Justin89636's Posts (15)

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Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be a Dinosaurian/Reptilian hybrid group known as the Bellatricians who were at one time a very vicious and tyrannical group in the Anchara Alliance. They attacked this Solar System on different occasions. The last assault they did was about a 1,000,000 years ago. This assault devestated our Solar System and left Mars and Venus in their current states. All info is from Sheldan Nidle's book Your Galactic Neighbors.


Present Status And Location 

The Star-Nation of Gamma Orion (Bellatrix) was accepted into the Galactic Federation Of Light in 1997. Previously, it had belonged to the League Of Orion and was that sector's headquarters for the former Anchara Alliance. Originally, Bellatrix had been settled as an armed outpost of the Draconian Empire close to 25 million years ago. The inhabitants of Bellatrix refer to their home world as 'Hakkos'Q'Dak'Laq' ('Great Blue Light'). The third-brightest star in Orion, she is located approximately 245 Light Years from our planet. On a winter night in the Northern Hemisphere, you will recognize the constellation of Orion as a distant group of larger-magnitude stars. Orion's familiar shape is often used as a guide by which to find other stars and star clusters in the night sky. It is positioned between the constellations of Taurus and Canis Major and just below that of Auriga. The easiest way to find her is simply to look for the famous Belt Of Orion. This row of three bright stars is located at the very center of the constellation. Just to the right and slightly above Orion's Belt, you will see a bright blue star, which we know as Bellatrix.


Bellatrician Solar System And Description Of Home Worlds

The Solar System of Bellatrix contains eight planets. The outer four are huge 'gas giants' similar, in size and appearance, to our planets Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. At this Solar System's center is a semi-arid planet that measures about one-half the size of Neptune and Uranus (approximately 15,000 miles or 24,000 kilometers) in diameter. The planet next closer to their sun serves as home world for the Gamma Orion Star-Nation. Known to its inhabitants as 'Juk'HiqKal'Bhk', it is the third planet from Hakkos'Q'DakLaq. At first glance from space, 'Juk'HiqKal'Bhk' seems very un Earth-like in appearance. It is a planet nearly 11,000 miles in diameter and, unlike our planet, consists of four very large continents surrounded by three oceans. The Bellatrician mother world has a one-layer firmament, which supports an ecosystem that is recognized for its wide variety of Reptilian, amphibian, dinosaurian, and other strange aquatic life forms. The climate here is semi-tropical and cooler only at its poles. Like all planets, Juk'HiqKal'Bhk is hollow, with an inner world whose population, even for this ecosystem, consists of some exceedingly strange creatures. The inhabitants of the Star-Nation of Bellatrix, numbering 1.2 billion, live in special, large cities that are scattered throughout her home world's interior. The highly oxygenated atmosphere of this large water world is noted for its blue/orange tinge. Her skies swarm with billions of large, bird-like creatures and an enormous reptilian that resembles a bat. One continent is famous for its wide meadows of red and orange grasses. The next two landmasses are well known for their broad mountain ranges, thick jungles, and vast inland seas. The last continent, which looks vaguely like a large foot, contains an inland sea that is connected to the oceans by two narrow straits located near its southeastern rim. Bellatrix's hybrid Dinosaurian/Reptilian species has choosen the semi-arid world of B'Kuab'KQln on which to establish their most sacred sites. Her drier climate is reminiscent of their original homeworlds on Sigma and Eta Draco. To honor these worlds, they perform rituals in large desert temples located near small, sacred surface settlements. The two innermost planets are small and barren, with the thinnest of atmospheres. They are known for their exceedingly erratic orbits. The outer one is less than 3,000 miles in diameter. The inner, often lit by its sun's solar flares, seems like a burning sphere.


Description Of Bellatrician Society

The culture of the Bellatrician Star-Nation is highly unusual, and notable for a ruling class that came to dominate its entire society. That society is in the midst of a transition to a more traditional, galactic way of life. The core of Bellatrician society is comprised of a ruling council that includes the elite from every sector of its population. This council, which is in charge of Bellatrix's day-to-day activities, elects a chief ruler, a King or Queen, who serves in that capacity for a period of twenty years. Beneath this ruling council is a group similar to our planet's royalty. They served as regional who supervised the day-to-day administration of the ten distinct political districts within their sphere of influence. Bellatrician royalty more closely resembled our nobility (princes, dukes, counts, etc. Using their immense influence as Gamma Orion's regional heads, they oversaw its many pressing socio-political activities. This involved the negotiation of important economic contracts and scrutiny of every detail of their region's economy. Their diligence enabled them to attain a very rarefied and powerful status. Clearly, Draconian society like many others in the former Anchara Alliance, was extremely hierarchical and tyrannical. At its top were rulers appointed by the Empire's major governing group. They were the chief administrators for Orion and its many surrounding constellations, and formed one of the major working groups overseeing this sector of the galaxy. Deciding that the groups that had controlled their society's daily operations should change their political direction, the Bellatrician ruling council established new hierarchies of government. Whereas membership previously had been based upon Empire bloodlines originating on Draco nearly 25 million years ago, it was now based upon merit. For the first time, the Bellatricians are creating a much more democratic society. According to the new system, each group each group is permitted to argue its points when reporting any findings and suggestions to the Grand Council. The Grand Council makes a decision based upon the conditions existing within the society. An action plan is formulated, which is then sent back to the various working groups for implementation. For now, the hereditary ruling group has maintained its power on the Grand Council. Eventually, members of the various working groups will be permitted to become part of the now hereditary Grand Council. Now, too, the League Of Orion Councils has divided Orion into regions, thus wrestling exclusive power from the Bellatricians' grasp. This has helped to foster a belief throughout Orion that change truly can occur. The League Of Orion is shifting, and is no longer as belligerent. They are beginning to open themselves to peace, and to the transformation of their societies. The extent of their accomplishments is truly remarkable.


Bellatrix's Former Role In The Anchara Alliance

As mentioned before, the Bellatricians acted as the chief administrators for the Draconian Empire in this sector of the galaxy. This subdivision included outposts in the constellations of Orion, Taurus, Eridanus, Auriga, and Trianglum. Occasionally, the Bellatricians even served the Anchara Alliance as overseers of important secret projects. A case in point was their dealings with Earth's 'secret governments' and the former overlords of our world - the Anunnaki. The task escalated in importance when the Draconian Empire informed the 'secret governments' that their overt acts to counter various secret treaties were emphatically most unwise. Moreover, their continued misdeeds could provoke an escalating level aggression between them. Thus, with the help of their Altairian 'friends', the Bellatricians acted as diplomatic intermediaries between the three groups from the 1950s until the 1990s. Their efforts resulted in a new series of clandestine treaties that were intended to resolve difficulties and ensure that the interests of each party were served. The Bellatricians undertook this assignment again, in the mid-1990s, when the Anchara Alliance suddenly approached the Galactic Federation Of Light for a treaty that would ensure a permanent galactic peace. Because the Draconian Empire did not trust the Galactic Federation Of Light's emissaries, they asked the Bellatricians and the Altairians to barter this arrangement. The Treaty of Anchara remains the basis for acceptance of former empires of the Anchara Alliance into the Galactic Federation Of Light. But their role did not stop there. During the past half-decade, the Bellatricians and the Altairians have worked hard, in cooperation with a number of other Star-Nations, to assist the formerly dark sectors of this galaxy in making their peace with the Light.


Physical Description Of The Bellatricians

The predominant species inhabiting Bellatrix is a Dinosaurian/Reptilian hybrid that first migrated from the constellation of Draco approximately 25 million years ago. The body of Bellatrix's Dinosaurian/Reptilian hybrid is typically very scaly and bony. The upper head is surrounded by a large, bony crest, and the eyes are large and set forward, just above and to either side of a very small nose. The mouth is distinguished by thin lips that extend from one side of the head to the other. The ears are non-existent, their only indication being an extra-smooth, 3-inch circle on either side of the head, just behind the ears. The eyes are large, red or dull yellow, and resemble those of Earth's reptiles. The skin has a crocodile's scaliness and can be green, yellow, brown, or red. A small, bony crest that runs up the middle of the back is connected to the larger crest on the top of the head. This being is a biped. It has thin 'hands' with six long, clawed fingers and feet that have five toes ending in stubby, razor-sharp claws. Its tail, which is very short and thick like a crocodile's, reaches only as far as the feet. The male is shorter than the female: Bellatrician males stand between 8 and 10 feet, while the females range from 8.5 to 10.25 feet in height. This species requires between 5 and 8 hours of sleep per day. The clothes of the Bellatricians are very different from those of most others in the former Anchara Alliance. The Beings of Hakkos'Q'Dak'Laq adopted an array of spectacular, rainbow colored garments entwined with flowing, multi-hued gowns. Ribbons or epaulettes inscribed with special graphic designs and colors are worn on the shoulder of the outer blouse to indicate the individual's rank and insiqnia. Aboard spacecraft, Bellatricians wear relaxed-fit, two-piece jumpsuits. The top half is waist-length and zips to the pants as if it were one piece. The jumpsuit also takes the color codes and special graphic designs that designate rank and conferred honors. The boots, which form an integral part of the uniform, merge with the pants and usually appear to be an undivided unit. Bellatricians are renowned for their great skills in diplomacy and leadership. For the past six million years, they have been in charge of all the former Anchara Alliance's forces for this sector of the Milky Way Galaxy. The Bellatrician language is very coarse and often guttural. It is marked by frequent growls and hisses.


Bellatrician Ships

Bellatrician scout ships, which can resemble either dewdrops or beetles, measure approximately 40 feet in length. Smaller motherships range from 1 to 400 miles long and look like large tadpoles, while larger ones are more like stacks of round bread loaves. The larger motherships are very self-sufficient and are usually kept out in deep space.





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The Arcturians And The Arcturian Solar System

Next up on the Galactic blogs will be one of the most talked about Non Human civilizations in the Galaxy the Arcturians who are a tall horse-like group of beings who are known for being great healers. All info is from Sheldan Nidle's book Your Galactic Neighbors.


Present Status And Location

In the late spring and early summer skies of the Northern Hemisphere, the constellation of Bootes is located between Ursa Major and Virgo. Arcturus, or Alpha Bootes is the brightest star in the Bootes constellation, a glittering orange giant approximately 37 Light Years from our planet. After Sirius, Canopus, or Alpha Carina and Alpha Centauri, Arcturus is the brightest star in the Heavens and sits, pointed toward Spica, the brightest star in the constellation of Virgo. The Arcturus Confederation (Known to its inhabitants as the Confederation of Hadmos Sankh) was a charter member Star-Nation of the Galactic Federation Of Light. Arcturus is one of the Star-Nations that comprise the Arcturus Federation Regional Council. Arcturus, one of 24 members of the Galactic Federation Regional Council, is seated next to our own future district assembly, The Sirian Regional Federation Council.


Arcturian Solar System And Description Of Home Worlds

The Solar System of Alpha Bootes contains eight planets. Like most Solar Systems in this Galaxy, the four outer planets are huge 'gas giants', similar in size and appearance to our planets Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Orbiting at the center of this Solar System is a semi-arid world that is approximately one-third the size of Neptune and Uranus (about 9,800 miles or 15,700 kilometers) in diameter. This planet is of particular significance because she supports a chain of dedicated colonies, originating on the Arcturian home world, which is constantly in use. The planet's drier climate is much more congenial to colonists and to the pilgrims, who arrive from Hadmos Sankh to take part in their consecrated planet-keeping rituals. For the most part, they celebrate these ceremonies in large, desert temples adjacent to small, sacred colonies located on major planetary nodes. Enveloped in this special, positive energy, they are able to increase their legendary healing powers. The rituals performed here sustain this intensified energy, enabling the Arcturians to achieve almost impossible feats of healing on the individuals and societies who enter their sacred circles. The planet next closest to their sun serves as home world for the Arcturus Confederation. She is the third planet from Ya'Ju'r known to her natives as Hadmos Sankh. At first glance from space, the home world of Hadmos Sankh closely resembles our planet. Unlike the Earth, however, she contains eight large continents surrounded by nine oceans and is nearly 9,000 miles in diameter. This mother world possesses a three-tiered firmament, which supports an ecosystem remarkable for its wide variety of life forms. The home world's climate is semi-tropical and cooler only at her poles. Like all planets, Hadmos Sankh is hollow, with an inner world populated, even for this ecosystem, by some very exotic creatures. The inhabitants of the Arcturus Confederation, who number 950 million, live in special crystal cities scattered throughout her inner-planet realm. The two innermost Arcturian planets are small, barren worlds that possess little or no atmosphere. Both are well known for their extremely erratic orbits, which cause them to frequently criss-cross one another. The outer is less than 2,000 miles in diameter. The inner is slightly more than 1,500 miles in diameter.


Arcturian Galactic Society

The people of Alpha Bootes created their own unique, eight clan galactic society, based upon the original, six-clan Human Lyran/Sirian model. In a departure from this classic example, the people of Ya'ju'r added two additional clans. The first, called the Sak He'Maat or 'Healing Logic' clan, develops techniques that allow certain restorative procedures to be performed in a more holistic way. That is, this tribe's crucial task is to preside over the development and use of the healing arts. The second, called the Medical Records or Lik'Co'Sat'Duk clan, is also unique to Arcturus. Its purpose is to guide society by demonstrating that the healing arts are a living, organic Being that can assist people in carrying out their sacred work. A traditional Human Galactic Society consists of a governing council and, beneath it, a series of clan councils. Below them is a system six, eight, or twelve clans, which are divided according to function, eg. medical, administrative or spiritual clans. Arcturian society is different from others in that it is governed by a true ruling council. The organization of their clan system is slightly different, as well: clan councils are set up as 'healing' or 'grace' modules. Each module is based upon finding within its members a way to express grace and create an energy pattern that allows that same grace to be expressed within a given group. The Arcturians use this clan system-equivalent as a means by which to express grace. Between each group, Arcturians maintain liasons whose purpose is to unite the different aspects of grace, creating what they refer to as 'grace synthesis modes'. Grace modes allow planetary healing to be sent out into the galaxy, into other dimensions, and throughout the universe. At this point, the process becomes what they call their 'core'. By transmitting different aspects of grace mode to other parts of physicality, the Arcturians are able to create grace and allow it to heal those groups and others. The Arcturians believe that their highest purpose is to use their gift for providing divine grace to heal each aspect of physicality, allowing them to realize their maximum potential. In such a way, through the power of loving care and healing, all of physicality can become open to the sum-total of its knowledge and wisdom. The philosophy underpinning the Arcturian culture is a belief that the foundation of a fully conscious Being exists in her/his capacity to heal another - that is, the power to bring another species or individual of that species to a point where they feel at peace and free of stress. The Arcturians produce these circumstances through a process that they 'divine healing grace'. They are skilled practitioners who have learned how to create and maintain such a condition. They consider it one of their missions as fully conscious Beings, and strive to maintain an ever-expanding galactic state of divine healing grace.


Arcturus' Role In Creating An Expanded Galactic Federation

For the Arcturians, part of first contact has been the supervision of the Galactic Federation Of Light Medical Teams. This involves creating a situation in which grace is felt and becomes one with the processes of healing and transformation. For that reason, when dealing with an Arcturian healing grioup, you feel embraced in Love and compassion and enfolded in the energy of grace. Grace becomes an energy, a sense that all is well and comfortable, or 'in grace'. Arcturian society is primarily concerned with divine comfort and divine nurturing. That is what they have been doing for a long, long time - working to create a succesful galactic society that is solidly rooted in creating and giving this divine grace to others. During the past few years, The Arcturians have applied their skills to all of the many Reptilian, Dinosaurian, and Insectian groups who, while not fully comprehending the exact nature of the Galactic Federation Of Light, still are eager to transform their societies tyrannical to galactic. Through participation in the Arcturus Confederacy's different healing activities, these former Anchara Alliance foes are learning to become more a part of the Galactic Federation Of Light. Such interactions have helped to impart to them the concepts of divine grace and its use in healing the various afflictions in their societies. As a result, the former Ancharans are able to examine major issues, such as trust, and their apprehension in confronting the approaching transcendent change in new and more constructive ways. The Arcturians' ability to exibit and openly express grace, and their skill in demonstrating the creation of useful healing modalities, provided effective solutions to many potentially complex situations within the former Anchara Alliance's far flung empires. This factor helped the Galactic Federation Of Light forge ahead dramatically in unifying the many divergent members of the Anchara Alliance who had joined the Galactic Federation Of Light not to long ago. Numerous cultural exchanges have made substantial contributions in helping to overcome these feelings of deep unease. Arcturian healing teams have trained many Anchara Alliance star empires in the optimal techniques for proceeding with the much-needed changeover. In addition, healing study groups that these former galactic foes sent to Arcturus have given them a better understanding of the steps required to change their societies. These sessions focussed on the importance of retaining certain cultural nuances in the process of carrying out a reevaluation, with grace, of our entire society.


Description Of The Arcturians

Arcturians are a highly sentient mammalian species that looks very much like like a horse. They have a rather tall, slender body with a somewhat stylized horse's head. Arcturian skin color ranges from a vanilla shade to a very dark brown. A mane grows on the back of their neck and head, and they have an extremely thin tail that only slightly resembles that of a horse. Their arms, legs and bodies seem very muscular, and their hands end in fingers that are very long, supple and extremely thin. Arcturian eyes are much bigger than those of Earth Humans and are either pale blue or dark brown in color. In some ways, their ears correspond to those of a horse, but are smaller and more rounded than their Earthly counterparts. Arcturian males stand from 7 feet to almost 8 feet, 6 inches tall. Female heights vary from just below 7 feet to almost 8 feet, 2 inches. The clothing of the Arcturians is noticeably different. The people of Ya'Ju'r adopted flowing, ankle-length, harem-style pants in the bright colors that identify their clan. Matching sheer outer bare one shoulder, most often the left, and are either waist- or knee-length. Instead of ribbons or epaulettes, a series of special graphic designs on the blouse, along with its color, serve to indicate the wearer's office and honors. Aboard Galactic Federation Of Light spacecraft, Arcturians wear a one- or two-piece jumpsuit. The two-piece design more closely resembles the ancestral Arcturian costume. Pants are relaxed in fit, while the top extends just below the waist like a popular, traditional Arcturian style. Like the off-duty outfit, the jumpsuit takes the colors and graphic designs and graphic designs of the wearer's clan. The boots, a necessary component of the uniform, are designed to merge with the pants as a seemingly continuous unit. The Arcturian diet consists of food resembling creamed vegetables, or multi-colored salads. The people from this confederation usually require only 1 to 3 hours of sleep a day. Arcturians are celebrated in the Galactic Federation Of Light for their mastery of healing and for their marked proficiency in Science and Philosophy.


Arcturian Ships

Two different Arcturian craft belong to the first contact fleet that monitors our planet regularly. The first, an all-purpose scout ship, is diving bell-shaped, and has a diameter of 80 to 90 feet. It is part of the fleet that observes our planet every day. The second is a low orbit to upper atmosphere command mothership. Small, lens-shaped and over 1,000 to 3,000 ft long, it serves as carrier for 40,000 science liason officers who coordinate the preliminary data analysis for the sector quadrants to which the mothership is assigned.




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The Nu Ceteans and the Nu Ceti Solar System

Next up on the Galactic blogs will be the Nu Ceteans who are a small bear like group who are known for having some of the best pilots and navigators in the galaxy. All info is from Sheldan Nidle's book Your Galactic Neighbors.


Present Status And Location

Nu Ceti, a distant minor star with an Earth-like white/yellow Sun, is positioned in the constellation of Cetus. She is approximately 810 light years from Earth. Cetus is located in the Northern Hemisphere, between the constellations of Aries, Pieces, and Eridanus, in the southern part of our autumn and winter skies. Nu Ceti is situated in the western half of the constellation Cetus, next to the much brighter star of Mu Ceti. For almost 2.5 million years, the Star-Nation of Nu Ceti belonged to the Galactic Federation Of Light. About 5,000 years ago, Nu Ceti withdrew from the Federation and reverted to her previous status as a neutral star-nation. Nu Ceti's original inhabitants were land cetaceans whose technology was much sought after by both sides in the course of the various galactic wars. Even after the Treaty Of Anchara marked the end of the war, The Nu Ceteans delayed until they felt sure that peace would be permanent. Once they had gained reassurance, they rejoined the Galactic Federation Of Light.


Nu Ceti Solar System And Description Of Home Worlds

The Solar System of Nu Ceti contains eight planets. In the Nu Ceti language, the star known as Nu Ceti is called Ca'W''iP'''aa which means 'Giver Of Light'. The outer two planets in this Solar System are huge gas giants, similar in size and appearance ro our planets Uranus and Neptune. Next in our journey inward toward the bright yellow/white star of Nu Ceti are two semi-arid worlds. Each are approximately one-half the size of Neptune and Uranus (about 13,000 miles or 20,800 kilometers in diameter). The fourth planet is the home world for the Nu Ceti Star-Nation. In size and appearance, the Nu Ceti home world is very Earth-like. This planet, which her inhabitants call Cem''L'am, has a diameter of 8,100 miles, a width only 300 miles greater than Mother Earth. Just like Mother Earth, she has seven continents, seven major seas and four large oceans. Unlike Mother Earth, most of the islands found in those bodies of water are quite small. Nu Ceti's biggest island, which somewhat resembles Austrailia, is located in an archipelago to the northeast of the main continent in her largest southern sea. At its widest, this island is only 200 miles across. Its narrowest section is about 60 miles long. Most of the remaining islands, which are usually found in Nu Ceti's southern hemisphere, are no more than 25 miles wide. Just like Mother Earth in her fully conscious state, this world's atmosphere contains a two-tiered firmament, which supports an ecosystem famous for its broad diversity of life forms. Among its flora and fauna are varieties such as those found on Earth: foods such as garlic, citrus fruits, and potatoes: animals that resemble domestic cats, dolphins and whales. The inhabitants of this world are immensely proud of their vast forests and broad meadows, which abound in many different plant and animal species. On Nu Ceti's northern continents, mountain ranges tower almost as high as Mother Earth's Himalayas. Unlike our Himalayas, however, even the tallest peaks of these long mountain chains are rarely snow-capped and alpine forests rise almost to their summits. This home world's climate is semi-tropical and only slightly cooler at its poles. Like all worlds Cem''L'am is hollow, with an inner world populated, even for this ecosystem by some very strange creatures. The inhabitants of the Star-Nation of Nu Ceti, who number just above 600 million, live in a grid of special crystal cities that are dotted throughout its interior. The third planet in this Solar System is a smaller water world about the size of Mars 4,000 miles in diameter. The tallest mountains on her two continents are partv of very long coastal ranges, making her interior resemble the semi-arid regions of our central India. This planet is particularly noted for her extremely hot, dry surface enviroments. The more arid climate on these continents makes it much easier for the many species of lizards and other reptiles to be the dominant form of land animals. The four large oceans that surround her landmasses teem with an assortment of creatures probably similar to those that existed during our planets late Paleozoic Age. The two innermost planets are small, barren worlds whose atmosphere is very thin. They are known for their extremely cratered surfaces. The larger, outer sphere is less than 1,000 miles in diameter. To a great extent, the smaller, inner planetoid has practically no atmosphere. What remains is sometimes set aglow by her sun's solar flares, making the entire planet seem on fire. The Nu Ceti people have observed this same phenomenon in the past, in several other solar systems across this galaxy.


History Of Nu Ceti

For a very long period in their history, the Nu Ceteans enjoyed their status as one of the galaxy's pre-eminent merchant star nations. They traded with all sides and, owing to the value of their wares and their participation in a general treaty of non interference, maintained, until approximately 5,000 years ago, a state of lucrative neutrality. By that time, the wars had reached very close to Nu Ceti's location in the constellation of Cetus. Suddenly, The Nu Ceteans found that they could no longer perpetuate the illustrious 'star-faring' traditions that they had struggled to establish throughout the galaxy. Consequently, they cut themselves off and, for almost 5,000 years, essentially prohibited anyone from leaving their star system or from travelling within 300 Light Years of Nu Ceti. They take great satisfaction from the fact that, during their period of galactic commerce, they exchanged many goods with the then-primitive civilizations of Earth. The Nu Ceteans are immensely proud that some of Mother Earth's most basic commodities - all citrus fruits and forms of potatoes, as well as a few other tubers - came, originally, from Nu Ceti. Garlic happens to be the favorite tuber of the Nu Ceteans as Sheldan was told during one of his contacts with his Nu Cetean friend Gor'i. And, although Nu Ceti introduced it to us, the garlic we cultivate has come to be the finest in this galaxy. Nu Ceti also indroduced to this planet what we know today as the domestic cat. The Nu Ceteans feel greatly honered that they were able to achieve these feats. Their histories consist mainly of large navigational charts, annotated by massive diaries and containing detailed descriptions of the many diverse cultures with which they are so familiar. They take pride in their encyclopedic knowledge of the Milky Way Galaxy and her peoples. Appropriately, they have enshrined these countless artifacts, with their accompanying logs, in a series of museums dedicated to the many district epochs that are described in their voyages of trade and discovery.


Society Of Nu Ceti

Nu Ceteans are essentially land ceteceans. In many ways, their culture, based upon pods and podlets, resembles that of Earth's Orcas. By nature, it is predominantly matriarchal rather than patriarchal. At the peak of Nu Ceti society stand the councelors. Together, they comprise a regional assembly that joins with other similar bodies to form a ruling council. And, while this body enacts basic laws, the society itself is governed according to long-held traditions in which they take great pride. Nu Ceteans originated as night hunters and farmers, and their entire cultural focus is agrarian. The people of Nu Ceti, and their nearby neighbors on Mu Ceti, are very proud of their culture and of their own scientific and galactic discoveries. Nu Ceti cultures differs from that of a conventional galactic society, in many others, Cetean Culture is unique. One of the most important of these is the matriarchal system that rules their society. For many generations, the Beings of Nu Ceti have traced their descent through their mothers. They also chronicle their histories from that perspective. Moreover, they revere all other galactic societies that are also rooted in matriarchy. On Nu Ceti, after a couple has birthed all of their children, they participate in a ritual similar to marriage. They consider such a ceromony to honor the complete and sacred state of family. Every member of the pod or podlet, not just the parents, raises a family's children. Nu Ceteans treat their children and their extended family - the individuals belonging to each pod or podlet - with the utmost respect. Politically, the Nu Ceteans were neutral in this galaxy for long periods of time and, for that reason, kept very much to themselves. Not to long ago, during the final uneasy truce of the seemingly endless succession of galactic wars, an armada of ships from the Anchara Alliance's Draconian Empire, in search of an extraordinary cloaking device, destroyed the Nu Ceteans' main planet. Prior to this assault, they had been forced to relocate to another, specially hidden planet far from their home solar system. Recently, the Nu Ceti people, with the help of the Galactic Federation Of Light, were able to restablish their shatteredc home world and return, victoriously, to their much-beloved home. Nu Ceti's re-entry into the Galactic Federation Of Light is yet another example of the topic under discussion: the binding together of the former Anchara Alliance and other neutral star-nations with the core confederacy for the forces of light, to form a stronger, more effective and truly Galactic Federation Of Light.


Physical Description Of Nu Ceteans

A highly sentient land Cetacean inhabits this star-nation. The Nu Cetean is a small, short-tailed, bear-like Being, covered with multi-hued brown fur that varies in color from dark chocolate to very light tan. Although its head is shaped like a bear's, the Nu Cetean has a large, snout-like mouth and very powerful jaws. Sharp gums contain two upper and lower teeth that it uses for tearing or ripping its food. Its large, prominent, black eyes are very light-sensitive, indicative of its former nocturnal life-style. With Human-like ears located on the sides of the head, its sense of hearing is acute. Because the Nu Cetean is a biped, it has a highly developed center of gravity. Its two muscular arms end in paw-like hands that contain four stubby fingers each. Its legs are very muscular and it has two long, wide feet that each end in three stubby, clawed toes. These Beings, male and female, stand between 3.75 and 5.5 feet tall. This species requires only one to two hours of sleep per day. Nu Cetean men typically wear flowing, knee-length gowns: those worn by the women are longer. For both, the color of their attire corresponds to their respective pods or podlets, and their clothes are often adorned with ribbons and other insiqnia indicative of honor or position. Aboard Federation spacecraft, Nu Ceteans wear jumpsuits. The top is loose and styled so that it joins seamlessly with the pants. It, too, conforms to the color codes of each pod or podlet, and is decorated with ribbons and epaulettes consistent with the wearer's rank and commendations. The boots, which are an integral part of the outfit, are designed to merge into the pants, thus appearing as a single, continuous unit. Nu Ceteans are renowned for their undisputed skills as negotiators and Galactic Federation Of Liaison Councelors. They excel at bringing together very different groups and assisting them in achieving their desired goals as peacefully and amicably as possible. The inhabitants of Nu Ceti are well known for their skills in designing some of the most advanced light-beam technology to equip Galactic Federation Of Light exploration fleets. They also are considered some of the galaxy's best pilots, navigators, and philosophers. To our ears, the language of Nu Ceti land cetacean is similar to Chinese, with the addition of a series of special, very high-pitched tones, some clicks and occasional guttural sounds.


Ships Of Nu Ceti

Two types of Nu Ceti ships are part of the first contact Earth fleet that regularly monitors our planet. The first, an all purpose scout ship, is primarily used as part of the observation fleet that continuously watches over our planet. This craft is recognizable by its distinctive, straw hat-like shape, and extends from 40 to 55 feet in length. The second an orbital mothership, is usually very large and blimp-like. It measures between 1 and 12 miles in diameter. This small mothership serves as a carrier for 500 science liaison officers, who coordinate the preliminary analysis of data from the sector planetary quadrant to which she is assigned.





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The Sirians Of Sirius-B And Their Solar System

Just like the last blog this blog will also talk about another one of the galaxys most talked about civilizations the Sirians of The Sirius-B region. As many know The Sirians have been Sheldan's main contacts for almost all of his life. All info here is from Sheldan Nidle's book Your Galactic Neighbors.


Status And Location

The Star-Nation of Sirius was welcomed into the Galactic Federation Of Light nearly 4.3 million years ago. Originally, Sirius was settled by a sentient species of Lions called the Pschat ('Warriors Of Heaven'), who had colonized Sirius-A more than six million years ago. When the settlers from the contellation of Lyra first arrived. The colonists appealed to the Pschat and to the Galactic and local Spiritual Hierarchies. With their combined approval, The colonists were able to establish their initial settlements on Sirius-B and later, to colonize Sirius-C and also Sirius-D. In the Winter night sky of the Northern Hemisphere, we can see the constellation of Canis Major. Find the belt of the constellation of Orion, and follow its three stars down until you spot a brilliant blue star. That star, Sirius (Alpha Canis Major), is the brightest star in the sky, and sits at the top of Canis Major. She is a multiple star and is positioned approximately 8.3 light years from our planet.


Sirius-B Solar System

The Solar System of Sirius-B consists of six planetary bodies, the smallest closest to the sun and the largest farthest away. The systems innermost planet is one-quarter the size of our planet. This planet experiences constant electrical storms, which have altered her atmosphere to a thin mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen, intermixed with helium and other noble gases. In this thin, inhospitable habitat, the only life forms able to survive are a series of complex bacteria and algae. The next two planets - the third and fourth are inhabited. The remaining outer planets in the Akonowai Solar System are 'gas giants' similar, in many respects, to the large planets of our Sun's outer Solar System. However, differences do exist: These planets spin much faster than our Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune, and also contain some very unusual primitive, multi-cell life forms. Moreover, their atmospheres possess other anomalies, similar to Jupiter's giant red spot. This Solar System's two outermost planets contain a system of rings equaling that of Saturn in size and complexity. These ring systems came into being in the last eight billion years when a number comets, large asteroids and other space debris passed too close to both planets' small outer moons. The collision caused a string of events that drove the moons into the other's path, resulting in an explosion that created a series of multi-colored rings.


Description Of Sirian Home Worlds

The third planet with two moons, first settled over four million years will ago be talked about first. This world is called Atarmunk ('Holy Place of the Atar'). The Atar is a golden, eagle-like bird, six feet tall, which the Sirians there celebrate for its valor, wisdom and loyalty to its mate. The Spiritual Warrior clan is named for it. A large nest of Atars regularly sits atop the main temple. More than 600 million people inhabit a succession of specially built, subterranean communities on this world. For the most part, the surface of Atarmunk remains unspoiled. A series of temple sites located on its surface is surrounded by small, permanent communities of between six and 10,000 individuals. These settlements support the temple site and constantly monitor the major node that is located at the exact center of each. Ritual, including chanting, dance and spiritually animating music, is performed each day. At the main Atar temple site is a small spaceport meant for the performance of certain diplomatic rituals, which involve the arrival of special dignitaries from other member star organizations in the Galactic Federation Of Light. Owing to the presence of the Great Blue Lodge, these ceremonies take place almost every day. After the arrival ceremony, a special ritual called the aktaiwa (Summoning) is performed to prepare the personage for a session with the Council of Nine. This meeting is held at a special stargate located between the third and fourth planets in the Sirius-B Solar System. The gate opens with a large explosion of purple, followed by a light blue flash. The fourth planet, named Muktarin ('Land Of The Blue Seas'), looks much like our own planet. In its oceans live highly sentient, aquatic Beings who resemble the whales and dolphins of our Earth. They are this planet's main guardians. In Muktarin's oceans, a number of temples have been constructed. There each day, these Beings, called the Makudeem ('sacred ones'), participate in divine ritual. On Muktarin stands the headquarters for the Sirius-B Galactic Federation Of Light mission, which includes our diplomatic, liaison and defence operations. The Sirians there do not allow any large starships of their fleets to enter their Solar System: only a fleet of specially designated scout ships is permitted. The Sirians do not take stewardship of the Sirius-B system lightly. They are fully aware of its legendary sacredness, and of how many yearn to come here. Still, they understand that they are only honored guests and that they must conscientiously pay homage to the wishes of the holy ones who rule this realm. Hence, they limit the number of visitors to Sirius-B in order to honor the requests of the sacred heavenly Councils that preside here.


Origins Of The Sirius-B Galactic Society

The ancestors of the Humans of Sirius-B sprang from the constellation of Lyra. On their main homeworld, The Sirians establised a galactic society, which they intended to function as the embodiment of creativity and spirituality on a grand scale. For Sirians, creativity and the full expression of the individual's unique talents is life-affirming. For that reason, they adopted the Lyran model and significantly enlarged it by raising the positions of counselor. This brought about the formation of liason boards and the creation of a system of inspired solution finding called 'fluid group management'. This innovative tool was conceived and first used 3.7 million years ago by members of both the Administrator and Spiritual Warrior clans. Over time, this technique has been refined and taught to many other developing Human Galactic societies across the Milky Way Galaxy. By applying this method, the Galactic Society of Sirius-B developed new training technologies for its clan counselors. This, in turn, led the various clans and the Main Governing Council to reassess their training programs and use of liaisons. The Galactic Human Society born nearly 3.7 million years ago on Sirius-B is entirely unique. Indeed, she has become the core source of insight on how Human Galactic Societies operate. Accordingly, this model was renamed the 'Lyran/Sirian Prototype'. In examining its creation and operation, we are able to understand how the Sirian community manifests its wonders to their highest possible level. Finally, in what way can its different components (clans, creativity, freedom, as well as its collective and individual sovereignty) be merged? This is the decisive point of our discussion, and the basis of the Sirians' social contract.


Galactic Society Of Sirius-B

The Sirian Star-Nation is a Galactic Human Society. She has been a model for many other Human Star-Nations in the Galactic Federation Of Light and consists of six major clans: Atar; Shiratar; Pukman-ya; Shikda; Dubasnak-ya and Dubasnak-ya-men. On Earth, they could be referred to as the Spiritual Warrior; the Administrator; the Science; the Science Engineering; the Life Sciences; and the Life Sciences Engineering clans. Each one is further seperated into sub-clans, pods, and podlets. The working forces that support these clans are fluid group dynamics and the Four Sacred Laws of Galactic Society. Clans are intertwined to form communities. Every individual in Sirius-B see her- or himself as a sovereign, creative Being of Light. Each has come to fulfill certain talents and a life mission. This does not prevent her or him from a suggesting a creative solution to any community or global problem. In fact, the Sirian Galactic Society welcomes and greatly honors such ideas. The nature of Galactic Society is truly organic; a living organism with fluid or mutable shape, it is based on the dynamic of flow and tied to society's natural rhythm. This rhythm is determined by the natural resonance of the planet and its many inhabitants. It is fluid because the concept of a definite hierarchy is absent: everyone in the society contributes effectively to its open dynamic. Yet this organism is graceful and elegant in its inner growth and in the spread of its all-embracing compassion. It fully nurtures all of the sentient Beings in its midst. Nurturing the individual is a cardinal focus of Galactic Civilization. From the moment of birth to adulthood, parents and all other podlet members engender in each persons feelings of self esteem and social worth. The very fact of your existence, and the enduring contribution you have made to the podlet simply by entering into physicality, are always consistently recognized. Each child is constantly reminded that, at the right divine time, she/he will begin to bring forth creative innovations that can enhance the podlet and the entire Galactic Society. Intention and its manifestation are a primary result of this dynamic. Consequently, an air of creative innovation and inspiration is continually present. Part and parcel of this vast dynamic field is the realization of each person's full potential. Galactic Society exists to encourage and enhance the complete achievement of one's divine life purpose. In this realization, the individual flowers fully, as does the entire society. It is this remarkable dynamic that keeps Galactic Society so open to change and to  reinventing itself, as necessary. Another case in point is the Sirian language. It is contextual in nature. For example, the word 'selamat', which means condition, precedes words in greeting or salutation to emphasize the word or phrase that follows. 'Selamat Ja!' means 'may a condition of Joy or Oneness be present'. This can be further reinforced by the word 'Jarin': '-rim', '-rin' or '-ran' signifies 'ultimate'. Thus, 'Selamat Jarin' means 'Blessings'. The Sirians see Joy as the natural state of all sentient Beings - in fact, the word for the Creator is 'Ja Ta' or 'Joy of Heaven'. Water is 'wa ta' or 'thing of Heaven'. 'Sa' means 'one', both as a number and as an individual - for example, 'sabha', or 'one soul' and 'Washta sa', or 'Mister Washta'. The Sirian language contains nearly the same number of consonants as do most of our Earth languages. It also contains five major vowels, which are strung together to form words. Because verbs and nouns are given equal weight, the sentence structure will seem strange to us. These words can be broken down into a number of basic protowords. Normally, these consist of a consonant combined with a vowel. For example, the word for the main continent of Muktarin is 'Sa-ka-ra' or 'soul of female creativity'. 'Ra' is the principle of female creativity: 'ka' refers to the body guardian or its soul: and 'sa' denotes the entirety of anything. This same principle is found in our words. The Anunnaki realized, at an early stage, the power of language to unite or divide a population. Therefore, they scrambled their proto-word codes and made the meanings of proto-words in our many languages very different from one another. Ancient Lemurian closely resembles Sirian, as well as the language of Vega - the origin of all Humans in this galaxy. The languages used by many of Earth's Pacific Ocean peoples come closest in the meaning to the proto-words of Galactic Sirian.


Physical Description Of Inhabitants

The bodies of men on Sirius-B range from perfectly formed, muscular physiques to child-like figures and vary from 6 feet, 6 inches to 7 feet, 4 inches in height. Women are extremely voluptuous and stand between 6 feet, 2 inches and 6 feet, 8 inches tall. Sirian hair is blond to light brown, and eyes are light blue to green. Their skin tones are extremely pale, light red or light blue. Sirians require only two hours of sleep per day. The Sirians are noted for their sheer, flowing, short and ankle length gowns for men and similar gowns, possibly longer, for women. The colors of these garments indicate the individual's clan, while ribbons and other decorations signify rank or high honor. The jumpsuit is the distinctive dress worn aboard Galactic Federation Of Light spacecraft. The trousers are shaped close to the body, while the top is specially fitted to join seamlessly with the pants. It, too, is color-coded to each clan, and displays the special ribbons and epaulettes that bespeak rank and insignia. The boots, which are an integral part of this costume,merge with the pants to form a visually integrated unit. Sirians are renowed for their undisputed skills as diplomats, negotiators and Galactic Federation liason counselors. They excel at bringing together groups of dissimilar sentient Beings to enable them to achieve their goals as peacefully and amicably as possible.


Ships Of Sirius-B

Three types of Sirius-B ships serve as part of the first contact Earth fleet. The first, an all-purpose scout ship, operates primarily in the observation fleet that regularly monitors our planet. It is ball shaped, with a small, lens-like circular wing attached to its middle, and a diameter of more than 100 feet. The second is a supply ship, which transports equipment and personnel to and from the first contact fleet in near-Earth orbit. Resembling a large bell with a semi-spherical object attached to its underside, this ship is 200 feet in diameter and carries a crew of 8. It can ferry up to 30 passengers, or supplies weighing up to 5 tons. The third type, a special defence observation craft, resembles a rounded equilateral triangle whose three sides each measure about 70-110 feet long. This ship is used to monitor black operations bases of the secret government. Occasionally, it takes part in special operations, with the purpose of neutralizing or shutting down special craft or exotic weaponry that are deployed from secret government bases.






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The Plejaren And The Plejaren Solar Systems

Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be one of the most talked about civilizations in our Galaxy The Plejaren which as we know are the Humans Billy Meier has been in contact with for most of his life. All info here comes from Sheldan Nidles book Your Galactic Neighbors.


Status And Location

The Star League Of The Pleiades was welcomed into thr Galactic Federation Of Light more than 300,000 years ago. Originally, the Pleiades had been part of a series of strategically located defence colonies settled 400,000 years ago by Galactic Federation Of Light Human colonists from the Andromedan Confederacy and Human Star Nations in the constellation of Lyra. Located in the Autumn and Winter night sky of our Northern Hemisphere, the constellation of Taurus contains a major star-cluster called the Pleiades, which can be found by first sighting the three stars that form the belt of the constellation of Orion. Visually follow these stars upward and you will quickly distinguish Taurus' major star, the bright orange Aldebaran whose Arabic name means 'Follower'. Look just above and to the right of Aldebaran, and you will see the seven bright stars that form the Pleiades star cluster (M-45). These seven brightest stars, Alcyone; Merope; Sterope; Maia; Tageta; Celaeno; and Electra are only the most well-known of the more than 250,000 stars that belong to this immense star cluster. In all, 200 planetary systems (star-nations) have united to form this renowned Star League, which is between 200 and 500 light years from Earth.


Origins Of Plejaren Society

The ancestors of the Plejaren Star League originated in the constellations of Andromeda and Lyra. While sharing the same basic outlook on the formation of their Galactic Society, the people of the Pleiades had cultural and artistic priorities far different from those of their forebears. The Plejaren came to believe that Humans embody a higher emotional condition, a state of grace and compassion that is communicated best through science. It was important that this science focus on the Creation and its relation to the Human condition. On their Home worlds, The Plejaren, like their Andromedan forebears, constucted a society that was the embodiment of art and spiritual science on a grand scale. To the peoples of the Pleiades, art and natural logic are the dual expressions of their Humanity, and represent a recognition of the Creator's two greatest gifts - the soul and the physical universe to which we all belong. This results in a thorough understanding of the cosmos and her inner workings. The Galactic Human Society originating in the Pleiades looks at science and art in their own unique way and evaluates ways in which a society can unite two such totally distinct concepts as art and logic. What are the best qualities of each? How are they communicated to their society? By examining these questions, the Plejaren learned how their community manifests its wonders to their highest possible level. This is the decisive point of our discussion, and the basis of the Plejaren Star League's social contract.


Plejaren Galactic Society

The model of clan structure in use throughout the Plejaren Star League is the Andromedan/Plejaren prototype. It contains twelve clans and is extraordinary because Plejaren Galactic Societies include a number of distinct subcultures that have retained their unique languages and traditions. The most significant element is this society's cultural liasons and counselors, who serve as semi-official interpreters for the cluster of cultures on each world. In addition, a special interworld cultural liason board provides creative solutions for any problems that may arise. When this system interfaces with advanced translator technology and the Plejaren's own natural telepathic abilities, it enables each individual and group to communicate freely with one another. The result is a continuous flow of information that incorporates these differences and makes possible the many startling innovations to which this highly diversified society gives form each day. Two examples to show how this society operates. The first is the binary star system of Asterope and the second, the 8-planet system of Celaeno. Both of these star-nations adopted the aforementioned Andromedan/Plejaren prototype. This model includes clans that are dedicated to counselors and liaisons, and to culture. These three clans developed because they found it easier to operate a seperate system for the education and training of such esteemed professionals. Each clan acts as a repository for specific insights, which can be put to use within the other nine clans. Alternatively, whatever difficulty cannot be solved by one of the nine clans can be submitted to any of the three specialist clans that seem most capable of resolving it. The 12-clan system allows members of the Plejaren Star League to be perceived as star-nations that comprise many of the most successful scientific research groups in the galaxy. They attribute this reputation to the extent to which their modified 12 clan system formally addresses their broad diversity. 


Solar Systems And Description Of Several Home Worlds

The Plejaren home worlds range from water worlds, like those of Mother Earth, to semi-arid realms. The planets that will be brought up in this blog are in the area of the stars Asterope (21 and 22 Tauri), and the faint blue star called Celaeno or 16 Tauri. These areas are between 350 and 400 light years from our planet.


The Home Worlds Of Celaeno

The first worlds to be talked about will be the home worlds located in the area our astronomers call 16 Tauri. This star was first colozized nearly 400,000 years ago by Humans who named her Kajer ('Blue Soul of Light'), and contains one of the largest water worlds in the Plejaren Star League. The people who live on this world call her Sirah ('Wise Giver of Joy'). Kajer is the third planet orbiting the central star of Celaeno. She is noted for her vast oceans, teeming with multiple life forms, and for her polar night skies diffused with intense and luminous auroras. These auroras are unusual in that they contain soft pastels, which represent every color in the spectrum. On Kajer, There are six continents surrounded by seven large seas. Two of the largest continents even contain distinctive inland seas. Only here, in Andromeda, and on Sirius-B, are large silver spinner dolphins to be seen. The next home world is a hot, semi-arid planet. Her two continents are largely desert-covered and surrounded by three small seas. A high mountain range extends down the center of the larger continent, and there are a series of mountain ranges on each coast. Although a variety of species lives here, amphibians and certain types of small dinosaur-like creatures dominate the land and a variety of crab-like creatures rule the seas. The people of 16 Tauri use this planet as a laboratory in biological diversity. Plant and animal life found nowhere else in their solar system exists here, in abundance. The remaining outer planets in the Celaeno Solar System are so-called 'gas giants' similar, in many ways, to the large planets of our outer Solar System. The eighth, or outer, world of this solar system contains a ring system that the Plejaren consider to be the most beautiful in the galaxy. This ring system was the result of a collision between several comets and erratically orbiting space debris with the planet's small, outer moons. A Sequence of events occured that propelled the moons too close, causing them to explode and culminating in the formation of the series of three multi-colored rings.


The Home Worlds Of Asterope

Asterope (21 Tauri and her dwarf companion, 22 Tauri), yet another binary star system, is more than 370 light years from our planet. Her smaller star is blue-white and generally similar in appearance to Sirius-B. On this compound body, a colony, dedicated to advancing the principles of spiritual science, was founded nearly 200,000 years ago. The two scientist colonies quickly realised that their new home worlds were abundant sources of treasure, filled with intence energies. In this rich environment, they formulated new technologies for interstellar travel, propulsion and energy production. The larger star (21 Tauri) is home to three different-sized water worlds, one of which is at least three times the size of our planet. The smaller star is very similar to the main home world of 'Akonowai' (Sirius B). The Plejaren came to feel that this solar system (21 Tauri) and her third planet were very sacred and erected a great temple here. It was similar in size and location to that found on Sirius-B. The priest and priestesses from the Spiritual Warrior clan of Sirius-B come here regularly to perform sacred ritual with their Plejaren counterparts. The sacred blue dolphins of Sirius-B are brought here also, to swim in the sea next to the temple and to participate in the same rituals. The fourth planet, which is the next water world in this solar system, is famous for its prestigious university and research institution. This inner world facility often sends distinguished scholar/representatives, who have researched virtually every form of Human Galactic Culture, to the main Galactic Federation Of Light cultural center in the Vega system. Originally, the dwarf twin of Asterope contained a nine-planet solar system. In the course of the galactic wars, however, her solar system was entirely destroyed. Today, this small blue companion serves as a monument to those former worlds, and to the urgency for galactic peace.


Descriptions Of The Plejaren People

The Plejaren resemble us Humans here on Earth. Most often, aboard ship, they wear conventional, multi colored Galactic Federation Of Light jumpsuits. However, the Plejaren also have traditional clothing, which varies from a style of ancient Greek gown to the pants and shirt sets very much like those of the ancient vikings. The Plejaren are usually either one of two basic Earth Human types. The first type is a Caucasian, whose features vary from the so-called 'Nordic' (blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin) to a 'Mediterranean' type (dark to light brown hair, gray to brown eyes, tanned-looking skin). The second looks typically Asian, with dark hair, dark, almond-shaped eyes and skin that can range from very pale to dark brown. The eyes of all the Plejaren are slightly larger than those of Earth Humans. Their thin lips are very pale pink, while their ears are fitted slightly lower on the side of the head and are somewhat smaller in size. Hands and feet are delicate in appearance, with long fingers and toes. The men vary in height from 5 feet, 10 inches to almost 7 feet. The women's heights extend from 5 feet, 7 inches to almost 6 feet, 4 inches. Plejaren women are noted for their alluring energies and their large-breasted figures. The Plejaren only require 2 hours of sleep per day. In the Galactic Federation Of Light, the Plejaren, like the Andromedans, are noted for their mastery of all forms of scientific endeavor. Together with Andromedans and Pegasians, the Plejaren usually comprise the core of most S&E fleet science liason teams/boards. They also play a key role as special cultural advisors in the many Galactic Federation Of Light medical teams assigned to assist Earth Humans' transformation into fully conscious Beings of Light. The Plejaren languages vary from a dialect resembling our planets Germanic tongues (German or Swiss-German) to a smoother and more lyrical varient spoken mostly in star-nations located in and around the star, Maia.


Plejaren Ships

Plejaren ships orbiting in the atmosphere around our planet range from coventional, saucer-shaped scout ships with a diameter of 35 to 57 feet, to cigar-like, small atmospheric command ships that measure up to a quarter-mile in length. The purpose for using these older type of beamships was to provide an observation fleet that was not to technologically advanced. The Plejaren felt, that since our planets society was still rather primitive, a display of the Galactic Federation Of Lights newest ships was not necessary. Out in space, the Plejaren Star League operates two types of motherships. The first is a chain of large, cylindrical vessels, up to five miles long, joined by a large tube-shaped connectors. These motherships, which served as science auxiliary ships for many Science and Exploration fleets, usually housed a fleet of about 700 support scout and command ships. A second mothership, shaped like a flattened sphere, is as large as a small moon. Used for distance surveillance of a solar system, it is supported by a fleet of between 4 and 6,000 ships.




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This blog here will talk about the Humans who live in the Pegasus region in our galaxy. Much like the Andromedans the Pegasians are known for being great scientists. Their Solar System will also be talked about. All info is from Sheldan Nidle's book Your Galactic Neighbors.


Pegasian Society

The Pegasians pride themselves on being one of tne oldest members of the Galactic Federation Of Light. As part of the Andromedan Regional Federation Council, they choose to honor both their constituents' diversity and the sheer size of their joint Regional Council by deciding that more than one Solar System should serve as their primary headquarters. The outcome of their decision was a rotating system whereby each constituent member of council is given an opportunity to serve as host of the Regional Council meetings. Every few thousand years, the Regional Council switches the location of its headquarters. According to their logic, this rotation permits every Council member able to provide a potential meeting-place to accommodate the meetings of the entire Regional Council and its various staffs. In this way, they nurtured the deep loyalty, Love and inner joy that endure to this day. The Pegasians and the Andromedans are justifiably proud of their achievements. Through the application of their inner joy, they have been able to make significant advances in scientific knowledge and are, in fact, among the leading Human scientists in the Galactic Federation Of Light. The Pegasians see themselves as equal partners on a Regional Council that views their successes as proof of their potential, and they are eager to bring that promise to every aspect of the Galactic Federation Of Light. Their cooperative efforts are lauded throughout the Galactic Federation Of Light for doing just that - demonstrating their work and function, displaying their joy and its uses in transcending group diversity, exhibiting the ease with which they release and reveal their full creative abilities and their freedom in effecting enormous changes for the individual, the planet, and the Star League. They have also shown that these cultural differences, when worked at, can actually strengthen any culturally distinct group. Pegasian liaison teams are famed throughout the Galactic Federation Of Light for their wondrous capacity to explain and express their joy and, out of it, to create unity.


Cultural Nuances Of The Pegasian Star League

The types of clan structures encountered throughout the Pegasus Star League differ widely from sector to sector. The most common prototypes are the Lyran/Sirian one, which consists of six clans, and a modified version, which has up to eight. The Pegasian use of these Galactic Society prototypes is unique, since most of their Galactic Societies contain sub-cultures that have retained their own unique languages and traditions. Of these, the crucial element is their cultural liasons and counselors. While Star Nations such as Eta Pegasus use a Lyran/Sirian model, the two inhabited home worlds in this Solar System each possess a rich layer of unique subcultures. Each world maintains liaisons that function as semi-official interpreters for the totality of cultures that exist on that planet. In addition, a special inter world cultural liaison board provides creative solutions to any problems that may arise. When this system is interfaced with advanced translator technology and peoples' natural telepathic abilities, it allows free communication between individuals and groups. What results is a constant stream of information that, by making positive use of its differences, allows this multi-faceted society to create many revolutionary innovations every day. Yet another way for this to be achieved lies in the habitable planets that comprise the Mu Pegasus Solar System. These home worlds adopted a modified Lyran/Sirian model that uses 8 clans, rather than the Lyran/Sirian six. This model contains clans devoted not only to culture, but also to counseling and liaison: the latter two developed because the Pegasians found it easier to have a seperate system in which to train individuals in these important specialties. Each clan serves as a repository for specific wisdoms. The other six clans can make use of these areas of expertise, or, if one of the six clans cannot solve a particular problem, it can be entrusted to one of the two clans that seems most capable of solving it. By embracing the 8-clan system, Mu Pegasus is perceived as a star nation that contains many of the most outstanding scientific research groups in the galaxy. Her reputation is due, mainly, to the extent to which their modified 8-clan system officially addresses their broad diversity. This system, modeled on prototypes developed originally by the Eta Hercules and Alpha Aries star-nations has been dispersed through sectors of the Pegasus Star League.


Pegasus Star League Solar Systems And Description Of Some Of Their Home Worlds

The home worlds of Pegasus vary from water worlds, similar to Mother Earth, to semi-arid spheres. Planets in the multitude stars of Eta Pegasus and the bright yellow giant of Mu Pegasus - are located between 117 and more than 215 light years from Earth. The constellation of Pegasus is an immense cluster of more than 1,000 stars that is positioned between those of Cygnus and Aquarius in the winter and fall skies of the Northern Hemisphere. The star-nations of this League are situated between 35 and 400 light years from Earth.


The Home Worlds Of Eta Pegasus

Starting with Eta Pegasus.Humans first colonized these stars, located in the middle of the 'neck' of the Pegasian 'horse', nearly 4 million years ago. The largest water world in the Pegasus Star League, which her people call Erkha ('Homeland'), is one of three planets orbiting the central star of Eta Pegasus. Erkha is noted for her boundless oceans, teeming with many different species, and for her polar night skies, resplendent with luminous, pastel auroras that encompass the entire color spectrum. And, in the seven oceans and seas that surround this world's seven continents, live the largest aquatic cetaceans in the Peagasus Star League. Approximately two million years ago, a special group of clan liasons and counselors met on this beautiful world. Here, they formulated a modified 8-clan system, which added a counselor/liaison clan and a cultural history clan to the original Lyran/Sirian model. In doing so, they wished to emphasize the concept of joyous passion that had become so important to the people of the Pegasus Star League. The project began after a three-day chanting ritual performed by a group of 24 master liaisons and councelors. These administrators, having examined the future of their diversified society, were able to find the answer to a recurrent problem that earlier had perplexed Andromeda but that they wished, now, to solve in their own unique way: how to design a new program for the proper training and administration of all of Pegasus' liaisons and counselors. The solution, though similar to that originally devised by the famed Andromedan innovator, Toudok, had some fresh and inspired variations: immersion of individuals, such as newborns, in a combined clan that makes these noble professions priority. This clan would also embody the pure, creative joy that was the underpinning of her galactic society. As in Toudok's case, their heart reasoning told them that the existence of such a clan can encourage souls that were to be incarnated as counselors or liaisons to seek out this new clan for their embodiment. They also discussed the necessity for a new clan, totally devoted to the study and preservation of their home world's rich history and varied cultures. Furnished with these concepts, they arrived at a new model for galactic society. Having quickly given reality to these ideas, the administrators of this plan were able to solve many complex societal problems. Their modified Lyran/Sirian prototype sped across the length and breadth of the Pegasus Star League. While the central star of this cluster of three initiated the 8-clan system, the inner of the two companion stars encircling her contained worlds of legendary beauty, as well. The two inner planets of this inner companion sun contain water worlds, alive with subterranean volcanoes that erupt in the mountain regions of several large islands located in the widest of her three oceans. Here, too, are found multi-colored pools of boiling mud and still hot igneous rock formations. Humans from Sirius B colonized this system's second planet, where they found a world of turquoise seas, blue-violet skies and many small island-continents scattered sporadically across her surface. The significance of this world, which they call Grosna-Ja ('Where Joy Has Come'), lies in her adoption and modification of the Erkhan 8-clan model to suit her own needs. Here, on sumptuous land covered with forests of fantastic orange pine trees, some rising 500 feet high, and swamming with large, deer-like or other woodland creatures, a new procedure for administering a main star council was born. Formerly, main star councils in the Pegasus Star League had taken a particular clan council's advice and simply given an issue swift and uncritical approval. With this assembly, an open forum was created in which the decisions of each clan council could be thoroughly and rationally discussed. At the same time, other groups had an opportunity to review a clan's decision and determine its relevance to their own issues. Taking part in the forum were councelors and liaisons highly familiar with the means wherby the decision had previously been reached. Through this uncompromising new process, many precedents were set, allowing a gratifying resolution to be achieved for all involved.


The Home Worlds Of Mu Pegasus

The other important star system is known as Mu Pegasus. This solar system, located 117 light years from our planet, contains one large water world and a smaller one nearly twice the size of our planet. A colony dedicated to advancing the principles of spiritual science was founded here nearly 3.1 million years ago. The colonists first established their headquarters inside the smaller water planet, close to the yellow sun that they called Lahabihm (Living Essence Of Light'). The climate of this world, named Jamadok ('Place Of Great Inner Joy'), was predominantly semi-tropical. Strange, ferny trees and ginkgo-like ones grow here, creating never-ending forests of orange, blue, purple, red and brown trees, which extend to the edges of astonishing, rainbowy beaches. Multi-colored mountains as tall as our planets Himalayas rise on the two largest continents. Exotic birds and large, even worm-like mammalian and reptilian life forms populate these gorgeous locales. The two scientist colonies quickly realized that their home worlds were a rare treasure, spilling over with incomparable beauty. In this habitat, the spiritual scientists near Lahabihm devoloped new technologies for material replicators and for new types of energy and propulsion systems. In the course of their work, they discovered methods which, combined with studies provided by the famed scientific research centers in Pi Andromeda, were pivotal in improving the use of physicality's healing energies to restore all Sentient Beings. These breakthroughs quickly established the Pegasus Star League as a major center for scientific research and healing.


Pegasian Galactic Society

Just like the Andromedans before them, the inhabitants of Pegasus were able to take the measure of their society and decide that they wished to create a community of people that was greater than that from which they had sprung. Like the Andromedans, too, they were endowed with a natural aptitude for science and its applications - a logical analysis of how everything in this universe was intuitively created. They decided, therefore, to examine how they could apply these principles to frame a greater and worthier society. The peoples of the Pegasus Star League have created a society that is widely considered to be one of the most joyous of any planetary group. As a result, the various Pegasian Star-Nations have been able to become a powerful liaison group in the Galactic Federation Of Light. They have learned how to suggest ways that will reveal and communicate the expertise and essence of each Being at their highest levels. The Pegasians are also among the most influential liaisons in the Science and Exploration fleets and take great pride in this particular aspect of their society. The ways in which all of the many aspects of Pegasian Galactic Society come together - their different councils and the clans, sub-clans, pods, podlets, - manifest joy, which enriches their natural abilities for creation and innovation. 


Physical Description

There are three major species of Humans that coexist in the Pegasian Star League. The first is much like the Sirian bHuman in height and appearance, and is subdivided into the same white and blue skin types. The second is a thinner Human whose skin is red or orange. The final species is a hybrid of the Dinosaurian and the second Humanoid. The first species resembles the original Sirius-B Human colonists. The men's physiques vary from perfectly formed and muscular to child-like. They stand from 6 feet, 6 inches to 7 feet, 4 inches tall and have blonde to light brown hair with light blue to green eyes. The women are extremely voluptuous and vary from 6 feet, 2 inches to 6 feet, 8 inches in height. Their skin is either chalk-white or light blue. The second Human species bears a slight resemblance to the first in height and/ or body type, with two major exceptions. First, both skin and hair are light red or dark orange. Second, the eyes are more feline in shape, while the iris is red or navy blue. This group originated from the more distant stars in the Lyra constellation. The third species the Human Hybrid has scaly skin and striking, cat-like eyes of red, brown or lemon yellow. The body, legs, neck and arms are more muscular than those of a Human and thick, vein-like swellings extend along their length. Hands and feet have 4 long, thin digits, with each ending in a small claw. Males stand from 7 to 8 feet tall while females range in height from 6 feet, 10 inches to 7 feet, 7 inches. Pegasians are noted throughout the Galactic Federation Of Light for their talents as innovators, scientists and diplomats. Depending on their species, they only one and one-half to three hours of sleep. There are two distinct Pegasian languages. One language is musical, while the other is guttural and coarse.


Ships Of The Pegasus Star League

Three types of Pegasian ships manuever in or near our planet. The first, a defence ship, is used to guard the scouts that habitually monitor our planet and act as security attachment for those defence scout ships that monitor secret government underground bases and their unconventional technologies. This ship resembles a round-cornered equilateral triangle. Each of its three sides is approximately 74 feet long. The second is an all-purpose scout ship. It is used primarily as part of the Earth observation fleet that constantly monitors our planet. It is oblong in shape, with an average diameter of about 85 feet. The third type is a low orbit to upper atmosphere command mothership, resembles a double lens. This command mothership is roughly 1,300 feet in length. It serves as a carrier for 350 science liason officers who coordinate the preliminary analysis of data from the sector quadrant to which the mothership is assigned.







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This blog will talk about the Humans who live in the Eta Hercules region in our galaxy. Their Solar System will also be talked about. All info is from Sheldan Nidle's book Your Galactic Neighbors.


Status and Location

The Star-Nation of Eta Hercules was first accepted into the Galactic Federation Of Light nearly 2.4 million years ago. Originally, Eta Hercules had been one of a series of strategically located defence colonies settled 2.5 million years ago by Galactic Federation Of Light Human colonists from the Andromedan Confederacy, and Human Star-Nations located in the constellation of Lyra. The Constellation of Hercules, one of the five largest in our night sky and a major summer star-group in our Northern Hemisphere, is located between the constellations of Draco and Ophiuchus. It is best known for its great globular cluster (M-13), which formed more than 11 million years ago. You can find Eta Hercules by looking for the four stars that comprise the 'keystone' in the constellation of Hercules: Eta Hercules is in the upper northwest corner, pointing toward the constellation of Bootes and its brightest star, Arcturus. Eta Hercules is 112 light years from Earth.


Eta Hercules Solar System

The Solar System of Eta Hercules consists of six planets. As is usual in this galaxy, the smallest is closest to the sun and the largest farthest away. The innermost planet in this system is half the size of our Earth. This planets thin atmosphere glows from constant discharges from her sun, Butok ('Bright One'). Perpetual electrical storms light this planet, turning her atmosphere into a collection of rare, charged gases that reduce it to a mix of principally methane and nitrogen. The only life forms able to survive in such a caustic environment are chains of very primitive bacteria and algae. The next world is more amenable to life. Nearly the same size as Earth, this sphere's atmosphere is similar to our own. However, unlike our Earth, this planet possesses a hot climate and semi-arid topography. The shorelines of her two continents are covered mainly by lofty coastal mountain ranges, which contribute, in turn, to the existence of broad interior deserts. These landmasses are surrounded by five small, shallow, interconnected seas; a high mountain range extends down one continent's center. Life here is extremely diverse: reptilians, amphibians, birds, bats, and small, shrew-like mammals comprise, in part, the land's varied ecosystem. In its seas swim a multitude of species: among them, primitive, armored fishes, crab-like creatures and assorted, rudimentary aquatic arthropods. The Eta Hercules people treat this semi-arid world as an elaborate, on-going study by their life scientists in biological diversity. Plant and animal life unheard of elsewhere in their solar system or in other parts of this galaxy exist here in abundance. The remaining outer planets in the Butok Solar System are gas giants similar, in many regards, to the large of other systems, including that of our own Sun. Still, differences do exist. These planets not only spin much faster than our Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, but their atmospheres possess anomalies more akin to the giant red spot found on Jupiter. These include interconnected large spots that look like, multi-colored ink blots. The fifth (outer) world of this solar system has a very large and beautiful ring system that is easily the equal of Saturn. This ring system exists because, in the last seven billion years, several comets and other stray chunks of space debris occasionally passed to close to this planet's small, inner moons. The impact set a chain of events in motion that drove the moons too close to their world and caused them to explode. The outcome was a series of three multicolored rings.


Description Of Home World

The Eta Hercules' home world, called 'Shom-Fes' ('The Holy Place') in their language, is the third planet in this solar system. Of her solar system's twenty moons, Shom-Fes has four. Just like other planets, she is hollow and has a double-layered firmament and a global, semi-tropical climate. She is nearly one and one half times bigger than Earth, with four continents and seven oceans. The largest continent, called Q'fuir Daj ('high ridges') in Eta Herculean, is famous for the high saw-toothed mountain ranges that extend down through her interior. The blue seas' floor contains enormous canyons, like those of Earth.


Origins Of Eta Hercules Society

The ancestors of Eta Hercules originated in the constellations of Andromeda and Lyra. While they shared perspectives on the formation of Galactic Society similar to the people of Epsilon Eridani and Alpha Aries, the cultural and artistic priorities of the inhabitants of Shom-Fes were somewhat different. Humans embody a higher emotional condition, a state of grace and compassion. Whereas the people of Alpha Aries feel that the highest expression of that compassion is in art, those of Eta Hercules believe that it is communicated best through science. On their primary home world, the Eta Hercules people gradually established a society that would serve as the embodiment of art and spritual science on a grand scale. For the individual Eta Herculean, art included subjects of taste, style and imagination, while spiritual science contained a natural flow around which this ever-growing art could be structured. To the peoples of Butok, art and natural logic are the dual expressions of being Human and represent ways to honor the Creator's greatest gifts - the soul and the physical universe to which we all belong. The Galactic Human society that sprang from Eta Hercules is entirely unique. Indeed, the Galactic Society of Butok demonstrates a society's ability to unite two such totally distinct concepts as art and logic. What are the best qualities of each? How can they be communicated to their society? To what wonders does that society give form? By examining the community's creations, we can understand how it manifests its wonders to their highest possible level. Finally, in what way can its different components be merged? This is the decisive point of our discussion, and the basis of the Eta Herculeans' social contract.


Galactic Society Of Eta Hercules

The people of Eta Hercules created their own unique eight clan Galactic Society, which was based upon the retention of the original six clans of the Lyran/Sirian model. But, in a departure from the classic Lyran/Sirian example, the people of Shom-Fes added two additional clans. The first clan creates concepts and refines techniques so that a variety of tasks can be performed holistically. That is, their crucial mission is to preside over the devolopment and application of 'the spiritual logic of the heart'. For that reason, they are called the Perkoh or 'Heart Logic' clan. The second is called the Art and Science (Da-Sang-koh) clan, and is unique to Eta Hercules. Its purpose is to guide society by demonstrating the best expression of 'living art' through various forms of logic, all of which comprise the infinite diversity called Human consciousness or, even better, the Consciousness of the Creator. Mirroring the classic model, each of these clans forms its own main clan governing council. Here, we see yet another contrast to the original Lyran/Sirian model. During sessions of this governing assembly, distinguished liaisons, belonging to the two 'new' clans, act as special presiding referees to assist members of the main governing council in solving any difficulties that may arise. Clearly, the peoples of Shom-Fes have succeeded in adding new, useful components to the Lyran/Sirian model. This astounding aptitude has brought them acclaim throughout the Milky Way Galaxy. The Eta Herculean reflects upon how a society can unite two such totally distinct concepts as art and logic. What are the best qualities of each? How are they communicated to their society? To what wonders does that society give form? By examining its many and varied creations, we can understand how the community manifests its marvels to their ultimate possible extent. For these and other reasons, the people of Eta Hercules are renowed, galaxy-wide, for their perfect melding of art and spiritual logic to create a unique and shining example of a Galactic Human Society. Galactic Human Societies throughout the galaxy acknowledge the unrivaled skills of the people of Shom-Fes and are delighted to call upon them whenever required.


Physical Description Of Inhabitants

The Humans of Eta Hercules resemble the original Sirius B Humanoid colonists. Men's bodies vary from perfectly formed, muscular physiques to child-like builds and range from 6 feet, 6 inches to 7 feet, 4 inches in height. The Women are extremely voluptuous and stand between 6 feet, 2 inches and 6 feet 8 inches tall. Hair is blonde to light brown and eyes are light blue to green. Eta Herculean skin tones are extremely pale, light red, or light blue. Just like their Sirian kinfolk, they require only two hours of sleep per day. The clothing of the Eta Herculeans resembles that of their Sirian ancestors. The people of Shom-Fes have adopted a style that incorporates the same gauzy, flowing, short or ankle-length costumes. The classic Eta Hercules outfit includes a traditional Sirian gown topped by a special, sheer outer blouse that extends to just below the waist. Their garments, like those of the Sirians, take the colors of their clans, and are decorated with ribbons and other symbols of rank and high honor. A two piece jumpsuit is worn aboard Galactic Federation Of Light spacecraft. The pants fit tightly, while the top, like one of their more popular traditional outfits, ends just below the waist. It, too, adheres to clan color codes and is embellished with the special ribbons and epaulettes that designate rank and commemorate distinctions. Boots are integral to this costume and are designed to merge into the pants, creating a seemingly continuous piece. The Herculeans are renowned for their undisputed skills as artists, diplomats, negotiators, and Galactic Federation Liaison Counselors. They excel at bringing together groups of very different Sentient Beings to assist them in achieving their goals as peacefully and amicably as possible. The language of the Eta Herculean Star-Nation is syntactically very close to Polynesian. However, later waves of Andromedan colonists eventually produced a series of variations in pitch that are very similar to Chinese in style and sound. The result is a composite language, largely unique and known for its sweet and musical tones.


Ships Of Eta Hercules

Two types of ships are part of the first contact Earth fleet. The first, an all-purpose scout ship, is used to constantly monitor our planet's harmonics. It is ball-shaped, with a small, lens-like, circular wing attached to its middle and a diameter of more than 100 feet. The second type of ship is a small, low orbit to upper atmosphere command mothership that resembles a cigar with a small bulge in its middle. It is 20,000 feet (slightly more than 6.0 kilometers) long. It serves as the carrier for 5,000 science liason officers who coordinate the preliminary analysis of data from the sector quadrant to which this mothership is assigned.




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This blog here will talk about the citizens who live in the Alpha Aries (Hamal) region in our galaxy as well as their Solar System. All info comes from Sheldan Nidle's book Your Galactic Neighbors.


Present Status And Location

The Star Nation of Alpha Aries (Hamal) was first accepted into the Galactic Federation Of Light 2.13 million years ago. Originally, Hamal had been part of a series of strategically positioned defence colonies, settled 2.5 million years ago by Galactic Federation Of Light Human colonists from the Andromedan Confederacy and Human Star Nations located in the constellation of Lyra. The star Hamal in Arabic means 'Head of the Sheep' Her people call Hamal 'Japos Da'La which means Being Of Joyous Light. She is the brightest star in Aries, and is located 66 light years from Earth. The constellation of Aries appears in our night sky as a far flung region consisting mostly of larger magnitude stars. She is positioned between the constellations of Andromeda and Pisces and just above that of Pegasus. The easiest way to find Hamal is to look for a triangle in the head of the ram that is located just below Andromeda. This triangle consists of Hamal and two other major stars, which form the ram's horns. These stars are Beta Aries or Sheratan, and Gamma Aries or Mesarthim.


Alpha Aries Solar System And Description Of Home Worlds

The Solar System of Alpha Aries contains eight planets. The outer three are huge gas giants, similar in size and appearance to our planets Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. In the center of this Solar System are two semi arid worlds, each one quarter the size of Neptune and Uranus, and about 7,400 miles in diameter. Next closer to their sun is the planet that serves as the home world for the Alpha Aries Star Nation. Her people call this planet 'Joo'Doo, and she is the third planet from Japos Da'La. At first glance from space, the planet of 'Joo'Doo looks just like our planet. This planet is very close to our planet in size at 7,000 miles. Unlike Earth though she contains only three large continents which are surrounded by five deep oceans and a three tiered firmament that supports an ecosystem famous, like that of our planet, for her wide variety of life forms. The climate of Joo'Doo' is semi tropical, and cooler only at each pole. Like all planets ,Joo'Doo' is hollow, enclosing an inner world populated by creatures that, even to this ecosystem, are highly unusual. Alpha Aries inhabitants, who number 700 million, live in special crystal cities scattered across her inner realm. The hybrid Human (Dinosaurian/Human) species, in particular, prefers to be the primary guardian for Japos Da'La's two semi arid planets. They feel more at home in these planets' extremely hot, dry environments. There, it is much easier for them to share their sacred planet keeping rituals with their Human counterparts. For the most part, they perform these rituals in large, desert temples located near small, sacred, surface settlements. The two innermost planets are small and barren, and possess exceedingly thin atmospheres. The outer world is less than 3,000 miles in diameter. The inner is called 'Ja'Lut', which means most joyous. Because Ja'Lut's atmosphere is frequently lit by her sun's solar flares, she seems to be a world aglow. Both planets are known for their unusually erratic orbits.


Origins Of Alpha Aries Society

The ancestors of the people of Alpha Aries came from the Andromedan and Lyran constellations. The people of Japos Da'La, while sharing the same basic perspectives on the formation of their Galactic society as the Humans from Epsilon Eridani, had very different cultural priorities. Instead, they saw themselves primarily as artistic beings, the choosen creators of what they refered to as 'living art'. On Joo'Doo, the people established a society that was meant to function as the embodiment of art on a grand scale. The Alpha Arians discerned that art comprised subjects of taste, style, and imagination, and included sculpture, painting, literature, dance, and drama. Their unique Galactic society, therfore, emphasizes these many different aspects of their culture. To the peoples of Japos Da'La, art is, in fact, the highest living expression of being Human, and a way to honor the Creator's greatest gifts - the soul and the physical universe to which we all belong. Thus, the Galactic Human society inhabiting Alpha Aries is totally unique. It almost resembles a living theatre, filled with dynamic, ever-changing living art. The people of Japos Da'La perceive their Galactic society in this way, as a vibrant work of art composed of many equally superb pieces. In this wonderful, richly creative environment, each citizen is capable of using a special technique of artistic creation. The people of Alpha Aries call this creative process their 'living logic'. Our astronomers classify their star - Alpha Aries - as the primary star in the Aries constellation. The peoples of Japos Da'La see themselves in that way, and they are content.


Galactic Society Of Japos Da'La (Alpha Aries)

The people of Alpha Aries created their own unique, nine-clan Galactic society. This modified model was in keeping with the original six tribes that, in the traditional Lyran/Sirian model, are called the Spiritual Warrior, Administration, Science, Science Engineering, Life Sciences, and Life Sciences Engineering clans. In a departure from this classic Lyran/Sirian example, the people of Japos Da'La added three more groups. According to the model derived from the people of Jadok-san (Epsilon Eridani), the first clan deals with the concepts of creating cultural unity within a multiculturally diverse society. This 'Cultural History' clan is a modification of the cultural tradition and history families that are part of the 12-clan Andromedan model. The second clan, unique to the Epsilon Eridani 8-clan prototype, is known as the Spiritual Heart Logic ('Baruk') clan.This group develops techniques that allow various tasks to be carried out holistically. That is, this second clan's most crucial task is to preside over the development and use of 'the spiritual logic of the heart.' To the adaptations made by the peoples of Jadok-san, the Galactic society of Alpha Aries added a third clan. It consists of teachers and counselors who provide instruction in their society's core value - living art - or, in their language, 'gratosh zawaba'. Following the classic model, each of these clans forms its own main clan governing council, which, in turn, sends representatives to Alpha Aries' main governing council. Here, we notice yet another point of contrast in the people of Japos Da'La. Whenever this governing council is in session, distinguished liasons from the Spiritual Heart Logic and Living Art clans act as special presiding referees, assisting members of the main governing council in solving problems or difficulties as they arise. Clearly, both the Alpha Aries and Epsilon Eridani peoples have found a way to incorporate dissimilar components from the Lyran/Sirian and Andromedan models. This ingenious aptitude has brought them acclaim throughout the Milky Way Galaxy. In effect, the people of Epsilon Eridani and Alpha Aries have applied Andromeda's talent of creating unity out of diversity, and combined it with two invaluable attributes of their Lyran ancestors - an immense spiritual capacity and a deeply communal, yet personal, sense of spiritual to the Great Blue Lodge of Creation. And, by applying the Epsilon Eridani spiritual to their art, they have also fashioned an enlightened society celebrated for its creativity and its ability to present the nuances of any subject in an extraordinarily joyful way. For this and other reasons, the Alpha Aries people are famous, galaxy-wide, for what they refer to as 'living art' - for applying intuitive logic to the arts, and for using that reasoning to create a specific situation and represent it in a positive way so that everyone will fully grasp its nuances. The Alpha Aries people are hailed as exceptionally gifted artisans and logicians, a quality this society deems its greatest achievement. Often, the living artists of Alpha Aries are called upon to put this 'living art' to use in other sectors of the Galactic Federation Of Light. Throughout the galaxy, Galactic Human societies applaud the prodigious talents of the people of Japos Da'La, and appeal to them whenever neccessary.


Description Of Inhabitants

On Alpha Aries (Hamal) there are two major species of Human. The first group resembles the original Lyran/Sirian and Andromedan Human colonist. Male physiques vary from perfectly formed and muscular to a rare, child like body type. In height, males range from 6 feet, 6 inches to 7 feet, 4 inches. Japos Da'La women are extremely curvaceous and stand between 6 feet, 2 inches and 6 feet, 8 inches tall. Their hair varies from blond to light brown, and their eyes from pale blue to navy or dark green. Their skin comes in many colors: red, orange, green, ivory, or light blue. The second, a Human hybrid, sprang about two million years ago from the union of Dinosaurians and Humans. A series of large scale attacks by Dinosaurian forces from the constellation of Orion resulted in the capture of several  fleets of Andromedan colonists. After the Anchara Alliance forces from the Star-Nation of Bellatrix had carried out experiments on the colonists, they freed the Andromedan fleets, which continued on to Alpha Aries. There, the Dinosaurian/Human hybrids were honored as full fledged members of the Alpha Aries Star Nation. The hybrid Hamalan has scaly skin and unmistakably cat-like eyes of red, brown or lemon yellow. The body, legs, neck, and arms are more muscular than those of a Human, and a number of thick, vein-like swellings run their length. Each hand and foot has 3 long, thin digits that end in a small claw. Males stand between 7 and 8 feet tall, while females range from 6 feet, 10 inches to 7 feet, 7 inches in height. Neither species requires more than three hours of sleep. The costumes of the Alpha Aries people are most unusual. Unlike the filmy, flowing, short and ankle-length gowns adorned with the ribbons and insignia of their Lyran/Sirian or Andromedan ancestors, the people of Japos'Da'La have chosen far different apparel. The traditional Alpha Aries outfits consist of a billowing, ankle-length skirt in a bright color that identifies one's clan. Sheer outer blouses, either waist-length or ending just above the knee, feature an open shoulder, usually on the left. Special graphic designs on the blouse indicate individual rank and honors or achievements. The Alpha Aries outfit worn on Galactic Federation Of Light spacecraft is a two-piece jumpsuit, much like their traditional costume. The pants are relaxed in fit, and the shirt extends just below the waist. This jumpsuit bear the clan color codes, as well as special graphics to denote rank and official honors. Boots are integral to the costume; they merge into the pants and appear as a continuous unit. All personnel of Star-Nations belonging to the Galactic Federation Of Light are required to wear their official uniforms while on call and, especially, while on duty. In all other cases, they are permitted to wear their official uniforms while on call and, especially, while on duty. In all other cases, they are permitted to wear the clothes of their distinctive cultures. The people of Japos'Da'La are known throughout the Galactic Federation Of Light for their expertise as artists, innovators, and scientists. There are two spoken languages. The Human language is gentle and melodious, while the Hybrid language tends to be more guttural and coarse.


Ships Of Alpha Aries (Hamal)

Two types of Alpha Aries ships are part of the first contact fleet that monitors our planet each day. The first is a low orbit upper atmosphere command mothership. At 10,000 feet (slightly over 3.0 kilometers) long, it is small, and shaped like a double lens. It serves as the carrier for 2,000 science liason officers who coordinate the preliminary analysis of data from the sector quadrant to which this mothership is assigned. The second type, a special defence observation craft, resembles a rounded equilateral triangle with three equal sides, each approximately 240 feet long. This ship monitors black operation bases belonging to the secret government. Occasionally, it takes part in special operations to neutralize or shut down special craft or exotic weaponry when they are deployed from secret government bases. 

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This blog here will talk about the Humans who live in the Epsilon Eridani region in our galaxy. Their Solar System will also be talked about. All info here comes from Sheldan Nidle's book Your Galactic Neighbors.


Location and Status

The constellations of Eridanus is located between the constellations of Orion and Taurus. Eridanus is best known for its second brightest star (Beta Eridani), known as 'Cursa' which sits near the star Rigel at the foot of Orion. This bright star is 89 light years from our planet. Epsilon Eridani is positioned 10.5 light years from our planet, near the middle of the constellation of Eridanus. Celebrated as one of the first solar systems ever discovered by our astronomers in the late 1990's, this star is very similar in size and composition to our sun. Epsilon Eridani known to her people as the star nation of Jadok-san, was accepted into the Galactic Federation Of Light 3.7 million years ago. Like Sirius and the Star League of the Pleiades, Epsilon Eridani is one of the star nations that together forms part of the Sirian Federation Regional Council. This is the same Galactic Federation Regional Council on which our solar system's star nation will sit.


Epsilon Eridani Solar System And Description Of Home Worlds

The Solar System of Epsilon Eridani much like a lot of other Solar Systems in this galaxy has six planets, and is similar in configuration to that of Sirius B. Just like Sirius B the Epsilon Eridani Solar System has two main home water worlds, the largest being her third planet, which is called Erza. This world is very similar to Earth, except she is one quarter larger. This world has six main continents and five large, deep oceans, is nearly 70 percent water. Just like our planet she teems with life. By contrast, Bertak, Epsilon Eridani's forth world, whose oceans contain the planet's supply of just less than 50 percent water, is known as a large, Saharan continent. On this planet stands a main temple of the Epsilon Eridani people that is dedicated to the study and dissemination of heart logic. The people of Epsilon Eridani enjoy a Galactic Society which is very similar to that of Sirius B. Here, to accommodate the broad study of heart logic in Epsilon Eridani galactic society, the six clan Lyran/Sirian social order has been modified to an eight clan system.


Origins Of Epsilon Eridani Society

Epsilon Eridani as well as the next star nations to be discussed, Eta Hercules, and Alpha Aries (Hamal), was first colonized by expeditions from Sirius B. Although each had intially embraced a galactic society very similar in concept to that of their former Sirian home worlds, Epsilon Eridani also maintained a large contingent of colonists from the more distant Andromedan star nations. If we examine the achievements of the people of Epsilon Eridani, we find that, while they are passionate about the role of individual inner logic in enunciating truths, they feel that they themselves are blessed with a highly intuitive heart-logic. They devoloped these talents at the time the colonists from Sirius B united with those from Andromeda. The result was a new understanding of how spiritual science could be applied to solve a society's problems and advance its levels of technology. By applying both, the Epsilon Eridani became distinguished scientists in much the same way as their Andromedan ancestors. Consequently, their many logic schools support the Andromedan concept of unity created through diversity. These same schools also embrace the great Sirian concepts of duty and spirit. The Epsilon Eridani combined these two components and created a society slightly different from either the Andromedan galactic societies, which possess twelve clan councils, or the Sirius B model which has six.


Epsilon Eridani Galactic Society

The people of Epsilon Eridani created their own unique eight clan galactic society. This modified model was based upon the retention of the original six clans, which are called the Spiritual Warrior, Administration, Science, Science Engineering, Life Sciences, and Life Sciences Engineering clans. In  a departure from the classic Lyran/Sirian example, the people of Jadok-san added two additional clans. The first, known as the Cultural History clan, which deals with the concepts of creating cultural unity within an extremely diverse cultural society. It is a modification of the cultural tradition and history clans found in the twelve clan Andromeda model. The second, known as the Spiritual Heart Logic ('Baruk') clan, is unique to this Epsilon Eridani 8 clan prototype. This second clan develops techniques to make different tasks work holistically. That is, this clan has been given the crucial task of presiding over the development and use of the 'the spiritual logic of the heart'. Following the clasic model, all of these clans establish their own main clan governing councils. The councils, in turn, send representatives to Epsilon Eridani's main governing council. At this point, we notice another difference. During sessions of this governing council, distinguished liasons from the Spiritual Heart Logic clan serve as special presiding referees to assist members of the main governing council in solving whatever problems or difficulties may arise. The people of Epsilon Eridani found a way to combine components from the Lyran/Sirian and Andromedan models for Galactic societies. This wondrous talent has made them celebrated throughout the Milky Way Galaxy. In effect, the Epsilon Eridani people have applied the Andromedan ability to create unity out of diversity. These they combined with two great trait of their Sirian ancestors a wonderful spritual aptitude, and a famous sense of shared and personal spritual loyalty to the Great Blue Lodge of Creation. For this and other reasons, the Epsilon Eridani people are renowed, galaxy wide for what they refer to as 'spritual logic of the heart' - their applied, intuitive reasoning - and  for using that reasoning to analyze and successfully resolve any given situation. The people of Epsilon Eridani are highly regarded as truely gifted logicians - a trait this society deems its greatest chracteristic. The logicians of Epsilon Epsilon Eridani are often called upon tp apply this 'spritual logic of the heart' to others sectors of the Galactic Federation Of Light. Galactic Human societies throughout the galaxy acknowledge the great skills of the people of Jadok-san, and are quite happy to call upon them whenever they are needed.


Physical Description Of The Epsilon Eridani People

The Humans of Epsilon Eridani resemble the original Sirius B Human colonists. The men vary from perfectly formed, muscular physiques to child-like builds, and range from 6 feet, 6 inches, to 7 feet, 4 inches in height. The hair is blonde to light brown and eyes are light blue to green. The women are extremely voluptuous and stand between 6 feet, 2 inches and 6 feet, 8 inches tall. The skin tones of the people of Epsilon Eridani are extremely pale, light red or light blue. Just like their Sirian relatives, they require only two hours of sleep per day. The clothes are very unique. Unlike their Sirian ancestors, the people of Jadok-san have shied away from the sheer, flowing, short or ankle-length Sirian gowns, adorned with ribbons and other signs of rank or high honor. The traditional Epsilon Eridani outfit consists of gauzy, billowing pants, topped by waist- or knee-length gossamer blouses. Just like the Sirian original, these outfits take the colors of their respective clan. But, rather than special ribbons or epaulettes, various special geometrical designs in the outer blouse determine the individual's rank and the honors accorded them. When on Galactic Federation Of Light spacecraft, the outfit changes to a one or two piece jumpsuit that adheres to the uniform requirements of Federation dress codes. Normally, the one piece design is worn only when there is a mixed crew, consisting of members from several other Galactic Federation Of Light star nations. This often occurs on Science and Exploration fleets assigned to a first contact mission. The two piece jumpsuit design more closely resembles the traditional Epsilon Eridani costume. The pants are baggy, like those worn on their home worlds. The jacket extends just below the waist, much like one of their more traditional styles. This jumpsuit also adheres ro the clan color codes, with the special geometric designs that determine rank and conferred honors. The boots, an integral part of this costume, are designed to merge into the pants so that they appear as one undivided unit.The people of Epsilon Eridani are recognized as avid explores and consummate scientists. They have led some of the most succesful Science and Exploration expeditions into previously unexplored parts of this and other galaxies. The people of Epsilon Eridani are also noted for their superior abilities as administrators and Galactic Federation Of Light Liaison Counselors. They excel in organizing Science and Exploration fleet missions to the outer reaches of this galaxy and have led several first contact missions to other galaxies. The syntax of the original Epsilon Eridani language very closely resembles that of Polynesia. Subsequent Andromedan colonists influenced the language, eventually producing speech patterns whose style and sound are very similar to Chinese. The outcome is a unique and graceful hybrid language, famed for its sweetness of sound. Chants intoned in this language are renowed for their powers to heal and soothe.


The Ships Of Epsilon Eridani

Epsilon Eridani ships observed in our planets skies are part of a large fleet of scout ships, designed to monitor our planet. Frequently, they resemble ships from the Andromedan Confederacy or the Star League of Centaurus. The all purpose science ship, one of the most common, has a diameter of about 45 feet and a height of nearly 28 feet. Its shape resembles that of a Mexican sombrero, and is similar to Andromedan scout ships, or even those from Centaurus. Unlike them, however, the Epsilon Eridani ships main dome (housing the crew and command sections) and its disc ('wing') areas are much thicker. Therefore, these scout ships can carry more scientific instruments and remain in cloaked hover mode for much longer. A second Epsilon Eridani craft is the atmospheric command ship. Shaped like a giant rod, it is approximately 4000 feet long and usually carries a crew complement of 541. Together with a corresponding Pleiadean command ship, it coordinates the daily flights of scout ships in a given sector of your atmosphere. Such command ships transport a crew of special liaisons who analyze preliminary data and ensure that each ship in its sector successfully carries out its mission and returns safely to base. These ships keep in touch with their assigned motherships and make certain that each oncoming wave of scout ships perfectly dovetails with the next. Out of this elegant, galactic ballet flows a constant stream of vital information about our planet. A third type is the special fleet mothership. It is shaped like a large, oblong lozenge, half surrounded by a group of smaller lozenges that are connected to one another by a series of large, round pylons. Its main hull is 4000 miles long. Generally, it serves as the main command mothership on an assignment for the Science and Exploration fleet.


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All info from Sheldan Nidle's book Your Galactic Neighbors.


Altair's Former Role In The Anchara Alliance

As noted in Part 1 of the Altairian blog the Altairians were trusted negotiators between some empires of the Anchara Alliance and other neutral star nations. They sometimes even served as overseer for the Alliance on important secret projects. A case in point is their dealings with the secret governments on our planet and the former overlords of our planet the Anunnaki.This task quickly gained in importance as many of the Dinosaurian and Reptilian dark empires felt that the overt efforts of the secret governments to counter their agendas extremely foolish. Thus, from the 1950s to the 1990s, theAltairians acted as mediators between these various groups. The result was a series of clandestine treaties designed to resolve difficulties and ensure that each party's interests were served. The undertaking occured once again when, in the mid 1990s, the Anchara Alliance asked the Galactic Federation Of Light for membership. Since the dark empires of the Anchara Alliance did not trust the emissaries of the Galactic Federation Of Light, they approached the Altairians to barter this deal. In 1995, the Altairian ambassadors were able to quickly piece together an acceptable agreement, the Treaty of Anchara. To this day it remains the basis upon which the former empires of the Anchara Alliance were accepted as members of the Galactic Federation Of Light.However, the Altairian role did not stop there. For almost a decade, they have worked hard with a number of other star nations to help the formerly dark sectors of this galaxy make their peace with the Light.


Changing Altair's Society

The Altairians are starting to democratize their society by restoring the ultimate basis of the 12 clans and adopting the Four laws as their other guiding principle. The model for the Altairian society is the Andromedan/Pleiadean prototype. As they continue in their societal transformation, they are using their increased understanding to assist former members of the Anchara Alliance in transforming their own tyrannical societies. To do so, the Altairians assembled a working group that consisted of the Reptilian and Human societies from Aldebaran. The Reptilians from Aldebaran, which have belonged to the Galactic Federation Of Light for more than 800,000 years, have developed their own remarkable and singular prototype of galactic society. The Aldebaran model has been shown to the former Anchara Alliance members. The Altairians liason and negotiating skills have proved invauable to this process. At the same time, the Altairians have observed many nuances in the Four Laws that they, in turn, are applying to their own societal changes. This process of change applies, also to the actions of the reformed Anunnaki who are now called the Annanuki, who look to the galactic society model and the Altairian guidelines for assistance in their own societal transformation. Clearly, the recent drastic changes in our own galaxy have caused a great many far reaching consequences, affecting not only the Altairians, but also tens of thousands of former members of the Anchara Alliance. They understand the need for change and desire to know how it can be implemented so that their societies can become welcome additions to the Galactic Federation Of Light.


Altairian Description

What you would mostly see from the Altairians is Humanoid, but you would also see some Reptilian and Dinosaurian hybrids as well. The Human Altairians resemble us here on Earth in many ways with some differences. They tend to be taller than us though. They stand at over 7 feet tall. Their skin is naturally very smooth and hairless. It is also noted for its white tones, which range from extremely pale to those of the average white European. The eyes they have are large and recognizable for their round or almond shape. Most often they are sapphire blue, but sometimes you will see other eye colors like green or yellow. The nose is either large and aquiline or small and slightly bulbous. The lips are extemely thin, and their canine teeth are large. The ears are delicate and a little bit larger than ours. Hair is thick and blonde, but can also be red or brown black. The head is in proportion to the rest of the body, and the neck is long and graceful. Body, arms, and legs are very muscular. Each limb has five or six extremely long, thin digits. Males stand at 7 to 8.5 feet tall while the females stand at 7.5 feet to 8 feet tall. Altairians are celebrated for their flair in dress, which varies from silver or gray jumpsuits to spectacular, iridescent robes intertwined with multicolored, flowing gowns. Altairians only need 2-4 hours of sleep per day. Altairians are renowned for their great psychological proficiency, and for their skills in the many ways of manipulating the mind and manifesting the desires. Their vast body of knowledge is gleaned from close interaction with star empires formerly allied with the Anchara Alliance, and their capacious scientific libraries date back more than 25 million years. The language of Altair is very melodic, but can also be guttural.


Altairian Ships

The scout ships are disc shaped, with large, flat rounded objects protruding from the disc's upper edge. They vary in diameter and can be 50-150 feet. The motherships are extremely large, extending from 100 to 10,000 miles across. Smaller ones resemble tadpoles, while the larger ones look like rounded, stacked loaves of bread. Larger motherships are extremely self sufficient and usually keep only to deep space. 



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This blog here will get into the people who live in the Altair region in our galaxy and also their Solar System. These beings are a mix of Humanoid along with some Dinosaurian and Reptilian hybrids. All info here comes from Sheldan Nidle's book Your Galactic Neighbors.


Present Status And Location

The Star Dominion of Altair was last accepted into the Galactic Federation Of Light nine years before this book was published so around 1996-1997. Before joining The Galactic Federation Of Light Altair was a neutral star-nation with a habit of resigning from the Galactic Federation Of Light when it best suited them. They also had a history of sporadic collaborations with the empires of the Anchara Alliance. Because of its proximity to the headquarters sector of the Galactic Federation Of Light, Altair has long been a major participant in the current diplomatic and cultural exchanges between the former dark empires of the Anchara Alliance and the Galactic Federation Of Light. Now, owing to her long, collaborative history with the Anchara Alliance, Altair once more has become a natural conduit between these formerly dark empires and many of the Galactic Federation Of Light cultural and diplomatic teams. This role has enabled them to assume a degree of authority, which they otherwise would have been unable to garner, in its Regional Galactic Federation Council. Altair is a large, white star located 16.8 light years from Earth. This star is the brightest star in the constellation of Aquila. Together with Deneb, Alpha Cygnus, and Vega Altair forms a glittering triangle in the summer skies. The twelfth brightest star in this galaxy, Altair is noted by our astronomers for her rapid spin. The Solar System of Altair has six planets with the third planet which is a water world being the home of the Altairians.


The Altairian Solar System

Like most Solar Systems in this Galaxy, Altair has six worlds, the smallest world is closest to her sun and the largest the farthest away. The Altair home world has two moons while the rest of the Altair Solar System has another twelve. The innermost planet is half the size of Earth. Because of constant discharges from Altair, this planet goes through constant electrical storms.The atmosphere on this world has transmuted to a mixture of methane and hydrogen. The only life forms there are bacteria and algae. Frequent clouds of sulfuric plasma drift through this planet's lower atmosphere. The next planet in this Solar System is more than twice the size of our planet and has an atmosphere similar to the atmosphere here. This planet is more supportive of life. This planet is semi-arid, with large deserts covering most of her one continent. Two large, mainly, shallow seas surround this continent. A soaring mountain range bisects the landmass, and chains of other high, saw-toothed mountains line its coasts. Although wildlife on this planet is diverse, Reptilians predominate on the arid lands while amphibians, strange mammalian, and other bird-like creatures rule the coastal regions. Primitive, armored fish, bizarre sand worms, arthropods, deep ocean worms and jellyfish, together with assorted crab-like creatures, command the seas. Altairians research this planet and value her for her immence biological diversity. Flora and Fauna found nowhere else in their Solar System exist on this planet in abundance. The remaining outer planets in this Solar System are gas giants just like the large planets in our outer Solar System. The difference though with the gas giants in the Altairian Solar System compared to the gas giants in our Solar System is that the gas giants in the Altairian Solar System have a faster rate of rotation. In one case, their rotation is oddly slower than that of most of this Galaxy's gas giants. Thus, their atmospheres have other anomalies, such as the giant red spot that is seen on Jupiter, or the strange blots that connect to form mystifying geometrical patterns. The two outer planets are surrounded by a ring system just like the one seen with Saturn. They were formed when a number of large space objects (comets, asteroids, and small planetoids with erratic solar orbits) passed to close to the planets, colliding with their small, outer moons and exploding into a series of beautiful, multi-colored rings.


The Altairian Home World

The third planet in the Altairian Solar System and the home planet of the Altairians is a large water world almost three times the size of Earth. This planet is around 23,000 miles in diameter. The surface of this planet has three large continents that are surrounded by an interconnected ocean. This planets highly oxygenated atmosphere has a distinctive orange tinge. The skies here are alive with billions of large birds and enormous bat-like mammals. Two of this planets continents are known for vast blue and purple grasslands. On the third continent which looks almost like a large Human hand, is an inland sea connected to the ocean by a narrow strait located near the base of the thumb. A three-tiered firmament keeps the planet ice-free and the climate semi-tropical. Just like most Galactic Humans, Altairians like to live inside their world. There you will find huge crystal cities that support a population of close to 1.3 billion people. Due to their constant negotiations with both the former Anchara Alliance and the Galactic Federation Of Light, Altair has acquired technology that is equal to that of any in the galaxy. This technology helps power their cities and is used to create homes, clothing and food for all of her citizens.


Altairian Society

The Altairian's culture is highly unusual. It is noted for a multi-level ruling class that grew to dominate the twelve clans that formed its Galactic society. The society there is undergoing a transition to a more tradional form of Galactic society. The core of Altairian society is a ruling council, consisting of reigning classes from each of the twelve clans. It is in charge of the day-to-day activities of the Altairian Dominion. The governing council elects a chief ruler, a King or Queen, who serves in that capacity for ten years. Beneath this ruling council is a group similar to our planets nobility (princes, dukes, counts, etc.) This body oversees the day-to-day administration of each of the ten major political regions on their planet. By using their great influence as regional heads to direct critical socio-political activities, such as negotiating important economic contracts and monitoring every detail of their regions economy, they rose to elevated positions of power. Below them were twelve clans, subdivided into groups that supplied workers, administrators, technicians, and researchers in charge of manufacturing technologies, building trades and enterprices that maintained Altairian society. Rules dictated by the governing council compelled those clan members to swear loyalty to the intermediary nobility. From this middle group of regional governors, which had the status of royalty, was chosen the ruling council's chief ruler. Seeing that it was prudent, now, to rejoin the Galactic Federation Of Light, these groups quickly began to open up Altairian society and set in motion a complex process that, by ending the royal order, in time can restore a more traditional, clan-based system of governance. To do so, each regional assembly began to appoint true representatives of their society's clan system to the main ruling council, replacing former members drawn from the intermediary nobility. These regional rulers also initiated reforms that transformed each clan from a worker group into a truer example of a Galactic Human clan with all of its many and varied sub-divisions. Over the recent years, Altairian nobility has radically opened up their society, which they have used as a prototype for others. This prototype, a modified version of the Andromedan/Pleiadean Galactic society model, can be used by many other former members of the Anchara Alliance to transform their societies. These one time Ancharan societies existed according to the concept of simple, unjustifiable loyalty to their dark lord, Anchara, and to the rulers and their appointed representatives who manipulated them to create vast empires in the name of Anchara.





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All info here also from Your Galactic Neighbors


Andromedan People Descriptions

The Andromedans look just like us. They can walk among us and we would not even notice. While on the ships they wear their traditional multi-colored Galactic Federation Of Light jumpsuits. They also wear traditional attire. The attire ranges from a type of ancient Greek gown to a combination of shirt and pants that look much like what the ancient Vikings used to wear. The Andromedans fall into either one of two basic Earth Human types. The first type is Caucasion, whose features vary from the so-called 'Nordic' who have blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin to a 'Mediterranean' type which have dark to light brown hair, gray to brown eyes, and tanned-looking skin. The next is typically Asian, with dark hair, almond-shaped eyes and brown skin that can vary in color from very pale to dark brown. The eyes of the Andromedans are a little larger than our eyes. The thin lips are a very pale pink, while the ears are fitted a little lower on the side of the side of the head and are a little smaller in size. The hands and the feet are delicate in appearance, with long fingers and toes. The men vary in height from 5 feet 7 to almost 7 feet. The women's height ranges from 5 feet 4 inches to almost 6 feet 4 inches. Andromedan women are noted for their alluring energies and their buxom figures. The Andromedans only need 2 hours of sleep per day. In the Galactic Federation Of Light the Andromedans are noted for their mastery of all forms of scientific endeavor and usually form the the core of most Science and Exploration fleet science liaison teams/boards. The Andromedans are a key part of the many Galactic Federation Of Light medical teams assigned to Earth Humans in their transformation to fully conscious Beings of Light. The Andromedan languages range from a dialect that resembles our planet's romance languages like spanish and even Italian, to a variant found mostly found in the Mu and Nu Andromeda star-nations, which is more gutteral. 


Andromeda's Role In Creating An Expanded Galactic Federation Of Light

The Andromedan's have applied their skills to all the different reptilian, dinosaurian, and even Insectian groups who, though not fully understanding the exact nature of the Galactic Federation Of Light, have struggled to transform their societies from tyranical to galactic. Although these former dark Beings wish to be part of the Galactic Federation Of Light's activities, they are very apprehensive. Their key issues are those of trust: they question whether a new, more open reality can indeed be constructed in their midst. The Andromedans excel at exhibiting joy and openly expressing it. That, combined with their capacity for demonstrating the unity created within diversity, brought about the wondrous resolution of many potentially difficult situations within the former Anchara Alliance's far-flung Empires. This was one of the major factors that enabled the Galactic Federation Of Light to move dramatically forward in unifying the many disparated Anchara Alliance members who have joined the Galactic Federation Of Light not to long ago. Through the cultural exchanges and their great acceptance of the Andromedans, the former Ancharans have helped to largely overcome their deep suspicions. Liasons and counselor teams from Andromeda have assisted in training many Anchara Alliance star empires in the best ways of dealing with the momentous changes that are necessary for their spiritual evolution. The study groups that these former galactic foes have sent to Andromeda have given them a better understanding of the steps that are needed to transform their societies. Their studies have focused on the importance of retaining certain cultural nuances in their society during the re-evaluation process.


Andromedan Ships

The first type of Andromedan Ship is a sombrero shaped scout craft that ranges between 20-50 feet in diameter. The next one is a lens shaped small atmospheric command ship that measures up to one half mile in length. These older type of beamships were used as an observation fleet. They felt that since our society was still a bit primitive that they did not need to show off the newer ships. Out in Space two types of Motherships are used. The first one is a large oval shaped ship that is five miles long. These ships are tied together by large tubular connectors. These motherships comprised the core (command) ships for many Science and Exploration fleets. They housed a fleet of about 400 auxiliary ships. The second mothership is flattened orb-shaped that is as large as our moon. It is used to survey star systems at a distance. It has a fleet of between 4-6000 support ships.




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This blog here will get into one of our many Human relatives across the cosmos the Andromedans. Their Solar System will also be talked about. Info here comes from Sheldan's Nidle's book Your Galactic Neighbors which I would definitely recommend. 


Present Status and Location

The Andromedan confederacy which has thousands of members are positioned between 150 to 4000 light years from Earth. They were first accepted into the Galactic Federation Of Light 3.5 million years ago. They are one of the Federations 14 original Regional Federation Counsils. The Andromedans are known throughout the Galactic Federation Of Light as great scientists and healers. The Andromedans were very dedicated to bringing peace to our galaxy. The key to their society is their loving acceptance of their immence divinity.


Andromedan Society

With the exception of the Lyrans, the Andromedans pride themselves on being the oldest and farthest-ranging members of the Galactic Federation Of Light. The Andromedans decided that their primary headquarters should not be limited to just one Solar System. Instead, they decided to pay homage both to their diversity and the large size of their regional counsil. They created a rotating system whereby each different segment of their council would be able to have an opportunity to act as a host to regional counsil meetings. Every few thousand years they switched the location of their regional counsils headquarters. According to rationale, every Counsil member is able to provide a potential meeting place to use that site to house the sessions of the entire regional counsil and its staff. Because of this they developed deep loyalty. A love and joy that continues to this day. The Andromedans are very proud of their achievements. They have used this profound satisfaction to make incredible scientific discoveries and are the leading Human scientists in the Galactic Federation Of Light. The Andromedans view these successes as proof of their potential, and are eager to bring that potential to every aspect of the Galactic Federation Of Light. Their cooperative efforts are famous all over the Galactic Federation Of Light for doing just that showing how they work and function, demonstrating their joy and how they use it to transcend groups, showing how easily they can release and reveal their full creative abilities with no great difficulty effect impressive changes. The Andromedans have also shown how these cultural differences when worked at can be used to strengthen any group that is culturally distinct. The Andromedan liason teams are celebrated throughout the Galactic Federation Of Light for their wondrous ability to explain and express unity and creativity by diversity. 


Andromedan Confederacy's Cultural Nuances

The types of clan structures found throughout the Andromedan Confederacy vary greatly from sector to sector. The most common prototypes are the Lyran/Sirian model, which has 6 clans, and the Andromedan/Pleiadian one which has twelve. The Andromedan use of of these prototypes is unique, since most of their galactic societies contain subcultures that have continued to practice their own distinct language and traditions. The area known as Pi Andromeda uses a Lyran/Sirian model. These three home worlds in the Pi Andromeda Solar System also enjoy a rich layer of subcultures. The homeworlds have cultural liasons that serve as semi-official intepreters for all of its cultures. They also have a special interworld liason board that provides solutions for whatever problems may come up. When tied into advanced translator technology and their telepathic abilities, this system allows them to communicate freely with each other. This provides them a constant stream of data, which applies these differences and allows this remarkably diverse society to manifest countless new innovations. Moving on to the Gamma Andromeda region. The home worlds here use the Andromedan/Pleiadian model which is twelve clans instead of the six used in the Lyran/Sirian six clan model. In this model three clans are devoted to counselors, liasons, and culture. These clans were made because it was easier to maintain a seperate system to train these important individuals. Each clan serves as a repository of specific wisdoms, which can be applied to the other clans. The 12 clan system Gamma Andromeda uses helps them to be viewed as star nations containing the most successful scientific research groups in this galaxy. Their reputation is due mostly to how well their specially modified, this 12 clan system formally addresses their broad diversity. This social system used by the Andromedan Confederacy was the same one used 400,000 years ago when a lot of star nations from Lyra and Andromeda first settled in the Pleiades.


Andromedan Confederacy Solar System And Homeworlds

The planets the Andromedan live on are watery just like here on Earth. Semi-arid realms as well.


Pi Andromedan Home Worlds

First we are going to talk about the Home Worlds in the Pi Andromeda region. Pi Andromeda is located about 650 light years from Earth. Her smaller star is a blue-white mass much like Sirius B. A colony was set up here 2.78 million years ago. This colony was dedicated to advancing the principles of spiritual science. The colonists discovered a Solar System that had two water worlds. They located their headquarters inside the planet, closer to a sun that was just like Sirius. The climate there on this world was semi-tropical and had exotic ferny orange, blue, and brown trees that formed endless forests that reached down to the edges of green and black beaches. Red and Blue mountains with some purple as tall as the Himalayas on our planet can be seen on most of the continents of this world. Found on this world are many reptilian and mammalian species. The two founding scientist colonies thought of their home worlds as great treasures with amazing energies. There they devised novel technologies for interstellar travel and discovered the reasons for the Arcturians powerful healing energies. These discoveries conformed the Andromedan Confederacy as a major center for research and healing. The larger star in this star system has three water worlds each are three times the size of our planet. The middle of these worlds looks almost like the main home world in Sirius B. The Andrmedans consider this world extremely sacred. The Andromedans made a great temple on this world similar to the one the Sirians made back in the Sirius B region. The priests and priestesses from the spiritual warrior clans of Sirius B come to this world to join up with their Andromedan counterparts to take part in divine ritual. The sacred blue dolphins of Sirius B also join in these rituals. The Sirians consider this Andromedan world their other galactic home as the rites celebrated here are connected to those on Sirius B. The other water world in this solar system is considered the main repository for information on the histories and cultures of the Andromedan Confederacy. This world has sunken, swampy plains and low flying mountain ranges. Here on this world stands a distinguished university and research center. This inner-world facility often sends renowed scholar representatives to the main Galactic Federation Of Light cultural center in the Vega star system. These educators have studied virtually every form of Galactic Human culture. They have trained millions of associates from across this galaxy and are justly proud of Andromeda's rich cultural diversity.


Gamma Andromedan Home Worlds

The home worlds in the Gamma2 Andromeda region were first colonized by Humans nearly 3 million years ago. The Gamma2 region contains the Confederacy's largest waterworld. The inhabitants call this world Sirrai. Sirrai is the forth planet in a cluster that includes two other stars in orbit around a central star. This world is famous for her vast oceans. These oceans contain many species. This world is also known for her polar night skies, which have rare pastel auroras, multicolored and resplendent. On this world you will find large, silver, spinner dolphins that guard the approach to immense underwater caves dotted throughout the largests Continents inner sea. These caves are celebrated for their ability to harmonize and balance both the physical body and the soul. More than two million years ago on this world in an island cave connected to these underwater caves, a most renowned counselor, known as Toudok, articulated the idea of the 12 clan system. He did this in a long 28 hour meditation where he was able to see his society's future and identified the solution to a recurring problem: how to develop a new program to properly train and administer every liason and counselor in his diversified society. His method was the first to immerse individuals, such as new-borns, into clans that were specifically dedicated to these noble goals. Heart logic dictated that, for such clans to exist, souls would be urged to incarnate as counselors or liasons and to seek out these new clans for embodiment. He also reasoned that some new clans must be dedicated to the study and preservation of the world's rich history, while others would be exclusively focussed on on the multiple cultures of his home world. These concepts led him to formulate a new model for galactic society. Its concepts were quickly laid out here on Gamma2 and used to resolve many complex societal problems. Soon this model was spread throughout Andromeda. While the central star of this cluster of three initiated the 12-clan system, the inner star orbiting this center also contains worlds renowned for their immense beauty. Within the two inner planets of this sun exist semi-arid, extremely volcanic regions with pools of multi-colored hot mud and pliable, constantly shifting rock formations. In this world, there were many small, scattered continents. When Humans from Lyra colonized the third planet in this system, they discovered a world of reddish-blue seas, orange blue skies and many small, scattered continents. This world known to the Andromedans as 'Dosna Man', is significant because it further modified Toudok's 12-clan model. Here, among lands covered 800-feet tall purple trees similar to redwoods and swarming with bear-like creatures hardly a foot long, an innovative new way to conduct a main star council was embarked upon. Previously, main star councils such as these had simply accepted a particular clan council's advice on a specific issue and given it their uncritical approval. Now, a meeting of the clans became an open forum in which the decisions of each clan council were fiercely debated. This procedure gave the other clans a chance to review what another clan had agreed upon and determine how it related to their own issues. Counselors and liasons well versed in the decision-making process assisted this discussion. By adhering to this process, many precedents were set, and creative ways found to resolve questions to the satisfaction of all involved.

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When reading about cosmic and spiritual info sometimes people see terms they have never seen before and wonder what they mean. This blog here will show the meaning of these terms and help people gain new knowledge of Galactic and Spiritual terms used in this galaxy. All info here is from Sheldan Nidle's book Your Galactic Neighbors.


First we start with Anchara. Anchara is an entity commanded eons ago by Heaven to bring forth a great darkness upon this galaxy and, at the right divine time, shift this galaxy toward the light.


The Anchara Alliance

A former galactic organization, consisting of various dark empires, star leagues, and star nations that were dedicated to the conquest of this galaxy in the name of their dark overlord, Anchara.


The Anunnaki

For 13 millennia the Anunnaki were Earth's dark, off-world masters. In 1995 they changed sides and abandoned their Earth minions the Illuminoids or The Illuminati as most call them and advised them to do likewise.


The Divine Plan

A holy and divine blueprint of Mother/Father God. Through it, the many creations are carried out.


The Elohim

Chief inter-dimensional Creator Beings. They use the sacred, spiritual energies given by Angelic Realms to help Angels formulate and maintain physical Creation according to the divine plan.


The Four Laws Of Galactic Society

Galactic Human societies are founded on the twin precepts of realised full potential (achievement of one's life purpose) and observance of divine societal laws. Based upon Love, they are the Laws of the One, Two, Three, and Four. Each is part of the foundation upon which any galactic society is predicated.


Fluid Group Dynamics

Primary organizing axiom of the Galactic Federation Of Light. Non-hierarchical and goal-oriented, it relies on the talents, leadership, and accord of its members. Also known as Fluid Management.


Full Consciousness

State of unlimited reality in which physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies are fully integrated. Denotes full use of now-untapped mental and spiritual capabilities, including possession of Light Body and full range of psychic abilities, such as telepathy and telekinesis. Also the capacity to instantly manifest what is physically desired and enjoy full rapport with spiritual and other higher dimensions.


Galactic Human

Fully conscious Human Being. Also called physical Angel. Retains full recall of its Akashic records and true life purpose.


The Galactic Federation Of Light

Light union created, over four million years ago, by various stellar civilizations in this galaxy. Its divine purpose is to serve as Physical Angels called upon to carry out divine destiny prophesied for the Milky Way Galaxy long ago.


The Great Blue Lodge Of Creation

Order of Heaven decreed by Lord Surea and entrusted to act as supreme guides of the Light in all of physical Creation. This august and holy place is presided over by the Council Of Nine and led by Lord Aescapulus. Head quartered, in this galaxy, on Sirius B.


Heart Logic

The natural, intuitive logic of all fully sentient Beings. Sourced by inner, true Love and the connection of one's Soul to the wisdom of the Supreme Creative Force (God).



Offspring of two Beings from different sentient species and genetically manipulated to produce specific, inherited characteristics.



Earth minions of the Anunnaki. They include royalty, various secret orders, and powerful individuals.


Light Body

Spritual energy vehicle of a fully conscious Being. Contains the fully integrated physical, mental, emotional, and spritual bodies, transformed into a ball of Light that can travel almost instantaneously to any part of Creation.



Specific set of procedures celebrated on a regular basis according to defined purpose or goal. Prime example is group or individual use of meditation or visual quest to achieve divine purpose, e.g., to heal Earth or better oneself.


The Treaty Of Anchara

Peace agreement signed between the Galactic Federation Of Light and the former Anchara Alliance. Concluded after Anchara's sudden declaration to its priests and priestesses that the time of prophecy had come. Anchara ordered its galactic minions to end their wars and join with the Galactic Federation Of Light to form one harmonious whole.





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Introducing The Antarians

This blog will get into our Antarian friends who much like our Arcturian friends are awesome healers. All info typed here comes from what I learned watching Sheldan's webinar on the Antarians. This blog might be a little short as the Antarians are not talked about as much as other civilizations in our galaxy.

Antarian description

The Antarians are a Praying Mantis like being. They stand around 7-8 feet.


Antarian Origins

These beings originally come from the Sombero Galaxy which is 28 million light years from here. 


Current Location

Eventually while travelling out in the cosmos they found a home in this galaxy in the Sagitarius region around 3000 light years from Earth. They have homes on 28 different other worlds across the cosmos as well. One in this galaxy and the others in many different galaxies.


Other info about the Antarians


Much like the Arcturians the Antarians are great healers. They are known for being able to help heal whole planets and societies. They are masters of space time. These beings dont require food they only need light and energy. Antarian healing draws in divine light and sound. The ships they use are also all about light and sound. Their mastery encompasses up to nine dimentions. The Antarians are all about unity just like others they want peace, love, and light for the entire galaxy. They are known for working with the Arcturians to end all darkness in the galaxy and transform it to light. The homeworlds the Antarians have are full of color. They are surrounded by color, light, and sound. The Antarians played a big role in helping the various Ancharan civilizations go from being dark to that of the light.


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