flashstorm's Posts (84)

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Planetary Freedom for All


We are moving into a planetary community based on the principles of Universal Peace, love, compassion, caring, nurturing, kindness and sharing. Placing the well being of human life, the ecosystems and environment of the planet before money or profit.

A community where everyone without exception has the equal right to land, food, water, shelter and everything they need to live in peace, safety, comfort and harmony.

All forms of profiting at the expense of human life are outlawed. All exploitation, wage slavery, oppression, domination, abuse of power, and harming of others are outlawed. Zero tolerance on all who would cause harm and oppress others.

What this implies is the end of all corrupt institutions that oppress the peoples including corrupt governments, banking systems, corporate greedy, wealthy elite, dictators, warlords, royalty, oppressive regimes and gangs. Your time is up and your influence and power will be eradicated from this planet forever.

That the community of loving peoples of this planet may live in true freedom, abundance, peace, love, and happiness.

We the free peoples of planet earth, now know we have the chance to create something very special here. Out of our heartfelt love and compassion towards each other and this beautiful planet. As long as we love, there are no limits on what we can do and create here on this planet, in this the most exciting time of human history.

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We've made it

We have as a collective ascended to the higher vibrations. All the dysfunctional systems and negativity that remains here are just shadows, an echo of the old world, which has split off. Now anything is possible. What you want to see in the world in terms of equality, harmony and peace shall appear. There will be a gradual transition as the old shadows of the former world are released. Everything is flexible now, the world is a canvas upon which we can express the highest love, beauty and joy. There are no limits to what we can create and what we can achieve. Each day we move to the expression of more freedom and love. Each day we release our fears and enter bliss. Let go of the old shadows and move into the new. There is nothing we cannot do.
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The Free Planetary Community of Love and Peace

We the free peoples of planet earth affirm that all global, national and personal debt is wiped out. The word debt taken out of the dictionary, and obliterated from the face of the earth.

All banks, financial institutions and stock markets are dissolved, their massive accumulation of property, assets and resources to be placed in the equal freedom domain. For the benefit of all humanity.

The ending of all taxes. No one is forced to ever again to forced to pay any tax to live on this beautiful and free planet of their birth.

The ending of all money and monetary systems replaced by the right for all peoples without exception to enough food, clean water, shelter and safety to live in peace and harmony.

The dissolving of all Corporations and wealthy elite, their assets, property and resources seized and placed in the equal freedom domain. For the well being and benefit of all humanity. Specifically the disbanding of the Fascist Multinational Corporate Global Empire of the United States of America, the Corporation of London and other areas.

The outlawing of Land ownership. The equitable sharing and use of the best inhabitable areas.

The removal of all Royal families and dictatorships from off the face of the Earth. First and foremost the Royal family of the United Kingdom. The ending of their obscene ownership of 1/6th of the inhabitable land of of the Earth which they stole from the people including the whole of Australia, Canada, Britain and many others. All this land to be used fairly by all the inhabitants of the said countries, instead of those inhabitants being serfs to a feudal system while actually believing they are in a free democracy.

The freeing of the scientific minds, technology, patents and intellectual knowledge from the private control of multinational corporations and the military, so that these minds and technology can be used to organise an equitable system of labour and infrastructure that benefits and supports the well being of all human beings on Earth as a whole, using the best technological knowledge available.

We affirm that the military opens up all it’s known technology to the equal freedom domain so that it may benefit the whole of humanity.

Where the sick, the poor, the hungry, the vulnerable, the helpless, the homeless are given priority above any kind of profit. The basis and foundation of this planetary community not being communism, but based on the principles of compassion, love, peace, kindness, caring, sharing. Where everyone without exception is given a vote as long as they are in agreement with these principles which are the bedrock and foundation of a Planetary Community of Love, Peace and Happiness.

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The Everlasting Age of Love

We are moving into an age of universal love on planet earth. Where there is peace and abundance for all without exception. This new planetary community will be based on the principles of love, compassion, kindness, nurturing, caring, sharing and peace. Where the value of human and animal life and the environment of this planet is placed before the desires of the few to profit over or control others.

There will be zero tolerance on all who seek to dominate or harm others for profit or other reasons. This includes land owners, war lords, wealthy elite, royalty, corporate greed, drug lords, military powers, gangs, predators, thugs, torturers, dominators, exploiters, en slavers and destroyers.

The wealth, resources, property, assets, patents and scientific and intellectual knowledge of all corporations will be seized and used equally among the people of Earth, to benefit all in the best possible way. All taxes and money will be abolished. All banks, financial institutions and stock markets will be dissolved and their wealth and assets placed in the public domain. Land ownership will be outlawed, all land and earth resources will be shared by everyone.

Everyone will have everything they need to live in abundance and comfort. All labour will be voluntary. The labour of the masses will no longer be a means of supporting the wealth of a tiny group. All wealth will be equally distributed with no one allowed to amass unbalanced influence over others. Systems will be in place for automation to eradicate heavy labour based on the best scientific and technological knowledge available.

There will never again be the possibility of Royalty, Governments, Corporations, Banks, Warlords or Gangs, to dominate by force the masses in order to profit a few wealthy elite. This whole system of corruption will be flooded out with no recourse for those who wish to engage in this behaviour. If they wish to harm, they will only have the power to harm themselves and no one else.

As we move into this age of love, the civilization will be transformed to reflect the harmony of the planet, to embody the wonder and beauty of the universe and the oneness of all things. We are moving up to a higher expression of consciousness, where we are all together joined through the expression of the purposes of love. All the dis-harmonic and dysfunctional delusions that operate on this planet at this time will be flushed away. This will happen without any need to take up arms.

Thus we enter an endless age of Love where spiritual wisdom and harmony are the cornerstones of human expression. Where the endless treasures of the universe are unveiled for us to experience and explore and where we are reunited with that great galactic family which many of us remember as home.



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Poverty is defined by Wikipedia as “the state of those who lack a certain amount of material possessions or money. Absolute poverty or destitution refers to being unable to afford basic human needs, which commonly include clean and fresh water, nutrition, health care, education, clothing and shelter. About 1.7 billion people are estimated to live in absolute poverty today.”

From my point of view poverty is a false label. No one is poor. People are people who happen to have certain needs to survive and live in harmony. The acquisition of material possession and money defined as wealth is entirely unnecessary for the comfort and happiness of human beings. It is only those with a vested interest in the domination of others through money and possession (assets and wealth (materialism)) who enforce this label of poverty on others.

The idea that you need to “afford” basic human needs is obscene and delusional, since this planet provides enough space, abundance and sustenance for ALL to live in comfort. It is those with the mindset of the domination of others who purposely set out to restrict access to necessary resources and land, so that they may profit off the dependency of others.

It is these “wealthy” who have zero interest in truly improving the conditions of the “poor” or in other words the “wealthy” have no interest in making everyone wealthy, because if that was the case their wealth would be worthless. The wealthy(rich) have a strong interest in the majority of people remaining poor so that they can exploit them for labour. For without the labour of the majority of poor to serve the rich, there would be no such thing as wealth.

This has nothing to do with capitalism, communism, fascism, socialism or any other ism. This state of affairs is simply the determination of a small group of people to control the subservience of the majority of people who thus support the wealth and imagined superiority of the rich with their labour. Such a thing has existed since the dawn of human civilization and is the fundamental issue that confronts human society.

A government is nothing more than the biggest gang in a country. This gang demands that you pay them tribute and protection money (taxes), or else it sends in it’s muscle of force to imprison or kill you. This gang simply has a greater ability to harm you than any other gang in the nation.

The people who control this gang have always been the same. The richest people in the land, whether that be royalty, corporations, or warlords and most importantly the biggest landowners.

Because you are forced to pay this gang currency of a type that is determined by the government, you have to get that form of currency from whoever is giving it out. So you are forced to either work for this gang or the other gangs (corporations/businesses) that will give it to you in exchange for your labour. In other words you are forced to sell your labour to gain the tightly controlled currency that you have to pay to the government.

It is the very rich who own these other gangs and command their loyalty. Through their force and influence they own the majority of land which you either must pay them rent (tribute) for, or expand vast sums of currency to acquire. To obtain you are once again forced to work for those who have reserves of this currency.

The purpose of richest people who control the gangs is to gain control of all basic human resources, so that those who have needs are forced to pay them tribute and work for them in order to survive.

For example a village has a well which everyone needs to get clean water. A gang rolls into town and takes “ownership” of the well which it controls through force. Everyone is forced to pay them or work for them in order to have access to clean water. Anyone who tries to dig another well is killed. All other wells in the area are owned by the same or rival gangs. All these gangs working together is called globalism, to ensure the subservience and labour of all people and to make sure no one slips through the net.

From this it is understood that what you call wealth, is simply the enforced labour and servitude of the majority of people to support the position of their gang leaders. Of course as long as you join the gang and are a willing servant, then you may get some crumbs off the table.

Higher education seems to be for many a way out of poverty. With the assumption that you will be able to make more money than others and thus pay for the comforts and experiences that will make life easier.

Higher education is a process of entrainment to the system. The system being increasing the wealth of the rich through the exploitation of the poor. All widely accepted intellectual systems enforce the superiority of the elite a.k.a. monetary system, government authority and status of the wealthy. Only those who have proved they are capable of following the curriculum are allowed to enter higher education, where they are more deeply entrained. In addition they must pay vast sums of money in order to get in. This may be a gift from parents who have done well within the system. However in many instances it is through going deep into debt. Once you are in that debt your are forced to work to pay your way out. So essentially you are locked in. Follow the party line and prosper. Become a gangster.

Once you have become a gangster, you have at your finger tips the ability to buy the resources you need to live from other gangs and you also have the power to get a whole range of worthless junk you don’t need. More importantly you are given a mortgage. Oh so you work for one of our gangs, great, now get your own home by borrowing a vast sum of money it will take you half your lifetime to pay off. Thus your loyalty to the system is ensured, you have no choice but to work for this system. You don’t dare lose your job now. You’ve got a family that needs a roof above their head. You will do anything to keep your job. (Perhaps do and say nothing when your corporate bosses make you complicit in policies that harm and exploit millions of people)

The media is nothing more than a propaganda machine as well as mind and population control organization. It enforces the delusion of money as wealth and what you need to survive, and the more you have of it the better. Governments, banks and corporations as decent organizations you can trust, instead of the utterly corrupt and criminal institutions that they are. The media enforces division between people, jealousy, selfishness, materialism and sensationalism. It is psychological programming for the subconscious and ego. It’s aim to keep people stupid, confused and divided by lies and disinformation so that they do not question and seriously challenge the agenda of this civilization which is simply to increase the wealth, power and influence of the minority of wealthy people at the exploitation and slavery of the majority of humanity.

The multinational corporate interests simply take operating principles of the warlords, gangs and wealthy elite of every nation on earth and multiply it into a titanium system that no individual has any hope of challenging. The multinational corporations are the biggest gangs on the planet and they go in and use many means of taking over the interests of local warlords, mafia and gangs (governments). Their muscle is the intelligence services and the U.S. navy, air force and military.

They use the same techniques, just more sophisticated and a lot smoother. The effect is that the local rich, warlords and landowners dominated their people in a certain way. The multinational corporation agenda, brings order to the chaos, by dominating them on a much larger scale. The Imperialistic Christian Colonization Agenda of the British empire has become a Super Elite Global Multinational Corporate Agenda spearheaded by America, sugarcoated as democracy and freedom. The propaganda of a New World Order which is in a nutshell the total domination of all labour on Earth and the control of all global assets and human resources for the profit and benefit of a tiny group of human beings(the elite, thousand points of light - George.H.W Bush). The result of which is perpetual enforced slavery of humankind. This is the state of affairs at this time.

The state of affairs at this time is a reflection - rather magnification of fatal flaws within basic human society, psyche and ego. That is the propensity of some human beings to seek superiority over others, the desire to control and dominate others in order to gain status, privilege wealth, power and aggrandisement. It is that basic selfish instinct to spread personal influence, power and domination over others rather than working together in harmony, caring, peace and equality with others. Human history is saturated with the mentality of domination. While this obsession with power and control is not necessarily evil - it is simply an expression of the fire element - It is however unbalanced. On a small scale this imbalance may be positive for it may organise a tribe to fight off it’s attackers, on the gargantuan scale it now operates it is utter misery for billions of humans and animals.

In other words through evolution the human race must needs transform and harmonise itself, not simply magnify it’s tribal instincts and basic flaws. To be fair it is only a few who have the mentality of domination and control among the human race, but it only takes a few in order to create problems for the majority. The majority of humanity is peace loving, but lack the ability to deal with the few powerful ones who seek domination over others.

The New World Order is an obscenity which will either force humanity to transform itself or be destroyed. Those who mistakenly believe in the New World Order, actually believe it is the best hope for order and peace on a global scale to address those basic flaws of “human nature”.

For we who are incarnating on the planet at this time, we all know better. Ascension is basically a transformation of the human race and planet to a higher state of existence and in those terms this is definitely happening at this time. We are moving into a time when we as a whole recognize that the universal positive feminine energies must absolutely take precedence in human life. In real terms what this means is that a society or civilization must be based first and foremost based on principles of compassion, nurturing, caring, kindness, sharing, love and peace. To those who base their assumptions on the bloody and warlike history of humanity, those principles do not have the power to provide protection and security for human life. Yet for those of us who have entered the feminine mysteries, it is known that the power of cosmic love when applied with sincerity and divine intuition is more than a match for any negative fiery power. Before the gaze of the divine feminine the most powerful fires are frozen to absolute zero. Armies dissolve into nothingness. Titanium strength melts to liquid. So will the powers of this world be tamed.

It is to this level of awareness that we must ascend as a species in order to no longer be influenced by the lower domination and control games of those small group of individuals who have enslaved the majority of this planet.

Thankfully I can say that there is a great awakening on this planet and we are moving past the new world order, into an endless age of love, peace and happiness. This is happening and will happen for certain. The gorgeous wonder and beauty of the feminine mysteries will be unveiled, gifted to and celebrated once again within the human race. The only requisite is that we understand fully, having gone through great suffering, the value and preciousness of harmony. As opposed to engaging in harmful states that cause suffering for everyone. Having appreciated this there is no chance to fall again.

Thus with all I have said in this document there is a wonderful future for us all. You only have to choose the path, enter it and to walk it. Welcome wise traveller to the Endless Age of Love.
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Heaven's Gift

Do not hide behind the illusions of your wishes.
For those who desire to bring heaven to Earth,
First you must seek out all malice and hatred,
And dissolve it within the infinite void of emptiness,
Until nothing is left but an ocean of compassion.
Then find within the eternal, unconditional, omnipresent Love,
And a peace as deep as the oceans and as vast as the stars,
And a Happiness that flows from the beginning of time to the ends of eternity,
And a Wonder that shines with the brilliance of the cosmos on fire with beauty.
That lasts for all the eons of time.
Then give this gift to all mankind.
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Every moment, ever new,
Renewing, recreating all things,
Eternity in the ever present now,
All things to begin once again.

A dazzling ocean of Love that embraces all,
Surrounding and Interpenetrating all things,
A sea of compassion that fills the heart,
Healing, fulfilling, blessing, nurturing, renewing.
And a peace as deep as the oceans and as vast as the stars,
That flows through all nations and lasts for all ages of the world.

Inside all things, now my spirit flies,
Within everyone and everything,
No division, only one consciousness,
All faces, facets of the one,
Eyes shining with wonder of the universe,
And echo the reverberating thunder of ecstasy.

Visions of such exquisite beauty,
Stars and galaxies that sing their explosive joy,
Vistas of unending heavenly glory,
melting into the effervescent glow,
of the divine lover’s embrace.
She whispers to me, this is my heart
These are my children
Millions of worlds of Love,
Trillions of hearts that sing,
The celebration of love throughout the universe,
shining, forever shining.
singing, forever singing.

And Divine Justice shall fill the earth,
That love, peace and happiness, all may know.
Those who would boast plutonium and uranium,
And malice’s supreme Fires that ebb and flow,
Shall know the chill of absolute zero.

Falling into the infinite void,
As vast as eternity, playground of the divine,
In which the entire universe is but a spec of dust,
And all of time and space are but a grain of sand.
Dissolving all desire, all attachment, all ego into emptiness,
Until nothing is left but the divine within,
and Enlightenment’s bliss, Everlasting.

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There seems to be some confusion as to what is considered balance. Some people talk about having a balance between light and dark as opposed to concentrating on light.


Balance from the point of view of wisdom is not a licence to indulge in negative behaviour for the sake of gratifying your childish obsessions. It is to be fully aware of the negative aspects of the self and make them positive. Again from this point of view the negative powers can be applied in legality only to maintain harmony.


A human being is designed to reflect and express harmony. Human life is learning the effects of both negativity and positivity. Through much experience, the wisdom is gained that constantly expressing virtue leads to the highest happiness, and constantly expressing negative powers leads in the end to utter suffering and ultimately destruction.


What this means in practical terms is that a mother does not throw her baby against the wall, then cuddle it, to balance the effects of negativity and positivity with regards to the well being of her baby. Although she has the freedom to do this. However the results of such an experiment would have tragic consequences. Instead she constantly nurtures it.


Most people also do not cuf off their limbs to experience the negative effect of having no arms or legs. Nor do they gouge out their eyes to "balance" the negative state of blindness with the positive state of sight.


Having said that, a mother nevertheless disciplines her child. A person sits down to rest their limbs. We close our eyes and sleep to rest. These also could be considered negative states. But these have the express purpose of maintaining harmony with the intention of renewing and increasing positivity. Hence balance.


To engage in negative actions, dark purposes, corrupt intentions, disharmonic states of mind, for nothing more than the freedom to do so. Leads inevitably to endless suffering for yourself and others. This is what the law of karma teaches us.


The intention of the human being to dwell in positive states such as love,compassion and the illumination of conscisouness leads to happiness, peace, bliss, satisfaction and unending joy. What is requisite however is that we become aware of our negative aspects of being, that we do not ignore them and engage in self deception. But that we master their influence over ourselves, so that we may be truly free.

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Final Outcome

Forging a path to the future

As many may have noticed we have entered the initiation of a time of extreme change and upheaval. As it could be said, the future begins here. What we do in the now, in the present will determine our future, the course of world events and the destiny of the human race. We have come to the close of an age of vast corruption and deception. Where we go from here is a choice that has to be made in the heart of every individual on the planet. The choice they make will determine the world they create. It is time to forge a pathway to the future, to realize that we as an individual we have the power to change ourselves and in doing so the world.

We have the power to transform our surroundings based on our own determination. When we take upon ourselves the mantle of creators and seek to create our destiny we can change our fate and that of humanity. If we believe we are powerless and sit in apathy and hopelessness, then the forces of fate come into play and we give ourselves over to the intentions of others who create our future for us. In so doing, we abdicate our responsibility and thus find ourselves separate from our deepest desires and dreams. It is therefore incumbent upon us that we seize this moment in time, a time when all the cosmic powers are aligning to give us the support we need, in creating the future.

Understanding of the negative corruption in ourselves and the current civilization

The lessons of the current civilization should be clear and pertinent in our mind. This civilization has taught us the result of selfishness, greed, hatred, jealousy, and negative intent. It has shown us where these within the individual and group lead to. A violently sick and hopelessly corrupt civilization of unending suffering, injustice, disease and disharmony. This result is the creation of our past individual and collective actions that have brought about this sorry state of affairs. Those negative powers that seek to perpetuate this civilization have used massive manipulation in order to placate and lull the populations into a false sense of security. To blind them to the truth of the despicable nature of the system within which they currently live.

However we must understand that although they do this, we do not have the luxury of blaming them. They seek to deny us a future that expresses the full beauty of the human spirit and to rob us of a divine destiny full of wonder and splendour.. Yet it is we as individuals who have the power to create a future based on the content of our mind, emotions and actions. If we do not exercise this power of being, then the dark fate they have in store for us will materialize.

The negative powers fully know the extent and power of each individual human being to change and transform the world. They also fully know those divine and cosmic powers that are assisting us in our evolution and transformation. They are therefore doing everything in their power to blind us to our own power and to control our mind, emotions and actions to the fullest possible extent. They keep us in apathy and powerlessness, through mind control and manipulation of the environment, so that we fail to create a better future for ourselves and our children, but remain their slaves. Ultimately finding and recognizing our power(Love) will for each individual without exception, determine our fate.

Creation of an entirely new way of life

It is time to create out of the deepest desires of our heart and dreams a world and way of life that reflects our best nature and our highest potential. The divine is gazing at each person on the planet and saying ok you’ve experienced the depths of negativity and corruption, now what do you want? more of the same (there’s plenty of that suffering, pain and death) Or do you want your life to be filled with a love that knows no bounds, to have a peace that lasts for all ages of the world, to experience unending happiness, wonder and joy. Or maybe you want something in between. It’s up to you, you have the power to create it. What you decide will happen, will happen. That is, what you commit your mind, emotions and actions to in every moment of your life will determine your future.

A Community of Love, Peace, Happiness

The cosmic energies that are coming through to the planet and the wonderful actions of beautiful beings, human, angel and divine are creating the potential for the transformation into the best of all possible worlds. There is a vista of breathtaking beauty before us. A world of our deepest dreams rises before our eyes as present, real and immediate. A heaven on Earth. You only have to see it, taste it, feel it to enter it. In other words you have to raise your vibration to it’s frequency. To enter requires the vibration within your soul of Love, Compassion and Kindness. If you can create these within yourself, then all the powers of the Universe will align within you to join that future. Do you see a future of destruction and disaster? are you obsessed with this? then that is what you create for yourself to experience. It’s that simple.

Harmony and Oneness with Gaia

Within the highest future destiny of the human race, is the essential aligning with the energies of Gaia. In other words if the human race wishes to survive the destruction of their civilization then we must come into harmony with Gaia. The planet Gaia is not at risk from the human race. It is human beings who are at risk from going extinct if they continue in their destructive behaviour.

For those of us who find in our hearts a love for this wonderful planetary consciousness, a determination to honour her, and join in harmony with her being, she will share with us the essence of her heart and her dreams. What this means in real terms, is this: turn off your TV, stop blabbing into your cellphone for a moment. Sit quietly in nature ideally or in a dirty city if you really have to, and connect with this gorgeous living planetary consciousness. Share whatever you wish with her, your dreams your desires for the future, your love. If you wish to come into harmony with her then state this heartfelt intention and she will assist you to do so, and in doing so we will realize that we are not separate from her, we are a part of her.

Wealth and Abundance

One of the strongest belief systems within this civilization is that money is wealth and you cannot survive without it. This has been so deeply programmed within the majority of the people of this world, that few if any would question it.

Money is not wealth, money is debt. True wealth is to be in harmony with the planet and universe, to live in balance and peace with your environment and to observe the universal laws. With these conditions in place, you will never have any lack, you will have all you need and you will not have to fight or be a slave to survive. This planetary civilization is not only out of harmony with Gaia, but directly in opposition to her, there is no balance with the environment in this civilization and we as humans violate the Universal laws every day. Is there any wonder our civilization is in near INFINITE debt. That is what you get when you actively oppose the laws of creation and harmony as a race.

For those of us who wish to change this state of affairs. There is no looking to others, it starts with us in our life. If we do not wish to be slaves to money, then we must first create the intention to be in harmony with the planet and universe, and then act on it. If we are too fear based or apathetic to make a commitment to harmony, then our decision will affect our experience. Out of love those who make a commitment to the purposes of Gaia, to join in the Great Cosmic harmony will free themselves of slavery, and never know lack or want. Instead they will experience the endless abundance of the Universe, that knows no limitation or end.

Health, Vitality and Longevity

Good health is also a form of true wealth, that no amount of money can buy. Good Health, Abundance, Vitality and Longevity are in part, the blessings and gifts of the planet to her children who are in harmony with her and the Greater Universe. In these terms health is harmony. The best way to come into harmony is through Love. Love teaches us the way and the means, it is up to us to walk the path. For those who experience disease in whatever form, the best way they can prevent it from occurring again in the future or in their future lives, is a commitment to harmony within thought, emotion and action. For it is these which create our ease or disease, our comfort or pain, our suffering or happiness. The lesson that the karma of disease is teaching us is therefore that in our creative acts of mind, emotion and body, when we create disharmony through negativity, we experience disharmony and disease. When we create harmony through the positive principle we experience harmony, comfort and happiness.

Divine Destiny

Within the present moment is all the power of eternity. We as human beings have access to this power. We can use it to transform ourselves and in doing so the world. No matter what your karma, your problems and difficulties of life circumstances, we can use this power to create a new destiny. This power is the power of Love, through it we can change time, fate and dissolve the negative powers. This is the extent and scope of the power of Love. For the heart that truly Loves together with compassion and kindness and aligns itself to the harmony within all things, there is nothing it cannot do. There is nothing denied those who commit themselves to the purposes of Love. What this means that Love is the greatest lesson we are to learn within existence. It is the purpose and reason the Universe was created, and it’s enlightenment is the final destiny of all created beings. True Love annihilates selfishness and greed within the individual and creates an infinite ocean of compassion. For those who can enter this vibration in some small way, heaven will appear on Earth.

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Change the Future

The current paradigm of the civilization that covers most of the inhabited parts of the planet Earth at this time is coming to an end. It no longer serves the purpose of planetary evolution and as such must be discarded. The corruption, greed, injustice, violence and disharmony that exists at this time on a vast scale is a blight upon the Earth and the children of Gaia. which must be removed.

It is up to us to change ourselves and thus change the world. Yet there may be a vast number of people who are not interested in change, but are content to stay within the status quo. They are welcome to their choice. Yet for those of us who wish to live in a harmonious, positive community that expresses love, peace and happiness, it is up to us to take the powers of creation into our hands and create a new future for ourselves and our children. For no one else will do it for us.

Most who live within this current paradigm are slaves to the greed and corruption of a powerful wealthy few. There is a struggle to survive and the shunting into a iron clad system, where there is little flexibility or freedom. The labour of all the people is exploited to the maximum possible extent in order to serve the purposes of a wealthy elite. Profit at the expense of human well being, is the major priority.

All the politicians who arise whether intentionally or not, end up becoming the pawns of the wealthy elite, to further and support their agenda. Although there may be some positive social changes made, the structure that sustains the power of the wealthy and the subordination of the people to serve their purposes, is never challenged. In other words there is no political solution to this problem.

The monetary system together with landownership has made it virtually impossible for those without property to be anything other than slaves or serfs in everything but name. Those with property continue to feed the system through their dependence on Corporations for food, water, clothing, warmth, energy, transportation, maintenance and comforts. Taxation means that they always have to be earning money in order to pay tribute to the Government. This means they must either make profit or earn a wage. Government in actuality, acts as a parent Corporation to validate and ensure the increasing power and dominance of all major Corporations.

The multi-national Corporations are a high negativity that straddles the globe. Through greed and high intelligence they manipulate the governments and populations of the world to serve their purposes. They manipulate the negativity of dictators and despotic regimes as if they were little children in order to profit from their countries. They use the governments, military and intelligence services of the first world in order to sustain their power. They are the bosses of the mafia and the gangs who maintain control over undesirables by feeding off their vices, through drug and gun running, prostitution, slavery and other such things. They have taken pornography from the mafia and made it respectable for a global audience through the Internet. It got too big and too profitable for the mafia, so the Corporations took over. They exploit and waste all the earths resources while damaging the environment. They control or influence the price of all labour on Earth.

The educational system acts like a horse blinder and branding process. It ensures that those who go through the process will never ask the right questions and will always be submissive to the system. As a citizen of the Corporate Government, you are protected from the influence of gangs and marauders, for which you pay tribute and loyalty. Safety, security and a peaceful night’s sleep come at a price and so does your education. A lifetime of slavery for yourself and your children to a self serving corrupt system.

The power structures currently on Earth within this civilization are very potent. I am sure this is realized by most people, who wish to live a better way, or have another option, but feel hopelessly trapped. Or say, things could be a lot worse. The vast majority within the first world are content to stay within the status quo. For they have relative comfort and security. Why would they give that up for the dangerous and uncertain future? Certainly they have no wish to challenge the vast power of the Corporatocracy or the Corporate Government, who provides for them the things their ancestors could never have dreamed of.

Only they don’t see ahead of them the huge abyss they are collectively marching towards like lemmings. They don’t believe it is there, they challenge you to prove it exists, and without proof they will continually, mindlessly keep going in that direction. Though they are exploited, it really doesn’t feel so bad. Or does it?

For the unfortunate multitudes in 2nd and 3rd world countries, they feel the suffering and pain. But between their corrupt rich land owners, intolerant and despotic regimes that govern them, their poverty and exploitation from on high, the gold paved first world seems like heaven. For them an ipod or cellphone is like some kind of bliss. Going there seems like the solution to all their problems.

Can we penetrate these illusions and delusions that hold us all in their sway. It is we who have the power. It is just that those few who control money and land, understand very well how to manipulate and placate us. They understand our needs and our fears, and they make sure we are micromanaged, that is what all those surveillance devices in the streets (and in your homes without your knowledge) are all about.

For those of us who know inside that life could be so much better, that there is so much more to life. For those of us who ignore the cynicism, greed and selfishness of those who actively perpetuate this system. For those who care for this great planetary consciousness called Gaia and wish to live in harmony with her, to experience the peace, love, happiness and abundance of a truly galactic civilization. To experience the unending treasures of wonder and beauty which is our inheritance as children of the stars. For those of us who see clearly the utter poverty of billionaires, and the conceited ignorance of their junkyard civilization. For us, we must now begin the process of transition and transformation.

The time has come for us to create an alternative future, to change course and create the essence of our dreams, the heaven on Earth. A world without the delusions of debt or money, rich or poor. That we remove ourselves from the lemmings marching towards the abyss who scream “there can be no Utopia, only this misery”. Who are resigned to their fate and ultimate destruction. It is time for us to join with Gaia in Love, with no fear, to dare to create out of the deepest place in our heart a future of Peace and Happiness for all Earth’s children. Whether it happens now or in our children’s future. We must sow the seeds NOW for Transformation. We must create the causes for our heart’s desire. Every thought and action must be focused to this end. Freedom is not cheap and no one else will do it for us. To be free of this dying civilization, will cost much. Yet the rewards will be vast beyond measure.

In Love, Compassion, kindness, caring, sharing, selflessness, no ego, but the One Heart, we come together in the Now, to Change the Future.
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Time Traveller


We come from the future. To change the Past. The records show Human civilization went extinct within the 21st century And a new race arose and rule the Earth for 3000 years. We come from a civilization in the far future. Where the infinite and eternal power of Love is celebrated above all else. Nothing is denied us, we have opened to door to eternity within time. We have the freedom of all of time and space, the cosmos is our playground. In endless adventures through time, we dance with the lords of fate and the divine powers. Nothing is beyond our grasp.

We come to change the past. To share with the human race another option. To become, to shine. Not to die, to go like that. All the gifts and beauty of the race lost forever. To join the Celebration of Harmony and Love throughout the Cosmos. To fill the Hearts with the unlimited wonder and joy of the Universe.

To make the impossible possible, to right the injustice. That the tears and prayers may be answered. The branch of infinite universes and fate's converges here in this moment of the past. Where Love Changes Fate. Where all that was lost is regained and restored in time. The Eternal balance, the harmony of the spheres. Time lines flow in brilliant scintillating colors of breathless wonder. Yet within the NOW is the power of eternity, to change the future destiny.

We bring the light of a million worlds within the cosmos, full of unending joy. The children who look back over millions of years, saw the tears of your loved ones. Wept with them. Saw the human tragedy, in this story of the past. Witnessed the wasteland of destruction. Fate's cold cruel blow.

There shall be no one left behind, none shall be lost, all shall be restored. For we journey through time, to bring the lost back home without exception. To return to the eternal everlasting bliss of Nirvana. To fill the cosmos with the songs and celebration of the ever remembered, the ever treasured. The bliss that sung the worlds into form. A Love that never ends. Infinte, Eternal, Immortal, Ineffable. We Flow, flow, flow and dance into the unremembered timelessness. to see the innocent laughter of humanity once again melting into Love...Love...Love.

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The Star Goddess Foundation

8108692860?profile=originalThe Star Goddess Foundation is committed to serving the purposes of Love above all else. With the realization that harmony and peace is to be greatly desired and that all power is in service to Love.

Developing an Ultra-Community and new civilization based on the principles of Love, Peace, Compassion, Happiness, Abundance, Kindness, Harmony, Equality, Freedom and Spiritual Wisdom.

The realization that we do not have to live in a world of massive suffering, injustice and war, that we can create happiness and peace for all here. That we can create a paradise, heaven on Earth.

That there is more than enough for everyone without exception to live in absolute comfort and safety, without the need to sell their labour. As such the commitment to the eradication of all poverty and hunger, and the sharing of all Earth's resources.(see Venus Project).

The eradication of money and all monetary systems. The eradication of both rich and poor. To be replaced by equal sharing of resources.

The replacement of all repetitive and heavy labour with technology. To free human beings from drudgery and slavery to concentrate on their emotional, mental and spiritual exploration and evolution.

To sponsor and bring together all the Earth's wonderful true healers to help heal all who suffer from sickness, diseases and bad health. Whether that be Physically, mentally, and emotionally.

To sponsor and bring together all Earth's artists who express in their art the power and beauty of Love. To Celebrate and express the infinite wonder and harmony of Love above all else. Which is the purpose and reason for life and existence.

We will work with all who are committed to these principles and have compatible ideals, in order to create a better future for humanity.
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Future Destiny: The New Civilization

Some music to accompany this document.

We have come to the finish. The beginning of the end of this current global civilization. The coming 7 years will be a great transformation on this planet. The powers that be that control this current civilization we live in will perpetuate it until it’s final destruction. Their end is assured. For them there is no escape.

For those of us who do not wish to share their fate but wish for a better future for our children and ourselves it behoves us that we take the powers of creation into our hands and create a positive destiny. That we do not wait for fate to deal it’s blow of destruction upon this civilization but that we create a new civilization.

The Star Goddess Foundation, is a foundation that will work in cooperation to the many other movements that will arise in the coming months and years, (such as the Venus Project) to facilitate the gentle and safe transition to a new civilization.

The principle of this new civilization is based on Love, Peace, Compassion, Happiness, Sharing, Kindness, Abundance for all, true equality and freedom. (as opposed to fake freedom). On this there is no compromise and all organizations and peoples who share these ideals and have compatible ideals for this new ultra-community we welcome with open arms.

For those tired of wars, hatred, killing, vengeance, deviousness and all other manner of gross negativity's that pervade this civilization. Who wish to observe the spiritual principles of harmony and love and who have dedicated themselves to living harmoniously this transition is paramount.

We are preparing for the move to an entirely new civilization, the current civilization is broken beyond repair. Those within it’s confines will seek to perpetuate it until it’s final destruction. It has become absolutely necessary therefore to remove ourselves from this dead end civilization.

The coming protests and civil unrest will do not much more than cause confusion for people, who do not have a clear vision of the future. Those in power will capitulate to some degree but they will never give up the rotten premise of this system, which functions solely to serve the rich and elite at the expense and exploitation of the labour of the poor. Those who live well or have favorable conditions in this civilization do so at the expense of millions of others who are suffering. Such comfort is not worth the price and is in fact offensive.

It is possible that this civilization to some degree might be transformed. The coming protests and demands by the people may have some effect. Yet even if change is made on a surface level. Underneath the civilization will still be rotten and influenced by very determined corrupt powers which will not simply go away. As such any change will painfully prolong the inevitable demise of this system and the people within it.

For the future there should be no compromise. The rich will be willing to compromise and placate the people by offering pseudo-improvements. But they will never give up their wealth which should be the essential demand made by the people. Since these rich have stolen all their ill gotten gains from the people by exploiting their land and labour. The landowners have almost without exception all stolen the land and as such it is not rightfully theirs.

For us there is no compromise. Where no one has to work for anyone. Where all labour is voluntary and where technology carries the burden of heavy labour. Where there is no money. Where there are no rich and no poor. Where there is no exploitation. Where people do not suffer unnecessarily. Where everyone has what they need to live in comfort and safety without exception. Where we live in harmony with Gaia and serve the purposes of Love. There is no COMPROMISE on these things.

There is no reasoning with the elite wealthy, they have destroyed their conscience and gone beyond all hope of reasoning with. They will drag everyone they can into the destruction that looms before them. They can try to run to other planets or underground, but for them there is no escape. We need to leave them to their fate, not try to destroy them, for their destruction is inevitable. For us we need to tale the powers of creation in our hands and create a better world.

The power, technology, wealth, labour and locations necessary to create such a new advanced civilization is already well in hand. The Star Goddess Foundation and other such movements both secret and open will acquire everything that is needed within the coming 7 years in order to make the smooth transition to this arising civilization.

For those waiting for disclosure this will do nothing to change the rotten core of the current civilization, and the implacable will of the power elite to amass wealth and power. The beautiful human beings who come from the space worlds in the dimensions above us will have nothing to do with this civilization as it is. They will however land their star ships and walk amongst us openly in the new civilization, and celebrate our achievement.

This new civilization is a concept that will take place either parallel to the current one or it will replace it entirely. The latter will actually inevitably happen at some point. Until then it is up to us to create it, for no one will do it for us, especially not those from the star worlds. The alternative is to stay with the current civilization for a slow, painful, inevitable march to utter destruction.

For the positive future destiny of humanity. Those divine powers now align with those who Love and are of the Heart to empower us to create the transformation of this world. To avert the darkness that is ahead of us, to create the option to change our fate and create a new future.

For those who are looking to transition. My advice is to be patient and keep safe when the turmoil and protests come and keep your eyes open for those movements who serve Love and have created a safe passage into the new civilization. Take the opportunity before it is too late and join the movements. For this is the providence of the divine.

All in all be safe, be ready and be prepared for the greatest adventure of your life.
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Compassion Meditation


May those who suffer from sickness, illness and disease be healed.
May the dying be comforted and blessed in their journey beyond this world.
May those who suffer from poverty and hunger, find abundance and good conditions.
May the war torn and violence stricken be given dearest peace.
May those dominated, imprisoned, pursued or tortured by evil men be freed.
May those who suffer from discrimination and injustice, be heard.
May those who suffer from mental, emotional and psychological problems be restored.
May all animals who suffer at the hands of humans be freed from this cruel fate.
May those who suffer from anxiety and stress know serenity.
May the lost, lonely and the dispossessed find their way home.
May those who have lost loved ones be comforted in their grief.
May those who are unhappy, depressed or sad finally be happy.
May those who have lost hope, once more find the beautiful light.
May those who cause pain and suffering to others be freed of their delusions.
May all who repeat mistakes, learn wisdom.
May the angry and jealous learn forgiveness and kindness.
May the greedy and the selfish learn a mother’s love for humanity.
May those who have never known love, enter it’s ineffable bliss.
May those who never care, learn compassion.
May all be permanently freed from suffering.
May happiness, love and peace fill the Earth.

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To be ever Kind


One of the biggest lessons we must learn and perhaps the most basic and fundamental requirement for attaining freedom, is to be kind to all living beings. This kindness comes naturally out of love. To be kind means to do no harm, and rather to help, give to and bless others. The crucial test of this comes when we are wronged, insulted, or harmed in some way. That we do not respond with anger, hatred, violence or vengeance. Rather that we accept the wrong and respond with kindness and blessing.

This does not mean that we do not defend ourselves, or protect ourselves from harm or injury. But that we do so without any form of irritation or anger. When someone attacks us with words, insults, or criticism that we do not take affront and act in revenge. That we learn to shrug it off, and forget about it and instead respond with kindness. This is the supreme test for the being who acts out of love, not ego.

When someone attacks us either verbally or physically or wrongs us in some way, it is our responsibility, for we have created the cause for the attack in our past mental, emotional and physical actions. To understand and accept this, while being kind to our attacker is the very expression of divine love. By doing this we avoid creating more negative karma for the future. We resist the urges of the ego, which makes it’s face most immediate in these circumstances.

This does not mean we should accept mental, emotional, or physical abuse from anyone. We have the right to defend ourselves. But that we deal with or separate ourselves from such a person, without anger, but with kindness, love and blessing.

Those who can learn to do this will be blessed beyond measure. If the majority of humanity can learn to do this, nothing will be denied us. We shall walk amongst angels and divine beings, the galaxy will be our playground and the higher planes and dimensions our home, the treasures of the Universe will be our inheritance and we shall never be separated from eternal bliss.
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Future Blush



Today the world is full of inequality and poverty. Those who live in relative comfort and well being in wealthy countries do so at the expense and exploitation of millions in poor countries. We need to create equality for all and we need to get rid of all poverty. The 1 billion who suffer from hunger and who could be easily fed if they had the money, need to be helped.

There are also many dying from preventable and curable diseases who are dying because they cannot afford the treatment. In this way both in terms of hunger and diseases there is a price tag on life. Money is seen as the difference between life and death.

The Corporations and Banks control the labour of the planet through debt slavery and monetary corruption. The people of the world are not free. The bottom line of capitalist globalization is for the wealthy few to control all the labour of the planet and to acquire(steal) all resources of the planet. For the people of the world to be in virtual slavery to them for the almighty dollar. They do this without any empathy or compassion for others. With profit placed as a priority over the value of precious human life. Where a few humans amass wealth, while the vast majority struggle to survive.

As conditions get better in wealthy countries for the average person. They get worse in poorer countries for those people. Who are exploited by Corporate Greed, in order to fuel the staggering compulsive consumption that exists in the Free market economy. The people are complicit with the Corporations because they continue to buy from them and work for them for the crumbs off the table. These organizations consolidate their wealth and power and have become behemoths virtually unchallengeable.

It is up to us to stand up and demand that inequality and injustice end. We must determine together to create a world where all have enough to survive and live comfortably. Where the basis of progress is not profit for the few, but a high quality of life for the many. As such the debt and usury system must be thrown out. The power of banks broken, and the resources and wealth of Corporations used to benefit the many, not the few.

It behoves us that we understand that the only way we can create a world where happiness not suffering is the norm for all people, is through Love, compassion, empathy, caring and sharing. The more the wealthy few create profit for themselves, the unhappier and the more suffering the majority of people have. We the people need to come together and create a system that cares, and provides for all without exception.

Money, debt, interest, profit all need to be thrown out and replaced by Love, Compassion, Caring and sharing. To create a world of peace and happiness for all. We are coming up to a very important turning point in human history. It is our opportunity to stand up and take back the power that has been stolen from the people by a few. It is our chance to demand real and effective change, that rewrites the way we live and operate as a global community. Thus a supreme commitment must be made to stamping out all forms of corruption, ending all wars, and providing a good quality of life for all.

Obviously this change is not going to come from politicians. They are a complete waste of time. It must come from us the people. We must reshape society and government from the ground up. We must take back our rights and develop a system that is based on equality, freedom and sustenance for all in deed, not in principle or as an ideal. We must never again allow Royalty, Government or Corporations to dominate humanity. We must be free. Free to love and live in happiness and peace as it was meant to be.

There is so much possible now. So much technical achievement that means laborious and tedious jobs can be eliminated, done solely by machines, to free humanity to pursue greater things. No one has to be stuck with a tedious job. What is required is for the scientists to be freed from their obligations to those with big money who fund them, for patents to be released to the public domain, and suppressed technologies to be revealed. Working together for the benefit of everyone, without the agenda of big business, we can create miracles and a paradise on Earth.

Carpe diem. It is time to seize the day. The energies of the universe and the divine are now on our side. We must use the opportunity to stand up and create the best of all possible worlds for ourselves and our children. A future that will fulfill our highest destiny as a species an age of peace and love, in harmony with the Earth and the universe.

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Cosmic Love Meditation



Sit quietly and get your self into a comfortable position.

Breathe normally and relax.

Let go of all thoughts and feelings within you and enter a calm space.

Imagine pink or golden light surrounding your body, clearing your aura, entering your body and filling you with peace.

Now place your attention on your heart.

Imagine light green or pink watery energy filling your heart with the warmth of love. Pure, clear, beautiful and uplifting energy of love(It doesn’t matter if you don’t actually feel this.)

Let this energy grow and flow through your whole body like water cleansing you of hurt and anxiety.

Affirm to yourself “I love and accept myself as I am. I forgive myself fully and completely.”

Pause a while to feel this love for yourself within your heart.

Affirm to yourself “I am love and I accept love and attract an abundance of love within my life.”

Now with your mind at your heart concentrate on your closest friends and family.

Concentrate on the feeling of love you have for them. Remember this.

Imagine your love as a beautiful energy, either pink or green watery energy(or any color that appeals to you), and send this love energy to your friends and family. Imagine it flowing to them and they are laughing and smiling at it’s touch.

Now see this love energy as flowing like water in nature, through trees, mountains, valleys, the sky, the oceans, the land, the animals. Let your love fill the whole of nature.

Then think of the whole human family throughout the world. Think of the different races and cultures throughout the world and the different countries.

Send the energy of your love to the whole human family, imagine it filling those billions of people with happiness and joy.

As the love flows from you, outpouring, inexhaustible. See the planet Earth as from outer space, surrounded by blue/green or pink light.

Imagine your Love surrounding the planet and within every living being on planet Earth, filling all with happiness, peace and unconditional love.

And now the joyful cosmic energy from the shining stars merges with your love for Earth. And all throughout the galaxy and universe join in the celebration of Cosmic Love. For Love is the greatest power and this Universe with all it’s 200 billion galaxies was created to celebrate Love.

OK now Come back to Earth. Back to your body. Ground yourself.


Let the energy you have created dissolve.

Let love reign.


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The Art of Love: Part 2




Our emotional body is one of the greatest gifts we have as human beings. It’s range is almost infinite. Through it we can experience both negative and positive feelings of great depth and scope. From the deepest feelings of agony and despair, to the highest supreme bliss. Our emotional bodies are capable of feelings beyond anything remotely human, from experiencing the feelings of animals, to the highest divine beings, and cosmic states of bliss and ecstasy.

A well trained yogi or adept can produce any feeling or emotion, either negative or positive within their emotional body at will, through concentration. This is the path of self mastery, and is not easy. It requires great mental power and a will of titanium.

Yet through the Art of Love we can create harmony within our emotional body. Harmony in the emotional body equates to happiness. There are an infinite variety of beautiful feelings within the unending treasure chest of love. These feelings like magic keys open the door to the inner planes and higher spheres where we explore and experience a vast range of spiritual experiences, that can go on forever.

As we develop our Love for others, we become a channel of Love, giving and flowing love out to the world. At first we may have to meditate to do this, but eventually it becomes automatic. As we couple this with Compassion and empathy, this becomes a very tangible, very powerful energy, that automatically creates harmony, and joins the harmony of the planet and greater Universe. As we deepen and grow this practice of giving, sending, and concentrating on Love, our emotional body naturally comes into harmony, which is reflected in our aura through beauty.

This is the meaning of inner beauty, which through it’s power attracts those experiences, people and things that express the most wonderful and positive gifts of life.

From this point the emotional treasures of ecstasy and bliss open up within us, we learn to play the harmony of love, like a musical instrument within our emotional body. With which we can create the highest magic and for which nothing is impossible.

Yet in a more basic sense, through our Love and compassion for others, the harmony that automatically flows through our emotional body then opens the door for us to feel positive and satisfying emotions which create happiness within us.


For example you don’t have to sit on a beach with blue sky, shining sun, pristine sand, green blue seas, and palm trees swaying in the tropical breeze to feel good. You can create that exact feeling directly within your emotional body through the harmony created by Love. You no longer need any external influence to create positive feelings within you. You automatically flow to them.

Through the Art of Love, we loose attachment to our egos, and we enter the ocean of oneness that surrounds us all. This means we are free to become one with anyone or anything, through the law of Love. The implications of this are very wonderful indeed. It is unlimited freedom, yet a freedom that Loves without end and will never cause chaos.

Love’s art, creates beauty, harmony and wonder within and without, both for ourselves and others. Through it we recognize the Oneness of all things and join the Great harmony of the Universe. Humanity has barely touched upon the treasures of Love both human and divine that are waiting for us. May we all master our negativity, and enter the celebration of Love’s Art.

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