We experience an important turning point at the Winter Solstice on December 21 at 6:03 PM EST.   And that annual turning point toward more light has more importance than usual as there is a New Moon in Capricorn also on the 21st, at 8:36 PM EST.  

Adding to the importance of this year's Winter Solstice day is the fact that the transformational planet of awakening, Uranus, will change directions and go Direct that same day- at 5:45 PM EST.

All of these events happen within three hours of one another.  So it will be an especially good time then to be present, to meditate or at least stay aware of this shift.

Last weekend an exact Uranus/Pluto square was experienced in a very profound and powerful way by many people.

There was much intensity and even turmoil for many then.  Emotions were brought up to the surface and expressed.   Truth was spoken and in some cases there was a real breakdown of old thinking or ways of being.

Then afterwards there were breakthroughs and awakenings for some, and for others a facing of some core truths that were difficult to handle.

Much of the intensity has lifted for many now, and there has been a clearing and a greater acceptance of what is real and true.

Now at the Winter Solstice, which will bring an end to the move toward darker days, we feel the turning toward more hope for the future.

But remember that the Winter Solstice brings the Sun into Capricorn, and not long after that the Moon joins the Sun in Capricorn to create a New Moon.

So there are new beginnings and movement forward, but Capricorn is not about immediate gratification or fast movement, and is instead about the long haul, discipline, planning, and a slow building toward one's goals.

It is true that Uranus, which will also be prominent on the Winter Solstice, is more lightning like energetically, and hence brings a feeling that one has broken some chains, woken up, and is liberated.

Even if you are feeling that, keep aware that even though Uranus is bringing you a quick inspiration or idea or sense of direction, there will be much work to go through and the results are unknown.

It will be a very good time around the Winter Solstice to make intentions and yes even resolutions, but making things stick and truly manifest will take effort and commitment to the process.

These are very transformational times and often now your heart and soul may not agree with what you think is the correct or safest thing to do.

That issue will need to be worked out through time.  It is true that during times of great change as we are experiencing now (and will continue to experience for quite awhile longer) that one's heart and soul need to lead the way. That is because our heart and soul are connected to the energies that are moving through our world and through us.

But we each need to work on the apparent contradiction between what the heart and soul feel they are driven toward and what will apparently keep our lives feeling safe and secure.

Perhaps you will need to make the drastic change your heart is opening up to, but it is also possible your heart has merely let you know you that you have been asleep and detached from your passions.

You may still be able to bring some heart back into your current situation, or at least find some balance between the seeming opposites.

The energies in Capricorn tell us we will likely need to trust time to bring us the answers at the right time.

Our human family is truly taking a collective ride into new territory together.   Though many will instead say that there is never anything new under the Sun, that history always repeats itself, and that "Groundhog Day" repeat performances is all we can ever expect; they are dead wrong as there is a New Age we are rapidly moving toward.

And the changes will accelerate, especially as we move through late Winter and Spring 2015.

Uranus will square Pluto one more time, on March 16 2015.  A few days later, on the day of Spring Equinox March 20, there will be the first of two eclipses in a row.

Not only will be that be a very powerful and meaningful day, but it will also give a signature of deep transformational change for Spring Season 2015.

In April 2014 there was a Cardinal Grand Cross with Uranus and Pluto mixed within. There were also two eclipses that month.

And the Grand Cross triggered the USA Natal Chart from July 4 1776, as it was at the same exact Cardinal degree as the USA Sun placement that day- 13+ degrees of Cancer.

So there is growingly clearer view of the great changes the USA is going through in order for it to be aligned with the energies and realities of the Age of Aquarius.

Aquarius is about equality and Diversity within Unity.  There can be no Empires or Superpowers in an Age of Aquarius.

There is breaking down of the notion of superiority and privilege, and a greater sense that "we are all in this together".

Much worldwide change will be triggered by events in the Middle East, and the economy is destined to be drastically changed as well.

With Cuba now being brought into more normal relations with the USA and west, with Iran being brought more into normality with the rest of the world, with Palestine being more and more accepted as its own state, there is much positive movement toward an Age Of Aquarius,equality, and Diversity in Unity.

There is also much awakening toward the need for even greater civil rights and fairness for African Americans, Hispanics and the Gay/Lesbian community. And of course there is a great need to understand the painful plight of so many women around the world.  Ane men are also caught in the chains of conditioning from the old paradigm, dying in wars that are most often fought for monied interests and the privileged.

But there are also many powerful forces that oppose such attempts at reconciliation, justice, and unity. And there is a real culture war developing between many in the Muslim world and the Judeo-Christian world.   And there are many who want the old world to stay at it is, or even to go back to an earlier time.

So during these times of transition, most especially when powerful planetary movements are erupting like Uranus Square Pluto, there will be much light coming through to awaken people to new consciousness and ways of being with one another on Planet Earth.

But there will also be much resistance to the new energies and new world.

That is like worlds colliding, bringing with it big breakdowns and huge breakthroughs.

And in each of our individual lives, we are experiencing similar breakdowns and breakthroughs.

If you truly are staying present and aware, open in your heart and mind, trusting the Universe and your soul's journey, you will take the ride to your best and authentic self, to more authentic relationships too.

You will also see more synchronicities, signs from the Universe, and magic.

But you may also experience some pain as you resist the new energies, or as you watch old chapters and people or pets from those old chapters die or leave. You may feel anger, grief, being alone, confusion, and disorientation.  But you will be alive and evolving, and being part of a larger community of souls who are transforming just like you.

We are co-creating a new world together and bringing all the opposites together with truth as our guide.

Turn toward the light now as we move through a most important Winter Solstice this year. There is hope if you open your heart to receive it.
