
The December solstice occurs at 17:11 GMT/UTC. The South Pole of the earth will be tilted toward the Sun, which will have reached its southernmost position in the sky and will be directly over the Tropic of Capricorn at 23.44 degrees south latitude. This is the first day of winter (winter solstice) in the northern hemisphere and the first day of summer (summer solstice) in the southern hemisphere.
The Summer Solstice is when the life force and creativity of nature climax. What budded in youth has now blossomed into maturity, nature attains its peak of perfection, the transformation has been accomplished. The Solar Rays are at their peak, the Light that permeated the core of the Earth at the Winter Solstice is now radiating fully through the Earth and through all of nature. The Summer Solstice is a time when the Light has been brought back from the core of the Earth and all is illuminated, a celebration of life and the bounty, grace and abundance that is given to us from the Sun.
The Winter Solstice is when the Sun again turns Southward in the Northern Hemisphere, after having reached its furthermost northern declination. At the Winter Solstice the Divine Light reaches the inner most centre of the globe, there it remains for four days, impregnating the Earth with its Life. It is the birth of the Sun, and creates a new growth cycle; the Earth and all beings are made ready for a fresh beginning. It is a time when a great amount of Cosmic energy is given too us to heighten our vibrations and expand our awareness, through the new Sun. Each year the energy is increased as we awaken and attain our fulfilment. The Sun is within our heart and so our Solar Self is Divine Love. At the Summer Solstice we started our inner journey and purification, now we are completing and ready to step into the new and heightened frequencies through the Sun, Central Sun, and Greater Central Sun as all the cycles are now merging in alignment of the Suns. As we ourvselves step into the Golden Cycle by being our Solar Self.

We are one year into the New Earth and New Cycle, the alignment of the Suns through the Sun within our hearts as the outer Suns merge all one through the core of our Galaxy and the centre of you. On December 21st 2012 Solstice we experienced the Great Shift in the sixth dimension and beyond, it did happen, it depends on what dimensions you resonate to. Dimensions are really states of consciousness and your consciousness creates everything. In a higher state of consciousness in unity, peace within and unconditional love, acceptance and allowing we open our awareness to the divine essence that flows eternally from our hearts and Source. We move beyond the small dramas in the third dimension, the illusion and life becomes beautiful all the time. Still there are challenges transiting to the higher dimensions fully, as it’s the shift in our consciousness which can only occur when we are ready and have let go our ego and dramas. Choosing to come from an open heart, in love and peace, and in harmony with all other beings and creation.
Before the alignment of the Suns through the Galactic plane I used to connect to the Galactic Centre outside of myself, now it is within, and to me the Mayan Calendar is over as it got us to the place we are meant to be, in the stillness and in tune with the cosmos. This all happened a year ago in the higher dimensions and is filtering down now, and has made it possible for the Earth Stargates to open and the union of heaven and earth, matter and spirit is taking place.
That is why it is so intense and why we need so much rest, water, connecting with nature at present to allow these changes to take affect.
On this Solstice more than doing anything with the Councils of Light it’s about allowing. They the higher aspects of you, and would love for you to be still enough to allow the changes to really take affect within you.
Below I have some exercises for aligning to the Suns, Being the Sun of your true self, connecting to your Earthsun Body, and the centre of the Galaxy within you and out into the new creation. Aligned to the all the Suns within all of you and the centre of the Galaxy, within your third dimensional cells, all one, open to the new light codes and Thirteen Rays of the Rainbow.
I work with the Source energy through the Suns and Earth, in this way I am going direct, which is simple and clear and one cannot get caught up in old paradigm energies and aspects of duality that may not be conscious.
With your prayer and intention know that you are connected to the Source of all that is, in Divine Love and Oneness. From the Source through the Greater Central Sun, Central Sun, Second Sun and Sun as the golden light that illuminates from the Source through the Suns and illuminates down through your higher chakras in through the crown, down through your head....down your neck…chest and into your heart.....In your heart is the Sun of your true self, solar self, divine essence that connects you to the Source of all that is...Be aware of the warm soft glowing golden light in your heart as it illuminates out through your body...then down through your pelvis…legs...feet and into the earth...Down through the earth and into the Inner Earth and the Sun in the Inner Earth, as you connect to the centre of the Earth.....
Then be aware of the beautiful earth energy as it flows back through from the Inner Earth Sun, up through the Earth...In through your feet....legs...pelvis...body and into your heart as your heart is the doorway that connects Heaven and Earth within you...As the earth energy flows up through your chest...neck…head ....out your crown and higher chakras....through the Suns and back to Source...as you are one with the Earth and Source merged though you......
The beautiful vessel that allows the energies to flow both ways..........Then breathe in the earth and become one with the earth....breathe in the sky and become one with the sky....Breathe in and as you breathe out the earth and sky merge within you.....be open to the flow of your life force energy as it flows from the Earth Star Chakra up through your base...central channel...out your crown and settles back at your heart as it opens the doorway of your heart....
Taking your awareness back into your heart with each breathe In you go deeper and deeper into the stillness and aware of the beautiful Sun of your true self right there in your heart. The soft glowing golden light, your solar self, divine presence……as the Sun that you are illuminates out to every cell in your physical body, as every cells opens to it’s divinity and glows in golden light, alive and tingling with life force energy….. As the golden rays of the Sun within you illuminate out through every cell in your physical body, then out to your Etheric Body clear and vibrant……Then from the Source within you the Sun glows through all your cells, out through your Etheric Body and then into your Emotional Bodies, clear and radiant…..As the golden light from the Sun of you illuminates every cell of your physical body tingling and alive, through your clear, cleansed Etheric Body and Health Aura…..Out through your Emotional Bodies and into your Mental Bodies, clear and radiant….
As the Golden Light from your Solar Self from the Source within you illuminates out through every cell in your physical body, then out to your Etheric Body, out through your Emotional Bodies, Mental Bodies clear and radiant and out to your Spiritual Bodies from the Source within you, your Solar self the Sun that you are glows brightly from within out… through all your bodies…One Golden Body of Light.
Being really connected is to have all our energy bodies and physical body connected with the Earth and the Inner Earth Sun. We are doing this in our Earthsun Body; that assists us to be clear and is a tuning rod that is connecting our physical, etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies with those bodies of the Earth.
This is especially important if you are a healer, teacher or you give a lot of your energies and self in assisting others who vibrate in lower frequencies than yourself. Even though you channel the Source energy you are still human and can get affected without even realising.
Also important when you are doing your own inner healing to be fully connected, or doing your own inner healing.
For full details about the Earthsun Body and Soulight Chakra please see the Light Code Activation book.
from the " Light Code Activation" book
Align and connect through prayer and intention to Source, in Divine Love and Oneness, through the Sun, Central Sun and Greater Central Sun as the Golden Light from Source illuminates through the Suns and down through your Crown, down through into your Heart. You become aware of the radiant Sun in your Heart, your connection to the Source within you, as the warm glowing Golden Light illuminates from your Heart out through your body, down your pelvis, legs, feet and into the Earth, to the very core of the Earth. As you become aware of the Sun in the centre of the Earth and connect into the centre of the Earth. Then aware of the beautiful earth energy as it flows up from the core of the Earth, through the earth in through your feet, legs, pelvis, body and into your heart. You are one with the centre of the Earth through the doorway of your heart, as the earth energy flows up your chest, neck, head, out your crown and back to Source.
You are the doorway that allows the energies to flow through you both ways, through your heart and body.
Be aware of your connection to the Earth….. take your awareness down into the Inner Earth Sun, in the centre of the Earth…..as it illuminates up through the earth and into the Earth Star Chakra, then up into the Link Chakra and into your Base, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras, until it moves into the Soulight Chakra, half-way between the Solar Plexus and the Heart Chakra……..
Be aware that the Inner Earth Sun is in your Soulight Chakra……
Deep breathe in as you connect deeper into your centre….into the Sun in your Heart…warm and glowing, soft and loving….Now be aware of the Sun in the sky… as you greet it… its golden rays illuminate down through the Cosmic Gateway and down through Universal Gateway, Stellar Gateway, Soul Star and into the Crown, then down the Central Channel through the Causal Chakra, Frontal, Third Eye, Throat, Thymus, and into your Heart…..As the outer and inner Sun are One…….
With the Sun in your Heart and the Inner Earth Sun in the Soulight Chakra….become aware of the energy flowing between the two in a figure 8……..As the energies of the two Chakras and Suns merge, an energy body is created from the union of the Sun and Inner Earth Sun within you, the Earthsun Body…..Allow its energy to align and unify through you……..As it expands your awareness.....activates the DNA divine light codes.....As it strengthens and connects your energy bodies, they are refreshed, revitalised, rejuvenated.... as your physical body is one with the Earth's physical body...As your etheric body is one with the Earth's etheric body.....As your emotional bodies are one with the Earth's emotional bodies.....As your mental bodies are one with the Earth's mental bodies......As your spiritual bodies are one with the Earth's spiritual bodies.......
Your Earthsun Body connects you one with the Earth.....you are a tuning folk, as your consciousness is expanded....bringing more clarity and allowing.......Your Earthsun Body assists with unlimited awareness, and being your body of light, master of yourself, refreshed, revitalised, physically immortal, the divine being you truly are.

Having awareness of the Galactic Centre within is very helpful for all inner work, healing, meditation, activating, awakening, anchoring and unifying.
Since the Great Shift at the 21st December Solstice 2012 into the time of the Sixth Sun and the Earth and our Solar Systems alignment with the Galactic Centre. The cross over point and cosmic cross, the pulse of light and consciousness that comes to us from the Galactic Centre, it is now directly within us.
The cross over point of the Galactic Core and our heart centre are all one, with the Inner Earth Sun.
On the very next day December 22nd 2012 I became aware that the Inner Earth Sun and our Earthsun Body had shifted frequency and are now Liquid Light Plasma.
Previous to the shift we connected to the outer Galactic Centre to feel the light pulse and consciousness coming from it. Then the cross over within the heart centre, as we went within the crossover point in our heart and then moved through the Galactic Centre. Now it is no longer on any outer plane but fully within our heart chakra and our centre, as we are one with the heart of the Galactic Core and the heart of the Earth.
This has always been so, but most people were perceiving things as more outside the self before the Great Shift. Now we are in the era of unity consciousness and being from our heart, one with the divine Creator more fully as we integrate into our higher dimensional self.
Breathe deeply into yourself as each breath takes you deeper and deeper into your Heart......into the stillness…….
Be open to the pulse of Light and Consciousness that illuminates from the Galactic Centre, within you for this day.
……Feel the Light pulses for this day.
As you go deeper into your heart, into the stillness….. the cross over point within your heart…..Into the centre of the crossover point in our Galaxy…..all one…….The inner and outer are one……
You go deeper and deeper into yourself……..into the cross-over point within you…..within the Galactic Centre….Into the stillness and absolute peace, the void……
As you merge one with the Galactic Centre and allow yourself to be....
If you choose; opening up to the New Creation, the New Earth, that is created from your love, from your heart, the centre of the Galaxy and beyond, the Source of all flows eternally through your heart.

On the December Solstice in 2012 as the Sun aligned with the Central Sun and Greater Central Suns and we moved through the Galactic Plane, this happened not only in the bigger cosmic picture, but within us and our cells as well, we are all One.
As all the outer Suns aligned, they aligned through the centre of you,
through your Sun in your heart, and through your Central Sun and Greater Central Sun of your true self.
As the alignment of the Suns glows through all the cells of your body and as our Earth and Solar System aligned through all the Suns, we moved through the cross over point, the centre of our Galaxy.
The Black Hole, White Hole where all light and life flows to us, and where we return as we finish this creation cycle from white hole to black, as we move through the cross over point within our own heart and through the cells of our body.
As each cell has a nuclei and heart and is a doorway too, aligned now through the centre of you, through the centre of the Galaxy, through all the Suns, all one. The inner and outer are one, as we are the Sun that we truly are and all the cells and DNA are resonating in the higher frequencies of light. Awakened and opened more fully to the love of all creation through the centre of you, through the centre of your cells.
Our RNA antenna brings in the new Thirteen Rays of the Rainbow. The higher dimensional light codes that we are now able to receive through our shift in consciousness and alignment of the Suns, as we are the Sun that we are, through the crossover point in the heart of the Galaxy, the heart of you.
Imagine there is a glass window between your physical, third dimensional nuclei in your cells and your multi-dimensional nuclei.
Now look out of the window into the multi-dimensional realms…
Be aware of the light codes and the Thirteen Rays of the Rainbow dancing alive…
Open the window and breathe in the thirteen rays and light codes into your third dimensional physical nuclei… Be open to feeling joy and tingling in your cells and body…..
Now direct the light codes and thirteen rays into an area of your body that most needs rejuvenation…
Then into the next area until you have illuminated all your cells and body….
Just as our Solar System has moved through the galactic plane and aligned through the Suns, you open up to the Sun of your self….New and radiant through the Galactic plane, all one…….
THE MANDALA ‘THE ALIGNMENT OF THE SUNS, THROUGH THE GALACTIC CENTRE, THROUGH THE CENTRE OF YOUR CELLS, ALL ONE’ has the sound codes with it, and can be brought on its own or in The Eight Suns set. Please see on www.evenstarcreations.com under Shop under Mandalas
Whether we are Christian or not, believe it was when the Christ was born or not, it is a day a lot of humanity has set aside to share with loved ones, those less fortunate and come together in love, joy and peace. A time of goodwill, giving and gratitude, so we create a collective energy that we can use to see all beings as whole, healed and divine. The aspects of you in higher dimensions that in separation consciousness you may feel are not you but are, for example; Angles, Light Beings, Masters, Guardians, Christed/Buddhic Beings, Councils of Light are able to illuminate humanity and the aspects of you in the denser worlds with love and grace at this time also. Be open to receiving and sharing.

Comet ISON will travel approximately 1.1 million km above the surface of our Sun and on the 26/27 December 2013 will pass 64.2 million km from Earth. This is Comet ISON’s first orbit through our inner solar-system.
For more information please see Simone Mathews website http://www.universallifetools.com/2013/11/comet-ison-metatphysical-spiritual-heart/
The brightest Comet this century and closets to Earth at Christmas, can be seen by the naked eye now, but more visible from Northern Hemisphere.
One of the reasons we have been feeling so tired, slow, and not with it a lot of the time is Ison’s presence as it blasts past us and has been prominent in our energy fields from October.
Lighting the way for us to be who we truly are, another sign in the heavens and shower bearer of cosmic energies to accelerate our molecules being rearranged even more as we let go, surrender into ourself and allow the transformation to take place. Our cellular structure and nuclei is ready to receive the higher light octaves.
Planetary Meditation link up world-wide for Peace. There are many times of the day that have been set aside for meditation and connecting around the planet for Peace. This particular link-up has been going for over 20 years. As we all connect at midnight our time and link to everyone around the Earth we see and know everyone is already whole, healed, divine and at peace. In the Greater Reality all is in the Now and we create it, so how do we see it. If enough of us see it as it really is, divine, then it is. When we are at peace within, then so too does our world, the inner and the outer are One.

Permission is given to copy and redistribute these Cosmic Events on the trust that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author and it is freely distributed.
Copyright © 2013 Soluntra King PO Box 11 Whakatane, Bay of Plenty. 3158 New Zealand. soluntra@evenstarcreations.com

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