The Military Industrial Complex invented a fictional race to resemble Pleiadians, whose name sounds like "Ashtar" - in order to introduce "Dark Fleets" to the disclosure community. To create fear around UFOs. Corey Goode admits to mind-wipes, militar
Hello everybody, I don't know eqactly from where I fall down?! But I feel so sad and nostalgic and wanna go back! Everything in Earth in 4. dimens. is conditional, but I want that everybody are friends to each other, to live in great communities, to
Hello there to All! I am definitely Nommos, and from Sirius, and 3 other planet's prior to this life. Please read my profile... I have much to share in the near future, and I am here to find Sirus, and Those from the Aquarius Galaxies,... I prior t
. Sirian Message on 2012, Social, Economic and Physical Earth Changes. These social economic and physical earth changes were given Nov. 30th 2012 They are what are on the books now and can be avoided by changes in the collective consciousness, divine
Channeler: Sirian Archangel Hermes /channeler/146125/sirian-archangel-hermes Greetings fellow beings of light. I thank you for allowing me to enter into your conscious perception and speak with you at this time, in this space. I come to inform that
PAO update 24/6/2003: Our spoken language is contextual in nature. For example, the word 'selamat', which means condition, precedes words in a greeting or salutation to emphasize the w
Channeler: Sirian Archangel Hermes /channeler/146125/sirian-archangel-hermes Greetings fellow beings of light. I come to you now through your expanded consciousness, upon reading or hearing these words you will know this as well. Many of you are g
The beings from Sirius are here to help bridge the gaps between the theoretical levels of knowledge that are presently being brought to Earth and the practical application of these ideas. They are here to ground information and to mak