Thomas's Posts (3)

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The 2 phases of spiritual development

Well, I just had to choose a title for my thoughts …I am in an intense wave of an inner clearing process. It started 2 months ago. I came back from a seminar where I learnt mental techniques developed by Grigorij Grabovoi, Arkadij Petrov and other Russian scientist and healers. It’s a combination of healing the world by healing yourself and vice versa, because actually it’s the same (as inside so outside), and the Russians actually are able to grow lost organs and teeth – but you can do a lot of other things with this system.After practicing eagerly for some weeks, suddenly I was not able to concentrate any more. A “dark wave” of “negative” energies came up, maybe some traumatic things from this lifetime or even before. It was just a sign that I needed to clear these energies now. And for this reason it was a good thing.So, I started a clearing process supported by a healer. I dedicate 30-60 min per day and in short, I confront every single energy, being or consciousness unit like in family constellation process (but I do it on my own at home) and thank them for their love, respect and support they give to me from the bottom of their divine heart. This includes my parents and ancestors as well as all reptilians including the reptilian in myself and much more …By the way, I think everybody has his own way, methods and system – but if you are interested to know more about the techniques I use, including the Russian ones, just ask me.The effect on my mind and specially on my body was quite strong – sometimes I had to stay in bed for 14-16 hours a day.I found some books that helped to keep me in a good mood during this time, especially the Anastasia series – because simply by reading I got a good and loving feeling. She says the letters are coded in a way that resonates positively with the soul or higher self – and this is perceptible even in the German translation. I don’t know the English version, but you can have a look here for free before you eventually buy it:,-ringing-cedars-of-russia,-THE-ENTIRE-COLLECTION.htmlWhat helped me, too, is that I changed my identity into a „spiritual warrior“ when it got tough. The life of a warrior is not always pleasant, it sucks a lot for sure. But a warrior fighting for something good he is convinced of does not just give up when gets tough – instead he starts every day anew, risking his life for the mission.So, there are 2 phases of (spiritual) development which sometimes go in parallel or overlap a good deal:1. Clearing2. CreatingFor the sake of proper German organization ;), I could differentiate between “undirected” and “directed” creation. Or unconscious and conscious creation.Undirected creating:I’m sure some of you have noticed, as I did years ago: When I am in a good mood, people are friendly to me. And some people approach me, or even a friend calls who didn’t so since long ago. And the reverse is true, too.Sometimes seemingly there are no visible changes in our world. Though, when I am in an open-minded state, I can see changes everywhere! Just now, I was looking for E-Mail on And on the very mainstream news portal there, what I saw between “big-tits-news” was: “Chavez accuses USA of causing cancer in south-american leaders” and “New island came into existence by volcanic activity” Here you are ...Sometimes, it is difficult for me to visualize clear positive images or situations, as it was today. So I went jogging and I just chose a landmark let’s say five metes before me, and decided: In the moment I pass this point, I will fill myself with joy. Everybody is able to fill him/herself with joy for 5 seconds, I think.It worked, and I added something: Passed the first “joy-point”, I decided to increase the joy even more until I get to the next point … and so on. In stages, up to a joy-orgasm. ;) A point or landmark could be just a branch of a tree or a puddle. Sometimes I felt disturbed by people, because I was afraid to have a ridiculous grin on my face. But it was only a ridiculous thought of myself, so I succeeded to do this in the presence of others as well.Well, you can also keep your face unmoved, but feel as if you are just bursting with laughter inside – as if you were to listen to a boring and serious speech but could hardly contain your laughter, though trying very hard. ;)If there is a source field connecting everything, as David Wilcock writes about (and I’m perfectly sure there is), I can also influence the world directly and consciously with my thoughts and feelings. And everybody can.Directed creating:I dissolved a broad chemtrail this November. I just closed my eyes and imagined blue sky. When I opened it after 1 minute, the trail was like “choppy”. When I opened my eyes for the 2nd time after 3 minutes, the trail had completely vanished as if never existed - but only in the section of the sky I had imagined as being blue!Everybody can do this, and I think the most important is to believe that it works. Every technique might be just an auxiliary tool. Look at this guy who makes a cloud disappear: You can do that, too.During Christmas I reversed and healed a 2nd degree burn. I grabbed the handle of a hot frying pan because I did not realize that it was made from iron, too, as the rest of the pan. It hurt quite strong during and after that, and I was afraid of having to deal with burns on my fingers for 2 weeks or so.So, I started with a shaman technique of changing past events and continued with mental healing techniques from the Grabovoi system. My skin remained whole. The same evening the pain stopped completely, but the skin on those 2 fingers still being somewhat loose and insensitive. I continued the healing a bit, and after 2 days nothing remained of the burn, my skin on these being perfectly smooth and sensitive again, as on the other hand!It is results like this that build up faith, and more faith.So, let’s create the great good things now … and it is not about “I must heal the world”, because in harmonizing ourselves and our environment, in helping other people – we actually heal the world. Our world at least, our specific timeline, and I believe that we help the whole world healing by that.Lots of joy and loveThomasPS: I will maybe not write that often here, because it seems that my mission is not especially about writing … At least I experienced a strong negative synchronizity directly after finishing this post – almost burning my legs with lots of boiling water in the kitchen. Maybe for me it is more about action (?)
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GFL or not - is this really important?

Seems to be a hot and polarizing topic ... and maybe there is a misunderstanding because they have just a different notion of time or words than we. But that's not the point for me.

And I understand a bit those who have been waiting for years and the guys did not come. Maybe the following is easy to say, as I just 4 months ago discovered this whole thing, and in the beginning I hoped for the ETs from Sirius just to show up, too.

My view is:

Nobody will come rom the sky and "rescue" me. Ever.

And nobody needs to do so.

Because I am developping my own skills, my own strength, I go my own way.

I love my friends from the Galactic Federation, and maybe they show off or they give me a sign in a dream.

But they don't have to.

We as mankind have the task to develop a new earth, a new society, with love and peace. Here on earth.

If there is an ascension (and maybe there is), that's fine. I will not resist, I think. And I will even prepare.

But I don't need to. There is such a lot on this physical earth that I can do, that we all can do. It starts with how I treat the people next to me, how I think, what I visualize, the actions I take.

It was about a month ago, as I understood: To depend on a "galactic" being would make me weak. So it's for my best that they don't come now.

They might come when I am ready for it ... and this will be at a time when I don't need them any more. When I'm not "needy". Because this way we could really meet on the same level - from human to human, and be real friends.

I think it's wise for them to wait until this moment and to give me the chance to develop my own strenght and harmony within.



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The EGO (My Ego)

Short of old dark energys coming from childhood traumas, ancestor's events and karma, my EGO is the thing that holds me back the most from leading a happy life.

I realized years ago that, everytime I "got" something precious, the joy and / or satisfaction vanished sooner or later, usually making room for fear of losing the same thing. This happened for

  • material things, which usually got boring after a while
  • money, which led to the fear of losing it
  • a relationship, which turned into drama caused by fear of losing my freedom / or by losing the partner / or both ;)
  • a skill, which got boring because now I was some kind of master in it - nothing left to strive for
  • a privilege, which brought about tremendous fear of losing it again ...

So, I looked for every kind of relief, for a purpose in life ... and some things came to me, one of them being "spiritual development" in many different kinds.

Now, I was really on the right way! And months later I regarded myself as a "spiritual seeker", one who "found the way". Guess what happened? This was just a new form of the old EGO, bringing unhappyness in my life.

Later I found out, that this world was not as it seemed, found all that stuff that's been going on ... what an amazing discovery! Now, everything was different, because now ... I was sombody who "knows". And I could tell all the other people who didn't know, that I was somebody who "knows"! That felt good ... for a little moment, you know the story ...

The Ego is clever. And it is OK, that I have an Ego. It's even OK to show it to other people.

But I'm watching it. And then I'm able to make some changes and find out how that feels.

Sometimes small things make really a difference ...e.g. how I treat other people in everyday life:

A few days ago I started to be respectful and courteous to other people using the same sidewalk or street as me, e.g. understanding that somebody might be in a hurry and making room for them. Yes, I did this before, I'm no rowdy or somehing ... But now it's not because someone told me to be friendly ... but it now comes from a position of understanding the other human, comes more from the core of myself. And it changed my environment - well, people smiling at me, young ladies, you know ... ;)

Or being friendly to the evidently hard-working salesclerk in the shop at the corner ... even to the tax adviser who took me for a ride (which does not impede to be firm in business!).

And the miraculous thing is ... this is really a great one ... hold your breath: I can be actually kind to my Mom, even if we have a different opinion. ;) It's possible. And it feels good.

Have a nice day


(I'm not an English native, so some things might sound weird to your "ears")

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