11:11 Journey of a Starseed Part 1

Location: Galactic Gaia
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Physical reality is a consciousness program created by digital codes. Numbers, numeric codes, define our existence. Human DNA, our genetic memory, is encoded to be triggered by digital codes at specific times and frequencies. Those codes awaken the mind to the change and evolution of consciousness. 11:11 is one of those codes, meaning activation of DNA.You will note that seeing 11:11 frequently creates synchronicities in your life.The year 2011 will have great significance and consciousness will evolve in full swing. January 1, 2011 we find - 1/1/11 which could be seen as 1111. November 11 - 11/11/11. This promises to accelerate consciousness toward 2012.2012 links to the Mayan Calendar end time at 11:11 UT, Universal Time. (December 12, 2012).11 is a double digit and is therefore considered a Master or Power Number. In Numerology 11 represents impractical idealism, visionary, refinement of ideals, intuition, revelation, artistic and inventive genius, avant-garde, androgynous, film, fame, refinement fulfilled when working with a practical partner. Eleven is a higher octave of the number two . It carries psychic vibrations and has an equal balance of masculine and feminine properties. Because eleven contains many gifts such as psychic awareness and a keen sense of sensitivity, it also has negative effects such as treachery and betrayal from secret enemies.Many associate 11:11 with a wake-up code/alarm as they see it on digit clocks and watches. It can also be seen as a key to unlock the subconscious mind, our genetic encoded memories, that we are spirits having a physical experience, not physical beings embarking on a spiritual experience.11:11 or derivatives of these numbers, 111 and 11, are digits that repeat in time thus a metaphor for reality as patterns that repeat in time for us to experience. This can refer to the rise and fall of civilizations, our personal experiences and lessons, loops in time. They are cycles of time that create and recreate following the blueprint.Ellie and 11:11 .... In 1991, when I was hosting the talk show "The Metaphysical Experience", a woman named Solara was my guest. Her topic was Activation of the 11:11 Doorway. It was all about ascension and the beginning of awareness of the 11:11 code. In 1995, a Crystalinks' reader named Joe emailed about his experiences with the numbers 111:111, hence the file you are reading was first created and in so doing I took a long hard look at this phenomena experienced by those around me. Each time Joe was about to go through another major spiritual awakening, an epiphany of some kind, those numbers would appear in his physical experience to signal the upcoming change. The numbers say, "Pay attention!"11 represents spiraling twin strands of human DNA moving into higher frequency of consciousness.11 represents balance.11+11=22=4=Time. 22 is a Master or Masonic Number.Some souls see a Golden Age emerging, as told by the ancient prophets. Gold refers to Alchemy , the alchemical changes that are taking place in our bodies in the evolution of consciousness.Reality as a geometric design is based on numbers (universal language) that repeat in cycles to create the linear time experiment. In Pythagorean Numerolgy, a cycle is based on 9. 9=End. 9/11= end of the DNA biogen(et)ic program running at the moment.We all have one or more numeric codes that follow the blueprint of Sacred Geometry. It is about the spirals of consciousness, Fibonacci Numbers, the Golden Spiral, also found in perfection, in the exact proportions in the Great Pyramid.Most digital codes that evoke memory are double digits or countdowns such as 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 or 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, which goes to Zero Point Mergehttp://www.crystalinks.com/11.11.html

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