Karma's Helper's Posts (1073)

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Being an X-market guy, Investment Advisor ( broker ), I find this highly suspect..... Oil under $100 and the Mid East is on fire?......not buying it.....now do you see the manipulation?












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Hilarion’s Weekly Message Hilarion’s Weekly Message May 8-15, 2011


Lit Corner | May 10, 2011



Your beautiful Lights shine ever brighter upon your Planet. Many of you feel weary and need to do much resting and this is highly recommended as you encounter this situation. We would also like for you to know that your extreme weariness might also mean that you are journeying to multi-dimensional realms for meetings and consultations as your physical body is resting. This is an exciting time and many consultations are taking place to ensure that all is well and continues to be so.

You are each learning to live from the heart and this has required the opening of your heart chakra in a way that leaves you feeling vulnerable and uncomfortable. Many of you do not realize this and so there is a feeling of tension that you feel as you go about your day. This feeling comes from no longer having your protective shield around your heart space and also will explain the increased emotional reactions to observations of life that move you to tears. This means that your feelings of empathy are now expanding to include all aspects of life, even those that you shielded yourselves from before.

As your empathy towards all of life expands, greater feelings of compassion, mercy and forgiveness begin to be felt and it becomes second nature to share these with others around you. The Cosmic energies of Love continue to increase in intensity, and creating and expanding your Pillar of Light each day will be of great help, just set the intention and request that your Pillar or Tube of Light now expands to a 12 foot diameter as you go about your daily activities. You have been increasing your energy fields considerably during the last year and this is now possible.

The areas of your solar plexus are being cleansed and adjusted so there can be feelings of anxiety, tension and uncomfortableness during this process. As before, the process of cleansing and purifying continues to greater and greater depths within your physical bodies. Your cells are being cleansed, renewed and bathed with Light and your bodies are becoming luminous. When you perceive yourselves in the darkness, you know that you are Light. Many things are changing slowly, others are transformed quickly. This all depends on each person’s path and the work that was previously done to begin this process, so there are no set rules of how this might look. It is a different experience for each of you individually but some occurrences are more universal in their impact.

Continue your steadfast devotion to your chosen roles and know that we are ever with you, more so than ever before. We communicate with you on a regular basis and this is becoming much easier than before, as each of you begin to recognize our Presence when we come to you. Continue to gather together for worldwide meditations to add your Light and your energies of Love to all upon the Planet and to the Earth and all her kingdoms. As you know, it is much needed now.

Until next week…..

I Am Hilarion

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com

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SaLuSa, May 9, 2011


zon.jpg SaLuSa, May 9, 2011

The changes on many different levels are becoming powerful, and suddenly many aspects of normal daily life are not as comfortable as they used to be. There is a feeling of insecurity and uncertainty, unless you are the ones who see that they are a means to an end of the old ways. However, although it is not yet obvious, the changes herald the beginning of a new era that will reflect the wishes of the people. No longer will power be held by the privileged few who dictate the way of the world. The Dictators and Tyrants who resist change will not be able to carry on in the face of the demands of the people, and in some instances may have to be physically removed. Long before Ascension new appointments will have to be made in all areas of politics, so that the right people of spiritual understanding can lead you onwards. It has happened in the past, but at no time to the extent that you are about to experience. Your leaders must be beyond reproach and stand for freedom, honesty and a desire to be a servant of the Love and Light.

The Spiritual Hierarchy is well aware of your needs and has planned for the souls that are required to see you through to Ascension, to be there when you need them. They in turn know their destiny is to step forward when the occasion arrives, and that time is approaching very rapidly. Be assured nothing has been left to chance, but methodically planned for the greatest day you will experience in this lifetime. Ascension is a great event within the ever-ongoing process, which will be a giant step forward into the higher dimensions. It is beautiful and most encouraging to see the Light building up upon Earth. It is increasing all of the time and brings together those souls of a like desire, that wish to create a new Earth where there are no dark energies, and instead a heavenly like existence of beauty and harmony. By holding their vision they help it manifest and it will more than fulfill everyone’s dreams. You can have a foot in both worlds, but sooner or later you will make a permanent transition to the new one.

The pressure that our allies have been exerting to bring disclosure out is paying off, and once the facts begin to come out it will soon become an avalanche. After all of this time the people are ready to learn the truth about us, although the more extreme incidents and events surrounding some disclosures will cause considerable shock. It will come from learning that ET’s have been in touch with your governments for some 80 years, and are known to have bases inside the Earth, and on the Moon and Mars. Whereas you have been led to believe otherwise, NASA has removed traces of their existence from photographs and film. By all means possible you have been kept ignorant of our presence, and any other civilization that has attempted to communicate with you. Of course there have been individual contacts that have taken place, but it was hoped by the dark Ones that they would largely be ignored. The time has never been better for the truth to come out, and we are working with our allies to restore freedom of expression amongst your journalists and the news media.

Everything we talk of now is with regard to preparing the way for our arrival on Earth. It will be the next step in moving you all forward so that working together; we can begin to restore the Earth. There is clearly much work to be done but with our technologies it can be made a simple task. However, our principle responsibility is towards you, and to ensure that those who are on the path to Ascension arrive there safely. We have no doubt that you will be fully prepared and that your consciousness levels will have reached the required level. You are gradually experiencing new levels and by now some of you will be able to acknowledge such changes within you. It comes with a greater understanding of the purpose of life, and the intelligence that you call the Creator that exists in All That Is.

The Galactic Federation comprises of civilizations that have long ascended, and are now part of the Love and Light. To you they would appear as Gods, which in one sense they are, but not in the traditional way they are often depicted by you. Many are of human appearance but perhaps that is where the similarity ends, inasmuch that they carry the higher energies that can be strongly felt when you are in their presence. Their touch can be healing and their words so loving and re-assuring, although words are seldom used but instead telepathic communication. It is something you too will eventually master and use for its clarity of expression, unlike words that can sometimes be inadequate. Indeed, as you continue to rise up in consciousness, you will find that you will experience telepathic contact as a normal development. You already participate in it without actually realizing so, and for example you take it for granted where your pets are concerned. They usually understand far more than you would give them credit for, and you can easily put it to the test.

Be aware, and be awake as much is happening now that pertains to Ascension, and filter out that which has no bearing on the future. For example those who do not go along with it will in some cases spread doubt if not deliberate disinformation. You need to stick to your understanding of what you expect in the coming months. By now there should be expectations that fulfill the requirements for Ascension to take place, and these will come to pass. The plan has been active for a long time, but it is only now that the numerous occurrences begin to make sense. Look for the positive moves that will see new governments taking shape, and note those individuals who speak out with the truth. Anything less will not “ feel” right and should be set aside.

Dear Ones, the end times are really under way, and as you lift your vibrations you will find that you are able to more easily discern between the truth and untruth. You will be untouched by the negativity that still abounds upon Earth, and move more steadily upon you own path to Ascension. You need not look back, as little of what exists now has a place in your future. What does will be uplifted in a form that is in harmony with the higher vibrational levels.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased that for those who have their eyes and ears open, the evidence is mounting to show that some positive actions are about to occur. We close by sending you our Love and Light to accompany you on your way.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light

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Unexpected Changes in the Sun Will Change US, Too

The scientific community has been amazed to discover that there are changes taking place in the nuclear decay rate in particles being emitted from the depths of the sun. This is an unprecedented change, and David Sereda here discusses what we are likely to experience as this process continues. The increase of energy involved, which started in 2006, will affect everything on earth, including the human body and the human mind. Scientists believe that it is happening because the solar system has entered an area of the galaxy that is affecting our sun--and us--in ways that we have never seen before. Could the "cosmic sap" predicted by the Mayans to enter the world in 2012 be a "cosmic sub-atomic particle?"

Read the original source: http://www.unknowncountry.com/revelations/unexpected-changes-sun-will-change-us-too#ixzz1LnZIxzN8
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Transition into the Quantum Crystalline Field

The Vortex of the Golden Law of One

Lord Metatron via James Tyberonn


Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light! We encompass each of you in a vector and
field of Unconditional Love within coded light. We nurture you, we honor each of
you. We know you by heart, by tone, by name. It has always been so !

Every life is a sacred opportunity to explore and discover what dwells within. Upon
the earth, the expanded dimensional overlays of the Crystalline Transition  fulfills
this promise by the hallowed movement into Mer-Ka-Na.

Awareness  evolves therein into wisdom, and wisdom into  Conscious Mastery….and
beckons the return home into the honored crystalline light of Divinity.

And so we speak of the Crystalline Transition and its anchoring in the Crystalline
Vortex of the sacred ARK. It involves so  many of you from the Golden Age of harmonic,
peaceful Atlantis, the era of the forgotten  ‘Law of One’.

Reemergence of The Golden Law of One

Many do not realize that within a Golden Phase that endured over 20,000 years, Atlantis
was a highly spiritual matriarchal society that existed in beautiful harmony.

This advanced, peaceful society was termed the  ‘The Law of One’. Edgar Cayce readings
referred many times to the beauty and benevolence of this ‘Law of One’ society in
what he termed the Golden-Age of Atlantis.

The Atlanteans of the Law of One were extremely tall, often exceeding 12 feet in
stature. There skin was a translucent golden bronze color. They were of Pleiadean
Star-Seed with full 12-strand DNA and extremely high levels of consciousness, exuding
pure love.  Their physical form was very light, at times they pulsed a very visible
aura of yellow gold that extended over 20 meters from their 12 chakra system.

This Golden Law of One society in Atlantis represented what humanity will in time
regain. The Golden Era of Atlantis in the society of the Law of One was the most
evolved, the highest frequency ever achieved by humanity in duality, more elevated
in spirituality than LeMuria.

Many of you were part of the Law of One. Your hearts were broken when the greedy
militaristic Aryian faction cunningly  took over Atlantis , misused the crystals
and led to the sad demise.

But the Law of One are now re-emerging, and it begins with the promise that will
indeed be kept. The Temple Crystals will never again be misused.

They are reawakening in Arkansas and Brazil.  The Crystal Vortex of Arkansas completes
on the 11-11-11. It is why many of you are drawn to this energy, for it is a long
awaited, deeply cherished  completion.

The Vortex is Completing

The activity of the Crystal Vortex is quickening. We have told you in previous channels
that the vortexial portal of Arkansas is emerging to be one of the most important
and powerful energies on the planet. It has grown logarithmically over the past
3 years, and many unusual phenomenon are beginning to be noticed in the Crystal

We tell you Masters, this is just the beginning, for the crystalline energy is amazingly
robust and effusively dynamic. This benevolent energy is indeed a force of omnipotent
ubiquity that has not been seen on the planet in many millennia. It is a powerful
combination of telluric, hyper-dimensional and cosmic forces that are capable of
shaking the earth and opening dimensions. It is also capable of up shifting your
frequency. All of these are in fact occurring, and exponentially so, as there are
dynamics of crysto-magnetic physics at play that are beyond your current scientific

Arkansas is the largest deposit of natural quartz crystal in the northern hemisphere,
and the second largest deposit in the world, second only to Brazil. But it is the
largest unsegmented, continuous deposit on the planet, and contains the most resonant
crystals, indeed programmed and coded crystals from the Law of One. The quartz deposits
in Arkansas begin in the area of Little Rock and extend in a massive western curve
for over 170 miles, with a width of 35-40 miles.

Arkansas also contains unique combinations of magnetic minerals, radium charged
aquifers and a diamond deposit, which work synergistically with the quartz. Because
of this blend of energies, the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas is the most powerful in
terms of the potency and utility of its vortexial-portal field. This is why the
Atlanteans were especially attracted to the area, and why the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance
still retain underground bases in the area. It is rapidly completing, and is on
path to soon become the Trigger of the Ascension.

Crystal Caves

Masters, beneath the surface of the central region of Arkansas rest enormous beds
of exquisite crystals the size and beauty of which are visually stunning. Some of
these quartz points are over 40 meters in length, seeded by the early Atlanteans.
There are crystal caves beneath Arkansas that are esthetically mesmerizing exuding
symmetry and inner light that is sublime.

These ‘Master Crystals’ are beyond the reach of your mining concerns, and that is
purposed. These crystal entities are very ancient and have been in a dormant mode
for millennia. They were programmed with specialized attributes by the Sirians &
Atlanteans, and are now in joyous modes of re-activation. These awakenings are
releasing efficacious dynamics and energies that spawn unusual phenomena as they
reboot, none of which will be malevolent, quite the contrary.  Indeed they are
a gift of immaculate proportion and intricate value.

Question to Metatron: On the 1-1-11 (Jan 1, 2011) 5,000 birds apparently fell from
the sky in Arkansas, and on the same day 100,000 fish died in the Arkansas River.
Can you explain what happened, and is it related in any way to the Crystal Activation?

Metatron: It was indeed an occurrence that raised quite a lot of attention. The
demise of the blackbirds was in truth an aspect of the crystalline energies of
Arkansas, the death of the fish was not. And although initially reported as occurring
the same day, the fish began dying several days earlier. The fish died as a result
of a bacterium in the river waters, which occurred as the result of residual traces
of an agricultural pollutant that drained into the river far upstream.

The referenced occurrence took place when an enormous flock of red-winged blackbirds,
hundreds of thousands of which nest in this area, flew into a piezo-electrical pulse
of crystalline energy in that portion of the Crystal Vortex. The birds flew into
an electrical vortexial emission that sadly temporarily stunned them and approximately
4500 of a flock of more than 15,000 experienced a loss of equilibrium. They died
as a result of blunt trauma from the crash to the ground. Now we will add that
this particular type of flocking bird operates in group-thought pattern, somewhat
similar to a school of fish. This type of life form is actually a unified concentric
beingness and one ‘mind’ pattern regulates their awareness. This is  how they manage
to make such beautiful aerobatic swirls in mass, as if precisely choreographed.
In a manner of speaking these flocks are one entity with many units composing one
awareness .  They are not individual beings, per se, in the usual sense. As such,
their composite beingness is still quite alive.

Now, let us add that what happened in Arkansas was not a result of HAARP or any
covert military, secret government activity, despite the conspiracy theorists speculations.
It was a natural occurrence that has taken place before in this area, albeit from
different tension source.  All quartz is piezoelectric. This is a mineralogical
property of quartz well known to your science. Quartz is capable under certain pressurized
conditions of emitting an electrical charge. However, in this case the charge was
triggered from the quickening pulses of the enormous Atlantean Temple Crystals in
Arkansas. The pulsing activations of the Temple Crystals created a surface charge
across the face of the massive quartz deposits and this released a crysto-electrical
charge. The piezoelectric shock wave occurred briefly and at an elevation 2000 feet
above the ground.

Now, we tell you that other ‘unusual’ incidents of quartz properties have been occurring
as a result of the crystals activating and such events will continue to manifest.
Quartzitic energies  have myriad properties when combined with magnetics that are
as yet unknown to your scientists. Magnetite is widespread and abundant on earth,
but magnetic minerals with properties exhibiting intrinsic polarity are quite rare.
One of the most potent concentrations of intrinsic polar lodestone is in the quartz
bearing center of the Crystal Vortex at Magnet Cove, Arkansas near Hot Springs.

Crystalline quartz when blended with certain magnetic properties are capable of
opening dimensional apertures to create what you term stargates and wormholes in
space. These are intermittently occurring, appearing and disappearing in random
apertures above the earth’s surface in the crystal vortex at present. This activity
will be regulated after the alignment and recoding of the Crysto-Sun disc on the

Ionic Fog & Non-Faulted Earthquakes

Among the crystalline phenomenon that has recently been noted is the green magnetic
fog that permeated the area of Mount Magazine on the 9-9-9 and briefly shorted the
electrical grid. While the ‘green’ fog was reported by local media in Arkansas ,
it was not a water vapor, but rather an ionic emission that occurs typically within
worm holes. We tell you that it was visible for a brief period on your satellite
screenings and baffled scientists. It was the result of the activation of the Emerald
Crystal opening multidimensional corridor frequencies.

On the 10-10-10 earthquakes occurred in areas of Arkansas that are not known fault
zones. These quakes were very unusual in other ways as well. They were not preceded
by the typical frequencial shift of the Schumann resonance and the high pitched
sonance that alerts animals and birds to the coming earthquake. Rather a tranquilizing
‘white-noise wave’ was emitted, and the birds continued singing, and the animals
were unafraid. The quake was not a result of tectonic fault line pressure in the
usual sense. Rather it was a direct result of the crystalline surge pulse creating
a dimensional integrational expansion and a brief aperture in the membranes that
define such parameters.

Crystals were indeed used inappropriately in military applications by the Aryans’
in Atlantis to trigger earthquakes. What took place on the 10-10-10 was a random
incident of their ability to manipulate light into hyper velocities that result
in an aftershock. Just as sound waves can create ‘sonic booms’ when exceeding certain
velocities of Mach speed, so can crystalline light create a velocity induced reverse
wave when it exceeds the ‘normal’ speed of light.

An Omnipotent & Benevolent Power Source

Dear Ones, we again tell you that Crystalline Energy is an omnipotent power source
that has implications far beyond humanities current understanding. Crystalline structure
is formed by an essence of frequencial light resonance that is multidimensional
and coherent, existing in matter and antimatter. It is the Metatronic divine template
that sources all creation manifestation, and forms the very matrixial composition
of every plane of existence. It is the enzyme of reality transduction and the vitality
spring of the Divine Thought that forms the Cosmos itself.

Crystals are great receivers and transmitters and a strong communication network
occurs between Master Crystals and indeed Crystal Vortex-Portals.  The two most
powerful Crystal Vortexes on the planet are indeed Arkansas and Brazil. As such
the connection of the Arkansas vortexial portal to the Brazil vortexial portal
is extremely important in the Ascension and global crystal network.  Two Master
Temple Crystals are located in Brazil, in Bahia and Minas Gerais. The former is
Atlantean seed, the latter LeMurian seed crystal. The energies of both are maintained
and reactivated in Brazil and connected to the ‘Law of One’  Crystals in Arkansas.

Keep in mind that while LeMuria is acknowledged as a civilization of great spirituality,
there were thousands of years in which Atlantis harbored far greater frequency and
enhanced levels of spiritual mastery that greatly exceeded that of LeMuria.  Atlantis
fractured into a polarized society before its demise, but many of the most important
crystals were protected, uncontaminated and stored before they fell into misuse
and destruction. The greater of these are stored in Arkansas and Brazil.

The Platinum Crystal & the Golden Sun-Disc

The intricate rebooting of the Crystal Vortex is nearing consummate integration,
but will not be fully completed, fully networked in a global aspect until the 12-12-12.
What has taken place over the past 3 years and what will occur on the 11-11-11
will bring the Crystal Vortex-Portal of Arkansas in its final processes of regional
insular integrated function.

On the 11-11-11 the Platinum Crystal will be activated, it will set forth an enormous
crysto-wave pulse that will in intertwine with the energies of the Blue Crystal
of Knowledge and the Emerald Crystal of Healing. These energies will then trigger
the Crysto-Golden Sun Disc located beneath sacred Pinnacle Mountain near Little

The Sun Disc activation is a significant event that will be felt across the Earth
and Indeed the Cosmos. The Crysto Golden Sun Disc was put in place by the Sirians
in alignment with 11 other locations across the planet. It originally weaved the
energies of the areas of the Arkansas Crystal Vortex, the crystalline, the magnetic
and the radioactive living waters.  In addition to the Sun-Disc, there were Pyramidal
Structures used to refine the energies of the vortex. The complexes of the Toltec
Pyramidal Mounds were the last constructs of these and still remain visible today.
The end result was a complex energy generator stream capable of myriad benevolent
function. The capabilities varied from energy feeds to the Atlantean hyper tunnel
system, the Crystalline Satellite (Second Moon of Atlantis) as well as feeding refined
energies to the crystal poser system that powered Atlantis. The vortex was essentially
de-energized in its true function after the demise of Atlantis.

It has in the past decade been prepared for its activation, or rather re-activation.
The sacred codes for the reprogramming are within the Akashic Field, the Crystalline
Paradigm, within the sacred conscious library of MAX, the 13th Crystal Skull of
the Pleiadean-Sirian Alliance.  MAX will indeed be in the Crystal Vortex for the
re-programming on the 11-11-11.

The final completions of the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas are extremely important
to the Crystalline Transition of the Earth. And the crystalline transition is key
to the Ascension.

That is one of several reasons why so many of you are drawn to Arkansas for the
Triple Date Portal gatherings, and why many are choosing to relocate their residence
to Arkansas. This will gain in momentum over the next few years. Many ‘Crystal Children’
are incarnating into this special energy.

Spiritual Emergence in Crysto-Magnetics

The new emerging Crystal Vortex of Arkansas will be far more powerful and serve
a different function than it did in the Atlantean era. This is because the Atlanteans
placed the aforementioned three Temple-Crystals in Arkansas before the tsunamis
inundated Poseida. The purpose and potency of these Temple-Crystals have created
resonance that is far more ‘spiritual’ in aspect and effect. The addition of these
three to the huge natural crystals will add their succinctly specialized conscious
programming’s of knowledge, wisdom, healing and multidimensional awareness. And
while their sheer natural attributes are quite capable of shaking the grounds and
bending the space- time continuum far more powerfully than the famed Fire Crystal
beneath the Sargasso Sea in the area of Bimini, their regulation into refinement
via the Sun Disc and Pyramidal controls will insure that they are kept in optimal
benevolent purpose and balance.

It is the magnetics of this location in Arkansas, in fact,  that has held these
crystal energies in balance. That is why the Atla-Ra specifically selected this
area in Arkansas for their storage, and seeding. You have no idea of the energy
these are capable of generating. You see it is the use of magnetic energies along
with etheric light, light above and below the visible spectrum, light you refer
to as ultra violet & gamma that is used to both subdue and amplify crystals.  An
etheric gateway has existed over this area for the past 20,000 years, and a gateway
of high frequency light is able to be focused into this area. This capability is

Tunnels & Electrum Gold

A vast network of hyper dimensional tunnels networks the areas below central and
NW Arkansas. These lead to enormous chasms and crystal caves. Some of these are
still in dynamic utility.  The ability to detect these tunnels & chasms will not
be within your scientific capabilities for many more decades. And that is because
they exist in what may be termed intra-space within a frequency of parallel hyper-dimensionality.
Yet those humans of sufficient light quotient indeed can sense them, and indeed
their energies do intermingle with and code the natural beds of quartz in Arkansas.

But there is still more to the energy. A very rare form of the noble metal gold
is present at deeper levels within the beds of quartz crystals below Arkansas. It
is a form of unique, crystalline electrum. Much of this rare form of gold electrum
was mined and exported from your earth. The deposits in Arkansas were not. These
have been purposely guarded and protected in order to serve a great and greater
purpose in the unique properties of the Crystal Vortex. Your geologists are well
aware that gold often occurs in crystallized quartz, but have not as yet explored
the unique fields, uses and energy that octahedronal crystalline gold electrum

The Great Atlantean Temple Crystals placed below the lands of Arkansas are actually
an alloy conglomerate of quartz, silver and gold. These were manifested through
Arcturian technology. The frequency of crystalline electrum gold is capable of combining
with specific types of high frequency quartz to enable the ‘bending & molding’ of
dimensional fields through an electro-alchemical process that transforms atomic
structure.  Dimensional access tunnels were often created in this methodology by
the Atlanteans to create wormholes or dimensional tunnels within the Earth’s mantle
that could be accessed at a higher frequency.

Many of these hyper dimensional tunnels were laid into place along the flows of
existing leylines of natural telluric currents that flow on the Earth. Tectonic
shifts have damaged many, but not all of these. Some of these were simply deactivated.
There are higher dimensional beings, from the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance and the
benevolent Ashtar Command Legion that have been given the task of protecting, repairing
& recoding  many of these currents, dimensional tunnels and crystals over the past
three decades. Some of you such as the channel, work with them, and is why you are
heavily drawn to be in this energy

Ley lines and great crystals were de-energized at periods when the people of Earth
went into the periods of consciousness decline, in the sad wake of Atlantis. This
was done without damage to the crystals. The reactivation process of portals, crystals
and hyper dimensional matrixes has been taking place since 1987, and will continue
over the next two years through 2012, when it will be completed.

The Law of One

You’re very atomic structures are composed of perfectly aligned geometrics, crystalline
geometrics, knitted into place with the thread of electro-magnetics. Electricity
and magnetics are components of light. Your spectrum of visible light is but a
candle in comparison to the magnificent geometric light of the higher spectrum.
The crystalline aspect of Arkansas is not limited to the quartz. The energy of Arkansas
is on higher dimension that of a multidimensional octahedron that has formed itself
to the levels of the ninth through the twelfth dimensional fields. The energy is
transformed from the hexagonal of quartz to the octahedron of gold quartz and diamond.
Diamonds project both an octahedronal and dodecahedronal geometry, and the kimberlitic
volcanic pipes in Arkansas that yield  the energy of diamond, transform the cube
to the octahedron. The hexahedron cubic is enclosed in the octahedron. The quartz
Crystals of Arkansas are imbedded with the energy and wisdom of what is referred
to as the Atlantean Law of One.

The Master Crystals placed there have frequencially transferred this vibration to
the quartz indigenous to the area, and as we have explained, the Masters Crystals
contained a higher dimensional alloy of gold conglomerate that has been received
energetically by some of the natural occurring beds. The crystals from the McEarl
mine carry this unique harmonic. These are especially potent. All crystals are alive,
in a real sense, and have an ordered consciousness, and self-awareness, but each
carries unique and specific blueprint patterns. This pattern is greatly varied
according to the geology and astrological energies of the vector. Therefore seemingly
identical gems and crystals can be quite different in their energetic projections
according to the location in which they occur.

Tri-Helix Vortex

The Arkansas vortex is quite unusual in its movement. Most vortexes in the northern
hemisphere of your planet spin in either ovaline or circular counter-clockwise flows.
The crystal vortex of Arkansas has a very unique, very specialized ‘ to and fro’
vortexial motion. Moving approximately one-third of its circumference counterclockwise,
and then rapidly reversing back in clockwise motion. This occurs in 3 separate arcs
of 120 degrees. The forward and backward shift of this vortex is most unique, and
is purposed in generating greater upward thrust of the crysto-magno-hydro energies.
The energy of Arkansas has three succinct telluric forces that contribute to its
tri-helixed field. These are the magnetic, centered in Talimena Ridge, Crystalline
apexed in Mount Ida and the radium Hydro- energy centered in Eureka Springs. These
make up the 3 discreet arc- gyros, which are regulated and tri-helixed through the
Pyramids below Toltec Mounds and coded in the Sun Disc below Pinnacle Mountain in
Little Rock. The unique pattern of the vortex generates the energy into incredible
thrusts with both a receiving and transmitting manifold.

The geology of the area is extremely unique, more so than even your geologists recognize,
and is precisely why the Atlanteans colonized and developed the area. It is why
there are underground bases of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance in the area.  The
area is a rare mineralogical collation of natural quartz crystals, diamonds and
magnetic lode stone. Pyramids to coordinate the natural projections of these energies
and intricately intertwine their energies have existed in Arkansas for over 25,000
years. Remnants of the last ‘surface’ pyramid still exist in Toltec Mounds (State
Park) just south of Little Rock. The Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance have maintained an
enormous sub terranean Pyramid below the Toltec Mounds since Atlantean times. It
is among the reasons so many crafts are sensed over the Crystal Vortex. Three such
bases are in the Arkansas area.

On the Triple-Date-Portal  of the 11-11-11 the last of the thee Atlantean Temple
Crystals, the Platinum Crystal of Interdimensional Communication will be activated
from its long dormancy and join with the Emerald Crystal and Blue Crystal of Knowledge
to finalize the combined components of the NEW ARK Crystal Vortex.  The three Atlantean
Wisdom & Healing Crystals that once beamed magnificent light and celestial energy
in the Temple of Healing, the Temple of One and the Temple of Knowledge on Poseida
were placed in dimensional lock in the Atlantean Crystal Fields of Arkansas. The
first of these was awakened in 2008, the second in 2009. In 2011 these further
activate and align with the awakened Temple Crystals held in Brazil, Mount Shasta,
and Lake Titicaca.

We will speak in more detail about the Platinum Crystal in a future assay. But we
will tell you it is a nurturing (feminine) energy of the Platinum Ray and facilitates
balance between dimensions and energy sources. It provides an optimal communicative
reception between what may be termed inter and intra consciousness planes. It also
serves to form a cohesive interface between the duality planes and the integral
planes. It lessens the arc of duality.

Final Transition Process

The Platinum Crystal will be thrust into activation from long dormancy at precisely
11:11 a.m. on the 11-11-11 from its dimensional lock, in a chasm below  Magnetic
Mountain in NW Arkansas. It will be triggered by a Cosmic Force generated through
the 144-Grid, initiating an activating pulse from the Emerald Crystal. The Platinum
Crystal will then instantaneously reboot into flow with the 3 telluric energies
and the two other Master Temple Crystals. This will immediately send a communicative
wave pulse to the Golden Crysto-Sun Disc and a recoding will occur that will be
fed to the Toltec Pyramid regulators. For the first time in 20,000 years, the vortex
will be regionally complete.  Masters, truly all that remains in 2012 is the Globalization
of the Crystal Network with the 12-12-12 activations of the Bimini Fire Crystal,
and the Crystal of Thoth below Lake Titicaca. This will incur the final rebooting
of the 144-Crystalline Grid and the 12 Golden Sun Discs. The trigger will be the
12-12-12, the rebooting will finalize on the 12-21-12.


The graduation of your planet, that termed the Ascension, is in effect the critical-mass
that will allow for the conversion of this Earths receival capacity template from,
in your vernacular, analog to digital, from black & white to color. An incredible
transformation is only a breath away, literally. The Crystalline Conversion through
the antennae of the 144-Crystalline Grid is about to vastly increase the earth’s
dimensional reception from 3d to 12d and beyond. It is akin to your television
changing from the archaic antennae to satellite reception. It is the Crystalline
Age, the wind beneath the wings of the Ascension. The fulcrum apexial points are
the Cosmic Triggers and the Triple Date Portals.

But release the fear Dear Ones, this time of the Ascension, in this New Crystalline
Era, the mega power crystals will not be taken from you and misused as occurred
in the sad demise of Atlantis. Indeed they will never again be used for any purpose
other than the highest good. Be assured of this! It is a sacred oath that will indeed
be kept. For you are the family of the Law of One returning to keep this promise.
It is why so many of you are drawn to the completion in the Crystal Vortex, for
indeed many of you feeling the call were among the revered Scientist Priest of the
Law of One, the Atla-Ra, that relocated the Temple Crystals .

While many of you have carried guilt for the loss of control of the crystals, it
was indeed the deceptions of the Sons of Belial, the militaristic Aryans of Atlantis
that schemed and took the controls from Poseida that led to the destructive forces
and deluge. The guilt some of you carried for millennia, and yet carry today indeed
is misaligned. It is time to release this. The clarion call is beckoning.

You of the ‘Law of One’ took an oath that the Master Crystals would never again
be misused, that you would not allow them to fall into the wrong hands. Dear Ones,
it is a promise kept. Their sacredness and benevolent purpose has manifested.  You
have waited a long, very long time for this completion. It is a contract nearing
fulfillment, and you are to be commended. Indeed you made this happen! The Crystalline
Transition, the heralded Ascension will occur. It is happening now!

I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are beloved!

And So It Is…

The above Metatron Channel is transmitted through James Tyberonn.  As receiver of
this information James Tyberonn claims the universal  © copyright in the name of
Archangel Metatron.  Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information
is not altered, abridged  or added to, and credit of authorship and website address

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By Stewart Rhodes of Oath Keepers

and Brandon Smith of the Alternative Market Project

To put it simply, America ( and the World for that matter ) is nearing a checkmate scenario. Like the
final torrid maneuvers of a rigged chess match, we have been pressed,
manipulated, and attacked into the last remaining corner of the “grand
global chessboard” left to us; centralized control of all social and
economic power into the hands of an unworthy elite. If we continue
playing the game by their rules, we will lose. There is no doubt.
There have been many solutions presented to us in the past to combat
this development, but nearly all of them function within the constraints
of Federal politics. Working within the system has earned us no
quarter, and frankly, no results. Our only recourse (and, frankly, the
best recourse all along) is to STOP relying on the rules of their game,
and to walk away from the chess board completely.

Globalization is essentially just another word for centralization,
and the key to centralizing any system is to remove all options until
the masses are completely and utterly dependent upon a single dominant
paradigm. Globalists have deceived many Americans into believing that
centralization is a “natural” process – that their game is indeed the
only one in town. The widespread acceptance of the fiat monetary system
is a perfect example of the average person’s unfortunate lack of
economic flexibility. Only recently, in the face of dollar devaluation
and complete financial collapse have many finally begun to question the
legitimacy of a single brittle and corrupt economic structure. American
politics are no different.

The elites have conned us into thinking that the only possible
“solution” to where we are is federal elections, which only vote in new
puppets for the puppet masters to manipulate in an illusory shell game.
We have been tricked into thinking we are free because we come
together from time to time to select our rulers.

But of course, this country was not founded as a democracy, but as a
Constitutional Republic, and in such a Republic as ours, liberty is not
just about “kicking the bums out” every few years only to vote a new set
of bums into Congress, as the globalists would have us think. Federal
elections are just one small part of it. The Founders intended us to be
active, sovereign citizens, in strong communities and strong, sovereign
states, and that is about far, far more than merely voting.

But because the globalists – with the aid of complicit domestic
counterparts – have been able to capture our education system, our
media, our political system, and our legal system, they have succeeded
in dumbing us down and duping us into thinking that all other mechanisms
for constraining power have been removed from the table. In fact, we
have been convinced that all of the other fundamental institutions of
our republic– aside from voting – are illegitimate, or even criminal.

The Founders gave us a dual sovereignty republic. That means states
are as much sovereign within their sphere as the national government is
within its sphere, with a national government of limited, enumerated,
and divided powers. As our Tenth Amendment makes clear, “[t]he powers
not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited
by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the

In Federalist 45, James Madison (widely considered the ‘father of the Constitution”) promised the American people that:

The powers delegated by the
proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined.
Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and
indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external
objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which
last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The
powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects
which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties,
and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and
prosperity of the State.

Clearly the design of the Founders’ has been turned on its head. With
the aid of complicit judges – which Thomas Jefferson called a “corps of
sappers and miners” – who willfully misinterpret the Commerce Clause to
grant Congress the power to regulate literally anything, we now have a
ruling class who will admit of no restraints on national power with a
national government of nearly unlimited de facto powers, grown like a
metastasizing cancer far beyond the bounds of anything foreseen by even
the most skeptical of Anti-Federalists from the Founding era. All
actual, physical and structural powers of any real meaning –
legislative, military, legal, law enforcement, and economic – are
consolidated in the hands of the federal government. On top of this,
they have grafted a hydra-like overlay of international law and
international unelected agencies and untouchable international
“officials” that are also being imposed up us by means of treaties,
executive partnerships (such as the supposedly now defunct Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, now being revitalized by the Obama Administration) and other constitutionally dubious mechanisms.

While we are distracted with elections, they are planning the
destruction of the dollar, the collapse of our economy, the final
destruction of our sovereignty, and the total absorption of our entire
system into the vapid body of an unaccountable global government.

This is why we must stop playing by their “rules,” must get off of
their artificial chess board, and instead play by the rules of our
Constitution. This means taking power into our own hands as
individuals, communities, counties, and states.

To do this, Neithercorp Press, the Alternative Market Project, and
Oath Keepers are working together to focus on concrete solutions that
can be applied by the average American in their day-to-day lives, in
both the private and public spheres. In the limited time we have left,
we urge Americans to focus on the following four key strategies
(arranged in order of priority of needs):

1. Food and fuel independence and security – and other essential infrastructure
(general preparedness) – as individuals, within local veterans
organization chapters, neighborhood mutual aid societies, churches,
co-ops, farmers markets, and at the town, county and state levels). In
the aftermath of an economic collapse, food is the hardest necessity to
improvise, and food scarcity is a serious achiles heel, exploited by
oppressive regimes throughout history. To get started on food storage
and independence, follow the advice on providentliving.org
(you don’t need to be LDS to learn from their experience in food
storage and preparedness, or to use their canneries). Likewise, we will
need fuel, emergency medical, and resilient communication that can
function in a grid-down crisis, devoid of internet communication (or
with the internet shut down intentionally by means of a kill-switch).

2. Physical security and Independence – again as
individuals, neighborhoods, towns, counties and states, to include
forming neighborhood watches, mutual aid associations, a volunteer
sheriff’s posse (staffed by volunteers under direct command of the
sheriff), and county militias established by county ordinances but
staffed by self-supplied and self-funded volunteers (as is done in
volunteer fire departments all over this nation), and ultimately, a true
state militia capable of “repelling invasions” (using the research and
model bills of Dr. Edwin Vieira). Americans have plenty of guns, but
not enough organization. See operationsleepinggiant.org for details.

3. Economic security and independence – as
individuals and communities, including barter networks, use of silver
and gold as real money, the development of valuable trade skills, and
sound money bills at the county and state levels (as Utah just passed
into law). The localization of community commerce is the only sure way
to counter globalization. The more independent and insulated cities and
states are from the corrupt and dysfunctional mainstream economy, the
more safe and secure they will find themselves when that economy
implodes. We must have an alternative to the fiat money system in place
to preempt such an event. See alt-market.com for details.

4. State sovereignty and nullification of
unconstitutional federal laws and actions. Veterans must support only
sheriffs, state legislators and governors who have the guts and
integrity to keep their oaths. To vote for an oath breaker, is to
become an oath breaker. We must defend the powers reserved to the
states and to the people by supporting state sovereignty resolutions and
nullification of unconstitutional laws. See tenthamendmentcenter.com. And eventually we must kick the bums out, as GOOOH recommends. See goooh.com.

We will soon be publishing an upcoming series of articles that will
provide in-depth details on each of the above four key pillars of
action. While we should not turn our backs on the tactics of educating
the public, supporting constitutional legislation, voting for honest and
principled representatives, or nullifying unconstitutional laws (we
should certainly make full use of the soap box, the ballot box, and the
jury box) it is now time to dedicate ourselves to much more. The very
future of our country, our liberties, and the prosperity of the next
generation depends upon this.

For the Republic,

Stewart Rhodes

Brandon Smith


More: http://neithercorp.us/npress/

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May 1-8, 2011

Beloved Ones,

The work continues. It requires now your steadfastness in maintaining your highest vision for the Earth and all upon and within Her. Maintain your central core of identity and never lose sight of your purpose for being here, for it is time now to let your Light shine forth, to release the last vestiges of the personality self and allow your Higher Self to manifest in and through you. The Love in your hearts now shines through with golden white purity and this is what you are meant to allow through you into the World around you and as you do this, you radiate and touch others with the love of the Christ within you.

This is the time you have been waiting for and your purpose is now being fulfilled. Each of you may never be recognized and acknowledged for the Light that you bring, nevertheless, without your presence here, the changes upon your Planet would be too terrible to bear. By your presence you have made a difference and you still ARE making a difference. By combining forces and joining together at opportune times, the Light created by and through you, can and does bring about the highest outcomes for all.

Trust that all that is occurring is bringing about the greatest and highest good for all even though it is difficult to see this in manifestation as you are experiencing the changes in your personal lives. Be at peace, Dear Ones, and maintain your calm acceptance of what is occurring, knowing that it is bringing through the highest outcomes for the Earth and everyone and everything upon and within Her. Your inner strength, resilience and courage, all gifts of the Spirit, will continue to lead you, one step at a time into greater and greater downloads of Light. As these downloads occur, you will experience a fluctuation of greater and lesser energy in your 5 body system.

When the energy is great, creativity will blossom forth and flourish within you. Many beneficial works can be created during these times. When your energy level is low, it is a time to rest, contemplate, meditate and integrate all that has been given. Your inner growth continues and by working with the energy cycles, you will be in greater awareness and ease in order to assimilate and make use of these energies. Those of you who are open channels such as our Scribe, will sometimes be hard put to muster the energy necessary to bring our messages through and when this occurs, it creates an energy drain that requires immediate sleep and rest. We ask for your understanding if and when this may happen and our messages are delayed, for the Scribe is also undergoing extreme transformations within her five body system as are the rest of you. Sometimes, the messages just can’t come through on time because of these inner transformations.

Yes, it is difficult, and yes, you are each eminently qualified to work through these transformations, just allow the nurturance and compassion for yourselves as it is required and honor yourselves in times of low energy levels and know that it is temporary. Know that higher energy influxes creates a feeling of sleepiness in most of you initially and by working with these cycles and honoring the needs of your body elemental, you will continue to make progress.

We are ever with you, no matter where you might go. Our connections have been well established and much communication is occurring between us on the inner dimensions. We are as One.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.




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I AM a Spiritual Warrior - April 2011



I AM a Spiritual Warrior




I AM A Spiritual Warrior
By Cheryl F. Batoon


Today I felt inspired to write about who I AM. I AM A Spiritual Warrior. What does this mean exactly? This means that I am a Champion for the Truth and a Warrior for Spiritual Freedom. For me, to be a Spiritual Warrior means that I stand up for who I AM. I AM Love, I AM Peace, I AM Truth, I AM a Child of God, the Universe, and I AM here to stand up for the Truth, what is for the greater good of me and for everyone. That is what it means to me to be a Spiritual Warrior.

I believe that War is never ever necessary and yet you may wonder why I would call myself a Warrior which means to be one at and/or of War. I am not talking about War that causes harm to another soul, creature, and/or being. I am talking about the Spiritual Warfare that is going on within. This is the struggle that we have and are going through to rediscover our Authentic Selves. When you are at your best, you are your Authentic Self. Be a Warrior for the Freedom of Self and others, the Freedom of Love and Compassion, and to give and receive Love in ALL things. Finally, remember that you are Champions of the Truth.

Give, Serve, and Share your Truth always. Live by your Truth as if you are transparent to all around you and to everyone who sees you. With that, demand the Truth be given, served, and shared with YOU. YOU are deserving of the Truth in all things.

I ask each and every one of you to stay strong my Brothers and Sisters, stay strong. These are my thoughts and what I believe:

“We are destined for beauty and love, to live Heaven on Earth. We are to be balanced, both within and without, in ALL things. Even when we are giving or appear to be giving more of something in that moment, know that universal law always brings something back to you. It may be something small and maybe something you might overlook if you aren’t paying attention, but know that the Universe is balanced and what you put out will come back somehow, someway. There is no Karma, it is just quite simply Balance…”

“Remember that Love is a seed that has always lived within you. No one can ever take that away because no one has the power to take your love from your heart, it permanently resides there; freely given and freely received. With this wisdom, you know you are loved and you are love; therefore, release the need to struggle with this and surrender the pains, the wounds that have never served you. Let them heal once and for all. Release what no longer serves you and move forward as Champions of the Truth and Warrior for the Freedom of Self. You don’t need anything external to you that does not reside within you.”

“Truth Seekers and Speakers, our time is coming when the Truth shall open doors, windows will rise up before you, the human race will be more enlightened, and a collective consciousness will stand up to meet all with the glistening, glowing light of the Truth. The time for the Truth is upon us. We have little time left to ponder this for it is already here. The time now is to bring your Truth into every interaction with compassion and love for self and others always. This means to be your Authentic Self and know that you are a Warrior…you will always stand up for your Truth. A Spiritual Warrior stands up for the Truth, but always with compassion and unconditional love. Any other option will lead to difficulties and more struggles. Focus on the Truth, be diplomatic, be direct, be persistent, and know, live, and love your Truth always…You are the Champion of Truth and you are a Spiritual Warrior…”

Sending you all an abundance of love and blessings as you follow your life purpose and walk your path…be a Spiritual Warrior who has conquered negativity and remembered who you always were, a beautiful spirit who is loved and loves. You are who you always were, your Authentic Self. Don’t give up for paradise awaits us in this beautiful Universe created by God, our Higher Source, whatever that means to you personally…our true Heaven on Earth is here now, it is just a matter of seeing it…Peace & Love…

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The title "indigo children" was originally given to people with the ten attributes described below who were mainly born in the period from 1975 through 1995. Some sources use the term "crystal children" to describe indigos at a young age (younger than age 7); and some state that the children being born today (after the year 2000) are "crystal children" who are more sensitive and spiritually connected than the indigos, who they claim are more warrior-like in nature. Carroll and Tober have not detailed why their classification is particularly more useful or accurate than approaches based on conventional child psychology and sociology; rather, they claim the list was "channeled" by Carroll from a mystical entity they call Kryon. I am not much into metaphysical channeling.

Carroll and Tober identify ten attributes that they claim describe the indigo child:

  • They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it).
  • They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others don't share that.
  • Self-worth is not a big issue; they often tell the parents "who they are."
  • They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).
  • They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.
  • They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don't require creative thought.
  • They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like "system busters" (nonconforming to any system).
  • They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.
  • They will not respond to "guilt" discipline ("Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did").
  • They are not shy in letting it be known what they need.



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by Astraelia,  extracts from: www.astraelia.piczo.com

As a solution to the problem of the invasion of parts of this universe by a contingent of dark negative races coming from another universe and that have at the moment subjugated 20 planets including ours, God has created a new dimension above all the existing one, a 12th dimension of Light. This will cause to lift up all existing dimension up one dimensional step. So it is an event of cosmic proportion that will be happening, and this dimensional shift is called the Ascension Process.

This Dimensional Ascension will proceed in good part through principles of advanced celestial technology that is beyond our actual capacity of understanding. But to my best understanding, it will also proceed in a substancial percentage of the cases, through a technology many are already familiar with. It is the capacity of celestrial spaceships to beam up or translate through a light tunnel a human being aboard their very large motherships.

This has happened before, a long time ago on this planet, when many Indian tribes that were faithful to the Light, had been given safe harbour for many centuries on the Celestrial home planet, until the conditions were propicious again for their safe return on Earth after a similar large scale event that did occur here.

ASCENSION will be a TRIFURCATION of humanity. A separation of humanity into 3 distinct
groups according to the respective spiritual frequency level each individual will have attain in this life and the long sequence of successive reincarnations we have all been through.

1) THE ASCENSION GROUP: All the committed spiritual people, and those that have acquired deep understanding of the spiritual dimension behind the presence of positive spiritual  extraterrestrials in this end of cycle time of 2012, and that have made a conscious and mindful decision and choice to ascend with the spiritual ascension of 2012, will ascend to 4th and 5th dimensional realms of existence with a renewed mother Earth, and will have the great blessings to live the return of the celestrials to Earth and will be able to receive their spiritual teachings and will be reunited with the Light. All 3th dimensional aspects will disappear, our body will be transformed to Light bodies of a crystaline nature, and we will live in harmony and love with our mother Gaia and our blessed brothers and sisters from the celestrial realms.
Some will be able to live and work in collaboration with the celestrials, and visit their planets, and come and go between the celestrial worlds and Earth, according to the requirements of their mission. This will be more of a paradise than we can even conceive at the moment. We will be reunited with our higher self and we will live in constant union with the Light and Love of Prime Creator in our hearts.

2) THE DISPLACED GROUP: All the good people of Earth that compose the majority of the population, that have not awaken to the existing manipulation on Earth by the dark controllers of our institutional network, and that have not proceed in their life time toward a spiritual evolution, will remain on 3th dimensional level, but not on this Earth. They will very gently be beamed and transported to other existing 3th dimensional planets, but without any existence of covert manipulative dark influence as it has been the case on this planet since the invasion of earth by a contingent of the dark force that occured about 500,000 years ago. So it will be like living in a paradise compare to the conditions we have here at the moment.

3) THE DARK CONTINGENT: The quantum raising of frequency vibrations of mother earth, will make this planet unlivable for the dark souls. All the remaining dark souls that have been part in the conspiracy since millenium, and that are spiritually negative beings will be removed from earth completely. They will be thrown into the central sun of the galaxy, and their soul existence will become extinct.


Of our own we cannot adopt an attitude of coming “ready or not”,
but as has often been intimated,
there is a date whereby we must get started with the program for cleansing the Earth.

Also the sooner we can openly converse with you,
the quicker your energies can be put into positive action that is in alignment with Ascension.

Those of you who chose to be part of that process, will already have been awakening to the golden opportunity that presents itself. We would like to think that very few, if any of you with that in mind coming into this incarnation would fail to rise up to the challenge.




--  There is certainly no lack of assistance,
and once you declare your intent to take to the path of Ascension,
many souls of Light will guide and accompany you.  

--  The upliftment from where you are now to Christ consciousness will not be very long,
as you would measure time.

--  There are key points all along the way to that exalted state of being, and one is 2012
when there shall be a great input of energy into your solar system
that will affect every living form.  

--  There will be a quantum leap in consciousness,
and you shall take your place again amongst the Masters.

--  All of this is quite natural when a solar cycle is completed,
and it is as much a clearing out as a cleansing.

--  Your dreams of moving into a higher state of being will be more than fulfilled.



The GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT is the large armada of many thousands starships coming from numerous advanced celestrial civilizations that have accepted to come to the help of humanity and Mother Earth in these paramount times. We are most fortunate that these long lost members of the human family have accepted to provide benevolently their help to us. They have come mainly for 3 great priorities.

- To help and guide all those that are spiritually ready and willing into the process of the spiritual ascension into a higher dimensional frequency level that will occur around 2012.

- To contribute to the liberation of humanity from the covert institutional power seizure of the Illuminati secret society and it's secret alliance with negative extraterrestrial races.

- To provide help to humanity in the occurence of some major natural perturbations. They would provide assistance in terms of food, shelter, free energy devices and a possible mass evacuation in their large mother ship if and when it becomes absolutely necessary. The possible spectrum of events that might generate such large scale survival crisis are many and may dynamically compound together:

- It covers a possible SUN MAGNETIC SUPER STORM that would occur at it's peak in december 2012. This solar cycle is well known and predicted by our science. Such magnetic storm would collapse all electrical grids and burn the ships of all computer systems. Nothing anymore will work in our technological society.
This very real possibility has already happened on Earth around 1984 when a mega magnetic storm hit Earth, and all the East coast of the North America continent saw it's electric grid collapse for almost a whole week.

(But recent NASA stereo films of the sun have capture at least 5 giant planetoid size UFO around the sun whose size can be estimated to be as large or larger than the size of out planet Earth.  This is an extraordinary confirmation about the existence and presence of these numerous planetoid UFO that have been revealed to be in our solar system by messages from the Galactic Federation of Light chaneled by Sheldan Nidle. These Planetoid UFO where seen coming in and out of the sun as it was used as a dimensional portal. So there seems to be a major process of healing and transmutation of the sun going on with the assitance of these giant planetoid UFO of the Galactic Federation. It has been said that the sun would play a major role in the dimensional transformation that will soon see.)

- the GRAVITATIONAL PERTURBATION BY NIBIRU and ensuing giant tsunami caused by the cyclic returning of the planet Nibiru.
( Latest reports from the Galactic Federation reveal that Nibiru's trajectory has been modified and that it will be no more a perturbation influence in the 2012 scenario.)

(The Galactic Federation has revealed that it is now proceeding in a very progressive way to the righting up of the tilt of Earth rotational axis, in order to bring it back to it's original state. They are doing this over a long period of time in a manner that will bring a minimum of perturbation possible.)

- a MEGA GAMMA RAY WAVE COMING FROM THE CENTRAL SUN OF OUR GALAXY that the ancients have known to occur cyclically every 26,500 thousands years and is now predicted for december 21 2012. (All time travel machines coming from technological exchange arrangement with extraterrestrials, that where existing on Earth have been disassembled, based on the advices from human from the future, since these devices have been known to spontaneously activate themselves at the moment of alignment with the Galactic Central Sun, with the consequence that they multiplied the energy coming from the center of the galaxy, sending an excessive amount of energy to the Earth crust, with the consequence that mega earthquakes are produced. This dangerous threat is now out of the scenario.)

The important thing to remember is that the Galactic federation is here. There is an astounding Armada around Earth and in our solar system of the order of million of star ships of all sizes, role and origin and they have received the mandate from Prime Creator to assure that all that want to ascend ascend safely with the dimensional shift to 4th and 5th. dimension. We are about to become butterflies of light coming from their cocoon... They do have the means to influence at many levels the nature of the transformations that are coming. The Galactic Federation of Light insures us they are actively and successfully working to alleviate the potential impact of these possible perturbations. They are here to insure the full success of the spiritual ascension process on decree of the Prime Creator of this Universe. They are what we here on earth call Angels. Angels are a lot more than we have been told, they are also our ancestral brothers and sisters who have sown Earth with the beautiful Light Beings we were before our Planet was invaded Eons ago by a contingent of the Dark forces. The Celestrial forces are coming here to help to recreate a New Spiritual Age of Light on Earth and a new Era of collaboration and exchanges with the numerous advanced spiritual civilizations from other inhabited planets we have been cut off from since thousands of years.)


About the difference in tone and outlook that are perceivable between the messages coming from different Star Nations, the Pleiadians, Andromedans or Sirian messages, and those coming from ex-military or scientific whistle blowers that where part of top secret joint ventures between the secret government and different extraterrestrial races.

There are 4 levels of explanations for these differences:

1) Each Galactic Nation has taken the responsibility to reveal a different aspect or angle of what is going on, according to their respective role and area of expertise, the Pleaidian having often taken the role of talking about the most difficult aspects we have to learn about the situation, Salusa from the Sirian star nation being the most optimistic and confident, the mesages from the Andromedans being somewhere in between.

Originally, the Pleiadians where supposed to be the forefront star nation coming to our help because they have had the greatest involvement with Earth in the far past. But they have dragged their feet, and had a hard time dealing with their own karma and errors they did relating to their past with the eventual demise of the civilization of Atlantis that started like a great civilization of light and finally got infiltrated and corrupted by the illuminati secret society.ect. So they have gone to the Andromedans and asked for their help, because the Andromedans had no past involvement with us and where therefore completely neutral, and it is now that Andromedan council who have inherited the first role as leaders of the coalition of star nations.

2) the messages are not all of the same age, some are very recent, other are 5 or 10 years old, and a lot of things have evolved since.

I remember 5 to 10 years ago, the involvement, help and direct intervention of the Galactic Federation was far from being acquired. Messages from this period will reflect this.

But there has been a huge evolution in the last 2-4 years on this aspect. The Galactic Federation have received a clear and unequivocal mandate of intervention from Prime Creator, who have lift off the normal law of non intervention that exist usually between advanced cosmic civilizations and more primitive emerging civilizations like ours.

3) Almost all the insiders and whistle blowers who have worked in secret government joint ventures with different extraterrestrial races have had contact ONLY with the negative control oriented Extraterrestrials, and often are completely unaware of the whole agenda, presence and important involvement of the positive spiritually advanced Celestrials and Celestials. This understandably leads to a darker tunnel vision because to the US secret government, the Angels of the Light which the Celestrials are, are enemies and they do everything to hide and diminish their power and influence on events.

4)  Also for the most part, these ex-military or scientific personal, due to their social environment and upbringing, have had relatively little opportunity for their own spiritual development and understanding of the deep spiritual meaning behind the whole phenomenon of extraterrestrial interventions on our planet both from the spiritually advanced civilizations, that are part of the Angelic realms, and the regressive civilizations that are under the control of the dark energy that have invaded parts of this Universe. All the hope that the presence of the Galactic Federation represent is sadly absent in the evaluation of the situation that these point of view represents.

So there is hope, and we are asked to believe that the hope and faith we create in our hearts do have a powerful influence in the overall dynamic of the shift of the Ages.



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They say a picture is worth a thousand words.....  ok,



Miles of death, destruction

'I don't know how anyone survived'

More victims are being found from a tornado outbreak that leveled entire neighborhoods in six states. At least 247 people are dead, including 162 in Alabama. FULL STORY



The Royal Wedding

Latest news


Does anyone see any GOOD news.....?......right on....don't know about you....but i find more valid news within this site than i do on CNN........keep up the GOOD work people......



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Hilarion's Weekly Message: April 24-May 1, 2011


Hilarion's Weekly Message: April 24-May 1, 2011
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff

Beloved Ones,

As the energies pour in with great intensity, you will find yourselves experiencing many multi-dimensional interludes that seem to occur simultaneously to your normal everyday activities. All of a sudden you will realize that you were 'away' and bring yourself back. This is an indication that you are processing the higher energies and bringing them into greater alignment within your physical vehicle. It is important to maintain equilibrium during these times and focusing upon alignment with the Ascended Earth timeline is of utmost importance. The more of you who do this each day, the stronger the energies to align to this reality for each of you, for your combined energies create the space for a greater number of Souls to awaken and seek the Light.

Each of you is now a continuous lightning rod for the higher Cosmic energies which pass through your physical body into the crystalline core of the Earth. There is a greater synergy flowing between you and the Earth energies and Mother Earth/Lady Gaia are in deep appreciation for the extra efforts that are being made during this auspicious time to intend and ask for the New Earth reality to come into being. Hold always the space of peace, love, joy and harmony within yourselves, for this is most important to keep anchored into the Earth at this time. Daily affirm, decree and ask for the shift into the higher dimensions of consciousness and Light to take place. This is most important for you to do.

The work of aligning yourselves with your Higher Selves is moving forward and much progress is being made at this time. It is important to keep the focus on bringing in your Higher Self and Great I AM Presence. Ask that your body be prepared to receive a greater portion of the Christ Love energy as it spirals down to the Earth. Open your hearts to this experience and feel the joy of wholeness, integration and well-being. Communicate with your Higher Self verbally, if possible, on a daily basis in order to establish communication at the Higher levels, for like anything else, you must cultivate and train your minds and body elementals to do your bidding.

We ask that you daily decree "The Great Invocation" during this week to the count of nine times each time. This will help anchor the new energies with greater ease and grace. Know that as you do this, your efforts are increased a thousandfold and we of the Ascended realms join with you, and the Angels sing the notes that will bring in the alignment to Galactic Center. Allow yourselves to feel and experience the bliss of these changing times and allow the clearing and transmuting to continue within yourselves. All is in Divine Order, Beloved Ones, the Great Work continues.

Until next week..

I AM Hilarion

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages from Hilarion * Angelic Gems of Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at: http://www.therainbowscribe.com *

Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,



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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

1 Muluk, 7 Kankin, 7 Ik


Selamat Gajun! We return! Much has happened since we last spoke to you. As is now very apparent, the world is moving ever deeper into change on every level. All of you know what has happened in Japan. This dramatic event is the result of both the energies of Mother Nature and of the dark. In March of this year, Mother Nature began a process to lift the lost continent of Lemuria from the Pacific Ocean floor, the first step of which was the recent massive earthquake off the coast of northern Japan. Another purpose of this earthquake is to change the energies surrounding the Japanese home islands. This prepares the area around Japan to be lifted up, creating a quite different surface configuration for the Japanese island group. This goal will eventually lead to further quakes to the south of Japan. All these geophysical events pertain also to the changing of Earth's declination and her overall surface reconfiguration. Although the Japan quake was initiated by Mother Earth, the aftershocks were aggravated or created by devices belonging to the dark cabal.

Since the end of the 1990s, we have been working with our Earth allies to end the various forms of dark interference in many aspects of Mother Earth's and your ascension process. We are keenly aware that the incremental containment policy laid out for us has appeared to take an inordinately long time to yield results that are visible to you, and that frustrations are running high among those of you who long to see the start of a new era for your beautiful planet. We share your concerns, and are increasing the pressure upon our Earth allies every day to complete the transfers of governmental power and to authorize the release of the long-promised prosperity funds. Meetings between us focus increasingly on the urgency of the situation and we are ready to take certain actions to push through these vital measures, but naturally we cannot reveal details of these actions to you at this time.

We have often mentioned to you the existence of a cutoff date, at which point the management of Earth's societal changes is transferred from our Earth allies to us. We desire to avoid this action-of-last-resort and accordingly have exhorted our Earth allies to stop "dragging their heals"! Their preferred timetable is no longer relevant and does not conform to the one laid out in Heaven's decrees. It is Heaven's timetable that must now be honored. Many things on many levels are coming to a head. Mother Earth needs your support in moving forward with her changes. Your many-leveled physical and spiritual changes are also crying out for more enhanced methods of healing assistance than are available to you at present. We want to assure you that we are working hard with our Earth allies to see that the dark's capabilities to run interference on you are neutralized.

In all matters concerning this first contact mission to Earth we are guided by Heaven's Hierarchies. We are aware that many of you question the fact that things seem to be taking so long while so many suffer. Know that we too share your desire to resolve all the problems facing you and Mother Earth but it is important to remember that there is a wider framework here. This concerns the primary goal of this particular Creation: the reconciliation of the dark with the Light. What is happening on Planet Earth is not just another battle between these age-old adversaries (the Light and the dark) but the bringing together into unity of these opposing forces in order to create a Greater Light. This Greater Light is to be the prime mover for carrying out the divine plan in the second half of this particular Creation.

Today, we talked about developments taking place on your world. Earth is changing and these changes are set to accelerate even further in the months ahead. It is important for you to be prepared for this and to use your knowledge of what is happening to be a source of stability and reassurance for your communities. Great change is almost upon you! Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One and Be in Joy!)

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You gotta see this.....




Get ready.... cut and paste below address.....all one line...... i'm not sure if it will work for you.....i sure hope it does.....it's somewhere in Asia......looks like Korean to me......anyway.....seriously......this one is....well......WTF?!?!?!?!.....SERIOUSLY......wanna see a flying cow?.......4 REAL!!!!!














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Hilarion’s Weekly Message – April 17-24, 2011

Lit Corner | April 18, 2011


Beloved Ones,

The time has now come for moving up the Ascension rung to the next step. It is time to turn the Inner Light switch on within you. You are each Luminous Beings and are now radiant with a glow which superimposes your physical body and can be discerned by those who have the eyes to see. Many of you are beginning to experience the magic and wonder of wonderful synchronicities taking place in your daily lives and many blessings from the Source are coming into manifestation for you. This is a time of the manifestation of all that you have desired which is now flowing into your lives in wonderful ways.

Make a point of writing down each wonderful occurrence as it happens each day, each miracle, no matter how small it appears. At the end of one week, you will begin to see how many of these there actually are in your daily existence which you may have taken for granted. All around you, life is blossoming and flourishing with new potential and possibilities and Nature’s bounty is joyously bringing forth the miracles of the cycle of new life and new growth to bless you with its beauty and goodness. Learn to become more attuned to the rhythms of Nature and give thanks each day for all Her blessings. At the beginning of a new cycle of growth, giving gratitude and acknowledgement to the Elementals, the Devic and Nature spirits will attract these Beings to you and you will notice many wonderful improvements to your gardens of vegetables and flowers.

Lift your head to the Sun in acknowledgement for its life giving rays of golden light and warmth and honor the Moon as it shines its silvery feminine rays upon you in the night. Seek to listen and become aware of the playful energies of the wind and air as they kiss your forehead on their way to destinations unknown. New life is aborning in the cycles of change upon the Earth, all that was old is made new again and begins its dance of life. Breathe deeply and drink in the sweetness of the air as it fills your lungs and moves down all the way to your root chakra, hold this sweetness for as long as you can and then expel it vigorously through your mouth until you have emptied it all. This will invigorate your body elemental with new energy.

Dear Ones, as these days of great changes come upon the Earth, keep strongly connected to your innermost Being through your heart chakra, for your heart is the key. Align your emotional body with peace and love and maximize the natural ebb and flow of the Universe. Raise your consciousness and physical form to a higher vibration that aligns with well-being, joy and abundance and embrace Unity consciousness which is the consciousness of wholeness. Remember the vastness of who you are and shine your brilliance through the lens of your life. Align yourselves with Universal principles and embody consciousness in every cell of your Being.

You are made of wondrous stuff! Allow yourselves to experience and play in the energies that swirl and eddy through you as you move about, notice with awareness everything about you. Practice focusing in the now moment and live your life fully. Make it an adventure, Beloveds.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

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Rumors continue that Wikileaks will release cables about "war" on UFO's

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange told the Guardian about "references to UFOs" in some of the cables that his organization hasn't released. Now rumors are swirling that these cables are about an underwater UFO base in the Southern Ocean.

The EU Times reports:

A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared for President Medvedev by Russian Space Forces (VKS) 45th Division of Space Control says that an upcoming WikiLeaks release of secret US cables details that the Americans have been "engaged" since 2004 in a "war" against UFO's based on or near the Continent of Antarctica, particularly the Southern Ocean.

According to this report, the United States went to its highest alert level on June 10, 2004 after a massive fleet of UFO's "suddenly emerged" from the Southern Ocean and approached Guadalajara, Mexico barely 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles) from the American border. Prior to reaching the US border, however, this massive UFO fleet is said in this report to have "dimensionally returned" to their Southern Ocean "home base".

The fears of the Americans regarding these Southern Ocean UFO's began, this report says, during the unprecedented events of July 11, 1991 (referred to as 7/11) when during the Solar Eclipse these mysterious aircraft appeared by the hundreds over nearly all of Mexico, even their Capital city. Most notable about the events of 7/11 were that as millions of Mexicans were watching on their televisions the National broadcasts of these UFO's over Mexico City, the American media refused to allow their people to view it.

Since 2004, this report continues, fleets of Southern Ocean UFO's have continued to emerge from their bases, with the latest such event being this Friday past when another of their massive fleets was sighted over the South American Nation of Chile.

The "immediate danger" to our World when these massive UFO fleets emerge from the Southern Ocean, this report warns, are the massive waves caused by their sudden eruption from what are believed to be their underwater base, or bases. In the past week alone, the Clelia II, an Antarctic cruise ship with 160 people onboard, was nearly capsized when hit by waves generated by these UFO's emerging from the Southern Ocean, and just today the Number One Insung has been reported sunk with only 20 of its 42 member crew said saved due to the same cause.






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Staph seen in nearly half of U.S. meat
April 15th, 2011
10:00 AM ET / CNN

Almost half of the meat and poultry sold at U.S. supermarkets and grocery stores contains a type of bacteria that is potentially harmful to humans, a new study estimates.

Researchers tested 136 packages of chicken, turkey, pork, and ground beef purchased at 26 grocery stores in five cities around the country, and found that 47 percent contained Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), a common cause of infection in people.
What's more, roughly half of the contaminated samples contained strains of the bacteria that were resistant to at least three antibiotics, such as penicillin and tetracycline. Some strains were resistant to a half dozen or more.


see link:




Sorry man....  this "ain't" no accident......MOFO'S!!......



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April 12, 2011


Further Explanations & Validations

by Denise leFay deniselefay.wordpress.com

Since January 2011 I’ve talked about how the NEW energies would be coming online within the Starseed Lightworkers/Lightworkers/Wayshowers now that our bodies and brains have been Rewired.  Also the Earth having been Rewired (Her NEW Grid System) so she too could receive and hold the NEW vastly higher frequency energies. I also mentioned that we will continue to live the Ascension Process in and through our physical bodies, hearts, minds and beings. This is not an intellectual process, but one that we Starseed Lightworkers  have had to live in and through our bodies to manifest and anchor (“conduit”) the NEW higher energies into the NEW Earth and reality for All others.

Phase One of the Ascension Process (terms just to help us better understand the different phases and work within the Ascension Process) was about us transmuting and clearing lower frequency polarized energies in physical 3D and astral 4D and ourselves in this life and others. With that accomplished, now in Phase Two we can and have been living, housing, manifesting and anchoring the NEW higher Light energies in and through our bodies/hearts/consciousness. We are IT first so that IT can manifest and become the NEW for All who want IT in this world.

I shouldn’t even have to say this but the Dark Ones (other-dimensional non-human Beings—Reptilians and others—plus the controlled humans on Earth) don’t want any of this to happen, so they attack us Starseeds/Lightworkers who are living this Process on Earth and overriding all of their negative systems and structures etc. Since Phase Two began (for me it was the beginning of Oct. 2010), I’ve had more personal attacks from the Dark Ones (between Oct. 2010 and January 2011) than 2008 and 2009 combined. Then with the start of January 2011, this has shifted to humans attacking me because the non-physical, non-human Dark Ones have greatly retreated over the past four months of 2011. They’ve literally had to pull back to get out of all the Light here now, so they’re manipulating any human they can to do their attacks upon us in a frantic attempt to stop, derail or slow down the Starseed Lightworkers/Lightworkers/Wayshowers etc. from doing what we have, are, and will continue to do as Lightworkers. We won’t be stopped and this Ascension Process is a done deal already.

I want everyone who followed the latest attacks and name-calling that took place in Comments on the two previous posts to connect all that with this post and with Lisa Renee’s quoted article below. According to what “Brewster” aka “Pure One” aka “MumboJumbo” said himself, it was his belief that I hated money that set him off attacking me and other people too. I never said I “hate money” because I don’t; I said that I know we are currently evolving/ascending beyond money and money consciousness. I bring this money attacking business back up here only because I thoroughly enjoyed Lisa Renee using the terms she did—“Energetic Knowledge is Currency” and “We have created a new “currency” for our planet”. Oh indeed we Starseed Lightworkers, Lightworkers and Wayshowers have and we’ve taken more than a few beatings because of it. The attacks and beatings go with the Job of being a Lightworker. I just wanted all the Starseeds Lightworkers and Lightworkers here to connect what you and I went through recently with everything Lisa Renee said in her article below. Know who you are fellow Starseeds Lightworkers and Lightworkers and know that you/me/us are right on-track. The Dark Ones wouldn’t be so desperate and nasty if we weren’t.
Denise Le Fay


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World's major powers to meet in China


by Staff Writers


The world's major emerging powers -- Brazil, Russia, India and China -- welcome South Africa into their fold this week at a summit in China that will seek to give developing nations greater global clout.

Leaders of the BRICS nations will tackle a host of issues including the conflict in Libya on Thursday in Sanya on southern Hainan island, though China's exchange rate regime will be off-limits, experts and officials say.

The summit could also offer China an opportunity to position itself as the leader of the world's emerging economies, and as a powerful counterpoint to the West, they add.

Chinese President Hu Jintao will chair the talks with his Brazilian, South African and Russian counterparts Dilma Rousseff, Jacob Zuma and Dmitry Medvedev, and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

Goldman Sachs first coined the term BRIC in 2001 to describe the growing influence of the world's four largest emerging economies. China invited South Africa to join the group at the end of last year.

Together, the five countries represent more than 40 percent of the world's population. The International Monetary Fund has said the group will account for 61 percent of global growth in 2014.

"The one thing on which BRICS will be able to work together is to raise the profile and influence of emerging powers," Andrew Kenningham, a London-based economist at Capital Economics, told AFP.

"Including South Africa -- which has more to do with its political and perhaps symbolic importance as the leading African economy -- will make this easier."

South Africa is growing more slowly than its BRICS partners, and its economy was only one 16th the size of China's last year, according to Kenningham.

The leaders -- who are expected to release a joint statement, according to the Brazilian delegation -- will attempt to reach common ground on a range of issues, notably on the situation in war-torn Libya.

South Africa was the only BRICS nation to approve a UN Security Council resolution establishing a no-fly zone over Libya and authorising "all necessary measures" to protect civilians, opening the door to coalition air strikes.

The other four countries have expressed concern that the NATO-led campaign -- which aims to prevent a bloody crackdown by Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi on rebels seeking to end his 41-year rule -- is causing civilian casualties.

Zuma said on a visit to Tripoli at the weekend that Kadhafi's regime had accepted an African Union peace plan designed to broker a truce between the embattled Libya leader and the rebels.

Chinese assistant foreign affairs minister Wu Hailong told reporters at a briefing about the summit that the situation in Libya would "be of major concern to the BRICS leaders".

Shi Yinhong, a professor of international relations at Beijing's Renmin University, said the issue was bound to come up, and some consensus would be reached.

"They could in principle call for a ceasefire, a political solution, and call on the international community and the United Nations to adopt measures to slow the humanitarian disaster," he said.

Also on the agenda will be how to strengthen BRICS' contribution to the reform of the international monetary system, Wu said.

But many issues that divide the five nations, such as China's yuan policy or reform of the UN Security Council, are not likely to come to the fore -- at least not openly, said Wu.

"This is not the appropriate venue" to discuss such matters, he said.

Brazil believes the yuan is undervalued, giving China an edge on exports and hurting the South American nation's trade balance.

Both India and Brazil, meanwhile, would like to become permanent members of the Security Council -- moves backed by Russia but not yet endorsed by China.

Russell Leigh Moses, a Beijing-based political analyst, said the summit would also be a chance for visiting countries to see just how much of a leadership role China wants to play.

"Does it want to align itself with the great powers or does Beijing want to keep looking out more for the less than powerful states?" he said.

"There is an effort by the BRICS to press Beijing to go in one direction or the other. They'd like to know where China stands."



Beijing (AFP) April 12, 2011

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