What energies and experiences can we expect in August 2009?The energy this month is intense and the experiences you are likely to have will be intense. This is one of those times on Planet Earth where there is such strong collective change that none of you can avoid it; none of you can escape it. It is similar to the kind of energy that occurred just after the tsunami of 2004. We are not saying that there is a particular event that is meant to happen this month, but instead it is likely that events have already occurred by this time that cause you to consider your place as a collective human family. The energy now is the true energy of deep profound and abiding change. And so this month it is important for each of you, on an individual basis and on a collective basis, to acknowledge the inevitability of change.There are changes that have already occurred under the surface for each of you individually and for all of you collectively. Those changes can no longer stay under the surface. Beginning in August of 2009, they must rise, be seen and be dealt with. You will see change being addressed in all kinds of different ways. Some will be resisting change, even to the point of self-annihilation. Others of you will be embracing change or pushing it forward, even to the point where you push it too quickly and struggle to integrate it. Of course there are many versions of a happy medium where the embracing of the change and the honoring of the change that has already occurred enables you to powerfully bring those changes into your reality.First and foremost this month, the experience is coming to terms with change by recognizing that the changes are inevitable, they have already occurred, and that there is nothing left to resist. All that is left for you to do is to move with the current. Many of you may find it useful to think of this metaphor for August. If you are familiar with a riptide on a beach, the current can pull someone out away from the shore and you can decide to fight the current, try desperately to swim toward shore, but inevitably the current is much bigger and stronger than most human swimmers. If you will finally succumb to the direction, it may feel like the current is taking you somewhere you do not want to go.The beauty of this metaphor is that a riptide inevitably releases and circles back toward shore. If you simply allow yourself to be pulled out by the current, you can then swim to the side and return to shore using an inward current that helps you along. It is useful to think of it this way because there is a danger of resisting change to the point of exhaustion and even destruction this month. There is a profound power and beauty available in going with the flow of the changes that are already in motion and trusting that those changes will take you and your fellow humans where you ultimately want to be, even if initially the change seems to take you farther from shore.This month is a great time to practice nonresistance, practice surrender and trust. It is important to not be passive this month. The inherent energy is fiery. This is an energy of fire --the fire of creation and the fire of destruction. Action will be vitally important this month. Do not imagine that you can stand by. Whatever you are involved in, whatever you feel moved by, needs action. It is calling for action on your part. It does not matter if the action is big or small as long as you take action.How can we best work with the energy this month? What can we do to best deal with the energy and experiences?It will serve many of you to really take a little time, especially in July, to look at the directions your life has taken. Look back on your life and recognize the major turning points, recognize directions that you took, then the changes that you made in that direction over the years. It will serve you then to bring that process of reflection all the way up to the present moment; noticing what you can feel has changed and recognizing where those changes have emerged in your everyday life and where those changes are simply felt deep within you that have not yet been expressed in the world around you. This exercise for you as individuals will essentially give you a heads up for August. It will help you understand the events that occur in your lives because inevitably, every event that occurs in your lives in August is in the service of bringing those changes to the surface and bringing those changes into your reality. If you can figure out what changes have already occurred under the surface of your life, you will not be so surprised by the ways they emerge in your everyday surroundings.The second thing that will be useful in terms of working with these experiences is to assume that action is called for. This month, most of you will be far more comfortable if you continually take action than if you wait, delay or freeze. Even if the only action you can figure out to take is small, take that small action and then ask yourself, "What next? What is the next action that is appropriate?" On a day-by-day basis you will find that there are things for you to do. Most of the things that you do will eventually lead you to much larger action. You are being called as a collective of all of humanity to bring about change on this planet that will eventually lead to your survival as a species. The real turning of the tide from descent into ascent occurs this month in August 2009. This is the month when you will be able to bring the changes that lead to your best evolution, to bring them into the everyday world. Anything you know you should be doing, anything that you think would be in your best interest, do it this month.The third way to work with the energy this month is to be willing to let go of those things that have expired. The Keepers have given you this direction for several months and so most of you have done kind of a housecleaning already, but you cannot afford to carry with you anything that no longer belongs. Change is so vitally important that any version of hanging onto the past at this point will really put you at risk. You could think of it this way if you think of the metaphor that the Keepers have been using for the year 2009, this metaphor of flying somewhere on an airplane. By August, you have long since reached your cruising altitude, you have long since adjusted to turbulence and to the feeling of flying forward. It is at this point in the journey that it will dawn on you that you have left the past behind and that you are hurtling forward to the future inevitably and very quickly. For some this can create a feeling of panic. You can begin to doubt yourself, wonder if you should have taken this journey and if you were to take these doubts very seriously, what you might imagine in the metaphor is that eventually you might try to turn the plane around to go back. If an airplane tries to turn around to go back and then decides it really does want to go forward and turns forward again, if an airplane keeps changing its mind like that it will eventually run out of fuel before you reach your destination. It can lead to big trouble.It is now in August that it will serve you to notice what you long for in the past, notice the ways you resist change and then decide to move forward. Decide to surrender to the changes that have already occurred. You are already on this airplane, you are well on your way to your future. There really is no turning back now. Take a deep breath when you feel that resistance and then let it go continually turning your face forward to the future; to the changes you have already accomplished deep within that simply need an outward manifestation at this point.Are there any power days or important days in August for us to watch for?August 7 is likely to be maybe the most potent version of the energy of August. This day is one of those days that come along every few months when you can literally pivot on your heels and spin in any direction and reset your energy. So let this be a reset button. Take note of anything that is not working in your life and assume that you need to turn away from it in one way or another. Find a way to reset your direction. August 7 is an excellent resource for you if you are ready to let go of something in the past because on August 7 you can really turn away from it and just start walking away.August 12 is also an important day. It is a day of closure or a day of wrapping things up. It is a day that can feel - you know there is a kind of reassurance in the process of closure. If you wrap things up you can ease your mind about them. Let this be a day when you rest; when you do not take on new projects and when you do something to just take care of yourself. Give yourself a slower day if you can in order to make space where you can notice what is finished and integrate that knowledge.The series of days between August 22 through 29 looks a lot like what it would be like to walk through a house after it has burned down; picking through and looking for things that survived. Looking for treasures or any items that you want to salvage from the wreck. During this week, dedicate some time to looking for what is good in your life. Look for the optimistic signs in your life. Notice your gifts, and look for the gifts in other people. This is a good week to employ gratitude as sort of a treasure hunt. Turn your attention to seeking those things that are wonderful in your life amidst what inevitably may feel like it is a sense that all is lost, a sense that there has been great destruction. Look for those gems of the gifts within you and within your fellow human beings. Look for things to be grateful for this week and it will move you forward beautifully.Is there anything else the Keepers want to tell us about August?Remember that we are talking a lot about destructive energy and we want to remind you that destruction is just a natural part of the cycle of life. It is a cycle of creativity. After destruction comes rebirth; after rebirth comes a whole new phase of creation. As that new phase of creation emerges, you will find yourselves thriving. Inevitably as creation plays itself out and expires, the process of destruction comes along.The beauty of this particular destructive energy that blows through in August, is that it is set up to be relatively quick. It might seem very graphic but that is because it happens quickly enough that you do not need to get lost in the darkness of destruction. The more easily you will let go of the past, let go of old resentments, old grudges, old belief systems and turn your face toward what is coming, the more easily you will find that the phase of destruction passes, the storm blows by and you hear the birds start singing and you find signs of new life and you can step into a fresh new energy in September.For this month, remember that destruction is not a bad thing. It is simply the descent in the beautiful cycle of life.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------It may be shared with individuals provided that the content is complete; all credit is given to the author; and it is distributed for no financial or other compensation to anyone other than Jen Moffat Eramith and Akashic Transformations. Please include this message with all redistributions.www.AkashicTransformations.com

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