THE ROSICRUCIAN FRATERNITY


Eighteen springs as an adolescent I already had in the path of my current reincarnation, when I was granted the high honor of entering to the Rosicrucian ancient School. Meritorious Institution in good time founded by the Most Excellent Mr. Arnoldo Krumm Heller, Doctor - Colonel of the glorious Mexican Army; Illustrious Veteran of the Mexican Revolution ; Insigne Professor at the Medical University of Berlin, Germany; remarkable scientist; extraordinary polyglot.


Impetuous boy I presented myself with some haughtiness in that "CLASSROOM LUCIS", by then ruled by an illustrious gentleman of clarified intelligence, and without walking in many compliments, by the airs, I confess frankly and unambiguously, that I started arguing and I concluded studying.

Approaching the wall, cornering in the corner of the room, enchanted in ecstasy, after all it seemed better.


Needless to say in a great way and without much prosopopoeia, that soaked in many intricate theories of substantial content, only longed with infinite anxieties to find my old way, the path of the "Edge of the Razor ".


Excluding carefully all PSEUDO - PIETISM and vain verbiage of ambiguous talk, I definitely resolved to combine theory and practice.


Without prostituting intelligence to gold, I certainly preferred to prostrate myself humbly before the creative Demiurge of the Universe.


Rich inexhaustible spring of exquisite splendors, I found joyful in the magnificent works of Krumm Heller, Hartman, Eliphas Levi, Steiner, Max Heindel, etc., etc., etc.


Without any verbiage, seriously, sincerely, I emphatically declare that by that time of my current existence I studied in an orderly manner the entire Rosicrucian library.


With infinite anxieties, I was looking for a passerby on the way that possess some precious balm to heal my aching heart.


I suffered frightfully and cried out in solitude invoking the Holy Masters of the Great White Lodge.


The great KABIR Jesus said: "Knock and it will be opened to you", "Ask and it will be given to you", "Seek and you will find".


In the name of that which is real, I declare the following: by fulfilling the teachings of the Christian Gospel, I asked and was given; I searched and found; I knocked and it opened.


In the case of studies as long and complex as those of the Rosicrucian; it is unquestionable that the agenda in any way fit within the narrow framework of this chapter; for that reason I will limit myself to synthesize and conclude.


FRONTAL CHAKRA. It develops with the intonation of the Vocal I. Thus: iiiiiiii. Faculty: CLAIRVOYANCE.


LARYNGEAL CHAKRA. It develops vocalizing the letter .So: eeeeeeeeeee. Faculty: MAGIC HEARING.


CARDIAC CHAKRA. It develops singing the Vocal .So: oooooooooo. Powers: INTUITION; ASTRAL FLOWS, ETC., ETC.


UMBILICAL CHAKRA. It is developed by singing the Vocal U. Thus: uuuuuuuuuu. Faculty: TELEPATHY.


PULMONARY CHAKRAS. They develop singing the letter . So: aaaaaaaaaa. Faculty: REMEMBRANCE OF PREVIOUS LIFES.


IEOUA is the order of the vowels. All Mantra are formed with these letters.


Dr. Krumm Heller said that a daily hour of vocalization was better than reading a million books of PSEUDO - ESOTERISM and PSEUDO - OCULTISM.


I then inhaled with supreme avidity the Christic Prana, the vital breath of the mountains, and then exhaled slowly making the corresponding vowel resonate.


Manifest for more clarity that each vowel was preceded by an inhalation and that it only resounded when exhaling, (it is obvious that it inhaled through the nostrils and exhaled through the mouth).


                                                                       CONCRETE RESULTS


All my Astral Chakras or Magnetic Centers intensified their vibratory activity rotating positively from left to right like the hands of a clock, seen, not on the side, but in front.


                                                                   RETROSPECTIVE EXERCISE


With a lot of didactics, the teacher taught us a wonderful retrospective exercise.


He advised us never to move between the bed at the moment of awakening, explaining that with such movement the astral body is agitated and memories are lost.


It is unquestionable that during the hours of sleep human souls travel outside the physical body; the important thing is not to forget our intimate experiences when returning to the body.


He told us to practice at that precise moment a retrospective exercise with the intelligent purpose of remembering facts, occurrences and places visited in dreams.




I solemnly declare that such a psychic exercise was amazing to me, because my memories became more vivid, intense and profound.


                                                                                    SOLAR PLEXUS


According to the teacher's instructions, daily (preferably at sunrise), I comfortably sat in a delicious armchair facing east.


I imagined then in extraordinary form a gigantic golden cross, that from the East of the world and having the King star by basic center, it sending divine rays, that after crossing the infinite space, penetrated inside my Solar Plexus.


I loved to intelligently combine such an exercise with the mantric intonation of the Vocal U, prolonging the sound as it should: uuuuuuuuuuuu.




There was the unusual awakening of my telepathic eye (located as we said in the region of the navel) and I became exquisitely hypersensitive.


Since such a Magnetic Chakra possesses amazing functionalisms, such as that of attracting and accumulating the radiant energy of the solar globe, it is obvious that for this reason my lotus flowers or astral wheels could receive greater electro - magnetic charges that intensified the vibratory radioactivity more. .


It is very appropriate at this time, to remind our beloved readers that the Solar Plexus provides its solar radiations to all the Chakras of the human organism.


Undoubtedly and without exaggeration, it is possible to place some emphasis to solemnly assert that each of my astral chakras developed extraordinarily, intensifying for that reason the perceptions of clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc., etc., etc.



Shortly before withdrawing from that worthy institution, clamour that teacher saying: "That none of the present here dare to self - qualify as ROSICRUSIAN, because all of us are simply aspirant to ROSICRUCIAN.


And then he added with great solemnity "ROSICRUCIAN: a BUDDHA, a JESUS, a EL MORIA, a KOUT HUMI, etc., etc., etc.



                                                                           THE CORSAIR


For certain superficial people, the theory of reincarnation is a laughing matter; for other very religious, it can mean a Taboo or sin; for the SEUDO - OCCULTIST, this is a very firm belief; for the rascals of the intellect this is a crazy utopia; However, for men who remember our previous existences, reincarnation is a fact.


In the name of truth I must solemnly assert that I was born remembering all my past reincarnations and swearing this is not a crime. I am a man of awake consciousness.


Obviously we must make a clear differentiation between REINCARNATION and RETURN (two very different laws), however, this is not the objective of this chapter. After this preamble we go to the facts, to the point.


Once, when the seas of the world were infested with pirate ships, I had to go through a tremendous bitterness.


Then the BODHISATTVA of the Angel "DIOBULO CARTOBU" was reincarnated.


It is worth affirming, with a certain emphasis, that that Being possessed a female body of splendid beauty. It is ostensible that I was his father.


Unfortunately and in ill-fated hour, the cruel piracy that did not respect lives or honor; After ravaging the European inhabited where many citizens we dwelt in peace, kidnapped the beautiful women of the place, among which, it is clear, that was my daughter, innocent maiden of the times gone.


Despite the terror of so many villagers, I got bravely - and endangering my own life - to confront the treacherous captain of the corsair ship.


Take my daughter out of that hell where you did put her into and I promise that I will get your soul out of hell where it is already in! Such were my painful exclamations.


The terrible corsair, looking at me fiercely, took pity on my insignificant person and with imperative voice ordered me to wait a moment.


I saw with infinite anxiety the filibuster turning his black ship; I understand that he knew how to deceive cunningly his ruthless sea wolfs; the truth is that moments later he gave me back my daughter.


Good God and Holy mother! But who would have thought that after several centuries would re - find the EGO of that terrible privateer, re - incorporated into a new human organism?.


This is the law of the eternal return of all beings and things; and everything is repeated according to another law called recurrence.


One night of great spiritual restlessness I reunited him joyfully among the select group of candidates for Rosicrucian.


That old corsair spoke also the English language and even told me that he had traveled a lot, because he was a sailor from an American shipping company.


That friendship, however, turned out to be "a will-o'-the-wisp," a "flame of a mat," well soon had to completely verify that such a man, in spite of his mystic yearnings, continued, in his most intimate deeps, as an old privateer in modern dressed


That gentleman of yore was very enthusiastic telling me about his "astral experiences", because it is unquestionable that he knew how to unfold at will.


Any day of those many we arranged a transcendental metaphysical appointment, in the S.S.S., of Berlin, Germany.


This was a relatively new experience for me, because it certainly had not occurred to me before to carry out the experiment of the voluntary projection of the EIDOLÓN; However, I knew that I could do it and for that reason I dared to accept such an appointment.


With complete clarity I remember those solemn moments in which I became a spy of my own dream...


In mystical stalking, I waited for the instant of transition between wakefulness and sleep; I wanted to take advantage of that moment of wonders to escape from the physical body.


The state of lassitude and the first dreamy images were enough to fully understand that the desired moment had arrived...


Delicately I got up from the bed and walking very quietly left my house feeling possessed of a certain spiritual, exquisite, delicious voluptuousness...


It is unquestionable that when I got out of bed in moments of being dozing, the astral unfolding took place, the very natural separation of the EIDOLÓN...


With that very singular brightness of the astral body, I moved away from all those contours, longing to reach the Berlin temple...


Ostensibly I had to travel deliciously over the stormy waters of the Atlantic Ocean...


Floating serenely in the radiant astral atmosphere of this world, I reached the lands of old Europe and immediately went to the capital of France...


I walked silently like a ghost through all those old streets that once served as the backdrop to the French Revolution.


Suddenly, something unusual happens; a telepathic wave has reached my solar plexus and I feel the categorical imperative to enter a beautiful abode...


In any way, I would never regret having pierced the rich threshold of such a noble mansion, because there I had the immense joy of finding a friend of my past reincarnations...


Blissful that fellow floated, submerged in the astral fluidic environment, outside the dense body that lay asleep among the perfumed mahogany bed...


In the bridal thalamus also slept the delicious physical body of his beloved; the sidereal soul of the latter, out of its mortal receptacle, shared the mystical joy of her husband and floated...


And I saw two tender infants of splendid beauty, playing happily among the magical charm of that abode...


I greeted my old friend and also his ineffable Eva, but the children were shocked with my unusual presence.


It seemed better to go out there, through those streets of Paris and my friend did not reject the idea; talking together, we move away from the mansion of delights...


We walk slowly, slowly, through all those streets and avenues that go from the center to the periphery...


On the outskirts of that great city, I proposed - at point-blank range, as they say there - to visit together the esoteric temple in Berlin, Germany; the initiate that declined very kindly the invitation objecting that he had a wife and children and that for that reason he only wanted to concentrate his attention on the economic problems of life ...


With great regret I turned away from that awakened man, lamenting that he postponed his esoteric work...


Suspended in the astral light of wonders and prodigies, I passed over some ancient walls very old...

Blissful I traveled along the winding road that in serpentine form was unfolding here, there and yonder...


Inebriated with ecstasy, I reached the temple of transparent walls; the entrance to that holy place was certainly very unique...


I saw a kind of Sunday park, full of beautiful plants and exquisite flowers that exhaled a breath of death...


In the extraordinary depth of that charming garden, the temple of splendors shone solemnly...


The latticed iron doors that gave access to the beautiful park of the sanctuary, sometimes opened for someone to enter, sometimes closed...


All that delicate and wonderful set, highlighted with the immaculate light of the universal spirit of life...


Before the Sancto Sanctorum I found happy many noble aspirants of different nationalities, peoples and languages...


Mystical souls that during those hours when the physical body sleeps, moved by the force of longing, had escaped from the dense mortal form to come to the SANCTA...


Sublime all those devotees talked about ineffable subjects; they talked about the law of KARMA, they talked about extraordinary cosmic matters ... they emanated from themselves the fragrance of friendship and the fragrance of sincerity.


In a state of well-being, I walked here, there and there, looking for the daring filibuster who dared to make such a tremendous appointment...


In many groups I interrupted asking for the well-known gentleman of yore, no one else knew how to give me any answer...


I realized then that the old pirate had not kept his word; I ignored the reasons, I felt disappointed...


Silent, I resolved to approach the glorious door of the temple of wisdom; I wanted to penetrate inside the holy place, but the guard closed the door telling me: "It's not time yet, retire ...


Serene, and understanding everything, I sat happily on the symbolic stone, very close to the portal of mystery...


In those instants of plenitude I self - observed in an integral way: Certainly I am not a subject of subjective psyche; I was born with an awakened conscience and I have access to objective knowledge...


How beautiful the astral body seemed to me! (Splendid result of ancient transmutations of the libido).


I remembered my physical body that now lay asleep in the remote distance of the western world, in a town in America...


Self - observing me I made the mistake of confronting the astral and physical vehicles; by such comparisons I lost ecstasy and instantly returned to the interior of my dense material envelope...


Moments later I got up from bed; I had achieved a wonderful astral unfolding...


When I sternly asked the old filibuster about the reason why he was not able to keep his word, he did not know how to give me a satisfactory answer.


Thirty-five years have passed since that time when that old sea dog and I made such a mysterious appointment...

Beyond time and distance, that strange character was already just a memory written among the dusty pages of my old chronicles...


However, I confess, unambiguously, that after so many years I had to be surprised with something unusual...


One spring night, finding myself absent from the dense perishable form, I saw Lord SHIVA, (THE HOLY SPIRIT), my sacred Monad SUPER - INDIVIDUAL, with the ineffable semblance of the "ANCIENT OF THE DAYS" ...


The Lord admonished the old corsair of the seas with great severity; it is unquestionable that the physical body of the latter, at that time of night, he did lay asleep between the bed...


Longing to intervene as a third party in discord. The old man of the centuries categorically ordered me quiet and silence...


Once the Pirate had returned my daughter to me, had taken her out of the hell where he had put her...


Now my Real Being - SAMAEL - struggled to liberate him, to emancipate him, to get him out of the HELL WORLDS...



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