Karma's Helper's Posts (1073)

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The Process of Ascension






Beloved masters, first of all, we wish to clarify WHAT ASCENSION IS NOT. At your present state of evolution, ascension of the physical body will only be possible for a few very advanced avatars that have opened the path for humanity’s ascension into the next level of higher consciousness. The beloved Jeshua, along with many great avatars and the angelic realm, set the stage and planted the cosmic Seeds of Creator Light in preparation for this extraordinary process. …
You, the vanguard, the Star Seed, are supplying the fuel, Adamantine Particles of Light, to activate the Seeds of ascension which were planted on Earth over 2,000 years ago. Humanity is in a purification stage, in preparation for a much greater expansion of consciousness, which is affecting more and more Souls as it sweeps the Earth and accelerates exponentially as a result.
At the present stage of evolutionary change, the physical bodies of the aspirants / disciples on the Path are in the process of being infused with the transforming power of Creator Light. The cells of higher consciousness are awakening and bursting forth with the alchemical formula of transformation. You are in the process of cleansing your Auric Field of a major portion of the negative / distorted vibrational frequency patterns which have dimmed your Auric Light and have resulted in the manifestation of all the miscreations within the physical vessel.Locked in the cellular body are toxins which must be released or refined so that you may integrate the harmonious frequencies of your multi-level bodily structure once more. The Light Body cells have been dimmed, just as the Auric Field has become foggy and congested with negative energy. The God Cells are still present within and around you; they have just diminished and dimmed over time from a lack of nourishment. It is as if you have constantly been fed contaminated food which over a long period of time will destroy the bodily vessel. The ego-desire body is cunning and persistent, and it will constantly nudge you toward seeking more and more bodily sensations and self-indulgence, often with disastrous results.
You must understand, the different parts of your body resonate to a great variety of frequency patterns, depending on the spin and purity of your chakra system. You should always strive for maximum harmony within each level of your Higher Self that you integrate, and be aware that it is a never-ending process, for all levels of Creation have an inborn desire to attain the next higher level of consciousness.
Consider the notion that humanity is experiencing four realities at once: physical, mental, emotional and astral. In the physical / material world, where your body and physical senses are the major focus, your state of health determines how interactive you are in the world of physicality and how much you will enjoy the experience. Your progression into the higher realms of consciousness is a gradual awakening process, whereby you awaken to the nudging / wisdom of your Soul and immediate Higher Self /Over-Soul. As you step onto the Path of en-Lighten-ment, you initiate the process of developing a conscious / mindful awareness. You must first focus on the physical aspects of your Being: your physical vessel, the chakra system, your emotional nature and your mental capabilities. Gradually, over time, as you balance, harmonize and integrate a certain degree of unity consciousness within your physical State of Being, you are ready to access the vibrational patterns, the wisdom, attributes and abilities of the higher fourth- / lower fifth-dimensional realities. This is the basic process that we sometimes call Ascension in Consciousness.
You have an Etheric Body which contains a complete, authentic replica of your physical, mental and emotional bodies. When you die or leave your body, the Silver Cord (as it is sometimes called) is severed, and you totally vacate the physical vessel, which immediately begins to disintegrate. What will remain is the shell of the subtle body, which is composed of astral emotional and mental substance which must be dissolved before the Soul can proceed to the next level of conscious awareness. We have explained before how the unawakened Souls are taken to places which could be called Intensive Care Units whereby the Love/Light of the Creator is continuously radiated to and through each Soul’s Auric Field until the negative shell of misqualified energy is completely transmuted.
However, it is important that you understand that the death/transition, after-life process has changed radically. No longer does any Soul go into the dense astral planes to await their turn to reincarnate on the Earth. If you are a Self-conscious person whose Soul Song resonates to the higher fourth / lower fifth dimensions or higher, you are automatically taken to the appropriate plane where everything seems much like the reality you left behind, only much grander, more beautiful and more joyful, loving and peaceful. You will go through the Gates of the heavenly realms totally aware. You will review your past life as an observer, and you may say farewell to those near and dear to you; however, they will slowly fade into the background unless they are members of your immediate Soul family.
Again, the frequencies you project or resonate to will determine which dimension or sub-plane dimensional level you will be taken to, and also the levels of cosmic information you will be able to access. Your Auric Field is like a cloak that surrounds your Etheric / Astral Bodies, and it is either a cloak of Light or a shroud of negative, inharmonious energy that you have accumulated over your many past lifetime experiences. You are composed of units of energy: mental, emotional, physical, astral and spiritual. You must learn and accept the fact that you are a creation of forceful energy, an original Spark of Divine Consciousness. As a Self-conscious cocreator, you are also a director of energy via your own forceful thoughts, actions and intentions.
You exist in a whirlwind of energy: energy forces comprised of either Primal Life Force substance, the half-spectrum Light of the lower dimensions, or the wondrous, all-encompassing Adamantine Particles of Creator Light of the higher realms of consciousness. Your mental state of mind and the quality or resonance of your emotional nature determine the outcome of your creative endeavors. As a cocreator, you will mold and manifest your creative ideas / thoughts, and then you must experience the resulting manifested expression of your thoughts and actions–so state the Universal Laws.
You are to become an efficient director of Cosmic energy forces. Become a conscious observer and practice detachment. Do not allow yourself to be pulled into a vortex of negative energy created by others. Learn to stand firm and in control, as the director of your Sacred energy. Do not allow anyone to disturb your serenity and harmonious nature. However, please remember, if you do occasionally have a human moment, stop and take a deep breath and return to center, as you send forth a burst of Violet Flame to transmute and dissolve any discordant energy. You are sometimes too harsh in your judgment of Self. Perfection is not expected, dear hearts.
It is the radiance of your Higher, Over-Soul Self that gradually penetrates and permeates your physical and emotional bodies, thereby gradually releasing any accumulated negative, astral debris. The combined Light of the Over-Soul of all humanity is gradually dissolving the contaminated, distorted vibrational patterns of the astral planes, which in the past have been called the “collective consciousness,” the negative thought patterns of humanity. Love, serenity and joy are the primary qualities of the Over-Soul. Most people’s thoughts are generally random and without focus.
Lowering the frequencies of your brain waves or learning to maintain an Alpha State of consciousness provides a sharp focus of your ongoing thought processes and gives clear direction to the subconscious mind. The Alpha Mastery techniques are a profound and powerful tool. Your conscious thinking mind comprehends, but it is your subconscious mind that processes the incoming information and takes action. Becoming an Alpha Master and maintaining the appropriate Alpha level of consciousness will allow you to speak to and interact with your subconscious mind. It goes beyond will power as you develop the ability to communicate directly with your deep, instinctive inner mind and your Sacred Mind. You will find yourself naturally making the best decisions and taking the right action to achieve your goals.
The ascension process begins when your Soul Self has resumed its proper position as director of the physical Self. It is as if an ignition switch has been turned on within your DNA, which contains the blueprint for your perfect Adam/Eve Kadmon Light Body. A series of latent encodings are activated via the higher frequencies of Light that you have begun to integrate. These Light vibrational patterns contain specific encodings of color and harmonics which will affect all the cells and organs within the bodily form. Gradually, the cells will begin to absorb and metabolize the Light, and these Light-bearing cells will begin to permeate and affect the entire physical vessel.
The transmutation process is then initiated whereby toxins, emotional trauma, painful memories and experiences stored throughout the body will begin to surface, thereby creating a multitude of uncomfortable physical symptoms: aches and pain in various parts of the body, flu-like symptoms, headaches, confusion and temporary memory loss, to name only a few.
The next level of Auric Field reconstruction involves the emotional body and the astral planes of consciousness. As your physical body evolves, it becomes capable of integrating more and more refined frequency cells of Light. Your fourth-dimensional reality begins to crumble, and your illusional world becomes distorted and confusing. Your religious belief structure may begin to fall apart, leaving you feeling vulnerable and without guidance or direction. There is a Higher Self merge at this point whereby the Over-Soul facet of your Higher Self that has resided within your Soul Star (the Eighth Chakra) begins to send impulses/beams of higher frequency Light packets into your Sacred Mind, Sacred Heart and the entire chakra system. These beams activate your intuitive abilities and also contain vital information for your greater understanding of who you truly are and may also activate a Divine Discontent within.
Your Diamond Core God Cell is now integrating more and more God Light, which activates and increases the power of the Rays of God Consciousness within your Sacred Heart Core. This process is programmed within your Divine Blueprint and is also encoded within your DNA. By this time, your cells have begun to respond to the Light as their main source of energy. This is the major reason aspirants on the Path often radically change their diets to less dense food, for their physical and emotional bodies are being saturated with Adamantine Particles of Light – the food of the gods.
As you move deeper and deeper into the realms of refined Light, the physical senses may become enhanced, and your awareness of colors and sound will increase. The magnification of the physical senses means the cells within your Auric Field are beginning the task of clearing the dense, restrictive energy that has built up over many thousands of years. The foggy prison that has dulled the senses and has kept humanity in bondage is gradually being bathed in Light cells, which will result in the Auric Field becoming more radiant as more and more Souls awaken to the Divine potential within. The physical body must gradually be reintroduced to the transformative effects of the Living Light in order to reclaim the original Light Body form that was designed for all humanity.
Beloveds, cast not your eyes on the chaos and destruction that are rampant on the Earth at this time. Live each day centered within your Sacred Heart / Solar Power Center so that you may integrate into your physical vessel the maximum amount of Creator Light, and then send forth that precious gift down into the core of the Earth and out into the world of form. Know that the joint efforts of the World Servers around the planet are making a difference. We are a force for the greater good that cannot be denied. I am forever your faithful guardian and protector.




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The Cat's Out of the Bag - by Geoff West

Geoff West: University Will Not be Able to Hide the Truth Much Longer







"Geoff West is a graduate of the UN-mandated University for Peace in Costa Rica, with a Master’s Degree in peace Education (2006).  Acording to him, the university claims to educate for ‘peace’, but his experiences of Geoffrey during that time and since have reflected very little to do with the holistic peace that most are claiming to want in the world at this time.
In light of this, Geoff sent an email to the administration, selected staff, alumni and others connected directly or loosely to the university. I’m tempted to say that there comes a time in everyone’s life where they feel tempted to speak out. But few actually do.
Geoff did and his email to the staff is attached below.
I remember in 2007 sending a letter to every Member of Parliament outlining the conspiracy below 9/11. Kiss goodbye to re-employability in the well-paid federal-government job I’d had before that.  In sending his email, Geoff has undoubtedly faced down the same considerations.
You may agree with Geoff on all particulars; you may not. But one has to admire the courage of his stand. The email follows." - (Steve Beckow)


Namaste and greetings to all,
I suspect that the administration of UPEACE will not be able to go on hiding the truth much longer.  There are numerous sources in the world right now indicating that disclosure of our galactic family will soon take place.  I am  including links to several sources here, including one that says that an event has taken place at the UN where the last-remaining Illuminati holdouts will be given their opportunities to relinquish their power and enslavement of humanity, lest they be held in criminal tribunals.
The energies of love and light are willing to forgive those who have been guilty for so many years and let them quietly live out their lives, so long as they stop their greedy actions and continued enslavement of humanity and our planet.   The UN has allegedly been in some kind of ‘session’, even as recently as 21June.  There are also groups at work now who are on the verge of pulling the curtain down on the dark entities that have been controlling the global economy and enslaving humanity.The University for Peace COULD have been an institution for the future, perhaps even the first galactic educational facility of its kind.  This was part of the vision I had for the institution.   The administration, like many within Illuminati circles, has attempted to hang on to their power and prestige, and maybe even believe that they were thinking and acting for the highest good of humanity and our planet.
Our current legal system is now being proven to be a fraud, and does nothing to contribute to peace and, in fact, prevents it.   There is now a legal precedent set in a UK court that invalidates the monarchy and thus it also invalidates all judges and lawyers under the B.A.R.  ANY country having a B.A.R-affiliated/recognized legal structure, including the US and Costa Rica, is thus invalidated.  Please see the article below for this:
The truth is now becoming known about the ‘Empire of the City’, and how the three sovereign territories of The Vatican, London City and DC have been collaborating to enslave humanity.  Each having its own flag, constitution, laws and tax-free privileges:

The Vatican has been controlling the messages of spirituality, London City controlling the global financial structures, and DC controlling the military structures.   At the very least, the current banking and legal systems are being shown to be criminally fraudulent at best, and all people supporting such structures will be held accountable unless they move forward into agreement with the forces that are soon to replace them.
Humans will no longer live under the influences of these negative structures.  This information is being shared globally, and more and more are awakening to lies, frauds and crimes being perpetrated by leaders and institutions of leadership.   The administration of UPEACE has also been perpetuating these systems, and thus a time will come when the administration WILL be held accountable for what it has contributed knowingly or unknowingly to the enslavement of humanity.
One source, the Galactic Federation, speaking through Sheldon Nidle in his message last week, indicates that agreements are already in place for transitional governments to take their places:
The Federation’s message for this week via Sheldon proves even more enlightening, as he relays info about accountability and about the changes of governments and the introductions of new technologies:
Earlier in the year, business leaders were given an informal presentation by experts on UFO’s and extra-terrestrial life and how to prepare for the near future.  Very shortly after this, an historic meeting was called in Washington when ALL US Ambassadors were recalled, and allegedly though not publicly listed among the topics was the same.  “The meeting was first reported (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/31/clinton-ambassador-meeting_n_81 6146.html)  by the Associated Press on January 31, less than a week after the conclusion of the Global Competitiveness Forum (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/disclosure/disclosure39.htm)  where world business leaders were given an informal briefing about UFOs (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_flyingobjects.htm)  and extraterrestrial life (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/esp_vida_alien_18.htm)  by a panel of experts.”
A message from Suzanne Spooner recently indicates that announcements on disclosure are imminent, and that events are now taking place at the UN to prepare for this:
I would gently advise following Mr. Beckow’s website closely, as it will inform you of much of what is happening at this time.  How to begin preparing either yourself or those around you?
As a graduate. it had been my sincere and honest desire to bring a deeper understanding of what true holistic peace means and why the people of the world have not been allowed to experience it.   My experience, background and research prepared me to offer something unique to the institution.  The choices of the higher administration have indicated their desire to think only for themselves, and not for the Highest Good of all.   A wonderful opportunity to create an institution of ONENESS, holistic peace, and galactic education has more than likely been missed, so long as the current choices of the present administration continue.
Numerous messages and ‘official’ sources are now supporting that disclosure is soon to come.  Whistle-blowers from The Disclosure Project (www.disclosureproject.org) and other sources such as Robert Dean who has the highest security clearance in NATO (cosmic clearance) are revealing all they know and have been a part of.  The mainstream media has also been complicit in the cover-up since they are also controlled by the elitists.  There is also an abundance of videos on YouTube now, showing the appearance of ships from our galactic families.  They have indicated in the past that they would be ramping up their appearances, and from what is now on YouTube, this appears to be very clearly the case.
For a small sampling:   http://stevebeckow.com/2011/06/more-ufos-than-you-can-count/.  More and more countries are now opening their ‘X’ files, and recently the FBI released a document outlining more info about the ‘mother’ of current UFOlogy:  The Roswell Incident.
It is a process that cannot be stopped.  There is a possibility that it may be delayed a little longer, as it has been for some time now, due to criminal free-will choices of the dark energies to create earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, other weather-related storms, as well as radiation scares, pandemic scares, vaccination scares, GMO-foods, flouride in water, chemtrails, and so much more.  All of these are designed to keep people in fear, debt and separation.   All of this is now being exposed.  Mainstream education, including that offered at UPEACE has merely been a tool for the perpetuation of a dying paradigm.  Peace was never possible within that paradigm, at least not the kind of peace that most are claiming to want.
The ‘peace’ that the administration has been claiming to support is a lie that was used to perpetuate continued states of peacelessness and fear, to justify the continued marketing of courses that claim to prepare people for a kind of peace that is impossible within the current (collapsing) paradigm.   The administration has profited from the perpetuation of these lies and thus a time will come when they will be confronted with this.
Leaders all over the world are now beginning to face this grim reality.  The energies of darkness are no longer being permitted to control humanity.   As part of the ONENESS, I do not seek to condemn any of you, lest I also condemn myself.  All I seek is for the truth to be made known, that the higher administration at least resign, to allow a change that can truly prepare people for the world that is rapidly forming.
It was my desire and vision to bring more light, love and galactic awareness into UPEACE, and see it become all that I knew it could become.  I also know however that the administration is fearful of these changes, and thus has sought to keep me and my work separated from the institution officially, despite my repeated requests.  I gently emphasize that this does not make them ‘wrong’.  They had to be this way, in order for everyone to begin awakening to what is really going on.  I am merely one voice (of a growing number) among the students who have begun to realize that UPEACE is not what it has been claimed to be.  This led to my request to have the administration buy back my degree, because they did not deliver a program of peace that I expected when I attended.
Having said this however, in awakening to the duality of humanity’s existence, I was able to learn more what peace is, through the experience of what UPEACE is not, and thus this is why I am remain grateful to the souls of the higher administration for what they have done.  However, the coming future has no place for their kind of ‘peace’.   It cannot and will not survive in the higher vibrations of love and Light that are now sweeping the planet and awakening human consciousness!
As a representative working for the Light and for greater love in the world, I will gently advise the administration that the kinds of policy and academic decisions that perpetuate the old paradigm will no longer be tolerated by awakening people globally.  It would be wise for the administration to consider resigning, and allow new representatives to replace them who understand better what is now happening in the world and who are not seeking to glorify themselves in the perpetuation of a paradigm that is far from peace-oriented.   In fact, it is the exact opposite, under the illusion of ‘peace’.
Such has been the same for ‘democracy’, our global banking and legal systems too.  Those within the circles of the Empire of the City have done a grand job exploiting, controlling and enslaving humanity, but this time is now over.  With the help of courageous souls who have risked their lives, their careers, their reputations, our galactic families are now working in tandem to bring in the information, the knowledge and the technologies that have been kept hidden from the world by those hoarding power and wealth.
Souls around the world are speaking up for peaceful change.  I speak up for those of UPEACE who truly desire to be a part of the coming future, and who recognize the changes now taking place on our planet.  I speak for those who are wanting to speak, but have yet to find their courage.  I speak for a love that is awakening within millions around the world, a love that is fuelling the rebellions, the truth movements, the whistle-blowing, the spiritual movements and most importantly the reunion with members of our galactic families that are lifting all of humanity into a higher vibration of love and Light!
To the administration, I offer my gratitude and love as I recognize the part of you that is me, and the part of me that is you.  I forgive you for not awakening and remembering who you are, to help create a truly magnificent institution for the future.  It would have been my profound honour and vision to have had a chance to contribute to UPEACE so that the university would have been better prepared for the times that are coming.   You have contributed (perhaps unwittingly) to making my work and my message stronger and I thank you for this!
However, I understand that people were fearful in 2006 of what my work represented.  Many are now seeing that all I have talked about is now coming to pass.  Just imagine where UPEACE could have been now – on the forefront of a massive wave of awakening in service to humanity, our planet, and our coming galactic families!  May it all be for the Highest Good of all!

Namaste, peace, love and light to all!  May you all find that space within you that acknowledges all that is no happening, and guide you to your highest service to LIFE at this time!

Geoffrey “Geoff” West, LIFE Counsellor, Lecturer and Writer – A Greenprint For LIFE, Galactic, Global, and Inner Peace/Healing
M.A., Peace Education, UN-mandated University for Peace, Costa Rica
B.A.A., Radio and Television Arts, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
A Greenprint For LIFE — Galactic, global, and inner peace/healing begins with a simple choice ~ a choice made by YOU!!







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An Adult Lives in the Center









The Region of the Center

Continuing with our discussion of the adult I-state and where it leads, (1) I’ve said that I believe an adult lives in the center.
But we may find that the center is not a finite point, as we’re used to thinking of it, but a spiritual region that keeps on opening up the closer we get to it.
The situation reminds me of one after a recent meditation retreat. I hadn’t been away from Vancouver for a long time and was now in a town called Merritt, British Columbia, some 200 miles north of here.
My wife and I began a leisurely drive back and when we reached the town of Hope, at the beginning of the Fraser Valley, I remember saying to myself, “Here we are in Vancouver.” But we were not. We were still some 100 miles away from it and just at the outside end of the valley which Hope shares with Vancouver.  But we were at the first large construct (Fraser Valley) that Vancouver was in and that I could associate with it.
We next came to the first large city, called Chilliwack, whose familiarity caused me to say to myself again, “Ah, now we’re in Vancouver.” But we were not. We were at the beginning of the “Greater Vancouver Regional District,” but not in the City of Vancouver itself, which was still 80 miles away.
We passed city after city and then came to a populated region called Surrey, which is the furthest reach of the continuous entity called “Greater Vancouver.”  I said to myself, “Ah, now we’re in Vancouver.” But we were not. Vancouver was still 40 miles away.
We travelled through suburb after suburb and entered the City and I said, “Ah, now we’re in Vancouver.” And I said the same when we reached the downtown core, and then city center, and finally the street on which we lived, and then the block, and then the apartment. Once inside the apartment, I said, “Ah, now we’re in Vancouver.”
All of it was Vancouver but at finer and finer levels of specificity.
And the same, I think, applies to the center of our being. Our arrival at the center wlll first find us at the regional district; then the region; then a suburb; then the city; then the downtown core, city center, the street, the block and finally the apartment. And the apartment will see us merge again with the Center of the center, the One, the Most High.  Ah, now we’re in the Center!
In other words, what could be thought of as the center will open up and open up the further we move into it.Up the Dimensions

The personal struggleI also think that the more we penetrate the center, the farther up the dimensional ladder we’ll go. Not only that, but I’m willing to bet that the farther up the dimensional ladder we go, the easier will be our journey. Imagine the center in the Third Dimension as being a rope we must climb. We do it with great effort and are panting for breath by the time we reach the Fourth Dimension.
But the next leg of the rope may now resemble an escalator. And the next leg we may accomplish by flying up the rope; the next by merely thinking ourselves at the top of it; the next by entering meditation and not even thinking; and finally by what will seem a magic carpet, where we don’t even need to meditate. And so on, each leg of the journey becoming easier. Of course that’s just my guess,
We may be plumbing the center if and when we enter the orders of angels and even after we graduate from those levels to ones I don’t know about or even suspect.

Twin flames unitedI think the center is a mystery, a portal, a doorway, a magical passage, the path home, the direct route. I think all that we’re hungering to find is to be found through the doorway of the center.
I could also have said the doorway of the heart, because the heart is the center. I think that, in some way we cannot describe or even understand, the center is not a center at all but something else that words cannot reach.
We’re given the opportunity to experience life at the extremes. The Third Dimension may be the most extreme of those extremes that self-consciousness can be found at. Below the Third Dimension there is, I think, no self-consciousness and therefore no experience as we know it. Above the Third Dimension, experience is less and less extreme and more and more subtle and sublime.
We think we need the highs and lows, the ups and downs of the Third Dimension, but even a taste of the Fourth and Fifth will show us what we’ve been missing and change our minds on what is desirable.
But we’ll never know that until we relinquish our taste for the extremes of life, the roller coaster of experience, the bumps and thrills of this Big Dipper ride we’re on that we call our “lives.”
Only when we’ve had enough of all that, or when the rising energies lift us up to a high enough plateau, will we begin to understand the more subtle pleasures of the center as opposed to the rough ride of the extremes and begin to turn away from the familiar territory of 3D and open up to the unfamiliar territory of the higher dimensions.
So ask me where I think we’re going? Into the center. Into the rabbit hole. Into the heart. Pack your bags, or for some leave your bags at the door, and get ready for a magic-carpet ride  second to none. All aboard!

(1) “Failure, Success and Appropriate Ways of Being,” at http://stevebeckow.com/the-2012-scenario/lightworkers/failure-success-and-appropriate-ways-of-being/


Happy 23rd!!!



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Introduction to “The Importance of Disclosure”







by Steve Beckow



I owe a debt of gratitude to Pat Donworth for putting together this book of articles from The 2012 Scenario on a most remarkable series of events that is occurring. To encounter these events is sure to lift us out of the ordinary context in which we live our lives and expand our abilities to open to new frontiers of knowledge.
This scenario holds that two events are happening. The first is the fall of a global elite that has exerted power over the world’s population for a very long time. The second is the arrival of human beings from other civilizations; in fact, the civilizations that seeded Planet Earth in the first place, as well as many other beings whose nature is wonderful and only known to us through readings that we usually consider either mythical or unproven.
All of these events occur at the end of a solar cycle of 26,000 years (some would say a cycle of even greater length) and will result in a total transformation in the manner in which we live and experience life.But even this, and all the actors who take part in it, are themselves part of an even larger drama – the drama of life itself. The galactic humans who’ll arrive here from the Pleiades, Arcturus, Sirius, Andromeda and other star nations are, like us, involved in the very same cosmic drama. For them, their service to us is simply another chapter in an overall round of life that all of us share.
That round of life, the total journey that all of us make, is one from unconscious awareness of our true nature as children of God to conscious awareness, a journey that covers innumerable lifetimes and sees us incarnate sometimes on Earth and sometimes on other planets and even in other dimensions.
Knowledge of all of this awaits us and will be given to us after an event called “Disclosure.”
Disclosure refers to the announcement by our governmental leaders that we are not alone in the universe and that other nations who have helped Earth’s civilizations since time immemorial are now here and wait to join us.
Disclosure will be followed in a matter of weeks by a decloaking of the spacecraft in which these visitors travel and reside. These spacecraft may be on this Third Dimension, which we all occupy, and simply cloaked. Or they may exist on higher dimensions. Their technology is wondrous compared to ours. Their ability to traverse space and time will seem miraculous to us. And their intention in being here is simply to serve us to emancipate ourselves from the grip of the global elite and recover abundance, sovereignty, and an unrestrained life.
Following the decloaking will come “First Contact,” when their ships slowly land and their inhabitants present themselves to us for our observation and questioning.
Following First Contact, the galactics will set about cleaning up radioactive fallout and oil spills, overseeing the process of Earth changes that will release the stored negativity in the Earth from world wars and other negative events, and mentoring us on the transformation to occur on or before Dec. 21, 2012.
All of this is discussed in these pages.
We’ll be obliged to drop many of our outmoded ways of thinking. We’ll find ourselves needing to accept such things as the soul’s survival of bodily death, the existence of such things as angels and ascended masters, the existence of a human design, called the Adam Kadmon template, which results in different evolutionary lines such as mammals, reptilians, cetaceans, insects and even plants all over the universe gradually evolving until they assume a human form – and many other wonderful new areas and dimensions of knowledge.
We’ll find that the paradigm that informs our schools, universities, hospitals, courts, sciences, and many other institutions and domains of knowledge – which we generally refer to as “empirical materialism” – is far too limited to account for life as it truly is. As Shakespeare said, there is more to life than was ever dreamed of in our philosophies. And we are about to meet those who can expand those philosophies in ways we never dreamed of.
So I thank Pat for taking the initiative to gather together and re-issue these articles. I hope they assist you. There is nothing we need  fear about our future, as troublesome as it may appear at this moment. Our world is going through a reformation and, once concluded, all of us will be overjoyed at the results.
Welcome to a new and unimaginable world. And may we all realize our dreams in the Golden Age that is predicted for us in just a little more than one year from now.

Steve Beckow
Vancouver, Canada

Pat’s website: http://www.reconnectyourself.com/

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A New Reality on Earth




by Sandy Stevenson



There is a new situation on Earth. A new directive has been declared by the Elohim. It allows for one level of reality to be dissolved to bring the state of play on Earth to a fairer level. For some time now the negative forces on Earth have been using some unfair tactics to proceed with their plan. This has now been stopped owing to continued requests of the Light Force on Earth for Divine order to occur.
The particular reality level being dissolved contains very dense energy and holds the broader sprectrum of many situations we are seeing on Earth at this time such as disaster weather scenarios, the misuse of technologies such as genetic engineering; chemicals and food; radiation and wave lengths; the HAARP project; medical technology; governmental powers, etc. Although these concepts also exist in other bands of reality, they are much milder within those bands.
We could look at parallel realities of Earth as a staircase going up into the heavens. One specific level of that staircase has been disintegrated. At the same time, the other timeline realities moved downwards to fill the void, just like a pack of cards. So, now one less parallel universe is in existence.This means that dense negative projects will begin to disappear as they have no energy impetus behind them. However, a few projects have already been integrated into the 3D. We need to do something to get these ‘already underway projects’ removed out of the 3D realm. There is a decree ahead that can handle this, providing sufficient numbers of Lightworkers do it.
Initially, there was a level playing field on Earth. It consisted of two forces (Light and Dark) with similar technologies and each had opposing goals concerning the future of Earth and humanity. The Light forces were assisting Earth on her evolutionary path, particularly with her ascension to the 5th dimension along with her life forms. The dark forces have done all they could to prevent this occurring, mainly spreading fear in order to maintain control.
With continued misuse of off-planet advanced technology by negative forces and repeated violations of Universal Law, the playing field on Earth was no longer level or fair. The advanced negative technology being used, such as negative wave lengths destroying the structure and life upon Earth, have come from outside sources and are therefore not permitted by Universal Law. Humanity has consequently been put in a position ill equipped to understand or deal with these technologies.
With the increased use of one advanced technology which creates synthetic heavy weather patterns, denser energy has begun to permeate the Earth plane. People assumed these were natural disasters, but many of the recent scenarios have been caused by negative forces using technology to trigger them. Of course, there are natural disasters as well and these may continue as needed by the Earth Mother. As humanity, including Lightworkers, have observed the disasters and heard and read of negative predictions, more energy has been given to the reality of disasters occurring, moving it closer to the fore as a possible reality for Earth. Similar predictions have surfaced in past years, but have been firmly rejected by the majority of the Light Force, who maintained their certainty that we could cleans the Earth’s dense energy with Light.
The remaining possible parallel realities for Earth are of a much lighter nature and involve continuing to cleanse the dense energies of Earth with the use of Light frequencies. She needs to cleanse any energy that is of a denser vibration that can be taken into the 5th dimension. The same applies to us and all of humanity.
The Earth is ascending now. Nothing that can stop her ascension. But the manner in which that occurs can change. If we wish this planet to stay intact and continue cleansing with Light we need to look to our own thoughts. Thoughts hold great power and Lightworkers thoughts have even more power as many hold a Right to speak for their own soul groups. Have a look at your own thoughts. See if you have agreed that the Earth is going to experience great flooding or earthquakes, etc. Do you know that if we all saw the Earth in a whole and perfect state gently moving in beautiful Light into her new position in the 5th dimension without any disasters occurring, that is exactly what would happen. The Law of Attraction says ‘what we send out, we get back.’ What exists is what we agree exists.
We are also ascending into the 5th dimension. We need to keep in mind, as Lightworkers, that our focus now is vital. We need to remain positive in all things, loving everything and everyone, not judging and clearing our own debris and belief patterns, in order to increase our own light vibration sufficiently to ascend.
The New directive is truly wonderful. It helps the Light Force a great deal and it sets the negative forces way back in their plans. But now we need to handle our own thoughts to ensure that the reality we prefer for Earth becomes the one we are living. This is imperative.
The real reason some Lightworkers have taken on the idea of Earth disasters:-
As you know, when we came here, the Starseeds were required to take on every pattern, every fear, every illness, etc. that existed on Earth, in order to create the blueprint to allow humanity to be able to release those same fears, illnesses, etc. Prior to Earth, no blueprint existed in the universe for a planet this dense.
When Atlantis sank, the Light Force imprinted a blueprint into the Earth plan that covered that disaster scenario. That allowed humanity to release fears arising from thoughts of earth sinking and people drowning. However, that blueprint didn’t cover the sort of scenario we are seeing now. Now, people are collectively afraid of all different things within the same thought pattern – i.e., earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, fires, radiation, drowning, maimed, floods, tornados, starving, nowhere to live, being swallowed up into the ground, hit by debris, etc. So, a new blueprint, or to be exact an extension of the first one (created after Atlantis); needed to be created to help humanity release these fears patterns. It requires a specific mathematical number of Lightworkers to take on the thought pattern, work through it and then release it.
Some Lightworkers have released their thought of disasters overtaking the Earth. More Lightworkers need to do so. Many are in the process of releasing it and some are stuck in that process. We all need to release it to allow the blueprint to come fully in.
Remember, people’s predictions of the future are merely opportunities to see what we are creating so we can change our mind and place our energy into something we do prefer. The reality for our own life, or the life of the planet, changes all the time depending on where the greatest thought energy is being placed. People who predict the future have to also let go of fixed ideas and constantly update. There are also deliberate negative predictions around.
What to do:
We need to do several decrees to cover what is needed. A decree is your Right as a Lightworker on Earth to request Divine Consciousness (All That Is) to act for you. Under Universal Law, in most instances concerning Earth matters, the Higher realms are not permitted to interfere. They require permission from the inhabitants on Earth so they can act. This is one of the main reasons we incarnated here and became inhabitants. Many Lightworkers also act on behalf of their soul family upon Earth, which gives great power to the wishes and thoughts of Lightworkers.
The decrees are needed to: 1. To bring the Earth into her Highest order. 2. To change negative projects instigated by negative forces. 3. To ensure we are free of anything negative personally
Please take this step seriously. If you are not in the right space, it may not reach where it needs to go. We need to become still and peaceful, aligned to highest Light, and step into our highest point of evolution. That means step fully into our mastery and merge with our I Am Presence of our Highest evolution.
First Step:
“I demand that I am now fully aligned with my I Am Presence of my Highest evolution.
Decree number 1: (to be said three times):
“By Divine Decree, in the Name of God and under the Law of Grace, I ask the Highest Realms of Light to act now on my behalf for Highest Divine Order to take place concerning the cleansing and full Ascension of Earth.”
Having said the above decree through three times, then please say the following line once –
“So Be It. So Mote It Be. It is Done.”
Decree number 2: (to be said three times):
“By Divine Decree, In the Name of God, Under the Law of Grace, I request the Highest Realms of Light to transmute and remove any negative infra structures, programmes, energy fields, wave length signals and other paraphernalia that has been placed within or around the Earth structure or her subtle bodies, on any level or dimension, with the intention of causing negative disruption, destruction or chaos in the structure of Earth or her peoples. The authorization for this request is based on the recent ruling by the Elohim that these acts are deemed to be taking unfair advantage of Humanity and life forms on Earth.
I ask the Highest Light Forces of God to bring all such activities into alignment with the new Elohim ruling, thus providing the full spectrum of the Elohim directive to allow Earth its Highest Divine outcome.”
Having said the above decree through three times, then please say the following line once –
“So Be It. So Mote It Be. It is Done.”
Decree number 3: (to be said three times)
“By Divine Decree, In the Name of God, under the Law of Grace, I request the Highest Realms of Light to remove and transmute in the most comfortable way possible, any negative thoughts, infrastructures, programmes, energy fields, fixed ideas, entities or other paraphernalia within my physical or subtle bodies, on any level or dimension, that is not in Divine Order and in my true and Highest good.
I ask the Highest Light Forces of God to bring me into the reality that has the Highest outcome for Earth, if it be for my true and Highest good.”
Having said the above decree through three times, then please say the following line once –
“So Be It. So Mote It Be. It is Done.”
With the introduction of the new Directive, the state of play has changed. With the Grace of God, may we now bring this beloved planet and all life gently to a new place of harmony and love in the 5th dimension.
All is well and in Divine order.
© Sandy Stevenson
*   www.lightascension.com/welcome.html *





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Sheldan Nidle Update - June 21, 2011


Sheldan Nidle Updates 21st June 2011


12 Eb, 10 Kayab, 7 Ik


Selamat Balik! We come again! Your world is reaching the magic point where it begins to transition into a new reality. The dark cabal, at its recent meeting in Europe, was at a loss on how to prevent it from happening. Our Earth allies have set up the final timetable for transforming your world, and the forces of Light are preparing to make the definitive push. Discussions with our liaison personnel are addressing how best to remove the dark’s main agents and where to sequester them. Then, the subsequent trials are to be swift and equitable, as a long, drawn-out process serves no one. This courtroom ‘drama’ will expose the true events and deliver proper verdicts on each individual. There is no need for this historic event to dwell on the excesses of “man’s inhumanity to man.” The goal is to explain this sorry history thoroughly, then make the emphatic point that a new epoch has begun. This is the purpose of laying bare what the dark cabal has been up to and the nature of the egregious deeds they had planned. As one of your proverbs says, “Knowledge is power.” This knowledge is to accentuate the end of your exploration into the dark reaches of limited consciousness.

The new caretaker governments will first announce and fully explain their many programs. It is felt that a time needs to be set-aside for the world’s population to absorb completely what has just occurred. Your reality is to be literally flipped on its head, and this needs informed and forthright commentary by both governmental and private individuals. After a period of assessment and activation, the next item on the agenda is disclosure. Disclosure is a unique, historic event. Your global society is predicated on certain commonly held perceptions. Disclosure, as it unfolds, will shatter these basic perceptions. Our task is to assist you through the accompanying shock. We have culled from our information on you the best possible way to explain to you the implications of disclosure. It opens up what your ascension process is all about and alters your societal approach to Gaia. Although your society’s attitudes on this matter have been uninformed at best, you have made some laudable progress on this front which we can build upon, and we fully intend to do so.



After disclosure, our subsequent series of broadcasts will introduce you to the Galactic Federation and its technology. Then we will show you Inner Earth, and the Agarthans will begin an illuminating discussion with you. Our immediate task in this post-disclosure world is to monitor your governments, launch the new technology, advise you on your ascension process, and prepare the way for our mass first contact. These activities will ensure that the final stages of your immersion into full consciousness are done in a smooth and timely manner. Heaven has drawn up a series of dates to guide the setting-up of your star-nation and your joining us as full-fledged members. By then you will have participated in several intergalactic councils on moving a number of selected galaxies to the Light. These events mark your emergence from the long quarantine imposed some 12,500 years ago at the behest of Heaven. Your unique brand of wisdom and your useful insights have been missed!

Disclosure is dependent on the transferal of government power to be carried out by our Earth allies. These promised changes did not happen on the assigned date given to us; glitches occurred that delayed the process. Hence, disclosure is to happen sometime after the solstice. We are in talks will our Earth allies to work out a scenario that is to be completed on the date we jointly agree to. Our mission here requires that the changes needed, before a formal disclosure announcement can be made, be achieved on schedule. To this end, we are asking a special group of Agarthan liaisons to guide these various affairs to a rapid conclusion. It is critical that either a number of major regimes be ousted legally from power, or that they carry out a full disclosure, a most unlikely contingency! The present attitudes of these major governments in truth leave us only the first option. The Agarthans assure us that these maneuvers can be done quickly. Thus, disclosure remains a done deal.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come to you today with information on your Soul Force exercise. The initial response has been much welcomed by Heaven. The stage is being set for the flowering of your new reality. Each of you, in your own unique way, has amiably accepted those responsibilities given you. We, too, are most pleased. You have demonstrated yet again the amount of sacred power you collectively ‘bring to the table’. As you continue to raise your spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical bodies with the assistance of Heaven, your growing consciousness has accepted the fact that you are veritably at the point of transformation. This immediate period in your history has so far been marked by a rising tide of chaos which is now about to peak. During this peak, an unprecedented transformation is to happen: Your world is to be inundated with new governance, prosperity, and, of course, disclosure!



Now, we are watching as our associates complete the final negotiations for getting the deliveries out. These talks also involve the leaders of the outgoing governments who are trying at the eleventh hour to ‘strike a deal’ and haggle over the outcome of the trials. We are fully aware that these prevarications are yet more delaying tactics on their part. Each minion of the dark cabal has done great damage to Gaia and to humanity, and these crimes require a full exposition followed by a just sentencing. Anything less is to palter with universal justice. This exercise in justice is to be a means to gain a degree of equity for what the dark ones did to your world and your society. Once done, bless them, and seek mercy and forgiveness for all! You are closing a long chapter in your dealings with the dark. Let us move with the Light into the next era, in joy and full acceptance of the great wonders that await us.

The time ahead is one of miracles and marvels. Long ago, our world was plunged into darkness as once-mighty Atlantis sank beneath the waves. Since then, we have all experienced the misery, pain, and frustration of life on Earth’s surface. This life is now to change. Heaven has put in place a process for Ascension and a means for transforming this reality. Our many lifetimes have shown us what a great opportunity this is for you to make this nascent reality a most beautiful place, and our sacred task is to use the knowledge gleaned from our many lifetimes to lead you down the divine path of Light and Love to full consciousness. We are not alone in this; we have many allies who are ready to reveal themselves when their presence is needed. Be prepared for great surprises. Be prepared for the exhilarating joy that is full disclosure!

Today, we continued our discussion about full disclosure and the changes that are destined to transform your world. The dark’s position continues to deteriorate by the day. The program set up by our Earth allies, under the supervision of Earth’s Ascended Masters, is ready to manifest! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be In Joy!)


~~ End ~~





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A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council channeled through Valerie Donner, June 20, 2011







Greetings, I am Mira. I greet you from the Pleiadian High Council.
We are as close as ever to you. We are present in your skies. We stand by your shores. We watch you and breathe your atmosphere. Your wishes are our command. We modulate as much as possible the chaos of these times on the Earth. Present are we and shall be.
Some of you are aware of our presence and others would wish us away. I am pleased to say that we are here for the duration. The direction that the Earth is taking requires us to be of assistance. There is more need than ever for direction and guidance. This is a new type of ascension that is happening. It will be a bold venture for all of you. It is now becoming more obvious that the Earth and all of you are proceeding forward and towards a new way of living.We can tell you that we are pleased with your progress. Those of you who are attendant to the needs of the Earth and to each other in the name of the Light are making giant strides in the cause of ascension. Little by little the third dimension becomes less real to you. What matters is that you do what matters. Spreading your love, Light, energy and attention where it is needed is paramount. We know that we can count on you. Likewise you can count on us. We are all contributing vast amounts to the process at hand.
There is a huge amount of energy and love coming from the Creator right now to you. It weaves back and forth. The Earth needs it. She needs all of us. It is through a miraculous process that the Earth is coming back into the fold of the galactic brotherhood and sisterhood. Change after change brings all of you closer to us in a profound manner. Your progress is amazing. The Creator wants you to know that too.
As time progresses you will feel like you don’t fit very well into your earthly garments and ways of being. You will be spending your time differently and you will even begin to look different in your human forms. We are merging together into the oneness of who we are and were intended to be. This can appear a little like a checkered pattern that flickers in and out of time and space. However, it is a pattern of sacredness, and change that manifests in a blend of harmony and peace. What does not fit and adapt to the new pattern will find itself on its way out.
This is akin to someone trying to wear shoes that no longer fit. It all works out in the adaptation to new space and time. The horizons are unlimited and bountiful if you follow the path of Light. Your potential is enormous. You will become the full remembrance of your mastery and your purposeful presence.
Little by little you will see that you have grown leaps and bounds. You will see that you are fulfilling your destiny in everything you do and in the reason that you are on the Earth right now. Remember that even when things seem cloudy and murky you will always know what to do. Trust that the path will be made clear. It takes patience and understanding. It is in this process and in our Creator that we must trust.
Rely less on information from the outside world and instead listen within. This is the source of your true inner guidance. You will need to trust self and to be calm and serene during times of chaotic change.
We are with you and so is all of creation.

I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.







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Message from SaLuSa, June 22, 2011



Message from SaLuSa, June 22, 2011







SaLuSa, June 22, 2011

Many of you have just participated in meditation and other forms of acknowledgement concerning the Summer Solstice. It has been heart-warming for us to see your response, and it is a measure of how seriously you take your responsibilities as Lightworkers. These occasions are more meaningful when you join in, and the result is that the level of Light on Earth is lifted up yet again. You are forcing the dark Ones to withdraw and cease their pointless efforts to stop progress. They remain a nuisance and we are stepping up our plan to remove them. We treat them with love and understanding as we do not judge or condemn, as that would not be helpful if they are to be converted to the Light once again. Love alone is the great power that cannot be repelled and will soften the hardest hearts. Our wish is to see every human soul rise up, even if they are unable to achieve it this time around. No soul is discarded or damned forever, and will at some stage return to the Source as a Godspark.

With 2012 approaching there is still much to look forward to, and what is left of this year will become quite a busy time to say the least. We keep edging nearer to a decisive step forward, but as normal we must take into consideration the affect of any action we take where you are concerned. Peace is so necessary to our work, as we cannot otherwise proceed very far with our plan. It will need our input to achieve it and monitor any peace agreements reached. The days of going back on them will not be allowed, and every country will have to abide by the rules. Disarmament will be permanent and weapons will be made useless and recycled. We know that the dark Ones have facilities underground but that will make no difference, as we can see into their bases and will also neutralize any weaponry in them. Space is of course our domain and many times we have had to stop it becoming weaponised, although attempts have been made in spite of our edict that it would not be tolerated. As you might say, we have our fingers on the pulse, and cannot be fooled whatever attempts are made to do so.

From one week to the next we might be able to spring into action, so keep positive and know that we come to release you all from your prison planet. Although not everyone recognizes it as such having come to accept your lives as normal, you will quickly see how limited you have been in free expression and liberty. However you are waking up, and no longer easily fooled and see through the devious workings of the Illuminati. War is one of their greatest weapons and even now they fuel the ones occurring in the Middle East. They must stop very soon, but some karma is being played out and must run its course. It is sad and we hear the cries of those in pain, but we are unable to interfere in what is your affair and the result of your actions. We do not wish to sound harsh but we are bound by Galactic Law, which we fully understand and abide by.

We note that as you rise up in consciousness there has been a sudden jump in the number of people discovering they have psychic abilities. It is early days for most of them but realize that in such an event, you are meant to develop it as a natural ability which will become more commonplace as time passes. Eventually you will all develop several types of talents that will for example include telepathy. We are talking of your elevation to a Galactic Human, that will bear little resemblance to how you perceive yourself now. Do not worry however, you will be gradually let into these changes and they will not overpower you. Indeed you will be grateful for your expanded abilities, that will make you adept and capable of becoming the Master that you are.

Whilst all of the changes are going on the whole manner of your life will alter, and it will become far more interesting giving you the freedom to travel virtually anywhere you wish. You will never tire of your new found abilities, and they will make you a complete Galactic Human. You do not yet know what it is like to become free of all restraints, and that is your birthright to be returned to you once again. You will master space travel through your power of thought, and the concept of simply wishing yourself somewhere else will become quite commonplace. In fact you could be in two places at once, but that is jumping ahead when you must first experience less complicated ideas. Be sure Dear Ones, the promises made to you are not idle dreams, and it is ordained that you ascend to start a new chapter in your life. Duality has all but served its purpose where you are concerned. So please focus on the future, and allow Duality to fade away, as it is finished.

You are very resilient souls and it seems remarkable to us that you have such a strong sense of survival. Your experiences have been very challenging yet you somehow see your way through. It is that which makes you very respected and admired, as that quality will see you put those experiences to good use when you work with evolving Beings. It is usual for ascended souls like you will shortly be, to seek opportunities to serve others. There are always new civilizations coming along, and the creators never cease bringing more into being. No one quite knows how many there are, and Space with its endless dimensions is teeming with life that goes on into infinity. Indeed the Supreme Creator is forever dreaming new life forms into existence, and these will follow a similar path of evolution to your own.

As we have intimated previously, on the one hand you are such a minute part of creation yet because of Ascension are now a main point of focus and interest, and very important to the whole process. The Universe is aware of your soon to come upliftment as physical Beings. It has created such an interest that you have quite an audience looking on to witness the event. It brings souls from even other Universes who want to share the experience with you. So never feel that you are insignificant or forgotten, as you have never had such attention as you are getting now.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and enjoying the thought of being part of your Ascension, and I am as interested as any visitor to your Solar System. They are allowed entry and near the Earth, but we place a limit upon how near they may come. The area around Earth is patrolled by our craft, and absolutely no interference with you is allowed. You are indeed safe with us as your mentors.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.




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Hilarion's Weekly Message, June 19-26, 2011





 June 19-26, 2011
Beloved Lightworkers,
Each of you are into the deep cleansing and purification of all remaining issues that have lain hidden and buried deeply within your subconscious minds, and a lot of these are issues that you thought had already been resolved. Understand, Beloved Ones, that this will continue to come up for your review until every facet of any remaining shadows rises to the surface to be seen in the Light of illuminated consciousness. Watch for synchronicities in the words and comments of others around you, especially after you have done clearing work, for often, these stubborn areas that have remained unresolved will come up after deep clearing work. What is required is to recognize and acknowledge that this is a long buried aspect that has not experienced resolution in certain areas of that situation.
Have patience with yourselves in these situations, Dear Ones, for this is an important part of the continuing process of preparing your physical Beings for Ascension to a higher consciousness. In order to embody your Holy Christ Self, all that still needs clearing of the Old World thought patterns and ideas will continue to come up for review until all is clear. We observe that most of you have come a long way in this process and will soon be able to move forward to the next step on your spiritual journey. You have all the help you need from the higher realms, all you need do is ask for any assistance you may need help with. You are surrounded by loving Beings of Light who love you unconditionally and without judgment.
We remind you again that your daily disciplines are very important and that neglecting this important aspect in your daily life will possibly bring on lethargy and a state of confusion. The energies now coming in are intense in their effects upon your physical, mental, emotional and astral vehicles and when you experience these ups and downs within yourselves, we remind you to be good to yourselves and take the needed breaks and rests that may be required to regain equilibrium. Do not give up in your efforts to continue upon your chosen Path, for the next step will appear before you as soon as you are ready to proceed further.
Observe the messages within your body, mind and emotions and try to correlate these with the current thoughts that you have been experiencing. You might try to keep a journal each day so that you can keep track of the manifestations of your thinking that occur. Become the passionate and joyful detective of the inner workings of your mind and how your thoughts manifest in the outer world. In this way you gain mastery over them. Life is meant to be an adventure and what must be remembered is that stepping into the physical realm was an event to be relished and thoroughly experienced and enjoyed for the sheer pleasure of it.
Continue to try to imagine yourselves as the great Beings of Light that you truly are and act as if you are that. Practice makes perfect in all things and before you know it, you will begin to remember your true nature as the Divine Being you are. It is the dawn of a new era and all things good are now possible.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
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The Divine Deadline for Disclosure Has Passed









Archangel MichaelMuch of what SaLuSa talked about today (June 20, 2011) was very interesting to me. Certainly the pace has picked up on our (editorial) end. It seems impossible to keep up with all that is happening. And SaLuSa says the pace is only going to increase.
We’re trying to read everything, research, but not necessarily post everything. The speed at which we’re moving makes it likely that we’ll make more spelling and format errors than usual, forget to divide articles, get some videos wrong, and make other mistakes. Please just let us know if something has gone amiss in our haste and we’ll correct it.
I did want to address some matters here that arise out of what SaLuSa and others have said. If time permits, I’ll be issuing other articles as well, because Disclosure is apparently imminent.

Suzanne SpoonerSuzanne Spooner’s sources stated that the divine deadline for Disclosure has now passed. The initiative has transitioned from the hands of Earth’s leaders to the hands of the spiritual hierarchy and the galactics.
“It is now officially decreed that the time has passed for the leaders of Earth to initiate the announcement of disclosure.
“With the given understanding that only the prerequisite of vibration & frequency be met, universally We have made the decision to initiate contact with the Galactic Federation & earth inhabitants.” (1)
Archangel Michael also implied that the divine deadline for Disclosure has passed. He made that statement in a reading I had with him through Linda Dillon, June 16, 2011:
Steve: “So it’s possible that [the date given] will not see a disclosure. Is that the case?
Archangel Michael: “It is possible. It is not our decision. We have already passed the
S: “The divine deadline, Lord? Is that what you mean?
AAM: “The divine deadline in terms of everything being in place for the
star brothers and sisters to arrive.
S: “Do you mean Disclosure, the Decloaking or First Contact, Lord?
AAM: “We mean First Contact and Disclosure.
S: “So we’ve already passed the divine deadline. Alright.
AAM: “Disclosure is something that is coming. I know what you are meaning by this. But I also want you to think of Disclosure as coming in stages. Now there has been Disclosure for a long time.” (2)

Possible Depiction of SaLuSaThere are some things about this statement I need to clarify. I need to reiterate what I said yesterday, that AAM makes a distinction between Disclosure, Decloaking and First Contact. Let me begin by defining the terms:
(1) Disclosure – The public announcement that extraterrestrial civilizations exist, UFOs are their spaceships, and that they are here for a reason.
In some of its versions Disclosure would have included an introduction of both members of the spiritual hierarchy and the Galactic Federation of Light and perhaps other space coalitions here. They may or may not discuss their reasons for being here in depth at this time.
In its current version it covers a probable announcement by one or more world leaders, probably at the United Nations, and may or may not feature members of the spiritual hierarchy and Galactic Federation of Light and other space coalitions.
(2) Decloaking – The appearance of decloaked spaceships above the Earth. The plans have gone back and forth between the decloaking of one major vessel to filling the skies with spaceships. The current plan for Decloaking is not yet known, but it will happen some time after Disclosure.
(3) First Contact – Actual landings of spaceships and probable mingling of the occupants with terrestrials. Nothing more is known about the features of First Contact. Again it will follow the Decloaking after an interval. The interval is probably smaller than what was originally planned because the schedule for events is more compressed than it was.

Avatar for Wanderer of the SkiesNext, the spiritual hierarchy and the galactics’ plans around the order of these events have changed in the past. In Oct. 2008, we were to have Decloaking first. Presumably Disclosure would have followed. And then First Contact. Now we’re to have Disclosure first, a Decloaking next, and First Contact later.
Here for instance is Wanderer of the Skies telling us that Disclosure will come first and Decloaking later.
“Expect several major displays of multiple hundreds of ‘lighted orb’ type sightings in several major cities across Europe and North and Central America in the next several weeks. We are “testing” several appearance patterns we intend to use after hard disclosure and this is in preparation for that.“ (3)
AAM discussed their separateness and the intervals between them.
Archangel Michael: “The plan has always been, or had been, to have a Disclosure time and then a period of adjustment and then what we call ‘Decloaking’ which would be visible sightings and presence of ships and beings. The reason that we had planned this timing, has been, and has always been, that your brothers and sisters do not wish to come in a situation of panic, or upheaval, fear, and certainly not one that would be creating what would be attempts at prevention or retaliation. Now this you are aware of.
“Steve: Yes.
“AAM: … Normally we had thought there would be Disclosure and then give it a couple of months or even weeks and then there would be Decloaking.
“S: Yes.
“AAM: What we are suggesting to you today is that the time frame between Disclosure and Decloaking – in other words, the visibility of ships – is very likely to be much closer together because we have delayed some efforts for Disclosure. Not that there has not been a lot of conversation, because there has been, but there has not been the green light or the choice to allow the entire populace to know.” (4)
It’s important to note that AAM said “the divine deadline in terms of everything being in place for the star brothers and sisters to arrive.” He did not say The one and only divine deadline.
There is no one and only divine deadline. There are divine deadlines for our star family to arrive, to decloak, to make First Contact, to announce NESARA, to terraform the Earth, and so on. The particular divine deadline that we have now passed is that for Disclosure.
Here, for instance, SaLuSa discusses a second divine deadline – for removing recalcitrant elements among the Illuminati:
“All of the time your dark Ones refuse to co-operate with us, we would normally wait until they recognise the futility of their actions. However, they are aware that we will not wait indefinitely, and at a certain point will be allowed to enforce their removal and put a stop to their interference. As time passes even quicker, the importance of moving on with our plan is becoming evident to us all. You may therefore be assured that action is about to commence.” (5)
It’s also important to note that AAM did not actually volunteer the term “divine disclosure”; he used the term “go-point.” “Divine deadline” is my term. When I used it, he replied: “I know what you are meaning by this.” That shows that it may not be the term he might naturally use or even prefer.
My term is based on things that many galactics have said. It is founded on the notion of a Divine Plan or Decree that exists from which the galactics’ authority flows. Ag-Agria tells us that “the Father/Mother God has decreed that this cycle shall end in the time predicted.” (6) SaLuSa explains that “we have the greatest authority one could work with, and that is your assurance of success. The Divine Plan is the key to it, and has mapped out your whole journey.” (7)
Then, on another occasion he tells is that “we have a timetable to guide us and have absolutely no doubt that all will be completed as intended.” (8)
But neither SaLuSa nor anyone else actually calls it a divine deadline. While AAM used the term “go-point,” Sheldan Nidle called them “cutoff points” and SaLuSa called them “deadlines,” which flowed from the Divine Plan. Here is what they’ve said about the notion.
AA Michael: “We have already passed the go-point.” (9)
Sheldan Nidle: “We have often mentioned to you the existence of a cutoff date, at which point the management of Earth’s societal changes is transferred from our Earth allies to us. We desire to avoid this action-of-last-resort and accordingly have exhorted our Earth allies to stop “dragging their heels”! Their preferred timetable is no longer relevant and does not conform to the one laid out in Heaven’s decrees. It is Heaven’s timetable that must now be honored.” (10)
Sheldan Nidle: “This diverse group [of Earth allies] is close to victory. Furthermore, we have apprised them of the prevailing heavenly timetable, under the exigencies of which the Galactic Federation is bound to institute a full first contact by a certain date. Thus we are honor-bound to monitor the actions of our Earth allies and to intervene if necessary.” (11)
SaLuSa: “The Divine Plan does not allow for continued delays and there is a final date by which action is required.” (12)
SaLuSa: “I … wish we could give precise information as to the timing of events near to materializing. Firstly there is much flexibility involved, and the right time may not be apparent until late in the day. The only certainty is the final date decreed by which everything must start.” (13)
SaLuSa: “We will confirm that in the whole context of your Ascension, there is an ultimate date given us by which we must be able to commence our activities. We may find it necessary to make the first move, and remove those who are holding us up in our mission to Earth and all life upon it.” (14)
Moreover, just because the divine deadline has passed does not mean that the galactics are immediately required to disclose. It means that the initiative for Disclosure has passed from terrestrials to the spiritual hierarchy and galactics; in other words, that the galactics no longer need to respect the freewill of the Illuminati to oppose Disclosure.
AAM tells us that prudence and patience is still required.
Archangel Michael: [Disclosure] can go either way. And that is something that we have not truly been prepared to discuss in detail for it is not an issue that we want people to grab on to.
Steve: “What do you mean, Lord, that it can go either way. What is ‘it’?
AAM: “We don’t mean that the shift or the Ascension or the arrival of your star brothers and sisters will not occur. That is tied down, if you will.
“But the promise and the agreement with the star beings and the councils is that it will be done in a peaceful manner because otherwise it simply is adding to the old paradigm. So we are diligently working and attempting to keep everything on schedule – our schedule not yours – for the bringing forth of what is necessary for humanity to make this leap.
“So what I mean is not if it will happen but the question of the timing – human timing.” (15)
Next point. If Disclosure does not happen on the date that is being widely discussed around the Net, it will probably happen soon after but there is also a slight possibility that it could happen some time later. Here is what AAM said about that:
Steve: “Alright, so if it doesn’t happen [date], it will happen soon after that. Is that correct?
Archangel Michael: “It is going to happen before the end of the year, regardless.
S: “Well, I’m not sure that a lot of people will be comforted by the thought of waiting another six months. That will be a difficult….
AAM: “It is highly unlikely that it will be six months.
S: “Right.
AAM: “Not because of what is happening as we observe and get ready, but because we see that the human populace, in their inner being, and even in their consciousness, they are ready.” (16)
So we have passed the divine deadline for disclosure, one of numerous divine deadlines that arise from the Divine Plan for Ascension. The arrival of the divine deadline does not mean that Disclosure must occur right now; it only means that the decision-making authority now transitions to the company of Light. We anticipate it coming imminently, but there could still be a delay. It depends on whether it can be managed peaceably or not. Finally, Disclosure will come first, Decloaking second, and First Contact third.

(1) “Suzanne Spooner: New Developments at the U.N.,” June 19, 2011, at http://stevebeckow.com/2011/06/suzanne-sponer-the-disclosure-announcement-is-imminent/
(2)  “A Reading with Archangel Michael on Disclosure,” June 16, 2011, at http://stevebeckow.com/world-disclosure-day/et-ufo-disclosure/a-reading-with-archangel-michael-on-disclosure/
(3) Wanderer of the Skies, May 31, 2011, at http://www.galacticchannelings.com/english/index.html
(4) “A Reading with Archangel Michael on Disclosure,” June 16, 2011, ibid.
(5) SaLuSa, June 20, 2011, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm
(6) Ag-Agria, Dec. 3, 2008, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm
(7) SaLuSa, Feb. 4, 2011.
(8) SaLuSa, Sept. 11, 2009.
(9) “A Reading with Archangel Michael on Disclosure,” June 16, 2011, ibid.
(10) Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation through Sheldan Nidle, Apr. 19, 2011, at http://lightworkers.org/channeling/129648/sheldan-nidle-update-41911.
(11) SHGF, Aug. 31, 2010, through Sheldan Nidle, at http://www.paoweb.com/sn083110.htm
(12) SaLuSa, May 17, 2010.
(13) SaLuSa, Nov. 17, 2010.
(14) SaLuSa, March 22, 2010.
(15) “A Reading with Archangel Michael on Disclosure,” June 16, 2011, ibid.
(16) Loc. cit.

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Benjamin Fulford, June 20 2011: “Bilderberger meeting cancelled halfway through as participants flee to avoid arrest”





by Reena on June 20, 2011 · 1 comment

From Kauilapele’s Blog


~~ Start ~~

This is overall a very uplifting message from Ben. I must say, I am filled with something like “joy” hearing about the near arrest of some of those Bilderbergers. There is still a lot of under-the-covers activities going on, but leading us out of the darkness and into the new world we have all envisioned.

Remember that Suzanne Spooner said in her latest messages, that the Illuminati “have [been] given… a temporary agreement, unilaterally agreeing to this, so that the Illuminati then relinquish their further rights to any & all proceeds. This ensures their financial livelihood only for a short duration.” So perhaps the “defection” of Mr. Ackermann and Queen Beatrix, namely their contacting the White Dragon Society “to cooperate in setting up the new financial system”, is a very good sign for this planet, and is exactly what Suzanne’s message was talking about.

As usual, I suggest reading Ben’s message with Higher Discernment turned “on”.


* …the Bilderberger meeting…was cancelled halfway through because prominent participants, including… Kissinger faced imminent arrest.
* Following this, two prominent Bilderbergers, Joseph Ackermann CEO of Deutschebank and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, contacted the White Dragon Society and offered to cooperate in setting up the new financial system.
* The collapse of the Bilderberger meeting in St. Moritz came about because the Swiss government ordered the meeting to be opened to journalists and the public, according to the CIA and BIS sources.
* …many participants decided to flee the country… when Swiss judicial officials… were planning to arrest many of the Bilderbergers… David Rockefeller, George Soros and…[other] Satanists are now more isolated than at any time in modern history.
* The legitimate and rightful owners of the world’s assets (the people of the planet earth) are now in the process of regaining control over the global financial system.
* The problem we now face,… is how to carry out a smooth transition to the new financial system…
* There is also a fundamental agreement to finance projects to turn the deserts green and replenish the oceans with fish.
* The new energy technology will be introduced in a manner that does not disrupt current financial and economic interests.
* The oil companies will be given major contracts to turn the deserts green as compensation for the gradual phase out of oil as an energy source.
* …changing how a planet is run is not an easy task and the transition needs to be handled with great care. That means it will take a bit of time.


Bilderberger meeting cancelled halfway through as participants flee to avoid arrest

Benjamin Fulford, June 20,2011

Sources in the BIS and CIA confirm the Bilderberger meeting held starting June 9th in St. Moritz, Switzerland was cancelled halfway through because prominent participants, including Henry (Heinz) Kissinger faced imminent arrest. Following this, two prominent Bilderbergers, Joseph Ackermann CEO of Deutschebank and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, contacted the White Dragon Society and offered to cooperate in setting up the new financial system. A negotiator for the Chinese communist government also expressed support for the new financial system at a meeting last week in China with a White Dragon Representative. However, a lot of technical work remains to be completed so it is hard to give a precise date for the changes. There is also a strong possibility the new financial system will be introduced quietly and gradually with no major public announcements.

The collapse of the Bilderberger meeting in St. Mortitz came about because the Swiss government ordered the meeting to be opened to journalists and the public, according to the CIA and BIS sources.

In addition, many participants decided to flee the country before Monday, January the 13th, when Swiss judicial officials, plotting Knights Templar revenge, were planning to arrest many of the Bilderbergers, the sources say. As a result of this fiasco, David Rockefeller, George Soros and their fellow Khazarian Satanists are now more isolated than at any time in modern history.

Following this fiasco, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel personally called Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan and said Israeli linked companies controlled the security at most Japanese nuclear plants and threatened a nuclear holocaust unless the codes to the financial system were handed over to the Khazarians, according to a Japanese military intelligence source. The same blackmail has also been directed at the nuclear power plants along the Mississipi river that are now being flooded. The Isrealis were told by both the Pentagon and the Russians that nuclear blackmail was not their monopoly in a clear warning to back off or else.


The meeting in China, for its part, revealed lots of new and important information. First of all, lots of new light was shed on the incident in Chiasso, Italy where two Japanese were illegally detained by Italian customs authorities and had the $134.5 billion worth of bonds they were holding stolen.

According to one of these men, Mitsuyoshi Watanabe, formerly of Merrill Lynch, he was carrying a bunch of Kennedy bonds that were supposed to be cashed in order to finance a tunnel linking South Korea and Japan.

His companion, Akihiko Yamaguchi was carrying bonds given to him by a senior Yakuza. The Yakuza said the bonds were part of a major hoard in Japan. Former US vice-president Dick Cheney recently examined the bonds, pronounced them to be real and took two boxes filled with $500 billion bonds with him. The Yakuza decided that if Cheney said they were real, he would try to cash some of them in Switzerland too.

Instead, the bonds were seized by the Vatican linked P2 Freemason lodge and by the operatives David Sale and Daniele dal Bosco.

The subsequent fight over these bonds revealed the existence of a top secret committee that had illegally seized control over the highest peaks of global finance. That committee is also known as the steering committee of the Bilderberg group. The legitimate and rightful owners of the world’s assets (the people of the planet earth) are now in the process of regaining control over the global financial system.

However, this is easier said than done because we are entering uncharted waters. At the top of the global financial system lies a book of top-secret codes and the controllers of these codes have been able to use them to create trillions of dollars out of thin air and play god.

The code books are now under the control of the White Dragon Society. There was, as we mentioned last week, a fierce 8 minute gun battle involving dozens of men and many types of weaponry as the Khazarians attempted to seize the code books. They were repulsed.

The problem we now face, however, is how to carry out a smooth transition to the new financial system without causing the enormous chaos and suffering that would result if the computers of the global banking system were suddenly shut down. There is also the delicate geopolitical power balance that needs to be handled with extreme care.

One example of how a misstep in this direction could lead to horrific consequences is the plan of a hardline faction in the Chinese military to “get rid of India,” so that the monsoon rains would reach the desert provinces of China. Of course, rational minds have prevailed in China as well as elsewhere and such a plan would never be carried out but it is an example of the sort of power that humans now have their hands on.

Any rash moves could thus literally trigger the destruction of the planet so there is a need to proceed with extreme caution.

The basic philosophy of the new financial system, however, is expected to be as follows: You are sitting across the table from another person. You each have a gun in your hand. If the person on the other side is a beautiful woman (or handsome man) you may decide to make love. If it is a fat man coming to rape you, you may decide to fight. You may also choose to just walk away from the table.

There is also a fundamental agreement to finance projects to turn the deserts green and replenish the oceans with fish. The new energy technology will be introduced in a manner that does not disrupt current financial and economic interests. The oil companies will be given major contracts to turn the deserts green as compensation for the gradual phase out of oil as an energy source. The commercial development of outer space will also be financed.

Part of this work will be carried out by a soon to be created meritocratically staffed International Economic Planning Agency. The non-corrupt parts of the traditional banking and financial system will be allowed to create two or more new offshore banking zones where they can carry out their own plans and projects.

Needless to say, changing how a planet is run is not an easy task and the transition needs to be handled with great care. That means it will take a bit of time. We also need to deal with the blackmail threats and power bases of the remaining Satanists and their allies.

~~ End ~~

(To comment to Ben Fulford directly go to: Benjamin Fulford’s Blog or email him: benjaminfulford@hotmail.com)






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As It Should Be







One of the ways we can know what is happening in these times is not to read channeled messages or news reports, but to extrapolate from our own experience. We are here as lightworkers and starseeds and what is happening within us, in terms of our energies and outlooks, surely reflects the intentions of those who are managing events.
There is one drawback and that’s that we only know what is happening within ourself alone, not what is happening within others, which is why we share in discussion groups. Our sharing makes our experience known to others and they make their experience known to us.
And doing this job, I receive your emails in which you say that what I wrote about is also happening for you. These too help construct a picture of what we’re all going through.
In the last three messages from the Boss, he’s said that he (or perhaps my guides, or even both) is gradually raising the kundalini and I feel the impact. So may you, since your guides are probably doing the same with you. Since I’ve begun watching in April, there has arisen an increased sense of joy, wellbeing and satisfaction. At the same time, there has also arisen a decreased sense of personality or personal-ness.What does that mean? It means that, at exactly the time when I feel “better,” I feel fewer issues, desires, or preferences. “I” am disappearing. In fact “I want” is disappearing and surely that is the main obstacle to evolution or enlightenment, is it not?
It is “I want,” or what the Buddha called the cycle of desire, that has us remain on one plane rather than advancing to another, is that not so? Endless, endless desire, one desire satisfied succeeded by another, making us what Buddhists called “hungry ghosts.”
I’m becoming more fit to serve because “I” am getting out of my own way. And the same may apply to you.
But there isn’t a straight-line path up a divine incline. There is doubling back and standing still and walking from side-to-side. Habits assert themselves and confuse. I’m used to watching the odd TV program and I still turn on the TV. But I watch less and turn the TV off sooner. I imagine soon I’ll only watch it to catch up on the “news,” if what the mainstream media presents can be considered news.
I also feel drawn to meditate more and I do. But often it is not meditation as we’re used to thinking of it. I meditate actively sometimes, instead of passively. I’m meditating now as I work. The telling of the truth about myself is no hindrance to meditation. A statement of truth is no diversion, but a fulfilling of the inner impulse to be still.
Truth is still, is it not? It is known in stillness, as many sages tell us. King David is one:
“Commune with your heart upon your bed, and be still.” (1)
“Be still and know that I am God.” (2)
Or Lao-Tzu. Here he captures exactly how it’s becoming for me:
“Be still while you work
And keep full control
Over all.” (3)
“Touch ultimate emptiness,
Hold steady and still.” (4)
The same way of speaking can be found in modern-day sages like Adyashanti: “An attitude of open receptivity, free of any goal or anticipation, will facilitate the presence of silence and stillness to be revealed as your natural condition.” (5)
What Adya called an “attitude of open receptivity, free of any goal or anticipation” is exactly the frame of mind that I’m gradually finding myself in or moving towards. It isn’t true that I’m not following any discipline, because karma yoga or selfless service is a discipline. So I cannot say that all is simply the product of the rising energies.
I’m a seeker of truth (jnana yogin) who follows the discipline of selfless service (karma yoga). All paths, sincerely followed, lead to God. There is not one that is better or more fit than another.
I could fight the rising energies and not pursue a spiritual discipline. If I did, I assume that life would be getting progressively more difficult for me rather than easier round about now. To know about that we’d have to hear the shares of those who are in fact fighting the unfoldment that’s occurring and we probably won’t hear from them, at least not now.
But I’m not fighting them. I know what’s happening energetically behind the scenes, as do you, and I’m allowing it to work its effect on me, as are you.
So, in every way, we’re riding an escalator, a divine moving staircase to Heaven, to an expanded state, a higher vibration, a more umbrageous existence. It’s just that it’s happening slowly and without watching it and noticing the gradual expansion, we might not be aware of it. Or without discussing it with each other in discussion groups, or reading channeled messages whose mission is to alert us and reassure us about what is occurring, we might not be aware of the gradual rise.
Knowing this, I’m not alarmed to watch the falling away of desires and preferences. As I become stiller, I’m not fighting it or acting against it. No matter where it leads, I’m convinced that the outcome will be one I’ll be happy with. As I become stiller and stiller, I simply adjust accordingly. I let the things I used to do fall by the wayside in full trust that what is happening, since I asked for it in the first place, is as it should be.

(1) Psalm 3:4.
(2) Psalm 46:10.
(3) Lao-Tzu, The Way of Life. The Tao Te Ching. trans. R.B. Blakney. New York, etc.: Avon, 1975, 55.
(4) Lao-Tzu, WOL, 68.
(5) Adyashanti, “True Meditation,” 1999, downloaded from www.adyashanti.org, 2004.

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A Reading with Archangel Michael on Disclosure






Here is a transcript of part of my reading with Archangel Michael today (June 16, 2011), through Linda Dillon.
This is the portion that deals with the various considerations around Disclosure. AAM is very careful to distinguish Disclosure from Decloaking and from First Contact.  He gives the considerations that the spiritual hierarchy and the galactics have before them over issues relating to Disclosure.
It isn’t often that we have the opportunity to ask questions and get a matter thoroughly discussed. Usually we have to accept what is said and not said. So this opportunity to go over matters in detail is one I very much appreciated.
You’ll note that it wasn’t AAM that was reluctant to cite the date. I’m afraid it’s me. But it is coming very soon.


Archangel Michael: Greetings. I am Michael.
Steve: Greetings, Lord. Thank you for coming.
AAM: It is my pleasure. It is my pleasure to be invited. And it is my pleasure, dear heart, to join with many [meaning my guides] this day and speak to your heart, to our mind, and to your very core and being.
Yes, it is a time of dissembling and there are those who are still choosing the chaos. [Probably referring to my conversation with Linda Dillon, prior to starting, about hockey fans rioting in Vancouver.] But there are many more, dear one, who are choosing the light, who are choosing the path of love and oneness and of opening.
Very often they do not know what this choice of opening entails. But they only know that they must do it,that they are tired of the old way of being, that they yearn for deeper love, and that they yearn for a deeper way of being in their lives than what they see on a day-to-day basis.There are very few people within the collective and upon the planet who simply feel that they are here for no apparent reason, that they are here simply as an energetic accident.
Most of them yearn to know what that reason is and to be able to contribute in a way that is meaningful to them, to that collective energy, so that, at the end of their life, whether that is tomorrow or ten thousand years from now, they can reflect and know that they made a difference.
Now not everyone gets to feel that difference at the end of their life, but they come to know it once they are here [spirit plane or Fifth Dimension], once they are on a different plane and dimension.
Now you, dear friend, have been shaking your head and part of you is shaking your head saying, “Lord, what is going on?”
S: Yes indeed.
AAM: And part of you has been shaking your head as in up and down, as a “Yes, we are ready to go.” We know your feelings, and when I say your feelings, I mean your intellect as well as what you emotionally perceive. It can go either way. And that is something that we have not truly been prepared to discuss in detail for it is not an issue that we want people to grab on to.
S: What do you mean, Lord, that it can go either way. What is “it”?
AAM: We don’t mean that the shift or the Ascension or the arrival of your star brothers and sisters will not occur. That is tied down, if you will.
But the promise and the agreement with the star beings and the councils is that it will be done in a peaceful manner because otherwise it simply is adding to the old paradigm. So we are diligently working and attempting to keep everything on schedule – our schedule not yours – for the bringing forth of what is necessary for humanity to make this leap.
So what I mean is not if it will happen but the question of the timing – human timing.
S: So it’s possible that [the date given] will not see a Disclosure. Is that the case?
AAM: It is possible. It is not our decision. We have already passed the go-point.
S: The divine deadline, Lord? Is that what you mean?
AAM: The divine deadline in terms of everything being in place for the star brothers and sisters to arrive.
S: Do you mean Disclosure, the Decloaking or First Contact, Lord?
AAM: We mean First Contact and Disclosure.
S: So we’ve already passed the divine deadline. Alright.
AAM: Disclosure is something that is coming. I know what you are meaning by this. But I also want you to think of Disclosure as coming in stages. Now there has been Disclosure for a long time.
S: Yes.
AAM: So what you are thinking of is public Disclosure, and that is to be hand in hand, very closely, because of the shrinking margins with Decloaking.
S: I don’t understand what you just said, Lord.
AAM: For the powers that be to simply come forward and say, “We have contact and communication and in fact relationship with your star brothers and sisters” – that is Disclosure.
S: Thank you.
AAM: It is the beginning of what we feel is an ongoing human conversation with your star brothers and sisters but certainly among yourselves about what that means.
The plan has always been, or had been, to have a Disclosure time and then a period of adjustment and then what we call “Decloaking” which would be visible sightings and presence of ships and beings. The reason that we had planned this timing, has been, and has always been, that your brothers and sisters do not wish to come in a situation of panic, or upheaval, fear, and certainly not one that would be creating what would be attempts at prevention or retaliation. Now this you are aware of.
S: Yes.
AAM: So it has always been anticipated that there would be Disclosure and then a period for the populace to adjust to it.
S: Now there are messages from Sheldan Nidle, a message from Sananda on Lightworkers, [XX] in [YY] is saying that, Suzanne Spooner has given that date, do you know why everyone is talking about [date]?
AAM: Because that is the plan.
S: That is the plan. OK.
AAM: That is the plan.
S: And how likely is it that that plan will go ahead?
AAM: As we speak today, it is on target.
S: Alright.
AAM: Now what I had started to say to you was that normally we had thought there would be Disclosure and then give it a couple of months or even weeks and then there would be Decloaking.
S: Yes.
AAM: What we are suggesting to you today is that the time frame between Disclosure and Decloaking – in other words, the visibility of ships – is very likely to be much closer together because we have delayed some efforts for Disclosure.  Not that there has not been a lot of conversation, because there has been, but there has not been the green light or the choice to allow the entire populace to know.
S: Alright.
AAM: Now there has been a, shall we say, an integration process of many of your star brothers and sisters – more than normal, let us put it that way – that has begun at the end of May. So there are many who are already on the ground and in position. And that will help. That will help an awful lot.
It is not a question of sabotage. It is not a question of spying, or anything that could possibly be interpreted that way. Think of them as the people who go in and calm people down after there has been a bank robbery. They’re a therapeutic team whose purpose is to keep people calm, encouraged, excited and open.
S: So this is a team of galactics, is that correct?
AAM: That is correct.
S: Who is the green light coming from, Lord? I know that’s a difficult question to answer because there are levels and levels of hierarchy. But is it Sanat Kumara who will give the green light or Sananda?
AAM: No, it is a combination but primarily it is the final decision of Sanat Kumara.
S: Alright. Thank you.
AAM: And he has waited an awfully long time.
S: Ha ha ha. I’m sure he has.
AAM: And so we are all very anxious this bringing of peace. That is the entire purpose. It is the expansion of the human realm, yes, and hand in hand with the shifting of dimensions and consciousness but it is truly a bringing of peace, a restoration of peace. And that is why we have been so reticent to do anything that could be interpreted in any other way.
S: I see.
AAM: But insofar as the [date] marker is concerned, yes, you are correct and so are many in feeling that this is the opening day.
S: And if things don’t happen on [date], what kind of…. You remember when they didn’t happen in Oct. 2008 or in Nov./Dec 2009, we then needed to wait a long. Will that be the case here?
AAM: No.
S: Alright, so if it doesn’t happen [date], it will happen soon after that. Is that correct?
AAM: It is going to happen before the end of the year, regardless.
S: Well, I’m not sure that a lot of people will be comforted by the thought of waiting another six months. That will be a difficult….
AAM: It is highly unlikely that it will be six months.
S: Right.
AAM: Not because of what is happening as we observe and get ready, but because we see that the human populace, in their inner being, and even in their consciousness, they are ready. They are very ready. And when they see…. You have mentioned to this channel this day that there are many who are disheartened [referring to my conversation with Linda about the reasons behind the riots in Vancouver June 15, after the Stanley Cup final game] and feel the yoke of being burdened, whether it is by finance or circumstance of what they are doing for work, work that does not feel meaningful in any way.
When they begin to understand the openings that are being created by this landing, by this opening and coalition, by the full participation of Earth in the galactic forum,. Then they will buy in with their hearts, their souls, and their bodies. So the level of information is going to be managed in a very positive way and that is what we have been truly working with humans so that the fear triggers are simply not present.
S: Alright.
AAM: That is why there are the intervention teams. That is why many who have been placed in their lifetimes on Earth, awaiting for this, such as your beloved self….
S: Yes.
AAM: So if it is not [date], which is our date, it will be very quickly thereafter, So do not worry about it.
S: Alright.
AAM: It is not a question of if but when.
S: Alright. Thank you, Lord.



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The Group: Point of No Return






The Group through Steve Rother, June 15, 2011, http://lightworker.com/


All of humanity has reached a level to which there is no return. There is no going backward in vibrational status and this day humans have reached a critical mass level. You knew it was coming. You knew the direction was going this way and we told you recently you had reached another critical mass level where love would actually overpower fear on your planet within the collective. Fear has been the one motivating factor that has been used throughout the planet to self-motivate.  Now it may be helpful to find a new motivation.
Today, we would like to take that a step further. We would like to share some of our perceptions of your journey. In the beginning it was small, tiny steps and now you are running at full steam taking these huge leaps to jump as many steps as you can in one simple move.  Due to these changes many of the comforts you have set up are beginning to change. It is not that you will be uncomfortable, but simply the fact that what once brought you comfort may no longer.
You have cleared a space in order to use your energy to its highest potential. You had created a business or job, clientele, friendships and all the support networks, yet you will soon find that you do not need the support in the same way.  All of humanity has just taken a very quiet but very effective and huge step in vibration and it happened very fast. It will continue to do this as long as everyone is in this together, as long as you have some demarcation points where you can measure and see your own growth.Changing the Game
Why is it necessary to see your own growth in order for you to continue moving forward? This is a game, dear ones. It is exactly that, a game. You know how difficult it is for us to give the Keeper information directly from Home that he has to bring through and actually translate it into messages that fit into your world.
There are some very interesting pieces that are starting to work. Let us ask you a few questions and then we will go through and help to uncover some of the answers or the possible potentials that lay in front of you.   Ask yourself what are the belief systems that you hold that empower you? We have talked many times about belief systems in your world. We have talked many times about belief systems being in your way. Many times you make firm, consistent and inflexible belief systems that simply have to crack and fall away. Sometimes they fall away with great drama and difficulty, so that you can move to the next level. We are asking you to consider building flexible belief systems where you are open to new experiences and open to new thoughts and perception because each time you make one of these huge jumps, you are seeing everything from a different perspective and that is huge. Why?
Mirror Mirror
Dear ones, you are creators. You are the ones who are creating every single thought. Every emotion that you have is a trigger that sparks the thought into the universe for manifestation. It is done magnetically through your heart. It is done in connection with every other creator, yet you are a creator in hiding – god incarnate in some way. In order to come here and play the game and pretend to be human, it was necessary to enter the illusion of time, for being infinite on planet Earth does not work.
This is a game of pretending to be finite and now you have learned to play it almost too well as your true nature is infinite. In order to create the illusion each of you creates a sacred space of your own. Your own reality within your own little bubble and it works very well up to a point where you start becoming aware that you are not the only creator on planet Earth. That is where the challenge comes from and if you will look at your societies, your businesses, your governments, all the collective vibrations whether they are religions, churches, organizations of any kind that come together to reflect your magic, that is what this is.
Look at all the good things that have come of that. Religions have brought tremendous strength, unity and community based on love consciousness.  They have reinforced concepts and ideas which many people have tried on and used effectively. Why is it so wonderful to have something of that nature?  Because it is a belief system that can reflect your light.  It is something in the way of a mirror. You have many of these mirrors here on Earth not limited to religions. Each reflects your unique magic in some way and is designed to help you re-member who you really are. It is in these spaces that you rejuvenate the spirit within, the god within.
So why do you have so many religions on planet Earth? That is a recent question. The reason for that is very simply that you have different vibrational ranges throughout the world and need representations of each. It doesn’t necessarily make a difference which one you use because all of them are a reflection of your light. The challenges come when one god does not make room for the other gods. Most religions have become exclusive and that has caused many problems and wars.  Therefore we tell you that you are growing and if you wish to see your true reflection in a mirror find a mirror that is flexible enough to grow with you.
Mirrors of Light
So what is a mirror of light? If we handed you a stone – a little, tiny stone – and we said, carry this beautiful stone with you in your pocket when you leave here and everything will work magically for you from this point forward. Will it work? If you believe it works, it will work. It is a mirror. When you go to a doctor, a doctor will say, “This is common. I can help you fix this problem which is no problem at all. We have fixed many people. We simply give you this pill, get a good night’s sleep and you are going to be fine.” Will it work? If you believe it does, it will. If you have doubts, if you are wondering if even allopathic medicine is working for you, it will not work the same. These are not hard and fast things that work for everyone. Every individual is individual for that reason.
As you grow, the range of diversity will grow larger. What we tell you is that these are reflections of your light. These are the ways in which the little gods have to use their energy on planet Earth. They have to mirror reflect it in some way in order to see it themselves. So we ask you to become consciously aware of your mirrors and we ask you to collect mirrors and get lots of them and set them up in your house and set all these potentials up so that you see yourself on a regular basis. No, we are not talking about visual mirrors here so you can relax. It does not mean you have to fix your hair every moment of seeing yourself in the mirror. What it means, is that you have many flexible belief systems that you can use your power through…that can reflect your light.
There are many healers and teachers that hear our words. We call in many healers and teachers, for this is the energy that we have worked with the Earth for many, many of your lifetimes and we are so excited for you are at the point where you are starting to uncover the veil. You are starting to hear sounds, different pieces behind the veil that you have never heard before. It is your growth, it is changes in your own physical being that are allowing you to do this. This illustrates that you are starting to become aware. This is the illusion that there is only one truth and that all these pieces are meant to reflect your truth.
Why am I saying that? Why are we saying that each one of you has a truth when in fact there are so many here on the planet? We have spoken of this before. We have told you that there are two important pieces to re-member. Number one, you are god and you have a responsibility to use your creative powers. Number two and probably just as important; you are not the only god. You also have to use your powers in harmony with the other creators around you. That is the part that brings together the whole collective of heaven to be created on earth. That is what you are moving into – an empowered society- such has never before existed on Earth. You have always had free choice, but as a collective vibration, you have never chosen to fully take your own power. What does that mean? If you are god, does that mean that as god you do not need to play the game any longer?
Responsibility =  The Balance of Power
Well, you have that concept and you have that opportunity but most of you have been here lifetime after lifetime as teachers or healers working to get the planet and all of humanity to the point where you could make this step that is now before you. It is taking place. The veils are coming off and what you are seeing is your own reflection. It is very important that you understand this because along with your incredible power comes a level of responsibility and your power can only be balanced when you take that level of responsibility. Your power can only be increased when you increase that level of responsibility. This is what is before each and every one of you. This is the area that each of you will start to begin to see.
21 Days of Reflected Light.
We will now pretend to play in your illusion of time and will tell you that from this point forward and for 21 days from right now, we will show you yourself. You will see your own power directly reflected back in something you have – an idea, a concept that manifests right in front of you. Watch for the miracles during the next 21 days. You will create many in your life but there will be at least one that will be irrefutable that you will absolutely understand right from your core essence that you have created it. We do this from time to time to give you confidence, to let you know your true nature. You have built a veil that keeps you from remembering Home, it keeps you from remembering your past lifetimes, it keeps you from remembering your advancement as a soul and now what is taking place is that you are beginning to dissolve that veil entirely.
You have placed the veil between the two lobes of your brain. It is the reason you have two halves in your brain. Consider the left one to hold the illusion of time and in the right one, there is no time. So the right brain represents Home, the left brain represents Earth. These are now blending together in a way that has not happened before.  The spirit is evolving and the physical being will now evolve to house the empowered spirit.  As such many of you are starting to talk to spirit in some way. You are all starting to find parts of yourself where you have direct connections to Home. If you trust it you will learn to bring that energy in to anchor your light. You will ground  light, give it a new path to travel and call in your light in a very powerful way.
Each and every one of you is beginning to do this in your own way. If there was one piece that we could give you all, simply by tapping you on the shoulder, it would be confidence. It would be soul confidence because your soul has traveled this Earth many times. Many of you have gone to great lengths and great sacrifice to make it possible for the Earth to take these next steps…and here you are. Some of you are awakening from the dream saying, “Now that I am awakening, what am I supposed to do?” There is a lot of laughter around that because that is the veil in action.
We are not here to teach you anything, we are here to help you re-member. We are here to help you reveal that part of yourself so that you can see this reflection for yourself. It is not about showing anybody else or proving your abilities or magic. Then you take it forward and balance it with responsibility and you balance it with harmony with the other gods around you and you learn to infuse everything with light.  This naturally amplifies your light. This is exactly where you are moving to and exactly what you are beginning to do right now.
Spreading Light
Take those smiles that you get from time to time and spread them around. Take the gifts that each and every one of you have and find a use for it in some way – even if it is just a momentary grounding of the energy – find a way to use that to where you can see and offer your own abilities to other people. Yes, it can be discouraging sometimes because you go around with your belief systems, “Oh, this person does this over here and this person has this training. If I am going to do that then I must go through the same steps. I must go through the same process and it will take me years to get there.” We tell you that you do not need to do that at this point.
Your energy is being called by every being out there and we tell you that if you start to move into your energy, into your passion – those of you who need training, who need other pieces of it – will be directed to it very quickly. You do not need to plan this out, you simply need to move in the direction of your heart and let it show the way. Let god come through you. Let yourself reflect that energy and whatever it is, a religion, a healing modality, a book, a statue or a rock, it makes no difference if you believe in it, it works. You are truly the center of your own universe and we ask you to start considering that with every action you create.
It is very difficult for many of you because you have come in with an incredible level of sensitivity in order to do your work. That sensitivity makes you feel everything and right away you are hesitant to put your energy out there because you say, “Everybody will feel that. I have no right to put my energy out there because everybody will feel my energy and it will be invasive to other people.” We hope you can consider the opposite of that. Your energy is carried by you because you are the only one that can bring that part of Home to the planet. You are the only person that can bring that puzzle piece from Home and here you are wondering, “Am I good enough to carry this?” Everybody at Home is telling you to go ahead and take your piece out to the game board and play it for all that it is worth for you have earned it.
Missing Energy in the Universe
Many of you do not do things because you think you are invasive to other people or affecting other people and we tell you that you are but it is the opposite,Your energy is what is missing in the universe and if you hold it within, heaven on earth cannot complete. There are gifts that each and every one of you have and hold but your feelings of inadequacy, your feelings of not being good enough are momentary pieces that we hope will go right through you and you will step forward and adapt from there because those blockages will restrict Earth from moving and taking this next step. You will find that the pace is quickening and even over the next year it will quicken even more.
Take this as an exciting challenge. Take this as an opportunity. We ask you to paint your energy everywhere. We have given the Keeper an exercise to do it with because you are so sensitive and concerned about your energy being on things, we do not want it to be aggressive so we ask you to use the back of your hand almost as if you were imagining it. You do not need to actually paint your energy on someone but when you do, imagine you are using it with the back of your hand. It is not aggressive, it is simply putting back the energy that you have been in charge of within the universe. You are putting back that flavor of god and it is needed right now.
It is not just about one god opening up and remembering their power. It is about a planet of empowered beings awakening from the dream. Dear ones, you have asked to be there and many of you did not even have contracts that were important for you to be in this lifetime at this moment, but you were not going to let this party happen unless you came to be here at this moment and here you are. You have made it. Do not wait. Do not wait for 2012. Do not wait for the 11-11. Do not wait for tomorrow. Start putting it out now. Act as if it is now and let the mirror reflect your magic. Watch what takes place. Enjoy this next 21 days. All of you will get at least one reminder and some of you, many reminders of your magic, of your gifts, of your abilities. You have a unique flavor of light.
There came a time when the Keeper began channeling as he calls it. He was reading a book from the Kryon energy and he asked us, “Do you guys know Kryon?” And we laughed and thought that hilarious because at Home we are not separate from each other the way you are pretending to be separate from each other. We said, “We think this is wonderful but we must share with you that there will come a time when you will pull away the veil and you will find out that you have all been talking to the same entities. You will find out that you have been talking to a portion of you.”
You are being well-guided through this journey as long as you learn to listen, as long as you learn to push those boundaries. Take each step, run it through your own filters. Just because we speak this is not an adequate reason for you to take this. Like new clothes, new ideas should be tried on first to see how they fit. We hope you play with it and we hope you adjust those pieces that fit for you and throw away the rest because there are no messages that will go out and reach every heart. Take what resonates with you and bring it in. You have been doing this with thoughts, belief systems and ideas. You will now begin to discern light.
Light on your planet is changing. It is actually not changing – you are changing and you are starting to perceive a part of light that you have not seen before. You believe light to be photon particles that you receive from the sun or from your devices but we tell you, light in the human body is felt as love and you are about to feel this incredible wave and when you do, reach your hands out and hold each other’s hands. That is how you ground this energy. That is how you look in each other’s light and see your reflection as a creator being.
Hold it proud, dear ones. We are so incredibly proud of you. You are the sons and the daughters of the king and you do not re-member your royal heritage but we do and you are in the right place at the right time. Dance with this light. Play with it. Reflect it first to see yourself then help the other gods awaken from the dream. That is called an empowered society and you are moving in that direction at the speed of love right now. Enjoy the ride.
It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect. You are looking in the eyes of god when you do. Nurture one another and open every door that you can for your fellow beings because you are helping the collective take the next step. Understand that you are playing a game and play well together.
The group





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Saul / John Smallman 15th June 2011: “Give thanks for illusions – they do not last!”

by Reena on June 15, 2011


~~ Start ~~



15th June 2011, John Smallman: “Give thanks for illusions – they do not last!”

There is an increasing sense of excitement as the moment for humanity’s awakening into full consciousness draws ever closer. You have indeed spent eons in the illusion, hoping, praying, and waiting for the moment for the illusion – the nightmare filled with misery and suffering – to fade from your memories as you awaken into the glorious Light of Reality.

You had been filled with doubt, anxiety, skepticism, and fear as you worried and wondered if there really was a god, a heaven, a home where you belonged and could live in eternal joy, or if there was a hell far worse than the illusion, or even nothing at all. And because of those fears, you intensified your efforts to make the illusion real, to convince yourselves that what you experienced through your bodily senses was all that existed, and you dismissed any thoughts of possible other realms of existence.

It was comforting because it was familiar and seemed so real. And also terrifying! Because the time available for you to experience it and perhaps find some measure of happiness and satisfaction, in an almost invariably unsatisfactory environment, was so short, before your body started to disintegrate and your life was snuffed out. Limitation, suffering, and decay enshrouded you, and it seemed you were helpless victims in a vast and hostile place from which the only possibility of release or escape was into the apparent nothingness of death. A truly miserable prospect.

However, you now know that you are powerful and immortal beings, children of God, waiting to awaken as the nightmare fades into nothingness and you enter a state of everlasting joy, peace, and contentment. The future, the eternal present, is bright. In fact, it is amazingly brilliant! And your enjoyment of it will be incomparable to anything you might have experienced or could have imagined while immersed, as you are, in the depths of your quite insane and painful illusory reality.

Give thanks for illusions – they do not last! Although you seem to have been immersed in one for an eternity, it has been only an instant – a tiny and insignificant moment since it occurred and was over. One of the reasons it appears to have lasted so long is because separation from God (were it possible) would be excruciatingly painful as it occurred, and, in the process, would have destroyed you. In the illusion, when you are in pain you experience time as slowing down – thus intensifying the pain – and so the apparent slowing-down, due to separating from God, would seem interminable – eons long – because the pain would be so intense. You do not have the ability to bear such intense pain, so the illusion you have made smothers an enormous percentage of it, leaving you only with the sense of an interminably long period of time. And that is coming to an end. As I told you, illusions cannot and do not last because they do not exist.

Reality is eternal, and that is where you have eternal existence – in everlasting wonder in the Presence of God. You are to awaken into that utterly magnificent and intensely brilliant state, leaving behind all painful and unhappy memories, which will fade away with the illusion. There will be nothing to disturb your happiness or unsettle your sense of complete safety because in that state there is only divine perfection.

With so very much love, Saul.





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The Sevenfold Virtues and Vices of the Zodiac



Posted: June 15, 2011



There is no greater system to categorize and classify life than that which the Zodiac offers us. Truly one of God’s most majestic creations, the twelve houses the Zodiac contains represent areas of experience that the soul journeys through on its circular ascent (or descent) through life. While it is true that there is such a thing as fate it is also true that the Almighty blessed us with Free Will that we may choose, on our own accord, lives of virtue or vice. It is this ultimate choice that leads to the increase or decrease of one of the most sacred formula known to man: the Light Quotient.The Light Quotient
It brings me great honor and pleasure to share with you now the sevenfold components of the Light Quotient, the sum of which comprise one’s spiritual vibration: love, mercy, compassion, charity, selflessness, wisdom, and karma. This Divine Measurement is in fact what the Prophet Enoch observed as he was escorted through Heaven as revealed in the Book of Enoch: ‘And I saw how they are weighed in a righteous balance according to their proportions of light.’ In Astrology the Light Quotient holds supreme value because the synchronicities we experience in alignment with the transits of the planets manifest in direct proportion to one’s Light Quotient. Simply put, the Light we carry determines the nature of our experiences.
My Testimony
As many of you know I never intended on becoming an Astrologer. Before my awakening I spent nine years in the military industrial complex as a communications engineer. Over time as curiosity evolved into passion, and as my education was nurtured from on high, I began to understand and marvel at a great mystery revealed: that as is above so is below. As I decoded my life experiences with Astrology, and as I became conscious of the synchronistic majesty that unfolds with each day, a state of reverence towards God grew within me. Who other than the Almighty could have created a system of such mind-numbing complexity and perfection? As the reality of Cosmic Order illumined my mind I had no choice but to make the leap of faith; I turned my back on everything I ever knew and embraced my higher calling with total faith and confidence. As of August 2010 I became Salvador Russo, Intuitive Astrologer.
The Circle of Ascension
It is of extreme importance that all understand that the Zodiac, which is also called the Circle of Ascension, is a spiral staircase that permits travel towards great heights or depths depending on one key factor: righteousness. Do we choose to live righteously or do we not? Christ taught us to ‘seek His righteousness’ and that this path would see ‘all things added unto us.’ In times beyond count I have seen with my own eyes the exact same aspect synchronize with calamity for one and blessing for another, the difference being the Light that they carried. Whereas the sum of all virtue is righteousness I now offer you a great and valuable treasure: the seven most important virtues and vices of each Zodiac sign that by knowing you may choose righteousness and enjoy the glorious fruits that she bears.
Virtues: Fortitude, Confidence, Leadership, Initiative, Guardianship, Championship, Decisiveness
Vices: Recklessness, Impatience, Selfishness, Anger, Violence, Impetuousness, Insolence
Virtues: Diligence, Determination, Generosity, Kindness, Peace, Patience, Endurance
Vices: Avarice, Gluttony, Sloth, Idolatry, Indifference, Fornication, Romanticism
Virtues: Knowledge, Intellect, Reason, Dexterity, Versatility, Vivacity, Familiarity
Vices: Verbosity, Compulsion, Anxiety, Profanity, Belligerence, Cruelty, Tumult
Virtues: Prudence, Nurture, Empathy, Benefaction, Instincts, Fertility, Sensitivity
Vices: Convolution, Insecurity, Mistrust, Dependency, Capriciousness, Evasion, Subversion
Virtues: Nobility, Loyalty, Passion, Dignity, Lovingness, Hospitality, Stewardship
Vices: Pride, Arrogance, Vanity, Tyranny, Bombasticity, Rage, Contempt
Virtues: Humility, Chastity, Purity, Service, Discrimination, Industriousness, Pragmatism
Vices: Ergomania, Reclusion, Hypochondria, Neuroticism, Aversion, Delirium, Timidity,
Virtues: Justice, Harmony, Fidelity, Courtesy, Camaraderie, Equality, Trustworthiness
Vices: Indecision, Bias, Subterfuge, Competition, Controversy, Decadence, Exaltation
Virtues: Devotion, Resolve, Valor, Resilience, Tenacity, Intensity, Virtuosity
Vices: Wrath, Obsession, Envy, Lasciviousness, Fanaticism, Manipulation, Possessiveness
Virtues: Wisdom, Zeal, Optimism, Benevolence, Morality, Honesty, Candor
Vices: Hypocrisy, Extravagance, Tempestuousness, Frivolity, Gullibility, Self-righteousness, Lewdness
Virtues: Temperance, Dutifulness, Integrity, Responsibility, Aspiration, Sagacity, Preeminence
Vices: Malice, Dereliction, Audacity, Corruption, Derision, Solemnity, Misogyny
Virtues: Altruism, Sanctity, Chivalry, Sincerity, Vigilance, Ingeniousness, Cooperation
Vices: Volatility, Nihilism, Callousness, Apathy, Condescension, Criticism, Infidelity
Virtues: Charity, Faith, Hope, Piety, Mercy, Compassion, Self-sacrifice
Vices: Guilt, Shame, Betrayal, Despair, Deceit, Escapism, Duplicity
The Ego and the Zodiac
A prerequisite for spiritual achievement is the elimination of ego, therefore, it is of critical importance that all heed this wisdom: that the ego filters through the Zodiac manifesting itself in alignment with a person’s cosmic chemistry. I encourage you all to compare your stars to what I have written that you may through virtue suffocate the fires in which the ego burns thus creating the environment from which our lives may flourish. Those who are truly devoted to spiritual Ascension will enjoy a tremendous enhancement to their efforts by knowing the signs of not only their Sun, Moon, and Ascendant, but of all their birth planets, a service of which I am happy to provide. With this knowledge all aspects of behavior are revealed that one becomes enlightened to their ways and may consciously choose for themselves a life of virtue instead of succumbing in ignorance to a life of vice. What a grace that such a tool exists and that in every instance the results are perfectly precise to each of our distinctive designs.
The Role of Karma in Ascension
Karma is the only non-virtue found in the Light Quotient and as such it is important to understand its value clearly. In essence karma is the balance of one’s spiritual debt or surplus. When we carry or incur negative karma we increase etheric density, block abundance from entering our lives, spiritually stagnate, and in some cases, retrograde into lower cycles of experience. Conversely, when we clear karma we transmute etheric density, attract abundance through increased resonance, and ascend spiritually. Those curious of their karma should know that its focus can be revealed through the Sacred Science of Astrology, thus allowing for rectification to be achieved with coherence and diligence. One of the most effective means available for one to radically improve the quality of their life comes by way of the clearing of personal karma. In a perfect world this wisdom would be imparted to each child at a young age that they have the greatest opportunity to succeed in life. If you’re here on Earth and not in Heaven you still have karma to clear. Do you know what your karma is? You really should…
Spiritual Motivation
One of the most profound things I have come to understand in my life thus far is this: that the integration and expression of virtue absolutely guarantees a blossoming of life and that this blossoming synchronizes perfectly with the planetary orchestra. For example, if an eclipse looms six months away then you have six months to dramatically increase its outcome by raising your Light Quotient; it could mean the difference between receiving free tickets to a baseball game or an extraordinary spiritual gift! The same logic applies for the hundreds and thousands of astrological aspects that occur during each and every year of our lives. Does ever-increasing, God-given reward motivate you? Are you seeing the spiral staircase to Heaven forming?
Challenge Yourself
To those who feel helpless to the circumstances of their lives I have a challenge for you: identify the signs of your Sun, Moon and Ascendant, look to the list of virtues I’ve given, and then strive to transmute their vices into virtues. I promise you that earnest effort will be rewarded handsomely within but one lunar cycle. Surely it brings our Creator great joy to see His children striving towards His Divine Light and what a wonderful place it is to be on His good side! Remember that powerlessness is an illusion that is vanquished by the alchemy of Self-dominion. As we were all created in God’s infinite image do not dare to think even for a second that you were born for anything less than glory!
Premier and Paramount
Let the distinction be clear that the virtues of the Light Quotient are of premier value to the spiritual aspirant while the remaining Zodiacal virtues are of paramount importance. Consider them all as flavors of righteousness that will combine to create a delicious life. The Scripture teaches (Proverbs 4:18) that ‘the path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.’ Life doesn’t need to be dark. It was never meant to be. By using the Free Will that God gave us, a Free Will that not even He would interfere with, we can all manifest for ourselves lives that exceed our wildest imaginations, but with one clause: we must do it on God’s terms, not ours.
(Continued on Salvador’s site, http://www.tokenrock.com/blogs/The-Sevenfold-Virtues-and-Vices-of-the-Zodiac-1109.html)
Astrologer Salvador Russo

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‘Anonymous’ targets Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke



By Business Insider
Monday, Raw Story, June 13th, 2011, http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/06/13/anonymous-targets-federal-reserve-chairman-ben-bernanke/





Anonymous has set its sights on Ben Bernanke.
The most well-known hacker group, Anonymous, uploaded a video message to youtube yesterday calling for Fed Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to resign, among other things. It’s embedded below.
The video begins with Bernanke saying he is 100% confident of his ability to control the income disparity in the U.S. — the largest of any industrialized country in the world — on 60 Minutes.
Then it says:
“Democrats have failed us, Republicans have failed us… It is time for us to stand up for ourselves… We must fight back against the organized criminal class… We must launch “operation Empire State rebellion. The operation will commence on June 14th…Operation Empire State Rebellion Engaged.”
Anonymous first called for Bernanke to resign on March 12.

The group’s latest Youtube video has this description: In this new video release ( see my videos - waiting to be accepted ), “as a first step,” Anonymous has called for public protests beginning on June 14th, continuing “until Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke steps down.” To make their case, they have presented a list of recent scandalous Federal Reserve actions.

The group also provided a Google Map guide to a series of protests, aimed to:


* End the campaign finance and lobbying racket

* Break up the Fed & Too Big to Fail banks

* Enforce RICO laws against organized criminal class

* Order Ben Bernanke to step down.

Details of Flag Day rebellion are described on the Google Map site as such:
This Flag Day, Tuesday June 14th, we will launch a non-violent social movement with this list of demands:
* End the campaign finance and lobbying racket
*Break up the Fed & Too Big to Fail banks
* Enforce RICO laws against organized criminal class
* Order Ben Bernanke to step down

The Banks – #BofA #Citibank #Chase #WF #Ally
Tweet: See FLAG DAY http://bit.ly/mdtXF3 #OpESR
Click on the $ on the map for rally info: #NYC #DC #Chicago #SF #STL #OKC #Flint #WI #Monterey

The movement has also been referred to as, “CTRL+ALT_BERNANKE.”

The video was published the same day that the “major IMF hacker breach” was reported by the New York Times. Anonymous previously warned that it would attack the IMF on June 1st. However the IMF says the hack took place before the IMF chief, DSK, was arrested for attempted rape on May 15. Someone familiar with the matter says that a foreign government was behind the attack.






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Hilarion's Weekly Message, June 12-19, 2011




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by Alex Collier
Global Wings Conference, August 2002

[Transcribed June, 2007]

from ExopoliticalJournal Website






Editorial Note

This was Alex Collier’s final lecture before his ‘retirement’ from the UFO lecture circuit in 2002. It has never been published before. It deals with information given to him by his ‘Andromedan’ extraterrestrial contacts concerning Galactic History. The information is vital for understanding the historical intervention by extraterrestrials. Investigations conducted by the Chief Editor of the Exopolitics Journal point to the credibility of Alex Collier as someone who has physically interacted with extraterrestrials.

Many thanks to Alex Collier for permission to transcribe and publish his presentation. All attempts have been made to transcribe this presentation as accurately as possible.

Transcribed by Teri Callaghan

June 2007

[AC - Alex Collier]
[Q - audience question]


My name is Alex Collier, I want to thank you very much for coming, this is going to be a very special treat for me. I love these small, intimate settings here, these living room types of things. I am very comfortable and when I am in my element I like to talk, and I am definitely in the mood for a talk fest. The information that I shared this morning, I am going to go over it again, briefly, because I went through it so quickly and some of you weren’t there. Essentially what we are going to be talking about is the 22 [extraterrestrial] races. The book that will be ready this spring is going to be called “Defending Sacred Ground II, ET 22”. I have been wanting to do this book for ten years and now it’s time to do it. The reason it’s time is that there is so much going on in our solar system that we all need a score card. I hope to be able to share the knowledge that has been shared with me as to who these beings are and how they relate specifically to earth, to us.

In a nut shell, we are a composite of a lot of different races, 22 to be exact. It is a physiological fact that there are 22 different body types on the planet. And that is the result of the extraterrestrial races. I cannot share everything that I have in two hours, because I am sharing the stage tonight with Mike Russ. But I will be around and available, and the information will be put on the website. You will have it as soon as it is done, and proofed and edited. There will be a bound book version of that, but by then you will already have the information. If it is something that you want to purchase at that point to give to friends, it will be available. It will be for free, none the less.

I’m not going to go into how it all started for me, for thirteen years I have been telling that story and I refuse to tell that story any more. If you want to know, you can go to the website, http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_andromedacom.htm, all the information is there, including Book One, which you can download for free.

Now, earth history, we are taught a very, very shallow version of earth history. We are also taught that we evolved from a single cell, that essentially we were an accident. All of us are just an accident. Something happened, something really weird but yet something miraculous happened to a couple of chimpanzees and ta-da here we are! It should be so simple.

In fact, I like the real version much better than the concocted version.

What I am going to start with is some of the earth timelines of history and I am going to blow through specific periods and just move it through to prove a point. This will be much more specific in the book.

Earth formation, we will start with the Precambrian time, 4.5 billion years ago to 554 million years ago.

Earth taught history

The earth is forming, along with other planets in the solar system. Earth is being born, life is awakening. The first tectonic plates are beginning to move. Fungus, plants, animals and organisms are developing and the atmosphere is becoming enriched with oxygen.

Andromedan taught history

An ancient race, known as the Founders, who the Andromedans and the Pleiadians believe are an ancient race called the Paa Tal, is on an engineering program whereby environments of planets and terra-forming is being done. They are doing this to make these planets and star solar systems suitable and habitable for organisms and for life, rendering ecosystems that are filled with hydrogen, oxygen, methane, and ammonia. Ecosystems, some being oxygen, some being methane, some being ammonia, and some being hydrogen. These are all gases for the introduction and colonization of micro-organisms, manites and all types of life forms. Self replicating machinery and the bombardment by comets and planetoids to change the rotation and the chemistry of the planets. We will get to the self-replicating machinery here in a little bit.

The practice and engineering of removing moons to alter a planet’s rotation and moving planets closer and further from their sun’s to either decrease or increase radiation received by the planets. Now I want you to know that that specific engineering fate of moving planets closer and further away from the sun, moving moons, adding moons is a practice that is absolutely in full swing today throughout the galaxy and in other galaxies. It is solar system building. This happens a lot.

There are races, even the Andromedans, that are capable of creating a solar system.

All projects, it appears, were designed to enter many star systems and many planetary bodies habitable for organic life. Small machines have been discovered that were built so long ago that no one really knows for sure who built them. They cannot be replicated and no one knows exactly how they were built.

I will give you an example of the Andromedans. The Andromedans are approximately 43 to 45 hundred years more advanced than we are technologically. That’s in our years. A year for us equals 365 days. This is one rotation around our sun. The Andromedans count years in a completely different way. In fact almost all the extraterrestrials do. In their concept of age, what they consider a year is when every cell in their body has been fully duplicated, replicated. Now if we did that one year would be equal to seven years in our body.

It takes approximately 34 years for their bodies in our time to replicate every cell in their body. So it is hard to give you exact dates of when they say something happened to put it into our timeline of years. In reality, if I say it was 4 thousand years ago, it’s a lot longer than that. But they have had a very hard time explaining to me in our earth time, because they don’t deal with the concept of time. They just don’t. I’m giving you these numbers in earth years just to give you an idea of how vast our history is.

Amazingly these machines still work. The machines do not have a name in the English language. They don’t even have a symbol that we could comprehend. It has been explained to me that it is an anti-matter machine. It creates matter. It creates molecules which then creates atoms, which then creates physicality. And these are actual machines. They are like computers where you can program it for what you want; and this machine will literally bring it forth and manifest it, and there it is, physically there.

If each one of us had one of these machines, it would be like winning the lottery every day. Mike likes to do VWs. He could make himself a new VW as soon as the new models came out, as soon as he knew what he wanted. I could create a babysitter so that my wife and I could go out. Apparently there are seven of these actually working and seven different races have one. These are archeological finds, discoveries, these atom making machines, for lack of a better word. There is one here on the planet.

They also discovered advanced building complexes, very large machinery and complete terra forming ecosystems. Earthlike organic life is much less common than hydrogen gas ecosystems in our galaxy because we are limited, oxygen (O2) ecosystems, are limited to the geological presence of water. For O2 life forms, which everything is on this planet, there has to be water. The most precious thing that we have is our ecosystem, our biosphere. The second most precious thing we have is of course the water.


A member of the Ursa Major Family
The constellation Bootes, the Herdsman, is a summer constellation.

The actual meaning of Bootes is the Ox Driver, but due to the constellation’s proximity to the two bears

(Ursa Major and Minor), it is also referred to as the Bear Driver.

When we get to Nibiru, our entire planet used to be fresh water. The oceans were salinated. And it was the Nibiru from the star system of Bootes that did that because they wanted to control the water. They salted the sea. At the time that they did this there was only 4% fresh water, and they had total control over it. It took 36 years to completely salinate the oceans. And it also gave time for all the life forms in the water to adapt very slowly. But we couldn’t drink the water after that.

This is all in our years, that is the only way I will present this to you; otherwise it will get too confusing. Hydrogen ecosystems are much more abundant as is methane because they are not complicated ecosystems. O2 ecosystems are very complex, the most complex in the galaxy. Archeological evidence, records and legends point to the Founders, the Paa Tal, as the creators and caretakers of this galaxy. This disappearance and/or extinction of the Founders appears to be deliberate. And what that means is, how it’s been explained to me, we all know what disappearance means. To the Andromedans, when they refer to extinction, if there is no physical record of them on third density, they are extinct on third density. That doesn’t mean that they are gone. It could be that they ascended or evolved to a higher frequency or they dropped down to a higher frequency to create third density and when they were done they left. But they are extinct on third density.

In sharing this particular information that I will be sharing in the next year it is important to try to stretch yourselves to think holographically here. There are so many implications to this information and it is difficult to try to express that because the English language is so limiting, to try to give you a concept of how this was all done.

When the Paa Tal apparently left according to the archeological record, other life forms, sentient life forms, reptilian, human, plasmic, methane life forms all began to appear; and do appear in our galaxy in full form. Now just think about that, they appear in full form. That means that they came from someplace else or they were brought from someplace else. There was no millions and millions of years of evolution into this. And this is the same problem that our archeologists have on planet earth. They keep espousing evolution, but there is just no proof of evolution in the geological, archeological record. There just isn’t.

Things appear fully formed. It’s amazing stuff.

Now are the Paa Tal archangels, are the Paa Tal the gods?

Nobody know what they are which is why they just refer to them as the Founders, because they don’t know. They don’t know. The Andromedans do say that there is a “creation”, “creator”. They, in their traditions, say that it does not carry a dominant male frequency. In their opinion, it carries a dominant female frequency. In their opinion, and I tell you they are real men, the creator is a goddess. It does exist. So we blew through that.

The Paleozoic Era, 554 million years ago to 245 million years ago: a dramatic explosion of diverse, multi-celled animals. They put that because suddenly everything is there, it’s in the geological record. They don’t know how it got there, where it came from, but its there, so they just say “Well, it just exploded, there it is!”

All these different things show up out of nowhere. Species appear with all living animals and species appear within a few million years. Again, there is no evolutionary process here. They just begin to see them in the archeological record, and each existing on different parts of our modern continents.

Now at the time that this was happening, the North and South Pole were different. The planet was literally lying on its side. It had already had a pole shift, one of its many pole shifts. This is where the physical north and south pole rotate usually following a magnetic pole shift, if it is done on its own. If it doesn’t do it on its own that is because a planetoid or an asteroid has hit the planet, made it roll and then what happens is, the magnetic poles will either correct it over time and make the planet rotate back, or the magnetic poles will follow. I do not understand the mechanics of that.

The west coast of North America ran east and west along the equator. Africa was the South Pole. Suddenly, during this period 245 million years ago, 90% of all marine and animal life becomes extinct: animal life, not plant and fauna, marine and animal life. You would think that if something dramatic happened that everything would be affected.

But that is not what happened. It was mammal and animal life. The same period, 544 million to 245 million: the ET history, the Andromedan ET history. Races in the solar system began to develop space travel. Most are only able to travel within their own star systems. Some, however, are able to travel outside of their respective systems and have begun contact and discovery of other cultures.

The start of trade within Star Systems begins. Trade routes are established and negotiated. The sharing of technology has begun and the development of new systems of space travel has also begun because now the space colonies, the different races that have been established here that came in fully formed have figured out how to get off their own planets and now they are talking to other people getting different perspectives and the are sharing ideas and sharing opinions.

I’ve not touched on this and I won’t touch on it in this lecture, but there were also a lot of misunderstandings that went on here, especially between the hydrogen cultures and the O2 cultures. And I will explain why there were some misunderstandings later on when we get into this.

Treaties were forged between star systems and races. One particular race of sentient beings which was much more advanced in space travel, set out to explore the galaxy, that is the Alpha Draconian, the Ciakar. They were the very first, according to the Andromedans, to actually get off planet. And they were at the time the most advanced.

They are an incredible race… They just have some incredibly ridiculous prejudices and biases. But that doesn’t take anything away from the fact that as a culture they have done some incredible things and a lot of other races have learned from them as well. Their space craft, at the time, were hollowed out moons and planetoids which they refurbished, built out, created their own internal ecosystems and fitted with propulsion. Some of that using fuel, which is not oil like we have here, but it was some kind of a gel that was mined in their star system. And they created kinetic energy engines; it’s a type of electricity in my understanding.

The Mesozoic Era which is 245 million years ago to 65 million years ago:

Earth history

‘Mesozoic’ means middle animals. It is the time in which the world’s fauna changed drastically. It didn’t change before, but now suddenly it does. And great change in terrestrial vegetation. The dinosaurs evolved, well, they show up out of nowhere, and evolve in the Triassic and then Jurassic Eras, only then to become extinct. Another planet hitting asteroid hits the Earth in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of what is now known as Columbia.

Now, were they deliberate?

No one seems to know if they were or not. But what is interesting is that every time the planet gets hits with an asteroid or there is a pole shift, there is a radical change in the Earth or its ecosystem and what happens is it becomes more and more friendly for human life. 244 million years ago we just could not live on this planet. There were just too many things out there that would have hurt us.

Extraterrestrial History

245 million years ago to 65 million years ago: Many planetary civilizations have full space travel. Interplanetary trade is extremely [well] established; the need for natural resources increases and causes the exploration of the galaxy by advanced sentient beings. Space travel has been in progress and trade for over 17 million earth years at this point; 17 million years. Look at what we have accomplished in 4 thousand years. And we know we have been held back and we also know that there is technology that has been hidden from us.

The most well established star races are the Ciakar of Alpha Draconis or Draco, the Orion star civilizations and the Lyra Vega star system. Colonization is in full swing. Many planetary alliances set up rules of colonization and are reaching further and further out into the galaxy. So here 245 million years ago our star brothers, our ancestors, because they are, because we are the sum total of 22 of these races, our ancestors already had space travel… They were setting up rules of colonization amongst themselves. It is just amazing to me.

The discovery of space highways; what our scientists theorize to exist as wormholes. There are space highways. The discovery of these is made during this period. To date, 17 have been discovered in our galaxy alone, 17 wormholes. And for those who don’t know what we are talking about, this is our galaxy [points to star chart], the little dots are the stars, and what you have are tunnels that go to different parts of the galaxy. Just to give you a little example, … our scientists theorize that if you can tap into one you are on the other side of the galaxy in no time, in a blink. Like the movieStargate”.

Several of these connect to other galaxies. And we all have to assume that at least one of these connecting tunnels would be to the Andromedan Galaxy, which would be over here. So you have a hole, you have a hole here, now you have a way to get here, incredibly fast. So it is not a situation where you get into your rocket and by the time you reach you destination everyone is dead of old age, because the galaxy is huge and it is expanding all the time.

But as the galaxy expanded many of these tubes of focused time, that’s the Andromedan perspective of what a wormhole is: tubes of focused time. I cannot explain it to you any more than that. I do have some notes that are still stored away in a storage unit in another state where they have had to be put for safety and I have not gotten them yet. In fact there are three boxes of notes, let’s not even go there.

Some of these tubes have snapped, in other words, as the galaxy expanded, there were breakages in these wormholes, or space highways. No galactic races to the present time, and this is as of 11 months ago Earth time, knew how they were built or who built them and they can’t be repaired, because we don’t know how they were built. Nobody knows how they were built. There is an assumption by many that the Founders created them. Which is how they were able to do all of the terra-forming and eco-building in the galaxy in preparation for life to be introduced here.

There is an assumption that that’s who built it. The truth is we don’t really know for sure. It could have been built by somebody from before them, we don’t know. According to the Andromedans, third density, as we know it, is 21 billion years old. The Universe that we know of, which includes all of the dimensions, is 21 trillion years old in Earth years, which is a staggering number.

According to the Andromedans only two of the wormholes have not snapped in our galaxy. So out of the 17, two are still fully operational. As trade increased, the spread of life forms also takes place. The experimentation of transplanting life forms and vegetation is in full swing. Now let’s go back to the dates.

245 million to 65 million years ago

Our extraterrestrial ancestors are now transplanting the vegetation and life forms from other systems to other star systems. The transplanting of life forms is only with life that has potential. Now what their actual definition of what that potential is, I can’t tell you because I don’t know. But according to Moraney this potential can only develop in complex ecologies. And by far the most complex ecology or ecosystem in the galaxy is O2, oxygen based, which is what we are. Truly complex ecosystems only occur in a relatively small number of planets in the galaxy.

Now that might be several billion planets, but when you take into account how many suns and how many actual star systems we have, it is in fact, a small amount even though to us we would say “My God, there’s two hundred billion earths out there?” That’s a staggering number to us. But in the big scope of things it is actually a very small amount, because the hydrogen ecosystems by far out weigh all the others.

It follows that a complex, planet wide ecosystem is the next most valuable thing in the Universe to consciousness. Species, however, come and go. But a truly rich biosphere will endure as long as it is not compromised. Dinosaurs, birds, fruit trees are brought to our solar system and transplanted on the three ecosystems in our solar system. They are: Earth, Mars and Uranus.

All developed extraterrestrial races have already impressed on their civilizations that conservation of bio-spheres was and is simply a necessity. This is 245 million to 65 million years ago. They were already teaching their children about conservation of the ecosystem.

The Cainozoic Era: 65 million years ago to present. We are going to get through this and then we are going to get really down into some fun stuff.

Earth Taught History

Sometimes called the age of mammals, because the largest land animals and mammals show up at this time. It is also called the age of flowering plants, the age of insects, the age of fish and the age of birds.

Andromedan Taught History

Our solar system is being visited more and more. Three very complex ecosystems exist here already, we’ve already covered that. The first full time self-contained bio-sphere, called an “Eden”, and I’m going to use that word, because that’s what the Orion’s called it, that’s what the Nibiru called it, and that’s what the Pleiadians called it. An E-Den, which is like a garden. It’s a fully transplantable bio-sphere, having everything they need to exist somewhere else.

We do not really appreciate how smart our ancestors are, because they don’t always travel in very large space craft. But what they have learned to do is travel light and make sure that whatever it is they need they have or they can grow. Now, virtually every mother ship has an internal ecosphere. We see the scout craft.

We see the four, the five, the hundred mile craft. The hundred mile craft may have some kind of an ecosphere inside of it because it has a crew and that crew needs to eat, so they will create a park-like setting and ecosphere inside those space craft. Most of the craft that have hit the Earth are just little scout ships. If a hundred mile mother ship hit the Earth, we would have a pole shift and everybody would know about it. But the very large ships, I will give you the example of the Andromedan mothership.

They are complete spheres and on the inside they are complete worlds unto themselves. In the center of these crafts, and they may have as many as three, they will have ecosystems, park-like, as big as 21 miles long. The one that I saw was 21 miles from one end to the other. It [the mothership] was 900 miles and for me to literally see every inch of that ship would take 25 years, that’s how big it was. It had everything. In these parks you could not even tell you were in a space craft, you would think that you were in a park, Agora Hills California, Rocky Mountain National Park, Central Park (although I wouldn’t necessarily want to hang out there) but without the crime.

And they are complete unto themselves everything is grown aboard the craft. So, when they come here and they send a team down to the surface of a planet and they say,
“Ok, we are setting up an Eden, because we’re going to leave a team of you here to research the plant life, the geology of the planet, the minerals, what it has.”
What they do is they literally drop … as many as 12 type cylindrical antennas. They plant these antennas down into the ground, at least a mile, into the ground. And when they flip these things on, they connect. And when they connect they create a dome, a frequency dome.

And then all they do is they unload the plants, the fruit trees, everything they need, and this biosphere is exactly to match their physiology. It doesn’t have too much oxygen, it doesn’t have too much carbon, it’s exactly what they need. It can even be hydrogen because then, once they leave they just wear a space suit and they can go out and do their work. But when they come back from doing their work, they come back to their bio-sphere and it’s like living on the home planet. This is what I am talking about; this is what an Eden is. This is what Richard Hoagland has been talking about all those years, with the dome structures; this is what these things are these things were for, exactly. It’s good stuff, it gives me the chills!

The very first one was founded in what is now North America, along what is now known as the New Mexico-Arizona border. And it was founded by and established by the Ciakar, which are [a] hydrogen based life form, so they had to have something like this. Hydrogen is a gas; it is not something we can use. Our physiology would not allow us to breathe it and live in an environment like that. But hydrogen beings tend to be very large, a little bit slower in movement, their body frequency, the rhythms of their bio-system tend to be much slower than O2, and the one thing about hydrogen based life forms is that they cannot go faster than the speed of light in space travel.

O2 have been known to go four times the speed of light. That’s been a real problem for the hydrogen based beings. In lectures years ago, I talked about how prejudice is an extraterrestrial perspective. All the prejudices we have, we’ve learned. We’ve formed some of our own, but the initial “not liking any of your own race” was taught to us by these guys millions and millions of years ago.

This first Eden was created 899,701 earth years ago by the Ciakar in New Mexico/Arizona border. The reptilians still fancy the desert. This bio sphere was first inhabited by… the reptilians civilization is a caste system. It is a monarchy, but it is also a caste system and you will find that it is stunningly similar to those in England where you have royalty. You have the officer class, which is your dukes, your earls. Then you have your peasants who do all the dirty work, who literally do all the work. It is exactly like that.

According to Moraney, this first bio sphere was built by the officer class of reptilian beings and they were the first to stay here. It was not actual royalty. And something else he added as an after thought is that they do not experience childhood. That’s probably why they are all tweaked.

Wars of enforcement

In the human race a war of enforcement is where someone, whether it is a human race or a reptilian race or a hydrogen breather, or an oxygen breather or a methane breather or an ammonia breather. If they cross the line and do something so severe, they will literally go to war to enforce a punishment, to enforce something, a restriction, they will do that. What is going to be happening here in our solar system in the next couple of years is being classified as a war of enforcement.

It is not a police action; they are coming in to kick butt, because they have crossed the line. And we are not the only star system; there are 21 other star systems that are having the exact same problem that we are having.

They want all regressive presences off our planet and the moon, completely out of here, end of story; they want them out of here. If it is true that the moons of Mars are no longer in orbit around Mars and that they are in fact in orbit around Earth, then something major is about to happen.

Q: Aren’t people seeing them?

AC: Apparently they are, people are taking photographs, and people are seeing it. I, myself, have not, but I live too close to Denver and there are a lot of city lights. But there are people back east who say they are seeing them, and people in Europe who are seeing them. The solar eclipse in Turkey, several years ago, European reporters who were taking pictures, got pictures of these two objects. And when they were blown up they look exactly like Phobos and Deimos, following the moon.

They are both space craft, an old hollowed out planetoid converted with an ecosphere on the inside and propulsion on the outside. It’s an older model; you can find them on any good used spacecraft car lot. (Laughter). According to Moraney, and this was many years ago before their alleged re-entry into our atmosphere or gravitational field, Moraney had said that the last time that Phobos specifically, he didn’t mention Deimos, had entered the Earth’s atmosphere or gravitational field is when the great plague began.

There are all kinds of records of space craft flying though space at this time, William BramblyThe gods of Eden” has it in his book. They talk about star ships flying through space dropping the spores. It’s a weeding out. I want to cover a couple of other things before I get to the other races.

Dolphins and Whales

In our galaxy they are honored as sentient animals. They are brilliant philosophers and poets. And we think they are just big, dumb fish, but apparently they are absolutely amazing, amazing mammals. They have the admiration of many of the old races for their beautiful songs and storytelling. They have legendary stories of the whale dream, which is the cetacean race memory. So they tell stories about their lineage, which they call “whale dream”. If the humans of earth make extinct these species, they will have no standing in the galaxy. (Star Trek).

Some of these writers are clued in. I don’t know where they are getting this stuff, but they are totally dialed. And the same for dolphins. We don’t know their language; it’s an extremely sophisticated language, more sophisticated than the English language. It’s a trinary language, which is why we don’t understand it, because we are so one-dimensional in our language.

Whales and dolphins originated in Cygnus Alpha. Smaller star systems which orbit around the central suns of Daneb, Sidar, Denaia and Alderia are where they come from. The largest population of whale and dolphin life is right here. Within this collection of smaller stars are thousands of star systems. They wanted to migrate, they wanted to explore other worlds, they wanted to add to the whale dream.





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