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Hi Ben,
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I can feel it shaun!
That i can feel as a true!
it will happen soon and it is so joyous and bringing so much space and freedom and overwheliming happiness to actually see our beloved family, to be albe to comunicate and cocreate freely as equal beings, and show all the ones we love and are compassionate for that it is realy true, all the ones who are too dissAPOinted to belive, to see and show it is true it does happen, there is so m uch love for us, for everynoe.
I am happy to spread the message and comfort everyone and keep being possitve for i feel and know and experience all thetime what IS REALY TRUELY HAPPENINE... a coming closer together and an opneing more and more to the real, to the purpose, to the solu and light and love, together, Love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sooooooooooooooooooooooooo exited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soo happy to finaldy being able to see and experience ths to happen! all the changes, And to finaldy not being strange anymore, oh what a ojy to be welcomed in the light of universe and drop of all the lower fields of disharmony,, we are workng and moving towards it all the time, faster and faster and space is dissapearing.
LOve love and joyous extatic times!!!!!!!!!!
its getting faster and faster..
start imagining