Eddie ~ AscensionGuidance's Posts (7)

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Lately, it has been brought into my awareness a topic that I kind of avoided to write about for obvious reasons, but I felt guided to write a few words about it now, especially because there’s a letting go of old belief systems theme and since many people ask me about it.  The subject is “Dark” Beings that are trying to sabotage us or the Ascension process. I feel like a lot of people tend to blame someone or something outside of themselves for something that’s happening to them. Yet, nothing is happening TO you, without your permission and Soul agreement, ever, so basically you are making it happen for different reasons that you may or may not be aware of at that moment.

There is literally no one that is trying to sabotage you, or our Ascension process, as all beings are on board with Humanity’s Ascension and we’re all working in the highest interests of All. Most of the time things are not what they seem and there’s always a higher reason behind them.

 Yes, the oh so “dark” reptilians, anunnaki and greys are on board with our Ascension process  as well and they facilitate it too. Some people speak about constantly being psychically attacked, but there are no real attacks in reality. Now I can feel some of you thinking “Oh, but I’ve experienced this and that..”, or  “ That person told me this and that.. ”. All I’m asking is to ask yourself this question: How can attacks happen to you when you have Freewill ?  Sometimes the mind tends to misinterpret, judge and fear that which is not familiar and it can perceive certain situations in numerous ways, yet in your Heart you will find the Simplified Truths that will allow a Higher Understanding and Awareness to integrate and pour through you. Always check in there first.

I have noticed over time many people on the Internet who keep spreading misinformation, unnecessary fear-mongering stuff and turn everything into a battle between Light and Dark. That is Duality, Separation, Illusion.  In Truth, there is no such thing and as we let go of outdated perceptions and bring our True Wisdom to the surface, that will become more and more clear. As always, use discernment.

In the past things there were beings trying to control, but it was all a collective agreement we’ve made because we wanted to experience Duality, remember ? It was a choice. And so the experience of Duality wouldn’t be an experience of Duality without bad vs good.  However, the past is in the past. Now things are a lot different, because while there are still beings who play greedy/power-hungry people roles – especially in the governments - , such dysfunctional structures are slowly dissolving, because such behaviours are no longer supported/necessary. As more people awaken to who they are and step into their Power, the “ not to do’s ” lessons accomplish their purpose and the dysfunction dissolves.

 It is all part of the Divine Plan and it is all orchestrated by us All and by All, I mean literally All, that includes people in governments, for We are All One. They merely chose quite uncomfortable “dark” roles to teach us stuff and their courage and sacrifice is to be admired.

My point is that it’s just not very beneficial to constantly be focused on all this stuff, because it’s illusionary. There needs to be a choice in terms of what you want to focus your energy upon: co-creating the New or maintaining the Old. All choices are respected. In Truth, we are Now moving into an Era of Love, Harmony and Compassion, as decreed by All. Have a wonderful weekend!

Much Love, Wisdom and Power,



Click Here for the Ascension Guidance/Energy Healing Sessions

The Bridge to Freedom Website: http://thebridgetofreedom.org 

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/TheBridge2Freedom

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thebridgetofreedom/

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Hello, Fellow Masters!

I am writing my message a bit later this week, because things have been quite chaotic, but Divinely Orchestrated nonetheless. Surrendering to the flow and embracing the Unknown with Faith and Trust in our Hearts, is definitely a big theme Now and in the coming weeks. Surrendering to the flow is a bit misunderstood by some people though. Surrendering means accepting that sometimes things don’t always happen as you expect them to, yet they always happen in alignment with your highest good and highest interests. That is why it’s better to live with no expectations and navigate through life with an open mind and heart in order to recognize your own creations, surrender to change and embracing the unknown with fearlessness. You can ask for assistance with all of this as well, your Ascension Team will gladly help facilitate this process.

I want to point out that surrendering doesn’t mean being passive and wait for some magical thing to happen outside of you, to you. You are the one creating that magic. You can do magic, as the song below says. Waiting for some sort of event or situation that will solve all of your perceived problems will make the waiting endless, a lot like a dog chasing its tail. From a neutral point of view, that’s fine, as it is your own choice and it is not bad or good, yet before making any choice ask yourself, is this for my highest good ? How do I feel about this ?

[embed Sometimes we are being tested, or better said, we are the ones testing us by placing ourselves in certain situations to observe how we choose to react or respond in that moment. Consider it like an initiation, which some of us are undergoing right now. They are initiations into Self-Mastery. These tests aren’t graded as they are in school, because there is no failing, there is no better or worse, there is no competition. All there is are observations and opportunities for self-improvement, growth. We’re the teacher and the student at the same time. Now these are fun-filled tests!

We are constantly creating in the Now moment, so as always, keep your intentions clear on that which you want to create for yourself and what you want to bring into the world. You can always do simple yet powerful daily exercises, “practices” such as visualizations, affirmations, whatever fits you best. At the end of the day however, our Being is the Magic that creates our reality, it’s not only the mind, it’s not only the heart, it’s our Whole Being. ~ Our Consciousness. Know your Potential and Power as a Co-Creator, which implies taking responsibility for your own creations as well.

That which I have written above describes very well the energy of yesterday’s New Moon in Aquarius as well, which I can still feel. New Moons, in general, give me a sense of completion of a cycle and birthing the New. This one makes no exception, but at the same time each New Moon has a different energy signature and effect on the collective consciousness and on an Individual level as well. This one is all about our Soul Purpose and receiving New insights and Spirit whispers that are guiding us towards that.Blue_nocturnal_by_neshad

So, it’s most recommended to take a few moments for yourself during these times to meditate, integrate and become more aware of the direction in which you want to take. At the same time, being fully present in the moment of Now is as good as a meditation, because with our presence in the Now, comes the awareness.

What do you do with these New insights about your Purpose you’re receiving ? Do you choose to take action and follow that direction ? Or do you ignore it ? Ponder a moment on these questions. I feel it’s important to let go of unconscious limitations in this area. Sometimes we think that our Heart’s desires and dreams are not achievable and they may seem too far-fetched, but that limitation and all limitations in general are a product of an over-active mind. As a Source spark and an empowered individual, you can achieve anything you put your Heart and Soul into and it all starts with an intention. ;-)

As always stay present, centered and grounded. There is an infinitely abundant supply of Joy and Happiness available in that state of being. All is well ~ I hope you have a fantastic week!

Much Love, Wisdom and Power,



Click Here for the Ascension Guidance/Energy Healing Sessions

The Bridge to Freedom Website: http://thebridgetofreedom.org 

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/TheBridge2Freedom

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thebridgetofreedom/



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First of all, I’m sorry I haven’t wrote my last weekly message. I did not expect to be that busy. I know many others have been quite busy as well, not only because of the festivities, but because there were many energetic events in December and the Light downloads lately have been incredibly abundant. They left us with a lot to process, as we go through the beginning of this new exciting year. I know most of us have gone beyond linear time, I am merely using time as a reference point.

But also, when there are big events that have a certain meaning for the whole Collective, huge breakthroughs are being made. For example, the New Year period’s deeper meaning, even if some people were not very aware of it, was all about letting go of what was, moving on and turning over a new leaf. I’ve noticed people are doing that even unconsciously and when this happens on a bigger scale, the shift will be as big and it really was. I think the New Year’s breakthrough was exactly the „push” the Collective of Huemanity needed, as it was all about embracing change and being less resistant to it. This will reflect in people's actions, states of being and choices.

I think it is quite hard to try and put a theme to this year, because each individual’s experience is unique, complex, multi-dimensional and shaped after its own divine pace and highest good. Overall, this year we will go deeper on our path of Self-Mastery, the Co-Creation of the New Earth as One and the physical manifestation of it. As more are stepping into their Divine Soul Purpose/Mission, which will now unfold naturally and will become a lot more clear for more individuals, the Collective Consciousness will benefit greatly from it. We are learning new ways of Being and Doing things that will eventually culminate with Peace and a Harmonious Balance. We are making steps towards that every moment Now. More are becoming Pure Source embodiment. It’s a bit like a chain reaction, people feel the contagious Pure Love Energy and they eventually activate it within themselves. We are only the Forerunners.

 This kind of changes may not be so evident to some, since they are pretty subtle, so emotions of frustration, impatience, irritation can come up. I’ve been feeling this on and off coming from the Collective. I’d like to adress this issue, since if I had a coin for how many times i’ve seen people saying „nothing is happening” I’d be richer than Croesus. There are many things going on all the time now, sometimes it’s even overwhelming(in a good way), the solution is living in the Now moment to fully experience and enjoy them. Step into your Power and don’t wait for events outside of you to happen, make them happen. Speaking of challenges, there will be challenges, but how else would we grow and learn without them ?  

Let this be a year of self-empowerment, manifestation and creativity. Create yourself in such way that your Soul will dance ecstatically in your vessel. Remember your Power as a Love/Source being in physical incarnation, your skills, your abilities. Discover. Work your Magic. Let go of all that no longer serves your highest good and F.L.Y.

The time of great change continues and I think it’s pointless to try and predict how that’s going to look like. Look at it with excitement but no expectations.  Most of us have learned by now that expectations only lead to dissappointment. I’ve been reflecting lately on how many things happened in 2014, it feels like a lifetime, but at the same time, it kinda just flew by. I have a few projects coming up this year I am quite excited about, all in alignment with my Soul Purpose. I have been receiving information about it around December and I know many of you have. The manifestation of the New Earth and all that involves it’s happening at an accelerated pace now, align yourself with your Highest Good and enjoy the ride.

Happy New Year, guys!

Much Love,

Eddie ~ The Bridge to Freedom Crew Member

Click Here for the Ascension Guidance/Energy Healing Sessions

The Bridge to Freedom Website: http://thebridgetofreedom.org 

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/TheBridge2Freedom

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thebridgetofreedom/

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More Light anchoring within, more DNA Activations, more Divine remembrance, Heart Chakra Expansion, New Soul abilities and skills coming online, New Information about your Soul Mission are some of the few things that are currently happening which will only going to intensify as we go through the 21/12 Portal, but also throughout 2015. December is obviously not letting us down and it’s such an amazing opportunity to finally make that breakthrough towards a Greater State of Being filled with Joy, Peace and Greater Balance within->outward.

I know it’s holiday season and many are busy with preparations of all sorts, however if you feel guided to take some time for yourself and spend more time nurturing yourself, please do so as it is highly recommended. Discover/Create New ways of navigating through these feasts, without getting caught in the chaos and stress of the preparations. At the end of the day what are the holidays all about ? I would say it’s all about a deeper feeling of Joy, not stress and chaos. “ Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. “ – Da Vinci. Please keep that in mind. With all the shifting your Physical Body is going through to eventually become a Lighter-in-density Physical Body, you might be needing more time to sleep and rest, so stress won’t be very beneficial, it never really is. Also, to easily receive the Solar Codes from this recent Solar Flares, it’s very important to hydrate, water facilitates a gentle flow of energy.

I’ve had a dream the other day, which I feel guided to share as it’s quite significant for these moments we’re in, plus I dreamt the same dream twice consecutively, the second one slightly modified. It was a very detailed dream, but the details don’t matter. Basically, I was with my ex-classmates in a forest and we were chased by a bear. They found an old cottage and said they want to stay there overnight and I was like “Are you guys nuts?  I won’t stay here, he can easily come in. “ We were staying at a hotel, but to get to the hotel I had to go through the forrest, but I was thinking that it’s not the best idea to go through it, so I jumped over the forrest and let myself carried by the wind but at the same time, I was jumping and guiding myself with the help of the trees.  I made it out to the Hotel, I remember having some conversations and then I woke up.

I fell back asleep and dreamt the same dream, except classmates found a tent, I was chased by two tigers, they were right behind me, I could see them, I wasn’t scared, I just knew I had to go over the forrest. This time I was letting myself carried by the wind completely, I closed my eyes and in that moment all I could feel was Peace, Serenity, Freedom and Complete Trust. That moment was so deep and it brought with it so many feelings, it was overwhelming. This was a very vivid dream.  I eventually arrived in a different location, to the house of a person I know.

Anyways, the whole message behind this dream is clearly reaching a state of complete Surrendering, Divine Faith and Trust that all is well at all times, that whatever happens and wherever we are headed is in alignment with our Highest Good, which will effortlessly manifest if we allow it. That doesn’t mean you have no say in it, completely the opposite. You are a Co-Creator, you are creating yourself and the experience you want to create for yourself, it’s simply that you stop trying to control the outcome, and you let go of control in general. There is nothing to worry about, ever, all is as it should.

Easier said than done I know, it doesn’t have to be complicated either, you can make it easy or complicated, your choice.  There are simple tools to set your intentions such as “ I AM … “ affirmations. Your intentions are powerful and they will manifest if it’s in alignment with your Highest Good, just let go of expectations and simply allow it to unfold naturally. Use your Heart Knowledge and Wisdom to co-create. That is why we’re here, to become the Masters on Earth that we already are really, the highest version of ourselves in Physical Embodiment and that takes dedication and perseverance.

 As we are entering the 12/21 Portal we are taking a big step towards that. At the same time, we have to let go more and more of what no longer serves our Highest Good.  This is the main theme before Light Portals. Just as we do preparations for the holidays, so are we doing preparations for the Portal by letting go and some final adjustments. You may be feeling irritation, sadness, anger, fear etc. All is well. Just let go, let go, let go. These emotions/thoughts are surfacing for you to finally deal with them and release them.

These Old Patterns keep showing up to you and it may seem endless, however if they are still there it means you're still holding onto something no longer necessary to you. Sometimes they are not even yours, but they come to you because you have the ability to transform them with Love and Compassion, and the Violet Flame which is available to you 24/7, so are your Spirit Guides, Angels, Galactic Teams, Higher Self etc.

~ Ask and you shall receive ~ Express your Gratitude. You are so Blessed!

There are many things going, which I am going to speak more about in my weekly message on Monday. For the time being I am guided to take some time for myself. so the necessary integrations/activations of the 21/12 Portal to take place easily. Exciting moments are ahead, however there's no moment more exciting than this Now moment. Christmas is really coming early! I hope you enjoy and take advantage of the opportunities of this very empowering Solstice gateway.

Much Love,

Eddie ~www.ascensionguidance.wordpress.com


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This past week has been full of Light downloads/upgrades and I know many of you have experienced them in your own unique ways. Some have heard high pitched frequencies, some have felt them through their chakras, some saw them through their inner vision and some people will experience them later or have already integrated these upgrades. This is a multi-dimensional experience and that means linear time is not relevant. All these experiences are valid and their purpose shapes itself after the individual’s “needs.” Overall, it’s all about anchoring more Light within, expanding through our own Soul awareness and fully embracing our True Nature. The 12/21 is fast approaching as well, so that will be another important, uplifting and intense energy event. Just make sure you give yourself enough rest, hydrate and relax your body, so that it absorbs these Light upgrades gently. ~ Nurture Yourselves ~

Yesterday, when I was meditating, I had this vision of a brown horse with a beautiful harness, he looked a lot like the horses in the picture above, except his harness had a bell or maybe more.  Somehow that bell ended up hitting me in my forehead LOL, like someone threw that bell at me. The bell made a really loud noise and I heard it in my third eye, it wasn’t an unpleasant noise, more like an announcement bell sound, like “ It’s time! ” kinda sound. The intensity of it obviously woke me up, I literally jumped out of my skin, that was funny. It is interesting that recently my mother and stepfather both heard a bell sound at the same time and they were in different locations, they described it as “festive.” My vision wasn’t only for me, it was for All and I think it’s clear what this Light download was all about: Freedom.

 The Horse is a symbol of Freedom. Oh! Also, I just remembered that in the Chinese Zodiac, 2014 is the Year of the Horse.

 ~ It is time to liberate yourself from limitations, fears, dysfunctional belief systems and other “boxes” you have placed upon yourself and thought they were all there is. However, when you rip the boxes apart, you discover a whole new world. That world was always there, but you couldn’t see it because your vision was hazy from the boxes. At some point,you noticed you couldn’t breathe well through the boxes, so you take them off. You start wandering around a bit, but you notice you don’t know where you are and what is happening. You get scared of the Unknown and put the boxes on again, because eventhough you can’t breathe well through them, at least they are familiar and a lot more comfortable than being in the Unknown.

However, you can’t help asking yourself questions and most of them start with “What if…” and you know deep within that holding onto the boxes is not going to work forever, yet you still cling onto them like your life’s depending on it. All this until one day, when you can barely breathe, tired from carrying all these boxes, you find a bit of courage within, take a leap of Faith and finally put the boxes aside. You take a deep breath like you never took a breath before  and start exploring more and more. You notice the raw beauty in everything and All and you are filled with joy and excitement. You realize there was nothing to be afraid of in the first place, it was all in your mind. The Freedom and Release you are feeling is beyond words and all it took was Letting Go and taking a Leap of Faith ~

Throughout the week, there will be lower vibrational emotions/thoughts/concepts/limited perceptions/deep issues surfacing. Those are the“boxes,” that you no longer need to carry, it is not in your Highest Good and it demands to be let go of. It served you well before, but not anymore. Ask yourself, is there anything you feel like you have to let go of because it is no longer beneficial for you ?! If so, Let it go and invoke the Violet Flame to facilitate the process.


It feels like everybody is making “final preparations” to move into a new house and everything is a bit chaotic, but at the same time, there's a feeling of inner peace. There are more people stepping into into their own Center of Love, Wisdom and Power and it feels like we’re collectively getting closer to a big breakthrough. New Joy~Full adventures are waiting to be discovered or should I say Created, and 2015 will definitely bring a lot of  wonderful opportunities to do that. It is time for a new chapter of the story to be written by You, or perhaps a whole new book, but the old chapters have to be finished, for new ones to begin.

Remember this as you go through this week.

~ Sometimes all it takes is Letting Go and a Leap of Faith ~ 

Much Love,

Eddie ~ Ascension Guidance


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The 12/12 portal...

 Throughout the years, December has always been a very uplifting month. This year, it is not letting us down either. Some of us are already feeling and experiencing the 12/12 portal. As I am writing this message, my left ear keeps pumping like a bass, it’s not unpleasant, just interesting. A lot of body shifting is taking place, clearly. The 12 Chakra System is integrating/activating and we may be receiving more Lightbody Upgrades.  As we release the Old, we are integrating more Light within ourselves, we are literally becoming the Pillars of Light and Love we have always been destined to be in Physical Embodiment.  That, however, can be a bit overwhelming for the body, so make sure you rest enough, hydrate, meditate and stay grounded, so that the integration goes smooth.

The experience of this 12/12 Portal will be different for everyone. Overall, it is all about moving into a Higher State of Being in a way that it’s totally unique to you and your choices that are being made on a Soul level. We are Now merging „Heaven” and Earth together and we are headed towards a greater harmonious balance, first within ourselves and then collectively. This started many years ago and it is an ongoing process. Take a moment to think about how much things have changed over the years but also more recently, in a short period of time. We are definitely on the Fast Track! How much have you changed ? Internally especially. *Pat yourselves on the back, cause job well done*

Of course, there will be moments when we’ll be thrown off balance, but when we get back up, we’ll have reached a Higher Level of Balance and with that, New Understandings inevitably come.

         In my weekly message, I spoke about the relationships theme that’s going around these days, if you didn’t check it out, you can click here to do so. As a continuation of the 10/10 and 11/11 Portals, I feel that the 12/12 is another gateway to Unity Consciousness (aka Christ Consciousness). This one gives me the feeling of completion, like everything we have worked for on the inner planes will come to fruition in the next period of time. Being in the flow of Unity Consciousness is not only about your relationship with others, but more importantly, your relationship with yourself. By relationship with yourself, I mean loving and embracing all aspects of your Being and ALL You are, a beautiful Source Spark.

As we are moving „up,” we are also going deeper within, discovering, learning, remembering, exploring, creating and expanding. This Portal is an Opportunity for you to experience all that on a much Higher Level and with New Perspectives that are more aligned with the New Earth. Once again, it is all up to you if you choose to take advantage of this Opportunity. The choice is always yours.

Your relationships with others will shift as well, you will experience new deeper and richer connections with some people. Your relationships at this moment will expand and reach new levels as well. You will feel things so deeply that they cannot be put into words or try to make sense of them, don’t even try cause it’s pointless anyways. These are feelings you most likely haven’t felt in a long, long time and probably don’t remember, but your Soul will always remember.


  This Portal is definitely a good time to be still, simply allow your Spirit to be uplifted and allow the changes to happen as they are all in alignment with your Highest Good.  I just smelled cookies fresh from the oven while writing this last sentence, but no one’s baking or cooking LOL. That’s how Joy smells like for me and that is a great sign.

I hope you guys have a Joy-Full week and Happy 12/12 Portal!

Much Love,

Eddie ~  Ascension Guidance




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This past week has not been an easy one, especially for the transmuters. I’ve had a few moments where I needed to just step back and transform the negative energy. Man, that took a lot of self-mastery, but fortunately things are much easier now, it does get easier. Humanity is releasing layers and layers of Illusion, our Planet as well and some individuals take on “themes” that need to be dissolved into Love. What’s important to point out is that there are no victims and nothing is being “done” to us. Each person who picks up on and transmutes lower vibrational energy agreed to do this. Here is what I said about the Flame of Transformation on my Facebook page:

“  The Violet Flame is the number one tool for Transmutation/Transformation/Cleansing/Purification. If you feel those Low Vibes that no one likes, the Violet Flame is always available to you to assist you get through whatever you are experiencing. It dissolves the dualistic energies in Love. 

Simplest way to invoke it is through decrees (e.g: I AM invoking the Violet Flame to gently transmute/cleanse/purify/dissolve in Love everything that no longer serves my Highest Good within me), or whatever words you feel guided to say. Play with the words. Feel the ones that are of resonance to you. Feel the beautiful blissful energy of the Violet Flame. Simply saying it, won't do much. You have to feel it through your own Being. You might want to lay down for a few moments at least, take a few deep breaths before. You can call upon Saint Germain and Quan Yin to assist you in the process as well. “

Alongside the Violet Flame, you can also invoke the Emerald Green Flame of Archangel Raphael to assist you in restoring the energy that was transmuted to its highest state.

Another thing that it’s important to point out is that there is a fine line between taking up on, transmuting the old paradigm energy and self-sacrifice.If you feel like it is too much, connect with your Higher Self and Team and ask them to assist you by making the transmutation easier. Also, there is no need to self-sacrifice for anything and anybody in general. That is all part of the old programming and I guess it’s mostly because of the religion and the idea that Jesus sacrificed himself for Humanity. I am not gonna go into details on the Jesus thing, but self-sacrifice is not the way of the New. When you love yourself, you don’t sacrifice yourself. If you feel like you are doing that, go to the core of the issue and release it, send it Love and it will dissolve.

A theme I am being guided to talk about and that’s gonna come up a lot this week and this month too is relationshifts. You may notice people leaving your space, others coming in for a short period of time and probably very few staying with you for the long run. Know that it’s all good and perfectly normal.

When you shift in frequency and vibration, people who are not on the same wavelength will leave. Don’t try to control this, if it’s happening it is for a good reason. Do you feel sad about it ? We are All One, We are All connected, so once you truly integrate this Truth, you know there is nothing to be sad about really. But also, it’s okay not to be okay! If you feel like grieving that certain relationship, do it, we’re humans not robots, just don’t stay in that place and move on. New relationships are going to form with people who are on the same wavelength, don’t worry. At the end of the day the most important relationship you’ll ever have is the one you have with yourself.

I am sure most people in the “spiritual community” have heard of the terms “twin flame “, “companion” and “soulmate. ” I think it’s okay to use them as reference points, but at the same time it is the Mind’s way to put everything in boxes. For example, nowadays a lot of people think of the twin flame relationship as this romantic fairytale relationship and i've noticed that for some it became an obsession.

However, twin flame relationships are not always romantic and it is just not healthy to focus too much your attention on meeting your twin flame. While yes, meeting your twin flame does create a powerful fifth dimensional energy field,  it is all going to unfold in Divine Timing and when it's most beneficial for both. You do you.

I think it’s time to move on and break the boxes. When you are in the Oneness energies, you see everybody as a twin flame. Relationships, in general, are complex and unique for each individual, placing them in boxes will hold back the expansion and the true deeper experience of the connections.

This is a very auspicious time to close old chapters of your life, let go of the old ways and create new ones that are more in tune with True Joy and Happiness. However, as usual, it is your choice if you will take advantage of this opportunity. Have a blissful blessings-abundant week!

Much Love,

Eddie ~ www.ascensionguidance.wordpress.com


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