

Dear Lighworkers,


Barrack Obama is a puppet of the dark cabal, just like Bush and many U.S. Presidents before him....Maybe the last truly independent President was JFK, but Obama has been used, by CIA psyops, to CONFUSE, CONTAIN & CORRUPT and generally muddle the clear thinking of people everywhere, in the USA and beyond....


He is truly a false prophet, as all the hype that surrounds him, generated by so many false channels, is naught but hot air........Obama is not working for the GFL, as claimed by Quinsey and Ward.......and several others, who follow their lead....Search the name of "Obama" on PAOWEB....you will not find him mentioned, nor endorsed by our truly Lighted Federation.....

He serves the Divine Plan in his capacity of dark leader....but he is not the future you seek....


PEOPLE POWER is the key to the future, that and the externalisation of the Hierarchy and disclosure...Not the spurious actions of a President of the USA, who functions under the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM....as Obama does...

Individual evolution and empowerment under a truly constitutional system is key, not the actions and expected mercies, of a corporation president, who works willingly for a system that seeks control, rather than human liberation...

My advice for all, is to use true discernment and don't assume that wooly, fluffy words from Obama, mean that he serves your interests....WAKE UP WORLD.....Free your minds from Obama....and then you will find the true golden age and learn your true and illustrious history, untainted by the dark....


When Obama is "re-elected" by his dark masters...remember that in no way will he suddenly allow the freedoms you seek, as the game will continue until his entire system is reformed and not before...


Magna est veritas et praevelabit.....!!


Selamat Kasijaram Zau.. (Sirian for "be blessed in the love and joy of spirit...!")


Col. Drekx Omega, Cmdr, GFL Ground Crew (East England Sector)


Also, see this presentation vid by David Icke, which describes Obama's dark role...



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  • Retiree, Mike Quinsey, tried to make claims about Hussein, that were not true....He drank the deep state coolaid, when he pretended to be in contact with a fake Sirian, named Salusa, who in turn placed Obama and his presidency on a pedestal...disgraceful....And to the present time, all is being exposed to the light of day, in spite of Mike's fanclub attempting to cover his tracks...

    As we master the lower astral plane, rising in vibes, we glide and slide through it, with ease, more and more...Celebrate, as with effort, we can control and direct reality structures, more and more...
    Now it's time to create massive divergence in the reality, so that it goes in a different direction, that is new and golden.....and away from the same old, same old...Like the same old "channelling" misinfo artists, who support Mike Quinsey and have now been exposed as fake Sirians contacts...(and remember Quinsey's support for renegade Obama, in his fake SaLuSa channels, years back.? Deep state assets will be exposed..)

    There is indeed truth in the cosmic and spiritual truism, that the antaḥkaraṇa (Sanskrit: अन्तःकरण) bridge, that links Sirius with Solaris, is indeed shortening, bringing our systems closer, as sought by the will of the Logos...
    However, there is a purported channel, who conflates facts with fantasies, misrepresenting the Galactic Federation, in the process....
    The person, or persons described as: "Rafael (Neva/Gabriel RL): SaLuSa!"

    Moreover, demonstrating ignorance of the written Sirian language, a term is used by this person(s) as follows:- "Selatherin A-al Arjaten! (In Sirian: Because Yes. We Are All ONE!)" end quote...

    In fact, the actual Sirian language sentence, using revised and corrected wording, should read as follows:

    "Meladrin hi zabarin sa..." (Because yes, we are all one..!)

    We suggest that rev. skirvin attempt a more commited approach to truth and a lesser commited dalliance, with fake news..

    "Channelling" the fake Salusa and speaking for a fake GFL... Let the nonsense end with Mike Quinsey's welcome retirement..👏🏻🌞🛸🛸🛸
  • Mike Quinsey retired recently I'm pleased to remind members of...He was a purported channel for the mythical SaLuSa, who is claimed to be, ostensibly "Sirian." Of course, that is fake.

    Here are a few dubious snippets from Mike's "channeling," anent Obama.......aka Hussein...aka, code name "renegade...." Mike has been playing in the dark cabal's swimming pool, with Obama....

    "Descriptions of Obama
    SaLuSa and his Galactic Federation colleagues describe President Obama as “a soul of immense Light under great stress from the dark Ones, … giving [his] services without thought for self.” (1) Later, SaLuSa again described President Obama as “a highly spiritual soul, [who] will with our help and protection work with us to speedily transform your experiences, into ones of happiness and release from the draconian laws that rule your lives.” (2)
    SaLuSa has long informed us that the President was surrounded by dark souls: “President Obama is surrounded by the dark Ones but nevertheless able to make some progress, and will continue to lay down the foundation for his final years of office.” (3)
    However he believes that Barack Obama is the leader who will, with galactic assistance, lead the world to peace. On Feb. 9, 2010, he said:
    “For many years the Illuminati have used their power to manipulate other countries’ affairs. It has been done through covert actions, so that their influence can bring about changes beneficial to them. The populace, who react against such illegal actions and interference in their sovereignty, knows the truth. We ask you, Dear Ones, who causes insurrection in the first place?
    “Many of you understand such situations, and you look for a leader who will take note of your desire for peace with all nations. We will say again that you have a wonderful soul named Barack Obama, and he is clear in his mind as to what he wants to do given the opportunity. With your continued support he will galvanize people into action, and set the path towards a peaceful world.” (4)
    Unequivocally he calls the President “their man.”
    “Great responsibility lies with President Obama to trigger a number of changes that will lead to major ones that provide real answers to your mounting problems. He has our full backing and is as you might say ‘our man’ and he has as intended emerged at the right time to carry you beyond the plans of the Illuminati.” (5)
    Obama’s Approach to World Affairs
    While many detractors say that Obama has continued President Bush’s policy, or indeed is worse than Bush, SaLuSa’s colleague, Ker-On of Venus, disputes this. “The bullish approach of your last administration is to be replaced,” he tells us, “with one of friendship and desire to broker peace throughout the world. It will come as the people exercise their power, and demand their rights to live in total peace and harmony.” (6)
    The galactics were aware of Obama’s overtures to other countries to bring peace to the world as early as 2009:
    “Already he is making overtures to foreign powers that would otherwise be considered enemies of the Western World.
    ”Obama seeks peace instead of hostilities, and knows that he must build trust where previously there was nothing but confrontation. Humanity is being offered the opportunity to consign the past to your history books, and broker a new understanding between each other that leads to friendship and cooperation.” (7)
    In early Spring 2012, SaLuSa reported that the cabal were still trying to bring their plan to fruition to cause world war and global chaos. But the galactics will not allow it and look to President Obama to first declare himself as peacemaker and peaekeeper.
    “Presently we are occupied with the confrontations in the Middle East, and although it is threatening to lead to war, we state again that it will not be allowed to happen. The New World Order will not be allowed to take advantage of any situation that might lead to one, as we can in any event disable weapons if we so wish. You could say that by our very actions, peace has been declared and an end to war in this cycle.
    “It would delight us if your leaders would acknowledge this development, and announce it to the world. President Obama is probably the first one to make a major announcement that clearly indicates his place as a peacekeeper. He is much maligned and blamed for activities beyond his control, but that will all change very soon.” (8)
    Obama’s Fight Against the Illuminati
    The cabal has mounted an incessant campaign against the President, making “continual attempts … to show him in a bad light.” (9) The President “is for the time being outnumbered by those who oppose what he tries to do.” (10) However, he informs us:
    “We of the Galactic Federation … are helping those who aspire to lead you out of the present period of chaos. It is not easy for such souls as the dark cabal still has its minions all over the world, and they are obstacles to getting things done. One who has experienced it is President Obama, the Lighted One.” (11)
    SaLuSa reminds us that President Obama has been forced to play a patient game, playing along with the cabal.
    “You will see that he has played a patient game to take his opportunity to unseat the dark Ones, and he will use all of his authority to do so. Timing is the essence of success, and that is something we have often stressed.” (12)
    “Be aware that he is a great Being of Light, who is having to play a role that requires him to ‘play’ along with the dictates of those who advise him. He has achieved a degree of success even although he has faced opposition all along. He needs your continued support and love, and you will see him blossom and take charge once he can fully implement his own policies without interference.” (13)
    SaLuSa tells us that the Galactic Federation gives its main attention to the U.S. and he explains why. He informs us that President Obama is protected.
    “Our main focus is on the U.S.A. as it is from here that the lead must be given to the rest of the world. We see a President who has great potential and is spiritually sincere, but has not yet been able to wield the power that is his prerogative. He will bide his time until circumstances allow him to strike out, and we shall protect him against attacks on his person. Leading the Light is setting up a challenge that the dark forces fear, as it will bring people together as never before and they shall demand release from their hold.” (14)
    He praises the slow, patient work Obama is doing to bring down the Illuminati:
    “He is already taking actions that will aid our allies in bringing the Cabal to answer for their crimes.” (15)
    “It will be a gradual reversal of what has gone before, and President Obama is already busy arranging the legal presentation that is necessary. It cannot be undone overnight, but will gather momentum very soon.”

    END Quote.....and of course, total nonsense spouted by Mike, and in defense of a dark cabal operative, currently pulling Biden's strings.....Namely, Hussein...

    The material provided is from a link here:
    SaLuSa of Sirius on President Obama – Part 1/2
    Many galactic and celestial sources deal with our spiritual unfoldment or interpersonal relationships and adaptations.  They don’t focus on contempor…
  • This blog was posted in 2012, to warn the members of this Obama-abomination, then....Moreover, do not fall for the big Mike, presidential scam, either...

    I hope that members who supported Obama and his pro-covid vaccine, bioweapon advice, a few years back, have subsequently awoken to the scamdemic...?? And also the scam that was Obama, from day one of his presidency.....Just watch this video and remind yourselves, that this evil character fooled many poor fools, into taking a dangerous mRNA experiment....which caused death and injury, among many Americans..

    I hope that you woke up in time, to his evil masquerade...😷😷😷😷😷

    Here's a refresher course, on using intuition and logic...In a nutshell, never trust a word that Obama says, ever again....If you trusted him before...

    There was a time when so many ACC members trusted and idolised Obama.....At a time when I saw through him....Will John Jancar ever appologise for being so completely WRONG...?? Not to mention Mike Quinsey (at that time, via "SaLuSa",) the purported "channeller."

    "Barack Obama and Eva Longoria Take on Vaccine Hesitancy"

  • As I write this, Barry has just been wheeled-out, to make a 'virtual townhall' commentary on the 'unrest,' the usual rambling platitudes, about rambling platitudes....

  • Back in 2012 I gave warnings that were ignored by several of Obama's fans on ACC>>Remember all the Steve Beckow/Mike Quincy [SaLuSa] nonsense, about Obama being a saviour of humanity....?? Shock-horror, Drekx was right to refute such Obama myths, in 2012,13,14,15, to the present year....


  • rude awakening for s.j.w. supporters of bama, imminent. about time his groupies woke up. ;-]

  • hussein will be exposed to all his fans as evil, very soon. fisa warrant abuse declass release....bye obummer. lol

  • "Dratzo! Your world is slowly moving toward the divine resolution of the inevitable bankruptcy of USA, Inc. The American regime has managed to forestall the inevitable. Nevertheless, the time has come for the world’s major governmental change to manifest. The amount of guile and plain outright lying has finally run its course. The continued obstinacy to change of the American regime can no longer be maintained. Too many governments have left its side. Too many major economies have abandoned its cause. This de facto government is now alone and becoming more isolated by the day from its former friends and long-time allies. The world sincerely intends that it gracefully collapse and be replaced by governance more congenial to the changing nature of a new, growing, and more prosperous economy. This is the hope and intent of a number of possible solutions given freely to this suddenly desperate regime. America now requires a major housecleaning. The old ways are no longer even conceivable. Only a whole new outlook will do. The present American administration is beginning to realize this truth and is seeking a means to achieve this noble end.

       As the former might of America fades into the sunrise of a new day, a whole new realm full of excitement and prosperity is currently ready to manifest. Count Saint Germain knew that a major set of events was needed to establish the required foundations for this new realm. At the opening of this millennium, America was to achieve its greatest false flag and call it “9/11.” America turned on its own people and wiped out many more lives than reported to create a false sense of security for its ruling oligarchy. This security was shattered by the rise in this world of a relentless force that turned America’s “victory” into the object that was to be the main cause for its ultimate undoing. This set of events led to the “RV” and the start of a global currency reset. These things were the heart of a new financial system. This alone signaled that America’s days as a god-like super power were over. It was to be replaced with a NESARA-born new governance and an unlimited prosperity. These elements were to embody a new realm filled with ETs, Agarthans and a new sense of purpose."

    Read more here: http://www.paoweb.com/sn041916.htm


    This is quoted from our GFL official update of 19th April, 2016........Note that I had already pointed this out way back in October 2012, in a period in which most lightworkers were under the false impression that Obama and his US regime, were of the light...Obviously, history has proved me correct... ;-) The world knows it now...

  • Watching Obama's limp speech yesterday, about his supposed "NSA reforms," it became obvious to anyone with some elementary intelligence, that it was MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING.......None of the real concerns were addressed and it left Americans, as well as the wider world, highly dissastified.....Some make spurious claims as to his status as "lightworker." Well here was his moment to demonstrate a freedom of the people from state surveillance....And he was found wanting....He failed muster on his parade......I'm criticised by CIA psyops infiltrators on this website, for not believing in the Obama lie.....BUT, he is a blatant enemy of his own people's well being and the wider world's....A puppet of the dark cabal and nothing more....When will the Obamanoids wake up...?? What more proof do they need...??

    I rest my case...see this vid...

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