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by Kimberly Palm

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You and everything on the Earth, including the Earth itself are made of energy. The Earth vibrates at 528 MHz, which is the vibration of peace and love. John Lennon recorded his song, Imagine, in 528 MHz for this reason. Humans who energetic vibration of 500 MHz and over are vibrating at the frequency of love. When we have an energetic vibration below 500 MHz, it is due to negative thoughts and behavior as well as fear.

Low energetic vibration can cause sickness in the body, mind and spirit. In fact, illness shows up in the energy body first before it shows up in the physical body. There are many types of bio-energy scans and energy testing modalities that can detect energy changes and hot spots that represent illness or where illness is going to show up soon if changes are not made. In order to be healthy and happy, you need to take steps to eliminate and protect yourself from things, people and events that lower your vibration. It is equally essential to do things that raise your energetic vibration.

13 things that lower your energetic vibration and what you can do about it:

1. People who are friends, relatives, co-workers, bosses, etc. who are always grumpy, negative, complaining and bring you down energetically. Try to eliminate this type of person from your life. Learn tools to protect your energy.

2. Watching violent sports like boxing or MMA. It may be entertaining. Every time you watch it, you are lowering your vibration, so you need to choose what is most important, a healthy body/mind/spirit or watching violent sports.

3. Watching violent crime-based television shows and movies or horror movies with blood, gore and violent scenes.

4. Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMFs) from cell phones, computers, electronic devices, televisions, and other sources (a.k.a. Electro-smog). Minimize your exposure to these.

5. Radiation from cell phones, computers and other things. Buy protection devices or take an iodine supplement. Be sure to check with your physician first before starting an iodine supplement.

6. Stress and negative thoughts and beliefs. All negative thoughts and beliefs vibrate at a low energy frequency, which cause illness in the body and are also stored in your cellular memory. Negative thinking also releases cortisol stress hormone into your body. It is necessary to learn to manage stress and reprogram your thoughts from negative to positive.

7. Negative speech. Whenever you judge, criticize or say anything negative to or about anyone, you are lowering your vibration.

8. Arguing and fighting. Every time you argue or fight with someone, your vibration is lowered. Watching others argue and fight also lowers vibration.

9. Holding onto grudges or un-forgiveness. Not only does this lower your vibration, but it negatively impacts your heart, breast, lungs and circulatory system.

10. Eating a bad diet. Some of the many foods that lower your vibration and make you sick include highly processed foods, fast foods, deep fried foods, hydrogenated fats, foods containing processed white sugars (cookies, candy, ice cream), GMOs, eating gluten when you are gluten intolerant or have Celiac disease, soy that is GMO and has not been fermented, foods that contain chemicals and preservatives like MSG and others.

11. Exposure to chemicals and toxins in our food, soda, water, the environment, house cleaning chemicals, pesticides and much more. Limit your exposure to chemicals and toxins and do a regular detox on your body to get rid of them.

12. Smoking or taking drugs.

13. Drinking too much alcohol.

18 things you can do to raise your energetic vibration:

1. Practice giving and receiving love, kindness, compassion and forgiveness daily. Make sure to give these things to yourself as well.

2. Eat a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet that consists of mostly vegetables and fruits, healthy grains and proteins.

3. Practice meditation daily.

Do some type of yoga, Qi-gong or tai chi as much as possible.

4. Spirituality and prayer. Prayer will raise your vibration and also being a spiritual person.

5. Exercise daily.

6. Get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. This is your battery recharger. Lack of sleep = lack of energy.

7. Watch uplifting or educational television shows, videos and movies.

8. Watch or listen to comedy.

9. Choose to hang out with like-minded, positive, uplifting, supportive and loving people.

10. Use energy protection exercises every day.

11. Practice Reiki and clear and balance your chakras.

12. Practice Earthing. Earthing involves walking with bare feet outside or putting your back up against a tree. Spend time in nature. In Japan, they practice “Forest bathing” where you walk through the forest and take in all the smells, sights and sounds.

13. Take classes and workshops in metaphysics, spirituality or any type of education that expands your mind and spirit.

14. Spend time around pets or animals since they vibrate at the frequency of 100% unconditional love.

15. Use essential oils.

16. Helping mankind by being of service. Every time we help someone or serve the greater good, we are raising our vibration.

17. Focus on positive thinking, positive beliefs and positive feelings along with reciting positive mantras.

18. Make sure that you regularly clear your energy at least once a week. All it takes is a few minutes and the intention to clear your energy.


About the Author

Kimberly Palm is a Certified Energy Healer, Stress Management Coach, Medical Intuitive, Health & Life Coach and Certified Meditation Instructor. She works with people all over the world via private and group coaching, seminars, workshops and more.


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6 Ways to Know a False Inner Guide


6 Ways to Know a False Inner Guide from the True One

By Guy Finley

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The journey to the divinity within has its dangers. About this we are clear: the inner path is lined with many trials and pitfalls. But there is nothing to be feared in this foreknowledge; in truth, these encounters are actually stages of initiation; they are necessary points along the upper path where the aspirant reaches – again and again – the proverbial “fork in the road.”

A great confusion usually clouds these unwanted moments, made all the worse by yet another challenge that is, itself, a part of the path less taken: the aspirant can’t see down either path, as a kind of darkness shrouds the entrance to both.

It is always in these moments that the aspirant feels most frightened and alone. A mounting despair strengthens the sense of fatigue; an outpouring of stressful thoughts and worried feelings deny, decry, and try to console all at once. But the main question remains, which we’ll put in the first person:

How can I tell which of the two paths is the true one? Which leads to the immortal Self, and which is a one-way ticket back to being “me” again? And how do I know which – if any – of these “voices” in my head telling me, “This is the way,” or “No, go that way,” is offering me the right instruction?

In short, how can I tell the difference between a true inner guide and a false one?

Is there a way to know, with some certainty which of these guides can see through this darkness, and which one is blinded by it? The answer is “Yes.”

The following six ways are designed to help you tell the difference between a false inner guide and a true one. Use the light these insights provide to help you make it, safe and sound, all the way back home to your immortal Self.

1. The true inner guide fears no outcome, while the false inner guide can’t stop trying to protect itself from its own imagined fears.

2. The true inner guide quietly invites you to take a new direction, while the false inner guide first pressures, and then pushes you in the direction that it wants you to take.

3. The true inner guide is unshakable, collected, and composed, while the false inner guide is always on the verge of coming unglued.

4. The true inner guide never tries to “talk” you into an action, while the false inner guide can’t stop talking about the action it wants you to take.

5. The true inner guide understands that you must make mistakes along the way, while the false inner guide judges, harshly, every misstep.

6. The true inner guide remains open and receptive to any life lesson, no matter how unwanted, while the false inner guide shuts down and rejects any revelation that threatens its self-flattering image.

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Welcome to the World of Metaphysical Ascension Power Tools!

My name is Natalya Ankh and I welcome all of you with much love and appreciation for all that you are! I am here to assist you on your journey within this world by offering you various Metaphysical Tools which will guide you, help you to connect with your guides, to connect to your home planets, connect to YOURSELF. 

Each of the tools that I offer here for you today, is intricately designed with the highest energies of the creator in mind utilizing only the most purest ingredients: Genuine Crystals with specific shape, form and cut to transmit only the purest of cosmic energies; Gold (some tools have 24 K Gold within them); High Quality Pure Quartz Glass; Copper and my unconditional love for all! :). Usually I am visited by the deity who gives me clear instructions on how the tool is to be created. Once the blueprint is ready I then start to create the tool. Each tool is put together by hand. Each tools goes through a series of activation steps, where various energies are infused into the tool, according to specification that I receive. Each tool is made in accordance with the loving and powerful energies of the source, to assist you in your journey here on earth.

Since you are reading this right now, I know that you have been guided by spirit to this page, either to learn something new, or to acquire a tool which your heart is calling out for. So let me introduce you to AA Metatron, AA Michael, St. Germain, Seraphim, Goddess Vortex and The ANKH Tools. 

Yes, just as the name implies each of the tools mentioned above and below were created with the assistance of each one of these amazingly pure and beautiful beings of light! I love them all purely and completely. So let us dive in shall we?


Arch Angel Metatron - This is where my introduction to the world has began. I have been making various tools for years, but it wasn't until I was called to create a tool for Anna Merkaba - a Channeler and Healer that many of you know, that I was called to come online and offer these tools for everyone in the world! Arch Angel Metatron appeared to me in my meditation and pushed me to create, and yes when I say pushed, it is true, pushed me to create this tool that you see here below. What I heard is "Anna needs a tool to help her! She urgently needs it! You must create it!" I did not understand what all the fuss was about, and was hesitant to show it to Anna but when I did got so excited and told me "Yes! I have been asking AA Metatron for a while about something that will protect me and help me clear my energy field. I work with so many energies and it is so draining to keep cleaning myself over and over again and takes so much time, I just want something that will help me shorten the time that I spend on clearing and protection". 

Little did I know that Metatron's Clearing and Protection Device, was much more than both of us understood. It turned out that Metatron's Disc
 was also a connection device, a device that would connect all light workers around the world and allow them to feel each other's energies and communicate telepathically with each other through this tool! This has become one of the most popular tools as the energy that is carries is amazingly powerful. I have since made hundreds of these and they have traveled all around the world! Egypt, United Kingdom, Italy, Brazil, Spain, China, Japan, Israel, Germany, Ireland, Iceland, Greece, Taiwan, The Caribbean, Granada, Singapore, I can go on and on and on.

But what makes AA Metatron so special? According to Arch Angel Metatron and Anna Merkaba: "Metatron’s Clearing & Protection Device – As told to me by AA Metatron – activates automatically at 11:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. everyday and protects up to 13 feet of space in every direction, remember that your own sphere of influence is 18 miles in each direction and coupled with this tool you will amplify each other creating a vacuum of clearance which will expand exponentially. Since everyone is asking about space clearance here’s the gist: No matter what method you use in 15 minutes after you clear space, unless you have something in that space to keep the POSITIVE energy flowing to neutralize the negative, everything will come back. There are billions of dark thought forms floating around, entities, archons etc., everything that you see is energy. Everything produces energy. When someone is watching TV in their home and the story is of violence, that energy transfers right into their living room and stays there.

By interlacing the two six pointed stars you bring forth the creation of mankind, the creation of the cosmic gateways and the creation of the eternal OM, for that which is flat becomes that which is full. The creation of the three dimensional reality manifesting in the 13th dimensional flow of energy (two stars on top of each other create 13 points, representing 13 dimensions). Amplifying this energy further still by encompassing such energies within a circle of life (the disc is round –circle- and made of quartz glass which amplifies and clarifies the energies).

And as such the interlacing of the two stars brings forth the meaning of that which you are and the potential of that which you may become. Opening the doors to the gateway of truth, the gateway through which all is shown as is, and the heart begins to comprehend that which is standing before it, shattering the illusions, the fear thereby melts away, allowing your own prowess and powers of the etheric world to come forth into the three dimensional existence, you are now finding yourself in. And as such the powers of you own being are amplified.

Upon the presence of the Metatron’s Clearing & Protection Disc, you are then embraced in pure unconditional love of the creator and your creator self. And from within the disc the energies that are embracing you are magnified and form a spinning Merkaba field around your own body to shield and protect your divinity from that which you wish not to experience, from that energies which are not for your highest good, opening up your own consciousness further still, delivering the message from the divine and reminding you of your own divinity.

That is the power of the Metatron’s Disc, that is the power of the Merkaba, that is the power of the six pointed star, that is the power of your own heart,that is the power of that which YOU ARE!" To learn more about this incredible disc please click here.

michael2_large.jpg?v=1421625573&width=247Next up is Arch Angel Michael Disc: So much has been said about this incredible Arch Angel and his group of angels, that it seems that there really isn’t much more to add, and yet there is. Arch Angel Michael’s tool works on Throat Chakra and Base Chakra simultaneously. We all know that AA Michael is an angel of truth, courage, strength, protection. AA Michael is represented by the BLUE color which is what you see on this tool, represented by Blue Topaz. This tool also incorporates the energies of the Base Chakra represented by Red Garnet. The reason is to activate your Base Charka stabilizing you in order to allow you to speak your truth, be courageous and feel at peace with your surroundings. This is a HIGHLY powerful tool, which is great to use when you need extra protection that only AA Michael can offer. Once again it works primarily on your Throat Chakra, but offers you overall protection and strength to get through whatever obstacle stands in your way. To learn more about the power of AA Michael Disc please click here. 



Next up is The Goddess Vortex Disc:

 I woke up at night and was pushed urgently to create this disc. I saw the sunflower in my mind clearly. Each dot in the center of the disc had to be perfectly aligned, to create a vortex of sorts. I did not understand what the emergency was. I asked my guides to explain to me what is this disc and what does it do. The answer was quite surprising. This Disc works on your DNA codes. It somehow upgrades the DNA sequence. This disc also works on Solar Plexus and connects all the other chakras together. I asked Anna (as always) to clarify it for me and perhaps channel something in this regard, and here’s what she got.

As the fabionachi sequence swirls into the proportional frequency of the DNA codexes, the ingeneration of the DNA principles and polarities begins to unfurl the processes within the sub atomic particles of the DNA structure of the one holding the disc. What we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds, is that upon holding the disc you are engaging the energies of your sub atomic principles to step forward, and the vortex that has been created to pull your subconsciousness into the sphere, allowing you to pass through the zero point and return to your true state of being.  And so, the disc acts as an accelerating device and an attunement instrument to cleanse your DNA from remnants and frequencies past which are affecting your body and your consciousness in a way that is against the good of your higher self. And as such allowing the ascension process to move forward without delay. Using this disc will allow the energies to be magnified and applied directly to the one in question, and tune the body of the beholder and attune the DNA of the beholder with the frequency of THE SOURCE entering GAIA.

Know that this disc comes directly from the mother father god, representing itself in a GODDESS Vortex of your creator selves, the feminine energies held therein. Yes indeed the design comes from the father/mother god. Directly from THE SOURCE. Aligning you with your higher self and your mission here on earth. Yes indeed for it opens up the solar plexus of creativity channel of your being and sends the vibration throughout your whole physical and sub structural bodies." To learn more about The Goddess Vortex Sun Disc please click here.

St.-Germain-Disc-2T_large.jpg?v=1422314593&width=294Next up is St Germain's Violet Flame Transmutation Disc: As per Saint Germain’s instructions, I would like to first and foremost remind you of what a Violet Flame is, for those of you who know and for those of you who do not know. Violet flame is one of the most powerful vibrational frequencies which enters our field of vision as ultra violet and violet. This frequency operates on opening up our 8th chakra and crown chakra, the chakras of divinity and connects us with the divine. In doing so, it purifies our whole body, removes blockages, releases the past and transmutes all that stands in the way of total recognition and understanding of self.The first of the spiritual chakra, numbered eight, sits above the 7th chakra about two feet. It is the energy center of divine love, of spiritual compassion and spiritual selflessness. It also is the chakra that holds your karmic residue — those energy patterns that you have held on to for more than one lifetime. When the eighth center begins to open up and expand, a new spiritual awareness begins to take shape. The individual begins to sense himself or herself as part of a larger community of people. This chakra is the gateway to other ideas, concepts and abilities. This center enables the individual to achieve out of body projection, spiritual perception, and spiritual wisdom.

In the words of Craig Donaldson, whose article you can read here along with instructions on how you can use the violet flame to your benefit. “The violet flame works by changing “vibrations”. In physics, vibration is the speed of oscillation – the speed at which something moves back and forth. On the atomic level, vibration can be understood to be the speed at which electrons orbit around the nucleus of the atom. The violet flame works by changing vibrations on this level. The violet flame transmutes this negative energy. It does not simply surround and remove the energy, but transforms it into light. Because there is less density within the atom, the electrons whirl faster and faster, thereby raising your vibration.Infused with Saint Germains Violet Flame energies it’s bound to find a special place in your heart as it opens up your crown chakra transmuting the old, welcoming in the new and connecting you with the divine! To learn more about this amazing tool please click here. 

ankh2_large.jpg?v=1421628625&width=298Next up is The ANKH Disc - You can learn a lot from searching the internet about the ANKH. Drunvalo Melchizedek talks about Ankh, as well as Bro Reggie of Secret of Ankh extensively speaks about the Ankh, so if you are interested please look them up. The Sacral Chakra is magnificent and awe inspiring! It manages a lot of very important human functions, and is usually quite developed in most humans living in this ear. This chakra is the center that oversees the creation of life. The Sanskrit name for the Sacral Chakra translates as feminine creative abode or the seat of life or the dwelling place of the Self. It is “located” in the lower abdomen, just below the navel and it is typically depicted as being orange in color. What this tool does is aligns you with your own self helping you to experience LIFE here on earth and integrating your etheric self. This tool is known for activating the sacral chakra and releasing all the negativity in regards to intimacy and sex that is stored in your body, but not only this, but so much more. It also activates your psychic abilities, working on the sacral chakra allowing you to become sensual and be able to attune yourself to the needs of others. Helping you in building strong relationships with others. To learn more about this one of a kind tool please click here.

SEPHIROT2_e9d8974c-a108-45fc-911e-17d33f71289e_large.jpg?v=1422572524&width=248Next up is Sephirot Seraphim Disc : Sephirot Device balances out not only all 7 of your chakras, but assists in activating the 10 emanations of the Kabalah Tree of Life. This is a VERY powerful tool, to be used by those who are ready to open up to all of their virtues. Incredibly useful for healers and those working in the healing and creative arts. This device will cleanse you out, so be ready for tremendous transformations to take place after meditating with this disc for a while. You can use this device on your clients, simply by placing it on that body part which needs healing. Once you do so, you will be able to open a gateway to their subocniousnes and various thoughts will arise for them to release, various emotions will come up in order to heal whatever is ailing them.To learn more about this disc please click here.

I also offer various PERSONAL CUSTOM MADE TOOLS metaphysical tools. So if you are looking for something that is designed specific to YOUR ENERGIES in mind, please click here to learn what my team of guides and I can transmit and create for you. 

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Unveiling Your Hidden Truths


What Are Your Hidden Truths?

By Gia Dalton

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You have an untold story. With it, come truths you can’t tell. You know they exist, yet choose to keep them hidden, pretending they aren’t there. You hope they will suddenly go away, but they won’t. Not unless you realize everyone has them too.

But can you disclose those hidden truths? Can you put them out there once and for all? Will this empower you? Free you? A strange and wonderful thing happens when you tell your truth. You realize that you are indeed, part of a collective consciousness. As that consciousness, you are embraced – flaws and all, including your imperfections, vulnerabilities, self-loathing, and selfishness, basically all the characteristics that make you human.

Don’t go about life feeling isolated for one more minute. You are not alone, and you can tell. Untold truths are universal. Everyone has them. Many people feel the same way you do, yes your story and circumstances are uniquely yours, but telling your truth can unite you with millions of other people.

Here are five Hidden Truths you can share. You are intrinsically linked with thousands of others. Today is the day to come clean and embrace being a part of the collective consciousness, just the way you are.


Hidden Truth #1. Feeling like second best.

Many people think they are second best. They have made the common mistake of comparing. Second best at what, second to whom? Maybe there is someone better, but there is also someone worse. The 20 percent of something better to be found in another person leaves the 80 percent that is awesome in you! The only person you can ever be second best to is you, as any version, other than your being authentically yourself, will indeed result in second best. The person next to you on the train feels the same way. Your colleagues at work, too. Your friends, lover, and neighbors, all have felt second best at one time or another.

Hidden Truth #2. You feel unworthy.

Everyone feels unworthy of something. Somehow over the years this mindset has taken root. It is nothing more than guilt chiming in to keep you from evolving higher. Anyone who has ever done anything they are not proud of can feel unworthy. The pencil you stole off your teacher’s desk in elementary school should not leave you feeling unworthy of abundance today. Everyone makes mistakes. Learn from them, don’t repeat them again, and let them go.


Hidden Truth #3. You dislike your ______.

Fill in the blank. Everyone has a feature they think is less than stellar. From thighs to legs, hair, nose, forehead and lips, you name it. The person next to you isn’t thinking about your thighs. They are thinking about their double chin, or their skinny legs. Don’t let your insecurity regarding any part of your body inhibit your ability to live a happy, joyful life. Truth be told, someone would love to have your thighs.


Hidden Truth #4. It’s all about you.

People are not looking at you. They do not notice the pimple on your face, or your thinning hairline. They won’t notice unless you point it out. Even then, it’s no big deal. The truth is, they are thinking about themselves. Everyone has insecurities, and no one is perfect.


Hidden Truth #5. Your family and life as a child was nothing like the Cleavers.

Leave it to Beaver was an American situational comedy that unrealistically idealized a family living in suburbia. The Cleavers appeared perfect. That family does not exist. Every family has secrets, including the Cleavers. Your family is no different. Family dynamics often include challenges, times of struggle and adversity. If your childhood was not healthy and you find yourself wishing it was different, it is time to realize that the role you played as a child does not need to be the role you play as an adult. That was then, and this is now. If you choose to confide in other’s regarding your experiences, it can be not only rewarding, but also an empowering way to move forward. Knowing that you are not alone in your struggles immediately dissipates that feeling of separation.

When you come to terms with the fact that hidden truths are universal, you will no longer feel isolated. In fact, the act of acknowledging their existence can provide immediate relief. After all, everyone experiences the inevitable ups and downs of life. It is part of learning and growing. Everyone has insecurities. Knowing that you are indeed part of a collective consciousness, and your feelings are often identical to those of many others provides an instant connection. This will enable you to leave thoughts of separation far behind and, happily, embrace a new sense of self-acceptance.


About the Author

Gia Dalton is a Visionary Writer, Author, Speaker, Coach, Teacher, and Intuitive Life Strategist. She operates a private concierge Holistic practice, specializing in Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture. “My mission is to motivate, empower and inspire the lives of others with integrity, beauty and love.”

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8109267081?profile=originalby Shannon Crane
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We get to choose in each moment what we are focused upon. For most of us, however, there are so many distractions clamoring for our attention it’s easy to lose focus. Our minds are undisciplined and our attention often gets pulled off in directions we don’t necessarily consciously want to travel. Every now and then we can see the big picture, but most the time we are caught in the minutia of daily living.

All the while, in the background of our unconscious, we are running scripts and programs that are contributing to the creation of our reality. It is not possible for us to be conscious of what these are at all times, but in our moments of awareness we can start to work with what we see. We can uproot any “faulty” programming we observe, plant new seeds, and practice mindfulness and self-compassion.


Accepting our Thoughts

When we bring our consciousness and awareness to the thoughts we are thinking, we can make a choice in each moment if those “thought creations” are what we are wanting. Our ultimate power lies in our ability to choose. The more time we spend in our awakened state, the better choices we make and the better seeds we plant.

However, this is not to imply there is necessarily a “better” or “worse” choice. What if there were no mistakes? What if everything was divinely orchestrated and we were where we needed to be? What if, no matter what choice we made, it was leading us to something wonderful?


Accepting our Choices

Herein lies another opportunity for us to embrace paradox: Finding this balance between making choices and accepting what is without judgment. Embracing and loving everything that comes into our reality without the need to label it as “good/bad, right or wrong.” At the same time, making the decision about what we would like to bring in next by making a choice as to the feeling quality of the thought we are thinking.

In our moments of seeing the big picture, one of the challenges we face is seeing a fear or concern we have with what is happening in our lives. If we’ve studied the law of attraction or new age thinking, we then conclude “as long as that thought/worry/fear exists in my mind as a potential reality, it remains a potential reality.” We then go about trying to change or get rid of it.


Accepting our Fears

The minute we do this, we’ve stepped out of being our aware self. Because the aware self can hold all of our experience without needing to change anything. This is what makes new thought so dangerous. Because it has the potential to pull us far out of acceptance of what is and into a need for things to be different.

If we believe we are going to create that fear or worry, then of course letting it be is nearly impossible. What many of us can instead practice is a sort of living in the moment of allowing and accepting, while also making a new choice. The new choice doesn’t come from pushing against or trying to move away from something. It is a choice to move towards loving.


Accepting Change

Each moment of our attention, each train of our thought moves us from this moment to the next in such rapid fire succession that we forget this opportunity to be fully here now, choosing love. The irony is that we can’t actually be anywhere else other than fully here now, so the language we have to talk about it is very limited. We can, however, be unaware of being in the present and of the choices we are making.

What often goes missing in all this is our emotional connection. If we spend our time in an intellectual psychological head space, we may lose touch with our feelings. One of the challenges we face then is to balance both our intellectual awareness and our emotional experience.

Accepting our Feelings

Caution is given here, however, not to insinuate that there is a state of being where we can always be aware and choosing love in every moment. This ideal sets us up for failure. It is actually not possible for our minds to consistently remain in awareness of either our psychological process or our emotional status. Thinking we can achieve this or setting this as a goal can keep us in a perpetual state of perceived failure and disappointment.

Awareness is something that is much easier to come by when we get away, have time to ourselves, go on retreat or sit in meditation. The rest of the time life is coming at us incredibly fast; stuff is being thrown into our awareness and our consciousness in each moment at an overwhelming speed. Ideals of always being aware and emotionally connected don’t take this into account.


Accepting Silence

They are a nice ideal. It’s a nice dream. But is it realistic? Can we live with that day to day as we go about the everyday dynamics of getting cut off in traffic, dealing with a rebellious teenager, or being yelled at by a spouse or co-worker? Not to mention the multitude of other things happening in each day which can pull us off our center.

So then, what are we to do? We are faced with this dilemma of having these moments of awareness; of deep consciousness. We have a desire to be aware and a desire to choose love in each moment. We also may now have the understanding that it’s not possible. So, what is left?


Accepting Joy

Ultimately what we want is to enjoy our lives. We want to be able to wake each day and feel the enjoyment and appreciation of every moment. We want to be able to go to bed at night with a smile on our face and sleep deeply. We want to feel safe. We want to have love and deep connection with the people around us. We want to feel we make a difference.

Therefore, we’re not likely to give up on our search for consistent happiness, or desire for the discovery of some means to change the way we look at things so we’re experiencing more of what we want. We can hear the message that life is full of ups and downs, we can understand it’s not possible to always be in our aware ego state, but most of us will not be dissuaded from trying to achieve our ideals.

The best we can do is to simply be gentle with ourselves and others. We can keep returning to our intellectual awareness and dropping down into the heart of our emotions. We can allow life to unfold as it will and do our best to accept what is, while making choices to move in the direction we desire.


Accepting Peaceful Change

It’s a day-to-day process. It’s a decision we return to over and over again. It’s what living is all about. Sometimes we’ll get it and sometimes we won’t. Can we let that be okay?

What if there were no mistakes? What if everything was divinely orchestrated and we were where we needed to be? What if, no matter what choice we made, it was leading us to something wonderful? What if, indeed….


About the Author

Shannon Crane is a writer and speaker passionate about sharing how one’s focus, feelings and perspective influence the quality of life. She is currently developing A New Life Perspective course and leading a national movement for Sacred Caregiving. You can join her Facebook community, read her blog, or connect with her

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By Shannon Crane

Life begins to transform when we are able to catch ourselves the moment our thoughts become feelings. For most of us, we get bad news and our day is ruined. Someone makes a statement in such a way we hear only criticism or judgment, and our sense of serenity is shattered. We’re cut off in traffic and our blood boils.

Life feels out of our control, and we are unaware these shifts were actually created by how we assigned meaning to an external event. However, merely attempting to think a better feeling thought sets us up to create what may be termed spiritual bypass. Learning to balance feelings and thoughts and eliminating the contingency of our happiness coming from external sources is a lifelong process.

Paradox: Ours to Discern

Initially, for many of us, we get caught up in the mental story line, which has created our feeling. We are unaware it is our thoughts, interpretation and attention responsible for our experience. Thus, what led to our initial mood change may go unnoticed. We remain ignorant that we have taken an external event or perhaps an internal thought and latched onto it – assigning meaning and interpretation that took us away from our sense of well-being.

As we develop spiritual awareness and an understanding of how life works, we begin to pay attention to and identify when this happens. Sometimes, we can catch it, and sometimes we do not. However, we can easily get caught into wanting a sense of well-being to always be present. That is why so many of us seek spiritual or personal development guidance in the first place – we want to be happy.

Paradox: Lost in the Illusion

Many of us are so busy reminiscing (good or bad), worrying or tripping along without any idea of how what we are saying, thinking and feeling are all combining to make up the next now. We get lost in the stories we tell. We get lost in the illusion of the past being real or the illusion of the future looking a certain way, so we miss taking control of the moment to choose.

When we can learn to listen to our thoughts, observe our feelings and make more choices, then we get off auto-pilot. Remembering we have a choice in each moment is something we have to come back to over and over again because our thoughts have tremendous power to carry us into their story. Then, we forget we are telling a story, and by that forgetting, we relinquish our control to the story.

Paradox: Writing the Script

Every nuance of the story in our lives involves interpretation. What meaning are we giving to this? When we feel awakened and aware, we remember we are writing the script, and we control the story. But then, when our story is hijacked by reality or through our forgetfulness, we can feel lost or totally forget our power.

You see, our scripts and stories will get hijacked. We will forget we are the author. We will be presented with external circumstances that are not in our screenplay. We may get discouraged or totally lost. In that moment of returning to awareness, we can shift our perspective, assign a meaning that serves us and return our focus and attention to the original creation we want.

We just need to be careful that our original creation – the story board of our life – isn’t dependent on things looking a certain way or being a certain way for us to be happy. Making the choice to be happy right now requires letting go of our attachments. It is the knowing that “yes, we write the scripts,” but no matter what the story line is, we are okay now.

We are indeed creating what comes into our story line by our thoughts and focus, but there is also much that comes in unexpected. We are, after all, surrounded by other people and their story line.

Paradox: Lasting Happiness

Mentally, we may understand that when we have an attachment to what happy looks like, we set ourselves up for potential disappointment. We psychologically know the happiness of getting what we want will be fleeting when our wants are external. Yet, subconsciously, we often continue our search, especially as we delve deeper into spiritual awareness or awakening.

We think there is such a thing as lasting happiness or lasting awareness – that is this ideal for which many of us strive and are still searching. It seems reasonable, and we rationalize that we should be able to hold on to this knowing and the moments of insight when we see things so clearly.

However, the minute we try to maintain it, we are holding on to something. Then, we have attachment. Here is another paradox of living: We cannot be aware in the moment and simultaneously desire to be aware in the moment. If we are judging whether or not we are aware, we’ve just stopped being.


About the Author

Shannon Crane is a writer, speaker and coach who is passionate about sharing how one’s focus, feelings and perspective influence the quality of life. She is currently developing A New Life Perspective course and retreat program to help individuals break free from disappointment, discover their power to create and see things from a soul perspective.

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omtimes-small.pngOmTimesby Shelly Wilson
Our chakras, or energy centers, are spinning wheels of light that act as energy transformers through which we receive and transmit life force energy – spiritual, emotional, mental and physical. When the chakras are open (too receptive) or closed (too non-receptive), an energetic imbalance and even physical pain may develop since each of the seven main chakras is associated with emotions and physical organs. Maintaining a healthy and balanced chakra system is essential. Allow yourself the opportunity to tune in to what your physical body and energetic centers are conveying to you. In addition to clearing and balancing your chakras, it is important and beneficial to strengthen them as well through intention and visualization involving color.

Using the respective color for each chakra, set the intention to first clear, balance and then strengthen each one. To begin with, focus on bringing your energy to the present moment in the here and now. Then, set the intention to ground and center your energy by envisioning your legs as tree roots growing deep into the earth (grounding) and a ball of white light at your core (centering). Take a big deep breath and visualize yourself breathing in emerald green healing energy from Archangel Raphael and letting go of anyone and anything that no longer serves you or your Highest purpose, including any fear, worry, doubt or any of the lower vibrational emotions. Consciously choose to feel these emotions, so that you can acknowledge and release them as you move into the higher vibrational heart-space of love and trust.

The Root or Base chakra is red and is associated with survival needs along with the lower vibrational energies of worry, fear, doubt, regret, guilt and shame. It is our foundation and the connection to the physical plane. Physical organs include the colon, rectum and adrenal glands. To balance and strengthen this energy center, work with the color red for the Root chakra – wear red clothing, eat red foods (strawberries, apples, red pepper, watermelon, tomatoes, raspberries) or visualize what you are eating or drinking as red and work with red crystals, such as jasper, garnet or any of the grounding crystals, including hematite, smoky quartz or jet.

The Sacral chakra is orange and is correlated with creativity, inspiration and sexuality. Physical organs include the kidneys, lower abdomen, liver, prostate gland and reproductive systems. To balance and strengthen this energy center, work with the color orange for the Sacral chakra – wear orange clothing, eat orange foods (oranges, carrots, orange pepper, cantaloupe, apricots, butternut squash, sweet potatoes) or visualize what you are eating or drinking as orange and work with orange crystals, such as carnelian, topaz and orange calcite.

The Solar Plexus chakra is yellow and is your power center and gut instinct. The digestive system, spleen and stomach are the physical organs connected to the Solar Plexus, which is related to our will, personal power and identity. To balance and strengthen this energy center, work with the color yellow for the Solar Plexus chakra – wear yellow clothing, eat yellow foods (squash, bananas, pears, pineapple, corn, lemons) or visualize what you are eating or drinking as yellow and work with yellow crystals, such as citrine, yellow calcite, yellow tourmaline and tiger’s eye.

The Heart chakra is green and is associated with love, including love for self and others, and all other emotions. Our spiritual home, the Heart chakra is tied to the physical body organs of the heart, lungs, rib cage, thymus gland and breasts. To balance and strengthen this energy center, work with the color green for the Heart chakra – wear green clothing, eat green foods (celery, green pepper, green grapes, lettuce, kale, cabbage, limes, avocadoes, green beans, peas, broccoli, cucumbers) or visualize what you are eating or drinking as green and work with green crystals, such as amazonite, aventurine and chrysoprase as well as pink rose quartz, which is the stone of unconditional love.

The Throat chakra is blue and is your voice – the area of communication and self-expression. Physical body organs involve the neck, voice, thyroid gland and throat. To balance and strengthen this energy center, work with the color blue for the Throat chakra – wear blue clothing, eat blue foods (blueberries, blackberries, figs) or visualize what you are eating or drinking as blue and work with blue crystals, such as blue lace agate, blue calcite, lapis lazuli and sodalite.

The Third Eye chakra is indigo or violet in color and is your area of intuition and spiritual awareness. The physical body organs include the pituitary gland and the higher brain centers, including the endocrine and nervous systems. To balance and strengthen this energy center, work with the color purple for the Third Eye chakra – wear purple clothing, eat purple foods (eggplant, purple grapes, plums, purple cabbage) or visualize what you are eating or drinking as purple and work with purple crystals, such as amethyst and purple fluorite.

The Crown chakra is white and is your connection to Source energy. This energy center involves all-knowing and understanding and is connected to the pineal gland and highest brain centers, including metabolism. To balance and strengthen this energy center, work with the color white for the Crown chakra – wear white clothing, eat white foods (white onions, cauliflower, coconut, garlic, mushrooms) or visualize what you are eating or drinking as white and work with clear crystals, such as crystal quartz, clear tourmaline and opal.

Remember, intention is key to assist you in enhancing those energy centers that may require some attention. Take note of what your physical body is saying to you as you incorporate visualization with color into your spiritual practice.


About the Author

Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master, and Spiritual Growth Coach, Shelly Wilson, would love to assist you on your spiritual journey. She is the author of 28 Days to a New YOU, Connect to the YOU Within and Journey into Consciousness. In addition, Shelly is a featured columnist and the Metaphysics Editor for OMTimes Magazine.

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omtimes-small.pngOmTimes, By Veronica Lee

What if we were merely watching a super intense, interactive life-long movie? What if each one of us was the star of this incredible multi-dimensional show, which plays out according to our own vantage point?  Metaphysically speaking, this is the essential framework of living as humans on Earth at this time. One of the most challenging aspects of metaphysics is trying to understand its non-linear structure within the limitations of the evaluating mind. As highly evolved souls, we agreed to perceive separation from Oneness consciousness and engage in linear time and space in order to give us a human experience. These fundamental pieces are the foundation on which our three-dimensional reality has been created. As we evolve spiritually, our perceptions expand to include other concepts and dimensions, and we begin to see beyond the basic framework.

Thought Projections

When spiritual teachers talk about changing our thoughts to change our reality, they are pointing out this primary aspect of our original agreement. In actuality, it is more than just our thoughts that create our reality; our emotions, pre-birth agreements and soul intentions are vital elements. For the sake of simplicity, we will combine these other facets with our thought projections.

In a movie theater, the projector displays the movie onto a screen. Light and sound have been digitally captured to create the show, and it usually has been modified with such exquisite technology that we enjoy therealness of it. The intention of most movies is believability.

As a soul, if we sincerely wanted a human experience, wouldn’t it be frustrating to have the life-movie be so poorly done that it wasn’t even believable? What a waste of time, right?! Thus, with linear time, ample space and other humans with whom we can interact and experience intense emotions, the realness of our lives becomes believably real.

Thinking of our lives as a series of thought projections can provoke feelings of anger, especially in times of pain or crisis when we feel like victims. Of course, this intensifies the reality aspect. Yet, we can allow ourselves to accept those moments of pain and suffering. We can also remain open to learning the basics of thought projections, which can offer us a new, empowering perspective.

On any ordinary day, let yourself pretend you are in your own movie. Watch with interest, wonder and humor, and then observe your movie with as little attachment as possible. If you do this repeatedly, whenever you feel drawn to trying it, you will begin to notice the projector that is showing the movie. With intention and willingness, you can become aware of the parts of you that are acting as the projector.

When you become conscious of your thought projections, you become aware of your impact on them.



You may be wondering what nothingness has to do with thought projections or manifesting reality. This is a very important aspect for understanding our essence. Like the light that is projected onto the screen or the sound that comes from the speakers, there isn’t anything that is tangible – there is no matter. Though we can validate the realness of sights and sounds, we also understand that they are actually perceptions. In fact, it is only when we don’t have these capacities or they are diminished, do we recognize how our lack of perceptionimpacts our reality. If we imagine being completely blind or deaf or unable to smell, taste or feel, we define our inability as experiencing nothing. In other words, even when matter isn’t involved, we recognize our experiences as something – they become valid and, in some way, part of our reality.

Though we evaluate reality by its somethingness, we must understand the value of nothingness to gain a more complete and empowering perspective.

Beyond our perceptions, sound and light are actually frequency wavelengths. The space in which there isnothing is just as valid as the something itself. It is how the entire construct exists within the time/space continuum. That said, our thoughts are basically the same kind of construct; a wavelength of something and nothing vibrating at a particular frequency.

Those who teach mindfulness encourage us to pay attention to all that happens and also emphasize thenothingness, which is sometimes referred to as the emptiness. As you can deduce – and vitally important to note – as soon as the mind perceives anything, it has immediately created something to perceive! More notably, that something can become a conscious choice in whether it gets played out in our personal movie.

From a soul perspective, there is more nothingness than anything else. The nothingness is the potential, the pre-thought, the void from which all things emerge. Yet, in order to keep the movie playing, we continuously create thought projections onto the linear timeline.

Allow yourself to play with the notion of nothingness. See if you can grasp it. Ask your Higher Self to give you an experience of it. Feel into its potential and imagine what could be possible with the vastness of no limits! What you may discover is your own essence and power pulsating as infinite possibility.


Manifesting Reality

Those seeking instant gratification would likely skip the previous two parts and focus solely on this section, but understanding the fundamentals of thought projections and nothingness are key to manifesting reality. Admittedly not complete, the basics are enough to provide a seeker with more tools to understand and explore.  Manifesting reality on Earth in its crudest form is dependent on thought projections directed onto themovie screen of time and space.

Although thought projections emerge from nothingess, without time or space they actually and instantaneously absorb right back into it!

Therefore, it is in this instant that we can, once again, recognize and harness the power of pure potentiality. As human beings, with our commitment to time and space, we often feel limited and powerless by life’s circumstances. We may feel we are under the heavy influence of our own automatic, unconscious thoughts in spite of reciting positive affirmations or mantras. To consciously engage in manifesting reality, we must learn to raise our own frequency. When the wavelength of our thought projections and the potentiality of thenothingness vibrate so high that they are practically indiscernible, we will begin to perceive miracles!

Raising your vibration – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually – is attainable, but takes consciousness and a commitment to do so. Eat well, rest often, surround yourself with people you love, challenge yourself to learn and grow and walk upon a spiritual path that makes your heart sing. Ask your soul to support your intention.

Conscious or not, joyful or not, your inherent ability in manifesting reality is already playing out for you in the movie of your life. By understanding the power of your thought projections as well as their essentialnothingness, you can take manifesting reality to a whole new level. Whether being able to heal yourself or others, accurately seeing beyond the veil into new dimensions or simply creating a foundation of joy in this third dimensional reality, you can shift from merely manifesting reality to manifesting your soul’s true desires!


About the Author

Veronica Lee is a Spiritual Mentor and Mystic. She has shared her insights and wisdom with thousands around the globe, directing people to align with their essence, harness their gifts and cultivate empowered, joyful lives. She offers practical tools to support your spiritual evolution. Visit her website to access a free eBook and meditative audio at:

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ascension-symtops1.jpg?w=424&h=306&width=300Author: Anna Merkaba

I have written this article in regard to the time period of Amygdala Clearance of September Gateway, however, this guide and the remedies mentioned here can be used at any given moment in time, as we move through the various portals that await us.

As has been explained in my recent channeling, the reason that we are going through so many portals and so many transitions over and over again is because a lot of the old energies have been ingrained into human DNA, pscyche and way of life.

Much of the old belief systems need to be released, preconditioned ideas erased from our sub consciousness so that a new set of universal laws can be instituted. As you understand human bodies, or what our galactic family likes to call “human vehicles of time and space” have been infused with so much information for thousands of years. That is why a complete transformation cannot take overnight.

As we must work towards releasing everything from the past. For example, your present reality has been influenced by a set belief system of your parents, grandparents, and the list goes on. All of this information has been transferred to you.

A simple example would be a word association from your childhood. If you think of the a certain word it will bring up a certain set of emotions within you, association with negative emotions needs to be readjusted. It is important to understand the reasons for this occurrence and release the triggers of the past.

annamerkabadistantenergyhealer.jpg?w=700Of course you can assist yourself by consciously working with your thought processes. Releasing and letting go of everything from the past that is currently influencing your life. As we all know that the words we choose to express ourselves are the words that will form our experiences. If you wake up in the morning and you set your intentions that you will have a difficult day, you will have a difficult day.

If you set your intention on positivity, even if your day won’t go as you planned and you encounter a “problem” you will look to see the reason for this occurrence, instead of getting frustrated you will begin to understand various synchronistic events that are designed to assist you in your journey.

Even if you do not understand why such and such “negative” (as you believe it to be) event has occurred, by changing your attitude towards that which is happening with you, you will shift your consciousness into positivity and invite a positive flow of energies into your life, thereby aligning yourself with various opportunities and truly enjoy your journey.

But going back to the ascension symptoms that we are all experiencing. It I can get tough at times, as your body is changing, and yet your mind is holding onto the past. The friction of what your mind knows and that which is coming its way is causing a lot of tension to occur. The pushing out of the old and the welcoming of the new is not  always a pleasant experience, especially as we are put through a vacuum where all the old energies are literally being pushed out of us.

During this quite turbulent and yet incredibly beautiful time of ascension most of us will be, and are experiencing issues with our heart chakra and Sacral Chakra. Coupled with the energies coming from the Fertility/Abundance Portal our sun continues to release tremendous amount of codes which are affecting all on earth, what is known to be solar flares. I’m sure that many of you have noticed that the flares are becoming a bit overwhelming. Many are reporting and I myself personally have experienced heart fluctuations, where my heart began to hurt incredibly much and I was floored with the incoming energies unable to move for a few minutes. Many are reporting heart pains, seizures, muscle cramps, vertigo, nausea and heat flashes as your sacral chakra begins to activate sending tremendous amount of Kundalini energy through your body. And although all of these are perfectly normal “side effects” or what is called a healing crisis of Ascension, there is help to get you through this.

So what can we do to remain calm and keep our sanity intact?

4332388370_0d79291e01_z.jpg?w=113&h=170&width=113#1 The number one thing that I recommend to all of you is to stay CALM, I have outlined various breathingprotectivelight.jpg?w=136&h=177&width=136 and energy techniques in many of my previous articles.  Here I would like to mention the quickest way that I’ve found to re balance your energy. If you cannot stand up, sit up straight with your feet touching the ground, your back as straight as possible. Now put your palms together into a “prayer” position and stick your arms right between your thighs, this will calm you down within seconds. Otherwise stand up straight with your feet touching and your hands in a prayer position in front of your chest. Concentrate on your crown chakra and your base chakra asking your higher self to align you with the source of all that is through your crown chakra and the core of the earth through your root chakra. Allow these energies to circulate through you, breathing slowly in and out.

Sometimes though, the breathing method fails as your mind is not allowing you to relax in which case I like to use homeopathic remedies called Bach Flower Essences, Schuessler Cell Salts and actual Homeopathy created by the father of homeopathy Dr. Hahnemann. Of course before taking any new remedies please consult your physician and read all the labels of these products carefully. Please note that all of these remedies are completely safe and do not have any known side effects, nonetheless do your own research first don’t just take my word for it, always follow your own intuition and listen to your heart.


#2 Rescue Remedy.  I suggest that you carry with you flower essence combination which is called “Rescue Remedy” thankfully this remedy is available in most health food stores around the world.

This mix was created by Dr Bach (BAH) to deal with emergencies and crises – the moments when there is no time to make a proper individual selection of remedies. It can be used to help us get through any stressful situations, from last-minute exam or interview nerves, to the aftermath of an accident or bad news. 

Rescue Remedy helps us relax, get focused and get the needed calmness. So please get yourself a spray bottle and carry it with you at all times. Be sure not to store it next to your computer as the computer frequency will interfere with the energy imprint in the bottle.  Once again Flower Essences are completely safe , however most have alcohol base, so if that presents a problem for you, and most often alcohol does affect our livers, or you are thinking of administering this to children please look for non alcohol base solutions.

 one of my most favorite remedies which if properly selected and used can heal a tremendous number of download-1.jpg?w=217&h=254&width=217ailments, along with homeopathy this is a miracle healing modality.  I will only mention one Cell Salt here for you which is called Kali

Phos #6. Depending on the country in which you reside the number will vary, so look for the name Kali Phos. What you are looking for is 6X potency which is a standard potency that is used for Cell Salts. You can purchase this once again at any health food store or online. Kali Phos is a phenomenal remedy! Not only will it calm you down instantly, but it will also provide much needed “brain food” for your brain!

This remedy alleviates depression, confusion, memory loss, nervous tension, anxiety, etc., This is not only a frequency remedy, as it actually contains the salt that your body uses on daily basis, however since it is prepared homeopathically it tells your body what to do with this salt. It enters your blood stream extremely fast and will start acting immediately.

Once again cell salts are incredibly safe and do not have any known side effects, however, they are based on lactose sugar, and if you are lactose intolerant and/or diabetic look for liquid solutions of this product or simply dissolve the daily recommended doze in a bottle of water and sip it throughout the day.

#4. Essential Oils. 
We are all familiar with essential oils. What I have found that rebalances me very quickly are three oils. Bergamont Essential oil.

Lavender and my favorite Menthol. Menthol not only uplifts my spirits but also helps with the sinus issues that I experience from time to time. It’s fast acting and a wonderful addition to any home. However, if you are going to incorporate Rescue Remedy and/or Cell Salts stay away from Mint as it will break the homeopathic frequency and the remedies will stop working.


The violet flame works by changing “vibrations”. In physics, vibration is the speed of oscillation – the speed at which something moves back and forth. On the atomic level, vibration can be understood to be the speed at which electrons orbit around the nucleus of the atom. The violet flame works by changing vibrations on this level.

#5. Crystals and Energy tools
of your choice.  As many of you know crystals hold healing energy frequencies and information, furthermore crystals and quartz glass can be imprinted with various information by using your own intentions and the energy of a variety of beings who wish to imprint their energy onto crystals.

My favorite tools are of course by Natalya Ankh as many of you know I have spoken tirelessly of these tools which are created by Natalya with assistance of various

Arch Angels such as Metatron, Michael, Isis, Saint Germain etc., Since I am an energy healer and work daily on removing and adjusting energy frequencies of all who come to me, as well as removing dark entities, implants, etc., I use these tools daily. I have come to observe that the tool that calms me down the most is the Saint Germaine disc.

Saint Germain is inflused with Saint Germains Energies and the Violet flame. Violet flame is one of the most powerful vibrational frequencies which enters our field of vision as ultra violet and violet. This frequency operates on opening up our 8th chakra and crown chakra, the chakras of divinity and connects us with the divine. In doing so, it purifies our whole body, removes blockages, releases the past and transmutes all that stands in the way of total recognition and understanding of self.

The tool that gives me the most power and protection is of course Arch Angel Metatron’s Key, of which I have spokenmetatronsprotectiontool-1-e1399547980594.jpg?w=700

tirelessly and endlessly. I will mention it briefly here for those of you who are not yet familiar with this tool. Metatron’s Clearing & Protection Device – As told to me by AA Metatron – Activates automatically at 11:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. everyday drawing source energy into itself and then dispersing this energy to you evenly throughout the day.

It protects up to 13 feet of space in every direction, remember that your own sphere of influence is 18 miles in each direction and coupled with this tool you will amplify this energy creating a vacuum of clearance which will expand exponentially.

No matter what method you use in 15 minutes after you clear space, unless you have something in that space to keep the POSITIVE energy flowing to neutralize the negative, everything will come back. That is why its always great to have something near you that will neutralize this type of energy and bathe you in love and light. To learn more about these tools please visit.

I hope that this guide was helpful to you. Sending you a tsunami of love, light, abundance, health and joy! ~Anna Merkaba

pdfdownloadableversioncover.jpg?w=193&h=300&width=193P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do.

How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME!

There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit :

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –

Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.

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3 Symptoms of a Lost Soul


Are You a Lost Soul?

by Andrea Schulman
OmTimes omtimes-small.png

Lost souls are people who are spiritually adrift. For whatever reason, these individuals have blocked the intuitive guidance coming from their higher selves. In doing so, they have also cut themselves off from feeling the infinite love of the universe, and this leads to struggle, anger and sadness. As a result, a lost soul’s life may be very challenging.

If you are currently working to raise your vibration and follow your highest path, you probably find it difficult to interact with lost souls. These individuals can be some of the most frustrating people to deal with because they radiate lower vibrational energy, and the way that they interact with others can be quite off-putting.

However, if we want to help these people, we must react with sympathy, rather than anger and hostility. Lost souls need unconditional love more than the rest of us because they are so starved for it. Although this may be challenging at times, love and acceptance are really the only things we can give to help others who have lost their way.

With that being said, here are some of the frustrating symptoms of a lost soul, and how best for us to react in order to help them:


3 Symptoms of a Lost Soul

Lost Soul Symptom #1 – Defensiveness

A lost soul is someone who is operating from their ego, not from their higher self. Since they are largely ego-driven, lost souls will often feel the need to defend their positions and assert that they are always right and know what is best. Even friendly advice that will genuinely help a lost soul is often immediately discarded with a “Yeah, but…” followed by a list of reasons why they believe the advice won’t work for them. The best reaction to this defensiveness is to accept it. Do not engage in an argument with a lost soul, even if you feel like your advice is exactly what they need.

Remember, lost souls are blocking their inner guidance, so they will very likely block beneficial advice from wherever it is coming from. The best thing you can do is lay your ideas on the table, but then back away from the discussion when they push against it.

Surprisingly, when I have done this in the past, I have noticed that many such individuals will later tell me “I remember when you told me such-and-such, that was really good advice!” The thing about lost souls is that they do not like to have their egos challenged. Therefore, if you do not debate against their rebuttals, they are far more likely to listen to your well-intended advice because they didn’t feel threatened by your approach.


Lost Soul Symptom #2 – Closed-mindedness

Many times lost souls will not be interested in accepting different people and different choices. Again, the higher self is all-loving and all-accepting. If someone is blocking the unconditional love from their higher self, they will be unable to radiate unconditional love to others. As a result, their “love” will only be given out to certain people who are behaving in a way that their ego approves of.

Because of this, you will often see lost souls manifest themselves into people who are intolerant of other religions and are bigoted, racist, homophobic or misogynistic.

If you feel as if something a lost soul tells you seems intolerant or abusive towards others, the best reaction to this behavior is to very kindly tell them that it bothers you when they say things like that and then drop it. Remember, arguing with a lost soul is always a waste of time. Speak your mind and then move on. If you do not challenge a lost soul’s ego, you will have the best shot at being heard.


Lost Soul Symptom #3 – Repeating the same mistakes, over and over again

It may take many of us a few tries to learn a lesson in life, but with a lost soul the pattern endlessly repeats itself. You may often observe a lost soul hopping from one abusive relationship to another, chronically being broke and out of work or even repeatedly being arrested and incarcerated. To be clear, none of us are perfect, and we’re all making mistakes in some way. However, a lost soul’s repeated mistakes are very painful and can cause them a lifetime of personal grief.

Realize, yet again, that a lost soul has severed ties with the love of the universe; therefore they do not understand how to make choices based on self-love. A lost soul has forgotten how to care for him or herself. These individuals are not making their life decisions because they are trying to hurt themselves or anyone else. Rather, they have become blind to the guidance of the universe. In fact, quite often they make poor choices because they are simply trying to distract themselves or numb the pain of the emptiness they feel from being spiritually disconnected.

Please do not judge them, do not chastise them and do not belittle their struggles. A helpful response is to accept them where they are, and love them anyways. This doesn’t mean that you should allow them to pull you into their chaotic storms, but do let them know that you care about them and you want the very best for them. Loving them from afar still counts!

It can indeed be very frustrating to deal with a lost soul. The defensiveness, close-mindedness and continuous self-harm can be very unpleasant to witness and interact with. That being said, it’s good to remember that we are all on our own paths, and we each have the option of traveling through life in the way that we choose. Although we may have found a higher calling, the lost souls are choosing to experience life in a limited way and that’s ultimately their choice.

Not one of us would want to be forced to think or believe something against our will. If we want the freedom of choice for ourselves, we must allow the freedom of choice in others, even when we feel their choices are damaging and hurtful. We can speak our truths, but we shouldn’t feel the need to take on the job of changing the thoughts, beliefs and actions of others.

At the end of the day, all we can really do for the lost souls of the world is to accept and love them as they are while being as happy, healthy and prosperous as we can be. If we can shine brightly enough, we just might provide enough light to help a lost soul find its way back home.

About the Author

Andrea Schulman is a former high school psychology teacher and the creator of Raise Your Vibration Today, which offers daily Law of Attraction advice. To learn more about Andrea or Raise Your Vibration Today, please follow her blog, Facebook page, Twitter (@Vibration1111) or Instagram (@andrea.11.11)

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Are Eyes the Windows to the Soul?


Are the Eyes Really the Windows to the Soul?

by Michelle Butt

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We’ve all heard the saying, “The eyes are the windows to the soul.” It’s clear that when we look into the eyes of another we are seeing something so much more than blue or brown, but are we really seeing their soul? According to the Ancient Chinese, actually, we are NOT. We are in fact, seeing into the heart of another. Yes, connecting the heart to love is as much an ancient, scientific observation as it is a modern day romantic notion that is amplified in February thanks to St. Valentine.

The science of face reading began in Ancient China as a branch of Chinese Medicine. Not only was the face used as a diagnostic tool to assist in identifying illness, but through observing patterns of features, Ancient Chinese Healers discovered that the face could determine emotional and personality tendencies as well. The Chinese believed that the heart was the center of our existence, not just for its ability to sustain life, but by its connection to our emotional nature as well.

As the center of the circulatory system, the job of the heart is to pump blood to the whole body. Essentially, it is the communication hub of our physical existence. Yet, emotionally it serves the same purpose according to the Ancient Chinese. It is the center from which our love and deep emotions flow, thus it is the hub of our deep, emotional nature and circulates those emotions for us. Instead of a heartbeat as the indication of the state of our openness to love, sharing and communication of deep feelings, we have a feature on our faces that shows us the state of our emotional heart.

In the observation of the face and the connection of features to behaviors, it was found that the eyes were and are the windows to the heart, not the soul. When we look into the eyes of another, we can tell by the shape and size of their eyes two significant things about them. One is how openhearted and trusting they are and the other is how open to communication they are.

For example, if someone has big, widely held eyes, they have an open heart, which means that they are open to love and communicating their deeper feelings and emotions easily with others. If, on the other hand, someone has eyes that are more narrowly held, they can be more cautious when opening up to others. They may need more time to feel comfortable and be able to trust another with their feelings and emotions. Their heart will be more guarded.

In addition, the shape of the lower eyelid can tell us a lot about how another person will communicate their feelings to us. If the lower eyelid is rounded, then that person will temper their communications with warmth and a loving compassionate flavor. If the lower eyelid is straight, then that person will take a more logical, matter of fact approach to their communications.

Although, ideally, we would all want big widely held eyes signifying an open heart, there is a potential drawback to this quality. You see, the open heart can be the vulnerable heart. Sometimes, those with big, open eyes can be too trusting and share too much, which could set them up for disappointment and betrayal. By the same token, those with narrowly held eyes can fall into the trap of being too guarded, too cautious and not forthcoming enough. They can perhaps sabotage relationships and deny themselves the love they deserve.

The beauty of this knowledge is that we all have the ability to be loving and open hearted. We just have to understand how we are uniquely connected to our hearts and our capacity to love and communicate. Once we understand ourselves, we can show up for relationships in alignment with our unique design.


What does this mean about the eyes?

Well, say you are a person with big bright eyes who comes to every new encounter with trust and the openness to express all of your feelings and thoughts easily, and you find yourself attracted to another who has more narrowly held eyes. You may feel like you are the only one sharing, initially. You may feel like the other person may not be into you or not care because they are guarded. This may, in fact, not be the case at all. That person could care very much for you, but they need time to feel safe and comfortable enough to express their feelings. They may need more time than you do to be able to talk about themselves in a deep way. Understanding this dynamic would take the judgment out of the situation. You could acknowledge that you are an open book, and you know that the other needs time to warm up. This alone would go a long way in progressing the relationship.

When, as human beings, we feel innately understood by others, we are able to let our guards down and be more open to vulnerability. The gift of face reading is that it gives us all the ability to understand others, without them having to say a word. We can look into their eyes, see into their hearts and meet them in their sacred space to create beautiful, respectful, loving relationships.


About the Author

Michelle Butt is a Face Reader, Certified Master Coach and an Ordained Metaphysical Minister. She is also a contributing author to the book, Ready Aim Captivate, featuring Deepak Chopra. Her goal in life is to assist others in truly understanding who they are and to guide them to achieving the joyful, fulfilling and successful lives that they desire.

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Identifying the Star Children


Star Children: Learn the Colors

by Nikki Pattillo

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Star Children are children who have been sent here from all areas of the Universe to help our Earth including all living and non-living things on it. They possess psychic, spiritual and other extra sensory abilities. The Star Children are here to bring peace, topple corrupt systems, and shift dimensional consciousness. They have come here on special assignment in a rebirth into a higher dimensional Earth.

Star Children – Indigo

Indigo Star Children started arriving during the 1970’s and have distinct warrior personalities. They will stand up and fight for what they think is right and what they believe in. They also know when they are being lied to and manipulated and will not comply with any system that may be limiting or dysfunctional. Indigos also have little or no tolerance for dishonesty. They are here to show us that the archaic systems in schools, government, parenting and healthcare are not healthy and must change or we will continue to fail globally as a civilization.

Indigo Star Children have access to clairvoyance and healing abilities and they are naturally more intelligent, sensitive and clairvoyant than most children.

To find out if your child is an Indigo, ask these questions:


Traits of Indigo Star Children

1. Did your child come into the world acting like they own the world?

2. Does your child have a feeling of deserving to be here?

3. Does your child have difficulty with discipline and authority?

4. Does your child refuse to do certain things they are told to do?

5. Is it hard for your child to be patient?

6. Is your child frustrated by ritual-oriented systems that require little creativity?

7. Does your child see better ways of doing things?

8. Does your child refuse to respond to guilt trips?

9. Does your child get bored rather easily with assigned tasks?

10. Does your child display symptoms of ADD or ADHD?

11. Is your child particularly creative?

12. Does your child display intuition?

13. Does your child have strong empathy for others?


Star Children – Crystal

The Crystal Star Children began to appear on the planet from about 1990-2010. Their main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution and reveal to us our inner and higher power and have access to gifts of clairvoyance and healing like the Indigo Star Children. They function as a group consciousness rather than individuals, and they live by the “Law of One” or global oneness. They are also advocates for love and peace on this planet.

The Crystal Star Children are incredibly sensitive, which stems from the ability to feel universal consciousness. You won’t be able to hide anything from these children. You won’t be able to lie to them either, as they will know immediately what the truth is. It is important to mention that Crystal Star Children know what is in your thoughts and even more importantly, what is in your heart. This is another reason why they are so sensitive.

Some characteristics of Crystal Children may include:


Traits of Crystal Star Children

1. Have large, communicative eyes.

2. Are very affectionate and forgiving.

3. Begin speaking later in life, but often uses telepathy or self-invented words or sign language to communicate.

4. Love music and may even sing before talking.

5. Are extremely connected to animals and nature.

6. Are often very interested in rocks, crystals and stones.

7. Are extremely artistic.

8. Are highly empathic and sensitive.

9. Draw people and animals near them and love attention.

10. Often have good sense of balance and are fearless when exploring high places.

11. Often see or hear angels and spirit guides – both their own and others’.

12. Dislike high-stress environments with loud/sharp sounds.

13. Dislike bright, unnatural lights.

14. Sometimes show healing gifts at young ages.

15. Don’t react well to sugar, caffeine or unnatural foods/chemicals.

16. Dislike fighting or refuse to keep an argument going very long.

17. Are easily over-stimulated and need to meditate/be alone often to replenish themselves.

18. Don’t usually have trouble with fear or worry.

The Crystal Star Children are moving into our hearts and upgrading our energy systems. The Crystal Star Children are helping us to claim our power and open our hearts, and to anchor ourselves firmly in the new energy grid and the concept of oneness. They are teaching us to accept our spiritual gifts as our birthright, and to see the creation of miracles as a normal activity. They are teaching us to honor our planet and ourselves and to see the beauty, wonder and joy of all creation.


Star Children – Rainbow

The Rainbow Star Children are the third generation of special children that have come to help humanity evolve. Different from the Indigo and Crystal Star Children, Rainbow Star Children have a few more interesting characteristics. The Rainbow Star Children are generally born in the year 2000 and above. The few Rainbow Star Children that are here today are born from early Crystal scouts that were born in the 1980’s.

As many people might have experienced, the Rainbow Star Children bring joy and harmony to their families. Unlike the Indigo and Crystal Star Children, the Rainbow Star Children are born to smile, which is accompanied by their huge hearts that are full of forgiveness.

The Rainbow Star Children generally recover from the state of negative emotion quickly. This is also an important key that they hold – emotional mastery. Rainbow Star Children are psychic and have the ability to read people’s feelings. This gift is usually revealed as they grow older.

Rainbow Star Children are psychic. Beyond this and perhaps more so, they have strong wills and strong personalities. Their gifts do not stop there. They are known to be natural healers and instant manifesters. It is said that whatever they need or desire they can instantly manifest.

As would be expected, they have a connection to color. In fact they resonate with the colors around them. They are drawn to color, colorful surroundings and brightly colored clothes. Their energy is expressed in other ways too, as they are high-energy children. Their enthusiasm is demonstrated in their creativity. The Rainbow Star Children are thought to be the builders of the New World using Divine will.

Characteristics of Rainbow Star Children include:


Traits of Rainbow Star Children

1. Parents are lightworkers.

2. Do not choose dysfunctional families.

3. They are all about service.

4. May have big eyes like the crystal children, but they are totally trusting.

5. Entirely fearless of everybody.

6. Bringing in the healing rainbow energy previously brought through Reiki, Qigong and other hands on healing.

7. Have very strong wills and personalities.

8. Be very high energy.

9. Be very attuned to color and color vibrations around them.

10. Have passionate creativity.

11. Love bright clothing and colorful environments.

12. Bubble over with enthusiasm for everything in life.

13. Expect instant manifestation of whatever they think/need.

14. Have healing abilities.

15. Have telepathy.

As the other Crystal Star Children grow older, they will be the peace-loving parents who birth the new Rainbow Star Children. The Rainbows being born right now are the scouts, and the large influx of Rainbows will occur during the years 2010 through 2030.

The purpose of the Rainbow Star Children is to complete the final stages of the foundation that the Indigo and Crystal Star Children have made. The three sStar Children, Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow, each have a specific task. The Indigo Star Children are to break down the paradigm of the traditional thinking. Then, the Crystal Star Children will build their foundation on the broken paradigm. Finally, the Rainbow Star Children are here to build on to what the Indigo and Crystal Star Children began.


About the Author

Nikki Pattillo graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University. She was psychic as a young child and later in life channeled messages from her angels and guides. She is author of Star Children: Advice for Parents and Star Children and A Spiritual Evolution. She also writes articles to help raise awareness in consciousness on both environmental and spiritual issues.

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8109207677?profile=originalSufian Chaudhary Seeks Crowdfunding via Kickstarter for World of Archangels.

Those with an interest in spirituality might find this the most important book they ever read.

Brisbane, Australia - December 16, 2014.

Through the centuries, Archangels have been known to summon up feelings of awe and wonder

as the highest angels in Heaven who carry out the will of God in beautiful and inspiring ways

that still stand as some of the most incredible events in human history. Most people have

never even considered the possibility of encountering an angel in their life let alone one of the

very Archangels in God’s creation.

Yet that’s exactly what Sufian Chaudhary plans to accomplish with his new book World of

Archangels. His destiny is to orchestrate divine meetings between human beings and those

that exist in the Higher Dimensions. The eBook version has garnered 5 star ratings on Amazon

and recognized as the #1 bestseller on two different genres; spirituality and angels.

World of Archangels is a spiritual masterpiece designed by Archangel Uriel that retraces the

self-realization process that allows you to interact with some of the most influential Beings in

the Universe. Regardless of who the reader is, where they come from or what they’re doing in

life, this book contains Universal principles that will redefine anyone’s spiritual life. The book is

filled with enlightening meditations, ancient wisdom and uplifting stories of ethereal

encounters with the other side.

Each Chapter continues a powerful journey with descriptive meditations upon activating and

cleansing the Chakras, raising the vibration of the body, communing with ethereal Beings, and

the ability to comprehend Life beyond the normal human perceptions. Everything is taught in a

singular pattern that weaves your soul into a state of Enlightenment. With self-realization in

mind, World of Archangels aims to excel the spiritual aspirant onto a beneficial pathway of

Enlightenment to empower the energetic body and emanate Unconditional Love in a beautiful

play of life and spirituality here on Earth.

Everyone is encouraged to own their own copy of what is sure to be one of the most unique

spiritual books they’ve ever read. World of Archangels delivers the spiritual world in a beautiful

interactive way.

The crowdfunding goal of $15,000 will enable the author to bring his book and related material

to market. Funds raised will be applied to finalizing the book’s interior design and publishing,

the production of accompanying Guided Audio meditations as well as to cover costs to develop

a new website for online promotion and distribution of the book.

The World of Archangels Kickstarter Page -

Sufian Chaudhary’s Official Website -

About Sufian Chaudhary. Sufian Chaudhary was initiated into the spiritual world by Archangel

Uriel, Jesus Christ and Ascended Master St. Germain. His teachings are channeled by the

original Masters who first brought them to life. Born in Australia in 1988, Sufian completed a

Bachelor of Commerce with a double major in Accounting and Property Development and

started working full-time for one of the world's largest accounting firms by the time he was only

19 years old. After being in the extremely powerful presence of Archangel Uriel, Sufian has

chosen to dedicate his life to teaching the world how to commune with the Archangels

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