EarthAngel's Posts (7)

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Greetings from Tucson Arizona USA

This place in Arizona is a hotbed of Spiritual Activity, similar to that of Sedona Arizona.

This town is filled with 5 Spiritualist Churches.  Spirit loves to visit Tucson, and many 

people from all over the world, visit Tucson in order to have a spiritual experience.

The Ashtar Command has been here since the early 70's see my earlier post:

In order to properly tell this story, allow me to set the stage.  Tucson Arizona, USA 
the 1980's.  A very small church, the size of a cottage, with pews.  A very talented
medium named Dr. Robert Ireland, (who is now also, working in Spirit)
the brother of the very famous medium Dr. Richard Ireland.
Robert Ireland would put a blindfold on, and would do something called Blindfold
billets. (A billet is a piece of paper with a question on it.)
Dr. Ireland would with the blindfold on, walk up and down the aisles, stand in front of the
person who wrote the question and answer it.  Dr. Ireland was in contact with his Dr. Teacher.
(Dr. of Philosophy) Their job is to work with you, to give you directions in the physical 
incarnation. Dr. Ireland's Dr. Teacher at this time was Dr. Carlos Blair.
Dr. Ireland was from the state of Ohio USA, people from Ohio have no real accent, to speak
of.  Image Dr. Ireland sitting in front of a class every week going into Trance. And all
of a sudden an English sounding person, starts speaking through him.  This person was
Dr. Carlos Blair..
Dr. Blair opened every class with the statement:" It is indeed a pleasure to have this 
opportunity to manifest in this manner." Dr.Blair would also joke and tell everyone
"if you haven't noticed by now, I am a little bit english." Dr. Blair would present 
metaphysical topics, that are all true and indeed valid in this day and age.  "The Truth
never gets old or goes out of fashion."  
Dr. Blair had a time limit of 30 minutes to use Dr. Ireland's body, Dr. Blair speaks
about someone called "The Rock", a nickname that Dr. Blair had given to Robert 
Ireland's Indian protector." Rollin Stone." Rolling Stone would start coming around
near the end of the lecture, so Dr. Blair did not overstay his allotted time.
Dr. Blair not only gave lectures, he also opened the floor to questions about the topic of 
the evening.  If all the questions were answered regarding the spoken topic, Dr. Blair would
start answering questions of a more personal nature.
Today, a friend on mine has placed 54 of these channeled lectures on her blog site.
Check them out. (It's Free!!!)
<Warning this is real metaphysics not fluff >
Sal Salvadini
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Local Tucson TV talks about The Ashtar Command!!


In Tucson Arizona USA, there is a bi-monthly cable television show called "Steps Beyond Time."

The shows hosts are Rev. Betty Tatalajski and Rev. Darryl Schoon.  Both the hosts are Psychic

Mediums.  Featured in this show called "The Ashtar Command" 

In this show Rev. Betty shows and introduces us to a Space commander named
Gold Star. She explains how in 1980, she witnesses a gold flying sphere about
20 ft over her head. It starts to telepathically talk to her. She is given a telepathic visual
tour of the inside of Commander Goldstar's Ship..  Goldstar  revealed to Rev. Betty later
on in her life, that he is actually Lord Sananda,  He approached Rev. Betty in a way that she
could handle and process the information at the time.
Rev. Betty explains that Lord Sananda is one of the 6 Kumuras who came with Sanat Kumura.
Lord Sananda's dept is in charge of all world religions.8108986856?profile=original
Immediately after seeing the flying sphere, Rev. Betty calls another psychic medium in the Tucson area. (Rev. Rita Selman)

Rita Selman, who happens to be the spokesperson for the Ashtar Command for the Southwest sector of the United States..

In this episode, Rev. Betty tells the story of how Rev. Rita Selman received 
her the details of her commission.  (Commission is the act of granting certain
powers or authority to carry out a particular task or duty.)  There was an
appearance of a little girl sitting on a rock in the middle of desert.  When
Rev. Rita and her husband went out to investigate, they both recognized the
little girl.  This little girl revealed that, this is the chosen form she came
to speak, to both of them in.  She revealed, that she is really a space commander
for the Ashtar Command. She then proceeded to tell Rev. Rita about 
her commission.
Listen to Rev. Betty Tatalajski tell it!   
In this link is Rev. Rita Selman and her husband Loyd. p3
Rev Rita Selman nows works from the Spirit world assisting the original
Ashtar groups that she helped set up, in whatever manner that is needed.
Rev. Betty also tells of how the Temple of Universality received it's commission  
and from whom.. She tells that the commission was given to her by a being                      
  Sanat Kumura
called Sanat Kumura (Ancient of Days)

In the Temple of Universality, we work with the Holy Spirit who encompasses 
all of our creators universe.. Those that are human and many who are of a different nature.
All the beings who come through the Temple are of God's Light and Radiance.
This is a very informative show, especially if you are interested in
some of the early movements of the Ashtar Command.
After hearing these stories, I really start to question who everyone really is?
Why they are here? And so forth!
Read my blog, Casting Call, Stage Actors Planet Earth:
Let me know what you think?
Sal Salvadini
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Open Casting Call for  StageActors-  Planet Earth "The Experience"

Drama, Action, Romance, Comedy and many more. 

Send your holographic resume, include any recommendations
from past and present teachers.   
Include saying this line. (Be Creative)
"  I  will (blank, blank, blank, blank ) in the Planet Earth Experience."
The Earth play is like Summer Stock Theatre.  Many are discovered here on Planet Earth.
All will be considered, few will be chosen.  Many will be given a number for the waiting list.
Do you remember responding to this call? 
"What!" You say," Your not an actor."
I remind you, that you are..      OH, Yes, you are!!
Well, if you reading this you certainly are in this production.. And that is "No Cosmic Joke!" 
Lets go back to how you located here to Earth:
In order to get here, you had to sign up.. From the Cosmic standpoint this is the Ultimate
play. You wanted to be the next Marlon Brando, James Dean or Marilyn Monroe of the Cosmos.
Becoming that allows you to write your ticket to any other play in the Universe!
You sent in your resume to the producers of this cosmic play. You auditioned for one of the roles.
You waited for what seemed like a lifetime, and you finally get a call back.
They say," There is a part available," but is not the one your auditioned for.  Now, they say,
"It is an opportunity to improve your craft." Eventually, when your particular role opens, you will 
be considered for that part.. 
Your friends say this is a great opportunity, they ask you to meditate on it,  seek within yourself, whether you should take it.
 You, decide "Yes, I will take it."
Now, lets go over the contract that you signed..
Your contract will last one earth lifetime. There are penalties called Karma, for not  following that
contract. Which may result, in taking more roles, and different lifetimes.
Be aware: It takes on average about 256 lifetimes to perfect your craft.
There are those exceptions the Super Stars, who are have completed their role in perfection,
and have moved on to the next play in the Universe..   They have set the standards that 
we need to achieve in order to play our roles to perfection..   They have been awarded the Cosmo.
(The Hollywood equivalent of the Oscar)
There are just 2 rules you need to follow and remember:
As long as you follow these 2 rules, you be fine.  Forget them and you risk the possibility of losing your identity to the character role. 
You are taking on this role, bringing this character to life. Breathing life force into it. 
This is your creation, sometimes, if you let it, it will takeover.
You stay in character too long and before you know it
you forget about the real you.. You identify with the character in this case the body or Embodiment that you inhabit in this lifetime.
You are responsible for any actions that are not of the highest integrity..   Karma
I once, heard a story of an actor named Mike Myers, while in filming, he actually becomes that character 
and stays in character the whole time.
 Even when the camera is not on..
1. Daily downloads from your higher self (God Presence), at least 15 minutes daily
2. If you get stuck, call out "Help"
    You are not alone, your coaches are all around you, in Spirit.  Since this is an on going  production, you must call out, "Break! "
(Free Will)
There  is only 1 way, to get out the contract.. 
1. Complete it, and receive the agreed upon compensation.
 Break it, and be subject any penalties according to the contract.
Giving up, and conforming to mass conscious, you risk become attached to the wheel of Karma. 
After that lifetime,  you go to the Spirit world. The producers will come to you and review your  contract. They will give you, your options:  who and what you need to play, and how many lifetimes it will take to land that role you originally signed for..
So you go to classes and take directions from coaches and try again.  
Placing yourself in different parts and places in order to finally land that role that you always wanted..
Eventually, we perfect our craft!  Get it Right!  Get the Cosmo!
And move on the next play in the Universe.
Without wonder and insight acting is just a business. With it, it becomes a creation.
--- Betty Davis
That is this weeks blog:
Enjoy life and dream about doing something exciting.
And then Do it!
Sal Salvadini
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Hello Everyone,

After searching the internet for weeks, I have found that there is really no formal listing  of who

is in the outer band of our Spirit guides.  So, I put the question to my own guides, and this is the

answer that they presented to me..

Granted they say," that it depends on the individual, but for the most part 

it will probably similar for most of the population."

I have already posted a listing of The Primary band of Guides in a prevoius blog:

Your Band of Spirit Guides and why it is Important for you to know them.

The clairvoyant visual that I have been given from my guides is that it like a slot or gate.

There are categories posted by each Gate, Example: "FAMILY" this is where the Family

Guide will enter from.

I will share with you the Gates in the order that I have been shown.

To borrow from Shakespeare: "All the world is a Stage, and all men and women are merely players."

We are always on stage in this life, the Spirit guides enter the stage from a doorway behind us.

Presenting the Outer Band of Spirit Guides

The Family Guide:

  Usually  Grandparent or of the Aunt/Uncle line (can be a parent if the parent left early in this lifetime)

The importance of this place, it is a fixed position, there will always be a family representative with you for the entire earth life time.

The Healer:

  They work with you on projects to heal certain situation or to send healing energies to certain people

usually leave when work is finished. This is not the same of the healer in your primary band.

8108964097?profile=originalThe Instructors: There can be more than one entrance for the instructors to come in at. I have been shown for myself that I have 3 gates or entrances

for them to come through.

   They  can be from various fields they work in the arts, music and literature field. Depending on your interests.

 They step in as needed to to assist on a given project and leave once their work has been finished. These are temporary positions.  Periods of time from a day or 2 to up to 7 years, or longer if necessary.

The Instructor working with me on this project is the Famous Leonardo Di Vinci. 

The Past Life Teacher:

The past life teacher comes back into your life, when you need help in overcoming a situation (lesson)

that you have already accomplished. they are there to guide you to remember how to handle that for the highest



I have seen Aristotle around in my Meditation from time to time.

The Friend:

This is person who was a good friend in this lifetime or past life.  they are usually there to help

you get through a certain situation.  

The Nature Spirit Guides:8108964297?profile=original

The nature spirit guide, my guides tell me that there is a slot in everyones band for the nature spirit guides.

Some have them all the time.  They are representatives from the 4 elements of Nature:  Earth, Air, Fire & Water.

I know someone who regularly sees fairies, (generally) small children are more open to these guides.

I do know that for these guides to be seen one must exhibit a childlike enthusiasm.

The Animal Spirit Guide: 

Animal Spirit guide, power animal or totem. This is a powerful guide usually with you though out your life.  It can also

represent a group of certain animals.  Some of us may be attracted to certain


groups of animals. 

  Spirit says, " Your not just here to be another pretty Face, to take up space. Your here to be 

"The Light of the World"

Rev. Betty Tatalajski  The Temple of Universality, Tucson AZ USA

I appreciate any comments you mind have regarding this blog.

Sal Salvadini

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Do you ever wonder where great people throughout history have gotten their inspiration from?

Did you know that Thomas Edison saw the electric light bulb in a dream.  Did ever hear about people

speaking of muses, who have inspired creativity and enlightenment to people throughout history.

Each and everyone one of us makes history, as we live our lives. What type of history? Is it a history

that impacts future generations?  That is entirely up to you!

What I can do is give you the key to creating something. Possibilities that are endless!


                                     Did you know that we can ask for help from 

 Spirit in virtually any circumstance or situation..  For instance if your an artist, you can ask for assistance in your field from, say Leonardo Di Vinci.   You can ask for him be a guide/teacher or to just assist you in your artistic pursuits.

Let me reveal to story of how, I happen to stumble on this bit of knowledge.

                           I was sitting in what is called a Trance Circle with Medium Rev. Kristine Fossatti of                                                 the Temple of Universality, in Tucson Arizona, USA.

Leonardo Da Vinci came through the circle and was asking if there were any

artists in the room? The reply was "yes", from a couple of persons.

Leonardo then offered his services to those whom replied, Yes. 

 he offered to help work from the other side (Spirit World)

 on their artistic projects. Leonardo also revealed that he works with

people to develop their creativity.  In which, I myself was surprised when I heard

my name called out by this great man of the Renaissance. Asking me," Sal if

I willing to to have him, Leonardo work with me on one of my projects. Honored that I 

was I said "Yes please, and thank you..

As I post this, I am hearing and feeling that Leonardo Da Vinici

is very pleased. I am hearing that there are many here in

Spirit World, looking to work, teach and train.

Find your mentor, from a book or the internet

read and study, do your research. Research is a very important

element to working with the Spirit World. It is about honoring the

person who has obtained a position in

history for his contribution to humanity.8108958456?profile=original

In that same circle, Musicians John Lennon, George Harrison of the Beatles and Davy Jones

of the Monkeys came through.  They were asking if their were any musicians in the room.

They too offered their services to anyone who was interested. 

 Davy mentioned that he was not ready to be on that side, meaning the spirit world. He said,

"he is still adjusting." He also mentioned," that there is a better quality of musicians on his side."

(I think Davy was making a little joke.)  

Here is what I have learned from my teacher, Rev. Betty Tatalajski from the Temple of Universality, 

Tucson Arizona.  There are many great many people in Spirit who are looking for students.  It makes

no difference what your profession is: writer, doctor, lawyer, inventor, artist, musician or actor.        Just to mention a few professions  Find someone you admire to that has lived on earth, and then meditate on working with that person.  You must consciously ask for their assistance, that gives them to permission to work with and for your behalf in your endeavors.

Asking and allowing these people to work with us, is a win-win situation.

Number 1 it helps us here in physical receiving knowledge and training, having a master

standing next to us in Spirit. Watch the movie: Always (1989)  Richard Dreyfuss plays a pilot

who dies. He comes back to earth as a spirit, to help a rookie fire-fighter.

Secondly we are also assisting these masters by offering ourselves to be their students.

It allows them to teach and assists them in their continuation of their own spiritual progression

So, lets take advantage

of this little know secret and ask our heros to help and teach us.  

"May this world work in co-operation with Spirit"

Sal Salvadini

Taken from my Blog:

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Allow me to introduce everyone to Dr. Carlos Blair.  You ask, "Who is this Dr. Blair."

In order to properly tell this story, allow me to set the stage.  Tucson Arizona, USA 
the 1970's.  A very small church, the size of a cottage, with pews.  A very talented
medium named Dr. Robert Ireland, (who is now also, working in Spirit)
the brother of the very famous medium Dr. Richard Ireland.
Robert Ireland would put a blindfold on, and would do something called Blindfold
billets. (A billet is a piece of paper with a question on it.)
Dr. Ireland would with the blindfold on, walk up and down the aisles, stand in front of the
person who wrote the question and answer it.  Dr. Ireland was in contact with his Dr. Teacher.
(Dr. of Philosophy) Their job is to work with you, to give you directions in the physical 
incarnation. Dr. Ireland's Dr. Teacher at this time was Dr. Carlos Blair.
Dr. Ireland was from the state of Ohio USA, people from Ohio have no real accent, to speak
of.  Image Dr. Ireland sitting in front of a class every week going into Trance. And all
of a sudden an English sounding person, starts speaking through him.  This person was
Dr. Carlos Blair..
Dr. Blair opened every class with the statement:" It is indeed a pleasure to have this 
opportunity to manifest in this manner." Dr.Blair would also joke and tell everyone
"if you haven't noticed by now, I am a little bit english." Dr. Blair would present 
metaphysical topics, that are all true and indeed valid in this day and age.  "The Truth
never gets old or goes out of fashion."  
Dr. Blair had a time limit of 30 minutes to use Dr. Ireland's body, Dr. Blair speaks
about someone called "The Rock", a nickname that Dr. Blair had given to Robert 
Ireland's Indian protector." Rollin Stone." Rolling Stone would start coming around
near the end of the lecture, so Dr. Blair did not overstay his allotted time.
Dr. Blair not only gave lectures, he also opened the floor to questions about the topic of 
the evening.  If all the questions were answered regarding the spoken topic, Dr. Blair would
start answering questions of a more personal nature.

I have a sample of one of Dr. Blairs lectures,  
There is also a website under construction as I write this, that will give access to 52 of these
lectures.  I shall present that information to you my readers, when it is finished.  Free
listen to this lecture, titled: "Understanding Energy & Vibration"
If anyone out there knows of a Phenomenon medium that is still alive today, and
has a story, please forward it to me:
"The law of Attraction is always in Action" attract the highest and best to you.
"Be Happy"
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If you received knowledge of the existence of a long distance relative that wanted to
meet you and they said they could help you.  Would you contact that relative?

This exactly what your band of spirits guides is, they are friends on the other
side of the veil - who are here to assist us, this lifetime.   The Choice is yours!

If your are interested in knowing these persons who have volunteered to stand
beside you and assist you this lifetime, then you just need to state (publicly or privately): 
"I you wish for my guides to make themselves known to me."
This is all you need to do. This statement has granted them the permission to go about
working on this matter.
Let us examine these guides and their functions:
First is your Doctor of Philosophy - DR. TEACHER:  He is in charge of the band, usually
giving directions to the others in the band.  He or she is primarily concerned with this earth
life.  They work with you in anyway you need them to. Generally, this guide is someone
you have had lifetimes together.
Writing, advice and support are of their main functions.    
(Example) my Dr. Teacher is dictating this to me.
DR. CHEMIST:  We have our own personal physician that we can call on. When Jesus
said,"Physician Heal Thyself."  He was referring to the Dr. Chemist to start healing people.
Their primary purpose is to keep a proper chemical balance in your physical body.
They have told us if you leave a glass of water next to your bed at night and they
will add whatever nutrients you may need to help give your body attain better health.
JOY GUIDE: They come as a young Person but are very high
spirits. They have worked hard to be able to work with you so close to
the Earthplane. They bring upliftment and gaiety, guiding your lifestyle
to balance recreation and work. They are always eager to serve.  
Call upon your joy guide when you are feeling down, or are looking for 
HEALER: Normally work with you in the form of a nun when you need it,
and also for others through you.  When you put your hands on someone
for healing they place their hands over yours or on your shoulders.
They always hear your prayers.
Have you ever been guided to touch someone for no known reason?
Your healer is working through you.
PROTECTOR: They are almost always Native American.
For Westerners. According to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
It is discarnate people of the red and yellow races who
manifest the wisdom of the heart (gentle intelligence)
They help prevent accidents for you, if
Karma permits, or lessens the seriousness of the accident if it must
happen. Know, you are never alone, you have a powerful protector.

Protectors have been known to guide a person through the darkness.
Even though I walk through the valley of shadow of death, I will fear 
no evil, for you are with me; Your rod and staff they comfort me.
These are the primary guides concerned with your earthly life and
their is one more. 
MASTER TEACHER: They are the highest guide of your band. They
are concerned mainly with your spiritual path.  Spiritual direction
and guidance of divine matters is their function.. Usually they belong
to a higher realm (Can be an Ascended Master or ArchAngel).
When that question," Why I am here?" comes to mind.. Call out to
your Master Teacher.  "Master Teacher why Am I here?"
You will surely receive your answer, in whatever way you need at
that moment.
"May you guides make themselves known to you, and may
the Light of God always shine upon you.'
Sal Salvadini 

Ref: Temple of Universality Newsletter

Ref. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle:

Return of Arthur Conan Doyle 1963 p. 14

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