Jason1lovedivine's Posts (3)

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Light Momentum

Dear Friends,

                The topic I would like to discuss with you is Light Momentum. It is easy in this world to  bemoan our fate, chastise, condemn, criticize and condemn the events and circumstances in our life experience which do not resonate with us. Every time we participate in this behavior we create an electric charge within our system which acts as an attractive vibration within our energetic field. In effect while holding this charge within your system as a vibration you unconsciously begin to create more of like in kind. Each thought form is likened to your own personal exhaust being put out into the collective consciousness of pollution to the field. This the trick the media use on us....more fear, more chaos, more judge shows, more violence, more rebellion. When you identify and attach vibration to the "event" in the form of negative thought forms, emotions or actions you create a charge which not only depletes your energy field but also keeps you trapped in the cycles of duality. This is what Einstein meant when he said the solutions for our problems cannot come from the same consciousness which created the problems because you are vibrating on the level of the problem(See Jesus, See Ghandi, Buddha the greatest conquerors of all did so by mastering their selves, not distorting their own energy by vibrating with the illusion). The most detrimental part of existing within this consciousness is that it puts you out of alignment with God, Source Energy, the true nature of your Soul which knows no lack, no fear, no conflict....only perfection. We have to recover the mastery over our energy as some awaken for the first time and others remember who they really are. 
    Light Momentum as I have experienced has everything to do with identifying with that which creates all things, that God presence which we live, swim and have our being in. I have experienced as I intend to be one my Father, there is a reciprocal effect of profound love, joy, serenity poured back upon my being. What we are seeking is absolutely seeking us. I feel as if I am being magnetized toward Spirit. We are in a free will environment, with our wills being manipulated, sabotaged and distorted by the many attacks and psycho spiritual warfare that is currently practiced on this planet. However once you stop leaking energy to aversions, lower vibration desires and all manner of drama...you can Now live in that presence, you have the full availability of your Spiritual energy to create, heal, manifest and express. From a point of nonlinear detachment in which you know you have an abundance of resources seen and unseen ready to assist you in all that which supports Divine Universal Consciousness. Every where we go we are either expanding love and light, or coming to an agreement to the current density to which exist on this planet. Our existence is an absolutely positive affirmation to our own being. To not let the dark smudges along the background of the screen of light become your identity. When the media puts ideas of fear in peoples minds they are expanding the momentum of Darkness or duality consciousness. When we tell a stranger "have a good day", "be well", God bless you, we are in those simple moments using our intention to express light. Light which sustains all things. Just like the energy of the Sun, sustains all life on this planet....the energy of our Soul expressed in the form of our intention is what sustains and amplifies our being. Pray with out ceasing, consciously and continuously call in that Divine energy, God force to be with you. You will begin to live a life in which your love is constantly out pouring. It is only the Ego which disrupts your love and light, the ego that believes it can really be hurt or that a hurt can not be forgiven. Your thoughts, emotions, and actions can be set up in a way that reflects the order, harmony, truth and divinity of the Universe. It is all up to you.....the way you are using your intention. All information you take in(food, media, hygiene products, conversation, knowledge) is tuning your mind and your entire system to frequencies that vibrate in kind with that information. Chaos-Darkness....your mind an body will respond in kind, Love-Light your mind and body will respond in kind,  living in this world of Duality, which is not necessarily vibrating at level of a Loving, Supportive Divine Universe one must become a master of their own energy field, which is allowing the information to come from your Source to be the primary director of your being. That energy which continuously beats your heart with out you being wholly conscious of that activity. There should be a silent thank you God for allowing me this vessel to experience my Souls evolution each time your heart beats. Gratitude sets up a reciprocal effect in which you are aware of the blessings that have been bestowed upon you, which leads to an increasing awareness of that Divine energy which sustains all things, the increased awareness will allow a greater influx of that energy in many different forms. However in an ego stance of complaining, criticizing and condemnation....you have aligned your awareness with the limitation, with the lack, which can be considered a severance of that divine energy which is always abundant and full to overflow to those who can tap into it. I am now increasing my Light momentum....with my intention to inspire another to increase their own Light momentum. I thank you for reading and may God bless you, always in proportion to which you call in, appreciate and recognize his blessing. 
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The efficacy of Prayer

The Efficacy of Prayer 


Dear Beloved,

                    I pray that you learn as I have recently that prayer is one of the most powerful creative agencies and protective measures that you can utilize as a human being. I speak of praying in a way that the presence and Holy Angels around you will always be with you. Here is the deal my family of light, the human being was created to be sacred in a constant communion and co-creative process with the Father of us all. Many beings and different dimensions exist between here and the most high, many beings would have you call them your God rather than the direct uplink to the Source itself. As a human being you have that power to unify with the light no matter what your original planetary origin or vibrational frequency of your Soul if you become like him which is wholly dedicated to unconditional love, power of decision and determination in faithful action. The Father I am speaking of is as my faith and intuition dictates is the Father of the being who was incarnated in Jesus Christ. However, as it is written that God is not a respecter of persons nor is he partial to names and titles, that is much more for the human ego. If you are like me and have had doubts about the different religions, cults, sects worshiping multiple deities, then end that doubt by simply calling out to the most high, that which is the creator of all time, all space and dimensions. On this planet in human form you can become sacred by your choice, intention and faithful consecration to the One. No offense to any of the many cosmic and divine beings through out the sphere on this plane that have contributed to the development of humanity, but why would you go through these intermediaries when you have the Source present in spirit on this planet. As Jesus said his Fathers Spirit was poured out to the flesh, he said call no man Father in the Spiritual sense in this world, many of you shall do even greater works than he. Prayer is the link, it is like charging your Spiritual batteries. I am presently utilizing Gods Workbook by Tiffany Snow. With these decrees I have noticed a tremendous amount of density and toxic thoughts drained from my being. There is an unseen battle afoot in this world to destroy, diminish and stifle your minds because of the power you contain. Why would they be propagating artificial intelligence when you are endowed with infinite intelligence capabilities(prayer and unconditional love are the on switch). You can not see how powerful your minds are because of the veil, which is soon to be removed as we head into the planetary ascension. My friends you see the pirate logos everywhere, they are highjacking your attention. You did not incarnate into a physical body to gain more matter, when you leave you will not take the body. You came to evolve your Soul and have an opportunity to unite with the Divine energy.  I have used the decrees to call in Holy Angels to do work for me and the planet. The results have been nothing short of miraculous. They are fighting the unseen battle for your minds. (A pop song come to mind: "We going to make you lose your mind, every body just have a good time") My friends in case you have not noticed you live in a world where they want your energy and attention. Why else do they pay millions of dollars to have 2 minutes of time on the tele-vision?(placing visions in your mind to buy stuff you don't need)    They are driving the collective subconscious mind which is raw power. You must become conscious and claim your power as a child of God. You have been given a human, hu-light.....man-mind intellect system that has the power to animate and endow things with Divine energy. Where your attention goes your energy flows. What I have noticed as I pray to the Fathers spirit, the Angels around me that I build up my energy, I am overcome with peace, serenity and love. I do not pray for things or necessarily to change my circumstances in life. I pray that I simply become more like he who created me, more loving, more compassionate, more creative....and I noticed a reciprocal effect of love being showered back at me. I realized that you can never match what God can give you in terms of energy, what you focus on is what you are becoming, where your attention is focused is also the direction of your heart and minds energy. Are you becoming more dense or light? I noticed after many years of meditation(great as well) that intentional prayer frees my mind of discordant energy, imprints, past reflections and future projections(which is what the dark side use to keep us time afflicted and away from the presence), it is the best tool to become present moment centered, a present moment conversation with the presence-if you will, from your heart you will obtain more peace than anything in the world. If you study the life of Jesus you see prayer is the one activity he did more than anything else, there is a reason he bids us to pray without ceasing, the beings on this planet used to be born consciously connected and in tune with the source, it has been conditioned out of you. Look around you are on a planet with beings who have been killing themselves and are completely out of alignment with that which gives us life. Every time you see an image of violence or fear on tv it is stored in your subconscious mind as an imprint effecting the totality of your vibrational frequency. You ever wonder why some people walk around looking half dead with no enthusiasm(en-thus with GOD) for life, the are worshipping death, they become like that which they focus on, as Jesus said let the dead bury the dead, GOD is the God of the living not the dead. You decide with the focus of your mind. The first source of our life is the Source God energy, which you tap into with prayer as he said man shall not live on bread alone, I mean look at all the well fed sick people we have in the world simply because they are unknowingly cut off from there true source of sustenance. Please understand I am not pushing religion, I believe religion as we know it has done more to instill fear and ostracize people than any other entity on the planet, there is no fear like the fear of God right? And whose holding the book and authority on that fearful God? NO! You take back your authority, your power, you are the anointed and ordained, do not miss your appointment, Gods line is always open. Do not let them dumb you down, domesticate you, your brain is  a supercomputer that cannot be matched with more potential connections and neural pathways than the stars in the known universe, the problem is it was meant to be accessed by the full power and capacity of a being conscious of there own light. While God will listen to the pleadings of your heart, try not to pray the problem, for if your heart is truly focused on the perfection, love and grace of God our human problems will lose their urgency and power over us. When Jesus prayed he saw the life through the superconscious mind of his Divine mind, Gods Mind, in which there is only your perfect blue print of your health and pristine divinity,  his faith affirmed and demonstrated Gods reality where human illusion seemed to be, there is only the dream of perfection to which God has endowed you with, it is our thoughts, emotions and actions which cause all stress, disease and disharmony in our biological systems. Pray to the most high with great faith, that which created all things and creatures, he knows his name, it is written in your heart and on every cell of your body. God bless you, I pray that you search for the light and find it within! Glory be to the most high our Father God!
                                                             your brother and fellow Light Warrior,


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God Consciousness-Planetary Ascension

Dear Loved Ones,

     Praise be to the most high, the Father of us all. This Father that I refer to is according to your  particular name or theological understanding of. I believe in addressing our intent and prayer to the most high covers all things. The Father/Mother-Son-Eternal Spirit of all creation knows exactly who they are, as do we in our hearts. For further clarification I believe the most high I am addressing is the Father of Christ-Michael as was related from the book Urantia. So much of the foolery on the planet pertaining to semantics involved with any aspects of divinity is not for our benefit, rather to keep us divided and conquered. Hopefully we are all figuring that out by now. Hopefully we all are starting to realize that on the atomic and subatomic levels we are all one, therefore we must all come from or flow from one. 
     My friends this blog and all subsequent blogs I create are to inspire you now to know thyself. This planet is a divine and sacred planet, it is the staging ground for an evolutionary expansion of consciousness, it is a place where God can co-create with man, in that co-creation expanding awareness and increasing intent man can become like God. This human form is a vessel for many different types of consciousness varying in vibrational frequency, planetary origin, mental and moral precepts. Everything you have seen in the media from angels, vampires and aliens are representative of some of the different forms which are present. All are different aspects of God vibrating on different frequencies in different dimensions. However, all do not want to be like God or move toward God consciousness, hence you have so much resistance, turmoil and confusion on this planet. While everything eventually comes to the light or it becomes spiritually bankrupt and can no longer continue in their existence because the Universe is always evolving to higher expression of itself, those that resist eventually collapse under the tidal wave of energy to which is ever expanding Good, intelligence, beauty and power. 
    My friends you  see the turmoil that is occurring on this planet. Much of it is a smoke screen or diversion, much of what you see will be the old structures and paradigms constricting to keep control. Remember that which you resist persist as it is your energy which affirms its reality. You are the secret! Yes it is great to change the world, have peaceful, prosperous and unified society that is part of a similar intergalactic community. However, I would say to you that is not your primary focus or objective.  I believe our greatest adventure and mission in this time afflicted dualistic world we live in is to know the God that we live, swim and have our being in. To shine love and light everywhere possible. In that we know the peace of God that transcends all things. Yes, as we head into the photon belt, regain our multidimensional consciousness, remember the original plan, simultaneously have a quantum leap and energy acceleration. Exciting times! All of this will allow the greater expression, understanding and communication with the only thing their is GOD! 
     My friends, please steel thine eye, purify thine vessel, search yourself for your greatest truth, which I beckon you to realize and understand has absolutely nothing to do with survival, monetary success, or anything on this planet that has already been. There are talents, strengths, genius and Love which is waiting to be expressed through you and as you! The world is waiting, more importantly what I have just realized my Father is waiting,  I decided today I will not let the Father of us all wait on me, the giver and protector of all life will not wait on me! He needs our help people, know that you know, we have free will. Many use this will to spit on his name and assert that he is a delusion. The more we stay idle, we allow these ingrates to take hold and corrupt the world which he has given us. Remember.....who you are....you are a secret agent sent to infiltrate this place, you probably have been playing possum like me for much of your existence, looking to just make it or satisfy your sense pleasures when in reality you are a MIGHTY WARRIOR OF THE LIGHT, sent to in your own particular way resurrect the divine consciousness of the SOLAR RACE which is HUMANITY. Maybe, you are one who is ready to blossom for the first time.....into the greater awareness of who you really are. Either way, lets do it! Peace be with you my LOVED ONES! Remember that which you do to the least of your brothers and sisters, you do to the Father! Remember the only commandments the Master taught, Love the Father with all thine power and might, mind and SOUL, and your brother as your Self. Peace be with you!! 11-11-11........and beyond.
                                  This is JASON-Your humble servant and WARRIOR OF THE LIGHT.
P.S. God is never at war, ArchAngel Michael and Gabriel, the Celestial Kingdom did not declare war, however the Dark forces only have the light to afflict and feed off of. Therefore one who stands up in the face of the attack on the Father battles to nonviolently affirm, express and live the truth of GOD is a Warrior of the Light. This particular world is one of the last staging grounds of a battle that has lasted AEONS, the human mind is the last strong hold of the Luciferian rebellion. What will you choose? Unconditional Love or duality, beckoning of the SPIRIT or the urges of the body? Time and Space, or Eternity expanding into infinity? Express or Repeat? Expand or Contract? 
Service or Selfish? Make no mistake people....right now you have the opportunity that many do not think you deserve. What will you do with it?
Heres to you being a healthy cell in the body of a Divine Universe. One Love!

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