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Our Strange Universe

We feel that it is important, given the information that we have provided thus far, to respond to questions that must surely arise regarding our reality and the significance of the messages that we have come to give.

“Given the lack of hard evidence, why should people believe what you are telling them about the Intervention?”

First, there must be great evidence concerning the visitation to your world. We have been told that this is the case. Yet we have also been told by the Unseen Ones that people do not know how to understand the evidence and that they give it their own meaning—a meaning that they prefer to give it, a meaning that provides comfort and reassurance for the most part. We are certain that there is adequate evidence to verify that the Intervention is occurring in the world today if one takes the time to look and to investigate this matter. The fact that your governments or religious leaders do not reveal such things does not mean that such a great event is not occurring in your midst.

“How can people know that you are real?”

Regarding our reality, we cannot demonstrate our physical presence to you, and so you must discern the meaning and the import of our words. At this point, it is not merely a matter of belief. It requires a greater recognition, a Knowledge, a resonance. The words we speak we believe are true, but that does not assure that they can be received as such. We cannot control the response to our message. There are people who require more evidence than can possibly be given. For others, such evidence will not be necessary, for they will feel an inner confirmation.

In the meantime, perhaps we remain a controversy, and yet we hope and we trust that our words can be considered seriously and that the evidence that does exist, which is substantial, can be gathered and understood by those who are willing to give this their effort and their focus in life. >From our perspective, there is no greater problem, challenge and opportunity to receive your attention.

Therefore, you are at the beginning of a new understanding. This does require faith and self-reliance. Many will reject our words simply because they do not believe that we could possibly exist. Others perhaps will think that we are part of some manipulation that is being cast upon the world. We cannot control these responses. We can only reveal our message and our presence in your life, however removed that presence may be. It is not our presence here that is of paramount importance, but the message that we have come to reveal and the greater perspective and understanding that we can provide for you. Your education must begin somewhere. All education begins with the desire to know.

We hope that through our discourses we can gain at least part of your confidence in order to begin to reveal what we are here to offer.

“What do you have to say to those who view the Intervention as a positive thing?”

We understand, first of all, the expectation that all forces from the heavens are related to your spiritual understanding, traditions and fundamental beliefs. The idea that there is prosaic life in the universe is a challenge to these fundamental assumptions. From our perspective and given the experience of our own cultures, we understand these expectations. In the distant past, we maintained them ourselves. And yet we had to relinquish them in facing the realities of Greater Community life and the meaning of visitation.

You live in a great physical universe. It is full of life. This life represents countless manifestations and also represents the evolution of intelligence and spiritual awareness at every level. What this means is that what you will encounter in the Greater Community encompasses almost every possibility.

However, you are isolated and do not yet travel in space. And even if you had the capability to reach another world, the universe is vast, and no one has gained the ability to go from one end of the galaxy to the other with any kind of speed. Therefore, the physical universe remains enormous and incomprehensible. No one has mastered its laws. No one has conquered its territories. No one can claim complete dominance or control. Life has a great humbling effect in this way. Even far beyond your borders this is true.

You should then come to expect that you will meet intelligences representing forces for good, forces for ignorance and those who are more neutral regarding you. However, in the realities of Greater Community travel and exploration, emerging races such as your own will, almost without exception, encounter resource explorers, collectives and those seeking advantage for themselves as their first contact with Greater Community life.

Regarding the positive interpretation of visitation, part of this is human expectation and the natural desire to welcome a good outcome and to seek help from the Greater Community for the problems that humanity has not been able to resolve on its own. It is normal to expect such things, particularly when you are considering that your visitors have greater capabilities than do you. However, a large part of the problem in interpreting the great visitation has to do with the will and the agenda of the visitors themselves. For they are encouraging people everywhere to view their presence here as wholly beneficial to humanity and to its needs.

“If this Intervention is so well underway, why didn’t you come sooner?”

At an earlier time, many years ago, several groups of your allies came to your world to visit in an attempt to give a message of hope, to prepare humanity. But alas their messages could not be understood and were misused by those few who could receive them. In the wake of their coming, the visitors from the collectives have amassed and gathered here. It has been known to us that this would happen, for your world is far too valuable to be overlooked, and, as we have said, it does not exist in a remote and distant part of the universe. Your world has been observed for a long time by those who would seek to use it for their own benefit.

“Why can’t our allies stop the Intervention?”

We are only here to observe and to advise. The great decisions facing humanity are in your hands. No one else can make these decisions for you. Even your great friends far beyond your world would not intervene, for if they did so, it would cause warfare, and your world would become a battleground between opposing forces. And should your friends be victorious, you would become wholly reliant upon them, unable to fend for yourself or to maintain your own security in the universe. We know of no benevolent race that would seek to bear this burden. And in truth, it would not serve you either. For you would become a client state to another power and would have to be governed from afar. This is not beneficial for you in any way, and it is for this reason that this is not occurring. Yet the visitors will cast themselves as saviors and rescuers of humanity. They will utilize your naiveté. They will capitalize on your expectations, and they will seek to wholly benefit from your trust.

Therefore, it is our sincere desire that our words can serve as an antidote to their presence and to their manipulation and abuse. For your rights are being violated. Your territory is being infiltrated. Your governments are being persuaded. And your religious ideologies and impulses are being redirected.

There must be a voice of truth regarding this. And we can only trust that you can receive this voice of truth. We can only hope that the persuasion has not gone too far.

“What are realistic goals for us to set, and what is the bottom line with regard to saving humanity from losing its self-determination?”

The first step is awareness. Many people must become aware that the Earth is being visited and that foreign powers are here operating in a clandestine manner, seeking to hide their agenda and endeavors from human understanding. It must be very clear that their presence here is a great challenge to human freedom and self-determination. The agenda that they are furthering and the Pacification Program that they are sponsoring must be countered with sobriety and wisdom regarding their presence. This counteraction must occur. There are many people in the world today who are able to understand this. Therefore, the first step is awareness.

The next step is education. It is necessary for many people in different cultures and in different nations to learn about life in the Greater Community and to begin to comprehend what you will be dealing with and are dealing with even at this moment.

Therefore, realistic goals are awareness and education. This in itself would obstruct the visitors’ agenda in the world. They are operating now with very little resistance. They are encountering few obstacles. All those who seek to view them as “allies of humanity” must learn that this is not the case. Perhaps our words will not be enough, but they are a beginning.

“Where can we find this education?”

The education can be found in The Greater Community Way of Knowledge, which is being presented in the world at this time. Though it presents a new understanding about life and spirituality in the universe, it is connected to all of the genuine spiritual paths that already exist within your world—spiritual paths that value human freedom and the meaning of true spirituality and that value cooperation, peace and harmony within the human family. Therefore, the teaching in The Way of Knowledge calls forth all the great truths that already exist in your world and gives them a greater context and arena of expression. In this way, The Greater Community Way of Knowledge does not replace the world’s religions, but provides a larger context within which they can be truly meaningful and relevant to your times.

“How do we convey your message to others?”

The truth lives within each person at this moment. If you can speak to the truth in a person, it will become stronger and begin to resonate. Our great hope, the hope of the Unseen Ones, the spiritual forces who serve your world, and the hope of those who value human freedom and wish to see your emergence into the Greater Community successfully fulfilled, rely upon this truth that lives within each person. We cannot force this awareness upon you. We can only reveal it to you and trust in the greatness of Knowledge that the Creator has given you that can enable you and others to respond.

“Where do humanity’s strengths lie in opposing the Intervention?”

First, we understand from observing your world, and from what the Unseen Ones have told us regarding things that we cannot see, that though there are great problems within the world, there is sufficient human freedom to give you a foundation for opposing the Intervention. This is in contrast to many other worlds where individual freedom was never established to begin with. As these worlds encounter alien forces in their midst and the reality of Greater Community life, the possibility for them to establish freedom and independence is very limited.

Therefore, you have a great strength in that human freedom is known in your world and is practiced by many, though perhaps not all. You know you have something to lose. You value what you have already, to whatever extent it has been established. You do not want to be ruled by foreign powers. You do not even want to be ruled harshly by human authorities. Therefore, this is a beginning.

Next, because your world has rich spiritual traditions that have fostered Knowledge in the individual and fostered human cooperation and understanding, the reality of Knowledge has already been established. Again, in other worlds where Knowledge was never established, the possibility for establishing it at the turning point of emerging into the Greater Community shows little hope for success. Knowledge is strong enough in enough people here that they may be able to learn of the reality of life in the Greater Community and to comprehend what is occurring in their midst at this time. It is for this reason that we are hopeful, for we trust in human wisdom. We trust that people can rise above selfishness, self-preoccupation and self-protection to view life in a greater way and to feel a greater responsibility in service to their own kind.

Perhaps our faith is unfounded, but we are trusting that the Unseen Ones have counseled us wisely regarding this. As a result, we have placed ourselves at risk by being in the proximity of your world and witnessing events beyond your borders that have direct bearing on your future and destiny.

Humanity has great promise. You have a growing awareness of problems in the world—the lack of cooperation amongst nations, the degradation of your natural environment, your diminishing resources and so forth. If these problems were unknown to your people, if these realities had been kept hidden from your people, to the extent that people had no idea of the existence of these things, then we would not be as hopeful. However, the reality remains that humanity has the potential and the promise to counteract any intervention into the world.

“Is this Intervention going to become a military invasion?”

As we have said, your world is too valuable to incite a military invasion. No one who is visiting your world wants to destroy its infrastructure or its natural resources. That is why the visitors do not seek to destroy humanity, but instead to engage humanity in service to their collectives.

It is not military invasion that threatens you. It is the power of inducement and persuasion. This will be built upon your own weakness, upon your own selfishness, upon your ignorance of life in the Greater Community and upon your blind optimism regarding your future and the meaning of life beyond your borders.

To counteract this, we provide education and we speak of the means of preparation that are being sent into the world at this time. If you did not already know human freedom, if you were not already aware of the problems endemic to your world, then we could not entrust such a preparation to you. And we would not have confidence that our words would resonate with the truth of what you know.

“Can you influence people as powerfully as the visitors, but for the good?”

Our intention is not to influence individuals. Our intention is only to present the problem and the reality into which you are emerging. The Unseen Ones are providing the actual means of preparation, for that comes from God. In this, the Unseen Ones influence individuals for the good. But there are restraints. As we have said, it is your self-determination that must be strengthened. It is your power that must be increased. It is your cooperation amongst the human family that must be supported.

There are limits as to how much help we can provide. Our group is small. We are not walking amongst you. Therefore, the great understanding of your new reality must be shared from person to person. It cannot be forced upon you from a foreign power, even if it were for your own good. We would not, then, be supporting your freedom and self-determination if we sponsored such a program of persuasion. Here you cannot be like children. You must become mature and responsible. It is your freedom that is at stake. It is your world that is at stake. It is your cooperation with each other that is needed.

You now have a great cause to unite your race, for none of you will benefit without the other. No nation will benefit if any other nation falls under alien control. Human freedom must be complete. The cooperation must occur around your world. For everyone is in the same situation now. The visitors do not favor one group over another, one race over another, one nation over another. They only seek the avenue of least resistance to establish their presence and their domination of your world.

“How extensive is their infiltration of humanity?”

The visitors have a significant presence within the most advanced nations in your world, particularly the nations of Europe, Russia, Japan and America. These are viewed as the strongest nations, having the greatest power and influence. It is there that the visitors will concentrate. However, they are taking people from all over the world, and they are furthering their Pacification Program with all those that they capture, if those individuals can be responsive to their influence. Therefore, the visitors’ presence is worldwide, but they are concentrating on those whom they hope will become their allies. These are the nations and governments and religious leaders who hold the greatest power and sway over human thought and conviction.

“How much time do we have?

How much time do you have? You have some time, how much we cannot tell. But we come with an urgent message. This is not a problem that can simply be avoided or denied. From our perspective, it is the most important challenge facing humanity. It is of the greatest concern, the first priority. You are late in your preparation. This was caused by many factors beyond our control. But there is time, if you can respond. The outcome is uncertain and yet there is still hope for your success.

“How can we focus on this Intervention given the immensity of other global problems which are occurring right now?

First of all, we feel that there are no other problems in the world that are as important as this. From our perspective, whatever you can resolve on your own will have little meaning in the future if your freedom is lost. What could you hope to gain? What could you hope to achieve or secure if you are not free in the Greater Community? All of your accomplishments would be given to your new governors; all of your wealth would be bestowed upon them. And though your visitors are not cruel, they are completely committed to their agenda. You are valued only insofar as you can be useful to their cause. It is for this reason that we do not feel that there are any other problems facing humanity as important as this.

“Who is likely to respond to this situation?”

Regarding who can respond, there are many people in the world today who have an inherent knowledge of the Greater Community and who are sensitive to it. There are many others who have been taken by the visitors already but who have not yielded to them or to their persuasion. And there are many others who are concerned about the future of humanity and who are alerted to the dangers that humanity faces, even within your own world. People in all or any of these three categories may be amongst the first to respond to the Greater Community reality and to the preparation for the Greater Community. They may come from any walk of life, from any nation, from any religious background or from any economic group. They are literally all over the world. It is upon them and upon their response that the great Spiritual Powers that protect and oversee human welfare are depending.

“You mention that individuals are being taken all over the world. How can people protect themselves or others from being abducted?”

The more you can become strong with Knowledge and aware of the visitors’ presence, the less you become a desirable subject for their study and manipulation. The more you use your encounters with them to gain insight into them, the more of a hazard you become. As we have said, they seek the path of least resistance. They want individuals who are compliant and yielding. They want those who cause them few problems and little concern.

Yet as you become strong with Knowledge, you will be beyond their control because now they cannot capture your mind or your heart. And with time, you will have the power of perception to see into their minds, which they do not wish. You then become a danger to them, a challenge to them, and they will avoid you if they can.

The visitors do not seek to be revealed. They do not wish for conflict. They are overly confident that they can achieve their goals without serious resistance from the human family. But once such resistance is mounted, once the power of Knowledge awakens in the individual, then the visitors are facing a much more formidable obstacle. Their intervention here becomes thwarted and more difficult to achieve. And their persuasion of those in power becomes more difficult to accomplish. Therefore, it is the individual’s response and commitment to the truth that are essential here.

Become aware of the visitors’ presence. Do not yield to the persuasion that their presence here is of a spiritual nature or that it holds great benefit or salvation for humanity. Resist the persuasion. Regain your own inner authority, the great gift that the Creator has given to you. Become a force to be reckoned with regarding any who would trespass against or deny your fundamental rights.

This is Spiritual Power being expressed. It is the Will of the Creator that humanity should emerge into the Greater Community united within itself and free from foreign intervention and domination. It is the Creator’s Will that you should prepare for a future that will be unlike your past. We are here in service to the Creator, and thus our presence and our words serve this purpose.

“If the visitors encounter resistance in humanity or in certain individuals, will they come in greater numbers or will they leave?”

Their numbers are not great. Should they encounter considerable resistance, they would have to fall back and make new plans. They are wholly confident that their mission can be fulfilled without serious obstacles. Yet should serious obstacles arise, then their intervention and persuasion would be thwarted, and they would have to find other ways of gaining contact with humanity.

We trust that the human family can generate enough resistance and enough consensus in order to offset these influences. It is upon this that we are basing our hope and efforts.

“What are the most important questions that we must ask of ourselves and others with respect to this problem of alien infiltration?”

Perhaps the most critical questions to ask yourself are, “Are we humans alone within the universe or in our own world? Are we being visited at this time? Is this visitation beneficial to us? Do we need to prepare?”

These are very fundamental questions, but they must be asked. There are many questions, however, that cannot be answered, for you do not know enough about life in the Greater Community, and you are not yet confident that you have the ability to counteract these influences. There are many things lacking in human education, which is primarily focused upon the past. Humanity is emerging from a long state of relative isolation. Its education, its values and its institutions were all established within this state of isolation. Yet your isolation now is over, forever. It was always known that this would happen. It was inevitable that this would be the case. Therefore, your education and your values are entering into a new context, to which they must adapt. And the adaptation must happen quickly because of the nature of the Intervention in the world today.

There will be many questions that you cannot answer. You will have to live with them. Your education about the Greater Community is only at the very beginning. You must approach it with great sobriety and care. You must counteract your own tendencies to try and make the situation pleasant or reassuring. You must develop an objectivity about life, and you must look beyond your own personal sphere of interests in order to put yourself in a position to respond to the greater forces and events that are shaping your world and your future.

“What if enough people cannot respond?”

We are confident that enough people can respond and begin their great education about life in the Greater Community in order to give promise and hope to the human family. If this cannot be achieved, then those who value their freedom and who have this education will have to retreat. They will have to keep Knowledge alive in the world as the world falls under complete control. This is a very grave alternative, and yet it has occurred in other worlds. The journey back to freedom from such a position is quite difficult. We hope that this will not be your fate, and that is why we are here giving you this information. As we have said, there are enough people in the world who can respond to offset the intentions of the visitors and to thwart their influence on human affairs and human values.

“You speak of other worlds emerging into the Greater Community. Can you speak of successes and failures which might have bearing on our situation?”

There have been successes or we would not be here. In my case, as the speaker for our group, our world had already been greatly infiltrated before we realized the situation at hand. Our education was prompted by the arrival of a group such as ourselves, providing insight and information about our situation. We had alien resource traders in our world interacting with our government. Those who were in power at that time were persuaded that trade and commerce would be beneficial to us, for we were beginning to experience resource depletion. Though our race was united, unlike your own, we began to be wholly dependent upon the new technology and opportunities that were being presented to us. And yet as this occurred, there was a shift in the center of power. We were becoming the clients. The visitors were becoming the providers. As time went on, terms and restrictions were placed upon us, subtly at first.

Our religious focus and beliefs were also influenced by the visitors, who showed interest in our spiritual values but who wished to give us a new understanding, an understanding based upon the collective, based upon the cooperation of minds thinking alike in unison with each other. This was presented to our race as an expression of spirituality and achievement. Some were persuaded, and yet because we were well advised from our allies beyond our world, allies such as ourselves, we began to mount a resistance movement and over time were able to force the visitors to leave our world.

Since that time, we have learned a great deal about the Greater Community. The trade that we maintain is very selective, with only a few other nations. We have been able to avoid the collectives, and that has preserved our freedom. And yet our success was difficult to achieve, for there were many of us who had to die in the face of this conflict. Ours is a story of success, but not without cost. There are others in our group who have experienced similar difficulties in their interaction with intervening powers in the Greater Community. And yet because we eventually learned to travel beyond our borders, we gained alliance with one another. We were able to learn what spirituality means in the Greater Community. And the Unseen Ones, who serve our world as well, helped us in this regard to make the great transition from isolation to Greater Community awareness.

Yet there have been many failures that we are aware of. Cultures where the indigenous peoples had not established personal freedom or had not tasted the fruits of cooperation, even though they were advancing technologically, did not have a foundation to establish their own independence in the universe. Their ability to resist the collectives was very limited. Induced by promises of greater power, greater technology and greater wealth, and induced by the seeming benefits of trade in the Greater Community, their center of power left their world. In the end, they became wholly dependent upon those who supplied them and who gained control of their resources and their infrastructures.

Surely you can imagine how this could be the case. Even within your own world according to your history, you have seen smaller nations fall under the domination of greater ones. You can see this even today. Therefore, these ideas are not wholly foreign to you. In the Greater Community, as in your world, the strong will dominate the weak, if they can. This is a reality of life everywhere. And it is for this reason that we are encouraging your awareness and your preparation, in order that you may become strong and your self-determination may grow.

It may be a grave disappointment to many to understand and to learn that freedom is rare in the universe. As nations become stronger and more technological, they require greater and greater uniformity and compliance amongst their peoples. As they bridge out into the Greater Community and become involved in Greater Community affairs, the tolerance for individual expression diminishes to the point where large nations that have wealth and power are governed with a strictness and an exacting attitude that you would find abhorrent.

Here you must learn that technological advancement and spiritual advancement are not the same, a lesson that humanity has yet to learn and which you must learn if you are to exercise your natural wisdom in these matters.

Your world is greatly valued. It is rich biologically. You are sitting on a prize that you must protect if you are to be its stewards and its beneficiaries. Consider the peoples in your world who have lost their freedom because they lived in a place considered valuable by others. It is now the whole human family that is so imperiled.

“Because the visitors are so skilled in projecting thoughts and influencing people’s Mental Environment, how do we ensure ourselves that what we are seeing is real?”

The only basis for wise perception is the cultivation of Knowledge. If you believe only what you see, then you will believe only what is shown to you. There are many, we are told, that have this perspective. Yet we have learned that the Wise everywhere must gain a greater vision and a greater discernment. It is true that your visitors can project images of your saints and of your religious figures. Though this is not practiced often, it certainly can be used in order to evoke commitment and dedication amongst those who are already given to such beliefs. Here your spirituality becomes an area of vulnerability where Wisdom must be used.

Yet the Creator has given you Knowledge as a foundation for true discernment. You can know what you are seeing if you ask yourself if it is real. Yet to do this, you must have this foundation, and that is why the teaching in The Way of Knowledge is so fundamental to learning Greater Community Spirituality. Without this, people will believe what they want to believe, and they will rely upon what they see and what they are shown. And their potential for freedom will have been lost already, for it was never allowed to flourish in the first place.

“You speak about keeping Knowledge alive. How many will it take to keep Knowledge alive in the world?”

We cannot give you a number, but it must be strong enough to generate a voice within your own cultures. If this message can only be received by a few, they will not have this voice or this strength. Here they must share their wisdom. It cannot be purely for their own edification. Many more must learn of this message, many more than can receive it today.

“Is there a danger in presenting this message?”

There is always a danger in presenting the truth, not only in your world, but elsewhere. People gain advantage from the circumstances as they currently exist. The visitors will offer advantage to those in power who can receive them and who are not strong in Knowledge. People become accustomed to these advantages and build their lives upon them. This makes them resistant or even hostile to the presentation of truth, which calls for their responsibility in service to others and which may threaten the basis of their wealth and achievements.

This is why we are hidden and do not walk in your world. Certainly the visitors would destroy us if they could find us. But humanity may seek to destroy us as well because of what we represent, because of the challenge and the new reality that we demonstrate. Not everyone is ready to receive the truth even though it is greatly needed.

“Can individuals who are strong with Knowledge influence the visitors?”

The chance of success here is very limited. You are dealing with a collective of beings who have been bred to be compliant, whose whole life and experience have been encompassed and engendered by a collective mentality. They do not think for themselves. For this reason, we do not feel that you can influence them. There are few amongst the human family who have the strength to do this, and even here the possibility for success would be very limited. So the answer must be “No.” For all practical purposes, you cannot win them over.

“How are collectives different from a united humanity?”

Collectives are made up of different races and of those who are bred to serve those races. Many of the beings that are being encountered in the world are bred by collectives to be servants. Their genetic heritage has long been lost to them. They are bred to serve, as you breed animals to serve you. The human cooperation that we are promoting is a cooperation that preserves the self-determination of individuals and provides a position of strength from which humanity can interact, not only with the collectives but with others who will visit your shores in the future.

A collective is based upon one belief, one set of principles and one authority. Its emphasis is complete allegiance to an idea or an ideal. Not only is this engendered in the education of your visitors, but in their genetic code as well. That is why they behave in the ways that they do. This is both their strength and their weakness. They have great strength in the Mental Environment because their minds are united. But they are weak because they cannot think for themselves. They cannot deal with complexities or adversity very successfully. A man or woman of Knowledge would be incomprehensible to them.

Humanity must unite to preserve its freedom, but this is a very different establishment from the creation of a collective. We call them “collectives” because they are collectives of different races and nationalities. Collectives are not one race. Though there are many races in the Greater Community that are ruled by a dominant authority, a collective is an organization that spans beyond the allegiance of one race to its own world.

Collectives can have great power. Yet because there are many collectives, they tend to compete with one another, which prevents any one of them from becoming dominant. Also, various nations in the Greater Community have long-standing disputes with one another, which are difficult to bridge. Perhaps they have competed for a long time for the same resources. Perhaps they compete with one another to sell the resources that they have. Yet a collective is a different matter. As we are saying here, it is not based upon one race and one world. They are the result of conquest and domination. That is why your visitors are comprised of different races of beings at different levels of authority and command.

“In other worlds that have successfully unified, did they maintain their individual freedom of thought?”

To varying degrees. Some to a very high degree, others less so, depending upon their history, their psychological make-up and the needs of their own survival. Your life in the world has been relatively easy compared to where other races have developed. Most places where intelligent life exists have been colonized, for there are not many terrestrial planets such as your own that provide such a wealth of biological resources. Their freedom, in large part, depended upon the wealth of their environments. But they have all been successful in thwarting alien infiltration and have established their own lines of trade, commerce and communication based upon their own self-determination. This is a rare accomplishment and must be earned and protected.

“What will it take to achieve human unity?”

Humanity is very vulnerable in the Greater Community. This vulnerability, in time, can foster a fundamental cooperation amongst the human family, for you must join and unite in order to survive and to advance. This is part of having a Greater Community awareness. If this is based upon the principles of human contribution, freedom and self-expression, then your self-sufficiency can become very strong and very rich. But there must be greater cooperation in the world. People cannot live for themselves alone or put their own personal goals above and beyond the needs of everyone else. Some may view this as a loss of freedom. We see it as a guarantee for future freedom. For given the current attitudes prevalent in the world today, your future freedom would be very difficult to secure or maintain. Take heed. Those who are driven by their own selfishness are the perfect candidates for foreign influence and manipulation. If they are in positions of power, they will give over their nation’s wealth, their nation’s freedom and their nation’s resources in order to gain advantage for themselves.

Therefore, greater cooperation is required. Surely you can see this. Surely this is apparent even within your own world. But this is very different from the life of the collective, where races have been dominated and controlled, where those who are compliant are brought into the collectives and those who are not are alienated or destroyed. Surely such an establishment, though it may have considerable influence, cannot be beneficial for its members. And yet this is the path that many in the Greater Community have taken. We do not wish to see humanity fall into such an organization. That would be a great tragedy and a loss.

“How is the human perspective different from yours?”

One of the differences is that we have developed a Greater Community perspective, which is a less self-centered way of looking at the world. It is a point of view that gives great clarity and can provide great certainty regarding the smaller problems that you face in your daily affairs. If you can solve a great problem, you can solve lesser ones. You have a great problem. Every human being in the world faces this great problem. It can unite you and enable you to overcome your long-standing differences and conflicts. It is that great and that powerful. This is why we say there is a possibility for redemption within the very circumstances that threaten your well-being and your future.

We know that the power of Knowledge within the individual can restore that individual and all of their relationships to a higher degree of accomplishment, recognition and ability. You must discover this for yourself.

Our lives are very different. One of the differences is that our lives are given to service, a service that we have chosen. We have the freedom to choose and thus our choice is real and meaningful and is based upon our own understanding. Amongst our group are representatives from several different worlds. We have come together in service to humanity. We represent a greater alliance that is more spiritual in nature.

“This message is coming through one man. Why aren’t you contacting everybody if this is so important?”

It is merely a matter of efficiency. We do not control who is selected to receive us. That is a matter for the Unseen Ones, those whom you could rightly call “Angels.” We think of them in this way. They have selected this person, a person who has no position in the world, who is not recognized in the world, an individual who has been chosen because of his qualities and because of his heritage in the Greater Community. We are glad to have one through whom we can speak. If we spoke through more, they perhaps would disagree with one another, and the message would become confused and lost.

We understand, from our own studenthood, that the transmission of spiritual wisdom is generally given through one, with the support of others. This individual must bear the weight and the burden and the risk of being so chosen. We respect him for doing this, and we understand what a burden it can be. This will be misconstrued, perhaps, and that is why the Wise must remain hidden. We must remain hidden. He must remain hidden. In this way, the message can be given, and the messenger can be preserved. For there will be hostility towards this message. The visitors will oppose it and are opposing it already. Their opposition can be significant but will primarily be aimed at the messenger himself. It is for this reason that the messenger must be protected.

We know that the answers to these questions will generate more questions. And many of these cannot be answered, perhaps even for a long time. The Wise anywhere must live with questions that they cannot yet answer. It is through their patience and their perseverance that real answers emerge and that they are able to experience them and embody them.

*These questions were sent to the New Knowledge Library by many of the first readers of the Allies Material.

Final Words

Humanity is at a new beginning. It is faced with a grave situation. The need for a new education and understanding is paramount. We are here to serve this need at the request of the Unseen Ones. They are relying upon us to share our wisdom, for we live in the physical universe, as do you. We are not angelic beings. We are not perfect. We have not achieved great heights of spiritual awareness and accomplishment. And therefore our message to you about the Greater Community, we trust, will be more relevant and more easily received. The Unseen Ones know far more than we about life in the universe and about the levels of advancement and accomplishment that are available and that are practiced in many places. Yet they have asked us to speak regarding the reality of physical life because we are fully engaged there. And we have learned through our own trials and errors the importance and the meaning of what we are sharing with you.

Thus, we come as the Allies of Humanity, for such we are. Be thankful that you have allies that can help you and that can educate you and that can support your strength, your freedom and your accomplishment. For without this assistance, the prospect of your surviving the kind of alien infiltration that you are experiencing now would be very limited. Yes, there would be a few individuals who would come to realize the situation as it actually exists, but their numbers would not be great enough, and their voices would go unheard.

In this, we can only ask for your trust. We hope that through the wisdom of our words and through the opportunities you have to learn their meaning and relevance, that we can gain this trust over time, for you have allies in the Greater Community. You have great friends beyond this world who have suffered the challenges that you are facing now and have achieved success. Because we were assisted, we must now assist others. That is our sacred covenant. It is to this that we are firmly committed.

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Elements of institutions are viewed & surpassed
by ÉirePort;Elements of institutions are viewed and surpassed.;Light signs master the travelers.

Steadfast journeys are beginning.;Hue-manity brings the news.

ÉirePort | June 1, 2016 at 08:08 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

"Hot" Space Wars and other nonsense...

By American Kabuki

Lots of SSP disinfo drama being stirred up in these final moments of the separation. There is a possibility of yet more "storylines" to be released through the usual outlets. There is much needless drama at this moment. 80% of all "ETs" look like us to one degree or another. Especially the Pleiadians and the Andromedans, who came from the Early Atlantis eras on Earth and are "US".

Some best I know them....

The Australian SSP bases were abandoned last year.

There is no "hot space war" going on.! There is no "where" for them to flee to and go from... and they are not about to destroy the very realm they are all inner-grated into. The realms have congealed into this one. They are HERE, but not yet visible completely, but are being seen more and more. We've seen them here.

Fear is a cheap "weapon", doesn't cost much, if people buy into it, they delay creating their own peaceful and free future. Fear is love for the survival of the physical form abused so that it causes one to forget that you are are so much more than the physical form/vehicle your essence (which is formless) resides. Never underestimate your own ability to create a better world!

The Blue Avians, last I checked, were still not in unity?, and still see humanity as being incapable of anything other than a slave state system or a world split between a slave state and free states. This is more an issue of the Essence that created them. Hopefully he resolves that soon. He is not the Draco King or the Bloodline King. He's more a "dabbler" in the game of separation consciousness, that likes to consider himself "the smartest man in the room". This is about heart, not IQ. The Blue Avians were followers of Ra and Horus, both of which are no longer in form. The human inbodyment of Ra is in form. It is not known if there was a human inbodyment of Horus at this time. Ra and Horus were from the 2nd wave of Creation.

The SSP, which is Chinese Dracos, Bush/Cheney Haliburton Complex, and various Multinational aerospace corps, is pretty much in the same mind space as the Blue Avians, so consider the source of the information. Pardon the pun, but they are for the moment, birds of a feather..

There is NO Toplet or Strangelet bombs out there?. There is no mysterious "dark anomaly" other than the one that lies unreconciled by love in one's own heart. Do you really think there is anything "SEPARATE" from Source? Those storylines are pure fiction created by a being with the homophone name of Ashtar SherrON, the Pleiadian inbodyment of the Bloodline King (in stasis according to the SA). He is what Rayelan of Rumor Mill News once called in the early 2000s the "King of the World" when she visited the Malibu undersea base with her CIA/Templar late husband. SherrON is the physical Pleiadian father of Ashtar SherrAN, and inbodyment of my essence frequency.

The Toplet/Strangelet/"Dark Anomaly" storyline has been fed to the rogue Pleiadian faction on Earth known as the so called "resistance movement" (there is no Planet X or Nirbiru) to further fuel separation consciousness and hide the identity of this covert rogue Pleiadian faction. The "resistance" is against Dracos (unless of course its the Chinese ones which the Bloodline King had a side deal with). Its an obsolete covert power move to control the separation by the Bloodline King. It was never intended to free humanity. The Bloodline King (on Earth and the Pleiades) traditionally used the energies of separation consciousness to his own purposes. This scenario has already been neutralized but there are many on the ground still carrying out their last orders. They hold onto what they were originally told, and frankly its embarrassingly hard to retract what has been said in error in public forums. Most involved are unaware, well meaning people, who do want the suffering on the planet to end, they simply didn't understand who that being codenamed "Michael" was, and why that movement went public in October 2012.

There is inter-faction strife between the human Chinese Dragons/Dracos and the human Orion Hybrid Draco that were dropped into Eastern Europe and the Middle East millenia ago (what Ben Fulford calls the Khazarian Mafia - this is often coyly disguised as a "Jewish" issue. Orion Dracos do not descend from Abraham. They are also found among elite Turks, Arabs, and Christians). This struggle is all related to banking control of the planet. A management downsizing if you will. Commander/Ambassador Mallieun of the Dracomax spoke of this (the inference of the Orion Draco - Khazarian connection is mine solely - but none other fits the data). The Pre-Draco Orians/Orions were a human race that was hybridized with Dracos after it was invaded. They appear, and are, humans. The DNA was altered to accomodate a Draco essence. None of the scenarios Mallieun mentioned to me to bring the Orion Draco into unity have yet happened. There appears to be negotiations between these groups ongoing including a lot of threats and counter threats and payoffs. Dragon, Draco, Drake, dragun, drakōn, Basilisk, Hydra, Wyvern, Tarragon, Tarchṓn, Tarkhūn, just different words for the same thing.

There are reportedly less than 1000 actual reptilian forms left on planet, in hidden subterrean/sub-sea bases. They are rare.

Some Draco magi have the ability to project fake holograms of light and to paint emotions in order to cause chaos in others... should they buy into the illusion and tensions of the moment. I have seen this ability first hand in Morocco. Most convincing illusion I have ever seen. But I also knew it was not real. That particular being had to be close to my magnetic field to pull it off. And the cure was simply to avoid him. which I did. I wasn't equipped at that moment to do much else, but have learned more since then as to how to deal with that. The simplest defense is to stay in a pure love state of being, and out of judgement. Observe, but don't react to the illusion. Its all about triggering YOU to do something.

I DO NOT believe "Shape Shifting" as David Icke describes it? between human and reptilian physical forms is found on Earth among Draco essence humans. I do know someone who has seen a draco essence human project a Draco image, and that seems to have been accidental on part of that Draco essence human. The illusion is likely projected by some when under stress. It could be an evolutionary adaptation for survival.

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tree of lifeThe Law of One

by open mind;          I hadn't checked in with Tanaath for awhile and found her most recent post is about the Law of One---which I have never explored at all. I've been curious about it, but it just wasn't high on the priority list. Tanaath makes a number of good points, though.

We need to refrain from blindly labeling things "good" and "bad" and "evil" and anything else and understand that so much of what was once of the Light, was hijacked, twisted and trashed on the Internet by cabal disinformation artists and trolls. It's a jungle out there.

It's wise to take a good look at concepts and history with our own eyes and bounce it off our higher discernment before we toss it out in the trash because "someone" said it's bad---or good.

By now we should have learned that everything is upside-down, inside-out, black is white, bad is good... Need I go on?

It's not like we're going to get cooties from reading something or watching a video. Being open-minded and using the brain we were given is not weak or vulnerable, it's common sense---and we just might learn something. We're always free to agree or disagree; to embrace it or discard it.

Unfortunately, we have assimilated a lot of outright bunk over the course of our lives and it became our belief systems. It's never too late to change that. "The Awakening" can have many meanings.

Thank you, Tanaath, for your perspective on this. ~ BP
tree of lifeThe Law of One

by Tanaath on 05/03/16

This one is a particularly contentious one. Like a lot of popular New Age concepts, it’s a rebranding and twisting of something very real. The Law of One states that at some level we are all one, all the same being. This is technically true, in that we are all part of Source – in this universe, we all issue from the same being and that is our Source. In other universes, we issue from other beings – the Sources of those universes. Ultimately, we, as consciousnesses, transcend universes – we exist in and of ourselves as eternal beings, created by none, beholden to none, and belonging to none but ourselves – but we do all our experiencing within universes in which we all stem from one Source while we are part of that universe. When our vessels of experiencing cease to be (in other words, we die, or whatever process that halting might take at whatever particular expression we’re in), we return to being a part of the Source Consciousness, before spinning out again to experience again. We continue this process until we tire of it and stop doing it, or the universe perishes, whichever comes first. But we are all equal expressions of the same Source. That’s what the Law of One truly is – we are all part of One Source and all of us are connected to the Tree of Life, and are part of Existence. That’s it.

However, of course, this concept has filtered down to us with a heck of a lot of nasty, disempowering baggage, and some really horrible stuff passed off as natural, normal stuff ‘the way things should be’. There are a lot of people quoting various suppositions about the Law of One, and a lot of these things are very harmful. For instance, the notion that we are all One is often used to excuse the behaviour of abusive entities – tying in with the notion that we co-create our experience, the actions of these beings are excused as something we agreed upon or chose and that we should endure without complaint or attempting to change what we don’t like, because since we are ‘One’, the bad guys are as much us as we are. Suffering for the pleasure of nasty entities gets reframed as assisting our own selves, when anyone with a brain can see that it’s anything but. Absolutely nowhere is it demanded of us that we cater to the whims of abusive beings, just because we all come from the same Source. What they choose to do is their choice – we are free to oppose those choices and demonstrate the consequence portion of choices. No one is ever obligated to suffer at the hands of another simply because at some point we were all part of the same being. Period.

Another inaccurate tenet that is often passed around as part of the ‘Law of One’ is that the experiential creation is an illusion. This may simply be a mistranslation – the experiential universe is a fractal hologram (which might be translated fast and loose as an ‘illusion’ by the ill-informed), but it is very, very real. It is a creation, it is a projection, and it is a hologram, but it is not ‘artificial’. The part of the universe that can be lived in and experienced is the whole point of making a universe. Being able to provide experience, or being able to have experiences, is what this is all about. To suggest that this is an illusion is to suggest that existence isn’t real or doesn’t matter. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The Law of One is also popularly held to mean that we all return to Oneness. This is kind of true. Every time we need to take a break from experiential existence – or are forced out through death or what have you – we return to Oneness with Source. It’s part of the normal rest period that consciousnesses take before going off to have more experiences. That’s it. It’s great – without a Source to return to, the consciousness and soul matter (some call it energimata) that make up our individual selves degrade with each death if not refreshed in Source… that’s part of why we really don’t want to end up eaten by Alternate’s dead universe, because there’s no real Source to rest within, and over time any being within that dead universe will end up either annihilated due to attrition (at least as that particular expression – that person’s expression in other universes that are not affected will go on just fine, but that means nothing to the consciousness part in that dead universe), or completely batshit insane. In order to restore lost energimata, beings in a dead universe often turn to cannibalism – not literal corpse eating, but devouring the energimata of other beings in order to sustain their own existence. Life in a dead universe is vicious, cruel, intensely unpleasant, and involves doing a lot of unpleasant things just to sustain existence. That is why we need a Source, and that is why we want that Source to be connected to the Tree of Life – because otherwise we as consciousnesses are doomed to either dissolution or an interminable string of hideous experiences.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – the purpose of existence is to exist, not to find a way to dissolve your consciousness as quickly as possible. When returning to Oneness, our individual consciousnesses – that part of consciousness that is our individual selves with an identity and self-awareness – are dissolved. Our individual consciousnesses – as many as possible, doing as many things as possible – is the only way for Source to complete its objective – which is to experience itself to the greatest extent possible. It can’t do that if we’re all too busy trying to be One. At some point this Source will decide it knows all it can and we will all move into Oneness (and if even one of us isn’t in agreement and still wants to ‘play’, then we don’t do it, because clearly Source isn’t done yet in that case) – and then those of us who want to be experience providers will branch outwards as new universes while those of us who want to be experiencers will go into those new universes – and our Source here will probably tag along as a helper god for some of those new universes. And this universe will be over as a specific, singular universe and will now be a branch upon the tree. That would be the ultimate conclusion of the Law of One for a particular universe. But as long as anyone wants to continue to exist, it is not yet time for that. Nor is it a race to get to that as quickly as possible. Universes aren’t intended to be ‘speed runs’.

With the specific ‘Law of One’ channeled material, they speak of the ‘Harvest’. This is passed along as a great returning to Oneness, and a wonderful thing and the whole point of this planet. If you look past the pretty phrasing and all the hype, what is actually being pushed here is a mass murder and a literal ‘harvest’ of energimata, and the destruction of millions or even billions of souls who are currently on Terra. The channeled ones are talking about killing us and harvesting our soul energy and framing this as some kind of positive return to Source. The ‘Harvest’ is not a natural thing, nor is it a positive thing, nor is it what we’re here for. It is simply opportunistic ET/ED beings attempting to frame their intended atrocities upon us in ways that make them seem like they’re doing something good for us. This 3D life that we have might not be working as it was intended to be, but that’s not how to fix it. It’s like burning the house down because the paint isn’t the right colour. As long as I or any of the Silver Legion exist, we will work to stop any of the rogues’ gallery of beings here slavering to participate in a harvesting of humanity.

Of course I couldn’t go without talking about Karma…

...but the post ends there. I assume Tanaath will pick up there next time. ~ BP


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June 1, 2016 1037 am - Ha! I thought I posted this yesterday but here it is in my draft folder. I wondered why no one commented, even the trolls, lol. Ironically, though, Bill at American Kabuki confirmed my belief that the SSP, Wilcock, Corey Goode, etc. stuff is bogus and designed to mislead and placate. So, here goes. ~ BP

It's taken several days to get an Internet signal substantial enough to even begin listening to this "Urgent Disclosure" interview with Steven Greer on the Carol Rosin Show on my iPad.

In this day and age, for Internet speeds to be an issue ANYWHERE on this planet is testament to the control "they" have over the toys we've been given to keep us contented cows to be led complacently down the garden path, looking only downward and missing most of what is really going on above, unless it's to play with our drones.

The conflicting information from "insiders" continues, and I don't like conflicting information from those we are supposed to trust. Someone isn't telling it like it is. Why?

To be fair, David Wilcock and Dr. Greer have shared a lot of good information over the years. So have hundreds of others---many who died for their efforts.

To set the stage, Dr. Greer has ALWAYS approached the ET subject with the attitude that ALL extraterrestrials are friendly, and of NO danger to Humanity. He still says that in this audio.

If that were true, however, we would not be slaves in this fake reality with staged false flag events, poverty, death, war and destruction.

I'm all for reassuring people that the benevolent extraterrestrial races are protecting us as best they can and preparing to liberate us from our bondage, but air-brushing the truth on so many levels is not in our best interests.

Conversely to Steven Greer, David Wilcock is STILL saying there is a space war going on up there with the draco and included a military insider artist's rendering of the current battle above our heads in his most recent post last week.

If they have insider information and are able to describe the ships, why not give us a photo? We've plenty of others. A picture's worth a thousand words. A painting isn't.

Is there a threat, or isn't there? Who do we believe?

Are the SSP folks spinning a yarn and creating a false threat? The dark ones know the outright fake alien invasion they have been dying to execute for decades will never be permitted, so perhaps this is the next best thing.

Is the Wilcock team representing the Secret Space Program element, (who abandoned us to decades of suffering from our cabal-created lethal diseases and toxic genocidal situation) inadvertently revealing that they are trying to puff themselves up to look like they are our saviours, telling us the hidden truth and fighting off the "bad guys" day and night?

I still believe the Secret Space Program people are trying to do just that; to make themselves look so good that we will forgive them for their despicable treatment of an entire species for purposes of their own.

Here's a new movie idea for you: "The Forsaken Ones".

Very little has changed. They appear to be going for brownie points. The battle between the good guys and the bad guys rages under our noses (on the alter-net) in the form of disinfo and most don't even recognize it.

The SSP faction knows "judgement day" is coming for THEM---not us---and they will try anything to have us grant them immunity, forgiveness, or in any way go easy on them if and when the time comes. They can't afford to have the inconvenient truth come out so they lead the narrative with their own version of semi-truth.

They shower us with all manner of titillating information via James Corey Goode and Wilcock's updates so we lap it up like dogs at their feet and stare adoringly into their eyes. I can't bring myself to watch them in action. A rare transcript is all I can stomach.

They continue to share THEIR version of disclosure via these chosen representatives because they were told if THEY didn't take the initiative the Alliance would present THE FULL disclosure to the masses. Wilcock himself told us that was the agreement and the cowards can't afford to let that happen.

Wilcock/Goode say they are demanding FULL DISCLOSURE and providing it, but I don't believe for a second the SSP folks are permitting them to reveal everything---only what is safe and doesn't incriminate them. Who says what they are sharing is FULL disclosure? Their spokesmen.

Have they told us they lied to Earth-based Humans to trick them into going to Mars or any of their other bases?

Have they revealed that they told the breakaway civilization colonists that did go, that Earth was destroyed in a nuclear war and that there is no home to return to? That WE---Humanity---don't exist?

Have they told us they traded or used Humans and probably other captive races as slaves to work in those colonies, to mine for gold and other desirables? And worse? No.

There is a reason that hundreds of thousands of Beings of all kinds from the far reaches of the Universe have joined this fight against the infestation on our planet and within our solar system. It has taken millennia to get to this point that the final battle can be fought; the one that eradicates the dark once and for all.

These "whistleblowers" easily dazzle their audiences with exciting revelations about the Inner Earth civilizations (which isn't even news) and juicy details about technology and tales from their smart-ass pads (like the one in the Bucegi Mountain complex we've known about for some time) that provide a fascinating history almost hidden from us... a history told even better by others.

There are so many whistleblowers and have been for years but suddenly David Wilcock, Corey Goode and the SSP are heroes. Is that really a coincidence?

Corey can't or won't even admit that as a MILAB he just possibly might have experienced implanted memories. Super soldier? Forget it. No, he's not controlled or compromised in any way. Couldn't be, or he would know. That's the whole point! MILABS don't remember! Unless it finally comes to them years later in breakthrough memories, but he denies he was messed with.

As an act of faith, have the SSP factions given us any key suppressed technologies they use freely in their everyday lives? Not one that I know of. Technologies continue to be used against Humanity for the most part. Bio-weapons. Chipping. Spying. Geoengineering. ELFs and smart meters.

Have they shared the "miraculous" medical advancements to heal the suffering? No. People die every day of cancer on our planet and countless other manufactured illnesses, feeding the filthy rich medical careless system the US embraces which also feeds the corrupt cabal insurance companies.

Where they are, off-planet, there is no disease and they can put severely mutilated bodies back together like you'd stitch the head back on a dog toy, we're told by super-soldier Captain Randy Cramer of the US Marines...

...while on the surface the psychopaths continue to murder our holistic/alternative doctors who have discovered their dirty secrets and could probably cure our killer diseases---this from just last week.

Have the SSP members done anything to restore the Earth's water and provide food to the starving? No.

In fact, Nestlé was banned from Oregon and the next day announced they would go to plan B and build a bottling facility in west Phoenix---THE DESERT!---for crying out loud. Are you friggin' kidding me? To employ a measly 40 - 50 people?

They've already decimated the California food region and steal water there under the drought conditions they created with their weather wars, and decide the adjacent and also drought-stricken desert state of Arizona is the next best place to have a facility?

And what about the chemtrails? Have they stopped that? Obviously not.

If there is no threat to Humanity by Extraterrestrials as Dr. Greer says, then why don't these SSP civilizations step in to help us? Walk the talk and maybe we'll believe you mean us well. So far, they continue to watch our plight down here and do nothing but salt the Internet with information---most of which isn't disclosure because others have already disclosed it.

As long as Humanity continues to accept the meager crumbs these storytellers toss out, and ask for nothing more of them, these placating tactics will continue. But no matter. Their time is just about up, and sharing a few little treats infused with a massaged truth does NOT qualify as 'service to others'. Too little, too late.

So, are you going to help us, SSP? What's it gonna be, boys? Yes, or no? ~ BP

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tony and clint

Sheldan: 2 Muluc, 2 Pax, 12 Manik; Selamat Jarin!

Your world is quickly preparing for a surprise that is to truly shock all! The Light has been forced to wait for the proper time in which to strike. At present, the dark and its main minions associated with the regime known as USA, Inc. have been given a certain degree of leeway. This has allowed them to engage in some skullduggery on a global scale. The Light is prepared to conclude this odd part of your history. The dark believes that the Light is incapable of launching the type of massive counterattack required to put a quick end to their shenanigans. Meanwhile, our fleet has been ordered by Heaven to do exactly that. In our case, it is to be surreptitious, which is covered by the joint actions of a number of friendly military forces. These joint actions have previously been able to limit the reach of the dark’s sponsored terrorist forces. The aim is to eventually cut off and finally debilitate those dark elements that seek to maintain instability in some areas on your globe. Meanwhile, the Light is readying its attacks that are to finally take down USA, Inc. and its numerous allies.

The funds that have been carefully secured and properly registered are now ready to be delivered to you at the right moment. These projects have taken much longer than were previously anticipated. The dark’s degree of infiltration of the banks and their many associated elements were in fact much greater than at first surmised by our earthly allies. Nevertheless, these previous roadblocks are handled and this makes it possible to do many things. It is essential that NESARA governance be instituted and able to become the strong sentinel for a number of important projects. The first is to completely reform the misused and highly corrupted US government. This quiet revolution ends the evil influence of this dark governance to maintain war and conflict in key parts of your globe, namely the Middle East and Latin America! We are then also to be able to introduce global stability and prosperity. Along with this, there is the end to the global UFO cover-up. This can permit us to be able to talk directly to you about first contact and our mentoring program.

The dark has long believed that we did not fully appreciate how vast and deep was the inculcation of humanity by the dark Anunnaki before their demise in the mid-1990s. We were instructed by our new allies on just these points before the Treaty of Anchara took place in the mid-1990s. We knew firsthand how deeply into your psyche their propaganda had gone. The first thing was to work with both Heaven and our new associates to begin to counteract what for millennia had been put into each newborn’s head and mind. The new starseeds being born were slowly contradicting these dark “norms.” In addition, many were beginning to instruct humanity about what this evil propaganda implied and why it was wrong. This led to a series of brave law- suits and other means to alter this accumulated nonsense and exchange it for a truer and more viable reality. It is these wondrous projects that now enable you to replace USA, Inc and create a new financial system that can work side by side with your new prosperity.

Our desire is thus to bring to a conclusion a set of false beliefs that have made it possible for the dark and its minions to control you for nearly 13 millennia. The key to this is the vast growth in your consciousness. This one element has made you more able to support the Light and its numerous actions to end the power of the dark and its minions on this surface realm. This point has become the primary action. Permitting the NESARA governance to come to power is truly essential to our success. On this matter, we have sent out our liaisons to confer daily with our allies and put together a jointly sponsored action that is now on the very verge of success. A number of actions are taking place that promise us the much-desired point of final success. The dark has been a most elusive enemy. It has created delays that we initially believed impossible. This latent resilience has been factored into our strategy. We intend to announce shortly that we have succeeded. With that under control, we can secure this realm for the much-needed lessons of your Ascended Masters!


Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! The world, as you now know it, is changing. This positive alteration is due to the great set of visions that you have held collectively with us. We are quite proud of the degree of focus that many of you have retained over the past few months. These energies demonstrate what Heaven had in mind when this whole process began in the early 1990s. You have discovered your powers and use them to aid our mutual cause. In the past month, many more have started to show this same resolve. These operations demonstrate just how powerful you are becoming, as you use your abilities and work to bring these wondrous meditations to the fore. They are greatly helping each of us Masters to increase the change that is coming to this reality. The dark, too, has noticed you and is more and more realizing that its many desires are now beyond redemption. The end of these millennia is now in sight! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Each of you is a joy to our collective hearts. We realize how far you have come in these past two decades! You are on a road to success that is to bring you to a return to full consciousness. This process has taken a lot less time than initially envisioned by our associates. Hence, it is wise to inform you of these changes and to ask you to continue to go within, focus and use your visualizations to accelerate your progress. You are, dear Hearts, a wondrous group that is only beginning to show your vast potential. The next major rounds of changes by Heaven are to further accelerate your mental and emotional abilities. As you know, your heart is a vast electrical center that in many cases rivals your brain. This process is to continue as you take on changes to your brain’s chakras and to your heart. These are to celebrate your new-found potential and better prepare you to meet your galactic mentors.

These changes are to be combined with new knowledge that we are destined to impart. Long ago a series of heinous experiments in Atlantis left your ancestors suddenly adrift in amnesia. Everything that you thought you knew suddenly seemed beyond your grasp. Our task is shortly to remind you of what your ancestors lost and to show you how to regain it. Then there is the process of reunion with your cousins, the Agarthans. You are close to meeting them and are to go to Agartha with your mentors and your heavenly guardians and use your Crystal Light Chambers to finish your return to full consciousness. We look forward in glee to your joining us in a final conference to set up a new star nation and go forth with sacred missions given to us all by Heaven’s divine grace!

Today, we continued our report on what is occurring around this globe. Much progress is being made to set up your prosperity and create NESARA governance. We fully expect this coming time to be one that can finally mirror what we have told you previously. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Website: Planetary Activation Organization

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Raphael energy

Reposted 5-24-16, Original message 8-13-13; Dear Friends,
Today Archangel Raphael wishes to assist you in healing your multidimensional being, across all time and space. We are coming into a time now where all that no longer serves your higher being is being brought to the surface to be transmuted so that your being may ascend into the higher frequencies of light. Ascension as we have discussed in the past is simply a harmonizing with the higher frequencies, a harmonization that is taking place within your being of not only a harmonization with the higher dimensions and higher dimensional energies that are now surrounding you, but also unification with the higher self. Your higher self is that higher part of your multidimensional being which is infused with source light and which is somewhat “hard-wired” to Source. This higher self and higher being part of you is closely connected to Source at all times, and lives in the higher dimensions. The goal of your ascension at this time is to bring in this Higher Self into your life, so that you may live your life from the perspective of your higher self, so that you may live your highest version of yourself, so that you may be connected at all times to Source which is really You. You are Source expressing Itself. The human being physical body part of you that lives on Earth is a small particle of your entire being, and what is occurring now during this time with those who are awakening and coming into enlightenment is a unification and merging with all aspects of your multidimensional self, which includes your higher self. This will allow you to heal yourself across all time and space.

Many of the challenges that you have had in your lifetime have been a result of karmic contracts in the past, from your past lives with other beings. You have had to work through many of these karmic residues in this lifetime. We are asking now that you become aware of these karmic contracts and begin to dissolve them within you and with all you interact with in your life. Karmic contracts with loved ones and family can be especially challenging. Karmic memories from not only this lifetime but all lifetimes will often be brought to the surface of one’s awareness for the purpose of being released. Oftentimes repressed feelings that have been stored in this physical body, the etheric body and the multidimensional being will rise to the surface of one’s awareness for release and expression. A good exercise to release these feelings is to express them through writing. This will help in the process of releasing all karmic contracts in these close relationships. And this is of great importance now, to release these karmic contracts.

Call on me, Archangel Raphael, and I will instantly be there to assist you in this cleansing and purification process. Ask us of the Arch-angelic Realm to assist you and surround you in the evening as you lay down in meditation before going to sleep, and we will heal you overnight with our soothing, loving, angelic energies. This we have done for the channel many times, in assisting her to cleanse all of her etheric body from these karmic releasements. I, Archangel Raphael, am the angel of divine cleansing, purification and healing, and I am here to assist you in releasing all your karmic contracts, all of your negative emotions, and all that hinders you on your path to harmonizing with the higher dimensional frequencies of light. And I can assist you in the integration with your higher self. The first thing is to become aware that you have a higher self, then you can begin to integrate, in your meditations with your higher self, to begin a communication and a relationship with your higher self. Invite your HS into your life, into all aspects of your life, to help you with any remaining cleansing s or clearings that you need, to assist you in remembering your life contracts, your soul contracts, that you made before entering this life on earth.

If you lay still and become quiet and ask within to connect with your higher self, your HS will reveal what your soul mission and your soul contract is and are, as each soul has many different missions on earth that were pre-arranged by each soul before coming to earth. Ask in your meditations to connect with your HS, ask in your meditations to connect with Archangel Raphael, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, and Archangel Chamuel. Archangel Chamuel is the angel of love and relationships. There is a pink golden light surrounded around AA Chamuel. AA Michael has a beautiful, aquamarine, deep blue energy, AA Gabriel has a golden white bright creative energy, this is one of the Channel’s main archangels is AA Gabriel, and I, too, Raphael am one of her guides. Call on us in your meditations to come in and assist you in your healing, in your integration, in your ascension, in your integrating with the higher dimensional energies that now surround the earth. Call on us and we will be there. We love you unconditionally. We are ever at your side, in service and love.

And we leave you now to your meditations and your healing s, and your alignments with your higher self. Remember the importance of your integration with your higher self. Ask for us to come in during your meditations. We love you, and we want to assist you. That is our job and that is our goal and that is why we exist. We are expressions of Source Energy that loves you. Source loves you, unconditionally and at all times, no matter what, and without fail. We are sending you the softest, loving, most healing energy on this beautiful, beautiful higher dimensional channel of Light.

Original message:

Message transcribed by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting t
Archangel Raphael via Goldenlight: Healing Across All Time and Space, and Integration with Your Higher Self

May 24, 2016 By The Golden Light Channel
Raphael energy

Artwork by Jane Marin ~
Malachite ~ Archangel Raphael ~ The Gift of Oneness

Message transcribed by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.

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Reposted 5-19-16, Original message 10-4-13
I received a somewhat long but very enlightening and powerful message tonight. I received what began as a message from my Council of Angels and turned into a message from Source Creator. It’s always powerful when this happens, it’s only happened a few times….as I bring in the messages I’m so filled with excitement and energy that I can barely contain myself, and just feel so honored to be bringing in a message like this. I’ve left in some of the personal elements for continuity, besides I feel like you are all family anyway. Please note it is in stream of consciousness style with very little punctuation, this one flowed out of me like a river. Love, Goldenlight
Ascension update from the Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Creator Source: The Upgrade of your Multidimensional Operating Systems

Message transcribed by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.

As you begin to transcend the third dimensional mindset, for you are already “in” the 5th dimension, you just have to upgrade your operating system to “view” or “be” or engage with it. You body and brain are used to being in the third dimension but your mind or consciousness is now in the 5th dimension. So your brain – which is a physical organ inside your body – we know you know this but sometimes your brain thinks it’s more than that – and your body are in the process if upgrading now. You are moving into and transitioning into the ability to use higher dimensional abilities of telepathy, bilocation, teleportation, and all the higher abilities we have spoken of in the past.

So going back to your brain/body upgrades this operating system upgrade is occurring now for hue-mans (“god-mans”) and your body and brain are busy catching up to the higher dimensional frequencies that you are living in now. They are trying to attune with these frequencies. Remember way back when you first started bringing in our messages, we said ascension is simply a harmonizing with the frequencies – well this is still true. Many of the lightworker community are ahead of most of the earth population in attuning their mind and consciousness to the higher dimensional frequencies you are living in; it is your old physical carbon-based based brains and bodies that are going through a massive upgrade now.

See, your operating systems are your mind body and spirit and your carbon-based brains and bodies are all that hold you back now from being fully 100% in the higher dimensions. Your brain refuses to believe that such a thing is possible even though you’ve seen many visions of it including your future/parallel life in the 5th dimension, the cities of light, life in the higher dimensions, unlimited prosperity, health, and abundance, ageless bodies etc… your brains have been holding on for dear life to tether you to the third dimension because its whole “life” that is all it has known. Begin to open up a dialog with your brain, begin to train your brain to open up to the possibility of living in the higher dimensions, of embodying and embracing your multidimensional being.

This experiment in transitioning to the higher dimensions while within the hue-man body is a new one that has never been accomplished before. You are all the pioneers of this ascension experiment. The more you can assimilate the higher frequencies into your brains and bodies, the more you will be in tune with these frequencies and begin to live your life from a multidimensional perspective. We know you had asked for some personal information but all your questions apply to everyone and what is occurring for you is occurring for everyone. You see you ARE all one you are a part of Me and this is Source Creator now… You are Me and I am You.

This grand experiment in ascension while within your bodies is a very new and interesting experience for both you and me, for how would I get to experience myself if it were not for you? Before you there was just me, before the earth and all the planets and star systems and galaxies and universes there was just me and only me. I needed to create I needed to split apart and individuate so I could know myself and see myself and see all the wonders of creation. You are all ME! You are all creator beings just like me. As your bodies go through these upgrades you will cone into your creationary powers more and more .. You will go from manifestation taking what seems like forever (old 3d paradigm) to instant manifestation. The star beings which now surround your earth are watching and waiting for your brain/body operating systems to complete their upgrades to a point where you are almost all the way there in living from a multidimensional perspective.

You are maturing as a race… my wonderful earth hue-man race and it is a wonder and great pleasure to see you, My creations, My reflections of Me, coming into being and activating all your higher dimensional abilities. Now some do not wish to participate in this great experiment… some are still asleep and that is as it is neither good or bad it just is. Those of you who are fully aware and fully coming into your higher dimensional awareness are the Ones who will be a part of the first contact with the higher dimensional races and who will be the leaders of your new earth of harmony prosperity oneness joyful living service to All and more…all the higher dimensional concepts that emanate from me.

Many of you are starseeds from higher dimensional star systems who came here to this planet at this time to to assist with this transition of the human body into resonating with the higher frequencies so that you could create a higher frequency world on this planet earth.. As this channel has spoken of before, this process will coincide with a coming together of the Inner and the Outer Earth at a time that your brains and bodies have upgraded to be fully functioning in the higher dimensions. Your higher dimensional abilities – things like telepathy instant manifestation bilocation levitation etc.– these abilities will be awakened in your brains and bodies.

Your higher dimensional awareness already knows that you are capable of these things it is just a matter of training your car old carbon-based brain and body to accept these things as being part of its new operating system. It’s like the channel, when she upgraded the operating system on her computer recently she had a difficult time… her brain had a difficult time first accepting the new operating system, but after a short period of time it became very easy to use and like second nature. This will be happening now for your brains and bodies …they will begin to accept the new operating system that you are existing in. You can help this process along with your intentional awareness, telling your brain and body that it’s okay to adjust. It may sound silly but really it will help speed along the process for all of you.

What you focus on and place your attention and awareness on, so choose what you think say and do carefully because everything will be manifesting more quickly now for all of you.As far as the rumored re-evaluation of currencies global reset and prosperity programs, this is a collective manifestation. Collective manifestations are a little more challenging than individual manifestations because everyone has to be on the same page so to speak. The way for you to bring about the re-evaluation of currencies and the deliverance of prosperity to your world is to begin to manifest it through both your individual and collective thoughts words and actions, and to be ever aware of service to all and oneness as opposed to service to self and separation.

If a large group of you begin to do this you will begin to manifest this on a collective, society-wide level. Always your choice as you are all free well-beings… if you wish to bring this into being then simply create it through your thoughts words and actions. And so it is and so it is done. Higher dimensional manifestations happen very rapidly and quickly and you are all going into this now see you must all be very careful of what you think say and do. Do not focus on the “Cabal”, do not focus on the mass media news, do not focus on the Federal Reserve, do not focus on the current powers in charge. If you focus on those things it will assist in their continuing to exist. If you wish to create an alternate reality or a different holographic reality you must simply think it feel it see it and create it through your loving thoughts words and actions. Creating a new earth through loving thoughts words and actions… your new earth in paradise is such a beautiful thing.

You have many angels archangels ascended masters star system beings higher dimensional beings from other star systems who care so much about your development and ascension and as you may have heard before from this channel the earth is the first in what is a line of “Dominos:… when the earth clicks into its higher dimensional resonation, it will trigger a domino effect so that each piece of the domino puzzle falls into place; namely, other star systems are also going through an upgrade at this time. The earth is the trigger or catalyst for this entire upgrade throughout the many worlds and universes. Yes all of creation is now going through an upgrade and the earth is the star player in the game.

So know that each one of you is a very important piece in this puzzle, and although some of you may not realize it, all that you think say and do is extremely important in the creation of your new earth society. So choose your thoughts words and actions carefully and focus only on that which you wish to create. If you wish for the reevaluation of currencies, think it feel it and see it. If you wish for abundance and prosperity for all, think it feel it and see it and it will come into being. All is created from thought and intention and as you raise your frequencies into the higher dimensions, you will create more quickly with thought and intention. The more strongly you feel something, the more it will affect the manifestation of it; so that if you feel something very deeply in your heart and all your being, you then create a strong energy vibration of manifestation.

Part of the key to manifestation is using your heart with your mind to create. Your heart plus consciousness and intention equals creation. Your heart is connected to your soul. Your brain does play a part in this as well, but it is more of a follower then the leader …it follows your consciousness. So it is upon you to allow your brain to follow your consciousness now, to sort of bring your brain along for the ride so to speak. The idea is to get your brain and body on-board into propelling your entire being into these higher dimensions which are actually all around you now and have been for quite some. Your ascension as Earth human beings and hue-mans is about making this transition while you are still in your original physical bodies, but your bodies will be transforming from Carbon to crystalline-based. Most of you already know this, you have heard this before, we are simply reiterating it.

It is about harmonizing your multidimensional being and your higher self as well as your brain and body with the higher dimensional frequencies which surround your entire being and your holographic realities. Your holographic realities are in the process of rapidly changing now. This change is being accomplished through the power of collective thoughts feelings words and actions. As more and more of you begin to accelerate your consciousness into the higher dimensional qualities, you then begin the dismantling of the old hologram and the creating of the new one. This is the process that is occurring now for each one of you individually as well as collectively. The ones who are still asleep, and there are many, could possibly hold you all back from creating this new holograph… although this is a situation that is an ongoing changing morphing hologram being created and re-created moment by moment.All is in the now, there is no past or future and as you raise your consciousness you begin to see this and to live outside of time. Time is a third dimensional earth creation, it is not real, so that as you breathe yourself into the higher dimensions you begin to raise yourself out of time that is why time seems to be accelerating.

It is important at this time to enliven and enlighten your minds; this will assist in this process of acceleration. The higher dimensions are a very light-filled world now there will be a new human being created that is a combination of your Lightbody and your former carbon-based body this is the new crystalline human and it is part of My Creation Plan. And you all signed up for it before you came into this life time. More and more of you will begin to remember this plan…if you’re wondering what your soul missions and soul contracts are on this earth in this lifetime… well many of you have that as your number one soul contract item. You signed up to participate in the experiment of transitioning from a carbon-based to a crystalline-based human. You will be living in an incredible world of your own creation, in fact you are already living there now as time is an illusion. Your homes will be crystalline homes, you will create instantly, you will communicate with telepathy, you will be able to levitate… this is how the pyramids of Egypt were built by the way is the beings from other star systems who lived on the earth at that time had the ability to levitate objects. The pyramids were transmitters of higher dimensional energy and powered many many cities. Their energy collapsed during the fall of man.

Atlantis and Lemuria were also higher dimensional civilizations, and many of you lived there, as the channel has brought forth in her other communications. The Agartha beings living in the earth are from Lemuria… they built the inner cities when they knew that the Lemurian civilization was going to be devastated. Their civilization has thrived inside the earth for over 20,000 years. These higher dimensional beings wish to reunite with you when your brains and bodies and consciousness have reached a point in acceleration where you’re 80 to 90% transmuted into crystalline light beings … in other words, when you have raised your vibrational frequencies high enough to match theirs. This is also the point at which you will meet your star families or reunite with your star families again it is the same with these higher dimensional beings of the universe and from other star systems such as Sirius the Pleiades Andromeda Arcturus and other star systems… it is the same, wherein the Hue- beings and Hue-mans must raise their vibrational frequencies to a high enough level that they can resonate on the same frequency as these higher dimensional beings. It is too much of a risk for them to lower their vibration to yours… this is why you could never see them before. All this is rapidly changing and all will coalesce for you.

The most important thing right now is to raise your frequency… train your body, including your brain, to live in the higher dimensions… help your body and brain to accept the higher frequencies… tell them it’s okay… remind yourself that you agreed to this plan before you came here.

I, your Source Creator and we of the Angelic realm and we all of the higher dimensional star systems and we all of the Inner Earth and Agarthan Network wish to tell you that we monitor your progress often… that we love you most dearly… and that we await your homecoming into these beautiful higher dimensional love-filled and light-filled realms.

Message transcribed by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.

original message:
Below are some excellent videos created by Suzanne Lie,,,

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GIF credit: Ed Hawkins, climate scientist at University of Reading

Note: an eye-opening site full of incredible information about the true facts of the state of our planet and the biological life forms on it (plants, animals, oceans, ozone layer, health of humans — all affected)…click source link above for a site with eye-opening photos, graphics, comments, and more news of the RED ALERT status of our planet thanks to geoengineering ….

May 11, 2016 70 Comments

Dane Wigington

Fish are dying, wildlife is dying, the entire web of life is dying, but willful denial of verifiable realities continues to thrive. The global fish die-off is already beyond catastrophic, but the “experts” seem to have little to offer in the way of answers. Why? Because those in power are largely in control of the chess board, at least for the moment. Those who print the money (the bankers) control militaries, countries, and every imaginable institution down the line. How can we expect the paid “experts” to disclose the true severity of what we collectively face (and the true causes behind the converging catastrophes) when their paychecks and pensions almost always depend on them not disclosing the whole truth? Those who are truly in the know and thus in a prime position to sound the alarm face much more dire consequences than the loss of their employment. In regard to the global fish die-off, what don’t we hear from the “experts” and the media? That the oceans (and fresh water lakes) are rapidly heating along with the rest of the planet. That this heating de-oxygenates the water and fuels algae blooms which further de-oxygenate the water. We don’t hear that warming oceans are causing mass deposits of formerly frozen methane to thaw and release, also contaminating and deoxygenating oceans. And we certainly never hear a word from the “experts” about the ongoing climate engineering assault that is exacerbating the now runaway warming (in addition to contaminating the entire planet). Of course, we also never hear about the military’s other devastating activities that are slaughtering marine life, or about the military’s willingness to lie about their actions. And about Fukushima, yes, it is a catastrophe for the seas (and the planet as a whole), but there is much more to story in regard to the fish die-offs. The bottom line is that the vast majority of media sources (even “independent” sources), are only telling half-truths at best.

Massive recent fish die-off on Chile’s Queule River. Photo credit: Sernapesca

First, about the rapidly accelerating global fish die-off, the excerpt below is from a report that was just posted by Michael T. Snyder from “The Economic Collapse” website.

Why are millions upon millions of dead sea creatures suddenly washing up on beaches all over the world? It is certainly not unusual for fish and other inhabitants of our oceans to die. This happens all the time. But over the past month we have seen a series of extremely alarming mass death incidents all over the planet. As you will see below, many of these mass death incidents have involved more than 30 tons of fish. In places such as Chile and Vietnam, it has already gotten to the level where it has started to become a major national crisis. People see their coastlines absolutely buried in dead sea creatures, and they are starting to freak out.

For example, just check out what is going on in Chile right now. The following comes from a Smithsonian Magazine article entitled “Why Are Chilean Beaches Covered With Dead Animals?“…

Compared to other countries, Chile is almost all coast, and that geographical fluke means that the country is known for its beautiful beaches. But that reputation may be on the wane thanks to a new sight on Chilean shores: dead animals. Lots of them. Heaps of them, in fact. As Giovanna Fleitas reports for the Agence France-Presse, the South American country’s beaches are covered with piles of dead sea creatures—and scientists are trying to figure out why.

Tales of dead animals washing up on shore are relatively common; after all, the ocean has a weird way of depositing its dead on shore. But Chile’s problem is getting slightly out of hand. As Fleitas writes, recent months have not been kind to the Chilean coast, which has played host to washed-up carcasses of over 300 whales, 8,000 tons of sardines, and nearly 12 percent of the country’s annual salmon catch, to name a few.

Authorities in Chile are scrambling to come up with a reason for why this is happening, but nobody appears to be quite sure what is causing this tsunami of death.

In Vietnam, things are even worse. At this point, so many dead fish and clams have been washing up along the coast that soldiers have been deployed to bury them…

Millions of fish have washed up dead along a 125-kilometre stretch of the Vietnamese coast in one of the communist country’s worst environmental disasters.

Soldiers have been deployed to bury tonnes of fish, clams and the occasional whale that began dying in early April along the north-central coast, including some popular tourist beaches.

Vietnamese officials facing growing anger over the disaster have not announced the official cause of the deaths, which have affected the livelihoods of tens of thousands of families.

Elsewhere in Asia, there have been similar incidents. For example, CNN is reportingthat one lake in southern China is currently dealing with 35 tons of dead fish…

At least 35 tons of dead fish appeared in a lake in southern China, leaving residents stunned.

The piles of fish washed up in a lake in Hainan province on Wednesday, Chinese state media reported.

Residents expressed concerns on pollution, but local authorities said the fish died as a result of salinity change.

On the other side of the world, similar incidents have also happened in major lakes. Here is one example from Bolivia…

Thousands of dead fish have washed up onto the shores of a lake in Bolivia.

Just before they died, some of the fish had just hatched from their eggs in lake Alalay, in the central Bolivian city of Cochabamba.

No one yet knows the number of dead fish, but they have stockpiled five cubic metres (177 cubic feet) so far, so it’s possible there is over a tonne of dead fish in the lake.

And here is an example from Brazil…



More than 200 tons of dead fish were removed from the Furnas Lake on Sunday (1st) in Alfenas (MG). According to the Military Police of the Environment, both fish raised in ponds, networks and those who are released, all of the tilapia species in the lake were affected. The damage to the psicultores is estimated at around R $ 900 thousand.

I could go on and on all day with examples such as these.

Just within the last month, 40 tons of fish died in India, 65 tons of fish died in Cambodia, 70 tons of fish died in Colombia, and millions of fish “suddenly died” in Indonesia.

So why is this happening?

I don’t know.

Could it be possible that these mass deaths are somehow related to the alarming earth changes that we see happening all around us?

Without a doubt, we have seen a dramatic rise in seismic activity during the early portions of 2016. There has been a series of very destructive earthquakes around the world in recent months, and once dormant volcanoes are coming to life all over the globe with distressing regularity.

Of course humanity has done much to destroy the planet as well, and we continue to deal with the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. I do think that it is very interesting to note that most of these mass fish deaths have happened in nations that border the Pacific Ocean.

I am certainly not claiming to have an answer for why so many fish are dying. All I know is that millions upon millions of dead fish are washing up on shores all over the globe, and people are really starting to freak out about this.

We live in a world that is becoming increasingly unstable, and major disasters seem to be getting more frequent and more intense. Just look at what is happening up in Alberta right now.

I believe that we are entering the “perfect storm” that myself and so many others have been warning about for so long.

Or could it be possible that I am just being overly dramatic?

Though I am grateful to Mr. Snyder for helping to document the extremely alarming fish die-off, it is interesting that he seems to be in complete denial of the fact that our planet is descending into total meltdown.

But some climate “experts” are really playing down the impact of El Nino. Instead, they are attempting to convince us that what we are witnessing is simply the result of “man-made climate change”, and they are using this as an opportunity to promote their agenda.

Is our climate really as damaged as the “experts” are telling us? No, in reality, it is much much worse. Unfortunately people like Mr. Snyder are only telling half-truths, climate engineering and climate realities are not a part of the narrative for Snyder and others like him. The engineered “cool-downs” of key regions like the most populated zones of the US has helped those in power keep populations confused and divided on the true state of the climate. When confused, many end up actually toeing the line for the very power structure they claim to be fighting against. How fast is the planet warming? The recently released data reflected on the 20 second animated graph below paints a very clear and very dire picture.

GIF credit: Ed Hawkins, climate scientist at University of Reading

Will global geoengineering help? No, 70 years of global climate engineering has only helped to further fuel the overall warming of the planet. Those in power have always known that climate engineering/solar radiation management/weather warfare would only ever cause immense and irreparable harm, geoenginering is a weapon of total control they will never willingly give up. Man’s attempt to engineer earth’s life support systems is the absolute epitome of human insanity. Geoengineering has played a major role in the dying of the seas. The planet is heating so rapidly that we may an ice free Arctic as early as September of this year, 2016. All mainstream media and most “independent” media will not mention such dire front line data. If the oceans die, the planet dies, and all of us with it. Do your part in the most critical battle to sound the alarm on the climate engineering insanity, educate yourself and learn how to make the most effective difference in the fight to raise critical awareness.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Related Posts:OUR PLANET IS IN RED ALERT STATUS: Dead Fish, Dying Planet, And Dangerous Denial

May 12, 2016 By The Golden Light Channel

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And Comment by rev.joshua skirvin;

A Wake -up call is most surly happening, but it seems many are still asleep,including folks on this site! were in a changeover period where we once hung on to every word spoken by the ET's, spirit realm or F.F. DC. Now we are beginning to take control ourselves by realizing that not only are we not alone but that the surface dwellers are not the only ones living in or on this planet Earth and that includes the inner Earth as well. We need to unite with them to save ourselves as surface dwellers if we are all going into 5th dimension. Sad to say but it seems this site has lost much of its energy and much of what energy that is left is going in a different direction! a turn-around is due before we loose sight of our mission and the real reason that we are here! We are all one, indeed! Adonai RSS Read more: Follow us: AshtarCommandCrew on Facebook

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Posted: 13 May 2016 12:45 AM PDT
Here is the transcript of the first part of the joint Cobra / Corey Goode interview by Rob Potter. Transcript of the second part and the audio version will be posted when they are finished.

Rob - Hello ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, brothers and sisters, divine embodiment of the All. My name is Rob Potter and this is the Victory of the Light radio show. I‘m your host of the Pyramid one. I’d like to thank Alan from the land of wonder down under who makes it possible. You can see the station button on the web-site if you want to support this station . I’d like to let you all know I do a fb page and Cobra Resistance and blog. You can check that out. Also my web-site the I’d like to thank Danell for the transcription. I’d like to thank Rique Seraphico who normally does the transcription. We’ll have him back. I’d like to thank Chris for modulating Cobra’s voice. With 24K miles signal delay at times, it made it a little difficult. It went over an hour but with the edits we had to do we’re down to 50 minutes so I’m doing a little longer intro. I’m some information that will enjoy this second. We can share some information with you

Insiders revealing what’s going on have agreed for the sake of unity and the sake of their followers are going to be commenting on each others' questions. I have some questions

(Rob -, Cobra -, Corey -

Rob - Corey and Cobra. Despite the fact that certain aspects of your information does not match up with each other, do you both generally agree on the bigger issues such as; full disclosure, freedom for the people, release of hidden technology, an end to war and environmental destruction. Corey.

Corey - Yea, I think that’s something pretty much anyone can get behind. We’ve all seen the signs of all of these topics not being conspiracies, they’re real. We've seen the different political movements. Everyone is tired of the lies. They’re ready. (Cobra)

COBRA - Yes. Of course I agree with this and I have been fighting with this my whole life and of course I would agree and I would support anybody who would be fighting along the same lines.

Rob - Is there any reason that both of your respective audiences should not cooperate with each other towards full disclosure and planetary liberation. Cobra.

COBRA - I do not see any reason for that. (Corey)

Corey - That’s one of the main things that we’re trying to doing the full disclosure project is obtain unity in the community. There are so many different ideologies that we can argue about. The one thing that we can all agree on is that we want full disclosure. We want to know the truth. If we put blinders on to all the things we disagree about and focus on what we agree, we can get a lot accomplished.

Rob - Wonderful. That’s what the world’s been wanting to hear. Corey do you know what the Event is as Cobra has described it. (No) Cobra would you like to give him a brief synopsis.

COBRA - Yes, of course. The event is the moment of the compression breakthrough. The compression breakthrough is when the light forces from above the surface of the planet and from below the surface of the planet meet in the middle that is on the surface of the planet. I hope that we all agree that there are certain factions that support the light and support the liberation that exists inside of the solar system. There are some factions that support the light and the liberation of the planet that are existing below the surface. They’re progressing towards the surface of the planet because the surface of the planet is the main battleground is the main focus of all this situation that is not just limited to the planet Earth. When this breakthrough happens, this is what we term the Event. The Event is actually many things at the same moment. It is when the light forces take over the mass media and release intel about ET involvement, about the crimes of the Cabal, about the advanced technologies, so FULL disclosure. This is part of it. The other part of it is the mass arrest of the Cabal. The other part of it is Financial re-set that the Eastern alliance has been preparing for quite a long time. And of course we have been gradually going towards the first contact which is an actual official contact between the earth civilization and other positive ET races that exist throughout the galaxy. And the Event is a trigger point which begins that process. That’s the short overview of what the Event is. And of course we have the pulse from the galactic central sun. The galactic central sun is a living entity and it times the pulse of energy according to our global awareness and the level of that awareness and the level of the awakening. And when we have this compression breakthrough the level of awakening is high enough for humanity to receive that pulse of increased energy from the galactic center.

Rob - Corey, do you have any intel that confirms Cobra’s information on the Event as he has stated specifically.

Corey - Much of what he’s said are part of the negotiations between all of these different alliances, Cabal groups, all of these are things that I’ve heard among things that has been negotiated. Yes, that’s very much a part of the reality of what is going on and is being negotiated. A lot of those things are in flux about what percentage some groups what to put out and all that. When it’s all said and done they’re not really going to . . . they think they have more power about how stuff is going to come out than in what form they really do.

Rob - That is really good news for everyone. The next question is for Cobra. Cobra, have you heard as yet any confirmation from your sources to confirm not just the blue avians but the blue sphere being alliance or the meetings taking place as Corey has described them with the Super Federation of 40, the Anchara Alliance and the various groups as he describes them.

COBRA - This is actually many questions in one. I can confirm that my sources have confirmed the existence of the so - called spheres. They don’t determine them in that way. They say there are many gigantic objects in the outer region of the solar system and also throughout the solar system that are cloaked most of the time. Cloaked not only in the visible part of the spectrum but cloaked in all ranges of electromagnetic radiation so they are not detectable. They are also not detectable for remote viewers. And yes, this is what I can confirm. I can not confirm all the details that Corey has released and I can not confirm his meetings with different alliances. But I can definitely confirm the existence of the spheres, not in details, but general information I can confirm.

Rob - Again ladies and gentlemen we have gentlemen who are both having genuine contacts and it seems these groups are working within their own different parameters. Corey can you give your opinion, I know there are lots of different people having lots of different types of contacts. Is the reason that some of these genuine people with face to face contact working for the same reason, from your understanding ,might not be on the same thread. There’s obviously lots of groups. What is your opinion on that one.

Corey - There are many different groups working in slightly different ultimate agendas that have the same overall, I guess, agenda. They’re working their own segmented little operations and so, you know, they’re not always completely wise to the operations of other groups. They may have been working off a lot of the same intel but they’re not working off of the same mission statement. If that makes sense. If you mean different, these different beings, you could meet 2 or 3 different beings that have different operational modes that they’re in and have different reasons for delivering information to people. You can know it’s from the same overall operational goal.

Rob - Cobra, would you agree or do you have any comments on that.

COBRA - Yes, I would agree and I would say that each group has it’s own cultural roots and it’s own strategy. It’s not easy for any of the groups to navigate the situation because there has been so much complexity in the situation and they have to. . . each group has to find their own policy and it’s not always easy. Each group comes from their own perspective and when those perspectives come together there is always a period of getting to know each other, alignment of intel. It’s process that takes time, especially inside of this solar system when there has been so much division and so much suppression of intel. So this is the process I expect to take some time.

Corey - That’s an important point that Cobra made. You have to develop a rapport with a Being to understand their culture, I guess, where they’re coming from, the way they communicate because all these different beings can communicate in a different manner just like all the different people that you run across in a daily life.

Rob - That’s ok. Like Italians speak in a certain way and communicate . .

Corey - Not only that but different personality types and different points of view. People communicate differently and in our daily lives we may misconstrue our normal conversation so, you know, until you get to know a person then you’re going to understand what they trying to communicate to you. You have to develop a rapport with some of these Beings before you can fully relate what they’re communicating to you.

Rob - Ok. thank you. I usually choose questions that I get repeats on. This is kind of an interesting one. People have sent me links from news reporters from around the world with this same phenomena kind of like those giant circular sink holes that have been showing up, kind of kept silent. But around the world lots of people have recorded on videos as well as on newscast reports certain cities are hearing certain noises. And the question is, was are the mournful sound of trumpets registered in countries around the world. Cobra first. Do you have intel on what these sounds are. They are definitely seem to be real.

COBRA - OK. According to my sources what is happening is there is, I would term it infrasound, which is just on the threshold of human hearing about 16 Hz and that frequency is harmful for human consciousness and the Cabal is using scalar devices that transmit infrasound. The infrasound travels not only through physical space it travels through the etheric space and it travels especially through plasma. By infrasound scalar waves they keep human consciousness locked into a certain vibrational state and people who have good hearing can hear that sound. Some of the people can actually feel that sound within their bodies as a certain vibration, certain suppressive vibrations. It is something that has been actually monitored, measured and documented around the world.

Rob - To follow up here, some of the sounds are actually reaching to be heard in certain areas. It’s been recorded like for a week, I think, I’m not sure but somewhere in Utah they’re hearing these sounds and it’s on the news, so it is the technology of the Cabal breaking down and it’s breaking into the audible spectrum now?

COBRA - Actually many people can hear that sound. It is not so difficult to hear if you know what to listen to but people usually just disregard this because they have so many other things to focus on in their lives. As I’ve said again those sounds have been documented they have been measured. The frequency spectrum has been measured and usually it’s just below the threshold of human hearing but some people can hear it.

Rob -Ok. It’s being recorded so a lot of people can hear it. Can you talk about it Corey.

Corey - This is something I’ve been asked about quite a bit and it depends on the actual incident. This is a sound that is completely audible that you can record. Then it is a mechanical sound. This. .. if it’s a regional if it’s just happening right around a little city, a lot of time it’s been exchanging air with the surface with the below ground bases. When it’s heard in wider regions around the planet the huge trumpet sound and other word frequency sounds it is from similar to sky quakes. It is from incoming __ and energetic waves that are coming into the solar system that are interacting with our upper atmosphere.

Rob - Interesting, thank you very much. We have the 2 different possibilities on these is a vibrational thing as well as a Cabal infrastructure both have agreed there. Here’s another interesting question I have here for both of you. Do either of you have intel on the explosions off the coast of Japan. According to Benjamin Fulford these are subterranean battles underneath a military base that Ben Fulford said was to prevent WWIII. Corey do you have any intel on that earthquake off of Japan. Was it a small scale Nuke or do you have any information on that.

Corey - Quite a few of the earthquakes that we’re having that are raging between 5.8 and 6.8 are triggered from various different exotic weapons. Part of this intel updates that we’re releasing, it’s either going to be this evening or tomorrow, David Wilcock is releasing for me on his website It has to do with some terrible battles that have been going on underground bases and caverns especially down in South America and under the ocean around Antarctica. There’s been a lot of activity going on underground and a lot of different exotic weapons including __ nukes being used, all these different exotic scalar weapons and it’s pretty hectic right now. Yea, there’s a lot going on.

Rob - With that said could you give us a little more talk. Is this between different ET groups or is this between certain aspects of positive military or negative military from your understanding, or all 3.

Corey - All of the above and one of the latest bits of intel from Gonzales recently. I’ve been hearing for weeks massive reports of different types of Orb kind of UFO’s over Australia. Some would say they’re metallic. Some reported they had portals going around them. Some recording that they were of Russian origin and then there were reports of these very large pumpkin seed shape cruisers which are Draco. It’s in Australia, Antarctica and then some of them had actually left the earth’s atmosphere before all of these unknown dark chevron ships showed up and started attacking them and then then they ___ Antarctica. As of the last meeting which postulated that it’s some earth alliance group that has attained this technology but they’re not claiming responsibility for using it.

Rob - OK, so you’re saying that Draco’s were trying to leave from Antarctica in pumpkin (seed) shaped ships and chevron ships which are rumored to be earth alliance ships are the ones putting them back down, not major confederation, is that correct.

Corey - Correct, and for months we had been observing Cabal/Nazi groups headed down to Brazil and Argentina and they’ve been heading into the underground bunkers like ants into the ground and they have been shuffling a lot of their assets and people down into Antarctica. So these people we believe they’re on these cruisers trying to get off the planet before something happens. Things seem to be reaching a crescendo of sorts, especially in the earth alliance with the earth negotiations and what’s going on in the back ground.

Rob - Thank you. Cobra, we kind of went into other information but can you confirm the Japan information that Corey says is correct and these other things or part of this intel. Can you comment on that please.

COBRA - OK. What I have received from my sources is yes there are battles in, I would say shallow underground bases in Japan. Mostly conventional weapons were used that triggered some of the earthquakes. But not all earthquakes were triggered by that. There is also an increased activity of the tectonic plates which react on increased activity of the galactic central sun. The other thing that I can confirm is that there is a lot of movement of the Cabal groups. They want to escape through 2 routes to Antarctica. One will go from Texas to Mexico then to South America, mostly Brazil and Argentina and towards Antarctica. The other one goes to New Zealand and Tasmania towards Antarctica. They want to escape because they think they will not be found there. Actually some of them tried and attempted to escape from the planet and according to one source the group that Corey terms the term the dark fleet, the Nazi break-away faction from of a long time ago attempted to contact the Nazi faction in Antarctica and create a bridge that would transport some of the personal from Antarctica to the outer edge of the solar system towards the Kuiper belt. And that intel is not confirmed so I can not 100% guarantee for that but this is what I’ve heard from one of the sources.

Rob - OK. Thank you. Have either of you heard there was an ancient Pleiadian civilization in South America that was in a rain forest situation due to earth shifts no longer exists. But a long time ago there was a very deep underground, and still exists to this day, a technology that is stabilizing the planet. Have either of you heard of that deep underground Antarctica technology base from the Pleiadians.

Corey - Not from the Pleiadians you mentioned but. . .Yea, I’ve spoken in detail about a lot of this ancient type technology that’s been put in various parts of the earth, underground including Antarctica and some of it had been removed and it has caused problems with our tectonic plates and weather and other things and they had traded and given away that technology and it caused imbalance.

Rob - I’d like a clarity of Corey, do you know who put the technology there originally.

Corey - It’s unknown. Its extremely ancient. If I looked at the foot-notes of the report there was about 3 different populations that could have put it there.

Rob - Thank you. Cobra, do you ave any information.


COBRA - Actually we need to go a little bit back into the history of Atlantis. Atlantis on planet Earth was pretty much a global civilization which was seeded or encouraged by different waves, waves of different cosmic races. There was a Pleiadian wave which has brought Atlantis to it’s heights about 200,000 years ago and there was colonization from the Sirius star system that created the peak of Atlantean civilization about 75,000 years ago. And each of those races have brought a lot of technology and a lot of spiritual understanding to Atlantis and each of those races that I have mentioned have created their own network of surface cities, of sub surface cities, of tunnel networks, of underground pyramids, of crystals, of stabilization technology for the tectonic plates. But unfortunately there was another faction that came from Orion which infiltrated those networks of Atlantis and misused the technology and misuse of that technology actually was responsible for the deluge of Atlantis for the last sinking of Atlantis which append around 11,500 years ago, A lot of that old technology is still spread. Some of it is submerged on the bottom of the ocean. Some of it is a little bit underground. Some of it has been purposely destroyed or suppressed. But a lot of those machines and technologies and crystals are still remaining and some of the underground factions have discovered these old remnants and a lot of this will be coming to the main stream media at the time of the Event.

Corey - That’s much newer technology, that’s not the oldest technology in stones, subterranean.

Rob - So there’s much more ancient technology, I’ve heard that as well.

Corey - Yes, hundreds of millions of years old.

Rob - Thank you for that. Yes, let’s see, this is kind of another question that ’s come up. Simon parks has indicated that he has heard that this was a battle. This is a little closer to home and we don’t know for sure because the people that filmed it. There was several groups. It was area 51 had a large amount of smoke and it didn’t look like a brushfire because it kind of came from one source. Do either of you have intel on that giant smoke cloud that was reported at area 51. Was this underground base engaged in one of these battles or was this a brush fire, do either of you have intel.

Corey - They was a large problem of getting rid of nuclear material from their testing and they've been burning nuclear material and it’s gotten away from them several several times out there. This is something that’s happened before.

COBRA - According to my sources it was just a brush fire.

Corey - Yea. They have been burning and releasing some things that are out of control and the whole area catches on fire. It’s happened several times. They end of shutting off radiation detectors in area where the wind carries it. This is something that’s gone on several times.

Rob - Interesting. Both can be correct here. Cobra says it’s a brush fire. Corey . .

Corey - It was a brush fire. It was a brush fire.

Rob - Caused from burning, that’s just madness. These guys are really crazy there. Thank you for that. So we have here the question for both of you and I guess Corey, since you’re kind of new to the event information, the general theme of what you’ve heard from your various sources pretty intent in the liberation. the question is; as the global situation is improving on the planet, even if it seems to be slow, do we really need an Event or a watershed moment in order to continue to improve the situation like what is already happening in the last years. Could it just be a slow momentum or do you both believe like I believe that it’s going to require an Ah-ha moment and an epiphany and revelation through main stream media with a great focus of the world to create the Event.

Corey - Yea. It’s going to absolutely require a catalyzing event for everyone to be jerked awake. If we’re going to slowly expect everyone to trickle into this new reality of understanding about all these suppressed technologies let alone all this other stuff that Cobra and I talk about. We’re going to be waiting millennia. So there’s going to be outside sources that are doing all they can but we have a part to play in this scenario. Every single one of us. Not one person is too small to take a part and to make a difference and we all. . . they’re waiting to stand up and take our part in this. None of us can say that we don’t have skin in the game. So as each of us contributes and put our differences aside and start to work with full disclosure to get the information out there to the general public then the 100th monkey effect can occur. As more and more of them learn this information, you know, it’s going to become more acceptable and people are going to start asking the questions we want them to ask. When that catalyzing event occurs then they’re not going to be in as much in shock as they would prior.

Rob - Very good. Cobra, we know . . . you obviously feel that there is going to be a watershed moment you call the Event. Would you like to comment please.

COBRA - Yes, of course. I would just give an explication. It’s a process called phase transition. Phase transition is a process in physics that happens also in society. So when you put a certain amount of energy into a society it begins to behave like water that is boiling. So what we’re experiencing now is this boiling water, it is all this dissent in human society, all of this questioning, seeking. All of this restlessness in human society is a reflection of this cosmic change. When a certain amount of energy is brought into that system the water begins to boil. It begins to change into vapor and this is what is happening with human society. It is going through a phase transition. The moment of the phase transition is the Event. It is a sudden change which can be felt before hand a little bit. It can be expected but when it happens it’s a sudden transition. It’s a quantum leap. And this is the way transitions happen in nature. They don’t happen gradually. Phase transitions happen suddenly and this is what is going to occur because we simply do not have time. We do not have millennia to wait. We are actually responding to cosmic forces that are triggering this transition. They are guiding us through this transition so it can happen as fast as possible as harmoniously as possible. Human race are known for taking one part of this transition, but it is a global cosmic event and each of us of course plays a role in this event.

Rob - Thank you. And I would add that those of you who are familiar you want to look at cymatic shift, you can see a plate of metal that is vibrated to sound and you can see the sand is in a chop mode and then it moves when a certain frequency is established the sand moves into a specific pattern and we are going through this chaos position very shortly to re-establish a new pattern. Corey, are there specific plans that you know of for the Sphere Being alliance specifically to become allies openly with the earth’s surface population at some future date?

Corey - No, not that I know of. What has been communicated to me is that they will remain in the back ground. As the outer barrier and these different spheres slowly faded out or transitioned out as this cosmic energy comes in then they will be no longer be needed here and even the light __ we don’t need them. We’ll be in a different state ourselves.

Rob - So it seems that some of them we will never meet. Cobra, you speak of the Resistance Movement (RM) and we know that they are definitely involved on the surface of the planet. I personally feel that there are many other beings that are here on the planet that have been here a long time. Some come and go and some are a lifetime earth members now. Can you talk about the plans for the, you’ve mentioned this before, so from your group they do have plans to communicate with the surface population. Can you share with our listeners what those plans are. Many want to sign up that’s really not that way is it. Can you talk about that contact that will take place in the future Cobra.

COBRA - Yes it is not safe now for that contact to happen but after the Event the contact will happen. The RM will make physical contact with people who are I would say, the most awake and aware individuals. This will be the first interaction that will happen and based upon how this goes they will gradually begin to reveal themselves to the surface population. They are not the main group to interact with the surface population. The main group will be the Pleiadians, later the Sirians and the Arcturians and I would say the other positive galactic races from our galactic neighborhood. The RM’s role is to tactically support the Event to make sure that the infrastructure is running that we have electricity, internet, food distribution chain. They will support military in their operations. They will support the media that releases intel. There will not be so much face to face interaction with the surface population at least not in the initial stage. At a certain point after the Event, they will have guided tours for certain surface people a guided tour or their underground dwellings. They will show one part of this to the surface population. And for those who would like to join and be integrated it will be possible if certain conditions are met.

Rob - Corey do you have any comments on Cobra’s questions, answers I mean.

Corey - It’s going to be part of the ___that we’re releasing. ___ had requested a after she had had the meeting out in the Kuiper belt she had requested a meeting with the secret federation and the purpose of this meeting was all of the groups that are similar just not long after the time of Mohammad had signed this accord or agreement about open contact or appearing openly with humanity. It was to allow us to develop on our own __ and do things from the back-ground, you know, and contact people and kind of secretly. I don’t know all the details of this accord but it’s pretty binding ___ skirmished they had. This is something that they want to re-visit and make some amendments to because some of these inner earth groups want to start making more appearances on the surface and this is a meeting that has been granted and they’re going to be coming up very soon.

Rob - Cobra, do you have any comments on Corey’s intel there.

COBRA - Yes, there has been agreements made but the purpose of those agreements was the real reason why surface population was not contacted is because of the dark ones have controlled and isolated the surface population. There were many positive groups that wanted and would like to contact the surface population but they couldn’t because it was simply too dangerous because the Cabal would retaliate. There was some instances when the surface population was contacted and there were consequences.

Corey - The Dracos and other negative groups have signed this accord as well. This will be one of the thickest parts. This next meeting will not only have representatives from the secret federation but it will have representatives from some of the negative groups there as well which is going to be a type of meeting that has not happened since the accords were set up and signed.

COBRA - Yes, but the Dracos never negotiated. They just want to have their own ways.

Corey - Yes, I’ve seen them negotiate quite a bit, but they negotiate out of the side of their mouth.
Rob - So this is a question for Corey and this has been something that I’ve had questions about. You mentioned the Anchara Alliance as if they are the only Agarthan network and they seem to be, have been negative and you have indicated in one of your later, not the last, but one of your later posts that they were taken to the Kuiper belt and scolded by the triangle head and you have stated that 4 of them have agreed that they that their chiding was deserved and they have agreed to go into a more positive relationship with humanity and that 3 of them reversed. You have told me that the Omegans were one of them. Are these the only . . . .

Corey - We need to get this straight. You keep putting the negative stamp where it doesn’t belong. It’s a point of view thing. (OK) These groups aren’t negative, they are in a hostile land trying to survive but at the same time they’re delivering positive information that could go up albeit in a deceptive way. From their point of view you have to understand they are trying to protect themselves from people from the surface that have the ability to attack them and kill them, so they’re living in a very, . . .things are not as cut and dry as a lot of people would like to say in the Ufology community. It’s a very wild paradigm that they are living in that all these groups are living in. They have a very strange political environment that they are trying to survive in especially the ones who have their embassies here or spend all of their time in the solar system. Because as Cobra said, this solar system is a very dangerous place. (Right) Not only are these dark entities very dangerous but us as a people are in the same ___we’re very dangerous as well.

Rob - I understand that. We do have a bellicose and a violent nature. I was speaking especially with the Omegans. The chemtrail planes actually have the Omegan symbol on them so I consider them hostile. You may consider . . .

Corey - That might not be related to them. Just because there was groups down there that had a swastika they’re not directly related to the Nazi’s or the Nazi ideology. So symbols can be taken and re-purposed..You know, you can’t just see a symbol and immediately jump to conclusions without intelligence to back it up.

Rob - I would agree. Cobra, what is your view on that situation. Can you describe the underground landscape. Do you know anything. Would you consider the Anchara alliance that use to be hostile or can you delineate the different underground Agarthan network groups for us, from your position.

COBRA - The situation underground is very dynamic and is changing all the time, but I would say I am in contact with certain of the factions, not with all of the factions and apparently there are more different factions down there than we all know. But the RM for example has never claimed they are representing themselves as Pleiadians to any part of the surface population claims that they could be worshiped, neither any other factions that I know of that form the global Agarthan network or the Eastern Agarthan factions. Currently there is process of unification taking place. There is a lot of contact a lot of negotiation between various factions and a lot of mistrust. Part of this mistrust comes from manipulation of the Chimera group of one of the factions against the others and cooperation between the Chimera group and the various subterranean Draco factions coming from 1930’s and 1940’s and the Nazi groups on the surface. So there is a lot of mistrust created at that time and a lot of healing still needs to happen. Also I would say mostly the Eastern Agarthan factions have a similar perspective than the surface population Eastern philosophies would have had on life. And this is quite much different than what the western people have. Western idea of life. So what is happening on the surface is actually a reflection of what is happening below ground. There has been communication established between those various groups and the healing is taking place. But again this takes time. This is slow because they have millennia upon millennia of history to be solved, resolved and healed. So, but I can say from my perspective I have never heard of a group that belongs to a sub-surface faction that claims to be either Pleiadian or Savior Gods or anything of that nature.

Rob - OK. guys, so I have a question because I live in Mt. Shasta. It’s near and dear to my heart. It’s always been considered a bastion of the light forces from Lemuria. First, I guess I’d like to have Corey respond. This group is not part of the Anchara alliance is it. Do you have any intelligence on the inner earth Agarthan civilization under Mt. Shasta?

Corey - I have received some information about the groups that are not only under Mt Shasta but around the region going for quite a ways up into Oregon and Washington. And they are definitely a very positive group and it’s. . . they are a part of a network as well but I am not in contact with them.

Rob - Thank you - Cobra could you comment on the Mt. Shasta group. My south American contactees Louis and several others have indicated that there is a Strong network that goes from Mt. Shasta all the way down to Central, through Central and South America of a very positive nature. Can you comment on your knowledge of this group Cobra.

COBRA - The group below Mt. Shasta and inside Mt Shasta is part of the, I would say, global Agarthan network which originates from the time of Atlantis when part of the light forces had to go underground because of the Archon invasion 25,000 years ago. And 25K years ago they have created a network of underground cities and underground tunnels. One of those tunnels goes through Alaska, through Washington State, through northern California with Mt Shasta, through south California, Mexico, Central America and down into South America ad there is another main tunnel which goes through Peru underground through Caribbean through Atlantic, through Morocco, through Egypt and then onwards towards Tibet. This is all part of the same network and there was a very and there still is a very positive civilization of light which I would call the global Agarthan network existing and Mt. Shasta city is a part of this civilization. The surface population has received intel about this group through certain channels. Certain people that lived in Mt. Shasta and have had encounters. I would say about 80% of that intel is correct. I would not say they are ancient Lemurians. I would say they are remnants of the old positive Atlantis.

Rob - Atlantis did have a science station hereon Maui. The point is that they are being positive. Cobra, have you heard anything about the Anchara Alliance group underground, specifically the ones that Corey has talked about. He has mentioned, I don’t know if you saw his report. One is with this woman named Careen, the Omegans and some others. Have you heard about this Anchara alliance specifically, are you familiar with this group of 7.

Corey - Anchara Alliance is only 3. (Oh 3) The ones that wear the Saturn symbol.

Rob - The Saturn symbol. Have you heard about this group Cobra.

COBRA - I have read Corey’s report. I have not heard about this group from any of my sources but I know that Sheldon Nidle has mentioned the truce of Anchara back in 1995.

Rob - Ok. Thank you. Cobra, can you speak about your knowledge of the Halls of Amenti and the Akashic records as Corey has described them as kind of like an earth based library on the outer and then I guess the main records, Corey you can correct me on this, was behind the, was this crystal that they were trying to grow. Is that correct Corey.

Corey - Yes, and that’s a living technology that has a lot of records in it and that technology can tap into the Akashic records. I don’t know exactly what you’re referring to, but I referred to it in a couple of different ways. It’s definitely a major historical data base that is very important to them.

Rob - Just for your clarification Corey, Akashic records is the mineral kingdom which stores all information that’s ever taken place on the planet. It’s kind of like living memory that can be updated . . .

Corey - I’ve heard it also used that has all . . everything that’s ever happened in the Cosmos.

Rob - Yes, yes, I would say that . . . Cobra could you talk about the Akashic records and the halls of Amenti. Kind of play it off of what Corey talked about with his group.

COBRA - OK, the Akashic records are a natural imprint of any event in the etheric matrix, in the etheric structure, sub-structure of reality itself. With proper technology you can always read what is stored, that informational imprint. So light forces, of the advanced races have technology to read that record directly from the etheric substance. Crystals, physical crystals can store that information quite effectively. I would say physical crystals are more and more advanced versions of our current hard disc of computer. They can store more information, more dimensionally and more effectively. Basically Akashic records can be accessed directly from the etheric plane with certain technology and for more involved beings they can access the akashic records directly with their consciousness.

Rob - Thank you. Can you speak about the halls of Amenti. These were spoken of in the Emerald tablets found in the temple of the Moon in Central America and they’re recording a person from Egypt named Thoth. The Halls of Amenti were kind of indicated as being below Egypt. Cobra, can you speak about the Halls of Amenti and are there multiple ones possibly hat Corey was speaking about.

COBRA - OK. Each city of light had their own records and particularly in Egypt there were crystals, crystal records of the past beneath the Sphinx. And the RM have accessed those crystals back in 1999 before the Cabal could get them.

Rob - Cobra and Corey you have both mentioned we have a tremendous power of manifestation that the Cabal doesn’t want us to learn about. They even use techniques like programming, scalar plasma waves, mind controlled imaging that has us working against ourselves. If our group focus and the collective consciousness is the most influential factor to speed up liberation, shouldn’t we as a group try to encourage the entire light worker community to come together and to meditate and pray for a common goal. Would you both agree.


Corey - Absolutely. That’s one of the things that has been talked about in our Full disclosure project group. July 8th is Disclosure day and we’ve been trying to launch an ad campaign and all kinds of other stuff to promote disclosure, so yea, that’s . . .

Rob - Cobra, would you agree.

COBRA - Yes of course. I would agree that mass meditation is the one single most influential factor that the surface population can contribute to the breakthrough July 8th is Disclosure day and is one opportunity to unite diverse groups to a common goal and to focus our attention to that particular point in space and time to get closer to the breakthrough,

Rob - OK ladies and gentlemen, a lot of you have been asking for this type of unity. Cobra already has a weekly meditation. I actually spoke to these gentlemen before and the suggestion I had was. . . let’s make this a unified, worldwide meditation as a common goal for full disclosure and planetary peace. So you’ve heard it right here. Both of these gentlemen are not going to be the only ones. But they are lending their support for Corey’s full disclosure project, which is the same as Cobra. It’s not a name thing, it’s about planetary liberation. So you light workers that are out there creating banners and information and video and media, we would like you to. . July 8 Full disclosure day, planetary world peace. This is the emphasis is to bring people to the awareness any way you can, through videos to help support this so the world at least the social media groups that are following us can grow to clear awareness of what full disclosure is into the main stream media to insert ourselves into the conversation and get people’s awareness of what’s going on So that’s a done deal. Now folks, it’s up to you. You can focus through PFC is going to pick this up and I’m sure Corey’s full disclosure project is already working on this but we’re adding world meditation and peace day. That’s a done deal.

COBRA - I would suggest that other groups that are following or attempting to assist in the liberation process also support this. If David Wilcock could support this, other people could support this. We all need to see and manifest more of this support. It doesn’t matter if it’s my meditation or somebody else’s meditation. What matters is focus and common goal at a certain moment in space and time. This is what brings results.

Rob - Thank you. That’s exactly . . .

Corey - Focus on the unity. If all of us work together like this and cross-promote other programs like this and you know partake of them together and we’re going to make a difference.

Rob - Very good. Both of you Cobra and PFC, Untwine has started this kind of network group that’s of course maybe you could combine with Full disclosure group and you 2 can get together on their own. We’re coming towards the end of this first hour. We’re going to have part 2 here coming out. Cobra, I’d like you to share your web-site, your blog, where you’re appearing and to let Corey’s people know about your information and to check you out. Some people will be listening to you for the first time. The same goes for you people that have been listening to Cobra. This is a chance for you to connect with Corey. We’re going to get all their websites coming up. Cobra, share whatever you think people need to follow and keep in touch.

COBRA - If you go to google: Cobra, portal 2012 and you will find my blog. There is a vast treasury of information there.

Rob - We do have some I guess you’re calling them Ascension conferences coming up. Are you ready to release any more future dates for people to hear that they can look forward to meeting you and hearing about this.

COBRA - Yes. We will have an Ascension conference in the beginning of June in Greece and of course everybody’s welcome to participate.

Rob - OK. And there may be more released later. Corey could you please share your web-sites, your disclosure projects, Folks, you can support both of these gentlemen through their websites. Corey.

Corey - Yes, my main website is That’s where you can find most of my articles. The newest site is http://fulldisclosureproject.organd that’s the new site where we’re going to do a lot of the unity in the community kind of events, and also working together with other groups. We’re already starting to work with Steven Greer’s group to he;p support his new movie “unacknowledged’. and start working together with a lot of other groups. If you like to watch the show David Wilcock and I do together Cosmic disclosure. You can watch some free episodes and sign up at www.blueavians.com

Rob - That’s wonderful. Gentlemen it’s been really wonderful to have you both on here for this first show. I hope people . . .

Corey - Don’t you have a conference coming up.

Rob - Thanks for reminding me Corey. My site I have announced we are having a summer conference coming up. Corey Goode is going to be presenting for two days. Michael Salla is going to be there. Laura Eisenhower, myself and we’re announcing . . I’m making time in the middle of the day a little longer than my normal conferences folks, for those of you who’ve been there. For those of you involved who have been signed up and Corey’s team, Corey and Laura will be joining Michael and myself. There will be some discussions on the full disclosure to get those people who are working on the projects ready to coordinate and to meet. Those of you on the full disclosure teams we’d like you to come and to meet the week-end Corey maybe making some suggestion in how we’re going to work together. It’s going to be great time. That’s all on my web-site folks, on Corey’s web-site soon. We’ve given the marketing materials. Tickets are actually selling quite well. That’s the summer conference in Mt. Shasta Aug 26, 27 and 28th. Check that out and thank you both very much. Victory to the light. And we’ll be back with part 2 very soon folks.

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Posted: 12 May 2016 10:26 AM PDT
With delay, here is the April monthly update Cobra interview by Prepare for Change. The audio version and the transcript are available here:

You can submit your questions to and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview.

Answered questions from past interviews are nicely gathered here:

Victory of the Light!

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Info and DISinfo... they all have their place in the face of drastic change and the removal of the parasites that once conquered this planet. We may not be intended to be able to decode it all; just as Cobra has coded messages on his site for and from the Resistance Movement.

Above all, the White Knights don't want the unsuspecting masses to panic, so they will do and say whatever they have to, to keep the peace until the final reveal. It's clear to anyone with an inkling of what is happening that we are rapidly drawing to the end of this chapter of life on Terra.

A few small skirmishes still flare up to make it look like the cabal's plans are full steam ahead but this is the end game. I think we can taste our freedom already. ~ BP
Major movement on multiple fronts including US regime change and serious political turmoil in China
Posted by benjamin
May 9, 2016

There are serious and undeniable changes now taking place at the highest levels of the world’s power structure. First, as already noted by Neil Keenan and others, US President Barack Obama told the Washington Press corps at the Whitehouse correspondents dinner on April 30th that “the end of the republic has never looked better,” and that “It is an honor to be here at my last—and perhaps the last—White House Correspondent’s Dinner.” Here is a link to the White House Press release containing these comments.

Furthermore the White House put out a detailed plan on May 6th for a “peaceful transition of power.”

CIA sources [say] the plan is still to keep Obama as the face of the regime and use him to transition to a Donald Trump presidency but that Obama was no longer living in the White House and that the powers behind the throne had changed.

One very visible sign of the US regime change is the fact that “1500 Yale Skull and Bones documents will be released to expose [US Secretary of State John] Kerry, the Bushes, and other cabal members,” Pentagon sources note. This disclosure is a clear sign the Satanists have lost at the highest level of the US power structure.

There will be more about the US situation below but there is another major development we wish to discuss first. Last week this writer attended a meeting in Yokohama, Japan of the senior lodge members of a 55 million member Benevolent Asian Secret Society (Hongmen). The meeting discussed future peaceful plans for the lodge in Japan. There were also detailed discussions about a new international financial system that will replace the current system over the next few years. Specialists from many different fields attended the meeting. Finally, the society expressed a desire to work, based on the principles of peace, in a “mutually beneficial manner with the International White Dragon Society.” That is all we are allowed to disclose for now.

The White Dragon Society was also contacted last week by two representatives from the government of mainland China. One, representing the Chinese Communist Government’s security apparatus, said that 12,000 tons of gold were now being offered at a 13% discount on the same conditions as the 8000 tons previously discussed in this newsletter. The gold is in 12.5 kilogram ingots and is available for immediate pick up in Hong Kong. Furthermore, if the offer is not accepted by May 16th, the Chinese will take unilateral action on this issue, he says. The WDS has recommended that they make a move against the US dollar if the current controllers of the dollar system refuse to accept this gold.

Since Henry Kissinger’s fraudulent hijacking of the dollar system has ended, as far as we can tell there are two current claimants for the position of M1, or controller of the US dollar system. One is Neil Keenan and the other is believed to be the eldest surviving son of former Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos who now lives in Canada and is represented by a David P. Crayford. If either of them can pull it off, we suggest they conjure up some dollars and take delivery of the gold. It is a good deal: solid gold in exchange for paper and numbers in computers. If neither of them can pull it off, we suggest that General Joseph Dunford step in and arrange this deal.

There is also a faction in the US that has been buying up historical Asian bonds at cents for the dollar, according to the Chinese sources. The money they receive for handing over the bonds will be frozen, Pentagon sources say.

Those who still think the US dollar does not need to be backed by gold or other real world assets need to take a look at the chart in this link showing how the end of the dollar gold peg resulted in a debt disaster for the US.

The end of the gold peg triggered a more than 40 year looting spree of the American people and US trade partners by the Khazarian mafia, WDS members agree. The Chinese offer of gold will put a permanent end to this looting, a WDS official says.
Meanwhile, another Chinese official to contact the WDS represents a faction inside the Chinese politburo that is opposed to Chinese President Xi Jinping. The source says there is a major power struggle taking place in China. President Xi Jinping’s mandate is not… (to be continued in a few days under the title "Full Fulford for May 9)

Mini Update from Ben Fulford...
Reblogged from
Notice to readers: "The Stealer Missing Number 9"

Benjamin Fulford posted this short update today regarding a book authored by Nebojsa Stanisic, a man claiming to be a member of the Gnostic Illuminati (Brotherhood of The Black Rose). This is not his normal Monday update, which should be released soon.

The book is entitled The Stealer Missing Number 9.
Here is the book's description:

Book contains behind the curtain happenings that were attempted to be hidden by a secret society Gnostic Illuminati (Brotherhood of The Black Rose) : Undercover operations, black operation's on Global level from 2011-2015, organized crime, financial crime, corruption, cyber terrorism code 9, black fond, money movement over stolen identities to offshore zones and in offshore zones, MK Ultra (Artificial Synthetic Telepathy), US Government DARPA's secret program that was stolen in purpose of testing future weapons. This book is about what Dr. Robert Duncan is writing in theory just in practice in normal life.

Book also contains black budget to fund terrorism and testing Secret Weapons stolen from DARPA, set on 89.5 million British pounds, that was laundered over Vojvodina Bank Serbia. The names of the people and the offshore companies that participated in the use of money from the black offshore fund, secret bank accounts. A complete documentation on agent MR. Smith tied for 8 tons of cocaine from a zoo in Rotterdam, which is meant to serve to cover up the use and testing of a secret weapon, to frame people from underground. The names of the people and political parties, members Rockefeller trilateral commission government from the shadows who took part in this conspiracy.

See the raw Fulford text below.
Related Understanding Mind Control | The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler
- Justin

Source - Benjamin Fulford

9c486-benjamfulford-blue-newBelow you can find links where you can buy a book written by Nebojsa Stanisic, a person with deep experience in the intelligence world. Among other things, the book contains raw intelligence involving very real threats to use nuclear weapons against such places as Rome, London and Jerusalem.

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I just updated the links so they go straight to the article.] Another new weekly report from Ben.

“The gnostic illuminati and the US military have both told the White Dragon Society that Pope Francis must resign because of his friendship with former Argentine dictator Jorge Videla and his involvement in Argentina’s dirty war. The resignation will be the trigger for a series of dramatic changes in how this planet is run, the sources agree.

“Romanov also said that Khazarian top Mafiosi Heinz (Henry) Kissinger had died and that there was nobody to replace him in the Khazarian power structure.

“In any case, if you look at the following links you can see very clearly that, as far as the real world is concerned, Khazarian mafia control of the economy is finished.”


Is it time for Pope Francis to confess to involvement in Argentine dirty war and resign
Posted by benjamin, May 2, 2016

The gnostic illuminati and the US military have both told the White Dragon Society that Pope Francis must resign because of his friendship with former Argentine dictator Jorge Videla and his involvement in Argentina’s dirty war. The resignation will be the trigger for a series of dramatic changes in how this planet is run, the sources agree. “They will be writing about this thousands of years from now,” predicts gnostic illuminati grandmaster “Alexander Romanov.”

Romanov also said that Khazarian top Mafiosi Heinz (Henry) Kissinger had died and that there was nobody to replace him in the Khazarian power structure. We been told many times in the past that “Kisssinger is dead” only to have him appear in public shortly after we published the information. So, Mr. Kissinger, if you are still alive, please appear somewhere in public to be photographed and filmed. If he really is dead though, this would be a huge breakthrough because Kissinger has been the man behind the 60-year Khazarian mafia hijack of funds meant to be used for the benefit of this planet.

This could also be why veteran career CIA and State Department officials are now handling the gold negotiations with the Dragon family in Asia, WDS sources say. The gold is already available so, the delay comes from the people controlling the dollar printing (or inputting) facility. There are multiple meetings going on about this issue, especially in Washington DC, and these in turn are connected with the talk about having the Pope resign and Kissinger removed from the scene. More meetings on this issue continue this week.

In any case, if you look at the following links you can see very clearly that, as far as the real world is concerned, Khazarian mafia control of the economy is finished. The first is a map showing in red the countries enrolled in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank or AIIB. You can see that apart from African nations and the Americas minus Brazil, most of the world is already on board.

The next link shows these countries in terms of purchasing power parity (real) GDP. Again you can see the AIIB countries are overwhelmingly large in the map. The US looks huge too but, people who know the real world know that US GDP is exaggerated by about 50% through financial fluff (numbers in bank computers not connected to reality) and fake statistics so, you need to imagine it half that size.

The final link shows countries that have China as their number one trading partner versus those that have the US as their number one trading partner. Again you can see China has more than double the US in influence on the real world of trade.

What this means is that if the AIIB countries decide to stop accepting the US dollar, then it is game over for the Khazarian cabal in the US.

There will be an Asian Secret Society and WDS meeting this week where…

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April 26, 2016;     The battle for the planet earth has taken a dramatic turn with the destruction of three major Japanese underground bases, an accelerating hunt for Khazarian mafia oligarchs, high stakes financial negotiations between the military industrial complex and Asian secret societies and more.

First about the earthquakes: it is a given on Japanese Internet chat boards that the recent spate of earthquakes in Southern Japan were all artificial earthquakes. The evidence presented is that the seismographs all resemble earthquakes caused by explosions with a sudden huge shock followed by steadily decreasing aftershocks. See the links below for evidence of this:

There were also reports of loud explosion like sounds when the earthquakes hit. Furthermore, all the earthquakes had extremely shallow epicenters going no deeper than 10 kilometers, which is very rare in natural earthquakes. In addition to this, the Japanese government earthquake prediction center said they had given up on predicting the earthquakes because they did not fit any known natural earthquake pattern. The clincher however, is that the epicenters of the three big quakes were all the locations of Japanese military bases.

If you put 1812 Oyatsu, Mashiki, Kumamoto Prefecture in on Google earth you can see the military base at the epicenter of the first earthquake. There are several unusual structures to be seen there that appear to be the entrances to underground bases.

It is also worth recalling that Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso recently told American economist Paul Krugman something to the effect that the Japanese government was looking for a trigger to start World War 3 in order to save the economy.

Chinese government sources in Beijing recently told this writer they had identified an unusually intense build-up of military material by the Japanese government in recent months.

The bases hit are all located close to the Korean Peninsula where it would be easy to move large numbers of troops to the Asian mainland for a war with China. It thus appears there was a pre-emptive strike, by forces unknown, to prevent any Japanese attempt to start World War 3.

The announcement by North Korea that they had submarine based ballistic missiles was in reality a Japanese reaction to the attack on their underground bases. The message was Japan still has an intact retaliatory nuclear strike capability via their North Korean proxy. They need not worry though because nobody is planning to invade Japan.

There was also some belligerence going on last week concerning the Asian gold stashes in Indonesia. Officials at CIA Asian headquarters in Singapore last week warned the Chinese that... to be continued...

Starship Earth

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UFOs Giza

 UFOs Giza I just had to share this one. In light of the report recently from Dante Santori that the pyramid in the Bermuda Triangle was once in Egypt, and that the tip of it is a ship that has been photographed flying our skies… now this, which apparently took place over 4 hours in Giza this month. (April 2016.) We DO know that the pyramids around the world emit beams of energy skyward, and that key elements like crystals and technologies have been secreted away by ancient beings to be activated at the proper time.

It’s not the first time UFOs have been filmed over pyramids, either, as in Mexico, etc. Some say they were beacons for off-world visitors. Maybe this activity is commonplace to Egyptians, but I would have expected more of a hullabaloo from the tourists at this site with three inverted pyramids hovering above. Or, perhaps after an hour or so it’s just old hat. Is this a hoax? Holograms? Or is this part of the chain of activations that will culminate in The Event, the Shift, the Event Horizon and the advent of our Golden Age? Is this part of Disclosure with a capital “D”? Or all the above?

Perhaps this is more players on the world stage assembling in preparation for the opening night at the opera, but what’s with the sound track? Is the orchestra tuning up or are those supposed to be Gabriel’s trumpets? You got me… but it certainly is an interesting video, and with the news of the microwave anomaly off the coast of New York that appears to be man-made, and the amping up of the volcanic and earthquake activity on the planet, things are certainly happening—a weak word for the scale of it all. There have been over 600 earthquakes in Japan in five days and their media is silent according to DAHBOO77, below. Dante Santori also said that the Bermuda Triangle pyramid is a control mechanism, and that without it, all the volcanoes and earthquakes on the planet would all be active at once.

That’s an interesting bit of information considering UFOs are now hovering over its sister pyramids in Egypt as the planet its rockin’ and rollin’ wildly AND appears to have shifted on its axis, as well as the moon. SOMETHING’s shakin’. Fireballs, red skies, new islands forming where ancient Mu used to be, new planetary systems… it’s CRAZY out there. I never know what I’ll hear next. What I would LIKE to hear is that the banks are all closed. Wink, wink! ~

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April 19 2016

UFO FLEET over GIZA PYRAMIDS !!! April 2016

April 2016 - Egypt, Giza Pyramid plateau. Amazing footage showing UFO fleet hovering over pyramids during few hours.

Watch the VIDEO HERE !

It is believed that the Tulli Papyrus is the best evidence of ancient flying saucers in the distant past, and for some reason, historians have questioned its authenticity and meaning. Like many other ancient texts, this ancient document tells an incredible story, one that could change the way we look at our past, our future and present.

It is believed that this ancient document, which in fact isn’t a papyrus actually, offers the earliest citation of flying saucers on the planet. The Tulli “papyrus” is a translation of a modern transcription of an ancient Egyptian document.

According to this ancient text, the Pharaoh that ruled over Egypt was Thutmose III, and this mass UFO sightings happened around 1480 BC. It was recorded in history as a day of great importance, a day that something unexplained occurred.

Before going any further into the subject, here is the translation of the text according to R. Cedric Leonard :

UFO FLEET over GIZA PYRAMIDS !!! April 2016

“In the year 22, of the third month of winter, sixth hour of the day […] among the scribes of the House of Life it was found that a strange Fiery Disk was coming in the sky. It had no head. The breath of its mouth emitted a foul odor. Its body was one rod in length and one rod in width. It had no voice. It came toward His Majesty’s house. Their heart became confused through it, and they fell upon their bellies. They [went] to the king, to report it. His Majesty [ordered that] the scrolls [located] in the House of Life be consulted. His Majesty meditated on all these events which were now going on.

After several days had passed, they became more numerous in the sky than ever. They shined in the sky more than the brightness of the sun, and extended to the limits of the four supports of heaven […] Powerful was the position of the Fiery Disks.

The army of the King looked on, with His Majesty in their midst. It was after the evening meal when the Disks ascended even higher in the sky to the south. Fish and other volatiles rained down from the sky: a marvel never before known since the foundation of the country. And His Majesty caused incense to be brought to appease the heart of Amun-Re, the god of the Two Lands. And it was [ordered] that the event [be recorded for] His Majesty in the Annals of the House of Life [to be remembered] for ever.”

UFO FLEET over GIZA PYRAMIDS !!! April 2016

This incredible and historical event was described as being silent, but with incredible views of mysterious flying disks highly reflective, shining like the sun. According to this ancient text, the departure of the otherworldly visitors was marked by a mysterious event, as fish rained down from the heaven.

Even though this ancient text does not mention whether the ancient Egyptians did in fact establish contact with the otherworldly visitors, it is nonetheless a very important day in history, both for humanity and the ancient Egyptian Civilization.

It is important to mention that it is very unlikely that the ancient Egyptians misinterpreted these “fiery disks” with some sort of astronomical or weather phenomena. The Ancient Egyptians were experienced and gifted astronomers, and by the year 1500 B.C., they were already experts in the field, meaning that they would have described an astronomical phenomena in a much different way. Also, in this ancient documents, the “fiery disks” are described as they changed directions in the sky, so we know that these objects didn’t fall, but remained in the Egyptian Sky.

To understand this ancient story and its history, the ancient text would need to be studied, regrettably, today, the original papyrus is gone. Researcher Samuel Rosenberg requested from the Vatican Museum an opportunity to examine this precious document to what he got the following reply: ” The Papyrus Tulli not property of Vatican Museum. Now it is dispersed and no more traceable.”

Is it possible that the Tulli Papyrus is in fact located in the archives of the Vatican Museum? Hidden on purpose from the people? If so, why?

Is it possible that this is one of the best recorded ancient UFO encounters in history? And if so, is it possible that these otherworldly visitors influenced the ancient Egyptian civilization as Ancient Astronaut theorists believe?


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A screen displays the ticker symbol and information for Goldman Sachs on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) February 9, 2016. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid/File Photo

AK NOTE: I got this message thru Denice from Commander/Ambassador Mallieun, decided to wait until the news was out so I am not affecting markets with inside data, there may be other news to follow:

On Apr 17, 2016, at 8:06 AM, Denice wrote:



Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:58am EDT
Goldman Sachs revenue slumps to lowest in more than four years

Goldman Sachs Group Inc's (GS.N) quarterly profit fell by more than half and revenue slumped to its lowest in more than four years as market volatility hit the Wall Street bank's bond trading and investment banking businesses.

Goldman, wrapping up a dismal quarter for big U.S. banks, reported a 40 percent drop in net revenue, reflecting declines in all of its main businesses.

As with other banks, Goldman's trading revenue was hit by sliding commodity and oil prices, worries about the Chinese economy and uncertainty about U.S. interest rates.

Highlighting the challenges facing the bank, Goldman's return on average common equity - a measure of how well the bank uses shareholder money - was 6.4 percent in the quarter, down from 14.7 percent a year earlier. (

Many investors think ROE should be at least 10 percent to cover the cost of capital.

Goldman, whose shares were up 2.2 percent at $162.42 in morning trading on Tuesday, said its revenue from trading bonds, currencies and commodities (FICC) fell about 47 percent. Equities trading revenue, normally a strength, slid 23 percent.

FICC accounted for 26.2 percent of total revenue in the quarter - a far cry from the 40 percent the business regularly contributed before the financial crisis.

"The market was braced for a weak quarter, but we think the breadth of weakness on the top line will be a disappointment as people try to grapple with the timing of the recovery," Evercore ISI analyst Glenn Schorr wrote in a client note.

Goldman's traditional rival, Morgan Stanley (MS.N), reported a 54 percent drop in adjusted revenue from fixed income and commodities trading and a similar drop in net profit. Its equities trading revenue fell 9.3 percent.

Goldman reported a 56.3 percent fall in net income applicable to common shareholders to $1.2 billion, or $2.68 per share, for the three months ended March 31. That compared with $2.75 billion, or $5.94 per share, a year earlier, when the bank recorded its best quarterly profit in five years.

Analysts on average had expected earnings of $2.45 per share, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

Net revenue fell to $6.34 billion from $10.62 billion.

Still, Chief Financial Officer Harvey Schwartz express some optimism about market conditions in the current quarter.

"Although the market seems fragile ... it feels like factors impacting the markets in the first quarter have abated," Schwartz said on a call with analysts, adding that the bank would "do what it takes" to maximize returns for shareholders.


Goldman's investment banking revenue, which includes income from advising on deals and underwriting bond and share offerings, fell 23.2 percent to $1.46 billion in the quarter.

Goldman, like its rivals, has been cutting costs to make up for weak revenue.

Compensation costs fell 40.3 percent to $2.66 billion in the latest quarter. Operating costs fell 28.7 percent to $4.76 billion as employee compensation costs dropped about 40 percent.

Non-compensation costs fell 5.6 percent to $2.1 billion, the lowest in seven years, as a result of lower provisions for litigation and other regulatory matters.

Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N), Bank of America Corp (BAC.N) and Morgan Stanley together have cut nearly $4 billion in compensation costs since the first quarter of 2015, according to Reuters calculations.

Up to Monday's close, Goldman's shares had fallen about 12 percent since the start of the year, making the stock the worst performer in the Dow Jones industrial average .DJI.

(Reporting by Sudarshan Varadhan and Olivia Oran; Additional reporting by Richa Naidu; Editing by Ted Kerr)


Posted: 18 Apr 2016 11:23 PM PDT

Heavenletter #5624 Be an Alchemist
April 18, 2016

God said:

Everything you choose in life is your choice. Here's what I mean:

If you are sad, you chose sadness. If you can choose sadness, you can choose happiness.

Your life is based on your choices. Under all circumstances, you have choices to make. Your experience and the world itself may tell you that under certain circumstances, you can only be unhappy. To believe that or not believe that is also a choice you make.

If you can choose anger, you can choose peace. You may say you can't help anger. You may say you do not choose it, but suddenly it appears and seems to take you over -- your emotions, your thoughts, your blood pressure. Do you think you can only be a fall guy to anger?

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Heart Shaped Sunspot lets loose...

Posted: 18 Apr 2016 11:25 PM PDT

Space Weather News for April 18, 2016

SOLAR FLARE UPDATE: NOAA forecasters say that a CME hurled into space by today's M6.7-flare might deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on April 20th. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras during a possible G1-class geomagnetic storm.

BIG SUNSPOT ERUPTS: Surprise! Quiet sunspot AR2529 isn't so quiet, after all. The heart-shaped active region erupted on April 18th (00:39 UT), producing a strong M6.7-class solar flare and shortwave radio blackouts around the Pacific. Visit for more information.

A pulse of UV radiation from the flare ionized the top of Earth's atmosphere. This, in turn, disrupted shortwave radio communications over the daylit side of our planet. Mariners, aviators, and ham radio operators around the Pacific Ocean may have noticed fading signals at frequencies below ~15 MHz. A NOAA blackout map shows the frequencies and territories affected.

More M-class flares are possible in the days ahead. AR2529 has developed a 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that harbors plenty of energy for this kind of explosion. Although the sunspot is no longer directly facing Earth, it can still affect our planet by causing radio blackouts and glancing-blow CMEs. Stay tuned.

Money Monster

Posted: 18 Apr 2016 10:08 PM PDT

“…I’m telling you THE WHOLE THING IS RIGGED!! They literally control the information”

“It is not a computer’s fault. There are human fingerprints all over this…”

Follow The Money!


In the real-time, high stakes thriller Money Monster, George Clooney and Julia Roberts star as financial TV host Lee Gates and his producer Patty, who are put in an explosive situation when an irate investor who has lost everything (Jack O'Connell) forcefully takes over their studio. During a tense standoff broadcast to millions on live TV, Lee and Patty must work furiously against the clock to unravel the mystery behind a conspiracy at the heart of today's fast-paced, high-tech global markets.

American trailer:

International trailer, mo bettah:

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Russia China Iran Putin Jinping Rouhani

A Eurasian Golden Triangle is emerging with China, Russia and Iran as the three key points, F. William Engdahl notes. The latest Sino-Iranian rapprochement has prompted a lively debate regarding the new Eurasian “world order.” “Sometimes profound tectonic shifts in the global politics arise from the least noticed events. Such is the situation with Iran and the recent visit to Tehran of China’s President Xi Jinping. What emerged from the talks confirms that the vital third leg of what will become a genuine Eurasian Golden Triangle, of nations committed to peaceful economic development, is now in place,” American-German researcher, historian and strategic risk consultant F. William Engdahl writes in his article for New Eastern Outlook. On January 23, Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani signed almost 17 agreements on economic and technological cooperation. Furthermore, the leaders announced they will cooperate on the China-led One Belt One Road initiative. Chinese President Xi Jinping Iranian President Hassan Rouhani The researcher calls the formal inclusion of Iran into China’s New Economic Silk Road project “a giant positive step.

” According to Engdahl, it will allow Tehran to “break years of economic isolation” and will open doors to the region’s economic development. Pakistani columnist Afzal Hussain echoes Engdahl’s stance. “The lifting of economic sanctions from Iran provides trade opportunities for regional countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Russia, and Central Asian Countries particularly, Tajikistan. The trade activity will generate billions of dollars not only for oil rich Iran but also for the countries having close economic relations with Iran,” Hussain noted in his article for The Nation, the Pakistani media outlet. Hussain views Pakistan as a “geographical corridor” between China and Iran. “The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project has become more vital after latest trade accords between Iran and China,” he underscored. The Pakistani columnist highlighted Russia’s determining role in the region and expressed his confidence that China, Pakistan, Iran and Russia will bolster trade and economic growth in Central Asia and beyond. Russia China Iran Putin Jinping Rouhani Referring to the fact that Iran currently has SCO Observer status Engdahl envisages that Iran will be formally admitted as a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) at their next annual meeting this summer.

In contrast to those experts who regard the recent Sino-Iranian rapprochement as a potential apple of discord between Beijing and Moscow, the researcher points to the fact that the countries would rather create a mutually beneficial triple alliance, a future cornerstone of a unified Eurasia. “We’re seeing the emergence of a true Eurasian Golden Triangle with China, Russia and Iran as the three key points,” Engdahl underscores. “With the stated plan to route the Silk Road rail infrastructure to assist the mining of new gold for currency backing of the Eurasian member states, including now Iran with its significant own unexploited gold, the hyper-inflated, debt-bloated dollar system is gaining a formidable positive alternative, one committed to peace and development,” the researcher concludes. SOURCE /Russia-China-Iran-Putin-Jinping-Rouhani-.jpg" alt="Russia China Iran Putin Jinping Rouhani" height="463" width="620" />

Russia China Iran Putin Jinping Rouhani; China, Russia and Iran planning gold backed currency

A Eurasian Golden Triangle is emerging with China, Russia and Iran as the three key points, F. William Engdahl notes. The latest Sino-Iranian rapprochement has prompted a lively debate regarding the new Eurasian “world order.” “Sometimes profound tectonic shifts in the global politics arise from  the least noticed events. Such is the situation with  Iran and the recent …
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Hang The Bankers

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Is the American debt-note Factory nearing its end?

Is the Federal Reserve System, the world’s largest Ponzi scheme and private debt-note manufacturing monopoly, finally nearing its critical break point and collapse?

Excerpt: It’s becoming pretty obvious that the days of Federal Reserve System hegemony are now limited, in that much of the world is dumping the US Petro Dollar and plans to shift to direct trade and use of Gold, Silver and commodity-backed real currencies.

Everyday more and more Americans that didn’t already know are now finding out that the Federal Reserve System is a private corporation, owned by foreign “Bloodline” families, and is neither Federal nor a Bank.

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CLICK HERE; Is the American debt-note Factory nearing its end?


Artist Copyright - All original works of art by Goldenlight/Lightworks Art within this web site are copyrighted ©Lightworks Art/The Golden Light Channel and are protected under U.S. copyright laws and international conventions. No portion of Goldenlight's artwork may be used, downloaded, published, printed, or reproduced using any means, copied, linked to, or transferred electronically, without prior written permission from the artist, unless it is being reposted in one of Goldenlight's messages and was used in the original channeling (check website

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The Golden Light Channel ~ Over 1 million views and read internationally in over 100 countries

I would like to thank all my readers for your support on all levels in the last 3 years. So far my journey into awakening consciousness has been incredible and amazing, and continues to be so! May we all continue to feel the love from the angelic realm and spread the loving light of Source Creator wherever we go, creating a more positive, loving world for All. Much love and light from Goldenlight ~:~ … [Read More...]
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The Asian Dragon Family has offered the owners of the Federal Reserve Board staggering quantities of gold at a 13% discount from the market price. The idea is for 10% of this money to be spent on a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and send humanity on a path for exponential expansion into the universe. The ball is now in the court of the US regime in Washington DC. That is why the US President and Vice President are having an emergency meeting on April 11 with Federal Reserve Board Chairperson Janet Yellen. A member of the Dragon family will also be at that meeting, CIA sources in Asia say.

If the Feds refuse the Asians, the BRICS nations and the Europeans will announce a new international gold backed currency that can be exchanged for US dollars during a three month period. After that period, the US dollar will no longer be accepted by at least 188 countries, leaving the Washington regime isolated and bankrupt. In this event, to avoid war, the US military operations outside of the United States will continue to be financed using the new currency. The new regime that will inevitably replace the bankrupt Feds in the US will be free to issue their own currency with unlimited spending power inside the US.

In addition to the financial sanctions against the Feds, the worlds’ martial arts societies will be mobilized to finish off the genocidal faction of the Khazarian mafia. Chodoin Daikaku, the ostensible head of many of the world’s martial arts factions, is being relieved of his duties and will be replaced by Masaaki Hatsumi, head of the Bujinkan Dojo. The reason for this is that Daikaku, whose real name is Ryosuke Matsuura, has refused to mobilize the martial arts societies under his supposed leadership despite being presented with ample proof that the Khazarian mafia has been actively trying to murder more than 90% of the world’s population. In other words, multiple blows have been struck against the human race and, despite a legitimate need for self-defense, he does nothing.

The evidence he ignores includes multiple attempts to start World War 3, the spreading of bio-weapons like ebola, HIV, and SARS, attempts to cause mass starvation by paying farmers to grow fuel, not food and much more. Not only that, having failed in these attempts to kill the billions the Satanists announced they would kill, it appears they are getting ready for some massive sacrificial event: at least one thousand temples to Baal are being built around the world. In ancient times children were traditionally burned in sacrifice to Baal, also known as Molech and later Set and finally now Satan.

The fact remains the regime of Barack Obama in the United States has not arrested any of the perpetrators or planners of these atrocities. This means that all members of the military, the police, the agencies and martial arts societies must go up the chain of command and insist action be taken before more deaths occur.

Fortunately, there is evidence that at least some serious action is being taken. For one thing, the entire Swiss branch of the Rothschild family is wanted by the police, according to Pentagon sources. The Swiss Rothschild branch, who control the BIS, are considered the head of the octopus by many informed investigators. This is just the beginning of the take down, they promise.

An important thing to realize is that the “Panama Papers” operation now being widely reported on in the corporate media is not what it seems, multiple sources agree. The fact that it is mainly leaders of countries associated with the Nazi faction of the Khazarian mob, like the heads of the Ukraine, the UAE, Qatar, Georgia and Saudi Arabia, who have been exposed gives you a hint of the bigger plot. In reality the Panama Papers is a giant sting operation designed to lure the world’s $31 trillion in offshore money into the US, CIA and other sources say. This is where it will be confiscated to help plug the giant black hole in the US government’s accounts, the sources say. That is why corporate media outlets like Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal are running big articles saying that Reno, Nevada is the only safe place in the world for hot money. That is also why they are reporting the Rothschilds have set up shop in Reno and are encouraging clients to manage their funds there.

More importantly, the Panama Papers operation is part of a major campaign to shut down all of the world’s offshore tax havens. Already the British tax havens like the Cayman Islands have lost the ability to hide underground money or help people avoid taxes due to new disclosure regulations.

An official at US military intelligence said “Panama was an intelligence operation aimed at exposing corruption and inducing regime change [including in the US].”

The operation is also designed to “blackmail or prosecute cabal members who hide their stolen loot offshore,” he continued.

Some of the names in the Panama Papers that have not been made public include Hillary Clinton’s “team,” the Bushes and many US oligarchs, politicians and judges, he adds.

The Globo TV network that is trying to induce regime change in Brazil has also been implicated together with Argentine President Mauricio Macri and drug lords like El Chapo.

In response to Panama, the agent noted “the elites panicked and set a fire in the basement of the Internal Revenue Service’s headquarters,” in a failed attempt to cover up incriminating evidence.

FBI efforts to arrest Hillary Clinton are also gaining steam. Last week President Obama was forced to guarantee on Fox TV that Hillary will not get special treatment, “which means no plea deal and no pardon,” FBI sources say. She is due to be interrogated soon by the head of the FBI “for the serious crime of running a private foreign policy and intelligence operation,” while in an official post.

Hopefully Clinton will also be brought to justice for her crimes against the people of Haiti and her embezzlement of Red Cross money that was intended for the victims of the sea-bed nuclear weapon induced tsunami attack against that country.

The Panama Papers operation has also been used by the Western corporate media to make it appear as if Russian President Vladimir Putin was involved in shady offshore dealings. However, Russian sources are saying this attack has given them the excuse they need to start declassifying Soviet Union records from 1930-1989 that identify collaborators in America and Europe who secretly worked with Soviet Communism.

The Russians will also expose the families and businesses who worked with Hitler.

On top of that, the Russians plan to show who in the West is still trying to undermine the US and the EU.

There is also Russian/US cooperation in identifying and eliminating key agents working for the Khazarian mafia in the West and in Russia, the sources say.

In Turkey, meanwhile, the evacuation of US troops, with the exception of a special ops crew guarding the nuclear weapons there, is aimed in part at cutting off Bush cabal drug running at the Incirlik airbase, Pentagon sources say.

Turkish and Israeli attempts to stir up fighting between Moslems and Christians in Nagorno Kabarakh have been stopped by the Russians. This was a desperate attempt by the Turks to prevent Russia from moving on the rogue Recep Erdogan regime in Turkey.

In Asia, meanwhile, news reports about Japanese plutonium being transported by British ships to the US

are a cover story for the fact the fraudulently elected government of Shinzo Abe is being forced to dismantle Japan’s arsenal of nuclear armed missiles. Many of these missiles have been sent to North Korea to prevent their dismantling, which is why there has been a recent spate of news reports about North Korean nuclear missiles, White Dragon Society sources in Japan say.

When the battle for the planet earth ends, this writer intends to charge Abe with being involved in murder attempts against me. This is because on June 30th, 2012 I was stabbed with a poison needle by a North Korean agent named Mutsuaki Okubo. This incident took place in front of many witnesses and was even video-taped. Despite twice making official police complaints, once to the Musashino Police, and another time to the Marunouchi police, the Japanese government, officially headed by Abe, has taken no action. This means Abe is complicit. Furthermore Chodoin Daikaku has admitted Okubo was his disciple but he has also failed to take action in this case.

Personal grievances aside, the Abe regime is also looting the Japanese economy to financialy support its Khazarian mob masters. The looting, as reported before, is taking the form of putting Japanese pension money and savings into the stock market, where it is transferred to Khazarian mob controlled trust funds. That is why the Japanese stock market keeps rising even as foreigners continue to sell.

The money being looted from Japan is not enough to save the Wall Street Khazarian gangsters because they are reeling from low energy prices plus the loss of drug money and of investment banking fees, their only legitimate source of income. Most big mergers being organized by the Banksters are also being stopped because they are creating anti-competitive monopolies and oligopolies.

The fact banks have started to offer negative interest rate mortgages and consumer loans in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany is a clear sign the entire system of Babylonian debt slavery is falling apart. That is because people are realizing these banksters are creating money out of nothing and using this illusion of money to create debt slaves. So, even if a bank lends somebody 100 dollars but says they only have to pay back 90 dollars because of negative interest rates, it still means you have to work to earn 90 dollars to pay them for “money” they created out of nothing but illusion.

Humanity is waking up and it will not be long now before the rule of Khazarian Satan worshipping human slavers ends forever.

On a final note, this writer is now aware of 20,000 tons of gold held in six different locations that is being made available by the Dragon family for the benefit of the human race and the other life forms on this planet. This is only a fraction of the total the Asians have.

April 13, 2016 By The Golden Light Channel

By Benjamin Fulford, – Weekly geo-political news and analysis

Federal Reserve Board and US dollar will be hit by financial Armageddon if Asian gold offer refused (Full Report)


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Are you a lightworker in need of a professionally designed, visually pleasing, search-engine friendly website? Look no further, The Golden Light Channel can design a beautiful site for you in WordPress that you can update yourself. I also design social media such as Twitter pages, You Tube pages and videos, Pinterest pages, and more. Specializing […]
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The Golden Light Channel ~ Over 1 million views and read internationally in over 100 countries

I would like to thank all my readers for your support on all levels in the last 3 years. So far my journey into awakening consciousness has been incredible and amazing, and continues to be so! May we all continue to feel the love from the angelic realm and spread the loving light of Source Creator wherever we go, creating a more positive, loving world for All. Much love and light from Goldenlight ~:~ … [Read More...]
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Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light forces have begun to dismantle the so-called Chimera barrier. Chimera barrier location coincides with the termination shock of the heliosphere in the outer edge of our Solar System:

Chimera barrier is the outer defense line of the Chimera group and consists of a fleet of motherships, connected to plasma toplet bombs. Its purpose is to prevent positive interstellar and galactic energies penetrating our Solar System. It is located just inside the outer barrier (as called by Corey Goode) / Tachyon membrane (as called by some other sources). Outer barrier /Tachyon membrane's location coincides with the heliopause in the outermost edge of our Solar System and is used by the Light forces to direct flow of beings and energies in and out of our Solar System.

Dismantling of the Chimera barrier has been detected by Voyager 2 spacecraft:

Dismantling of the Chimera barrier has begun opening our Solar system and consequently also the consciousness of humanity to positive energies of the interstellar space. There is a group, called Breakthrough Initiatives (!) that plans to send a bevy of miniature space probes to Alpha Centauri:

You can visit their website here:

Please disregard the presence of Cabal's agent Mark Zuckerberg in the group, he will not be able to do much harm to the project.

Also, NASA wants to travel through the Solar System faster:

Bigelow Aerospace has just launched its expandable space habitat (BEAM). Larger version of that habitat can very shortly lead to mainstream colonization of our Solar System:

Our joint US / Japanese team has successfully planted a Cintamani stone in Antarctica:


The Pleiadians are visiting Antarctica as well:

On April 19th, Shanghai Gold Exchange will begin to implement yuan-denominated gold price. Although it is an important step towards the financial Reset, we are NOT there yet and calling it Shanghai Shock is a little bit too dramatic:

Victory of the Light!

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