Laura Tyco's Posts (71)

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Energies are out of balance in human bodies very often. Is there a way of self diagnostic for this matter you ask Laura? It is a very tricky exercise, because one has to be able to use self introspection.


It is very easy for humans to see lack in others, imbalances, what may be even considered as imperfections. However it remains difficult for humans to be impartial and objective too often. What lacks 99% of the time is seeing the world from within, from an inner connection. One reacts to various stimuli. Emotions are triggered, series of associations are set off, and one just keeps being brought from one state to another, without having consciousness about this too often.


If the outside world is a reflection of one’s inner state and if the law of attraction brings to me what is needed in order to further one’s own development, then one can perhaps accept that while life is carrying on as usual, you can also try to consciously bring light into your own actions, movement, thoughts and emotions. As you know Light is what is needed now, have you ever considered the possibility of bringing your own light into your own life?


Start with small steps. Before wishing to spread the light for the entire world, consider bringing light into your own life, actions and manifestations in all and everything. This is a life time challenge and cannot be done alone. Support from like minded beings is needed and by your coming together with such beings, something, which will have a life of its own will develop. Your common presences will allow for a finer energy to emerge and be shared with a group of these beings. This would contribute to giving you the experiences needed in order to prepare for your Ascension.


Indeed as above, as below. Love, support, and help from other humans has a far more reaching impact that the rational mind can possibly comprehend. Friendship and love are making a huge difference in the world right now and under these circumstances obstacles drop in front of such power you carry as a group. The time for seeking and giving love and support from your fellow humans is now. Your limits may be tested to extremes now, and you will truly discover the power of love in the coming days.


Good and bad are only labels used on your planet; however every experience has a value and gives a unique opportunity to learn. Be grateful to those who love you, and have your heart at peace with those who stand in your way. Respect your adversaries, and find a space within from where things can be appreciated on a larger scale. The point of life is seeing and evolving. Bringing consciousness into living matter and cells, inhabiting what is vacant, empty, cold or compromised.


Do not be tempted to judge others without having an inner glimpse at first at yourself, at your own lacks and confusion. A good exercise would be to put yourself in the other person’s shoes, every time you have difficulties with someone. By an old cliché, live and let live. Today there is a great need for you to focus on yourself. The energies are coming in randomly and fatigue does not allow for a proper processing of all the energies.


By trying to be present in your life, you will bring the much needed light directly within your grasp.


I am your Higher Self

Laura Tyco

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GFL – Ogreffeffe 11 Dec 2011 - Call from a friend


Laura: Good evening Ogreffeffe. This is the first time I am contacted by you, I have asked you if you are a being of the God level of consciousness and you have said yes. You have also said that you are part of the Galactic Federation of Light. Please go ahead and give us your message.


Ogreffeffe: Good evening. I am indeed from the God level of consciousness and I do work for the Galactic Federation of Light. You have asked me for a short message, so here we are. These are exciting times indeed for all of us. I have a rather unimportant part to play at this time, so I decided to share with you my experiences and feelings. I am a female, and I know that you, Laura enjoy communicating with us. We too look with love and affection at you all. There is a definite sense of excitement on board the ship I am on, I am allowed to tell you this much.


Life onboard can be pretty slow, we do much observation and recognisance. We get to have a fair idea of your culture and emotions. We do not relate to your insecurities, well, I don’t anyway. I know that the most senior beings can understand you better. Some have lived on Earth, and others have their twin flame on Earth, so they can integrate their twin’s body and share their feelings, fears etc.


I never incarnated on your planet, it would be a too great challenge for me. I cannot imagine what feeling cut off from the others would be like. I admire your bravery. I am a weapons officer by your standard and I am a junior in your terms. Although, I am much older than any human has ever lived on your planet. I enjoy observing your societies and culture in my free time. I enjoy programs about your animals, and we can watch some of your television programs. Pretty violent stuff in my opinion. I hear that the media is very much controlled and that your televisions are another mean to control your free time and your thoughts. So be careful.


This is interesting for me. This is my first mission with the Galactic Federation of Light, but I was in another similar group, only of a smaller size. We can move freely, as most Federation of planets have standard procedures, so it is easy to move to new fleets, and meet different species, visit new galaxies. The Galactic Federation of Light is very much a peaceful organisation, but we have pretty heavy duty weaponry at our disposal. Not that we usually use it, only in extreme cases. We do not plan to use it against Earth people, Laura, so no need to worry about that.


Laura: pheww!! I was beginning to wonder. It is good to know that you have the means to be taken seriously though. It is nice to chat with you Ogreffeffe. I feel your energy is pretty fun, light hearted, and playfull. I guess you are off duty now?


Ogreffeffe: That’s right. Finished my shift, as you call duty time, from what I have seen from your movies. I and in fact many of us, look forward to get to know you personally. We have learnt and studied so much about you, listened to so many radio programs, seen so many movies. Perhaps look at this as a friendly call, nothing more, just to get to know you and have a better interaction with a human.


Laura: Which planet are you coming from Ogreffeffe?


Ogreffeffe: I come from the group of stars called Pleiadies. Many of our brothers and sisters from our home world have incarnated here. Some are on the planet to study you in greater details and were born to human families, or have human, half pleiadian families. We know you are friends with many Pleiadians. You know their heart well. I know you need to sleep, so I will say good bye and I will make contact with you soon, on my next day off I hope.


Laura: Thank you dear Ogreffeffe. It is a wonderful experience to feel your loving energy around me. I am very grateful for your contact. Love and Joy to you.


Ogreffeffe: Love, Joy and peace in your heart Laura, the time you wait for so long is near. Good night. Your friend Ogreffeffe.


Laura Tyco


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rencontres_troisieme_type_vf_WTetBA_Poster.jpgLaura: Good evening SaLuSa and Settufeut. I am very glad that you are both here. I am looking forward to your message as your presences are felt very strongly.


SaLuSa: We wish to remind you all, once more, that we are all one. We are in this together. These are very trying times for all and especially for you, dear friends. We are very glad to be on this adventure with you all. We know of your impatience for definite results, we know that the mind distrusts everything. We wish to remind you today that you all need rest, sleep and to be anchored. We have noticed a very common tendency for you to be sucked in the illusion. Many of you wonder how to become more detached from it.


One useful way is to let go of everything, even for one minute, regularly throughout the day. Shall we say, perhaps on the hour, agree with yourself to stop what you are doing for a few seconds and observe what is going on for you. This is all that is required, letting go and seeing. The tendency for you all is to focus your energy, or your attention towards the front of your body and towards the head. We recommend, that when you proceed with these pauses, that you focus on your back and on your feet. Focus your attention on the inside, while allowing for all external impressions to flow in naturally. When you are allowing these to enter while being centred, your are being present in the here and now. You are stocking up on information, as it were. However, you are not doing it from the head alone, you are allowing the universe to teach you. You are opening up to the bigger picture this way and to the higher dimensions.


Laura: Thank you SaLuSa. Over the past few weeks a few people have asked me how can they make contact with you and with the Galacatic Federation of Light?


Settufeut: For the moment, we mainly operate from our spacecraft and communicate through telepathy with some of you, in order to give our messages. Of course we like to keep a close eye on our ground crew, but unless it is in someone’s life plan for meeting us and for helping in the Disclosure process and in First Contact, we are unable to respond openly yet. However, as you are probably aware of, we are all in contact at all times with your higher selves and interact with you a great deal particularly when you are in sleep.


SaLuSa: Once we are allowed by you to land and make contact at an official level, there would be less difficulty for us all to interact in peace and trust. There is no point in rushing things out, because we wish nobody on Mother Earth to feel nervous towards us. So we are making sure to respect all proper procedure and first contact protocol very carefully here. Meeting new cultures is always a sensitive and delicate time, especially if we are talking about extraterrestrial civilisations. The cabal is ready for creating any incidents and spread disinformation where we are concerned, so we are proceeding with care.


We will continue revealing our craft to as many as possible in the coming weeks. We are very keen on showing ourselves to those of you who welcome us. With your upcoming Ascension, you will all become more sensitive to our presence through telepathy. This will be a slow process, but we are bound to meet, dear brothers and sisters. There is no other way for us, it is part of our common destiny. The cabal knows that their days in power are numbered. As soon as you will be able to regain control over your economy and over your life, your confidence levels will rise. You will be unstoppable, and with your new found confidence, you will also welcome us on your planet.


Settufeut: In truth, we are eager to start communicating with you on a personal level and on an official level. These are indeed very exciting times ahead. Some of you can probably feel the excitement in the air. Those of you who are more sensitive are already well used to sensing our presence around your planet for some time now. While others are already able to see into the future the moment when your lives will make the switch from a culture who believes that your are alone in the universe, to a Galactic Culture. The time is now very near.


Laura: Thank you. I can certainly say, for myself, that since last Wednesday, since I have seen your ships, I feel towards you very much like I feel towards real, good, old friends. There is always a bit of distrust, until a point has been reached, when there is no going back to disbelief.


Settufeut: Yes, and we will continue to make ourselves known to you and come close and closer in the coming weeks. We will be more and more part of your life, more and more openly present and this is something we greatly look forward to.


SaLuSa: I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and we wish to pursue our friendship with all Earth humans. There is much we can learn from each other and look forward to sharing our experiences with you. We are not interested in gain or profit, your love is our only reward. We will learn and grow together and ensure your Ascension. This experience of working with you brings much joy and love to our hearts.


Thank you, SaLuSa and Settufeut.

Laura Tyco















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Laura: Thank you for your presence SaLuSa. Yesterday I have seen 2 UFOs above my house. First of all, where they both UFOs? If they were, were they your craft and were you in one of them?


SaLuSa: What if I say they were both our craft? Would that make you feel happy in your confirmation? We skillfully like to show ourselves to those who are ready to welcome us in this way. To those who prefer to deny our existence, we respect their free will, and cloak, or appear like just a simple star. We offer no interaction with them. With you, our crew felt like enjoying communicating their presence and support for you. I was in the second ship, we have clearly made our presence known by flashing many colors lights in your direction. It was a wonderful idea for you to use your binoculars to ensure you were not just imagining things.


Laura: Thank you for confirming this. It explains a lot to me about how I am able to receive your communications, it is just wonderful. I am looking forward to more interaction with you all, and to direct contact and to possibly coming on board your ships, whenever you feel it is appropriate.


SaLuSa: We would like that very much indeed. We look forward of course to meeting openly with all those who welcome us, and feel it in their hearts that they wish to embrace us. We respond well to unconditional love, to high consciousness levels and to balanced beings. We are waiting of course for permission to land for a more direct and personal contact. We feel now that many of you are ready to accept us as members of your family, which we are very glad of course. We are aware of the long waiting game, and of the feeling of repeated disappointment at constant delays. We have to ensure that we are following all proper regulation here, and I am also sure that you are well aware of the efforts the cabal constantly makes in order to discredit us, and to deceive you concerning Disclosure.


As you know, there simply is nothing to gain for the cabal from our arrival in your world, from opening the door for you to Ascension, to free energy and to an entire new way of thinking, which does not involve slavery and exploitation, profiteering, hidden agendas, or accumulating personal wealth. We promote friendship, consciousness, natural order and balance in societies with mutual understanding, support and love. We propose to remove those shackles, which the cabal has carefully trained you all to carry for thousands of generations.


As usual, we have no desire to impose our will on any civilization and will respect your free will in all respects. Those who do not wish our help will be able to work alone and to ignore our presence for some time at least. A few of those who do not wish our arrival at any cost have had their main presence transferred into a more suitable alternate reality and will not have dealings with us directly at any rate. There are still many opposing us openly, but they remain in this timeline for their personal growth and development for now. They will have a few personal choices to make when the time for Disclosure and First Contact is here.


As you have noticed there are leaps made by officials towards acknowledging the possibility of advanced intelligence life in space. Dear friends, these are only the first step towards the truth, but these are steps into the right direction nevertheless and we are seeing the positive effect the announcement the first planet inside the habitable zone are having on your collective consciousness. It goes without saying that more official scientific announcements will continue to point towards life existing in space. Ultimately, when we would feel free to land here and make contact with you, humanity will feel like finding their long lost space brothers. This is the desired outcome of our presence here. We are not here to contribute to any dramatic changes in your society and wish to come when you all see and understand the bigger picture naturally and on your own, without having any doubt about our peaceful intention or feeling coerced in any way to accept us.


In a way, it would feel like when the discovery of inhabited continents was made on Earth. The news surprised people, but it was well accepted ultimately. Of course, those who discovered those distant lands did not have the best intentions for the local inhabitants and sought to bring back precious goods. Of course, we are aware of your existence for thousand of years and have been under obligation to allow your free will and own karma to take its course without our making our presence officially known for a very long time. We are not here to conquer you in any way, and there is nothing to fear from us. Our Creator has created and given us all many gifts to enjoy freely without stealing from each other for survival. You will soon understand what I mean as soon as shelved technologies can be used and further developed, and industrialized in order to be used by all of you freely.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and soon we will feel among friends and family in each others presence. We look forward to the day when you will all understand that Creator has created all of us with love and kindness, so that we can grow and learn equally, irrelevant on the planet where one is born. Similarly as all of you cannot all be born on one continent alone, all beings can not be all born on one planet alone. There are so many of us, that the universes are huge places to accommodate for various experiences, laws and developments. However Creator has placed a spark of himself in all of us, very equally, and that spark is pure love and consciousness dear ones. As such, your brothers from the Galactic Federation of Light salute you and are here at your service.


Thank you, SaLuSa


Laura Tyco















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anticipation-sandra-bauser-photography-and-digital-art.jpgConscious Love is everything needed for you and humans at this time. Conscious Love is unconditional, unselfish, it is given freely as a gift; it does not require anything in return. Your existence in the Higher Realms is Freedom and Conscious Love. This Conscious Love is mainly what is nourishing your Higher Being Bodies. We, of the Higher Planes of existence, would suggest that you all begin to imagine what living from a place of Conscious Love would mean. We would also recommend that you manifest Conscious Love into your 3D holographic matrix program. This holographic projection is what you identify yourself with during your waking state, that which you call life.


There is a subtle life, very refined, very sensitive inside of you. It has infinite love, infinite knowledge and infinite consciousness. We would like to ask you to try to allow this Higher State of existence to emerge into your life at this stage. Allowing this part of you to lead you, means letting go of prejudice, of fear, of anger, of illusions. Instead live and manifest from the part of you that knows no hurry, no fear. This is the part which just is. It is the part that needs you to anchor your attention into your body and observe, sense your body, your feelings and your thoughts. This is what is required for your Higher Self to emerge into your life. Be available for it, by remaining in an open state of mind. Keep your body relaxed, and your feelings light.


We are well aware that you are identified in duality and firmly believe that what unfolds around you is real. You are attached to your own pains, sufferings, frustrations, angers and so on and so forth. How is it possible to let go of this side of yourself? How is it possible to let go of this side of you, which loves dramas, gossip, which compares, and feel a victim? How is it possible not to be pulled out of your skin, as it were? This is a matter of struggle over and over again. It needs to be seen, and recognized by each and every one of you individually.


It is not required that you force yourself to stop these reactions from happening inside of you. They are for the best part quite impossible to be stopped by your ordinary self. What is required is You. What is required is your presence in order to see the sides you are not so proud of. These need to be seen over and over again. The seeing is all that is required now. There is nothing to do about it, the only thing required is your presence seeing what is. So being present in your life is what is required now.


Mercury being retrograde has taken a few of you into a deep past experience. You are all experiencing this in various ways. See what is shown to you, however, do not allow yourself to be pulled in. Observe what you are being shown impartially, and from a place of love and understanding. Ultimately, you will have to see the necessity for compassion for all that exists in your field of existance, and this includes yourselves.


All of your Higher Selves are with us, in the Higher Realms. We are all together, with the Galactic Family of Light. You are interacting with them on a daily, or hourly basis. Sometimes, what you interpret as day dreaming, or imagination is in fact genuine interacting with Higher Realms Beings. You often dismiss these interactions as wishful thinking, or day dreaming. However, truth be told, if you are present enough, connected enough, you will realize that these contacts are very real.


The logical mind labels all and moves on. Now is the time to begin leaving doors open and questions unanswered. Begin being more and more connected to your own body and you will begin conscious communication with us. Our messages can take the form of visions, of dreams, of day dreams, of imagination, of downloads directly into your mind, of impressions. It can even take you a few hours, days or weeks to digest what you are given. We assure you, you are all given love, information and protection.


We love you very dearly.

This is your Higher Self speaking to you, dear.

Laura Tyco















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Laura: Good evening. I thank you once again for answering my call. I had the most amazing set of visions last night, and this morning. And with it came also a set of knowledge, which took me a few hours to verify last night on Egypt. Would you explain about the process?


Higher Self: The experience you had and keep having at a slower pace, is what you call Kundulini Rising. Through this experience you have been given access to your own Akashic records. It is necessary for you to have a clear understanding of the nature of the relationship you had with certain people and beings, over the past few years. You have already been given access for over two years to a few past lives reminiscences. This memory of a past life was necessary for you, in order to help you take the next step. Yes, you have verified all the information that you have received last night and now you know it is all part of your experience as well.


At the moment you are not identified with the life of that woman, especially with her tragic death. Your name back then was Alajia. The horrific death you see for her is real. She was a human, she lived over 7,000 years ago. She was a courtesan at first at court. At the time, the power of this pre Egyptian pharaoh extended from what is now known as Egypt, included the now Turkey, as far as India. There was a huge cultural mix, and there were a handful of extraterrestrial beings as head of this society. Very few knew much about the ruling families, and all feared the pharaoh’s power. What you see from the balcony of the woman is the Nile indeed, with abundant vegetation around of it. Where now are the Giza plateau pyramids, there stood a similar monuments and the Sphynx, as the guardian of the city. Indeed what matters more is the sacred location of the pyramids, rather than the pyramids themselves.


Yes, there was free energy available for royalty to distribute. They gained power and accessed the head of this pre Ancient Egypt civilization, thanks to their far advanced technology. No enemy could stand in front of their advanced alien technology, and no human could stand in their way to the throne. They adapted into the existing culture of Earth 7,000 years ago in order to exploit Earth’s resources for gold, precious stones, and other rarities they have never encountered before. Their intentions were motivated by personal gain, but they also had a desire to genuinely bring hope and progress to Earth as a thank you for what they were taking away from Earth. They never spoke of the fact that they were not human from Earth. Although their appearance was almost perfectly human.


You were married to one of the human aliens, he was the pharaoh, and you had no idea of anything at all concerning their plans or origins. You did notice a few unusual things about your husband, but you never could understand anything about some aspects of his life and were prepared to accept it. Your rights and place as the second wife were always well established. You were living in a period of high decadence with low morals. Your pharaoh had many official wives, but you were the only one he trusted enough to share his bed. In that time, being part of the pharaoh’s harem was a huge privilege. As gifts to the pharaoh, the colonized countries would offer him daughters, slaves, and rare beauties in order to gain his favors.


The pharaoh was amazed by these highly unusual customs for him, but nevertheless had to accept many offered wives as a present. The extraterrestrials who had become the rulers of this pre Ancient Egypt civilization did not want to rise suspicions by changing radically customs. So your pharaoh accepted the wives he was given with great curiosity and reverence.


Life at the palace was a dream for many young women, and they were in fact freed to go after a few years. The wives were also free to have lovers and to do as they wished. They lived in luxury and their main role was to be happy, beautiful and entertaining. Dancing, singing, playing instruments, gossip and having baths was very popular. Some of them acted as part-time palace helpers if they liked to work, others dedicated their time to temples and to deities, while others just preferred being courtesans and having noble lovers. There were never any demand or imposition made upon any of the women of the harem, but they competed for the pharaoh’s attention. You, as a member of the previous ruling family have ended in the harem; this was considered giving you a good life.


The first wife seduced the pharaoh as he was young, she was power thirsty. She was chosen as the first wife in order to keep order in the harem by fear. She was not ready to give up her power to a younger royal. She had despised the previous ruling family and all about them. As you grew into a wise, elegant lady, there was nothing she could do to keep the pharaoh’s attention from you. After months of slowly noticing her losing her grip on him and her authority, she could no bear the idea of not having children to give to the pharaoh. When she had heard the news of the pharaoh expecting a child from his second wife, she had realized she had to kill you before the baby was to be born. So this is the nature of your relationship.


She murdered you while your were pregnant. Jealousy was running high with this woman, and you do know who she is in this life. She is still playing the victim and still wishes your demise. She has not forgiven you for attracting the favors of the pharaoh and has a desire to chase you for all eternity; such is the extent of her wrath. You can forgive this woman, but certainly never trust her. As you know, you have experienced several disappointments of her hands, seeking for revenge.


You have asked what had happened to her, once she killed you and the baby. She knew of the secret magic the pharaoh had at his disposal for healing and reviving the dying ones, so she ensured your body would be left in pieces, as to never to be healed again. She was the one who stabbed first, then she got her men to ensure your body would not be recognizable. But the pharaoh had cameras over the palace, which nobody knew about, so he learnt everything by watching the recordings in the palace. She was left in the middle of the desert, with one flask of water, she did not survive.


I am you Higher Self

Laura Tyco


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You are all beings of light, trapped in this material world. You have agreed to take part in the Earth experiment, as a mix of many nations, cultures and beings.


The light from your love is often not present in your daily activities. Your light levels are very variable throughout the day.


We do not say this as a reproach, we simply wish for you all to observe this phenomenon for yourselves. Only your own observations will truly benefit you.


You struggle daily for survival and for love in your world. You are like a plant, seeking the Sun’s light throughout the many activities of your day.


As humans, many of you have been starved from the love and from the light you are accustomed to in the higher realms. This is perhaps the most unbearable for you.


Because of your lack of connection with Source, you are capable of the darkest atrocities. However, we do not blame you for this, as both victims and abusers have agreed to play their part in the duality scenario.


The law of Karma ensures, in fact, a return to balance and to harmony between beings who have suffered of each other’s hands. This is the main reason why we are mainly observers, although, we do a great deal, behind the scenes, to ensure that the game does not get out of control.


As you can see by now, the law of Karma is contributing in returning a sense of peace on your planet. Time is for Karma to act now. Her balancing the forces at play on your world, will return a sense of peace and harmony for you.


You will finally see that there is indeed a God, dear Earth humans. Once things regain a sense of fairness and justice, people will regain their sense of respect and love.


You will regain confidence in yourselves. You will be so thrilled to set things right on, and for Mother Earth. While, in the absolute, the notion of good and bad is not one we use very often; in the duality, it has been necessary for you to keep an outlook on things in this fashion.


Now, we are entering the phase of your history, when you will look back and think to yourself: “This was the moment when we took our power back”. This will also consolidate the sense of unity, and understanding within all of you.


The wall of discrimination because of race, culture, gender will break down little by little. Love will regain its true meaning, and the world of confusion and fear will be returned to a world of peace, joy, freedom and love.


The meaning of love between man and woman will regain its full meaning. We rejoice in advance at all the blessings ahead of you. You are very lucky, as from now on, not only will the walls that the dark have built around you fall, but you will consider all that you thought you knew, under a new angle.


The time for real love is now. The time for hurts and tragedy to end is now. The time for peace is now.


Do not forget, we are here at your service, even though we are only acting indirectly. So feel free to ask us and your guides for help every time you need us.


You are being of light and you are a part of us.

I am Settufeut

Laura Tyco



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Higher Self: Greetings Laura. Here we are again. I believe you were somehow disturbed by your dream while you were waking up to this reality. You have expressed the desire, in the higher planes of existence, for an explanation about the dream. Is this correct? This has entirely colored your mood for today and your feelings.


Laura: It is so.


Higher Self: Well, the dream addressed unresolved issues from your past lives, which are still affecting this life on all levels. These remain unresolved issued for you and many of those around you who are concerned by the situation going on for 15 years. The dream is in fact reflecting yourself, in other reality, where the situation with someone you cared about had a different outcome. An alternate reality with the proverbial happy ending. Or rather what society has molded you to believe is the desired outcome where relationships are concerned.


Yes indeed what you have felt was real in an alternate reality. The people are different people. They are not the same ones you are experiencing past lives karma issues in this reality. But you were in the exact situation, as you were 10 years ago, with an outcome where you look like you are the winner on all fronts. The man has left his wife in order to be with you, and his feeling for you are genuine. You woke up regretting his divorce because you realized his wife’s feelings for him were real. The wife had no difficulties with the divorce at all, because all she wanted was her husband’s happiness and it did not matter to her with who he would feel happier. However you discovered that your feelings for that man were not those needed you had thought, and this is why you never left your boyfriend for him.


This situation is indeed going on for you and your other self in this other reality. You wonder how can you repair the mess you have placed yourself in, in this other reality. Your question’s reply is that these two realities are merging. These same issues are coming together in both these lives, although with a different outcome. I hope this explains more about the unresolved past and present issues. Your experience of yourself in past lives, in other dimensions and in alternate realities are in fact all connected.


They are all designed to teach you a few things about yourself, and to further your developing process as a conscious being. You always thought that only your past affects who you are here and now. It is an incorrect assumption. You, as humans souls, are running several computer simulations at once. Your Higher Self, your Soul if you wish, is learning from all your manifestations in many dimensions and many alternate realities. The dream was your life in an alternate three dimensional reality.


Laura: So how can I do anything about that alternate life? The whole situation is so false and unbearable. Those feelings of guilt, regret and remorse are present in this reality. How strange that my alternate reality mistakes affect this life.


Higher Self: Remember all these experiences are a part of you, therefore they are all affecting you. All your experiences in these dimensions, realities and karma associated with them are sipping into each other. They bounced of one another and affect all aspects of your multi- dimensional forms. The solution is simple, help your other self as you would help a dear friend in need. Download your experience into her brain, send her your love, understanding and forgiveness. None of the people in the other dimension are so deeply affected by this mistake. They will all laugh at your other self’s confusion and will understand. No need for harshness dear. Sit with her and send her love and forgiveness. She will hear you, because she is you.


I am your Higher Self

Laura Tyco


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Greetings dear Earth Citizens. We come to you today with more news concerning the politico- finance situation on your planet.


But first of all, we ask that you understand that our only desire is to enlighten you on the current ongoings, our aim is not to dictate anything to you, nor can we directly influence the happenings on your world.


Our messages aim at bringing you joy, comfort, hope and support throughout these times, not to create division or to supply Intel to you. We must remain in a more or less neutral position concerning all beings involved.


First of all, there are a few things that will lead to the euro collapse, as all can predict by now, I am sure. This has however been a planned scenario by the cabal. Indeed they have carefully planned all the negative happenings on Mother Earth, in order to assume even more control and power over your private affairs.


The cabal has never planned a world where all of you would be happy and free. These are values that they do not wish you to share, but privileges they reserves for themselves.


They do not desire anybody to achieve financial independence, because they would lose control over you. Is this so hard to understand that they have a huge amount of power and control over the human Earth population?


It is so dear Earth Beings. They desire you all to be nothing more than objects or pets at best. With the increase in technology, they have foreseen, a few decades ago, that only a few million of humans would be enough to provide for their needs.


As you may be aware, they intend their plans to come into fruition for 2012. The constant seeking for warfare in the Middle East, the lack of help for Developing Countries is yet another display for maintaining control over populations.


They dictate, behind the scenes what governments will fall, and who to replace them with. It is always with a government that they can control by various means. What you are observing now is again fight for power, global control of Mother Earth’s resources and gifts to her children.


She feeds you, loves you, and carries you all without demanding anything in exchange. She does not deserve the maleficent exploitations of which she is the object. She does not deserve her children to be curly destroyed in infamous wars, she does not deserve the fear vibrations resonating deep inside her being at this time.


The cabal is aiming at her control as well as space supremacy and control. Can you feel already that all your actions, your thoughts all your gains are dictated and controlled by the ones sitting on top of the pyramid?


We wanted to rise a caution flag. What the cabal will try to introduce, will be designed to more control over you. Their plans for a global currency will be made attractive to you all, and will seem like a reasonable solution to you.


We recommend you think things through before allowing your power as sovereign beings to be taken away from you any further. I can hear you saying in your mind: “But I am only one person, who will listen to me? I have no better solution!”


All we can say for now, is that you should not accept to be coerced further by the dark. You should be given the means to control your destiny as a sovereign Being, and as a Nation.


This would be a good time for pushing even further for the release from petrol based energy, and to push for research and release of free technology. When this happens, the struggle for Mother Earth’s black source of energy will cease, the need for money will also cease.


People will accept to take part and share duties out of love for their community, and for their loves ones. There will no longer feel time pressure, or any sort of pressure for performance.


As we have said Mother Earth will give you all for free. The dark ones have been doing their best in keeping you in the dark concerning Mother Earth’s vast resources and possibilities to cater and love all of you.


We look forward for you to taste true Joy and Freedom, as a sovereign civilisation, such as you were before. We look forward to walk on your land in peace and joy from our hearts.


You are just a few steps away from this state of bliss; you are just beginning to imagine the possibilities of uniting in one voice. Your power is resonating around the planet for a need for change for the better.


We love you very much and congratulate your determination for finding freedom and light for all.


I am Settufeut of the Galactic Federation

Laura Tyco  


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Private TAUK Message from the Future and SaLuSa – 27 Nov 2011 - Need for the New Paradigm to Manifest


Laura: Good evening SaLuSa and Future. I am glad you are both here. I have felt that both of you wished to make contact today. Please feel free to give your messages.


SaLuSa: We are in orbit; we are observing the current situation on Mother Earth. We see much unrest and uneasiness today. I have asked our Future to speak with you today.


Future: Indeed much unrest on your world Earth Beings. Many plans within plans, much fear and confusion all around your planet I see. For once, the developed countries are almost on equal foot with the poorer countries, when I look at the level of worries for their future. You are on the brink of many important developments this week, not all will be for the best, far from it. There are currently two polarities, one is pulling you down more and more into fear and the other is pulling you up. There is a division between those who wish to perpetuate the materialistic world, and those who do have the bigger picture in mind.


Truth be told, you all create your own destiny, your own truth, your own Future. Indeed, I split up in many options and possibilities. Like a river, I split up in many ways; many realities are created to match every single soul’s desires and needs for learning. The path of humanity is one, however within this future; you all make your own individual way. Some of you are ascended and do their service to the light on Mother Earth. Some of you have only recently ascended, and have not realized yet that it is so, and have no idea of what this means for them directly and personally.


Many of you now, can see in their inner eye what is on their path in their own future. While you are in your kitchen, doing your dishes or cooking, you are receiving messages from me, showing you possible futures. In fact we are working on your personal choices, considering all options, looking at all perspectives. In fact we also discuss the same aspects for your loved ones, and for the planetary scale. What for many years, you have thoughts was your imagination, will come more and more to light, and you will come to understand what truly and consciously is happening to you. You will come to understand consciously how your decision process works, how you are given all the possible scenarios.


Those of you, who are ascended, will get to fully understand their active work with me on a daily basis. Contrary to common belief, life as an ascended being is in no way easier than in duality. Many of you need to digest these words, as many will encounter fear and resistance when looking at reality in the face, when looking at various options and scenarios. I look very much forward to my work with you all, and to our relationship as conscious beings.


Laura: Thank you Future. This message is very relevant for me today. SaLuSa would you like to give us an update?


SaLuSa: Yes, of course. I wished to express our admiration for you again, dear souls. You are very brave and it is now more important than ever to remain in your sacred space, in your heart, and not to allow the lower vibrations pierce through your love protection. When you feel unrest, fear, or even panic, please remember that you are divine beings, on the surface of Mother Earth. Please remember that your body is only a day job costume, but that night time, you are fully rejoining us in the higher dimensions.


When you find yourself experiencing these moments of doubt, please stop whatever it is that you are doing. Close your eye, and just be present, just Be. Experience your weight on Mother Earth, experience your breath, and experience the mechanic of your physical body. Experience your life force, your energy inside your body. Experience seeing with your eyes closed, experience sensing the outer world, by sensing your own inner world. Can you feel and hear the world around you; can you feel and hear the world inside of you? Is it not really the one and same thing? Is it not really a difference of dimensions and scale? Are you not an ascended being already?


You can see with your eyes closed, you can feel your body, and hear the voices in the entire universe all at once. It simply depends on the experience you chose to have, and if you chose to remain within these boundaries. As divine beings, there are no limitations for you. What you will decide to do with your world is decisive in the coming days. Dear friends, as ascended beings, Mother Earth’s changes will pose no threat to you. You will be able to foresee all danger in advance. What is very much needed now is peace for your heart, peace for Mother Earth. Remember to sense the outside world on a daily basis, while you are sensing your inner world also. This will help you follow your path always when you are at peace with your heart.


We love you dearly, and are with you in all you do. I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I love to think of the current changes on your planet as a reflection of the need for Ascension, as a need for the New Paradigm to manifest into your reality.


Be blessed.

Thank you, SaLuSa and Future

Laura Tyco















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Good evening dear friends. We are indeed your friends and we do watch over you. In fact very often you can hear our voices, blending as your own voice, coming out into your attention as your own voice. For example, we would like to ask you where would you say your so called thoughts come from? How are you forging a thought? Is a thought your own, or are you simply repeating somebody else’s thinking pattern, somebody else’s belief? Have you ever listened to your own thoughts? We think this exercise is of great value to you. Try it, without prejudice, without expectations, be entirely candid with yourself and sincerely ask yourself what are you hearing? We repeat, within the coming and going continuous flow of waves of thoughts, you may be able to recognize something from above.


Today, Laura made an interesting observation to us. She noticed that it is possible to see with one’s eyes closed, and to also see with the eyes behind her head. Indeed, as ascended beings, there is no need to possess actual physical eyes. Regarding your eyes, behind your head, these eyes are always there for you to use. Whether it feels more comfortable to keep them closed for most of your active life is up to you. It is an interesting thing that you realized that these eyes allow you to have a look at what goes on behind, at what goes on in your back. These eyes can also sense the energies circulate, or being blocked in you back, and in your spine. The more you remember to set an internal alarm clock for remembering to use these eyes, the closer to the higher dimensions you will be.


 We notice that many of you are feeling very tired these days, and require additional sleep. Is it not wonderful how national holidays are allowing you the extra sleep when you need it the most? Know that there is very little room left for coincidence in your lives. All have been planned for a maximum impact on your awakening. The daily chores, your daily repetitive job, and all that you are struggling with, is in fact a wonderful gift from above, in order to speed up your soul’s evolution. Struggle can be a wonderful ally. All the thing that contribute pushing you questioning your set of belief system are in fact put into place for your own benefit.


Do never fall into hate of any adversary, do never allow your heart to lower itself into fear, self-pity, or hate of another being. We do know it is one of the most difficult things to do, however, it is important to respect your adversaries. We cannot ask you to love those who are violent and threatening to what you represent. You are a light representative in duality, and as such you do all constitute a danger for the darker souls. The darker souls allow themselves to hate the light, and to hate light beings. So as telepathic beings, you pick up on these strong emotions towards you. It is very natural for you to do so. However, please do not allow yourselves to react and to respond to hate with hate. Just Be in all and every situation.


Indeed your presence, as light Beings, requires that you act as a light and love channel onto Mother Earth and into the very heart of Mother Earth consciously. Remember inside of you flows the divine flow of life itself. Imagine your self as a magic flute, injecting light through your spinal cord. Do you see the shower of light flowing through your back? This is why you are here. Do consciously bring light and love into the heart of your planet, while you allow for older energies to leave the planet through another tube inside of you. This type of work works through other dimensions, on the vertical axis. While you are doing this work, it is necessary for you to lead a so called normal life on Earth, in this earthly dimension. This is the struggle you, as incarnated souls always need to juggle with. You need to juggle into the material world, and bring into this dense world, the light energy, the immaterial understanding and beauty.


This is a wonderful journey. I am your Higher Self.

Laura Tyco


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We wish you a wonderful celebration for Thanksgiving. 

We give you our thanks, to you all. Today is the most wonderful day indeed. As we bring wonderful news. We are moving one step closer to you everyday. Although, you may not be aware of it, there are good news on the horizon. Yes, these are the news you wish for. Yes, these are the news of joy and happiness that you all deserve after much hard work, and suffering on Mother Earth. Yes, we are preparing you, with all our so many messages, for a grand arrival among the human kind.


This channel has accepted to carry on her work for the light, and to intensify her work with us. We look forward to knowing all of you and to give you impressions of what to expect from us. Great things are just around the corner; this is no time for pain, nor suffering. Rejoice, for all you have been suffering for is on the verge of unfolding in front of your very eyes. Things are going to develop very rapidly, and you will need to be prepared to act as a light beacon for many souls who do not know what is occurring upon Mother Earth at this time.


Your time for shining is coming at a very fast pace, so fear no more, dear friends. Rejoice on this wonderful day, and indeed give thanks for being alive on Mother Earth for these wonderful times.
We truly look forward to the times when we will be allowed being with you, uncloaked, and without any more sense of fear or secrecy. It is possible that a few of you will encounter our ground team, doing survey work. They are also on Mother Earth, sent from our ships, in order to get to know you, and approach you without you knowing who they really are. So dear ones, be prepared to meet your space brothers, even though they will look and behave exactly as you. 


We love you dearly, and once again, send our greatest hopes for love and joy to manifest upon your beautiful planet. Things are manifesting into your reality, you have called for those wonderful things to manifest from other dimensions, from imagination into your reality. Be happy on this most wonderful day.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and whatever is upsetting you, whatever is keeping you in fear, in anxiety, will soon dematerialize and vanish from the surface of your planet.


Thank you, SaLuSa.

Laura Tyco

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TAUK Message from Higher Self 23 Nov 2011

This is a time for celebrations for many of you. Celebration and Joy, and especially for you, Laura. Be happy to be born and alive in this world. We know that you, as well as many others are unsatisfied with the current situation on Mother Earth. As your own consciousness is increasing, as well as the consciousness of your friends, you are finding it more and more difficult to bear the 3D limitations upon you. This is perfectly understandable, and we do never reproach anybody for feeling the weight of duality on you. The constraints upon you concerning outside obligation are felt at a very deep level by many. Many of you have a strong desire to break free from the duality world and wish to be One again. 


You are on Mother Earth, as light beings to spread love and understanding. You have accepted the role a long time ago. Indeed some of you may even remember the time when you have made the agreement to return to Mother Earth, and fulfil this mission for the light. Take comfort in knowing that you are all at a turning point as a civilisation. You are very aware of this by now. Don’t fear the changes ahead, as you are all catalysts in this endeavour. This is a trying time for all of you, this is the finishing line, and this is the time that really matters now. Don’t give into fear, and panic. Make plans ahead and anticipate what could happen next. Don’t fear, and be prepared. Think ahead and maintain contact with your bodies energies throughout your day. 


Your energies levels are erratic, so by all means, coming back to the now moment, the here and now is all that matter. This will help you in seeing the illusions pulled in front of you. These illusions make you react in various ways, most of them make you apprehensive and anxious. Later on, you keep carrying around these negative feelings; you are hanging on to them, as if they had a real dimension. Perhaps these make you feel real? Do you need dramas in order to feel alive? Do you need fear and stress in order to be of your world? Is it hard to look into this now? Sit down and think of this? Who are you? And why are you here again?


You will need to answer these questions for yourself, with the help of your Higher Self. Your Higher Self is the light guiding you from above. Indeed I have a broad perspective from up here, although, most of the time, you are unaware of me. I am however not unaware of you, and keep an eye on you, along with a few other light beings. You know them well also. You see, a certain level of stress is useful, in order to keep you going. There is a need for a balance between your outside world and your inner world. One reflects the other, and bear in mind that whatever you need in order to further your consciousness and love, you will attract to you.


There is nothing wrong with being of the duality world, nothing at all. This is a perfect training ground, and it is in fact a great reward that all of you have: being part of Mother Earth’s Ascension. She has cared for all of you for so long, that it is now your turn to look after her, in order to help her ascend. Just make sure to keep connected to your inner life, to your inner life forces. These forces are inside of you, inside your body, so you need to have a look at the state of your body regularly during the day. Return to your body, to your breath, to your soul, your mission and your Love consciousness. Return to your real self, for this is who you are. You are a God Spark, incarnated into a Human body. As you know, for you to truly be light on the Earth, you must inhabit your body.


Be the light you want to see, be aware of the way you affect others around you, be truthful to yourself and to others. You are all interconnected in the 3D reality, and you will make it out of it together. Yes, of course, by channelling Beings of the Christed Consciousness, this gives you the taste and impressions of being what you are exactly looking for. We are all aware of your longing for the higher realms. Do not worry, for you are with us during your sleep. Indeed you spend 1/3 of your time up here, and with us while your physical body regenerates. This is another way of looking at duality perhaps, for you. While you are with us, we are keeping you up to date with all that goes on.


The 2/3 of the remaining time is up to you to manifest what you have learnt each night during your sleep into Mother Earth’s duality world. You do find in the morning that you are aware of being with us on the higher planes. You are aware of our love for you, as we are aware of your love for us. You are not dreaming, when you wake up with the feeling of having spent so much time with us, and of having all these conversations with us. The instant you wake up, you are still carrying these brief memories with you. The truth is, that even during your active life, many of you are in a state of semi-sleep, or hypnosis. With your higher being bodies travelling around the world, attending to various matters, fixing your past and looking into the future. Indeed, as multi-dimensional beings, you are doing many things at once, or as some like to put it, you are leading many lives at once.


When you are in the Here and Now, you are bringing all your other selves, from the other realms into your consciousness, into your being. You are stocking up information from all of yourselves. You are also recharging your batteries as it were. And this, my dear, is the challenge of duality. So, bear in mind that while you are scattered all over the planet, in various forms and dimension, attending to various duties, you are leaking energy, when you are not aware of what is going on. This is the work of your attention not being present in your life. Keep doing whatever it is your Higher Self is doing, as well of what your other higher bodies, for example your chakras are doing. When you will be aware of all your other parts’ activities, you will be a conscious being.

I am your Higher Self.

In peace and love with harmony.

Laura Tyco.
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Laura: Good day Gslxuutuskgu. Thank you for contacting me today. I wanted first to introduce you to our readers. You have identified your name as Gslxuutuskgu, you are working with the GFL, but are not GFL yourself, and are not part of it yourself. You do work however with SaLuSa and Settufeut, and are a male, non human of the God level and Christed level of consciousness. Your planet is unknown to any of us. SaLuSa and Settufeut are here with and I here also. And you wish to give a private message today. Is this information correct?


(SaLuSa and Settufeut have spelt out both their names on my TAUK chart, and have confirmed their presence in the room with me. We are four in my room today.)


Gslxuutuskgu: The information stated is perfectly correct. My message is short and simple. You and your friends are honouring our presence, we are stationed in the vicinity of your planet.

We wish it known that your efforts to attract and process the light energies have been most impressive. You and your group are having a huge impact on the light force. We simply wished to thank you for it. We are all here in many numbers, more than you could ever dream of at this moment.

Your Universe is an immense space, with no limits, always expanding and merging with other Universes. It is a union of love and joy, melting galaxies and universal consciousness with joy and love.

The greatest acts of love have touched the hearts of your people. Have you ever asked yourself why? Love is all that is, love has no possible lasting adversary. Love envelops your being, and you have come into existence out of unions of love.


Where you have fear and anxiety, you must heal these wounds with the greatest love possibly imaginable. Conscious Love is needed to take you to the next level of evolution. You need to transform your inner fears into Love. All that prevents you from being you, all that blocks your path, all that stands in your way, can be overcome by Concsious Love. 

What do you mean by Conscious Love you are asking me, Laura? I can very well read the thoughts you are emitting in my direction, without being intrusive into what you do not wish to share.


Conscious Love begins the moment you acknowledge that you were no longer in your own sacred loving space. It begins when you see your own limitations in duality. Conscious Love is an agreement between you and your Higher Self to further the boundaries of your own Consciousness. You have accepted to put yourself through the most difficult challenges, as a species, in order to help our Creator. This is no small task.

When you feel you are no longer in alignment with yourself, this is when Conscious Love begins, for you are expanding at that very moment your boundaries, this is Conscious Love. You, humans, are always pushing your level of love and expanding it, by placing yourselves in the most difficult circumstances, in order to raise your consciousness. Accepting what you feel and see of others and of yourself is Being Love. Trust that our love for you is also limitless. This is why we are allowing for this scenario to play out. This is why we are allowing for the greatest pains and sorrows to take place on your Mother Earth. It is for love for you and your dedication for our Creator. Pain can indeed be a wonderful gift.


Because of you, humans of planet Earth, the entire Cosmos has its eyes turned in your direction.

Many times, we have wished to interfere in order to stop your many wars, and pains. Many times we had to remember that we have all agree to allow for the Earth experiment to unfold, without interference on our part.

We have agreed to let your planet to its own devices, the only times we have interfered, with great discretion, is when the very existence of your planet, herself,  was threatened. As this would have ended our agreement, we could not allow this to happen. Mother Earth has agreed to be the playing ground for your duality experiment, but she needed to be saved from destructive hands on several occasions. So this, we allowed ourselves to do.

The Galactic Federation of Light has had also on several occasions the obligation to stop nuclear devastation from taking place. As this would have put an end to life on Mother Earth; including affecting and killing Mother Earth herself. Of course, nuclear detonations have impacts on many levels and dimensions. It effects are still greatly unknown to your scientific community.

The experiment of which I speak of is indeed called duality. In this experiment, your blending with a human body results in your consciousness levels being somehow considerably dimed down. Your light is, as a metaphor affected by the great density of matter of your Earth bodies. The light does not shine as strongly from a body of dimensional materiality. When you are born, your light is still very high, but as you grow through time, the light is lost progressively. It fades from your heart, from your memory, and you simply forget, in time who and what you are.

Your physical body acts as a protective shield, blocking much light from reaching your core.

Now is the time to learn to absorb and integrate Light into your bodies, now is the time to transform all that is, into Conscious Love and understanding.

We stand, near your planet, cloaked, or far out of reach. We stand ready to come near you, dear family. If you so demand as a mature civilisation and guarantee peaceful understanding on your planet for us, as well as for yourselves, we will be pleased to be by your side in this planetary transition.

We stand near you, with you in our heart. We wish you to be in a permanent state of Conscious Love.


I give you my thanks and admiration; I am GSLXUUTUSKGU, speaking for my people. We send our love to you and our limitless affection.


Laura Tyco.


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M0501193-Herpes_virus_particles,_computer_artwork-SPL.jpgPeace. This is what your world is in most need for now. When we say peace, we refer to World Peace of course, but also to peace in your countries, your cities, and your own personal inner peace.


The global movement expressing general dissatisfaction with the global elite is an indication that you no longer accept to be treated as irrelevant where your life is concerned. This is an important change for you.


Indeed you are all sovereign beings, with divine powers. All that is lacking is for you to increase your awareness of what this means. You will have to elevate yourself to a much higher level of understanding very shortly, thanks to the energies being sent down to you by the Universe.


Most of you are still being caught up in your emotional frustrations, in anger, or in intellectual pursuits. The time for letting go of all these kinds of illusions is now. In order to allow for a state of peace to emerge, you would need to let go of all that gets your energy trapped in some kind of net at the front of your body. 


What is required in order to find inner peace is that you let go of judgement for others, of evaluating others work and of your mechanical thinking process. Focus on yourself Earth friends. Focus on your own light.


Bring your light into your daily life, and be light for those around you. You are a standing beacon of light on Mother Earth, and the light energy is attracted by you like metallic particles stick to a magnet of attractive polarity.


Perhaps another way of visualizing the energetic manifestation upon you is to imagine yourself, emerging into the light surrounded by hundreds of pure light grains. These grains attach on to your body, and travel up and down your spinal cord.


These light clutter strengthens your inner light and feeds your light bodies. They are constantly around you, all you need is to feed on these particle beads of light. How to feed on them, you may ask?


You will attract them by showing them the way into your spinal energetic channels. For this, bring their attention to your spine, by sensing your back, your life force running through your spine.


They will find their way thanks to your conscious efforts of being and through your breath. They will find a clear way into your energies when you are in a state of love and peace.


I am Settufeut of the Galactic Federation of Light.

Laura Tyco


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Private Message SaLuSa to Me – 19 Nov 2011 – Love Tsunami


Laura: Good day SaLuSa. This is a question from a French reader: “I work in the Police and I feel anger and hatred to situations of injustice crime and violence.

While I am aware that this is short I can not really share the love with these individuals! Thus I found myself in a more or less tormented preventing me from concentrating solely on to ascend.

And even if we were trained not to let any feelings show,
one can not help to feel negativity about the injustices present.

But I try to make sure not to feel involved, keeping in mind that only the golden age is in store for us.

But are all these events adding to the bad habits such as smoking? Can these add to us mentally and physically preventing us from participating in the long-awaited transition?


SaLuSa: We have advised indeed many times before to purify your own bodies from any source of toxins, such as alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. These provide a substitute or a temporary illusionary experience of peace, and joy. It can give you also an insight into the higher realms for a while; however, we do not recommend anybody to follow that route long term. Being in the police forces, you have a pretty good idea of the after effects drugs have on the brain and on the withdrawal symptoms. Using cigarettes as a comfort tool is yet another illusion, as in the long term it causes an ever higher state of uneasiness and dependency. So again, I would say try to cut these down as much as possible.


Concerning your question, being in the Galactic Federation, we too find ourselves in similar situations, as you describe. So we do sympathise with you. However considering the level of distress that you are experiencing, on one level, you may benefit from voicing your concerns to your colleagues, or superiors. A councillor may help you see things differently. On a more spiritual level, you also need to see perhaps that your situation is a gift, and you could use it for your own Ascension. You are a gift to your society, by helping address violent crimes. This is no small undertaking.


The way to Ascension is a challenging one still, and once you will ascend, you will find yourself in similar situations, but from behind the veil. You will no longer be able to interact in a tangible way with the aggressor, nor the aggressed. You will no longer be required to help, nor to take sides. As an ascended being, you will have the full picture and will never allow yourself to be pulled in any situation. You will be brought to understand more about the laws of karma, and attraction. We recommend that you see your current position as a training ground for your future assignments, as an ascended being.


What is required of you know, is that you try to understand, and question laws such as karma. We do not recommend you just reading about it, but actually work with your Higher Self and your guides on this through meditation mainly. If you find yourself drawn to more spiritual practices, we recommend you to go along with it. You also need to strengthen your relationship with yourself, understand yourself better and allow your Higher Self to step in. Once you will find peace in your heart on the matters that torment you, you will be in a better place as far as Ascension is concerned.


Laura: Thank you SaLuSa. I believe you wish to give us an update?


SaLuSa: Indeed, I do. The energy waves being sent down to Mother Earth now are more like tsunamis rather than waves. Their effect has a similar effect on your inner state and routine as a real tsunami would have on old houses, no longer needed. These energy tsunamis have for aim to brake down what is no longer required for you from now on. These energies are affecting you in a very powerful, but also in a very different way. They may first address your emotions, your karma, or your past traumas. They reshape and transform your inner being. There is nowhere to hide, dear ones, so we recommend acceptance.


What always helps, is to go outside and inhale fresh air, do some small physical activity. No need for strenuous work, or exhaustion. Indeed you will find that your energy vanishes quite rapidly throughout the day, and that your days are passing much quicker. We are aware of the fact that many of you now feel pretty inadequate emotionally and energetically to perform the tasks and duties they fulfilled previously without any difficulty. I am afraid this is not about to get any better soon, dear ones. It is you who will have to change and adapt to this situation. It may seem as a struggle now, so we would recommend meditation throughout your day, as well as at dawn and at dusk.


During meditation you are working with higher energies, you are bringing these energies consciously onto your body, which helps transcend your inner world. See meditation as you see food, it feeds parts of your being that have been starved for a very, very long time. There are many meditation practices, your main concern now, is to find out what suits you. And by this we mean, what comes naturally for you. Whatever feels forceful, unkind and tiring is an indication that it does not suit you. The aim of any meditation is to bring your light closer to you, therefore it should bring you to an inner space of peace. However they energies frequencies are changing at an imperceptible speed so do not try to forcefully maintain a state of forced inner peace. Experiencing it even for a few flighty moments would be a good start.


The unrest on Mother Earth is a result of these energies not being assimilated in the human consciousness fully. These events are perceived very strongly by Mother Earth. So this is why we emphasize on meditation, on transformation, and on inner peace at this time. Joy, fun, and happiness are the best way to process these energies, as their frequencies are in phase with the tsunami of love showering you. However, as with any wave, there are ups and downs, dangers, but it can also be much fun if you can manage to surf it and use its energetic power to go forward.


We recommend you to have as much fun, joy and love within your heart, dear ones. These huge waves will eventually transform your world, so welcome them into your life, as these are much needed for you all. Keep your inner energy frequency in phase with the cosmic frequencies through Mother Earth and through practicing conscious breathing. Close your eyes and just sense your body, its energy waves, its rhythm.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I can tell you that we admire your continuous efforts for maintaining your love and lights at peak levels in any circumstances.


Thank you, SaLuSa

Laura Tyco


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Good evening dear friend. We come with great news for you. It is very obvious that your light and shine is increasing daily, you are all very aware of this because of the channelled materiel  you read, because of the group of friendship and support that you have built around you, and most of all because of the numerous experiences people share with you on your forums and discussion groups. This is most pleasing for us to see you grow and at the same time to see you realize your own growth and gradual ascension process into the higher realms.


We see your various groups, with all having their individual paths and resonance frequencies as something of a marvel. We are amazed at how all of you seem to have found your way into each other’s lives. You must realize these are real connections of the heart that you share in your various groups. We are very touched at the close bound of love, friendship and true compassion you show for one another. This is what truly amazes us in our observations of your earthly activities. You are guided by invisible forces, that you cannot see, nor understand, yet your heart finds it way into each other’s inboxes and websites.


The internet is still a true freedom for all kinds of exchanges; it is a matter of choosing your entourage, such as you do in your ordinary life. The laws of attraction are acting on you all. As you know the channels are read by many readers, and some consider these as some sort of intel. We simply wish to communicate what we see unfold from the higher dimensions. We wish to encourage you in your journey of self-discovery and exploration. Your path towards awakening is at its peak, and the balance in power will soon weigh in your favour.


There is still much unrest in the world; this is a result of the love energy travelling all around the surface of your planet. Do not feel disappointed, as your dreams will take shape with the increase in global awakening. Your world will be magnificent and free. You and your children will no longer be the servants of the global elite. You will have time to do and be at your leisure. You will be the true kings and queens that you were meant to be.


I am Settufeut of the Galactic Federation of Light.

Laura Tyco

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Laura: I have mixed feelings about how are things going to evolve for me from now on. I and others seem to have somewhat lost appetite for mundane 3D things, for working just so that we can pay out our bills and survive another day. Would you have any comment for us please?


Higher Self: What you and your friends are experiencing is typical of the Ascension symptoms. Your desire to leave duality is very great, and anything that does not contribute to making you develop and grow feels restrictive, even upsetting. You have been experiencing the situation of living in between worlds for such a long time, a struggle in order to make this marriage of convenience between your inner life and your outer life work. You had on many occasions, to play a role, pretend to be interested in something, lie to yourself, so that your heart would continue to beat, even though it would have rather given up. You pushed yourself, as did many others for the sake of your loved ones, and for your own existence.


As you are all witnessing a world in a state of transformation, you can expect a similar state to go on inside of your own life. You are a reflection of the bigger picture in a way. The wind of change sweeping Mother Earth, transforms all in its path. Your understanding, your heart’s desires are changing almost every day. It is quite normal to feel blown away by your own feelings, and longing for freedom, for oneness, for joy. You feel like you need the world to slow down for you, so that you can emerge and take a breath in, just feel at peace.


This fast pace of life will soon no longer work for most of you, as the frequencies required now are not the same as, shall I say this time last year. Unfortunately for you and your friends, the outside demands do not take frequencies, planetary influences into account, in order to draw out realistic expectations for your work and your studies at this time. It also does not take into account the time constant, which is no longer a constant for some time, but is in constant acceleration. So you find it harder to sink into a task, to focus, to concentrate, as the speed of passing time is a constant cause for worry for you.


This time constant is in a state of collapse, and will eventually hit you all very hard. Human civilisation tends to ignore irregularities, until something snaps. Then, everybody is affected in a dramatic way. What is happening in the Euro Zone is a perfect illustration of what I mean. Fear not, and follow your heart. Be present in your life as much as possible, do as much as possible during your shrinking day. These changes affect everybody, and will become evident with the increasing collapse of the economic-political institutions.


The Old World is imploding and collapsing on itself. Now there are new laws which you will all have to learn. Study what works and what does not work for you. Try to remain free from guilty and shameful feelings. Remain calm, positive and hopeful. The Golden Age is here, and it brings about a whole set of new physical and creative laws. It will take time to adapt, study this all. Remain in the middle, in the centre, in your heart. Love is the only answer to all the issues you are facing. Be patient with yourself and with others. Remember you are living in a changing world, always on the move towards the light and higher frequencies.


I am your Higher Self

Laura Tyco












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SaLuSa to Me 12 Nov 2011- To Our Ground Crew

We are so proud of our ground crew. You have supported us through thick and thin. You know in your heart that we do exist, even though we are not allowed yet to respond to all your calls for love or help to us. You deserve so much more than your current situation allows for. We do have confidence in the fact that many of you will reach more responsible positions on Earth in the coming future, and your true talents will be very visible and needed.
Many of you feel that there is much more that you would like to do in order to speed up the joining of our worlds. It is a difficult thing to do just yet, as the gap between our dimensions have not been bridged yet. In short, with your Ascension, you will be able to join us in the higher realms. You are already with us in many dimensions, however the parts that are with us, do not penetrate your brain, your intellect, your awareness.
The best way for our being together for now, is through your dream state. This is a time when you come and visit us freely, and a time when we can work on your bodies as far as downloads of information and upgrades on ethereal levels are concerned. We are touched by the level of sensitivity and alertness which allows you to make your feelings and intentions know to us, even though, for many of you, you are still in doubt regarding our existence. This we understand fully, and share a sense of frustration with you.

We too long for the day when we will be allowed to openly work with you all, to be able to help those in great need, those who feel hungry and live in daily fear. These issues are paining us greatly, as well as the treatment inflicted on Mother Earth and many other life forms on your planet. We look forward to work with you all, in a sense of joy, peace and harmony. We have been in orbit around your world for decades and do feel the serious need for our intervention. There is so much we would like to do for all of you, and so much needs to be done in order to ensure a gradual, peaceful shift for the general collective Earth consciousness.
The veil of secrecy is still very present where we are concerned. The cabal has no desire to lose their power over your world. They prefer to keep you under a virtual protective glass dome, shielded from your real star family, in order to control you better. They know that the arrival of your space family will gradually limit their activities to a full stop. You will become fully aware and awake beings, from the time they will lose their grip on your souls. Your life of fear for tomorrow, fear for money will come to an end. The life of secrecy will have no more reason for existence, when we will be acknowledged as your brothers and sisters. We feel very hopeful as we observe your consciousness grow, and we see your knowledge of the dark activities grow.
As we have said previously, there is only one end for duality, and this exist from duality goes hand in hand we our arrival among you, as well as your liberation from the duality. As you will ascend, you will also break away from the invisible chains that held you down dear friends. You will rise free from this experience, and will never have to experience such fear again. The fear you experience is the result of the lies in which you have been brought up. These lies say that you are cut off from Source, that you are separated from one another, that you are all alone in this immense universe. The days of ignorance shall soon be no more, and the knowledge and power of ascended beings will reside in your hands again.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, we are your brothers and sisters, we are one and you are and never have been alone. You are not born alone, you do not live alone, and you do not pass alone. You are always loved by our common Creator, who sends you only the most loving souls to care for you always.
Thank you, SaLuSa
Laura Tyco
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Settufeut to Me 12 Nov 2011-11-12- Transformation



You have experienced yesterday with a variety of energies being showered over your planet. The energies do affect everybody differently. Worry not if your expectations were not fully met yet.
There will be plenty of opportunities until December 2012 for you to have the desired experience. You all have different needs, and the new type of energies directed towards you would help you complete your remaining time in this cycle.
Many of you feel drained and tired. This is due to the fact that they had an active sleep, and were not actually asleep. You are doing much work while you are in your dream state.
As such the result of your work during your dreams will soon manifest into your reality. Have the most beautiful and limitless dreams. From now on, much more will be possible.
In the coming days you will experience and feel many changes. These changes will be progressive, gradual and gentle, in order to give you time to adapt to your new environment.
You will require much sleep and rest now, as you will need to give time to your cells to transform into light cells. This transformation goes parallel with Mother Earth’s transformation and it involves your consciousness as well as your physical body.
Be prepared to experience the divinely presence of others in your life, and also your own divine presence at all times on Mother Earth.
Be blessed, be one. Settufeut.
Laura Tyco

Laura Tyco

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I am your higher Self


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