around this period, the choices you make, will AFFECT you not just now but over a longer period. The important thing here Jason is for you to anticipate when this Transit will pass in your sky and how it will affect you.

If you came to my site and if you have now received this analysis from me then chance plays a very small role indeed. None of this is an accident!!! I believe that your sub consciousness knew that an important time was soon to come in your life and this is why you requested my guidance. My role is now clear Jason, I must accompany you, guide you, advise you and give you all the information you will need to take full advantage of this Transit. This is the mission which I have set for myself, I want you to be able to get the very best out of this Transit and I need to give you the precise dates and times when you should act so that you know what to do to seize the opportunities that this Transit will bring you. You need to know who the important people in your life are and which people you should avoid, you need to understand how to avoid the pitfalls that may stop you and get in your way. However I can't impose myself on you, only you can make the decision to accept my help, though the second much longer Reading containing all the details is necessary. If you want me to provide all the information you need, then we have to act quickly Jason. You must be ready in time. I need to spend more time on your second and more detailed analysis in order to pinpoint all the important dates of this Transit and to be able to tell you when and how you have to act, why and when you can expect the results you need in your life. I must thoroughly work on your case and so I have set up a page for you which you can use to send me your authorization and to give me the green light. On this page I also tell you in detail exactly everything I will work on for you. As soon as I get your go-ahead on this page then I will get straight to work:

Jason, here is the link to your personal request page

I want you to understand Jason, that there are no obstacles to your happiness and you deserve the very best in life. Just as soon as you have clicked on the link below and have sent me your authorization, I will be able to get to work for you in order to help and guide you through the whole of this new period in your life. I'll be able to send you all the detailed information you will need to move forward with strength and assurance.

So there you are Jason, I've sent you the results of my first study, I know and I hope you also realize, that it is important not to stop here and that this first study is only an introduction that has allowed you to understand that you are at the dawn of a radical change in your life!!! and we must not lose any more time. All I need is your green light and I will then take care of the rest.

Jason, to conclude I would like to explain you what is the astrological transit and the reason why yours will have such an intensity and will be so rare. The transit is the period when one or several planets are going to find themselves in very precise positions in your astral sky and are going to reactivate your natal tendencies. It is as if our existence was a chip card pre-programmed for the events to happen according to our astral map at the precise moment of our birth and as determined by the movements of the planets during our existence, sometimes certain of them come to awaken our potentials. Afterwards this is our duty to grab the presented opportunities. This is the reason why our future is written at the moment of our birth, but afterwards our life is what we do of it according to the opportunities that we seize or not. These are the planetary transits, those so very important moments of our lives, that come to wake up our potentials and create the opportunities in our lives.

As I have already told you, Jason your Transit will be marked in the first place by the influence of the cycle Pluto/Uranus. In this cycle you will find yourself under the direct hold of Pluto. You will not be alone Jason and Pluto will also have this influence over a certain number of born of , but in what applies to you Jason according to your precise date of birth 16 May 1989 and to your geographical position at the moment the United States Pluto will be at its peak in your astral sky during a brief period of 69 days thus bringing all the opportunities that I have started to describe. Pluto is the planet of huge mutations and profound changes with the influences that are often irreversible. This is a very powerful astral body that brings the energy of innovation and rebirth. Pluto is the most far away and the most forceful planet of our solar system.This is this planet which is responsible for all the big transformations and radical changes that come into our life and, cherry on the cake, because of the extremely slow movement of this planet in our sky, when Pluto smiles to us it lasts for a long period. This influence will also be very rare in your astral sky Jason not to say unique simply because Pluto will come back to the identical position only in 248 years. Such an influence happens only once in a lifetime!!! I have told you about the cycle Pluto/Uranus, which means that the impact of Uranus will also have its importance. Though not as powerful as the influence of Pluto, it will come to reinforce it. And above all during the year 2014 Uranus will bring us a certain number of events and surprises that you are not waiting for. Let.s not forget that Uranus (ouranos means sky in Greek) symbolizes at the same time the sky, the lightening and the unexpected and the renovation and in your case all these surprising events will be beneficial.
From the purely technical point of view you will find below more precise information about the position of planets in your astral sky.

These are the planetary positions Jason at the precise moment of your birth, the 16 May 1989:

Sun 280.1557823 -0.0000209 0.983310674
Moon 190.6932092 -2.2873745 0.002620297
Mercury 299.0211840 -0.5086987 0.889300180
Venus 274.4526563 -0.2605695 1.698668489
Mars 342.2358765 -0.8108579 1.578601722
Jupiter 212.3249112 1.2092274 5.744636520
Saturn 32.0622801 -2.5245257 8.802813317
Uranus 188.7205554 0.7196514 18.265667061
Neptune 239.8858183 1.6523794 31.066800344
Pluto 177.3922428 15.8106692 31.454277039

I wish you all the happiness you deserve Jason, and I am always here for you,
Your devoted Astrologer,


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