Roberto Durante's Posts (28)

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Time for our RevolutioN in EvolutioN

Its a small thought that I want to share with you. Like you already know , we are in a lap time of changing, a time where we together with our beautiful mother Earth have for the first time in this cosmic life the opportunity to ascend to the 5º dimension, a dimension of light, peace and eternal love. So please, let us don’t miss this train, lets all of us get in, its already in march. Of course, one small problem is occurring, the dark force don’t want to let us go, and why not, because for thousands of years they ware the master who enslaved the reincarnated souls here on this beautiful planet. They?? Who ever they are corrupted reincarnated souls here, made them apprentice master, they made them idols in power of terrible destruction weapon to dominate the world and get the humanity on the knee. And that till today, look around you , the same technique have been used for thousands of years, look this world crisis installing a new world order if we let it do it. I would like to ask you if you are not conscious of this danger, who will sabotage the ascension, that the only way to win is to use the only energy that neutralize the dark forces, and that energy is the energy we get from the Creator, the only One, and I can assure you that the Creator have nothing to do with any religion, that the religion is the product of the dark force, to intimidate the humanity, you and me. Lets call the dark force the beast, because it is, it have nothing, absolutely nothing to do with human being, and they miss something very strong, that’s the reason why they love us to be their slaves, they don’t know what feeling mean, they don’t know what love and compassion is, that’s why they need us. Without us they will even not existing, they are our parasite and with fear they rules, afraid that we once will wake up from our slavery, that we will realize that they are manipulated us for to long time. We are light warriors and workers, and our job is to purify our humanity, to free our humanity from this parasites what ever they are and where ever they come from. When you see and listen to our leaders around the world, they are not guilty of what is happening now, they are not conscious of their acts, they are infected by this virus, they are like clones, and they have no free will anymore, so lets us all together send them love, lets all together take them in our prayer, to cure them, to free them from this dark virus sickness. And the only way to cure our planet from her cancer prorogated by this dark virus is to share our eternal love, to give without any compromises this never ending love energy that the Creator send to us, and you probably will ask me, would it not be better to fight again this despotism power, and my answer will be categorical without any doubt, NO. Let me explain why, if you have a cancer growing in your body and you will start fighting against these rebellious cellules in your physical body, 99% at the end your physical body will die, a reverse if you start to love your cancer inside you, and little by little send this rebellious cellules positive energy, they will love it , like a fish in the water who was out the water for while, and than very easily you can start the transformation of negative cellules filled again with love and light, automatically they transform themselves again in healthy and happy cellules, and WOW!! A miracle happen, your body is cure from his cancer and without any chemo, because don’t work its only have been created by the dark force to fee this rebellious cellules and get the soul on their side. So how I know this, because I am not a doctor, its my pure experience, when a good friend internist discover by me a cancer of esophagi 5 years a go, and after telling me that new, I just need it 4 months to cure myself. What I want to point on it with this personal anecdote is, that if we fight again the leaders who are installing the new world order, they will win, and if we start to send them all possible love energy we can synchronized from all around this planet, they will cure from them dark cancer and they will realized that they ware the puppets of the dark masters. And once the light will reach their heart again, we will all together be free from the dark forces, because if we here on this beautiful planet we only share our love and compassion for each other, the dark forces will disappear from the planet when Gaia, our lovely mother will ascend with all our children’s. And please my sisters and brothers of the light, light worker and light warriors, Goddess and Gods of the light, Starseeds and Strachilds of the light, Crystals and Elementals of the light, look and be conscious how big is our “Army of the Light”, the union make the force, and we will win.At the reverse, if we start to fight like one eye for one eye, we will just feed the dark force, that’s what they want, they want see us fighting against them, they want to feed themselves with our hate for them, and on that way they will grow bigger and bigger.Did you saw the film “ The Fifth Element” in this film is a beautiful example of what happening right now, this enormous dark energy trying to reach the planet and the world government shooting all nuke weapon possible, to destroy this menace who approach the planet to absorb it, and they more they shoot on it, they bigger this dark energy grow, until unconditional love between the fifth element and the human being produce a ray of eternal love and light, and make the dark force disappear for ever.Its exactly what is happening in this moment the dark force are not yet outside, they are busy to make disorder, to provoke insecurity, to making the fear growing, and like the most souls are not wake up yet, our job is to neutralize this dark force, no to destroy just transformed, to bring back to the light where she also belong, because it have also been creating by the Creator, only from one way to another, his time is on, it was and it is necessary for the primary school that the Earth have been for millions years. Now is the time to evolved and be ready without any sickness, to start a new age of light.So please my dearest friends, duplicate and post again and again this message of love around the world, because it’s the only thing we need, to share our eternal love and get back our beautiful planet Earth Gaia again, like she was before this dark cancer infect her, lets all together cure her, may all your day’s be filled by eternal love and light for ever and ever till eternity,love you all Robert
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I found it on internet and thought that it could be interesting for you to read it...............

Georgia Guide Stones - Monument to Global Genocide!

Thursday, April 02 2009 @ 02:22 PM MDT
Contributed by: BMcDonald

This structure has to be one of the most outrageous ever plopped down on the planet earth! The arrogance of whoever put this thing together is beyond all sense of basic human decency and respect for ALL human life. I'm just amazed they have not been reduced to rubble. The first inscription on these slabs advocates the elimination of almost everyone on this planet, except for 500 million that is. Gee, I wonder who gets to pick who those 500 million will be? And I wonder who's going to make all the other decisions listed on the tablet for the remaining lucky survivors.

It just makes me sick. This is classic B.S. by the global control freaks. They start out by telling you they want most of you DEAD. Then claim to have all this reverence for life and nature and your well being. Where is the ADL over this one? You'd think they'd be all over this like stink on a pig. This is a frigging monument to a global holocaust!

And it is my friends. They are well on their way. They have poisoned our water, our air, our food supply and if you haven't seen the stories on this site about the coming pandemic they are going to unleash, well, please do yourself a favor and check out our
Bird Flu/Avian Flu Topic Section.

On one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the American Stonehenge. Though relatively unknown to most people, it is an important link to the Occult Hierarchy that dominates the world in which we live.

The origin of that strange monument is shrouded in mystery because no one knows the true identity of the man, or men, who commissioned its construction. All that is known for certain is that in June 1979, a well-dressed, articulate stranger visited the office of the Elberton Granite Finishing Company and announced that he wanted to build an edifice to transmit a message to mankind. He identified himself as R. C. Christian, but it soon became apparent that was not his real name. He said that he represented a group of men who wanted to offer direction to humanity, but to date, almost two decades later, no one knows who R. C. Christian really was, or the names of those he represented. Several things are apparent. The messages engraved on the Georgia Guidestones deal with four major fields: (1) Governance and the establishment of a world government, (2) Population and reproduction control, (3) The environment and man's relationship to nature, and (4) Spirituality.

In the public library in Elberton, I found a book written by the man who called himself R.C. Christian. I discovered that the monument he commissioned had been erected in recognition of Thomas Paine and the occult philosophy he espoused. Indeed, the Georgia Guidestones are used for occult ceremonies and mystic celebrations to this very day. Tragically, only one religious leader in the area had the courage to speak out against the American Stonehenge, and he has recently relocated his ministry.


  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
  4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
  9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
  10. Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.

Limiting the population of the earth to 500 million will require the extermination of nine-tenths of the world's people. The American Stonehenge's reference to establishing a world court foreshadows the current move to create an International Criminal Court and a world government. The Guidestones' emphasis on preserving nature anticipates the environmental movement of the 1990s, and the reference to "seeking harmony with the infinite" reflects the current effort to replace Judeo-Christian beliefs with a new spirituality.

The message of the American Stonehenge also foreshadowed the current drive for Sustainable Development. Any time you hear the phrase "Sustainable Development" used, you should substitute the term "socialism" to be able to understand what is intended. Later in this syllabus you will read the full text of the Earth Charter which was compiled under the direction of Mikhail Gorbachev and Maurice Strong. In that document you will find an emphasis on the same basic issues: control of reproduction, world governance, the importance of nature and the environment, and a new spirituality. The similarity between the ideas engraved on the Georgia Guidestones and those espoused in the Earth Charter reflect the common origins of both.

Yoko Ono, the widow of John Lennon, was recently quoted as referring to the American Stonehenge, saying:

"I want people to know about the stones ... We're headed toward a world where we might blow ourselves up and maybe the globe will not exist ... it's a nice time to reaffirm ourselves, knowing all the beautiful things that are in this country and the Georgia Stones symbolize that. "

What is the true significance of the American Stonehenge, and why is its covert message important? Because it confirms the fact that there was a covert group intent on

(1) Dramatically reducing the population of the world.
(2) Promoting environmentalism.
(3) Establishing a world government.
(4) Promoting a new spirituality.

Certainly the group that commissioned the Georgia Guidestones is one of many similar groups working together toward a New World Order, a new world economic system, and a new world spirituality. Behind those groups, however, are dark spiritual forces. Without understanding the nature of those dark forces it is impossible to understand the unfolding of world events.

The fact that most Americans have never heard of the Georgia Guidestones or their message to humanity reflects the degree of control that exists today over what the American people think. We ignore that message at our peril.

will follow with the description on the tablet

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just a small blog to tell you and share my happiness with you all my friends.My dream is on his way, and that is, that every children in the world can read this message of universal love from the Creator who give me the inspiration to write this little book. The children from NOW are the power of the future, and my mission is that they have to be conscious that they are light being having a spiritual physical experience here on this beautiful planet Earth, and that through this discovering consciousness when they will understand the message of my book.And I have no doubt about it, because the new young generation is already changed and much more alert that than we are. and with this banner you will find the page where you can find my all blessed by the Love and Light from Atlantis, Roberto
The Little Light Point
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I feel as my duty to share with you and you with all your friend my experience from the 09/09/09, first posted on my other site of Daystar.To all my friends,Today like you know is the 09 september 2009, a very special day, where a window have been open in space and time. This happen as an cycles of 12 manifestation, every thousand year we have the opportunity to connect with our conscious WE ARE ONE. So like many of you I was ready in the NOW to experience it, because since one year I am conscious of my astral evolution, and this year with this date, I will accomplished my mission, or better say I will se how I can accomplished my mission for the new Earth coming.So this week I change my planing with my colleague to give me the opportunity to be in the forest on this date, this morning when I arrive to my work in the forest, I was a bite disappointed, its was totally in the mist at 8:30 am, really nothing to see at more than one m forwards. So I go to take a coffee in the near restaurant, telling the girl who work there, how special today was and why. she will also think few minutes at 09:09, just to give positive energy at that moment.Ok i wen back to my office and first was planing to make my meditation inside, outside was cold.yesterday i had download a 09/09/09 meditation download in my laptop for today, funny thing is that I feel very strong attracted to go out and walk a bite in the forest, till I arrive where I felt that i have to be, look to my watch, it was precisely 09:09. So I close my eyes and visualize a connection with The Creator, and slowly I felt like I was swimming in a big pool of love, a love that I never felt before so strong and so light, little by little the light start to brighter in my close eyes and when I open it and at my high, I look strait in a big spotlight so bright , so strong. And iI believe you that it was not the sun it was to low for it, and it was so strong that I never , in my entire life, I saw such strong light, it dint hurt at all, even it was so bright, so astonished for what I saw I took my phone and shoot a photo, and after taking this photo, the light stay maybe all together not longer than 3 or 5 minutes maximum. So here you can see and feel the energy who come out this light, and this morning, I send directly this photo to Tina the phone so that she can send it to me again to my PC, and here you can see this photo.

This afternoon when I came home and start to chat with Tina to tell her how it happen that I had this photo, she told me to look at the photo form a distance and on full screen, I ask you to do so to, and you will discover that, its right is not a photo of the sun, its look more like a hole form another dimension where the light come from. When I tell this to Tina, she notice that I was half right with my definition, she saw it more like a gate, and than I realize on that moment she mad this comment , that this gate was a gate from Atlantis, just a little part of it to show me where we will go, where we will have to go through, the passage to the new Earth, and now more than never, I know that where I live is the new Atlantis, and that the gate is almost done, for the next ascension, what happen to me today, I see it and that is pure my personal opinion as one try out of the Atlantis Gate. So if you look through the light in the photo, you will feel the unconditional love of The Creator, and thats the reason why I mad this blog, to share it with you and to take a way all your doubts, I really feel privilege today, and want to give you this force. Please look into the light and feel it, its true unconditional love light. One reason why I say so , is because if you look into the sun, after you see every where Blake spot, with this very strong and so bright light, I dint get blind I could look into for hours if I could. be blessed by the Love and Light from the new Atlantis,Robertops. and , just want to say that, if you don't believe or think , thats a trick, I will not be offended, I know what I saw and I know that if you open your Heart and let this light coming into, you will know also the truth.
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I have recieved from my friend on myspace and want to share it with you hereFrom: ~Nita aka ~eerieTo:Date: Apr 2, 2009 5:55 PMSubject: 12 Strand DNA And The Photon Belt
Reposted with love and gratitude
~Nita aka ~eerie


Subject: 12 Strand DNA And The Photon Belt

Reposted with Love by :

thx Gregg

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Recoding To 12 Strand DNA Sequence And Entering Into The Photon Belt
by Trey Abernethy
March 4, 2009 at 12:33am

Medical science has established that we have 2 strands of DNA and 10 strands of "junk" DNA, but they have not understood the purpose of that "junk" DNA. Recent information has revealed its higher purpose; supporting a multidimensional consciousness, our natural state. Realigning, reconnecting and activating our 10 strands of "junk" DNA (aka the DNA Recoding or RRA Process) is the process by which we attain that state. When we are multidimensional, our physic abilities are reawakened and we have developed a second neural network at the etheric level. This second neural network is what allows us to live in multiple dimensions at once. We can hear, see and communicate with others in these dimensions.

There are 9 levels in the DNA Recoding process and each required emotional clearing at the level that activates the thymus to change the coding sequence of our DNA. Recoding in this instance means switching on the 44 DNA codes that were previously switched off. You could liken it to remodeling your body at the cellular level while still living in it.

The DNA Recoding process works at the etheric—some call it the light body—level. At this level your 10 strands of junk DNA along with your 2 connected strands are realigned above your crown. Because DNA is holographic, it can be simultaneously realigned, reconnected and activated. This means that your 10 junk DNA strands are simultaneously realigned at the top of your head (crown), reconnected into your 12 Crown Chakra crystals and reactivated so that life force energy flows through them again.


Once your 12 DNA strands are plugged back into your 12 Crown Chakra Crystals, your Genetics Engineer’s and Recoding Guide’s jobs are nearly complete. They will continue to watch over you and monitor your 12 -strand reconnection until you reach the frequency needed to fully activate the reconnection.
The Activation of the 12 strands happens in 3 steps:

Activation of the Crown Chakra Crystals
You will feel this as an itching at your Crown Chakra. Not the same as a dandruff itch.

Activation of the MerKaBa antenna
The MerKaBa antenna is used to receive messages from other dimensions.

Activation of the Hypothalamus
This is the Universal Translator and translates all messages into your chosen language. Messages are received as frequency thought-forms. Many are complete with emotions, pictures and language. Some have only one or two of these. The Hypothalamus also provides you with the identity of the sender. You will learn to identify the senders after receiving for a while. Once the hypothalamus is activated the RRA process is complete and your DNA chart is also completed. Proof is visual (aura photos), emotional (not holding negative emotions in the body), and physical (feeling more in control of your power and hearing messages daily).


Because so many people will be requesting DNA Recoding, it has been designed as a self-actuated process. You’ll receive off-world assistance from a Genetics Engineer. These are normally beings from Sirius A. You will also be given a DNA Recoding Guide to see you through the process. Earth-based free assistance is provided via the Nibiruan Council Forum as Yahoo Groups. It’s a very active group where recoders go to get help in moving through the process.


Our entire solar system and the Milky Way Galaxy, has now entered a highly charged portion of space. We are immersed within the Photon Belt (Menasic Radiation), a period of intense light we first entered in the late 1990s and in which we will remain for a 2,000 year period. During this remarkable time the energies from the Photon Belt are triggering a complete reordering of life as we know it. This occurs because photon light energy has the capacity to lift all of life into a higher frequency dimension as it carries the seeds for the enlightenment of all. The atomic structures within the cells of our bodies are slowly re-tuning themselves to match these rising frequencies. We are shifting from a third dimensional carbon based body (from one that matches the atomic frequency and spin of carbon) to a fifth or higher dimensional crystalline body or light body (to one that matches the atomic frequency and spin of crystal). So too the bodies of animals, plant life and all upon and within the earth are making this transition, as is our entire galaxy.


As the process of rebuilding our light bodies continues we will slowly begin to notice the effects of becoming fully conscious or multi-dimensional. This state will come about when our 12 strands of DNA have finally been re-fused, reconnected and activated. We will then experience life within the consciousness of multi- dimensionality. In this level of consciousness we could live in the third dimension while retaining our connection and relationships with beings in the higher realms. We will no longer be cut off from other dimensions as we presently are and we will operate from a state of heart centred compassion, (Christ consciousness). This will happen regardless of which dimension we find ourselves inhabiting. Eventually we will learn how to live successfully in a galactic society and ultimately in a universal society. At the present time most humans have two active strands of DNA, represented by an intertwined double helix. Some persons have developed and integrated three or more strands and a large number of new babies presently being born (the crystal children) have many strands of active DNA. A simple blood test can verify this fact.


Each of the 12 DNA strands represents one of the twelve aspects of multi-dimensional consciousness. Three DNA strands represent and govern the physical body, another three are concerned with the emotional body, another three with the mental body and the remaining three with the spiritual body. All these aspects are represented in our bodies as new neural pathways to the brain. They are connected and nourished through the endocrine system of ductless glands. These glands work in tandem with the energy vortexes within our bodies known as the chakra system. When all neural pathways are working freely with our chakra system they will provide the conduit to the higher realms, resulting in our experience of multi-dimensional consciousness.


The Chakra System

We live in a universe propelled by the laws of electricity and magnetism and all third dimensional life forms within it reflect this. Our stars and planets (geo-magnetic life forms) all have a north pole and a south pole with magnetic lines of force flowing between them. Our human bodies (bio-magnetic life forms) also conform to this bi-polar magnetic field, with the top of our head reflecting our north pole and the soles of our feet, our south pole. In a third dimensional representation, these lines of force moving between our head and feet completely encompass the body within an etheric structure known as a tube torus. Imagine this donut shaped energetic field extending fully around your body. It is called your aura. Have you noticed that when meeting another person for the first time you may be instinctively drawn to them? This could be evidence that both of your auras are vibrating in sympathetic resonance. The same would be true when the presence of another feels uncomfortable. Perhaps the electro-magnetic energies in your auras are repelling each other. At the center of each bi-polar magnetic field is a magnetic core running from north to south. In the case of a simple bar magnet it is a magnetized piece of metal. In the case of the bio-magnetic human body it is a channel, only observable in subtle matter, called the pranic tube. Within this core the life force is carried to sustain each individual creation during its existence.

Every spiritual tradition identifies and acknowledges the life force, that great field of potential that gives rise to and then sustains each and all in existence from moment to moment. In Chinese spiritual teachings the life force is called qi or chi, (e.g. Tai Chi, increasing the life force) while the Japanese and Koreans call it ki, (Reiki, healing with the life force). In the Indian and Tibetan traditions it is identified as prana. The Christian tradition names the life force, sanctifying grace or grace. Practitioners of new age spirituality refer to this field as the light or the white light, and to the physicist, it’s known as the sub-atomic or quantum field. At this time the life force is also being intensified and expanded by the Photon Belt. As you move among numbers of people going about their business in any large city, you can notice and identify many of those who are suffering from a diminished access to the life force. It shows in their state of health, their sense of openness and self confidence and even the way they relate to others and carry themselves. We must all access the life force fully and completely to maximize its benefits to our daily existence. Our chakra system is the vehicle that has been beautifully designed to fulfill this function.


Chakra, is a Sanskrit word that translates as “a spinning disc” or “a wheel.” It is one of many human names for what is perceived to be a bio-physical connection to our soul or spirit. These energy connections or chakras exist in that the soul or spirit is immersed in the physical body and mingles throughout. At present we each have seven of these energy connections that are woven into our body’s meridian centers with some lying along the spine. These centers are similar in function to the junction box found in the electrical system of a home or office. Our physical body is also controlled through a vastly complicated neuro-electrical circuitry, with a number of special locations where these circuits converge. Each of these locations is monitored through a special mini neuro-computer connected through the central nervous system to the brain. It is these specific locations that are called chakras and each fulfills several functions. As well there are certain endocrine glands associated with the functioning of each chakra. And since the vibratory field of light also activates color and tone, each of the chakra centers produces its own specific color and sound.


RED, (endocrine gland: the adrenals) the root chakra, links us to the physical world and serves as the foundation to build and evolve our personality. This is the chakra of acceptance, allowing us to feel grounded, stable and secure. When it functions fully we feel present in the here and now and connected to the physical body.

ORANGE, (the gonads: ovaries/testes) the pro-creative or sacral chakra is the center for sexual energy and creativity, balancing the free giving and receiving of feelings and emotions in all your relationships.

YELLOW, (spleen) the solar plexus chakra is where our honor, integrity and power originates. It is the essence of who you are. When it is open we are in control and hold sufficient self esteem.

GREEN (thymus) the heart chakra is the center of the system. Known also as the great transformer it generates the ability to love freely without fear or self consciousness. When it functions fully one is compassionate, friendly and able to work harmoniously within all relationships.

LIGHT BLUE (thyroid) the throat chakra is where feelings and emotions are transformed into expressions. This chakra centre helps you find the balance between silence and speech and assists you to say what you honestly feel. When it is open there are no problems with expressing yourself verbally or artistically.

INDIGO (pineal) the “Third eye” between the eyebrows above the nose, connects you to your spiritual being and invites intuition and awareness into your daily life. This center allows us to experience our sixth sense of intuitive knowing and to fantasize.

VIOLET (pituitary) the crown chakra connects you to your total being with the awareness that you, the universe and the Great Creator are all one. When it functions freely we are unprejudiced and aware of the world, ourselves and other dimensions.

The DNA Strands and Endocrine Glands

Each of the following twelve DNA strands represents one of the twelve aspects of multi- dimensional consciousness.

Strand 1: Courage to move ahead and integrate our fears
Strand 2: Ability to focus on something and follow it to completion
Strand 3: Maintaining gender balance between male /female power
Strand 4: Balance between our energy field and the physical body
Strand 5: Living peacefully in a state of acceptance
Strand 6: Strength to stand in one’s truth regardless of the outcome
Strand 7: Ability to accept both our dark and light sides
Strand 8: Ability to hold personal boundaries regardless of outcomes
Strand 9: Ability to accept and live within a diverse community
Strand 10: Ability to tune into and listen to one’s soul or higher self
Strand 11: Power to envision, create and manifest these visions in 3D
Strand 12: Ability to be accepting, kind and appreciate the value in all things

The Endocrine Glands

Hypothalamus – I translate what I believe
Pineal – I see or envision what I receive
Pituitary – I hear what I receive
Thyroid – I speak what I receive
Thymus – I clear and transmute what I receive
Heart – I feel what I receive
Gonads - I create and manifest what I receive
Adrenals – I hold true to what I receive


And so in the recoding process each strand must be individually reconnected to each gland and then activated. This provides the DNA Upgrade needed to sustain full consciousness and communication with the higher realms. These aspects are represented in physicality as new neural pathways to the brain and when the connection is completed our multi-dimensional consciousness will be fully felt and accessed. The light from the Photon Belt entering through our pituitary and pineal glands is primarily driving this recoding process. Also we are being reconnected very slowly otherwise our physical bodies and our nervous systems could ‘burn out’ and we would not survive intact. We can actively co-operate in this process by trying to reach some understanding about what is happening to us. Our ability to interact with and absorb the new frequencies of light into our physical bodies, will determine how we progress in this next step of our physical and spiritual evolution. And by carefully observing our belief systems and our actions, while using emotion and will as the fuel to advance spiritually, we will change and clear many undesirable old thought forms and patterns that no longer serve us.

Be wary of those who offer techniques to hasten or unduly advance your DNA recoding – particularly if these carry a large price tag. Many higher beings, angelic guides and masters are actively involved with us at this time. They are assisting each of us in this recoding process to ‘stay over our feet’ and not try to rush ahead. Nor is this procedure hastened by anything that we can read in a book or buy in a bottle. It is occurring in exactly the right time frame regardless of how we might try to interfere. This scenario is immense and includes our entire Milky Way Galaxy. It is happening in response to the Divine Plan for our universe, initiated by the Creator of All That Is. So relax and go with the flow, allowing all of it to manifest in its own good time. Enjoy the ride. The final results will be awesome and will usher all of us into a multi-dimensional experience of living with compassion in Heaven on Earth.

Hope these videos and this knowledge helps everyone realize and iniate their divinity through the reactivation to the 12 Strand DNA light beings we are meant to be. The time we find ourelves to me is exciting and full of hope and new realized love and a great awaking of many souls. I feel that we can overcome any obstacle especially as we activate our DNA sequences and become more interdimensional.

In Love And Light I hope this article finds you all in peace

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read it and find out why we are confused in this consciousness time period and awareness........I got this mail from a friend and wantto share it with youits interesting , read it and you will understand whywe have been and still are manipulated,by the catholic church and his despotHello!!.I am writing to you because I have the answer for the hardtimes we arefacing now.We -as humankind- we need to join inconsciousness and we can achieve this by getting rid of theGregorian calender (first of all) and to change to Mayan calendar(or synchronize). Let me explain, as I am using already thismagnificent calendar based on "13 moons". As far as we keepon using the Gregorian calender our mind will be confused andcontrolled by this Babylonia system (NWO) and our connectionas ONE SINGLE MIND (as mankind) will keep on believing thatwe are split and that we have no power to do any change.But this is not real!!.Before the time that Babylon establishedand controlled us, we -all humanity-have been understandingone to each other with TELEPATHY. So, we can recover ourconnection as before we loose the track of evolution by usingagain the calender of 13 moons. This is: to count days(or kin as Mayan says) by "MOONS" (instead of months) of 28 days(kin)each moon. The reason why the moons are 13, is becausethe moon turns besides the earth 13 times in our lap aroundthe sun. The church actually says (and imposed) the beliefinto people..s minds that the number 13 is"BAD LUCK" because to remember this knowledge we have inside,is their lostof control over us.This evil system imposed to us all is justbecause we let others to controlus giving up our own power. But we can have it back AS SOON ASWE USE THIS MAYAN CALENDAR and start deleting the evil programthat tells us -on and on- that we can not control our own minds.Have you ever wander why the Gregorian calendar has differentmeasures (28 days, 30 days, 31 days, etc)?. How can you have agood idea of TIME with this silly system?Imagine that you would have a RULER with this different measures...The houses constructed based on this sizes would be WEIRD andUSELESS. This system has no logic for a good measure of TIME,butit is on purpose that this is so.if you watch the "logic" of this calendar you will notice thatthe IDEAto keep our minds CONFUSED (I.E.: what happens when you wantto know..."How many days has September?"... Your mind has ashort circuit and gets confused.The church (and all this old and useless system coming fromancient babylon)through pope Gregorio the 13 rd (weird their using this numberif it..s an EVIL number, as they say!!!), change the 13 moons,taking off 1 of them, and spliting it and putting some days ineach month.What happens is all of us start getting the control of our ownminds, andwhat will happen if we all start to remember that we are ONE,that we can communicate through TELEPATHY?...THEIR CONTROL IS OVER!!!!!!And if we do so, WE CAN SOLVE THIS PROBLEM WE ARE FACING ABOUTTHE CHANGESCOMING TO OUR BELOVED PLANET EARTH!!!!After we start using Mayan calendar (because it has someknowledge we shouldlearn before),we can start learning the Mayan idea (channeled through JoséArgüelles allof this knowledge, directly from PACAL VOTAN himself) to buildthe Rainbow Bridgethroughout the Earth on 2012. You can find the whole projectdescribed in : RINRI PROJECT. The main ideaof this project is: to build a circumpolar bridge(based on the electricity of both poles) transforming into ahuge rainbow. That will act as a SHIELD. On the other hand,it..s related to the center of Gaia (her iron crystal whichis her heart and inner sun). Please, Dear Friend. Read it!!.Study this information I am giving to you now. Your heart willtell you if what I am telling to you is true. But PLEASE, READ IT!!!!Here you have links where you can download this info:http://www.lawoftime.org in 14languages at have to add, that it..s recommended to learn also the "game" TELEKTONON(the translating would be " Spirit of the earth talking through the tube" or "El tubo por elque habla el espíritu de la Tierra "). Telketonon, the game of the prophecy. Through this "game"you will be able to recover your telepathy. like your way to explain to people the hidden information. I know that youcan help spreading this great solution in english language. I am doing my jobspreading in spanish. Excuse my english, as I haven..t practiced lately. Sorry if anymistake in my words. But I know you would understand me.If any question, I will be glad and happy to help. If you need anytranslation I can do it!, as all this material coming from José Argüelles is in spanish(i don..t know why is not in english as well, while José speaks english and not so good spanish!!).Please, keep me wired!!. I..ll be glad to know what you think of all of this.I had to write to you. heard my heart. Now, I acomplished my part.Thank you very much for taking the time to read this e-mail. My best regards,and all the love of Creation is with you!!Luna Cósmica Roja (Red Cosmic Moon)PD: This is my galactic signature, but you can call me Andrea also :o)Solar Moon Gamma 17,Kin 139, Blue Solar Storm.
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about my new book, not yet published

IntroductionRoberto Durante.Grand Son of Charlotte Dumas.Charlotte Dumas start to write this manuscript at the age of 12, and inseveral occasions during her all life and through channelling she getsthe messages who relate the story about Jesus Christ by himself.This book is destined for those who lives in doubt, and by the cause oftheir lack of belief in our Divine Creator, they have loosed the hopeof the eternal life after physical death. The men replaced therespiritual power by a life filled with comfort and luxury intending tohave a nice life on the this planet;Also it is not the way that has to function! And why! When men see andaccept that his life on planet earth is only a temporary passage togive us the opportunity to evolve our heart and to ascend to a superiorlevel in order to enter the astral kingdom which is the first steep ofthe scale which brings us to our Divine Creator.After this astral life there will be still many stages and after a longway we will find ourselves and ending close to our Divine Creator andwill be one with him. When all these sereneness and pure hearts havecompleted the Divine capacity, it will be possible to overcome theevil, because only with love it is possible of over win this evil. Loveone as the others, respect ones as the others, no matter your skincolour , no matter your religion, divide the goods of our planet toeach other, it is our mother and save here from the destruction we allready began, it is not yet too lateRead these pages full of wisdom, think about the words and take yourconclusions, follow the path which your heart shows you, let you guideby your guardian angels as I let me guided; I wish you to find the sameforce which I now have in me!!!I gives you a part of the first chapter, jus to make you curious and feel the energy of his words1º chapterParis 3 of October 1885It was al ready nine o’clock, when Charlotte Dumas went to bed. It wascold in her room without heating; even inside the window was decoratedby a fine layer of ice. One dike wool blanket cover her bed, and shealmost disappear under to get herself warm.She blows the candle and closes her eyes for a sweet night rust, afterwhile she feels something she never feels it before. It took her fewseconds before she realize that her room was filled with a soft blueglow, she open her eyes and could believe what she saw. She thinks thatshe was dreaming and has to pinch her arm to proof herself that whatshe saw was real. In this blue hallow , she discover the silhouette ofone young man, his body, if she could say that he was physical, it wasmore like a light transparency body.She dint feels any threat with this encounter; the young man was justlooking to her, waiting for her reaction. The whole room was filledwith an unbelievable harmony, for the first time in her life shediscovers the feeling of love coming deeply from her soul. After whileand after looking to each other, the young man approaches her bed andwithout saying a word, she could understand what he was telling her.For the first time she was communicating with someone throughtelepathy, it was a funny experience, to understand and to read themind of someone without saying a word. He told her that is name wasNosayah, that was his starchild name, he cam from one other part of thegalaxy, calling The Pleiades and travel faster than the light. Heexplain Charlotte that, for this reason he dint have a physical body,it was the visualization of his soul. He tell her why he choice her totell the true story about his life. Long time a go; Nosayah born inNazareth with a very important mission for the population of the PlanetEarth, his physical name was Jesus.And that is at the age of twelve, that Charlotte Dumas discover hercapability to channeling with other dimensions. Nosayah will guideCharlotte her whole life, he will come to her from time to time tellingher his true story. From now on, Nosayah will also be her GuardianAngel, to protect her and advise her. It was now midnight when theystop to channeled, on the same way that Nosayah appear, he justdisappears. Of course he told Charlotte how she could get in touch withhim, anytime she wants it. When Charlotte wakes up the next morning,she feels so happy and rich, she could do everything’s she want it, shehad now the power to do it.It was al ready two weeks a go that, Nosayah have visiting Charlotte,and in her room, she close her eyes and start to think of her Pleiadianfriend, she send him all love she feels for him from her soul. When sheopens her eyes, Nosayah was with her and start to tell her, his lifestory.I am born in Betleem and the reason is that my parents cam there for abusisness trip.My youth has gone like each children of my age from aartisan society family, I was a shy child.The tradition want thatbefore the period of easten all the peoples of Nazareth and the othercity of juda were going to Jerusalem and when you saw the preparationofthe all population you could understand that it was a very importantfestival who tok place in this city in march.The first year that I was there for this big festival I was just 12years old, I went there with my brother, my mother and a woman with thename of Marie. My father promess us that he will arrive 2 days later.Once we arrive in Jerusalemm, I had a wonderful feeling and my mothernoticed directly my attitude and the expresion on my face, she was veryhappy with this change. We could stay during this festival in one houseof my father friend. My father had always a preference and more lovefor my half brother who was 22 years old, and from this point of view Iwas very jalous, I feel my heart wonded. With this difference that myfather make I could’t enjoy my children life like other kids of my age.My mother noticed this sadness but she had a very buzy family life andcould’t help it to give me joy.My father was a very streng men, with a violent caracter.The softnes of my mother mad him more understanding, but he dintaccepted any contradiction from us and the naivity of his son Jesusirritate him all the time. The goodnes from my older brother make meunderstand our different meaning, based on the difference that myfather had between us. The soft Marie enjoy our way of been in theintimity.Once we were allone, my brother and I, he sart to ask me on myimpression of this new day for me. Than he start like all the timetrying to read my mind, but this time I dint let him do it, I was ungryabout his conclusion on me.My brothe went to sleep after this fight without saying a words.Thenext day I ask him to forgive me my attitud from the day before, hejust wave with his hand few tears cam on his chiks.My brother die few days later after this incident with me, and from now I will not talk anymore about him.From the visitors who cam to visite us , one of them had the name ofJoseph of Arimathie, he was a good friend of my father and start to bepart of the family.Rich, Patrician and Jew and for this motif Joseph was in rapport withde high society of Jerusalemm, but of course also the poor part of thepopulation of this city.He talk with us about the costumes of the people of Jeruzalemm and theway the rich treat the poor peoples hiding themself behind the law ofthe jew religion and abuse of them. Nobody could’t imagine or see thisdiffrenceBetween rich and poor. He advised my mother to teach me to get mypersonal point of view and he ask me about my daily house work.myattitud about the religion and my beleiv make him smiling and I seemsto him that I was a little retarted in my education. From my point ofview about the religion, he ask me to be more objectif and honnest formy opinion, to learn every details about it before I make my point toother people to protecte our original Jew religion.He advise me to be humble , not act like an ignoramus, to creat an goodspirit like our Divin Creator want it, to understand his work anddemand, and at least enjoy his serinity. I should talk with your fathermy child say Joseph of Arimathie. And I want that he send you everyyear for a period of time studing with the priests of the Jew law.In this first conversation between Joseph of Arimathie and Jesus ofNazarett, you can see my brothers on wich way jesus had mad isinstruction on high level with the priests of Jeruzalemm and stilldoing his profession as modest carpenter.From now on start the reallife of Jesus.The first time that I go to the big temple of Jeruzalemm, I wasescorted with Spia, she was a weduw of a rich busisnesman, that was onthe day before easten, the Big Sabbat celebration.We ware togetherpring in the big templeBy sunset. The silence of the temple was interonpted by wispering ofsome lawer of the Jew religion, talking about the last new laws withthe repercution of few arrestation of some person.Pring in the normalattitud, with my head between my hands and my knie on the marberfloor,I dint give attention to this wispering untill my mind captived asentence fronm this discution and make me curious about it.On this moment I was in the shap of one pilar and could approche mefrom the group of this pristers without Spia realising my move. I klimbon one banc and hide myself the best I could from them. The priestsware discuting about the decision they have to take about therejudgement for the next day on the trial, for or against there innocence.Few ware against there arrestation and other just want to be neutral.On this moment I have been discovered by one of the prister, and he sayto the others.Be ware for this child,he was lessoning to our conversation,sometimesour Divine Creator(God) give children the gifts of wisdom about asubject above there mind.This priest com to me and say to me.My child, the mother who gives you education, told you that ourDivine Creator love us all without any discrimination and add by thislove your innocent love from children, what would you like to say to arich child, free, in good health to the oposit with poor sik children,or prisoners in gail.I dint need a long reflexion to this question, my fast answer was:To this rich kid I will say:Go my brother, go to help your brother, save them from ther siknes,feed them, share your bread with them, thats the way our Divin Creatorwant it and create it on our planet, and by this action you will be forever blessed.After my spitch, the priest smile to me, tok my weet hand from my emotion and say:By your mouth our Divin Creator (God) have talking, so be.In meantime, Spia was watching me and I cam back to here,She was observing from the begining and ask me how it was for mepossible to get the words from our Divin Creator (God) and tounderstand the meaning of them.She start to say to me that me as a child have the obligation to lessonto the adult without to have the right to give my opinion even throughthe words of our Divin Creator (God), and it could be dangerous to givemy opinionTring to make some morality and gives advises to the priest of the BigTemple. I get a little iritate by here remarque and told here that hereGod was a despot, and mine Divin Creator honored the freedom ofexpression and the gifts of talking about it. The weaknes of the slavegives the power of the masters, and the childhood prepare the youth.In the eyes from Spia I could read an expression of satisfaction and weleave s the Big Temple for this onforgetable day of my life. That wasthe first day of a big change in my furure life. When we arrive at homeI start to tell Joseph of Arimathie what happend there in the BigTemple, I was so exited that I was talking like an dronk man and mymother ask Spia what we have been drinking on the way home, my motherwas not use to that I hade such vocabulaire and that I was saying suchwize words.Joseph of Arimathie try to convince my mother that I will have adestinity to realise very big things who could change the way ofthinking of the people. On this moment I feel growing above every onein the room, knowing that , thats was my mission to do here on thisplanet, to share the words of our universal Divin Creator (God), totell the true to everyone living on here mother Earth. To restablishthe brothership between all human, the humility of the riches and theintegrity of the poors.The next day I went to the Big Temple , but this time with my mother,it was full of people, we found at least a place for our prayer, I waslooking around from the point of view of an very high level humanbeing,looking down to this population. I recognise the priest from the daybefore and told my mother that she could better keep praying, what I adto do was not on here level, that was nothing in commun with myknowing. I feel this arrogance by the fact that I kwno that I have asuperior spirit and understand inmediately my attention on othersubject.One priest was talking about the justice of our Divin Creator (God) and I compare him with the Angel RaphaelComing dow earth and sharing the Divins Words.I realise this when he start to shoot that the justice of our DivinCreator was against the oppressors.Inlight your expression, apearbefore your eyes by sunset when you are afraid for the cruelty of yourmasters. This is not a sunset, this is not the extinction of yourmartyredom.I was lessoning to this words with excitment, now it start to be clearin my mind, I saw, mine Divin Creator releved me all mysteries flashingbefore my eyes, i was reading in the sacred book and at least I wasunderstanding the universal justice of our Divin Creator. I was dealingwith amazings conceptions, I was inlighting by the Divin Lightnes. Iwas starting making insens but generous project.I decide to follow this Divin Light and this martyredom in the unknowdimension. I cam back to myself when my mother call me, for one instantI look to her from my inlighting soul,and she dint say a word, becauseshe know that as the warm can get cold, my enthousiams could be breakedby her intervention. I start to talk to here and told her that from nowand through me our Divin Creator have sow a new seed in my soul whowill releaved his words to to the world, that from now on the wish fromour Divin Creator will be my command and that I will give him my alllife to realise this big work on a physical dimension.And mother, go back to your house work and let the son of our Divin Creator do his job.My brothers, my staying in Jeruzalemm have been for 6 years consecutifto be ready to execute my mission. The day I get 29 years, I leaveJeruzalemm to discover the next population.My first impression in Nazarett was not very succesful, for this reason I move to Damas where I have been welcome.Far a way from Jeruzalemm, in Damas I was not disturbing by theautority of the Jew gouvernment. There I start to talk to the people inthe street and the press look at me as the new prophet, I still keeptelling the words of our Divin Creator through my mouth to the people,I give advise and make instruction to every one who was asking for, nomatter where they com from, witch class, rich or poor. In the summer Ileave Damas for one other city and went to one other challenge in mylife, Once I arrive there, I first study the costume of the population,analise there sens of beleiving and relatived there religion. Ingeneral my opinion was that the men deed there busisness without anyscrupulous and faithless feeling about our Divin Creator.The women ignorant and slave of there body in possesion of evil, waresharing there life with luxury and decadence of there soul. In the meantime start different movment to teach about the eternal life of thesoul who was part of the Divin Creator. Thanks to my protectors I havemad, its was possible to breng the existence of the priest who hadabused the people out of there power. Soon I have the oportunity tostart a big campagne who show me the way to teach the doctrine of a newfuture life full of light and love. I had the protection of our DivinCreator and with this power I had the conviction in my words toconvince the new generation on this planet. Without any materialpossession and living very humble I was loved by the good men andwomen, the children.The oldest one feed themself with my words andsheerish me with food and places to stay.They love talk and discuse with me, give there opiniojn and lessoningto my Divin Words who gifts them the power to leave this physic worlwithout any fear. To prepar them for there new metamorphose, to guidethem in the light.On one very hot day and after the sunset, in the front of one house door where I have been sitting few day’s a go.Big clouds where coming into the sky from the west and annoncing a bigtunder storm, the people in the street ware walking fast as they couldto go in there homes. Like a daily happening a group of women’s and fewchilds ware around me, tok me inside this house. The rain start to falland the storm light in to the dark sky.

The natural fight of the elements make me say this sentence:“The goodnes of our Divin Creator is in everything you can imagine,everywher you can imagine, the human would have to understand thelesson we get from our Divin Creator, to realise that the titel theygive themself as master of the earth by not lessoning to the wise wordsof our universal masters of the Divin Creator. Feel inside your bodywhen the passion invade your soul, like this tunder storm here today.The same phenomon are going on and are the true evidence of the work ofour Divin Creator to warned you form the wrong path you are chosing.Thehand of our Divin Creator is above us to protect us if we se it, lookto the birds and the insects, before the tunder storm start they areall ready hide themself, by the warning to them by the DivinCreator.Bad luck for the impudor and the proud who dint lesson to thewarning and have been lazy to face the law of destruction, they will becarry by one blow of the storm. The storm who is coming in your heartmy brother its the result of your life with the need of pleasureillicite or negatif for your spirit. Wher are the weak but proud menafter the outburst of passions. In the damned dimension wher the sadnesis Queen and ther spirit is an atonment of theyre madness. The serenityof the blue sky , my brothers is the image from your soul incomparaison of the darkness of your life. After this tunder stormfollow the sweet harmoniy of the elements, like the one of the winnerof his un controled passions.”
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