David Claros Paredes's Posts (472)

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'The Intimate Christ. The Twelve Apostles. The Development of Philosophical Mercury. The Advent of the Fire. The vitriol. Gold Fixing. The Solar Man. 


The Intimate Christ has to embody in the heart of man; be developed in the heart of man; must operate in the heart of man; must grow in us.


Once you have done this, you must preach the word for the good of humanity.


But it is clear that whenever He comes into the world, hate him three kinds of people: the elders, priests and scribes. Elderly: very opinionated people, full of experience, very serious; hate him because they do not fit into their practices or in a way of being. Also hate him the scribes, or intellectuals, it does not fit within their splints, within their dogmas, nor in their theories, and reject it. And  hate him, the temple priests, members of all religions, the very religious people, the priests of all religions, because he is always talking, always say, revolutionary things that go against the vested interests of the official religion; comes to crumble or destroy dogmas and that it cannot accept religious.


So, then, are three kinds of people who reject the Lord.


As a consequence or corollary, that happens then turn him to live the Lord, into the heart of man, the whole Cosmic Drama as it is written in the four Gospels.


The crowds calling for his crucifixion. It is not merely external multitudes, but internal crowds. Each of us carries these multitudes within themselves; we mean the psychic aggregates, the selves: ask his crucifixion.


There are three traitors that lend themselves to carry him to crucifixion are: Judas, the demon of desire; Pilate, the demon of the mind; and Caiaphas, the demon of bad will. Those are the three traitors. Those who make suffer the Lord very much.


So the Lord must live within the Human Soul entire Cosmic Drama.


Finally, the Lord is crucified and then placed in his Holy Interior Sepulcher, in his Grave de Cristal. It is necessary that the Lord will arise from his grave, and He revives the Third Day, that is, after the Third Purification of Iron and Fire, after the man has passed through the three purifications based of Iron and Fire. Then the resurrected Lord, our King rises from his Crystal grave , is coated with TO SOMA HELIAKON, THE BODY OF GOLD OF THE SOLAR MAN, and there comes to the Gnostic-sensory World; penetrates deep into the organic nature to speak to humanity, to work, to become, to say, in the servant of all.

Obviously, it is essential to incarnate the Intimate Christ, and may embody, on condition of receiving the Venusian Initiation.


It is therefore in the Venusian Initiation, when the Christus Cosmic born in the heart of man.


When He advents, indeed the Initiate all that has to receive him are the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being.


That Bethlehem spoken of in the Gospel, is within ourselves; because at the time when the Hierophant. Jeshua Ben Pandirá( Jeshua Ben Josheph) teach the doctrine of Christ, Bethlehem did not exist, the town of Bethlehem did not exist.


Bethlehem comes from a Chaldean term: Bel, reminiscent of the Tower of Bel, the Tower of Fire. Every man must first possess Tower Bel within himself; that is, there must be developed fire within himself; have raised the Fire Tower at the top of the head to meet the Lord.


He has to take care of our processes of thinking, feeling and acting. He truly being perfect, must clothe itself with imperfection. He still quite Holy creature, must put the creature from sin, and become master of our processes of thinking, feeling and acting; He has to destroy the inhuman elements that we carry within. As he is eliminating, grows, and it develops. So when already reaches man and can preach the word, he has made ​​with great sacrifices. And finally he has to live within the heart of man, the whole Cosmic Drama, as it is in the Four Gospels. And he must be killed because by his death kills death. And it must revive in us, and resurrected, gives us immortality. Already resurrected in us, it becomes truth, a Master of Resurrections, a real efficient worker this gigantic Great Work of the Father.


So you, you are seeing.


Q.- Venerable Master, is it then that is called the Cosmic Christ?


A.- The Cosmic Christ is the Cosmic Christ, forever. The Christ is not really an individual, neither human nor divine. Christ himself is a Force, is a Universal Cosmic Force, which bustles and throbs in every atom, in every electron, ion around, is latent in all that is, has been, and will; but can manifest through any man who is properly prepared.


So, if we think that Jesus of Nazareth is the only expression of Crestos, we are very wrong.


Just as Christ at that time was expressed by Jeshua Ben Pandirá and also expressed at the time by John the Baptist; and is the same as that expressed by Moses shone on his face on Mount Nebo; and is the same as that taught the Hermetic Wisdom, with the name of Hermes Trismegistus; and is the same Lord Quetzalcoatl.


So Crestos, is a force that is expressed through any man who is properly prepared. And when I say man, I also include the feminine element can be expressed by any woman is adequately prepared.


Q.- Venerable Master, and the Second Logos is something else?


A.- am speaking of Christ as the Second Logos. Whether it is understood that the First Logos is the Father; It is understood that the Second Logos is the Son; means that the Third Logos is the Holy Spirit.


Q.- Venerable Master, I understand that the only process of realization is through The Three Factors of the Revolution of Consciousness; here and now; but someone proposes that could be worked in the Maithuna, a man in his physical body under any circumstances, and a lady in astral state. Can you give a specific instruction in this regard?


 A.-In Tibet is much talk of the DAKINIS, and some monks in the physical world do not have priestess wife, are betrothed to Dakini: ladies who go through the roof, they say. Ladies Strange, indeed! Not?, Flying through the clouds; those are the DAKINIS are certain very special creatures.


Q.- They live in the astral plane?


A.- Well, living in the astral, and mental, and the causal, and everywhere. Obviously, those monks have espoused them have done all their esoteric work with them, have Worked in the Ninth Sphere with them.

In turn, women of a certain spiritual category, have been marrying Devas, and work in the Ninth Sphere with Devas, without having a man of flesh and blood

So then, that's possible. But it is possible for those people who actually already have little Ego left . For a woman to have the honor of marrying Deva therefore obviously have to have a tremendous degree of purity, right? Must be destroyed much of the ego. Only thus could receive a DEVA for a husband.

For a man can receive priestess one DAKINI, have been purified far have eliminated many psychic aggregates.


Q.- And among these is St. Francis of Assisi?


A.- Francis had Worked in previous lives, and in their new existence, must have Worked with some Dakini; that is obvious. They are rare cases that are not common, are not common.


Question.- Venerable Master, the difference between living the Cosmic Drama in the internal worlds, and live the Cosmic Drama publicly lived as the Master Jesus, there is greater merit in making this Drama publicly?

A.-Well I'll tell.-: Gautama, the Buddha Sakyamuni, the Buddha taught the Doctrine of the Intimate Buddha of all human beings, the doctrine that the Intimate Buddha yours and mine, and that everyone has, Gautama exposed it publicly.

Jesus taught the Doctrine of the Intimate Christ, such as have lived the Initiates of Lemuria, of At1ántis, the Asian era and of all ages and centuries.

That cosmic drama lived by Jesus, has always lived secretly; lived it all Initiates before Jesus, and still living all Initiated after Jesus. As the Master Jeshua Ben Pandirá, pulled it out we would say, from above, pulled out from the causal world, and lived, and personified in the physical world.

To live this Drama had to prepare his disciples, and thaught each role so that each, and everyone really represented. He explained the Drama and taught publicly to serve as a guide to mankind in the future, serve as indication pole; but the drama is not owned by him, nor my property, or property of anyone. That is absolutely Cosmic Drama.


Q.- So Judas Iscariot, one of the Great Initiate?


A.- Judas Iscariot, really did not want the role of Judas, he wanted the role of Peter, but Jesus prepared for Drama Judas had to represent, and Judas represented him wonder.


To understand the Gospel of Judas, well, study Zechariah. There are mentioned the Thirty Silver Coins, that was appreciated and despised, etc..; mentioned the money was used to buy land for the dead, etc., all that is; the currency; and all that is written in Zechariah. So Judas had to learn all that, check the Scriptures, and do his part well But he who has some traitor, nothing! It was a role that Jesus taught him, and he did not want, too.




He resigned himself to all happiness, and currently lives in hell Worlds, Working for the lost, for those who have no remedy.


So that he is the unique that has NOT RECEIVED HONOR THAT HAS BEEN HATED, insulted, AND YET LOVE HUMANITY, SINCE HE SACRIFIED HIMSELF FOR HUMANITY, AND GAVE HIS OWN LIFE WITHOUT A WORD OF PRAISE. There but not insults, since He fulfilled his Drama up to the present time.


Q.- Master, then why John is considered the beloved disciple?


A.- If so, is THE VERB,THE WORD. And after all, everyone has their John, and everyone has their Judas, and everyone has their James, and everyone has their Peter and Paul.


Why do I say this? I'll tell you: because inside every living Being, or within each person is the BEING is beyond the ego, the BEING, AND THE BEING has many parts.

The BEING has the Twelve Parts, THE TWELVE POWERS, entering the womb of the Divine Mother and come into existence. Twelve Powers Those are the Twelve Apostles.


So if there is an official Peter, also each have their own Peter in there.

If there is a John, of the Word, the VERB, also everyone has their John.


And if there is also a THOMAS, skeptical, unbelieving, everyone has their own.




So I say to you in the name of Truth: JAMES WORTH HAVE IN MIND, because thanks to him, we can be instructed in the Great Work.


Our Father who is in secret, THE OLD ONE OF THE CENTURIES teaches us the Great Mysteries of the Great Work through JAMES.


Q.- For one contact or ask, what method can be used?


A.- Well JAMES be asked when one is working in the Great Work of the Sages, which will guide one in the Great Work.


About Alchemy has been written, for example, a lot; but no one can give a sensible explanation of The Great Work, because they are not living the Great Work. To understand The Great Work is needed to receive THE DONUM DEI, that is, having received the gift of the Ancient of Centuries that allows one to understand the Mysteries of the Great Work.


In any case, I want to tell you this: these Twelve are within ourselves, the Twelve Powers; Twelve parts of our own Being, autonomous, self-aware and independent.


Q.- Is Being split, no?

Answer.- There is splitting, no. During the Manifestation is expressed as a plurality. The Twelve Powers or Twelve Powers, enter the womb of the Divine Mother Kundalini to come into existence at the world of form , and personify exactly the Twelve, and that's pretty interesting.


So we are very interested to appeal to PHILIP FOR ASTRAL DEPARTURES? . To which Philip? ¿The historical Philip? To the Intimate Philip, for the states of JINAS( state when the student put his/her Physical Body up to the fourth Dimension, for Astral departures.


You need to appeal to JAMES to know the mysteries of the Great Work.





I think you will understand.

And CHRIST? It is within, must look inside! He who does not find him within himself, not found in any corner of the universe.


What about THE FATHER? Everyone has his FATHER! "There are so many Fathers in Heaven as men on Earth," says Blavatsky, and it's true. Everyone has their own Father who is in secret, the Ancient of Centuries.


What about the Holy Spirit? It is expressed as SOUL METAL SPERM! IS THE MERCURY OF THE SECRET PHILOSOPHY! Who makes us the Gentile-Man wise and truly worthy.


Who wants to truly get to where it should be, it has to crystallize the three forces within himself.


There are three forces: The Holy Affirmation, the Holy Negation, and Holy Conciliation.

The Sacred Absolute Sun wants to crystallize within ourselves the three forces of Nature and the Cosmos, the Three Primary Forces.


If the ego is not removed, cannot crystallize the Three Forces. How will crystallize the Third Force, the Holy Spirit? For working intensively on the Transmutation of AZOGUE RAW, changing it, we said by Transmutation in the METALLIC SOUL OF THE SPERM. IT IS THE MERCURY OF THE SECRET PHILOSOPHY. Such Metallic Soul must crystallize undoubtedly, must take shape in the Astral Body, the Mental Body, Causal Body in order to receive the psychic principles and become Man. Thus comes to crystallize the Mercury of the Sages in oneself.


How could one come to crystallize the Christ in one? What crystallize in one? It is not simply to embody it, but to achieve crystallization of Crestos Cosmic into one.


How Come? Only be possible that, DENYING TO HIMSELF; it is not so easy to deny himself at all. It is destroying the ego, BRAKING THEM, rendering dust.


And how would one do to crystallize in oneself the OLD OF THE CENTURIES¿, THE FATHER? Making his Will, in the superior worlds as in the physical world.


So, crystallizing in us,the Three Primary Forces of Nature and the Cosmos, we will become solar men, and that's what matters. Because one thing is becoming one man, and another is becoming a Solar Man.


One becomes man when Fabric the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being, and receives its Animic  Buddhic principles,; and another thing to be Super-Man, or Solar-Man, which is the same. Would only be possible, crystallizing all the three forces within oneself, here and now.


Q.- that's why it is called The Son of Man by Master Jesus?

A.- The Master Jesus we must find it within oneself. Each of us inside, must embody the Master Jesus. Because that of the Master Jesus was a Lord that existed 2015 years ago, has been a bit wrong. It turns out that Jesus, comes from the word JESHUA, in Hebrew, Hebrew JESHUA is Savior.


When Crestos deside to come to the Cosmic manifestation on any man, either you or me, or Peter, or Paul, or John Doe, it has to descend from its so higher CHRISTIC sphere, to the Human Soul World. Unquestionably will be born in man as a savior and his name will always be JESHUA, JESUS ​​the CHRIST JESUS; because He always is the SAVIOR within.


So it should be understood, because JESHUA BEN PANDIRA ( JESHUA BEN JOSEPH, SANANDA ), who taught this doctrine, not out of his own. This is Cosmic Doctrine is Universal; exists in every living creature; what there is to find within oneself.


But JESHUA has the advantage of having taught in allegorical or symbolic form in the physical world, so people would understand. But it is a doctrine that existed before the Great Kabir Jesus, and that continued to exist after the Great Kabir Jesus.


Q.- Venerable Master, and why they put Emmanuel? At first when he realized he would be born of the Virgin Mary, "you will call him Emmanuel."


A. - Well, Emmanuel is God and the Virgin Mary is within you and within me, and within Peter and Paul in, and within John; the KUNDALINI, THE IGNEOUS SERPENT OF OUR MAGICAL POWERS.


When the Crestos wants to come to the Manifestation, down from its elevated region, and penetrates like a Ray of Light, we would say, in the womb of the Divine Mother Kundalini; from her born to take possession of the physical body of any man that is properly prepared. So if you walk too dogmatizing Cosmic Mother, is wrong.

The Cosmic Mother not only existed at the time of Jerusalem. The Cosmic Mother is within each.


Q.- Venerable Master, that energy known as NOUS, could well be the Christ Force?


A.- NOUS is an atom that exists in the left ventricle of the heart; a word, but it really does not define very clearly the Christ Force. The Force Christ always has their own names. It is the Force of CHRISTUS, or VISHNU, is a Force that is enormous and that is all that is, has been, and will; expressed by any man who is properly prepared.


In the Middle Ages, several men who were ready received the Christ Force. Then the Cosmic Christ was expressed by several men properly prepared in the Middle Ages. And that's it. Gradually we must begin to understand the Christic Mysteries.


Q.- Venerable Master, was there this being Saint Cyprian as a saint or was a black magician who performed the work of black magic called The Book Infernal?

A.- Well, that St. Cyprian was a black magician, who then has turned white, why does it matter.


Consider the Crestos more importantly, in THE LOGOS. Up there is THE FATHER, THE LOGOS, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT. Here is down BREATH, BLOOD AND WATER. So the triangle above and below the triangle form SEAL OF SOLOMON.


The Seal of Solomon has twelve Radiation, because the six points you have are male; six entries deep tip-toe, are female. That Seal of Solomon therefore represents the LOGOS, and by Alchemy becomes the Twelve Constellations of the Zodiac, both in the macrocosm, as in the Microcosmos man.






What is that Mercury? Where did we come from?


Well, IS THE METALLIC SOUL OF THE SACRED SPERM, you need to transmute. When it transmutes in the Ninth Sphere is the best, because then the AZOGUE RAW, which is nothing but the same sperm, becomes energy, and that energy is make the Great Work.


But PREPARATION OF MERCURY REQUIRES CAREFUL because Mercurial waters have to go through many processes; that is obvious.


In principle these waters are BLACK. When you are working with these waters, it says it is working with Saturn; they are unclean, in principle. Later these waters become WHITE.


When are BLACK, they allegorizes with BLACK CROW Alchemy, the Raven of PUTREFACTION and Death. But if the job is sublimated, if it becomes more spiritual, if given refinements, then turn Waters WHITE.


Q.- After some time?


A.- The time depends on the effort of couples, because if couples do not refine SEX, but leave act goofy and brutally as animalistic, then, Black Waters remain until they leave them Black, and will delay therefore by THE ADVENT OF FIRE; That is clear.


But if couples resolve REFINE THE SACRAMENT OF LOVE, what will happen? That will become WHITE WATERS. And if they continue to refine more and more and more, and come to do the  Chemical Copulation or Metaphysics really Sacred cult the Waters become YELLOW.


At that level, such Waters be ready to receive SULPHUR OF THE WISE.

What is the sulfur? FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!

That SULPHUR, is quite interesting. Not that it's purely chemical Sulphur in the full sense of the word, no. When one says Sulfur, there is a tendency to think of the sulfur volcanoes; or there is a tendency to think of the sulfur that can be purchased at the pharmacy, flower Sulphur, which by the way, incidentally, should take between shoes for those with larvaes, which helps to disintegrate. It is also medicinal, you cannot deny.


But, hey, we're talking about THE SULFUR OF THE WISE. We are saying that when mercury is properly prepared with Yellow Color, you may receive the Sulphur of the wise. Sulfur That makes fruitful to Mercury.




When Mercury is ready prepared, then receives the Sulphur, mixed with sulfur, it becomes a MERCURY SULPHURETTED. In turn SALT there in Sexual secretions also passes through sublimation, and along with the Sulphur and Mercury, are one trio: SALT, SULPHUR AND MERCURY.


That SALT, SULPHUR AND MERCURY take the form of a snake climbs the Spine, along the Canal Spinal Cord.


Is commonly called Kundalini, and goes up through the spinal medulla to the brain, opening the chakras that exist in the Spine.


The excess of such Salt, such Sulfur and Mercury such meets beautiful goals.


There is no doubt that the scrambled of Sulphur Mercury and Salt receive a new name; called the VITRIOL.


VITRIOL is a word that breaks down like this: Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem: Visit the interior of our Earth to find the Hidden Stone grinding. To which stone is refer to? TO THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE you have to elaborate, you have to Fabric! The RED CORBUNCLE OF THE WISE!


Well, but is said that the surplus of Salt, Sulphur and Mercury and the surplus of Vitriol, which is but Mercury Sulphuretted and a little salt Sublimated, comes to crystallize within cells, within the interior of the organism in the extraordinary and marvelous form of a SIDERAL O ASTRAL BODY.


Who has a ASTRAL BODY, know they have, because can travel with him through the Cosmos.


In a higher octave, such surplus, excess of Manufacture of Astral, comes as crystallized in the MENTAL BODY: a magnificent body with which we can travel throughout Infinity and absorb the Universal Wisdom.


And in third octave, the vitriol such surplus serves to fabricate the CAUSAL BODY. Who owns the Causal Body or Body of Conscious Will, it becomes a CAUSAL MAN.

CAUSAL MAN IS THE REAL MAN in the strictest sense of the word.


IN CAUSAL WORLD IS THE TEMPLE OF THE GREAT WHITE LODGE. It is the Universal Great Temple. Adepts live there. ADEPT AS MYSELF I HAVE MY GRAVITORY CENTER IN THE CAUSAL WORLD   . Since this region me I can project into the Mental towards the Astral, and here towards the Physical. To speak to you here in the physical, I projected from the Causal; but my center of gravity is in the Causal.


Whoever possesses the bodies: Physical, Astral, Mental and Causal, he becomes a Real Man, because CAN receive the psychic and spiritual principles, and become into Man.


So NEED TO PREPARE THE MERCURY OF THE WISE, to manufacture the Bodies.

But that's not all.





The DRY MERCURY, consists of all psychic aggregates which together form the Ego. The psychic aggregates personify our psychological defects. MUST BE DESINTEGRATE IN ORDER TO PRODUCE FOR GOLD .


Our Being has many parts. One of the self-conscious of our own Being autonomous parts is the ANTIMONY, which is not merely a chemical, but a Maker OF OUR OWN BEING. It is he who set the GOLD in MERCURY. Our bodies will be constituted by Sulphuretted Mercury , but who really sets the Gold into the Sulphuretted Mercury is the ANTIMONY.


Fixing would go Gold in the superior existential bodies of the Being, as we eliminating psychic aggregates, that is the Dry Mercury and Arsenic Sulfur or sulfur Poisonous Arsenic or Hellfire. And so that is how the Bodies have to turn into Gold vehicles.


When the astral body, for example, has become an vehicle of Pure Gold of the highest quality, it devours the Serpent, swallows the Kundalini.


When the Mental Body has become a vehicle of Beautiful Gold, swallows SNAKE.


When the Causal has become a Golden vehicle swallows SNAKE.


IT IS NECESSARY THAT TO VEHICLES be devoured by the Serpent.


So even Budhi must be swallowed by the SNAKE, and Atman.


As MAYA say in his famous book called "the Chilam Balam of CHUMAYEL": "WE NEED TO BE SWALLOWED BY THE SNAKE".

In Yucatán, I found in one of the Temples Two Snakes Stone, very beautiful. I also found a Snake Stone in Temple, huge, gigantic, within whose jaws featured a Snake Man it was swallowing. That confirms what is said in "the Chilam Balam of CHUMAYEL"


The Theosophists speak of THE KUNDALINI SHAKTI. And there Mister Leadbeater wrote about Chakras and Kundalini, and all that.


But not enough the awakening of Kundalini only, that is the Serpent, that is not enough. Do not think that because of the Serpent waking, a man has the right to enjoy the power of the Chakras, no. To enjoy the power of the Chakras must have been devoured by the Serpent.


One thing is Awakening the Kundalini and develop it, and another thing to be devoured by it.


In Wotan, for example, an ancient Great Initiate, a narrative that says he was in the Mansion of Snakes, he entered through a hole in the ground that had, towards the center of the earth, saying reads: "And I could go through the passage of Serpents, because I'm a snake".


The ancient Egyptians called themselves Snakes same like Druids.


Need one become Snake.


The Count of Saint Germain ever left a piece of paper around abandoned; someone came up and read. He said: "Thousands of years ago, - I am based in ISIS". Then, it is understood that he had been devoured by the Serpent, which was a snake.


Q.- Venerable Master, when the Pharaohs represent a snake on the forehead mean they were devoured by the Serpent?


A. It is a symbol.


Once one has become snake, a snake, in turn happens to be devoured by the Eagle(the Father) and becomes a Feathered Serpent, in the QUETZALCOATL.


But hey, specify this in CHRIST:


Once the vehicles of Gold had been devoured by the Serpent, then we have an extraordinary Metallic Sheath: THE TO-SOMA-HELIAKON, which is composed of all vehicles of Gold: THE TO-SOMA-HELIAKON OF THE SOLAR MAN.


In reaching this height, RAISES THE CHRIST in us, after living inside us all the Cosmic Drama. It is wrapped with To-Soma-Heliakon, is coated with it, is coated with the Holy wrap; comes into manifestation, comes, enters the body. It is expressed as a Man ​​among Men, but as a MAN resurrected.

And that is therefore the CAUSA CAUSORUM that gives Force to the Resurrected Masters. That's why Resurrected Masters are Resurrected:




In any case, I want to tell you in THE NAME OF TRUTH, it is necessary that the Christ is born in the heart of man to live his Cosmic life in the Heart of Man dies in us and raise in us.






While we have not achieved the Resurrection, therefore we have to fight hard to achieve. That is fundamental.


What would the descent of Christ to Earth, if not achieved the Resurrection?


The Christ descends and dies to resurrect, and WITH HIS DEATH KILLS THE DEATH.


It's the last thing: to eliminate the Death with his very death.


But this is a matter of Alchemy.


If a man does not eliminate the Dry Mercury, which are the psychic aggregates, living personification of our errors, then, could not Fabricate the Gold, Gold is needed for the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being. There could FBRIC Gold. ¿ how would manufacture?


So it is necessary to precisely to fabric Gold.


HE WHO KNOWS NOT MAKE GOLD KNOWS NOTHING, because the command is gold.


A man may be very wise, very knowledgeable, everything you want, BUT MAKES NO GOLD IS LOSING TIME MISERABLY.



Q.- Venerable Master,  in Alchemy what means seeing a lion devouring a Sun?


A.- Well, the Lion and the Sun, come in last synthesis to merge into one. Because if the Lion is the Lion of Justice, the Sun in turn is the Lion of Justice. They are one.


Q.- Venerable Master Transmutation singles, what achievements reaches a bachelor with Transmutation?


A.- All systems Transmutation for singles are relative: they serve to some extent, and beyond are useless. Even the Vajroli Mudra is not forever; may serve for a few years as the man gets a woman; You can serve the woman till gets a man ; but to serve the Vajroli Mudra finally and forever, either; not exaggerate. For a time allows you to transmute through breathing through Pranayama, etc., sexual secretions, convert them into energy, which can be used, for health for ex.. But can a man making their Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, a man, for example, through transmutation for singles, is not possible, for a very specific event:


The man represents the Holy Affirmation, the Woman the Holy Denying, the Holy Ghost, the Holy Conciliation.


If a man, for example, believes it may Fabric the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being, with the transmutations for singles, is wrong because it is handling only one force that is male: the Holy Affirmation; Nothing more.


If a woman thinks alone, with Vajroli, or transmutation of Pranayamas, etc., you can create the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being, either; you are driving a single force that is hers, female, Holy negative.


So that to achieve the Creation, always need three forces: Holy Affirmation, Holy Negation, and Holy Conciliation; there is, positive, negative, and neutral. And if these three forces do not affect a given point, they cannot make a creation.


The Three Forces in the Cosmos, for example, in the Chaos, positive, negative and neutral are directed to different places, cannot make a creation. For there to be a creation is needed that the Three Forces impact on a given point, and then there comes the Creation, whether of a world, or the existential superior bodies of the Being.


So, no need for the three forces to create the existential superior bodies of the Being, and THAT MAY ONLY WORKING IN THE NINTH SPHERE IN THE FORGE OF THE CYCLOPS, BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN The Holy affirm and deny the Holy bind and the Holy Reconciling reconciled, reconcile the opposing forces, thus creating The existential superior bodies of the Self is realized.


Q.- Venerable Master, in practice the Maithuna, while practicing Pranayama singles, does it help?


A. - The Pranayama is always used for transmutations. Whoever controlled perfectly Sex, should practice Pranayama. But it should not practice outside the Ninth Sphere, MUST PRACTICE IT IN THE NINTH SPHERE DURING THE CHEMICAL COPULATION or Metaphysics. So it will be raised in energy to the brain, it will help in that way and in this way, and avoid using breathing, sexual fall; will prevent spilling the Glass of Hermes Trismegistus, the Thrice great God Ibis of Thoth.


So that's why in the Middle Ages, the alchemists were called "Blowers". All the alchemists of the Middle Ages, they were called "Blowers" because during the practice of Maithuna, were using to transmute the nasal passages, practicing Pranayama, precisely during the metaphysical copulation, and so controlled Sex, avoided falling, avoided the Fall "Blowers".

Why do some great bellows in the Alchemists Lab always appear? There are the Bellows always! The profane thought it was really physical bellows to be blowing hot coals, right? There is no such! These are the Bellows (nose and lungs), these are as much use during the Maithuna, to control, then sex. THE Pranayama BE USED IN FULL METAPHYSIC COPULATION, to bring up the energy to the brain.


Q.- Now, if it is a surplus, Master, ¿by finishing Alchemy can continue doing Pranayama?


A.- And for what? The interesting thing is in the practice is like to trying to milk a cow already milked there is no point


Question.- I meant Master, as there are times when there is danger of falling, and when one retires and is certain yet accumulated energy.


Then A.- indicates that wrongly is done the work. Work must be done right or not, AND  PRECISELY the PRANAYAMA is doing during the Metaphysics Copulation, and thus the danger of falling is thus avoided; is controlled by breathing. THIS IS HOW COME ALL "Blowers".


We have not left to call us the Alchemist the "Blowers". So we were called throughout the Middle Ages and continue calling "Blowers" and we use the bellows in the Laboratory. And so it is.


Q.- Venerable Master, if a person does not marry, say, probably for conditional Karmic, do you have to stay for the Next?


Answer.- What else is left!


Q.- Or you can make a request or something to achieve getting the couple?


A.- For making the request, as it is made; what remains is whether we are granted. If the Father considers should be granted the Son's request, it is granted; and if you think you should not be granted, because it is not the grants; and if it is not granted, then, must have patience and pursue work on itself as far as is possible, and in a future existence, then, continue with the job, but not filled with pessimism, but devoted to Work on itself as far as is possible, to the maximun of possibilities, and continue in the future existence.


Q.- Venerable Master, we have been taught that if a person belongs, a man marry a lady or a lady with a man, karmically and being inside the gnosis, with a knowledge about background, would you can change that Karma? How is that possible?


Answer.- Yes, the Karma can be forgiven, and can also be traded; that is obvious.


But there is a kind of Karma that does not support business or pardons ever, and is one that corresponds to the sins against the Holy Spirit, that is, against sex; these have no forgiveness, no business, no nothing; these have to be paid in full rigor, such as, unfortunately.

"All sorts of sins will be forgiven, - said the Christ - minus the Sin against the Holy Spirit."

So those crimes against the Holy Spirit, have no forgiveness; have to pay in all its rigor, with all the pain, because there is no choice.


Q.- Venerable Master, that Karma itself is fornication?


A.- The fornication or adultery, infrasexual degeneration, lesbians, gays, etc., etc. They have to pay that kind of Karma in all its rigor. They have no choice left. What are Karmas hard? Do not deny it! And very painful! But they paid no choice left. The Others they can be traded and forgiven. So it is.


Q.- Venerable Master, what age within the esoteric work, or what state of consciousness corresponds to the completion of the Work in the flaming forge purely, or whole life you have to work in the flaming forge?


A.- Well, one must become familiar with the work in the Ninth Sphere, because there will always be needed in the Cosmos, while living in the Cosmos, or in Different Firmaments.


Consider, for example, to free us from these mechanistic forces of the moon that so torment our existence, and have made us real true machines, should we create itself a moon within us, a Psychological Moon. One creates the Psychological Moon, for example, when destroys those psychic aggregates that dominate the human personality, such as pride, conceit, arrogance, selfishness, anger, hatred, jealousy, vanity, self-importance The self-sentimentality, etc., then creates a permanent Gravity Center inside. Such Permanente Center Gravity is indeed the psychological moon.



In the process of Self-realization of the Being two unmistakable facts are distinguished as follows:

I. That Christ is not a human or divine individual; it is not a particular person, BUT THAT STATE TO ARRIVE WHEN IS ENCARNATE and

II. That one thing is the knowledge (Gnosis) transfinite that can deliver to the different humanities a glorious risen Christ, as Krishna, Buddha, The Great Kabir, Jesus of Nazareth, Quetzalcoatl, or VM Samael, and anything differently concrete and specific is the PROCESS ITSELF, THE DOCTRINE ITSELF, leading to the thirsty souls of TRUTH TO ENCARNATION OF THE  CHRIST STATE, and this is what is called THE DOCTRINE OF DIRECT ROUTE.


"There are four paths, namely: 1) The Direct Route. 2) The Nirvanic Spiral. 3) those who are separated from the cosmic stage without reaching the Adepted. 4) those who fail. "


"The direct way is the greatest, but as the sufferings are grater trumphs are also higher."

"In the Nirvanic spiral wins are smaller and therefore are less suffering."

"Those who renounce at the Cosmic Manifestation, dipped into the Universal Spirit of Life after dissolving the ego, but without having created the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being."

"But some of those who renounce the manifestation, back in the golden age of the future sixth race; They will enter the mysteries and become Adepts. "

"The last ones, the failures, are those who after serving his three thousand cycles or periods of manifestation do not achive the adepted."

"The Buddhas Pratyekas (the nirvanic spiral) and many Gods and Powerful Lords of the law, do not want the final release of Pistis-Sophia" (The initiate Resurrected)

"Only surrendering to the Father in secret, Bodhisattvas can beat the Prince Adamas and Budhas Pratyekas."

"Among the terrors of the night, the dark arrows come against Initiated".

"Enemy forces were moving stealthily through the darkness".

"To the Left and to the Right both Initiates fall so of darkness as light."

"The middle path; the eightfold path of Bodhisattvas of compassionate heart, leads us to the port of final liberation ".

"Unfortunately very rare are those who manage to go down the path of the midst thereof toward the final liberation; who does Not fall into the path of the dark left, fall into the path of right. "

"On the path to the left descend the tenebrous inside the Dwelling of Pluto".

"On the path to the right ascend the Saints, to the wonderful realms of light".

"Both sides rotate within the Wheel of Samsara".

"The Buddhas Pratyekas even having made the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, are not Bodhisattvas".

"Obviously the Buddhas Pratyekas fell into the path of right".


"Only the middle path the Bodhisattvas get the incarnation of Christ in themselves."

"Understood by Bodhisattva a seed or germ with possibility of transcendental divine development by pressure coming from above".

"The Bodhisattva is the germ of a sacred individual located within the sacred  sperm and with development opportunities; that's it ".

"At the revolutionary step of Pistis Sophia (the Initiate Resurrected) fall enemies of the left and wrong sincere of the right".

"The Christic Ray saves us from the Buddhas Pratyekas of the Right and dark adepts of the left".

"Whoever puts his mind into the hands of the Intimate Christ and only accepts the Intimate Christ, and fight for the way of final liberation and demons of the mind can never beat him."

"Actually really Christ is the only Master."

"The right way, the direct path, the eightfold path leads from darkness to light." And this is what Christ refers when he says: "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE: NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER, BUT BY ME." (John 14: 6)

"Those who renounced the happiness of Nirvana for love of humanity, those who have the body or vehicle Nirmanalcaya or Vehicle of Solar Transformation, are the authentic Bodhisattvas; who truly walk the direct path and know the word of the Lord. "


A far as I am concerned I am a hiker of the DIRECT PATH and the Doctrine I teach is the Direct Path for those who want to go Direct.Those who will not go Direct,then sorry because there will be a poiny where they have to be defined: (a) those who follow the Spiral ( Nirvanic ) we have to say good bye ! Those who follow the direct Path as we go to the ABSOLUTE!


                                                            SAMAEL AUN WEOR



Read more…


The Central efforsts. The Twelve Apostles. Twenty-Four Elders. Four Devarajas. The Intimate Christ. The Father of all Lights. The Guardian of the Threshold.The Divine Mother Kundalini Shakti. The Karma Police. Anubis. Mitratón. Sandalphon. The Lord of Time. Minerva. The Ancient of Centuries. The Interior Lucifer. Integration of the BEING. Integration of Ego. The Black Sun. Disintegration of the Ego. Comprehension. The seven levels of men. Remembrance of Himself. Three purifications by the Iron and Fire. –



First of all it is necessary to get one to know his own Being, but know from the point of view only objective. It would be impossible to know our own Real Internal from a subjective point of view. That's obvious.


OBJECTIVE is in real and revolutionary psychology the Spiritual, the Real, true and SUBJECTIVE is the inconsistent, vagueness, imprecision, the material. We must thus take into account these factors.


When I say we need to know to be in a completely objective way, I'm stating a fact. It is necessary to grasp what I am saying.


Our being in the world of the twelve laws is conditioned by mines and represented by the Sun, which is a world of twelve laws. It is also influenced by the world of 24 laws, is the planetary world, the solar system; or is conditioned by the world of 48 laws is the physical world; and the densest form is conditioned by the world of 96 laws.


So we need to know the Being, not only in the world of twelve laws or 24, but in all the worlds. This requires many efforts; No efforts we said indirect but direct centrals. We need to know ourselves in truth. "Man know thyself and thou shalt know the Universe and the Gods." Because only by knowing ourselves we can work directly on ourselves. If you do not know yourself, how we could work on ourselves? Impossible, right?


What we're looking for is a change, a radical transformation and this self-exploring each is only possible because then we can work directly on themselves, When I speak of working on ourselves, must be known to understand; we can become imitators of someone and in this case would not work centrally; that would not be central efforts, but unilateral.


We could imitate the head of the family or the boss or a teacher, but then that would not be a direct exchange effort.


Krishnamurti says for example: "I do not want henchmen nor followers, but only imitators of my example" I think this too selfish, because if someone becomes a follower of Krishnamurti, and not doing a central effort, is not a central work . It is a work of imitation and imitation work is not a work on himself, in itself, directly, no; you are doing it from an angle, it is doing so unilaterally. It is not a central work. There is not a central effort.


I tell them to do a central effort, a series of SUPER POWER EFFORTS, working on themselves, directly. Only then can produce a change within ourselves.


But obviously when you work on yourself objectively, when do central works, direct efforts to bring about change, happens that we are attack intensively the lower emotional center. It can be said that the lower emotional center, is catastrophic, scary, horrible; when the attack comes to the inferior emotional center is really suffers. Appear people in our way who hurt us , nailing the dagger in the lower emotional center; Sorry torturing our hearts.


Sure, there is always the tendency to react against those who in one way or another hurt us. Very marked tendency to have this reaction. If we react the lower emotional center is strengthened and that is very serious.


However the combat against the lower emotions has certain advantages: one is precisely the most important is that for the result of the conflict against the emotions, against the words that hurt us, our Divine Being, product of the struggle, of the effort.


Thi Individual Being arises vigorous, coming into manifestation and it is obvious that purifies all our functions; to our centers before marching piffling, against each other, integrate beautifully. It is through this struggle against the lower emotions and using these Super efforts, central and objective not indirect or unilateral objectives how is get, in true the Individuality and Integration of Being.


Citing this word "Integrating of the Being result of central efforts on themselves, we must reflect a little. Really our deep inner Self is not integrated; consists of many autonomous and self-conscious, parts. In the Holy Scriptures is speaks specifically of Twelve Apostles. When people read the Bible take the Twelve Apostles to the dead letter; said they were fishermen who followed Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ. But the Initiate who is working on himself, directly, on his own Self, come to discover these Twelve Apostles Twelve those fishermen; And the worst is that they do not come to discover outside himself, but WITHIN ITSELF; Comes with amazement to realize that these Twelve Apostles are Twelve parts of your own Being. It would go a little outside the purely historical question better serving the Gospel about himself.


They are the Twelve Powers with the Venusian Initiation penetrate the womb of the Divine Mother Kundalini, to come a little later to physical existence. And this is important.


When speaking of twenty-four Elders of the Apocalypse of St. John that cast their crowns at the feet of the Lamb, you have to know to understand. Nor are strangers to ourself characters. Twenty-four self-conscious of our own autonomous parts of our Being are.


And when it mentions the Four Saints, you have to know to understand. Four Devarajas are not only beyond the four corners of the earth, are within ourselves, and have power over the Four Elements.


And when speaking of the Sacrificial Lamb who washes the sins of the world, do not think of a historical figure of 2014 years ago. we do not deny the existence of the Great Kabir Jeshua Ben Pandirá(Jeshua Ben Joseph), it would be absurd to deny it since He is the author of the Pistis-Sophia, is so historic. But think that Jeshua interior, which so alluded Paul of Tarsus, the INTIMATE CHRIST, THE LOGOS HUMANIZED; Lightning Logoic that each of us has, enters the womb of the Divine Mother Kundalini Shakti later  to the manifestation by the Venusian Initiation.


We must remember that the Logos is not a Human or Divine Individual; are mistaking who think so. The LOGOS IS PERFECT MULTIPLE UNITY. Each of us has his LOGOIC RAY, so to speak his INNER CHRIST, that when it humanize into Mother belly becomes Jesus in the Intimate Christ. Jesus means "Saviour". Christ, Christus or Vishnu or Osiris is our Logoic Ray. As Paul of Tarsus talks so much about Jesus Christ, did not refer to him as a historical figure, but within each of us Jesus Christ. At the same he meant always wisely.


That wonderful and holy man who wrote his spiritual path, that famous brother Fray Molina; that man died in a dungeon of the Inquisition; wrote "Imitation of Christ" which has more Nirvanic flavor we say that Dogmatic.


Therefore, brethren, that Intimate Jesus Christ is what it counts. If an Enlightened invokes truth in the worlds of Cosmic Consciousness to Jeshua Ben Pandirá, He will do this greeting pointing heart, saying, "Look for me in here," "Looking to Christ in here." Because  Jeshua Ben Pandira came to bring the doctrine of the Intimate Christ in the same way as Gautama the Buddha Sakyamuni brought the doctrine of Buddha inside.


So, my dear brothers, I want to reflect on what this all means.


When it speaks of a great mystic called James the Apostle, one must understand the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy. The representative of Mercury itself is one of the twelve most important powers that carry within us: is James the Great, is the blessed patron of the Great Work, is the one who teaches us the wonderful science of the Great Work.


The Father of all Lights is the Ancient of Days (each of us has his elder) and through James the Great, he teach us the Blessed Science.


When speaking of Philip, not just think of Philip the Apostle who baptized the eunuch on the bank of a river or source, that wonderful character that appeared and disappeared as if by magic, traveling through the air and astounding as peoples. Consider also the interior Felipe that each of us carries into. Obviously, if we invoke him with purity of heart and please get us out of the physical body and lead us by the supersensible region of eternal space, we will be assisted by Him.

So those twelve powers are within ourselves; not outside ourselves. And we do not stop there; is the guardian of the threshold of the astral world, the Guardian of the mental world, the Guardian of the Threshold Causal world. Here are three guards!


And what of the Divine Mother Kundalini Shakti ... She has 5 aspects?


That of the unmanifested, which is the most hidden and terrible of all, Nephtys. In the name of truth nor I myself have been able to get at least in this incarnation in Nephtys Temple, the Temple of the unmanifested; that door is very narrow, albeit crystalline obviously manifested; but the gods also suffer a lot to enter the Temple of Nephthys.


Then comes the Manifested, Isis call it, call it Adonijah, Rea, Insoberta, Tonantzin, Cybele, Diana, Mary or Marah; no matter what name we give it. She is closer to us, assists us with his wisdom, love and power and is part of our Being too; It is a part of our being but derivative.


And also talk about the third aspect of the Cosmic Mother, Love and Law, which punishes the Initiated when they deserve to be punished: Queen of Hell and Death. No matter what you call Proserpina or Coatlicue or Hecate ... Anyway punishes us for our good and is also part of our own Being.


What also say of Mother Nature, the fourth aspect of our Being Mother, who perfectly unites the spermatozoon and ovum, who mathematically designed the physical body, one that puts exactly forty-six chromosomes in the primitive germ cell? Obviously our Mother Nature knows already.


Finally we have the fifth aspect: Elemental Magician as a lady giving us the instinctual drives, as Queen of the Elements, as Elemental Magician. It's wonderful.


So if the Buddha Gautama is the conductor of the Sacred Cow, someday we also each of us must become the driver of the five wonderful aspects of the five-legged cow, holy cow.


Certainly the Blavatsky was there in Hindustan and saw one of those wonders of Nature: A white cow with five legs, the fifth had it in her hump and with it shoo the flies, she was led by a young man of the Sadhu sect and fed himself with the milk; Occasionally appears, and has appeared in America also is alive Curious Case representation of the five forces of the Divine Mother Kundalini, the five aspects of Kundalini Shakti.


So you are looking at different aspects of our Being He is the God Lion also the Lion of the Law..; He is Karma Police that we carry within, that arises from regions where we made ​​a mistake: the KAOM.


We have our particular own Anubis, we also applied the Law; and we have the Mitratón related to the right shoulder and  Sandalphon related to the left shoulder and have the Lord of Time, which can bring the memory of our old stocks our memories. All that we have inside.

And we have a Minerva, not only there in the macrocosm, but a part of our being, which is Wisdom, which can perform within us extraordinary operations.


So my dear brothers, our being has many self-conscious, independent and autonomous parts. The top of our being is the Ancient of Centuries.


We could not improve within us different parts of the Being, otherwise we remove ourselves inhuman elements always load, all those psychic aggregates living personification of our errors.


So that as above so below. If there is a multiplicity in the highest part of our Being also at the bottom is the multiplicity of ego by opposition. We could not, purify or refine that hidden Ray, (since the higher parts of our being are hidden), perfecting the highest part of the Being, without having destroyed every last one of the psychic aggregates.


Who is able to develop the highest part of the Being, who manages purify it receives the degree of "ISMECH"; HORNS is clear these are known: Lucifer inside of each of us is a reflection of the Logos within ourselves and with horns ; by the number of horns know if it is in the degree of spiritual development and perfection of objective reason we have achieved. Those with six tridents on the horns have made ​​the GREAT WORK, have gained a foothold in the Anc-Lad; but those with the NINE tridents in the Horns are integrated into the Common Cosmic Father.


However, in contrast, we also have a multiplicity ego in opposition! We must to disintegrate them!


There are two types of INTEGRATION can integrate the BEING and that is the Cosmic Integration COSMIC CRYSTALLIZATION. And there is another integration dear ones. NEGATIVE INTEGRATION; who integrate THE EGO become terribly perverse demons; there are: The Black Mages who have crystallized ... The Black Mages who worship all over the EGO, who have gathered them in themselves, which are fully integrated. That's a negative integration, integration of ego.


There are schools that worship the ego and do not want to disintegrate the ego, who revere him as angels ... who consider the different psychic aggregates as positive, wonderful values ​​and caregivers. These wrong integrate the ego and become tenebrous! Extremely strong! Wizards of darkness !. They are in the Black Sun, which is the antithesis opposition Sun that shines; those between the bowels of the underworld; there are in Lilith, the Black Moon ... They are wrong crystallizations  negative integrations.


We must become aware of it.


So between combating negative emotions BEING arises. Start little by little the process of INTEGRATION OF BEING, but by opposition is intensifies the DESINTEGRATION OF THE EGO, until its total annihilation!


On the road of research, we must not forget that it is necessary to study the BEING, not only, in the world of the twelve laws, but in the twenty-four, forty-eight and Ninety-Six Laws; This last one is populated by different psychic aggregates that we carry within us, it is OBVIOUS.


Once we have understood this also understand the need to UNDERSTAND others. To understand others in a real and true form, what is needed is to reach an agreement. We could not understand others if we have not understood themselves.


Someone said there: "Well, I understand a guy but I disagree with him," which is absurd! if it is understood he would agree with him. Precisely why is not agree with him do not understand it. That's obvious. How can understand someone and not agree with that someone?


This obviously comes to give us balance between BEING AND KNOWING. That is clear. There should be a perfect balance between Being and Knowing. If there is a perfect balance between Being and Knowing simply because there is no COMPREHENSION.



It could be that someone who assume to have understood have different ideas to ours and we say: if we have understood but I do not agree with him. In this case as we have not understood! Otherwise, we would agree with him. What I'm saying is difficult to understand but it is Real, that guy is Protestant and we express: that he is a Protestant and his point of view actually have understood but I disagree with his Protestant Church, with its Protestant ideas. Simply we have not understood.


But if we really have understood, we know that you are referring certain biblical words and that is repeating dogmatically. If being repeated dogmatically, then what happens? So we UNDERSTAND that is repeating dogmatically ... if we understand that this is merely an intellectual man, then we say, "This man is repeating what has studied the Bible, what others have taught, He is a man, purely intellectual, has not yet evolved, I have understood. I do not argue, I understood. therefore he is in truth, I understood and I am your friend. " That's called really understand and agree.


To understand someone have to agree with that someone. If that someone speaks for example in English and Spanish us, how could we understand ?. We have to agree on one thing: in language or symbols, so we could understand. Otherwise, how would we understand? There would be no understanding.


So we need to understand.


Considering these things, my dear brothers and sisters, comprehension really is something to investigate. Here in our studies we learn to know; Comprising the teaching in the sense of understanding we advancing and understanding is essential. We need to UNDERSTAND THE GNOSIS, but you have to balance the Being and Knowledge.


If knowledge is greater than Being there is no balance, if Being is greater than knowledge there is neither a balance. Being and Knowing need to be balanced, just the only way of Understanding arises. It is vital to understand!


And as we move auto-scanning we say all these parts of our Being, understanding is emerging more and more, and more in us; That's obvious. This understanding leads us far away in our studies.


In any case, fighting for the Integration of the Being; we want the disintegration of the ego; therefore urges work deeply about ourselves to disintegrate the ego. There need to understand each psychic aggregate that we will disintegrate.


For example revenge: Do not confuse justice with revenge; justice is one thing and revenge is another, there are many who say: "Revenge is sweet" and that is absurd. It is absurd to take justice into their own hands; That's revenge. Sacred Law is responsible for accounts receivable for everyone, because we need not to take the place of the Great Law. If we discover that we are vengeful, we need UNDERSTAND the process of revenge.


To understand the process of revenge for ex. MEDITATION reflection becomes necessary. The process of revenge is very easily confused with the process of justice and always we have the marked tendency to take the law into our own hands. That's revenge. We are vindictive if someone hurts us with words, react violently; That's revenge.


We are not able to remain silent before an offender, to someone who is offending us, we always have the very marked tendency to react for any little word to tell us; always felt alluded to and while we are on the road, and again we respond and react. You observe all is there one which perhaps does not react in one or another way, whether verbalizing their reactions or keeping them secret? All have this marked tendency to respond to the word that offends, before the smile that hurts, the eyes that stabs! All have a very marked tendency to react!. 


There are those people, people like that, always reactionary, reacting. So there is always a strong tendency to confuse justice with revenge.


When one understands as the process of revenge, can afford to disintegrate the psychic aggregate of it, but only UNDERSTANDING; if not, how could disintegrate?


And we would say for ex. about jealousy ?, There are many kinds of jealousy. Not only passionate, loving, no. There are political jealousy, religious jealousy, jealousy from friends, etc., are numerous jealousy. And what is this thing called jealousy? It is the fear of losing what you love most; it is EGO attachment.


A man fears losing his wife and horrify jealous her. A bride fears losing her boyfriend and jealous him much and there are horrible conflicts, murders, revenge and fifty thousand things like that.


How could we eliminate that Ego of jealousy if you do not know which is the fruit of fear? ¿Of fear of losing what more could you want?


How can one disintegrate that Ego of jealousy that do not know if that is the result of attachment? If I believed, wrongly, that is the pretext of love? How could love be jealous? If love is perfect is divine?


Jealousy cannot come of Love for Love everything delivery, wants nothing for himself ... all for being who loves; but do not want the happiness of being who loves; knows sacrifice himself for the good of those who love. Then jealousy does not come from love. They come from EGO.


But if one ignores that, if one is justifying, how could I remove it? In what way? Impossible.


So it is necessary first of all to discover the defect must disintegrate; Then UNDERSTAND through the clear reflection of Being, through deep meditation, and once understood is being prepared for removal.


So, my dear brothers, it is necessary that you reflect on all this. While one has not disintegrated the ego is exposed to fatal errors: A prejudice, hate, feel revenge, for revenge, etc.


Understanding others is indispensable, but how can we understand if you do not understand themselves?


There are seven levels of men that one should know:


-First Is purely instinctive level.


-The Second is the purely emotional level.


-The Third party intellectual.


'Beyond these three levels there is the fourth level: the balanced man, the man who balanced the centers and their organic machine.


-Then Comes the fifth level: that of those who have made ​​the astral body, which can live consciously in the astral world.


-The Sixth level on those who can live in the world of the conscious mind, because the Mental body were manufactured.


-The Seventh that of those who are established in the Causal world, with Causal body, as Causal Man.


Obviously men number one, two and three are the most damaging, not understood each other. Men number one, two and three live within the circle of the Tower of Babel and the confusion exists "tongues"; there nobody understands anybody. They are the ones that caused the First and Second World War, they who have the world in trouble.


Neither men number four, five, six, or seven, would do what men number one, two and three do. Men number four, five, six and seven, do not cause wars, they have some luxury. Men are one, two and three that have brought so much bitterness on the face of the Earth.


But among men one two three there are different degrees of understanding, that is obvious, Among men number one, two and three are many kinds of understanding.


So you understand what it means to see. We must UNDERSTAND ALL, become aware of ourselves, auto-exploring deeply to know ourselves.


I already told them in past meetings there were two main aspects, two decisive factors in our studies: one, the remembrance of himself and the other body relaxation: remind themselves, their own deep inner Being and relax deep meditation. So what comes to us again, so slowly we go exploring self and that is FUNDAMENTAL.



Q. – V.M., referring to his last talk of relaxation and remembering, what remains to remembering: the balance of the three cylinders of the organic machine with remembering or is remembering which excludes cylinders of the organic machine?


A. - The remembrance own deep inner Being; it is produced or co-operate or support the emergence of Being Single in one.


Obviously when the Self surge on you, then balances the five centers of the organic machine: the intellect center, emotional center, motor center, and instinctive center and sexual center; comes the balance of the five centers of the machine.


Q. - Then remembering of himself cannot arise spontaneously but through work on personality?

A.-Is obvious that self-remembering involves work. Personality relaxes to be in a passive state. Then the messages coming from the Being through the higher centers come to mind; that brings order and harmony.


M. - Says that by Being is achieved the centers Equilibrium, but from that comes the game of personality and conflicts of the mind to achieve non-intervention of her and the true performance of the Being for reaches equilibrium at us?


 Answer.- Relaxation must be understood in full; because if we will only relax the muscles that are always tight, we have not fully understood the process of relaxation. It is not only relax the muscles and nerves of the body but also the mind. When the mind is quiet, when the mind is silent, when no projects, when in receptive state, comprehensive state, then there comes THE NEW.


But while there is a mind that project and body tense, never there comes the New. So that the mind cannot be in conflict, even for a moment, there must be physical and mental relaxation. Then these conflicts disappear for a moment; for a moment arises Being in us, a moment of emptiness that Being fail to fill and then there comes THE NEW.


So little by little, slowly the Being is producing the union of all centers of the organic machine; They are disappearing conflicts between the three brains: intellectual, emotional and motor. Thus, for seconds, minutes, we can receive messages from the higher worlds.

But constancy is needed at work. Diligence is required.


Q.- Master, when spoke of the Being self-aware and autonomous parts, you cited some examples; spoke of the Apostles that loads each of us, what part of the Being autonomous and self-conscious is related to the Buddhist annihilation?


A.- Judas Iscariot. Do not think only in that Judas of 2014 years ago. Think about the inside Judas, in that inner Apostle, who is one of the Twelve Powers that we carry within, one of the twelve parts of the Being. He is keenly interested in the Buddhist annihilation, so it is extraordinary.


Does not deny the existence of that Apostle of 2014 years ago that really represent our intimate Judas. He is a reality; He exists; He is one of the GREAT; He is the most exalted Master, the most exalted Adept who walked with Jesus of Nazareth; but within us is an inner Judas, Judas out of that really, outside the three traitors of Hiram Abiff.


In our Being someone who personifies Iscariot really interested in destroying the ego.


Q. – M. How are we to understand Tom's work in us ?.


Answer. - Well we know that Thomas indicates some skepticism, doubt and all that. But carry the bottom, this intimate Thomas that we carry within, obviously relates to the discernment. We must learn to discern. It is urgent to use the scalpel of self-criticism to open the settings, to see what they are really. This is how we must understand the inner Thomas, Thomas intimate.


Each of us carries as the Twelve Powers in his own Being. And all those self-conscious and autonomous parts of Being, in the Pistis Sophia and are called "THE RULERS" of the Aeons and the Fate and Sphere. They then move; they do their work, the Great Work, between the square, triangles and octagons ... all you have to know to understand.


Q.- which is in charge of Alchemy?


A.- Unquestionably no one who is responsible for Alchemy and in Alchemy is called Antimony, but this is not one of the Twelve Powers.


Q.- And about a part of our Being?


A.- What there is a specialist in Alchemy which, I am sure, will obey the Antimony, which is precisely James the Greater, the blessed patron of the Great Work. To Him is due the Antimony, in the transcendental sense which is in charge of Alchemy,of the Great Work.


Q.- In what sense owe us understand Peter when he denied Christ three times?


A.- There are three purifications to do for the Iron and Fire. Who does not get the three purifications does not get Christification. Peter with his head down, crucified upside down tells us that we must descend to the Ninth Sphere to work with the Fire and Water, origin of worlds, beasts and Gods. Every authentic White Initiation begins there. Peter is telling us that with his crucifixion.


Now, there are three purifications which are the three denials of Peter:


-First Purification. – The First Mountain of the Initiation.


-Second Purification. - The Second Mountain, the Resurrection.


-Third Purification. - When shining star of eight points and the book of Job on the summit of the Second Mountain.


No one could reach the Resurrection of the Intimate Christ in us, without passing through the three purifications based on Iron and Fire.


The Rooster crows three times, which is the Mercury of the secret philosophy, because it represents the Rooster,the Gallo, the GAIO or IAO. "And before the rooster crows the third time will deny me three times" because three times the Initiate to the infernal worlds must come down, to work with the Fire and Water. They are three purifications based on Iron and Fire; why the three nails of the Cross; So the INRI on the Cross!


I.N.R.I.:IGNIS NATURA RENOVATUR INTEGRA!: Fire ceaselessly renews Nature.


So the Intimate Peter, particularly of each of us, makes the job of "denying Christ three times." , but simply has to get down to work on the "Forge of Cyclops" in the Ninth Sphere, before achieving the Resurrection. You have to go between the demons in THREE times before rising from the dead before he could rise again. Because the resurrection is first, HERE AND NOW.


Q. - The demon of passion Jealousy is a product of lust?


A. - Yes ... jealousy would not exist if there were no lust.


Q. - Master, how should we understand John?


A. – John is the WORD !, THE WORD! He obviously shall speak us with the word of life. It is the Word. Is the Word. So we must understand.


Q. – V.M., as I am more interested in the death of the ego, everything, You told in his talk that Being is conditioned by the Solar World and all worlds, to the world of ninety-six laws. The Mayans speak in their mythology the underworld or the underworld and cite us some parts precisely of Being. We because of some experience regarding the guardian of the threshold, which dreadful brother who takes different facets in that region of the underworld ... you can consider these three Guardians directly as parts of Being? Can you talk about your party to the underworld?


A.- Obviously the Guardian of the Threshold in its three aspects is: THREE ASPECTS OF BEING.


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Baptism and marriage, the airtight vessel, The Sorcerer's Stone



Necessary is to understand what the baptism in itself is. Obviously Baptism is a pact of Sexual Magic. 


In the Eastern Church, Baptism on the day of Epiphany is associated with the Wedding of Canaan.


In the Western Church, considering the Epiphany, Baptism is associated with the Marriage of Jesus with the church. So both the East Baptism is associated with sex, as in the West; in both cases is related to Marriage.


It is therefore Baptism, A COVENANT OF SEXUAL MAGIC.


If followed, Baptism is serving; if not met, Baptism is useless. That is the harsh reality of the facts.


 Illustrating all these aspects are in order to you will understanding what is the esoteric significance of Baptism.


The baptismal font, for example, in the Christian Churches represents precisely the Philosophical Stone, or the Creators organs.


As for Magnetized Water and Water buffed contained in the Stone, undoubtedly represent the SACRED SPERM. In other words we would say that WATER is the MERCURY THE SECRET PHILOSOPHY. The FIRE of the candles represents the SULFUR OF ALCHEMY.


Only by Mercury, that is, Semen Entity, and Sulphur, that is, the Entity of Fire, it is then possible to achieve the Second Birth.


What is meant by Second Birth?


Per Second Birth means the Birth of the Real Man.


Remember the words of Jesus to Nicodemus:


"Until you are born again, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven".


Achieve the Second Birth, that is fundamental. But that second birth not achieved if you have not made ​​the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being first. And these bodies cannot be created from nothing, because nothing, nothing comes. These bodies must be created based on Mercury and Sulfur.

The Mercury, or the Metallic Soul of the Sperm, is represented here in the Gnostic Rituals with the Bread of Transubstantiation And as for sulfur, or the fire of Alchemy, is represented with the Sacred Wine.


So the Mercury and Sulphur must be combined incessantly within us, to create through them, the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being.


Understanding all this, you realize the Mystery of the Seal of Solomon: The Triangle upward, the top indicates the Sulphur Fire. The lower triangle that links to the top, says the Mercury, that is, the Metallic Soul of the sacred sperm.


When you have completed the Great Work, receives in the higher worlds a wonderful ring that is of Divinal matter. It is always placed on the ring finger of the right hand. What's on that ring? The Seal of Solomon. What does this stamp? That Initiated and managed by the incessant crosses the Mercury and Sulphur THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE.


So by the incessant crosses the Mercury and Sulphur, is achieved in a first step to create the Astral Body; as a second step, create the Mental; and third, create the Causal.


Who owns a physical body, an Astral Body, a Mind Body and Causal Body, receives for that reason the Spiritual Psychic Principles, and becomes an Authentic Man, a Real Man, a True Man.


So, who becomes True Man is said to have reached the Second Birth, because if such intellectual animal was born with the birth first, as True Man is born with the Second Birth. The Second Birth is for Real Men.


All this is achieved by the incessant crossings of Mercury with Sulphur.


In baptism that is allegorized wisely: Water contained in the Stone represents precisely the Mercury; Fire of candles, the sulfur of Alchemy.


If you know who baptizes intelligently combine Mercury with Sulphur, because achieves the Second Birth, enter the Kingdom of Heaven. But who is baptized, never works with the Mercury and Sulphur, for that baptism has not served him anything.


Thus, Baptism is a pact of Sexual Magic. You have to understand so and not otherwise.


It is said that in Baptism, the White Dove of the Holy Spirit hovers over the child's head to be baptized. Certainly! Is that the Holy Spirit is the same Mercury of the Secret Philosophy.


When I entered the most important part of the Great Work, I was introduced precisely to The Mirror of Alchemy. There I saw in the glass, mirrored my own Mercury. In the name of truth I tell you, that Mercury gives to the Great Initiates precisely this transcendental aspect of Gentle-Man. Now, if not, for example, men like Kout-Humi, that wisdom which demonstrates how the man is due to Mercury, which is the very Holy Spirit in manifestation. Take, for example, a Count of St. Germain, whom I quote many times as a living example of Super-Man, someone driving world politics as formidably, someone who knows the psycho-political, and who knows really handle it, that can adapt to all diplomatic world conditions; this characteristic is due to the Mercury of the Wise.


When I saw my Mercury reflected in the mirror, I was simply amazed. It was when I knew how the Mercury comes to give one transcendental feature Gentle-Man; makes one a Wise in the fullest sense of the word.


So beloved brothers and sister, well worth understanding the significance of Baptism.


As for Sulfur, is Fire; we must understand this well; obviously relates to Lucifer. No one would have the sexual Impulse,if would have the Luciferian impulse within. That Sulfur is an extraordinary Power.


The Mercury alone, could do nothing. But Mercury is fertilized by Sulfur, that is, by the fire, and from that mixture becomes the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being.


It is good to begin to understand all these things to value Baptism. And it's good reason not forget why the Christian Churches of East and West, the question this Epiphany, that is Crestos Cosmic Ascension in us, always relate Baptism with Marriage.


Really a Church, however holy it is, if not teach the keys to self-realization, as would fail to save anyone; that is obvious.


When one scrutinizes therefore all these issues about Mercury and Sulphur, can value Baptism and should be valued. Baptism is sacred in the transcendental sense.


Do you also not forget that the Sacred Absolute Sun wants to crystallize within us the three Primary Forces of Nature and the Cosmos. These are: Holy Affirmation, Holy Negation, and Holy Conciliation.


Holy Affirmation is the positive force, the Father. Holy Negation is the negative force, the Mother, the Holy Spirit. Holy Conciliation is the neutral power when the Christ.


In the east, the Father is Brahma, the Son is Vishnu, the Holy Spirit is Lord Shiva.


The Holy Spirit, that is, the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy, crystallizes in us when we work with Sulphur and Mercury. This work could not be performed outside the laboratory. One must know how to mix the different parts of Mercury, with different parts of sulfur, but this is within the laboratory, and the laboratory is the human body.


So the Mercury, that is, the Metallic Soul of Sperm, intelligently combined within our own laboratory; combined with sulfur. The result of this combination becomes a formidable: The first result would be the birth of the astral body in man; The second result is the birth of the Mental Body in man; The third result is the birth of the Causal Body in man. When you have achieved these vehicles, as I told you, then there comes the second birth, that is, born the True Man, born of Mercury and Sulphur, that is, Water and Fire; and must be understood.


That is why Christ said: "If you not born again, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven".


It must be born again. It is not enough to be born as intellectual animals; that's very relative. Now we need to be born as men, but as Men True, and True Man born of Sulphur and Mercury, as always taught in Baptism.


Failure to meet that Sacrament is worthless Baptized. What's the point? Of what avail is it..??


So beloved ones, it is good that you will understand these things.


However, in all there are rules and measures. Justice is something very sacred and there. The ancient Alchemists represented the Justice for an ineffable creature, a sort of Queen-Goddess with a balance in his left; it has some weights - are needed to balance the Balance -, stands on a Cubic Stone: The Philosopher's Stone, naturally wears, the White Robe; Tunic above, is Purple, mantle, and is played the head with a Gold Crown. In the left leads Balance on the right carries the Sword, Sword of Justice. But the interesting are the weights and measures of the Balance of Cosmic Justice. It is clear that the work to be performed in the laboratory, have to agree with Law.


What amounts of sulfur, for example, mixed with what amounts of Mercury? That do not know the ordinary people, nor even the same Alchemists. Those are Secrets of Great Nature.


In any case, Justice governs the work of the Alchemist, and Justice Act.


If an Alchemist, for example, has wife-priestess, and suddenly leaves the wife-priestess, and being in the sexual performance goes and gets another woman, for adultery. Why? Because two mixed streams within the Spine collide. An Alchemist charging an electric current, and then if he gets another woman, then the reverse flow is mixed with the first stream, with which carried on his body, and there is a short circuit, and then a thread is burn it where the sacred serpent rises. That thread is the Nadi Chitra. So if you burn the Nadi Chitra, then Snake, that is the Fire, - that is, the sulfur mixed with Mercury, which has the figure of the Serpent - down one or more vertebrae, according to the magnitude of fault.


It is therefore very serious adultery.


Another serious thing is, Fornication. If the Alchemist spills the Cup of Hermes Trismegistus, if you lose Mercury unquestionably burn the Nadi Chitra and lowers the Sacred Serpent.


To one to realize the Great Work must be submitted to the Goddess of Justice. If you violate the Law of Balance, the Alchemist job fails miserably.


Note that Manufacture the Superior Existential Bodies of Being is a Work of Alchemy, but that work has to be within the Canons of the law of Cosmic Justice, otherwise, there is inevitable failure.


Another very different case - and this is of reflections and - it is the case that the Alchemist, for example, does not have an AIRTIGHT VESSEL.


Suppose the Alchemist has, an AIRTIGHT VESSEL destroyed, that no longer serves, does not. The Laboratory, in this case will be stopped, not work, because you do not have A GLASS HERMETIC for the combination of Sulphur and Mercury.


But what is meant by AIRTIGHT VESSEL?


These are terms that siblings must be understand. AIRTIGHT VESSEL is what is called the CALYX, or the same female YONI. That means AIRTIGHT VESSEL, the female sexual organ.


What is meant by LINGAM?


These are terms you should become familiar with, because there is one to speak to the people in vulgar language. The holy things of Sex, must be exposed honestly. It is therefore understood LINGAM the male sexual organ, the Greek phallus. And you watch how is explained the Mysteries of Sex.


If an AIRTIGHT VESSEL - is not good, if it has been destroyed if no longer serves to The Great Work, the Alchemist is fully entitled, by law, to choose A NEW AIRTIGHT VESSEL, and that is no crime. More serious would be the Great Work got stuck and the Alchemist fail. That would be the grave itself. But still, the Alchemist should never make your personal will, because you make a personal will, fails. The Alchemist has to obey the Father's Will.


Note that one cannot understand the science of the Great Work, if you have not received THE DONUM DEI before. The DONUM DEI is the gift of God to understand the science of the Great Work. One could not understand this science, if you have not received the Donum Dei, God's gift enabling you to understand; and that gift, who alone can give to one, is THE FATHER OF ALL LIGHTS. Only He can give one the Donum Dei.


So the Science of Alchemy is very sacred.


To take an AIRTIGHT VESSEL for Work is laudable, but as long as THE FATHER OF ALL LIGHTS is the ordering and not one. Because if you do your personal will, if one does what he pleases, fails in the Great Work.


They are very important points regarding Alchemy, and very important points regarding Baptism, because when we talk about Baptism and Alchemy, talking about the same thing. Baptism is a pact of Sexual Magic. Thus, Baptism contains in itself a formula: the extraordinary formula of Alchemy.


In these studies what we should concern us is the Great Work. Exclusively that. And in the realization of the Great Work, all that counts is the Law of Balance, that is, the Law of Cosmic Justice. This is above all false moral codes that exist out there; above all prejudices and outside any kind of morbid sentimentality.


Those who are slaves of prejudice, which they say, of the maximum, we may say of, existing ethics in different moral codes of the world, remain with the world, but not with The Great Work.


If we are to meet Baptism, we have to be honest with themselves and really work to achieve the Second Birth. And once achieved the Second Birth in any way we could stop. Who has achieved the Second Birth must fight intensively to integrate with the Divinity. If a man does not integrate with the Divinity, sooner or later have to regress from the bowels of the earth. The Men who do not eliminate the inhuman psychic aggregates that we carry within are not integrated with the Divinity. These inhuman psychic aggregates, elements, are the dry MERCURY.


Every human being carries much DRY MERCURY OR DRY AND POISONOUS SULPHUR OR Arsenic.


The Dry Mercury should be removed. And as the Sulphur Poisonous, it lies in lower animals funds of any living being. If you do not remove the sulfur Poisonous or Arsenic, not progress and if not also eliminate the Dry Mercury, not progress.


When one eliminates Dry Mercury and Sulfur Poisonous, for then makes the GOLD is set at the Mercury.


Considering that the Superior Existential Bodies of Man Mercury are essentially condensations of the Sulfured-Mercury with some Sublimated Salt, we may then understand the relationship between the GOLD and Mercury. Even in the mines we see the close relationship between gold and mercury. Gold atoms must be fixed in the Mercury. Normally Mercury is associated with Gold.


Within us there is ANTIMONIO.


This is no mere chemical substance as many believe. The ANTIMONY IS ONE OF THE PARTS OF SELF-CONCIOUSNES OF THE BEING. THAT PART IS an Architect who we carry WITHIN US ALL. All we carry Antimony in the depths of our psyche. That Self-conscious part, THAT ARCHITECT, THAT ALCHEMIST that part, is who fix THE ATOMS OF GOLD IN THE MERCURY, that is, in our Existential Superior Bodies of the Being.


When the Existential Superior Vehicles of Man have been constitute ​​of pure gold, unquestionably serve to coat the METAL SPIRIT in everyone. I want to refer to the INTIMATE CHRIST, the MAGNES INTERIOR OF KABBALAH AND ALCHEMY, the LORD. These vehicles penetrated and mutually interpenetrating each other, are denominated in Alchemy THE TO-SOMA-HELIAKON, THE GOLD BODY OF SOLAR MAN. Who owns The TO-SOMA-HELIAKON obviously may be coated therewith the INTIMATE CHRIST. THE IMTIMATE CHRIST COATED WITH THE TO-SOMA-HELIAKON, CONSTITUTES THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE.


Now you see what is the Philosophical Stone.


It is said that Stone can live between Fire, which is fusible like butter; but woe to the Alchemist to throw it to water, because it dissolves!


What do you say or what you want to express that to throw the Stone to Water?


Simply the spills the Cup of Hermes or adultery. For that kind of beings are the outer darkness where there is heard but the weeping and gnashing of teeth. Throw the Philosopher's Stone into water is that. In that case, a metal is melted and the Stone is said that evaporates, that is Metallic Spirit escapes, the CHRIST escapes, the Stone is lost, dissolved. You can cross the Philosopher's Stone through a glass without breaking or stained.


 From the Stone can extract the ELIXIR OF LONG LIFE. From the Stone can be removed DUST OF PROJECTION, with which can be manufactured GOLD, physical gold, effective, gold material.


Clarify, because if an Alchemist already achieved, which already has THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE held, in ecstasy, deposited, for example, here in the water, ITS GOLD ATOMS, then this water becomes for that reason a extraordinary liquor in the same POWDER PROJECTION. And if so then puts a droplet between a crucible where any melted lead that would become effective, physical, materials Gold.


 The Count of St. Germain for ex. manufactured PHYSICAL GOLD, but invested that gold. What  invested in it? In other material goods. When the French police raided the house of Saint Germain to know where they came from their wealth, they were amazed to see that everything was in perfect order; had his accounts, property he had, all properly documented, that is no one fault was found. Never publicly performed his metal transmutations, always in secret. So apparently he lived solely on their estates, properties, property, real estate, etc., and everything was properly documented.


So, my dear friends, for something is that when one concludes THE GREAT WORK, is facing TREE OF LIFE, holding in his right hand HORN OF AMALTEA. What is that Horn? The Abundance, the Horn of Amalthea.


In the Apocalypse of St. John is told to the people: "You feel great, you feel rich." Well, that would be very long quote, but more or less, tell them the meaning of the words  but you do not realize that you are poor, wretched, naked, and miserable? “


These words do not understand but the Initiates; anyone else.


Did you in what sense are poor or miserable?  Well, I'm going to tell something different schools because not understand thoroughly: GOLD IS THE RULER, my dear friends; GOLD AND NOTHING MORE THAN GOLD.


In the physical world we see an individual who has money, rules with his money, so whatever we say, rules. If we did not have money to pay for this rent house, what would happen? They put us right out in the street.


Well, overall, the ugly true of the facts is physically that.


But then, you will say: But what has this to do with the Esoteric, Spiritual so with the Transcendental, with the Divinity? Is not that Master is materializing or metallizing teaching?


No my friends, is not it. The stark reality of facts is that if we do not have GOLD in our Superior Existential Bodies of the Being after the manufactured, we are wretched as the Apocalypse treat us, nude, of wretched, poor, miserable, and it's true.


Saint Germain could not have done Gold if he had not had Gold inward. Where he had it? For because in their bodies, in their Aura; Gold of the highest quality; Which no gold mines on Earth can produce.






Each one inside has a Temple. 


I have my Temple, which I have also, in Astral if you intend to visit my temple can visit; but do not forget that when you enter the temple, have entered in my consciousness. I load up the Temple here, is projected in the Higher Worlds. How does it projects? As a cathedral really. If I say that in that cathedral, then all objects are de Gold, I'm not exaggerating; obviously it is. But MAKING THAT GOLD IN THE CATHEDRAL OF THE SOUL, I HAD TO WORK IN THE FORGE OF THE CYCLOPS; THAT IS OBVIOUS; IN THE LABORATORIUM ORATORIUM OT THE THIRD LOGOS: THE HOLY SPIRIT.


Who is so associated with the Baptism; that is undoubtedly. So you need to know to understand that.


Any of you may visit the Cathedral in the astral body of Master Samael Aun Weor; shall find; there it is. No lack, of course, on the Altar, THE CHALICE. And will not miss NEVER on the altar of a Master THE CHALISE THAT IS THE GLASS IS THE SAME AIRTIGHT. If missing, the Temple would be sad, poor. How go missing on the Altar the Holy Grail? That would be absurd! In no Temple of Greater Mysteries lack the Holy Grail; that is indubitable.


You know what the Holy Grail is? I do know some. It's the same AIRTIGHT VESSEL. Even in the temples of the Gods is the Holy Grail. In that Glass Hermetic placed Jews the Manna of the Desert, that Manna with which the Israelites were feed among the Desert Sands, thus they remained for forty years.


But why had to be precisely in the Chalice, the Cup, Airtight, the manna of the Desert with the Jews fed? Now, note, that is Vase is place into the Ark of the Covenant also is in there the Aaron´s Rod that is the LINGAM GENERATOR AND TABLES OF LAW. This document everything I've said.


As for the Cherubim, Blavatsky says two cherubim with their wings touched on THE ARK OF SCIENCE, and they were in the attitude of man and woman during intercourse. Eliphas Levi argues that there are four Cherubim who played with their wings, male and female. However, it agrees that the Cherubim, male and female, were played with their wings and they were in the attitude of Chemical Copulation in SANCTUS SANCTORUM.


The soldiers of King Nebuchadnezzar, when they invaded the Temple of Solomon, destroyed, and saw before, previously, THE ARK OF SCIENCE. They said: "This was the God that ye worship? Jews so much? Was this the God of chastity and holiness so that you mention about it? "Sure, they quickly destroyed everything, destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem.


So my dearest, they did not understand.


 Why the manna with which the Jews were feeding in the Desert had to be in the Cup or Chalice?




If the Gods had no Manna Desert - because life is a desert when true renunciation of nirvanic happiness - because man having physical bodies, their physical bodies will wither and die. Then they need this airtight vessel in which is contained THE MANA.


Those who have understanding understand, because there's Wisdom. You have to know to understand.


Unquestionably, the biggest mistake of different groups, pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occult schools, is precisely to believe that the Intimate Self-Realization of Being is based on theories; wrong.

Consider for a moment how we came up to the existence. What is the root of our life? A man, a woman, a chemical or metaphysical copulation; He came forth our physical body. What preceded this conception? What moments? . Unquestionably at all that there was, therefore, love, Eros was active, etc. Were also the most powerful cosmic forces of the universe that created precisely the universe. But, and theories, Where were they? All those millions of volumes, schools, where were they? None of this existed for us. Then, whence arose, therefore, this body we have? Why did he come into existence?


I also say to you, that only by understanding these Mysteries of Good Friday, so fundamental to the Workers of the Great Work, achieved Christification is, the Intimate Self-Realization of the Being is achieved. This is a matter of Sex, Erotic Force, of  Cosmic Love Ripples, Transcendental Emotions and GREAT WILL.


Working, that way, Gold is make, and whoever comes to have Gold is immensely wealthy. By Gold one can command to Nature, and Nature obeys him.




But if you have no gold inside, it is a wretched, miserable, naked, although it creates very rich and powerful.




Get to making Gold when the Mystery of Baptism is known, which is said, is a pact of Sexual Magic.



Q.- How do you understand, since you say that the Dry Mercury are the egos, and for Arsenic Sulfur, what would it be? How manages to destroy this?


  1. - Arsenic Sulfur is Poisonous Animal Fire, everyone burden on their atomic infernos, bestial, filthy, abominable fire; every human being loads in. And in that kind of animal fire, living many psychic aggregates, type, belonging to the world of ninety-six laws or infernal world(remember the Ray of Creation when is told that such comes down from the ABSOLUTE HOLY SPACE passing each dimension plane downer in such descending coming down to the physical plane that is rule by 48 laws and the such Divine Prime Ray enter in the Infernal first sub-dimension plane ruled by 96 Laws. Downer sub-Astral plane). How the Poisonous Sulfur or Arsenic is removed? Well, working in pure and clean form eliminating the Dry Mercury himself, the same path is eliminated Poisonous Sulfur. By eliminating the Dry Mercury, Sulfur Poison is actually removed. That's all.


Q. - Venerable, the AIRTIGHT VESSEL destroyed in a person that cannot be reconstructed and if it cannot be rebuilt, how that person does? How can you work in The Great Work?


A.- A Yoni, destroyed not work for the Great Work. If an Alchemist has in his laboratory and a Glass is broken, it has to get a new cup. But however the laws are very sacred, it happens that the first vessel is loaded with some force, some radiation, and that radiation has permeated the Alchemist; it is necessary to pass not less than three years , so that the Alchemist can get a new cup , if you do not want a short circuit inside your spinal central system, because a short circuit can burn a wire Laboratory. In that case, the Sulfur and Mercury go down, go down and there is even a Metal Reduction. In other words it seems that the Alchemist is gone headlong into the abyss.




Q.- The female element has its creative organs, we say damaged, but then that person, the feminine element is working on The Great Work, how can continue if you are damaged their b their Creator Organs?


Answer. - No way, cannot, cannot continue. It is as if the male element, the Alchemist, destroy their Lingam generator. In this case, it cannot work in the Great Work. How do? Need to shift body to work. That is, if the generator Lingam is destroyed, how it works? 


Q. - Master, why causes the Hermetic Glass is damaged?


A. - Can be damaged by accident; can be damaged by age; can be damaged by Karma. If that Glass if it does not work for Laboratory therefore the Alchemist has to use a NEW GLASS HERMETIC, and that NO CRIME. If the crime had Alchemist, having a Correct Airtight vessel, disparage such vessel and pulled out to make a new one. In that offense would have.


Q. - Venerable Master, if it were otherwise, that the woman is damaged, for example, the Lingam to Work?


A. - Well, in this case, the woman is working with a suitable male, all goes well. If the man does not serve him, everything goes wrong.



Q.-It asks, in this case presented by Karma, Venerable Master, you could wait until some of those people canceled debts?


A.- Yes, you can expect perfectly fine. Also an Alchemist who missed Glass Hermetic be expected if you will, to the future existence, or fifty existences wait until you find a good Glass, BUT THAT WOULD BE THE last straw. THE BEST IS THE BEGINNING TO LEAVE ANY KIND MORBID SENTIMENTALITY AND TAKE AN IDONIOUS AIRTIGHT VESSEL FOR WORK IN THE LABORATORY. We must leave here pessimistic attitudes were, the Tamas of inertia, a kind of mental or spiritual laziness that is so prevalent in schools of pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultist type; That is clear.


Q.- Master, and if Hermetic Glass is good but the lady does not want to cooperate in the Forge, the lady does not want to work in the Forge, in this case, what can husband do?


A. - For man, the glass is good, but if she does not want to work in the Great Work, if she does not want to work,  - naturally no choice left to the Alchemist, but look for a suitable Airtight Glass serve someone who collaborate, cooperate, But that could not do it, but after several years of hard supplications to the priestess wife. For it is written, only for fornication, should be given to woman, we would say, divorce; if there is fornication. So if woman fornicate, then right. If a woman wants to fornicate the Alchemist and the Alchemist wants self-realization, and she wants to fornicate, you must give a certificate of divorce immediately to fornicate with another, but not with the Alchemist. Here in this are two. Either we resolve to enter the Kingdom by assault, or fall. The Kingdom is taken by assault, the valiant have taken it. If this is not done well, it fails.


Being precisely in the superior worlds of Cosmic Consciousness, I had to ask the Father to show me the synthesis of my most recent work in the Lit Forge of Vulcan. Then Father took me to a big city, one of those Jinas Cities, Magic Cities, of which there are four important in Europe.  have an in Yucatan, formerly founded by The Tuatha of Danand, which were, among other things, great travelers, travelers Jinas.( JINAS STATE IS WHEN THE PHYSICAL BODY IS PUT INTO THE HIGHER DIMESIONS OF NATURE ABOVE THE 3D.THERE ARE MANY HOLY TEMPLES, CITIES, AROUND THE WORLD INTO JINAS STATE…ONE ART OF THE INITATED IS TO BE ABLE TO PUT THE PHYSICAL BODY AT THE JINAS STATE THIS IS TO SAY AT THE FIFHT DIMESION…MANY MIRACLES KNOWN BY HUMANITY THEY WERE MADE BY MASTERS)



Well, there I found many adepts of varying degrees of Splendor. I even found Adeptus Exentus. You know what Adeptus Exentus? Means Adeptus Exentus of Karma, without Karma debts. In Esoteric is said, "Adeptus Exentus". Of course, among all organized an excursion to the Top of the Mountain of Being. Grandiose was such excursion.


In the Superior Worlds of Cosmic Consciousness is passed through transcendental experiences godlike, formidable.


When we make it to the Top with the aim to find IOD-HEVE, the Ancient of Days. So we were pleasantly surprised to find him transformed into a very high palm tree. The Palm is the symbol of Crestos Victory. All adepts prostrated themselves on Earth to worship Iod-Heve. I knew this palm was my REAL BEING , the Ancient of Days, that is the INTERIOR OF MY INTERIOR, this time to talk to you in the language of the Pistis Sophia. It is an esoteric, symbolic, allegorical language. Sure, I advance. Since the Astral Body has some elasticity, ductility, it was not difficult size to increase you take that Palm here, as it say, by the neck, and grasp tightly to my chest, and stroking its leaves, its branches.


Those Venerable adepts, very Venerable looked at me with terror. Was heard but a cry. They were amazed to see how I took the Ancient of Days, no less, in that way, But then the Palm became a Grand Tower, Tower of My Inner Temple, My Own Cathedral. That Towel corresponds to the Divine Head.


It was tattooed all full of precious stones. The eyes were those of the very Godhead, and had arms like arms Man.


Read more…


- The Cosmic Christ and the historical Christ, Aelohim and Elohim - INRI - The conscious observation - The Blessed Mother - The Three and the Seven Steps of Freemasonry - The three traitors - The meaning of the Twelve Apostles - The Mysteries of Lingam Yoni –The Philosopher's Stone - The ten Sephiroth - The I of psychology –



First, it is necessary to thoroughly understand what is really the "Cosmic Christ".

Urge to know in the name of truth, that Christ is not merely historical; people are accustomed to think of Christ as a historical person who existed 2014 years ago. This concept is wrong because Christ is not of time, Christ is timeless! Christ unfolds from instant to instant, from moment to moment. Christ himself is the Sacred Fire, the Universal Cosmic Fire.


If we raked a match, sprout fire; Scientists say that the fire is the result of combustion, but this is false, fire gushing into the match, the fire is contained into the match, just to rub his prison and liberated appears. We could say that the fire itself is not the result of combustion, rather, combustion is the result of fire.


It should be understood, my dear brethren, that to us what interests us most is the fire of the fire, the flame of the flame, the astral signature of the fire. The hand that moves the match to bring the flame, has fire, life, or else he could not move; after the match goes out, the flame remains in the fourth vertical or dimension. Scientists do not know what fire is. Use it, but do not know.


They do not know what electricity is, use it, but do not know. Also dear brothers, you should understand what is fire. Before the dawn of creation vibrate intensely, the fire made its appearance.

Remember my dear brethren, that there are two ones: The First One is Aelohim !, The Second One is Elohim! The First One is the unmanifested !, The Unknowable !, The deity can not be painted or symbolize or burilar. The second one, springs from the first one! and is the Demiurge Architect of the Universe, the Fire.


 Understand that one is the fire that burns in the kitchen or on the altar, and the other is the fire of the spirit as Aelohim! or as Elohim !. Elohim is thus the Demiurge, the Army of the Voice, the Great Word. Each of the Builders of the Universe is flame alive, fire alive; it is written that God is a consuming fire.


Fire is the Christ, the Cosmic Christ! Elohim, in itself, has sprung from Aelohim; Elohim, unfolds itself; hard to start the cosmic manifestation, the Two, his wife, in the Divine Mother, and when one is split into two, the three arise, which is the fire comes. Creatures of Chaos fire make fruitful the chaos for life to emerge. Whenever One splits into two, the Third appears the fire. Fire does fertile waters of existence; Chaos, then, becomes the "Divine Androgen".


So it should be understood that the Army of the Voice, the Army of the Word, is fire, and that fire alive, that living and philosophical fire that fertilizes the chaotic matter, is the Cosmic Christ !, the "Logos" The Great Word, but to the Logos appears, to come to the rally, one must split into the two, that is, the Father unfolds in the Mother and union of two opposing born Third The Fire! That Fire is the Logos, the Christ that makes possible the existence of the universe Dawn of any creation.


Should we understand better what the Christ is. Not content ourselves with merely recall the historical question. Because Christ is a reality from instant to instant; from moment to moment; from second to second; He is the Creator. Fire has the power to create atoms and disintegrate them; the power to handle the universal cosmic forces, etc. Fire has the power to unite all the atoms and create universes; as the power to disintegrate universes. The world is a ball of fire that turns on and off according to law.


So Christ is the fire, that is why on the cross so you will see the four letters "INRI", meaning: IGNIS NATURA RENOVATUR INTEGRA, which is equivalent to "Fire renews nature incessantly."


Now we think you begin to understand why we are interested in the Astral Signature of the fire, the flame of the flame, the occult, the esoteric aspect of fire. And in fact the fire is the Christ has the power to transform all that is, all that has been and all that will be. "INRI" is what we want, without "INRI" is not possible for us to Christify us.


 The Intimate Christ, the Cosmic Christ, has to take three steps: From top to bottom, through the seven regions of the Universe.  also that the Christ should take three steps from the bottom up. - Behold the mystery of the three steps and seven steps of Freemasonry. It is a pity that Freemasons brothers have forgotten this; in any case the Crestos - Logos - shines in the zenith of the Midnight Spiritual. As in the twilight or in in the Eastern, and each of these three positions is respected in the Seven Regions. The mystic who is guided by the star of Midnight, the Spiritual Sun, knows what they mean those three steps, within the seven regions. We also think of the Sun, in the beam and in the fire; behold the three ports, three aspects of the Logos, in the Seven Regions.


When the One, splits in two the Third arises, and this is fire, which creates and returns again to create. The Third can create with the power of the Word, with the Solar Word, the  Magic Word, or the Word of the Central Sun, so creates the Logos!


It is by fire that we can Christify; vain will the Christ born in Bethlehem, but born in our hearts too. In vain will have been crucified and died, and was raised in the Holy Land, but born, dies and is resurrected in us.

We need to incarnate the Cosmic Crestos, the spirit of fire, do flesh in us; while we have not done, we are dead to the things of the spirit; because he is the life, he is the Logos, is the Great Word ... Heru Pakroat! He is Vishnu. The word Vishnu comes from a root  "Vish" which means: to penetrate, he penetrates all that is, was and will be. We need to penetrate us, to transform us radically. Only by fire we achieve to annihilate the  Ego in us. Whoever wants to annihilate the Ego only with the intellect, walks the path of error.


Obviously, we need to know ourselves, if we want to Christify us, and if we know ourselves to achieve Christification need to observe ourselves, see ourselves, only that way will be possible one day to the disintegration of the Ego. The Ego is the sum total of all our faults: Wrath, Greed, Lust, Envy, Pride, Sloth, Gluttony, etc., etc., etc. Although we had a thousand tongues to speak and palate of steel, would not reach our full list all defects.


We need to observe ourselves, to know ourselves that if we observe themselves, discover our psychological defects, and we can work on. When someone admits he has a psychology begins to be observed, that it actually turns into a different creature.


We need to learn to observe themselves, to see themselves. But we must observe known; because one is mechanical observation, and one is conscious observation.


Someone who knew at first our teachings would say, but what I get from watching me? This is boring! I have seen that I have anger, I have seen that I am jealous what? Of course, so is the mechanical observation! We need to look at the observed! I repeat, we need to observe the observed! And this is already aware of ourselves observation.


Mechanical self-observation, never lead to anything; It is absurd, senseless, fruitless, unconscious. We need self-observation self-conscious. Only then can we truly know ourselves, to work on our shortcomings.


We feel anger at a given time, we will observe the observed - the scene of anger - no matter what we do later, but let's do it, and observing what was observed, what we saw in us, we know really if it was anger or was not, because some nervous syncope we take for anger may have caused. That soon we were invaded by jealousy, as we will observe the observed; What did you observe? Maybe the woman was with another guy! And if you're a woman, maybe she saw her man with another woman! And was jealous. Anyway very calmly and in deep meditation, I observe the observed, to really know if it existed or were no jealousy. By observing the observed, we will through meditation and evident self-reflection of Being so the observation becomes conscious . When one becomes aware of this or that psychological defect, you can work it with fire.


One would have to concentrate on Stella Maris, Tonantzin, Rhea, Cybele, Marah, etc. She is a part of our being but derivative. It is the Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers; Holy Cobra - blazing fire -; her with the Flaming Powers, can disintegrate the psychological defect, the psychic aggregate we find self-consciously observed. And obviously in turn the essence or bottled fire in the psychic aggregate that we disintegrate it, shine - will be released as we-go disintegrating the aggregates percentages of essence that is Christic Fire, be multiplied; and one day, fire will shine within ourselves, here and now.


We need the fire burn in us, only INRI sacred name put on the cross of the Martyr of Calvary, can break the psychic aggregates. Those who seek to break all these aggregates, regardless of the fire, marching the wrong way, not only are wrong, but also mislead others. It is said that Crestos, born in the village of Bethlehem, made ​​in 2014 years, which is false! because the town of Bethlehem did not exist at that time. Bethlehem has a Chaldean root: Bel and Bel, is fire; Fire Tower of the Chaldeans.


In our body, the tower is the head and neck, because the rest of the body is the Temple. Who has managed to raise himself on fire; who can lift up the head to the brain, to the top; in fact it may become the body of "Crestos" - the fire - the Spirit of Fire.


And it is the original, primordial spirit, who can fully Christify us. Is fire "fohat" burning within ourselves, who will transform us completely; once the fire burn within us, we will be totally changed, we will be fully converted into different creatures, we shall be converted into different beings, then we will enjoy full enlightenment and cosmic powers. So I understand this, my beloved brothers owe us work with the fire.


As he knows, the word gives power, no one has uttered, no one will utter ... but only one, who has incarnated.


Christ - the spirit of fire - is not merely a historical figure, is the Army of the Word, is a force that is beyond personality, the ego and individuality. It is a force, like electricity and magnetism, power, a great cosmic and universal agent. Is the electric force can cause further manifestations. That cosmic fire, go enter the man who is properly prepared; the man who has the tower that of Belem burning.


When Christ incarnate in a man it is radically transformed. Is the Child God must be born  in every creature. As he was born in the universe millions of years to fully organize the solar system, so must be born in each of us. He was born in the stable at Bethlehem, that is between animals of desire between psychological aggregates that need breaking: that only fire can break these aggregates; and where the fire appears to destroy these aggregates are, to make them cosmic dust, and liberate the soul, the essence. How can he free the soul, if it does not penetrate deep into the human organism?


In the East, Christ is Vishnu, and I repeat: The root Vish means penetrate; fire, Christ, the Logos, can penetrate deep into the human body to burn the dross we have inside: but we need to love the fire worship the flame.


It is time to understand that only "fohat 'can radically transform us radically. Christ works within us breaking the roots of evil, "INRI" breaking the psychic aggregates is formidable, reduces them to ashes. But we need to work with the fire.


So in our work of concentration we invoke the igneous Serpent of our magical powers because only with fire we can break all the undesirable psychic elements that we carry within. The cold moon, will never break the psychic aggregates need the flaming powers of the Logos. We need the "INRI" to transform us.


My dear brethren, understand what the Holy Week and Easter has seven days.

In ancient times everything was governed by the Solar Calendar:

Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn: The days were Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Unfortunately the timing was altered by medieval people fanatical.


Easter is deeply significant. Remember seven and three steps of Freemasonry. Christ must burn first of all, in our human body. Later the Flame must to place in the depths of the soul. And finally, at the bottom of the Spirit. These three steps through the Seven Spheres, are profoundly significant. Obviously these three steps, basic, fundamental, are contained in the Seven spheres in the world and the universe.


Unquestionably Easter has very deep esoteric roots, because the initiate must work on the lunar forces, and the forces of Mercury, and the forces of Venus and the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The Logos, operates in seven regions and according to the seven planets of the solar system.


The flame should appear in the physical body, must advance the vital body, must pursue its way through the astral path, to continue their journey into the world of the mind, must reach the sphere of Venus in the causal world, must continue or continue their journey through the Buddhic world or intuitional, and finally, on the seventh day, he will come to the world of Atman, the world of spirit; then the Master will receive the Baptism of Fire, which radically transformed.


Obviously the whole Cosmic Drama, as it is written in the four Gospels, it must be lived within ourselves, here and now. That is not merely historical, is something to live here and now!


The three traitors who crucified Christ, that lead to death, are within ourselves; Masons know them, the Gnostics also know, Judas, Pilate and Caiaphas. Judas is the demon of desire, that haunts us. Pilates is the demon of the mind that everything has to apologize. Caiaphas is the demon of ill will, who prostitutes the altar.


Those are the three traitors who delivered Christ for thirty pieces of silver. The thirty pieces represent all the vices and passions of humanity ... Christ changed the bottles in the canteen, change to Christ by the brothel, or the bed of Procrustes, change to Christ for the money, riches, by the sensual life, sold for thirty pieces of silver.

Brethren, remember that crowds of people, ask the Lord's crucifixion; all those crowds shout Crucifixia! Crucifixia! There are not! That 2014 year ago Those people who call for the crucifixion of the Lord is within ourselves. I repeat here and now! they are the inhuman psychic aggregates that we carry within, are all those undesirable psychic elements that we carry within red devils of "Seth" living personification of our psychological defects. they are who shout Crucifixia! Crucifixia! And the Lord is put to death: Who flog him ?, Are not all the crowds that we carry within us Who would spit? There are all those psychic aggregates that personify our defects Who put upon him the crown of thorns? Are not all these denizens of hell that we have created.


The event of the Christic story is not of yesterday, is now, is present; not merely a past as ignoramuses believe. But those who understand, will work to Christification.


The Lord is risen to Calvary and the majestic peaks of Calvary might say "He who  believes in me never will walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life, I am the bread of life, I am the living bread which eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him. The Lord will not hold grudges for anyone ... Father, into your hands I commit my spirit! Delivered this great word, but they will not be heard thunder and lightning in the midst of great internal upheaval. Accomplished this work of the spirit in the body, shall be deposited with the Christ or "Krestos" the Chistrus, Vishnu, who enters in his mystical tomb.


And I tell you in the name of Truth and Justice, on the third day after that, after the third act, shall be raised, resurrected in the initiate to transform it into a perfect creature. Whoever achieves will become indeed a God, terribly divine, beyond good and evil.


So Christ, Our Lord, the Spirit of Fire, falls; wants to enter each of us to transform us, to save us, to crush those psychic aggregates that we carry within us, to make us something different, to become Gods.


We must learn to see Christ, not the merely historical point of view, but as the fire, as a present reality, as "INRI".


He said Twelve Apostles; the twelve Apostles are within ourselves, here and now. They are the twelve fundamental parts of our own Being; twelve Powers within each of you, in your own deeper Inner Being ... There is a Piter( Patar, stone, the based stone where the Inner Temple must to be build it up), understood the mysteries of sex. There is John, who is the Word, the Great Word  Heru Pa Kro At! There is also a Thomas, who teaches us to manage the mind. There is Paul, who shows us the path of wisdom, of philosophy, of Gnosis.

Within ourselves is Judas; not that Judas who delivered Christ for thirty pieces of silver no! A different Judas, Judas who thoroughly understand the issue of Ego. A Judas Gospel which leads to the dissolution of the self, of the self.

There is Philip who is able to teach us to travel outside the physical body through space. There is Andrew, who tells us with pinpoint accuracy what are the three factors of the Revolution of Consciousness. To born, that is to Manufacture the superior existential bodies of the Being. To die, how the individual aggregate factors relate to us are disintegrate specifically with each of us. To Sacrifice for humanity, as well as the cross of St. Andrew; indicating the mixture of Sulphur and Mercury as essential for creating the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, by the line of duty "Parlok" is deeply significant.


Matthew, how any scientist, is in us, teaches us the Pure Science, unknown for scientists only know all this heap of university theories that are in vogue today and tomorrow go down in history ... pure science, is completely different! Only Matthew can instruct it.


Luke, in his Gospel Solar, is prophet, and tells us what is to be living in the Golden Age.


Each of the twelve, is within ourselves, for our being has twelve major parts, the Twelve Apostles, here and now. So those who want to become magicians in the transcendental sense, have to learn to interact with themselves, with each of the twelve parts of the Self; and this can only be burned with "INRI" psychological aggregates that we carry within. While the ego exists in us, right relationships with each and every one of the parts of our being, is impossible.

But if we incinerate the ego, so if we can establish right relationships with oneself, and with each of the Twelve, in our inner world.


So take off your head the idea of the Twelve Apostles Historic ... Seek them within themselves, there they are! Everything is within ourselves, here and now.


It is time for purer more esoteric, more pure, more real Christianity has come. It is time to leave the purely historical matter and move on to the real facts.


The same Cross of Calvary, is deeply significant. We well know that the "phallus" vertical, within the "Ecteis" formal make cross. In other words we emphasize saying "The Lingam-Yoni, properly connected form Cross.


It is through the cross that we need to move forward on the path that must lead to Golgotha ​​of the Father; I invite you all to come in the way of Christification.


Do not you forget that whenever the Lord of Compassion comes to the world, he is hated by three kinds of men: First, by the Elders, people full of experience say that man is crazy, see what it brings, not hear what He is saying, you do not agree with us, so we thought, we experience this man hurts, it hurts! Second, it is rejected by the Scribes, that is by the intellectuals of the time. Whenever the Lord of Glory has come into the world, intellectuals have been against him, mortally hate !, it does not fit into their theories, means a danger to their system, to their sophistry, etc.


Third, for the priests, because they all see him as a threat to their respective sect.


So in the name of Truth I say, that Christ is tremendously revolutionary! Rebel! It is the fire that is burning all the rot that we carry within. It is the fire that comes to reduce to ashes, our prejudices, our preconceptions, our interests, our abominations, even our experiences of a personal nature.


Do you think perhaps that Christ could be accepted by so many millions of human beings who populate the world? They are wrong! Every time he comes into the world, crowds rise up against him, is the stark reality of the facts.


In the name of truth and justice that only the "fohat" burning within us, you can save.

No theory, no system can lead to the release; Who would disrupt the pure Ego-based theories, with cold intellect are merely reactionary beings!Conservatives! Retardant! and follow the path of the great mistake.


This Babylon inside us, this psychological city that we carry within, where the demons of anger, greed, lust, envy, pride, sloth, gluttony, etc., live in ., must be destroyed by fire.


We need to lift ourselves now in the Heavenly Jerusalem. Remember that twelve is the foundations of the heavenly Jerusalem.


And in each, is written the name of an apostle, the names of the Twelve Apostles are the twelve foundations. That Jerusalem should build it within ourselves. But it will only be possible someday, with the fire to destroy Babylon the Great. The Mother of all harlots and abominations of the earth;Psychological city that we carry within. When we do, we will build the Celestial Jerusalem, here and now, within themselves.


Again, the basis of the Heavenly Jerusalem is the Twelve Apostles. We are not referring to those who lived 2014 years ago, which are merely symbolic, We are speaking of the Twelve Apostles that exist within ourselves. The twelve parts of the Being self aware and independent, they are the foundation of Jerusalem that we must build within themselves.


The city of Jerusalem has twelve gates, and at each of the twelve gates, an Angel; representing each of the Twelve, within ourselves, And the twelve gates are twelve pearls Precious are twelve gates of freedom, Twelve Doors of Light and Splendor. Twelve Cosmic Powers. And the entire city is pure gold. Its streets and avenues and squares. The gold of the spirit that we must be manufactured in the forge of the Cyclops.

No city has the need for external port, or external sun, or external moon; because the Lord is the light, it is the fire; and he shall burn within us.


The wall of the big city have: one hundred forty four - 144 - elbows, if we add those numbers together: one plus four plus four, we have: Nine - 9 - Ninth Sphere sex, because only through the transmutation of the creative energy, the fire will burn in us.


The size of the city is twelve thousand - 12,000 - stadiums and reminds us of the twelve labors of Hercules, necessary to achieve the full Intimate self-realization and reminds us of the Twelve Aeons, reminds us of the Twelve Apostles..


And in the center of the city is: The Tree of Life : the Ten Sephiroth of the Kabbalah Hebrew: Kether, Chomah and Binah, the Sephirothic crown: Chesed, Gevurah, Tiphereth, Netzach, Hod, Yesod and Malchut, the seven regions of the Universe. The Tree of Life allegorizes all Twelve Great Cosmic Regions, Blessed is he who reaches the Thirteenth Aeon! Where should always be Pistis Sophia. Inside the heavenly Jerusalem we find also, the twenty-four Elders, who prostrate on earth lay their crowns at the feet of the Lamb; the slain Lamb is the fire that burns in this universe, from the dawn of creation from the dawn of the Universe. The Twenty-four Elders are also twenty-four parts of our own Being; and the Lamb itself is the Being of our Being.


Blessed is anyone who can eat the fruits of the Tree of Life Because that will be immortal !, Happy is he who can feed each of these fruits. One who can truly nourished by the stream of life, which comes from the Thirteenth Aeon, to the human body, because they never know diseases and will be immortal.


But to one feed on the tree of life, you need first of all to have eliminated the Psychic aggregates; Remember  you that psychic added living embodiment of our mistakes, alter the vital body, and this altered, damaged the physical body; and diseases arise in us.


The diseases are caused by the psychic aggregates or red demons of Seth, living embodiment of our mistakes. When all the red demons of Seth were destroyed by fire, when our very personality has been burned, then nourish us with the Tree of Life. Life descending from the Absolute through the Thirteen Aeons, penetrate our horn and make us immortal, health will be recovered, it will never again have diseases.


 It is clear that the ego gets the poison of their morbidities and rot within the organs and destroys is the origin of all diseases! People want a panacea to heal, but somewhat have the ego alive, they are proper to sick.


In understanding that we need to burn Babylon, within themselves, and to edify Jerusalem within .


The Heavenly Jerusalem view from afar is like a stone transparent jasper, crystal, is the Philosopher's Stone, blessed is he who gets the Philosopher's Stone, because it will change radically and will have powers over fire, on air, on water and on land!


We need a pure, esoteric Christianity; Christianity a living, not a dead Christianity. A Gnostic Christianity that can radically transform.

The Gnostic Movement (in its initiatory School of DIRECT PATH) The Gnostic Church (the Transcended Church of Christ the Innermost) our Gnostic Anthropological Studies (development of the Inner Man), show mankind the path of liberation.


But just as we are with the ego alive, strong, sturdy, left the path of error.

We need to learn to love the fire, and actually work with the Mysteries of Fire!




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                                                 THE GENESIS AND THE EASTER

Easter we have to live within us here and now, in The Great Work.

The Genesis of Moses and St. John Apocalypse  complement. It let's look to the Bible and read the coordination of Genesis and Revelation. We will open here Scripture. In Genesis says:

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was disordered and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw that the light was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night: and the evening and morning one day. "

It's the First Day of the great work of the Holy Week that we must separate the light from the darkness. The Initiated must then descend down to the Infernal Worlds and to know  the of the secret of the Abysm , the secret of Malchut , The secret of the Kliphos ,of the Second Death.

"And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters above the firmament . And it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. "

This is the second work to do; It is the second Alchemic work, and you have to separate the waters from the waters.

Note that when we talk about water, Genesis is referring to these Spermatic Waters of the First Instant, the Metallic Chaos of Alchemy. It is clear that in this Sperm is, we say, the Soul, the Soul of Semen , The Soul of Chaos. The Soul is the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy.

You have to separate the waters from the waters. Better: The Superior water, milk of the Virgin, as stated in Alchemy, the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy, Quicksilver Metallic Soul, must be separated from the gross part by transmutation; that's obvious.


There are three types of Mercury:

Mercury raw or Sperm; The Metallic Soul of the Mercury, which are, we said, the sexual Seminal currents  climbing through Ida and Pingala,  is the second Mercury, and third Mercury clarified, is when the Solar and Lunar atoms of mercury that make contact with the Triveni, near the coccyx, awaking the Kundalini, the Sacred Fire, the Sulfur, and then fertilized the Mercury Then is form the Third Mercury, who comes to penetrate Shushumna that is to ascend the spinal cord to the brain, and it is with that Third Mercury , the surplus of the Third Mercury with the coming to crystallize Astral Body.

Much later, the Mental Body in the Octave Higher and then the Causal Body.

Thus, separating the waters from the waters is essential through transmutation; this is the second day of creation.

"And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be one place, and let the dry land. And it was so. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called Seas. And God saw that it was good. And said God Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed; the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed it is in itself, upon the earth. And it was so.  thus the earth bring forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind. And God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the third day. "

Behold the third work; The Creation in one day of the Astral Body, of the Sidereal vehicle, which should get to have fruit. When has fruit? When is a vehicle and therefore is Pure Gold has already had fruit when the astral body, where is, we say, the life. Third vehicle.


"And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years, and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth. And it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night; He made the stars. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to light up on earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. "


It is when one comes and therefore give proper shape such  the Fourth Initiation. When they come, then, strictly speaking, to be possessed such mind vehicle , when it comes to Christify in the Great Work; that's important. Then those signals seen above: Sun, Moon, Stars and all that matter are those of the Hermetic Wisdom; because Netsah is the world of Hermetic Wisdom; that's where find one the Hermetic Knowledge. So it is very interesting that the Fourth Day has to do with the Fourth Initiation.


Continuing see the following:


"God said, Let the waters living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven, And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed after their kind, and every winged fowl after his spice. And God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning of fifth day. "

It is well known that in the fifth initiation, corresponding to the causal world, one has to be master of the elements, learn to handle everything that has life; be Lord of fire, the air, water, land, learn to handle the powers of nature. That is only possible working one on oneself. So was said before attempting to operate the elements of nature: elements of fire, air, water and earth, one must manage their own; Learning to manage the atomic elements of the Sperm; learn to manage elemental of the atomic sexual fire; learn to handle Sylphs of the own mind, atomic Sylphs of the mind, it is called be masters of their own mind; and also learn how to handle the atomic Gnomes forming meat and bones; Become a master of Atomic Elementals within himself. One has to be master of his own body, to become master of nature. No one could get  handle on the Elemental of the Universe, if not handled its own atomic  elementals, the body of. All that is learned on the Fifth Day of Creation.


"And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living after his kind, cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth after his kind. And so, God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. Then God said, Let us make man our image, after likeness; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. So God created man in his image, in the image of God he created him; MALE and FEMALE CREATED. (This It is very important  undoubtedly it's pretty important.) And God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the skies, and over every living thing that moves on the earth. And God said, Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed which is upon all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; shall be for food. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, wherein there is life, every green herb for food. And it was so. And God saw everything that He had made, and behold it was very good manner. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. "

So God, MALE AND FEMALE CREATED. But when it really becomes MALE AND FEMALE? When does the male and female principles of Deity are fused ? Note that this is the work of the sixth day (...), that is, the Sixth Work when BUDDHI, the WALKIRIA, after have espoused with the KNIGHT, the Human Soul, are fused by the fire integrally. Then Androgynous Man is Perfect, MALE AND FEMALE, with powers over fire, over the air, on water, on land, over all that is, was and will be. It's the last day of Creation.

"They were thus finished the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them. God had finished the work on the seventh day he did; and he rested on the seventh day from all the work he did. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work he had done in creation. "

When does the Seventh work, the Seventh Day of Easter, the work is accomplished: Consumatum Est! Everything is finished! So then is the supreme gift of the Spirit to the Father.


Later, on the Eighth Day, the Father in the Son, the risen Son, rises from his grave Crystal after the Resurrection of the dead. But that job all in itself, is Easter.

We looked at this from the angle of Genesis, because the same laws that the Logos (Perfect Multiple Unity)  used to create this Solar system, the same has to use the Alchemist to create your internal universe, in order to have actually to create your own Universe; are the same Laws. At work one with Alchemy is working with the same laws with which the Creator created the universe; further more, it is expanding the work of Creator or, because the work of the Creator is magnified when a new Master born. So, therefore, that the work is consumed and you get to what you want.

The Creator Logos ultimately want to prove all that different self-made, resurrected men, Gods; It is the consummation of that man.

That Genesis is closely related with the Apocalypse of St. John, with the Seven Seals, the Seven Trumpets and with each angel will play the trompet.

The Initiate, when receives the Malchut Initiation unquestionably breaks the first seal; when passing by of Yesod, breaks the Second Seal of the Sacred Book  that is the man; when passing through the Third Initiation, breaks the third seal; when passing through the Fourth, breaks the Fourth Seal; when passed by the Fifth, breaks the Fifth Seal; when passed by the Sixth, breaks the sixth seal, and has consummated the work, because it is the seventh of rest, prayer, meditation, prayers as seen here in the Apocalypse of St. John.

Clearly is when  breaking the seventh seal, the work is already finished. The Eighth Day is always to resurrect.

One has to live Genesis individually or collectively. He lives in the collective in the creation of the Universe as divine particle that comes to this creation.


Now, Revelation, one has to live it individually or collectively. Collectively is the Book of Life, the Book of Wisdom. Through the story is breaking each seal. By this time already to break at least the sixth seal, the penultimate. That is, humanity is living jointly the Apocalypse.


If the alchemist has to make Gold, not only has to create the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, but also have to turn these bodies into pure gold, before they can be swallowed by the Snake, so the Logos has a Golden Age; and to have the Logos a Golden Age, has to do what the Alchemist makes in his laboratory tearing a seal by Seal.

The Logos has to live for humanity everywhere in nature, ripping each seal must go.

Of course, when terminated or brake the sixth seal, the work is almost finished, comes the final catastrophe.

With the breaking of the seventh seal, there is nothing of what had.

Finally comes the resurrection of the Logos in all creation, in all nature; is when the New Age is, the Golden Age.

Just as the man to make Gold speaking in Alchemist sense, needs to break the seven seals, so the Logos to do a Golden Age, mankind needs to break the seven seals, that all nature's break and then is the Golden Age; But all this has go through a terrible and frightening Apocalypse.

So, either we live the Apocalypse individually or collectively. Better live it individuality, which gives us the victory, and set the Gold in ourselves, and we  get, then, the Golden Fleece of the Ancients, or we  live collectively with the great World Apocalypse, to the Infernal Worlds to go through the Second Death to get the right later to live in the Golden Age as pure essences of a new humanity. But anyway, we have to "live the Great Book and break its seals.

Easter is the most Holy of every week, because it is the week that you have to live, and each of these days equates to long periods of work. But after all, The GREAT WORK, always summarized symbolically in the Book of Job. Eight years of Job, are Sumun, the extract itself, but together, The Great Work, for although seeps into EIGHT DAYS in EIGHT YEARS completely, along with resurrection and all that is in You Holy Week therefore can last many years.

In any case, everyone has to live his own Holy Week. The Son of Man lives his. When the Son of Man is born in the manger, he should live his Holy Week to do all his work in the his Holy Easter.


To the people you cannot explain this, because people do not understand; the people you give the crust, peel teaching, but the Initiates are taught the "Meat" of the Doctrine, to eat the Doctrine .

So Christianity is twofold: The exoteric or public Christianity, for the people; Esoteric Christianity, Holy, for Initiates.

Question - To raise awareness of our work want to ask. Does the Bodhisattva, even fallen, must form the Body of Conscious Will, that is, the causal body, to get in Tiphereth?


Answer.- Well, Bodhisattva being Bodhisattva therefore does not have to go to create the causal body, since it is known to be a Bodhisattva; that is, the Human Soul, of a Master; and means that these vehicles was created in the past. However, you have to light up the fire on their vehicles, restore the Fire in each of their vehicles, and then after regenerate the Gold in their bodies. Getting that, the Bodhisattva rises. But well, this is not achieved but by the base on. We would say that after the fire has been light up in each of the vehicles; after being restored, the igneous principle in the physical, vital, astral, mental and causal bodies, and so the Father, if is his Will, may send Tiphereth born in Interior barn. But understand that this is a grace of the Almighty, because may someone have reached, the Fifth Initiation of Fire, and yet not so for it the child wearing the Divine Mother in his arms is to penetrate their vehicles in the Barn. However, if is truly yearn for, if you want to work for humanity,  you can get the Son of Man comes into the world. This is Father's Will.

Question.- When an Initiate has formed the Causal Body, then the formation Accomplished Human Soul, or Tiphereth is the Human Soul?


 The Human Soul properly is in the same Causal World. Causal is a fraction of what the Budhata is. The essence. The Bodhisattva, then, is the Budhata, the Essence, is the Golden Embryo already organized.


In any case, keep in mind what we said at the beginning, and it is too subtle to easily lends itself to confusion that issue of the Causal Body and Christed Tiphereth. This is so subtle that one can be lead to wrong.

The Tiphereth, or already Live and Intimate Christ expression, it is highly correlated with the Causal, the Human Soul. Comes complete part with the human soul, but is when the Will of the Father is the Son of Man comes into the world.

You are understanding now; this is fine; need to have a very elastic mind, very ductile, very receptive to understand this.


Q.- What is the origin of our essence Master? And if we want to get up, why have not we done this before?


A.- Well, with great pleasure I am going to answer that. The essence comes from the Milky Way, (I'm talking in short) comes the sun, and then finally penetrates nature. In principle, it manifests as a simple elemental primeval; ascends through the mineral, vegetable and animal stages then finally penetrate  in the humanoid body or rational mammal. Clearly, the essence needs to become the Golden Embryo; needs to work to create the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being and transform him/herself in Bodhisattva. When the Essense fails, then, its role in the first cycle of manifestation that is one hundred and eight lives, then you have to descend into the earth bowels  in involution processes, in order to eliminate the inhuman elements or psychic aggregates that came to be bottled by cause of errors. Once passed by the Second Death, she rises again to the surface world to restart new evolutionary processes from ore. Unquestionably, these new processes have as a starting point higher in the great spiral of life.

It will start, or return, or restart their evolutionary processes from ore, but an octave higher; and not as a mere inferior elemental, but as a superior Gnome, to regain again humanoid state, after having passed through the plant and animal scale.


Assigned is, as we know, the one hundred and eight human existences. If he fails to win, the process will continue well over three thousand cycles, or wheels of manifestation, or ages.

Well, you therefore which are not Bodhisattvas yet, is because they did not work in that direction, did not reach those heights in past cycles of manifestations; but right now you can become Bodhisattvas if you propose.

In any case, do not forget the origin of the essence comes from the Milky Way, the Sun passes through and finally enter here in our nature, in our world.

Sure, if we think that the Milky Way has a central capital Sirius are not wrong to think that these esoteric we will go toward Sirius; it is true, to Sirius let.

Q.- And when he came out of the Milky Way our essence?

A.- Well that was already in the dawn of life. Consider these essences had to regress and then descend to the mineral part of many principles, were, in the Superior Worlds; to reach the mineral state, resumed an evolutionary advancement; began as primitive essences. Obviously you already have cycled repeatedly passed by the wheels not only the mill, but also for each of the wheels of the wheels of the mill several times. That is obvious. Now, of course have to take this cycle manifestation for self-realization, and especially at times when we are living the end portions of the collective or global Apocalypse. It would be unfortunate right now that you do not self-undertake. They would have to descend into the bowels of the earth and in very bad time, with all this global catastrophe.

I advise, therefore, that once they become Bodhisattvas.


Q.- could you explain more or less briefly, how the government of the Ors Solar System originated, and who governs?


A.- "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was being done, had been done. "


So the universe is governed by the Word. The Word is the Army of the Voice, the Great Word, the Demiurge Architect, the Archeus. Each of the verbs, and speaking separately, that the Logos is so Perfect Multiple Unity has its mission, its work, its ministery, in connection with this solar system of Ors. And the whole of the Elohim, which form the Army of the Great Word, the HERUPA KROAT, -constitute themselves, the government of our solar system of Ors.

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                                                                         THE GREAT WORK


- The Labyrinth. Ariadne's Thread. The He-Goat of Mendes. The Mysteries of the Cross. Santiago de Compostela. Jacques de Molai.  St. Andrew´s cross. Patron of the Manufactures of Gold., The Perfect Master and Grand Elect. Lucifer. The Philosopher, The Resurrection of Hiram Abiff.-


The ancient medieval alchemists talked about the Great Work and that's pretty important.

On the floor, of the ancient Gothic cathedrals so many concentric circles forming a labyrinth saw coming from the center to the periphery and from the periphery to the center; much is that has been said about  labyrinths. Tradition also talks about the Labyrinth of Crete and the famous Cretan Minotaur. Certainly in Crete found a labyrinth, they called Absolin, Absolum, means Absolute. Absolute is the term used by the medieval alchemists to designate the Philosopher Stone. Here then, a great mystery. We need as Theseus, Ariadne's thread to get out of the labyrinth; in the center is always found the Minotaur; Theseus managed to overcome it; behold the Greek tradition. We also need to overcome, we need to destroy the animal ego; to reach the center of the labyrinth where the Minotaur is, you have to fight a lot. There are countless theories, schools of every kind, all organizations; Some say that the road is there, other than here, others thither, and we have to orient ourselves in the midst of this great maze of theories and concepts antithetical if want to really get to the center of the living because it is precisely  in the center where we can find the Minotaur.


When one has made it to the center of the maze, you have to manage to get out of it, Theseus, by a mysterious thread, the thread of Ariadne, seems to us to Hiram, the secret Master speaks about the Freemasonry and all we must revive within us here and now. Ariadne also indicates the spider symbol of Soul that weaving loom of fate incessantly.


So then, brethren, the time has come to reflect. But what is  that Ariadnes´s thread antually ?, What is this thread that saves the soul, allowing you to get out of this mysterious labyrinth to get to your Real Inner Being? Much has been said on the subject; Great Alchemists  thought was the Philosopher's Stone. We agree with that, but go a little more far according to our disquisitions

For it is true that the Philosopher´s  Stone is symbolized in the Cathedral of Notre Dame of Paris by Lucifer, now realize that the Philosopher's Stone is sex itself, we discovered then sex to Lucifer.

Is Lucifer as the Ariadne thread that must lead to the release. This seems antithetical or as we say paradoxical, because all have conceptualized Lucifer, the Devil, Satan, is evil. We need evident self-reflection if we want delve into the Great Arcanum. That Lucifer found in sex, is the living stone head angle, Master Stone, the Stone of little corner in the Notre Dame de Paris, the Stone of Truth. Down a bit in these mysteries, is indispensable when it comes to knowing the Ariadne´s thread.

Again remind you, to the famous Holy Sanctuaries of authentic Gnostic Rosicrucian esoteric medieval.; when the neophyte was led to the center of the Lumisial, was blindfolded;  someone suddenly tore the band, and then astonished and perplexed contemplated an unusual figure, was there at his prescence the he-Goat of Mendes, strange figure, the devil; on his forehead wore horns on his head a flaming torch; however something indicated that it was  of a symbol. In the Lumisial of Initiation he was before the figure of Typhon Baphomet, the shadowy figure of Arcanum 15 of the Kabbalah, The burning torch above his head shone also on his forehead the blazing star of five points, with the top angled top and bottom two corners down. This demonstrates that there was not a shadowy  figure. Was ordered to the neophyte to kiss the ass  Devil; if the neophyte disobeyed, he again put the blindfold and pulled him through a secret door; all this happen at the middle night , the neophyte would never know where to come and where he had gone because the Initiateds always met at midnight, being very careful not to be victims of the Inquisition; But if the neophyte obeyed, then that cube on which sat the figure of Baphomet, a door was opened, there came a Isis receiving the to the Initiated with open arms, immediately giving the holy kiss in his forehead. Since that time this was a new neophyte Brother Initiate of the Order.

That He-Goat, that Typhon Baphomet, that Lucifer, is quite interesting, as is the sexual energy, energy to be able to use if we want to perform the Great Work. Now you know., Why Typhon Baphomet, the He-Goat of Mendes, represent the Philosopher's Stone, the Sex, it is with this tremendous force with which we must work.

Remember, the Ark of the Covenant in ancient times had four Goat horns at the four corners corresponding to the four corners of the Earth, and when he was transported gripped or grasped by those four long horns was. Moses at Sinai was transformed when he came down the clairvoyants saw him with two rays of light in the forehead, similar to those of the He-Goat of Mendes; why was that Michelangelo to chisel into the rock, put it in his head those symbolic horns. Is the Goat represents sexual force, but also the Devil, but the Devil or Lucifer is the same power of life which we duly transformed allow us the Intimate Self-Realization of the Being; why it is said that Lucifer is the Prince of Heaven, Earth and Hell.

In the ancient Gothic cathedral everything was planned to the bottom of the temples was organized in a cross and this reminds us of the Crucis cross, crux, crucible, etc.

We know that the vertical stick is male and the horizontal is feminine; at the junction of both is find the Key of all mysteries , crossing of both is the crucible of mediaeval Alchemists, in which you have to cook and cook again and re-annealing the Prime Mattery of the Great Work; That Prime Mattery is the Sacred Sperm that transformed becomes into energy; It is with that very subtle energy that can we open a chakra, awakening all the magical occult powers, Create the Existential Superior bodies of the Being, etc., etc. This is quite important, quite interesting.


The cross itself is a sex symbol, in the cross is the Lingam-Yoni of the Great Arcanum. In the two beams  crossed of the cross are the tracks of the three nails, the three nails although that allow open the Initiate stigmas ,that is the chakras of the palms of the hands and feet, etc. ., also symbolize themselves the Three Purifications of Christ in Substance, here is another transcendental mystery ; In any case, my dear brothers, perform the Great Work is the only thing worth living for.

Peter, the beloved disciple of our Lord Christ, is the Great Arcanum gospel, the mysteries of sex; why was that Jesus called him Petrus, Stone, "You are Rock and on this rock I will build my Church." It is because sex the Basic Stone, the Cubic Stone, the Philosopher Stone that we should  chiseling with chisel and hammer based on transforming it into the Perfect Stone. That stone without chiseling, the rough stone itself is Lucifer ; Already chiseling is our Inner Logos, the Greek Arché. What is important is so to chiseling it, work with it, work it out, give it the perfect cubic shape.

Among the disciples of Christ are truly prodigies and wonders. Recall for a moment to James, that great Master. They say it is the most like the Great Kabir Jesus; they called the Lord's brother and it is obvious that it had great magical psychic powers. James was the first after the death of the Great Kabir celebrated the Gnostic Mass in Jerusalem. Tell the Traditions that have faced the black magician Hermogenes in Judea; James, however they knew the High Magic, fought wisely the dark one: so one wore a shroud ex. of wonders, he used it to counter it; And if Hermogenes used the magic wand, James used a similar, and finally defeated the dark in the lands of Judea. However magician was considered (and was beyond doubt) and was sentenced to death. But something unusual happens , according to the legends: the case of the sarcophagus of James was suspended in the air, as say, is given and was transported to the ancient Spain; truth is that there is talk of Santiago of Compostela and it is say about him that he rose from the dead and that in that land was attacked by demons figure of bull, by live fire, in short, spoken many things about Santiago.

Nicolas Flamel, the great medieval Alchemist, had to Santiago de Compostela by the Mater of the Great Work. On the road to Santiago de Compostela is a street they call Santiago where there is a cave called the Cave Health. By the time the pilgrim people toward where is Santiago of Compostela, by that time the Alchemists meet in this cave, those working in the Great Work, which not only admire the Santiago de Compostela, which have it as blessed patron, but also to Jacques de Molai, there will always be together for times of pilgrimage. So, while people are paying a cult,let say exoteric  to Santiago de la Compostela, Alchemists and Kabalists are gathered in mystical assembly to Study the Kabbalah, the Alchemy, and all the mysteries of the Great work. See you both exoteric and esoteric aspects of Christianity.; certainly all that invites us to reflect.


Jacques de Molai, who was alive during the Inquisition quema¬do, is considered among those Alchemists and Kabalists who meet in La Cueva de la Salud, in the same way that you have to Hiram Abiff, the Master Secret has re ¬sucitar in each of us, and James as the true pattern of the Great Work, and this is quite interesting because the Great Work is what interests us perform, and is, I believe and affirm all security, all by which is worth living, everything else is of no importance.


Nicolas Flamel undoubtedly achieved Self-realization of the Intimate Being Santiago.It is say that the Santiago  de la Compostela Patron appears to pilgrims. Hat pushed  up, his cane in which the caduceus of Mercury looks a shell turtle in the chest to symbolize the blazing star. We advise you to study the Epistle of James in the Bible, undoubtedly is wonderful, is addressed to all those who work in the Great Work. James says that faith without works is nothing. You Might listen the whole doctrine of the Great Arcanum, we give all the explanations about the Alchemists and the Great Work, but if you. Did not perform the Great Work, if not working in the Great Work, if just have faith and nothing else and do not work, it would seem, says James and repeat "the man who looks at a mirror, he sees his face in the glass, give back and goes' forgetting the incident. . If you listen to all explanations we give and do not work in the Forge of the Cyclops, and not fabricate the Existential Superior Bodies of the  Being, resemble the man who looks in the mirror, turns around and goes; because faith without works is worthless, is needed to support the work of faith, faith must speak for the works.


James says we need to be merciful, it is clear that if we are merciful the Lords of Karma  judge us mercy; but if we are ruthless,the Lords of Karma will judge us ruthlessly, and inasmuch as mercy is more powerful than justice is it is sure if we are merciful we can eliminate a lot of Karma. All this invites us to reflect.


James says that we have to learn to curb our tongue; one who knows restrain the tongue, can bridle the whole body, and sets us as example the case of the horse: the horse you are putting the brakes on the mouth, on the nose, and this is how we master it, handle ; the same happens if we restrain the tongue, we  owners throughout our bodies.

Says James: "Look at the boats, how great they are and yet what governs the helm, is really small compared with the enormous size ships, tongue is very small, yes, but what biggest fire form. "

We are taught in the epistle to never boast of anything, who is boastful of himself or of his works, what he has done, is undoubtedly arrogant, pedantic, and fails in the Great Work. We need to humble ourselves before the Divine, be every day more and more humble if we want successfully work  in the Great Work, never presume anything, always be simple, that is vital when you want triumph in the Great Work, the Magnus Opus. That Epistle is written with a double meaning, if you read the literally would not understand.; well they have read Protestants, Adventists, Catholics, and have not understood; that epistle has a double meaning and is only intended for those working in the Great Work.

As faith is necessary to have it, of course, every Alchemist must have faith, everything Kabbalist must have faith, but faith is not something empirical, something that gives us a gift, no, faith has to be manufactured, we cannot require anyone to have faith it must to be fabricated to elaborate it and how it is elaborated ? based on the experience. How could someone have faith about that we are we saying here, if you do not study and experience for yourself? Obviously not, right? But as we go studing and experiencing , let comprising, and from that creative understanding that becomes the true faith; So, faith is not something empirical, no; we need fabricate it; Later, yes, much later, the Holy Spirit, the Third Logos, could consolidate in us, fortify and strengthened; but we must make it.


Another quite interesting apostle counts for us in this strait and, narrow  road that we carry on is Andrew. It is said that at Nicaea conjured seven evil demons and made them appear before the crowds as seven dogs and fled in terror; much has been said about Andrew and no doubt that was extraordinary, was loaded with great power. The reality is Andrew, the Grandmaster disciple of Christ was sentenced to death and tortured; Saint Andrew Cross invites us to reflection, is an X, yes, an X, with its two arms extended right and left legs and two open side by side, form X, and that X's was crucified; that Xs is very symbolic; in the Greek equivalent to a K, reminiscent of the Krestos. Unquestionably was magnificently symbolized Andrew drama  by the great Initiated monk Bacon; the latter in its extraordinary book written called "The Azoth", puts a sheet on which is clearly seen a dead man; however treated as lifting the head and hopes up, as resurrected while two black crows are taking away their meats on the steel floor, the Soul and the Spirit rise of the corpse; This phrase reminds us of all the Initiates who says: "The flesh leaves the bones." That, San Andrés dying on a cross in forming of X, is speaking precisely the disintegration of the ego, you have to reduce to cosmic dust, you have to dismember. "The meat leaves the bones," only then can the Secret Master Hiram Abiff, resurrect within ourselves, here and now, otherwise it would be completely impossible. In the Great Work must die from instant to instant, from moment to moment.

And what shall we say of John? He is beyond doubt the patron of Golden Manufacturers. Someone will make Gold? Yes, remember Raymond Lully, he did, enriched the coffers of Philip the Fair of France and King of England. Raymond Lully letters are still remembered; one of them had a beautiful diamond, which gifted nothing less than the King of England; dissolved crystal to the crucible, and then putting that water mercury glass, became a remarkably fine giant diamond , he presented him to the king of England; as for the transmutation of lead into gold, it did thanks to philosophical mercury, enriched Europe with its foundries and yet he remained poor, extraordinary traveler for all countries of the world and finally was stoned to death in one of those lands; you reflect on this. So John the Apostle of Jesus is the patron of Gold Manufacturers.


It is said that on occasion found on his way around a town in the East, a philosopher who tried to convince the people and show them what he could with the word with the verb Word, as two young they had heard his teachings, abandoning their wealth, sold, and bought with them a large diamond; put in the presence of honorable public diamond and in the hands of the philosopher, the latter returned with a stone and then destroyed the gem. John protested saying: "As long gem could give food to the poor." They say the crowds before rebuilt the gem, then sold to feed the multitudes; more repentant youth protesters and said to themselves: "What fools we were to have left all our wealth to buy a diamond that becomes pieces now and then reconstructed to give out among the nations!" But John that saw all things in heaven and earth and knew transmute lead into gold, he brought to the sea, nearby, some rocks and a canes (stone symbol of the Philosopher's Stone, sex  and cane symbol of the  Spinal Cord, for there is the power to transmute lead into gold) and after convert  those rods and stones in gold, returned their wealth to the young, but told them: "You have lost the best, I am returning what you have given, but missed it what you had achieved in the higher worlds. "Then, approaching a woman who had died, resurrected her, she then told what he had seen outside the body and also addressed those young saying he had seen their guardian angels crying and very bitterly, because they had lost the best, vain for perishable things, is clear that young people repented, returned the gold to John and John returned to change that gold in what was, rods and stones; they became his disciples.

So John and the Order of St. John invites us to think; John is patron of those who makes  Gold. We need to transmute lead of the personality in the keenest Gold of the Spirit, is something called the great Masters of the White Lodge. Brothers of the of St. John Order.

Many believe that John the apostle of the Master Jesus, disembodied, but he did not disincarnated; old traditions say they did dig his sepulchral grave, lay down on it, in light shone and disappeared, the pit was empty. We know that John, the apostle of Christ, living in the same body he had in the Holy Land and Agharta  precisely, in the underground Kingdom, where is the Melchisedeck Order  and accompanying king of the World; See how interesting is. Entering as the Magisterium of Fire, we define something to clarify; it is necessary, as I say to you, transmuting the sacred sperm into energy.; when this is achieved, becomes the fire that rises up the spine and the Great Work begins to be realized. We need to create The Existential Higher Bodies of the Being, but that's not enough, it is necessary, it is essential, urgent, these vehicles coated with different parts of the Being; but to coat them with must convert them with pure gold, real Spiritual Gold. Not be surprised as John and James have an Astral body of pure gold, a Mental of the same  metal or Causal , Buddhic or Atmic; They managed to accomplish the Great Work. If anything the Count Saint Germain could transmute lead into gold, is because he was gold himself, the Aura of the Count Saint Germain is pure gold, the atoms that form that Aura are of pure Gold, the Existential Superior Bodies are of Gold of best quality; under these conditions he can throw a coin in the pot, yes, melt, and then with the same power in him, transmute it in gold because he is Gold. That is what is called the Great Work performed, and in this are grades and grades ; First you reach the Master, then we have to become Perfect Masters, and much later achieved the rank of Grand Elected. Grand Elected and Perfect Master is all who has made  the Great Work. So we really how we really are wrong, we need to go through the Radical Transformation and that is only possible truth, destroying the inhuman elements and creating human ones, only then march to the final liberation.


In the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris, as I say, is a Master Stone is in a little corner Stone or Cornerstone that the builders of all sects, schools, religions and others rejected. Chosen precious Stone, but it has the figure of Lucifer; would frighten the uninitiated; undoubtedly my dear brothers, only there in sex, can find the Luciferian principle will be the same basis for Self-realization. But why Lucifer is the Ariadne´s Thread ?, Why is precisely he who must lead us to final release, when truly has had him by the enemy? We have said many times, and have stated emphatically in this chair, that him is the  reflection of the Interior Logos within us, the shadow of our Intimate God in us and for our  good, as is the coach. God cannot tempt us tempt us our own concupiscence and teaches Santiago the patron of Alchemy, the pa-throne of the Great Work.

So what is it that makes Lucifer? The uses of our own concupiscence, makes them go through the screen of the understanding, in order to train us psychologically, to become strong; But if we fail, we fail in the Great Work; however, we can fail and rectify if we rectify succeed in the Great Work; any one may fail, for their faults known to have correct offenses to eliminate; So Lucifer trains us, educate us, shape us and by dint of much training frees us, driving us from sphere to sphere until our Hiram Abiff. Lucifer is thus the thread of Ariadne that leads to our Inner God, who takes us out of this painful labyrinth of life through esoteric work, and again and again passed through the screen of our understanding, our own concupiscence, not other but they are ours; we must to overcome them, to eliminate them, to disintegrate them, turn them in powder is indicated and gives steps and increasingly advanced steps and starting from the center going towards the periphery of the labyrinth to get one day to our God. That is the work of Lucifer, he is the thread of Ariadne, he is the Philosopher's Stone; something is that pilgrims to the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris off their candles in the stone jaws of Lucifer, in the  stone of the little corner, as they say over there.


There has been talk of magical powers, yes, we can get to them, but we need much unquestionably create within us as well as destroy within us too, much to spare us much  we lack; everyone believes that the we have the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being and that is not, necessary is to create them and is not possible to create but in the Forge of the Cyclops, that is through sex work.

We will be told that we are fans of sex, wrong, what happens is we have a lab and it's our own body, and a stove lab, the fire of the Alchemist, and a crucible that is in the Sex, behold the Prime Matter of the Great Work, the Holy Sperm; transmute it is indispensable, and to then convert it into energy then with this energy and power with which she contains, create the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being that is the vital, the indispensable.

There will come a day when we will go beyond sex; without reaching the goal, that would be much as want off the train before reaching the station, like wanting to get off the bus or truck where we go, before reaching the goal we have set. Sexually, you must create and must be destroyed. Create Solar Vehicle is necessary for our inner God can resurrect in us and to eliminate the inhuman elements inside. Is not enough for you to hear what we are saying, it is necessary to perform, because faith without works is dead faith, that faith needs to be accompanied by the work.


Necessary to accomplish the Great Work, but not enough to have faith in the Great Work should carry out the Great Work. And the end the result of the Great Work , what will be? May each of us become in a great God with power over the heavens, on earth and on hells, that's the end result of the Great Work, each of us become a majesty, a terribly Divine  creature. But today not even recognize that we humans are only Humanoids in rawest form would say that we are  intellectual mammals and nothing more, but we can leave this state in which we find by the Great Work. Hiram Abiff is the Master Secret, the Third Logos, Shiva, the Firstborn of Creation, Real Interior Being , our true and individual Monad, we need to resurrect because is dead within us, even if it is alive to the ineffable Worlds .


Raymond Lully performed the Great Work, received in the Astral world the Great Arcanum, and was with the master key how could work  in the Great Work. Raymond Lully was undoubtedly knew out of the physical body which is the Holy Conception of the Divine Mother Kundalini Shakti; to be known as the Holy Conception was done,  he was propose to realize from above Holy Conception itself until he succeeded. Undoubtedly the Divine Mother must conceive by the grace of the Son Third Logos at the Son. She remains a virgin before birth, during birth and after birth. The Child She conceived  should materialize , crystallize from above, from the top, until completely coated with our physical body, our planetary body. At that level, it can be said that the Great Work has been done; In other words, we must resurrect Hiram Abiff within us. And it is said….

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                                                             ALCHEMY UNVEILED


The Agnostos Theos. The Metallic Soul of the Sperm. The Lucifer Intimate and Personal. The Creation of the Bodies. Elimination of Mercury Dry and Red Salt. The three parts of the Work or the Three Firings. The Antimony. The Elixir and the Universal Medicine


It is the time to understand what the really Being is what really  our Gnostic studies are, what is  Gnosis. First of all we have to worship the  Agnostos Theos the Unconditioned Absolute Abstract Space and Eternal. Undoubtedly the incognitos Divinity and unknown is That which has no name, That, the Nameless, the Ineffable.

The Absolute is beyond anything that has shape and form, side by side, quantity, quality, number, measure,  weight. It's what is not, what is formless, the Real. In reaching this  term, you should know that when we say. "It is what it is not," we must grasp its deep meaning.

One way would be what we have in our intellect, so I say: "It is what it Is not" That "Is not" is the Real Being only way we can understand something, since That is beyond comprehension..

The unmanifested inevitably belongs to the negative aspect of the Light; We are used to thinking of light in a positive, but the negative aspect of the Great Life is beyond what we can understand, far beyond the Sephiroth of Kabbalah, I much beyond the Silence and Sound, much beyond Thought, Word and Soul. When is talking negative existence we must understand that is not however it is . The uncreated Light is then is the negative aspect of Light, the negative acceptation.; let´s take the sense that it is not manifested, that is hidden behind the veils of the manifestation.

The Ancient of Days, for ex.In each of us, is still the Malchut, that is,the lower aspect of the Absolute. As well as Malchut is the Cosmic manifestation in the physical world is the lowest aspect of all ten Sephiroth; so the Ancient of the Days for all his Greatness, Majesty and Dominion, is the Malchut to the Absolute. That unknown Divinity, incognito which is latent in all that is, has been, and will be, comes across to all emanation: the Ineffables the Army of the Voice, the Great Word, the Holy Gods, Governors of all Universe; they are but manifestations of Divinity incognita and unknown, the AGNOSTOS THEOS.


Well, my dear brothers, not forget the JEHOVAH because the LORD, the IOD-HEVE. When we speak in this way, we do not refer in any way to Anthropomorphic JEHOVAH that the Church of Rome and Jerusalem and all dogmatic people in general; No, we mean the JEHOVAH, which we allude, is the INTIMATE JEHOVAH of each of one. It is obvious that each of us carries inside his own IOD-HEVE. IOD is the masculine principle HEVE is the feminine principle. IOD is our Father who is in secret, HEVE  is our Divine Mother KUNDALINI.

Jesus of Nazareth rejected the Lord that anthropomorphic of the Jews,  to that Biblic JEHOVAH the Law of Talion at Vengeance. Jesus of Nazareth loved his Father in secret and his Divine Mother Kundalini. At the foot of the cross we see him crying out to the Father, we see the Divine Rabbi of Galilee crucified, crying with a loud voice, "Father, into thy hands I commend my Spirit." His Divine Mother Kundalini is there, she assists in all, she is RAM-IO. Ram, mantra of fire, mantra of Tatwa Tejas. IO reminds Isiac mysteries; IO is the central point is the Lingam Yoni. So, it is definitely the rejection of dogmatic JEHOVAH, to that which underlay all his doctrine in the revenge Eye for eye and tooth for tooth. The authentic JEHOVAH we must to look intimately in each of us. We carry our beyond our consciousness the Father who is in secret and the Divine Mother, the Absolute Abstract Space from which emanated the Army of the Voice, whence sprang our particular Jehovah, the Divine Male Female; then as, He is in our particular Altar. Being of our Being, the unknown God before whom entire Army of the Voice prostrates, the Truth that has no name, Negative Existence, that which is not yet is, from which has sprung our Inner Being we had known that emanated from the bowels of the unconditioned Abstract Space and Eternal. First of all it is essential that our Inner Father and Mother are Inside Self-Made in us, that is possible if we understand themselves, if we eliminate from our nature inhuman elements that we carry within.

If we transmute that matter-energy, we can create the superior existential bodies of the Being. First at all, we must understand various alchemical processes.


To the Great Work with a single substance have enough. What is the substance? It is the Mercury of the secret philosophy. Where is that mercury ?. Well, it is the Metallic Soul  of the Sperm; is clear that at no waste the Seminal liquor, is transmuted into energy, and that energy is the Mercury of the secret philosophy, that is the Metallic Soul of the  Sperm. That metallic soul is represented by Lucifer.


Citing this character should not be shocked; and not think about a Great Archangel Anthropomorphic because Lucifer is very individual. Each of us has our own particular Lucifer individually. Lucifer is one aspect of our inner being and is the most important part is - so to speak – the  double of our Inner Logos, the duplicate of the Third Logos in us the shadow of Shiva, the Archi-hierophant and Archi-magician that shone scorchingly as an  Ineffable Archangel; was a Kummara, but when we fell into animal generation and degenerate the root of our sex (it is one of the most important aspects of our Being  duplicate of our Intimate God), actually fell into darkness and became the Devil.

There are many devils on earth, as humans are. Each one of us has its own daimon, and this particular Devil in each of us is black as coal, and exhale through the organ Kundartiguador the negative fohat, coal fatality, the Luciferian fire after being the most excellent creature. There is no power in it, but in ourselves; we whitewash and this is simple.

Medieval Alchemists said: "Burn your books and whitening Brass". It is known that copper is brass, and copper is related to Venus, the morning star. Brass Whitening means to White our own inner Devil release him. He is the Prometheus

chained, a vulture devours the vowels tirelessly, is the vulture of Desire. It is a colossus; hath power on earth to Heaven and Hell; but we have him into disgrace If bleached is amply reward us ; but how can be bleached? ELIMINATING THE EGO AND CREATING IN US THE SUPERIOR EXISTENTIAL BODIES OF THE BEING AND SACRIFICING FOR HUMANITY( LOVE IN ACTION). When cleared, the Lucifer seems rushing headlong into the abyss, the symbol of our sexual fall.

There is something new in the Azteca Doctrine; Lucifer appears in lace of the penitent and anchorite, Lucifer doing penance, Have they seen something extraordinary ?. The Prince and - let- say the representation of our Philosopher´s Stone; in the bottom is the same  Philosopher Stone; but it is so intimately related to the Mercury of the Secret philosophy, it seems as if we had passed digress to make our discussion; but we have not gone through any digression.

You need to know a lot of science. I said that the Metallic Soul of Sperm is the Philosopher's Stone; I said that Lucifer is the Philosopher's Stone. Finally, which of the two is the Philosopher's Stone ?. In truth, both Lucifer and the metallic soul of the sperm are the Philosopher's Stone; that Stone is veiled by Lucifer. Well, at the Cathedral of Paris a bird, a crow, with an eye directed towards the little stone corner appears; What's in the little stone of the corner? a figure, the Devil. What means the crow of Putrefaction?. the Death. We need to eliminate, kill, destroy the animal Ego; only then can whiten the devil is in the corner of the Temple and want their release, because wants to be again the Luminous Archangel of other times.

That metallic Soul of the Sperm is extraordinary, has emanated from the Father, of the Seminal Waters of Life; has been this Metallic Soul through all times contained in the Third Water; is the Angelic Creator fluid that moves up the IDA and PINGALA channels to the Brain. Is the Fire, the Brimstone, which fecundate Fire while we are in the wonderful process of Initiation. It contains the heavy bodies of Mercury. That water, that wonderful sexual fluid that moves up the Ida and Pingala channels to the brain; that Soul, that third aspect, the sexual fluid ascending through the Ida and Pingala channels will be fertilized by the Solar Fire. All these Esoteric process in us, are based on the incessant crosses Mercury with Sulfur. The Sexual Hydrogen G-12 about what is tell us by the best occultists in the world, it is something that is that correspond to the alive Mercury, to the third aspect, to the Third Mercurial Water. That Mercury crystallized his first vehicle is the Astral, Astral that wonderful; but to take that Mercury forms astral body must work through transmutation; and will come the moment when that Mercury is perfect. And finally with the Astral Body, we can travel with him in the infinite space. Much later that Mercury will crystallize in the form of the Mental Body; there, much later in the form of the Causal Body. See you. The three forms of crystallization of Mercury. When that happens, these existential bodies become formed

But not enough is to create with the Mercury the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being.


We must know that Mercury is called to incarnate the Logos, the Cosmic Christ within. The Virgin holding the baby, that Mother carrying her Baby, is an allegory of the truth that is in us. . Each of one must prepare your body; once prepared, do not forget that inside must to develop the Child Gold. therefore sexual magic without joy, must be consistent with the same Mercury. When we arise Mercury, Gold develops within ourselves, that kind of Gold formed – the Gold Christic lining the Logos.


Within our bodies the Mercury must be formed in Gold (Gold mercuric), that is, the Logos must take shape; this is the dress of our Soul. Not enough to create the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, must be born, that they may be perfecting later coated with Scholastic dress of the Being (and check that ) The Mercury is the fundamental matter of the Great Work.


. Guys already saw 3 aspects, and I repeat and clarify: First appearance, CHAOS properly the Tantras, which is a lucid, simple secretion, without sun, of the sex gland; this occurs s not only in man, but in women, because if it is true that during an orgasm man spends his sperm, women also have their sperm, and when passing through orgasm loses miserably. Doctors do not want to call the sexual feminine secretion sperm, is another matter; but the Alchemists yes we name sperm, because it's sperm. I'm talking in terms of rigorous  Alchemy, not chemical terms, or medical terms; and this should be clarified.


Contains three aspects inside ( it is repeating it to be understood) 1st, aspect - the same sperm. The 2nd. aspect is of transmutation, the four-dimensional part of the semen, the subtle and ethereal, the Soul - we said of that sperm-from the Metallic Soul; that's the Mercury at the 2nd. aspect. The third aspect becomes the 2nd. is the energy already ascending up through the Ida and Pingala cords to the brain.

Alchemists say that Mercury must be fertilized by Sulfur; is clear that when Mercury it is clear when the Solars and Lunar atoms make contact in the Triveni near the coccyx, put in action that third force that is the Sulphur, the mysterious fire which ascend up through the Shushumna channel that is by spinal canal, toward the spine to the brain; and its ascent is opening the chakras or wonderful centers of vital body; then we say that Mercury has been fertilized by Sulfur.

It is clear that Mercury fertilized by Sulfur coated new aspects, gives rise to a transcendental order first reaction, I mean the Astral Body, which is nothing more than the Mercury fertilized by Sulfur; The result: the Astral Body is formed; we can move him conscious and positively through the infinite space. You know you have Astral Body when you can use it. How do you know you have feet? Because you can walk; or two hands because you can use them; well you know when you have Astral Body when you can travel with him.

In the world of 24 laws in the Astral world, a person who has not made the Astral Body is not immortal; When death his physical body becomes nothing, and what continues in that Astral world are the different elements that make up the self, the myself, the self, the sub-human, infra-human elements, inhuman, bestial; returning these elements later, it's true. People unfortunately does not even know you're born, nor how dies. Created the Astral   Body - will have to create a Mental A Superior Mental vehicle. What is to create?. Then with the same Mercury is the same as going to create the Mental, that is, the Mental Superior. Mental Created with the same Mercury (in a third octave) Body of Conscious Will be created. So you see. How Mercury comes to form the superior existential bodies of the Being.

Within that Mercury comes to appear the Gold, not merely material Gold, but the Spiritual Gold. But to make more understandable to make the Gold more Gold, that is to bring Mercury to turn it into gold. Astral Body must become Gold and then the Mental and Causal then. That's what you want to say when it is said that within the Gold Mercury must be formed; of course, once these Bodies have been pure gold, can be instruments of Being swallow by the Serpent, this is what we want to clarify when we say that the bodies must have to perfect them and then coat them with the different parts of the Being.

Sure, the first body which shall devour the Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers, is the Astral; the second body which should devour the sacred serpent, is the Mental; the third body that should devour the Sacred Serpent is the Causal. Much later, the Igneous Serpent of Our Magical Powers must swallow the Spiritual Soul and the Intimate. When Snake has swallowed the Bodies that we have created, will be nothing but She and She nevertheless, the "Consumatum est", brings unexpected transcendental characteristics, as the serpent devours the Eagle. When the eagle devouring the serpent, master of the situation is the Eagle; In other words, the Feathered Serpent Quetzalcoatl is the resurrected Master, the Perfect Master the Kummara; before this, the Lucifer be emancipated, and mixing him with the Soul, with the Spirit, penetrating their bodies of pure Gold to the Soul and to the Spirit Gold will become something different with the Immortal Gold and penetrating into that ineffable factor. The Inner God to penetrate into his inside the ineffable surface, and thus the ineffable penetrate so have penetrated their igneous corpuscles and there is a Self-Realized Perfect. Lucifer load powers, measure, gives us the true perfect happiness and power over all that is, what has been and what will be.


The Divine Mother Kundalini, therefore there needs to devour the Superiors Existential Bodies of the Being, but so that she can do that, all bodies must have been transformed into pure gold, because she does not swallow anything unclean. So then, my dear brethren, we must be in the Snake and the Serpent in us. Here's how the Eagle comes stay within us and we within  the Eagle. In a word, this is how the Father-Mother, the Beloved Inmortal Elohim God immortal beloved,  will rise from his glass grave to come to the world and to see with the eyes of our face and to talk with our creative larynx ; this is how each of us is called to become a Kummara, the primordial Elohim, a great teacher; but yes, the foundation on which rests the Stone is Mercury.


To perform the Work must be given opportunities to Nature, Nature helping Nature; we will create Gold, we will create the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being. ?. How do we do? Imitate the Nature.

 Reproduction is always in darkness. Due to the arrangement of the creative organs, the creature is formed between darkness.

Working with Mercury must be done at night, not the day. The bodies must gradually take shape, are the same crystallization of Mercury, but are called to be perfected; only perfect will become pure gold, when all the inhuman elements have been annihilated, reduced to ash. Do you understand how to bring the Holy Elohim ?, How do I cover it with our presence? The Intimate, the Elohim of Eternal Unconditioned Space, should come into the world; each of us must do; each of us must become Elohim. This is the Great Work, and the Great Work is working with the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy.

Understood this, my dear brothers, we have revealed all the mysteries of Alchemy, that humanity knows it. I'm talking about base upon experience, otherwise I would not know to explain, I'm not talking with vain babblings, nor am I verbalizing or tossing new stories, I simply am saying, revealing what I've lived, I repeat, by experience, so I can give these explanations. Work with Mercury, which is important, and achieve all and achive to coated with our presence the Great Father-Mother.


So we must understand the need to develop mercury, all alchemists of the Middle Ages kept silent secret containing the He-Goat of Mendes. When in the middle ages, the neophytes were taken started at midnight, to the caves of Initiation in the Secret Sanctuary was blindfolded, the neophyte was before the He- goat of Mendes, Devil but in front of that shone the pentagram, the Blazing Star; not invert as tantric black use it, but with the superior angle upward, with the two lower angles down. Neophyte was ordered to kiss his ass to the devil, if he refused, he again put the blindfold, and he served for unknown door where could never enter.

There the brothers were warned about the dangers of the Inquisition. Among those cubic stone on which sat the Devil, then started from a door, an Isis of the Temple; one needs to be sufficiently smart to realize the deep significance of the ceremony. In fact he gave himself to the work in the Great Work. The key is to make my brothers  the Great Work.


What good will be to us to become scholars if we did not do the Great Work?


It is obvious that we must begin to fabricate the mercury. The secret of the elaboration of mercury no one revealed before . You know: in the

A. Z. F. Arcane is the key. For what purpose we prepare mercury? And why ?. To make all the Great Work; It is clear, we must transmute in the Sahaja Maithuna. But that energy itself is already a Mercury, Metallic Soul of the quicksilver raw Sperm; after that energy rise up through the channels of Ida and Pingala, the union of solar and lunar atoms born fire, it is true, and that fire fecundates all its manifestations.

That fire is the Sulfur. Mercury fecundated by Sulfur. We will do all the work, but what is the work ?. We need to understand what the work we will do, we have to finish with our misconceptions.

They say different organizations pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultist type that man has 7 bodies: physical, etheric, astral, mental, causal, the Buddhist, the Atman. They cite other names such bodies: Physical, vital to call Lingam sarira, the astral Kamas or tell principle of desire, the Mental Lower Manas is told, the causal is told Superior Manas, to the intuitional body is called buddhic body and Atman.


But the curious thing is that all pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultists believe that all human or better said, Humanoids, covering the face of the earth already have 7 bodies. Of course, this is completely false. The intellectual animal wrongly called man, is only the physical body and its organic vital seat has no more ; Astral, Mental, that has, less causal, which is after the physical body and the vital is the ego, the ego, the myself, the self that serves as the astral, which serves mental, but that is not the astral body nor the mental. In the internal worlds I could easily experience it.


In the name of truth and with great emphasis, I say to you, when I move into the Astral world, with quite clearly meridian I see who have astral and those without such a body. Embodied Crowds come and go and do not know why they do not know why they don´t have Astral Body and those are miserable astral shadows, unconscious phantoms. Sleepwalkers appear true in the region of the Underworld. If you have Astral body are different, there are saw as men, they are different. Anyone can do there differentiation between someone who has the Astral and someone who does not. A very rough example here we can put a person dressed and undressed another, at a glance we see who is and who is not wearing clothes. Well as those without astral body, are seen there as poor ghosts . So we create in us and make the Mercury; purpose is to create the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, perfect them, etc.

Brethren, I want you understand what you gonna do, they understand that is the work that we will perform with Mercury. First at all Mercury fertilized by Sulfur takes shape in the Astral Body. When you already have the astral body knows they have it because you can use it. We know we have feet because we can walk with them, because we know that we have hands because we can use them, we know that we have eyes because we can see with them; also we well know that we have an Astral body because we can use it, we can move with it positive and consciously through the suprasensible worlds. And what's made the astral body? Of Mercury. Why Mercury takes the form of the Astral Body? Because it was the Mercury fecundated by Sulfur. The Mercury fecundated by Sulfur takes the form of Astral Body and Astral Body becomes.

Once we've created the Astral Body by Mercury, we will not be miserable ghosts in the world of the dead, abysmal shadows, no.

It comes to me at this moment to memory, the reminicence of Homer, when he said: "Better to be a beggar on the ground and not a King in the Empire of Shadows." Who has Astral Body is no longer a ghost, stands out as the Earth God and as God of the Mind, here appears as holy man in each of us, there has its name; The name I use is SAMAEL AUN WEOR; There is not a whimsical name that I have put me at random, no; I have not put that name, I was named throughout Eternity.


Old in Age from Mahanvantara in Mahanvantara, I've always been SAMAEL, that is His name, my Divine Monad, is a name that comes to represent the King of Fire, of Volcanoes. As Muhammad said, "Allah is Allah and Mohammed is his name." He is perfect, I'm not, I understand that your child is not perfect because perfect is but one, it is the Father who is in secret. None of us is perfect. So then, brethren, in the world of Mind who possess the Astral Body know his name and after his death continue there with and is still there with the Astral Personality living in is no longer a mortal creature.

But if anyone manufacture the Astral Body by example, and then stagnate, not to continue working with the Mercury in new livings will dwindle. After submission should be in reinstatement at in lower animal organisms, we must eliminate that  Hanasmussen hold.


My dear brothers, there are different realms, as there are here, and their kingdoms are governed by Devas or Hierarchies. Once you have achieved the fabrication of the Astral Body by fire, the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy, you can then take jobs in manufacturing the Mental Body.

Everyone think you have a his own Mental Body itself, and that is false, people do not have a mind of its own, people have many minds. You think that the self is multiple, that EGO is a set of persons that you carry in, that the body is a machine and that through that machine, suddenly expresses an I an Ego,that is, a person, but that person goes and gets another; after that other exits and other messes; but that another comes out and gets another, and so on. Overall, the intellectual animal has not defined individuality, is a machine controlled by many people but each of those calls Egos, selves has a different mind.

Given that the selves are many, minds are many, each self has its mind and its ideas, its own discretion. So, my dear brothers, where is the individual mind of the poor intellectual animal? Where is the mind of that poor rational mammal? Which one is?.

We must realize what we are, if we want a radical transformation. After that has already got the Astral, you have to fabricate a Mind Body. We do it with what? With  Mercury. This mercury will crystallize in the body of the mind. When we have come to know we have individual mind? When we can use it , when we are able to travel with the Mental body throughout the universe, from planet to planet, then only then that we learn that we have mental body of flesh and bone.

When we already have truly Mental Body, then left to do more advanced work, we go to create the body of the Conscious Will, the Causal Body, always using the Mercury fertilized by Sulfur; but the work is ordered. First the Astral Body is made, then the Body of Objective Reasoning or Mental Body and then the will Conscious Body or Causal Body. Each of these bodies has its laws. The physical body is governed by 48 laws, the Astral is governed by 24, the Mental for 12 laws the Causal  for 6 laws.

You see the wonders of the already manufactured bodies. These Astral , Mental, Causal bodies indeed have their principal; the Human Soul, becomes a Real Man, truly thanks to the Mercury of the Philosophy fertilized by Sulfur Secret. A Real Man in the full sense of the word. Believe us right now be men, is a falsehood, it is clear. If we place a Man and an intellectual animal, simply resemble the two have a similarity. If we observe their customs are different; the customs of the true man are so different from the intellectual animal as the educated man are completely different to the cannibal of the jungle.


You observe in detail a man and an intellectual animal. Observing behaviors. Their forms are radically different. Lately not look anything but apparently physically resemble. In intellectual animals the possibility of becoming men is, there are the germs of the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being. Germs emanations of the Sacred Absolute Sun that can vivify by working with sexual alchemy and this is very important .

Now, once we have received the psychic principle, what would be called in Gnosis the Neuma or Spirit, the second part of the work is much deeper: it is about to refine more the Mercury and intensify the elimination of the dry Mercury and Red Salt. What is the Dry Mercury? We have said that is formed or represented by the selves we carry inside. And what is the red salt or Arsenic Sulfur? It is the infrasexual fire, the fire emanating from the abominable organ Kundartiguador-. For the creation of the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being also is need elimination such is intensifies even more in the second part of the job, elimination of undesirable elements, Mercury Dry and Red Salt or Sulfur, Arsenic.

In the third work, my dear brethren, in the third firing, because there are three firings or three purifications for iron and for fire, must be converted the Existential Bodies of the Being, in vehicles of pure gold. Where will  go that pure gold? What carries the Mercury; As St. Christopher carrying the child, so the mercury carries the gold, but it needs an artificer who can unite the atoms of gold with Mercury, that artificer we all have within ourselves, is one of parts of our being, the particular Alchemist of each one of us, is called the antimony. What could we do without that part? Without that alchemist? Fortunately He knows the art, is a great artist, he knows how it will achieve the union of atoms of Gold with Mercury. So the third part of the work that is needed to become Astral Body into Pure Gold, in vehicle of Gold only then and may be covered by the Superior parts of the Being or by the various parts of the Being. Mental body must become a vehicle of pure gold, only then can be covered by the different parts of Being. The Causal body will have become pure gold so it can be covered by different parts of the Being. then the Soul-Spirit will become Soul Gold and finally the most precious thing we have, the Atman that speak Hindustani, must become pure Gold, it has accomplished that when all vehicles are covered by the different parts of the Being, when you have eliminated all dry Mercury, and the red salt then comes our King, He rises from his grave, enters its wrapper, revives in us and we in him. It has reached Mastery. Whoever reaches these heights has the Elixir of long life; only then can keep your physical body for millions of years. Who gets to that point receives the Universal Medicine has to eradicate disease from your body. Whoever reaches these heights can transmute physical lead into pure gold, as did the Count St. Germain, as did Cagliostro, as did Raymond, Nicolas and others.


But Lucifer tacitly entered. What Lucifer has to do with the he-goat of Mendes in this issue? Why did Moses wore the he-goat horns on his forehead, as rays of light? My brothers, that Lucifer is, we said mine where Minos extracts Mercury. We have often said that the Knight has to face the Dragon. We have often said here in third chamber Michael fight against the Dragon and St. George also against the Red Dragon. We have often said that the Knight takes some from the Dragon and Dragon takes some of Knight some to be born there a strange creature. We have often said that this strange creature in turn, by splitting result as a synthesis Mercury, which is symbolized by the fish, the fisherman with their nets takes out of the lake.

So that from that Lucifer we extract all Mercury and as the time passing by, Lucifer is turning in whole Mercury, until finally all that remains in us is the Mercury.


WHAT IS A RESURECTED MASTER? Mercury already purified.Converted in Gold. That is Why he is represented with Alabaster Glass, with alive Alabaster, with the Electric Rose is expected. There are some Knights of the Higher Order Resurrected not have visible physical organization anywhere.


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                                                             ALCHEMY UNVEILED


The Agnostos Theos. The Metallic Soul of the Sperm. The Lucifer Intimate and Personal. The Creation of the Bodies. Elimination of Mercury Dry and Red Salt. The three parts of the Work or the Three Firings. The Antimony. The Elixir and the Universal Medicine


It is the time to understand what the really Being is what really  our Gnostic studies are, what is  Gnosis. First of all we have to worship the  Agnostos Theos the Unconditioned Absolute Abstract Space and Eternal. Undoubtedly the incognitos Divinity and unknown is That which has no name, That, the Nameless, the Ineffable.

The Absolute is beyond anything that has shape and form, side by side, quantity, quality, number, measure,  weight. It's what is not, what is formless, the Real. In reaching this  term, you should know that when we say. "It is what it is not," we must grasp its deep meaning.

One way would be what we have in our intellect, so I say: "It is what it Is not" That "Is not" is the Real Being only way we can understand something, since That is beyond comprehension..

The unmanifested inevitably belongs to the negative aspect of the Light; We are used to thinking of light in a positive, but the negative aspect of the Great Life is beyond what we can understand, far beyond the Sephiroth of Kabbalah, I much beyond the Silence and Sound, much beyond Thought, Word and Soul. When is talking negative existence we must understand that is not however it is . The uncreated Light is then is the negative aspect of Light, the negative acceptation.; let´s take the sense that it is not manifested, that is hidden behind the veils of the manifestation.

The Ancient of Days, for ex.In each of us, is still the Malchut, that is,the lower aspect of the Absolute. As well as Malchut is the Cosmic manifestation in the physical world is the lowest aspect of all ten Sephiroth; so the Ancient of the Days for all his Greatness, Majesty and Dominion, is the Malchut to the Absolute. That unknown Divinity, incognito which is latent in all that is, has been, and will be, comes across to all emanation: the Ineffables the Army of the Voice, the Great Word, the Holy Gods, Governors of all Universe; they are but manifestations of Divinity incognita and unknown, the AGNOSTOS THEOS.


Well, my dear brothers, not forget the JEHOVAH because the LORD, the IOD-HEVE. When we speak in this way, we do not refer in any way to Anthropomorphic JEHOVAH that the Church of Rome and Jerusalem and all dogmatic people in general; No, we mean the JEHOVAH, which we allude, is the INTIMATE JEHOVAH of each of one. It is obvious that each of us carries inside his own IOD-HEVE. IOD is the masculine principle HEVE is the feminine principle. IOD is our Father who is in secret, HEVE  is our Divine Mother KUNDALINI.

Jesus of Nazareth rejected the Lord that anthropomorphic of the Jews,  to that Biblic JEHOVAH the Law of Talion at Vengeance. Jesus of Nazareth loved his Father in secret and his Divine Mother Kundalini. At the foot of the cross we see him crying out to the Father, we see the Divine Rabbi of Galilee crucified, crying with a loud voice, "Father, into thy hands I commend my Spirit." His Divine Mother Kundalini is there, she assists in all, she is RAM-IO. Ram, mantra of fire, mantra of Tatwa Tejas. IO reminds Isiac mysteries; IO is the central point is the Lingam Yoni. So, it is definitely the rejection of dogmatic JEHOVAH, to that which underlay all his doctrine in the revenge Eye for eye and tooth for tooth. The authentic JEHOVAH we must to look intimately in each of us. We carry our beyond our consciousness the Father who is in secret and the Divine Mother, the Absolute Abstract Space from which emanated the Army of the Voice, whence sprang our particular Jehovah, the Divine Male Female; then as, He is in our particular Altar. Being of our Being, the unknown God before whom entire Army of the Voice prostrates, the Truth that has no name, Negative Existence, that which is not yet is, from which has sprung our Inner Being we had known that emanated from the bowels of the unconditioned Abstract Space and Eternal. First of all it is essential that our Inner Father and Mother are Inside Self-Made in us, that is possible if we understand themselves, if we eliminate from our nature inhuman elements that we carry within.

If we transmute that matter-energy, we can create the superior existential bodies of the Being. First at all, we must understand various alchemical processes.


To the Great Work with a single substance have enough. What is the substance? It is the Mercury of the secret philosophy. Where is that mercury ?. Well, it is the Metallic Soul  of the Sperm; is clear that at no waste the Seminal liquor, is transmuted into energy, and that energy is the Mercury of the secret philosophy, that is the Metallic Soul of the  Sperm. That metallic soul is represented by Lucifer.


Citing this character should not be shocked; and not think about a Great Archangel Anthropomorphic because Lucifer is very individual. Each of us has our own particular Lucifer individually. Lucifer is one aspect of our inner being and is the most important part is - so to speak – the  double of our Inner Logos, the duplicate of the Third Logos in us the shadow of Shiva, the Archi-hierophant and Archi-magician that shone scorchingly as an  Ineffable Archangel; was a Kummara, but when we fell into animal generation and degenerate the root of our sex (it is one of the most important aspects of our Being  duplicate of our Intimate God), actually fell into darkness and became the Devil.

There are many devils on earth, as humans are. Each one of us has its own daimon, and this particular Devil in each of us is black as coal, and exhale through the organ Kundartiguador the negative fohat, coal fatality, the Luciferian fire after being the most excellent creature. There is no power in it, but in ourselves; we whitewash and this is simple.

Medieval Alchemists said: "Burn your books and whitening Brass". It is known that copper is brass, and copper is related to Venus, the morning star. Brass Whitening means to White our own inner Devil release him. He is the Prometheus

chained, a vulture devours the vowels tirelessly, is the vulture of Desire. It is a colossus; hath power on earth to Heaven and Hell; but we have him into disgrace If bleached is amply reward us ; but how can be bleached? ELIMINATING THE EGO AND CREATING IN US THE SUPERIOR EXISTENTIAL BODIES OF THE BEING AND SACRIFICING FOR HUMANITY( LOVE IN ACTION). When cleared, the Lucifer seems rushing headlong into the abyss, the symbol of our sexual fall.

There is something new in the Azteca Doctrine; Lucifer appears in lace of the penitent and anchorite, Lucifer doing penance, Have they seen something extraordinary ?. The Prince and - let- say the representation of our Philosopher´s Stone; in the bottom is the same  Philosopher Stone; but it is so intimately related to the Mercury of the Secret philosophy, it seems as if we had passed digress to make our discussion; but we have not gone through any digression.

You need to know a lot of science. I said that the Metallic Soul of Sperm is the Philosopher's Stone; I said that Lucifer is the Philosopher's Stone. Finally, which of the two is the Philosopher's Stone ?. In truth, both Lucifer and the metallic soul of the sperm are the Philosopher's Stone; that Stone is veiled by Lucifer. Well, at the Cathedral of Paris a bird, a crow, with an eye directed towards the little stone corner appears; What's in the little stone of the corner? a figure, the Devil. What means the crow of Putrefaction?. the Death. We need to eliminate, kill, destroy the animal Ego; only then can whiten the devil is in the corner of the Temple and want their release, because wants to be again the Luminous Archangel of other times.

That metallic Soul of the Sperm is extraordinary, has emanated from the Father, of the Seminal Waters of Life; has been this Metallic Soul through all times contained in the Third Water; is the Angelic Creator fluid that moves up the IDA and PINGALA channels to the Brain. Is the Fire, the Brimstone, which fecundate Fire while we are in the wonderful process of Initiation. It contains the heavy bodies of Mercury. That water, that wonderful sexual fluid that moves up the Ida and Pingala channels to the brain; that Soul, that third aspect, the sexual fluid ascending through the Ida and Pingala channels will be fertilized by the Solar Fire. All these Esoteric process in us, are based on the incessant crosses Mercury with Sulfur. The Sexual Hydrogen G-12 about what is tell us by the best occultists in the world, it is something that is that correspond to the alive Mercury, to the third aspect, to the Third Mercurial Water. That Mercury crystallized his first vehicle is the Astral, Astral that wonderful; but to take that Mercury forms astral body must work through transmutation; and will come the moment when that Mercury is perfect. And finally with the Astral Body, we can travel with him in the infinite space. Much later that Mercury will crystallize in the form of the Mental Body; there, much later in the form of the Causal Body. See you. The three forms of crystallization of Mercury. When that happens, these existential bodies become formed

But not enough is to create with the Mercury the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being.


We must know that Mercury is called to incarnate the Logos, the Cosmic Christ within. The Virgin holding the baby, that Mother carrying her Baby, is an allegory of the truth that is in us. . Each of one must prepare your body; once prepared, do not forget that inside must to develop the Child Gold. therefore sexual magic without joy, must be consistent with the same Mercury. When we arise Mercury, Gold develops within ourselves, that kind of Gold formed – the Gold Christic lining the Logos.


Within our bodies the Mercury must be formed in Gold (Gold mercuric), that is, the Logos must take shape; this is the dress of our Soul. Not enough to create the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, must be born, that they may be perfecting later coated with Scholastic dress of the Being (and check that ) The Mercury is the fundamental matter of the Great Work.


. Guys already saw 3 aspects, and I repeat and clarify: First appearance, CHAOS properly the Tantras, which is a lucid, simple secretion, without sun, of the sex gland; this occurs s not only in man, but in women, because if it is true that during an orgasm man spends his sperm, women also have their sperm, and when passing through orgasm loses miserably. Doctors do not want to call the sexual feminine secretion sperm, is another matter; but the Alchemists yes we name sperm, because it's sperm. I'm talking in terms of rigorous  Alchemy, not chemical terms, or medical terms; and this should be clarified.


Contains three aspects inside ( it is repeating it to be understood) 1st, aspect - the same sperm. The 2nd. aspect is of transmutation, the four-dimensional part of the semen, the subtle and ethereal, the Soul - we said of that sperm-from the Metallic Soul; that's the Mercury at the 2nd. aspect. The third aspect becomes the 2nd. is the energy already ascending up through the Ida and Pingala cords to the brain.

Alchemists say that Mercury must be fertilized by Sulfur; is clear that when Mercury it is clear when the Solars and Lunar atoms make contact in the Triveni near the coccyx, put in action that third force that is the Sulphur, the mysterious fire which ascend up through the Shushumna channel that is by spinal canal, toward the spine to the brain; and its ascent is opening the chakras or wonderful centers of vital body; then we say that Mercury has been fertilized by Sulfur.

It is clear that Mercury fertilized by Sulfur coated new aspects, gives rise to a transcendental order first reaction, I mean the Astral Body, which is nothing more than the Mercury fertilized by Sulfur; The result: the Astral Body is formed; we can move him conscious and positively through the infinite space. You know you have Astral Body when you can use it. How do you know you have feet? Because you can walk; or two hands because you can use them; well you know when you have Astral Body when you can travel with him.

In the world of 24 laws in the Astral world, a person who has not made the Astral Body is not immortal; When death his physical body becomes nothing, and what continues in that Astral world are the different elements that make up the self, the myself, the self, the sub-human, infra-human elements, inhuman, bestial; returning these elements later, it's true. People unfortunately does not even know you're born, nor how dies. Created the Astral   Body - will have to create a Mental A Superior Mental vehicle. What is to create?. Then with the same Mercury is the same as going to create the Mental, that is, the Mental Superior. Mental Created with the same Mercury (in a third octave) Body of Conscious Will be created. So you see. How Mercury comes to form the superior existential bodies of the Being.

Within that Mercury comes to appear the Gold, not merely material Gold, but the Spiritual Gold. But to make more understandable to make the Gold more Gold, that is to bring Mercury to turn it into gold. Astral Body must become Gold and then the Mental and Causal then. That's what you want to say when it is said that within the Gold Mercury must be formed; of course, once these Bodies have been pure gold, can be instruments of Being swallow by the Serpent, this is what we want to clarify when we say that the bodies must have to perfect them and then coat them with the different parts of the Being.

Sure, the first body which shall devour the Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers, is the Astral; the second body which should devour the sacred serpent, is the Mental; the third body that should devour the Sacred Serpent is the Causal. Much later, the Igneous Serpent of Our Magical Powers must swallow the Spiritual Soul and the Intimate. When Snake has swallowed the Bodies that we have created, will be nothing but She and She nevertheless, the "Consumatum est", brings unexpected transcendental characteristics, as the serpent devours the Eagle. When the eagle devouring the serpent, master of the situation is the Eagle; In other words, the Feathered Serpent Quetzalcoatl is the resurrected Master, the Perfect Master the Kummara; before this, the Lucifer be emancipated, and mixing him with the Soul, with the Spirit, penetrating their bodies of pure Gold to the Soul and to the Spirit Gold will become something different with the Immortal Gold and penetrating into that ineffable factor. The Inner God to penetrate into his inside the ineffable surface, and thus the ineffable penetrate so have penetrated their igneous corpuscles and there is a Self-Realized Perfect. Lucifer load powers, measure, gives us the true perfect happiness and power over all that is, what has been and what will be.


The Divine Mother Kundalini, therefore there needs to devour the Superiors Existential Bodies of the Being, but so that she can do that, all bodies must have been transformed into pure gold, because she does not swallow anything unclean. So then, my dear brethren, we must be in the Snake and the Serpent in us. Here's how the Eagle comes stay within us and we within  the Eagle. In a word, this is how the Father-Mother, the Beloved Inmortal Elohim God immortal beloved,  will rise from his glass grave to come to the world and to see with the eyes of our face and to talk with our creative larynx ; this is how each of us is called to become a Kummara, the primordial Elohim, a great teacher; but yes, the foundation on which rests the Stone is Mercury.


To perform the Work must be given opportunities to Nature, Nature helping Nature; we will create Gold, we will create the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being. ?. How do we do? Imitate the Nature.

 Reproduction is always in darkness. Due to the arrangement of the creative organs, the creature is formed between darkness.

Working with Mercury must be done at night, not the day. The bodies must gradually take shape, are the same crystallization of Mercury, but are called to be perfected; only perfect will become pure gold, when all the inhuman elements have been annihilated, reduced to ash. Do you understand how to bring the Holy Elohim ?, How do I cover it with our presence? The Intimate, the Elohim of Eternal Unconditioned Space, should come into the world; each of us must do; each of us must become Elohim. This is the Great Work, and the Great Work is working with the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy.

Understood this, my dear brothers, we have revealed all the mysteries of Alchemy, that humanity knows it. I'm talking about base upon experience, otherwise I would not know to explain, I'm not talking with vain babblings, nor am I verbalizing or tossing new stories, I simply am saying, revealing what I've lived, I repeat, by experience, so I can give these explanations. Work with Mercury, which is important, and achieve all and achive to coated with our presence the Great Father-Mother.


So we must understand the need to develop mercury, all alchemists of the Middle Ages kept silent secret containing the He-Goat of Mendes. When in the middle ages, the neophytes were taken started at midnight, to the caves of Initiation in the Secret Sanctuary was blindfolded, the neophyte was before the He- goat of Mendes, Devil but in front of that shone the pentagram, the Blazing Star; not invert as tantric black use it, but with the superior angle upward, with the two lower angles down. Neophyte was ordered to kiss his ass to the devil, if he refused, he again put the blindfold, and he served for unknown door where could never enter.

There the brothers were warned about the dangers of the Inquisition. Among those cubic stone on which sat the Devil, then started from a door, an Isis of the Temple; one needs to be sufficiently smart to realize the deep significance of the ceremony. In fact he gave himself to the work in the Great Work. The key is to make my brothers  the Great Work.


What good will be to us to become scholars if we did not do the Great Work?


It is obvious that we must begin to fabricate the mercury. The secret of the elaboration of mercury no one revealed before . You know: in the

A. Z. F. Arcane is the key. For what purpose we prepare mercury? And why ?. To make all the Great Work; It is clear, we must transmute in the Sahaja Maithuna. But that energy itself is already a Mercury, Metallic Soul of the quicksilver raw Sperm; after that energy rise up through the channels of Ida and Pingala, the union of solar and lunar atoms born fire, it is true, and that fire fecundates all its manifestations.

That fire is the Sulfur. Mercury fecundated by Sulfur. We will do all the work, but what is the work ?. We need to understand what the work we will do, we have to finish with our misconceptions.

They say different organizations pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultist type that man has 7 bodies: physical, etheric, astral, mental, causal, the Buddhist, the Atman. They cite other names such bodies: Physical, vital to call Lingam sarira, the astral Kamas or tell principle of desire, the Mental Lower Manas is told, the causal is told Superior Manas, to the intuitional body is called buddhic body and Atman.


But the curious thing is that all pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultists believe that all human or better said, Humanoids, covering the face of the earth already have 7 bodies. Of course, this is completely false. The intellectual animal wrongly called man, is only the physical body and its organic vital seat has no more ; Astral, Mental, that has, less causal, which is after the physical body and the vital is the ego, the ego, the myself, the self that serves as the astral, which serves mental, but that is not the astral body nor the mental. In the internal worlds I could easily experience it.


In the name of truth and with great emphasis, I say to you, when I move into the Astral world, with quite clearly meridian I see who have astral and those without such a body. Embodied Crowds come and go and do not know why they do not know why they don´t have Astral Body and those are miserable astral shadows, unconscious phantoms. Sleepwalkers appear true in the region of the Underworld. If you have Astral body are different, there are saw as men, they are different. Anyone can do there differentiation between someone who has the Astral and someone who does not. A very rough example here we can put a person dressed and undressed another, at a glance we see who is and who is not wearing clothes. Well as those without astral body, are seen there as poor ghosts . So we create in us and make the Mercury; purpose is to create the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, perfect them, etc.

Brethren, I want you understand what you gonna do, they understand that is the work that we will perform with Mercury. First at all Mercury fertilized by Sulfur takes shape in the Astral Body. When you already have the astral body knows they have it because you can use it. We know we have feet because we can walk with them, because we know that we have hands because we can use them, we know that we have eyes because we can see with them; also we well know that we have an Astral body because we can use it, we can move with it positive and consciously through the suprasensible worlds. And what's made the astral body? Of Mercury. Why Mercury takes the form of the Astral Body? Because it was the Mercury fecundated by Sulfur. The Mercury fecundated by Sulfur takes the form of Astral Body and Astral Body becomes.

Once we've created the Astral Body by Mercury, we will not be miserable ghosts in the world of the dead, abysmal shadows, no.

It comes to me at this moment to memory, the reminicence of Homer, when he said: "Better to be a beggar on the ground and not a King in the Empire of Shadows." Who has Astral Body is no longer a ghost, stands out as the Earth God and as God of the Mind, here appears as holy man in each of us, there has its name; The name I use is SAMAEL AUN WEOR; There is not a whimsical name that I have put me at random, no; I have not put that name, I was named throughout Eternity.


Old in Age from Mahanvantara in Mahanvantara, I've always been SAMAEL, that is His name, my Divine Monad, is a name that comes to represent the King of Fire, of Volcanoes. As Muhammad said, "Allah is Allah and Mohammed is his name." He is perfect, I'm not, I understand that your child is not perfect because perfect is but one, it is the Father who is in secret. None of us is perfect. So then, brethren, in the world of Mind who possess the Astral Body know his name and after his death continue there with and is still there with the Astral Personality living in is no longer a mortal creature.

But if anyone manufacture the Astral Body by example, and then stagnate, not to continue working with the Mercury in new livings will dwindle. After submission should be in reinstatement at in lower animal organisms, we must eliminate that  Hanasmussen hold.


My dear brothers, there are different realms, as there are here, and their kingdoms are governed by Devas or Hierarchies. Once you have achieved the fabrication of the Astral Body by fire, the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy, you can then take jobs in manufacturing the Mental Body.

Everyone think you have a his own Mental Body itself, and that is false, people do not have a mind of its own, people have many minds. You think that the self is multiple, that EGO is a set of persons that you carry in, that the body is a machine and that through that machine, suddenly expresses an I an Ego,that is, a person, but that person goes and gets another; after that other exits and other messes; but that another comes out and gets another, and so on. Overall, the intellectual animal has not defined individuality, is a machine controlled by many people but each of those calls Egos, selves has a different mind.

Given that the selves are many, minds are many, each self has its mind and its ideas, its own discretion. So, my dear brothers, where is the individual mind of the poor intellectual animal? Where is the mind of that poor rational mammal? Which one is?.

We must realize what we are, if we want a radical transformation. After that has already got the Astral, you have to fabricate a Mind Body. We do it with what? With  Mercury. This mercury will crystallize in the body of the mind. When we have come to know we have individual mind? When we can use it , when we are able to travel with the Mental body throughout the universe, from planet to planet, then only then that we learn that we have mental body of flesh and bone.

When we already have truly Mental Body, then left to do more advanced work, we go to create the body of the Conscious Will, the Causal Body, always using the Mercury fertilized by Sulfur; but the work is ordered. First the Astral Body is made, then the Body of Objective Reasoning or Mental Body and then the will Conscious Body or Causal Body. Each of these bodies has its laws. The physical body is governed by 48 laws, the Astral is governed by 24, the Mental for 12 laws the Causal  for 6 laws.

You see the wonders of the already manufactured bodies. These Astral , Mental, Causal bodies indeed have their principal; the Human Soul, becomes a Real Man, truly thanks to the Mercury of the Philosophy fertilized by Sulfur Secret. A Real Man in the full sense of the word. Believe us right now be men, is a falsehood, it is clear. If we place a Man and an intellectual animal, simply resemble the two have a similarity. If we observe their customs are different; the customs of the true man are so different from the intellectual animal as the educated man are completely different to the cannibal of the jungle.


You observe in detail a man and an intellectual animal. Observing behaviors. Their forms are radically different. Lately not look anything but apparently physically resemble. In intellectual animals the possibility of becoming men is, there are the germs of the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being. Germs emanations of the Sacred Absolute Sun that can vivify by working with sexual alchemy and this is very important .

Now, once we have received the psychic principle, what would be called in Gnosis the Neuma or Spirit, the second part of the work is much deeper: it is about to refine more the Mercury and intensify the elimination of the dry Mercury and Red Salt. What is the Dry Mercury? We have said that is formed or represented by the selves we carry inside. And what is the red salt or Arsenic Sulfur? It is the infrasexual fire, the fire emanating from the abominable organ Kundartiguador-. For the creation of the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being also is need elimination such is intensifies even more in the second part of the job, elimination of undesirable elements, Mercury Dry and Red Salt or Sulfur, Arsenic.

In the third work, my dear brethren, in the third firing, because there are three firings or three purifications for iron and for fire, must be converted the Existential Bodies of the Being, in vehicles of pure gold. Where will  go that pure gold? What carries the Mercury; As St. Christopher carrying the child, so the mercury carries the gold, but it needs an artificer who can unite the atoms of gold with Mercury, that artificer we all have within ourselves, is one of parts of our being, the particular Alchemist of each one of us, is called the antimony. What could we do without that part? Without that alchemist? Fortunately He knows the art, is a great artist, he knows how it will achieve the union of atoms of Gold with Mercury. So the third part of the work that is needed to become Astral Body into Pure Gold, in vehicle of Gold only then and may be covered by the Superior parts of the Being or by the various parts of the Being. Mental body must become a vehicle of pure gold, only then can be covered by the different parts of Being. The Causal body will have become pure gold so it can be covered by different parts of the Being. then the Soul-Spirit will become Soul Gold and finally the most precious thing we have, the Atman that speak Hindustani, must become pure Gold, it has accomplished that when all vehicles are covered by the different parts of the Being, when you have eliminated all dry Mercury, and the red salt then comes our King, He rises from his grave, enters its wrapper, revives in us and we in him. It has reached Mastery. Whoever reaches these heights has the Elixir of long life; only then can keep your physical body for millions of years. Who gets to that point receives the Universal Medicine has to eradicate disease from your body. Whoever reaches these heights can transmute physical lead into pure gold, as did the Count St. Germain, as did Cagliostro, as did Raymond, Nicolas and others.


But Lucifer tacitly entered. What Lucifer has to do with the he-goat of Mendes in this issue? Why did Moses wore the he-goat horns on his forehead, as rays of light? My brothers, that Lucifer is, we said mine where Minos extracts Mercury. We have often said that the Knight has to face the Dragon. We have often said here in third chamber Michael fight against the Dragon and St. George also against the Red Dragon. We have often said that the Knight takes some from the Dragon and Dragon takes some of Knight some to be born there a strange creature. We have often said that this strange creature in turn, by splitting result as a synthesis Mercury, which is symbolized by the fish, the fisherman with their nets takes out of the lake.

So that from that Lucifer we extract all Mercury and as the time passing by, Lucifer is turning in whole Mercury, until finally all that remains in us is the Mercury.


WHAT IS A RESURECTED MASTER? Mercury already purified.Converted in Gold. That is Why he is represented with Alabaster Glass, with alive Alabaster, with the Electric Rose is expected. There are some Knights of the Higher Order Resurrected not have visible physical organization anywhere.


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                                                                               HARVEST OF THE SUN

- The Human Machine. The Harsh Reality of Existence. Creation of Solar Men. Preparing the Mercury. The Colors of Alchemy. The Solar Bodies. The Causal Man. The Solar Men.-

 Indeed, listening is very difficult; easier it is able to speak. When listening, usually intervenes a translator within us that is the I, the Ego, the Myself, the Self, and all translated according to their own concepts, ideas, opinions, etc. , etc.

So, listening is not so easy. First of all we need to understand that there is something in us that is beyond the merely physical.

We have a body of flesh and bones, that's obvious, and anyone accept this reality, but very few realize that we have a susceptible psychology modification. There need comprehend it if we really want to actually transform us.

Those who accept that they have a psychology actually begin to observe himself. When someone self-observe is signal that is trying to transform . We need to transform.

Life as it is, in truth, is not very attractive: birth, growth, decrease and die; becomes so boring. Working terribly to exist and exist in a form miserable has no case. Not only exist miserably the people who have money, but also the people who do not.

There are two ways to wallow in the mud: some wallow in the mud of misery, and others wallow in the mud of the wealth; everything is bleak.

So, live life, be just like that, without knowing why, or what, is of no importance.

What we are? For what purpose we exist? Why do we live? So many cares! And finally what?

Each of us is simply a machine responsible for transforming energy.

It happens that the energies of the Seven Planets, Solar System planetary energies just can not goes through  the interior of the Earth just like that, due to the fact that our planet is different same: it is a world ruled by forty-eight laws, completely different from the other worlds of the solar system world.

Seeing things from this point, it is clear you need this solar system in general channel for the Cosmic or Universal energy, can pass through only. There needs to be transformed by the same channels. Only a transformed and adapted outside the body of Planet Earth, energy might be useful to it.

Note that the Earth is a living organism that needs exist , who needs the Cosmic energies of existence, the Cosmic energies to live. Just as we have need energy to exist, so the Earth needs energy to live; is an organism. But the energy received by the Earth so that it can exist, come from other planets in the Solar System, again, but as our Earth is so different from the other planets, that energy needs to be transformed so that it can feed the planet Earth. And it could not be transformed if there were channels through which energy goes through.

Fortunately those channels exist and are constituted by organic life as a thin film, the LOGOS has established in the earth's crust: it is therefore the thin film of organic plant , animal, human life ; It is necessary for the energy can transform itself to get into the Earth. Only then could exist on Earth, otherwise it could not exist as a living organism.

We humans are simply machines where cosmic energies must pass through. Each of us receives certain charge of electricity and magnetism then after  transform unconsciously and automatically relayed to the very interior of the Earth; for that we exist.

So many disappointments for the Earth exists for this planetary mole turn around the Sun, and we believe that we are so large and really are just simple little machines transformative energy! And the reason for our existence is that. For this planetary mass exists, we must continue ; work to eat and live, exist for the economy of nature.

She does not care what ideas we have, what beliefs; the only thing she cares about is receiving appropriate food, energy food must pass through our bodies; that's it. ( this is speaking as a living organism not confuse the Divine Mother earth herself that is THE BELOVED MOTHER GAIA

We live in homes quarreling in the streets or on the battlefield; suffering under the heel of a tyrant factory, possibly the office; paying our taxes to appear as citizens; Paying rent to not put us out on the street, etc., and all for this mole may exist, so that this planet can form part of the concert of the worlds,  can beat and have existence.

So many mothers suffering! many more suffer from lack of food, some do not even have milk for their creatures! Many elderly with their well know experiences ! Many children who begin to receive scolding! Anyway, all for a planetary mass exists.

It's a little hard this, a little cruel - I would say - ruthless; and that we are nothing more than that. If we were even human beings, would be something; but even that. The poor intellectual animals loading worth living, that's what we are.  seems very pessimistic that contrasts.

Recall the famous revelry, and laugh at the glass, etc., and it seems that life has happy moments and we do not know to understand what happiness is: to confuse pleasure with moments of genuine and legitimate happiness. Obviously left astray, and what remains after the boredom of pleasure? Only disappointment, and  deception.

How many times a man who believes that adore ; A woman who believes! she loves her man! They marry! More in truth were self-fascinated, not loved; they believed that they loved, but not loved; They thought they loved each other. What happens is that Love is confused with passion. Satisfied the merely animal passion, all that remains in the couple much-adored is disgust, boredom, disappointment, and that's it. Thereafter, the thing is routine; only talking about Bank, about income, about clothing that is dirty and needs washing, that is need a car to get to work and from time to time, go there for a walk to find an escape from boredom or  tremendous ending in drunkenness parties with great disappointment. And so it goes passing by life until we got old, and I felt old veterans, we like to be called great-grandchildren, to tell us grandparents to narrate our  sad stories of which we feel proud current stories of life: "In my time as president of the guy that this or that work"; to tell a bloody fraticidal struggle in which we participate, obviously to document it with our war wounds, of which we may well feel proud; who died so our human; our cousin lost his fortune or that those times were better, etc. Finally, death came a miserable day.

Is that why we work so much?

Fortunately there is something else more in the LOGOS, the Sun is compassionate. While it is true that we have turned into some machines there serving nature created, the fact remains that him has a vested interest too.

He will not create a nature will not create an organic life in the crust of a world responsible to spinning around the sun just like that. No case would create a planet to revolve around a gravitational center  nothing because, as hesitation, without a definite purpose. Case would not have created this planet at all; must have created it for something. Create for nothing would we say, the folly of the nonsense. This creation has a purpose. He charges a price, yes and really requires us to have created a thin film of organic existence on the face of the world. He wants to get something from there, has an interest, and rightly too. He wants to get a harvest solar men; the idea is not bad, but difficult.

It is a very scary test by the way, and quite laborious in the test tube of nature. That's what he wants, create solar men.

I reminded this moment Diogenes with his lantern. He walked one day in the streets of Athens with a lighted lamp looking for a man, and found none. And came to the house of the Elders with flashlight, he walked for rooms with their lantern looking in corners, in backyards, in hallways.

- What Diogenes looking for? they said.

- A Man!

- But if the streets are filled with men, public squares are filled with men.

- These are not men! He replied. They are beasts! They eat, sleep and live like beasts! He visited the homes of scientists and artists and wherever did the same, It is obvious that his the enemies  increased as visiting every  house after house, everyone felt manifestly offended with Diogenes, and he was right, no found him.

Many have wanted to believe that it found itself somewhere. Supporters of Marat thought that  had found in a cave, silly! The truth was that he found none. If Marat was a man, beyond Marat . But finding a true man, everywhere is very difficult; He found none.


Diogenes lived in a barrel; ate there and there was lived; was not even home. He lived in a barrel, that is, what we would say, a container, a barrel.

The interesting thing about Diogenes, was that the time of death, then visit him, none other than Alexander the Great, one who managed to place across Europe, all of Asia under his scepter. He gave the luxury to thrown out him a little man like Diogenes lived in a barrel was given, it has the luxury of "running" Alexander the Great. He says in his agony, "Alexander, withdraw and let me alone with my sun." That is, his inner God, and Alexander was left with no choice but to leave, that is, put it out on the street. A humble man like Diogenes of getting out in the street to Alexander the Great, is a luxury that not everyone can give, right?

Well, continuing forward, we conclude that genuine Men within the meaning of the word is very difficult to find, very hard.

Fortunately the sun has deposited in the sex glands the germs for Man. Such germs could develop if we cooperate with the Sun, then we would cease to be mere talking machines  as we are now, we really become  in Men in Kings of Creation. But to say that this humanity is compound by Men is overstating the note, because we understand that man is the master and Lord, the King; so the Bible says, the King of Creation, created to rule all animals, plants; to rule the sea, air, fire, and if not King, not man.

Which of you can rule the elements? Which one of you is able to unleash the storms? Which one of you is able to extinguish a fire? Which one of you is able to put in activity the volcanoes on Earth? Doing shake the world? To unleash an earthquake or destroy it? . If we are not masters of creation, then we are not men. For it is written in the Bible that man is the King of Creation. So we are kings, or are not, if we are victims of circumstance, if earthquake occurs? Victims of circumstances !.

Where are the Men? If the Elements can crush us in the same way we crush an anthill, where the Men characteristics we say we are ? Really much presume such that, deep down we are more than just sentenced to live animals.

There are germs here in our glands, germs that could transform us in Men. These germs must to be developed in us. Can be developed if we cooperate with the Sun and Solar ideas. That's what He created this race. Not only to serve economy of nature, with each taking a well-defined purpose to Harvest Solar Men.  

In the days of the prophet Abraham, the sun could get a beautiful harvest of solar men.  During the first eight centuries of Christianity, another small harvest achievement. In the Middle Ages, a few. In these times is making the last effort, but inasmuch as this humanity has become enemy of the Solar Ideas terribly materialistic, mechanistic and a Lunar hundred percent, the Sun is to trying, get a small crop of Solar Men.

People no longer have any interest for the Solar Ideas, who think only in bank accounts, the brand new cars, Hollywood actresses; people who only want to their sexual passion actions, drugs, etc., certainly not used for the experiment of the Sun. Such people should be destroyed and that's what the sun will do, destroy these people.


And it will create a  breed new continents that will arise from the sea floor. The present continents before long be on the seabed; Government Palaces, the Municipal houses, rich mansions serve as shelter for fish and seals, is reality. New lands must rise from the ocean where there will be new people unquestionably, a different breed that demonstrates the Solar experiment, that is the reality of the facts. And I speak in times of trouble, in times when people no longer believe in the end of the world, at a time when people just say: "Eat and drink for tomorrow we die" times in that people only care about the bank accounts, by what people say, for he says that being said, the latest fashion, by drugs or lust. I speak then this, with one purpose: to invite reflection.


It is possible to Develop Solar Germs, yes. There are so Man is born in us, in the same way the butterfly is born within the chrysalis.

  But above all is needed the availability of man , if there is no availability to man, the man cannot be born in us. There are germs, but may be lost, and typically they are lost, they are very difficult to develop seeds. We need those germs develop and could only unfold such germs could only develop if we cooperate with the SUN. In Sex is the SECRETUM SECRETORUM  of Self-realization of the Being.

Already one Study only be devoted to what is called Love. Obviously Love flows from the bottom of the same Consciousness, is a functionalism of Being, is a Transcendental Cosmic Energy.

For there to be love, there needs to be affinity of thought, feeling affinity identical mental worries.

The Kiss is the mystical communion of two souls eager to express in a simple way what living inside. The sexual act itself is consubstantiation of Love in the psycho-physiological realism of our nature. If we see an old man in love, it rejuvenates all your glands work better and energies flowing from the bottom of the same consciousness, acting on those little micro-laboratories called endocrine glands, so they produce more flow greater power, greater amount of hormones. Such hormones invade the blood channels and is the reconstruction process, cell revitalization . It is worth reflecting on what is called Love, in what is call Sex, Sex and Love that are closely related, since, again, the sexual act is the consubstantiation of Love psychophysiological realism of our nature physics. How great is the love, only the Great Souls know to love !. Obviously we should not confuse love with passion, as we have already said. Thanks, then, to Love, to sex, these extraordinary forces that flow in everything that is, everything that has been and all that will be, can reproduce a creature, flowers, fruit, on the face of the Earth; can multiple all beings. So to look the sex with disgust, consider it taboo or sin, embarrassment or slyness is blasphemous, tantamount equivalent to spitting frankly at the Shrine of Third Logos. So, worth understanding is the need to work with the wonderful power of sex. So for the wonderful force of the Third Logos exists throughout nature and thanks to the sexual forces, we exist. It is essential to understand what those forces are to not to desecrate , you must know how to use to transform us radically.


Many times we have given the Key of Transmutation: Lingam-Yoni connection without ejaculation of the Ens Seminis, because within the Ens Seminis is all the power of Christ, the fohat! That's the key! That's the Secretum Secretorum of Transmutation! And use short words for it, because sex is sacred, and its crypts must be exposed with righteousness, for he understands, understand and Work, that's what fundamental . When one Transmute Sperm into Energy can cause a total change.

The Medieval alchemists Wise talk us about the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy, and this in itself is nothing but the Metallic Soul of the Sacred Sperm. When the sperm is transmute that is the EXIOHEHARI, when not committed the crime of spilling the Glass of Hermes Trismegistus the Thrice Great God Ibis of Thoth obviously manufactory Mercury, the Mercury of the Sages, which is none other than the creative energy that goes to the brain.


That Mercury has to go through defined stages before it can be useful, and that they know the alchemists,

Know how to prepare Mercury is essential.

In principle, the Mercurial Waters are BLACK as coal, rotten, unclean. Many alchemists waste their time because they never whitening the Waters of Life, and no bleach, simply because they don´t know to refine the Sacrament of Love.

The Sacrament of the Church of Love is being desecrated by many neophytes who work roughly in the Forge of the Cyclops, crudely, brutally, passionately, but not refine their work and remain black waters.

When you begin to refine work such waters become WHITE. Ineffable one, then acquired the right to use the white robe of chastity.

Much later, when the waters become YELLOW, are already useful for them to be fertilized by Sulfur.

The SULFUR is the enclosed FIRE, so, in our creative organs; the Fire that when mixed with Mercury, that is with sexual energy, rose as victor by the medullary canal to the brain. The rise of the Sacred Fire is extraordinary.


The first center that opens is the Church of the coccyx, the Church of Ephesus in the coccygeal bone that gives us the esoteric power of the earth element. The second center that is open up to the prostate, which gives us power over the stormy waters of the ocean. The third power is open at the navel and power it gives us is on the fire element; We can then put active volcanoes on Earth. The fourth power is that opens up to the heart and gives us the power to enter and leave the body at will, or to put the physical body in JINAS State;( this is to carry the physical body to the upper plane of the existence that is to fourth-fifth dimension) give us dominion of the air element. The fifth center that is open, is in the creative larynx that allows us to speak in synthesis and listen the symphonies of the Cosmos. The sixth power is up to the eyebrows, and grants us the Divine clairvoyance faculty that allows us to see the Higher Worlds. The seventh center that opens, is in the pineal gland, and grants us the power Polyvoyance see all regions of infinite space.

Mercury with Sulfur opens these wheels. When Mercury is mixed with sulfur, that is, with the Fire, turns RED as Purple.

Honestly, I repeat, there are many who remain stagnant because they not refine the Sacrament of the Church of Love.

All this  surplus Sulfur, and all this surplus Mercury, and even more, of sublimated Salt that rise up mixed with Sulfur and Mercury, when crystallized in our cells, in our grand sympathetic nervous system takes the form of extraordinary and wonderful Astral Body.

This body comes into production in the organism, in the laboratory; a magnificent body. You know you have Astral Body when you can run with it, when you can use as hands and feet. With the Astral Body can you visit the other planets of the solar system; with the Astral Body can we get in touch with the Thirty Aeons that function in the Dawn of Creation; with the Astral Body we can get in touch with all those Archangels, Thrones, which exist in the universe; with the Astral Body we can travel to all the worlds of the galaxy, including Sirius which is the Capital Center, around which revolves all this Great Milky Way.

It is forbidden to go beyond the central sun Sirius. I want you to know that Sirius is the main center of the Galaxy. All constellations of the Milky Way, with solar systems, and even our solar system where we live in  revolve around Sirius, on the center of gravity of all these worlds, including our own.

Therefore, the Initiate has Astral Body, only allows you to go to Sirius; beyond Sirius is prohibited. Because beyond Sirius there are other galaxies with different people that you do not understand. I myself, with my Astral Sidereal Vehicle, the Eidolon, as we say in High Magic, when I tried to go beyond Sirius, I have been returned. So, it is forbidden to go beyond the Central Sun, as there are other galaxies beyond galaxies whose laws do we not understand . There are also Anti-galaxies, Anti-matter, Anti-worlds, Anti-Suns, anti-Stars, Anti-atoms. Galaxies, for example, of Anti-matter are incomprehensible to us would not be possible to understand. Even sages like Einstein, would be absolutely ignorant about physics or mathematics that he be taken to be a anti-matter Galaxy where electrical charges are reversed. How do we understand that? An Anti-star with loads conversely, made of anti-matter, you cannot understand that even by our own scientists.


Now think what would happen beyond Sirius to handle laws we cannot understand, we have not studied in our galaxy. We would be virtually defenseless, we would be converted into logs carried by the stormy sea; still possessing an astral body, we would be more than lowly logs; so is infinity.

How could understanding with people who have bodies of Anti-matter, their charges are reversed, their concepts belong to unknown dimensions? Impossible! Not understand jack !.


So having a worth Astral Body; worth, to know those regions of the space. But we could never go beyond with this body beyond Sirius.

Once we have had the luxury to create such a vehicle, it is essential to also create the Mental Body, if we want to be men with an Individual Mind. But today, we have no individual mind; have many minds.

If we think that we carry within the ego, to myself of the experimental psychology, and that it exists in us as pluralized, unboubtedly each of these elements has its own mind. Therefore there are within us, many minds. Every mind has its own ideas, its criteria, its documentation; it justification, to makes sense to argue, or to defend, or to hide; may well defend himself in court with surprising intelligence to say "I was right, but why this man has hurt me so many times?"

The Ego of lust also has its logic and each aggregate has its own logic to justify itself and continue living at the expenses of the owner that is the one who carry on the multifaceted Ego.

Each of the selves within us, makes sense, has his mind, his reasoning has its own mind.

The interesting thing is that every mind that we carry within dispute with each one, different minds collide, to each other, then what? We have many minds, and that do not be ignore by no one.

We need to create Individual Mind, but this could not be created, but transmute the sacred sperm Energy. Obviously, with the Transmutation, is made from what is called Mercury. It is with the Mercury of the Sages with which can we crystallize within us, form, organize, the individual mind.

When someone has the Individual Mental Body,  can apprehend, capture, assimilate, all the Universe Science. We can use this Mental vehicle to travel the Sacred Space, from world to world. With Individual Mind, you may enter the DEVACHAN that is, in the Superior Mental Region of the Cosmos and Nature.

The individual mind is splendid, incredible, wonderful.  

One could not indeed, really, learn to direct the circumstances, if you have not created the Body of Conscious Will before. When one fabricate such body is obviously no longer a slave of circumstances may be directed intentionally, it becomes master, Lord. That Body only is fabricated with the Mercury of the Sages, is the result of the transformation or transmutation of Creative Energy.

We already with Astral, Mental and Causal Bodies, we get the luxury to receive our Animic and Spiritual principles  and become Real Men in Real Men.

The Causal Body is the latest vehicle to be created. I could tell you that the Causal Man is the true man.

In the world of Natural Causes we found the True Man, the Causal Man. It's nice to see one in the region of natural causes, the Causal Man. So we are working for humanity, the Causal Man is the true Bodhisattva in the transcendental sense.


Bodhisattvas work under the direction of the Father; each one obeys the Father. Because there are many Fathers in Heaven, as men on Earth. Everyone has their Father who is in Secret


Causal Man operates under the direction of the Father, and live in the world of natural causes; is the true man, the Causal Man, the Real Man. The Man in the largest sense of the word, what we may find in the World of Natural Causes; is in this region where is hear the Cosmos Symphonies; it is in that region where we come to find the Karma, because in that region work THE LORDS OF THE KARMA .

Causal Man can absorb his Astral and Mental vehicles just to live in that region. From there it is PROJECTED, either to the regions of the Cosmic Mind and its depths, or as to the regions of the Astral World, to appear later in the physical world.

In the name of truth, I would have to say that in order to be here with you, to talk with you here, I need to project personally myself, from the causal world, because I have my center of gravity in the World of Natural Causes; from there I project  toward the Mental subsequently to the Astral, and finally, trying hard, I come here to talk to you in physique. BUT I'M TALKING WITH YOU BY CONCENTRATION, BECAUSE MY GRAVITIONAL CENTRE CAUSAL IS IN THE CAUSAL PLANE I AM A MAN OF THE CAUSAL WORLD, AND IF I SAY SOMETHING AND SOMETHING EXPLAIN IS, BY COMMAND , IT IS BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN ORDERED TO ISSUING TO YOU THIS MESSAGE. And I do so with the greatest pleasure, so that you can tread the Path of Revolution of Conscience of the Revolution in Motion, Spiritual Revolution, Integral, Divinal.

I want you to understand, that Man is what counts, and that the Sun is interested in creating Men. The Sun wants a HARVEST MEN and works feverishly right now to do so.


I want you that when a race loses all interest in Solar Ideas, the Sun also lost all interest in Race and destroys.


It is urgent that you primarily know Transmute.


The Solar Man can only be created with the Solar Energy, and that Energy is contained precisely in the Rough Quicksilver of the Sages, is the raw ore; EXIOHEHARI element is such, that is, the Sacred Sperm.

Those who commit the crime of extract it out of your body with passion purposes they stray too far from the Sun Absolute, and finally sink into the infernal worlds to its final disintegration.( EGO)


For germs of man can develop in the body needs to be touched by the Lightning or fumes coming from the Sacred Absolute Sun. Without such fumes, germs remain barren and degenerate and involute horribly until the Second Death.


For Cosmic fumes coming from the Sacred Absolute Sun can touch the seeds of man, you need not move away from the Sacred Sun. One too far from the Sacred Absolute Sun when fornication and adultery.























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                                                                            THE ARCHE


To create the INNER BODIES a little artifice necessary is which is at once the SECRETUM SECRETORUM of the ancient Alchemists .  This one is the Arcanum A.Z.F., which can be summarized as " Sexual Connection without ejaculation of the" ENS SEMINIS " So the creative energy is transmuted..

First at all, Mercury is not more than the metallic soul of the sperm. In Alchemy, the sperm is in the rough Quicksilver. It is said that with this transmuted sperm is elaborate the Mercury, which is the metallic soul of the Sperm . Well, there are three kinds of Mercury: 1 The Quicksilver in the rough or HEXIOHEHARY or Sacred Sperm. 2 The Metallic Soul of the Sperm, which is the result of transmutation of libido. That metal core is creative energy that rises through the spinal ganglion strands to the brain. 3 The third Mercury is the highest. It is one that has been fertilized by Sulfur. In Alchemy, Sulfur is the sacred fire.

Oriental Esoteristic believe that when positive and negative currents  of Mercury  make contact in the TRIVENI near the coccyx bone, awakes by an electric induction up a third force that is the KUNDALINI  force. This KUNDALINI, designated only as serpentine fire ring, which develops in the body of the ascetic near coccyx bone, wakes up in the body. This sacred fire or Sulfur, mixed with the metal Soul of Mercury and from this mixture comes to be this Mercury that has been fertilized by Sulfur. This mixture of Mercury and Sulfur, ascends by the spinal cord canal to the brain, awakening the higher brain centers. The surplus of that Mercury fertilized by Sulfur, is to do the virtual creation of the superior existential bodies of the Being.

When Mercury fertilized by Sulfur crystallizes within our psyche and in our bodies with notes A,B,C,D,E,F,D, the Astral Body is formed. So the Astral body is just Mercury fertilized by Sulfur. When, through a second octave A,B,C,D,E,F,D crystallizes Mercury fertilized by Sulfur, assumes the figure of Mental body. So the Mental body is, well, Mercury fertilized by Sulfur in a second octave. When  crystallizes fertilized  Mercury by Sulfur in a third octave, the notes A,B,C,D,E,F,D, the Causal body is formed.

Once the Physical, Astral, Mental and Causal are taken is a man is true, that is, with Psychic and Spiritual principles of a True Man. Before that, he is intellectual animal but man.

The Mercury fertilized by Sulfur, the third Mercury, is the most refined and the most important, because the third Mercury is quite important, is what we would call ARCHÉ, the Greek ARCHÉ, the famous ARCHÉ. From this third Mercury that is the ARCHÉ proceed Existential  BODIES  of Being. We find  the ARCHÉ  also in the Macrocosm, ARCHÉ Macrocosmic. That  macrocosmic ARCHE is the Nebulous  from where the worlds comes out. What is a Nebula? It is the macrocosmic ARCHÉ,is a mixture of Sulfur and Mercury and Salt. Salt is the Spirit.


The salt is contained in the sacred sperm and sublimates the transmuta¬ción. So in the Microcosm Arché there are Sulfur Sal., And Mercury.


What becomes the salt here?

The salt is contained in sexual secretions, but what happens is you need sublimation, so that when the transmutations are performed, Salt also transmutes. From the ARCHE  In Microcosm, from where the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being comes out, there are Sulfur ,Salt and Mercury, and in the Macrocosm ARCHE there is too, Sulfur Salt and Mercury.

From the Nebula, the Macrocosmic ARCHE from there comes the cosmic unities, the worlds. Here below is the same as above, to come up the worlds Nebula is needed, and for that to happen the raw material that is the ARCHE is needed, which is a mixture of Sulfur and Mercury and Salt . Down in the Microcosm, we must also develop first the nebula, with Sulfur, Mercury  and Salt, and from it rise up  the worlds, the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being. What the Great Architect of the Universe did in the Macrocosm, we have to do here in small, because, as above, so below. That's how come  to emerging the SUPERIOR EXITENTIAL BODIES OF THE BEING.

So we need to create in us the ARCHE within us. The ARCHE is Salt, plus Sulfur, plus Mercury. Both above and below. Creating the ARCHE come here is to crystallize both the Physical and the Astral. The Mental and the Causal ones. With the third Mercury, which is the ARCHE, is the one that the SOLAR BODIES are made. We studied them from the point of view Alchemist, at the light of the Esotericism to get to understand it better.

He who has fabricated ​​the bodies, is then further to perfecting them. For these bodies are perfected, are forcibly needed to remove the dried Mercury which is nothing but the EGOS, if one does not eliminate the egos, the Existential Bodies are not perfect and bodies that are not perfect can not be covered by be the different parts of the BEING. For the bodies to be recovered by the distinct parts of the Being, must be perfected, become vehicles of pure gold. But could not these vehicles become instruments of pure gold but dry Mercury and Arsenic Sulfur is removed. What is the dry mercury? The EGOS. What is the arsenic sulfur? so the, carnal fire, bestial of the atomic infernos of man. That fire is correspond to the abominable KUNDARTIGUADOR ORGAN.

We must eliminate the dry mercury and Arsenic Sulfur to the Superior Existential Bodies of Being, created by Alchemy ARCHE, can become vehicles of pure gold of the highest quality.

These vehicles of pure gold can be coated by the different parts of the Being, and there, at last, all of them, penetrating and interpenetrating  without interfering with each other, come to serve as a bundle for our King, our INTIMATE CHRIST. He rises from his grave at the moment there is a wrapper of that class and is coated with this bundle to manifest himself  here, through the senses, and work for suffering humanity, that's how the Lord comes to life, arises into existence the COSMIC CHRIST, that is, inside the Interior MAGNES of the Alchemy.

What is the PHILOSOPHER´S STONE? The PHILOSOPHER STONE is the  INTIMATE CHRIST dressed in their BODIES GOLD. That gold envelope formed by the bodies, is the TO-SOMA-HELIAKON, the GOLDEN BODY OF THE SOLAR MA N. When one possesses the Philosopher's Stone has full power over all nature. Nature knows how to obey him, has the Elixir of Long Life, can keep the physical body for millions of years. So that's the way, the way is in the seed and nothing else.

Within the human body happens interesting things. As the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being are nothing but Mercury fertilized by Sulfur, In those Mercury bodies, must then appear Gold. But who could set the Gold atoms in the Mercury? They could not be fixed but an Artifice who is none other than the famous ANTIMONY. The Antimony of the Alchemy, in fact, is not an unknown metal in Chemical but in Alchemy is one of the parts of our BEING. That part of our Being knows how to fix the Gold atoms in our bodies of Mercury. Thus, these bodies of Mercury, come to become bodies of Pure Gold of the Highest Quality.

When one possesses the bodies of pure gold, receives the Golden Sword. Already is an Archangel with a sword of pure gold of the highest quality, a sword threateningly turns into strong flames. The sword of the Archangels.

So well worth it, then set the Gold Atoms in the Mercury and all this can be achieved provided remove dried mercury and arsenic sulfur. If someone does not eliminate the dry mercury and Arsenic sulfur, simply  fails to improve perfect their bodies and make them of Gold of highest quality .

So the whole secret of the Great Work is to know to fabric the Mercury till create the ARCHE, intimate and personal nebula from where must to arise  our various bodies.

-What are the three calcinations by iron and fire?

The three calcinations by iron and fire relate to the First and Second Mountain and part of the Third.(such Mountains ascension are related to the INITIATIC PATH that any student  must to follow by arising the Holy KUNDALINIS´  SERPENT  are serpents of fire also are serpents of pure light such arise must to be done within and up. Any Holy Master of the White Lodge had to follow such path to Christify himself or herself. Details of it see “ The Three Mountains by V.M. SAMAEL AUN WEOR ) The three calcinations of Mercury are three purifications iron and fire. Three purifications based on iron and fire will reach the resurrection of Christ in one through three purifications. This is represented on the cross by the three nails. The three nails symbolize the three purifications of iron and fire. So there are three purifications, three calcinations of Mercury.

The first calcination correspond the Mountain of Initiation, the second corresponds to the Mountain of Resurrection and the third is for the last eight years of the Great Work. So that all this work of the Great Work is the preparation of Mercury. The sages say: "give us Mercury and get everything." In short, the work of the Great Work it is so.


Now, how do you get to the Resurrection?  Becoming man before entering the realm of Super-Man. About the man, a codex ANAHUAC, reads: "The Gods created men of wood, and after having created, merged with the Divine." Not all men are able to merge with the Divinity. "Man fused with the Divinity obviously, is the Super-Man." Most of the Initiates do become men, but no reach the status of  Super-Man. To become a real man, must be created the bodies, but it turns out there are many who manage to create the Corps and, of course receive naturally their Spiritual Superior Mandrels Principles they  have become authentic men, legitimate men. But, note that they have not yet eliminated the dry Mercury nor the arsenic sulfur, then what has happened ?, they have not perfected those bodies that they have failed these vehicles are of pure gold. They have managed to create but have failed to transmute these cuer¬pos gold of the highest quality. They have remained simply as HANASMUSSIAN MEN. HANASMUSSIANS  because they really have not eliminated the ego. These cases are of failure.


The Hanasmussen gets double center of gravity. Part of the conscious is the  deep inner Man, Being dressed in the Corps. The other part is dressed or  bottled into the different   different selves, forming the ego. It is converted into black and white while magician. Hanasmussen with double center of gravity are the abortions of the Cosmic Mother, failures. Andrameleck is a case of Hanasmussen with double center of gravity. One invokes Andrameleck in the higher worlds and finds that his a throne. But in other invocations, is rather the black magician Andrameleck that is very old. It has double gravitational center is a Hanasmussen.


A Hanasmussen is a failure of the Great Work, an abortion of the Cosmic Mother. The Cosmic Mother is the Astral Signature of the sacred sperm, is the resplendent Star  that arises from the bottom of the seabed, from the metallic chaos  of the sperm. STELLA MARIS, the fiery part of the Mercury, guide and direct us in the Great Work. It is she who helps us in all the work of the Great Work. STELLA MARIS is the Virgen of the Sea of that interior sea that one load of sperm. It is from there that the generous star arises that  is the fiery part of Esperm arises. Stella Maris is the symbolic star that guides all Magician, which runs the Great Work is the astral signature of the sacred sperm ,the Divine Mother KUNDALINI SHAKTI .With her the Great Work is done, but if one does not eliminate the Dry Mercury and Arsenic Sulfur, fails to merge with the Divine. If there is no death, it becomes an abortion, in failure. So the work must be done correctly.


Antimony is willing to fix the Gold atoms in the Mercury provided they are eliminated with the help of Stella Maris, the Dry Mercury and Arsenic sulfur. If we do so , Antimony works setting the Gold.


- Master, is it true that you spend the first initiations unconscious?


They are the first Minor Mysteries Initiations are the probative trail. Fundamental to us are the Greater Initiations of Major Mysteries, the work of the Great Work.

To understand the mysteries of the Great Work is needed to receive the DONUM DEI that is, the gift of God. If you have not received the gift of God in order to get into the Science of THE GREAT WORK, though the study does not understand it,  happen  that not reach to the intellect comes, it comes down to Conscious. All the science of the Great Work goes to the conscious, belongs to the functionalism of the Consciousness.

See how you can talk about all Alchemy the Great Work.

Beloved Master, what are the white and red colors both in texts of Alchemy?

The colors presented by Mercury when one is purifying the bodies in the crucible. What crucible? As the sexual crucible. So giving a black color first, then a white color, then goes with yellow and ending with red. That is the symbolism of the three Wise men, one is white, one is black and one is yellow. Lack Red, in order for all of them, the Kings can get up . The star that guides precisely, Stella Maris is, which guides us in our work, is what makes all the work. Obviously, if anyone wants to, say, convert the Astral body into a vehicle of pure gold, you have to devote to remove dried mercury. Clear is that all Sub-merged Egos or  selves in the Astral plane come with a terrible, creepy, hideous strength, and processed within its corruption and even the demons attack violently they must to be disintegrate. When this occurs it is said that one has entered the realm of Saturn, has begun work on fire, black fire, which corresponds to Saturn. When all these elements begin to be destroyed and disintegrated, the Mercury Astral body starts to whiten. But although already destroyed most of these undesirable elements white color only superficially covers the Astral body. Then continue working with same Astral body, working with the Astral Mercury, eliminating  dry mercury and thus comes to own the yellow, the yellow of the great Misteries. If continuing at work, comes time when it no longer has absolutely no undesirable element in the Astral body, when all the Astral body has been purified and it came to shine, Antimony has been fixed atoms gold at the Mercury, then comes the Astral body has become pure gold. When it's pure gold, swallowed the Divine Mother Kundalini and purple is received, the purple tunic, purple of Kings. Let us see the colors: black, white, yellow and purple then equivalent to red. The same process occurs for the Mental and the Causal body.

Could not verified resurrection of of Christ in the heart of man, as these bodies are not all converted into vehicles of pure gold, which interpenetrating and without confound, forming the famous TO SOMA HELIAKON , THE GOLDEN BODY OF THE SOLAR MAN .


The TO SOMA HELIAKON  becomes as enveloped for the Lord, for the Inner Christ rising from his grave of Crystal return here to manifest. The body is wrapped in gold and is expressed in the physical world as a MAHATMA .What the Lord comes to this world? To work for humanity, that is the goal. As we can observe, we are seeing the meaning of the Three Wise Men and the Star.


As for the child, that child is the Intimate Christ. Child that is worshiped  by the three Wise men, the Intimate Christ has to go through all that work. During this the process of Alchemy, the Inner deep down Lord works terribly. Basically, it's the leader of the Great Work, the same Stella Maris works under his direction, He is the Head of the Work.

So, when the Lord has done deep inside the totally of the Great Work, within that tomb glass as a child born in the heart of man. He has to be developed through esoteric work, must live the Cosmic Drama  within oneself and takes care of all our mental, volitional and emotional processes. In a word, a man among men, and suffered all the temptations of the flesh, of all. Has to overcome and emerge triumphant. Since vehicles are all pure gold and can one dressed  with these bodies and live in the world of the flesh as a whole resurrected Adept, triumphant in the Universe. That is because you know that deep inside Lord, the Intimate Christ is the stimulus in the world, in all the majesty of God, for it is our true Savior.


This is the essence of SALVATOR SALVANTUS which is spoken in the Universal Gnosticism He is adept Savior that He is the Savior interior, the Head of the Great Work inside the laboratory, inside  Magnes of the Alchimia who dressed in their bodies of gold, is the Philosopher's Stone precious Gem, red Carbuncle.

Who owns that Stone has the power to transmute lead into gold, the spraying powders, etc., etc., This stone is very ductile, elastic and perfect. Yes, you can take into the fire, like butter, without loss. One can take butter in a pan on the stove and not lost, so is the Philosopher's Stone if you pull into the fire. You can lose the metallic spirit of the Stone, which is the Intimate Christ. That spirit can evaporate metal, when? When a metal is melted. When it melts? When the glass is poured when is shed the  Hermes vessel; the metallic spirit is  in the metal spirit reaction of gold is melted and undoubtedly Magnes inside escapes. There are known to have lost philosopher´s Stone, which has dissolved in the water. Speaking  in another language outside of the Great Work, I would say there's Bodhisattwa falls. In Alchemy, clearly states  the stone into the water, which dissolves in the water on the Sabbath was made​​. Understand that Saturday is Saturn, that is, the realm of death. Who dissolves his7 her stone into water its because you lose your stone.


All Genesis is related to the Great Work. The first day of Genesis corresponds to the work in the abysm and is the first seal of the Apocalypse. The second day of Genesis corresponds to working with the water, the vital body. The third day of Genesis corresponds to the astral. The fourth day of Genesis, the mental. On the fifth day, the causal. The sixth day of Genesis corresponds to the sixth Seil of Revelation, the Buddhic or intuitional. Then the seventh seal, the seventh day of Creation, is the day of rest. The work is done in six days or periods of time, no rest on the seventh and eighth comes the resurrection. So Genesis and Revelation are complementary.

The Great Work, in short, is done in eight years. The top of the Great Work is eight years, although the period of work and preparation are many more. But the ultimate synthesis, the last period in which the Great Work is built, is eight years. Eight years of Job, the wonderful eight years.


The work is therefore done in periods of time, but all that can be performed in a single well used existance.


Genesis and Revelation are texts of Alchemy. Genesis is to be lived now with our own Intimate work and so  Revelation is the Book of Alchemy.

- Master Samael, ¿The  Revelation, is distorted in various translations?


This is the only thing that has not gotten anyone. No one understands it, no one messes with him, he has been saved from disgrace. But all the Great Work is in Revelation, that is the Book of Wisdom, the book in which the laws of nature are. But each has its own inner apocalypse. There is the Apocalypse of Peter, of John, Paul and Apocalypse exists within each of us. Each has its own apocalypse and there are two ways to live: or we lived it within ourselves doing the Great Work, or live with Nature with humanity in general. For example, the current Humanity has already broken the sixth seal, is awaiting surely break the Seventh Seal. When that is, there was a great earthquake, come the final cataclysm, the total destruction of this race. If that one lives within it, is awesome, and culminates with the resurrected Master. The seven seals represent the seven bodies: Physical, Etheric, Astral, Mental, Causal, Buddhic and the Atmic.


Revelation is deep inside and to live within oneself.

Like the Gospels. The four Gospels of Christ are alchemist and are to be experienced within oneself as the Christ is within oneself, within oneself one must find it. He is the Director of whole laboratory work.

- But the historical Jesus did existed, Master?

The interior Jesus Christ exists, and there is also historical. The merit of him is that He did know the doctrine of Jesus Christ particularly intimate each of us, there is merit, the doctrine,He propagated the doctrine of the Intimate Christ. For example, Budha, its merit is that taught the doctrine of intimate Budha. Jesus of Nazareth makes  know the depths of each of us Jesus Christ. Yea this is Jeshua and Jeshua is Savior. The Divine Mother Kundalini, before being fertilized, is the Black Madonna that is in the basements of all Gothic monasteries. She is honored with candles with green pedestal, hoping that someday wake the green lion the  fire. But fertilized by the Logos, is the Divine Mother of one, the Divine Conception with the child in his arms. That child who descend  son is of the Divine Mother of one, awaiting the moment of entering in our body to begin the process of the Great Work. The Savior of each of us, inside Jesus Christ, that's what counts. Our intimate Jeshua, our Savior, we each have to find your inner Savior.

- Master, Jesus incarnated Christ?

Jesus of Nazareth, the great Kabir Jesus, He made the Great Work and spoke about the Intimate Jesus Christ that is the Lord of the Great Work. The Cosmic Drama is one that has to live within our Inner Lord within ourselves here and now, in the work of the Great Work. The three traitors, for example, which are: Judas, Pilate and Caiaphas, three demons. Judas is the demon of desire and each  one load it inside. Pilates is the demon of the mind, which always find  evasive and  justification for its worst crimes. As Caiaphas, is the demon of bad will in every one of us, the traitor who switched to Christ, rather than prostitutes Religion. Caiaphas is a priest, what is it that makes ?, Altar Converts into a bed of pleasure and coupled with the devout and sells costumes, etc. Ultimately, Judas, Pilate and Caiaphas are the three traitors who betray the INTIMATE CHRIST, they are the ones who deliver death and all the millions of persons calling for his death, are the Egos shouting Crucifixia !, Crucifixia !, Crucifixia! Yes our deep inside Lord is crowned with thorns and is whipped. That can see everything mystical. Finally, it is crucified, down from the cross and placed in his tomb. Then, with his death, kill death and resurrects there dressed in their bodies of gold and has its special  earthly special Body behold the mystery of the Philosopher's Stone, blessed is he who has it, as it is a resurrected Master.


Are mysteries of the Gospel to be lived here and now, within ourselves. Life, Passion and Death of our Lord Jesus Christ, are neither strictly historical, as people believe, it is something of immediate news that everyone has to make in their laboratory work. That is the raw reality of Christ, not some past history that occurred two thousand years ago, is now something to live here and I give testimony of all of this  because all these I have been living.

At this very moment, deep inside my Lord is in his holy sepulcher ; In 1978, deep inside my Lord, raise in me and I in him to make the gigantic work to do for humanity. And He who is making it and not my  person is but a instrument. But He is in itself perfect and He does because He is perfect. So bear witness of what I know, what I've experienced. The Genesis is the book of the Gnostics. That is the harsh reality.


I long incarnated, born in me as a small child when I received initiation of Tiphereth. Then He had to grow and develop, had to go through all his dramas, within myself, so to speak this way, because I know I speak. Now, at this time, having gone through the Calvary, He is in His Holy Sepulcher, here I come occasionally to kiss the tomb stone of his grave, waiting yes, his resurrection, to 78 will be resurrect by third time. Yes, if I say for the third time  again because  he did  the Great Work done three times. He did in the past MAHANVANTARA, or in the earth moon, before this earth chain had come into existence. Then in the Lemuria with the revolt that of the angels who fell into animal generation, of course, that was in Lemuria, the continent Mu. Then I also made ​​the mistake, as DYHANI BODHISATTWA, of falling into animal generation. I lost the Philosopher's Stone, but I did Lemuria mis¬ma arise. Then, in the central plateau of Asia, I made the mistake, as did Count Zanoni, taking wife when I was already banned. Then I went back to take the Philosopher's Stone to water. Now, in this new existence, did the Great Work is to complete the resurrection of the Lord for the  third time ... the third time! So I've already done three times. So I have experience, I know the way ... I know the way ...


What I'm saying is very true: when in the moon I drew the Philosopher's Stone for the first time, the Stone was powerful. When I prepared for second turn was stronger. Now that I'm preparing for the third time will be even stronger. For it is because of the experience, hence a smart principle thing to understand. A man may fight hard to become union with God, until then progresses, but after man arrives at union with God, that  manifests on this man, we would say that thereafter there is no any progress. If this man wants to progress, you have to regress, that is, to throw the stone into the water. And what happen with the Stone? When the Stone comes back to life again, comes back more powerful, more pervasive, it is something extraordinary. There are men who make up seven times. Beyond the seven times it is very dangerous, you can drop a curse. I've done it three times, but frankly, I will not do a fourth, I do not want to expose myself to lose a lot but the three times I've done has turned the matter over to where I should be. Too painful! For example, in the central plateau of Asia, when I threw the stone into the water for the third time, I said to myself: How I fought through the centuries to lift myself up, so appalling loads, what terrible bitterness! Only now, after have suffered much, but  much, is the Philosopher's Stone is again reborn in 78 will be reborn. I threw the entire history of the Aryan Race to return to the lift it again. So it is very painful, it is a very painful process.

There Adepts who, wanting to make the most pervasive and powerful Stone, intentionally descend, not fall, get off! How they descend? Takes wife when they were not allowed. But not ejaculate the seminal liquor and under the guidance of a Guru , work with all the rules of the Arcanum A.Z.F. Then lose the Stone. After some time, they return to spice up the stone, make the Great Work, Stone is still the Strongest.


We need to establish the difference between falling and descending. I did not go down, I fell on purpose. My three cases were dropped, no downs. In the central plateau of Asia I made the same mistake as the Count Zanoni, took wife, that's the forbidden story and that I did. I tell you, after the experience of ages, that is how the Great Work is performed.


Remember the Phoenix bird, is wonderful, crowned with a golden crown and feet and legs all of so beautiful pure gold. Nature worshiped. Tired of living, after millions of years, decided to make a nest of branches of frankincense, myrrh, tuberose and other precious branches and the truth was that she was incinerated. Nature is always the case, but later, from the ashes, a phoenix reborn more powerful. So to do the Great Work, as the Stone thrown into water is drowned .


- Venerable Master, Moses' rod, which became Serpent-like, what is it?


As Moses turned the staff into a snake  so one has to turn the staff into a snake. Just as Moses lifted up the serpent on the rod, and she became the staff itself, well, what we need is lift up the rod within ourselves. The son of the rod is the Intimate Christ. You have to lift it within ourselves, lift is to create the superior existential bodies of the Being.  We have to live it all here. Embodying the intimate Christ comes to live in this world and is persecuted and grows as a man among men and suffers all temptations .very laborious .He must  have to take care of all our mental, volitional, emotional, sexual, and all kinds of functions .And therefore becomes a man by overcoming all darkness, eliminate egos and succeed itself .He is worthy of all Glory, the Lord is the Savior .For it is worthy of all honor . Before Him the  twenty  four elders -the twenty-four parts of our deep inner self-and the four Saints, - the four tops of our Being related to the four elements - all cast  their crowns at the feet of the Lamb, for He alone is worthy of all Honor and Glory.And that his blood, whose blood is Fire, is the Immolated Lamb who immolate living in one. He immolates completely. He becomes a common man an ordinary man and fight against temptations and struggles with man does, desires, thoughts, everything. And no one recognized him until triumphs. Therefore it is said: Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.


That is the Gnostic Esoteric Christianity, but well understood. So He is the Savior, which save us. We redeemed by the Fire, for He in himself is the spirit of fire that needs an alabaster vessel as a receptacle, to manifest. That receptacle are the pure gold bodies that one must create.

Understanding this is formidable because comes at one and goes where it should be, that is, become Solar Man, Real Man, in the Christ Man. So and for it fight at death, against everything and everyone. Against himself, against Nature, against all that opposes, to triumph. To succeed! And become in the Solar Man, the Man Christ.

This is not a matter of evolution, there is no matter of involution, this is a matter of deep internal revolution . This leaves the dogma that evolution and involution, this belongs to the Great Work, and this is why is so revolutionary.

- Master Samael, does it depend on the will?

Sure, the will. Birth is a will, there to spend life in its entirety, to the Great Work. Until  get it, become Man Sol. That's what Sun wants, he wants a harvest of solar men, that's what matters to the Sun. Wherefore we must cooperate with the Sun, until we become Solar Men . What he wants is a harvest of Solar Men, that's what matters to him!


Inverential Peace

Samael Aun Weor




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                                                                                SEXUAL SENSE                                                                TRANSMUTATION

It is necessary to understand the work we are doing. In the name of Truth, we must to say that  each of the key points of the body of Gnostic Doctrine, has solid foundations.

Examine some points.

If we think for a moment what it is the Science  of Sexual Transmutation, we find the same fundament in systole and diastole  of the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN.

We know that during the GREAT PRALAYA, that is to say during the COSMIC NIGHT upon complete  dissolution of the Lunar Planetary Chain, the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN, which is the dwelling of the UNI-EXISTANCE, THE AELOHIM, THE COSMIC COMMON ETERNAL FATHER , along with Cherubim and Seraphim, threatening to dissolve; is very clear. All the worlds of the last solar system where dissolved by PRALAYA.

There was also a tendency to dissolve the  SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN himself; It was then that the Uni-Existent, the Eternal Cosmic Common Father, resolved to create this ORS SOLAR SYSTEM  in which we live and move and have our being .

Obviously, there was a radical change that allowed  the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN continue to exist, because in the past, the Sacred Sun was, were, Self-Egocratic, this is to say , it was self-sufficient, but whatever that threatened to dissolve by Pralaya, then the Universe was created for his maintenance, became dependent on external forces, then became Trogo-Auto-Egocratic.

It's good to make a distinction between what is Self-Egocratic, that is to say, capable of self-reliance, and what is Trogo-Auto-Egocratic.

If you carefully analyze this point, we discovered that all the forces coming from the Sacred Absolute Sun collide with planetary mass in the Solar System. Upon impact, a kind of "shock" occurs with Transmutation of Energy, and these forces get into inward and upward to return to the same Sacred Sun where they came from.

It is obvious that coming back the transformed forces to the original starting point, make that Sun may exist, hold it, kept it. If that Sun had remained Self-Egocratic,and not Trogo-Self-Egocratic  obvious is  already have dissolved.

Well now the Creative Energy in  final synthesis, comes from  the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN. She descends through the Seven Magnetic Centers of the Universe. In Esotericism it is said, through the Seven STOPINDER. Powerful energy that descends from center to center, and finally crystallized in our sexual endocrine glands underlying the sperm, underlying sexual secretion of women, etc. Obviously, such energies, if they continue in their process of decent, then originate any kind of all living creatures.

Clearly is that the sperm or used for the reproduction of the race, or not used.

Well now we are in basic approach, very important: if the sperm for reproduction of the race is not used, if only practiced abstinence, at forced celibacy  and nothing else, then the sperm will get into involution, and in women, the  sexual secretions will get into involution too; what is  say for men also applies to women.

The involution of the sexual secretions creates fat bodies in some individuals and in others it becomes something different: people kind skinny, emaciated and full of pimples, spots on the skin,etc.

Now, from the psychological point of view, the sperm and sexual secretions getting into the state of Involution give double aspect, we say, to the personal idiosyncrasy , it becomes in one side to an extreme fanaticism, and on the other, highly skilled cynicism.

Look to the medieval monks, the great inquisitors, abstemious, celibate; overweight individuals, full of fat, real pigs, and others skinny, scrawny, skin pimply, ugly, horrible; after burned to any victim at the stake or tortured, they looked cynicism in his eyes shone fanaticism. We find them on the one hand, fanaticism maximized, and otherwise, a perplexing cynicism. Shrugged their shoulders after burned an innocent creature, gave justification truly cynical, etc.

Thus the involution of sperm, the involution of the sexual secretions, it really is not very plausible.

In nature everything is fettered and obviously the sperm or should continue their way to animal reproduction  or touches us Imitate the  Sacred Sun Absolute  if we want regenerate us.

It is said that the Sacred Absolute Sun, emanates its undulations, its energies. It is also said that these masses collide against planetary masses that receive after the "Shock" momentum inward and upward to return to the original starting point.

Now, if the Sacred Absolute Sun does that with his creative energies obviously up to us to do the same if you truly want to regenerate. Descend  this LOGOIC SEXUAL FORCES to our glands. We need to give a special "Shock" and this is possible by SAHAJA MAUTHUNA ; then reenter such forces inward and upward, creating organs, bodies, powers, etc. That way we regenerate.

We need to imitate the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN, since he is Sahaja Maithuna note incessantly, why not imitate? Obviously our duty is to imitate him and thus get what he gets.

Does he get what? Staying, shine increasingly !, etc.

Do we get what?Transforming radically permanently!

So, what is the foundation of SEXUAL TRANSMUTATION ?, What we draw? Well, just in the same Transmutation of the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN. If checked us in tune with it, we will RADICALLY TRANSFORM.

Every creature who craves Final Liberation knows that there is a planet called Purgatory. In Planet  Purgatory there are beauties  as 12 thousand varieties of extraordinary birds that fill this world with their songs, their melodies; About 10 thousand kinds of minerals; all the flora and fauna of the universe is present in this world. It's a Secret Planet, beyond good and evil.

Those who really want to enter the bosom of the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN must spend time on Planet Purgatory. In this world there are many caves in the mountains, some naturals, others have been made by human hands. In this world there are no towns, but live in caves sacred Individuals dedicated exclusively to the purification, the elimination of residual elements that have remained in their psyche.

Obviously, it is wonderful the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN.Its inhabitants also have spaceships, with which they can travel from world to world, or from galaxy to galaxy.

The Uni-Existent, the ETERNAL COMMON COSMIC FATHER, AELOHIM , usually manifest  in that world to encourage those who are preparing for the Final Truth.

Not all souls can enter at the Planet Purgatory; only those who have crystallized themselves THE THREE PRIMERY FORCES OF THE UNIVERSE , have the right to dwell on Planet Purgatory. Not all souls can live in that secret world, only those who have created the SUPERIOR EXISTENTIAL BODIES OF THE BEING .

As you can hear, they will realize that Planet Purgatory is very demanding.

It might be objected that which being so perfect creatures that dwell there, for what reason should still remove unwanted elements? The answer is that there are also Sins of the Soul, or better said, the Soul Body.

You know something about ethics, about moral codes about  anger, greed, lust, envy, pride, sloth, gluttony, etc., etc., etc., but they know nothing, for example, there is a secret text in eastern Tibet, a ethics is beyond good and evil. Also, the Sins of the Soul Body, there are beyond all our moral codes or ethical principles of our acquaintances. It is something that still eludes to the understanding ; but he who achieves perfect purification login for this reason to the Sacred Absolute Sun


There is more to tell you  emphatically that each Solar System has its sacred Absolute Sun, but there are so many Sacred Absolute Suns , as many Solar Systems in the unalterable Infinite. But all the countless Suns of the starry space are holding with the rhythm of the MAHAVAN AND CHOTAVAN  that sustain the Universe firm in its march, there is to say with the rhythm of fire.

Our SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN gives us then the Key of Transmutation and Regeneration. You see how he teaches us to transmute, and he lives only transmuting. If it were not for the Transmutation he would not live, and would have dissolved. See how we teach the Way of the dissolution of the inhuman elements and creates an archetypal Planet special model of purification: Planet Purgatory, where one has to go through the latest purifications.

It is worth to say that each Solar System has its own Planet Purgatory. You see how the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN  loves us, shows us the Way and sacrifices for us.

So brothers and sisters, each of the principles we have taught in Gnosis, has wonderful grounds; all of them have been indicated by the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN.

So then, brethren, necessary is to transmute, Imitating the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN that  is transmuting every hour and every moment; Just like my dear brothers can walk the way of regeneration.

The SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN utilize three forces to create:

The first is the Holy Affirmation.

The second is the Holy Negation.

The third is the Holy Conciliation.

This is how the One becomes Three. The Three could not become one, but the other one can become Three. If the Three become one, the Universe would involution. It could become the Three in One, but only by the Will of the Absolute.. So the One becomes Three: The Sacred Absolute Sun unfolds in his Three great forces to create and re-create again.

It is necessary for us to know how to learn handle these three forces manifest in each of us.

Thus we see to all positive force is always opposed a negative; We observe this carefully ...

When we plan to perform some special action, special work or run a program defined, we can calculate the force of resistance, because by nature the world has to provoke resistance and such resistance is doubled. The more massive the company, the greater the resistance. If we learn to calculate resistance, then we can also develop any successful program. That's where the genius is the capacity.


We must realize that there has been a change of energy in that object that is always in our presence. We must learn to know how to work the three forces within ourselves. If for example, you need to make a creation, obviously  the  three forces are necessary. Do you think the Positive force only could make any creation?  Obviously not! Do you think the negative force could do  by itself a creation Unquestionably, no! Do you think that the neutral force alone could cause any creation? Well, obviously not!

For there to be a creation that is necessary that  positive, negative and neutral forces make contact, focus on  a defined point in space. The man charge in himself the positive force, the woman the negative force. For there to be a creation, it takes a man and woman unite sexually, but if the negative force opposes the positive, how does such a union could be done? Only by a special magnetic field by a third force that reconciles the first two. What is the third force? The neutralizing force. Those three forces  can make itself a creation.

All  Universe that is in the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN , was created by the HOLY TRIAMAZICAMNO, that is to say , by the three Primary Forces for TRIMURTI to speak more clearly. It is interesting to see how the three forces unfold in three others and three others, and so on. The man, for example, is a force ,woman is another force, the son is another force. The son in turn, grows, marry, and from there is a new creature. That is, we see how from the neutralizing force comes out  new Trinities, because if  man is the positive force, the woman is the negative force ; in the case of creation, is the son the third, that is, the central aspect. It is obvious that the third the son, in turn, as a positive force, and takes a woman  the negative force and there is another child; behold another trinity.

How many trinities comes out there from? Infinite! that is how  create the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN.

The first force has always been called the Father, the second, the Son, and the third, the Holy Spirit. In Indiathe first force is called BRAHAMA, the second VISHNU to the third SHIVA. The SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN thus created by the three primary forces. The SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN through these three forces created this ORS Solar System in which we live and move and have our being. It is through these three forces as the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN created. The universe is created.

If the Universe had not been creaTED, would be in a chaotic state, then we would not know the Cosmic Laws, the Laws of Matter, the Laws of the Spirit, etc.

All beings live in a Cosmos, and the word cosmos means order, Order of Worlds; that's something you never forget . Through the three forces, the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN creates and returns again to create. But for there to be order, so  there to be a Cosmos, it is necessary that the creation by the three Holy Forces, for these three wills: Father, Son and Holy Spirit are carried out in accordance with that other law known as ETERNAL HEPTAPARARSHINOKH  that is to say the Law of Seven.


Thus we have  each of us, within seven magnetic centers charge. Thus we have no Seven Cosmos. Thus we have  Seven Basic Fundamental worlds in our solar system and so on So, if it were not for the Law of Seven, there would be no order in creation.

Three can create, but needs the Seven for the Order to be perfect. The Law of Seven we must know it: that force or line of forces that gradually are spreading slowly in its descent through the Seven STOPINDERS or Seven Magnetic Centers of the Universe, and then joined at the ends, and then will create.

If we look at a Perfect Man, we discovered that is sevenfold: at the lower end we find the man with their human personality or physical on the other end and up at the Spirit Man, and the whole is made up of seven bodies ; behold the Septenary man.

There is also talk of Seven Cosmic Worlds.

So my dear brothers if not for the Seven, there would be no Cosmos, man would not exist. The Universe was created with the powers of the Holy Three, organized, tidy, with the powers of the Holy Seven. And it is through this Creative Energy that descends from the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN how we can truly get to make within ourselves a Perfect Cosmos, because with the Sahaja Maithuna we work  with the Three and Seven.

Man - is the Holy Affirmation; woman, the Holy Negation, and the neutralizing force, the Holy Conciliate. It is through these three forces how we perform transmutation and the Creation of the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, but after all, the result is to appear organized with the Holy Seven, with the full Septenary man pure and perfect. So what the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN does big, we do it within themselves with MICROCOSMOS. If the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN needed the three primary forces again to create and re-create, we also need those three forces during the Sahaja Maithuna.

If the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN  to arrange for Cosmos needed the Law of Seven, us to create our Inner Cosmos, also need that same Law of Seven, and so come to meet with a Physical Body, a vital seat Lingam Sarira, with a perfect Astral Body, with a Christ Mind with a Conscious Will with a wonderful Consciousness buddhic  and a Self-made Spirit. That is the Law of Seven.

The Universe, similarly, is constructed in the same way: a Physical planet, a vital etheric background, a planetarium Astral Body, a Mind a Causal, a Buddhic or Intuitional one and the Universal Spirit of Life or Great Atman. And it is similar to the infinitely small to the infinitely large.


In the work of self-realization we have to work with the Laws of Three and Seven within themselves. In the work of the Self-Realitation, we have to work with the same forces with which the Creator made the universe. If he did it in six days or periods and in the seventh he rested, and blessed, we also have to do it in six days or Periods and the Seventh rest is the same. And this saying  can be documented with Genesis or Revelation of St. John, is the same.



 Undoubtedly a Pralaya is solely for our Solar System. A Mahanvantara, in our Solar System. In Infinite Space are millions  Galaxies with millions of Solar Systems; there cribs, beyond graves. There a system of worlds out of a cosmic night, appears in Pralaya; While some universes are in Mahanvantara, others are in Pralaya; Some are day, others are dark. But beyond the day and night there is a Super Sun, about the Super Sun only understood by those who live in the  unalterable Absolute  those Sacred Individuals who are known as PARAMARTHASAYAS.



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                                                                                SEXUAL SENSE                                                                TRANSMUTATION

It is necessary to understand the work we are doing. In the name of Truth, we must to say that  each of the key points of the body of Gnostic Doctrine, has solid foundations.

Examine some points.

If we think for a moment what it is the Science  of Sexual Transmutation, we find the same fundament in systole and diastole  of the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN.

We know that during the GREAT PRALAYA, that is to say during the COSMIC NIGHT upon complete  dissolution of the Lunar Planetary Chain, the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN, which is the dwelling of the UNI-EXISTANCE, THE AELOHIM, THE COSMIC COMMON ETERNAL FATHER , along with Cherubim and Seraphim, threatening to dissolve; is very clear. All the worlds of the last solar system where dissolved by PRALAYA.

There was also a tendency to dissolve the  SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN himself; It was then that the Uni-Existent, the Eternal Cosmic Common Father, resolved to create this ORS SOLAR SYSTEM  in which we live and move and have our being .

Obviously, there was a radical change that allowed  the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN continue to exist, because in the past, the Sacred Sun was, were, Self-Egocratic, this is to say , it was self-sufficient, but whatever that threatened to dissolve by Pralaya, then the Universe was created for his maintenance, became dependent on external forces, then became Trogo-Auto-Egocratic.

It's good to make a distinction between what is Self-Egocratic, that is to say, capable of self-reliance, and what is Trogo-Auto-Egocratic.

If you carefully analyze this point, we discovered that all the forces coming from the Sacred Absolute Sun collide with planetary mass in the Solar System. Upon impact, a kind of "shock" occurs with Transmutation of Energy, and these forces get into inward and upward to return to the same Sacred Sun where they came from.

It is obvious that coming back the transformed forces to the original starting point, make that Sun may exist, hold it, kept it. If that Sun had remained Self-Egocratic,and not Trogo-Self-Egocratic  obvious is  already have dissolved.

Well now the Creative Energy in  final synthesis, comes from  the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN. She descends through the Seven Magnetic Centers of the Universe. In Esotericism it is said, through the Seven STOPINDER. Powerful energy that descends from center to center, and finally crystallized in our sexual endocrine glands underlying the sperm, underlying sexual secretion of women, etc. Obviously, such energies, if they continue in their process of decent, then originate any kind of all living creatures.

Clearly is that the sperm or used for the reproduction of the race, or not used.

Well now we are in basic approach, very important: if the sperm for reproduction of the race is not used, if only practiced abstinence, at forced celibacy  and nothing else, then the sperm will get into involution, and in women, the  sexual secretions will get into involution too; what is  say for men also applies to women.

The involution of the sexual secretions creates fat bodies in some individuals and in others it becomes something different: people kind skinny, emaciated and full of pimples, spots on the skin,etc.

Now, from the psychological point of view, the sperm and sexual secretions getting into the state of Involution give double aspect, we say, to the personal idiosyncrasy , it becomes in one side to an extreme fanaticism, and on the other, highly skilled cynicism.

Look to the medieval monks, the great inquisitors, abstemious, celibate; overweight individuals, full of fat, real pigs, and others skinny, scrawny, skin pimply, ugly, horrible; after burned to any victim at the stake or tortured, they looked cynicism in his eyes shone fanaticism. We find them on the one hand, fanaticism maximized, and otherwise, a perplexing cynicism. Shrugged their shoulders after burned an innocent creature, gave justification truly cynical, etc.

Thus the involution of sperm, the involution of the sexual secretions, it really is not very plausible.

In nature everything is fettered and obviously the sperm or should continue their way to animal reproduction  or touches us Imitate the  Sacred Sun Absolute  if we want regenerate us.

It is said that the Sacred Absolute Sun, emanates its undulations, its energies. It is also said that these masses collide against planetary masses that receive after the "Shock" momentum inward and upward to return to the original starting point.

Now, if the Sacred Absolute Sun does that with his creative energies obviously up to us to do the same if you truly want to regenerate. Descend  this LOGOIC SEXUAL FORCES to our glands. We need to give a special "Shock" and this is possible by SAHAJA MAUTHUNA ; then reenter such forces inward and upward, creating organs, bodies, powers, etc. That way we regenerate.

We need to imitate the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN, since he is Sahaja Maithuna note incessantly, why not imitate? Obviously our duty is to imitate him and thus get what he gets.

Does he get what? Staying, shine increasingly !, etc.

Do we get what?Transforming radically permanently!

So, what is the foundation of SEXUAL TRANSMUTATION ?, What we draw? Well, just in the same Transmutation of the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN. If checked us in tune with it, we will RADICALLY TRANSFORM.

Every creature who craves Final Liberation knows that there is a planet called Purgatory. In Planet  Purgatory there are beauties  as 12 thousand varieties of extraordinary birds that fill this world with their songs, their melodies; About 10 thousand kinds of minerals; all the flora and fauna of the universe is present in this world. It's a Secret Planet, beyond good and evil.

Those who really want to enter the bosom of the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN must spend time on Planet Purgatory. In this world there are many caves in the mountains, some naturals, others have been made by human hands. In this world there are no towns, but live in caves sacred Individuals dedicated exclusively to the purification, the elimination of residual elements that have remained in their psyche.

Obviously, it is wonderful the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN.Its inhabitants also have spaceships, with which they can travel from world to world, or from galaxy to galaxy.

The Uni-Existent, the ETERNAL COMMON COSMIC FATHER, AELOHIM , usually manifest  in that world to encourage those who are preparing for the Final Truth.

Not all souls can enter at the Planet Purgatory; only those who have crystallized themselves THE THREE PRIMERY FORCES OF THE UNIVERSE , have the right to dwell on Planet Purgatory. Not all souls can live in that secret world, only those who have created the SUPERIOR EXISTENTIAL BODIES OF THE BEING .

As you can hear, they will realize that Planet Purgatory is very demanding.

It might be objected that which being so perfect creatures that dwell there, for what reason should still remove unwanted elements? The answer is that there are also Sins of the Soul, or better said, the Soul Body.

You know something about ethics, about moral codes about  anger, greed, lust, envy, pride, sloth, gluttony, etc., etc., etc., but they know nothing, for example, there is a secret text in eastern Tibet, a ethics is beyond good and evil. Also, the Sins of the Soul Body, there are beyond all our moral codes or ethical principles of our acquaintances. It is something that still eludes to the understanding ; but he who achieves perfect purification login for this reason to the Sacred Absolute Sun


There is more to tell you  emphatically that each Solar System has its sacred Absolute Sun, but there are so many Sacred Absolute Suns , as many Solar Systems in the unalterable Infinite. But all the countless Suns of the starry space are holding with the rhythm of the MAHAVAN AND CHOTAVAN  that sustain the Universe firm in its march, there is to say with the rhythm of fire.

Our SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN gives us then the Key of Transmutation and Regeneration. You see how he teaches us to transmute, and he lives only transmuting. If it were not for the Transmutation he would not live, and would have dissolved. See how we teach the Way of the dissolution of the inhuman elements and creates an archetypal Planet special model of purification: Planet Purgatory, where one has to go through the latest purifications.

It is worth to say that each Solar System has its own Planet Purgatory. You see how the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN  loves us, shows us the Way and sacrifices for us.

So brothers and sisters, each of the principles we have taught in Gnosis, has wonderful grounds; all of them have been indicated by the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN.

So then, brethren, necessary is to transmute, Imitating the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN that  is transmuting every hour and every moment; Just like my dear brothers can walk the way of regeneration.

The SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN utilize three forces to create:

The first is the Holy Affirmation.

The second is the Holy Negation.

The third is the Holy Conciliation.

This is how the One becomes Three. The Three could not become one, but the other one can become Three. If the Three become one, the Universe would involution. It could become the Three in One, but only by the Will of the Absolute.. So the One becomes Three: The Sacred Absolute Sun unfolds in his Three great forces to create and re-create again.

It is necessary for us to know how to learn handle these three forces manifest in each of us.

Thus we see to all positive force is always opposed a negative; We observe this carefully ...

When we plan to perform some special action, special work or run a program defined, we can calculate the force of resistance, because by nature the world has to provoke resistance and such resistance is doubled. The more massive the company, the greater the resistance. If we learn to calculate resistance, then we can also develop any successful program. That's where the genius is the capacity.


We must realize that there has been a change of energy in that object that is always in our presence. We must learn to know how to work the three forces within ourselves. If for example, you need to make a creation, obviously  the  three forces are necessary. Do you think the Positive force only could make any creation?  Obviously not! Do you think the negative force could do  by itself a creation Unquestionably, no! Do you think that the neutral force alone could cause any creation? Well, obviously not!

For there to be a creation that is necessary that  positive, negative and neutral forces make contact, focus on  a defined point in space. The man charge in himself the positive force, the woman the negative force. For there to be a creation, it takes a man and woman unite sexually, but if the negative force opposes the positive, how does such a union could be done? Only by a special magnetic field by a third force that reconciles the first two. What is the third force? The neutralizing force. Those three forces  can make itself a creation.

All  Universe that is in the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN , was created by the HOLY TRIAMAZICAMNO, that is to say , by the three Primary Forces for TRIMURTI to speak more clearly. It is interesting to see how the three forces unfold in three others and three others, and so on. The man, for example, is a force ,woman is another force, the son is another force. The son in turn, grows, marry, and from there is a new creature. That is, we see how from the neutralizing force comes out  new Trinities, because if  man is the positive force, the woman is the negative force ; in the case of creation, is the son the third, that is, the central aspect. It is obvious that the third the son, in turn, as a positive force, and takes a woman  the negative force and there is another child; behold another trinity.

How many trinities comes out there from? Infinite! that is how  create the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN.

The first force has always been called the Father, the second, the Son, and the third, the Holy Spirit. In Indiathe first force is called BRAHAMA, the second VISHNU to the third SHIVA. The SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN thus created by the three primary forces. The SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN through these three forces created this ORS Solar System in which we live and move and have our being. It is through these three forces as the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN created. The universe is created.

If the Universe had not been creaTED, would be in a chaotic state, then we would not know the Cosmic Laws, the Laws of Matter, the Laws of the Spirit, etc.

All beings live in a Cosmos, and the word cosmos means order, Order of Worlds; that's something you never forget . Through the three forces, the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN creates and returns again to create. But for there to be order, so  there to be a Cosmos, it is necessary that the creation by the three Holy Forces, for these three wills: Father, Son and Holy Spirit are carried out in accordance with that other law known as ETERNAL HEPTAPARARSHINOKH  that is to say the Law of Seven.


Thus we have  each of us, within seven magnetic centers charge. Thus we have no Seven Cosmos. Thus we have  Seven Basic Fundamental worlds in our solar system and so on So, if it were not for the Law of Seven, there would be no order in creation.

Three can create, but needs the Seven for the Order to be perfect. The Law of Seven we must know it: that force or line of forces that gradually are spreading slowly in its descent through the Seven STOPINDERS or Seven Magnetic Centers of the Universe, and then joined at the ends, and then will create.

If we look at a Perfect Man, we discovered that is sevenfold: at the lower end we find the man with their human personality or physical on the other end and up at the Spirit Man, and the whole is made up of seven bodies ; behold the Septenary man.

There is also talk of Seven Cosmic Worlds.

So my dear brothers if not for the Seven, there would be no Cosmos, man would not exist. The Universe was created with the powers of the Holy Three, organized, tidy, with the powers of the Holy Seven. And it is through this Creative Energy that descends from the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN how we can truly get to make within ourselves a Perfect Cosmos, because with the Sahaja Maithuna we work  with the Three and Seven.

Man - is the Holy Affirmation; woman, the Holy Negation, and the neutralizing force, the Holy Conciliate. It is through these three forces how we perform transmutation and the Creation of the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, but after all, the result is to appear organized with the Holy Seven, with the full Septenary man pure and perfect. So what the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN does big, we do it within themselves with MICROCOSMOS. If the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN needed the three primary forces again to create and re-create, we also need those three forces during the Sahaja Maithuna.

If the SACRED ABSOLUTE SUN  to arrange for Cosmos needed the Law of Seven, us to create our Inner Cosmos, also need that same Law of Seven, and so come to meet with a Physical Body, a vital seat Lingam Sarira, with a perfect Astral Body, with a Christ Mind with a Conscious Will with a wonderful Consciousness buddhic  and a Self-made Spirit. That is the Law of Seven.

The Universe, similarly, is constructed in the same way: a Physical planet, a vital etheric background, a planetarium Astral Body, a Mind a Causal, a Buddhic or Intuitional one and the Universal Spirit of Life or Great Atman. And it is similar to the infinitely small to the infinitely large.


In the work of self-realization we have to work with the Laws of Three and Seven within themselves. In the work of the Self-Realitation, we have to work with the same forces with which the Creator made the universe. If he did it in six days or periods and in the seventh he rested, and blessed, we also have to do it in six days or Periods and the Seventh rest is the same. And this saying  can be documented with Genesis or Revelation of St. John, is the same.



 Undoubtedly a Pralaya is solely for our Solar System. A Mahanvantara, in our Solar System. In Infinite Space are millions  Galaxies with millions of Solar Systems; there cribs, beyond graves. There a system of worlds out of a cosmic night, appears in Pralaya; While some universes are in Mahanvantara, others are in Pralaya; Some are day, others are dark. But beyond the day and night there is a Super Sun, about the Super Sun only understood by those who live in the  unalterable Absolute  those Sacred Individuals who are known as PARAMARTHASAYAS.



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                                              THE SEXUAL HYDROGEN  G-12


It is urgent to know that there are in the Universe twelve  basic fundamental hydrogens.

The twelve basic hydrogens are staggered with twelve categories of Matter.

The twelve categories of matter exist in all creation, remember the twelve salts of the Zodiac, the twelve spheres of cosmic vibration within which must operate a solar humanity.

Of the twelve basic hydrogens are derive all secondary hydrogen whose varied densities ranging from 6 to 12,283.

The term  hydrogen has a very wide meaning in Gnosticism. Any  simple element really is hydrogen of a certain density.

Hydrogen 384 is in the water, in the air 192, the 96 are wisely deposited in animal magnetism, emanations of the human body, N-rays, hormones, vitamins, etc., etc., etc.

Hydrogen 48 corresponds to Chlorine, CI, atomic weight 35, hydrogen 24 corresponds to the fluorine, Fl, atomic weight 19; the hydrogen itself corresponds to hydrogen chemistry, atomic weight 1.

Carbon, nitrogen and oxygen have atomic weights of 12, 14, 16 .Hydrogen 96 corresponds to bromine, atomic weight 80; the hydrogen 192 corresponds to iodine 192, atomic weight 127.

This interesting topic of hydrogen belongs to the field of hidden chemistry or gnostic chemical and however it is too hard and mostly we must talk about it the essence of what this topic of the Hydrogen is through the light of the Gnostic Wisdom that is widely open to humanity whose basements are direct experience about what Esoterically is coming to be a Great Reality that lies on the Creation of the Fount .

Let us now consider the famous Sexual Hydrogen G 12, the wonderful creator hydrogen that wisely is produced in the factory of the human organism.

Passive food dish, goes into the human body through many changes, refinements and subtlety process that are processed within the Musical Scale. A,B,C,D,E,F,G .

Passive  food dish Start with A, the Chyme resulting from the first stage of the processing continues with the B, the food very refine that passes  osmotically to the  blood stream continues the C, and so on continue processes to be made ​​the best of the whole organism, the wonderful elixir, with his seminal liquor with his hydrogen 12 in  his footnote of G.

Sexual Hydrogen G-12 is found in the Semen, is the creative power of the THIRD LOGOS.

The first musical octave A,B,C,D,E,F,G,, exactly corresponds to fabrication of sexual hydrogen G-12, within the human body.

A very special Shock by Maithuna (sexual magic) allows the sexual hydrogen G-12 move to a second musical octave A,B,C,D,F,G whose result becomes the crystallization of sexual hydrogen G -12 in extraordinary form of the Astral Body.

This is what is called transmute lead into gold. It is urgent to transmute flesh and blood in the astral body.

A second Shock by Maithuna (sexual magic) allows the  sexual hydrogen -G-12 passed to a third musical octave A,B,C,D,E,F,G, the result becomes the crystallization sexual hydrogen-G-12 in the extraordinary form of the mental body (body paradise)

The third Shock by Maithuna (sexual magic) allows the hydrogen -G-12 move to a fourth Musical octave A,B,C,D,E,F,G, resulting in crystallization of sexual hydrogen-G -12 in the magnificent body of the Conscious will or Causal body.

Sexual Hydrogen G-12 is SEED or FRUIT, and the wonder is that always crystallized always into an organism  of flesh and bone. Recall that the physical body is the result of sexual hydrogen G-12.

The astral body comes to  be also the result of the special act Maithuna (union of the phallus and uterus without spilling the semen)

The astral body is a bone and flesh body comes not from Adam, but flesh product of sexual hydrogen G-12.

The real mental body is the product of Maithuna (sexual magic), and the Sexual Hydrogen -G-12. This is the body of paradise, a perfect body, a body of flesh and bone, but meat does not come from Adam.

The body of the conscious will, called causal body also becomes the result of Maithuna sexual intercourse without spill semen.

The body of conscious will or Causal Body becomes the result of the crystallization of Hydrogen -G-12.

The real Astral, the true Mental, the legitimate Causal are SOLAR BODIES, the Superior Existential bodies of the Being.

Who Creates in the ninth sphere the superior existential bodies of the Being, the Solar Bodies, can and have every right to embody his Real Self, his immortal spirit triune, ATMAN,BUDDHI,MANAS, or DIVINE SPIRIT OF LIFE. Human Spirit. (Intimate Soul-Spiritual-Soul-Human)


So to arriving to this INITIATIC POINT  is said to have born a new man, the SON OF MAN, a new Master of the Day, a Master of Mahanvantara. (COSMIC DAY)



The physical body is held with 48 hydrogen, the  excess of this hydrogen becomes into Hydrogen 24, with which the Astral Body is fed

The surplus of the hydrogen 24 becomes hydrogen  12 (not confound- with sexual hydrogen G-12), hydrogen 12  serves to feed the mental body.

The excess of the hydrogen 12,  becomes hydrogen 6, in which the Conscious body is fed  or genuine Causal Body.


The creation of the Solar Bodies is a matter of Maithuna, Sexual Magic without spilling the Semen and is done in the Flaming Forge of Vulcan, in the Ninth Sphere (Sex), this work is a more bitter than gall, 20 or 30 years of daily connection with one woman without ever spilling a drop of Semen without letting the semen get out of the organism.



                                                      SEXUAL MAGIC


According to Novalis Magic is as "the art of consciously influencing the inner world"

It is written with burning coals in the extraordinary  book of life, that the burning love between male and female work magically. Hermes Trismegistus, the thrice great God Ibis of Thoth, said in his Emerald Tablet: "I give you Love in which is contained all Sumum of the Wisdom".


Everyone has some electric and magnetic forces in us, and exercise like a magnet ... an attraction and repulsion force and between lovers that is especially powerful magnetic force, and its action goes a long way.


Sexual Magic (Sahaja Maithuna) between husband and wife, is based on the polar properties

No hormones or patents vitamins are what is needed for life, but the true feelings of you and I, and therefore the exchange of the choicest affective, erotic powers, between man and woman.

The medieval asceticism of the defunct Age of Pisces ,rejects sex calling as taboo or sin.

The new revolutionary asceticism of Aquarius is based on sex; is clear that the key to all power is in the mysteries of Lingam-Yoni.

 From clever mix of sexual desire with spiritual enthusiasm, emerges as if by magic the Magical Consciousness.

A wise author said: "Sexual Magic leads to unity of the Soul and Sensuality, or is the enlivened sexuality: sexuality loses the character of the suspect and despised that only abides secretly declared some embarrassment; on the contrary, it is in the service of a great joy of life, penetrated by him and raised a component of the statement of existence that ensures happily balance of free personality. "

We Urgent need to evade the current Shady everyday ordinary vulgar coupling and enter into luminous sphere of the magnetic field of  balance of "rediscovery of the other," to find in you the Path of the Razor's Edge, the Secret Path leading to the final liberation.

"Only when we know and employ the Laws of Magnetism between bodies and Souls, will not be as fleeting images and meaningless, mists fade in the light, all the words on Love, Sex and Sexuality."


Ostensibly is the tremendous difficulty presenting the study of Sexual Magic. It is not easy to want to show how "learnable and visible" Sexual Yoga, Maithuna with its government the most sensitive nerve currents and multiple infra-conscious ,unconscious, subconscious influence on mood.

Let's be clear and unambiguous; This topic about SEX-YOGA, is a matter of direct experimentation intimate, too personal.

Giving up animal lust in the sake of Spirituality is fundamental to the Sexual Magic, if you really want to find the thread of Ariadne's rise, the Auric Bramante that must lead us from Darkness to Light, from Death to Immortality.

A great philosopher whose name is not mentioned said: "If the true procreative forces, psychic and spiritual ones, are situated at the bottom of our consciousness, we find precisely in the Sympathicus with its radiating sensitive mesh network of ganglions, the mediator and conductor to the inner reality that not only influences the organs of the Soul, but also governs, directs and controls the most important centers in the interior of the body; guide, equally mysteriously, the wonder of conception to birth the new being, as well as the phenomena of the heart, kidneys, adrenals, generating glands, etc.


Instead, to all sensibility and spirituality, rhythmical life   try him as Creator Spiritus of the body, and by the direction of current molecular and crystallization of cosmic rays, balance in the rhythm of the Universe to all psychic and physical elements subordinate to him.


This NERVUS SYMPATHICUS  is actually also an NERVUS IDEOPLÁSTICUS, must be understood as mediator between our unconscious instinctive life and moderation of the live image printed on our Spirit from eternity; It is the great means balancer that can appease and reconcile perpetual polarity to sunrises and sunsets of the Sun of Soul , the manifestations of Black and White, Love and Hate, God and Devil, Exaltation and Decay ".

The Divine Androgynous of the first human race, ADAM KADMON, spread only by willpower and magical imagination, united in vibrant harmony.

The ancient sages of Kabbalah asserted that such volitional potency and imaginative was lost by the fall into sin, so that man was cast out of Eden.

This magnificent synthetic conception of Hebrew Kabbalah  has a tremendous foundation for truth; if so, is precisely the role of Sexual Magic restore within ourselves this Original Unit Divine of the Paradisiacal Androgynous.

A certain sage said emphatically that: "Sexual Magic Artwork transfiguring bodily seeks perfect accentuation. So for it are capable of Sexual Magic only beings trying to overcome the dualistic dilemma between the Soul World  and the Sense ones, who endowed intimate "candle", they are absolutely free from any kind of hypocrisy, bigotry, denial and devaluation of life. "

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                                                   PROTOPLASMATIC  BODIES


Scientifics are had been found that metals are expose to illness and death. Certain poisons can produce illness and death in the METALS.

Dr. Arnold Krumm Heller (HUIRACOCHA), said in his Rosicrucian Novel that every ATOM is a trio of MATTER, ENERGY AND CONSCIOUSNESS.

We know the Gnostics that the Sub-Atomic particles have CONCIOUSNESS. We Gnostics affirm emphatically that the electrical and gravitational characteristics of any particle represent their mental qualities.

The SUBSTANCE OF MIND exists in all the Natural Realms including MINERAL , VEGETAL,ANIMAL KINGDOMS.

The only really difference between the beasts and intellectual animal mistakenly called MAN, in this last became the mind in INTELECT.

LIFE and CONSCIOUSNESS also exist under some form in the elementary particles of nature.

Particles receive information beyond time and space, and this reminds us of the extra-sensory perceptions of certain very PSYCHIC subjects, which have been experiments with in laboratories of Parapsychology.

When an ELECTRON and POSITRON annihilate to release energy two GAMMA RAYS occur, they are closely related and when one of them undergoes a transformation, the other inevitably takes its influence without any regular physical nexus exists between the two GAMMA PHOTONS.

Note the similarity of this phenomenon with those studying PARAPSYCHOLOGY.

Lee and Yang Chinese scientifically demonstrated by experiments with atomic particles, that in our region of the universe is not symmetric the space and the smallest particles of matter tend to turn it on itself in a privileged direction. Do not know yet how the scientists can relate this effect to the essential symmetry of the living matter.

The science of Optics is approaching already to the fourth dimension and is not far off when the four-dimensional space  will be visible through powerful lenses.


Paracelsus speaks in his medical books on GNOMES, UNDINES, NEREIDAS, GENIE, SALAMANDERS, SYLPHS, etc., and of course the morons laugh at all this.

We GNOSTICS discover  in the MINERALS ATOMS the GNOMES of those who spoke the medieval physician Paracelsus and although scientific laugh at us, too many Gnostic ones know how to work with the ELEMENTALS VEGETAL to heal  patients  as he did in his time  Aureolo PARACELSUS the good.  

The ELEMENTALS CONCIENCE   is dressed in Proto-plasma supra-sensible bodies.

When the UNIVERSAL LIFE focuses on MINERAL KINGDOM then sprout spontaneously THE PROTOPLASMATIC BODIES ; or LUNAR BODIES ; Such BODIES are susceptible to many changes and transformations.

The Gnomes of the MINERAL KINGDOM when they enter into the evolution of VEGETAL KINGDOM suffer serious changes in their PROTOPLASMATIC BODIES. When the VEGETAL ELEMENTALS enter to the ANIMAL EVOLUTION, undergo to new transformations in their PROTOPLASMATIC BODIES. When the Evolving waved of life goes from animals to humans, new changes and metamorphosis   verified in the PROTOPLASMATIC BODIES of the ANIMAL ELEMENTALS are, that get in new human wombs entering for the very first time.

The BODIES INTERNAL studying by PSEUDO-ESOTERIC and PESUDO-OCCULT SCHOOLS and are common property of all the beasts of the NATURE, are the Lunar Bodies or PROTOPLASMATIC BODIES.

Within the PROTOPLASMATIC LUNARES BODIES container are the Laws of Evolution and Involution.

The protoplasmatic bodies evolve till some perfectly defined point by nature, then after rush down the path of Involution to return to the original starting point.

The Evolution of the Protoplasmatic bodies is performed on the surface of the earth, in the cellular world.


The Involution of the Protoplasmatic bodies is processed in the Submerged Mineral Kingdom.

No wonder protoplasmic bodies begin their involution in the cell world, but its complex involutive processes unfold in the underworld.

The death of the physical body can never destroy the protoplasmic bodies, they continue in MOLECULAR WORLD.

Spiritualists talk much about PERI-SPIRIT and this in itself is constituted by the protoplasmic bodies.

Ectoplasm, materializing the lunar bodies was performed in some scientist laboratories with complete success and has even photographed such protoplasmatic bodies.

The embryonic Soul that every human being carries inside, is dressed in protoplasmic bodies.

The intellectual animal wrongly called MAN, is a necessary MACHINE condition for the economy of nature.

The evolution of protoplasmatic  bodies is necessary until the point at which the machine can function properly.

The human machine automatically receives and transform certain COSMIC RAYS unconsciously  then transmitted to the inner layers of the earth.

Every animal and every plant unconsciously perform this same function and the intellectual animal could not be an exception.

Every plant and every animal according its specie captured and transform to the well of the planetary organism in which we live, defined type of cosmic rays, some capture vibrations of the same land, terrestrial rays that should be transform and transmitted back to earth.

Other plants and animals families have the mission to receive and process sunlight the earth receives then eagerly.

There are also many plant and animal families that receive, process and transmit inside the earth, cosmic rays of the GREAT INFINITY.


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                                                                      ATOMIC  SCIENCE


The solar system of ORS in which we live and move and have our being, is still at heart a large molecule that develops and unfolds within this vibrant and spiral of the Milky Way.

Different Scientific conceptions about atom are only provisional in background. The atomic braking-up  in no way means absolute knowledge about the structure of the atom or the complex intimate mechanism of molecules, sub-atomic corpuscle and  electrons.


The concept of the Saturnian atomic structure is very empirical, all scientific or Supra-scientific opinion, is being too relative and unstable.

We the Gnostic emphatically affirm that besides the protons ,electrons, neutrons, etc., there are many other corpuscles, yet unknown to official science.

Scientists already fractionate the atoms  to release nuclear energy, but really know nothing about the intimate intra-corpuscle of the electron structure.

In light of the new culture initiated into the Gnostic movement, we can consider the electron as a primary crystallization of what Hindustani called AKASHA, the raw material of the Great Work, the only substance which become by chained crystallization multiple substances, the various elements of nature.

The electron is beyond doubt an extraordinary primary crystallization of Supra-atomic character.

Every atom, every electron has its origin in living within the pure AKASHA, the primordial substance MULAPRAKRITI of Hindustanis, the Chaos, The Universal Seminal waters of Genesis, the eternal feminine symbolized by all the female deities of ancient religions, the Great Mother, Isis, Adonijah, Insoberta, Res, Cibeles, Vesta, Mary, Tonantzin, etc ...

This primordial substance, this AKASHA, the raw material of the Great Work, is beyond doubt, the Divine Mother, Isis, adorable virgin of all ancient religions always full of grace.

The Father, the FIRST LOGOS, deposited in her all the grace of your love. The Holy Spirit, the THIRD LOGOS deposited in her all the grace of his fiery power.

Really in the Universe exist only one basic substance when crystallizes is called Matter and when not crystallize when remains in its fundamental state, called the Universal Spirit of Life.

She starts her processes condensation or crystallization, when the Third Logos, through sexual marriage of the word, makes it fruitful with the flaming fire.


She remains in tasteless state, pointless, odorless state during the COSMIC NIGHT, during the GREAT PRALAYA , when the universe that existed, no longer exists.


When the Fire makes her fruitful, the Cosmic Christ, the SECOND LOGOS penetrate in her belly, the great belly and born of her and in her to crucify himself in the worlds, therefore always is represented with the child in her arms. It is ISIS with the child HORUS in her arms, is MARY with the Child JESUS in her arms, etc., etc., etc.


At the fertile womb of the great mother originates, under the impulse of THIRD LOGOS, many force fields where the waves of what we call Pre-matter condensed into corpuscles.


Nothing modern scientists know about the mystery of the atomic nucleus is considered consisting of protons and neutrons, should know nothing about nuclear testing.

All planetary material is scientifically composed wonderful atoms beyond doubt, these are the smallest particles of the elements and even goes beyond the sub-atomics structures like the quarks,etc..


Every atom is a true miniature Universe. Every atom is a Trio of Matter, Energy and Consciousness.

The atom consists in nucleus  or Sun or very bright positively charged electricity dancing happy  around the infinitesimal planetary electrons  negatively charged.

Not forget the third forces in play that is the Neutron ones.

The atomic nucleus is similar in all materials, as is the Electron, varying among themselves  the elements only by the number of Electrons subject to the nucleus and corresponding variations in charge.


The atom is a whole solar system in miniature. Exactly what the sun is to the solar system and the fertilized egg to the human body, is the atomic nucleus with respect to all atomic universe.


We are told that the diameter of an atomic nucleus may be a ten-thousandth of the whole atom.

And as Jupiter in the sun, we are told that their electrons can measure a tenth of the diameter of its nucleus; so in its own scale circulating in an immensity of  deep as giant space  as encompassing a whole planet Earth and the other planets of the solar system of Ors.

Nature has many elements that are cataloged now  thanks to  the number of electrons from 1 to 96,97,till 114. Hydrogen, with an electron, has atomic number 1; helium with two electrons, 2; etc., with two exceptions only  elements developed within the womb of the Great Mother,  being in the background, distinct crystallizations  of the -primordial substance.

There are seven fundamental categories in nature in density between the various elements.

Each element is sexually attracted to one who possesses the complementary number of electrons, so wonderful as sodium, with a surplus electron sexually leans by chlorine, which lacks one, to form salt.

Here we have sex ... Here are the male and female elements of nature uniting  sexually.

The positive metal is driven to irresistibly  to combined sexually  with the negative metalloid in exact proportion to its counterpart . This is an extraordinary  platonic parallelism of the soul mates seeking their complementary half of which were separated  in the first creation.

The Active Element in the SUN CHRIST,  no doubt  is the hydrogen in Infinite amount.

The hydrogen atom has only one electron revolving around its core.

The hydrogen atom found itself in border between in a molecular state of matter and matter in  electronic state. The next state of subtilization of the hydrogen corresponds to the free electrons, light, magnetic waves, Spiritual State

To create a helium atom and two sun rays is needed to consume four hydrogen atoms.

The sexual energy of the Third Logos flows overwhelmingly from the center of every Atom and Every Galaxy and throughout any Solar System, linking opposites poles for new creations.

Hydrogen atoms are complement with the carbon atoms to initiate the development of light.

The Male hydrogen atoms with one electron bombard the female carbon atoms, of six electrons to cause the nitrogen atoms with seven electrons.

The nitrogen atoms to unite sexually with new hydrogen atoms become lighter oxygen atoms. When an atom of lighter oxygen it is fully escapes from a free electron and a certain amount of radiant energy.

Sunlight sexually exploits in the Ninth Sphere (sex)

The Great Solar light is the chemical and mathematical result of different atomic  sexual process.

Hydrogen atoms come to be a bridge between the universal spirit of life and matter of different densities.


The combination of hydrogen atoms with various s existing already different substance in the ground , gives rise to all life forms known. The splitting of the atom, The breaking up of Atom, the Nuclear explosions release submerged abysmal matter terribly malignant new atomic elements; Neptunium (93) Plutonium (94), Americium (95) and Curio (96)


This infernal terribly malignant type of atomic substances scape from the abyss with Atomic explosions and attract to the surface of the earth and the mentality of the people, certain psychological characteristics, hideously monstrous.


The splitting of the atom is blasphemy, a scientific madness that not only brings  physical damage to this afflicted world, but also mental psychic monstrosities appalling abominations of infra-infernal type, etc.

If the human being study better the  solar energy and learn to use it wisely, liquid fuel or fossil combustion would be removed and the conquest of space would be a fact, provided a right conduct.

Where scope to reach a ray of sun light reaches to get the man.

Solar Energy is million times  more powerful than atomic energy.

This large molecule, this Solar system of ORS works wonderfully thanks to the terrible potential of Solar Energy.

The atom is in itself  is a Universe in miniature , all mechanical processes taking place in the background of the atom, are repeated in our Solar System.

The atomic research has evidenced that exists in the outer regions of the atom  a truly cloud of electric Negative charge of Electrons, which dissociated  from the Atoms are agglomerate in dense torrents to form all electrical currents.


Much has been investigated the Atom and  amazes its wonder. The vital center of that small spherical world is the nucleus  is positively charged; around that mysterious core electrons gravitate in the same way that the planets gravitate  around the sun.

There is no doubt that the Atomic Nucleus has considerable electric charge, which used to hold under his power, but respectable in distance, the whole procession of peripheral electrons.

The Nucleus is the heart of the atom itself and it can be guessed that within the Nuclear  corpuscle basic and fundamental there should be a vital mechanism that is still to be investigated.

The whole reason to be for this miniature universe called atom is found  in the nucleus; All heritage of Atom  and its future  precisely  resides in the nucleus, thanks to this central corpuscle may explode the atom, or, conversely, changed in other atomic types.

The physical support which two core constituents: The Proton and Neutron.

To all lights absolutely comes clear that the proton is the Core of hydrogen, that is, the more central part of the lightest and simplest of all known elements: the hydrogen.

 Prout the scientist admitted already in his time that the different elements of nature, are formed by condensation of the simplest: the hydrogen.

There are twelve fundamental hydrogens corresponding to twelve categories of matter contained in the Universe from the Absolute to the Hell worlds,( another shorter explanation for the good of our beloved readers is to say that about that the CREATION RAY comes down from the ABSOLUTE be manifested to the Spiritual World. world of three Absolute Laws. father, mother, son, positive, negative and neutral laws then unfolding such comes the world ruled by 6 Laws that is the Causal plane, continue such unfolding laws comes the world ruled by 12 Absolute Laws that is   the Mental plane ,then comes by unfolding the First Law of the Absolute the world ruled by 24 Laws that is the Astral plane and so on come the physical world ruled by 48 Laws then such Ray of the Creation Laws penetrate to the Infernal Worlds the first stratus of the sub-Astral Plane is ruled by 92 Laws,the second infer-dimensional plane is ruled by 184  and so on downer and downer each Sub-Atomic Infernal worlds are ruled by more number of laws there is why is infernal worlds constitute the  nine Infernal sub-merged planes, so make the account .. the more is away from the first Universal Law that is the LOVE the more it is far away from the supreme happiness that is that called ABSOLUTE)

symbolized by Dante in his Divine Comedy, which are located within the submerged mineral kingdom in the interior of the earth.

It is also interesting to study the second constituent of the core, the aforementioned neutron; has the same weight as the proton, ie has no electrical charge; corpuscle is neutral because it was given the name Neutron.


About that electricity in neutral and static state in the neutron may not appear clear to many scientist but sooner or later  will highlight it.

One of the greatest enigmas for Atomic Science today, is that of the electrons; if still not known the intimate mechanism of the Atomic Nucleus, much less is known the intimate of the Electron .


There electrons  have negative charge and this is no longer a secret to scientists, but nothing is known about the inner workings of Electrons.


The intellectual animal falsely called man has managed to split the atom to release energy, but fortunately not know the internal mechanism of the electron within which reside tremendous powers.

Is estimated to produce two photons of half million of volts every time a positive electron is absorbed to penetrate platinum, corresponding to a photon energy production of a million  of volts  for positive electrons.

The active element in the Sun is hydrogen, and without any doubt this is very interesting because the hydrogen atom with a single electron orbiting a nucleus, is located on the border between matter in electronic state and matter in molecular state.

Hydrogen and any denser material are combined with other materials atom with atom to form molecules . A higher state of rarefaction Superior of Hydrogen, gives results free Electrons ,  matter in Electronic state ,Light, magnetic Waves , etc.

Using the coveted Uranium, modern scientists have had a frank  indisputable success in separate an  Electron from an atom of density unnatural, almost pathological; is logical to say that had released Atomic energy from  an incomparably superior  power to anything hitherto conceived by the human mind to.

Beyond doubt the Atomic Bomb is a million times more terrible than the Dynamite, but less frightening than the hydrogen bomb.

In the Hydrogen Bomb  exists debasement of the Solar Energy, Black Magic  of the worst quality, the result has to be devastation and inert reduction of the living material in a whole new scale.

If a hydrogen bomb were to explode in those upper regions of the atmosphere where the Pure Hydrogen deposit is, then the whole earth would be utterly burned with fire and perish every living creature and every form that has life.

Wanting to use the Atomic Energy  that is Trying discover the whole science of the transmutation of atoms, form or way to change an atom into another, the intellectual animal wants get into the World where Matter has every possibilities, but want to get into that world through the back door; we refer to the use of scientific laws without Ethics of any kind, without Awakened Consciousness, without reaching  truly Spirituality .


We, the Gnostics have legitimate procedures to enter the Mysterious World where Matter has endless possibilities in these Atomic regions, Molecular and Electronic ones where are conceived all processes of the universal life.

Atomic radiation has already altered the higher atmosphere of the Earth, and if atomic  explosions continue soon can not filter and analyze sun rays to decompose them into light and heat, then we will see the black sun as silicon .

As the Superior layer of the atmosphere continue altering  because Atomic explosions, earthquakes will intensify, because this layer is the sustaining of life on our planet earth.

The air we breathe, the water we drink, will be contaminated of Atomic Radiation, and this, rather than better, go from bad to worse, and if the atomic war breaks out  gruesome Dantesc scenes will be in the streets, people will lost the reasoning  due to abuse of the atomic energy  and hospitals will be filled with pain, without remedy.

Atomic explosions are releasing  from the Hell worlds  or Mineral Element  Engulfed under the ground, infernal materials Abysmal Atoms, which are neptunium (93) Plutonium (94), Americium (95) and Curio (96), and was  view the results of this blasphemy.


In every Atom is a trio of : Matter, Energy and Consciousness. In this class, Abysmal cited Atoms, exist diabolic Consciousness , terribly evil intelligence.

Those Atomic Demons are already poisoning  weak minds and lives of large cities has become appallingly criminal, monstrous, horrible, frightening, terribly evil and soon shall heard in streets and squares, neigh, howls, howling, hissing, chirps , moos, quacks, meows, barks, hiss, roars ; think about the times we are living in.



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                                                         THE SEMINAL ATOMIC CONSCIOUSNESS


Cleve Backster, made scientific research with sperm particles and found that "The sperm cells were found to be  extraordinary capable because seemed to identify to your donor  and react to his presence, ignoring the other sex male subjects.  These observations suggest indicate a kind of total memory that reaches the cell, and therefore that the brain may be a switch mechanism but not necessarily an organ for store memories. "


We clarify here that for effects  of the Great Work, must not be removed or even a small drop of the sacred sperm of our body, as these processes of transmutation take place within our own human laboratory. Fornication It's serious (seminal ejaculation in any ratio or amount), as well as adultery, for the alchemist: Could burn the laboratory and ruin  the Great Work  for life ...


From the opening paragraph, remove this conclusion: sperm cells, its atomic and subatomic constitution, also have  his own conscience. And if the seed of Man, is the most select that are in this beautiful machine, there is also the most Select   of the Atomic Consciousness.


Know that there lives the Alchemist Atoms of the Great Work is REQUIRED to become aware of the huge responsibility we have to our seed and urgent necessity to know the ATOMIC  DIVINE LAWS directing the Alchemical process.


He could not, therefore, an experimenter monster of the materialistic science, massively and harmony, without violence, subject the DIVINE ATOMIC LAWS to  their whims of Laboratory "... Science without Conscience"


In the sacred sperm are Atoms godlike very high:


In the sacred books of the East, among others, there are some that are known by the name of "Upanishads" In "Brihadaranyaka Upanishad" printed in the University of Oxford, on page 136, Volume 1, reads as follows:


"He who dwells in the Semen and within the Semen, the Semen know not, whose body is the Semen, the semen does not know, whose body is  the Semen and governs the Semen from the inside, this is the YES , inside dominator , the immortal; Invisible, but seer ; Inaudible, but  listener; Imperceptible, but perceiver; Unknown, but knower. There is no other seer out of it, no other listener out of it, no other perceiver out of it. This is your YES, inside sovereign, the immortal. Everything else is wrong. "


The Fire of the Holy Spirit has for living space the Water of the Holy Sperm. It is for this reason that in "The Gnostic Gospel of Philip" the texts of Nag Hammadi, is written: "Semen of the Holy Spirit."


It is vital that the Alchemist  understand that should not to spill even   a drop of the sacred sperm is due, as shown in the "MUTUS LIBER" (an old edition) Plate No. 14 in the end appears Perrenelle (wife of Nicholas Flamel) showing  if the mercury drops outside the container, ie if ejaculated, is not get  indicated unity  on the plate by her husband, but the horns (a symbol of impurity and demonic work) indicated by the gesture of Perrenelle.


It is well known that one of the terms is called the Prime Matter is "Antimony" Comes very great interest regarding what Basil Valentine, in his "Triumphal Chariot of Antimony"  express  let´s reference to it:


"Know, then, the readers, that all things have in themselves the -operative and vivifying Spirit which dwells in the bodies, nourishes and preserves them . The Spirits of the elements are not lacking, that they live by God's will, whether good or bad. Humans and other animals have in it the living and working Spirit  which leaving, corpses are  those. The herbs and plants contain in itself the Spirit of  health would otherwise be useless to the medical use or its preparation Also, Metals and Minerals carry their  impalpable Spirit, which containing all the power and virtue of those, because without the Spirit  things are dead and not showing any enlivening operation itself. Know Well (the reader) that THE SPIRIT IN THE ANTIMONY IS  which all things in it are hidden and that it is is extracted , he leads them, but invisibly, as in the magnet (mercury) is hidden a  invisible virtue , which in my Treatise on the Magnet, I will try  broadly. The Spirits are of two kinds: Intelligent and unintelligent. The Intelligent ones , endowed with reason, when they want are understandable and incorporeal, as are the inhabitants of the elements, being some seductive fiery fires, other lucid ghosts: air, air inhabitants, the aquatic possessing waters, and also the land that are appearing in mines of metals, called men of such mines. These spirits understand, KNOW THE ARTS and can change his form ... "


"The other Spirits of the world and are surprised not spontaneously are those hidden  in man, animals, brutes, plants and minerals, which have operating life, which is demonstrated by its operations and with the power to heal, when, for the sake of art are separated from their bodies. Also, THE SPIRIT OF ANTIMONY demonstrates and communicates the men its virtue "


That is why our VM Samael Aun Weor  that is by the way the Planetary Logos of Planet Mars in his "Treatise of Sexual Alchemy" says emphatically:


"23--In the Semen  exist an Angelic Atom that governs our seminal vapors".


" 24--That Angelic Atom  rises the vapors of our semen into the spinal canal, for the Angel (atomic  in us) redwood forest use it to open the door Inferior of the medulla, so that the divine Princess Kundalini get in from there "


In "The Creation of the  Intimate Psychological Sun or The Doctrine of Direct Path"  VM Samael Aun Weor, regarding the nature of Antimony, teaches:


"The Antimony is not merely a substance as pretend many. In Alchemy Antimony goes further. It is one of the autonomous and self-conscious part of our own Being inasmuch as our own Being has many autonomous and self-conscious parts. Antimony is one of them, is an Alchemist (our atomic Alchemist) That part works actively fixing Gold into Mercury ".


Here, then, in the Sacred Sperm, is the Atomic Alchemist, THE SPIRIT OF ANTIMONY  by Basil Valentine. Right there in the Semen are other Atomic intelligences , some subordinates  to Antimony and others that have  higher  hierarchy than this one . But all these atomic parts godlike, working hand in hand in the Great Work, provided the practitioner does the work well done and according to the canons of the Holy Alchemy.


Fulcanelli, appealing to the Kabbalah Phonetics, suggests this mystery of Antimony at the end of Chapter IV of "Louis D 'Estissac"


"One of the important characters of Pantagruel, the scientist, is called Epistemon. And the Secret craftsman the spirit locked in a crude material (common mercury or first mercury), translated the Epistemon (Antimony) Greek, because this spirit is able by itself to execute and perform the entire work, with no other contest than the elemental fire. "


Where, in another section says:


"We must still, questioning nature to learn from it and under what conditions the rule which will operate its many productions. The philosophical spirit would not be able, in effect, to be content with a mere possibility of identifying the bodies, but it demands the knowledge of the secret of its preparation.


 Transcribing the invaluable and unique teaching of V.M. ARCHANGEL Samael Aun Weor, in his latest book "The Pistis Sophia Unveiled" transmitted us:


"(James is the blessed patron of the Great Work.)"


"(Who Study of the Universal Epistle of James will understand the principles of the Great Work.)"


"(The Father of all Lights through to our own   Inner James teaches the mysteries of the Great Work.)"


"(It is therefore James, one of the autonomous and self-aware part of our own Being.)"


"(James-Mercuries, is closely related to the  transmuting Science  of Yesod-Mercury)"

 Let´s make a little parenthesis here for the well of the beloved readers it is important to explain a little about what Jesod is according the TREE OF LIFE  such is  10 Hebraic Kabalistic Sephirots: going from the top to the bottom and that goes like this: KETHER : The Ancient of the days “ , the first LOGOS , SUPREME CROWN. Second is CHOKMAH:  the Wisdom, second LOGOS, THE SON-THE COSMIC CHRIST. Third is BINAH: the Intelligence, third LOGOS: THE HOLY SPIRIT. This form the first triad and is LOGOIC whose gravitational center is in KETHER. That is a mathematic point in the unalterable Infinite Inmense, Space. After the Divine Triangle comes the second one formed by: CHESED, the Innermost ,the Royal Being, the Love: ATMAN from where emanate the two polarities that are: GEBURAH: The Female Soul, the Divine Soul: BUDDHI.  the other one is the Human Soul that is THIPHERET( the one encarnated ) this second tried is ETHIC. This triangle is of the Pure Spirit: the Indostanic Trimurti that is: ATMAN, BUDDHI, MANAS, The gravitational center is in THIPHERET that matches with the Causal Plane. Twin flames… This Triangle is Known as the Triangle of the Son just for the reason that the Second Logos: usually manifest through the Human Soul. The Third Triangle is formed by: NETZAH that is the Mental Body : Victory, then comes HOD: The Astral Body: Splendor. The comes JESOD: Etheric Body: Fundamental: Sexual Basic Principal of the Universal Life . and is the MAGIC Triangle, because here is performed the Higher Magic. MALCHUD is the ten Sephirots that is the Physical Body: Kingdom.



"(The Fundamental book of the" Great Work "that James takes in his hands, is the Apocalypse.)"


"(Unquestionably the Revelation is the book of wisdom that only understandable to the Alchemists)"


"(Only workers of the Great Work can understand the Apocalypse.)"


"(At the top chemistry, this is in Alchemy, is found the secret science of the Apocalypse .)"


"(The laws of the Superior chemistry, or Alchemy, the principles, the order of the Magisterium of Fire, are deposited in Revelation.)"


"(James within each of us is the blessed   Patron of the Great Work.)"


"(James is another autonomous and independent part of our own individual being.)"


"(Each of us has our own James.)"


Another section of the same work, the VM Samael says:


"(The spirit of the gold is in the  SACRED SPERM.)"


"(Antimony is a part of  the Being. Fixing the Great Alchemist gold in the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being)"


In her tight cathedra "Knowledge of Being"  VM Samael teaches:


"Unquestionably, there is one (a part of the Self) which is responsible for Alchemy and Alchemy and in Alchemy is called ANTIMONY , but this is not one of the twelve powers". (The twelve apostles atomic)


"What there is  a specialist in Alchemy, which, I am sure  obey the Antimony, which is precisely JAMES THE MAYOR, the Blessed Patron of the Great Work. He obeys Antimony, in the sense that it is ( James) transcendental charge of Alchemy, of the Great Work. "


The ATOMIC ANTIMONY  is the Great Alchemist of Notre Dame de Paris ...




"There is  not something hidden, that shall not be revealed: nor hidden thing, that shall not be known and come to light." (Luke 8:17)


But everything has its time and its measurement  because "Everything is beautiful in its time, and everything is tasty ripe."


Unveiling THE FUNDAMENTALS of the Great Work was RESERVED to whom corresponded . This work was strictly respected by Sons of Art, despite their deep longing for trespassing the imposed limits, in his love for humanity.


It is necessary,  before, to know  THE SEVEN TRUTHS, on the Budha Maitreya and Kalki Avatar  of the New Age of Aquarius sacred word, V.M.S.A.W.


"I, SAMAEL humble servant of the New Age (Aquarius) have taught only FIFTH TRUTH; Listen men ! : THE FIFTH TRUTH IS SEXUAL MAGIC. GABRIEL was the Avatar of the first race (The protoplasmic Polar Race); RAPHAEL was the second (the Hyperborean Race); URIEL was the third (the Lemur Race, formerly located in what is now the Pacific Ocean); MICHAEL was the fourth (Atlantic Race, which then occupied what is now the Atlantic Ocean); I, Samael Aun Weor AM THE AVATAR OF CURRENT FIFTH RACE (the Aryan Race, which began after the Flood); ZACHARIEL will be the sixth (the Koradhi Race ) and this means the ORIFIEL will be of the seventh  (the Lilliputian Raza) ".


"There are Seven Truths: I, Knowledge of pains and miseries of this world; II, knowledge of human fragility; III, knowledge of desire and sin; IV, knowledge of the human mind; V, the tree of knowledge (the Mysteries of Sex); VI, human consciousness; VII, the tree of life (the BEING) "


"Are Seven AVATARS and Seven TRUTH , each teaches a terrible truth. JESUS ​​CHRIST is not Avatar, is more than all, is the Savior of the World, head of all souls, he confirms the teachings of the Avatars and expands. He will come at the height of the aquarium and shall confirm what Samael gave you so on in other races; then  the Kingdom of God will be accomplished as He declared to His servants the prophets. " ( biblically speaking)


Among the Sons of Mother Science, Alchemy, who came closest to touching this "unspeakable" Arcane was the Master  Fulcanelli; clear, not daring to pierce the veil of the Sanctuary. But let´s  that the student learns by the very Word of the Grand Master, city of Heliopolis, SOLAR MAN, which is in its priceless Works "The Mystery of the Cathedrals" and " Philosophal dwellings ":


"Ours is not to explain what the ARTIFICE used in the production PHILOSOPHICAL MERCURY. Feeling much, despite all we have to request the " sons of science" should imitate the example of the wise, who have tried prudently this famous WORD . "


"This explains why writters have been so reserved with respect to the PHILOSOPHICAL MERCURY whose successive phases the operator can follow, understand and manage their taste. If the technique claims a certain time and effort demand, as counterpart is extremely easily. Any layman who can keep the Fire the run as well as an expert alchemist. No special expertise is required or professional skill, but only the knowledge of a curious ARTIFICE constitutes the SECRETUM SECRETORUM “, which has not been revealed and probably never will be. "


"Before going further, let's say this ARTIFICE UNKNOWN - that from the chemical point of view should be qualified as absurd, ridiculous or ironic, because his inexplicable action defies scientific rule - marks the crossroads at which the alchemical science departs from science chemistry ".


"And the mystery surrounding our second operation is the largest of all, affecting the DEVELOPMENT OF PHILOSOPHICAL MERCURY, which has never been taught  openly ".


"However, our teachers in Art take good care to draw readers' attention to the difference between the existing fundamental vulgar calcination, as embodied in chemical laboratories, and practicing by the INITIATED in the cabinet of the philosophers. This is not done by a common fire, absolutely does not need the help of reverberatory , but requires the help of a hidden AGENT, a SECRET FIRE, which, to give an idea of ​​its shape, more like a water to a flame. This BURNING WATER  is the vital spark communicated by the Creator to inert matter; It is the SPIRIT locked in things ,the IGNEOUS RAY , imperishable, locked in the bottom of the dark , shapeless and frigid substance. We touch here the highest secret of the Work; and we would be happy to cut this Gordian knot in favor of the aspirants to our science - reminding, ow !, which detained us  with this same problem for over twenty years - if we were allowed desecrate a mystery whose  disclosure depends upon the FATHER  OF LIGHTS. Even if it pain us, we can only point out the pitfalls and advise, with the most eminent philosophers, perusing ARTEPHIUS (The Secret Book of Artephius) of PONTANO (Of Lapid Philosophic) and the work entitled EPISTLE OF IGNE PHILOSOPHORUM ".


Indeed, THE REVELATION OF THIS ARTIFICE was RESERVED TO THE LORD OF THE FIFTH TRUE, at FIVE OF SEVEN, To the AVATAR OF THE FIFTH RACE (the Aryan Race, which began after the Flood and will finished in order to make way for the sixth Race), the BUDDHA Maitreya, Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor.


The Lord of the Force, the RED CHRIST, V.M. ARCHANGEL Samael Aun Weor, with his WORD , vivid expression  of  the VERB INCARNATED , expressed as follows:


"Obviously, we must learn to prepare the MERCURY  OF THE WISES. The Secret of the preparation of Mercury was never revealed. Not Even Fulcanelli revealed. But TO THAT ONE THAT IS HERE WITHIN just within this insignificant, worthless person, HE HAS HAD TO DISCLOSE SUCH SECRET. Obviously the preparation KEY of the Mercury, is precisely in a delicate and simple ARTIFICE  that you already know. LINGAM-YONI CONNECTION WITHOUT EVER SHED THE GLASS OF HERMES TRIMEGISTO, the Thrice Great God Ibis of Thoth. This is all SECRETUM SECRETORUM  that serve of basement for the preparation of the Mercury of the Wises. "


Lucky will therefore be the Finder that draw near unto the Living Source of this teaching of the Master; more, I wretched than that, you change your birthright for a mess of pottage; will be even more undignified than that miserable having led the Throne of the Tem-ohp-ab, and appalled at the terrible mystery, was expelled from the sanctuary into the outer darkness where there is heard but the weeping and gnashing of teeth.


Hays, for here, at the Threshold  of the "Mysterium Magnum".


The Archangel Master Samael Aun Weor, in the fourteen chapters of the first part of this work and the first of the second, revels to us with a wise and simple language  and classic at once , processes the Philosophical Mercury in THE WORK OF THE SUN.


There the Master not only reveals himself as Great Scientist of HIGH NUCLEAR PHYSICS OF the Pharaonic School, but also as  ALCHEMIST OF FIRST ORDER.


True disciples of Hermes as "I Fratelli di Heliopolis" and "humble workman" will recognize this.




This is therefore the Doctrine of VM Samael Aun Weor: THE DOCTRINE OF THE DIRECT ROUTE IN THE WORK OF THE SUN.


It remains to convey the following:


"If you get yourself  at the ARCANE INTELLIGENCE will merit the title of Adept; but  know well: it would be in vain that the Wise Masters would like to reveal you the Supreme formulas of the Consciousness and Magic Power. The Hidden Truth could not be transmitted in a speech. Everyone should evoke, create and develop itself. You are IMITATUS, that is, the others have placed upon the Way. Strive to reach ADEPTUS, ie CONQUERING THE SCIENCE BY HIMSELF. In a word: THE SON OF HIS OWN WORKS ".

Read more…




                                                         THE SEMINAL ATOMIC CONSCIOUSNESS


Cleve Backster, made scientific research with sperm particles and found that "The sperm cells were found to be  extraordinary capable because seemed to identify to your donor  and react to his presence, ignoring the other sex male subjects.  These observations suggest indicate a kind of total memory that reaches the cell, and therefore that the brain may be a switch mechanism but not necessarily an organ for store memories. "


We clarify here that for effects  of the Great Work, must not be removed or even a small drop of the sacred sperm of our body, as these processes of transmutation take place within our own human laboratory. Fornication It's serious (seminal ejaculation in any ratio or amount), as well as adultery, for the alchemist: Could burn the laboratory and ruin  the Great Work  for life ...


From the opening paragraph, remove this conclusion: sperm cells, its atomic and subatomic constitution, also have  his own conscience. And if the seed of Man, is the most select that are in this beautiful machine, there is also the most Select   of the Atomic Consciousness.


Know that there lives the Alchemist Atoms of the Great Work is REQUIRED to become aware of the huge responsibility we have to our seed and urgent necessity to know the ATOMIC  DIVINE LAWS directing the Alchemical process.


He could not, therefore, an experimenter monster of the materialistic science, massively and harmony, without violence, subject the DIVINE ATOMIC LAWS to  their whims of Laboratory "... Science without Conscience"


In the sacred sperm are Atoms godlike very high:


In the sacred books of the East, among others, there are some that are known by the name of "Upanishads" In "Brihadaranyaka Upanishad" printed in the University of Oxford, on page 136, Volume 1, reads as follows:


"He who dwells in the Semen and within the Semen, the Semen know not, whose body is the Semen, the semen does not know, whose body is  the Semen and governs the Semen from the inside, this is the YES , inside dominator , the immortal; Invisible, but seer ; Inaudible, but  listener; Imperceptible, but perceiver; Unknown, but knower. There is no other seer out of it, no other listener out of it, no other perceiver out of it. This is your YES, inside sovereign, the immortal. Everything else is wrong. "


The Fire of the Holy Spirit has for living space the Water of the Holy Sperm. It is for this reason that in "The Gnostic Gospel of Philip" the texts of Nag Hammadi, is written: "Semen of the Holy Spirit."


It is vital that the Alchemist  understand that should not to spill even   a drop of the sacred sperm is due, as shown in the "MUTUS LIBER" (an old edition) Plate No. 14 in the end appears Perrenelle (wife of Nicholas Flamel) showing  if the mercury drops outside the container, ie if ejaculated, is not get  indicated unity  on the plate by her husband, but the horns (a symbol of impurity and demonic work) indicated by the gesture of Perrenelle.


It is well known that one of the terms is called the Prime Matter is "Antimony" Comes very great interest regarding what Basil Valentine, in his "Triumphal Chariot of Antimony"  express  let´s reference to it:


"Know, then, the readers, that all things have in themselves the -operative and vivifying Spirit which dwells in the bodies, nourishes and preserves them . The Spirits of the elements are not lacking, that they live by God's will, whether good or bad. Humans and other animals have in it the living and working Spirit  which leaving, corpses are  those. The herbs and plants contain in itself the Spirit of  health would otherwise be useless to the medical use or its preparation Also, Metals and Minerals carry their  impalpable Spirit, which containing all the power and virtue of those, because without the Spirit  things are dead and not showing any enlivening operation itself. Know Well (the reader) that THE SPIRIT IN THE ANTIMONY IS  which all things in it are hidden and that it is is extracted , he leads them, but invisibly, as in the magnet (mercury) is hidden a  invisible virtue , which in my Treatise on the Magnet, I will try  broadly. The Spirits are of two kinds: Intelligent and unintelligent. The Intelligent ones , endowed with reason, when they want are understandable and incorporeal, as are the inhabitants of the elements, being some seductive fiery fires, other lucid ghosts: air, air inhabitants, the aquatic possessing waters, and also the land that are appearing in mines of metals, called men of such mines. These spirits understand, KNOW THE ARTS and can change his form ... "


"The other Spirits of the world and are surprised not spontaneously are those hidden  in man, animals, brutes, plants and minerals, which have operating life, which is demonstrated by its operations and with the power to heal, when, for the sake of art are separated from their bodies. Also, THE SPIRIT OF ANTIMONY demonstrates and communicates the men its virtue "


That is why our VM Samael Aun Weor  that is by the way the Planetary Logos of Planet Mars in his "Treatise of Sexual Alchemy" says emphatically:


"23--In the Semen  exist an Angelic Atom that governs our seminal vapors".


" 24--That Angelic Atom  rises the vapors of our semen into the spinal canal, for the Angel (atomic  in us) redwood forest use it to open the door Inferior of the medulla, so that the divine Princess Kundalini get in from there "


In "The Creation of the  Intimate Psychological Sun or The Doctrine of Direct Path"  VM Samael Aun Weor, regarding the nature of Antimony, teaches:


"The Antimony is not merely a substance as pretend many. In Alchemy Antimony goes further. It is one of the autonomous and self-conscious part of our own Being inasmuch as our own Being has many autonomous and self-conscious parts. Antimony is one of them, is an Alchemist (our atomic Alchemist) That part works actively fixing Gold into Mercury ".


Here, then, in the Sacred Sperm, is the Atomic Alchemist, THE SPIRIT OF ANTIMONY  by Basil Valentine. Right there in the Semen are other Atomic intelligences , some subordinates  to Antimony and others that have  higher  hierarchy than this one . But all these atomic parts godlike, working hand in hand in the Great Work, provided the practitioner does the work well done and according to the canons of the Holy Alchemy.


Fulcanelli, appealing to the Kabbalah Phonetics, suggests this mystery of Antimony at the end of Chapter IV of "Louis D 'Estissac"


"One of the important characters of Pantagruel, the scientist, is called Epistemon. And the Secret craftsman the spirit locked in a crude material (common mercury or first mercury), translated the Epistemon (Antimony) Greek, because this spirit is able by itself to execute and perform the entire work, with no other contest than the elemental fire. "


Where, in another section says:


"We must still, questioning nature to learn from it and under what conditions the rule which will operate its many productions. The philosophical spirit would not be able, in effect, to be content with a mere possibility of identifying the bodies, but it demands the knowledge of the secret of its preparation.


 Transcribing the invaluable and unique teaching of V.M. ARCHANGEL Samael Aun Weor, in his latest book "The Pistis Sophia Unveiled" transmitted us:


"(James is the blessed patron of the Great Work.)"


"(Who Study of the Universal Epistle of James will understand the principles of the Great Work.)"


"(The Father of all Lights through to our own   Inner James teaches the mysteries of the Great Work.)"


"(It is therefore James, one of the autonomous and self-aware part of our own Being.)"


"(James-Mercuries, is closely related to the  transmuting Science  of Yesod-Mercury)"

 Let´s make a little parenthesis here for the well of the beloved readers it is important to explain a little about what Jesod is according the TREE OF LIFE  such is  10 Hebraic Kabalistic Sephirots: going from the top to the bottom and that goes like this: KETHER : The Ancient of the days “ , the first LOGOS , SUPREME CROWN. Second is CHOKMAH:  the Wisdom, second LOGOS, THE SON-THE COSMIC CHRIST. Third is BINAH: the Intelligence, third LOGOS: THE HOLY SPIRIT. This form the first triad and is LOGOIC whose gravitational center is in KETHER. That is a mathematic point in the unalterable Infinite Inmense, Space. After the Divine Triangle comes the second one formed by: CHESED, the Innermost ,the Royal Being, the Love: ATMAN from where emanate the two polarities that are: GEBURAH: The Female Soul, the Divine Soul: BUDDHI.  the other one is the Human Soul that is THIPHERET( the one encarnated ) this second tried is ETHIC. This triangle is of the Pure Spirit: the Indostanic Trimurti that is: ATMAN, BUDDHI, MANAS, The gravitational center is in THIPHERET that matches with the Causal Plane. Twin flames… This Triangle is Known as the Triangle of the Son just for the reason that the Second Logos: usually manifest through the Human Soul. The Third Triangle is formed by: NETZAH that is the Mental Body : Victory, then comes HOD: The Astral Body: Splendor. The comes JESOD: Etheric Body: Fundamental: Sexual Basic Principal of the Universal Life . and is the MAGIC Triangle, because here is performed the Higher Magic. MALCHUD is the ten Sephirots that is the Physical Body: Kingdom.



"(The Fundamental book of the" Great Work "that James takes in his hands, is the Apocalypse.)"


"(Unquestionably the Revelation is the book of wisdom that only understandable to the Alchemists)"


"(Only workers of the Great Work can understand the Apocalypse.)"


"(At the top chemistry, this is in Alchemy, is found the secret science of the Apocalypse .)"


"(The laws of the Superior chemistry, or Alchemy, the principles, the order of the Magisterium of Fire, are deposited in Revelation.)"


"(James within each of us is the blessed   Patron of the Great Work.)"


"(James is another autonomous and independent part of our own individual being.)"


"(Each of us has our own James.)"


Another section of the same work, the VM Samael says:


"(The spirit of the gold is in the  SACRED SPERM.)"


"(Antimony is a part of  the Being. Fixing the Great Alchemist gold in the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being)"


In her tight cathedra "Knowledge of Being"  VM Samael teaches:


"Unquestionably, there is one (a part of the Self) which is responsible for Alchemy and Alchemy and in Alchemy is called ANTIMONY , but this is not one of the twelve powers". (The twelve apostles atomic)


"What there is  a specialist in Alchemy, which, I am sure  obey the Antimony, which is precisely JAMES THE MAYOR, the Blessed Patron of the Great Work. He obeys Antimony, in the sense that it is ( James) transcendental charge of Alchemy, of the Great Work. "


The ATOMIC ANTIMONY  is the Great Alchemist of Notre Dame de Paris ...




"There is  not something hidden, that shall not be revealed: nor hidden thing, that shall not be known and come to light." (Luke 8:17)


But everything has its time and its measurement  because "Everything is beautiful in its time, and everything is tasty ripe."


Unveiling THE FUNDAMENTALS of the Great Work was RESERVED to whom corresponded . This work was strictly respected by Sons of Art, despite their deep longing for trespassing the imposed limits, in his love for humanity.


It is necessary,  before, to know  THE SEVEN TRUTHS, on the Budha Maitreya and Kalki Avatar  of the New Age of Aquarius sacred word, V.M.S.A.W.


"I, SAMAEL humble servant of the New Age (Aquarius) have taught only FIFTH TRUTH; Listen men ! : THE FIFTH TRUTH IS SEXUAL MAGIC. GABRIEL was the Avatar of the first race (The protoplasmic Polar Race); RAPHAEL was the second (the Hyperborean Race); URIEL was the third (the Lemur Race, formerly located in what is now the Pacific Ocean); MICHAEL was the fourth (Atlantic Race, which then occupied what is now the Atlantic Ocean); I, Samael Aun Weor AM THE AVATAR OF CURRENT FIFTH RACE (the Aryan Race, which began after the Flood); ZACHARIEL will be the sixth (the Koradhi Race ) and this means the ORIFIEL will be of the seventh  (the Lilliputian Raza) ".


"There are Seven Truths: I, Knowledge of pains and miseries of this world; II, knowledge of human fragility; III, knowledge of desire and sin; IV, knowledge of the human mind; V, the tree of knowledge (the Mysteries of Sex); VI, human consciousness; VII, the tree of life (the BEING) "


"Are Seven AVATARS and Seven TRUTH , each teaches a terrible truth. JESUS ​​CHRIST is not Avatar, is more than all, is the Savior of the World, head of all souls, he confirms the teachings of the Avatars and expands. He will come at the height of the aquarium and shall confirm what Samael gave you so on in other races; then  the Kingdom of God will be accomplished as He declared to His servants the prophets. " ( biblically speaking)


Among the Sons of Mother Science, Alchemy, who came closest to touching this "unspeakable" Arcane was the Master  Fulcanelli; clear, not daring to pierce the veil of the Sanctuary. But let´s  that the student learns by the very Word of the Grand Master, city of Heliopolis, SOLAR MAN, which is in its priceless Works "The Mystery of the Cathedrals" and " Philosophal dwellings ":


"Ours is not to explain what the ARTIFICE used in the production PHILOSOPHICAL MERCURY. Feeling much, despite all we have to request the " sons of science" should imitate the example of the wise, who have tried prudently this famous WORD . "


"This explains why writters have been so reserved with respect to the PHILOSOPHICAL MERCURY whose successive phases the operator can follow, understand and manage their taste. If the technique claims a certain time and effort demand, as counterpart is extremely easily. Any layman who can keep the Fire the run as well as an expert alchemist. No special expertise is required or professional skill, but only the knowledge of a curious ARTIFICE constitutes the SECRETUM SECRETORUM “, which has not been revealed and probably never will be. "


"Before going further, let's say this ARTIFICE UNKNOWN - that from the chemical point of view should be qualified as absurd, ridiculous or ironic, because his inexplicable action defies scientific rule - marks the crossroads at which the alchemical science departs from science chemistry ".


"And the mystery surrounding our second operation is the largest of all, affecting the DEVELOPMENT OF PHILOSOPHICAL MERCURY, which has never been taught  openly ".


"However, our teachers in Art take good care to draw readers' attention to the difference between the existing fundamental vulgar calcination, as embodied in chemical laboratories, and practicing by the INITIATED in the cabinet of the philosophers. This is not done by a common fire, absolutely does not need the help of reverberatory , but requires the help of a hidden AGENT, a SECRET FIRE, which, to give an idea of ​​its shape, more like a water to a flame. This BURNING WATER  is the vital spark communicated by the Creator to inert matter; It is the SPIRIT locked in things ,the IGNEOUS RAY , imperishable, locked in the bottom of the dark , shapeless and frigid substance. We touch here the highest secret of the Work; and we would be happy to cut this Gordian knot in favor of the aspirants to our science - reminding, ow !, which detained us  with this same problem for over twenty years - if we were allowed desecrate a mystery whose  disclosure depends upon the FATHER  OF LIGHTS. Even if it pain us, we can only point out the pitfalls and advise, with the most eminent philosophers, perusing ARTEPHIUS (The Secret Book of Artephius) of PONTANO (Of Lapid Philosophic) and the work entitled EPISTLE OF IGNE PHILOSOPHORUM ".


Indeed, THE REVELATION OF THIS ARTIFICE was RESERVED TO THE LORD OF THE FIFTH TRUE, at FIVE OF SEVEN, To the AVATAR OF THE FIFTH RACE (the Aryan Race, which began after the Flood and will finished in order to make way for the sixth Race), the BUDDHA Maitreya, Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor.


The Lord of the Force, the RED CHRIST, V.M. ARCHANGEL Samael Aun Weor, with his WORD , vivid expression  of  the VERB INCARNATED , expressed as follows:


"Obviously, we must learn to prepare the MERCURY  OF THE WISES. The Secret of the preparation of Mercury was never revealed. Not Even Fulcanelli revealed. But TO THAT ONE THAT IS HERE WITHIN just within this insignificant, worthless person, HE HAS HAD TO DISCLOSE SUCH SECRET. Obviously the preparation KEY of the Mercury, is precisely in a delicate and simple ARTIFICE  that you already know. LINGAM-YONI CONNECTION WITHOUT EVER SHED THE GLASS OF HERMES TRIMEGISTO, the Thrice Great God Ibis of Thoth. This is all SECRETUM SECRETORUM  that serve of basement for the preparation of the Mercury of the Wises. "


Lucky will therefore be the Finder that draw near unto the Living Source of this teaching of the Master; more, I wretched than that, you change your birthright for a mess of pottage; will be even more undignified than that miserable having led the Throne of the Tem-ohp-ab, and appalled at the terrible mystery, was expelled from the sanctuary into the outer darkness where there is heard but the weeping and gnashing of teeth.


Hays, for here, at the Threshold  of the "Mysterium Magnum".


The Archangel Master Samael Aun Weor, in the fourteen chapters of the first part of this work and the first of the second, revels to us with a wise and simple language  and classic at once , processes the Philosophical Mercury in THE WORK OF THE SUN.


There the Master not only reveals himself as Great Scientist of HIGH NUCLEAR PHYSICS OF the Pharaonic School, but also as  ALCHEMIST OF FIRST ORDER.


True disciples of Hermes as "I Fratelli di Heliopolis" and "humble workman" will recognize this.




This is therefore the Doctrine of VM Samael Aun Weor: THE DOCTRINE OF THE DIRECT ROUTE IN THE WORK OF THE SUN.


It remains to convey the following:


"If you get yourself  at the ARCANE INTELLIGENCE will merit the title of Adept; but  know well: it would be in vain that the Wise Masters would like to reveal you the Supreme formulas of the Consciousness and Magic Power. The Hidden Truth could not be transmitted in a speech. Everyone should evoke, create and develop itself. You are IMITATUS, that is, the others have placed upon the Way. Strive to reach ADEPTUS, ie CONQUERING THE SCIENCE BY HIMSELF. In a word: THE SON OF HIS OWN WORKS ".

Read more…



"The Philosophical Stone is the CHRIST INTIMATE dress with GOLDEN BODIES. However, for the Existential BODIES OF BEING ¬ are converted as PURE GOLD, must be  ALCHEMIST and work hard in the GREAT  WORK. All ALCHEMISTS can afford to own BODIES OF PURE GOLD; but, of course, it is not ALCHEMIST anybody else. "


As we want the alchemical Science , - Its fundament - are based on own principles, simple and uncomplicated, and very natural processes that originally had nothing to do with "grandiose  theories of substantial content", do not be difficult at  reader nor  excuse will have it, the work  undertaken so precious.


It is for this reason, that being the simple, humble and uncomplicated Science Mother,  needs of related elements to her.


"I praise  you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these  things from the wise and understanding , and hast revealed them unto babes. So, Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight. "






"People think that nature is something unconscious, but poor people are wrong! "


"CHILDREN OF THE EARTH!  listen to your instructors, Children of Fire ... "


"Kings and Queens of fire, woodland creatures ... I Conjure  you!. No jungle but has its genius ... There is no Tree  not having his creature, his powers and intelligence ... No tree  without soul ... All plant is the physical body of an elemental creature  of nature ... "


"Plants have souls, and the souls of plants contain all the powers of the Mother Goddess of the World ..."


"The souls of plants, are the elementals of Nature. These innocent  creatures have not yet gone out of Eden, and therefore have not yet lost their igneous powers ... "


"Elemental plants, frolic as innocent children between the ineffable melodies of this great Eden of the Mother Goddess of the World."


"There is nothing that does not have a Soul in this burning  creation ..."


"If you look with the eyes of  the  Spirit the  fiery background of an ancient rock, we see that EVERY ATOM IS THE PHYSICAL BODY OF MINERAL ELEMENTAL CREATURE , that fights, loves and works in the fiery crackle of universal fire, longing intensely to climb  the steps of the  coal and diamond,  to have the joy to enter  the realm of the sublime vegetable kingdom"


So with these previous paragraphs we speak our Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor, in his wonderful book "Igneous Rose".


Millions of readers of Russian newspapers received the  first ideas where that plants communicate their emotions to  man in October 1970, when Pravda published an article entitled "What they tell us the leaves."


"Plants talk ... Yeah, shout" said the official organ of the Communist Party. "Only it seems that his misfortunes meekly accept their pain and suffer in silence" Pravda's report , Chertkov  tell us were witness of these  extraordinary events in Moscow when he visited the labora tory of Artificial Weather installed at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences Timiryazev.


"Before my eyes, a stalk of pitch literally cried when their roots got into hot water. It is true that the "voice" of the plant was recorded in only one special electronic  instrument of extraordinary sensitivity revealed a wide strip of paper "a vale of tears bottomless" As if he had gone mad, needle burner described in the contortions of his strokes on white surface mortal agony stalk of barley, though, merely looking at the small plant, no one would have ever suspected what I was experiencing. While his still erect little  leaves and green as always, the "body" of the plant was dying. Some kind of  cells "brain" was telling us from inside her what was happening. "


The previous section from the book "The Secret Life of Plants", is a formidable complement to this other of the same work:


"Believing he was being sensationalist newspapers of the West," said the reporter Izvestiya, Matveyev moved to Leningrad, where he met with Vladimir Grigoryevich Karamanov, director of the Bio-Cybernetics Laboratory  Institute of Agro-physics to obtain an authoritative opinion about it.


"According to Izvestiya reporter , Karamanov  shown as a current legume plant  had acquired something equivalent to" hands "to indicate a brain instrumental amount of light needed. When the brain signals sent to the "hands", they had only to press a switch on, and this plant could then establish by his own  optical length of the "day" and his "night". Then after, when the same plant had acquired the equivalent of a "legs" could indicate  instrumentally  if  needed water. Credited as a perfectly rational being-followed the story-the plant is not choked voraciously with water  without rhyme or reason, but simply to drink about two minutes per hour, regulating the amount needed with the help of an artificial mechanism ".


"This was something truly sensational in scientific and technical fields - the finished article - clear demonstration of the skills of the man of the twentieth century."


When asked if he thought Backster had discovered something new, something Karamanov tolerant tone replied: "Not at all! That plants are able to perceive the world around them is a such ancient truth as the world itself. Without perception, there can be and there is no adaptation. If plants do not possess Sensory organs and they had no means of transmit  and process the information with his  memory and own language inevitably perish "


Professor VN Pushkin, Soviet Union, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, trying to find a significance in the reactions of flowers, wrote:


"There may be a specific and positive link between the two information systems, the plant cells and the nervous system. The language of plant cells can be related to the  nerve cells. These two types of living cells totally different appear to be able to "understand" reciprocally ¬ "


In the same work, We quote the following:


"The magic and mystery of the plant world that exists behind these scientific activities have also recently become the subject of a new book, entitled  Grass, a popular  writer Vladimir Soloukhin that appear  in late 1972 four issues of the journal Nauka i Zhizn (Science and Life), which has a circulation of three million.  was fascinate   with the exhibition one day did Pravda developed by Gunar work surprised much that  had not caused more excitement in their Russian countrymen ".


It is possible that may superficially are studying  the elements of the memory of the plants - type - but at least they are in black and white! However, no one is able to call friends or neighbors, nobody can shout with drunken voice phone: Have not you heard what happens? Plants are able to feel!  feel pain! Plants feel pain ! Plants  remember everything! Plants think!.


At the start Soloukhin to call your friends filled in enthusiasm and joy, he learned from one of them that a notable member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, who worked at Akademgorodok, the new town inhabited almost exclusively by scientists researchers and situated on the outskirts of the largest industrial center of Siberia Novosibirsk, had said:


"Do not be amazed!  we too are making many experiments of this type, all of which are biased towards a single idea: the plants have memory. They are able to re- take impressions and retain long periods. We made a man did bother and even a torture  a Geranium several days. He pinched him, shred  in pieces, pricked him with a needle the leaves, threw acid in their tissues, burned it with a match and cut the roots. Another man looked with affection at the same geranium, watered and rolled and fluffed his ground, sprinkled with fresh water, sought support for its branches, heavier and attended his burns and wounds. When we apply the electrodes of our instruments to the plant, what do you think happened? As soon as the one tormented him approach to the plant , the punch recorder instrument began to move frantically. The plant is not exactly put "nerve ", but frightened, horrified. If he could have, he would have thrown out the window or would have attacked his executioner. As he was leaving, and the good man was at their side, the Geranium appeased,  their impulses faded and the punch recorded  traced on the cardboard  quiet lines , arguably up loving ones "


 Zabelin, doctor of geographical sciences and professor at the University of Moscú said:


"We are only beginning to understand the language Of Nature , YOUR SOUL, his reason. The "inner world " of  plants  hides from our view after seventy seven seals. "





He is the intelligence that animates the movement of the infinitely small and the infinitely large. He is the lives than seething and beats in every sun, as in every atom.


When Christ said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life" and life being expressed as  atomic   motion in all things, great and small, from a Human to an Angel and from a  stone  to a star, expressed some  dimensions so vast and deep that just does reach to be glimpsed by the human  understood procedure.


In "The Gospel of Thomas" the  Nag Hammadi  texts recently discovered in Egypt, Christ says:


"Cut the wood; I am there. Lift an stone and I am there . "


In the Holy  Scriptures, in Joshua, chapter 24, verses 26 and following, there is something  deserves our reflection:


"And Joshua wrote these words in the book of the law of God; and took a great stone, and set it up there under the oak that was by the sanctuary of  Jehova. "


"And Joshua said unto all the people":


Behold, this stone shall be a witness among   us, WHICH HAS HEARD ALL THE WORDS OF JEHOVA which he had spoken unto us: it shall be therefore a witness against you, because do not lie against your God. "


Where, in another section of Habakkuk Book, Chapter 2, verse 11, says:


"For the stone shall cry out of the wall and the table timber shall answer it."


Returning to the New Testament, we find the same teaching in the mouth of CHRIST:


"And think not to say within yourselves ' We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you that God is des ¬ awaken children to Abraham from these stones ¬ standing." (Matthew 3:9)


"Then some of the Pharisees from the multitude said unto him, Master, rebuke thy disciples. And He responding,  said: I tell you, if these were silent, the stones will cry out. "(Luke 19: 39 and 40)


Being the Christ "THE TRUTH" can not  lie, and being "LIFE" is the Life that animates the mineral,  vegetal,   animal, to humanoid, to  man, to  angel, the Sun, the star to God.


Will by force, material  scientist, if  wants  to go further, bow humbly before THE DIVINE LAWS  THAT   HANDLE  THE  ATOMIC  LIFE  KNOW THEM , RESPECT THEM AND ACT ACCORDING TO THEM. And then, there will be not a materialist scientist but a philosopher, a friend of science and search  of "TRUTH" ...





If Fulcanelli affirms us in the search for the Philosopher's Stone and manufacturing of gold "what matters is not the transmutation of metals, but the experimenter himself," the raw material is contained in the same  experimenter.


In "The Mystery of the Cathedrals," he says:


"There is a stone  of great virtues, which is being called stone  is not a stone; is mineral, vegetable and animal, is found in every part and every hour, IN ANY PERSON ".


"Flamel also writes: 'There is a hidden stone, secret  and buried deep beneath a spring, it is vile, poor and worthless; and is covered with excrement and manure ; it always remains the same, have been given many names . The wise Morieno says this Stone  that is not stone,  it is animated because has the  virtue to procreate and generate ... "


In "Seven Chapters of Hermes", it is written:


"Behold, I declare what has been hidden: The Work is with you and in you, wherever she is continually , also you will always have  where you meet ."


Even so, the nature of the Raw Material  for the Great Work, remained an enigma. Even the Great Adept Fulcanelli dared to reveal this untold mystery once. Much less flushed  the veil covering the Artifice to elaborate  the Philosophical Mercury.


We have to clarify that for the  elaboration of the  Philosophical Mercury is proceeds the first mercury or Prime  Matter.


Fulcanelli  affirm : "Know, therefore  the searchers  that its solvent,  or common Mercury , is the result of the work of nature, while the mercury of the wise is a production of art.


Later, the same  author says that the art for the preparation of the Philosophical Mercury   " does not require a special skill of hand, and professional skills , but only the knowledge  of a curious ARTIFICE , which is that SECRETUM  SECRETORUM has never been revealed and probably never will be. "


It is clear that , "The Father of all Lights"  of the Grand Adept Fulcanelli had not authorized him to reveal a mystery of a nature. But, "THE FATHER OF ALL LIGHTS " in our Venerable  Master Samael Aun Weor   yes  it  authorized  so before any other Master   has deliver  to humanity publicly . “ THE  FATHER OF ALL LIGHTS “ GAVE TO THE ARCHANGEL SAMAEL SUCH TASK , REVEL SUCH SECRET TO HUMANITY . HIM IS THE FIFTH OF THE SEVEN COMOCRATOR OF THIS UNIVER E IS THE FIFTH OF SEVEN ANGEL BEFORE THE THRONE OF GOD ACORDING THE  REVELATION ST. JOHN  THE DIVINE .So  now the Humanity is quite Mature to  receive such Wisdom that  is for the new mature Humanity of the Aquarium Age.


In his work "Treatise of Sexual Alchemy", the VM Samael Aun Weor teaches us:


1 - Arnoldo de Villanueva, Albert the Great, Raymond Lully and many other Alchemists, called  Mercury  to the  Sperm or Semen ¬.


2 - There is only one matter that underlies the Great Work of the Father.


3 - This raw material of the Great Work,  is the sperm  called Mercury by all Alchemists.


4 - The Mercury is the boiled Sperm of all metals.


5 - Arnoldo de Villanueva says that according to the degree of sulfidation, Mercury begets the various metals within the Earth (Philosophical) (astral, mental, causal etc.)


6 - So the Mercury as the degree of cooking, comes to revet the various metal forms.


7 - Really everything can be broken down into its own elements.


8 - Using the heat we can break the ice in water, because water is the element of ice.


9 - So, all earth metals can be decomposed into Mercury, because Mercury is the raw material of all metals.


10 – This Mercury  is the  spermatic Semen , which can break down all metals, because that is the element from which all things come.


11 - Man can be taken into decomposition in semen, because that is the element from which it came, and everything can be decomposed into the elements of which it is composed themselves.


12 - Before you can transmute metals must first be reduced to its raw material.


13 - Also, before the man can redeem their sins and enter into the kingdom of heaven, we must first reduce their raw material, and then transmute it into the celestial man   that St. Paul speaks about it.


14 - For example, if I have a statue and want to give this statue an absolutely new way, that statue must first reduce their raw material, breaking it down into the same elements of which it is composed.


15 - Then, I do with  that raw material the statue in absolutely new way, and totally different.


16 – And  Also, if we want to  transmute    in Heavenly Men, Masters of  Wisdom, we must reduce the sperm that we were formed to develop the CHRIST , the Child of Gold of Sexual Alchemy.


17 - Change the natures and  you shall  find what you look for

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Teaching of Self-Knowledge


We assert that Consciousness in the man is beyond doubt and without fear fool, a very particular kind of apprehension, totally independent INSIDE KNOWLEDGE of all mental activity.


Certainly we can study the SEXOLOGY from two different angles. One from the point of view merely formal, as studied in the Faculty of Medicine. The other, from the point of view Gnostic. I'll meet sexology in light of Universal Gnosticism.


First, GNOSIS means KNOWLEDGE. The word GNOSIS also enters the official science: diagnosis, diagnosis. Gnosis you see there on the etymology. In any case, the defined Gnostic currents know thoroughly sexology.


In the name of truth I must say that Sigmund Freud, with his psychoanalysis, began a period of extraordinary transformations in the field of Sexology. Sigmund Freud was an innovation in the field of medicine, know that all who have studied Freud.


Agler was certainly one of his best disciples. Disciples of him was Jung and many other psychologists, psychoanalysts and Parapsychologists.


Sex itself is the center of gravity of all human activities revolve around sex all social aspects of life. Consider for example a dance party: Sex tour around the whole party, in a coffee tour all about sex.


Today sex begins to be studied by some scholars with transcendental purposes. Unfortunately it is true and it is very abundant pornography Sex diverts to merely sensual activities.


There are several kinds of SEX: there is a Real Normal Sex, and there exists Infrasex. and the Suprasex.


What is meant by Normal Sexuality? Understood by Normal Sexuality sexual activity conducive to the reproduction of the species.


The Infrasexuality is different and there are two kinds of Infrasexuals. In terms of Kabbalah is said that Adam had two wives: Lilith and Nahemah. Lilith represents one of the infrasexuals areas, find it to pederasts, homosexual, lesbian, etc..


Side Nahemah find sex abusers, pornographic, those who give himself to unbridled lust of any kind or control, are the two areas or spheres of Infrasexuality.


But let us now turn to Suprasex to Suprasexuality. Unquestionably Suprasexuality is for Geniuses, for Transcendental Men, for Ineffable Women, etc.. Suprasexuals were Jesus of Nazareth, a Buddha, Hermes Trismegistus, a Mohammed a Lao Tse in China, Quetzalcoatl a Pythagoras, etc ...


How can we enter the Kingdom of Suprasexuality? But I say, to enter the realm of the Suprasexual in the field or sphere of Suprasexuality, first requires that all sex Normal. The Infrasexual eg, lesbians, homosexuals, pederasts, masturbators, are not prepared to enter the Kingdom of Suprasexuality. The infrasexual must first decide if you want to regenerate, start to achieve normal sexuality. Once achieved, you can enter the full path of the Suprasexual.


It is difficult for gays and lesbians, which belong to the sphere of the infrasexual, the regeneration. Recently came to visit a gay subject, came from his country, Honduras. Such a man had a fairly high intellectual culture, is very excited by the revolutionary ideas of sexology such as it advocated the Universal Gnosticism and frankly talking  told me the tragic story of a homosexual. However  expressed the desire to regenerate, to enter the field of Normal Sexuality and then subsequently get the path of Suprasexuality.


Dude, I told him no choice but to get on the path of sexual Sexuality you are a sissy. There will therefore be achieved first by starting a woman first of all. Marry, Regenerate, get the Normal Sexuality, become a normal man and the day you are a normal man, the day that you would really like females, then be prepared to enter the field of the Suprasexuality. Prior is not possible today, you go down the path of degeneration, you are a degenerate.

Well, the man was not offended. Frankly, he noticed that was right. He said he was going to get a woman who was getting married, he would try to become Normal Sex  because he wanted to someday enter the transcendental spheres of the Suprasexuality. Hopefully the friend to regenerate. Hopefully!.


On another occasion came to me a lesbian. She said  wanted to advise her that frankly she loved the same women, which was in a very serious problem. She spent a lot of money with some lady who was out there, but this lady was putting "horns", as we say. The truth is that the lady was walking down the street their desires with other ladies and, of course, caused her "jealousy." He suffered that lesbian like a man, exactly. She wept before him, and asked me advice like a man. Parenthetically, it was a horrible old, do not deny it to you. I could not help but look at her with a terrible mess.


Well, I gave her a few tips, I said it was best to be regenerated, that got a man to came into the path of Normal Sexuality . I do not know if this poor old  will have regenerated, did not seem to really want to regenerate it too was " so jealous" with other ladies who accompanied 'his lady' looked a whole male, a male and a half ...


You see how horrible is the path of degeneration, infrasexual way. But there are really only infrasexuals lesbians, masturbators, homosexuals, etc.., No. Infrasexuals are also sex abusers, those who are changing every second lady, those who copulate to ten and fifteen times daily. And no, I know them. Subjects are undoubtedly well degenerate infrasexuals, but created very macho, but what they have is that they are degenerate.


Let get in the way of Normal Sexuality now . . Normal Sexuality itself is beautiful. Man joins his wife, they love each other, reproduce his kind, living a moderate life, etc.. Yes live in accordance with the interests of nature, according to the economy of Nature. Each of us is a little machine, we can not deny, that captures various types and subtypes of cosmic energy.


Every little machine, that is, each of us, can capture these types of energy automatically, subconsciously, and relayed to the inner layers of the Earth. So, the Earth is a living organism, an organism that lives in us.


Do not want to say that plants do not fulfill this function, it is clear that each plant according to its kind, captures such and such types of cosmic vibration that transforms and then relayed to the inner layers of the Earth.


As the bodies of animals is the same. They capture such and such types of energy transformed and relayed to the inner layers of the Earth, the planetary organism. Total, the Earth is a living organism.


We reproduce incessantly with Normal Sexuality. This is necessary for the economy of Nature. In addition, sexual enjoyment, is a legitimate enjoyment of men, not a crime as sanctimonious pose many, many pietists, etc.. But today, we, with our Sexuality Normal, live according to the economic interests of Nature.


SUPRASEXUALITY Another thing is, that is final. Enter into the Suprasexual field is to be already on the path of the extraordinary transformations.


Nietzsche, in his work; "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" speaks frankly about the Superman; Says... "Arrived the time of Superman. The man is nothing but a bridge between animal and Superman, a dangerous step in the PATH, a dangerous looking back Everything is dangerous in it has come the time of Superman ".


Well, Hitler played his way Nietzche. During the Second World War even the smallest German police believe to be  a  Superman, nobody felt tiny in the time of Hitler in Germany, they were Supermen.

Hitler did not know to interpret Nietzche, though with good intentions,. I believe in Superman, frankly it clear to you, but I find that Hitler missed the road.


In any case, in the human being  there are five basic Centers: First of all the Intellectual, which is the most used for the study. Second the Emotional we have it in the heart. Third Center the Motor one, which is at the top of the spine. Fourth Instinctive center, which is at the bottom of the spine. And the fifth properly speaking, the Sexual. I repeat for you to record better: INTELLECTUAL, EMOTIONAL, MOTOR, INSTINCTIVE and SEXUAL five centers. All centers are fundamental to all human activities.


Thought is apparently very fast but unfortunately it is very SLOW. If you are driving a car, for example, and suddenly, in a moment of danger, are set to discuss whether to do this or that, or delay forward or backward, turn right or left, and then come crashing have a catastrophe.


The Motor Centre is faster. One, when you're driving a car, does not have much time to think, act quickly and leaves the step. But if at that time the thought acts, locks, clash ...


How often one goes driving a car and is in a given moment is undecided whether to turn around, if to the right, if the left and all, is a failure. So it is very slow Thought Center. Faster is the center of the Movement, the Motor center.


Emotional Center is also fast, but no faster than the Sexual Center. One such man sees a woman in milliseconds know if complemented with one or not, whether you agree with that one wave leads or not. This is done in milliseconds, as young you know. You can be face to face with a girl but instinctively instantly know whether you agree with its wave or not, it is very fast. So it is a center that enables unprecedented speed check the other pole. It is the fastest Center we possess.


But go into a little more detainees factors. Many a man lives happily with his wife; however notice that something is missing. Certainly it can happen that the woman you are with feel  not complete. She may fill the Emotional Center activities, but perhaps not sexually complemented by one and find one other lady out there, this can happen that this other is supplemented with one and then comes what is called adultery.


I come here not to praise adultery. On one occasion there was a room; where several adulterous were "drinking." One of them suddenly drunk said Viva.!! The adultery ! It was a very beautiful lady, in parentheses, No! I come not to praise these women do because that would be absurd, but I do see the cause of adultery.


Let's say a man emotionally complemented by a woman, but not sexually. It may be the case that you meet a lady which complement sexually . Suppose a man is sexually complemented by a woman but not emotionally. It may be the case that meet a lady with which complements emotionally. But it may be that in the world of a man's habits are not complemented by his wife.


It can also happen that you are in the world of habits related to Motor Centre, with another woman that is complemented yes, with which it has affinity. This is the intrinsic cause of so many adulteries that give rise to divorces.


As I say NO COME TO PRAISE adultery, nor agree with the lady screaming in orgy famous: Viva adultery! No, I do not agree with that, my friends. Only here with you, in partnership, we are studying the causes of adultery, sexual issue.


I think the best thing for one, as a man, is to find a woman that compliments one in the Intellectual, Emotional as; in the Motor Centre, or world of habits, in the center of the Instincts and Sex, that is the perfect match, the perfect couple. And I in turn also, that the ideal for a woman, is to find a man that is totally complement, then there would be real happiness.


Another serious reason for there can be no happiness, this is the question of TEMPERAMENTS. A man of ardent temperament can not possibly be happy with a woman who is a mass of ice, just no. The very fact that one is going to kiss her and kiss when you encounter that she does not want to kiss him, that's serious. Now that we say of during intercourse, when to copulate with an icy woman.


Remember that  book entitled "Sinuhe the Egyptian" who saw him on film. Turns out there was a place of mummification in Egypt, there were several places where tidied filthy bodies for mummification and working for mummification those places, because they smelled unclean, wherever he went. No woman like that kind of men who smelled so ugly and smelled of rot. And do you know what did that kind of mummifiers ? Copulated with the bodies of females brought there. Does it seem to you that nice, copulate with deceased? That happened in Egypt.


Well, what are you a man of fiery temperament have to copulate with a woman of ice, with a corpse say? That is frightfully HORRIBLE.


It is also true that there is a bilious temperament, heavy, awkward people. One woman, for example, heavy character, awkward in his movements, it is impossible to get along with a man of nervous temperament is also impossible that a man of nervous temperament can be understood with a fiery woman.


So the question of temperament is very important. Not only does there need to be correlated with the different Centers of the Organic Machine: Intellect, Emotion, Movement, Instinct and Sex, but there TEMPERAMENTS RELATED. As well, having similar temperaments and perfect interplay between the various centers of the machine, as it can then be a genuine affinity, which would give HAPPINESS.


But we must think of sex as not only physiological question. It should be known that in Sex exists ENERGY. After All Einstein said: "Energy equals multiplied by the speed of light squared (E = m.c2) mass." He said: "The energy is transformed into mass, the mass is converted into energy." Is it possible to transform Mass in Energy? Sure. You see a water well on the road, on the road, the water evaporates in the heat of the Sun Finally becomes cloud, lightning, thunder; all waters of the seas, rivers, become clouds and finally in thunder and lightning, that is ENERGY.


It is known today in Medicine that only a fraction of our brain is working, he is in office. Unquestionably we have many areas, parts of the brain INACTIVE. If the little brain we have created nuclear missiles, which travel to the moon, we have created atomic bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we've gotten ourselves supersonic aircraft traveling at super speed, how about if we  regenerate, if we put in those parts of the brain activity? If the entire brain tissue work, then we could transform this world, change it, make it wonderful. But you have to regenerate.


Great musicians of yore, Beethoven, Chopin or Liszt etc, were men who had the semenized brain, men who gave their extraordinary abilities brain, they used the highest percentage of brain areas.


But today things are different, the human brain has degenerated too much and do not realize it. If we are in the midst of a happy pachanga, whether we agree with the latest fashion, if we are in the Rock and Roll and suddenly someone removes the disk and puts Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, I how you feel about it ? Are you sure you continue with the pachanga? What would you do? Maybe not go insulting the master of the house, obviously not, but very decently retire, right?


When the brain has not had degenerated so much as now, it was different, pure waltz to the tune of classical music danced in full food were musicians rattling delicious symphonies. Trendy were Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt ... If we now depart on a full pachanga music these simply said goodbye and good bye!, We go, it is clear. Why? Because we get bored. Why do we get bored?


Let's be analytical, here we are  to analyze. Simply because the brain is degenerate, there are certain areas that can not appreciate good music. Why has degenerated the brain? It has simply degenerated because we, for centuries, have been extracting from our bodies the  Semen Entity. Not only we hae been extracting to give life to other creatures , no, we have extracted because we liked it because it is a great pleasure, that's all.


With that we have indulged in LUST, beds of pleasure in enjoying a great time, but " pay the piper” was the brain;  Now it happens that many areas are not working.


Our world is not just three dimensions as ignoramuses believe; in our world there exists a fourth vertical. Furthermore, we can say with great emphasis that there is a Vertical Fifth a Sixth and Seventh. Thus, we have never seen our world as it truly is, and we have not seen because our five senses are degenerate, our Pineal gland is atrophied.


So there are other senses that are of perfections but are degenerate; if we achieve to regenerate it could perceive the world as it is, with its seven dimensions.


In the world there are many ideologies in the world there are many beliefs and everyone is free to believe what he wants but the ONLY force that has the power to transform us, was the one who created us, which put us on the table of existence, I mean emphatically to the Sexual Force.


Learning how to handle that wonderful Energy of Sex means to be master of the Creation, when the Sacred Sperm is transformed into energy, is produce Psychosomatic extraordinary changes.


We well know what those hormonal vessels of our gonads are, how they work how they hormones pass from vessel to vessel, and along the strands finally comes to the Prostate. We know how valuable is the Prostate, there is the biggest transformations occur of the Semen Entity. And hormones finally enter the blood stream. HORMONE The word comes from a Greek root meaning 'ANXIETY OF BEING , FORCE OF BEING'.


Hormones have been studied by our scientists, they are wonderful. Sex hormones, for example, entering the bloodstream, performed wonders. When all of the endocrine glands, be the Thyroid , be the Parathyroid is, be the Adrenals or Pituitary  etc.. stimulate them, make them small micro-laboratories producing more hormones, and these hormones, as all the glands in general, enrich the bloodstream dramatically. Then disappear ailments, diseases disappear.


Unfortunately today, the Sperm which is prepared by the gonads and then raise or increases to the Prostate is unfortunately wasted and you will not even let decompose the famous zoosperms in hormones, when he was already sent out of the body, when he throws out. Many times even reaches up Semen Entity within the testicles to the prostate, when is DELETED.


As masturbators, well you know what it is the vice of masturbation. When someone masturbates, is committing a crime against nature. After he has ejaculated Semen Entity, is true peristaltic movement in the phallus, and this is known by any man.


During masturbation, all the phallus collected with peristaltic movement is cold air to the brain, so many brain powers are exhausted.


Countless individuals have been the asylum for the abominable vice of masturbation. A brain full of that kind of negative energy is a stupid brain in a hundred percent. So condemn this vice in one hundred percent.


Psychosomatic is closely related to the sexual. A Suprasexuality implys by fact  some Suprasexual within the psycho-somatic. So I say to you quite clearly that Suprasexuals were, for example, Hermes Trismegistus, or Quetzalcoatl, or the Buddha, or the Great Kabir Jesus. Those were Suprasexuales, and the Suprasexual is the Nietzsche's Superman.


Thus, from a revolutionary point of view, we can become true Gods-Men if you want. Suffice it to regenerate  brain areas, we set to Work and then so would make a better world.


    Samael Aun Weor Buddha Maitreya Kalki Avatar of the Aquarium Age





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The truth is that before to Acquire the individual NEW FACULTIES OR NEW POWERS  that knows neither remotely and has not yet, must acquire faculties and powers that  mistakenly believed to have , but actually does not.


First of all it is necessary to know the path that leads to the Intimate Self-Realization of Being


Undoubtedly it is urgent to understand the need to crystallize in us that which is called Soul.Jesus Christ said: "In patience possess ye your souls." But above all should understand what it is that which is called Soul.Certainly I must say that the Soul is a set of Laws, Principles, Virtues, Powers, etc.. The people have the Essence, the psychic material to Manufacter Soul, but not yet possess the Soul.


Obviously, who wants to possess that which is normally called Soul,should disintegrate the undesirable psychic elements that we carry within: Anger, Greed, Lust, Envy, Pride, Sloth, Gluttony, etc.. Virgil, the poet of Mantua, said: "Even if you had a thousand tongues to speak and palate of steel, not reach to fully list all your faults." Obviously, the latter is called in Tibet "Psychic Aggregates" such aggregates closely resemble the elementaries that speak about  various organizations of occultism type  are a living embodiment of our mistakes.


It is said that Jesus of Nazareth threw the body of Mary Magdalene seven devils. Undoubtedly, they represent the seven deadly flaws that multiply incessantly. Such affirmation of the Christic Gospel means the Intimate Christ threw from Mary Magdalene the  divers inhuman psychic aggregates that she possessed. Each of these aggregates is organized in a very similar way to the human personality and has three brains: the Intellectual, Emotional and Motor-Instinctual-Sexual.


Each aggregate really seems a person. If we say that in our human person there are many people living, we are not exaggerating the note, it is. All these aggregates fight each other each other, fighting for supremacy, each of them wants to be the 'master', the Lord, and he who is able to impose, one that manages to control all five cylinders Machine Organic is a given instant the only one. Moments later, however, is overthrown and another takes its place.


So really, by true, anyone is not the same even for half an hour. It seems incredible that, plus it is. Yourself sitting here listening, it came with some aggregate, sat to hear, but if you pay attention to what happened inside until this very moment, discover that they are now different, they are not the same who came here and they sat, why? Because Added Psychic controlling organic machine and started sitting, was replaced by another that is now listening.


If I said that you are the same as they started, would be abusing his mind and my own. So actually, really, the psychic aggregates are changing; as soon is one that controls the Capital Brain Center as another, never remain the same.


Concerning the Essence is most worthy, is the decent thing within us, is the very Consciousness. Unquestionably is bottled between those multiple aggregates, processed under its own conditioning.


Each of you is Legion. Remember what the Master Jesus asked the man possessed of the biblical gospel. What is your name? And the possessed replied, "My name is LEGION." What is the name of each of us here?LEGION! Do you have a true individuality, not been achieved.


Consciousness in each of you sleeping terribly. Why?, Because it is processed by its own bottling, then in a state of hypnosis and it can not be denied.


And as the Soul itself, have managed to crystallize perhaps? If you say that you do not have an immortal soul, would also be lying, I'm aware. Obviously each of you has your immortal soul, but do not possess.


One could have a beautiful diamond, save it somewhere safe, possibly thinking one would enjoy having such garment, more if it were committed, not possess, you would know that the jewel, but also not ignore that really does not possess.


Many times someone gets a fine heritage, know they have but one thing to have and to possess another.


The Soul of us, where is it? Journey through the Milky Way, is moving across this galaxy, most of you who are sitting here have not, know they have but one thing to know they have it and another thing to possess.


So worth possess is to possess it, how would each own their Soul? Most definitely DISINTEGRATING the psychic aggregates, because aggregates  and Soul are INCOMPATIBLE; Are like oil and water, they can not be mixed.


If we fail to disintegrate the psychic aggregates, living personifications of our psychological defects, we lose the soul.


What would Jesus Christ says, if a man takes all the treasures of the world but loses his soul? Of no use. Is it possible to lose your soul? Yes it is possible. Whoever enters the infernal worlds lose your soul, that's obvious.


It is said to lose this treasure. Is there any way to keep him? Yes, I repeat, crystallizing itself here and now.


When one breaks completely and disintegrates the Psychic aggregate of Lust or aggregates because they are many, crystallized in the Essence we carry inside,  that beautiful virtue of the Soul known as Chastity.


When you can destroy, annihilate Psychic aggregate of Hate, then crystallizes in one the precious virtue of Love When one gets reduce to cosmic dust the Psychic Aggregate of Selfishness, then in one  crystallized the precious virtue of Altruism or Christcentrism. When one gets annihilate Psychic Aggregate of Pride, then we crystallized the ineffable virtue of Humility.


In reaching this part of our conversation, I mean that, unfortunately, many texts of occultism, esoteric type, etc.., Leads one to the mystical pride and that is serious. Connoted very venerable authors claim that we are 'Gods', that each of us is a "God." Obviously, this statement is to justify the mystic pride in us that causes much damage in the path of self-realization, for one, conceited, convinced that there is a "God" can become Mythomaniac.


Unquestionably, you can not become a true illuminated when you have pride, you could not ever think of a "God" drunkard, fornicator, adulterer, fighter, selfish, envious, jealous, lustful, etc.. Each of us is in truth all that.


It has given me so much pain always find in occult texts, without citing organizations currently some very venerable, this tremendous damaging assertion that we are Gods. Materializing the reality of the facts, look at what we are and not forge illusions: eat, drink, fornicate, adulterate, hate, criticize, we are jealous, etc.. Do you think perhaps in a "God" as well? Best words are vile worms in the mud of the earth and be convinced that we are.


If we want to convince us that we were honest enough with themselves. If we carefully examine our lives and discovered that, indeed, is not one of the seven wonders of the world, that review we make about ourselves and our own lives will be wonderful consequences, because we will know what we are, to understand that.


So, in that way, may walk in the way of simplicity and humility. When one actually disintegrates, really, that Psychic Aggregate of Pride, obviously crystallized in us humility, which is the most precious virtue.


Note that there is not only based on social positions in the money in the family lineage, etc. There is a lot worse and harmful Pride that all these forms just cited, and is the MYSTICAL PRIDE, to believe that one is  a Saint, WISE, the feel oneself GODS assume that nobody is bigger than us, we're great Semi-Gods, etc.. etc.


This is serious because it really, by true, Pride never allow to have correct relationship  with the higher parts of the BEING. When you can not relate to the higher parts of the BEING, nor can enjoy enlightenment. You'll have to live stuck to books, reading, listening to speakers, most never have the mystical experience of the Real.


So first of all it is urgent to carry out these studies to get rid themselves  the Mystical Pride, which is the most dangerous. If we succeed, arises in us the precious virtue of HUMILITY.


Every time we eliminate a Psychic aggregate crystallizes a Virtue, a Power, a Law, a Faculty, a Gift, etc.. This is how we gradually crystallizing Soul in us. That Soul who normally lives traveling there in the Milky Way, slowly crystallizes in us. However, we must also say, that if "the water does not boil at 100 °," not crystallized in us what must crystallize and does not disintegrate what must to disintegrate.


With this about "water should boil at 100 degrees" I am speaking as a parable; I mean we need to go through great emotional crises to break each psychological defect.

Anyone who does with supreme regret working on this or that psychological defect, disintegrates unquestionably one by one the psychic aggregates and replacement will crystallize what is called SOUL.


Whoever gets the complete elimination of all undesirable psychic elements that load inside crystallizes in Himself one hundred percent of your soul, I repeat set of , precious Virtues or ineffable genius. Features, Law ,Skills and Qualities, gifts . Even the physical body must be transformed into Soul, the only way you get to where you need to go.


I know many scholars sparkling intelligentsia who have drunk in all the philosophies of the world, whether Western or Eastern world. They know Hebrew and Sanskrit , the Greek, but  suffer terribly, do not enjoy the Enlightenment because they have not yet made ​​the Bodhishitta. This word may resound a bit strange to you, it is an Eastern term.


In Japan, China, India or Nepal, where Gautama was born, the Budha Satkiamuni, Bodhishitta was called to the Soul  Crystallized in a man or  in a woman. Of course, it is wonderful to see how these various spiritual elements , Virtues, Powers, go slowly crystallizing in the Essence as gradually is releasing itself.


For something we said that Essence is the material to crystallize Soul. The term "manufacture" does not seem quite right, is found in very heavy, grotesque . However, many authors use the term; allow me the freedom to disagree with them. I rather to say crystallize, since the Soul is not something to be made​​, it exists. The thing is you have to crystallize, and that's different.


You have seen, for example, a piece of ice. It is the crystallization of the water element. Unquestionably very cold this element, takes shape and becomes ice. Amazed to see the crystallization of water. Is performed in accordance with certain geometric extraordinary principles.


Similarly happens with the Soul  element crystallizes according to certain mathematical and geotechnical outlines precise, indisputable. To this flesh and blood body must become Soul, and Soul can transform it into reality if, indeed, we intend.


We have a body of flesh and bone. This physical body consists of organs, organs of cells, cells of molecules, etc. There is no doubt that there has been an intelligent guiding principle that has promoted a system of living cells as organs. It makes me laugh frankly the idea of ​​cells "unconscious" and ordained as dormant organs.How absurd is that! Cells asleep, unconscious, blind (as Haeckel says), as organized bodies. That would not fit in her mind to anyone.


Some authors say that such cells are organized in the form of organs, are authors who do not see the wonders of this world in which all is mechanically as they believe, without a guiding principle. They are unconscious.


The cells are organized consciously; Thanks to the intelligent principle of Mother Nature can be organized body cells as organs.


But if we break any one atom, is the liver, kidney or pancreas, liberated energy is now obvious that, in the synthesis, the physical body is summarized in different types and subtypes of energy, it is indubitable.


Karl Marx said, "What comes first, the matter or psyche, the psyche or Matter?" Is first concludes that Matter. That is completely absurd, because the same principles of Einstein say that Matter is merely energy condensed. Recall the postulate which states: "Energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light squared." The mass is converted into energy, the energy is converted into mass.


What is the first thing that exists? Energy, first crystallized mass; then the Psyche, which is energy in the fullest sense of the word, is first. Then comes the mass.


Let see the worlds around the Sun, are huge masses, each with a defined weight, an exact volume, however, they spin around the Sun driven by Solar Energy. If it not where for Solar Energy, these worlds would be dislocated in space, would roll forever to collision with a comet or other worlds. It would be anarchy, disorder, conflict but worlds marching in an organized way and they remain exactly the energy around the Sun, it is that attracts centripetal energy and centrifugal energy is what pushes them away, is the energy that makes them rotate.


So what comes first, the Energy or Matter? Obviously Energy, otherwise the same matter would not exist. For that matter there is need to condense the Universal Energy; then Matter is condensed energy.


On the human body, the first thing that exists is energy, allowing the atoms to rotate about its nuclear centers in the molecule, allowing all organic functions are performed, not just merely reproductive or chemical functions, but also functions related to calories, perceptions, etc..; even more, those functions that relate to the imagination and will.


It would not be possible to conceive of an organic body devoid of Energy. How catalytic phenomena would perform if there were no energy? If the energy is first and Matter is the second. If this energy we call Spirit or Consciousness, or whatever you want, no matter!, But is first. The name is irrelevant, the reality is that Energy is prior to matter.


There is an organic vital body, and that's proven. The Russians with a device have been able to photograph the vital body, are studying. Not only are studying in relation to the physical body, but more, are studying independently of the physical body, called Bioplastic Body.


Continuing with these issues, we say that the Vital Body is holding all the processes of organic life, call it Lingam Sarira or Bioplastic body, no matter!


As we go disintegrating the  Inhuman psychic aggregates, as we go crystallizing Soul one  part of the Vital Body the highest, will come off the bottom of itself and will be fully integrated with the Essence and the virtues that the Essence have crystallized.


The Vital Body has four classes of ethers. The first is the Chemical Ether, by which all organic processes of assimilation and elimination and catalytic phenomena and others made. The second is the Ether of Life, in which reproduction and gestation of living beings is possible. These two ethers are lower, but there are two superiors: The Lighting Ether and Reflector Ether. Lighting  Ether is serving medium to the forces of gravity, calories, perceptions, and the Reflecting Ether relates to the imagination and will.


These two Ethers deriving from the bottom two to integrate with the Essence in which shine all the virtues of the Soul. So then comes the Ethereal Man, the Man Christ, Soul Man, Man Spirit can enter and leave the physical body at will.


Has been much talk about the chakras of the feet, of the hands, on that of Longinus thrown on the side of the Lord, on the crown of thorns, etc.. Those are the stigmas.


In Gautama the Buddha appears with these stigmata in his hands and feet. Are magnetic vortex of  expansive forces in the vital body is completely developed when the two ethers deriving from the bottom two. And those ethers organized in the form of the Heavenly Man, integrated with the Essence, enriched by the virtues of the soul, form the Ethereal Man,  Christified Man of the Fifth Round.


The first round was in the world of the mind, the second was in the Astral world, the Third World in the Etheric, the Fourth in the physical world, the fifth will be back in the Etheric world. Then life will unfold in the  Ethereal World and then shall be the Christified Man and will at that time, as there are now. And Man Christified be so, as  shall have  Christified Etherical Body. Such Body will replace the physical body, such body will be the vehicle of an Essence enriched with the Virtues of the Soul. That Spirit Man of the Fifth Round, will be the Man Christ.


If they understand that you also understand the need to crystallize your Soul, just only then you  become independent of the physical body of flesh and bone, is very dense, very heavy material.


When one gets to make the To-Soma-Puchicon, ie the Etheric Body Christified, serves as a vehicle to Essence enriched with attributes of the Soul was born into one the Man Spirit. That Man Spirit will no longer be a prisoner in his dense body, may enter and leave the body at will, is a glorious Adept.


In life there have been men who have succeeded. It is worth quoting a Francis of Assisi, also remember to Antonio de Padua, Christian mystics who have served as an example to the people of tomorrow.


The Heavenly Man is not really a prisoner in that dungeon of physical matter no more.  Can leave that body when he want to fly with that body through the unalterable infinite, to dive with such a vehicle in the Upper Worlds, to descend to the bottom of the sea or visit the Solar Dynasties in King Star.


But how that would be achieved if we not eliminate the Psychic Aggregates previously? Obviously it would be impossible. If we want to become true Christians Men, we need to eradicate all those psychic elements that we carry within. So about the BODDHISITA that Oriental speak about is the Ethereal Man, the man who has crystallized his Soul in himself who possesses the true Lord.


He who possesses the BODDHISITA can down to the deep of the Ocean within unharmed and visit Temple of the Serpent.


In the East there is a plant that heals any wound that is serious ; so are the wounds of Soul, only Bodhisita can heal such wounds.


In the East there is a plant called "good memory" and who takes it can remember  all the events of his actual life  your and previous lives. So too is the Bodhichitta. Similarly, the possessor may remember all their previous lives, and if you visit the ineffable Heavens, to return to the physical world, to re-enter your body, will not forget any details.


In the East there is a plant in which it is possible to counteract the evil of the dark magic spells. Similarly, whoever owns the Bodhichitta not able to receive any damage from dark ones.


In the East there is a plan by which it is possible to become invisible. Whoever possesses the Bodhichitta can become invisible in case of necessary, before their worst enemies.


And which can be cast in the seabed between sharks and defend unharmed, so is he Bodhichitta. Whoever possesses similarly able to enter the bottom of the oceans, among the fiercest beasts unharmed.


It is said that the flower of Lotus of the LOGOS hold up the Universal Life , so is the BODHISITA. Who owns it can keep your physical body for millions of years.


Many people write to me complaining that they do not know to get out in  Astral Body, they do not remember anything that happens outside the physical body, have no lighting, etc.. But how can you have lighting which does not have the Bodhisita? Just having the Bodhisita is have the enlightment only , who does not possess the Bodhisita never enjoy the bliss of enlightenment . Enlightenment is not something that we are going to gifted , no, my dear friends . Costs and is very expensive. The lighting can only be explained by the Dharma-Dato. And what is the Dharma-Dato? Good Dharma, the rewards acquired by merit.


Therefore only that which holds the Bodhisita, ie only one that has crystallized Soul, can enjoy the lighting, will merit to it. The lighting is explained in the Dharma-Dato, ie the Universal Dharma for the reward for our good deeds.


No one could enjoy the enlightment if does not have the Bodhisita. And no one could have at Bodhisita but has Worked hard on himself, if not has disintegrated the added aggregates


So, my dear, we need to work on oneself, if we want to have that called Soul. "In patience possess ye your souls." So it is written in the Gospel of the Lord.

Didactic is obviously a need to annihilate the psychic aggregates. Unquestionably we must begin by Psychological Self-observation. When one admits to have an individual, particular especially own psychology, we propose to self-observation, regarding friendships, on the street, in the Temple, at home, at work, in the field, etc.., Where our psychological defects to surface. If we self-observe in continuous form , we can see them. Defects discovered must be open with the scalpel of self-criticism  to see what you have. Instead of criticizing us lives of others; we have to self-criticize.


When we found a defect in ourselves , we must analyze carefully open it, with the scalpel of self-criticism. This is possible based on the "The Being Evident Self-Reflection on background Meditation. Once fully understood the defect in question, then we must atomically disintegrate.


Mind alone can not radically alter any default, can pass from one level to another level of understanding, hiding from herself or from others, justify or condemn, seek evasions, etc.., Most never alter radically.


You need a power that is greater than the mind. Fortunately that power exists, is latent in depths of our Being now want to emphatically refer to the Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers, Isis, Adonia Rea, Cibeles, Tonantzin, Chaste Diana, or Marah; no matter its name, is not outside of us, no it is inside.


Obviously such a Flaming Power, is a variant of our own Being, but derivative. If we in deep meditation we ask for help  to Devi Kundalini Shakti, the mystical Serpent of the great mysteries, we will be assisted. She can pulverize  any Psychic Added, if it has previously been understood at all levels of Mind.


Once already annihilated, arise replacement: a Virtue of the Soul, a new feature, any Law, any special Gight, some Quality.


Undoubtedly, if we achieve utterly the destruction of diverse undesirable psychic elements, there will be crystallized in each of us the entire Soul. This would indicate that the Essence enriched with all the Animic attributes could turn wear the TO-SOMA-PUCHICON, which is the vehicle of the soul, the Wedding Garment.


Thus in reality, indeed  the Heavenly Man is born in us. This will no longer be imprisoned in the body. Remember the words of St. Paul when he says: "I ​​met a man who was taken to the Third Heaven, where he saw and heard unspeakable things to words and men is not possible to understand them." Paul of Tarsus was carried in TO-SOMA-PUCHICON as Spirit Man as  Ethereal Man. And in fact met the wonders of the Universe.


So, my dear friends, I cordially invited to you to crystallize in each of one that is called Soul.

Samael Aun Weor Buddha Maitreya Kalki Avatar of the age of Aquarius



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