I am filled with the fire of Love.

"When we find ourselves looking at the world and saying, 'There's nothing out there for me,' we should probably also look into our hearts and ask, 'If there's nothing out there, is there anything in here?' We need to examine our inner dialogue to discover where we might be blocking the conscious energy flow, then remove the ego, step out of the way, and let the fire of the soul shine through us."~Deepak Chopra
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  • This is great.. I've recently found I was talking to myself and affirming my ''woes'' .. I had to look deeper into my heart.. its so true that when we affirm to ourselves that things are not alright, then we're going to feel and expirence the feelings that matct those words.. on the other hand.. all I have is in my heart and I trust with my inner guidence that everything is fine and is getting better every moment. We have to get out of our own way.. and quite literally get over ourselves.. may the light shine through us indeed

    thanks verokim.. LOVE to you forever :)
  • The Fire of Love keeps within our soul keeps us going in the midnight of today so we can become the people of "Tomorrow"...... ;-)


    Deepak is great, thanks for posting Verokim!
  • Thank you to everybody for looking at my blog.It is amazing to have so much wonderful souls as yours vibrating the same kind of energy. I really appreciate your comments.I really admire Deepak Chopra as I admire so many others...they are real wisdom for our lives...Love and blessings to you all...:-)
  • Can you top me up as well with the fire of LOVE
  • (smile) Burn baby Burn!!!!
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