Sending Love is NOT Rape

It has been advised on this public spiritual website that we are not allowed to send energy nor love to one another, because it is a "rape". 

Unfortunately, some people are still in the dark ages, and I thought it completely inappropriate to bring up the assault of women, men and children and equate it to the sending of energy through unconditional love.  We all know someone who has been a victim of sexual attack, and it dishonors their experiences to treat them as if it is the same as giving someone unsolicited love energy.

So, here are some sobering statistics of what RAPE really is, and perhaps we should consider how we treat each other, as attached is a bit of data about EMOTIONAL RAPE, very interesting information we should bear in mind when dealing with some people who are drawn to sites like this for the energy they can gain from conflict with other members.

 National statistics
According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Uniform Crime Reports, there were 95,136 forcible rapes reported to United States law enforcement agencies in 2002. Sixty-five out of every 100,000 women were reported to be victims of rape that year, up 4.7% from 2001 but down 3.9% from 1998. The actual number of rapes and sexual assaults, however, is in reality much larger; estimates of unreported rape range between 2 and 10 times the number reported to law enforcement. The National Violence Against Women Survey, jointly sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) and conducted in the mid-1900s, found that one in six women (18%) and one in 33 men (3%) has experienced an attempted or completed rape. The survey estimated that approximately 17,722,672 women and 2,782,440 men in the United States have been raped or have had rape attempted as a child or adult, and that 302,091 women and 92,748 men were raped in the 12 months prior to the study.


 THE VICTIMS. The 2000 "Victim, Incident, and Offender Characteristics," published by the National Center for Juvenile Justice (NCJJ), analyzed sexual assault data collected by law enforcement agencies over a five-year span. The following characteristics were found to be significant among victims of sexual assault:
Age: Over two-thirds of reported victims of sexual assault were juveniles under the age of 18. Twelve to 18 year olds represented the largest group of victims at 33%; 20% were between the ages of six and 11; children less than five years old and adults between 18 and 24 years of age each constituted 14% of victims; 12% were between the ages of 25 and 34; and 7% were over the age of 34. Persons over the age of 54 represented 1% of all victims. One out of every seven victims surveyed in the study were under the age of six.
Gender: Females were more than six times more likely to be a victim of sexual assault then males; more than 86% of victims were females. The great majority (99%) of the victims of forcible rapes were women, while men constituted the majority (54%) of the victims of forcible sodomy (oral or anal intercourse). Females are most likely to be the victim of sexual assault at age 14, while males are at most risk at age four. 
Victims of sexual assault may sustain a range of injuries; male victims are more likely than females to suffer severe physical trauma. The National Women's Study, funded by the National Institute of Drug Abuse, found that more than 70% of rape victims report no physical injuries as a result of their assault; only 4% sustain serious injuries that require hospitalization. At least 49% of victims, however, state that they feared severe injuries or death during their assault. Fatalities occur in approximately 0.1% of rape cases.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a source of concern for many victims of sexual assault. The most commonly transmitted diseases are gonorrhea (caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae), chlamydia (caused by Chlamydia trachomatis), trichomoniasis) (caused by Trichomonas vaginalis), and genital warts (caused by human papillomavirus). Syphilis (caused by Treponema pallidum) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are also noted among some sexual assault victims. The transmission rate of STDs is estimated to be between 3.6% and 30% of rapes.
According to the National Women's Study, approximately 5% of adult female rape victims become pregnant as a result of their assault, leading to 32,100 pregnancies a year among women 18 years of age or older. Approximately 50% of pregnant rape victims had an abortion, 6% put the child up for adoption, and 33% kept the child (the remaining pregnancies resulted in miscarriage).
MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS. Also known as rape trauma syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health disorder that describes a range of symptoms often experienced by someone who has undergone a severely traumatic event. Approximately 31% of rape victims develop PTSD as a result of their assault; victims are more than six times more likely to develop PTSD than women who have not been victimized.
The symptoms of PTSD include:
recurrent memories or flashbacks of the incident
mood swings
difficulty concentrating
panic attacks
emotional numbness
Persons who have been sexually assaulted have also been noted to have increased risk for developing other mental health problems. Over those who have not been victimized, rape victims are:
three times more likely to have a major depressive episode
four times more likely to have contemplated suicide
thirteen times more likely to develop alcohol dependency problems
twenty-six times more likely to develop drug abuse problems

Emotional Rape: What Is It?

Emotional rape can be defined as: Emotional abuse characterized by patterned and purposeful behavior which purpose is to undermine and control the victim. It is an attack on the victim's personality rather than their body. The term "emotional rape"  implies a horrific crime, and that is exactly what the victim is going through. In sexual rape, the term "without consent" refer to the victim having not agreed to sex. Emotional rape is the abuse of someone's higher emotions -love, self-respect- without consent. Experts agree that emotional rape is far more complex than verbal abuse. While the latter tends to be erratic and direct response to specific situations, emotional rape is, quite simply, a systematic destruction of someone's personality.

 I am frankly ashamed that I felt the need to specify on this spiritual site something as horrifying as sexual assault statistics, but I felt a strong definition was needed here, as the use of the term "rape" is an old and powerful thoughtform which should not be bandied about without education as to what it means to us and our world. 

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  • Jana's post on pg28 is where this train rerailed its derailment. A discrete contrast to what went on before it.

    For all the back and forth blaming and illustrating grandiosely who was more right and closer to the light, that went on in the previous 8 pages, no one won. And there's a valuable lesson in that. A very, very valuable lesson.

    Ha, didn't I say we'd make page 30. The real issues came to the surface in the last 10.

    But, excellent, hopefully no need for Round 4!
    Ding, Ding! Match over!
    The emotional puppet master Archons lost.

    Humanity wins!



    Recognize that life is "for giving" love and then
    generously give that love. As often as the urge comes,
    silently say to those around you or those you visualize
    (regardless of your relationship to them):
    "My life is for giving love. Thus, I give you love from
    my heart."
    If there is some roughness between you and anyone,
    think the essence of these words as you give love:
    "I have made a mistake in my thinking to allow you
    to seemingly hurt me. I recognize that you are merely
    doing what I invited, and that in reality neither you
    nor anyone else can hurt me. I am perfect now,
    always have been, and always will be. You can't
    change that. I now recognize that life is for giving
    love to you, so I now give you love from my heart. "
    From "Spirituality of the Third Millennium" by Roger G. Lanphear
    • This is wonderful!  Thank you :)

  • AWESOME :)

    • Thank you Mayir for this beautiful photo of St. Germain. Thank you KLC for sharing this post and the information on the Violet Flame, Law of the Circle, Law of Attraction and the Violet Flame meditation which I thoroughly enjoyed. Below is another photo of the Violet Flame. A meditation from one of my modalities is: All is One, All is Consciousness, All is Love, All is Mind, All is Light. All is One, All is Free, All is Love, All is Aware, All is Presence! We are ONE! 

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  • Law Of The Circle

    Whatever energy (emotions, thoughts, etc.) we send to another person, place or thing comes back to us, greatly magnified. The energy travels in a circle, always back to the source from which it came.

    This principle is demonstrated by The Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The energy contained in how we “do unto others” is already on its way back around to us. This principle is also known as “karma,” “cause and effect,” etc. Basically, the energy of any thought, word, deed or action we’ve ever emitted in any lifetime or dimension, whether positive or negative, is coming back to us eventually.

    Also, by the Law of Attraction, if we feel these negative energies (the ones we originally sent out) coming at us and then react negatively again, we keep attracting more of the same negativity to ourselves. As we vibrate (negatively or positively), we create.

    With Violet Flame Meditation we can transmute negative energy from thousands of lifetimes back into the pure positive God essence that is at the core of all energy. Essentially, we can transmute our negative karma before it comes back to us!

    Self-Healing With Self Love

    Anything unresolved within our energy field will keep manifesting itself in our physical / mental / emotional / spiritual life until we heal it. There is no escaping this. When we understand that life is presenting us with an opportunity to heal something within us it becomes easier.

    When negative experiences occur, if we can acknowledge, accept and decline to resist what is happening as well as the feelings evoked, we can then bring love, compassion, understanding and forgiveness to ourselves, as well as to other people involved and the situation itself. In this way we can heal the wounded aspects within us so that we won’t have to keep going through the same painful scenarios again and again. Violet Flame Meditation can help us to bring love, forgiveness, healing and release to all of these painful feelings.

    The Three-Fold Flame

    The Violet Flame is actually a three-fold flame of gold, pink and blue light:
    •The pure Divine Feminine ray of energy (relating to our right brain and heart) is crystalline pink, with the qualities of pure unconditional Divine Love, nurturance and compassion, and adoration and reverence for all life.

    •The pure Divine Masculine ray of energy (relating to our left brain, throat and heart) is sapphire blue, and relates to the desire, inner resolve, power and will to follow Source’s Divine Will. It also carries our ability to have leadership over ourselves.

    •When the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine rays of energy are merged and balanced within us, our higher centers and Christ Consciousness – which is the gold ray of energy – is awakened. The Gold Flame embodies wisdom, discrimination, and illumination.
    When all three of these flames are balanced within us, love balances power and wisdom blends with love, and the Violet Flame of forgiveness and transmutation is activated within us.

    Saint Germain

    There are thousands of Ascended Masters currently supporting the Earth and those of us who live here. They are Beings of Light who have learned the lessons of our Third Dimensional existence and have ascended to a higher state of consciousness. Giving assistance to all who call to them for help, they are our “elder” brothers and sisters. Some famous Ascended Masters are Jesus Christ, Gautama Buddha and Krishna.

    Saint Germain is an Ascended Master who has long been associated with the Violet Flame. You can call on his assistance as you practice Violet Flame Meditation. Along with many other Ascended Masters, he has been preparing us to transition from the Age of Pisces (Third Dimension) to the Age of Aquarius (Fifth Dimension), beginning an era of peace, freedom and enlightenment.

    How Violet Flame Meditation Works

    At the core of every single electron of energy, even a negatively charged electron, is the divine aspect of pure being. When the Violet Flame is consciously blazed through any electron of energy, it awakens the pure spark of divinity within it, which then burns up the outer negativity and transmutes that electron back to its original state of pure love.

    During Violet Flame Meditation I experience the Violet Flame as infinite Love, forgiveness, tenderness and freedom. When we call it forth with the intention of forgiveness and healing, it bursts as a flame within our hearts. When we consciously direct it into a situation, it blazes through it with a loving force so undeniable that everything in its path has no choice but to resonate with its love.

    The Violet Flame permeates every cell and atom of our bodies, minds, emotions, memory, subconscious and spirit. It transmutes anything negative that is lodged anywhere in our spiritual or physical being, raising it to a high vibration of love and light.

    Transmutation Occurs On An Atomic Level

    Negative thoughts and feelings create an excess of acid within the body that is too much for our bodies to detoxify. This causes the breakdown of our physical energy systems, dis-ease and illness. The Violet Flame can help heal our bodies on a physical level by removing the negative energy that creates the acidic conditions. It goes to work on the deeper causes on the mental, emotional, causal, psychic and spiritual levels.

    On the atomic level, vibration is the speed at which electrons orbit around the nucleus of the atom. Violet Flame Meditation actually changes our vibratory rate, working on the atomic level. When the atoms of our bodies are imbued with negativity, we vibrate slower, at a lower vibration, which causes us to resonate with MORE negativity and actually attract it. We become more dense and coarse, with less light shining within.

    With Violet Flame Meditation we can transmute this negativity. When we invoke it with forgiveness in our hearts, for ourselves and others, it raises the frequency of the negativity into a vibration of love and wellbeing. It literally transforms whatever is out of alignment with wellbeing back into the light that is at the source of every atom. Consequently, in Violet Flame Meditation the vibration of our entire energy field is raised to a higher level, and we are more filled with spirit, light and love, thereby resonating with optimum health and wellbeing.

    A really wonderful thing to be aware of is that you don’t have to fully understand the nature of Violet Flame Meditation or how it works for it to work! It isn’t possible for our minds to encompass what lies beyond the parameters of the mind. You can ask your I AM Presence (yourself from your highest perspective) to take command, and then simply invoke the Violet Flame as described below.


    In experimenting with Violet Flame Meditation, I’ve found that I significantly increase its healing effects if I can call up the intention of forgiveness in my heart first, before invoking the Violet Flame. Even if I’m not feeling particularly forgiving, but I’m WILLING to feel it for myself, other people involved, or a situation, this opens my heart and increases the power of the Violet Flame to do its transformative work.

    Opening The Heart Chakra For Healing

    To increase the effectiveness of Violet Flame Meditation, or ANY healing, it is helpful to first open our heart chakra, the seat of the Divine Feminine within our being (whether we are currently embodied as male or female).

    The heart chakra is where ALL emotions are felt. Because of the pain we’ve experienced from our lives in the lower dimensions, we as a race have shut down our heart centers in an attempt to not feel the pain. Therefore, our connection with Divine Feminine energy and unconditional love and forgiveness has been narrowed down and the misuse of masculine power (by both men and women) has taken precedence on our planet and in our lives.

    To heal and open our heart chakras, we need to go into our hearts and acknowledge the pain there, bring love and compassion to our own wounds, and call in The Divine to heal them. Then we can begin finding the balance between our masculine / feminine aspects, and bring love and forgiveness to others.

    You can call on Divine Feminine / Divine Mother energy to assist you in healing your heart center and bringing more love into it. Envisioning pink light all around and permeating your body, especially around your heart center, can help a great deal.

    Regular practice of Violet Flame Meditation will also open your heart center and balance your masculine and feminine energies.

    The Tipping Point

    Everything is energy. Everything is vibrating at a particular speed. Negative thoughts, words, feelings and actions vibrate at the denser end of the energy spectrum, while the positive thoughts, words, feelings and actions vibrate at the higher, more uplifted end of the spectrum, closer to the original God Source.

    To shift our state of consciousness from one of predominant negativity to predominant health, wellbeing, joy and aliveness, we can do two things:

    •Use Violet Flame Meditation (see below) to transmute all of the energies of our past thoughts, words, feelings and actions back into the original vibration of Love from Source.

    •Pay attention to our current thoughts and feelings so that we don’t set ourselves up to receive more of our own negativity. When we become aware that we’re following a negative train of thought, we can choose a different thought instead – one that brings a feeling of relief and expansion.
    Once 51% of the energy we are emitting is of a positive nature, we achieve a “tipping point” where ALL energies within us are transmuted into the positive spectrum. And we never know when that 51% tipping point can occur. This is a “critical mass” where an unstoppable shift occurs. It is a natural law of the Universe. And with Violet Flame Meditation we can do this!

    Growth Periods

    It is important to keep the tipping point of transmutation in mind when we are going through a “growth period” and are tempted to wallow in negativity. Growth periods are times of chaos when it feels like the whole world is against us and we have lost sight of wellbeing. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. These are periods when our wounded aspects are being brought to the surface for healing. Each of these periods are a window of opportunity to heal something that has been wreaking havoc in your life, maybe for many lifetimes. This is a good time to focus on the light with even MORE tenacity.

    Knowing that by keeping our attention on light and love when we feel challenged, we will eventually reach the critical mass of positive energy that can transmute all the negativity of that situation to positive energy. We just need to keep working with uplifting tools such as Violet Flame Meditation and the positive principles we know to be true, to keep our attention focused in a positive direction.

    Here are some good questions to ask while going through a challenging growth situation:
    •What is it that I DO want in this situation? (Negativity comes from focusing on what we don’t want instead of what we do want.)

    •Am I adding to the light of the planet or to the shadow?

    Tipping Point
    For The Planet

    This tipping point isn’t just applicable to us as individuals. It applies to ALL beings on this planet, and the planet itself. When there are enough of us focusing on the light so that our group consciousness is vibrating at 51% in the light, then an unstoppable shift into a higher vibration can occur for the entire planet!

    I believe this “tipping point” is the same as what I described earlier: our ascension as a race and as a planet, from the Third Dimension of egoic separation to the Fifth Dimension of unity consciousness. And it is entirely within our power to do this! Violet Flame Meditation is a powerful tool to make it happen.

    Using Violet Flame Meditation And Decrees

    The most effective use of the Violet Flame that I have found is through a combination of meditation and “decrees” – spoken (silently or aloud) prayers that use visualization / imagination while being in a meditative state.

    1. Sit in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Sit comfortably with your spine straight and your arms and legs uncrossed. Place your feet flat on the floor. You can rest your hands on your legs, palms up. 2. Breathe in love and / or white light through your heart center. Do this several times until you can FEEL it. This method is most effective when you feel devoted to love and forgiveness. If you can’t quite get there, just keep breathing in love and/or white light until you begin to feel a softening and opening within. Envisioning a soft, unconditionally loving, pink crystalline light around and through you can help open your heart as well.

    3. To begin Violet Flame Meditation you can start with something simple like, “I AM a Violet Flame of love and forgiveness.” Slowly repeat this several times out loud, and tune into your feelings and perceptions. It is much more powerful to speak out loud than silently. Remember to keep a loving, forgiving perspective (or be willing to have that perspective) and a sincere desire to heal. If you wish, you can keep repeating this simple phrase over and over again, even hundreds of times. Repeating a decree draws in more light.

    You can add to or change the words of your decree however you’d like to. Keep it simple. For this type of meditation, I’ve found that the fewer the words, the more focused the energy is. Start your decrees with the words “I AM.” Speaking from your I AM Presence is the most powerfully creative perspective you can center yourself in. It is you as your God Self.

    Decree Examples
    •“I AM the Violet Flame of Love, blazing through anything within me that needs to be healed.”

    •“I AM calling forth the Violet Flame to cleanse, uplift and purify everything within me.”

    •“I AM blazing the Violet Flame through all my thoughts, words, feelings and actions regarding this situation with (fill in the blank).”

    While slowly repeating your decree, notice if you feel more loving and spacious. Experiment with different words to see if they evoke more healing energy or less. Go with what brings you relief, feels fun, softens your perspective and is inspiring.

    Visualizing / Imagining
    The Violet Flame

    Another component of Violet Flame Meditation is visualization / imagination. Visualization and imagination are doorways or “view ways” into other realms. Anything we can visualize is real somewhere within the vast realms of our being. The more frequently that we return to a visualization, to that same extent it manifests energetically in our human lives – physically, mentally, emotionally.

    As you speak your decrees during Violet Flame Meditation, picture a huge bonfire of Violet Flames, wide enough and high enough to encompass your body and extend three or more feet above your head and all around your body. Within the flames see different shades of blue, pink, gold and purple colors. See these Violet Flames all around you and permeating your body. Feel into the places within your being (physically, mentally and emotionally) where you need love, and see the Violet Flame touching and permeating all of them with love and transmuting them into light, love and forgiveness.

    Helping Others With The Violet Flame

    You can use Violet Flame Meditation to help others individually and also collectively, such as for the entire human race. Breathe in love through your heart center and visualize a person, group of persons, or the planet as a whole. Picture them with the Violet Flame blazing through and around them, permeating them with love and forgiveness. State a decree, such as “I AM invoking the full force of the Violet Flame of Love and Forgiveness for (person(s) you wish to assist).”

    That’s all you have to do. You don’t even have to be specific about what to heal. The Violet Flame knows exactly where to go within their being and what to do. The key part is to feel your intention of love and forgiveness for them and to visualize them within the Violet Flame.

    After you have invoked it for one person you can add something like, “In the name of Source, I ask for this Violet Flame to multiply and assist all beings here on Mother Earth who need any kind of assistance, according to God’s will.”

  • God bless your heart, Jana, thank you!!!!!! Hugs :)  Sending love and light to you and yours :) 

    Now, I am going to violet flame the heck out of this thread, lol :)


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