Chapter 23.- 2012-20 New Earth


Much has been said and written about this man Jesus. What’s all the fuss about? Who is this half man half God person that has rumbled the world now for 2000 years? Well, I too have studied up about him, starting with The Urantia Book; there are 900 pages just on Jesus, the best of the best information about Jesus on the planet. I read the part about Jesus two and half times. I also followed his articles he channeled in the Sedona Magazine and elsewhere for nearly twenty years.

I read his channeled book, Jesus of Nazareth and many other books from Jesus or Joshua Ben Joseph and now I just finished my first year of study and practicing his methods from his (Jesus) channeled book A Course in Miracles. So I think I have gotten to know him pretty good, and yet I desire to know him more. By the way, for some reason he is called many things now a days, Jeshua, Joshua, and Yeshua Ben Joseph but we know him as Jesus and now that he is back it is said that his new added name is now Jesus-(Sananda ) He choose Sananda because it means “one with god”.

I would like to insert here what and where I think possibly, Jesus the man, “(Sananda)”, could have came from in a previous incarnation if in fact he did. I have taking the information that has been given to us from many different resources and putting it all together. First one would have to believe in reincarnation, which I do. Then one would have to believe that there was two incarnations into the man of Joshua Ben Joseph around the time of his birth. I am open to this possibility but I doubt it personally. (See insert 3-010) I would say one of the theory’s his rumored incarnation is that Sananda possibly came from one of our very advanced worlds, most likely the headquarters called Jerusem, much like the real Adam and Eve did, (even though they fell) except that it was only his spirit or combination of spirit and genetic code that could have come through. These beings have eternal life and are nearly perfect.

There are other evolving worlds that have reached what is called light and life, the final stages of material perfection before we move into pure spirit. But I suspect that this is one possibility. That is the most likely place that the man Jesus would come from. Many of our spiritual leaders came from this type of created world instead of an evolving one. And so these super human types of beings are very advanced spiritually and some came back as ascending masters to the still advancing (evolving) worlds to help out and get some hands on training and or experience.

It’s possible that Lord Jesus-Sananda was the highest order of beings of his kind, a Superman or ascended master. What in today’s terms is called the “Best of the Best”, plus if and when he did incarnate into the man Jesus he became dual origin and partner to the highest being (God our father and creator Michael). This bonding produced a perfected being or extra Super human being, in other words, one who has attained the highest possible level of attainment in evolving human form, and still be in some physical form. We know for sure that Jesus the man did this when he fused with Michael. He was or became everything that we too could someday be or become in eternity. That was one of the main meanings when he said, “All that I do, you can do and more if you but had the faith of a mustard seed.”He conquered the Anti-Christ within (alter ego), to become the Christ! (Read update 010)

Most of us can understand this perfection idea better when we see one of our own kind working on doing it, instead of trying to imagine ourselves as perfect as our creator. It may seem too big a step or jump for most of us, even though we are told that to be able to come home requires us to be perfect, because heaven is perfect and nothing less than perfection can enter heaven. Nor to get back to our home headquarters “Jerusem”, and center we don’t have to be perfect neither to“Havona” our second home. But we do have to reach perfection before we can enter the home of our Supreme Creator the real “Heaven”.

Photo: Christ is alive. He is risen from the limitations of the physical body, the astral body, and the causal body into Omnipresence. One with omnipresent Christ Consciousness, Christ is risen in the heart of every flower, every ray of sunshine, every noble thought. He is risen in the atomic age, and all its devastation's will not hide the birth of his spirit of new life, new humanity, rising from the cradle of wisdom and universal love. He is risen in our minds, our hearts, our souls — there is no separation between him and us. He is walking in the garden of our love, in the garden of our sacred devotion, in the garden of our meditation. He is risen in every atom and cell, he is risen in the clouds, he is risen in all planets. He is risen in the universes and the wandering radiations around the universes, and in the cool light beyond. He is risen from the universes into the quiet of Cosmic Consciousness. And he will rise again in you, through your devotion to the inner presence within. When your wisdom shall awaken, you will behold the resurrection of Christ within you. And through your meditation and divine communion you shall be resurrected with him, from the sepulchre of the body and mortal consciousness into the ever blissful infinitude of Spirit. “O Christ, thou art resurrected in Spirit. We rejoice in thy resurrection, and in its reassurance of thy promise: that as children of God, having descended into the sepulcher of flesh, we too shall reascend into our Father’s kingdom. On this day, all our devotion, all the cries of our hearts, all the perfume of goodness within us, we lay at thy feet of omnipresence. We are thine, receive us! Through the Christ Consciousness, resurrect us with thee in the Eternal Spirit. Keep us in that kingdom of Bliss ever and forever.” -Paramahansa Yogananda

So the Jesus man concept helps us to identify, to be able to perceive that it is possible for us to do all the good things Jesus the man did while here on earth. It was a complex thing our creator Lord Michael did, to bestow himself into one of his own creations, and then to believe at the same time Sananda incarnated into the same man called Jesus would be to great of a stretch for the human mind at this time, so its better to leave it alone for awhile..

. I know this is very controversial, especially for those Christians who still worship Jesus as God our Creator. It’s not even in The Urantia Book who Jesus the man was before his bestowal. And Lord Michael’s bestowal is also a mystery to us, it’s a non-understandable. No one can explain, because it is a secret, a mystery that will never be known to us or the rest of Gods Creation in eternity. This bestowal secret is known only to the father and the Paradise Sons.

But we can learn to accept it as all things are possible with God. So having studied all this for many years, I do think that what he says about himself is true of his nature today that he is back. But still we don’t know for a fact (Jesus)-Sananda’s exact origin. But it does make sense. It’s logical and I believe it could be so and is a possibility for us to understand at this point in time with our comprehension and the information that is provided for us today of this theory. But I will not state that it is the truth because there is to much conflicting data. Things that I myself found that I don’t believe to be true.

And So I put only this forward in my book and it is what I teach, that there is or was two beings in Jesus’, Jesus the man and Jesus the God, Lord Christ Michael, a dual origin person, forever united. But we only worship our creator father Lord Michael, not Jesus the man. Although I do pray to him and I believe he is our savior as well and I ask him into my heart each day along with my father. Much can be gained by using Jesus’ teachings, both old and new. We do know that Jesus remained on the right hand side of the father until now and returned back to this origin as he promised many times that he someday would. So at this time I think Jesus the man aspect has came back to help us in these last days at the end of an age or dispensation. We need all the help we can get now. Yes, that’s what I said, he’s back. But we do need to have an open mind and heart to have faith and accept that Jesus the man is back and that the God Michael-(Jesus) is still yet to come.

We also call him Master Jesus because he has completed the bestowal with Michael and has returned to us. He’s been back for well over 45 years and he’s got a lot of books out that he has channeled down to people. He channels to many different persons and groups and is called several different names. I have also been following his work for the past 20 years when I was first introduced to A Course in Miracles, but refused to read it. I looked at it but didn’t know that he (Jesus) channeled it down here in the early 1960s to 1970. I bought the book six years ago and a video on it but still wasn’t ready to study or read it and now I can’t stop reading it and studying and practicing his daily homework.

We might say he was the one who started the New Age movement, but from behind the scenes. I myself had been a follower of his ,but the New Age movement itself is against established religion of any kind. Maybe that’s why he used so many different names. I think so, because I also had a lot of trouble discussing or teaching about them to my students in Australia or at the markets in America and even here in Belize where they have a church on each corner. No one would or could accept the fact that he’s back, especially Christians,even though its in the New Testament that he would return in these last 3D days.

But now in the last year or so I have begun to now proclaim he’s back and I am not ridiculed so much as before but people are still quiet and most refuse to believe. I still get the same reply as well. People always say, “No one knows when he will return, not even the angels.” I say, “Yes, that’s true” For those times 2,000 years ago. But he also said he would return at the end of an age. And his disciples asked when that would be and he said; you will know “when” by the signs of the times! ( 2012-20 )

Photo: The Transfiguration It was about three o’clock on this beautiful afternoon that Jesus took leave of the three apostles, saying: “I go apart by myself for a season to commune with the Father and his messengers; I bid you tarry here and, while awaiting my return, pray that the Father’s will may be done in all your experience in connection with the further bestowal mission of the Son of Man.” And after saying this to them, Jesus withdrew for a long conference with Gabriel and the Father Melchizedek, not returning until about six o’clock. When Jesus saw their anxiety over his prolonged absence, he said: “Why were you afraid? You well know I must be about my Father’s business; wherefore do you doubt when I am not with you? I now declare that the Son of Man has chosen to go through his full life in your midst and as one of you. Be of good cheer; I will not leave you until my work is finished.” As they partook of their meager evening meal, Peter asked the Master, “How long do we remain on this mountain away from our brethren?” And Jesus answered: “Until you shall see the glory of the Son of Man and know that whatsoever I have declared to you is true.” And they talked over the affairs of the planetary rebellion while seated about the glowing embers of their fire until darkness drew on and the apostles’ eyes grew heavy, for they had begun their journey very early that morning. When the three had been fast asleep for about half an hour, they were suddenly awakened by a near-by crackling sound, and much to their amazement and consternation, on looking about them, they beheld Jesus in intimate converse with two brilliant beings clothed in the habiliments of the light of the celestial world. And Jesus’ face and form shone with the luminosity of a heavenly light. These three conversed in a strange language, but from certain things said, Peter erroneously conjectured that the beings with Jesus were Moses and Elijah; in reality, they were Gabriel and the Father Melchizedek. The physical controllers had arranged for the apostles to witness this scene because of Jesus’ request. The three apostles were so badly frightened that they were slow in collecting their wits, but Peter, who was first to recover himself, said, as the dazzling vision faded from before them and they observed Jesus standing alone: “Jesus, Master, it is good to have been here. We rejoice to see this glory. We are loath to go back down to the inglorious world. If you are willing, let us abide here, and we will erect three tents, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” And Peter said this because of his confusion, and because nothing else came into his mind at just that moment. While Peter was yet speaking, a silvery cloud drew near and overshadowed the four of them. The apostles now became greatly frightened, and as they fell down on their faces to worship, they heard a voice, the same that had spoken on the occasion of Jesus’ baptism, say: “This is my beloved Son; give heed to him.” And when the cloud vanished, again was Jesus alone with the three, and he reached down and touched them, saying: “Arise and be not afraid; you shall see greater things than this.”

But remember we must separate Jesus the man from Jesus the God , (his father), and that when Jesus the God-man (dual origin) died the body Lord Michael our creator father who was one half of this man called Jesus won his sovereignty back from the Lucifer rebellion. He lived a perfect life as a man of the realm and showed us how to someday accomplish the same things!

Now at the same time Jesus the man (his original individual personality) went back to the life of who he was before as a perfected human mortal that is now a master son with attributes of Michael. And he sits on the right hand side of the father’s throne and shares a part of his authority which over controls the office of Christ. All of this is difficult to understand in that Jesus and Michael are forever one and now they are also separate personalities in yet another Trinity. But God can do this; we only have to stretch our minds a bit more to understand this concept that is upon us today.

Jesus is called, Jesus Christ as an incarnated son and host of Christ Michael (a Grand Master Sovereign), our Creator Father, when he bestowed himself upon us his seventh bestowal in this universe at the time of the Lucifer rebellion. And this was the only one where the Father bestowed himself from birth as one of us, and became a dual origin being. This bestowal incarnation led to a life of the highest evolutionary form a human being could ever be and as a perfect example for every race of being on all planets to show us our highest God potential as sons of God. We are basically all sons of God, just at different levels sometimes. And this is one of the reasons he has come back now to help us understand these things in the end times.

And on this most special occasion the Father Creator Lord Michael became the man they then called Jesus of Nazareth, Joshua Ben Joseph. This kind of special incarnation bestowal where a Paradise Creator son and an evolutionary son incarnate at the same time into the same person is “one of a kind ” a ten million to one odds. And again, the reason for this is because this planet earth was the headquarters of the Lucifer rebellion so they wanted to strike into the heart of the evil rebellion.

And this planet still now today is about 45 to 50 percent evil or negative and when a planet reaches too much over the 50 percent mark they can and do sometimes self destruct. And again that’s why they did make this very special person “Jesus” not only for those people at that time, but until the end of an age and beyond which is now 2012 - 2020? His return will end the Lucifer Rebellion on earth and the DC.

When Jesus terminated the body, 2-1/2 days later the arc-angels received permission to remove the body which was decomposed instantly by time acceleration and the only thing that remained was “the shroud of Jesus”, the one and only proof that Jesus left behind. All the rest of his writings and other things he destroyed because he didn’t want a legacy of followers to worship them, but to follow his teachings instead. Jesus-Michael-Jesus then proceeded ,ascended on to the mansion worlds as Jesus and then completed his mission. And at the same time, before Jesus reached the higher levels in that life, he returned here forty five times in the body of the next world or life that we also will have.

At that time he could visit and or materialize to his followers but each visit became more difficult as he became more of the Monontial being of the next life. He showed us that we don’t really die, we just change bodies. Spirit body is our true body. And he was the example showing us that his body of the next life was the same as we will have when we cross over the veil to the other side, it will be half as dense as this one. And that everyone who follows his teaching on how to reach perfection someday will make it even past that stage, when he was on earth. Again he was the perfect example. But he was much more than just human or a morontial being. At that time he was our Father Creator as well as a human being. His grand transformation is an example of the transformation that we incur if we choose to ascend. Also if we are going to go through the Dimensional changes that are happening now as we speak, change is the name of the game.

So when he finished his final bestowal and his return on what is called the Pentecost and he ascended up into the sky, he kept his promise that he would send down a special spiritual helper “to strengthen mankind”, from our down fall which was not our fault. This Spirit that he sent down at that time was called the “spirit of truth (the 3rd trinity). First it is an aspect of himself as Grand Master Michael , second as an aspect of the master Jesus and third what is called the Holy Spirit, which comes from the Mother Spirit.

This is the feminine aspect of the creator Michael, his counter part or partner who was also created by him and the Universal Mother Spirit a long time ago when he began to create this universe. This Holy Spirit gift was then bestowed upon us. It surrounds us at all times. It uplifts us, and when two or more are together sharing his teachings, he is there, as a Divine helper for us, through the Spirit of Truth. Our strength is not only doubled but nearly quad-tripled. This is another way to empower ourselves if we choose to follow Jesus.

So at the end of this age (Jesus), has returned to us to finish his bestowal missions as well. The first incarnation of Michael was his first bestowal but the second coming or bestowal is in his natural and earth form. He does not again reincarnate as a person but instead the second time around he retains his original form that he had and has now. He can and does manifest himself to us as one of us. He might be the person who knocks on our door for food as he has done. Others have seen him in a cafe or diner. He talks to people who need help in any way. He visits them in their houses. Sometimes he’s a work man, a replacement for a day at a job site. He teaches as he works. Sometimes he is a hitch hiker on the road to nowhere. People pick him up. He dresses as a common person for the role he is playing. Sometimes he’s a beggar on the streets. Hes also appeared in his light body to many people around the world even still today.

But every time and every report of him says that he appears as one of us, but his demeanor, his personality, and the way he presents himself all show the people that he is something much more! His love pours out for them to feel. He doesn’t preach but he teaches in a simple way. Few words are spoken, but enough that when he leaves everyone is filled with peace. There have been hundreds of reports. All of them then realize at some point they were talking to the master Jesus. Most of the time, they didn’t realize it until afterward. He didn’t perform miracles or tricks, but his presence was enough for them to realize someone special was in their presence. Afterward they thought about what he did and said. Then they became believers that Jesus is back!

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  • And in both aspects..


  • Gods Love is Eternal.. And it lives in us All..


  • 8114912860?profile=original

  • Perhaps one of the greatest myths was that Michael slew the dragon.. Instead he tamed it, and rode it to heaven..:-)


  • 8115042860?profile=original

  • And thank you Kira..I've always loved the Beatles too..:-) Archetypes is a good analogy for many things as well perhaps..:-) Love and Blessings..

  • Your most welcome Seban..Good to hear from you as well my friend.. Always a pleasure..:-) As I know you always do your best to bring truth and harmony, as do I. <3

    I believe a new day is dawning for all.. As we move away from many of the myths of separation, and towards harmony and unity among all.

    Thank you Hellen.. There is much history regarding Egypt.. Especially regarding the integration of upper and lower Egypt, as much of the symbols and knowledge of Khem and Memphis prior was integrated. As well as the later destruction of the Temples of Isis. But the greatest change was regarding Horus, and its true meaning.

    Though our past has certainly affected our current society and cultures. As we move towards collective unity another Golden Age, personally I believe its not the past that will define us, but what we decide to create for our future..:-)

    Love to all..:-) 

  • Dearest friend MasterYoda, haven't heard from you for a long time! Thanks a lot! <3 Seban.

  • Love the Beatles.  

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