Joanna's Posts (123)

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Dear All,

Firstly, warm thanks to those of you who’ve sent in email messages and photos in the last few weeks/months. I reply as much as possible, but if you haven’t heard back yet, please know that I do appreciate people reaching out and connecting, and send love to you all.  

For this post, we’ll focus on recent questions from readers, then reflect on multidimensionality through a series of photos that express something of what it is to be multidimensional beings, and how this state of being is constantly fluidly interconnecting across multiple dimensions.

For questions about the Earth’s Ascension (this planet’s shift to a higher vibrational state) into a 5D rather than 4D ‘landing place’, we’d like to address this in relation to multidimensional convergence. At a primary level, Gaia (planetary soul of Earth) has chosen a 5D vibrational platform for her ‘ascension’. She hasn’t made this determination in isolation though; it comes with the counsel, guidance and support of the Galactic Council through to completion and ‘New Earth’ rebirth, riding on the broader momentum of a galaxy-wide rise in vibration. Every soul with an embodied form on Earth at this time is in full awareness of this shift before incarnating, and has chosen to focus an aspect of their energy and light through 3D physicality here to experience and assist this process.

For the soul, it’s well understood that once embodied under a dense grid/veil of forgetfulness, a few will retain full awareness and remembrance, some will regain it along the way, while some might not remember throughout their lifetime, and identify with the programming of lower vibrational grids based in fear and lack. From the soul’s viewpoint, there’s no judgement, only compassion for self and others. The soul has no doubt at all, only love and the wish to flow love in optimal ways for the highest well-being of All. It could seem logical that a 3D planet ascending its frequency would shift to 4D, rather than from 3 to 5. However, the Earth is already in predominantly 3 and 4D vibrational properties, and sits in its own localized 4D spacetime field, through which a collective 3D experience is projecting and expressing (see this post for Einstein’s recently proven 4D local spacetime hypothesis).

3D and 4D are close counterparts, the first vibrating a more ‘physical-seeming’ density, the second a more etheric-astral-plasmatic density. 1D and 2D are also complimentary counterparts, expressing as line and plane, whereas 3D and 4D express mathematically as cube and hypercube (also called the 4D tesseract). 4D is characterized by the attribute of vortex energy; the zero point within wormholes, black holes (which require space and time to exist), the ‘still point in the storm’, and is based on spiral motion dynamics, which can be seen in the counter-rotation effect of the ‘cube within a cube’ (within a cube, within a cube, into infinity).



The zero-point is where 4D exists in the unity, oneness, wholeness that flows harmoniously and in infinite variety in 5D and higher, but the vortex dynamic has been open to influence by less loving beings, which has pulled aspects of 4D (our localized 4D around the Earth, for instance) into heavy fluctuation. This is one of the reasons, when people awaken to higher dimensional awareness, they can experience feelings of increased polarization (emotional, mental, physical imbalances) until their alignment to the steady, serene unity vibrations of 5D+ becomes more deeply anchored and integrated.

While in the process of releasing lower grid programming (fear conditioning, ego-based wants etc), the higher, harmonious Love-in-Oneness flows into the opened heart centre, but scatters/refracts to some extent into the spiral energy flowing from and to the zero-point instead of radiating evenly; like a straw stirred in water that breaks the surface into ‘random ripples’, rather than the Love flow smoothly anchoring into the physical level and converging its frequency with the planetary ascension. In this 4D vibration, it can feel as though fears as well as joys are being amplified in the ‘spin cycle’, magnified highs and lows, and control-oriented beings attempt to steer people ‘into the spin’ as they begin to lift in vibration, to settle for a ‘4D ascension’ where polarization still holds sway. Those beings, however, are not able to see the ‘Whole’ picture, or its overall unfoldment.

5D attributes are somewhat alluded to mathematically by the amplituhedron, if you imagine the crystalline light lattice of 5D creational structure infinitely unfolding, as ‘particle and wave’ simultaneously.


This state of expression is beyond polarity ‘this or that’, to unity ‘this and that and more’ in every moment, and is by nature infinitely expansive. (All creation is infinitely expansive, polarity fields just give a convincing illusion of ‘this or that’, separation, when experienced under a veil of forgetfulness of the Source/Soul connectedness that is truly always present). Gaia’s shift into a 5D frequency band (with her ascending travellers; humans, animals, plants, elemental beings and more) takes the planet beyond the influence of that illusion, into authentic loving wholeness, sharing and cooperation, that also aligns with the wider interplanetary and galactic community based in 5D+ vibrations (5D and 6D are also closely twined, the ever-blooming crystalline light lattice and the liquid light wave that supports it…the wave forms in the amplituhedron being reminiscent of pliable fluid 6D light-waves).


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Transformations July-Aug 2018


Dear All,

Coming into the peak of the 2018 Lion’s Gate on August 8th (8-8, the vibration of the Double Infinity), inbetween the deep-reaching Lunar Eclipse of July 28th and the completion of this ‘Eclipse Trinity’ with a partial Solar Eclipse on August 11th, we’ll take a moment to share a sequence of photos of the Lunar Eclipse that show the waves of clearing and transformation of Moon-Mars energies initiated on July 28th, with clearing effects rolling through to the completion of this phase with the August 11th Eclipse.

Either side of the Lunar Eclipse, clouds in front of the moon symbolized the aligning energies, firstly on July 26th with an appearance of the Christed Feminine in the form of a woman standing in cross-form with a large bow (or crescent/arch) to her left, reaching her hand toward Mars.


Divine Feminine ‘goddess of the bow’ forms in front of the Moon, standing in a Christ-cross pose and reaching her hand toward Mars (at the right), July 26, 2018.


This Eclipse preparation showed through so joyously, with the Divine Feminine standing in her pure Light, while the shadow forms she has been viewed through (‘capricious goddesses’ requiring worshipful placation, as with portrayals of Artemis/Diana, lunar goddess of the hunt in the Greek and Roman pantheons, and other feminine deities imprinted with a martial/Martian aspect) can be seen peeling away through the Bow.  From hunting bow to the Arc of the Divine Mother, from death-blows to cradling embrace in Love, seen, known and felt as Unconditional Love and Cherishment again as distortions dissolve.

The Eclipse itself peaked at 4:20am on July 28th here; the photo sequence below came through between 4-5am in communion with soul family, with many 5d+ beings and beautiful ships focusing their Light to transmute each wave of lower astral energies that churned out toward the Moon and Earth from the 4D grid around Mars. This is the first stage of a release and transformation of the Martian shadow matrix, being implemented for the upliftment of that planetary soul’s energy field, within the overall ascension of the Solar System. The ‘astral mists’ in these photos were not visible in 3D, but appeared clearly as I/we were tuned to the Shifting process, and how this appeared was that each time a ‘wave of unrest’ came through, white orbs showed where soul lights transmuted the energies, wave by wave.


July 28th, Eclipsed Moon appears red, with Mars close by, upper left, in swathes of lower astral energies that were continuously transmuted into Peace & Love by many assisting Light Beings and ships of the Ashtar Command. 


Archangelic soul light wraps around Mars, representing as a huge white orb, and purifies the churning energies.


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2018 Lion's Gate Eclipse


Dear All,

Welcome to the annual Lion’s Gate (heliacal rise of Sirius), which aligns July 26th through mid-August, with its peak flow during August 8th (8-8), this year opening straight into a total Lunar Eclipse of especially long duration on July 27-28th. This eclipse will give the Moon a reddish hue, referred to as a Blood Moon, with the ‘red planet’ Mars in very close proximity throughout.

We have seen and felt the Lion’s Gate galactic light wave flow in slightly ‘ahead of time’ this year, with beautiful Leonine energies streaming in around the Moon and the currently visible planets Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn from July 23rd onward. This ‘early’ flow has been prepared with a particular Venusian focus (see previous post) leading into the upcoming Lunar Eclipse, bathed in the Light of the Lion’s Gate.

Since the partial Solar Eclipse of July 13th, Star Family, Solar Beings and many assisting Light Beings have implemented a process of transformation of Martian energies, streaming the sacred geometry of the Venus Rose of Love around Mars, and stabilizing the crystalline light heart of Gaia as we align, open to, anchor and transmit the deep transmutation frequencies of the Lunar Eclipse, dissolving Mars ‘war and trauma imprints’ from the Feminine (depicted as aspects of Divine Mother wielding chaos and destruction, ‘polarity goddesses of love and violence’, in many ancient cultures on Earth).

In this eclipse’s transmutation of unbalanced red energies to the most cherishing unified embrace ~ from ‘Blood Moon’ to ‘Rose Moon’ ~ a stream of recoding of Divine Feminine~Masculine wholeness in peace through Gaia’s planetary field and the collective consciousness here (and throughout the Solar System) is giving us a magnificent opportunity to dissolve distortions, unify and merge in blissful harmony within and through our beings, radiating cherishment to all around us in union with this loving planet.

The photos below show the key flows in the energy sequence through the last 11 days, leading into this peak Lion’s Gate-Eclipse Shift, beginning with the first deep Venus Rose release of Mars’ lower control matrix on July 15th, 2018. These three photos are in sequence, showing the sky as it appeared around Mars just before Star Family aligned the Venusian Light (with three orbs triangulating above Mars), which swiftly catalyzed an outpouring of distorted energies (second photo), followed by Angelic white light transformation of those energies, while shielding the Earth’s field.




Immersed in a wave of orbs filled with many soul emanations and healing energies, Mars went into ‘soft focus’, appearing as a gently rose-coloured ball.


It’s incredibly beautiful, this first rapid dissolution and transformation, and the immense flowing of Leonine/Feline Beings on the front of the Lion’s Gate light-wave…which became especially focused around the Moon from July 22nd onward, visualizing in the form of Lyran-Sirian pyramids above the Moon, followed by ‘white lion’ orbs streaming through the lunar portal, clearing and purifying the light vibrations.



Many leonine faces formed clearly in clouds and orbs, such as this one, showing overlaid ‘Sirian Blue Light’ lions (and friends).



Gentle lioness face(s) in the clouds appeared near a blue lightship as it phased across dimensions.



The amplified feline energies continue to heighten as this next pulse of the galactic Light Wave glows down the Sirius alignment into the New Earth light-grid, which we can all anchor with Gaia, as souls embodied on this planet. As the wave melds now into the strong Venusian energies, with many lightships and ascended beings assisting, the Eclipse potential is being patiently and lovingly aligned to its optimum, with vibrant rose-gold and diamond light washing the Earth and all beings, through our hearts, our subtle bodies, cells and atoms. There’s a thrill running through the air, and our friends in the skies danced and sparkled here last night, during a clear gap between rainstorms. They share their energies through this series of photos of July 24th, firstly through this ship that flew around Venus and flashed brilliantly before recloaking (the big light above the tree is Venus).







Star family were moving back and forth between Venus, Jupiter and the Moon, and the beautiful lightship below flashed between the Moon and Jupiter, directly beneath the star Antares, home of lion, tiger and panther-like beings in the Scorpius constellation who, along with the Sirian lion beings, originated from Lyra and have close loving connections.


The Moon fluxed through blue, golden and rose light as its vibration heightened, with the nearby ship also reflecting these colour frequencies. In close up, the ship’s curved shape becomes clear, with large windows and the impression of a blue lion face in the middle of the ship.


Humanity’s higher dimensional friends, soul families and companions send love, support, unity and peace to us and all on Earth through this marvellous Rose Moon Eclipse Shift. We’d like to share a meditation here for anchoring this pulse of the Wave:

Take a few slow, deep breaths, relaxing your body, letting go all thoughts. Visualize breathing in golden light which fills your aura, until you are within a ball of steady golden light flowing infinitely from Divine Source. Let a soft rose light form in your Heart centre, its steady warmth radiating through you. Let your Heart fill with Love for all beings, and see the rose light grow deeper as it spreads around you and around the Earth, in unison with all who are focusing with unconditional love through this Lion’s Gate & Eclipse, in union with all assisting Light Beings. Now see a pink rose in your Heart, brimming with Diamond Light that flows effortlessly through you around the Earth, like a wave of liquid shimmering light. Relax in this immersion of pure Love raising the vibration of humanity and all life here, in strengthening unity with planetary ascension. Know the Oneness is here and now, for all. And So Be It.


Love and Joy to you all through the opening of the 2018 Lion’s Gate, Lunar Eclipse, and in every moment,



PS:  For anyone who would like to join in, we’ll be sharing an Eclipse Meditation on July 27th at the LoveLight Circle.


*For more about Lion & Feline Star Beings, see The Winged Lions of Eremor, Antares and the Golden Light of Lyra, and From the Lion Beings.

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Venusian Eclipse Request


Dear All,

Following a rare alignment of Sun, Earth and Pluto on July 12, 2018, we’re now flowing into a partial Solar Eclipse today, July 13, and this pair of alignments are leading toward another potentized pairing this month, with the opening of this year’s ‘Lion’s Gate’ on July 26 (first day of the annual heliacal rise of Sirius) leading straight into a total Lunar Eclipse on July 27-28.

Since our previous post about the re-lighting of the crystalline pyramid network around the Earth initiated on the June Solstice, which connects with and amplifies the 5-6D light imprints that have lain latent in the ancient Mu (Lemuria) and Avalon (high Golden Age of Atlantis), an integral part of the birthing of the current New Earth Light-grid, the pyramid network has shifted back into its true high vibrational alignment.  Old controls that oriented the 3D polarized aspect of the ‘pyramid societies’ to power and domination, fixation on death and fear-based tests, rituals and belief constructs, have been cleared and transformed (up to and through the Divine Grace energy of the 7-7 gateway ~ 7th day of the 7th month). The rebirthing of pure LoveLight through the global network reflected strongly in clouds here up to the 7-7, such as these beautiful, clear pyramid forms (with faces of many assisting light-beings showing in and around them) on July 6th.



In the ongoing Divine sequencing of the Ascension process of this beautiful Earth, this network flushing and re-lighting was brought to completion before the aligning of Pluto; any potential ‘plutonic triggers’ were dissolved from Gaia’s vibrational field, and instead, higher Light flowing through the Solar Portal has bathed the Earth and sent in a straight beam of Sun-Earth-to Pluto with a flood of high Light ~ with the vibration and message of transforming through Grace and Ease instead of through catharsis, drama and polarized split states.

As this message of Grace, the 7D vibration of shifting and unifying in peace and unlimited benevolence, defuses the plutonic constructs ever more deeply through this year, the planetary consciousness, humanity and all living beings here are graced with the opportunity to embrace, trust and open to their Inner Divine, the Divine in all life, in a state of remembered natural ease that goes beyond polarization, beyond catharsis and ‘death of the small self’ that has been entrained for an Age in the collective consciousness as an inevitable aspect of spiritual growth. Divine Grace opens a softer, gentler way that ~ when recognized and embraced by even a few ~ transmits deeply through the collective, until the ‘old school test and challenge’ constructs melt into a deeper level of self-and-all, Source-Self presence and availability in every moment.

With the Solar Eclipse today coinciding with Friday 13th, we have a beautiful alignment of the eclipse vibration of release, transformation and fresh inspiration with Divine Feminine energy. Friday is named after Frigg/Frige, the Norse mother goddess, whom the Romans identified with Venus, and the number 13 has long been associated with the Feminine (negativitely in feminine-suppressed civilizations/ages, hence the belief of it being an ‘unlucky’ date). So this is a strongly energized moment for releasing old distorted/darkened feminine imprints from personal and collective belief constructs, and bringing through bliss-inspired renewal of peaceful unity, fully open to and embracing the Divine Feminine, the energies we view as masculine and feminine within our beings gracefully restored to sacred Oneness, creating as One Whole, anchored in our hearts and radiating to all. See and feel the warm togetherness, the easy unison within and with all, which is the natural state of Being, behind all illusions and imprints of ‘split energies’.

Venus is a beacon of loving Divine Mother-Rose energies, radiating to Earth and through the Solar System, and our Venusian star brothers and sisters (whose origins arose from merged light of many star groups, Arcturus, Sirius, the Pleiades etc, and many continue to meet there) are with us throughout Gaia’s Ascension, transmuting many energies into Love. They showed their rose-gold energies especially clearly on July 1st, coming into this transformative month, to share here now. Firstly, through this huge orb, which shows unbalanced red energies being transmuted into rose and golden light above the moon.


Venusian rose-gold orb transmutes distorted red energies above the moon and ship, with many blended vibrations coming through, of Lyran, Lucidan, Aran, Sirian, Hathorian energies, July 1, 2018.

This stunning lightship flashed white light from a little higher up, past the orb. Enlarging the photo revealed a ‘flying saucer’ style ship of glowing golden-amber and rose light, with a translucent canopy, and a small violet-coloured pod on the upper left of the ship. (They say these tiny pods don’t have crew, but are sent into particularly dense ‘frequency knots’ to transform them with violet light).


Venusian rose-gold lightship flashes white light, upper left of the moon, July 1, 2018.



Our loving friends come with a request today, for all who feel this in their hearts, to focus in quiet reflection, meditation, or through dance, art or song, however we feel inspired to anchor and radiate through our divine Hearts and Beings, the rebirth of the Divine Feminine in love, peace and joy, through this moment of Eclipse. As we open to the way of Divine Grace, we shift with ever deepening ease, Divine Masculine&Feminine reborn on Earth, in humanity, in sacred union, freedom in Oneness. free in Love.

The image at the top of this post represents the cycle of movement of Venus as seen from Earth every 8 year period, transmitting to her sister planet the geometry of the Divine Rose and the highest true energy of the five-petalled star. If you feel called to visualize this pattern in your Heart while meditating, or draw or paint it, or arrange crystals, go for it! And have fun… :)

With love & gratitude to you all, and to our dedicated star brothers, sisters and friends of Divine Love,


PS:  The number 13 is also connected with the ’13th dimension’ through which the white Ascension Light flows. It is in truth ‘meta-dimensional’, beyond dimensionality and transcendent, but takes on dimensional attributes as it spirals into the dimensional layers. If you feel called to amplify the reception and transmission of the Ascension Light through your Being to all, you may like to work/play/joy with the White Flame, which is aligned vibrationally with Friday in the cycle of the Seven Sacred Flames, which you can read about at the LoveLight Circle. If connecting in your heart with the Angels resonates for you, Archangel Gabriel overlights the White Flame and is a Guardian of the Mother Rose.


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Pyramid Network Update


Dear All,

This is a follow-up to the Solstice of June 2018, in relation to the freeing and rebirthing of the crystalline light pyramid network around the Earth mentioned in the previous post. Our focus into and through the Solstice was with anchoring the soft ‘fluidic light-wave’ of Sixth Dimensional frequencies ~ pure harmony and bliss ~ through a global alignment that connects/reflects into 3D via a network of ancient pyramids, some well-known, others now being ‘rediscovered’ in forests, beneath hills or underwater, and coming gradually into the collective awareness.

The energy of people meditating and holding loving focus for the Solstice all around the Earth in various ways and through various groups according to their soul alignments felt strong and tangible, and overall, optimal higher Light was anchored and integrated at an important moment, in terms of our immediate locale in the Solar System, before all of the planets move together to one side of the Sun during July-August 2018, along with a concentrated clustering of asteroids between Mars and Earth (which you can see depicted in this video). This positioning of the planets into one Solar hemisphere is historically linked with an upturn in volcanic activity and earthquakes, so please feel the perfect ‘timing’ of the Light which has been aligned through this mid-year’s Solstice Gateway just before this positioning occurs…with the securing of 6D frequencies of harmony, peace and supple, flexible softness into the ancient reawakening light-grids of Gaia, to hold and stabilize the 5D crystalline vibrations and imprints of the New Earth Grid through an intensified phase.

During the Solstice, here we focused with a particular alignment in the pyramid network that passes through the southwest of Western Australia, at a beautiful location in the Darling Range (with an interdimensional portal now restored to its original higher alignment). To those of us there on the Solstice, the portal’s energy shifted tangibly, as liquid soft golden light streamed through it and flushed out, bathed and transformed old reptilian controls. This ‘popped into’ 3D reflection as a snake that appeared where I and friends had been standing, which lay there completely relaxed and blissed out in the 6D light bath…quite something to witness, down to the precision of its species, Acanthophis Antarcticus (Southern Death Adder) given that we were focusing Light and clearing south through an alignment connected with Antarctica! Pyramids formed in the clouds as we connected with soul family and friends in lightships overhead and further along the alignment, shifting the vibration from ‘death adders’ to ‘adding Life’.



At the height of the activation, intense vibrations flowed through/from the Sun and Ashtar’s lightship, the Phoenix, as it moved into direct alignment with the Sun, radiating blue light. A tall mountain-like pyramid formed in the clouds just below/in front of the Sun, followed by a bright white-light pyramid pointing toward the Earth, and at this moment a fine wavy line appeared below it across the western sky, reflecting the 6D harmonic light-wave as it flowed freely through and into the New Earth Grid. A blue light pyramid could be seen above and behind the ‘pyramid mountain’ in alignment toward the Sun (connected with the mother-star Sirius/Sirian energies).



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New Earth Grid Update


Dear All,

Through the loosening and clearing of the lower astral (4D)  and deeper aligning of the planetary high vibrational Shift flowing through this extraordinary year, we’re glad to be able to share here about a widespread defusing of lower 4D energies and devices during a high-aligned gateway of the weekend of May 19-20th, still continuing, in the context of the current stage of steadying and strengthening the New Earth Grid.

The New Earth Grid imprints the higher light codings of the fully realized ascended Earth, radiating from the planetary core ~ Light-Heart of Gaia in the fifth-sixth dimensions and higher ~ in a fluid, pliable interweaving of light strands of the Unity Consciousness Grid, Crystalline Heart Grid and the meridian network (chi/life energy channels) flowing through the planet’s etheric layer…which is gradually aligning to the unified loving energy being rebirthed through Gaia’s divine planetary template, lifting frequencies, and purifying energy channels (see this post if light grids are new to you).

During 2018, two ancient interconnecting light grids have been blessed with increasing activation, with a lot more to come; the Mu grid (ancient Lemuria) and the Avalon grid (carrying the wisdom and joy of the Golden Age of Atlantis, before its vibration fell). Hawaii, capital of what was once the Mu continent, is currently in a high activation phase, translating through to the 3D physical layer as floods followed by heightened activity of the volcano Kilauea on the Big Island, as adjustments and higher aligning of the subtle light templates reflect into physical and reverberate energetically into and through the planetary meridian channels, clearing, flushing and raising the overall vibration another notch.

As the higher light frequencies continue to flow and shift everything back into alignment with Universal Love, resistances in the density of 3D polarity are obvious, whether in orchestrated distractions or personal mental/emotional looping. Prioritizing staying peacefully open in our hearts to the ascending vibrations allows increasing inner clarity and innate attunement to the beautiful loving support all around us multi-dimensionally, and joyful awareness of the shifts occurring in various dimensional layers around this planet and Solar System.

The photos below show some of the purifying transmutation (vibrating through cloud formations) currently sweeping through old control imprints and layers of ‘energetic debris’ that have lain in the lower bands of 4D around the Earth, and what we would call the ‘3-4D interface’, including surveillance and transmission devices like the one below that have been widely dissolved during the last week. 

The way this ‘clean sweep’ appeared to me was in dreams and visions of whale-like beings whose energies had dropped and become misaligned in some parts of the Cetus constellation (Cetus being depicted either as a whale or a sea monster, as the human unconscious carries memories of the dual energies in that constellation, some high and loving, others distorted ~ which is where most of the myths of sea monsters, sirens luring ships onto rocks, and dangerous merman/maid type tales originated from) being set free from entanglements, control devices planted in them expelled and dissolved, and the liberated beings assisted to sanctuaries located in the Arcturian Angelic Light-worlds, for healing and recouperation.


Vibrations of aquatic beings in the 4th dimension reflect through cloud waves rolling over the Sun, with an Angelic Arch of White Light starting to form around a Sunbow, a sign of Archangelic presence, May 16, 2018.

This is a truly blessed release, and the photo below shows one of these whale -like beings (which had called for help) in the moment that a device was dislodged from within its head, and literally flew up out of its blowhole as it vented etheric vapours (which you can see in the photo). The device popped into very clear visibility for a moment before Star Family dissolved it.


Whale-like being vents a transmitter up through its ‘blowhole’, with Angelic assistance. The device came clearly into focus within the 3-4D interface before being dissolved. May 16, 2018.


These devices have been used to transmit frequencies leading to confused, imbalanced decision-making among humanity, with many clustered over ‘hot spots’ around the Earth (implanted in beings with whale origins because they naturally amplify frequencies over a long range). The removal of this network is fantastic for the planet, for high energies to move freely and unobstructed through the New Earth Light-Grid into 4&3D, along with the ongoing clearing of the 4D layers in general!

Ashura (my Twin Flame, here in his 5D light-form, Arnap) can be seen guiding one of the hybrid whale souls free of the lower 4D in this sequence of May 23rd; first, his silver pod-ship flashed (circled upper right) above a passenger plane as it flew past a ‘whale cloud’ that moved clearer into view in the second photo.


Arnap’s pod-ship, from the mothership Meri’Ashar, flashes at the upper right of this photo, with plane below, and whale cloud behind tree lower left, May 23, 2018.

Can you see/feel the whale soul ‘shaking itself loose’ of etheric/lower astral bindings as it flies/swims free?


Whale being shakes free of lower 4D bindings, also releasing connected souls whose faces are visible within and around it, May 23, 2018.



Miracles are happening in and around this world, beautiful friends. If you feel an inner call to assist, meditating with the intention and/or visualization of Purple Light (violet for clearing, purple for compassion and aligning with Divine Will) and Silver Light (for transcendence of all limitations) flowing through your Heart of Love, bathing your own energy field and the whole planet in purple and silver light, in the spirit of Universal Love & Joy, all contributes to Shifting personal and overall vibrations higher. 

We’d like to send a loving hug to our Alpha Centaurian star brothers and sisters here too, as their work has been instrumental in preparing the way for the current stream of transformations, thanks beautiful beings. Here they are, signing their presence with a ‘horseshoe in the clouds’, leading into this clearing phase.


Alpha Centauri ‘horseshoe’ with faces looking through it, May 10, 2018.

I could feel an energy trying to grip onto the horseshoe from below (ie; attach to a sphere of light an Alpha Centauri lightship was anchoring from 5D into the 4D levels), and the Alpha C’s said to turn the next photo upside-down.


Alpha Centauri ‘horseshoe’ with dolphin & whale energies, May 10, 2018.

Instantly, a large dolphin’s face could be seen on the left side of the horseshoe, and a whale diving toward it from above ~ representing the beautiful whale and dolphin beings of the higher dimensions coming in to support and steady the energies. Centaurs flowing as ‘sea horses’, so to speak, anchoring through the liquid light-waves in union with Cetacean souls and energies. So you can see how the higher dimensional star families, groups and beings all work, flow (and play) together…just feel the easy, graceful unity of the loving light-realms in your heart, flowing around all of us, the Earth, the Solar System, in every moment…and let this peaceful unity anchor through your being, for all.

With Love, wishing everyone a blissful ‘Flower Full Moon’ on May 29th, as this gateway culminates,


* For a gorgeous photo of an uncloaked Alpha-Centaurian lightship over this area, with its horseshoe ring of lights visible, see our friend Rob Hartland’s photo on the Guest Photos page. 


*For more about the Silver Flame see this post: Transcendence

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From the Lion Beings


Dear All,

Greetings in the midst of May. :)  

We’ll be posting an update about the New Earth Grid soon, and how the overall energies are shaping ‘up’, but will take a little pause (paws!) here for a moment to bring into focus a stream of the Leonine Light that has been quietly cradling and stabilizing the Earth’s subtle and physical planetary field continuously through the great Shift of vibration and consciousness currently in progress  ~ here on Earth, throughout the Solar System, and on a wider galactic level.

In the past few weeks, an amplified flow of the Mother Star Sirius has been bathing the Earth and Solar System, honed to particular node points of the Earth Grid through the lightship Sophia (see previous post). Flowing with the Sophia are many beautiful higher dimensional lightships of the Leonine and Feline beings of Sirius and Antares, whose origins in this galaxy go back to the constellation of Lyra and the first galactic federation…and beyond that, to other universes.

The Leonine ship most often flowing its vibration around the area where I live is named the Shem’Arua (Light of the Lion), a large disc-shaped lightship which you can find more about on the Shem Arua page. This ship is captained by a wonderful, loving White Lion Twin Flame pair, Altara and Arudia. They have at times projected their awesome light-forms around the garden here, and appear visibly as shining white orbs in the house, when we’re connecting and communicating together.

Their faces ~ and those of other lion and feline beings on board the Shem’Arua or associated ships ~ often take shape overhead in the clouds, signalling their close presence, frequently forming around or close to small ‘pod ships’ flying out from the Shem’Arua on various energetic assignments, often in a protective guardian role, transforming dense energies in this area (and all around the planet).

Our Leonine brothers and sisters ask for the photographs below to be shared now, which are vibrating with their love light, the feeling of being held in the arms of a super loving family of divine peace, harmony, happiness and constant affection. If you’re ever feeling fatigued or swirled by the intensity of the energies Shifting at so many levels around and within this beautiful Earth, open your Heart to the Feline Star Families of highest light and love, and give yourself the gift of relaxing in their warmth…and radiating that warmth and peace to all around you.


(Faces of Sirian feline beings, overlaid by a large white lion face (Arudia), shortly before a pod-ship appeared, April 16th, 2018).

Their pod ship first flashed as a tiny pinpoint of light directly beneath a small cloud with leonine faces softly forming in it.


(Tiny white pod-ship flashes below a cloud, April 16th, 2018.)

As the ship flew lower, in front of a thicker bank of clouds, its appearance became more defined as an elliptical-shaped silver-white lightship.


(Leonine pod-ship flies in front of clouds, its elliptical shape clearly visible, April 16th, 2018.)dsc05442-copy-2.jpg

More beautiful Feline and Leonine beings formed clearly in the clouds three days later, radiating so much Love, and they share this with all humanity, who they love dearly.


(Large-eyed feline being, April 19th, 2018.)

In the centre of this photo there are two merged feline faces, one looking downward to the left, the other looking upward and right. Can you see the sweet heart-shaped nose of the white feline looking upward, in the centre of this photo?


(Two feline merged faces with many others around them, April 19th, 2018).

Relax, breathe, and let yourself feel and appreciate the heart-warming, soothing, strengthening inner purrrr of the Lion Star Family gathered around this planet, dear friends of the ascending Earth. Stay steady on the course, and know that all is on track in every moment, as you/we continue to anchor unconditional love and unity, for all.

For more beautiful galactic energies, we’re delighted to be able to share photos and videos from dear friends and guest contributors on this new page: Guest Photos

And we’re also happy to announce the release of an ‘ascension assistant’, the Inner Divine Essence, which you can find out more about at Heart Star Essences if this resonates for you.

With Love, Joy & Gratitude to you all,


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Isis & the Rose Moon


Dear All,

The energetically ‘full’ month of April has come to fruition with a very beautiful Full Moon, that is peaking the vibration of inner reflection, inner awareness and deeper release where the ‘local self’ holds onto or continues recycling personal identity beliefs and views that cloud or disrupt full, consistent ease of alignment with the Inner Divine ~ the ‘higher self’s’ merge of subtle light, wisdom and perspective into this localized focus point we identify as ‘I/me’ that allows us to be an Unconditional Love Anchor in every moment, regardless of energies around us.

This gift of going deeper into recognition, trusting and relaxed in the light of loving compassion, extending it to all, opens the earthly form (physical, mental and emotional) which we’re expressing through to receive and integrate divine Light flows/codes/activations to their fullest as they bathe the planetary field in a precisely coordinated sequence from the Heart of Source, through higher dimensional realms of peace and love, into the 4-3D fluctuations, gradually ‘shifting and lifting’ the quality of the vibration around Earth into blissful unity.

Many beautiful, dedicated beings of Love continue to assist and guide this Shifting sequence quietly behind the scenes, mostly invisible and immaterial, yet immensely present with every moment of this planetary, collective process. At particular moments the Light of a being or group among the wide array of star family and infinitude of high Light beings supporting this transition phase shines to the fore, in connection with particular Light flows, amplifications and activations.

With this Full Moon, bathing the deepest held personal self-beliefs and limiting attachments in a ‘triple divine pulse’ immersion of rose and white light frequencies of universal love and the clarity of universal wisdom, Immara ~ remembered by the name Isis on Earth ~ is to the fore, radiating her Soul Light, with many lovely beings of the lightship Sophia, the White Phoenix. The Sophia vibrates through the sacred angelic symbolism below (the energy of which was imprinted as a crop circle a few years ago), as a ship of white light filled with soft, warm rose ~ the nurturing, warm unconditional loving energy of the Divine Mother aspect of Source.


Immara (Im’Ma’Ra – ‘divine grace of the mother Light of Source’) focuses her Light with soul family into the 5D level, radiating through and from the White Phoenix in unison with the Phoenix (the golden lightship Ashtar focuses his Light through), one energy flowing through white and gold twin ships. Through the current Full Moon, a sequence of three high Light pulses are flowing into and around the planetary energy field, in the rose-white vibrational attribute of the Tenth Ray ~ pearlescent pink-white light, transmiting integration of peace  (the Tenth Ray has been amplified from April 25th and is being integrated through these three pulses).

To assist with attuning to this Light inflow, star family ~ and specifically the Sophia ~ gave these photographs last night. In the first, a huge rose-gold orb hovers just to the right of the star Sirius (with which Immara has a strong connection) and Orion below, where Sirians have assisted with a lot of clearing and restabilizing recently, with a decloaked Sirian lightship above the orb. In the second photo, you can seen more of the ‘form’ of this ship as it phases through to the fourth dimension for a moment.


Rose-gold orb left of Sirius and above Orion, with Sirian lightship above the orb, April 29, 2018.



You can see in this photo a small triangular pod-ship (sometimes referred to as scout ships) returning to the mothership, it’s ‘Sirian blue’ light more visible in the second image, with contrast enhanced. Later last night, when the moon had cleared the treetops, three small aircraft flew overhead, and each time, a pod-ship skimmed around the plane, making its presence known. Here’s the first; there was a brief flash of light behind the small plane, and by the time I took a photo, the ship had passed in front of the plane. In the enlargement, its white and rose glowing light can be clearly seen, akin to and emanating the vibration of the Sophia/White Phoenix, from which it came.


Small lightship from the mothership Sophia directly in the path of an aircraft as it flies east (toward the moon in this photo), April 29, 2018. If the pilot could see this ship, it might have been their most memorable Full Moon ever.



In the second photo, Jupiter is the bright light near the top of the frame, a plane is flying through the middle, with a small ship below.

dsc05778-copy-copy.jpg?w=768Small ship from the Sophia flies beneath a plane, with Jupiter above, April 29, 2018. (If you look in the tree at the level of the plane, you can see one of our friendly neighbourhood possums sitting on a branch). :)

dsc05778-copy-2.jpgAnd thirdly, another plane flying east, tailed by a lightship.


Small plane flying east with a flashing pod-ship directly behind it, April 29, 2018.


Feel the deep resonance in the symbolism of three planes and three lightships flying east (toward the dawn) with divine trinity energies and the dawning New Earth. The rose-white light continues to flow and will settle in more deeply through the magical month of May, in numerous ways, through many clearing and opening avenues. To stay open and in tune with this glorious light-flow and the Peace Integration of the Tenth Ray at a deep level, choose to stay in peace ~ with yourself, with those around you, with all of humanity and all living beings, in peace with the entire planetary ascension journey, which from an expanded perspective, occurs in the blink of an ‘I’. Keep it simple, keep it clear. You are/we all are beloved of the Source radiating, expressing, glowing as the pulse of Love through us and all Life.

In love, joy and gratitude to All being here, and contributing to, this great Shift in energy and consciousness, all those embodied on Earth and in higher dimensional flows, and special thanks today to Immara and all ‘Rose Sisters & Brothers’ on board the Sophia and everywhere, love and blessings,



See this post for more about Immara/Isis, this one for an introduction to the Tenth Ray, and this post for an orb photo of Immara in her Isis energy.

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The Inner Resurrection


Dear All,

Coming into April 1st Full Moon and Easter Sunday, we’d like to speak a bit about the deeper symbolism and process of resurrection and ascension, the Golden Flame and the White Flame of rebirth.  Sananda, while embodied on Earth as Jesus, said to people, “Ye are gods, and all of you are children of the most high,” and “the kingdom of God is within you.” He walked on the Earth demonstrating within the duality field (and transmitting through it) the vibrational state of Oneness, of consistently held inner union with the Divine, the Inner Divinity which he expressed and gifted to those around him, as existing within all…and that when this union is aligned, full open and freely flowing, then abundance, well-being, joy, the inherent state of love and empathy in all life beyond and behind the veils of distortion, naturally radiates through our beings, through all life. While seen through separation from Source, these emanations of love and empathy/telempathy look like ‘miracles’, the impossible becoming real, but in Divine inner union, the miraculous is normal.


                                                  (Jesus by the Sea; artist unknown but appreciated).

Easter as a Christian celebration of resurrection overlaid ancient goddess festivals of Spring in the northern hemisphere, with the fertility and birth symbols of rabbit and egg flowing forward (Easter is etymologically related to Oestre, Roman mother goddess name from which we get ‘oestrogen’, the hormone related to egg production and fertility). A deeper layer of the crucifixion and resurrection Jesus demonstrated shines through the heart, quite literally…through what sages have termed the ‘tiny cave’, which can only be entered with pure Love.

In biblical accounts, Joseph of Arimathea, uncle of Mother Mary, took the body of Jesus from the cross and placed it in his prepared tomb, wrapping Jesus in a shroud, and three days later, Jesus returned from death in living form. He and many beautiful Christed Lights currently overlight the planetary ascension of Earth, holding the Way open, and guiding streams of activations for humanity to reconnect its awareness of the tiny cave within, shrouded in the cloth of pure Light, the inner sanctum of resurrection wrapped in crystalline light, activated through the ‘power of three’ that flows through creation as the energy of Divine Mother-Father-Child.

From Sananda & his Twin Flame Lady Nada: There has been among you a belief in suffering, that ‘we all have our cross to bear’. To those who have agreed knowingly or unknowingly to the idea of suffering as necessary to learn, grow, cleanse, or rectify past vibrations, and have aligned with thoughts, beliefs, emotions and reactions with which you have crucified yourselves, we ask you now to allow yourselves to transform the ‘cross which you carry’, which you identify with or validate or project upon others, into pure Light, as light as a feather. For in the Heart as light as a feather, unburdened by constructs and their attaching energies, the point of Oneness, the cave of the indwelling Spirit which many have sought, is open to you, and the sacred White Flame within it may flow effortlessly through your being. Your connection within the infinite network of Love becomes luminous to you, and you are able to feel how you are bathed constantly in its presence, for you are present…and a gift of New Life. Let the old ways transform, dearhearts, and be wholly at ease in yourselves, in peace within your perceived realities. Joy, harmony, and lightness-of-being bring you through the Shifting frequencies in alignment with the Divine. Our Love is with you.


Through this Full Moon and Easter, we invite you to fill every cell, every molecule of your body, and your aura/torus field with the most vibrant, life-filled Golden Light of Resurrection. Breathe it in from the heart of Source, and let it flow into your heart and through your being until you are a shining reservoir of golden light, the original ‘goldenprint’ of life resurrected and renewed throughout your physical and subtle light-strands, all your subtle layers ~ etheric, mental, emotional, astral ~ completely clarified and refreshed in the golden Christ light gifted from the Source. Then within your Heart centre, visualize a pure, glowing White Flame, soft yet strong, and see/feel how this Flame of Ascension effortlessly expands, flowing through and blending with the golden light. Feel yourself in sacred union with the Divine, it is within you always, radiating through your heart of Love…in Oneness with all of creation, with and as the eternal LoveLight of Source.

Love, Peace and Joy to you all, thank you for all you do, loving thanks to the many guiding, assisting and amplifying Lights in higher dimensions and all Love anchors on the ground,


PS: Throughout March, as the light frequencies have continued to amplify, our Angelic, Leonine and other higher dimensional brothers & sisters and soul expressions are constantly stabilizing and harmonizing the energies, and protecting the planetary field…and if any of you have moments/days/weeks of feeling the effects of the lower frequencies being ‘churned’ up to the surface for release, whether internally or in the collective, keep going into your Heart, release and transform any fears or doubts (which can be a heavy cross to bear)…and know that you are constantly surrounded and embraced in pure Love, in the eternal softness, strength, wisdom and unconditional kindness of countless loving beings. Just attune with the Divine within you, and know it is forever connected with all those who align with your highest good and the highest good of All, throughout this Ascension process and beyond.

The photo below was taken on March 9, 2018, during a focused ‘flow of Angelic Light’ from my Twin Flame, Ashura, and another beautiful star brother above the home of my friends Rob&Shelley Hartland (see their site for their photos of star family), representing in the form of ‘white stag’ faces in a cloud that formed in a clear sky as a beautiful morphing lightbeing-lightship flew above it. Keep your focus with the light energies…and know that love is all around you.




*For assistance with heart-centering, see the Inner Heart page.

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Healing through the Sun


Dear All,

We’d like to share a quick overview of the passage from the last Full Moon on March 1st to the upcoming Equinox on March 20-21st, as part of one of the larger ‘arcs of alignment’ of 2018, peaking in May (we’ll come to this later). For anyone who is sensing a build-up of pressure, however that is manifesting or seeming to you, we can say that along with the increasing up-flow of higher Light frequencies, a contrary force of pressure is reverberating in the Solar System from a galactic situation which can be described as a slight tightness in Orion’s Belt. This is currently being handled through the Star Councils, with many high light beings assisting to calm and transform the energies there. At our local level, we’ll show below how this lower-vibrating pressure is being answered by our sun, Solaris, with much beautiful aid to keep this high March gateway clear and on track. The Solar Grid is sparking and strengthening with higher light, dear friends. 

These orb photos taken over the last couple of weeks show some of the soul groups focusing their calming light into Orion’s Belt during this period:



Star family refer to the Full Moon of March 1st as a Rose Moon, a great softening of energies within the Earth-Moon vibrational field preceding and preparing for the swell of light activations through March, sending a Divine Mother embrace through and around the collective energy field of this planet. This embrace is continuing steadily, vibrating the inner message of soothing tenderness, to know and feel (and Be) ourselves forever safe within the infinite embrace of Source/Inner Divine.

The more everyone who is attuning with the Ascension process can hold and radiate this softness of the eternal Rose through our hearts to all beings, the more easily and peacefully the way is opened for this great Shift and planetary rebirth to be embraced within the collective. So if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, anxious or over-emotional, just allow yourself to become still inside. Relax your being, breathe in soft Rose Light, breathe out soft Rose Light, and open yourself in pure trust to the Golden-White Light streaming through the Sun, shimmering through the high light grids supporting and amplifying this whole transformation. Hold the knowing that all is well. All is on track for the New Earth’s blossoming. Breathe, align, give yourself the gift of feeling it inside.

In the last two days the Sun has opened a long coronal hole (gateway) facing Earth, from which solar winds are expected to reach this planet on March 14th…and because of the shape of the hole, may continue for several days. These solar winds are the 3D step-down of a higher dimensional transmission bringing through a whole new level of light frequencies which will be anchored and dispersed for the ensuing three days (with blessings and thanks to all who feel called to stand as conduits and embodying anchor points for this in-flow).


Image credit:, coronal hole opens on Sun, March 11 2018. 

The wind of the breath of Source flows through the twelfth dimension to the sixth (through Solaris and the solar beings’ higher dimensional expression) to the third, stepping down pure Christ Consciousness ~ breathe it in through this passage folks, and radiate your inner Sun to all. From Ashura: Potential for receptivity is increased, through Divine intention. Focus into the Love, trust freely. Trust the freedom within your pure eternal core, let the Divine breath flow through you…for all. The Heart of Source, our Hearts, the Heart of Gaia, the unveiling Heart of Humanity…are One. We are with you dearhearts, one with you, all the Way.

We’re working with the local node points here through this Solar reception, through to the Equinox and Easter, and into April, with triune sacred geometries. The ‘power of three’, the trinitizing of divine DNA, is running so strong this year, and there are now three activated nodes forming a triangle in the land here, aligning a purified node of the old Earth grid with two that have ignited in the new template, bringing them into convergence in the 5D aligning of Gaia.


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Ascension Council Update


Dear All,

Greetings! Today we’re focusing with a ‘planetary ascension overview’, the current energetic stage of the Earth’s shift-in-progress, with a request from the Ascension Council, the focus group of the Galactic Council with the role of overseeing higher vibrational shifts of planets and stars in this galaxy, which connects with the Earth Council beings of Love (who on Earth are often referred to as Ascended Masters & Lady Masters, Elders, Earth Guardians, the Light-keepers of Agartha, Shambhala and many sacred nodes ), Gaia’s close network through this process.

On February 15th, the first eclipse phase of 2018 completed with a partial solar eclipse that shaded Antarctica and transmuted several layers of ‘war trauma’ vibrations imprinted in the Earth’s energy field, as a ‘plug was pulled’ from the South Polar region in the etheric/astral bands of the fourth dimension. Many beautiful Lights moved around the planet at that moment, gathering and transforming those energies as they unhooked from the Earth grid. This is how the flurry of light beings and released energies projected overhead here, a couple of hours before the peak of the eclipse (about 4am here), while divine rays of Light were held through the eclipse alignment. Just glorious! 


We use the word ‘flurry’ in relation to the swirl of duality energies in 4D becoming more noticeable…which has appeared here with slippages of cloaking of control-oriented beings, and reflects in 3D as deeper recognition of control-based programmes and constructs at individual and collective levels. To stay in true alignment with the inflow of Ascension, the key is to anchor through our beings the constant overview of the Soul/Higher Self/Inner Divine, from the unity in universal love and peace that streams through the Fifth Dimension and higher.

To feel how duality expresses distinctly in the third and fourth dimensions, in 3D it’s easy to recognize as tensions between thought structures, social and ideological constructs. In 4D, duality expresses through the contrast of standing, seeing and feeling through the inner zero-point of pure Being, with feeling bounced around in the 4D space-time spiralling energy motion. This can feel chaotic until re-aligning to inner centre, the steady ‘still point in the storm’ while the 4D shakedown and shake loose of meshed dense energies is in progress.  The fluctuation of personal energies many feel at this time is a reflection of that shifting back and forth, in and out of centre. If this is how you’re feeling, breathe deeply, love and trust yourself to re-align, knowing you can, knowing the inner guiding light is always there and comes into focus when you’re able to settle in gentle kindness to yourself and others, to all beings.

Your inner guiding light is a concentrated beam shining from the unity in universal love and peace that is the primary vibration of the higher dimensions and realms of Light, where Divine Love flows unfiltered by limiting constructs. Seeing and sensing from this expansive overview is beautifully symbolized in the flight of eagles and hawks in the 3D world; when a storm approaches, rather than seeking shelter as most birds and animals do, they fly upward and over the top of the storm, into the serenity of the overview (hence our star brothers and sisters have been connected symbolically with eagles, and will reflect their energies through these birds when giving a message of holding the overview of universal love). This overview constantly guides us into and through centre, into the still point within that is uninfluenced by the storm, freely soaring on the ‘divine winds of change’.


An eagle flies in front of a brewing storm on May 12th 2017, keeping its course calm and steady as it rises (the eagle’s appearance was preceded by the lightship in the photo below).


A ‘push-pull’ effect has been occurring recently in 4D, through the energizing of contrasting timelines. Time is a property of the fourth dimension, and to appreciate why alignments of Sun-Earth-Moon (eclipses) ~ and the placement of the Moon in general ~ has an effect that can be amplified by beings of Love, it helps to know that the Earth sits in its own localized ‘dimple’ in 4D space-time…which was theorized by Albert Einstein, and proven in 2011.



The current 4D tension has various inputs, but is also being added to by two groups on and around Earth. One (well-intentioned) group is holding focus on a division into two Earths as part of the planetary ascension process via a timeline split, leaving only the highest primary timeline of the New Earth aligned. The other (control-oriented) group is holding focus on splitting time(lines) to amplify fragmentation in the 4D and 3D fields. Actually, in 4D, what is conceived of as linear time in 3D is simply parts of the vortex (spiralling time) that come into and out of view depending on one’s focus.

Ascension, however, is a unifying process/event/moment where all potentials and probabilities converge and transform into true alignment, pure Oneness, wholeness…from the inner guiding light of the overview always existing (beyond time) in universal love and peace which, when focused through the 4D zero point, and anchored into this 3D vibrational field, brings transformation into wholeness. An ascending planet or star doesn’t split itself into potentials across space-time, it unifies itself from a state that is already split. As energized potentialities converge, the higher vibrating alignment always transforms lower vibrating potentials, because the more coherent vibration always transmits the stronger frequency. The closer a distorted energy comes into convergence with a higher Light, the more it reorganizes back to the natural harmonic of Love. Feel this oneness state in your Heart, and you will feel Gaia’s Ascension of her planetary body ~ all its layers that have been veiled off from each other ~ into pure loving reunion, with all of us.

From the Council: We ask those of you holding visions of division as Ascension to release them now, beloved ones, and hold the convergence of all into Love, for Love is the great Oneness. The Earth is reunifying, and you are all anchoring this reunification as you focus yourselves into the oneness of your inner light and perceive it within all life. Ascension is for all life travelling here with beloved Gaia; this is the agreement of all beings in (y)our high light centre. Trust the Divine process. All who are awake in their hearts of Love will move (and are moving) through this transition in ease and joy. The many who have resistances yet are loving, will open and accelerate through the perfect Divine moment. Those who are deeply walled and distorted from Love will leave physical for the most part and receive assistance, realignment and healing. Then if they wish to return and co-create with the New Earth they will be free to do so, for they will have remembered who and what they are, and return in Love. Be the Oneness, in vision, thought, feeling and word, friends and loved ones of Earth. Thank you, we are with you. 

As part of this message, I’d like to share some exquisite sign language from a hawk who landed outside the window yesterday, February 23rd, while I was attuning to write this post and focusing on ‘overview’. While visions came of how our higher dimensional friends and soul expressions have responded to a request from Gaia to defuse the tension, strengthening and increasing the vibration of the high light grids around the Earth to create more stability, this lovely bird flew in and alighted on the veranda rail with its wings outstretched, the sunlight flowing golden through them. Then it preened and stretched out one foot, which it closed into a ball, as if holding onto something, before gently unrolling its toes and flying off.





And so we hear, ‘All is well. Dark threads are removed. The grids are holding.’

Shine your Inner Sun and radiate, dear friends on the journey. Thank you and love for all you are and do, and blessings to all the guiding Lights of this Ascension,



Visit Heart Star for more related posts.

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Inter-Eclipse Activation

Dear All,

Leading into the total Lunar Eclipse of January 31st, we mentioned the eclipse moment as a strong catalyst for release and transmutation of ‘war, aggression and trauma’ energies meshed in the collective consciousness around the Earth….and thanks go to everyone who focused on love, peace and unity during that alignment and who continue to do so, in meditation or any way that inspires you! Blessings <3 

Today, we’ll share our perspective of this ‘inter-eclipse phase’ between the Lunar Eclipse and fast-approaching partial Solar Eclipse on February 15th, with a link to a DNA activation for February 11th, synchronized with the solar aspect of this release and transmutation coming into alignment during the next few days.

The lunar eclipse experience here was energetically intense, and beautiful, with the activation of a ‘trinity of nodes’ in the land, connecting the original node point in this garden, within the meridian network of this planet, to two newly awakened nodes of the New Earth Grid, in a stabilizing triangle (our local anchor-point in a planet-wide holding pattern for the Ascended Earth). At the peak of the eclipse the lightship Terebinth was stationed above, streaming Ruby Ray through one of the nodes (the Ruby Ray transposes/transmutes red energy that has diverged into a ‘roughened’ or ‘sharp/hard’ vibration back into its higher natural state of pure Life energy).

From the Ruby Ray, we then aligned Diamond White Light through the original node. From ground level, at one point I was aware of a cold presence move overhead, with a vision of the Light ray being sliced/interrupted, but kept my focus trained with Gaia and anchoring the Diamond Light. Later, on going through photos I’d taken during the activation, a less than friendly ship had indeed been over the Diamond Light node, and we’re posting it here to share a tangible example of the shift in protocols we mentioned in the Galactic Federation Update (regarding preemptive disarming where control-oriented beings seek to subvert or sabotage the Earth’s Ascension process). As soon as the ship positioned over the node, star family could contain, disarm, and remove it to a light-field away from the Earth’s atmosphere, where it has been safely disassembled. In the second photo, you can see orb projections of star family encircle the ship (including a pod that ejected from its clearly-lit hatch) as they placed a containment field around it, then translocated it out of the light flow path of the node.

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Galactic Federation Update


Dear All,

In the moment-to-moment planetary ascension phase unfolding rapidly into this year, we’ve been asked to share a message from a meeting of Galactic Federation star families on a planet of Betelgeuse, the red star of the Orion constellation. The great ‘stellar butterfly’ Orion went through a major clearing and transformation of dense energies ~ a year ago from an Earth time perspective (see this post). Betelgeuse, however, was already in an ascended vibration, and remains the seat of the High Council of Orion along with Meissa, home of the Melchizedeks.

Orion is high in the nightsky from around 11pm here at the moment, so I was able to attune with star family as they gathered there, with camera in hand, and will post photos below that represent the vibrations of many soul groups, radiating through some beautiful, very specific colours and arrangements/positioning of orbs and ships. This meeting was called for by star brothers and sisters from Procyon guarding the Earth’s ascension, following an attempted ballistic missile strike on Hawaii on January 13th (though revised as a ‘false alarm’ in the media, it wasn’t, and was neutralized by lightships). This wasn’t the first such attempt, there have been many (of various kinds) defused by star family, but this one ‘progressed’ to the point where a statewide alert was sent out to residents of Hawaii, causing widespread panic.

In response, the meeting at Betelgeuse has brought through a resolution for a significant shift in protocols for the Galactic Federation/Ashtar Command’s engagement with this stage of the planetary Shift ~ allowing for more direct preemptive moves in situations like the Hawaiian one (rather than during, or rebalancing energies post-event), and star family would like this to be widely known on and around the Earth.

From my 5D soul aspect Rowena: We wish it to be clear that while there are still those who seek to ignite war and mayhem on a mass scale, we do not view, vibrate or act through the concept of violence, or characterize the current situation here or elsewhere in this galaxy as war. From higher dimensions of love, peace and unity it is not in our vibrational range to ‘destroy’, or ‘judge’ in any way. Regarding those in the 3-4D arenas using violence, our methods are to gather and contain misaligned energies and entities, disarm, heal and transform them in accord with Universal Love. This is how energies are resolved into higher vibrations, not through ‘beating opponents’ in a war. We ask you to feel this resonance inside, what it is to truly vibrate, and therefore reside, in total love, to anchor the softness and strength that is One in your being. For as this year progresses, there will be a deep release through Universal Love ~ and therefore a profound lightening ~ of layer upon layer of imprinted war trauma from the collective field around this beloved planet. We invite you all to embrace the inner joy and freedom of resolving the conflict programme, as both a personal and collective transformation of miraculous depth and refreshment that opens the way for a New Earth founded in peace, wisdom and compassion. We are with you, in the Love that is constantly renewing. 

From my ‘Earth’ point of view, energy began building around Orion on January 19, with a lot of small lightflashes, noticeably golden-coloured. The phrase ‘chariot(s) of the Sun’ had been in my thoughts earlier in the day, and as a lightship sparked right next to Betelgeuse, I took the photo below. You can see the lightship at the lower right, very close to Betelgeuse as a pale gold light, with a corresponding golden-amber orb sitting between the stars Rigel and Saiph on the ‘left wing of the butterfly’. They sent the name Capella as their home, alpha star of the constellation Auriga, the Charioteer. In the enlargement of the orb below, you can see a face framed in yellow hair ~ they speak of themselves as akin to and assisting the solar beings dwelling in the sixth dimensional layer of our Sun, Solaris.


                          Aurigan orb between Rigel and Saiph, and ship next to Betelgeuse, Jan.19, 2018.



The energy focus kept building through the next two days until there was a wonderful convergence of soul families on January 21st, which can be seen in the next photo as different coloured orbs converging and pouring into Orion from ‘above’, as though pouring into a cup. 


As various lightships came into position, stationing around Betelgeuse, there was a bright pink-red flash (independently witnessed that night by dear friend, Shelley Hartland, from her home nearby, which she described as a cherry red-pink colour light) moving between Betelgeuse and Meissa, stunningly reflected in the cherry orb below.


Four differently coloured orbs station in a diamond form. The smallest one, at the top, has a clear face within it (see close-up below), Jan.20, 2018.



The sequence below gives a sense of the beautiful energies flowing to and through Orion throughout the meeting.




Here you can see three orbs in triangle formation around the star Procyon, and a large and small orb moving toward Orion between Sirius (top of frame) and Procyon (right side).




While writing this post, news came in about an earthquake in Alaska that generated a tsunami warning, to as far as Hawaii. Happily, that alert has now been cancelled…may the waters stay calm. In the next post, leading into the ‘Super Blue Moon-Lunar Eclipse’ on January 31st, we’ll talk about Mu (Lemuria), as this year the original, reawakening ‘Eden goldenprint’ will be activating through many key node points of the old Mu continent, through the Pacific Ocean region.

Love and Blessings to you all beautiful beings, be happy, keep aligning through your hearts and being Love magnets for transformation!


Visit Heart Star for related posts.

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New Earth DNA Activations


Dear All,

Through this year, we’ll be sharing DNA activations for the 11th day of each month (2018 = 11), so in this post we’ll introduce the potential for 3-strand DNA activation which is crystallizing in the collective energy field, continuing to increase its vibrational imprint as the New Earth template aligns more strongly ~ as the ascended 5D Earth and 3D Earth layers harmonize and unify. The embrace is continuous from 5D ~ from Gaia’s heart and many loving beings holding the alignment steady ~ as the 3D grid and consciousness elevates to meet in the middle, and blossom into the unity-in-love energy of the New Earth, which already exists in the eternal Now.

The 11 ‘divine union and partnership’ vibration resonating through the collective consciousness this year is a great facilitator for these two layers coming into more tangible convergence in true sacred space, the meeting held steady ‘between the pillars’, within the door-frame of the zero-point gateway. (There are many higher dimensional stratas, energies and beings flowing around the Earth and Solar System, and this universe, supporting, creating, aligning and harmonizing, but we’ll focus with the 5D New Earth here, as this is the ‘vibrational platform’ currently in focus with Gaia). This is true for and within each of us; willingness to shed reactions, beliefs (including self-beliefs) and attachments that act like a holding pattern of old, limited ways of being opens the sacred space within, and allows us to stand with a crystal clear energy within the supporting Light pillars in partnership with our Inner Divine, the merged soul-self. In this space, we are in the miraculous zone beyond ‘either or’, ‘this or that’, aligning the sacred creational energy of three…and this is indeed where ‘miracles’ happen (continuously).

To anchor this Love Trinity within, through the subtle bodies into the physical, specific colour vibrations, geometric forms and symbols ‘speak’ to the consciousness expressing through our bodies, within our genetic structures, DNA, RNA strands and epigenomes. Feel how the forms and colours in the images below resonate together, and resonate within you, beginning with the Threefold Flame of the Heart,


The consciousness and energy of Divine Father and Divine Mother eternally and infinitely creating a third energy, Divine Child, in the middle….the golden-yellow Christing Light flowing through the merge of rose and blue, beautifully symbolized in the Threefold Flame, which resides within the ‘tiny cave’, sometimes called the secret chamber, in every heart centre…the imperishable spark of continuous creation that exists and expresses through all Life. The Shift in energy and consciousness we are collectively moving with(in) is perfectly depicted as an inner re-alignment from Yin-Yang (duality) to Yin-Yang-Yuan (trinity) vibration.


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2018: The Gateway Aligns


Dear All,

We wish you all a miraculously Happy New Year (by the Western calendar, with more ‘new years’ to come in the flow of collective ‘birthing’ focus points) at the opening of 2018. As collective focus empowers vibrations ~ where focus goes, energy flows ~ the shift of collective focus from ‘2017’ to ‘2018’ in number vibrations amplifies the opening of Gateways of deeper union and unity across dimensions, within and around the Earth’s energetic field. 2+0+1+8 = 11, the Twin Pillars ‘holding the frame’ of the doorway, the sacred space through which the light of divine union merges and flows, the pillars of the 11 combining as 2. We also have a Full Moon beginning this year (the largest supermoon of 2018), the mirror of the Moon reflecting and projecting light around the Earth to its maximum, so we can see, feel and ground in this physical realm a beautiful reflection of the higher dimensional LoveLight bath immersing this world.

The potential for the energy of relationship, partnerships (of all kinds, in all life areas) unifying in higher vibrations, is magnified and focused this year within ~ and as a blessing to ~ the overall Ascending Earth vibration. Whether expressing in love partnerships, close friendships, deeper union with divine wholeness within, partnering in an enterprise or creative adventure, unification and sacred union in rising equilibrium are to the fore, the merging of energies within shared space in the centre, is in vibrational focus.

Partnerships in high, harmonious vibrations will effortlessly keep rising, expanding and radiating LoveLight, optimizing this energy. Where partnerships are based in, or expressing through, uneven energies (consciously or unconsciously) any vibration not in unity will be highlighted and brought into focus, with the opportunity to resolve and harmonize energies and lift into new ~ maybe even previously unimagined ~ heights of expression and expansion! Where higher loving unity isn’t aligning, there may be divergence, in which case the 11 vibration potentizes sacred space opened and held for partnering energies that align higher. The unification of inner feminine and masculine energies and qualities within all is elevating in frequency, and where we are consciously aware of this, the potential to invite and fulfill inner divine union is wonderfully enhanced.

The quote we opened this post (and year) with, ‘Miracles exist in the realm of the Soul’, is a profound and simple truth that resonates through our Earthly experience as we allow ourselves to be in the zone of the miraculous as a consistent priority ~ being in touch with and radiating from our Soul’s energy, perspective and purpose, to the best of our understanding and capacities. So in this moment collectively energized as a ‘new year’, we can make a perfect and compassionate gift toward our highest good and the highest good of All, by getting crystal(line) clear with our intentions, and ensuring they are aligned with and energized from the guiding Light of our Soul (intuited and experienced as ‘higher self’).

To crystallize creating Soul-full intentions, here are a few examples which show intentions coming from ego, and their Soul-vibrating equivalents: “I need more money to survive, or thrive,” becomes “I exist within the stream of Infinite Abundance, and am always open to its flow.” “I want to be free of pain and disease,” becomes “I embody radiant well-being in every moment.” “I’m homesick and want to go home (to another town, city, country, planet, galaxy),” becomes “I am always home, as an infinite, expanding expression of Source, Universal Love-Consciousness, connected with All-That-Is.”

Intentions, even made with ‘the best intentions’, can sometimes have a mixed vibration, where Soul-based creative flows have a little ‘conditional’ qualifier added, which can be obvious or more subtle. For instance, feel the vibrational shift from: “I’m going to achieve enlightenment (now, tomorrow, as soon as possible, this lifetime),” to “I am always immersed in deepest Love, Light, and Wisdom, and open to it naturally.”  Notice how the Soul vibrates as always (the eternal Now) rather than in future time-frames (projected from past experiences and beliefs), and as am rather than want, need, should, going to, try to or must. Beautiful and simple, isn’t it?

So, diving whole-heartedly into this year, into the divine space of infinite Love between the pillars, embracing the Gateway of Sacred Union within, we make this intention in and from the Always Now; to flow in thought, word and deed from the eternal love, joy and peace we are in every moment, as Souls in devoted and delighted service to Earth’s Ascension.

With love and gratitude to you all, brothers and sisters of the New Earth, keep holding the vision of Love and Unity bright and clear, feel it, breathe it, anchor your focus within it this year,



Opalescent ‘moon-like’ orbs of soul families sending Light into this new year.




*for more ‘miracle’ inspiration, see this related post from January 2017.

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The Inner Heart


Hi All, 

This is a Q&A about meditating through the Inner Heart. The basic steps for 'going in' to your Inner Heart can be found on this page. We hope the Q&A will inspire new and experienced meditators alike, as the Inner Heart 'realm' exists within everyone. 

In the heart there is a door, and through the door there is an inner realm. Within this realm are all the energies we are creating with in every moment, and deep within there is a tiny cave, where we can meet the Infinite and merge into the Oneness of All.

Dear All,

Today’s post is in response to questions readers have sent about Inner Heart meditation, which I’ve been practicing for the last seven years following a ‘moment of epiphany’ that began transforming my self-awareness, opened a universal perspective based in unconditional love, and opened the door to remembering and connecting directly with Source, higher self, star family and the infinite light-ocean of loving souls throughout the multiverse.

Blessings to everyone who has opened (or is returning) to ‘the call of the soul’, for recognizing the pure, central inner voice that is always there within every one of us beyond the distractions, screens, stories and disguises the ego-self uses to cover its fear of not being safe in life, in the universe, or indeed in embodiment. This opening is an expression of aligning with self-love, love for Source, love for all creation, and meditating in the Inner Heart opens an infinite realm of inner life, creativity and connectedness with the Heart of Creation that symbolically shows all our inner vibrations, through the alignment of will with soul purpose every moment we choose to ‘go in’.

In this Inner Heart realm, within our convergence point of Soul’s purpose in this incarnation and beyond, within our sanctuary that is connected with the entire soul field of Source, true magic happens! We hope the Q&A below will help clarify why and how the vibrational magic of the Inner Heart works.

I’ve read that centering in the heart is a ‘new age misconception’. Why do you see it as important?

There is a view of ‘being in your head or your heart’  ~ that equates with living through (and acting on) thoughts/beliefs or emotions/feelings, where the heart is understood as the emotional centre of our being ~ and that putting your feelings and ability to feel in the driver’s seat is counter-productive to evolution of consciousness. However, at a deeper level, the centre-point within the heart chakra is more than the play of emotions, it is the seat of the soul, the ‘zero-point’ of pure Divine connection, of the soul spark within us, extending and expressing from Source/God/Great Spirit/Divine Consciousness. When we centre our focus, hone our consciousness, into that point, we are opening to our soul connection, to our soul’s ‘inner voice’ and awareness, flowing with intuition and inner sense/innocence, which is infinite and expressing from and as Source extended into the infinite points of awareness we interpret as individual existence and experience.

Many meditation paths prioritize the mind, mastering the brain, or activating the third eye/pineal gland in order to ‘see’ and receive input from beyond physical density. We have a situation currently where many awakening people have activated their pineal ability, or raised their kundalini (or both) before having anchored and opened in the heart, in the middle, the seat of the soul connection. The third eye can see subtle energies, but it is the heart centre that feels them ~ which with attunement and clearing of blockages, has the natural ability to sense the quality of all vibrations, the properties of energies and ‘where they’re coming from’. The inner eye represents energies through imagery that can be recognized instantly in their essence and vibration through the Inner Heart’s resonance, the inner sense which is the instrument of true discernment…no matter whether they are internal energies arising from the subconscious mind, or radiating/transmitting from another being or consciousness, when felt through the heart centre.

I already have a meditation practice I enjoy and am comfortable with. What’s different about doing Inner Heart meditations and what are the benefits?

Inner Heart meditation aligns the mind’s natural capacity to creatively imagine (image-IN) with the Divine inner sense within the heart centre, so that we can anchor our consciousness and consciously co-create within and from the seat of our soul in the ‘form’ of an Inner Heart realm. This Inner Realm works with imagery (and potentially with sounds, scents, tastes and tactile impressions) that reflects and describes all the energies, at every level, with which we are focused, engaged and interacting consciously and subconsciously, and shows us these energies in a visual way that allows us to ‘see’ how we’re really feeling, what energies we are connecting with, and what thought-forms we’re creating, very clearly.

We can then clear old energies, heal, play, explore, relax, connect and create with ‘new’ energies, in alignment with our soul purpose and soul Light in a direct connection to Source within, that isn’t just understood as a concept or belief but is deeply and wholly felt. The beauty of this form of heart-centered meditation is that it leads into a very loving, coherent, synchronized natural flow where ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ are experienced as One, interwoven and reflecting continuously.

The benefits of allowing yourself to simply BE in your centre-point are, at the most fundamental level, the joy and freedom of being able to live, breathe and walk your innate Divine nature in this world, radiating peaceful Love in everything you do, wherever you are, whoever you’re with, in harmonious, expansive alignment to the overall purpose you incarnated with.

I start in my head, but when I look down all I see is blackness. How do I find the way to the Heart Door?

For readers new to the Inner Heart, there is a method for bringing your awareness from the head to the heart on the Inner Heart page. However, if you’re at that starting point within the centre of your head and see only blackness below (and/or around you) when focusing toward the heart, it’s a signal to focus on putting in an energetic foundation to connect with and anchor into. We recommend the ‘three foundational heart practices’ on this page to start building that anchoring energy point in a way that is pure and simple, activating your soul alignment. Focus with these exercises daily perhaps for a week or two, then when you feel ready begin with the Inner Heart practice again, and see whether you can now see or feel a place to ‘land’ in your heart, in front of your Inner Heart door.

I can go into my heart and visualize the Heart Door, but it won’t open. What should I do?

You can ask for help from a guide of highest Love. In my case, when I ‘got to the door’ it was locked, and I didn’t have a key. I asked for help with finding my key, and it was Sananda (Jesus) who met me there, with a master key.  I was able to unlock the door and walk through ~ this is something we can only do ourselves, but all the Love in the multiverse is always ready and willing to support and assist our re-opening to higher vibrations and soul alignment. Whenever connecting with guiding beings, just ask and make the clear intention to connect with beings of pure Divine Love in highest service to All.

The Heart Door is opening, and all I see inside is blackness or a blank space.

When you’ve opened the door, focus on your feet. Imagine there is green grass opening into a field. Step one foot onto the grass. Really focus on feeling it, the softness of grass under your bare feet. Because the heart is a feeling centre, attuning to tactile sensations can help orient you in a place/space you maybe haven’t ever consciously entered before in this life. So if you can’t immediately see anything, let yourself open to the feeling of grass, or a path, under your feet, warmth on your skin, like the warmth of sun rays. As you keep stepping forward into that space, let it become more tangible around you…stay relaxed, and invite your Inner Heart realm to become more tangible around you. Start with what’s right in front of you ~ the grass, a path, then maybe you can see a stream, and a bridge over that stream. These are basic common features in the human ‘heart realm’, there are others too….and of course, each of us is adding, creating, experiencing our unique variations and affinities among and around those common features of grass, a path, a bridge over the Source stream, and so forth.

I go into my Inner Heart and float off inside, and everything disappears.

Okay, focus on grounding yourself in there. An easy way to do this is with a tree. Perhaps there are trees in a garden in your Inner Heart realm, or a grove or forest. So imagine sitting yourself at the foot of a large tree in there, your back resting on the tree’s trunk. Feel its solidity, the thrum of life flowing through as the tree receives light from above and streams it down into the earth through its roots. Let your focus and energy ground with those roots ~ the beautiful Light of Life flowing through you and earthing through your base chakra/base of the spine as you sit there, or if you prefer, standing and hugging the tree, with the life force earthing through the soles of your feet. You can always grow wings and fly in your Inner Heart (or without wings, for that matter!), but from a firm, settled foundation you’ll find yourself able to stay anchored in your centre-point.

Is there another way to experience and create in the Inner Heart than visualization, if I’m not a strong visualizer?

Yes! Play to your strengths. If you’re an auditory person, you could start by listening  to your Inner Heart realm. Maybe there’s the whisper of a soft breeze through treetops, the sound of running water in a stream, or you can hear birdsong. Let those sounds guide you, and begin to take form in your inner visioning. Or if you have a strong sense of smell, imagine breathing in. What does the ‘inner air’ smell like? Does it carry the scents of flowers or the woodiness of trees, the scent of the sea or earth? If a unicorn or a phoenix was approaching you, what would they smell like? Or maybe you feel the warmth of sunlight on your skin, or the coolness of water as you wade into a pool upstream at the foot of your Source waterfall. Inner Heart is your centre of infinite creation ~ relax, play and enjoy it.

How do I connect with my Higher Self in the Inner Heart?

Higher Self is principally a concentrated guiding focus from your Oversoul, which can express through countless soul aspects across many dimensions, galaxies and universes, and it can ‘present’ to your inner awareness in whichever way serves best in the moment and for this incarnation/soul purpose. You can ‘meet’ your Higher Self in your Inner Heart realm; you might like to designate a particular place for Higher Self meetings, such as inside your Inner Heart temple, or in a spot you find especially lovely and restful. Imagine you’re sitting down and inviting your Higher Self to come and meet you. Notice how it appears, maybe in a specific form and gender (or not), maybe representing as human or as a different being, or even as a ball or stream of light. It will appear in whatever way works best for you to connect with and remember your Inner Divine being. Your Higher Self might sit down facing you, and speak to you. Maybe it has a message for you, or something to give you that has a special symbolism, or maybe you’re just bathing in its light. As you continue to meet your Higher Self, feel how the connection deepens and becomes more aligned, until a moment arrives when you experience a merged state, and as you keep aligning, this can become continuous and you can constantly ‘see’ through that guiding awareness, and perceive, speak and act from that oneness.

I open my Heart Door, and it’s chaos in there! I feel overwhelmed.

The Inner Heart reflects your energies, both high vibrating energies, and all conscious and subconscious thoughts and emotions that obscure the Source/Higher Self connection. Just breathe and stay calm, knowing that within the seeming storm is a still point, the zero-point of pure stillness and infinite awareness, infinite Love. Let that stillness radiate through your heart, settling all energies into a deeper harmony. You can send this harmony as light (violet light for clearing, green light for relaxing and restoring the heart vibration, golden light for renewal etc) or as a sound, your heart’s tone. Trust yourself.

I’m seeing entities and energies in my Inner Heart that don’t feel benign. How do I clear them?

Because the Inner Heart shows all energies in a pictorial or symbolic form, it is immensely valuable in revealing any attaching energies that may be lodging in various layers of your being, such as entities, implants, or residual imprints of previously cleared energies that are still affecting your energy field and consciousness. Energies that you have inadvertently invited into your field, energies given an in-road through unresolved (or unrecognized) fears, anger, distrust or resentment, and dissonant energies vibrating from other souls you have closely connected with, can also all be cleared within your Inner Heart.

There are many ways to do this, your Higher Self is guiding, and high Lights are ever present to assist. Violet Flame is a primary transformer of energies; you can call in the Violet Flame to fill your body and subtle bodies and envision this Flame filling and surrounding you, clearing and transforming all energies not of unconditional love. Golden Flame restores energies to their original highest vibration. Silver Flame lifts energies into transcendence and re-formats your energy field to a high vibration. Or you can focus with a specific clearing practice (such as the Kaiba Crystal Practice, which includes revoking permissions, practice 13 on the Practices page).

I go into my Inner Heart and it always looks the same, or small. It never seems to expand beyond a certain point (and/or there seems to be an invisible boundary I can’t explore beyond).

This is showing a subconscious fear that’s limiting your expansion, putting a ‘safe boundary’ around what you can experience…in case it’s not safe. Give yourself permission to be completely free in your Inner Heart realm, and allow inner guidance to show you how to heal and transform this fear into unconditional trust and the joy of exploring and creating as the Soul of Love you are. Often from early childhood, the ego-self learns to stay within conditioned limits, physically, emotionally and mentally, or it won’t be ‘safe’, and accepts or becomes attached to many constructs and boundaries that inhibit true inner connection. The Inner Divine core of our being knows creation is limitless, eternal and infinite, and that Love is in a constant state of expansion, new creation and renewal. Playing within the Inner Heart can actually show you this expansion. It feels miraculous, to dissolve old invisible barriers into the pure joy of creating from the heart. 

Again, Silver Flame dissolves limitations, so envision sending pure silver light throughout your Inner Heart realm, then see what/who comes to meet you in your heart.

Sometimes I can go in, other times it feels distant and vague, or my mind drifts out and the Inner Heart fades.

First of all, relax, relax and trust yourself. If you’ve got ‘mental dialogues’ going on, or stress, or physical discomfort of some kind that’s distracting you, always come back to the prime simplicity of your breath. Focus on breathing slowly and deeply, feel that breath going into your lungs, chest, heart area. You are innately in rhythm with the universe on every breath. Breathe in Love, breathe out Love, breathe in Light, breathe out Light, let everything else clear away into calm presence. Be fully present with yourself. Then do a Heart Star and Golden Apple practice, and go into your Inner Heart within this vibration of well-being. It’s never going to go away, it’s always within you ~ love and trust your innate capacity and soul urge to align, and be patient and gentle.

Also, if the Inner Heart realm keeps fading in and out or seems distant, go there more often, frequently ‘touch base’ in there throughout the day. Rather than waiting until you can do a ‘full meditation’, even if it’s for just a minute or two, regularity of focusing into the Inner Heart, turning your energy toward it, just stepping in there and smelling a rose, bathing in the light for a few moments in the midst of a busy day or various distractions helps to build your connection, until eventually that inner connecting becomes your auto-pilot.

How do I know if I’m really in my Inner Heart (and not just making stuff up from ego wishes)?

By having no agenda. Unrecognized ego energies (fear-based energies) tend to travel in camouflage, and if brought unresolved in the direction of the heart space, will project needs, wants, expectations, doubts and fears that can subtly (or not so subtly!) colour and influence how you connect with the Inner Heart and what you see and experience. In this state, the creative imagination faculty of the mind slips away from true alignment with the Soul and Inner Heart realm and its inner sense/innocence…and images and stories are being created inside an ‘ego bubble’ rather than in the Source-connected, all-connected Inner Heart.

Compassion, non-judging self-honesty and trust build a wholesome inner alignment, with an ability to recognize internal tremors and transmute those vibrations calmly, so the alignment can become clear and pure again. The more often and regularly you step into your Inner Heart realm simply for the joy of it, for the love of communing with Love, the more your inner awareness heightens, and the more steady and beautiful the journey becomes. 



Love, Peace and Joy to All, and gratitude to all the guiding Lights,


PS: You’re welcome to share about your Inner Heart experience(s) or any further questions in the comments below. 

dsc09790-copy1.jpg?w=768&h=579Heart-shaped orb above Venus, January 24th, 2017.

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11-11 ~ Embracing Divinity


We are the Rebirth of Unconditional Love, Unity and Peace with All. We are the Ascension of thought, feeling and form in the blissful joy and harmony of Oneness. We are the fulfillment of Divine Love, flowing effortlessly on the wave of Eternal & Infinite Providence. And So Be It.

Dear All,

On the eve of the 11-11 Gateway for 2017, we affirm the powerful stream of higher alignments that have flowed through to Earth, into the light grids, into the collective consciousness and energy field so far this year, deep, potently shifting, profoundly beautiful and uplifting. In lower vibrational layers where there is resistance to the upward shift, polarization of energies has manifested more extremely, and we ask you all to hold in your hearts and creative visioning, in your thoughts, words and actions, the vibration and feeling of peaceful resolution ~ that all dissonance and conflict around this planet, individual and collective, resolve in the highest light, in accordance with Divine Love, Purpose, and Joy.

It is the nature of Love to transform and resolve all energies that have strayed from sacred awareness and expression back to the remembrance of embracing and being embraced by Divinity. The 11-11 Gateway brings a particular alignment of the Divine Embrace within us, through the double ‘twinned pillars’ of sacred union, through the One Flame that exists eternally and expresses through our inner soul light continuously.

We’d like to illustrate this with a photo sequence taken on November 2, just before the last full moon, when the vibration of Divine Embrace was already rising and focusing into the alignment blossoming through this Gateway moment. This rise visualized beautifully through the positioning of orbs above and within the rim of a moon-bow ~ just let yourself feel the sacred movement of high, pure Light through the Arch of creation with the soul lights represented in these orbs, this is what we call INception…the ‘immaculate conception’ of Higher Self light codings into every atom, molecule, cell, every strand of DNA and RNA, into every subtle ion in our energy field, which in turn instantly transmits and radiates the Inner Divine Embrace to the planet and beyond, to all life.


Continue reading here.

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The Solar Grid


Dear All,

One of the most asked questions I've received this year has been about Light Grids ~ what they are and what they do ~ and this rise in focus on (and increasing perception of) grids of higher dimensional light is connected with an overall strengthening of these subtle grids around the Earth…and in the Solar System more generally, radiating from the Sun. As they are coming more into the awareness of awakening souls on Earth, I’m going to include here some information posted recently to a page at the LoveLight Meditation Circle, then we’ll go into more detail about the Solar Grid and its role in Ascension, personal and planetary.

Grids are basically multi-dimensional structures or patternings of metaphysical Light imbued with high vibrational qualities and attributes, that have the function of keeping these attributes stabilized, holding them in place.  So for instance, with the Planetary Ascension in progress here, specific Light Grids are embracing the Earth, with a twofold purpose ~ to provide a higher dimensional ‘landing place’ for the ‘LoveLight Wave’ flowing from Source centre, so that it builds consistently around the planet without dissipating, and secondly to support Gaia and all living beings here in raising the collective consciousness and energy to a lighter state again…that harmonizes with (and is open to receiving) the incoming Wave.

The Christ Light (or Christ Consciousness) and Angelic Grids are Universal/Multiversal, but there are also localized grids ~ such as the Crystalline Heart Grid of Gaia, which is being generated by Gaia Soul, and radiates from the centre of the planet outward, enfolding it. The Unity Consciousness Grid around Earth (also called the Human Heart Grid) is being generated by the intentionality of humans who awaken to their higher selves and higher dimensional realities, and interweaves with Gaia’s Crystalline Heart Grid, so they function as One. We are also focusing with the Solar Grid that radiates from our Sun, Solaris, throughout the Solar System, in which all the planets and their moons are supported and ‘lighted’.

Our localized Unity Consciousness Grid is a ‘focus point’ here of an infinite consciousness grid that we could call the Universal Consciousness Grid radiating from the Heart of Source, and expressing through the Tenth Dimensional level of universal sacred templates of Life through to Fifth Dimensional crystalline light physical actualization (in unity/merge with the Crystalline Heart Grid of Gaia, which is also anchored in 5D).

Grids can also be generated for control ~ the archonic grid utilizes a ‘shadow geometry’ in the lower 4D frequency bands that mimics the sacred templates and grids as ‘false light’ (if you’re feeling into vibrations from your true Heart centre, it has a synthetic, flat feel) or grids that lock light and energy into boxes (including the energy of thoughts, emotions and living life force) so it can be utilized as the controller desires. There have been many control grids in place around the Earth that are in the process of dissipating now.

Where pure LoveLight builds, anchors and holds consistently, grids based in control dissolve….because a high enough vibration of Love naturally reorganizes all energies into alignment with the Heart of Source, Infinite Universal Love. So during a planetary Ascension, we are focusing on and working toward that ‘tipping point’ of a high enough, strongly anchored enough Wave of Love, to transform consciousness, and old grids ~ both those that are inherently of high Love but have become clogged, blocked and stagnant, and those intended for control. Where focus goes, energy flows ~ so keeping our focus and intention wholly with Love and Ascension, and connecting with the high Light Grids, ensures what we do flows with Source, in pure high vibration, as an unwavering Flame of Source.

When we connect to the high Light Grids during meditation, such as those that hold and radiate the attributes of Christ Consciousness or Angelic energies of pure Divine Love, or Phoenix energies of eternal Rebirth, this not only protects our own vibration while meditating, but eases and amplifies the inflow of LoveLight around the planet, with Gaia, and with/into the collective consciousness/collective energy field.

Last year sometime (early to mid 2016) the Ascension inflow was slowing down, the planetary merkaba was being ‘weighed on’, and the Crystalline Heart Grid wasn’t completely retaining its Light. Gaia’s Twin Flame reunion with Aisaia (through the previously blocked/screened 4D layer of their Flame connection) has immediately strengthened everything ~ but prior to that a 6D grid was put in around the planet in order to stabilize the new/renewing 5D New Earth vibration when it was getting a bit shaky, which we call the 6D Harmonic Grid, a very liquid light-like imprint based on the hexagon/honeycomb-like structure, in golden fluid light (which also enhances Earth’s reception of the golden-yellow Life-giving Light of the Sun through the Solar Grid). 

That has helped steady UP the 5D New Earth vibration, to the extent it is now a lot stronger than at halfway through 2016, from a linear time perspective.

There is also an Earth Grid, which is a composite of the Crystalline Heart Grid of Gaia, the Unity Consciousness Grid, and the meridian channels or chi flow lines in and around the planet that relate to ley lines (but are not necessarily identical with them).  The meridians are not just at or near the surface ~ the major meridians connect with the crystalline core of the planet, then loop out again, and some go right around the globe, such as the Belinus Line and the St Michael&Mary Line. Although these channels have been ‘tracked’ and marked out as ley lines in Britain, both these lines (light and life force channels) traverse the whole planet like giant sine waves.

The Solar Grid can be seen as a beautiful 6D golden yellow light-lace that radiates from Solaris, our Sun, through the Solar System, and at the macro scale there is a Galactic Grid, an Intergalactic Grid, and a Universal Grid. If you feel into galactic clusters, within a cluster, the galaxies grouping together have a communal shared grid, or light-lace ~ a magical lacework of flowing, constantly connecting light in higher dimensions. These high vibrational light-weavings are flexible, expansive and adaptive, and radiate these qualities to all living beings along with the specific vibrational attributes they are imbued with.  As higher light pulses flow through the Sun (the higher dimensional solar portal) they spread out through the Solar Grid, like shimmers of white light through the golden filaments, and flow into the localized grids and energy field of each planet in this star system, where it is received according to the consciousness and vibrational state.

Moons can also participate as anchors and transmitters of the higher incoming frequencies, and to get a feel for this continuous flow, reception and soul-ar evolution in progress among Solaris’ family of planets and their moons, here is a photo I took while attuning with the Solar Grid on October 1st, and the planets like jewels of different coloured lights nested within it, while the planet Saturn was visible overhead. Saturn is the dot of white light to the lower right in this photo, and the large, delicate golden-green orb above it represents the energies of Saturn’s sixth-largest moon, Enceladus, with the soul group who dwell there in its fifth-sixth dimensional strata.


Orb above Saturn; a projection of the soul light of Saturn’s moon Enceladus and its 5-6D inhabitants, photo taken October 1st, 2017.


The photos below also came from star family that night, of a light form that is both ‘ship-like’ and galactic, showing light in blended flowing colours in a spiral galaxy type representation. Firstly, here’s the ship semi-cloaked. Saturn is at the bottom right, with a huge blue-green and rose orb above, and to the far left is a formation of stars, with the ship making the upper right point of a ‘V’ (sign of the Ashtar Command). The two stars close together at the cleft of the V are the Cat’s Eyes, in the constellation Scorpio.


Semi-cloaked ship (ring of lights around a disc) near Saturn and Scorpio, photo taken October 1st, 2017.


And here it is decloaked, an intergalactic lightship with the role of facilitating enhancements to the Solar Grid prior to big influxes of the Solar Christ Light during October (that peaked on October 10th, the 10-10-10 and October 28th, 28-10-2017 = 10-10-10).


If it’s in your heart to focus with the light grids as an embodied Love anchor on Earth, you can assist with intention and meditation, and if you feel called to get physically creative with aligning the light grids, specific sacred geometries can be created using activated crystals etc (activated = cleansed, purified, and imbued through intention with holding and amplifying higher vibrational qualities such as love, peace, grace, compassion, joy, truth, providence)  ~ and when these sacred geometric patterns are connected with the high Light Grids supporting Ascension through focused alignment and meditation from a heart flowing with Divine Will&Love, they help anchor and transmit those higher dimensional attributes into the Earth Grid and collective consciousness field on and around the planet. If you’re already focusing with these alignments, or with Planetary Ascension in any way that invites, expresses and co-creates with pure Love, blessings and thanks to you.

With love and gratitude to you All,


*Any of you who would like to join in with the weekly LoveLight Circle meditations, which regularly connect with the light grids, are warmly welcome!  :)

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10-10-10 ~ The Giving Gate


Dear All,

During the last week, and especially in the window since the Full Moon, another very high vibration in an unfolding sequence of uplifting Light has been focused toward the Earth, and will anchor into the planetary energy field and supporting light grids fully on the 10-10-2017 (2017=10). This vibration streams through the colour ‘tones’ of purple and golden light ~ resurrection and restoration of the inherent ‘sacred goldenprint’ of life from a limited state of expression to natural expansion and expansiveness, through compassion and surrender to Source. This is a profoundly gentle energy of Giving, aligned when we’re in a state of unconditional compassion for ourselves and others, loving the Oneness of All as the personal self gives itself completely to the loving overview and guidance of Source through the merging of what we call our ‘higher selves’ (focused guiding aspect of our Oversoul) ~ yet it is also deep and intense, a pure Gift received and shared freely, available when we allow ourselves to bathe in compassion and devotion, and become a reservoir for the golden Christ light of renewal.

In The North Star, we mentioned the Silveray as the first of nine beautiful motherships to be regenerated from the imprints of original templates held in higher dimensional crystals that were formerly Core Crystals of these lightships, now retrieved, purified and healed.  Since then, three more of these ships have ‘rebirthed’ ~ the Butterfly (Ba’Shiila), the Sapphire Star (Elam’Ashar) and the Caritas. We’ll return to the first two in a new post, and will focus with the Caritas today, as its energy is related to a particular purple and golden light which it is transmitting from another galaxy.

Following on with the theme of ‘north’ and being in one’s ‘true north’ from a soul purpose perspective, the Caritas hails from Alphecca, alpha star of Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, a small constellation that contains a magnificent galactic supercluster.



                        Corona Borealis Galactic Supercluster, Hubble telescope. Image courtesy: NASA

Alphecca forms an ‘arc to Arcturus’ with Spica, alpha star of Virgo, and like the higher dimensional beings of Spica, the Alpheccans are closely connected with Arcturians, and are represented in the Arcturian High Council. The Core Crystal of the Caritas (Earth translation of their ship’s name, which they’ve given in the Latin form of the word ‘charity’) was gifted to the Alpheccans by angelic beings from a galaxy in the Corona Borealis Supercluster, who stream their energy into this one via the Northern Crown. The galaxy they come from/focus their light from is known by astronomers as Abell 2142, as seen in the beautiful X-ray photograph below:


                                      Abell 2142 Galaxy, Chandra X-ray telescope. Image courtesy: NASA

This magenta-purple is a perfect representation of their Light ~ purple, through which golden light shimmers like fluidic light ripples. The ‘A-Bells’ are a collective angelic light consciousness who vibrate the spirit of giving from pure Love ~ without any expectation or focus on what is returned, but simply for the expansion of Love. And this purple-golden flow of unconditional free giving is being focused to the Solar System and Earth now through the Caritas, amplified through the lunar portal leading into and on the Full Moon of October 5-6, and intensifying through the 10-10-10 Gateway.

The in-streaming movement of higher Light showed in photos on October 4th in the form of orbs (‘light balls’ representing/showing the energies of specific souls and/or soul group) passing through the lunar portal, as the energy of Full Moon was building:




The Core Crystal of the Caritas is an elongated marquise form, like this (existing in higher dimensions, as a crystalline light-form that transmits the vibrational message of Giving):


This form could be seen reflected in the lunar portal, as it shaped more distinctly on October 4th; here you can see the upper half of the portal clearly visible, across several dimensions. In the lower astral band of the fourth dimension, there are faces of entities visible particularly around the lower edge of the portal who were intent on ‘veiling the door’ from the A-Bell stream. Faces of many benevolent higher dimensional beings could also be seen within the portal, however, as the Light continued to flow:


A giant spherical ship (a 5D Andromedan crystalline light-sphere) came in close to anchor and stabilize the portal, which represented in this photo like a ‘twin moon’ (the Moon is at lower right partially behind cloud, with the light-sphere very close above it):


Through the 10-10-10 alignment, the highest Trinity Gateway of 2017, comes this divine giving from the Heart of Source, through many realms of pure Love, to all on Earth. The meditation below is for aligning the 10-10-10 flow, but can be used any time from here on:

Bring your focus into your heart centrepoint, breathe deeply…and let your body and mind relax, letting all tension and distractions go. Relax into the Love that you are, let its natural warmth strengthen in your heart and radiate through and around you as a radiant star of pure light. Connect from your heart with the Heart of Source and the Heart of Gaia, with love and gratitude.

Focus your intention on connecting with the universal flow of Giving, and that as you open to this gift of Giving through the Purple Light of Compassion, it flows and ripples through you to all life on Earth and beyond in an infinite stream. You are the infinite stream, as it flows eternally through you. Feel the light-heartedness of this Purple Angelic Light, like a kiss in your heart that effortlessly radiates through you, bathing your whole being, extending to all life, free in and with Love. 

Now see/feel a stream of Golden Light flowing down through you, shimmering through the purple, dancing through you, pure and warm. As the Golden Light flows down through you, all your chakras ignite and activate as balls of golden light, you can feel this light directing through your Heart Chakra and Resurrection Chakra, all unified, balanced and freely flowing in One Flow. As your chakra column lights with gold, it spreads as simply as breathing out, through your whole being down to the DNA strands, molecules, cells in your body, ions and subtle layers, your whole energy field, in this beautiful stream of Giving, as you give yourself to Source, where you always Are. Let yourself bathe in the renewal and regenerative vibration of the purple and golden light, and feel this vibration enveloping the whole planet on every level, infusing the collective energy field with resurrection-through-compassion. And So Be It. 


Love, Joy and Peace to you all for the Divine 10-10-10, we’ll meet you there!



PS: You can find a related meditation here, which began on Sunday with the LoveLight Meditation Circle to assist planetary ascension.

PPS: If you’re new to Heart Star, you can read more about the Resurrection Chakra here.

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Sacred Union Equinox


Dear All,

With the September Equinox fast approaching (22nd or 23rd of September, depending on your location) we would love to share with you a divine soul reconnection which has been in loving preparation and culminates on September 23rd, synchronized with this year’s Equinox. Coming through the vibration of equilibrium is a long-awaited sacred reunion ~ of Gaia, the planetary soul of Earth, and her Twin Flame, Aisaia, planetary soul of Jupiter, the ‘king of planets’. Take a pause, into timelessness, go into your heart, and feel what this reunion will softly, pervasively radiate through and around this beautiful planet ~ restoration of the divine feminine and masculine, in the unity and peace of unveiled crystal clear recognition ~ as the screen between them drops away, and their energy can flow in oneness, wholeness, through all the dimensions, touching all life on, in and around the Earth (and Jupiter).

For the last nine months, Jupiter has been passing across the constellation Virgo, and will be ‘born from the womb of the Virgin’ on September 23rd. Virgo has been seen as both maiden and mother ~ as Ceres, the mother goddess of grain and harvest ~ and aligns with Gaia as a ‘mother soul’ in our Solar system. The Equinox is the perfect vibrational moment ~ equal night and day (or almost), the only days of the year when the axis of the Earth isn’t tilted toward or away from the Sun…and on a higher level this vibrates as equilibrium, so the rebirth of Gaia & Aisaia’s soul connection is aligned particularly to come through this vibration.

I began dreaming of this planetary soul reunion in April, and while focusing with Aisaia, took some photos of Jupiter that represent his soul visually ~ here they are in sequence: the first one was taken on May 2nd, at a moment when he was being called from the realms of Light to remember his Twin Flame. The three lights are Jupiter at the bottom, with a beautiful large rose-gold ‘mother orb’ close by, Spica (alpha star of Virgo) in the middle, and a ‘light sign’ above, which I’ll show in detail below.


Within the light of Jupiter, a rose-like form of open petals appeared, with shadows and grids around it, but with gold in the centre…and in the light sign, rose light can be seen in the the centre of a box and gridlike structures, expanding and opening them:



On May 11th, the face of Jupiter’s soul could be seen, above and separating from a black dragon, now exposed within Jupiter’s energy field (stretched around the lower left part of the planet):


Following the star family mission of July 7th, this entity was removed, and control grids and screens have been gradually cleared. Here, on July 30th, Aisaia’s face was visible in deep green healing light, still with shadow residues that have since been dissolved. Do you see how his face is resting between antlers of white light, with a deer’s face below? This is Angelic Light holding, purifying and healing him:



Earlier that afternoon, a long rectangular ship decloaked above a cloud, with a lovely message from the Pleiadian and Andromedan people on board about the ‘cloud lifting’ from around Jupiter’s energy field ~ and from Aisaia’s vision:


During the month leading into this Equinox and Rebirth, star family built and strengthened the necessary portal alignments in frequency bands just beyond the influence of entities seeking to keep the fourth dimensional layers around the Earth ‘scrambled’ (some of the current swirl of third dimensional global energies as weather events is a direct reflection of this scrambled swirling in the fourth). The lightships in the photos below represented some of these alignments and portal placements, starting from August 24th while the Moon was directly under Jupiter, with Spica above…and a ship triangulating with them from the south (left):


The ship morphed into an orb-like representation as it passed between Jupiter and Spica:


Contracting to a bright sphere of light as it flew through the ‘gate’ between Spica and Jupiter and headed northward (right):


Aisaia came into focus like this after the ship passed ~ you can see his face clearer and in golden light now:


A large protecting orb appeared around Jupiter in the next frame, followed by a second ship flying through the Spica Gate:



The next night, the rectangular Pleiadian-Andromedan ship appeared to the north (right) of Jupiter and Spica, its ‘guardian’ energy represented as a radiating blue light:



Alignments and movements continued to be visualized through orbs and ships on August 27th ~ you can see the sequence of angles they’re showing, beginning with a green orb positioning itself in a straight line with Spica and Jupiter, right-angled to the Moon:




August 28th was the last night of these particular alignments (from our Earth time-frame perspective, with two ships forming a long diamond shape, representing a portal of high light, with Jupiter, Spica and the Moon. The first ship holding the southern ‘tip of the diamond’ had a reddish glow around it, an Alpha-Centaurian ship…whose position was replaced by a Polarin ship that pulsed brightly between trees then rose to anchor the diamond, before passing through it.






The Alpha Centauri ship was fully visible for about two minutes as it flew south after leaving the diamond and winked out in the centre of the Southern Cross, near Alpha Centauri. These two star family groups are specifically connected to north and south (Polaris being the Earth’s North Star/Pole Star, and Alpha Centauri called Nan Men, the South Gate, in Chinese astronomy)…so in part, they are representing the axis of alignment…the straight alignment which is culminating with the Equinox, when the Earth tilts neither toward nor away from the Sun.

In the centre of all these precise multidimensional movements is a zero point of pure stillness, supported and encompassed in infinite Love, through which this deeply freeing transformative reconnection of Gaia-Aisaia flows. The effect of this reconnection is really beyond words, but will be felt by every living being here. We all have feminine and masculine energies blended within us, and the way they interact, merge and balance has been profoundly shifted by the screening/blinding of Gaia and Aisaia’s connection, and will be profoundly shifted and uplifted in a beautiful, expansive way by this planetary soul reunion…like the birthing of a butterfly, set free to fly in and with eternal Love.

To attune and align with this deep energy of reunion, the Ascension and Resurrection light flow vibrating within us all, star family and guiding ones around the Earth suggest that during the Equinox we hold the image or intention of a butterfly.  Feel yourself in the timelessness of your still point, as a butterfly ~ your body is a rainbow, anchoring light from the centre of Source to the heart of Gaia ~ you are a living Rainbow Bridge through which golden light of restoration streams and fans out like the wings of a butterfly on either side of you. You feel your wings, perfectly balanced, around the golden rainbow centre that you Are, in love with Life, in deepest appreciation and gratitude to the planetary soul Gaia, welcoming and embracing her Beloved in Oneness, already forever. Let yourself transform in the Oneness, beloveds, receiving and radiating this blessing to All.  Let your wings be the openness to shift with the sacred merge, fanning this Love to all beings. 

Here is one more photo, for the joy of it ~ the last week flocks of golden and white butterflies have appeared in my Inner Heart meditations and reflected joyously in physical, more than I’ve ever seen. And as this white butterfly flew overhead, a shining golden one appeared beside it, dancing the white and golden Ascension and Resurrection Flames, coming into this Sacred Union Equinox. 




Love, Peace and Gratitude to you all through this Divine moment, and always,

Joanna&Ashura, &Tanabor 

PS: The time of the Equinox is at 20:02 (feel that ‘Twin’ mirror symmetry) UTC. You can find the exact moment in your timezone here.


 Image credit: ‘Sacred Union’ by Viandara. 

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