Spiritual Group for Astral and Interdimensional Travelers. 

Spiritual Group for Readers and Students of the Urantia Book. 

3 Members
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  • Original Group was created in 2008 under the name of Bridge Across Forever and profile was hacked unable to correct the damage that was created by the hackers and lost email and password to login to ashtarcommandcrew.net years later I'm back and with newly created email and password I'm now recreating the group I once had on here for those who were on the original group page are welcome to be members on my new group page and on my profile page just send me a message . Many years have passed since i have had the ability to to be one this site and I'm happy to be here with you all again.
    Ashtar Command Crew - The Awakening Movement
    A Spiritual Community About Ascension & Creating Heaven on Earth. Uniting Lightworkers, starseeds, crystals, indigos and healers in a New Age.
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Interdimensional & Astral Travel / Travelers

I have been many places in my travels in astral Out of Body Experiences and have seen many beings and worlds across the many universes of time and space and dimension above 5th through 11th. I have extensive knowledge and drawings of all the places I have seen and experienced. My goal here is to share with you some of those experiences and hope that others might share theirs here as well. Please and Thank you for our shared experiences validates the connections we have had and do have. When we…

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4 Replies · Reply by Layra444 Jun 30, 2022

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RichRaelian posted a photo in The Bridge Across Forever
Were talking about short cuts through the vastness of the Omniverse.
Mar 26, 2023
Layra444 replied to Admiral Matthew's discussion Interdimensional & Astral Travel / Travelers in The Bridge Across Forever
"Hi, nice to meet you. Where can i find your drawings? Im interested because i am seeing so many…"
Jun 30, 2022
Roaring Lovely liked Admiral Matthew's discussion Interdimensional & Astral Travel / Travelers in The Bridge Across Forever
Jun 30, 2022
daughter_76 replied to Admiral Matthew's discussion Interdimensional & Astral Travel / Travelers in The Bridge Across Forever
"I dont sleep anymore since 2012--- and I have no idea why I am still here......... :(  Is it even…"
Jun 30, 2022
Drekx Omega replied to Admiral Matthew's discussion Interdimensional & Astral Travel / Travelers in The Bridge Across Forever
"With regard to astral travel I placed some thoughts on the matter, in a blog, about a Month…"
Jun 30, 2022
Drekx Omega replied to Admiral Matthew's discussion Interdimensional & Astral Travel / Travelers in The Bridge Across Forever
"Salutations Admiral.....Yes, astral travel is also a practice of my own. I shall post some thoughts…"
Jun 30, 2022
Admiral Matthew posted a discussion in The Bridge Across Forever
I have been many places in my travels in astral Out of Body Experiences and have seen many beings…
Jun 30, 2022
Admiral Matthew posted photos in The Bridge Across Forever
Jun 30, 2022