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RIA Novosti / Katerina Sovdagari

RIA Novosti / Katerina Sovdagari

The Russian cabinet has approved the bill introducing heavy fines for businessmen who violate the rules on obligatory marking of foodstuffs containing genetically-modified products.

The bill has been drafted by the state consumer rights agency Rospotrebnadzor and concerns all food and beverage products containing genetically-modified organisms or their parts, or which are made using such organisms. Entrepreneurs who fail to put markings on the products they sell or distort the information will be fined between 20,000 and 150,000 rubles (US$555 - $4150). Control bodies can also confiscate the improperly marked stock.

The current Russian law orders clearly visible indication on all goods that contain 0.9 percent of genetically-modified organisms by weight. There are no limitations on the turnover or production of GMO-containing foodstuffs.

Russian legislators and officials from the Agriculture Ministry have previously complained that the regulations concerning the turnover of GMO products lacked proper enforcement and suggested a temporary ban on all genetically-altered products in the country.

Other government agencies, including Rospotrebnadzor argued that since Russia joined the WTO in 2012, trade restrictions can be imposed only after the hazardous effects of the banned goods are scientifically proven. They also quoted the statistics reading that the share of GMO in Russian food industry had declined from 12 percent to just 0.01 percent over the past 10 years and currently there are just 57 registered food products containing GMO in the country.

Nevertheless, most of the Russian lawmakers are pushing for changing the existing law On Safety and Quality of Alimentary Products by introducing a norm set for the maximum allowed content of transgenic and genetically modified components. The motion’s initiators want to make this norm zero for all foodstuffs produced in Russia.

In February this year, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev held a government session dedicated to the problem in which he said that Russia will create its own research base for genetically-modified organisms that would provide the authorities with expert information and allow for further legislative movements and executive decisions.

Medvedev also warned against perceiving the GMO products as “absolute evil,” but noted that the government did not support their use in the food industry.

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August 31, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel

August 31-September 7, 2014

Beloved Ones,

As you move through each day, stay centered within your sacred heart space and send love and blessings to all that is around you. Practice this until it is an innate part of your constant experience. You are beings of light and love and this is the reason you are here during these turbulent times. Your calming and loving presence is much needed and you each have the capacity to create calm and peace within the sphere of your influence. This sphere is much larger than you can imagine, Dear Ones, and gives upliftment to those within it. Continue to be the blessing of the divine in human form, for this is your purpose and your destiny. Release all doubts that may impinge upon your human consciousness telling you otherwise. Believe in yourselves, that you are bearers of light and of love, that you bring healing to those around you, that you awaken those in your vicinity by your very presence, and that this takes place automatically as you move about your day.

As conduits for the cosmic energies, you serve a divine purpose as you daily labour within your personal placement upon this planet. This task is to be done with peace in your hearts, knowing that through you, the light of a new age dawns. You are important in the grand scheme of the higher workings of the divine plan and without you there would be a void for the area in which you reside. Continue to be open to allow all the good of the universe to flow in you and through you. Live each day in joy and gratitude for all the abundance which surrounds you. You are the matrix breakers and this is how it is being accomplished. It does not happen through force or violent revolution, it happens from within you and through you by your willingness to let the divine do its work. You are creating a new template for the human experience and as more of you do this by aligning to this concept, the energy grows exponentially until it becomes the reality of human experience for all.

As the new human template bearers, you cannot help but shine your light and it is discerned by those who observe you wherever you may walk. It is a subtle energy that others notice without really knowing what it is. Be not concerned with its workings and outer expressions, for it is important to stay humble in this service to humanity and not be taken into human ego expression. This service is much more important than your Earthly personality can conceive, this service is a loving agreement that you made before you incarnated upon this planet. Each of you is a living expression of the loving Creator who works through you and this is how the Creator expands the consciousness of all living expressions of itself. This energy is now circulating throughout the planet and ignites within more human hearts.

We ask that you ponder these words and take them deep within your core essence and align to your soul presence. Make this a daily habit and as you each release more of the old world influence and expressions from each cell of your physical, mental and emotional bodies, you enable your light body to become stronger in its radius. All of this must be done and aligned with your heart, for it is now the time to align mind and heart to work together as one. The heart/mind is the key to further expansion of consciousness and expression upon the planet. Remember that you are each much more than your human expression has allowed you to remember as you straddled the old and the new in your divine service during these times. You have held this space for your sisters and brothers and you shall now begin to see the fruits of your labour. Their hearts begin to ignite with light!

The way before you is beckoning and the state of joy is the new way of human expression. Maintain this focus and do not lose faith in yourselves or the good that is being accomplished. YOU are the wonder and the magic of the new world that is dawning upon the horizon – YOU are the creators and the designers of the new Earth reality. Within each of YOU and the Awakening Ones lies the hope and the beauty of the new world. Stay true, stay focused, REMEMBER, and hold this vision.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

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Heavenletter #5027 Like Shepherds in Long Ago Fields

August 30, 2014

God said:

There are lingering thoughts, much like fingertips that trill over the piano keys lightly, and you hear them. These lingering thoughts could be like reverie that you hear in the background.

There are also thundering thoughts playing like an orchestra made up of bassoons. All the musical instruments of life, you play. You play the violin. You play instruments you have never even heard of, ancient instruments, instruments from other lands you have no recollection of that are yet deep in your heart and rising DNA.

You are made of all these notes and their instruments and the variations thereof. Of course, you are made of these. You are made of sound. You are a musician of life, and your moods reflect in the music you play and float up and down and around like cigarette smoke. And, sometimes, when you make music, you soar. At these times, your arms become angel wings, so heightened and Heaven-borne are your arms lifting on this music you are hardly aware that you play.

Thoughts also escape you, thoughts you want to think of, like someone’s name, an author’s, perhaps, or the name of a book or movie. The name eludes you. You demand the name to reveal itself, as if your life depends upon it. The name you can’t remember haunts you. In its own time, the name will pop into your mind like the clanging of cymbals or thunder of drum-rolls. At these times, when the sun shines through the clouds and brightens your crowded head, there, as clear as a bell, lies the sought-after name. It was always there under the surface, yet not quite accessible. Now it is there as easy as pie, as easy as falling off a log. The name was there all along, only you couldn’t quite find the cord to pull it down.

Have confidence. Do you know what confidence is? It is not making a big deal of something. It is knowing what matters and what does not. Confidence is knowing you are on a course, and you are doing well however dim the course you move on may seem to you.

You successfully play a musical instrument. Even when no one but you may hear, you hear it, and it is your music wherever it may come from and whether you consciously hear it or not. A deeper truth is that nothing really eludes you. The music of the spheres is right here within you all the time as well. You play on. You play on. And vaguely, oh, so vaguely, you hear it, a faraway tune that lures you to where you long to be and yet where you cannot quite locate. It is like a telephone call that comes to you, and yet the overt connection is not clear. Nevertheless, you are connected, and you are getting closer. The connection is almost ready to break through into music you have hardly dared dreamed of.

Your life is a concert, a medley in which you play many notes on many instruments, and there is music, music, music. You play chords you have not yet realized you play. Perhaps you play them soundlessly. You play with an orchestra unbeknownst to you. You play with a chorus of angels. They are your accompaniment. The angels accord you, beloveds. All the music is for you. All the music is yours. It doesn’t matter if you are aware you hear it or not. On some distant hill or ray, you do hear it, and everyone else hears this music as well, and everyone is affected by it.

Some might say it is My Voice. Some might say you have heard it before. Some might say that you have always heard it, and that something of this Voice sinks in, this Voice, this background Music, and that it is yours, that you are also My Voice, not in the wilderness, but in the fields of flowers and green pastures that you long for and where you are playing your flutes like shepherds in long ago fields.

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Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™
Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts
Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™
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Mysterious Orange/Red Glow Seen Under Pacific Ocean
August 24, 2014
Posted by Stephen Cook on August 29, 2014 

Copyright JPC van Heist
Copyright JPC van Heist

Stephen: This is an actual pilot, JPC van Heist, nicknamed Flying Dutchman’s, original story and photography of his experience while flying over the Pacific Ocean this week. His story is also being picked up by some mainstream news outlets (see separate link at end). Whatever this is, it’s both magnificent and beautiful. Thanks to Joe for the mainstream tip.

By Flying Dutchman, August 24, 2014 -

Last night over the Pacific Ocean, somewhere South of the Russian peninsula, Kamchatka, I experienced the creepiest thing so far in my flying career.

After about 5 hours in flight, we left Japan long time behind us and were cruising at a comfortable 34.000ft with about 4,5 hours to go towards Alaska.

We heard via the radio about earthquakes in Iceland, Chile and San Francisco, and since there were a few volcanoes on our route, that might or might not be going off during our flight, we double checked with dispatch if there was any new activity on our route after we departed from Hong Kong.

The location of the strange glow. Copyright JPC van Heist
Then, very far in the distance ahead of us, just over the horizon an intense lightflash shot up from the ground.

It looked like a lightning bolt, but way more intense and directed vertically up in the air. I have never seen anything like this, and there were no flashes before or after this single explosion of light.

Since there were no thunderstorms on our route or weather-radar, we kept a close lookout for possible storms that might be hiding from our radar and might cause some problems later on.
I decided to try and take some pictures of the night sky and the strange green glow that was all over the Northern Hemisphere.

I think it was sort of a Northern Lights but it was much more dispersed, never seen anything like this before either.

About 20 minutes later in (the) flight, I noticed a deep red/orange glow appearing ahead of us, and this was a bit strange since there was supposed to be nothing but endless ocean below us for hundreds of miles around us.

A distant city or group of typical Asian squid-fishing-boats would not make sense in this area, apart from the fact that the lights we saw were much larger in size and glowed red/orange, instead of the normal yellow and white that cities or ships would produce.

The closer we got, the more intense the glow became, illuminating the clouds and sky below us in a scary orange glow. In a part of the world where there was supposed to be nothing but water.

The only cause of this red glow that we could think of, was the explosion of a huge volcano just underneath the surface of the ocean, about 30 minutes before we overflew that exact position.
Since the nearest possible airport was at least 2 hours flying away, and the idea of flying into a highly dangerous and invisible ash-plume in the middle of the night over the vast Pacific Ocean we felt not exactly happy.

Fortunately we did not encounter anything like this, but together with the very creepy unexplainable deep red/orange glow from the ocean’s surface, we felt everything but comfortable.
There was also no other traffic near our position or on the same routing to confirm anything of what we saw or confirm any type of ash clouds encountered.

We reported our observations to Air Traffic Control and an investigation into what happened in this remote region of the ocean is now started.

Two photos included, hardly edited except for watermark and resize.

(Stephen: As JPC van Heist has copyrighted all his images, I suggest you head to the link at the end to see them all. Here’s the main one above enlarged)

Copyright JPC van Heist

Note that photos are taken with extremely high ISO (sensor sensitivity) so quality might be a bit poor. Also an overview of our route + marking of the location is included.

Now I’m just hoping that if a new island has been formed there, at least it can be named after me as the official discoverer. :)

That would be pretty cool!

UPDATE: Added 4 new photos and Google-Earth map with underwater geography
One of the photos shows our landing lights illuminating the sky ahead since we were afraid we might be encountering an ash cloud.

We entered a thin layer of clouds 5 minutes after passing the red glow, but no ash was detected or encountered.

Head to this link to view all the photos of this phenomenon taken by JPC van Heist:

Here’s how one mainstream media outlet reported the story.
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Foto: AA Michael ~ We Are Doing Everything We Can To Get Your Attention ~ 25 January, 2013 Synchronicities, feathers, coins, and signs of all kinds abound at this time. We are doing everything we can to get your attention. We are here and we are working with you in every way we are able. If you are open to the possibility, ask and you will receive all the signs you need that we are indeed with you.There is much, much more to reality than you know or even imagine. You have spent over a hundred years searching for the ‘missing link’. Did they but know it, it is at last beginning to be acknowledged by your scientists. Consciousness is that link. Consciousness is everywhere. Energy is everything. At its core, matter is no more solid than thought is. All is love.How much is understood now that was totally foreign to the thinking of mankind so recently. Of course in many places only the very few think of these things at all. But that is changing, as well. In your quiet inner moments, dwell on these things, dearest ones. More than things to pass through your mind, what do they mean? Could it be that nothing separates you from any other thing? Could it be that nothing really separates you from me? Could you possibly know what I want you to know before you read these pages? Is there a level at which we are indeed all One?What would that mean in the context of daily life? All are equal? Indeed, dear ones. All are worthy? All are loved? All are precious? No one and nothing is less than? Most of all you, in your being, are precious, worthy, and loved beyond measure.You are exactly as you need to be at this moment. It may take some time for you to allow this become your true belief and feeling, but we assure you that it must be and will be your truth at some point. Claim it now, it has never been untrue, even when you have felt so.All of the pain, all of the suffering, exist because you have allowed the belief of your being less than, of being undeserving, of being unloved and unworthy to live in your hearts. It is time now for you to awaken from that nightmare.Ask! Allow! Listen! Learn to love yourself as the son or daughter of the One. There are those of you who will feel these words deeply. We tell you that from the moment you realize this, we will walk with you and hold your hand as you find your way out of the dream. Your Creator has no interest whatsoever in seeing you suffer and never has had. You are deeply loved.Good day, beloveds. We will speak again shortly.

August 28, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel

Ra: Daily Messages for Your Ascension

Ra (Father God):

When dreams come true, what do you do? Many of you have hoped and wished and waited, and you begin to believe that what you hoped for might not really ever come, but still you keep wishing. It is a good quality really, to be able to continue to hope in the face of many delays and disappointments. It is one of the lovable qualities of humankind, which is experienced as Faith in higher powers or a belief in benevolent guides and helpers, or just a general optimistic life view, in spite of difficulties. This is the attitude you need to develop in order to move into a more powerful ability to manifest what you wish for.

You are being recalibrated, as you have been told, as the energy waves do their work on your physical bodies to bring about the promised changes. Ride the waves, Dearest Ones, and you will soon find yourselves on distant shores, awed by the beauty and excitement of what is in store for you. You have worked hard here in the darkness and ignorance behind the Veil which has separated us for so long. It is an admirable thing to continue even when you have only the vaguest sense of where you are going or why you are here.

Yes, you will begin to remember more, feel more, understand more of what this mission is that you embarked on so long ago. In addition to the monetary blessings you will receive, there will be much more for you to enjoy. You can feel the growing cooperation between nations, even though some of the recent agreements require combining forces to defeat troublemakers in various parts of the world. This time it will not result in expanding conflict, but will push back the aggressors until they become aware that their cause is destined to fail, and the individuals who have been enlisted by the dark begin to lose interest in conflict and destruction. The new prosperity will quell anger on many fronts, and will allow those who have been fighting to return to their families. Love will blossom where resentment and rage prevailed.

It does sound impossible to you now, doesn’t it? But it will be more apparent as your DNA changes bring greater empathy and diminished aggressiveness. It is part of the plan, that humankind evolve in this direction, as the forces of darkness are finally defeated. It is the single most profound change which will alter the course of events on Planet Earth. Another wave of energy from Source is coming through now. You will feel the sensations of being a bit disoriented, unhinged, unbalanced, as the benevolent electromagnetic forces act upon your physical structure. You are not ill; the discomfort will be temporary. You cannot be given your new abilities without a bit of dismantling of the old systems within your bodies. Try to enjoy the ride, knowing it is taking you to a glorious new configuration, and increased abilities in every facet of your being.

I will suggest to you each day a brief meditation which you can do together. This will help you to tune up your ability to immerse yourself in the group consciousness you are building, and it will give you the chance to help us in the most crucial projects we are working on right now. Yes, the RV is important, but it is secondary to the Consciousness Project for humanity. The new prosperity will only be truly effective in bringing real change if it comes to those who are fully awake and in the Light.

I have asked our dear channel to resume these messages on a daily basis so that we can stay in constant contact with you and help you to become accustomed to feeling our presence at all times. We have observed that this helps you to maintain your high level of focus and elevated vibration. You are beginning to acclimate to the new way of feeling and thinking which includes the ability to be in two places at once: here in your body, moving through your day, and simultaneously in the higher dimension in complete communication with your Higher Self. This is the present goal, although not the final one. It is the stepping stone which we wish to help you accomplish now on the way to your coming Ascension.

We have given you many tools – enough to keep you busy every minute of the day, if you read all our messages, Kathryn’s book, which may require several readings, and the Visual Centering practice. Dive in, Dear Ones, it is time for you to raise your expectations for yourselves. Dismiss all nay-sayers with a smile, no matter how close to you they may be, and concentrate on your own development. This is the time you have come here to experience. Shake off the lethargy and negativity which is a residue of the thousands of years of mind control; turn away from the darkness and move forward with courage and determination, with our firm support, into Love and Light.

It is only when you can let go of your obsession with watching, examining, studying and fearing the darkness that you will realize how illusory it really is. Remember, Dear Ones, the important saying: “What you oppose, you strengthen.” In your hours of quiet meditation, turn away from any thoughts of darkness and pain. You will do what is necessary to create alternatives to darkness in your active hours, but even then, without any awe or fear of the dark, do it with an eye to the creation of Goodness, Prosperity and Love for all. Only in this way will we change the world into the Paradise on Earth which has been prophesied for thousands of years.

I love you without pause, without end, and with great Joy.

I am your Ra, the one you have known by many names in many cultures. I am your messenger from Creator; I AM Love, I AM Light, and I AM God.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, August 27, 2014, 11 AM, New York

Permission is given to copy and share these message, providing they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, Translations must be approved by the author and the scribe.

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Heavenletter #5024 
The Powerful Unification of Your Thoughts

August 27, 2014

God said:

The same way you know you are sleepy in the evening, the same way you know when it’s time to wake up, the same way you can know that nature does take care of you.

You don’t insist that nature make you sleepy. You recognize the sleepiness. You don’t insist that nature wake you up in the morning. You may even prefer to sleep longer, yet, nature says it’s time to wake up. The sun has risen. Nature on its own tells your body when it’s hungry or when it’s full if you listen.

Nature of itself will tell you when you have had too much sun. Nature will signal you in many ways. You may recognize you feel exceedingly well, or nature may say: “Hey, you are getting a little green around the gills.”

Nature takes care of many things without your instruction, yet, ultimately, you do signal to nature. Nature of itself does not decide that you are to have high blood pressure or low blood pressure. In some way, you send signals to nature that lead to the blood pressure you have and any or all symptoms that you may seem to innocently experience. No one, of course, deliberately and consciously orders an illness, yet every single illness was ordered unbeknownst to you, accidents as well.

It is not that you stand out on the road moving your arms in such a way as to direct traffic and call nature over, yet you are, nevertheless, directing traffic. It is for you to share responsibility with nature, not that you always know how to do this, for, if you did, you would prevent or you immediately cure. Here is more evidence of the many levels on which life is going on all the time. Somehow, somewhere, you do orchestrate your life even as you cannot possibly see how.

No one would invite illness, yet you do.

No one would invite heartache, yet you do.

You never would. Of course, you wouldn’t. No one in his right mind would invite what he doesn’t want, that no one would want, and yet you have drawn it to you. Whatever befalls does not come fully on its own, no matter how much it may seem so. Blessings and delights also come forth in your life and arrive through your bidding, consciously or unconsciously, all blessings, great and small.

This brings up the subject of karma and past lives. I have said there is no karma. At the same time, I say that your thoughts steer your life, that thoughts come home to roost, as it were. This is one excellent reason to let go of the past that continues in your mind -- just let it go. Get past all the past. Step out of it. You don’t need thoughts about the past any longer, not that you ever did. Besides that, there is no past. That which is referred to as past disappears the moment the current present arrives. The past cannot be located except in your mind.

Desire all good for everyone, and all good for everyone will more likely to come to pass. It is not possible for you any longer to desire only for yourself, for, as you grow, you come to grips with the idea that you as an individual do not actually exist. If Oneness is true, then you exist as One with Me where ill thoughts and illness do not exist and cannot exist. That you can cure anything with the power of your thoughts is not your perceived reality, yet it is so.

I will tell that you have experienced moments of your thoughts so powerful and of Oneness, only you are not aware of them. If you were presently aware of these instances, you might well get caught into the study of thoughts as alchemy. There is no studying the powerful unification of your thoughts. This would be off-track. The simplicity of this process is too simple to be studied. It is not a formula. In one sense, the comparing the power of your ordinary thoughts is like comparing ordinary energy to the power of a laser. The thing is that your thoughts already are laser-strong.

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Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.

Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™
Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts
Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™
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Kodiak photographer Scott Wight watched the launch from Cape Greville in Chiniak
Weapon able to travel at speeds of up to 3,500mph and strike anywhere on Earth in hours

Me thinks it can't strike anywhere if some force keeps it from leaving the launch pad...just sayin'.... 
Pentagon's top-secret hypersonic weapon explodes in mystery Alaska fireball: Flaming missile that can hit anywhere on Earth in an hour lights up the sky

Rocket carrying an experimental Army strike weapon exploded early Monday after taking off from a launch pad in Alaska

Kodiak photographer Scott Wight watched the launch from Cape Greville in Chiniak
Weapon able to travel at speeds of up to 3,500mph and strike anywhere on Earth in hours


PUBLISHED: 01:26 GMT, 26 August 2014 | UPDATED: 08:03 GMT, 26 August 2014

A top-secret weapon being developed by the US military was destroyed four seconds after its launch from a test range in Alaska early on Monday after controllers detected a problem with the system, the Pentagon said.

The Advanced Hypersonic Weapon is part of a program to create a missile that will destroy targets anywhere on Earth within hours - traveling at speeds in excess of 3,500 miles-an-hour or Mach 5.

The mission was aborted to ensure public safety, and no one was injured in the incident, which occurred shortly after 4 am EDT at the Kodiak Launch Complex in Alaska, said Maureen Schumann, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Defense Department.

'We had to terminate,' Schumann said. 'The weapon exploded during takeoff and fell back down in the range complex,' she added.

The incident caused an undetermined amount of damage to the launch facility 25 miles from the city of Kodiak, Schumann said.

Officials said that the weapon system was not carrying a warhead when it was aborted. 

The rocket carrying the Advanced Hypersonic Weapon was terminated near a pad of the Kodiak Launch Complex on Kodiak Island shortly after liftoff, spokeswoman Maureen Schumann said.

After an anomaly was detected, testers made the decision to destroy the rocket to ensure public safety, Schumann said.

"It came back down on the range complex," she said. "Fortunately, no people on the ground were injured. There was damage, but I'm not sure of the extent of it at this time."

The launch complex is about 25 miles from the city of Kodiak.

Witnesses watched the rocket lift off at 12:25 am, quickly head nose-down and explode, KMXT radio reported.

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August 26, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel

August 25, 2014 by John Smallman

The excitement mounts!  Here in the spiritual realms we are all agog as we observe the tremendous progress you are making as you power forwards towards your awakening.  It is so very close!  Keep shining your Light brightly as you hold determinedly to your intent to be loving in every moment, in every situation, and prepare yourselves for unbridled amazement and wonder when it happens, as it most surely will.  You are on course and on schedule for a great event that has been planned for eons.  You are at the forefront as it prepares to unfold, beautifully and very dramatically, for all of humanity who choose to be part of this momentous and uplifting move, away from the dark energies that have been so prevalent on planet Earth, and into the eternal Light of God’s infinite Love.

God’s Love is the infinite energy field in which all of creation is eternally enfolded.  There is nowhere else, and there is no need for anywhere else because your divine Source provides in infinite abundance all that you could possibly dream of, wish for, or desire as you use your brilliant creative capabilities to join with Him in endlessly expanding that creation.  There are no limits!  And yet there is nothing beyond our divine Source, the Source of all that exists and into which all is inextricably, freely, and lovingly integrated.  For you, presently experiencing scarcity and limitation within the illusion, this is a paradox of incomprehensible proportions.

However, deep within each one of you is the absolute knowing that you are each inseparable and essential parts or aspects of the divine energy field.  But because you chose to play games of separation, abandonment, heartache, and suffering within your unreal and illusory environment, you closed off, temporarily, your awareness of your divine and eternal nature.  It is as though the sacred flame of His Love, burning eternally within each one of you, had been hidden or covered over, leaving you apparently alone and abandoned in the strife-torn and fearful darkness of a cold and insensitive universe.  And your science, in its extremely limited perception, confirms that space is an extremely cold and forbidding place into which you would only venture at your peril, and, should you choose to do so, quite a pointless exercise 1) because you have neither the ability nor the technology to traverse any but the smallest portion of it, it being so vast, and 2) because your lives are far too short for you to have enough time to make any meaningful return journeys or forays out into its vastness.

Nevertheless, this is a totally incorrect assessment of your situation.  As divine beings, which you most certainly are, you were created free, free to explore the whole vastness of creation without let or hindrance, and in comparison your visible universe is like unto your backyard.  Temporarily, however, you chose to build an illusory and severely limited environment in which to play some rather insane games.  The initial excitement that this environment provided has long since faded away, and the realization that this is not God’s Will for you is now dawning.  Consequently you have collectively made the decision to let it dissolve back into the nothingness from which you imagined it into being, and so, inevitably, you will awaken.

If you could tune in to any of the infinite number of positive energy frequencies of the spiritual realms, which are boundless, you would be astounded by the ongoing and eternal creative enterprises in which you are all involved.  Even though it seems that you are earth-bound, encased in bodies that constantly limit you, you would be able to see the incredible and uncountable contributions that you are all making to the infinitely growing and expanding field of creation in moments when you are either sleeping, meditating, or just quietly relaxing without engaging with your fear-driven egoic minds.

You are all divine beings, and your true Home is in the infinitely varied and endless spiritual realms where there are no limits.  Anything you can imagine you can create and that will add to the divine and most beautiful energy field that is all that exists.  God’s Will in creating sentient life was to expand Reality and have all of you assist Him in filling the energy field that He had created with beautiful creations of your own.  And you are all inseparable parts of that divine Reality.  This expansion is a creative tour de force in which all sentient life is fully involved, joyfully and eternally.  As humans, in a state of limited and severely restricted consciousness, you can have no idea of the wonders that await your imminent awakening!

Creation, Reality, is an ongoing exercise in joy!  It is endlessly delightful, enticing, and entrancing, and Its sole purpose is in the pure joy of creating further wonders to amaze all who are part of it, all sentient life.  God is Love, an infinite and ever-expanding field in which all of creation has its eternal existence.  It is into that wondrous state that you are all shortly to awaken, whereupon you will truly know yourselves for the first time as brilliantly competent individual centers of intelligence who are at the same time One with your divine Source.

Within Reality there are no needs because you are all complete just as God created you, and so you are unlimited, untethered, and free to create as your moods and inspirations take flight, bringing into existence ever more brilliant demonstrations of the creative geniuses that your loving Father created when He created each one of you.  Creation is an ongoing and endless series of mind-blowing delights which will fill you constantly with joy as you forever expand your visions of what is possible.  And, of course, anything that you can envision is possible.

An exhilarating awakening experience is at hand, so hold your Light on high and prepare for boundless wonder as the limits that have bound you for so long fade away as you allow yourselves to be led forwards into this divine garden of enchanting beauty.
Your loving brother, Jesus.

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Wednesday, August 27, 2014 by: L.J. Devon, Staff Writer
Tags: Fukushimaradiationglobal ecosystem
(NaturalNews) When the Professor of Biological Sciences at the University of South Carolina took the microphone at the Foreign Correspondence Club in Japan, the global impact of Fukushima radiation became much clearer.

Scientist Timothy A. Mousseau presented "Fukushima Catastrophe and its Effects on Wildlife," before a room of press and correspondents, reporting the real-life damage that Fukushima fallout is having on the planet's ecosystem. He gave dire news to Japan and compared the damage done by Fukushima to that of Chernobyl.

Twenty-two minutes into the speech, Mousseau spoke on how the radiation is killing off birds. "These next figures are really, really important, and this really was the motivation for speaking today," he said. "These are the results from four years of data, so starting July 2011, and we just did the last count last month here in Fukushima. What this graph shows very, very strikingly is that the total numbers of birds drops off with radiation in Fukushima in a very consistent pattern."

Scientist reveals albino birds, mutant firebugs, and deformed pine trees derived from Fukushima radiation

He pointed to the consistency of bird die-offs through the years, increasing over time. He showed how both the Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters showed these striking similarities. He rose even more alarm over radiation's "effects on species richness or biodiversity," stating that the effects "are even more striking, again, dropping off with increasing radiation." He talked about mutations in birds seen near Fukushima, mentioning the first swallow with patches of white feathers. "We've since been documenting in collaboration with the Wild Bird Society of Japan many more additional cases of these albinos." He talked about other biomarkers like Japanese cows with white spots on their rears. He showed pictures of birds with tumors, showing documentation of higher frequency of cataracts in humans and birds in areas with high radiation levels. Taking it a step further, he showed growth abnormalities in both firebugs and scotch pine trees.

Mousseau showed that the effects of radiation from Fukushima are similar to that of Chernobyl, which exploded in Ukraine in 1986. "The point today is that as far as we can tell so far, there does not seem to be any dramatic difference between the effects of radiation in Chernobyl versus the effects of radiation in Fukushima. I think that is one of the take home messages," he said.

Governments continue to censor the effects of Fukushima

Mousseau detests the "official government reports" on Fukushima that downplay the impact that the radiation is having on Japan and the global ecosystem. "Contrary to governmental reports, there's now an abundance of information demonstrating consequences -- in other words, injury -- to individuals, populations, species, and ecosystem functions, stemming from the low dose radiation due to Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters," he stated.

At 38 minutes into his speech, Mousseau told an Associated Press reporter that the effects are not local but are impacting the global ecosystem. "I think the only conclusion you can come to from the increasing body of evidence of Chernobyl is that all components of this ecosystem seem to be affected, from the bacteria in the soil, the fungi in the soil, all the way up to the top predators... they are all connected of course. As we pick away at the various components of the ecosystem, we have not found any particular components that don't seem to be affected in some way."

Learn more by watching the conference here.

Sources for this article include:

BREAKING: CDC whistleblower confesses to MMR vaccine research fraud in historic public statement

(NaturalNews) BREAKING: CDC whistleblower William Thompson has now gone public with a statement posted on the website of the law firm representing him, Morgan Verkamp LLC. (See the full statement reprinted below.)

The statement opens with a blatant admission of scientific fraud at the CDC:

My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where I have worked since 1998. I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.

The full letter is available at this link. In the letter, Dr. Thompson confirms the fact that he had multiple phone conversations with Brian Hooker and that the CDC has not been honest about the risks associated with MMR vaccines.

The letter then goes on to repeat the typical vaccine propaganda of our time: all vaccines are miracle medicine, the CDC is highly professional, there has been no retaliation against him and so on. Intelligent readers will of course take all these statements with a grain of salt, understanding just how much political and legal pressure has no doubt been exerted onto Dr. Thompson up to this point. 

The relevant portion of Dr. Thompson's statement is contained in the first paragraph. It is anopen admission of scientific fraud at the CDC, and the admission of this by William Thompson is an historic moment for our world.

Dr. Thompson's public statement follows the release of secret emails by Natural News

Dr. William Thompson chose to release his public statement less than one day after Natural News published the second in a series of once-secret emails between Dr. Thompson and his CDC colleagues.

The release of those emails may have been pivotal in Dr. Thompson's choice to go public with his own statement. The vaccine establishment, which immediately and predictably accused Natural News of fabricating the two emails, is now backpedaling as rapidly as possible with the full knowledge that Dr. Thompson's public statement affirms and supports the authenticity of those emails. Natural News, in other words, was instrumental in breaking this historical story about medical fraud at the highest levels of the CDC. (Credit is also due to many other independent media organizations and alternative journalists who pounded this story from day one.)

Those two emails are available here:

February 2nd, 2004 letter to Dr. Julie Gerberding:

October 18, 2002 letter to Melinda Wharton, Coleen Boyle and others, where William Thompson announces he is hiring his own lawyer and implies a CDC cover-up of a D.O.J. investigation:

MMR vaccine fraud at the CDC now admitted by a key CDC scientist

There are four astonishing realizations that now come to mind from Dr. Thompson's public statement:

Firstly, this admission proves beyond any question that the reporting of this fraud by the alternative media has been factual and true. It also underscores the astonishing fact that the alternative media alone broke this story, pre-empting the New York Times, Washington Post and every Pulitzer-prize-winning journalist in the world. The tables have now turned. It is solely the alternative media which is now breaking most of the really important investigative stories of our time. Does this mean alternative media journalists will now be nominated for Pulitzer prizes? Don't hold your breath on that one...

Secondly, it also proves that CDC scientists did in fact conspire to alter the study data in order to bury significant results linking the MMR vaccine to heightened autism risk in African-American children. This is now openly admitted by a key author of the 2004 study cited by the CDC as "proof" that vaccines are absolutely safe.

Thirdly, it now demands that the 2004 study referenced in all this be immediately retracted. This is an open admission of scientific fraud. Any failure to retract the study will now only underline the depth of the fraud and the abandonment of scientific principles by the CDC and the science journal itself.

Fourthly, all this also reveals that the entire world owes a massive and immediate apology to Dr. Andrew Wakefield whose career and reputation have been destroyed by the very people who conspired to commit scientific fraud at the CDC. We must all now call upon the media to run headlines like, "Dr. Wakefield Vindicated: MMR Vaccine Fraud Confirmed."

Dr. Thompson condemns the CDC's secrecy regarding vaccine risks

What's also very interesting about this statement by William Thompson is his implication that the CDC knowingly hides the truth about vaccine risks from the public. He says:

There have always been recognized risks for vaccination and I believe it is the responsibility of the CDC to properly convey the risks associated with receipt of those vaccines.

There are three crucial points to understand here:

#1) Vaccines ALWAYS come with risks.

#2) The CDC has a moral obligation to communicate these risks to the public.

#3) (Implied) The CDC has FAILED to communicate these risks to the public.

I agree with all three of these points, by the way. That Dr. Thompson would feel these are so important to include in his one and only public statement on this matter underscores the importance of what he's trying to communicate. What Dr. Thompson is saying is that the CDC is hiding the truth about vaccine dangers from the public. And that's what I've also been saying all along.

See, the modern scientific delusion about vaccines has been predicated on the belief that vaccines only offer benefits while imposing zero risks. This is the anti-science quackery which is brazenly repeated by the CDC, vaccine manufacturers, doctors and health organizations.

A more honest analysis of vaccines would have to conclude that vaccines come with some level of inherent risk of harm and death. Scientists can argue all day about the size of such risks, but no rational person can ever honestly say such risks are zero.

And yet the position of the CDC has always been that vaccines are "magically safe" as if they possess magical powers that prohibit all harm. This position is ridiculous at every level, yet it is the official stance of the CDC.

This is why no one trusts the CDC: they lie as a matter of policy

It is this ridiculous, quack science position which discredits the CDC and the entire vaccine industry. For vaccine promoters to lie to the public and say vaccines have "zero risk of harm" is to admit they are all quacks and liars. It would be far more believable and ethical to say something like, "For every 100,000 children who receive these vaccines, 250 will become autistic and 15 will die in a coma." (Numbers invented here for illustration purposes only. These are not actual numbers from any particular study, in case you were wondering.)

If the CDC were honest with the public, then parents could make informed decisions about what level of risk they wish to undergo. Is it worth vaccinating a child against measles if the risk of that child becoming autistic is 1 in 100,000? How about 1 in 1,000? What if it's actually more like 1 in 250?

The public has never been allowed to know these numbers because people like Dr. William Thompson conspired to commit scientific fraud and bury these numbers. And that's the point in all this. That's the smoking gun which has now been revealed, thanks almost entirely to the independent (alternative) media and our relentless dedication to real investigative journalism.

There is no such thing as "absolute safety" in any medical procedure; not even in something as incredibly safe as therapeutic massage. But the sad fact that the CDC, the vaccine industry and the vaccine zealots have pushed the absurd delusion that vaccines are "absolutely safe" -- i.e. they present ZERO risk -- is an admission of scientific quackery (or scientific illiteracy).

This is why the vaccine industry has lost the public relations war on vaccines: becauseeverybody knows the CDC is lying all the time. How do you know when the CDC is lying? When their lips are moving.

Professional criminals at the CDC: It's all business

The funny thing about all this is that here, as the editor of Natural News, I'm not even an opponent of the theory of immunization! If vaccines were honestly marketed with credible descriptions of their inherent risks, thereby allowing parents to make informed decisions about those risks, there would probably be very little resistance against them. (And if all the toxic preservatives and adjuvants were removed from vaccines, there might not be any resistance at all.)

The CDC, through precisely the kind of scientific fraud Dr. Thompson has admitted to, has become its own worst enemy by actively deciding to lie to the American public for decades through the deliberate commission of scientific fraud, pushing a quack science delusion which has now been shattered by one of its own scientists.

Now we know the CDC is a cabal of liars and criminals, even if they are "professional" criminals as Dr. Thompson laments in his public statement when he says, "My colleagues and supervisors at the CDC have been entirely professional since this matter became public." Bank robbers and kidnappers can also be "professional," because just like the vaccine industry, it's all business! Nothing personal!

Why Dr. Thompson should be granted immunity and called to testify before Congress

Personally, I want to thank Dr. Thompson for breaking the conspiracy of silence and going public with his open admission of scientific fraud at the CDC. I believe Dr. Thompson operates with a far higher ethical and moral standard than most of his colleagues, and I believe he is now operating in crisis mode to protect his own life while under the threat of professional persecution or worse.

It is now a matter of public record that Dr. William Thompson and his colleagues at the CDC knowingly and willfully conspired to commit scientific fraud in order to hide from the public the truth about the dangers of MMR vaccines. This fact is now irrefutable and stands as a milestone in the history of corruption and criminality at the CDC.

The fact that Dr. Thompson is still a "fan" of vaccines only brings more weight to his admission that vaccine fraud was committed at the CDC. If anything, Dr. Thompson has every reason to disclaim any such fraud ever took place. In fact, I half expected Dr. Thompson to come out with a carefully-engineered statement claiming he never talked to Brian Hooker, never wrote the emails we released and never committed any fraud at all.

And yet, to his credit, he has honestly and openly admitted to the scientific fraud in which he participated. For that reason alone, I believe Dr. William Thompson should be commended for his honesty. At the same time, he should also be called before a congressional investigations committee and asked a long series of additional questions about what really went on at the CDC.

In preparation for that testimony, Dr. Thompson should, I believe, be granted legal immunity from government prosecution for his role in committing the vaccine fraud we now know took place.

I realize that some in the autism community might disagree with my view on this particular point. Some would say that Dr. Thompson should be charged with felony crimes and prosecuted by the government. Although I can very easily understand the anger and frustration that would lead many people to suggest such actions, I personally believe it is far more valuable for us all if Dr. Thompson is granted immunity and encouraged to testify under oath so that the true depth of the scientific fraud at the CDC can be made part of the official congressional record. If Dr. Thompson truly believes in CDC transparency as his letter suggests, he will be happy to testify before Congress.

After all, Dr. Thompson is merely a small fish in a very large crime ring. The real ring leaders are right now getting away scot-free. They are the ones who need to be brought to justice and prosecuted in a court of law.

Full statement of Dr. William Thompson

Click here for the source.

August 27, 2014 Press Release, "Statement of William W. Thompson, Ph.D., Regarding the 2004 Article Examining the Possibility of a Relationship Between MMR Vaccine and Autism"


My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where I have worked since 1998.

I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.

I want to be absolutely clear that I believe vaccines have saved and continue to save countless lives. I would never suggest that any parent avoid vaccinating children of any race. Vaccines prevent serious diseases, and the risks associated with their administration are vastly outweighed by their individual and societal benefits.

My concern has been the decision to omit relevant findings in a particular study for a particular sub­ group for a particular vaccine. There have always been recognized risks for vaccination and I believe it is the responsibility of the CDC to properly convey the risks associated with receipt of those vaccines.

I have had many discussions with Dr. Brian Hooker over the last 10 months regarding studies the CDC has carried out regarding vaccines and neurodevelopmental outcomes including autism spectrum disorders. I share his beliefthat CDC decision-making and analyses should be transparent. I was not, however, aware that he was recording any of our conversations, nor was I given any choice regarding whether my name would be made public or my voice would be put on the Internet.

I am grateful for the many supportive e-mails that I have received over the last several days.

I will not be answering further questions at this time. I am providing information to Congressman William Posey, and of course will continue to cooperate with Congress. I have also offered to assist with reanalysis of the study data or development of further studies. For the time being, however, I am focused on my job and my family.

Reasonable scientists can and do differ in their interpretation of information. I will do everything I can to assist any unbiased and objective scientists inside or outside the CDC to analyze data collected by the CDC or other public organizations for the purpose of understanding whether vaccines are associated with an increased risk of autism. There are still more questions than answers, and I appreciate that so many families are looking for answers from the scientific community.

My colleagues and supervisors at the CDC have been entirely professional since this matter became public. In fact, I received a performance-based award after this story came out. I have experienced no pressure or retaliation and certainly was not escorted from the building, as some have stated.

Dr. Thompson is represented by Frederick M. Morgan,Jr., Morgan Verkamp, LLC, Cincinnati, Ohio,

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Inspiration for the Week

Calling Light and Wisdom to Your Life

By Shanta Gabriel, and

Calling Light and Wisdom to Your Life

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages in these articles to provide insight and inspiration each week that we can bring into our daily lives.

For this week’s issue, the Gabriel Message is speaking to the power of prayer as a spiritual practice.

The Gabriel Message card for this week:

Your prayers are a beacon calling to you the Light and Wisdom you seek.

The word that most stands out for me in this message is Beacon. It makes me think of the importance of beacon lights as signals in the world, such as the Lighthouse that protects ships from wreckage on the rocks.

I have been fascinated by the idea of guiding lights since my association with Archangel Gabriel in 1990. He has continuously spoken of the importance of letting our inner light radiate into the world and has given many different processes to encourage that practice.

It’s important to remember that Divine Light contains both the presence of God’s Love and the power of Infinite Intelligence. Both of these empowering attributes are necessary for us to lead a life that is fulfilling from a soul’s level as well as from the purely human.

When we are in alignment with the Infinite Intelligence, Divine Wisdom and Love is available for us. The wisdom within our hearts becomes accessible and we find new levels of clarity and certainty to enhance our daily lives.

We have been told for many years that Love is the greatest healer there is. When we invite the Light of God to work in our lives, we begin to create a resource that we can allow to work in every area of our life where healing is needed. This power of Love within God’s light is so profound that it can bring new high-frequency energy into our hearts, and from there into our blood stream to enhance our health and Wellbeing.

Many studies have been done demonstrating the efficacy of prayer. When we pray with a full heart of gratitude, it can raise our vibrational frequency and attract to us what we need. Paramahansa Yogananda said that our thoughts are prayers and we are always praying. The benevolent presence of the Universe is continuously providing what we are focused on in full loving commitment to our happiness. The problem is our focus of attention is often on what is lacking or what we intensely do not want to receive. This intensity of feeling is what is active in the Law of Attraction. Our feelings so profoundly affect our ability to manifest the life we most want. To change the course of our experience, we need to place our attention on our intentions for the life we want to live.

Knowing that I am radiating energy like a beacon light is important. If I wanted to express Divine Light to the world, I would make sure that my heart is full of Gratitude. When my heart is full of gratitude, I can more easily see there is Beauty everywhere around me. I am so filled with this natural beauty that I feel like my heart is bursting with Love. It thrills me to let Divine Love shower through me like a waterfall, and my very cells begin to dance with Life Force. When I allow this fullness of being, I naturally become a Beacon of Light and radiate this presence into the world. The feelings within me are powerfully magnetic, so the radiance of this pure Joy becomes a magnet for more of this delicious experience.

What gifts do you want to shine into the world?

Shanta Gabriel


The Gabriel Messages #27

Your prayers are a beacon calling to you the Light and Wisdom you seek.

Dear One,

Just as a ship at sea can find the land it is seeking through the beacon light on shore, so is the power of your prayers. The guiding light of your prayers sets an intention for your life that leads the way to all you require for an abundant, healthy and joy-filled life. Prayer is an alignment with God’s energy.  It connects you to the abundant Source where all is provided. Prayer is not something you save until there is a dire need. Prayer is a way of aligning your thoughts to create the opening for miracles in your life.

When you pray you are sending out a powerful thought which is like a beacon light. This thought not only attracts what you are asking for, it sets a pattern of energy for the highest good in your life. It increases your conscious awareness of the power of great possibilities. Prayer creates a shift in your attitude so you can be a magnet for your good.

Your prayer does not have to be an elaborate ritual. Simple words that work for you are the easiest way to attune yourself to God. Prayer acts as a reminder that there is a Higher Power available to assist you in every area of your life.


Knowing that an attitude of gratitude can lift your awareness, it is often helpful to begin your prayers by giving thanks for that which already exists in your life. Proclaiming Divine Order is another powerful prayer when you don’t know what else to ask for. When Divine Order exists in your life, you live in harmony, love and abundant joy.

Sometimes God seems very far away and too vast to comprehend. At those times, calling forth your guardian Angel is like calling on a friend, someone to talk to and pour out the deepest feelings in your heart. Know that it is all right for you to ask for what you want. The abundant resource of spirit is equal to every demand, and you deserve to be happy, and abundantly blessed.  It is often helpful to know the qualities you desire to attract to you when you pray. If you are lonely and asking for a mate, know clearly what you want in a life companion. These qualities could include a deep heart connection, understanding and harmony. When you ask directly for the qualities behind the physical attributes, it allows for a greater opening in your consciousness so you can receive at a deeper level.

Visualization can also assist your prayers. Imagine that you are a lighthouse on a rocky shore, a beacon of light. Feel the expansiveness as your light reaches out into the world around you. Know that your light is attracting your good to you and that you are assisting others by your beacon. When you become this light in your thoughts, it expands your consciousness and prepares the way for you to receive even greater light. It creates a new level of calming faith within you. So let your light shine. You are meant to be this beacon of light shining forth into the world for all to see.

Each person has this ability to shine, because each person is a part of the light, love and wisdom which is God. When you recognize this power within you, it will create the energy for miracles to occur. Believe that all the good in the universe is available for you, just because you are a beloved child of the Creator.

As you shine your light into the world, know that you are not alone. The abundant energy of God is pouring into you to assist you in keeping your light strong. Know that the Angels are also available as companions on your path, ready to assist you when you ask. You are a magnet for your good when you remember:

Your prayers are a beacon calling to you the Light and Wisdom you seek.

Shanta Gabriel, 2014


Essence of the Month ~ Abundance

AbundanceMany people are focused on Abundance at this time, usually from a place of lack and neediness.

When we are able to expand into a vibration of Well-being, we are able to attract what we want to experience more easily. In this state we may notice that Nature is demonstrating the beauty of true abundance all around us or we might find something that makes us very happy when we think of it.

We can more easily shift our consciousness when we open our hearts to focus on the beauty and gifts we are being given by a loving Universe.


This essence opens the doorways of the mind to the blessings that are your birthright as a spiritual being in a physical body. True Prosperity flows through a heart filled with gratitude, open to the unlimited ocean of God’s Abundance.

Here is a powerful affirmation for you to remember:

All my needs are met with Grace and Ease and I AM cared for eternally.

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Our Strange Universe ;The Allies of Humanity   By Marshall Vian Summers

Sixth Briefing   “Questions and Answers”

We feel that it is important, given the information that we have provided thus far, to respond to questions that must surely arise regarding our reality and the significance of the messages that we have come to give.


“Given the lack of hard evidence, why should people believe what you are telling them about the Intervention?”

First, there must be great evidence concerning the visitation to your world. We have been told that this is the case. Yet we have also been told by the Unseen Ones that people do not know how to understand the evidence and that they give it their own meaning—a meaning that they prefer to give it, a meaning that provides comfort and reassurance for the most part. We are certain that there is adequate evidence to verify that the Intervention is occurring in the world today if one takes the time to look and to investigate this matter. The fact that your governments or religious leaders do not reveal such things does not mean that such a great event is not occurring in your midst.


“How can people know that you are real?”

Regarding our reality, we cannot demonstrate our physical presence to you, and so you must discern the meaning and the import of our words. At this point, it is not merely a matter of belief. It requires a greater recognition, a Knowledge, a resonance. The words we speak we believe are true, but that does not assure that they can be received as such. We cannot control the response to our message. There are people who require more evidence than can possibly be given. For others, such evidence will not be necessary, for they will feel an inner confirmation.

In the meantime, perhaps we remain a controversy, and yet we hope and we trust that our words can be considered seriously and that the evidence that does exist, which is substantial, can be gathered and understood by those who are willing to give this their effort and their focus in life. >From our perspective, there is no greater problem, challenge and opportunity to receive your attention.

Therefore, you are at the beginning of a new understanding. This does require faith and self-reliance. Many will reject our words simply because they do not believe that we could possibly exist. Others perhaps will think that we are part of some manipulation that is being cast upon the world. We cannot control these responses. We can only reveal our message and our presence in your life, however removed that presence may be. It is not our presence here that is of paramount importance, but the message that we have come to reveal and the greater perspective and understanding that we can provide for you. Your education must begin somewhere. All education begins with the desire to know.

We hope that through our discourses we can gain at least part of your confidence in order to begin to reveal what we are here to offer.


“What do you have to say to those who view the Intervention as a positive thing?”

We understand, first of all, the expectation that all forces from the heavens are related to your spiritual understanding, traditions and fundamental beliefs. The idea that there is prosaic life in the universe is a challenge to these fundamental assumptions. From our perspective and given the experience of our own cultures, we understand these expectations. In the distant past, we maintained them ourselves. And yet we had to relinquish them in facing the realities of Greater Community life and the meaning of visitation.

You live in a great physical universe. It is full of life. This life represents countless manifestations and also represents the evolution of intelligence and spiritual awareness at every level. What this means is that what you will encounter in the Greater Community encompasses almost every possibility.

However, you are isolated and do not yet travel in space. And even if you had the capability to reach another world, the universe is vast, and no one has gained the ability to go from one end of the galaxy to the other with any kind of speed. Therefore, the physical universe remains enormous and incomprehensible. No one has mastered its laws. No one has conquered its territories. No one can claim complete dominance or control. Life has a great humbling effect in this way. Even far beyond your borders this is true.

          You should then come to expect that you will meet intelligences representing forces for good, forces for ignorance and those who are more neutral regarding you. However, in the realities of Greater Community travel and exploration, emerging races such as your own will, almost without exception, encounter resource explorers, collectives and those seeking advantage for themselves as their first contact with Greater Community life.

Regarding the positive interpretation of visitation, part of this is human expectation and the natural desire to welcome a good outcome and to seek help from the Greater Community for the problems that humanity has not been able to resolve on its own. It is normal to expect such things, particularly when you are considering that your visitors have greater capabilities than do you. However, a large part of the problem in interpreting the great visitation has to do with the will and the agenda of the visitors themselves. For they are encouraging people everywhere to view their presence here as wholly beneficial to humanity and to its needs.


“If this Intervention is so well underway, why didn’t you come sooner?”

At an earlier time, many years ago, several groups of your allies came to your world to visit in an attempt to give a message of hope, to prepare humanity. But alas their messages could not be understood and were misused by those few who could receive them. In the wake of their coming, the visitors from the collectives have amassed and gathered here. It has been known to us that this would happen, for your world is far too valuable to be overlooked, and, as we have said, it does not exist in a remote and distant part of the universe. Your world has been observed for a long time by those who would seek to use it for their own benefit.

“Why can’t our allies stop the Intervention?”

We are only here to observe and to advise. The great decisions facing humanity are in your hands. No one else can make these decisions for you. Even your great friends far beyond your world would not intervene, for if they did so, it would cause warfare, and your world would become a battleground between opposing forces. And should your friends be victorious, you would become wholly reliant upon them, unable to fend for yourself or to maintain your own security in the universe. We know of no benevolent race that would seek to bear this burden. And in truth, it would not serve you either. For you would become a client state to another power and would have to be governed from afar. This is not beneficial for you in any way, and it is for this reason that this is not occurring. Yet the visitors will cast themselves as saviors and rescuers of humanity. They will utilize your naiveté. They will capitalize on your expectations, and they will seek to wholly benefit from your trust.

   Therefore, it is our sincere desire that our words can serve as an antidote to their presence and to their manipulation and abuse. For your rights are being violated. Your territory is being infiltrated. Your governments are being persuaded. And your religious ideologies and impulses are being redirected.

There must be a voice of truth regarding this. And we can only trust that you can receive this voice of truth. We can only hope that the persuasion has not gone too far.


“What are realistic goals for us to set, and what is the bottom line with regard to saving humanity from losing its self-determination?”

The first step is awareness. Many people must become aware that the Earth is being visited and that foreign powers are here operating in a clandestine manner, seeking to hide their agenda and endeavors from human understanding. It must be very clear that their presence here is a great challenge to human freedom and self-determination. The agenda that they are furthering and the Pacification Program that they are sponsoring must be countered with sobriety and wisdom regarding their presence. This counteraction must occur. There are many people in the world today who are able to understand this. Therefore, the first step is awareness.

The next step is education. It is necessary for many people in different cultures and in different nations to learn about life in the Greater Community and to begin to comprehend what you will be dealing with and are dealing with even at this moment.

Therefore, realistic goals are awareness and education. This in itself would obstruct the visitors’ agenda in the world. They are operating now with very little resistance. They are encountering few obstacles. All those who seek to view them as “allies of humanity” must learn that this is not the case. Perhaps our words will not be enough, but they are a beginning.


“Where can we find this education?”

The education can be found in The Greater Community Way of Knowledge, which is being presented in the world at this time. Though it presents a new understanding about life and spirituality in the universe, it is connected to all of the genuine spiritual paths that already exist within your world—spiritual paths that value human freedom and the meaning of true spirituality and that value cooperation, peace and harmony within the human family. Therefore, the teaching in The Way of Knowledge calls forth all the great truths that already exist in your world and gives them a greater context and arena of expression. In this way, The Greater Community Way of Knowledge does not replace the world’s religions, but provides a larger context within which they can be truly meaningful and relevant to your times.


“How do we convey your message to others?”

The truth lives within each person at this moment. If you can speak to the truth in a person, it will become stronger and begin to resonate. Our great hope, the hope of the Unseen Ones, the spiritual forces who serve your world, and the hope of those who value human freedom and wish to see your emergence into the Greater Community successfully fulfilled, rely upon this truth that lives within each person. We cannot force this awareness upon you. We can only reveal it to you and trust in the greatness of Knowledge that the Creator has given you that can enable you and others to respond.


“Where do humanity’s strengths lie in opposing the Intervention?”

First, we understand from observing your world, and from what the Unseen Ones have told us regarding things that we cannot see, that though there are great problems within the world, there is sufficient human freedom to give you a foundation for opposing the Intervention. This is in contrast to many other worlds where individual freedom was never established to begin with. As these worlds encounter alien forces in their midst and the reality of Greater Community life, the possibility for them to establish freedom and independence is very limited.

Therefore, you have a great strength in that human freedom is known in your world and is practiced by many, though perhaps not all. You know you have something to lose. You value what you have already, to whatever extent it has been established. You do not want to be ruled by foreign powers. You do not even want to be ruled harshly by human authorities. Therefore, this is a beginning.

Next, because your world has rich spiritual traditions that have fostered Knowledge in the individual and fostered human cooperation and understanding, the reality of Knowledge has already been established. Again, in other worlds where Knowledge was never established, the possibility for establishing it at the turning point of emerging into the Greater Community shows little hope for success. Knowledge is strong enough in enough people here that they may be able to learn of the reality of life in the Greater Community and to comprehend what is occurring in their midst at this time. It is for this reason that we are hopeful, for we trust in human wisdom. We trust that people can rise above selfishness, self-preoccupation and self-protection to view life in a greater way and to feel a greater responsibility in service to their own kind.

Perhaps our faith is unfounded, but we are trusting that the Unseen Ones have counseled us wisely regarding this. As a result, we have placed ourselves at risk by being in the proximity of your world and witnessing events beyond your borders that have direct bearing on your future and destiny.

Humanity has great promise. You have a growing awareness of problems in the world—the lack of cooperation amongst nations, the degradation of your natural environment, your diminishing resources and so forth. If these problems were unknown to your people, if these realities had been kept hidden from your people, to the extent that people had no idea of the existence of these things, then we would not be as hopeful. However, the reality remains that humanity has the potential and the promise to counteract any intervention into the world.


“Is this Intervention going to become a military invasion?”

As we have said, your world is too valuable to incite a military invasion. No one who is visiting your world wants to destroy its infrastructure or its natural resources. That is why the visitors do not seek to destroy humanity, but instead to engage humanity in service to their collectives.

It is not military invasion that threatens you. It is the power of inducement and persuasion. This will be built upon your own weakness, upon your own selfishness, upon your ignorance of life in the Greater Community and upon your blind optimism regarding your future and the meaning of life beyond your borders.

To counteract this, we provide education and we speak of the means of preparation that are being sent into the world at this time. If you did not already know human freedom, if you were not already aware of the problems endemic to your world, then we could not entrust such a preparation to you. And we would not have confidence that our words would resonate with the truth of what you know.


“Can you influence people as powerfully as the visitors, but for the good?”

Our intention is not to influence individuals. Our intention is only to present the problem and the reality into which you are emerging. The Unseen Ones are providing the actual means of preparation, for that comes from God. In this, the Unseen Ones influence individuals for the good. But there are restraints. As we have said, it is your self-determination that must be strengthened. It is your power that must be increased. It is your cooperation amongst the human family that must be supported.

There are limits as to how much help we can provide. Our group is small. We are not walking amongst you. Therefore, the great understanding of your new reality must be shared from person to person. It cannot be forced upon you from a foreign power, even if it were for your own good. We would not, then, be supporting your freedom and self-determination if we sponsored such a program of persuasion. Here you cannot be like children. You must become mature and responsible. It is your freedom that is at stake. It is your world that is at stake. It is your cooperation with each other that is needed.

You now have a great cause to unite your race, for none of you will benefit without the other. No nation will benefit if any other nation falls under alien control. Human freedom must be complete. The cooperation must occur around your world. For everyone is in the same situation now. The visitors do not favor one group over another, one race over another, one nation over another. They only seek the avenue of least resistance to establish their presence and their domination of your world.


“How extensive is their infiltration of humanity?”

The visitors have a significant presence within the most advanced nations in your world, particularly the nations of Europe, Russia, Japan and America. These are viewed as the strongest nations, having the greatest power and influence. It is there that the visitors will concentrate. However, they are taking people from all over the world, and they are furthering their Pacification Program with all those that they capture, if those individuals can be responsive to their influence. Therefore, the visitors’ presence is worldwide, but they are concentrating on those whom they hope will become their allies. These are the nations and governments and religious leaders who hold the greatest power and sway over human thought and conviction.


“How much time do we have?

How much time do you have? You have some time, how much we cannot tell. But we come with an urgent message. This is not a problem that can simply be avoided or denied. From our perspective, it is the most important challenge facing humanity. It is of the greatest concern, the first priority. You are late in your preparation. This was caused by many factors beyond our control. But there is time, if you can respond. The outcome is uncertain and yet there is still hope for your success.


“How can we focus on this Intervention given the immensity of other global problems which are occurring right now?

First of all, we feel that there are no other problems in the world that are as important as this. From our perspective, whatever you can resolve on your own will have little meaning in the future if your freedom is lost. What could you hope to gain? What could you hope to achieve or secure if you are not free in the Greater Community? All of your accomplishments would be given to your new governors; all of your wealth would be bestowed upon them. And though your visitors are not cruel, they are completely committed to their agenda. You are valued only insofar as you can be useful to their cause. It is for this reason that we do not feel that there are any other problems facing humanity as important as this.


“Who is likely to respond to this situation?”

Regarding who can respond, there are many people in the world today who have an inherent knowledge of the Greater Community and who are sensitive to it. There are many others who have been taken by the visitors already but who have not yielded to them or to their persuasion. And there are many others who are concerned about the future of humanity and who are alerted to the dangers that humanity faces, even within your own world. People in all or any of these three categories may be amongst the first to respond to the Greater Community reality and to the preparation for the Greater Community. They may come from any walk of life, from any nation, from any religious background or from any economic group. They are literally all over the world. It is upon them and upon their response that the great Spiritual Powers that protect and oversee human welfare are depending.


“You mention that individuals are being taken all over the world. How can people protect themselves or others from being abducted?”

The more you can become strong with Knowledge and aware of the visitors’ presence, the less you become a desirable subject for their study and manipulation. The more you use your encounters with them to gain insight into them, the more of a hazard you become. As we have said, they seek the path of least resistance. They want individuals who are compliant and yielding. They want those who cause them few problems and little concern.

Yet as you become strong with Knowledge, you will be beyond their control because now they cannot capture your mind or your heart. And with time, you will have the power of perception to see into their minds, which they do not wish. You then become a danger to them, a challenge to them, and they will avoid you if they can.

The visitors do not seek to be revealed. They do not wish for conflict. They are overly confident that they can achieve their goals without serious resistance from the human family. But once such resistance is mounted, once the power of Knowledge awakens in the individual, then the visitors are facing a much more formidable obstacle. Their intervention here becomes thwarted and more difficult to achieve. And their persuasion of those in power becomes more difficult to accomplish. Therefore, it is the individual’s response and commitment to the truth that are essential here.

Become aware of the visitors’ presence. Do not yield to the persuasion that their presence here is of a spiritual nature or that it holds great benefit or salvation for humanity. Resist the persuasion. Regain your own inner authority, the great gift that the Creator has given to you. Become a force to be reckoned with regarding any who would trespass against or deny your fundamental rights.

This is Spiritual Power being expressed. It is the Will of the Creator that humanity should emerge into the Greater Community united within itself and free from foreign intervention and domination. It is the Creator’s Will that you should prepare for a future that will be unlike your past. We are here in service to the Creator, and thus our presence and our words serve this purpose.


“If the visitors encounter resistance in humanity or in certain individuals, will they come in greater numbers or will they leave?”

Their numbers are not great. Should they encounter considerable resistance, they would have to fall back and make new plans. They are wholly confident that their mission can be fulfilled without serious obstacles. Yet should serious obstacles arise, then their intervention and persuasion would be thwarted, and they would have to find other ways of gaining contact with humanity.

We trust that the human family can generate enough resistance and enough consensus in order to offset these influences. It is upon this that we are basing our hope and efforts.


“What are the most important questions that we must ask of ourselves and others with respect to this problem of alien infiltration?”

Perhaps the most critical questions to ask yourself are, “Are we humans alone within the universe or in our own world? Are we being visited at this time? Is this visitation beneficial to us? Do we need to prepare?”

These are very fundamental questions, but they must be asked. There are many questions, however, that cannot be answered, for you do not know enough about life in the Greater Community, and you are not yet confident that you have the ability to counteract these influences. There are many things lacking in human education, which is primarily focused upon the past. Humanity is emerging from a long state of relative isolation. Its education, its values and its institutions were all established within this state of isolation. Yet your isolation now is over, forever. It was always known that this would happen. It was inevitable that this would be the case. Therefore, your education and your values are entering into a new context, to which they must adapt. And the adaptation must happen quickly because of the nature of the Intervention in the world today.

There will be many questions that you cannot answer. You will have to live with them. Your education about the Greater Community is only at the very beginning. You must approach it with great sobriety and care. You must counteract your own tendencies to try and make the situation pleasant or reassuring. You must develop an objectivity about life, and you must look beyond your own personal sphere of interests in order to put yourself in a position to respond to the greater forces and events that are shaping your world and your future.


“What if enough people cannot respond?”

We are confident that enough people can respond and begin their great education about life in the Greater Community in order to give promise and hope to the human family. If this cannot be achieved, then those who value their freedom and who have this education will have to retreat. They will have to keep Knowledge alive in the world as the world falls under complete control. This is a very grave alternative, and yet it has occurred in other worlds. The journey back to freedom from such a position is quite difficult. We hope that this will not be your fate, and that is why we are here giving you this information. As we have said, there are enough people in the world who can respond to offset the intentions of the visitors and to thwart their influence on human affairs and human values.


“You speak of other worlds emerging into the Greater Community. Can you speak of successes and failures which might have bearing on our situation?”

There have been successes or we would not be here. In my case, as the speaker for our group, our world had already been greatly infiltrated before we realized the situation at hand. Our education was prompted by the arrival of a group such as ourselves, providing insight and information about our situation. We had alien resource traders in our world interacting with our government. Those who were in power at that time were persuaded that trade and commerce would be beneficial to us, for we were beginning to experience resource depletion. Though our race was united, unlike your own, we began to be wholly dependent upon the new technology and opportunities that were being presented to us. And yet as this occurred, there was a shift in the center of power. We were becoming the clients. The visitors were becoming the providers. As time went on, terms and restrictions were placed upon us, subtly at first.

Our religious focus and beliefs were also influenced by the visitors, who showed interest in our spiritual values but who wished to give us a new understanding, an understanding based upon the collective, based upon the cooperation of minds thinking alike in unison with each other. This was presented to our race as an expression of spirituality and achievement. Some were persuaded, and yet because we were well advised from our allies beyond our world, allies such as ourselves, we began to mount a resistance movement and over time were able to force the visitors to leave our world.

           Since that time, we have learned a great deal about the Greater Community. The trade that we maintain is very selective, with only a few other nations. We have been able to avoid the collectives, and that has preserved our freedom. And yet our success was difficult to achieve, for there were many of us who had to die in the face of this conflict. Ours is a story of success, but not without cost. There are others in our group who have experienced similar difficulties in their interaction with intervening powers in the Greater Community. And yet because we eventually learned to travel beyond our borders, we gained alliance with one another. We were able to learn what spirituality means in the Greater Community. And the Unseen Ones, who serve our world as well, helped us in this regard to make the great transition from isolation to Greater Community awareness.

Yet there have been many failures that we are aware of. Cultures where the indigenous peoples had not established personal freedom or had not tasted the fruits of cooperation, even though they were advancing technologically, did not have a foundation to establish their own independence in the universe. Their ability to resist the collectives was very limited. Induced by promises of greater power, greater technology and greater wealth, and induced by the seeming benefits of trade in the Greater Community, their center of power left their world. In the end, they became wholly dependent upon those who supplied them and who gained control of their resources and their infrastructures.

         Surely you can imagine how this could be the case. Even within your own world according to your history, you have seen smaller nations fall under the domination of greater ones. You can see this even today. Therefore, these ideas are not wholly foreign to you. In the Greater Community, as in your world, the strong will dominate the weak, if they can. This is a reality of life everywhere. And it is for this reason that we are encouraging your awareness and your preparation, in order that you may become strong and your self-determination may grow.

It may be a grave disappointment to many to understand and to learn that freedom is rare in the universe. As nations become stronger and more technological, they require greater and greater uniformity and compliance amongst their peoples. As they bridge out into the Greater Community and become involved in Greater Community affairs, the tolerance for individual expression diminishes to the point where large nations that have wealth and power are governed with a strictness and an exacting attitude that you would find abhorrent.

Here you must learn that technological advancement and spiritual advancement are not the same, a lesson that humanity has yet to learn and which you must learn if you are to exercise your natural wisdom in these matters.

Your world is greatly valued. It is rich biologically. You are sitting on a prize that you must protect if you are to be its stewards and its beneficiaries. Consider the peoples in your world who have lost their freedom because they lived in a place considered valuable by others. It is now the whole human family that is so imperiled.


“Because the visitors are so skilled in projecting thoughts and influencing people’s Mental Environment, how do we ensure ourselves that what we are seeing is real?”

The only basis for wise perception is the cultivation of Knowledge. If you believe only what you see, then you will believe only what is shown to you. There are many, we are told, that have this perspective. Yet we have learned that the Wise everywhere must gain a greater vision and a greater discernment. It is true that your visitors can project images of your saints and of your religious figures. Though this is not practiced often, it certainly can be used in order to evoke commitment and dedication amongst those who are already given to such beliefs. Here your spirituality becomes an area of vulnerability where Wisdom must be used.

Yet the Creator has given you Knowledge as a foundation for true discernment. You can know what you are seeing if you ask yourself if it is real. Yet to do this, you must have this foundation, and that is why the teaching in The Way of Knowledge is so fundamental to learning Greater Community Spirituality. Without this, people will believe what they want to believe, and they will rely upon what they see and what they are shown. And their potential for freedom will have been lost already, for it was never allowed to flourish in the first place.


“You speak about keeping Knowledge alive. How many will it take to keep Knowledge alive in the world?”

We cannot give you a number, but it must be strong enough to generate a voice within your own cultures. If this message can only be received by a few, they will not have this voice or this strength. Here they must share their wisdom. It cannot be purely for their own edification. Many more must learn of this message, many more than can receive it today.


“Is there a danger in presenting this message?”

There is always a danger in presenting the truth, not only in your world, but elsewhere. People gain advantage from the circumstances as they currently exist. The visitors will offer advantage to those in power who can receive them and who are not strong in Knowledge. People become accustomed to these advantages and build their lives upon them. This makes them resistant or even hostile to the presentation of truth, which calls for their responsibility in service to others and which may threaten the basis of their wealth and achievements.

This is why we are hidden and do not walk in your world. Certainly the visitors would destroy us if they could find us. But humanity may seek to destroy us as well because of what we represent, because of the challenge and the new reality that we demonstrate. Not everyone is ready to receive the truth even though it is greatly needed.


“Can individuals who are strong with Knowledge influence the visitors?”

The chance of success here is very limited. You are dealing with a collective of beings who have been bred to be compliant, whose whole life and experience have been encompassed and engendered by a collective mentality. They do not think for themselves. For this reason, we do not feel that you can influence them. There are few amongst the human family who have the strength to do this, and even here the possibility for success would be very limited. So the answer must be “No.” For all practical purposes, you cannot win them over.


“How are collectives different from a united humanity?”

Collectives are made up of different races and of those who are bred to serve those races. Many of the beings that are being encountered in the world are bred by collectives to be servants. Their genetic heritage has long been lost to them. They are bred to serve, as you breed animals to serve you. The human cooperation that we are promoting is a cooperation that preserves the self-determination of individuals and provides a position of strength from which humanity can interact, not only with the collectives but with others who will visit your shores in the future.

A collective is based upon one belief, one set of principles and one authority. Its emphasis is complete allegiance to an idea or an ideal. Not only is this engendered in the education of your visitors, but in their genetic code as well. That is why they behave in the ways that they do. This is both their strength and their weakness. They have great strength in the Mental Environment because their minds are united. But they are weak because they cannot think for themselves. They cannot deal with complexities or adversity very successfully. A man or woman of Knowledge would be incomprehensible to them.

Humanity must unite to preserve its freedom, but this is a very different establishment from the creation of a collective. We call them “collectives” because they are collectives of different races and nationalities. Collectives are not one race. Though there are many races in the Greater Community that are ruled by a dominant authority, a collective is an organization that spans beyond the allegiance of one race to its own world.

Collectives can have great power. Yet because there are many collectives, they tend to compete with one another, which prevents any one of them from becoming dominant. Also, various nations in the Greater Community have long-standing disputes with one another, which are difficult to bridge. Perhaps they have competed for a long time for the same resources. Perhaps they compete with one another to sell the resources that they have. Yet a collective is a different matter. As we are saying here, it is not based upon one race and one world. They are the result of conquest and domination. That is why your visitors are comprised of different races of beings at different levels of authority and command.


“In other worlds that have successfully unified, did they maintain their individual freedom of thought?”

To varying degrees. Some to a very high degree, others less so, depending upon their history, their psychological make-up and the needs of their own survival. Your life in the world has been relatively easy compared to where other races have developed. Most places where intelligent life exists have been colonized, for there are not many terrestrial planets such as your own that provide such a wealth of biological resources. Their freedom, in large part, depended upon the wealth of their environments. But they have all been successful in thwarting alien infiltration and have established their own lines of trade, commerce and communication based upon their own self-determination. This is a rare accomplishment and must be earned and protected.


“What will it take to achieve human unity?”

Humanity is very vulnerable in the Greater Community. This vulnerability, in time, can foster a fundamental cooperation amongst the human family, for you must join and unite in order to survive and to advance. This is part of having a Greater Community awareness. If this is based upon the principles of human contribution, freedom and self-expression, then your self-sufficiency can become very strong and very rich. But there must be greater cooperation in the world. People cannot live for themselves alone or put their own personal goals above and beyond the needs of everyone else. Some may view this as a loss of freedom. We see it as a guarantee for future freedom. For given the current attitudes prevalent in the world today, your future freedom would be very difficult to secure or maintain. Take heed. Those who are driven by their own selfishness are the perfect candidates for foreign influence and manipulation. If they are in positions of power, they will give over their nation’s wealth, their nation’s freedom and their nation’s resources in order to gain advantage for themselves.

Therefore, greater cooperation is required. Surely you can see this. Surely this is apparent even within your own world. But this is very different from the life of the collective, where races have been dominated and controlled, where those who are compliant are brought into the collectives and those who are not are alienated or destroyed. Surely such an establishment, though it may have considerable influence, cannot be beneficial for its members. And yet this is the path that many in the Greater Community have taken. We do not wish to see humanity fall into such an organization. That would be a great tragedy and a loss.


“How is the human perspective different from yours?”

One of the differences is that we have developed a Greater Community perspective, which is a less self-centered way of looking at the world. It is a point of view that gives great clarity and can provide great certainty regarding the smaller problems that you face in your daily affairs. If you can solve a great problem, you can solve lesser ones. You have a great problem. Every human being in the world faces this great problem. It can unite you and enable you to overcome your long-standing differences and conflicts. It is that great and that powerful. This is why we say there is a possibility for redemption within the very circumstances that threaten your well-being and your future.

We know that the power of Knowledge within the individual can restore that individual and all of their relationships to a higher degree of accomplishment, recognition and ability. You must discover this for yourself.

Our lives are very different. One of the differences is that our lives are given to service, a service that we have chosen. We have the freedom to choose and thus our choice is real and meaningful and is based upon our own understanding. Amongst our group are representatives from several different worlds. We have come together in service to humanity. We represent a greater alliance that is more spiritual in nature.


“This message is coming through one man. Why aren’t you contacting everybody if this is so important?”

It is merely a matter of efficiency. We do not control who is selected to receive us. That is a matter for the Unseen Ones, those whom you could rightly call “Angels.” We think of them in this way. They have selected this person, a person who has no position in the world, who is not recognized in the world, an individual who has been chosen because of his qualities and because of his heritage in the Greater Community. We are glad to have one through whom we can speak. If we spoke through more, they perhaps would disagree with one another, and the message would become confused and lost.

We understand, from our own studenthood, that the transmission of spiritual wisdom is generally given through one, with the support of others. This individual must bear the weight and the burden and the risk of being so chosen. We respect him for doing this, and we understand what a burden it can be. This will be misconstrued, perhaps, and that is why the Wise must remain hidden. We must remain hidden. He must remain hidden. In this way, the message can be given, and the messenger can be preserved. For there will be hostility towards this message. The visitors will oppose it and are opposing it already. Their opposition can be significant but will primarily be aimed at the messenger himself. It is for this reason that the messenger must be protected.

We know that the answers to these questions will generate more questions. And many of these cannot be answered, perhaps even for a long time. The Wise anywhere must live with questions that they cannot yet answer. It is through their patience and their perseverance that real answers emerge and that they are able to experience them and embody them.


*These questions were sent to the New Knowledge Library by many of the first readers of the Allies Material.


Final Words


Humanity is at a new beginning. It is faced with a grave situation. The need for a new education and understanding is paramount. We are here to serve this need at the request of the Unseen Ones. They are relying upon us to share our wisdom, for we live in the physical universe, as do you. We are not angelic beings. We are not perfect. We have not achieved great heights of spiritual awareness and accomplishment. And therefore our message to you about the Greater Community, we trust, will be more relevant and more easily received. The Unseen Ones know far more than we about life in the universe and about the levels of advancement and accomplishment that are available and that are practiced in many places. Yet they have asked us to speak regarding the reality of physical life because we are fully engaged there. And we have learned through our own trials and errors the importance and the meaning of what we are sharing with you.

Thus, we come as the Allies of Humanity, for such we are. Be thankful that you have allies that can help you and that can educate you and that can support your strength, your freedom and your accomplishment. For without this assistance, the prospect of your surviving the kind of alien infiltration that you are experiencing now would be very limited. Yes, there would be a few individuals who would come to realize the situation as it actually exists, but their numbers would not be great enough, and their voices would go unheard.

In this, we can only ask for your trust. We hope that through the wisdom of our words and through the opportunities you have to learn their meaning and relevance, that we can gain this trust over time, for you have allies in the Greater Community. You have great friends beyond this world who have suffered the challenges that you are facing now and have achieved success. Because we were assisted, we must now assist others. That is our sacred covenant. It is to this that we are firmly committed.

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Diamonds in the Sky

Diamonds in the Sky

21st August 2014

By Jennifer Deisher

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

A “diamond planet” was discovered in late 2012 and I’ve been fascinated by it ever since I heard about it – but didn’t really know why. As with most things recently, I wonder why these things stick out in my mind and therefore, what it was offering me on my spiritual journey. Then I put it together when I read an article from Forbes magazine about the diamond planet and the monetary “value” that was placed on it – $26.9 Nonillion (which is 26.9 followed by 30 zeros).

Here is a quote from the article I’m referring to “There is no doubt in my mind that it would be quite valuable for those of us on earth to be able to mine The Diamond Planet and sell its raw diamonds. Naturally, there is a question of whether all that supply could be absorbed by the market.”

The concept that humanity has any right to consider mining this far off planet for diamonds and selling them here on Earth is not only arrogant, it demonstrates our skewed priorities and the extent of the illusions that make up our disintegrating reality. Diamonds are only considered “valuable” because our society attributes a specific value to them. The perceived monetary value of the ‘diamond planet’ serves as a distraction from our true nature – curiosity and scientific enquiry about this amazing discovery.

For many of us today, we have forgotten where we come from and our true Divine Nature. I know that I had, and it’s been quite the journey finally “remembering” many of those things; those Universal truths. The process has pushed my mind to the “brink of insanity” and back again, and somehow, I always come back to myself, finding peace in my heart’s connection to Mother Earth.

Honoring the Divine Feminine

I have a very strong connection with Mother Earth and Grandmother Moon, and my awakening has been very “feminine” in nature. But, we can’t have Life without both aspects – yin/yang, masculine/feminine, night/day. As with most things there is “duality”, and the duality that I’m referring to right now is the God/Goddess elements of our spirituality.

I have read a great many things about this duality, and specifically about how many calendars used to be both Solar and Lunar. As we moved away from recognizing the Lunar aspect of time in our calendars, we have also moved away from the Lunar side of our spirituality – the Goddess, or Divine Feminine.

The Goddess is the intuitive side of our nature. She is our feminine aspects; the side of us that nurtures, that forgives, shows compassion, and is guided by emotional intelligence. She respects life and the Earth, has the power to heal, and a loving “maternal” instinct toward others. Respect for the Goddess energy is what has been missing from our society – and from ourconsciousness – for so very long. And she is trying very hard to get our attention.

Diamonds in the Sky - star

We are all one in creation and Mother Earth is no exception. She provides everything we need to live abundant and sustainable lives. She is generous and plentiful, but she also must be seen and respected as such. She will provide us with all of the resources we will ever need, if we work with her natural flow instead of against her; if we acknowledge her being and co-exist with her. But today, we as a species have taken what she has offered us, and more, and put a monetary value on it. We systematically compete for her abundance, as though it is scarce.

Scarcity or Abundance?

Of course we all need money to survive, right? Well, I say wrong. We need the Earth to survive, and she has provided us with everything we need to do so. I mean, we can’t eat money right?

Money is only a representation of an energy exchange. On its own, it’s not a bad concept. The problem is that our current monetary and resource systems have been corrupted. A culture of scarcity and competition – instead of abundance and cooperation – has been deliberately cultivated, while mechanisms like fractional reserve banking ensure that wealth is funnelled away from the general population and into the hands of a few power brokers. Our nation’s “leaders” are at war with one another over land, money and oil, and it’s happening as we speak.

We have taken so much from our Mother without giving back, and we have reached the point in our relationship where our acquisitive behavior will no longer be tolerated, so to speak. We have created a system that is no longer working for Mother, or humanity, and it’s collapsing all around us as we speak. When enough people wake up to what is happening – and it’s coming – we can begin to reclaim and rebuild our societies in alignment with our true nature: our beautiful Mother Earth.

Beautiful Mother

I often wondered how we could ever place a monetary value on gifts of life from nature, such as food and water. Why so many must go hungry when our Mother has provided plenty for all of us, if only we would cooperate.

I often wondered why I didn’t have the freedom to live where I wanted on this beautiful planet; why I was “restricted” to a certain area just because of where I was born. Am I not free to roam, to explore, to see all the gifts of Mother Earth? Why does someone else get to decide where I can go?

What isn’t working for you?

Right now we have the opportunity and the obligation to ask ourselves – What we can do to break the cycle that is no longer working? What does our beautiful Mother need from us, in return for her sustenance? What do we want and need our societies to look like going forward?

It is all of our responsibility to open ourselves up to these questions. Until we show reverence for our Mother Earth, she will be sure that we continue to see and hear and feel her. She will rumble and roar until we look up to See her and ask her what she needs to thrive.

As Mother Earth continues to realign herself to a higher vibration, we are in a unique position; we have both the power and the need to manifest a new reality together, creating something new, different and beautiful.

We are diamonds, and it is our job to take care of our Mother who has provided us with sustenance and life.

We are diamonds, and it is our job to make sure that no one around us goes hungry or without shelter, or natural freedoms, or love.

We are diamonds, right here on Mother Earth, and it is our responsibility at this time in history to shine bright with our inner light and change our very reality.

See her, feel her, taste her, smell her, and LOVE her.

See, feel, taste and love EACH OTHER!

We don’t need to mine diamonds from the sky. I already see diamonds… everywhere!

Previous articles by Jennifer:

About the author:

Jennifer Deisher shares her gift of emotional and spiritual Healing through soul readings and an ability to connect with others via intuition, empathy, and emotional experience. A profound Spiritual awakening opened a creative writing channel that converted her traumas into artistic expression, unlocking the authentic Blueprints of the Soul. Today, her unique insight and connectedness with Spirit allows her to guide others into their Higher Self where our own unique and individual Blueprints await discovery.

Jennifer believes the art of human connection has been conditioned into detachment from our True Self, which consequently denies us the essential Blueprints of our evolution. Driven to share her perspective with the world, she founded the website BlueprintsForButterflies to help others connect with their Higher Self and create a spiritual foundation in line with their own individual energy signature.

For more information please visit

This article adapted for Wake Up World by Andy Whiteley and Jennifer Deisher.

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Photo: Archangel Michael Planetary Influx of Energies will reveal greater light within you Today we feel it is advisable for you to take some time for yourselves to accept and integrate the huge amounts of information that has recently been beamed into your energy bodies, and into your cells, as well. We know that very few of you are consciously aware of what you have received. That is alright. It is in the nature of potential, in any case. For a short time, close your eyes and center yourselves in your hearts. Intend that you accept and thank your Creator for these gifts and wish them integrated with your being as you release more of the things which do not resonate with the future selves you desire. Breathe the best and highest YOU into yourself, and breathe the other out. It is not necessary to make it a long process, unless you enjoy it. You may get a visual or feeling of a color, such as our gold and blue, or rose and green, violet, etc. If you do, breathe that in and absorb it, also. Our attention is drawn to the intense and growing feeling that almost everyone has now of an impending happening which they ‘cannot put a finger on’. We will address that in two ways. First, you are correct. This feeling is right on target. Except that, in a sense, that happening is what you are already in the middle of. Many can feel it happening inside themselves and are beginning to see changes in their lives to give evidence of it. Most, however, are wondering what sort of catastrophe is just around the corner. Your peaceful and calm demeanor will go a long way to diffusing this dread they are feeling. Second, yes, there is an event of significant proportion approaching. It is, my friends, an internal event which will change everything for everybody and everything. But we would caution you in this way. When a similar event occurred at the end of your ‘Dark Ages’, the event itself passed without remark. Yet, everything changed, did it not? Now, there will be many, many observable events manifesting over the next while in your time. But, as we have said over and over for these months, they are but the reflection of yourselves. We always, always stress that. It is important for you and for your world that you begin to recognize yourselves as the change makers, not any longer as the victims of change. Look within yourselves and begin to find the divine beings that you are. Never before in the history of your world has it been as sure for this to be accomplished by you. And every tiny step taken in this direction is having wondrous effects upon your world. We are overjoyed with what we see you accomplishing. We stand in the doorway of your heart waiting to greet you. We offer evidence daily of our presence. Peace and love be yours until next we speak. I AM Archangel Michael and so it is

Archangel Metatron via Shanta Gabriel ~ Awakening Consciousness on Earth

Dear Ones,

An overview of the spiritual evolution your are currently experiencing may help give you perspective for these special times you live in. Since the Archangels have been very active in the recent awakening of consciousness, the expanded perspective that we are providing now can help you to see how important are the Starseeds to this evolution. The old forms of reality are crumbling like the Tower in the traditional tarot oracle. At the same time the Earth’s energy is gathering an accumulation of power that will motivate the collective impulse so multitudes of people will reach new plateaus of spiritual experience and create simultaneous global awakenings.

The creators who formed earth planted chronometers that measure evolution of consciousness. The human species was also coded to lead people into their Divine Blueprint. When enough people have awakened, a gate is opened that allows the Earth’s wisdom to be transmitted. That is in process at this time.

You are coded to move with the masses. This may cause frustration because you want to be farther along in your evolution, especially with your visionary sense of what is possible. This requires great patience. Know that as you share what you know and allow yourself to be in the frequencies of higher-dimensional reality, this vibration is broadcast around the world. As the codings for awakening are fired on the Earth, the masses of humanity evolve. All is time-coded and interlinked to respond to the patterns for the awakening of all souls to their greater identity.

This is where Archangel Metatron has dominion. You are here to bring Heaven to Earth. In the human chakra system, Archangel Metatron is the 7th chakra connection to Heaven representing Unity Consciousness, and Archangel Sandalphon is the 1st chakra connection to Earth, representing the power of Well-Being. These two Archangels become key players in your ability to transcend your 3D realities and bring higher-frequency awareness to the earth to assist the development of a deeper awakening energy on the planet.

You volunteered to be here for this time. Your soul was encoded with the Blueprint of Awakening Consciousness. Throughout the lifetime of those of the Baby Boom generation, these codes were being fired. The 1960’s were time-coded to create the momentum for awakening. Different events and specially gifted people were making their voices heard during that time, some were even killed in a very public way, but all were a part of the awakening of consciousness. Much of the music and books of that time had codes embedded in them that acted as firing signatures to spark the shift of spiritual awareness on the planet.

During the 1960’s high-level ideals sprang into being that related to more clarity around the requirements for a sustainable earth, healthful lifestyles, women’s rights, and expanded areas of consciousness. Over the next 20 years, thousands explored India and discovered Eastern teachings that previously were only available to a select few. Yoga, Tai Chi and other forms of healthful energy movement became mainstream.

Then came the next coding for mass awakening, which occurred during the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 and marked the beginning of 25 years of massive change. Old structures became obsolete and began to crumble, such as the Berlin Wall. Mass spiritual awakening had begun. Recognized in prophecy by nearly every indigenous people on the planet, December 21, 2012 was a completion of a 26,000 cycle of life as we have known it. It is said to be also the beginnings of what some have called the Age of Aquarius, a new 26,000-year cycle of Peace on the planet.

Since the end of 2012, you have been in a paradigm shift that straddled the 3rd and 5th dimensions. Nothing is really the same, and since that time you have all been finding your way through a process of discovering what is possible now that was not available before. This world has been seeded for you to embrace in a new way. It is a world that contains all the Beauty and ideals that you most desire in your heart and brought with you to this lifetime. Divine Light is now permeating your ability to create in ways that may seem almost magical because that which you most desire is more tangible.

Teachings of Archangel Metatron

Because the time is here now for you to receive a gift from the Heavenly realms for your awakening process,the veils have parted to reveal Unity Consciousness, a spiritual attribute that is available to you now from the Archangels and through which the Metatronic energy frequencies work.

Through my all-seeing eyes and the impulses of the creative Source of All that Is, it is my format for evolution of consciousness that makes up the Soul’s Blueprint for new life awakening with each being on earth. It is our governance as the Archangels to flood the Earth with Light and impulse the heart and soul of those who await their mission.

You have always known that you are here for a greater purpose. This drive within you left you hungry for something you did not know. It was the Soul’s way of steering you toward your spiritual path. All you have done, all that you knew and explored through life, has led you here to this awakening of spiritual consciousness on earth. Your presence and focus of attention on the Light of Divine Presence is impulsing hundreds of thousands of people to also awaken.

A majority of people on the planet are feeling the stirrings in the hearts, the desire for something greater and more meaningful. Although their individual interpretation may not coincide with your idea of peace on the planet, nevertheless the impulse for awakening is there now and is spreading through the multitudes of souls on the planet like wildfire. The veils that kept the deepest truth from being revealed are gone. All who seek will truly find their way.

Part of the impulse comes from the fear engendered by the crumbling of familiar structures and a rising awareness of the environmental fragility of the planet. For many, change or die seems to be at the forefront of awareness. Know that the Archangels will use whatever is necessary to bring forth the awakening, and to fire the codes within humanity. Not that these challenges were caused by the Realms of Light, but now that it is here, we will take advantage of the opportunity to make the point.

The Power of Sacred Sites

The many spiritual seekers have also encouraged the Earth to open and reveal her teachings. As with the majority of people, the earth chakras are firing and the living library of Earth wisdom is opening. Sacred sites, as they are known, are now drawing millions of people every day. The power of love and respect that is being shown to these extraordinary places is greater than ever before. This has allowed the time-coded information within the earth to be revealed.

The Universal Presence of Nature is speaking, and the realms of the elementals and fairies and the consciousness of the Earth in all things is available for you to receive. This work is in conjunction with Archangel Sandalphon, acting as the Soul of the planet. Wherever you are, you have access to these teachings. You only have to be in Nature. The sacred sites are radiating their frequencies and many are receiving. All of life, that which is Sacred and Holy, is available to assist the awakening of your spirit. All that you are is a part of this awakening.

The massive opening of the Earth’s teachings is here to ease the process of evolution of consciousness. The wild weather patterns only demonstrate the volatility of the emotional output from millions of people. Their emotions have created a fear-based vibration that causes even more chaos and confusion.

You are the Awakening Presence on the Earth

What you, as the awakening presence on the Earth bring, is a new frequency of hope and love. When you are meditating, you bring into your life a sense of calm awareness and peaceful intent. You have no idea how much this benefits the Earth and all of humanity.

Your radiation of the deep knowing you carry in your spirit, the beauty of the love in your heart, and the power of your clear intention blesses the world and affects hundreds of thousands of people. Each person radiating the Light of pure spirit has the capacity to reach 800,000 people and spark their spiritual awakening.

Imagine your calm spirit radiating a rainbow of Divine Light. Rainbow colors carry all the frequencies of Light and thus can affect many layers of consciousness. Your imagination is a tool for higher consciousness. Allowing your being to radiate rainbows of Light changes the Earth’s vibration. People feel this change in their hearts and have an immediate sense of calm and lightness.

You can radiate this rainbow light to any area that seems in need. You can send this light to the collective consciousness of humanity, with the intention that their hearts receive and awaken to their Soul’s imperative. You can surround the entire Earth in rainbow light, and the depth of this powerful light presence will bring untold blessings to all beings. It is important to remember that Divine Light carries the spiritual qualities of Intelligence and Love. These qualities empower the Light to go where it needs to go and do what it needs to do.

You are the Light Bearers of this time. Your Soul has led you into new ways to perceive and receive the wisdom of the ages. Your presence makes a huge difference. All that you are longing to experience as an awakened soul on the planet is within your grasp. Together you are changing consciousness on the earth by lifting the spirit of all humanity into global awareness.

New life is occurring within the Earth as you are growing and awakening as a community of Light. The remembrance of your soul’s collective consciousness through the coding within you has been fired. You have a deep knowing of what is possible because you experienced it in other times and in other dimensions. These are the sacred teachings encoded in the Light, and it is this that you are bringing to the planet now.

Through you all of humanity is awakening. Through you the Earth is evolving and transcending time and space, allowing spontaneous evolution to come ever closer. It is all possible through the Light and power of the Divine Presence working through you.

And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel, 2014
for Archangel Metatron

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A short update on the energies
by Aisha North

By now you have all become adjusted to being constantly adjusted, and as such, this feeling of discombobulation that you will experience from time to time will become more familiar as you start to settle in to this state of being constantly un-settled. You see, the flux that we have discussed so many times earlier is not about to calm down, but that is for a very good reason indeed, namely to keep you moving ever forwards. We are aware that for some, what you experience as being unsettled will feel unsettled in ways that you might think of as negative but it is in fact the other way around. For you are being helped to get free from anything that may stand in your way, and in order to set you free from any limitations, you must literally be shaken loose in every way. So expect this sense of instability to become a permanent presence, at least for the time being, and take it for what it truly is, namely a sure sign of progress.

Again, mankind has been taught to expect as little turmoil in their lives as possible, or in other words, mankind has been taught that a sense of immobility is what you should seek for. And no wonder, as upward mobility in the energetic sense of the word was to be shunned, that is, according to those living amongst you who saw all of the benefits they could reap from keeping you all fixed within those narrow confines that they described for you. But you are no longer affixed to any of those old ideas, and so, you have become nomads in the best sense of the word, constantly moving with the flow and following the trail the light has set before you. And so, you have ventured out from the dark and narrow tunnel that mankind has spent so many lifetimes holed up in, and you have entered the flow in every sense of the word. For this river of light will not stop, and neither will you, and together, you will make a whole lot of changes happen over a wide area indeed. Not just geographically and restricted to your planet and to this timeline, no, this goes far wider and deeper than that.

For you act as catalysts as we have told you earlier, and even if you think that what you do is an endeavor that will benefit all of mankind, the effects of all of your achievements will go much further than that. And yes, again we refer to both locations and timelines, for this is in all aspects a multidimensional operation, encompassing so many levels that you have yet to envisage. And so we say keep going with the flow, no matter how fast and intense this current will become, for you are built to take this forward rush in every way. In fact, your whole being will begin to thrive in this constant change of atmosphere as it were. In other words, it will be like finally having full circulation restored to your entire being after having lived on an incredibly restricted flow of energetic fluids for lifetime after lifetime, and even if your body may still exhibit some symptoms set on by this sudden influx of light, it will soon start to exhibit signals that it is indeed beginning to flourish once again. You might even call it a second flowering if you will, and we think that many of you will take the underlying meaning of that word flower. For this is all about the aspects of you that are such an intricately crafted set of interconnected algorithms, sequences that interact in such a way, your whole being will start to respond to them in ways that can be hard for you to even comprehend at this stage. Remember, you are a far more complex being that what this seemingly humble and frail vehicle you are currently ensconced within may signal to the casual observer, and now, that underlying complexity will start to come into action in every sense of the word. For you are literally unfolding now, like the true flowers of life you really are. And this is not just a decorative flower we are talking about either, for this is all about abilities and strength and indeed attributes that will begin to change your world from the inside out.

So take some time to digest these words once again, and then, take some time to take a good look at that wondrous being you really are. Try to see yourself, not with the eyes, but with your spirit, and then, we think you will all find a way to become more than a little awed by what you find within. For you are like a cathedral of light, all compacted into this small package walking around on this planet, and if we say that you are indeed far more impressive than anything you can behold anywhere in your universe, we would be understating the case. For you are more than that, and so, the grand miracles you are waiting for have already happened, but they have happened on a scale that is so minuscule, your entire universe could be likened to a small pinprick of light if it was compressed to that same density of information that you are carrying within your frame.

In other words, go within, and keep going, for you have a long way to go if you want to come to the bottom of this. And what do we mean by that? Simply that there is so much more to you than you can grasp at this moment in time, but now, as you start to slowly open yourself up to these secrets you carry within, you will begin not only to grasp it, but to fully embrace it all. And it is indeed more than a handful of glittering light dear ones, for you are the bringers of dawn in every way, and so, what you carry within, is in itself enough to light up your entire world and everything that surrounds it. So rise and shine as they say, open your mind to the fact that you are starting to flower for the very first time ever on these shores, and the combined display of all of you will truly match any heavenly garden of delights.

So again we thank you on behalf of All of creation for being who you are and for doing what you do. You are shimmering fountains of light, ready to erupt at any moment now, and when you do, what you bring forth will bring sustenance and relief to the most barren of fields, and this in turn will set this whole word of yours aflame with a light that will cause this entire planet to finally bloom the way it was intended to do.
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(NaturalNews) News has been rapidly exploding across the "truth media" regarding the CDC whistleblower who is now making shocking revelations: The CDC's own research found that MMR vaccines caused autism in African-American children, and the agency knowingly buried this evidence to hide it from the public.

The scientific conspiracy went all the way to the top of the CDC, where Dr. Julie Gerberding -- now an executive with vaccine maker Merck -- took an active role in the cover-up and even arranged to have the whistleblower punished for trying to tell the truth.

CDC refuses to release evidence to Congress

Now we know that the CDC has also refused to turn over this information to Congress, too. U.S. Congressman Bill Posey (8th district, Florida) requested the documents from the CDC in a congressional hearing, but the CDC has stonewalled, refusing to turn over anything. This resulted in Congressman Posey calling for the CDC to be investigated. "The CDC can't be trusted regarding investigating vaccine safety," Posey said. "Huge conflict of interest. I think the CDC should be investigated."

The full interview is available on the Autism One website.

This is all described in detail in this Age of Autism story which also delves into the runaway criminality of the CDC and its quack science front men such as Dr. Poul Thorsen. Dr. Thorsen -- who was indicted by the Dept. of Justice for an elaborate money laundering scheme involving the CDC -- engaged in exactly the kind of lies and deceptions we see reflected inbiotech propagandists like Jon Entine, where so-called "scientific experts" routinely resort to outright lies and fabrications to protect corporate interests and try to silence skeptics.

Dr. Thorsen was a key conspirator who falsified research to "prove" that vaccines didn't cause autism. This fraudulent research continues to be cited today by vaccine pushers, most of whom are fully aware of the dangers of vaccines but seem to want as many children to be harmed or killed as possible. The CDC took an active role in shaping this fraudulent research and funneling money into the hands of Dr. Thorsen so he could continue to carry out his vaccine fraud.

Click here to see the elaborate web of CDC fraud that's still operating today.


CDC running a criminal racket steeped in scientific fraud

What's now abundantly clear is that the CDC is operating what can only be called a "criminal racket" that's steeped in scientific fraud for the sole purpose of hiding from the public the truth about MMR vaccine dangers. The CDC possessed irrefutable evidence in 2002 that MMR vaccines caused a 340% increase risk of autism in African-American babies, yet instead of warning the public, the agency's top scientists and executives actively conspired to bury that evidence.

Now that Congressman Posey is attempting to get some answers, the CDC is also stonewalling his office.

I called Congressman Posey's office and spoke with his media contact, who assured me the following statement from Posey is official and on the record:

"When it comes to our children, we must make sure that any intervention is as safe as possible, including vaccinations. Scientific integrity is a key component to giving that assurance. I will continue to press for a full understanding of the evidence in this situation.The CDC has refused for more than six months to hand over documents I requested concerning this issue. That is not the type of response we expect from our government."

When I asked for further clarification, Congressman Posey's spokesperson explained, "We want to see the truth come out, and ultimately we want to see proper studies done so families can have assurances... and so the public knows the proper course of action regarding vaccinating their children."

The CDC, of course, absolutely does not want the truth to come out. That's the whole point of burying the evidence and refusing to turn over documents to Congress. In this regard, the CDC is acting in almost exactly the same way the IRS has been behaving regarding its targeting of conservative non-profit groups. These government departments, it turns out, behave like criminal fiefdoms beholden to no one.

CDC abandons scientific integrity to harm black babies

What's even more horrifying about all this is how the CDC's actions disproportionally harm African-American babies. The medical reasons for this harm are not yet clear, but it may be related to the rampant vitamin D deficiency among African-Americans due to their skin blocking UV rays from sunlight. (The situation is so bad that many black babies are literally being born today with rickets, a disease caused entirely by vitamin D deficiency.)

Did the CDC hold a meeting where its top decision makers said something like, "Oh well, it's only BLACK babies being harmed by this, so let's bury the evidence and tell the world MMR vaccines are safe." ?

If it turned out that white babies were also being increasingly harmed by MMR vaccines, would the CDC have gone public with the findings instead of burying them?

It's one thing to commit scientific fraud, deceive the public and withhold documents from a congressional investigation. It's another thing entirely to do so based on a racist agenda, knowing that black babies would be permanently harmed and handicapped by the CDC's actions.

The Edward Snowden of the CDC

Fortunately we have a CDC whistleblower who is stepping forward with all this information and who has already handed over nearly 100,000 pages of documentation to independent researchers such as Brian Hooker, PhD.

Blogger Jon Rappoport asks Do we have a "medical Edward Snowden?"

The answer is yes.

And Natural News has already learned that this whistleblower will soon step forward to reveal their own name and details about their long tenure at the CDC where they personally witnessed heinous crimes being committed against humanity in the name of "immunizations" and public health.

Natural News has already been informed of the name of this person, and I can verify this person is very real and very committed to disclosing the lies which have haunted him for the past 12 years.

Mainstream media being ordered to bury this story

The corporate-run vaccine pushers are, of course, completely panicked at the thought that the truth is about to come out linking MMR vaccines to autism. I've even noticed a sharp uptick in the disinfo and propaganda being spread about Natural News in a desperate effort to silence our voice as we stand on the verge of breaking this historic story.

I've also learned that every effort is being made right now by the vaccine shills (who are funded by vaccine corporations, of course) to pressure the mainstream media to bury this story in exactly the same way the CDC buried their own evidence. The New York Times, I've been told, has already been directed to pretend this CDC whistleblower doesn't exist. (Just watch as the NYT ignores this story in the days ahead...) Other media outlets such as CNN, the Washington Post, Fox News, etc., are no doubt also being pressured in exactly the same way. And that's why none of the mainstream media can ever be trusted on ANY news. (Because no matter what they do report, there's far more they deliberately don't tell you...)

The raw truth of the matter is that the CDC has now been caught red-handed committing scientific fraud and running what is certainly a criminal conspiracy to cause extraordinary harm and suffering to African-American children. A CDC whistleblower is about to step forward. Documents have already been acquired by Natural News and other truth media sources. These documents will all sooner or later be released to the public. The truth can no longer be buried.

Truth media now breaks all the really important stories

What's even more amazing is that it doesn't even matter if the New York Times completely censors this story. The "truth media" is now the dominant information source among the well-informed. Natural News alone reaches about 7 million readers a month, and our news is picked up and syndicated on hundreds of other websites. Every desperate attempt by the mainstream media to try to discredit Natural News has only brought us more readers, expanding our reach and audience for the simple reason that people naturally seek out the truth.

Even more importantly, if the New York Times fails to cover this story, that will only further discredit them as nothing more than a corporate propaganda mouthpiece. Think about it: How could a CDC whistleblower, scientific fraud and a racist-overtones vaccine cover-up NOT be a front-page story for any honest media outlet? This is a story that affects every single family in America, and it's a story of extraordinary criminality and deception carried out by a corrupt government agency that has deliberately placed tens of millions of black babies in harm's way.

This is one of the biggest stories in the history of medicine. By refusing to cover it, the mainstream media just hands Natural News and other "truth media" outlets the exclusive reporting on this story.

That's why, as always, you'll want to check Natural News for the real story as this CDC conspiracy unfolds. We'll be releasing CDC documents in the days ahead, long before you'll see them in the NYT... if ever.

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China Becoming Global Gold Hub And Gold Price Discovery Centre

by GoldCore on 08/20/2014 05:09 -0400

Shanghai Gold Exchange Launching International Bullion Exchange In Yuan Next Month
China is moving closer to positioning itself as the physical gold trading hub of the world and the world’s gold price discovery centre. It is a natural progression for the largest economy in the world and for the world’s largest gold buyer, importer and indeed producer.

The Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) is launching its yuan denominated international bullion trading exchange next month. This is another important step in internationalising the yuan or renminbi and positioning it as an alternative global reserve currency.

(AK NOTE: Interesting chart of six monetary "phoenix"-ings of the financial 
system since 1450... now the attempt to make China the Global Reserve currency...)

Bloomberg reports this morning that

The Shanghai Gold Exchange plans to start bullion trading in the city’s free-trade zone on Sept. 26, according to three people with knowledge of the matter. 
The people asked not to be identified because they aren’t authorized to speak to the media. Gu Wenshuo, a spokesman for the exchange, confirmed that the trading system is being tested, without giving further details. 
Shanghai wants to become a regional bullion-trading hub, giving foreigners access to the world’s largest physical-gold market, Xu Luode, the exchange’s chairman, told a conference in Singapore in June. 
The gold contract will be priced and settled in yuan and the infrastructure is in place for trading to start in the third quarter, Xu said in June. The zone will have a vault capable of holding 1,500 metric tons of gold, which can either be imported into China or be in transit to other markets, Xu said. 
China is seeking to open up its bullion markets just as domestic demand weakens. 
Consumption contracted 19 percent in the first six months of the year, according to the China Gold Association. Bullion of 99.99 percent purity traded on the Shanghai Gold Exchange climbed 8.7 percent this year, damping demand which reached a record in 2013.

Reuters reports this morning that

China has allowed three more banks, including a foreign lender, to import gold, sources with direct knowledge of the matter said, as the world's top gold buyer gears up for its strongest effort yet to gain pricing power of the metal. 
The move, which brings the number of firms allowed to import gold into China to 15, comes ahead of the launch in September of a new international bullion exchange in Shanghai with which China hopes to become a price-discovery centre. 
China and other Asian gold trading centres such as Singapore are calling for more localised pricing of the precious metal as they seek alternatives to the so-called London fix, the global benchmark for spot gold prices, which is being investigated by regulators on suspicion that it may have been manipulated. 
Standard Chartered (STAN.L), Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (600000.SS) and China Merchants Bank (600036.SS) were given regulatory approval recently to import gold, five sources with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters. 
China approached foreign banks, gold producers and refiners to participate in SGE's international bourse, sources told Reuters earlier in the year, to boost its position as a price-discovery centre for gold. It plans to launch three physically-backed gold contracts.
The chairman of the exchange said in June that China should have its own pricing benchmark as it is the biggest consumer and producer of gold.


Chinese gold demand has fallen from record levels in recent months. this was to be expected given the huge leap in demand seen in recent years. Nothing moves in a straight line and a fall was inevitable and reflects the natural ebb and flow of demand, one would expect.

However, an important fact, not realised by most market participants, is that the people of China were banned from owning gold bullion by Chairman Mao in 1950. This means that the per capita consumption of over 1.3 billion people is rising from a miniscule base. This suggests that demand will consolidate at these levels and could again return to record levels - particularly if there are losses in the Chinese property market or stock markets.

This prohibition continued until 2003 when the Chinese gold market was first liberalised and China made its first steps to becoming a global gold hub to rival New York or London.

Since the market in China was liberalised, gold in yuan terms has risen by more than 250% while the stock market has performed poorly.

Even after the significant increase in demand seen in recent years - Chinese per capita gold ownership remains well below that of the levels seen in India and other Asian countries and indeed below levels seen in more affluent Hong Kong.


Culturally, India is known to have the greatest affinity for gold in the world. China had a similar cultural affinity prior to the "cultural revolution" and in time its levels of gold ownership will likely rival those seen in India, Vietnam and other Asian countries.

Within the lifetime of many Chinese people living today is the experience of hyperinflation as many middle aged and elderly Chinese people experienced hyperinflation in 1949.

Therefore, as in Germany, there is a greater awareness of what inevitably happens when a central bank debases the paper currency.

Many market participants and non gold and silver experts tend to focus on the daily fluctuations and “noise” of the market and not see the “big picture” or major change in the fundamental supply and demand situation in the gold and silver bullion markets.

This is particularly due to investment, store of wealth and central bank demand from China and the rest of an increasingly affluent Asia.

Gold Bust (2.8 Kilogramme) of Deng Xiaoping
 (Reuters/Bobby Yip)

It is worth noting that the People’s Bank of China’s official gold reserves are very small when compared to those of the U.S. and indebted European nations. They are miniscule when compared with China’s massive foreign exchange reserves of more than $3 trillion.

The People’s Bank of China is continuing to quietly accumulate gold bullion reserves. As was the case previously, they will not announce their gold bullion purchases to the market in order to ensure they accumulate sizeable reserves at more competitive prices. They also do not wish to create a flight from the dollar – thereby devaluing their sizeable dollar reserves.

Expect an announcement from the PBOC, sometime later this year or in 2015, that they have trebled or even quadrupled their reserves to over 3,000 or 4,000 tonnes.

Source: China Becoming Global Gold Hub And Gold Price Discovery Centre

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ZERO HEDGE: China Bond Default Risk Reignites, Despite "Never Anticipating Any Risks"

Posted: 20 Aug 2014 07:52 AM PDT


China Bond Default Risk Reignites, Despite "Never Anticipating Any Risks"
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/19/2014 22:07 -0400

When, six months ago, we first brought the market's attention to Chaori Solar - China's first corporate bond default in history - there were 2 narrative sin play: 1) it's all good, government knows the contagion risk and will bail them out (that happened), or 2) if government bails them out, it will merely delay the inevitable and stoke further risk exposure (that happened too). However, as Bloomberg reports, the consequences are coming as bondholders met today to discuss the value of any assets left (Chaori’s liabilities were more than 700 million yuan greater than its assets). With China's TSF collapsing last month, perhaps demand is finally waining for these high-risk assets, but expectations of implied government support remain, as one Chaori 'loser' laments, "never anticipated any risks with the securities."

Halted since April...


As Bloomberg reports,

Holders of China’s first corporate bond to default onshore met today in Shanghai, as investors look for clues on how the government will balance market liberalization with steps to maintain stability.

There was difficulty assessing the overseas assets of Shanghai Chaori Solar Energy Science & Technology Co...

More than 10 police cars were on the street in front of the company headquarters today around 2:30 p.m. as the gathering took place.

While Premier Li Keqiang said defaults may be unavoidable in some cases after Chaori failed to make a full coupon payment on March 7, the country has averted similar cases since. Widespread bond nonpayments would cause financial market turbulence, which can’t be allowed when the economy faces “relatively heavy” downward pressure, according to a front-page commentary in a central bank publication today.

Chaori only paid 4 million yuan ($650,755) of an 89.8 million yuan coupon due in March on its 2017 bonds, becoming the first company to default on a yuan note onshore. Shanghai marked a milestone in corporate bankruptcy in June when a court accepted a restructuring application for the manufacturer.

As of March, Chaori’s liabilities were more than 700 million yuan greater than its assets, according to the statement.
No risk...

Ding Guixiang, who said she invested more than one million yuan in the Chaori bonds, said outside the meeting today that she had never anticipated any risks with the securities when she bought them.
Government to the rescue...except for Chaori...

“To prevent large-scale bond defaults, regulators will strengthen monitoring and supervision to solve crises in a timely manner,” according to the commentary today in the Financial News, a publication of the People’s Bank of China. The commentary was by Xu Shaofeng, who wasn’t identified.
*  *  *

As JPMorgan warned in a previous note,

"avoiding defaults is not the right answer, as it will only delay or even amplify the problem in the future."
A default that encourages lenders to price in risk would be a positive development.

*  *  *

We noted before that a more confident government means more defaults...

With amazing speed in consolidating power in 2013, a more confident President Xi Jinping and team are expected to push for a wide range of reforms. 2014 will be the year for China seriously cleans up mounting local government and corporate debts which have been rapidly accumulated since late 2008. We believe the chance of some bond and trust loan defaults will rise significantly in 2014, especially as the more confident government sees the need for some defaults to develop a more disciplined financial market.
*  *  *
Clearly then - the government is not confident.
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thanks to Galactic Free Press


What Dreams May Come: On the Passing of Robin Williams, Conversations With God and the Individual Nature of the Afterlife

Robin Williams was a gem. Upon news of his passing, the world grieved as one. He was one of our most beloved entertainers – an explosive and trailblazing comedian whose natural gifts and fiery love of pushing the envelope were eclipsed only by the size of his heart. His was a personality so passionately efflorescent he simply couldn’t be contained. His frenetic, ‘laugh-at-one-joke-miss-two-others’ stream of consciousness delivery, particularly in interviews and improvisational situations, quickly made him a household name in the 80′s and managed to precede him for the rest of his life.

He was also a multiple award-winning actor who was highly regarded as an exceptional talent with the ability to stretch himself across all genres. Among the many touching and artistic films he made was 1998′s What Dreams May Come. While failing to perform as well as certain other classics he starred in, such as Good Morning VietnamDead Poet’s Society and the Academy award-winning Good Will Hunting, the lesser known film was no less ambitious in its scope. One of only a handful of pictures in history to attempt crossing over and describing what the afterlife may be like, it is a film in which the majority of the action takes place after death. The world that the characters occupy there is one that is both similar and astonishingly different than our current reality, by turns both magical and horrifying. It is greatly entertaining. Aside from this, however, the question arises as to whether or not it is at all believable. Is it based on any evidence of real ‘life after death’ experiences? Even if it is, why should we give it any more credence than any other ‘theory’ surrounding life after death, all of which should be viewed with a healthy amount of skepticism, regardless?

For those here at Wisdom Pills, there is one simple reason: The book trilogy Conversations With God. Our number one item on the list of recommended reading, the CWG series is an astonishing condensation of serious spiritual truths. And while it takes a massive leap of faith for the analytical mind to accept anything the series presents, if one takes a moment and listens to their second brain and its deep intuitive wisdom, the truth is undeniable. The third book in particular deals with a number of intriguing ideas, specifically the lifestyles of Highly Evolved Beings (people living in other parts of the cosmos who are exceptionally advanced in their spiritual and technological evolution) as well as, you guessed it, life after death. Published in 1998, the book, amazingly, addresses What Dreams May Come in its dialogue specifically. From pages 72-74, here is an excerpt. (To clarify, the writing in bold is that of the book’s author, Neale Donald Walsch, and the regular text is that of ‘God’.)

 *   *   *

Nothing exists in Ultimate Reality save that Which Is. You are correct in pointing out that you may create any subreality you choose – including the experience of hell as you describe it. I have never said at any point in this entire dialogue that you could not experience hell; I said that hell does not exist. Most of what you experience does not exist, yet you experience it nonetheless.

This is unbelievable. A friend of mine [name removed] just produced a movie about this. I mean, about this exactly. It is August 7, 1998, as I write this sentence. I am inserting this in the dialogue, in between lines of a discussion of two years ago, and I have never done this before. But just before sending this to the publisher, I was re-reading the manuscript one last time, and I realized: Hold it! Robin Williams has just made a movie aboutexactly what we’re talking about here. It’s called What Dreams May Come, and it’s a startling depiction on film of what You’ve just said.

I am familiar with it.

You are? God goes to the movies? 

God makes movies.


Yes. You never saw Oh, God?

Well, sure, but…

What, you think God only writes books?

So, is the Robin Williams movie literally true? I mean, is that how it is?

No. No movie or book or other human explanation of the Divine is literally true.

Not even the Bible? The Bible is not literally true?

No. And I think you know that.

Well, what about this book? Surely this book is literally true!

No. I hate to tell you this, but you are bringing this through your personal filter. Now I will agree that the mesh on your filter is thinner, finer. You have become a very good filter. But you are a filter nonetheless.

I know that. I just wanted to state it again, here, because some people take books like this, and movies likeWhat Dreams May Come, as literal truth. And I want to stop them from doing that.

The writers and producers of that film brought some enormous truth through an imperfect filter. The point they sought to make is that you will experience after death exactly what you expect, and choose, to experience. They made that point very effectively. Now, shall we get back to where we were?

Yes. I’d like to know just what I wanted to know when I was watching that movie. If there is no hell, yet I am experiencing hell, what the hell is the difference?

There wouldn’t be any, as long as you remain in your created reality. Yet you will not create such a reality forever. Some of you won’t experience it for more than what you would call a “nanosecond.” And therefore you will not experience, even in the private domains of your own imagination, a place of sadness or suffering.

What would stop me from creating such a place for all eternity if I believed all my life that there was such a place, and that something I’d done had caused me to deserve such a place?

Your knowledge and understanding. Just as in this life your next moment is created out of the new understandings you’ve gained from your last moment, so, too, in what you call the afterlife, will you create a new moment from what you’ve come to know and understand in the old.

And the one thing you will come to know and understand very quickly is that you are at choice, always, about what you wish to experience. That is because in the afterlife results are instantaneous, and you will not be able to miss the connection between your thoughts about a thing, and the experience those thoughts create. You will understand yourself to be creating your own reality.

This would explain why some people’s experience is happy, and some people’s experience is frightening; why some people’s experience is profound, while other people’s experience is virtually nonexistent. And why so many different stories exist about what happens in the moments after death. 

Some people come back from near-death experiences filled with peace and love, and with no fear, ever again, of death, while others return very frightened, certain that they have encountered dark and evil forces.

The soul responds to, re-creates, the mind’s most powerful suggestion, producing that in its experience. Some souls remain in that experience for a time, making it very real – even as they remained with their experiences while with the body, though they were equally as unreal and impermanent. Other souls quickly adjust, see the experience for what it is, begin to think new thoughts, and move immediately to new experiences.

Do You mean that there is no one particular way things are in the afterlife? Are there no eternal truths that exist outside of our own mind? Do we continue to go on creating myths and legends and make-believe experiences right past our death and into the next reality? When do we get released from the bondage? When do we come to know the truth?

When you choose to. That was the point of the Robin Williams movie. That is the point being made here. Those whose only desire is to know the eternal truth of All That Is, to understand the great mysteries, to experience the grandest reality, do so.

*   *   *

The dialogue continues to go deeper from there. It is quite a headful, yes, but totally digestible to the inquiring spiritual mind.

We decided to put this post together as a commemorative piece celebrating the life of Robin Williams and his incredible, uncontainable spirit. There is no doubting the fact that he was a lightworker of true significance. If there is one thing his work attests to, this is it. The message his life conveyed to the rest of us was clear: Joy is the answer. Enthusiasm is the answer. Fearlessness, persistence and a willingness to shout the truth from the top of your lungs is the answer. Whatever ‘darkness’ may have surrounded his departure from this earth, wherever Robin is now, whatever reality he has created for himself – or passed through – we like to believe that it is one overflowing with an abundance of all of these exuberant states of consciousness, and more. How could someone who gave so much love to the world experience any less?

Rest in Peace, Mr. Williams.

~ A Wisdom Pills Original Article

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Love… we are… beyond the stars…unspoken light… exploring with new insights… dancing with our star neighbours… we welcome them with our golden light… burning bright.

-Lyrics from the “Isolation Tank” sessions

other music

image is a sky sylph

 August 19, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel

Discovering lots of cool stuff from Indian in the Machine this week……..

Beautiful music:(check out the song “The Final Prophet”…beautiful!




Have A Glimpse Into The Fifth Dimension Right Now! Here’s How!

Have A Glimpse Into The Fifth Dimension Right Now! Here’s How!

*This is one of the most important pages you could have found.

Dear world,

Lenticular clouds… many of them are actually cloaked spaceships… for real. There are lots of cool time lapse videos on youtube of these cloaked spaceships... maybe you’ve seen them and believed the lie that they were just water vapour going against the wind like you were told?

Some of these cloaked spaceships give off “new colours”… 5 new colours to be exact.

These 5 new colours are a glimpse into the fifth dimension… the colours they show are not from this dimension.

Watch this video….


These 5 new colours are as follows:

These new rays idenified in Sananda message, are now seen all over the world in new sky energies….

8TH RAY – Seafoam green with violet: clear and cleanse 4 bodies: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual

9TH RAY – Luminescent light green and blue: love, joy and passion for life

10TH RAY – Pearlescent luminosity: Code your lightbody into the physical, draw in your I AM Presence

11TH RAY – Peach luminosity: Bridge to new age, balance male and female polarities

12 RAY – White Gold: Cosmic fire, ease and grace in one’s creations

Entire Sananda message can be read here

These 5 new colours in these cloudships, were seen over Calgary a few days ago Oct. 17 by Julie-Anne Waunch…. stunning eh?

If you’ve gotten this far… congratulations… you’ve just seen a glimpse into the fifth dimension… now what? Well, the benefit of this experience is that you can reprogram your DNA to these new energies… in fact although I had been reporting on the genetic mutation of humanity, as we move through the photon belt; a large band of gamma radiation that our solar system goes through twice every 26000 years…, the MAINSTREAM news recently came out with the discovery of 4-stranded DNA in humans… that’s right!… in humans! … so this isn’t crazy Indian talk… never was. ;)  Our DNA will continue to mutate until it is 12-stranded…

Okay since this blog topic is already waaaaay out there… why not add that the sky spirits are also showing us new colours…

How do I know these things?  I shut off my tv about 10 years ago and started to PAY ATTENTION. ;)

If all this is very intriguing, ask the cloudships and the sylphs for a visitation…. but don’t ask as a skeptic… that’s like asking for the opposite to happen… ask from the heart… like you really mean it… carry a camera… and rainbow or not…you will see the cloudships and sylphs… they hear all our heartfelt requests.

“Cloudships and sylphs… okay I’m beginning to sense there’s more the sky than what I am currently aware… with my heart and mind both opening wider, so that more Light gets in, feel free to reveal yourselves to me… and thanks for helping humanity and mother earth to neutralize the radiation, chemtrails and other toxins.”

These 5 new colours corelate with the addition of 5 new chakras… so looking at these pics can activate the 12 new chakras within you…. command this to happen. ;)

There are 2 more spaces open for my course “Preparations And Experiments In Personal Transformation Towards Ascension”. This 8-week course involves a 30-minute personal weekly Skype session with me, and weekly assignments and experiments, with the goals to release personal limitations, and explore unlimiting spiritual potentials, with a practical physical-based component towards personal detoxification. If you are feeling blocked or stuck on your path, and are seeking guidance from someone who is joyfully living ‘outside the box’, we begin Oct. 30. Email

Indian in the machine

The blog… Look for the category: WHAT DO WE SEE IN THE SKY!.. because there is waaaaay more than this in our sky these days. ;)

If you are triggered into anger or feelings of superiority after reading all this, this one is for you… it is after all, a big multidimensional universe out there, and we only use 5% of our brains… IMPOSTER SPIRITS: DO YOU WANT TO CONTROL SOMEONE ESPECIALLY AFTER READING SITES LIKE THIS ONE OR BEING IN PRESENCE OF LIGHTWORKERS?

Has a superior, hierarchal and elitist mental body belief system that tricks it to believe its position or ability is higher than it really is; self-entitled.
Deception, manipulation and vampirism of others are its theme to survive within promoting chaos, confusion and ambiguity.
Self-aggrandizement of personal leadership role through its negative ego compels it to abuse power and authority believing the innocent are stupid to be led deceptively and controlled.

Skillful to use manipulation techniques to avoid transparency, accountability to actions which is to continually deceive others through a divide and conquer strategy.




HOW TO MAKE LEMURIAN AND ATLANTIAN CRYSTAL WATER – by Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine)

HOW TO MAKE LEMURIAN AND ATLANTIAN CRYSTAL WATER – by Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine)

Items: Crystals (suggestions: Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz or Amethyst), Glass Cup, Glass Pitcher or Urn, Himalayan Salt solution, Colloidal Silver and Gold, Purified water

The idea here is to infuse pure water with human thoughtform and emotions via programmed crystal energy. Crystals hold vast amounts of energy, so that idea is that as we ingest the energy of crystals, our bodies can be “rebuilt” from carbon-based to crystalline-based, and as a result, be able to process much more information… The process of crystallizing the body is essentially the doorway to latent gifts you may already possess but stay locked away beyond your conscious ability to retrieve them….thus increases in IQ, new talents and abilities, dormant traits are just waiting to be developed…it’s all about personal power. Can you see now why the powers-that-be-for-now are so “hellbent” on seeing that your reality is full of toxins…toxic, food, air water and soil? It’s to DEGRADE YOUR DNA/RNA to prevent you from becoming a superhuman! Anyways back to our recipe…

First you wash and reprogram your crystals (at least once a week) and make sure they have no lingering energy, you may do this with by running water through them, or you may leave them out in the sun or moonlight for a day or two, or cleanse them with your intent…with sounds, with words, with thoughtforms…many forms of cleansing are possible and nature-based ways are most effective.

Second, you program your crystals, put them in your hand and tell them what you want from them, this can be done at a distance too…. Do you want better health? More love? More peace? Be specific. Use trigger words like “utilize” and “understand” and “remember” and “create”. After you have programmed the crystal, you must then seal it with platinum energy of Archangel Michael, so that the crystal can store and run your program without interference from conflicting programming. (You can re-activate a program within a crystal by placing it in your left hand and blowing on it three times).

You take your glass container and fill it purified water, you add a pinch of Himalayan salt, a drop or a few drops of colloidal silver and/or gold, and the crystals to the water and gently mix.Drink and enjoy! Notice how the water tastes different, and feels different from “normal” water?

Colloidal Silver and/or Gold: Useful to as a crystal catalyst, Himalayan Salt: To hold the crystal structure of the water and Crystals: Useful for programming the water with spiritual/emotional/thoughtform energy.
1. You can add spray this crystal water in rooms to cleanse the air…fill your lungs with crystal mist maybe in a humidifier.
2. You can add this crystal water to baking, soups, raw spreads etc.
3. You can add this crystal water to your skin after a bath, or during a sauna or sweatlodge.
4. Crystal water can be used for pets, animals or even sprouts and plants.
5. Imagine how else crystals water can be used… to heat homes, for healing…. to community planning etc.
The possibilities are endless and within our potential right now as remember our loving family of the elements….the crystals!


Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine) is a galactic artist interested in creating a more harmonious way of living on our planet. He sells ionic footbath plates, and colloidal silver and gold at his website. Dieter believes our planet is currently in an advanced state of transformation due to strong gamma radiation coming from a galactic cloud called the “photon belt” which is verified by NASA and minimized by the mainstream media and political systems. Dieter is available for public and personal consultations and appreciates donations to fund his life’s work and the Crystals and Health Information Centre: An online resource sharing ways to use crystals to enrich our lives.
Contact Dieter at to purchase ionic foot bath plates, colloidal silver and gold, glass urns, Himalayan sole solution (Liquid Minerals) and MMS Kits. Dieter is available for public and personal consultations on 2012 and health-related issues, and appreciates donations to fund his life’s work including the Crystals and Health Information Centre. an online resource sharing ways to use crystals to enrich our lives to create new harmonious ways of living and being, Youtube videos, over 50 music tracks available at Indian in the machine radio. Dieter’s websites now reach about 250,000 page views a month…and all because he has kept his faith that the the truth will prevail, after all is said and done.

Indian’s talk at Crystal Weekend

by Indian in the Machine

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By DL Zeta,

Our consciousness is not limited to physical reality. Lightworkers have known this for some time and we are still finding new horizons for exploring the potentials of spirit travels. The energies now make it easier than ever before to travel time and dimensions to facilitate healing and make expanded realities more accessible to others.

As shamans of the new time, lightworkers are able to undertake spirit journeys by entering a meditative trance state and traveling through the doorway of the imagination. The information from these journeys in consciousness has the power to transform the spirit traveler at all levels. Sometimes these journeys yield gifts the traveler shares with the world. A single image shared from a spirit journey can open doorways for many.

Stepping beyond Time and Physical-Based Realities

We are able to undertake spirit journeys when we step beyond time and physical-based realities. While journeying in consciousness, we can track the threads of visions and intentions to the life tracks where they are realized. Once this connection is made, we are able to ask our ‘selves’ residing along those life tracks to teach us the steps to activate them. Through spirit journeys, we are able perceive and activate timelines where the seeds of our visions are nurtured in the rich soil of our subconscious and loved into being by the bright sun of our highest intentions.

Traveling the Energetic Thread of a Vision

Working with the imagination is essential to journeying in consciousness. It is through the doorway of the imagination that dreams and visions are downloaded to us. When we receive an image that excites us at all levels we can learn more about it by entering a meditative state, becoming deeply relaxed, and releasing our hold on the world. From this state, we can follow the energetic thread of our vision to the location in consciousness where it is realized. Traveling energetic threads is a skill you can practice as you go about your daily life. For example, when you go for a walk in nature you can pick up on the essence of various life forms. Every life form, be it animal, plant, or mineral, emits a spark that contains an energetic signature.

The energetic signature of a hibiscus flower is different from a magnolia tree, a stone, a bird or a lizard. Practice feeling the energetic currents within all living things. Expand your awareness to sense the energetic threads that arc from tree to tree. Close your eyes and follow the arcs in your mind’s eye.

Exploring Life Tracks where Visions are Realized

Once you have tuned into the frequency of life forms in your environment, you are ready to follow the energetic threads that spin off your thoughts, beliefs, visions and desires. You are able to track these threads into the future to see where they will take you. If, for example, you hold the vision to use your intuitive gifts to help others, find the golden thread of this vision extending from your present moment into the future and follow it.

Allow your imagination to take you on a journey to life tracks where this vision is realized. Images of moments and milestones will unfold, offering glimpses of the realities that reside along the path of this thread. When you make a practice of journeying in consciousness you will find you are able to track the energetic signature of all your dreams and intentions. This allows you to clarify and fine-tune them before they crystallize into physical reality.

The Future Seeds itself within a Past Moment

Sometimes visions reveal the steps you will follow to create something new. This might be a soul mate relationship, a book, a work of art, or an invention – the possibilities are limitless. In some cases and especially with creations of greater complexity and magnitude, you may need to pay numerous visits to the life track where your vision is realized in order to learn the steps of its creation. This is one example of the future seeding itself inside a past moment. Time is a mental construct that does not exist in the higher dimensions. All of these moments – past, present and future – are occurring simultaneously in one eternal moment. When we look through this window, it’s easy to see how simultaneous moments enable timeline “bleedthroughs” via frequency and resonance.

Establishing an Energetic Connection with Future Timelines

Returning to our creation process, if your imagination brings you an image of a reality where you have developed a unique healing technique, sit with this vision and hold it in awareness. Feel the energy of it and set your intention to follow the thread of this vision to the location in consciousness where it is realized. Imagine this golden thread extending through time, into the future. You may receive actual visions of this reality or you may experience it as a feeling state.

Ask your Future Self to Download the Steps to Realizing your Visions

You can speak to your future self – the version of yourself that resides inside this timeline – and ask this self to download to you the steps you took to arrive at this life track where your vision is realized. You may see images of actual steps or you may simply be guided within the moment by your intuition to make the decisions and choices that will bring you to this life track.

Let whatever happens on your spirit journeys be perfect for you. Sometimes all you need to accomplish initially is to establish an energetic connection with the location in consciousness where a vision, creation or intention is realized. Once you find this location, you can return here as often as you want, immersing yourself in the energies and feeling states of this space.

©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation
For more on accessing the fifth dimension, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
For more on working with your future self, see Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta

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Hilarion's Weekly Message

by Marlene Swetlishoff

Dear Ones,

It is a glorious time for planet Earth as she goes through the next phase of her cosmic ascension and this will be felt by all of humanity in the coming days. It is an energy that will be stepped down in intensity so that all of her inhabitants can absorb the more refined energies. It is helpful to go within often and be open to receive the incoming energies with the intent of utilizing them to their fullest capacity and also by intending to align consciously several times each day with the highest aspects of your I AM Presence. Begin each day with a conscious alignment to your I AM and feel reverence, gratitude and joy within your heart for the privilege and the honor to be a part of the events that are unfolding. There is nothing to fear - just allow joy and the feeling of celebration to move through you. Love in all its facets is coming home to planet Earth and this will begin to be evident in all that takes place both on the world scene and within each human heart.

Become more conscious of old mental programs that may still be running in your mind and change the programs to ones that empower and support you. The old ways are quickly becoming history as the new energetic downloads occur. Each day, walk your path as a kind, loving and compassionate ambassador as the Divine Plan unfolds. Many are soon to awaken and will be seeking answers to clear the cobwebs from their minds. You have already passed this way before and patience is needed as you strive to remember how difficult it was. The awakening ones will not have such a hard time of it as you, the faithful ones did, for their awakening is in the flow of cosmic events and the energies that are prevailing are in support of this occurrence. Be aware that there might be kundalini energies rising within the awakening ones and send your love and balancing intentions to them.

We are now moving into an accelerated time for all of humanity as their hearts begin to let down the barriers and shields which have been present within their human templates. This will open their awareness to new ways of interacting with each other and they will see solutions to long standing problems in many different perspectives. It will feel like a breath of fresh air and the sense of renewal in all that takes place as these understandings occur. The new energy templates do not support the old paradigm systems any longer and humanity as a whole will feel more liberated and empowered in a way that no longer confines and imprisons them in duality and polarity consciousness. The prevailing energies are aligning to the oneness of all and unity consciousness is the new paradigm the Earth and all upon her will now experience. As the old continues to crumble into dust, the new arises in a vast array of potentials and possibilities.

You who anchor the Light upon and within the planet are the hope and the mainstay of the new Earth reality. We say to you, dream your dreams and expand your visions into new and uncharted territory. Once again, you are all reminded that the very atmosphere around you is filled with new information, new ideas, new inventions, new technology and new solutions to move you all confidently forward on your individual and collective destinies. Open yourselves up to receive the knowledge and the gifts that come to you upon the winds of change. All you have to do is state your intention each day to be open to all that is new and all that is ready to come into manifestation within you and you will find that it is so as you use your divine gift of free will in benevolent and harmonious ways.

All that you seek is within you, and it behooves each of you to spend more time in meditation and quiet contemplation. In this solitude come the answers to your questions and life in general will become more peaceful and filled with graceful synchronicities which move you through the changes into your highest and best life yet. As you surrender to the highest aspects of yourselves, life will explode with amazing and wondrous miracles which will unfold and take root in your personal and collective lives. As you walk the Earth as the master of your thoughts, words, actions and intentions, your own potential will unfold and blossom into new and amazing realities. No matter what your chronological age, you have only just begun!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.
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