The Military Industrial Complex invented a fictional race to resemble Pleiadians, whose name sounds like "Ashtar" - in order to introduce "Dark Fleets" to the disclosure community. To create fear around UFOs. Corey Goode admits to mind-wipes, military handlers and being confused on a number of subjects. This has never been about attacking Corey, but about finding the truth. He's not trying to deceive anyone. The so-called "Ancient Builder Race" he's spoken of are the Pleiadians.Does the…
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( Smiling placidly ) a Consciousness..
Guiding ( not 'controlling' ).. 'facilitating movement.. through time and space.. on the surface of planets.. above.. and beyond..'
- Within the 'original incarnation system' ( And later additions - to this ;-/ )
The Sirius 'energy'? is whatever the individual and collective soul IS : )
( For Andromeda'dians'?.. *HRL* ( *Happy Roaming Laughter* ) )
Halloouu? .. :-D
Hello Rose: I would love to converse with you and any of the others. I have a website and a blog that you can read more about my path. I have a mission unfolding and will soon be writing a book about my experiences. Love & Light Here is my blog:'s search is on for a few real deal galactic facilitators…it's time to cooperatively surge sacred waters into a tree of all life on Earth……nice doorway in place…and, please, if ascension is your path…other games are appropriate
With Comet Cometh on track a clear path is to come together (all humans) play greentownearth and energetically repel the boarders or it's yet another round for this species……...we'll know of our cooperative success when tyrants are gone
Hello Rose and my fellow Sirians: I believe I am in the process of unrolling my mission at present. I believe the month of April the engines have been on idle but now this month May the engines are gearing up for take off and June is Take Off! How about you?
Hi Wasser,
Yes I have Orcas memories and know a waterplanet in Sirius Star System.
Welcome Brother ;-)