
It has been a long journey for you. Of course it is a blink of an eye for me, but since every moment for me is NOW, that makes it easy for me to focus on you and your moment, your lives, and your hopes and dreams. Does that make sense to you?

You tend to think that I am far away, uninterested or occupied with other things, like sitting on a cloud feeling angry at you, or listening to the harp music of the angels. Well, I am very happy to listen to the angels' music - it is one of the greatest delights in the Universe, but I must correct the misconception of what God does. When we use the term God, it can mean many things, because we refer to all those who are purely of the Light as Gods, and there are many of us. It just happens that I am the one who is the Creator of Creators in this Universe.

Anyway, the distinction we must make is that there is no anger here in the higher dimensions. We do not feel resentment or jealousy or vindictiveness. It would be an impossibility for us. So you see, there is no need to worry about whether you will be acceptable to me, or whether you will find forgiveness for your mistakes, no matter what they might be.

I do love all of you with all my heart. Equally, yes, but not the same, for you are each unique and special in your own way. I do not mistake you for someone else, or forget about you when I am busy. That would be unthinkable for me, because I have had a part in your creation in many ways. First, I was present at your birth as a soul, and I was also the Prime Creator of your human species. That makes me doubly your Source and loving procreator. My children have also taken part with me in this creation process, carrying our Love and Light to the far reaches of the Universe. I am always a part of their work and their inspiration, for I am Love.

We are now beginning a new phase in the growth and expansion of our Universe. Your current work to clear away old darkness in your thinking patterns is groundwork for the next step in our development. You are aware that your civilization is not among the most advanced, and that your experience in the 3rd dimension is what you might call a "lower rung" on the ladder of ascension. Why then do you suppose you are so important to this whole multidimensional expansion? I will explain. You have come here from higher dimensions to create what will be the foundation for all that is to follow for new Universes, new planets, new life.

You know the adage that tells you to build always on a firm foundation? You, Dear Ones, are the contractors and builders of that solid foundation. It is most important in the scheme of Universe-building that we have the brightest and the best "in on the ground floor," don't you think? There is another expression that fits the story-line here: "Birds of a feather flock together." Look how you are so strongly drawn to your Ascended Masters. You feel at home in their presence; you revel in the recognition of their words; you are hungry for the lessons of Love they bring to you, you fall in love with them at first sight, and they feel the same way about you. Why do you suppose that is?

You, Beloved Souls, have known them for eternity. You have worked together, planned and designed this endeavor you are now carrying out as the "boots on the ground." Many of you are beginning new relationships with exciting, high vibrational people who have recently appeared in your life. You may be in wonder at how it is possible that now, at long last, you are finding people you truly feel at home with, after all these years on the planet feeling like an outsider or an alien. It is not an accident, I assure you.

There are a few things that have made it easier for you to connect with like-minded people. The internet has been an invaluable tool. The groups you join, the brand new forums for talking openly about your spiritual growth and your plans to be of service in new and exciting ways - this ability to form close networks without the need to be in the same city or even the same hemisphere has made all the difference, hasn't it? It will become even easier and more convenient to find each other as even better communication tools are brought forth.

Transportation too will be so improved that you will find travel a pleasure, not like the Homeland Security nightmare you are now subjected to every time you travel across borders or take an airplane to a nearby city. It is a creation of the paranoid mind to subject every citizen to scrutiny as if they were all criminals, causing discomfort and inconvenience to every one, even young children and infirm elders. All of this was, of course, to create fear and to threaten people with punishment should they waver from obedience to the military power which is supposed to control them.

Now, I am going to tell you something you have always suspected but did not dare say out loud to friends and family. There are no terrorists. There never were any terrorists - not of the sort you have thought you were fighting a war against. Fighting a "war on terror" is an absurd concept, of course. It is like waging war against bad breath, or fighting a war on insomnia. It creates an image of danger and dread, with no end in sight, no real enemy, and no possible solution.

There are gangs of paid assassins in your world. They have mostly been trained, through long years of brain-washing, severe mind-control techniques and torture, to serve the masters who have instigated acts of great cruelty. This then sparks acts of passionate revenge, fueled by inflammatory rhetoric, calculated to stir the feelings of fear and righteous anger which increase the growing ripple effect. Eventually, the masterminds who planned the entire conflict find justification for declaring war, and the entire populations on each side of the conflict are convinced of the rightness of murdering each other.

You see, it is not the fault of the people who finally agree to put on uniforms (the costumes of war). It is not even the fault of the assassins. The responsibility for the entire plunge into mayhem and murder lies with someone behind the scenes - a clever manipulator who found it interesting and rewarding to create the whole debacle. Even that is understandable if you believe that power and might are fulfilling - a fascinating goal in life.

You see, it is not far off the pursuit of excellence, is it? They are only misguided about a few simple things: that evil is power, and that having power over others (which is inherently evil, of course) is the most exciting and interesting end game possible.

Only someone who has been beaten into submission themselves would believe these fantasies, of course. Only someone who has suffered so intensely that they have been separated from their innate sense of empathy and kindness would be interested in "the thrill of the kill" as you might call it. Numbness, poverty of feeling, lack of sensitivity in every function of the body and mind are the only culture in which cruelty can grow to its full expression, which is hatred of all Life, Love, Beauty and Light.

It is a very simple formula, actually. There are only a few ways to be cruel and murderous. Evil is a fool's game. It is made of nothing real, creates nothing, and cannot endure, because every life begins anew, and it takes great effort and constant attention to destroy the human spirit to the extent that the victim completely loses their ability to Love. Any small glimmer of Light is likely to spawn the spirit of freedom, the game of darkness is revealed as the illusion it is, and the prisoner begins to plan his escape...

So, you see, the life of darkness - everything from rape and murder to depression and self-loathing - is a loser's game. As the flower will always turn to the sun, so the human spirit will always triumph in its struggle to reach the Light. As surely as water runs downhill, the sun will rise, the antelope will run and the bird will sing, you were born to be free.

The Greatest Lie of All is this: You can defeat darkness by fighting against it.

Darkness is the absence of Light. You cannot destroy darkness, any more than you can destroy Light. You can chase your own shadow, or someone else's, but you cannot capture it in your net, no matter how much energy, money and time you spend building it. You cannot destroy a shadow no matter how many guns and tanks you turn on it. You cannot turn darkness into Light, because darkness is not a substance, or a thing, or a being, or even an energy form. No alchemy known in all the Universe will turn darkness into light because in order to change something, there must be a something to begin with. It is nothing. It is not dangerous, nor is it a threat. It is simply a void to be filled.

So, you see, a war against darkness cannot succeed, because, like the whack-a-mole game, the energy of life contained within the human beings who are destroyed in war will return, often to the same arena in which they were defeated, to be brainwashed and tortured once again, and the game of illusion continues, in round after round of incarnations.

This is what is meant by karma. It is not punishment or a debt to be paid. It is simply the residue of distorted energy that has been snuffed out, diverted, and still unfinished in the great climb toward Love and Light, and so it must be brought to completion, returned to the Light. This is why so many of you have returned time after time to try to complete your journey in human form, to reach the level of balance, Light and Love that will alone bring you peace.

You can blow out a candle, but you cannot prevent the sun from rising. Through hundreds, even thousands of incarnations, you have sought to bring yourselves to higher vibrational states, in spite of the brainwashing which taught you to focus on the darkness around you rather than opening your hearts to me. You are now at the threshold of a new Renaissance which will lift the entire planet, and it will be created by those who turn, at last, to embrace the substance of Light, which is real, tangible, and eternal.

A life in service to the Light requires Vision, intelligence, creativity and great Heart, those qualities which you were given in large measure. A true Lightworker wears the mark of one who has seen darkness and knows its falseness. Clarity is a hard-won quality after a life in which blindness and hedonistic pleasures are the common fare. You must be willing to see and feel the places in your being where numbness and indifference have taken root.

Yes, you could be seduced away from the Light by the siren song which promises great pleasures and great expansion of the hungry ego, but it leads to the emptiness and illness which is so endemic to your present cultures of poverty, want and greed. It cannot be sustained because we will not allow it, you and I.

The cure for darkness, mayhem and cruelty is to bring the energy of Love to every encounter, every thought. If the darkness is in the far reaches of the planet, you can send your Light through the Christ grid which is there for you as your own most powerful tool. As you have been told, when you join with others, your power is increased in the cosmic multiplication of expanding Light energies. Darkness is not increased by the same power, because it is nothing, and nothing cannot increase, as 0 X 0 still is 0. And so, if you do not put energy into dark thoughtforms and feelings, they vanish into nothingness.

This is why I tell you, Dear children, to turn away from fear, anxiety, worry and self-inflicted depression. Every moment you spend in a "dark mood," you are perpetuating the illness in yourselves and on your struggling planet. Mother Terra and all humankind need your help, your Light and your Love, not your worries and anger. Turn to me, and be filled with the hope which springs from Light and warmth and acceptance.

Can you see how simple it is, Beloveds? Can you see that in truth, only a fool will follow the piper who leads you away from me? Would you plunge yourselves into the icy waters of a barren and lonely sea, or would you come to sit with me by the warm hearth, in the blessed Light of unending Love and Peace?

Turn your will toward healing, expunging all the feelings of hopelessness or distress that have tarnished your shine. Those are the places where dullness leaves you vulnerable to the titillation of the senses alone, as if this would make you feel more alive. Ah, no, being truly alive is the thrilling experience of using all your physical, mental and spiritual bodies fully and with pleasure. Revel in your powers of intuition and good judgment, creativity and Love, in glorious harmony with me, the heart of the Universe.

You were born in Light. Your bodies, your minds and your souls are made of the vibration of Love and Light.

It is your birthright - I command it to be so - that you become the great beacon of Love and Light of which you are capable. In your heart, you know it to be true. You know you belong with me, and that when you allow the Love I send to you to absorb into your skin, pour down through your crown chakra through your brain and into your great and expanding Heart, you will find peace. We are harmony; we are the exquisite colors of the rainbow; we are Love, and We Are God.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, Sept. 14, 2014, 11 am, New York

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