Notes on Esoteric Healing and Triangles

Introduction Esoteric Healing II


The Art of Esoteric Healing is of connecting with the right triangle at the right time.
First we must realise that the understanding of triangle circuits as patterns that form the foundation of our bodies
is just another way of looking at the body.
The ancient wisdom reveals that the triangle is the basic building block upon which not only the human being is
built but the whole universe as well.

D.K. says, “in the study of the science of triangles, the student must bear in mind that there is always a point of
the triangle which - in a particular crisis or ‘event of consciounsess’ - is the emanating, dynamic, conditioning energy. During the cycles ... in which it thus controls, the other two points express receptivity and are regarded esoterically as embodying forces. Every triangle is, therefore, the expression of one fundamental energy and two secondary forces"70.
Now it is clear that the triangle works in two possible ways; which way it works will be the one chosen by the Soul of the patient.

The first method of triangular activity is somewhat two-dimensional: it involves a sequential flow from point to point, i.e., from the first center to the second or middle center, to the third, in ordered sequences that are laid down by the Tibetan. It is the way triangle circuits work in average people, in aspirants and in most disciples.
In the second method, the triangle stands as a whole, the points of the triangle working together at the same time. Here the power being released into the triangle pours through the threefold nature of the patient, affecting together at the same time, the Monad, the Soul and the Personality together at the same time. Changes and spiritual development will be secure and permanent. A deeper alignment will be established in the human being (the patient).

Let us review how triangles utilise energy from an esoteric perspective:

There is the major conditioning energy, producing manifestation: This is the Monadic expression, symbolised as the point at the middle of the triangle.
Next there is the qualifying energy, producing consciousness. This is the Soul expression.
Then there is the responsive point of negative energy mainly responding to the second point of the triangle (B), producing “a source of violent interplay between the two points of the baseline” (B and C), causing an expression of force and tangibility.

D.K. goes on and say, “When the experience undergone in Virgo is consummated in Pisces and the tests of Scorpio have led to illumination in Taurus, then the effect of these four energies will be to make man the true triangle, expressing the three divine aspects as they come from the three major conditioning constellations: the Great Bear, the Pleiades and Sirius" 71.

It must be remembered that the inner web of light which is called the etheric body of the planet
is essentially a web of triangles and, when the evolutionary process is completed,
it will have been organised 72.

The 5 phases of the work of Esoteric Healing

  1. Diagnosis
    a) The Aura
    b) The 5 Centers in the Ajna
  2. Esoteric healing treatment
    Balancing the Centers and Triangles (See selection of relevant triangles)
  3. Closing and sealing the Healing Triangle.

    The Basic Triangle

    Before going into the spine proper, however, we will be activating the Basic Triangle, which will circulate the energies on a causative level for use when clearing begins on the spine itself.

    This triangle is also related to the Fear Triangle that deals with fears and phobias, shocks and “shilly-shallying” concerning lack of purpose, direction in life and the will-to-live.

    The Basic triangle is the key to getting the base note of the body vibrating, a motion and sound which is slow and intense.
    The three points comprise the Base Center and the two etheric points on the adrenal glands, just above the two kidneys on either side of the body.

    We are always working to obtain a balance between the three points in the triangle, to bring the balancing points in harmony with the rest of the body, according to the will of the patient’s Soul.

    Basic Triangle


    20 Fear Triangle

    The source of nearly all fear is based on the fear of death.

    Fear = death = transformation.

    Fear is, in reality, the Dweller on the threshold 90, which is the sum-total of the personality fears.

    The Fear Triangle is very useful in all circumstances where the patient is in a state of unknowing and can be used, whenever there is fear or shock involved.

    The triangle may also be applicable to those with deep unknown fears that hinder them from making decisions or from taking steps to change their conditions or circumstances. The circuit involves the Base Center and two minute points closely associated with the interior of the kidneys (the place where the input and output of the vessels and tubes is to be found).

    21 Fear Transformation Triangle

    Having done the Fear Triangle, use the Fear Transformation Triangle to transmute the energies for the purposes of greater personality control and direction.

    This direction is achieved by transforming these subconscious energies through the Solar Plexus center of glamour and desire right up to the Ajna center which takes its personality direction from the Soul.
    Where the personality is being misinformed and misdirected (perhaps the patient is in the wrong social group), it is taking instruction from the Solar Plexus center (the animal brain).

    This important triangle circuit goes from Base center to Solar Plexus center to Ajna center 91. The Glamour Triangle could then follow.

    Fear Transformation Triangle
    This is just a taste of esoteric healing, please look at the link for diagrams and instructions.  Be aware that tinkering with your chakras can be dangerous so carefully explore the directions before attempting these healings and exercises. 
    Big hugs to you all, thank you for your time, I hope you enjoy the metaphysical aspects of energy work in Triangles :)

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  • 38 Kundalini Triangle

    “Only when the fire has circled unimpeded up another channel is the complete merging with the fire of manas effected, and only when it progresses geometrically up all the three - with simultaneous action and at uniform vibration - is the true kundalini fire fully aroused, and therefore able to perform its work of cleansing through the burning of the confining web and of the separating particles. When this is accomplished
    the threefold channel becomes one channel. Hence the danger. “Kundalini Triangle” is an unfortunate name because of the connotations of “raising kundalini” and so on, but it is an accurate one just the same, for it is just at this time in a person’s life that the primary energy which underlies existence begins to stir. The triangle intends to
    balance and hold the rising energy on course and so preserve the person from any mishaps in these early and tender days of spiritual growth 97”.

    This triangle revolves around the Crown center, enabling the healer to focus the patient on what the patient is now and will become in the future. This triangle originates from the Vagus Nerve center, even though that is not one of its three points. The Vagus Nerve center begins to vibrate and radiate as soon as the person starts to show an active and practical interest in working for the spiritual plan.

    Another name for this triangle could well be the Triangle of Aspiration, because all aspirants set this circuit in motion.
    Here the directing force of the person’s soul streams through the Crown center and brain to the Vagus nerve center, affecting the rest of the body and personality. The bodies of the personality - physical, emotional and mental - begin the process of getting more closely focused, or fused, by the Soul.

    The Vagus Nerve center affects the heart. A second major center with which the vagus has powerful links is the Base center, for when the Soul begins its upward journey, a journey of purification and focused vision, the will is always involved. The will of the Soul and the will of the personality are brought into increasing contact. Sometimes there is a clash, sometimes a cause for joy. The will of the Soul works through the
    Crown center, and the will of the personality manifests through the Base center. Thus, when the Crown center, the Heart center and the Base center have come into a preliminary alignment, the Vagus nerve center begins to radiate and become dynamic.

    The Vagus Nerve center, thus stimulated, causes the astral body and the nervous system to respond to the incoming energies - the so-called “call of the Soul” to initiate the preliminary activities of spiritual growth.
    This triangle of centers - Head, Heart and Base - with their effect on the Vagus Nerve center must be balanced during this green period. You might recall (the Kundalini Uprisings triangle) that the Spleen center is involved in the rising of kundalini fire in so far as the pranic fire (from the Spleen) and the fire of matter (from the Base center) rise together from the Base center to meet the fire of the Mind in the Crown center 98.

    Nurture and correct growth depend on balanced attitudes and wide vision along with a goal-oriented aim. The Kundalini triangle is an important one to balance when it is clear that such an occurrence has started, or if it is evident that such an experience is on the verge of occurring.

    The purpose of this traingle is not to “raise” the Kundalini, but to balance the circulating energies so that damage (to the webs) or unstable development can be avoided.
    Obviously, we use this triangle to reintroduce rhythm and stability where these qualities are evidently lacking in the life of the patient seeking our help 99.
    A third triangle can be used (forming the Kundalini Tetrahedron). See for more information the book.

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