1- Meditation is the esoteric discipline of the Gnostics.


2- Meditation magazine three phases: concentration, meditation and Samadhi.


3- Concentration means fixing the mind on one thing. Meditation means to reflect on the substance of the thing itself. Samadhi is ecstasy or rapture.


4- A master of Samadhi penetrates all levels of consciousness, and with the eye of Dagma searches all the secrets of the wisdom of the fire.


5- It is urgent for our Gnostic disciples learn to function without material vehicles of any kind, to perceive with the eye of Dagma all the wonders of the universe.


6- This is how our disciples will be Masters of Samadhi.


7- Lying the disciple on his bed, with his hands crossed on his chest,(forming the holy eight symbol of the Infinite) he meditate profoundly in your physical body, saying to himself: I am not this physical body.


8- Then the disciple profoundly meditate on his etheric body, telling yourself: I'm not the etheric body.


9. Then, lost in deep inner meditation, reflect the pupil in his astral body and say I'm not the astral body.


10- Now the disciple will meditate on his mental body, and say to himself: I am not this mind, with which I am thinking.


11- Then the disciple shall reflect on his willpower, and say to himself: I am not the body of the will.


12. Now the disciple will meditate on his conscience and say to himself: I am not conscience.


13- Now, finally, lost in deep meditation, the disciple exclaim to his heart: I AM THE INTIMATE! I AM THE INTIMATE! I AM THE INTIMATE!


14. Then the disciple out of all vehicles will have become a full majesty of the Infinite.


15- You see then you need no longer think because the wisdom of the Intimate is: Yes, yes, yes.


16- Now the disciple will notice that the action of the Intimate is: Yes, yes, yes.


17. Now the disciple will understand that the nature of the Intimate is absolute happiness, absolute existence and absolute omniscience.


18. In these moments of supreme happiness, the past and the future join in an eternal now, and the great cosmic days and the great cosmic nights succeed each other in an eternal moment...


19. In this plenitude of happiness our disciples can study all the wisdom of fire between the burning flames of the universe.


20- This is how our disciples learn to function without material vehicles of any kind, to study all the secrets of the elemental magic of nature.


21- There is need for the INTIMATE learn to undress to function without vehicles in the great ALAYA of the world.


22- Concentration, meditation and Samadhi are the three obligatory paths of Initiation.


23. First fixing attention on the body on which we want practice on, then meditate on its internal constitution, and full of bliss, we say: I am not this body.


24- Concentration, meditation and Samadhi must be practiced on each body.


25- Concentration, meditation and Samadhi, the three are called in the East a Samyasi, on each of our vehicles.


26. To deprive us of each of our lower vehicles will practice one Samyasi on each of our vehicles.


27- The great Ascetics of meditation are great Samyasin of cosmic understanding, whose flames flutter within the igneous rose of the Universe.


28- To be a Samyasin of thought, it is urgent to have acquired absolute chastity, tenacity, serenity and patience.


29. After some time of practice, our disciples can liberate themselves from all six vehicles, to operate in the great Alaya of the universe, no vehicles of any kind.


30- The disciple will notice that your dreams start to become clearer every day, and then will understand that when his physical body sleeps, the internal man travels, acts and works within the supra-sensible worlds.


31- Now the disciple will understand that the so-called dreams are lived experiences in the internal worlds.


32. Our head is a tower with two living rooms, these two rooms are the brain and cerebellum.


33- The cerebellum is the lounge of the subconscious. The brain is the hall of consciousness.


34. The wisdom of the internal worlds belongs to the world of the subconscious, the things of our physical world, belong to the hall of consciousness.


35. When consciousness and subconscious come together, then man can study all the marvels of the internal worlds and pass them to the physical brain.


36- It is urgent that our disciples join the two rooms in this marvelous tower of our head.


37- The key to this is the exercise of retrospection.


38- When he awoke after our sleep, we will practice a retrospective exercise to remember all the things we saw and heard, and all those jobs we execute when we were out, away from the physical body.


39. This is how the two rooms of the consciousness and subconscious come together to give us great enlightenment.


40- There are no false dreams, every dream is an experience in the internal worlds.


41- Even the so called nightmares are real experiences, because the monsters of nightmares truly exist in the submerged worlds.


42- An indigestion can put certain chakras of the lower abdomen in activity, and then penetrate into the own atomic infernos of man, where they actually live the most monstrous beings of the universe itself; this is what is called nightmares.


43-The images, from the  supra-sensible worlds are totally symbolic, and we must learn to interpret, based on the law of philosophical analogies, the law of the analogies of opposites, the law of correspondences and the law of numerology.


44. Even seemingly absurd dreams if interpreted wisely, contain the greatest revelations.


45- A time to wake up, our disciples should not move, because with this movement stir the astral body and lose their memories.


46- First what needs the disciple as soon awakens in his bed, it is to practice the retrospective exercise to remember accurately all their inner experiences. This is how the two halls of conscious and subconscious comes together and inner wisdom.


47- The Samyasin of the thought acquire continuous consciousness within the igneous rose of the Universe...


48- It is necessary to acquire the deepest serenity, it is urgent to develop patience and tenacity.


49- We must remain indifferent to praise and vituperation, before triumph and defeat.


50- It is necessary to change the process of reasoning for the beauty of comprehension.


51- It is essential to do a sum of all our defects and dedicate proper time to each defect, to eliminate all defects.


52- He who tries to do away with all the defects at the same time, it seems the hunter who wants to hunt ten hares at the same time, then there is no hunting.


53- To become Master of Samadhi it is urgent to cultivate a rich inner life.


54- The Gnostic who cannot smile, has so little control as one who knows only the laughter of Aristophanes.






57- During these practices meditation, the chakras of the astral body of our disciples enter into activity, and then the disciple begins to perceive the images of the supra-sensible worlds.


58- At first, the disciple only will perceives fleeting images ... Later, the disciple totally perceives all the images of the supra-sensible worlds.


59. This first stage of knowledge belongs to 'imaginative' knowledge.


60- The disciple then contemplates many images that are puzzling to him because he does not understand.


61- But as continue its practice of internal meditation, you will feel that those images produced in the supersensible certain feelings of joy or pain.


62- The disciple then feels inspired by the presence of these internal images, and understand the relationship between different images, then he has risen to the inspired knowledge.


63- Later see any internal image and then instantly know its meaning, and why of everything; this is the third scale of knowledge, known as intuitive knowledge.


64- Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition are the three obligatory paths of initiation.


65- To these three ineffable heights it is reached by the concentration, meditation and Samadhi.


66- He who has reached the ineffable summits of Intuition, has become a Master of Samadhi.


67- The Eastern wisdom is practice in the following order: First, ASANA (posture); Second, PRATYAHARA (think of nothing); Third, DHARANA (concentration of one thing); Fourth, DHYANA (profound meditation); Fifth, SHAMADI (Ecstasy).


68- It is necessary to place the body in the most comfortable position (ASANA); It is essential to put the mind blank before concentration (PRATYAHARA) is urgent to know fix the mind on one thing (DHARANA), and so we come to reflect deeply on the content of the thing itself, (DHYANA); by this way we come to ECSTASY (SAMADHI).


69- All this esoteric discipline of the mind must completely saturate our daily lives.


70- In the presence of anyone, arise within us many images that correspond to the internal life of the person with whom we have contacted; This is called clairvoyance.


71- Later these images produced in us different feelings of inspiration, and then the disciple has reached the inspired knowledge.


72- Finally, the disciple in the presence of anyone instantly know life partner; This is the intuitive knowledge.


73- Those who want to enter the wisdom of the fire, they have to end the process of reasoning, and cultivate the fiery powers of the mind.


74- In the only reason we extract the golden fruit.


75- The golden fruit of reason is understanding.


76- Understanding and imagination must replace reason.


77- Imagination and understanding are the foundations of the higher powers of the mind.


78- To enter the knowledge of the higher worlds, you must acquire the superior faculties of the mind.


79- Those who read these teachings of 'IGNEOUS ROSE "and yet continue stubbornly locked into the reasoning process, are not suitable for highest studies of the spirit. They are not yet mature.


80- Clairvoyance and imagination are the same thing: Clairvoyance is imagination, and imagination is clairvoyance, clairvoyance exists eternally.


81- When any image arises within us, we must examine it serenely, to know its content.


82- When the Igneous Rose of the astral body, located between the eyebrows awakens to a new activity, then the images that come internally to our imagination, accompanied by light and color.


83- We must learn from experience, to differentiate between images that are received and the images that consciously or unconsciously create and project.


84- We must make difference between the images themselves and other images that come to us.


85- The imagination has two poles, one receiver and other a projector.


86- One thing to receive a picture, and another thing is to project an image created by our understanding.


87- The opposite pole of the imagination, is the imaginary.


88- The imagination is clairvoyance.


89- The Imaginary are the absurd images created by a mind filled with aberrations.


90- Instructors should not only give practices to the disciples to the awakening of the frontal chakra, but should also teach them to handle clairvoyance.


91- Clairvoyance is imagination whose Chakra resides between the eyebrows.


92- The imagination is the translucent, for the wise, to imagine is to see.


93- The Age of Reason began with Aristotle; He reached its culmination with Emmanuel Kant and ends now with the birth of the new age of Aquarius.


94- The new age of Aquarius will be the era of the "intuitive" humanity.


95- We must learn to make a distinction between what is creating an image with the understanding, and that is to capture an image that floats in the supra-sensible worlds.


96- Many will say: How is it possible that I can capture an image without being clairvoyant?


97- They have to respond that imagination is the same clairvoyance, and that every human being is more or less imaginative, that is, more or less clairvoyant.


98- What has caused more harm to students of occultism is the misconception that is have about clairvoyance.


99- The authors of this false concept are the "intellectuals" who have looked with the deepest contempt the powers of imagination.


100- The occultists, wanting to defend from the intellectual contempt, gave a markedly scientific tinge to the imagination, and gave it the name of clairvoyance or sixth sense.


101- This attitude of the occultists damaged themselves because they stayed confused..


102- Now occultists (victims of the intellectuals) have established a terrible abyss between clairvoyance and imagination.


103. Many ask themselves: But how can perceive images without being clairvoyant?


104- Poor people! They do not know the treasure they have, ignore that imagination is the same clairvoyance, and that every human being is more or less clairvoyant.


105. The occultists have wanted to convert the beautiful faculty of clairvoyance into something artificial, technical and difficult.


106- Clairvoyance is imagination. Clairvoyance is the fairest, simplest and purest of spirituality flower.


107- When reconquer lost childhood, then all the images that come to our imagination are accompanied by living astral colors.


108- The intellectual who despises imagination commits a grave absurdity because everything that exists in nature is the son of the imagination.


109. The artist who paints a picture is a great clairvoyant.


110- One is amazed at the "Christ" of Leonardo da Vinci, or to the "Madonna" by Michelangelo.


111. The artist perceives his imagination (clairvoyance) sublime images, then passes his watercolors or sculptures.


112- The "Mozart Flute" Egypt reminds us Egyptian Initiation...


113- When the goddess mother of the world, wants to give a toy to men to have fun, then places it in the imagination of inventors. So we have: the radio, the airplane, automobiles, etc.


114- The dark images of the submerged worlds when they are captured by scientists, become cannons, machine guns, bombs, etc.


115- So everyone is more or less clairvoyant, and cannot disregard the imagination, because all things are daughters of imagination.


116- It should be difference between men who have not received esoteric education and those who already have had the great esoteric disciplines.


117- Imagination evolves, develops and progresses within the igneous rose of the universe.


118- Those who have already rotated the magic wheel of his eyebrows have a rich and powerful imagination, and all the images perceived by them, accompanied by light, color, heat and sound.


119- We do not deny the existence of clairvoyance. Clairvoyance is the sixth sense, which lies between the eyebrows Chakra, and has ninety six rays. We want to expand the concept, and make the student understand that another name of clairvoyance is the word imagination. People have forgotten the use and management of divine vision, and we need our students to know that imagination is the same clairvoyance or sixth sense located between the eyebrows.


120- Many people believe that imagination is a purely mental faculty, and that has nothing to do with the frontal chakra of clairvoyance.


121- This is due to the misconception that intellectuals disdain felt by the imagination and the skill with which the occultists want technify the beautiful faculty of clairvoyance.


122- The frontal chakra of the astral body is closely related to the frontal chakra of the mental body, with the frontal chakra of the etheric body and with the pituitary gland, located at the eyebrow of the physical body.


123. Therefore, imagination belongs to all the planes of universal consciousness and clairvoyance is precisely the same imagination, capable of development, evolve and progress within the igneous rose of the universe.


124. It is necessary that the devotees of the path have a well-balanced mind.


125- When we speak of logic, we allude to a transcendental logic that has nothing to do with the texts of scholastic logic.


126. Every internal image has its scientific correspondence in this plane of physical objectivity.


127- When the student`s images cannot be explained through logical concept, is a sign that the student's mind is perfectly unbalanced.


128- Any internal image must logically have a satisfactory explanation.


129. There are countless students with perfectly unbalanced mind.


130- The Gnostic disciples must cultivate serenity.


131. Serenity is the most powerful key for the development of clairvoyance.


132- Anger destroys the harmony of the whole, and totally damages the petals of the igneous rose of the frown.


133- The anger breaks the astral light into a poison called IMPERIL, which damages the petals of the igneous rose frown, and obstructs the channels of the grand sympathetic nervous system. You have to rotate the chakra of clairvoyance with the vowel E, which must be vocalized daily prolonging the sound of the voice, as follows: E- EEEEEEEEEEEE.


134- Among the august serenity of the flames scorching thought, we must contemplate the internal images, without the depressing process of reason.


135. In the presence of an internal image, our mind must flow integrally with the sweet flow of thought.


136. Among the imaginative pictures, our mind will vibrates with waves of discernment.


137- Discernment is direct perception of the truth without the process of conceptual choice.


138- The process of election divides the mind between the battle of antithesis, and then the internal images are hidden like stars, behind the thick clouds of reasoning.


139. We must learn to think with the heart and feel with the head...


140- Our minds must become exquisitely sensitive and delicate...


141- The mind must liberate itself from all sorts of obstacles, to understand life free in its motion.


142- We admire the courage.


143- The desires of all kinds are obstacles for the mind.


144- The prejudices and preconceptions are barriers to understanding.


145- Schools are "cages" where the mind is imprisoned.


146. We must learn to always live in the present, because life is always eternal instant.


147. Our mind must become a flexible and delicate instrument for the Intimate.


148. Our mind must become a child.


149. During the practices of internal meditation must be on the most rotund inner rest, because any agitation of mind, every attitude of impatience disturbs the mind and impedes the perception of internal images.


150- In the physical world, every activity is accompanied by the movement of our hands, legs, etc., but in the inner worlds a deepest need rest, absolute calm for the internal images that come to mind as a grace ... as a blessing.


151- It is indispensable that our disciples cultivate the beautiful quality of veneration.


152. We must profoundly venerate all sacred and divine.


153. We must profoundly venerate all the works of the Creator.


154. We must profoundly venerate the venerable Masters of the Universal White Brotherhood.


155. The respect and veneration, we completely open the doors of the superior worlds.






158. We must cultivate patience and foresight.


159. The ants and bees are patient and provident.


160- We must overcome the desire for accumulation and greed.


161. We must learn to be indifferent to gold and riches.


162. We must learn to appreciate the doctrine of the heart.


163. He who despises the doctrine of the heart, to follow the doctrine of the eye (theories, schools, bookish culture, etc.) can never reach great accomplishments.


164. We have to learn to know the good from the bad, and the bad from the good.


165. In everything good there is something bad in everything bad something good.


166. Incredibly, that it may seem the Cupcakes Maries are closer to the Initiation, than many maidens.


167- Although the student will do weird sometimes is closer to the Initiation that to whom everybody point with the finger and acuse, that that sanctimonious smiling sweetly to the audience of a lodge or temple.


168. Paul of Tarsus was an executioner and a murderer before the event that befell him on his way to Damascus.


169- The instantaneous transformation of this man surprised the saints of Jerusalem.


170- The evil became prophet...


171- This is the mystery of Baphomet.


172- The sacred objects of the temples are supported on pedestals animalistic, and the legs of the thrones of the Masters are made of monsters.


173. Christ could appreciate the beauty of the teeth in the body of a dog in decomposition.


174. In the demon Beelzebub, waved blue flames, which served to transform him a disciple of the White Hierarchy.


175. Among the incense of prayer, crime often hides itself.




177- Sometimes to speech is a crime, and other say nothing also it is.


178. It is so bad to talk when one must be silent, as silence when one must to speak.


179. We must learn to handle the verb, and to know calculate exactly the result of our words.


180- A single word can serve as a blessing for one person and for another insult.


181. For it is why before speaking a word we must calculate very well its outcome.


182. The Lords of Karma judge things by their deeds, regardless of good intentions.


183. Our mind must be simple, humble and full of the deepest respect.


184. Our disciples must carefully avoid any dispute to avoid wasting their energies unnecessarily.


185- Whoever wants to accept the doctrine of the Gnostics, to accept it, but whoever does not want to accept it is because it is not yet mature, and then engage in dispute is useless to convince him.


186- "That the disputes be prohibited that discord in word be thrown down, that all weeds make clear path."


187. We must cultivate gratitude because ingratitude and betrayal twin.


188- We must do away with envy, because from the envy come out the Judas who sell the Master for thirty pieces of silver.


189. Envy is a poisonous flower most abundant among the tenebrous swamps of all the spiritual schools in the world.


190- Envy often disguises with the toga of the judge.


191- We must cultivate sincerity, because in the substance of sincerity germinate the most beautiful flowers of the spirit.


192- All these qualities give us a rich inner life; that's how we prepare internally for big esoteric disciplines of mind flaming amount blazing  flames of the universo.

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