Mike j Hughes's Posts (36)

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Maitreya`s Teachings. - Share International-

8108745270?profile=originalBetween 1977 and 1982, Maitreya telepathically communicated fragments of his teachings to Benjamin Creme at Creme's regular public meetings in London. A recurrent theme was the need to end the suffering of millions of people who go hungry or starve in our world, which actually has a surplus of food. This imbalance is one of the primary reasons why Maitreya returns at this time.

"How," Maitreya asks, "can you be content with the modes within which you now live: when millions starve and die in squalor; when the rich parade their wealth before the poor; when each man is his neighbor's enemy; when no man trusts his brother? For how long must you live thus, my friends? For how long can you support this degradation?"

Since that message was given in 1979, we have been shocked by the horror of recurring famine in Africa and the ongoing misery in other nations. Gradually we have come to recognize that world hunger is unnecessary as well as immoral since it is due not to a lack of food or food production capabilities, but to the social, political and economic injustices that produce poverty. It is the poor who go hungry, whether in a 'developed' or 'developing' nation, and both domestic and international institutions maintain and exacerbate that poverty. Thus the gap between rich and poor grows ever wider; it now represents the single greatest threat to world peace.

Among the attitudes that keep these institutions in place is complacency. Maitreya calls complacency the root of all evil in the world. It leads both individuals and institutions to become estranged from the realities of life, and it prevents us from finding effective solutions to our problems. Complacency is ultimately self- destructive, and whole societies can be destroyed by it.

Maitreya makes clear that we can, if we choose, change our ways and put an end to hunger and to the monumental array of man-made crises we now face: "The problems of mankind are real but solvable. The solution lies within your grasp. Take your brother's need as the measure for your action and solve the problems of the world. There is no other course." When we begin to follow this advice and institute the principle of sharing, peoples and nations will begin to trust one another; once there is trust, there will be justice; and once there is justice for all, we will have a genuine and lasting peace.

On politics

A new energy pervades the planet now. This Energy of Equilibrium flushes out negative forces and then creates a state of alertness in individuals. Under the influence of this energy more and more people will revolt. People will not accept imposed solutions.

Suppression or repression will collide against a growing awareness among the people. Where the people's voice is not heard, there will be revolutions. This is not prediction, but recognition of an inevitable effect. The same Law of Cause and Effect that applies to nature applies to human beings.

The new politics will no longer be molded by the 'isms' of capitalism or socialism, but created from self-respect in individuals and nations. Liberty, freedom and salvation will be the objectives of everyone.

The fact that 'all men are brothers' will be increasingly translated into structures and practical programs that reflect this reality. Nations can and will experience brotherhood, common goals and common aspirations.

On market forces and commercialization

The 'engines of war' have been switched off. The cold war is over. But that energy cannot just disappear; it has to go somewhere. It has found a new womb: the commercialization created by market forces. This represents a serious new threat to the world. Market forces are the forces of wickedness, confusion and chaos, and its children are competition and comparison. They have created social and natural havoc. People have been condemned to death, literally, in the name of profit and loss.

The new creed of the superpowers has become 'the economy,' which is the soul of commercialization. Commercialization is more destructive than any nuclear bomb. The quality of commercialization is greed, which means making money while others starve.

Commercialization has affected all nations and will result in a final collapse of the world's stock markets. After this crash, the first duty of governments will be to feed people with the right food. Their second duty will be to ensure adequate housing. Next will come health and education.

In the new systems, social consciousness will guide market forces, not the other way around.

On crime, violence and drugs

Society as a whole is attempting to emerge from its bondage, and the eruption of crime, corruption, drugs and violence are the inevitable prelude. Crime and violence, like any problems, require a proper analysis of their causes.

The politicians alone are to blame for the desperation of those addicted to drugs. If people are so straitened in life that they cannot even eat properly, they will lead desperate lives. If people are deprived of a future, deprived of nourishment, they will end up on drugs to help them forget their desperation. And from drugs it is not far to crime.

Strong policing will be needed to crack down on the organized gangs of drug producers, but it is not the answer to the individual drug user. Drug addicts are suffering from spiritual starvation, from extreme self-alienation. Life becomes purposeless and people want to bring their lives to an end, and so they commit slow suicide by way of drugs.

If life has no meaning, then meaning is what must be restored. For this to occur, it is necessary for the person to experience a sense of his own worth. There is no substitute for dealing with the individual's internal world.

At the moment, prison is the only alternative for violent and dangerous criminals. But the problem of crime cannot be cured by sentencing people to prison. Eventually, certain judicial reforms will take place, and minor or petty crimes will not lead to prison sentences.

When world tension begins to decrease, when the principle of sharing begins to be implemented through a variety of social, economic and political reforms, people will feel less threatened and there will be less and less crime.

On the environment

The environment will become the number one issue throughout the world. This growth in concern is the result of increasing Self-awareness. There is a link between the inner and the outer environment: the moment you become aware of yourself this awareness then leads you to look into the outer environment.

There are also connections between the negative forces generated by humanity and what happens in nature. These connections will be increasingly seen and understood as such. Many natural disasters are responses to human activities.

The use of nuclear energy also generates repercussions under the Law of Cause and Effect. There is a difference between using energy within its natural evolutionary base, and manipulating energy. The latter leads invariably to trouble because natural equilibrium is disturbed. A windmill uses the power of the wind to generate energy. A 'controlled' underground nuclear explosion manipulates energy, disturbing the earth's balance. This can and does result in earthquakes.

Human beings are linked to one another and, in principle, a thought can be picked up by anyone, anywhere, in a moment. Nuclear weapons are interlinked via both energy and thought formation. The energy behind all acts of nature and all mental acts is one.

We will see a new equilibrium in the world; both people and nature will respond constructively. People will be able to live in closer contact with nature and there will be greater harmony. There will be no need for nuclear energy: the power of the sun will be used. Because of the greater harmony between nature and humanity, people will be happier, for to disturb the environment is to disturb our own nature.

On the art of Self-realization

Maitreya says: "I have not come to found a new religion. I have come to teach the art of Self-realization, which is neither an ideology nor a religion, but benefits people of all religions and those who have none. I seek to express that which I am through you; for this I come."

The Self alone matters. You are that Self, an immortal being. Suffering is caused by identification with anything and everything which is not the Self. Ask yourself, 'Who am I?' You will see that you are identified either with matter (the body), or with thought (the mind) or with power (spirit). But you are none of these. Mind, spirit and body are the temples of the Lord. The Self experiences in these temples the supreme Being and Becoming of the Lord.

One of the easiest ways to know me, Maitreya says, is to be honest in your mind, be sincere in your spirit, and practice detachment. Any action performed with dishonesty of mind, an insincere spirit and attachment is destructive. For example, when you think one thing, say another, and do something which is different again, you are lost. Honesty of mind leads to honest speech and honest action. This harmony leads to peace and happiness. Without detachment there is no salvation.

Be what you are. Do not surrender your self-respect, your dignity, to others. Do not allow anyone to cast his shadow over you. A Master gives experiences, but does not cast his shadow.

Do not follow one another. If you practice honesty of mind, sincerity of spirit and detachment, you will know me, you will know the Lord.

On the emergence

Maitreya says: Without disturbing anyone, I will choose my moment.

Even when you see me, do not run after me. If you run after me, you will lose me. If you parade me, you do not know who I am. I cannot be monopolized -- I belong to everyone.

I have not come to create followers. Each of you should continue to develop within your own religious tradition. Respect your own religions, your own ideologies -- in brief, your own thought-form, and you will experience the Master.

I do not want you to believe in me. I want you to experience me.

If you take one step towards me, I will take two steps towards you. I will lend you my strength. I am always with you.

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All Comes From Within. By; Mike j Hughes

Share now the resources of the world, and end the ugly human condition as it is now.
We must tread the PATH ourselves for the coming of a new age of love and brotherhood;- if we are to survive into the next eon.

Remember always my friends, that the greatness we see manifesting throughout the world is the same greatness we all share together ,and which lies deep within our souls ,dormant as a seed that will one day grow into the mighty oak.As you go through life,and as you observe the beauty and greatness through nature and through human beings remember my dear friends that that self made greatness lies as well within you.        

  ``Take Your Brothers Need As The Measure Of Your Actions And Solve The Problems Of The World``            - Maitreya-

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In our world today their are so many very big and moving events that are now taking place in our world today. And is stressing many to the point where certain groups see what is going on ,and feel that they themselves want to feel that they to are some how be apart of these major event going on all over our world,and so the overwhelming number over the last 20 years has exited the astral-emotional imagination to the point that they get unconscious of the fact that their experiences or only apart of their astral -emotional ,and very vivid imagination,;- in other words an astral polarization of which 97 % of humanity are prone to, with means not allot is going on ``upstairs`` [if you know what I mean!! ].

Channelling, of which legions of generic ``new age types``are now claiming to be receiving are simply astral sensitives, channelling entities that are ,in most cases, disembodied human elementaries, who are no higher evolved than the one who is their mediums,These so-called ``teachers``are even themselves laboring under the illusion that they must find an medium in whom they can manipulate so that they can communicate their astral fantasy's of which they themselves have no idea of what the hell is going on.!!

We are living in a time like no other time in human history,and with the year 2012 fast approaching very soon, [of which will be a non event ] and with all of the T.V and Internet programs about the ``dooms day``scenarios that so many are subscribing to, for reasons that it brings some excitement and mysteries to their mundane existence.
With the ever great transformations humanity is moving through at this time ,their are so many human beings who really desire to help humanity ,but are going about it the wrong way.

So many people today, with the magnitude of great events now going on in our world to day causes many thousands to think that they are doing some thing important, and that they are ``the ones``;-who really know what is going on``!! ,and that their ``teachers``who reside on the astral planes,which is the realm of illusions, dictate to them messages and prophecy's in which never happen,and which only serves to bring emotional stimulation ,and make life more of an excited experience,and if that is some thing which brings an emotional excitement into their mundane lives,then by all means don't argue with them [ lest you disturb their astral-emotional fantasy] .Just let them be what they are,and remember time is the ``great healer``


I have been an occultist, spiritualist,and a Theosophist for over 25 years ,and have read and heard of many of these channellers, and these ``beings``make predictions that never come to pass. Now would that not tell you that these simply dis-embodied human elementries have no idea of whats going on themselves? I Have taken notice of the fact that so many of these ``channelling's``always contradict each other , now does this sound like a ``Brotherhood of Illuminated and Organized Minds``


Just goes to show you how these astral beings are themselves confused due to the fact that they are only human disembodied ego`s that are no more advanced than any other generic average human being
.Most of these channellers are ,unknown to themselves, are really practicing form of black magic known as Necromancy;- a very dangerous and cruel practice for those who are rudely awakened from their spiritual bliss, only to be reminded of the memories and nightmares of their past incarnations..For an example of the stupidity going on ;- look at the predictions of a certain woman who is channeling ``Zeta talk``! Remember Planet x which the ``highly advanced``aliens who set a date for destruction on planet earth.

Then I hear other people channelling other disembodied human elementaries who contradict this event. I don`t know who exactly who these beings who are manipulating their channellers, But dis-embodied or not, they all seem to be very confused with each one giving contradicting teachings.

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Towards a Global Unity. By; Mike J Hughes

Ifeel for certain that very soon all of the worlds religions will come to an agreement in a spirit of co-operation and unite giving birth to a global spirituality concerned with the social welfare of all humanity.
By this I am not saying that people will abandon their spiritual upbringing within such and such religion,but will instead be galvanized by the energy of goodwill now streaming into the world by Maitreya and other members of the Spiritual Hierarchy causing a mutual understanding,tolerance ,respect, and co-operation as to the welfare of humanity as a whole and bring a relative calm and a measure of peace ,thus releasing much tensions that are now the cause of much fear,doubt and uncertainty amongst the masses of humanity today.


We are no longer unaccountable for our actions because we all know about the miseries going on in third world nations and the fact that so many millions are living in such conditions that we would not even allow our pets to live in.
The galvanizing energy streaming into the hearts and minds of humanity is causing millions to reflect upon the real and meaningful values that all normally accept as the norm, such as sharing,tolerance,universal health care, education and a chance to really be some body who can make a difference and so on.
The problems of our day and age are very real indeed ,but are solvable ,and can be overcome by humanity implementing his ``Will to Good``by seeing beyond personal selfishness ,and of course beyond war which has left an ugly stain upon the memory of the planet itself reach back into the distant past when man strayed far off the path God has set for us to tread and evolve.

Humanity today ,with the expansion and development of technology and so on , is reaching a climatic crisis where  very serious decisions must be made concerning our future evolution on this planet and to all other life streams upon this planet.
The new cosmic energies now entering our world are causing people to be more aware of themselves as human beings who are in need to see justice.
With the Arab Revolution on the move like never before we can see how these new energies are changing and shaping our civilization at a phenomenal level such as never seen in the whole history of this 5th sub-race.
With the return of the World Teacher and the externalization of the Spiritual Hierarchy amongst the ``sons of men``working openly with humanity is presenting many great opportunities to millions who will act and tread the Path Of humanitarian need and to take initiation ,and so prepare themselves for the Journey to Perfection.

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Those of us who truly love their fellow man and who`s minds are expanding to understand the esoteric Wisdom of the Ages have ,in most cases undergone the first initiation and have taken the first steps into the Spiritual Hierarchy.
For most of us there are many incarnations between the first and second initiation ,and this can be a period of a painful psychic growth that we can sometimes find unbearable with many realizations of personal failure and a realization of our limitations that can be so very frightful,;- however we must stand fast knowing that service to our fellow man can ,in many cases speed up our development towards a swift mental polarization, and bring mastery over the astral-emotional elemental.

From the time we take the first initiation we are bombarded by many attacks of an astral nature due to the fact that 97% of the human race have the seat of their consciousness polarized within the emotional-astral nature which can ,-for those of us who have already undergone the first initiation so very a difficult and painful series of incarnations until we can master our astral nature,and no more be dominated by our deep rooted and subtle glamours which prevents us from seeing clearly through life and all events crystal clear.
When I say that humanity must overcome glamour I don't mean the type of glamour that we are so use to seeing from all of the`` Hollywood stars```and all of the rich celebrities and so on`.
There are so many deep rooted glamours that have blinded humanity all through out human history from distinguishing what is real and of true value, and learning to lift ourselves onto the higher mental planes where we can see our errors of the past ages ,and to really begin to tackle this human problem that has blinded humanity for untold eons of time.
In my own life I am just now beginning to see where I stand as to this dissipation of glamour and this astral-emotional fog that is preventing me to see the real values in life . I have come to the point in my own spiritual development where at last I am seeing the most beautiful and divine being ;-who I have come to know as my higher self .

When we learn to live in the Light of our very own divine souls, we then begin to understand the real and worthwhile values of brotherhood ,sharing,right human relationships,Honesty of Mind, Sincerity of Spirit, and Detachment as the ways to a meaningful life that carries with it many great rewards,and a sense of true self worth life after life as we learn to unfold our great potential and to reveal that great and Divine Being that has sat within us as the witness to our many thousands of incarnations that have now brought us all to the evolutionary level upon which we now ``Stand``as Spiritual Beings.

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The Human Condition. By; Mike J Hughes

With the growth of humanity`s technology and ever expanding
awareness we are now getting a sad Omen of the many various cataclysms that now
loom upon the horizons of man`s world, which really blackens the future of so
many of our young people at this time, who are now feeling that life is really
``one big nothing``. With the all of the many rotten things now happening on our
planetary man-bearing globe, which is spreading a sense of dark despair and
utter confusion every where to be seen ,there are as well a growing group of
human beings who remain rather hopeful ,and who have a very remarkable talent to
see beyond the present turmoil and agony of mind, and who can see far beyond the
present human condition.

With the growing sense of helplessness and suffering there is an in vocative
cry for help that has caught the attention of the living Spiritual Hierarchy of
our planet,and they are now very aware of the fact that humanity is now
beginning to understand the gravity of it`s situation and the need for change
lest we destroy ourselves and lose out on untold millions of years of
evolutionary development which will be a very heart breaking experience for
those down through our history who have sacrificed everything in the hopes that
humanity would build a new civilization based on sharing, right human
relationships, and global world co-operation with all peoples of the world.

As it stand now humanity is diving deep into nature of matter, and the best
thing we have learned from the Kali Yuga Age is the nature of materiality and of
it,s a clear understanding in our quest for higher achievements. The Dark age of
the Kali Yuga age is now slowly coming to an end.
The Arab revolution is now
spreading all over the eastern world, and is now reaching in some of the Western
developed Nations.
The entire human race as it stands now in our 21 century
is moving through a great identity crisis.Many of our young people of today are
very confused ,as you can all see what`s going on over the past 10 years.. The
invocative cry for help has been herd by the great Masters of Wisdom,and after
the ``Great War`` between 1914--1945. It was at this time that that Maitreya
announced to his group of Masters that there was a chance,and a widow of
opportunity for him to return, as millions today are ready,or preparing to take
the First initiation,and to be given the opportunity for a very rapid spiritual
For the very first time in many millions of years the greatest
opportunity is now given to the ``sons of men``to really come to terms with that
living divine being that sits within us all as the 7th principle divine known as

We are at this time living in an relatively UN-important solar system when
compared with the unbelievable and beyond our comprehension of other planetary
experiments going on through out the boundless universe in which we all live
,move ,and have our being.
As human beings who have and embodied that inner
divinity to such an extent that their lives and bodies are now composed of
sub-atomic plane matter ,;or have woven for themselves a body that is composed
of the Light of Divinity itself ,and who are truly free from the wheel of life
that has for so long kept them as prisoners and in a state of a phenomena which
keeps them Earthbound due to the fact that they have not developed a higher form
of spirituality which many others are now weaving for themselves a spiritual
body that will cause humanity to ,in time , to rise above the level in which no
form of evil will never touch them.
This of course will take many millions of
years to achieve,for as we know nature never moves by leaps and bounds,but moves
ever so slowly as everything is in the state of becoming ,and always moving and
aspiring to unfold like an ever-opening flower through out the endless cycles of
This is what we know as shedding glory after glory through out all
eternity,and reaching heights of unbelievable glory unknown and incomprehensible
to us in our present state of spiritual development.

Our incredible capacity to suffer is such as not to be found in any other
part of our solar system,and hence our man-bearing globe is ,and always have
been the star of suffering ,and those who have completed their incarnations upon
this planet are known as the graduates of painful endeavour.
countless thousands of rebirths upon this planet we have suffered very much ,to
the point where our capacity to Love and to feel compassion is developed to a
very high degree indeed.This is one of the reasons why our Earth evolution and
with humanity has created a Christ ,not once but many times over ,and this is
not even considered as a`` Sacred planet`` whereas some of the real sacred
planets have not even created a being who can measure up to the level of of
fullness of Christ hood .
Therefore we have a greater sense of compassion
towards others because of the fact that we human beings from this Earth
evolution have endeared countless ages of suffering. Through much suffering we
have developed an ability to feel compassion towards others at a very high
degree than many of the other man-bearing Globes and their inhabitants of this
time.It is therefore very true to say that in order to feel and express
compassion -then one must indeed know what it means to suffer;.This is an occult
statement of fact ,and always have been.

Many of the more advanced planets of our system will ; - in time, as well
create their divine beings who will one day have the ability to not only
identify. with the Christ Principle ;- but will actually become that divine
principle itself and bring it into manifestation within the three worlds of
human endeavour the divine plan, and thus transform their abode into the new
heaven and new Earth. These three worlds of human endeavour are ,as some of you
may know, are the 1/ The physical planes, 2/ The astral planes, 3/ -and the
higher and lower mental planes.
The goal for humanity is to eventually
precipitate the divine plan down through the higher mental planes ,and lower
even still down through the various astral worlds ,;and in time to precipitate
down onto the dense physical planes and thus setting loose the divine ``Plan``on
all three levels of human endeavour, thus transforming our world by the creation
of a new heaven and a new Earth over the next few millions of years. This is a
very slow and painstaking endeavour,;as it always has been.

Over the next few million years humanity must consciously begin the task of
cleaning all of the astral residue that is everywhere to be found, and
dissipating the astral thought forms that are to be found all through out the
lower astral and mental planes before any real work of humanity`s new found
higher sense of Self Awareness can grow and bring real fruit such as never seen
before in the whole history of the human evolution on this Globe.

When the time is right, all evil, as well will be cleaned from the face of
the Earth as the forces of materiality will be sealed off to their own domain
;-and that will be to work and to tend to the fires deep within the bowls of the
Earth, and to the upholding of the matter aspect of the planet as a man-bearing
All forces of both good and evil have their part to play in the
upholding of the economy and to the life of our planet, and always will till
that time once again arrives to slip into pralayas before the great
``out-breathing`` of a new solar system comes into being who`s great foundation
will be that of ``Power,Purpose, and super ``Cosmic Will`` of that great being
in whom we can only call ``The One About Whom Nought Can Be Said``.
today is reaching a climax in it`s materiality, and very soon we are to see a
new cycle begin that will reveal mans true colours as to it`s inner divinity and
great potentiality. All of the revolutions in the Arab nations today will ,in
time, bring us to a time of great discoveries anent the nature of that great
divine being that sits within us all.
The unbelievable suffering and agony of
mind so ramp id today will give way to an age of self-realization and to the
Brotherhood of mankind and will be a powerful milestone in the evolutionary
history and development of all mankind.

The woe`s and suffering through out the human kingdom can never be compared
to the divine and glorious achievements that will one day be revealed from the
inner depths of that ``Great Divine Being`` that sits within us all.
As to
our spiritual evolution we all have as yet a very long journey ahead of us [ for
the bulk of average humanity] and much work needs to be done as humanity embarks
now into a long cycle of mental and spiritual evolution that will stretch into
the far and distant future as we begin to unfold our inner divinity as divine
Any intelligent person of today can see that we are living in a world
filled with UN-mentionable human filth and depravity. But still we carry on and
we adapt to almost any condition as we have for untold millions of years ,and
will continue until we come to the realization of how adaptable we really are as
Human beings are very resilient and much more stronger than we think
,and this is due to the fact that humanity has been through so much suffering
and agony of mind, and still we have the ability to keep a cool head due to the
fact that we are beings who have been through so much suffering and so much
agony of mind and have ,as a result ,been able to study the human condition like
no others have with all of the UN-believable horrors we witness with each and
every day that passes our way.

Like I have said before ,the amount ,and degree of agony, suffering and the
apparent hellish conditions we are now endearing is of such a degree as never to
be seen on any other man-bearing planet known to our most gifted human

Our Planet is now in it`s fourth round, and in it`s 5th sub-race of the fifth
Root Race and are therefore only in the middle half of our evolution, which is
at this time in the beginning stages of it`s mental evolution;- ,not to mention
our higher spiritual development;,-which is not due in it`s completion for many
millions of years from now during the later rounds and race`s that are to
For those who sense in this a ring of truth will find much more
information by the study of Theosophy and within the teachings of Esoteric
Buddhism which has been UN-altered by the profane and their theological abuses
that have altered many other religions and their wisdom teachings down through
the ages of time.
Our planet and it`s humanity should at this time be
paralleled with that of the Venusian evolution if it were not for the retarded
course of action due to the influence of certain dark, morbid , and evil
monstrosities that had surfaced from a group of profound and very deeply evil
men and forces that had raised their ugly heads during the dark age of the 4th
root Race Atlanteans ,in whom many had given themselves over to black magic and
some very depraved activities of which many are now paying dearly the price for
their UN-natural activities against both man and God.
As a result Venus is
now in it`s fifth and last Round ,while our Earth Humanity is still in it`s
fourth Round due to this evolutionary retardation.

Their is at this time many who are galvanized by the ideal of Goodwill,
Love,and sharing as necessities to build the coming new civilization of which
only a very small minority are as yet ready to pass through and enter Gates of
Initiation which will make of them members of the ``Kingdom of Souls``
As it
stands today the greater bulk of average humanity today are polarized upon the
astral-emotional planes of human endeavour ,and still retain that Atlantean
outlook on humanity ,and our dominated by their moods and astral-emotional
comforts in life.
Those of us who are counted as the more advanced units of
humanity are continuously working to bring the ``Divine Plan``onto the three
worlds of human endeavour ,and to thus re-create our world along more sane
approaches;- such as the sharing of the worlds resources,and as well as treating
each other as souls needing a greater measure of Light as they wrestle their way
into a more profound revelation as to who we really are as divine beings.
the human race learns to put aside it`s difference`s and it`s retarded petty
ways ,then we will see a great window of opportunity for a chance to really make
human progress towards a global awareness that will bring advanced human beings

I think that we all know that we are all going to enter a new age, and a new
time in which our Elder Brother, Maitreya;-The World Teacher;..- Maitreya is a
teacher in the broadest sense of the word;- A Teacher for those of all religions
and as well as for those of no religions,but simply a Great Teacher who will
teach humanity all about the Laws of Life, Self realization, detachment, service
,and an ever eternal growing sense of who we really are as Creators of the
The Human condition will improve as we learn to see each other as
souls, and to develop that insight that is the common goodwill that all peoples
everywhere can relate to as the common good for all.
The first thing that
humanity must deal with right now is the redistribution of the worlds resources
to all who are in need. The greatest spiritual crisis now taking place in our
world at this time is the fact that the developed nations of the world are using
and wasting 80% of the worlds resources while we have so many millions of people
all over the world starving to death for want of food that`s rotting within the
storehouses of the developed world.

As it stands today we can see that humanity has strayed far off of the path
which God has laid out for us to follow ,and have wondered far into the darkness
of confusion and deep seated illusions which are the cause of all sorrows and
agony of mind that so many are now experiencing.
All in all there is a large
and growing group of human beings now coming into incarnation who`s lives are
governed by the principle of Goodwill,and who can really ``see``the solution to
humanity`s many and diverse problems . This growing group of human beings are
known as ``The New Group of World Servers`,` and are people from all walks of
life who are very concerned about the spiritual welfare of all humanity.
.N.G.W.S are united together by a web of communication spanning the entire world
and are preparing the way for the coming ``World Teacher``whom many know as
Maitreya, who will soon make Himself known to the entire human race.
when humanity learns to share the resources of the world will there then be
peace, because human survival depends on us all co-operating together as one
family and to prepare ourselves for further spiritual development within all
facets of human endeavour.
It is very important that we see each other as
souls and to practice harmlessness,sincerity of spirit and detachment.
we must as the curtain rises once again to show us the way forward into a life
more abundant ,and to smile upon one another knowing the truth has set us

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New Civilization. By; Mike J Hughes

Good Day my dear friends.*

As the Arab revolution spreads through out our world we can see that many millions are beginning to awaken from their mental lethargy and are now for the first time becoming aware of the fact that we must change or destroy all life on this planet.
All of the old ways have crystallized to the point where it is preventing new life from entering the centre where the race of man lives, moves, and has it`s being. The new energies now entering within our world are breaking down the limitations to the human spirit ,and the curtain is rising to show us once again how to live as souls and to move and evolve as one people.
The rampaging of confusion amongst the Sons of Men is a sign that the great World Teacher Maitreya is soon to appear on the stage of world events, and is a sign that man is ready to change and to receive new life in abundance . There are many today who are aware of this fact and realize the need of humanity to change their ways and to allow the Christ Principle to blaze forth and to be the beacons of Light in this so very dark times in which we are now living in.

It is now darkest before dawn and our old  civilization is now in it`s death throes as confusion and destruction are on all sides breaking down the old order of human civilization in order for us to begin anew on a higher turn of the spiral so to say as the evolution of the human spirit is lifted by it`s own inert aspiration towards divine greatness which it will achieve in this coming time as all men prepare to change for the better.
Those of us who are making headway and preparing the way for Maitreya`s return have always known that the Arab revolution was inevitable and is all part of the plan to cleanse that world from the evil dictators who are fomenting their ill will upon the human spirit and to prepare the way for the new beginnings of renewed effort to construct a new civilization that will be based on right human relations and the sharing of the worlds resources which belong to all.
Maitreya has said that we must change and allow that Christ principle shine it`s way through the darkness and ignorance that has for so long made our world a living hell and an abode of suffering and agony of mind...

For the first time in the history of this fifth root race we are witnessing the human race coming together like no other time . Through the growth of social net working and Internet we are learning so much about each other ,and the explosion of knowledge and global awareness people are waking up and are seeing the reality and gravity of of our situation as it really is as we begin to really ``see`` the glamour and illusions that we have been living through for so many thousands of years upon this man bearing globe.
With the world the way it is we are in need of a World Teacher who can help us to solve our problems and bring humanity back onto the path God has intended for us to tread.
All through out our history we have seen that when humanity was in it`s darkest hour a Teacher has come forth to lead man on the wings of ease and has many times inspired humanity to reach for the beckoning stars and to release our inner divinity stage by stage through out our long evolutionary journey.

In the midst of crumble and decay a new civilization and race will emerge and humanity will have reached a milestone in it`s progress as the nightmares of our unholy past begin to fade in the dawning of a new age that is now in the making.

``Take your brothers need as the measure of your action and solve the problems of the world``
                                                                                                                                    - Maitreya-*.

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Shadow People. By; Mike J Hughes

I have noticed the fact that many people have seen what is known as shadow people and there is much talk on the topic on Coast to Coast am radio. This phenomena of the ``shadow people`` is ,and has been with humanity for a very long time,.. since the beginning of human existence. I have done some research on this phenomena ,and I have an explanation from my ``Teacher`` who lives on the ``other side``
We all have to discard the physical body some time in order to acquire new ones in future incarnations,and we all have had thousands of incarnation behind us all ,-so many indeed that you would not believe it if I were to tell you,-many incarnations stretching far back into the distant past.
With each and every incarnation we become a little more evolved than we were before and our minds are developing more and more as we are in an ever lasting state of becoming more than we could possibly know at this stage in our evolution.

Many of you know that we all have a ``Higher Self```which is the highest principle within us all .It is our true Self and is the witness of our many incarnations. All that we have ever known,experienced,dreamed ,learned ,and so on is stored up within the living angelic principle we know as the Higher Self.
This Higher Self is projecting a ray from it`s own essence down into terrestrial existence and its slow evolutionary development ,and the goal for that divine being that sits deep within us all is making the sou less forms that have been weaved by nature herself into true thinking men with the knowledge of good and evil ,and with the capacity of developing mindborn reflections of itself and to spiritualize matter to evolve the ``Son``,or Christ principle and to take up our residency within the primitive soul-less forms and to endow them with Self Awareness as individualized being who`s eyes are now opened to the knowledge of Good and Evil. For those who have intuition will know that I am writing here about the legend of the ``Fallen Angels``which was no result of any ``rebellion``,but an act of a Great Sacrifice on the part of those Mind Born Angelic Beings of who in fact are our Higher Selves.
I am not permitted to write any further upon this mysterious mystery, but leave it as food for thought for those who`s intuition can grasp this enigma known and reserved by the initiates alone.

After one has discarded the physical body at death one remains upon the astral planes and still lives out their life much the same way as they did while living on earth ,but minus the physical body. With the physical body discarded one is left in a state of psychic astral emotional phenomena in the same way as was on earth but now ever so vivid and animated and heightened much more than was the case on earth.
In time the astral-emotional body is as well discarded and the soul is left in the higher mental body as it ascends into Devachan leaving all memory of earth life with its many personalities behind and to find itself reborn into a state of pure unalloyed bliss, and to have the chance to express its highest and most lofty aspirations of a high order that it could not while on earth. The Higher Soul-Ego can remain in this state for many eons until it has exhausted its merit and reward and begins to feel the need to return and be reborn on earth once again to work out the divine Plan for human evolution.

As the Higher Self rises into Devachan with its higher principles it leave behind a sort of shell ,or shady echo of its last incarnation, which is the animal- ego, which will dissipate over time and re-emerge within Kama-Loka to be broken down into its rightful element.
These mindless shells that are known as earth walkers ,or shadow people is what is left behind after the soul has vacated its earthly body.
In the case of some one who was very wicked and depraved, and who`s point of focus was in the animal passions, will have to exhaust their animal passions in the Bardo state and remain earthbound for sometimes hundreds of years, in or out of incarnation . This is the heavy fate that will descend upon all those who do not aspire any higher than the lower animal passions ,or those who are wicked and depraved beyond redemption as far as the greater cycle is concerned.

``Shadow people`` ,or ``earth walkers`` are therefore the Kama-loka shells [ spooks ] that remain earthbound to suffer avichi which is a lust that can not be fulfilled due to the fact that at some points along the way they have no physical body to enjoy their depraved appetites ,and will seek out those of kindred vibration who are in a physical body and so attach themselves to their organs and try to vampirize others who share in the same depraved delights they did while they were in the body.

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As the ages slip on by we are evolving ever so much more into a deeper sense of who and what we are. Humanity,in a sense, is coming of age,and will soon grow out of it`s childhood ways and will learn to expand their minds,and to explore the many dimensions of the higher planes.There is coming an age where man will rise above the limitations of the body,and will learn of the secrets of heaven that before were deemed unlawful unto mortals to know. A s a human being I have come to realize the fact of my own inner divine spirituality,and as a soul I know that we all will continue to evolve and develop our potential likened to an ever opening flower under the soft sunlight of our own divine selves.Reach,my dear friends for the stars ,for the secret of your divine origin lies deep into the unlimited regions of space and time alike.

Each and everyone of us are so unique ,and have grown and evolved into our own individuality's .Man is becoming aware now of very powerful forces that lie at the centre of his being.We all have a very long history of thousands of incarnations stretching back through the ages past millions of years ,and have had lives through so many races ,cultures,and civilizations now long forgotten and which now lie deep within our soul memory.Through the art of meditation we can establish a contact with this aspect of ourselves that through the eternal past ,has stood as a divine witness to all that we have gained ,and the wisdom we have developed by many incarnations..With the coming of Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom we are now felling the impact of some very powerful energies that are cosmic in their origin,and which are being step ed down by the advanced members of the human family as they come into incarnation time after time.We are moving through such a time where a new civilization is about to be born on earth, and of such a magnitude as never been seen before in the whole of human history.

The Masters Have known that sooner or later they would be required to return to the everyday world of man,and walk amongst us once more as they did during the Atlantean root race which had lasted for 12 million years with its many sub-races and various cultures.This was the fourth root race where the development of the astral -emotional body was the prime goal to be achieved during that time.The last remnant of the Atlantean continent sank below the waters about 95 thousand years ago which was the beginning of the fifth root race ,and the beginning of mental development which is ,even in our modern times ,in its infancy and will not bloom forth its full potential until the fifth round many millions of years from now. Those who are students of Theosophy and the ``Secret Doctrine``will know of the information I am trying to make known to the general public,who in their advanced groups, are becoming ready for this revelation of occult wisdom that will some day be known to all of the ``Sons of Men``in the distant future..We are all living in a time of great spiritual crisis in that we have no idea of why we are here,or what is the meaning of our life here on earth,or what happens when you die ,the meaning of our existence and so on.ow if that is not a crisis then I do not know what is.

This is the main reason why the Great Ones are now returning once again that we all may find our way through this rather dark and dingy world.As each man wrestles his way out into a greater measure of light he then becomes like a lighthouse showing the way for his fellow man ,and as well becomes a saviour for his race,and to one day become a Lord of Compassion and an ocean of Wisdom for his fellow man.One day all men will achieve at becoming full blown Buddha``s ,and our world will be full of glorious Adepts as we climb the ladder of our own spiritual evolution.It is up to everyone to achieve in his own time and season the full measure of Christ hood.. For some individuals this task will come to pass sooner than expected, and will evolve at a tremendous speed and will achieve the higher initiations long before the greater bulk of humanity will long after they move on to the path of the higher evolution, which are seven paths that will lead the enlightened Buddha far beyond the confines of our solar system,and to engage in specialized forms of service that are not in anyway comprehensible to any man below the 8Th initiation.,,which includes the Buddha,Maitreya,The Lord of Civilization ,and a few others who can not be named, due to the classified work they are now involved in at this time.

The highest initiation that can be taken within this solar system is the 9Th initiation,and only 111 humans from our own earth evolution have reached these cosmic stages of exalted awareness.There is at this time a great being known as the Avatar of Synthesis who is overshadowing our planetary Logos ,and is sending into our world the energies of peace and synthesis.To even try to understand the high level of awareness would just boggle the minds of those who may speculate his level of achievement ,;for example,Maitreya has developed 2 levels of cosmic awareness ,while the Avatar of Synthesis has evolved 14 levels of cosmic awareness,and was invoked by the Lord of the World Sanat Kumara who en souls this man-bearing planet in much the same way as we human beings en souls this physical body as our body of manifestation .We and all of the lifeforms on this planet live,move,and have their being just as the tiny cells within our own bodies.Spiritual growth is something that goes on for all of eternity,initiation after initiation through out galactic space,with no beginning, and with no ending,just the eternal now ,in the moment .

One of my colleagues ,who..is a painter ,artist ,and esoteric researcher has been in contact with a Master of Wisdom by means of a telepathic rapport that has been established decades ago when Mr Creme was given an offer to have a helping hand in the reappearance of the Great Lord Maitreya. Here there was absolutely no pressure or infringement of freewill on Ben`s part,as human freewill is sacrosanct ,and those who work with the good law would never force one into something they do not want to do ,or who do not feel ready for the exotic work with the spiritual Hierarchy .Beginning in the 70s ,and up till now there is a specialized form of meditation known as Transmission meditation ,that is done by those who desire to serve in some way ,and to work with the Masters in the most practical way we can. The Masters of Wisdom are the custodians of cosmic energies streaming forth into our system from various ,and all be it very powerful constellations ,and if these energies are not stepped down to a lower voltage ,so to say,then they would simply bounce off the greater bulk of generic humanity and would be quite useless to the race of men in their present stage of evolution.

When we have groups coming together to do transmission meditation,then their is a wonderful opportunity where these cosmic energies can then be stepped down to a lower ``voltage`,`thus rendering these energies into a more practical use in our world.The Masters of Wisdom then stream forth these very powerful energies into the world which will eventually release us from glamour and illusion, which have for so long governed our lives ,and which has been the cause of much suffering and a profound agony of mind down through the ages .Transmission meditation is a group activity for those who have the need and desire to serve their fellow man. It is as well the most practical way to work with the Masters who send the energies through the group ,thus acting as a sort of adapter which brings the ``voltage``down to a level where it can then be used in a very versatile way in connection with improving better human relationships through out the world.

Those involved with transmission meditation can not do this form of service without being effected in a positive way,such as speeding up ones spiritual evolution,such as giving one more control over ones astral-emotional nature ,and enhancing ones development towards mental polarization in a way that is faster than the normal slow evolution which the greater bulk of humanity are engaged in at this time.Most people who do transmission meditation,and who are dedicated have taken the first initiation which can be seen by their honest and selfless desire to serve their fellow man ,coupled with a serious devotion to the study of esoteric and spiritual matters.Over the last few decades hundreds of transmission groups have popped up all over the world attracting advanced members of the human kingdom and providing many a way of working with the Masters in a way that is making a positive , and powerful impact in the world..

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Humanity today has strayed far off into the lands of illusion and into the
fogs of glamour where we have lost our true sense of divine identity. There are
so many who are struggling to overcome the misery and sense of emptiness by
seeking out the comforts of the material world when they have only to look deep
within themselves to find ones own inner God that has always been within us all
as the Higher Self. Until humanity begins to grow spiritually we will be living
in our own self made hell of suffering and such agony of mind such as never been
seen before in the whole evolutionary history of our species upon this man
bearing globe of such dense materiality which we so identify ourselves with,and
which is the cause of all our suffering.

When will humanity come to the realization that the untold misery in the
world is caused by a wrong sense of who we think ourselves to be?
It has been
said that ``as a man thinks in his heart So is He``

As souls we all have behind us countless thousands of incarnations, going
back into the unfathomable and distant past through many cultures and
civilizations ,and therefore have the unbelievable knowledge,experience ,and all
of the wisdom of the ages stored up within us all . Through meditation and the
art of self realization we can come into direct contact with this accumulative
experience and spirituality gained through out our countless incarnations down
through the long eons of time`s and places for now unknown to our waking and
undeveloped minds. The Higher Self within us all is the divine witness of cosmic
and human evolution, physical,emotional ,and mental, and spiritual .

The element of genius and prodigy to be found in some units of humanity is
the result of a close contact with ones own soul ,and shows that some souls [
``old souls``] have had much more incarnational experience than others ,and have
tread far along the path of spiritual evolution.
The Great Buddha has said
that if we identify ourselves with thing ,ideas, ,and if we keep clinging on to
those things which keep us from learning as to who really are ,and our part to
play in the grand scheme of our responsibility as co-creators with the divine``
Universal Mind```.
In order to evolve, humanity must learn to identify
themselves with their own inner God ,that divine being who is ,and stands as the
divine light that sits deep within all things ,and deep within the core of the
human soul

We are now living in a very material kind of mentality in that so many human
beings identity with the cheap and fleeting dreams of earthly desires,and when
they are coming to the Autumn of their life they do not want to just let go even
though they know of the fact that they are about to pass away ,and for some
reason they have the illusion that they can bring all earthly delights with them
into the after death state.
We all must learn to identify with that which
shines within us all and the soul who has stored up many secrets of magic and
the command over the elementals such as we did during the Atlantean root race
going back many millions of years covering countless thousands of incarnations.
Through the art of meditation and through the methods of Self Realization become
ever adopted by greater numbers of the human race, we will see the vibration
level of our world lifting up to a slightly higher octave than it was years ago.
This work requires many who are people of Good Will ,and the work of the
initiates all linking up upon the mental planes ,and must therefore, learn to
work towards group initiation which My Friends is so much easier said than

Much of what is known as mental illness is the result of many lives of
identifying with that which is not the real inner Self. Life after life the
individual develops a sort of morbidity of identifying with just about anything
except for his own inner divinity ,and thus after many incarnations there comes
a point where the ray of ,and with the higher self ,is severed ,and then one
becomes a Lost Soul which remains in a state of ``avichi``,or a sort of ``mental
hell``which can exist in or out of incarnation. Such a person has then no true
spiritual awareness or identity and begins to think of themselves as somebody
else ,like Napoleon , Jesus, the devil himself, and so on .
One can remain in
such a state for untold eons,, in or out of the body until they come to the
realization that they must call back their higher self that had fled long ago
and begin anew where they left off many incarnations ago before they began to
identity themselves with that which they are not.

Their are many great spiritual teachers now coming back into incarnation to
lead the way for all of mankind ,and to teach the art of self realization that
all may find what they are really seeking in life ,and that is knowing beyond
all doubt as to who they really are and the way they we will always be as divine
As we continue with spiritual evolution we will wrestle our way
continually into greater expanding awareness of our selves until we we can have
a ``mind to embrace the cosmos``and to evolve our way into an ever expansion
that will continue through out eternity like an ever opening flower under the
sunshine of the divine soul..

Selfless Service to ones fellow man will go a long way in the development of
our higher spiritual nature ,thus bringing us into a closer rapport with with
our inner beauty as humans begin to aspire towards all that is beautiful and
true .Becoming one with ones inner God brings bliss and enables us all to give
more freely towards each other.
Clearly we are living in very dangerous times
indeed ,and so we all must comfort each other and heal ourselves through prayer
and uplifting thoughts ,as they are very powerful and do have an effect on each
other and upon our environment.
Take a moment out of each and every day to
remind and affirm to oneself of our innate divinity and to to learn a mantra
known as the - Prayer For The New Age -

I am the creator of the universe
I am the Father and Mother of the
Everything came from Me

Everything shall return to Me
Mind ,Spirit, and Body are my Temples
the Self to realize in them
My Supreme Being and Becoming

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Through the unwholesome use of the creative imagination some people are creating a great misunderstanding as to who the space brothers and as to their mission to help humanity in times of incredible and desperate needs of humanity if it is survive into the future as true spiritual beings.Just a day after the nuclear disaster in Japan I made an announcement that our space brother would soon intervene to help humanity with the clean up around Japan.

We all know that at first the radiation was millions of times above normal. Then there was the appearance of U.F.O`s spotted and seen by many who were there to assist humanity in the clean up ,then we heard on the news some time later that the radiation levels fell dramatically and that it was even more safer to continue to get the melt downs under control.

My friends this was the result of the intervention and compassionate service of our friendly neighbours from near by planetary man bearing planets who have been on a spiritual mission to help humanity in these times of desperate need. Those who know somewhat of the Divine Plan on earth and who are the initiated and trained observers in our world know that the U.F.O activity is the direct result of the gathering of the forces of Light ,and who are assisting with the Divine Plan on earth. The U.F O`s come mainly from within our own solar system such as Venus, Mars , Jupiter and its various set of moons of which four are artificial . Much of the life on the planets of our solar system exist in etheric matter ,or what can be known as dark matter, or living deep within the planet itself .

Science today is now coming to the discover the fourth ether which they call dark matter. The various levels of dark matter are the etheric planes ,and much of the life on the planets within our solar system and elsewhere are vibrating at these higher etheric planes. That is not to say that earth is the only planet with dense physical plane life,even Mars has some very primitive dense physical life on it at this time that look like those ``sand dollars`` you find on the beach , but the nine billion people on Mars dwell in etheric ,or ``dark matter``and are as well around the same point in evolution as we are, but did not make many of the same mistakes as we here on earth did ,so hence their technology is so very unbelievably advanced than ours is.

Mars is now in it`s fourth round in evolution ,just as we are here on planet earth, while Venus is in it`s fifth and last round while most planetary schemes run through seven rounds .The reason that Venus is now in it`s 5th and last round is due to the fact that the ``experiment`` of initiation was so successful and the planet and it`s inhabitants lived in a sort of ``spiritual hothouse``which accelerated their inner evolution to the point that the average Venusian has reached the status and stage of a Master of Wisdom as they are here on earth. Jupiter is as well a man bearing planet and it`s environment and people are composed of matter of both gaseous and etheric matter [ dark matter ] .The radiation levels have spiked up again., but this is the work of the space brothers in quickening the process of disintegration,;- like the sun will turn into a red giant and burn itself out``if I may use such a metaphor .The space brothers are speeding up the mess we made by speeding up the course the radiation effect that, if left unchecked, would take a very much longer span of time to clear up if it was not for the compassionate work of our neighbours from near by man-bearing planets .
The space brothers have been in contact and in co-operation with the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet for countless thousands of years.

There is an incredible amount of glamour and great misunderstandings about the space brothers and as to their compassionate work that they are performing on our behalf .Hollywood's `s film industry is deeply engrossed in the unwholesome use of the creative imagination in making the space brothers look like these ``nasty space aliens``from hell!.!There are corrupt elements within so many Governments around the world that are very aware of the fact that we are being visited by humans from other planetary schemes right within our own solar system. The United States are aware of their presence over U.S air space, and so they would scramble their F-16`s, or some other fighter planes to intercept them only to find out that U.S ``primitive`` military technology can not keep up with ``the chase``or even clearly identify their ``hostile target``,and causes much embarrassment due to the fact that these U.F.Os can slip in and out of U.S air space anytime they deem necessary for the service work they provide, and there is nothing that the military can do about it!!!and have no understanding of the extraordinary technology they are dealing with,-which is very embarrassing for the ``great``U.S military. This is one of the reasons for the general cover up regarding U.F.O activity going on all over the world ,and the U.S is not the only powerful country who are powerless and embarrassed by their various activities.

When the World Teacher ;-Maitreya- steps forward he will inform humanity of the U.F.O s and of their reality as the gathering of the forces of light ,and will teach humanity as to their humanitarian mission to help our humanity in it`s times of desperate need, which they see as an evocative cry for help .HollyWood

The space brothers knows that 95% of humanity is so easily swayed by its emotional-astral nature than it is by logic and reason while billions are caught up in a world of glamour and illusion and will begin to think that such movies such as ``2012``,``Independence Day``,could actually be so true that they are caught up in such waking dreams that they are ,or have been abducted by nasty space beings .
One of the silly things I have read about space beings abducting members of the human family is that these ``aliens``are so unbelievably advanced by thousands ,or even millions of years ahead in their technology and yet people who claim to be abducted and having all of these ridicules experiments done to them by ``aliens`` using primitive 21 century medical earth technology to do their experiments which to my mind is making the noble and compassionate work of an highly advanced civilization of the space brothers into the realm fantasy and utter cheap comedy.

This goes to show that millions are reading the wrong comic books ,and with Hollywood's unwholesome use of the creative imagination stimulating the astral imagination of those who let their emotions rule over their logic and reason get caught up in a waking dream fantasy where they really believe that they have been abducted by ``nasty space aliens``.Many people are unaware of the fact that we have an spiritual Hierarchy who is protecting man from any so-called ``hostile space beings``.One of the ridicules claims again are the fact that these aliens have a technology that is so unbelievably advanced ,and we have those who tell of their abduction stories as these aliens using the same primitive medical equipment such as drills,suction tubes,blades,and so on. It`s like having our brightest scientists going to a far and distant place in the world to some Rainforest's tribe and trying to heal a head ache by drilling holes within the sculls of their patients.!!!

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My Dear Friends;- So many of our young people today are caught up into the dark
world of drugs and alienation followed by despair and extremely lonely
lifestyles that are very destructive to the many people who are connected with
it. There are initiates who specialize in these sort of matters, and their work
is proving to be quite successful in the bulk of addicts who are trying to kick
the habit. These initiates are scattered all over the world, and are working as
hard as they can in giving to these addicts a mantra that is so very powerful as
to give a vision of what they could be without the drug enslavement. They are
given a vision of what their lives could be as a work of service,and many have
been healed and are no more on drugs ,and the vicious cycle they have upon our
young people today.

Their are initiates and members of the ``New Group of World Servers`` who are
doing their best at helping our young people to over come their destructive
cycle which ,if not checked will leave them to a state in the Bardo for many
eons to come.
I myself was addicted for a very long time., and my life was
unmanageable in the true sense of the word. The addictions of our young people
today are are of in such a state that many have given up on all hope ,and it is
soon after this that the person becomes sucked of their life forces and are soon
facing grave illness and in time death as a result of liver or extreme brain
damage and mental illness.

Those of us who are involved with this work such as the initiates and as well
as those who are members of the ``New Group of World Servers do all that we can
at the helping those who are now in the rut of drug addiction before they lose
their minds and as well as their dignity.
I myself have friends who have
destroyed their lives to the point of no return,and some of them are now
prematurely dead because of demonic drugs now making their way into the
elementary schools all over North America
All of this tells me one thing only
,and that is the fact that our younger people to day have for many decades been
in a state of what we occultists know as ``spiritual starvation``.With
Maitreya`s energies now entering our planet many are beginning to see the very
cause of this destructive lifestyle and are doing all that they can at wrestling
their way out into a greater measure of light and that life more abundant.

It is the job of all initiates and as well as the members of the ``New Group
of World Servers`` to be on the look out for these suffering units of the human
race and to help them in what ever capacity we can in getting them help and to
see that they try using the mantras that evoke the best within themselves and to
make their way into a measure of sanity.
The sad reality is that we are still
seeing many who are dying and living miserable and stunted lives as all of their
soul creativity remains within a state of non activity and remains dormant for
many incarnations to come until ,through the forces of evolution these souls
will overcome their addiction within ,or after a series of incarnations when the
ex addict finally begins to aspire and to really be apart of something much
bigger than himself.This doe`s not mean that one could not overcome the
addiction itself ,but only if a extraordinary use of the divine will that lies
deep within us all is some how summoned to take charge of the addiction and to
free themselves from their small outlook on life so that in time they perhaps
develop a selfless desire to serve in some capacity..anything is possible.

Our job is to give addicts a vision of what their lives could be if they were
not caught up in the vicious cycle of drug abuse and to give them a mantra that
will provide them with a ray of hope as they live out their lives. It is my
information that this experiment is working out rather well in many places all
over the world, within cities such as Los Angeles.New
York.Toronto,Turkey,various places in the Orient and so on ,and as well as
myself and a small group of others who are dedicated to this rewarding kind of
work. So many of our young people today seem to be lost ,and are very frightened
as to the condition of our world today and many take up to the use of drugs to
make them feel more confident about themselves,and once that drug is not theirs
anymore they commit all kinds of crimes such as mugging people in the street
,along with other unspeakable crimes to get the money and to start the whole
cycle that gets them nowhere ,so somewhere down the line This activity must come
to an end,hence better human relationships and love filled with joy on the road
of sobriety.

As for myself I have lost alot of friends during the my 20s, and a few of
them were very good friends of mine and who were very talented musicians who had
a very good future for themselves if they would have not have gotten into the
hard drugs.
Those who died during a drug overdose ,or suicide will awaken on
the lower and dark astral planes where all they feared the most while alive on
earth will manifest within their self made hell for ages of time to come ,and
after they have purified themselves through strenuous action will ,in
time,wrestle their way into ,and be reborn into Devachan,a place of unalloyed
bliss where the woes and sufferings of life on earth are not known or remembered
during this blissful state.So when the time comes for the soul to come back into
incarnation the then, man or woman, will be given a series of incarnations to
undo the damage done to his ,or her`s life and of course other damaged units one
has hurt by the working out of the divine law of retribution life after life
until one cleansed oneself and is ready to move on to higher work leaving the
ego-soul the more wiser.

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A Message of Hope ,By Mike J Hughes

Very soon my Brothers and  Sisters we our going to serve in such a way as to create a very powerful impact. Those of us who are members  on many spiritual blogs and websites who truly love their fellow man  ,and who are ever aspiring towards true soul contact,and may feel a calling to serve in some way are the more advanced members of the human kingdom,along with a deep searching and interested   in the Age Less Wisdom Teachings, have reached a stage in which they become great pillars within their own community.

Anyone who is a worker into the occult have the responsibility to care for their fellow human beings and to learn the best they can on performing a valuable service  upon the astral and on the soul levels where clear understanding is so vivid ,and where we all see each other as the divine beings we are. It is our job, my friends, that we let the healing begin. There are ,all over the world groups who are dedicate to the awakening of humanity as to the reality of who we really are as divine beings.

We are on the verge of witnessing one of the greatest events in human history. ;-The Coming World Teacher  who`s name is Maitreya, the first flower of the human race,and many will see him for who he is without him having to say who he really is . Instead humanity will see him as the return of  the Christ , the Messiah, Krishna,, Imman, the fifth Buddha , and so on.
With the rebelling,violence,  and riots all over the Middle East we can see that great cosmic energies are now having a powerful effect upon humanity which tells us that  their is at this time a great invocative cry for help coming from the collective soul of all humanity. This cry for help has been heard by the spiritual hierarchy of our planet and now are returning to the everyday world out of compassion and Love.

I truly believe my friends that we are to witness this return of the Elder Brethren  in our very life time. Each and every one has a part to play towards this great event,and every nation has something to contribute to the coming World Civilization that now looms on the horizon . A great age of self realization and peace are now soon to appear .
What we see now going on in the Middle East will make its journey all over the world as the power  and voice of the people is now being heard  as they demand their freedom from the rulers who are suppressing the God given freedom of the people. Soon our world will be transformed into a work of true beauty and an unforgettable  heightening of the aspiration and vision that will find its place within the hearts and minds of all humanity everywhere.

                                                                                                                Good day my dear friends

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Awakenings. By; Benjamin Creme

Many people have asked me to relate something of the steps which have led me into the work I am now doing. It will not be a complete account: there are unwritten laws of reticence on some aspects of the Master - Disciple relationship, and I am pledged to silence on certain work for and with the Space Brothers; but for whatever interest it may have, and in the hope that it may make more real and believable the fact of the Masters and the fact of the Christ’s return at their head, I set down the following:

As a child of four or five, one of my favourite pastimes was to sit at the window and watch the wind; not the effect of the wind on the trees or leaves, but the wind itself. I would watch the movements of the air and try to guess whether it was a north, south, east or west wind blowing. When I went to school, I learned that the air was invisible, the wind likewise, and forgot, I do not remember whether gradually or suddenly, my ability to see what of course was some level of the etheric planes of matter. Above the dense physical — solid, liquid, and gaseous — are four planes of still finer matter which constitute the etheric envelope of this planet, and of which the dense physical planes are a precipitation. It was not until some twenty years later, through the building and use of Wilhelm Reich’s orgone accumulator, that I again became aware of this ocean of energy of which we ourselves are a part, and proved to myself conclusively the existence of the etheric planes.

At the age of fourteen, I read what was for me an extraordinary book: With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet, by Alexandra David Neel. This Polish woman of indefatigable courage, determination and resource managed, disguised as a Lama, to penetrate the forbidding barriers around that mysterious country, gained permission to stay, and placed herself under the tutorship of a true Lama. She describes various esoteric practices, some of which she learned, including the creation by thought of a 'familiar'; in her case of a jovial fat monk who soon got out of her control and had to be de-materialised. These practices obviously involved considerable concentration and mind control, but I found a little success with some of them, including Tumo, a system for creating internal heat in cold weather. In the late 1940s, through a study of Wilhelm Reich’s work, and the use of the orgone accumulator, I became consciously aware of, and extremely sensitive to, energy currents; so much so that eventually I could tell when an atomic bomb had been exploded in the Pacific or wherever. Across these thousands of miles, I registered the shift in the etheric currents caused by the explosions. Inevitably, a day or two later, would come the report that America, Russia, or Britain had tested a 'device' of such and such a size.

In the early 1950s, I happened on a book by Rolf Alexander: The Power of the Mind. The magazine article which drew my attention to it had, of course, concentrated on the most sensational aspect of the book — 'cloud-busting', the breaking up of clouds by the power of thought alone. Rolf Alexander, a Canadian, was called to Tibet and trained by a Tibetan Master of Yoga, and his book outlines a practice to bring the instinctive, subconscious mind under the control of the directive conscious mind. The latter is only too often fragmented and partly submerged in the subconscious computer activity of the former, and a great deal of its available energy is lost. The method used is self-hypnosis. The freeing of the conscious, directing principle from its involvement in the activity of the subconscious mind (which should proceed automatically) releases large stores of mental energy and leads directly to the focus and concentration which precede meditation. And so I began to meditate.

I also began to read. I read, among many others, the Theosophical works of H. P. Blavatsky and Leadbeater; Gurdjieff, Ouspensky and Nicoll; Paul Brunton; Patanjali; the Alice Bailey and Agni Yoga Teachings; Swamis Vivekananda, Sivananda, Yogananda; Sri Ramana Maharshi, whose Path of Self-knowledge I sought to follow. Through his meditation on 'Who am I?' (and, I know now, through the Grace of my Master), I found myself precipitated into a sense of identity with the whole phenomenal world: the earth, the sky, the houses and people; the trees and birds and clouds, I saw to be myself. I disappeared as a separate being, yet retained full consciousness, a consciousness expanded to include everything. I saw that this was the true Reality, that one’s normal waking consciousness simply covers this, keeps it hidden, through wrong identification with oneself as this body. I also saw this phenomenal world as a kind of ritual, a ritualised shadow-play, acting out a dream or desire of That which alone existed, alone was Real, which was also myself.

Around 1953, I read Desmond Leslie’s and George Adamski’s Flying Saucers have Landed and Adamski’s Inside the Space Ships, which made a deep impression, and had, for me, the ring of truth. Until then, I had looked on reports of flying saucers as probably referring to secret new types of aeroplanes being built by America and Russia. My reactions to these books I think can be summarised as: The Space People are obviously here. It would be marvellous to meet them, but if they want me I am sure they will know where to find me. Until that time it does not concern me.

In mid-1957, I began to work with a society involved with the U.F.O. phenomenon, which claimed contact with the Space Brothers. With this group I did my first public speaking, but, more importantly, discovered my ability to transmit the cosmic spiritual energies from the Space People, which was a major work of the group. I also found I could heal.

Towards the end of 1958 I withdrew from this society and entered into the closest contact with, and work for, the Space Brothers. The nature of this work I am afraid I may not reveal, but many misconceptions about them and their activities which I had held were rectified at this time. I worked very briefly with George Adamski during a visit he paid to this country, and can vouch for the authenticity of his contacts from my own experience.

How did I come into this work? In late 1958, I was told by a fellow disciple who had the 'connection', that I was receiving 'messages'. This surprised me and I had no sense that it was true. I was told that the messages 'bounced off' me, but if I did such and such, in time I would receive correctly.

I must have done the right thing, because one night, early in January 1959, so clearly there was no mistaking, I heard inwardly the instruction: go to so and so (a place in London) on such and such a date and time, some three weeks ahead. On the night, there were people waiting there to meet me.

That was the start of a flow of messages which came in gathering momentum. Some, apparently, I missed (I was told later when I missed one) and I became so afraid of missing them that I gave them to myself. I sent myself on several rendezvous, where nothing happened and no one came, but gradually I settled down; I did not miss them and I stopped making them up. I was told to get a tape-recorder and received many long dictations of various kinds. Some contained advice, guidance, or spiritual instruction. I was not told the identity of the Master (or Masters) who spoke thus, telepathically, to me, and I think I was too shy to ask, although I was told I could ask questions. It was not until years later that I learned his name and also that I would have been told had I asked long ago.

One night, early in 1959, during such a transmission, I was told to turn off the tape-recorder. There followed a discourse on his Reappearance by Maitreya, the Christ, Head of our planetary Hierarchy. He said also that I would have a part in the Plan. At that time I believed that the World Teacher would come from one of the higher planets, probably from Venus, and this information from Maitreya caused a complete upset to my thinking. In a transmission soon after this event, my Master, referring to this new-found knowledge, added: "The time is coming when you will be expected to act upon it." And in another: "Affirm his coming!"

I cannot claim that I took these exhortations to heart and that that is why I am engaged in this work of preparation for the Christ. On instruction, I put these tapes away for seventeen years and I am afraid I needed a rather strong push from the Master to launch me into this work.

Towards the end of 1972, when I was rather in the doldrums and least expecting it, that Wise, and Wily One, whom I have the privilege to call Master, pounced. He took me in hand, and subjected me to the most intensive period of de-glamorisation, disillusioning, training and preparation. For months we worked together, twenty hours a day, deepening and strengthening the telepathic link until it was two-way with equal ease, requiring the minimum of his attention and energy. He forged in this period an instrument through whom he could work, and which would be responsive to his slightest impression (of course, with my complete cooperation and without the slightest infringement of my free-will). Everything I see and hear, he sees and hears. When he wishes, a look from me can be a look from him; my touch, his. So, with the minimum expenditure of energy he has a window on the world, an outpost of his consciousness; he can heal and teach. He himself remains, in a fully physical body, thousands of miles away. I am not suggesting that I am his only 'window on the world'. I do not know how rare this is, but I am sure that it is not unique. It constitutes a definite stage in the Master - Disciple relationship. He has asked me not to reveal his identity for the time being — not even to the members of the group with which I work, and through which he works. I know of two reasons (there may be others) for his request, and respect them, but I may say that he is one of the Senior Members of the Hierarchy, a Master of the Wisdom, whose name is well known to esotericists in the West. His inspiration has heightened tremendously the conceptual power and intensity of my paintings.

Two small episodes, among many which illustrate the loving concern of the Great Ones, and their lively sense of humour, as well as the ability to use their powers at long distance:

The first occurred early in 1973, during the period of most intense preparation and training. For some time I had been smoking small cigarettes, and the Master frequently urged me to stop smoking these 'filthy weeds' as he called them. His technique of discouraging me was to assign some meditation or exercise every time I made to light one.

One day, preparing to keep an appointment somewhere, I laid this small box of cigars on the corner of my bed while I changed clothes. When I was ready to leave, it had, literally, disappeared. I asked the Master, of course, if he had done something to it. He claimed complete ignorance of, or interest in, the 'filthy weeds'. I was certain of where I had left them, but nevertheless made a thorough search, without result. "Are you sure you didn’t hide them?" I repeated. He swore his innocence: He had better things to do with his time and energy. At last I said: "All right, I’ll just get some more on the way out." Immediately, they lay on the bed-corner where I had left them.

The second episode concerns a bird and occurred about two and a half years ago. Each year, we are visited by large numbers of swifts who dive and wheel outside our windows all day long and nest under the eaves.

Early one hot summer morning, one of these marvellous birds flew through an open bedroom window, straight through the closed venetian blind. It dropped with a thud on to a large tin of floor varnish which stood under the window, bending the handle and top of the tin with the impact. It lay there panting, its eyes staring and its enormous wings lying awry, one on, and one over the side of, the tin. The Master asked me to look closely and carefully over the bird and I felt his energy pouring through my eyes. At once, it relaxed and closed its eyes.

The Master assured me that there were no bones broken, but that it was severely bruised and shocked. He told me to open the window at the bottom and to go down and have breakfast. Half an hour later, I returned to find the bird gone, healed and restored to the morning air.

These two little episodes may surprise those students who remember the Master Djwhal Khul’s statement that the Masters are not interested in, and do not concern themselves with, the personality lives of disciples. While I am sure that, in general, this is true, I am equally certain that there are exceptions to this rule. It depends entirely on the type of relationship the Master is seeking to build, the degree of trust he seeks to elicit, and the karmic relationship existing between himself and the disciple. In March 1974, he gave me a list of fourteen names of people to invite to a talk at my home on 'meditation and allied subjects'. They all came.

I talked about the Hierarchy of Masters, about meditation, and its role in bringing about soul contact. Under instruction, I presented them with the following offer: I invited them to take part in a group work in which their occult meditation would proceed under the guidance of a Master of the Wisdom, in exchange for which they would act as transmitters of the Hierarchical energies, thus forming a bridging group between Hierarchy and the disciples in the field.

The Master arranged a short transmission to show them what was involved. Twelve of the fourteen agreed, two feeling that they were not ready for this kind of work.

The group was formed in March 1974 to channel the spiritual potencies. We met twice weekly, at first, for about 1½–2 hours. The question of a name for the group came up, but the Master’s instruction was, and still is, that no name should be used; no organisation built; no officers appointed; no fence erected around ourselves and our ideas; the maximum openness maintained. At the same time, the Master gave me the blueprint for building the transmitter - transformer instrument which we use in this work, and which I also use in healing. It is a tetrahedron in form and is based on the principle that certain shapes have inherent energetic properties.

A great study is going on today into the nature and energetic properties of the pyramid. The Great Pyramid at Giza is really an Atlantean instrument, based on the power of shape. The aim of Atlantean man was to perfect the astral-emotional vehicle, or body. Just by being the shape it is, the pyramid, when aligned with the north and south poles, draws energy from the etheric and astral planes. This was transmitted for the benefit of the population of the great city which lies buried beneath the sands around the Pyramid and the Sphinx.

The aim of our present, fifth, root race, the Aryan, is to perfect the mental vehicle. When aligned north and south, the Tetrahedron automatically draws to itself and transmits energy from the mental planes. This principle is behind our use of the instrument. The instrumentation — quartz crystal, magnets, gold and silver discs and wires, focuses and potentises all the energies channelled through us by Hierarchy; the shape itself transforming them downwards on to the lower Mental planes where they can be more readily absorbed by many people. Without this transforming work, which the instrument carries further, the Hierarchical energies, streaming as they do in the main from the Buddhic level (the level of the Spiritual Intuition), would 'bounce off' the masses of people, and their effect would be limited. This is behind the need of Hierarchy for transmission groups, using some form of meditation or prayer.

Under the Master’s instruction, I built also a Spiritual Energy Battery which can be attached to the transmitter. So far we have used it only once, to demonstrate, I suppose, the principle. The group’s personnel has changed many times, only four of the original group remaining. Its numbers have grown and fallen, but always seem to stabilise at around twelve fully active members, with many less active or regular participants, and a great many offshoots, both here and abroad. Nowadays, we meet regularly three times weekly to transmit the energies from Hierarchy for anything from four to seven or eight hours on end. Only the most dedicated and committed people, of course, can maintain that intensity of rhythm, so numbers are, necessarily, kept low. In addition, we hold a regular weekly public meeting at the Friends’ Meeting House, Euston Road, London, in which the audience is invited to share in the transmission of the energies which are sent then.

In June 1974 began a series of overshadowing and transmitted messages by Maitreya, inspiring us, and keeping us informed of the progress of his externalisation. We were privileged also to become aware of the gradual creation and perfectionment of his body of manifestation — the Mayavirupa. In the period from March 1976 to September 1977, these communications from Maitreya became very frequent indeed.

During the first year of the group’s life, we held an open meeting at each full moon where interested friends of the members could join in the transmission. At these full-moon meetings, I would give a short talk, usually about the Reappearance of the Christ and the Hierarchy of Masters, or, on occasion, on the significance, from an esoteric astrological point of view, of the particular full-moon energies.

Towards the end of 1974, the Master said, several times: "You know, you must take all this to the public. It is of little use giving this information to the twenty or so people, only, who are here." The pantomime began: I would remonstrate, plead not to have to 'go public'. He would assure me that he was only joking: "I have other plans for you", he would say, and I would relax again. But in January, 1975, he finally said: "I mean it. Give this information (he had dictated a mass of information on how the Plan would work out) to the groups, of all backgrounds and teachings. Tell them what you know. The hope is that from the more focused minds of the groups will go out a telepathic interplay with the general public, so that when you go to them, they will be somewhat prepared."

I didn’t like it. I didn’t like it at all. I liked what I was doing. I liked working quietly, esoterically, knowing I was doing something useful, but neither too strenuous nor making too great psychological demands on me. I did nothing about the groups until several firm pushes from the Master at last got me moving. In March or April I wrote hopefully to forty or so groups working along spiritual lines, offering my services as a speaker on: "The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of the Wisdom". The response, not surprisingly, for I was quite unknown, was not altogether overwhelming. I had, I think, about six or seven replies. Three of these groups were interested to know more — all newish groups run by young people — Centre House, Gentle Ghost and the Franklin School, and I gave a talk at each, the first at Centre House, on May 30th 1975.

I was very nervous. Although I knew my material, I did not have it in any sort of order. The Master, in his kindness, dictated for me a list of headings which I could glance at, and, in fact, so overshadowed me throughout the talk that he practically gave it. Just before the end, I was suddenly overshadowed by Maitreya himself, my heart melted, and I had the greatest difficulty in keeping my voice steady. The following words were put into my mind:

"When the Christ returns, he will not at first reveal his Presence, nor will the Masters Who precede Him; but gradually, steps will be taken which will reveal to men that there lives among them now a man of outstanding, extraordinary, potency, capacity for love and service, and with a breadth of view, far beyond the ordinary. Men and women, all over the world, will find themselves drawn into the awareness of the point in the modern world wherein this man will live; and from that centre of force will flow the True Spirit of the Christ, which will gradually reveal to men that he is with us. Those who can respond to his presence and his teaching will find themselves somewhat reflecting this love, this potency, this breadth of vision, and will go into the world and spread abroad the fact that the Christ is in the world, and that men should look to that country from which a certain teaching is emanating. This will take place in a very, relatively, short period of time, and will lead to conclusive evidence that the Christ is in our midst.

"From that time onwards, the changes which will take place in the world will proceed with a speed unprecedented in the whole history of the planet. The next twenty-five years will show such changes, changes so radical, so fundamental, that the world will be entirely changed for the better."

No one was more surprised than I was to hear this statement. Not until I heard it back on tape was I sure, even, that it made sense.

On July 7th 1977, Maitreya Himself informed us that his body of manifestation — the Mayavirupa — was totally complete, that he had "donned" it, and that his Body of Light (his Ascended Body) was now at rest in his mountain Centre in the Himalayas. On July 8th, we were told, the Descent had begun. On Tuesday, July 19th, my Master told me that Maitreya had now arrived in his 'point of focus', a well-known modern country. I had a lecture meeting that night at Friends’ House, but was told to keep the information to myself, as yet. During our Friday transmission session, the Master told me that Maitreya had been resting, acclimatising himself, for three days, and that on that day, July 22nd, his Mission had begun. This information I could share with the group.

About midnight, the transmission ended and we congregated as usual for tea before dispersing. My wife turned on the television, where the late-night film featured some family drama with Bette Davis in the leading role. Some of the group watched, but, understandably, my thoughts were elsewhere. I made some sarcastic remarks about the film and its actors (usually I admire Bette Davis as an actress very much). When I could bear it no longer, I said I had some rather more important news to tell them — that the Christ was now in the everyday world in full, physical presence, and beginning his Mission.

Many, many times since, to scores of audiences, I have made this announcement, but never again with the sense of having, even in a small way, shared in a great planetary event. The tears of joy on the faces of the group around the table showed that they, too, felt the same.

At the beginning of September 1977, I was asked if I would take the messages from Maitreya publicly. On September 6th 1977, the first public message was given, at Friends’ House, Euston Road, 'experimentally', to find out, I suppose, how I stood up to the demonstration of this kind of overshadowing and telepathy in public — a very different thing from the privacy of one’s own group. These have continued until now. At the moment of going to press we have received eighty-five messages. These are conveyed by me to the audience; no trance or mediumship is involved, and the voice is mine, very obviously strengthened in power and altered in pitch by the overshadowing energy of Maitreya. They are transmitted simultaneously on all the astral and mental planes, while I supply the basic etheric-physical vibration for this to take place. From these subtle levels, the messages impress the minds and hearts of countless people, who are gradually made aware of the thoughts and the Presence of the Christ. He releases in this way fragments of his teaching, to prepare the climate of hope and expectancy which will ensure his being accepted and followed, quickly and gladly.

It is an enormous, and embarrassing, claim to have to make — that the Christ is giving messages through oneself. But if people can rid their minds of the idea of the Christ as some sort of spirit, sitting in 'heaven' at God’s right hand; if they can begin to see him as indeed he is, as a real and living man (albeit a Divine man) who has never left the world; who descended, not from 'heaven', but from his ancient retreat in the Himalayas, to complete the task he began in Palestine; as a great Master; an Adept and Yogi; as the chief actor in a Gospel Story which is essentially true, but much simpler than hitherto presented; if people can accept that possibility, then the claim to receive telepathic communications from such a closer and more knowable being is also, perhaps, more acceptable. In any case, I leave it to a study of the quality of the messages themselves to convince or otherwise. For many people, the energies, which flow during the overshadowing, convince. Many who come to these meetings are clairvoyant in various degrees, and their visions of the overshadowing as it takes place is for them the most convincing evidence of all.

Perhaps the above will help to explain why I speak of the Masters and the Christ and their Reappearance with conviction. For me, their existence is a fact, known through my direct experience and contact. It is in the hope of awakening others to the reality of that fact, and to the further, momentous, fact of their return now to the everyday world to lead us into the Aquarian Age, that this book is written.

Benjamin Creme

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Global Revolution. By; Mike J Hughes

At last we are seeing the will of the people coming together and demanding their rights as human beings and who are no longer  afraid to act in according to all that is best in man. The days of tyrants and dictators is well nigh over as they fall one by one as an old chapter in the progress of human evolution comes to a close. Now we all shall see the curtain rising once again ,and a new age is dawning as humanity`s sense of awareness expands and wrestles its way into a greater measure of light and life.and to assert themselves as individuals who can be happy and proud of who they really are.

Today many are living miserable and stunted lives due to the vanity vain doings of mindless tyrants who extort and kill their own people and then kick and scream when we intervene on behalf of the people who they should be protecting and treating respectively. This generation will have the privilege to witness the biggest event in world history ..There is coming a global revolution that will change the way in which we live our lives. This coming world revolution had its beginnings within the very cradle of civilization itself and will spread all over the globe and will teach us all how to live dignified lives ,and to respect each other no matter what race ,religion,or origin.

Everything is rising to a point of climax where to create a situation that will teach humanity that the ways of greed war,and lust for power leads only to a swift and violent end.The times of which we are passing through now is really a cleansing one in which all that is good and worse in man can be sifted and cleaned,or you could say it is a trial by fire to purify humanity for the new times we are now to emerge from..Extraordinary events are taking place in our world ,and within the hearts and minds of billions all over the world  that is releasing an invocative cry for help in whatever form they expect it to come. All in all this global revolution will give birth to an incredible heightened awareness of ourselves as brothers and sisters of one humanity.

Until this new age can dawn humanity must begin to get its house in order and face up to the facts that millions are starving in a world of plenty for want of food that now rots within the great store houses of the developed world. We in the west use and waste 80% of the worlds resources and this is not the right way to live at all and must be corrected as soon as possible before we find ourselves in the thick of bad karma that will haunt us for ages to come. The global revolution will make its presence known in North Korea,China, South America  and many other places in the Middle East ,and will be at the door step [ The Thing on the Doorstep!! ] of  the developed world in the form of a heavy karmic impact as payback for the greed and power mongering by certain corrupt elements here in the West.

It is only through sharing and right human relationships that will restore the evolutionary plan on earth, and many of the advanced portions of humanity are now beginning to be aware of this fact and who are the real beacons of light and hope.
The 911 attacks and Katrina were the direct karmic impacts for the war in Iraq and many others are on their way if we do not learn the art of right human relationships and get our house in order.A Global Revolution is on it`s way and nothing can prevent its precipitation onto the physical planes, for there are very powerful forces behind the new aspirations and the high ideals that are now at work in our world through our younger generation of people everywhere in the world.

A vision of a High Civilization is driving many to bond together in unity under common humanitarian principles of sharing ,hope ,health care ,freedom, right food,and so on which are basic human rights that all have the right to have . There are human beings today who are living in terrible conditions that we would not even allow our pets to live  under.
Many growing numbers of people are becoming aware of the fact that their does indeed exist a Divine Plan and a goal for humanity to achieve and that plan includes all members of the human kingdom of every race ,religion, status and so on .
Those of us who  have a deeper understanding of the Divine Plan and who are helping to unfold the grand scheme of things on earth must do all we can on the mental and astral planes to keep this hopeful vision before the aspirations of the people and to become the beacons of Love, Light ,and Power.

In order for humanity to unfold the Plan we are in need of a wise teacher,;-or should I say a World Teacher- to guide us through these times of crisis and to lay the foundation for a new and powerful civilization composed of advanced human beings who will be the pioneers of the upcoming 6th sub race. For this reason the most elder brother of the human race is about to step forward as the World Teacher, and many know him as Maitreya, The World Teacher for those of all religions ,and for those of no religions,but simply as a Teacher in the most broadest sense of that  word. He comes into our world as an ordinary man , albeit a very extraordinary man who is so incredibly advanced in the sense that he can see the way out of the present world ,and of the miserable human condition we live under eon after eons of time.

A Global Revolution has now been ignited and will make its way around the world as humanity begins to expand it`s sense of identity as one living organism bound together in the spirit of Love and World Fellowship.

           ``Take your brothers need as the measure of your action and solve the problems of the world``

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A Pining Civilization. By; Mike J Hughes

As we all know we are now living through one of the most dangerous crisis in
human history with the unrest all through out the Middle
East,Tsunami,earthquakes,and nuclear disasters, and so on through out the world.
Those who are members of the ``New Group of World Servers``are linking up on
mental levels which can create powerful ways of service that many are unaware
of. Group meditation such as Transmission Meditation is a way of helping the
Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet to bring a balance of evolutionary harmony
into our very UN-natural state of human affairs and the magnitude of suffering
to be seen all over the globe.

Humanity is experiencing a shift in it`s awareness and is coming to the
realization of how serious the human condition is right now ,and of the fact
that we are all responsible for our own actions,including our thoughts and
emotions that are just as serious and tangible as the dense physical plane of
cause and effect. When we relax and begin to visualize a form of some kind we
are manipulating and bringing together matter of the mental planes and thus
whipping up all kinds of images through the use of the creative imagination.Even
the simplest people know the power our thoughts and emotions can have upon our
environment and upon our fellow human beings ,and the Ageless Wisdom Teachings
have made this known to humanity for countless thousands of years...

I am now appealing to all peoples of goodwill to link up on mental levels and
join the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet to begin the healing process for our
profoundly ill planetary entity who is the ensouling life of this man bearing
planet.Those who have a measure of real soul contact are at this time linking up
all over the world in an effort to bring harmony and healing to everything that
breaths and lives upon the earth.We are as well very fortunate to have our
``Space Brothers`` from the near by planets,as well as the Spiritual Hierarchy
of Masters doing all they can within karmic law to join in the effort of all men
and woman of goodwill to bring a measure of sanity and enlightenment to the
masses who are very confused as to the fact that the majority have not a single
clue as to why they are born ,the meaning of life ,or what happens when you die
and so on,which in itself is a major crisis that must be solved by those
spiritually advanced enough to shed light on this very sensitive and sad human

The inner condition of the human phyche at this time is one of a very heavy
emotional and mental agony,and everybody is suffering whether they know of it or
not,and it is manifesting itself in a sort of invocative cry for help. Now for
the first time in 95,ooo years the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Masters of Wisdom
have heard the invocative plea of humanity and are beginning to emerge from
their ancient retreats within the mountain and deserts of the world where they
have been overseeing the evolutionary development of humanity for countless
thousands of years.At the head of the Spiritual Hierarchy of this planet is the
Christ Maitreya who has now come ahead of time answering to the invocative cry
for help ,and to help humanity at this time of many various
mental,astral-emotional,and physical crisis.

Again I plead with all those men and woman of goodwill everywhere to set some
time aside with each and everyday to contemplate ,and use the powers of the
Sacred Heart within your Higher Selves and to release the power of Love and Pure
Reason to restore the Divine Plan on Earth.

The state of multiple crisis now afflicting humanity could ,in some strange
way ,-provide a window of opportunity for Maitreya to come forward and to be
recognized for who He is with out him having to explain who He really is. He now
lives amongst us as an ordinary,but yet extraordinary man who is going under a
common Muslim name quite equivalent to a Mr Smith of the occidental race who has
now begun his open mission in the world ,and having been interviewed many times
on American News networks as an ordinary man and teacher talking of the common
needs of all humanity,the sharing of the worlds resources,and the sad fact that
developed nations of the world use and waste 80% of the worlds resources while
millions starve to death for want of food that lies rotting in the store houses
of the developed nations of the world.

Humanity has lost it`s way and has strayed very far off the ``Path`` God has
destined for him to tread,and like the ``Prodigal Son``,is now beginning to see
the errors of his ways,and begins to tread the long journey back to his fathers
place who was indeed glad to see him return to the family fold.

Maitreya comes now in answer to humanities invocative cry for help and to
restore the divine Plan on earth for all lifestreams evolving upon this man-
bearing globe with the goal in helping man release his inner divinity to
establish the Kingdom of God on earth. With all of the destruction going on in
our world we are a witness to the ending of the old ways ,and will soon see the
constructive forces preparing and evolving the new forms which the soul of
humanity will manifest the life more abundant during the coming cycles of human

The Christ Maitreya and the Spiritual Hierarchy are now emerging as the
agents of Divine Intervention,for they know all about the dangerous times we are
going through since World War i and WWII. The whole world is in a state of
serious turmoil now, and once again I plead to the world to stop and and take a
few moments to meditate and to pray for our fellow human beings who are
suffering through the agony of mind and grief through out our world at this
time. The world is changing for the better despite the ``apparent`` chaos and
mayhem. Out of all this chaos and destruction will come a lasting peace and the
return to sanity.All that is worse in man is now rising to the surface where it
can be dealt with as a sort of cleansing period and where world glamour and
illusion can be overcome so that we all may see our way clearly ahead ,to face
the truth,--with no disguise..

Humanity is going through the birth pangs and preparing for the manifestation
of the potential divinity that lies at the centre of every mans being , which
will come to the fore during the coming 6th sub-race and will mark a milestone
and a big turning point in the evolutionary development of all humanity. It is
darkest before dawn my friends and we are at the cusp of seeing the birth of a
High Civilization that will be based on brotherhood and sharing,co-operation,
love ,and the art of self realization of who we really are as souls as we
wrestle our way into a greater measure of light and love as the highest form of
pure reasoning..

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