THE FINAL ILLUMINATION


The truth must be understood by means of an instantaneous illumination, but the fact, the complete INTIMATE SELF-REALIZATION OF THE BEING must be worked intensively in a gradual way.


The Mantram "Wu" refers mainly to the awakening of the mystical experience in its immediate sense and the SAMYASAM BODHI (CHUE in China), denotes permanent and complete enlightenment.


If, through a retrospective exercise, we return to the original starting point and theoretically return the bones to our father and the meat to our mother: Where then will we be? It is obvious that in the seed, in the semen-ovum...


This leads us to think that without the SAHAJA MAITHUNA, we could never understand the essence of the sentence of the famous Hua Tou, "Wu"...


Observe the verticals of the "W", study the whole; the graphic form of the combinations that clearly emphasizes the basic idea of successive exaltations always preceded by tremendous humiliations.


Whoever wants to go up must first go down, that is the Law, Initiation is death and marriage at the same time.


For a better understanding of Hua Tou, "Wu", it is worth repeating the following: "The descent into the ninth sphere (sex), was from ancient times the ultimate test for the supreme dignity of the Hierophant. Jesus, Buddha, Hermes, Dante, Zoroaster, etc., had to go through that difficult test. "


"There Mars goes down to re-temper the sword and conquer the heart of Venus, Hercules to clean the Augean stables, and Perseus to cut off the head of Medusa with his flaming sword."


However, for the good of the great cause, it should be remembered that next to the "W" the radical "U" shines in ZEN, a living symbol of that "Great womb within which the worlds are gestated."


In cosmic grammar the "RUNE UR " is certainly the Divine Mother-Space; the sacred womb where beasts, men and gods are gestated. It is unquestionable that without the esoteric power of DEVI KUNDALINI, it would be impossible to work in the IGNITED FORGE OF VULCAN (Sex).


The Magisterium of fire must be carried out in seven days or periods: Let us remember our astrological formula: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn (The starry sky of Uranus and the classical Empyrean, are for those who have already reached the desired goal).


I won the right to enter the Lunar sky, after a previous humiliation. This is the law for all worlds. No one could definitively penetrate into the skies of Mercury, Venus, etc., without first having worked esoterically in their corresponding planetary hells.


The "Wu" experiences are one and many; one because they are essentially identical, many because they differ in depth, clarity, and effectiveness. This gives a slight idea of ​​the meaning and nature of "Wu".


"What is your original face?" Terrible question from Master Meng Sham! .

Hebraic Genesis says: "The man will abandon father and mother to join his wife and be both, two in one flesh."


Let the gods of dawn speak! May the muses inspire me! Let the hurricane roar!


It is written with burning coals in the book of all mysteries, that all the Avatars of Ishwara always present the requirement of the Omni-merciful Universal Spirit of Life: Restore on the face of the earth "the original face", the pristine, paradisiacal state, by ADAM-KADMON, the androgynous entity that embodies the pair man and woman.


This precious reestablishment of the Cosmic Being within each one of us is carried out precisely in the delicious moments of that supreme ecstasy of love in which two beings, one male, the other female, in full intercourse, consciously give up their differential individuality to merge into one. .


And since this unit is not only physical, but also of an ANIMIC-SPIRITUAL species, the Doctrines that reject the SEXUAL MAGIC of Eros/Psyche are anti-human and anti-divine.


It is found in the cultural-spiritual environment of the current age and especially in the most refined esoteric circles, the recognition of man as the image and likeness of the living cosmos and therefore the cosmic sense of his sexual potency.


Medieval theologians and naturalists already knew something about the connection between sexual energy and the prodigious forces that traverse the unalterable infinity...


Thus, Saint Albert the Great was imbued with a deep belief about the power of the stars that exert a decisive influence on the sexual potency of the individual.


St Albert's opinion that the stars were bipolar, that is of an Angelic-Animal nature, arrived at the logical sequence that a double union, spiritual and animal, could occur in marriage.


Saint Augustine, the Gnostic Patriarch, emphasizes the idea that the sexual libido encompasses not only the entire body, but also the intimate being that in carnal agitation is linked with the soul, so that a sensation of pleasure is formed that has no longer equal among the sensual; thus, the moment it reaches its climax, all consciousness and all force of understanding are disconnected.


This disconnection between consciousness and intellect is precisely what can transform delicious intercourse into supernatural, spiritual, terrifyingly Divine.


It is the ultimate goal of mystical practices, such as Zen, or the Christian quietism of Fray Miguel de Molinos; that of taking us to the stillness and silence of the mind.


When the mind is still, when the mind is silent, the new comes.


In those moments of indisputable delights, the conscience escapes from the mortifying mind to experience the real...


The second Zen Patriarch asked to the BODHI-DHARMA: How is it possible to achieve TAO?


The BODHI-DHARMA replied:


"Outwardly, all activity ceases;

Inwardly, the mind ceases to agitate.

When the mind has become a wall

Then you can enter the TAO ".


CHAN Buddhists in China rarely speak of SAMBODHI, the final enlightenment (the famous Chueb).


As the "Wu" is fundamentally the mystical experience of awakening to the truth (Prajna), the person who achieves the "Wu" experience may not be able to master it, deepen it and mature it.


It takes a lot of work in the "Ninth Sphere" before reaching Perfection, in order to ward off the dualistic thoughts, selfish and deep-seated that arise from the passions.


The TAO gospel has said, "Purify your heart, cleanse your thoughts, curb your appetites, and conserve semen."


The author of EL-KTAB, a wonderful writing appreciated by the Arabs, never tires of glorifying intercourse; this is for him with just reason, the most magnificent and sacred hymn of praise, the noblest longing of man and his companion after primitive unity and paradisiacal delights.


Love is the FIAT LUX of the book of Moses, the Divine mandate, the law for all continents, seas, worlds and spaces.


When we bravely wield that spear of Eros with the evident purpose of reducing to dust, each and every one of the subjective elements that we carry within, light springs forth.


Within each subconscious entity there is a bottled-up essence, light in a potential state.


Just as the atom when being fractioned releases energy, so also the total destruction of any of our infernal elements releases light.


We need to make a light on each one of us. "Light, more Light" said Goethe when he disembodied.


Sexual Magic is the eternal foundation of the luminous and spermatic FIAT from the first moment.


The radical death of the Ego and other subhuman elements that we carry within leads us to the final Enlightenment (SAMYASAM-BODHI).


Thus ZEN enlightenment, or "Wu", varies greatly, from the beginner's superficial glimpse on the mental essence, to full Buddhism, as realized by BUDDHA.



                                                                                                               CHAPTER XLVI

                                                                                                             WHITE TANTRISM


The authentic Tantric doctrines of the KAMASUTRA of Vatsyayana and the ANANGARANGA of Kayanamalla are complemented by the VAJROLI-YOGA and the PANCATATWA.


The legitimate Hindustani KAMASUTRA has nothing to do with certain spurious, bastard, adulterated editions that, bearing the same title, circulate profusely around in all Western countries.


This classic work of Hindu love art is divided into seven parts; In the first, the impulse of life and the arts and sciences that are of practical use in Sexual Magic are exposed at the same time.


Only those women who have practiced Sexual Magic with a man come into consideration as Masters of beginners. The disciple must come to possess sixty-four basic arts.


After, among others, singing, instrumental music, dance, tattooing, making flower petal beds, musical performance with glasses containing pure water, mineralogy, chemical science, quail and rams, and technique of all literary works, She the student must necessarily learn magical arts. Must not only know how to prepare love diagrams and filters of esoteric efficacy, but also learn in wise spells and Mantras.


In the second part of the KAMASUTRA, the great Hindustani Master Vatsyayana wisely expounds an abundant esoteric teaching on the art of loving, dealing very especially with something extraordinary which is really the division of types of women and men, according to the size of their sexual parts. .


He intelligently presents three classes of men who are designated according to their PHALUS as: 1, hare; 2, bull; 3, stud horse.


Compared to men, women are also classified into three classes according to the constitution of their YONI: 1, gazelle; 2, mare; 3, elephant-female.


This differentiation of both sexes gives fundamentally nine love combinations that come to remind us of the ninth sphere:


  1. High sexual enjoyment: A) hare with gazelle, B) bull with mare, C) Stallion with elephant-female.


  1. Unequal sexual unions: A) Hare with mare, B) Hare with elephant-female, C) Bull with gazelle, D) Bull with elephant-female, E) Stallion with mare, F) Stallion with gazelle...


The nine possibilities of sexual union are subdivided into three classes, according to the size of the sexual organs: 1. The proportion of the same size, which is undoubtedly the best. 2. The relationship between large and small organs, in which the enjoyment of pleasure is most unfortunate. 3. All other love relationships, which can simply be classified as regular.


The eventual temperament of the spouses unquestionably plays a great role in the sexual act; They are grouped into three classes: Cold, Medium, and Fiery; so that the nine couplings of the Ninth sphere are possible, namely: A) cold with cold; B) medium with medium; C) burning with burning.


Unequal sexual unions: A) cold with medium; B) cold with burning; C) medium with cold; D) medium with burning; E) burning with cold; F) burning with medium.


"The duration of a sexual enjoyment, that is, the possibility of a long permanence of the same, is not based in the Hindus, for example, in a purely animal sensual activity, but is considered as a vital question, which expresses in the act a demonstration of a highly developed and more exquisite culture has been executed. A spouse who is not really oriented about the most intimate sexual phenomena is considered deficient. According to Rasamanjuri, it is every man who in the game of love does not reflect on what he has to do or not has to do ".


Obviously, it stands out with complete meridian clarity that also the duration of sexual enjoyment is divided into three classes: 1, fast; 2, mean; 3, slow.


The secret of God's happiness consists in his relationship with himself.


From such a relationship comes, according to the law of philosophical analogies, every cosmic linkage, every sexual liaison.


Therefore, sexual enjoyment is a legitimate right of man; the happiness of God expressing itself through us.


Muhammad said: "Intercourse is an act even pleasant to religion, provided that it is performed with the invocation of Allah and with the woman herself for reproduction."


The Qur'an says: "Go, take for a woman a maiden whom you caress and caress you; do not go into intercourse without first being excited by caresses."


The Prophet emphasizes: "Your wives are a farm for you. Go to it as you please, but first perform some act of devotion. Fear God and do not forget that one day you will find yourself in his presence!"


According to this conception, it is ostensible that delightful intercourse with the adorable woman is certainly a form of prayer; in those instants of supreme bliss we become collaborators with the Creator Logos; we continue the radiant task and at every recreating moment of the maintenance of the Universe within the mysterious bosom of the eternal MOTHER-SPACE.


"Do as your Creator, as a powerful man in works and strength who is aware of what he does, and you will have to obtain double enjoyment; an increased seminal liquor and healthy and strong children."


Thus Muhammad has said: "Allah gives ten graces to the man who grants his sympathy to the woman with caressing hands, twenty if he presses her against his heart; but if his loving embrace is the authentic one, he obtains thirty graces from God for each kiss.".


KALYANAMALLA emphasizes the transcendental idea that exact fulfillment of the love code is much more difficult than the intellectual humanoid mistakenly thinks:


"The preparatory joys are already complicated; therefore, art has to be used exactly according to the precepts, to fan the passion of the woman in the same way that a bonfire is kindled, and that her YONI becomes softer, more elastic and suitable for the act of love ".


A wise author said: "The ANANGARANGA attaches great importance that both components of the couple do not allow any cooling, boredom or satiety to enter their common life in their relationships, effecting the consummation of love with recollection and total surrender. The form of the sexual act, that is, the position in it, is called ASANA. Four modalities must be differentiated: 1.UTTANA-DANDA; 2. TIRYAC; 3. UPAWISHTA; 4. UTTHITA ".


Since the esoteric study of these four Tantric ASANAS is of complicated content, for exclusively pedagogical purposes we will limit ourselves in this book to specifically transcribing that sexual position called: "UPAWISHTA". However, it is clear that in future treaties we will continue with the study of the other ASANAS.


UPAWISHTA means the sitting position, of which twelve sub-postures are given:


  1. A) The especially preferred: PADMASANA. The man sits cross-legged on the bed or a rug, takes the woman on her legs and she with hers wraps the man's body in such a way that both feet come to make contact on the male coccyx (thus the woman absorbs the Phallus).


  1. B) Seated both, and during the delicious act, the woman raises one of her legs with one hand.


  1. C) Man and woman intertwine their hands behind their respective necks.


  1. D) While the woman takes the man's feet in her hands, he grabs the woman's.


  1. E) The man takes the woman's legs in his arms, lets them rest on the arch of the elbow and interlocks his arms behind the nape of her neck.


  1. F) The position of the turtle. They both sit in such a way as to touch each other's mouth, hands and leg.


  1. G) Sitting with his legs spread out, the man penetrates his member and presses the woman's between his thighs.


  1. H) A position only executable by a very strong man and a very light woman; the man supports the woman with his elbows raised, penetrates his member and then swings her from right to left.


  1. I) The same posture, except that the pendulum motion of the woman is made from front to back.


The eastern UPAWISHTA is wonderful, however. It is obvious that in the west of the world, many mystics prefer the following ASANA as the Gnostic practicioners:


  1. A) Woman lying on her back in bed; legs spread out, that is, open to the right and left; low pillow or no pillow.


  1. B) Man placed on the woman, tucked between her legs; face, chest and male belly making direct contact with the female's body.


  1. C) Front to front, chest to chest, plexus to plexus; all the corresponding astral centers superimposed to allow an exchange of magnetic currents and thus establish a complete androgyny.


  1. D) Very gently insert the virile member into the vagina; avoid violent actions. The movement of the Phallus within the uterus must be slow and delicate.


  1. E) Intercourse should last at least one hour.


  1. F) Withdrawing from the woman before the spasm to avoid ejaculation of semen.


  1. G) The phallus must be removed from the UTERUS very slowly and delicately.


Pierre Huard Ming Wong speaking about Chinese medicine says: "TAOISM has other influences on medicine, as evidenced by reading a compilation of TAOIST treatises, the SING-MING-KUEL-CHEN, from about 1622."


"Three regions are distinguished in the human body. The upper or cephalic region is the origin of the spirits that inhabit the body."


"The Jade pillow (YU CHEN) is located in the posterior-inferior part of the head. The so-called pillow bone is the occiput (CHEN-KU)".


"The palace of the NI-HUAN (a term derived from the Sanskrit word NIRVANA) is located in the brain, also called the" sea of bone marrow "(SUEI-HAI); it is the origin of the seminal substances".


"The middle region is the vertebral column, considered not as a functional axis but as a conduit that connects the brain cavities with the genital centers, ends at a point called the celestial column (TIEN-CHU) located behind the nape at the point where the hair is born; this point should not be confused with that of the acupuncture of the same name ".


"The lower region includes the cinnabar field (TAN-TIEN), in it the genital activity represented by the two kidneys is based, the fire of the Tiger (YANG) on the left and the fire of the Dragon (YING) on the right".


"The sexual union is symbolized by a couple; a young man leads the white tiger and a young woman rides on the green Dragon; lead (masculine element) and mercury (feminine element) are going to mix; as soon as they are united, the Young people throw their essence into a bronze cauldron, symbol of sexual activity. But genital fluids, in particular sperm (TSING), are not eliminated and lost, but can return to the brain through the spinal column thanks to which they are recovers the course of life ".


"The basis of these TAOIST sexual practices is the" COITUS RESERVATUS ", in the course of which the sperm that has descended from the brain to the Prostatic region (but has NOT been ejaculated) returns to its origin; this is what is called doing return the substance (HUAN TSING) ".


"Whatever objections may be formulated against the reality of this return, it is no less true that the Taoists conceived a cerebral dominance of the elemental instincts that kept the degree of genesic arousal below the ejaculation threshold; thus they gave the sexual act a new style and a purpose other than fertilization ".


"Sexual practices have played a great role in Taoism; public and collective practices, noted in the second century, disappeared in the sixth century."


"The private practices continued for so long that TSENG TSAO (12th century) consecrates a section of their TAO CHU".


"Actually both TAOISTS and BUDDHISTS observed continence (which has its base in SEXUAL MAGIC) but the former considered it as a form of detachment that should lead to liberation, while the latter (in addition to their desire to achieve TAO ), they remained chaste to concentrate, retain their substance, and live long. " "It is possible that, as happened with their breathing exercises, the Taoists were inspired by the Indian Tantric Treatises; some were translated into Chinese in the time of the T'ANG and known as SUEN-SSEU-MIAO."


"The PAO-P'U-TSEU contains a section entitled" The Bedroom "(Eighteen chapters) that was printed in 1066 and reprinted in 1,307, 1,544 and 1,604 by KIAO CHE-KING."


These data have been taken from texts included in the Annals of the Suei by TAMBA YASUYORI in his YI-SIN-FANG (982-984, printed by TAKI GENKIN, died 1857).


"In 1854 this medical compendium of thirty chapters contains the secrets of the bedroom; it was republished by YE TO-HUEI (1864 - 1927) who reconstructed the lost texts and in particular the" ARS AMATORIA" (the loving art)of Master TONG HIUAN",


A great sage said: "Through the practice of VAJROLI-MUDRA, the Yogi makes the SHAKTI, that is, the revealed Universal sexual energy, flow into himself, so that he will no longer be his only participant, but also his Lord. In the VIPARITA -KARANI it is said: This practice is the most excellent, the cause of liberation for the Yogi, this practice brings health to the Yogi and gives him perfection ".


If we strip the VAJROLI-MUDRA, if we tear the veil of ISIS, the naked truth remains, the SEXUAL MAGIC, the SAHAJA MAITHUNA.


The esoteric VIPARITA KARANI teaches in a clear and precise way, how the YOGUI makes the semen rise slowly through concentration so that man and woman in full intercourse can reach VAJROLI.


"OM! Obedient to the goddess, who resembles a sleeping serpent in the SVAYAMBHU-LINGAM and wonderfully adorned, enjoys the beloved and other charms. She is lit by wine and radiates with millions of rays. She will be awakened (during the Sexual Magic) by air and fire, with the Mantra: YAM and DRAM and by the Mantra HUM ".


Chant these Mantras in those precious moments when the LINGAM-YONI are connected in the nuptial bed. This is how DEVI KUNDALINI, the igneous serpent of our magical powers, will awaken.

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